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April 25, 2024 39 mins
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Now back to Commissioner Dick fae YouMillin and Dave Softy Mueller and the twenty
fifth annual Muller and Millan Mock Draft, presented by Coor's Life and brought to
you by Action Sports Bar and Grilland by Delta Air Lines on Sports Radio
ninety three point three j j R. FL. All right, boys and

girls, back here at Action SportsBar and Grill and Kent. The annual
Molar Millan Mock Draft continues here.Great spot by the way, open till
two o'clock in the morning, everysingle day, breakfast all day long,
twenty big screen TVs, and someof the best smoke wings you'll ever have
in your life. So get ondown here to Action Sports Bar and Grill
in Kent. All right, herewe are. We are through pick number

six and the annual Mather Millon MockDraft. Jayd and Daniels went number one
to Chicago, Caleb Williams Phil totwo to the Commanders, The Patriots Grabb
Malik Nighbors out of LSU, theCardinals grab Marvin Harrison Ohio State. Their
Chargers took six foot nine Joe Altfrom Notre Dame, and the Giant It's
just selected Rome Doonza from Washington atnumber six. That puts the Tennessee Titans

on the clock now at number seven. Mike Vrabel out Brian Callahan from Callahan
Otto in former Bengal offensive coordinator,takes over a team that missed the playoffs
the last two years. Derek Henrygod to Baltimore, Sean Bunting gone to
Arizona, and quarterback Ryan Tannehill asof today, is still a free agent.
Will Levis, Malik Willis, andMason Rudolph are all the Titans quarterback

room as of right now, andformer Cowboy running back Tony Pollard is also
in Nashville, with wide receiver CalvinRidley, who spent the last year in
Jacksonville, signed to a four yeardeal to head to the Titans. Twenty
ninth in passing offense last year andjust twenty seventh in scoring offense, the
pick is now in for the Titansat number seven. For the podium we

go and Commissioner Richard L. Faine. With the seventh pick in the twenty
twenty four NFL Draft, the TennesseeTitans select Talisa Fuaga, tackle Oregon State
ah getting booed here, that's ahometown guy from Mount Tahoma High School right
down the street by the way toLisa Fahwaga offensive tackle. Oregon State goes
to Tennessee Hugh at number seven.Okay, yeah, nonsensical. I mean

you're looking here at Tennessee. Yeah, they need an offensive lion alignment,
but you have it's a left tackle. Let's talk about the tight the Tennessee
for a second, they had AndreDillard. They took a run on him,
which was risky because of what hisplay and injury status at Philadelphia,

but they moved on after one year. Jalen Duncan took the remaining three hundred
and thirty nine snaps. His eighteenpoint four pressure percentage as the left tackle
was the highest among one hundred andone tackles in the NFL to play more
than one hundred snaps. The needis at left tackle, Okay. And
so you're sitting here and you gotOlufashanu, who many many people think is

the best left tackle from Penn Stateover Joe all but Fuega. Yeah,
if you want. If you needa right tackle, there's a debate about
right tackle. There's there's some greattackles but but Fga he was he was
right tackle for Oregon State. Nothingbut a right tackle. It's a different
We're gonna have to talk about thatskill set differences and why I'm drawing the

distinction. But Fogg is a guythat is unbelievable in the run game.
Throws guys around like it's a strongman competition, like they're just empty beer
cake. Uh and and and yethe's a right tackle. So what is
the difference between left tackle and righttackle. Thirty one out of thirty two
quarterbacks in the NFL are right handed. Right. Okay, so if that

the left tackle, as we knowas the blind side, what does that
mean? That means that if Ihave my best pass rusher, what I
want to do is I want toput him on the quarterbacks blind side because
he can take the big gap.What does that mean? He's trying to
get around the hoop around the lefttackle, but if he has an opportunity
momentarily, he can take the bgap because the quarterback can't see to escape

around the left. Now, somequarterbacks can I'm not saying this can you
have a green light to do itagainst all quarterbacks, but you have more
ability on the blind side. Sothat's why the quicker, twitchier guys are
on the blind side. That's whyleft tackle has a different profile than the
right tackle. So we've got tobe conscious of what's happening with these teams

and where their needs are. Well, there's already rumors coming out of Nashville
that Amy Adams Strunk, the owneris going to fire Jordan Madaros for that
selection. By the way of TalsaFulaga, and he gets his seven,
so we'll see, we'll see whathappens. That puts the Falcons now on
the clock at number eight. Anotherteam with a new head coach, Raheem
Morris gets his second shot as ahead coach. He was with Tampa Bay
as their head coach back in twentyeleven. Anybody know the new defensive coordinator

for the Atlanta Falcons. His nameis Jimmy Lake. Falcons defense last year
not awful eleventh and total defense,but third to lasting picks with just eight.
Jimmy will fix that for sure.Falcons gave quarterback Kirk Cousins a four
year deal with one hundred million dollarsguaranteed, and then grab wide receiver Darnel
Mooney from the Bears in free agencyrunning back Quarteraw Patterson, by the way,

after three years in Atlanta, movedon to play for the Pittsburgh Steelers.
All right, the pick is innow for Atlanta. I believe yes,
sitt number eight to the podium.We go and Commissioner Dick Fane for
the Falcons pick here at number eight, clifty eighth pick in the twenty twenty
four NFL Draft, the Atlanta Falconsselects Dallas Turner Edge Alabama. Dallas Turner,

edge rusher from Alabama is the selectionfor new head coach Raheem Morris ten
sacks last year for Alabama, hadeight and a half in twenty twenty one,
then fell back a little bit andthen popped in twenty twenty three.
Dallas Turner H six four two fortytwo out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida is
the pick for the Falcons. Here. No, okay, more I get

now this is what this is justvery clean. This is a clean operation.
Let's talk about the Falcons with adefensive coach. As you said,
Jimmy Lake. Now he's going toa three to four, He's played four
to three in the past. Theyneed an outside linebacker, Kalais Campbell and
Bud Dupree tied for the team leadwith six and a half sacks apiece last
year and they're still free agents.Biggest need on the team to have a

pass rusher from a three to fourentered Dallas Turner. Now we talked about
being clean. It doesn't get cleanerthan Dallas Turner. Here's his bio.
Played down in the mecca of highschool football. Played for Patrick sir Tan
in big time Florida football. PatrickSirtan was as a head coach. He's
a five star, yeah, fiftydifferent. The best schools in the in

the country brought him in. He'sa freshman All American, clean, healthy,
plays exactly like they thought as afive star. Nick Saban said,
he's a high standard work at theguy driven. Oh by the way,
he also played His defensive coordinator wasJason Taylor. How about that, right?
So he comes in with all thefanfare, lives up to all the

hype, plays three years he's hisfour to four to six forty yard desh.
I mean, just imagine, here'sa guy that now is he's just
under sixty three, so he's atthe twenty first percentile. Everything else is
just textbook, just yoked up,unbelievable, twitchy, rock hard, stretched
tight type of an athlete coming aroundthe hoop. He ran a four to

four to six, which is theninety eight percentile. He's one point five
to four is is lethal. Now, I was going back and maybe other
NFL fans are you said, waita minute, didn't Alabama have a guy
like this last year in Will Anderson? Will Anderson was the defensive rookie of
the year, right, And Isaid it said okay, and it just

really compelled me to watch the tapeand and find the difference. Here's the
difference. Dallas Turner's the athlete.Now we're talking about again. Will Anderson
went number three that the Texans tradedback up after taking CJ. Scrowded too.
They traded to take Will Anderson three. That's how highly they thought of
him. He ends up Rookie ofthe year. How does Dallas Turner,

another Alabama linebacker, compare. Youhad Anderson ran a four six forty.
Dallas Turner ran a four to fourto six like a huge gap. Their
ten yard split was a big difference. And so you just had and Dallas
Turner is forty and a half verticaljump ninety seven percentile. So here's here's
this summer. Even Dallas Turner isa clean, healthy, high produce scene,

great athlete everything. There is nothingto ding other than maybe the size
part of it. Not quite asstout against the run will Anderson in terms
of the run metrics, run distribution, stuffs against the run, depth of
tackle, all the things that youlook at from a run stuff for Will
Anderson was a little better against therue. Dallas Turner a little better athlete,

but great pick in my mind atnumber eight. It's what we all
saw coming. But I think it'sgood to know the details of why it
works so well. I'd Steve Wombolt, the early leader in the clubhouse,
for the best pick of the draftso far. Actually, no, he's
coming up next. That's Michael Busickwith the best pick of the draft so
far, Dallas Turner to Atlanta.We are through pick number eight. The
Bears are back on the clock atnumber nine, followed by the Jets,

Minnesota and Denver will continue with theannual mather Millan mock Draft from Action Sports
Bar and Grilling Camp. Next righthere on ninety three to three KJRFM now
back to Commissioner Dick Fane, YouMillin and Dave Softy Mueller and the twenty
fifth Annual Muller and Milan Mock Draft, presented by Coor's Life and brought to

you by Action Sports Bar and Grilland by Delta air Lines on Sports Radio
ninety three point three KJR FM.All right, boys and girls, back
here Action Sports Bar and Grill andKent for the annual Malar Millen Mock Draft.
Let's hear for Hugh Millon, bythe way, guys over here,
Let's hear for Dick Fane over here. It's here for Jackson Felts over there.

Let's hear it for Purple Sheet whojust walked in right freaking here.
How about that? Yeah, let'shear it from me for God zeb up
for me, my God, nolove for me? All right for twenty
Back here at Action Sports Bart andGrill, Annual Malar Millen Mock Draft is
underway. Big thanks to, bythe way, all of our sponsors for
all of our draft coverage this year. Hunt Services, Course, Light,

Zeke's Pizza are in our foundation specialistAction Sports Bar and Grill right here in
Kent, and of course our friendsat fox thirteen. We are through pick
number eight, the Bears shocking everybodyand taking jayde and Daniels number one from
LSU. Cayleb Williams goes to DanQuinn and the Commanders at number two.
Maliite Neighbors to the Patriots at three, Marvin Harrison's a cardinal at four,

Joe Alt from Notre Dame to tackleto the Chargers at five, Roma Doonza
out of you dub goes to theGiants at number seven to Lisa Fiagu,
the offensive tackle from Oregon State goesto Tennessee at number seven. I mean
last pick, Atlanta took edge rusherDallas Turner out of Alabama. The Bears
are back on the clock now atnumber nine. This is the second of

two first rounders for them. Again, they grabbed their quarterback of the future,
hopefully in Jaden Daniels at number one. Let's find out now what they
do at number nine. Here's CommissionerDick Fade with the ninth pick and the
twenty twenty four NFL Draft. TheChicago Bears select Olu Fashanu tackle Penn State.
Olu Fashanu offensive tackle, Penn State. So the Bears Hugh get their

quarterback in Jaden Daniels, they gettheir left tackle, and Olu Fashano six
for six, three hundred and twelvepounds, a red shirt junior from Waldorf,
Maryland via Happy Valley, penn State, Pennsylvania, is the Bear's pick
at number nine. Yeah, andyou just look at all the offensive struggles
the Bears have had. They justhad to upgrade, and you know,
they grab a quarterback. I wasgonna say they get Caleb Williams, but

I forgot. They got Jayden Daniels, right. Yeah, And and so
they've got to be able to protectfor him. Last year the Bears,
they the pressure rate was forty fivepercent, number one in the NFL.
Now, justin Fields held onto theball three point one seconds. That was
the longest of any quarterback throwing thefootball. We talked about that. Then,

maybe that's one of the reasons whyCaleb Williams is not a Bear,
because of williams propensity to hold theball. So they are making a concerted
effort to clean that up. Theyhave in Darnell Wright, a top ten
pick at right tackle. They startedto address their offensive line concerns that were
really grave. A couple of yearsago. So that leaves the left tackle

available and Olu Fashana. We've beentalking about the distinction between left tackle and
right tackle. Olu Fashano pure lefttackle. He's actually heavy enough that they
could swing him to right tackle,but he played at left tackle. He
should stay at left tackle. Heis the prototypical I mean, six pots,
he's got long arms, he's gotgreat feet. He's a consensus All
American Big ten offensive Lineman of theYear team captain, highly motivated. I

mean, when you start trying topick this guy apart if you're getting to
the following, when I'm trying tosay, well, what are the concerns?
He has eight and a half inchhands. Now think about that.
Sixty six any weighs three hundred andtwelve pounds, he has eight and a
half inch hands. I'm gonna quoteBrian Balderger, an offensive lineman who was
I heard talking about. He goes, that's just and this is his word,

that's just weird to have eight anda half inch hands anyways, like,
but that's what he has. Soat any rate, Fasano again All
American. And here's an interesting noteblocked for Caleb Williams in high school.
Wow. But but you watch it. Look, he's got great feet,
he's got strong hands. His technique, his hand technique and his ability to

place those long arms. It's nextlevel stuff. Now he's he's a bet
better pass blocker than run blocker.Yep. So that's the reason why he's
going here instead of top five.But I think a guy with the big,
high ceiling athletic, got the frame, got the temperament. So I
think the Bears think of how muchthey have have gotten better now. Ye.

In these picks, you got JaydenDaniels at quarterback yep. And you've
got Olafashawa, who many think isthe best left tackling over even Joe Wall
all right, Ola Fashano the latestpick offensive tackle Penn State to Chicago at
number nine. That puts the Jetsnow on the clock at number ten,
seven to ten after losing Aaron Rodgerson the fourth play of the year in

game one. Robert sala is inyear four and he's eighteen and thirty three
overall. Former Charger wide receiver MikeWilliams was signed to a one year deal.
Cowboys left tackle Tyron Smith also signedin free agency, as was quarterback
Tyrod Taylor to back up Aaron Rodgers. Jets second to last in total offense
last year, twenty ninth in scoring, only average ninety seven yards a game

on the ground. And don't forgetZach Wilson is now a Bronco, the
Jets sending him and a seventh roundpick to Denver this week for a seventh
round pick in return. Let's findout and now what the Jets do at
number ten. The pick is comingin as we speak. There it is
to the Commissioner, Dick Fane thepodium. We go for the Jets at
number ten. With the tenth pickin the twenty twenty four NFL Draft,
the New York Jets select brock Bowerstight end. Wow, brock Bowers the

consensus number one tight end and thisyear's draft remember had ankle surgery Hugh during
the year at Georgia fifty six catches, seven hundred and fourteen yards, six
touchdowns, six four two forty AndI really like what the Jets are doing
over the offseason. Man. Theywent out and got a brand new left
tackle, a brand new guard,a brand new right tackling, Morgan Moses.
They signed Mike Williams. They pickedup Javon Kinlaw and Hassan Redick,

and now they have brock Bowers.If Rodgers is healthy, lookout. Yeah,
and we know what have messed theJets offense was a year ago when
Zach Wilson was quarterbacking and Tyler Conklinthe tight end. Solid guy, but
clearly a ceiling there. And herethe Jets get a chance to pick up
the only two time Mackie Award winner, that's the award for the best tight

end college football, in brock Bars. Here's a guy that came on as
a freshman. Now he has onlyplayed three years for the Bulldogs. As
a true freshman, eight and eightytwo yards thirteen touchdowns. Now, by
comparison, remember ad Ni Mitchell wasat Georgia transferred to Texas who may go
in the first round today and LadMcConkey, who may be late first early

second receivers. Brock Bowers had morecatches and yards and touchdowns than both of
those combined his freshman year, sohe's been excelling from the get go.
Now, he was in line justthirty nine percent of the snaps, second
lowest in all the tight ends.Here's a guy that's really a gussied up

wide receiver. If you look athim from a height standpoint, you said
six or sixth three and one eighthday. Sorry, at the combine,
which is the twenty third percent offfor tight end two and forty three pounds
is twelve percent off. But that'sa He is basically mirroring the dimensions of
Sam Laporte, who went to Detroitlast year and was was I know he

was on the Pro Bowl, mighthave even been All Pro, had an
unbelievable year for the Lions. Heuh from a standpoint of of his attributes
four hundred and eighty six yards afterthe catch in twenty twenty three, that's
first obviously among tight ends, it'dbe tenth in the class of wide receivers.
What he is, he is aa run after the catch specialist.

He is a he has got stronghands, He plays like a wide receiver.
He's got the body control of awide receiver, but he's got the
burst after the catch and the runafter the catch ability of a wide receiver,
and so so the combination. Youknow, there's there's some Kittle in
him, there's some Kelsey in himin terms of just this unbelievable baller of

a football player at tight end.Undersized, yes, but an incredibly strong
wide receiver. I love what JoeDouglass is doing with the Jets. I'm
telling you they get good quarterback play, they got a healthy Aaron Rodgers,
and that team could be damn good. All right. That gets us to
number eleven. Brock Bauers to theJets there at number ten. That puts
the Vikings now on the clock,first of two first rounders. They'll be

up again at number twenty three.Vikings head coach Kevin O'Connell in year three
seven to ten. Last year,Kirk Cousins gone to Atlanta, outside linebacker
Danil Hunter gone to Houston, butdefensive end Jonathan Grunnerd, who had twelve
and a half sacks with Houston lastyear, was signed to a four year
deal over the offseason. Your number, your three quarterback excuse me, on
the roster right now as of todayare Sam Darnold, Nick Mullins, and

Jaren Hall. And the Viking runninggame last year was atrocious, tight for
last in the NFL, with justseven rushing touchdowns and twenty ninth in the
league in offense. So They wentout and got running back Aaron Jones from
Green Bay on a one year deal. Viking sixteenth in total defense last year,
fourteenth in scoring offense. All right, let's find out what the Vikings

now do at number eleven. Thepick is coming in. As we speak
to the podium, we go CommissionerRichard Elphane with a pick for the Vikings
at number eleven. With the eleventhpick in the twenty twenty four NFL Draft,
the Minnesota Vikings select Michael pass Junior. How about her back Washington.
Michael Pennix Junior goes to Minnesota atnumber eleven, Simply put, the greatest

quarterback in the history of Washington footballsix three two thirteen, sixth year player
out of Tampa, Florida, fortynine hundred yards, thirty six touchdowns,
eleven picks last year, second placein the Heisman Trophy race, the highest
finished ser in Husky football history,and just became Hugh the second quarterback all
time. Taking the first round atU dub Michael Pennix Junior is going to

go play indoors in Minnesota for theThey've got to be thrilled in Minneapolis.
I mean, look here, theVikings are sitting there at eleven and twenty
three. They had to It hadto be very tempting for them to package
up to try and get a quarterback. Here they lay patient, and they
stay at eleven, and here comesMichael Pennix to them, and and a

and a guy that look a winner. He's from that area when he played
in that area playing for Indiana.You know, he had three hundred and
forty two yards against Michigan, fourhundred and ninety one yards against Ohio State.
He won twenty one straight games forthe Huskies. Forty nine and three
yards last year, first in collegefootball, nine and forty four over the

last two years. Not only isthat best, that's a that's some fourteen
hundred yards, almost more than CalebWilliams, who's second best. This is
a cold blooded sniper, aggressive downthe field, aggressive with his RPOs.
He wants to push the football downthe field, and he does it better
than anybody in this class. Afterthe Texas game, Matt Line a tweeted

quote, Michael Pennix Junior is makinga case to be the top picking the
draft. As pure a thrower asI have ever seen. End quote.
That's Matt lionerd, Heisman Trophy winners, the leadership, the humility, all
the things that you want. Andthen when you you look at him on
the field, Michael Pennix, here'sa guy that what's his profile. He

throws outside the numbers. If youtake that, not only is he number
one in terms of throwing outside thenumbers at two twenty three hundred and fifty
nine yards, he's five hundred andsixty four yards more than second place.
The gap between first and second.Again, these are numbers. These are
throwing outside the numbers. We've allseen, Michael Pennix. These are go

routes up the sideline. These areout routes to to a Donsay, fade
stops to a Donsay, all ofthese plays, these are wheel routes to
westover these plays outside the numbers thatwe saw. The gap between first and
second penis being first was greater thanthe gap between second and twenty eight.
That's how much he pushes the ballto the outside. Now let's talk about

him down the field. Air yardstwenty five yards are more down the field.
He had seventy seven attempts. That'sfifty seven more achievements, not fifty
seven more. It's twenty more thenDrake May who had fifty seven. Cale
Williams had forty eight, Jayden Danielshad forty one. J J. McCarthy
twenty five. Those are the guysthought to be first rounders. So that's
how much. So what's the summaryof that? He pushes the ball to

the outside, He pushes the balldown the field. And so look,
I knows there's the issue about hismedicals. We all know that, but
I think you look at the factthat he's he's had all this production over
the last two years, he'd beenable to remain healthy. He got the
clean bill. Yeah, there maybe some arthritis they hit them later,
but I think there's more of aplay now. Perform now, and this

is the ultimate playing in a dome. He is gonna dial down the field.
The Vikings just became the most entertainingpass offense in the NFL. Sam
Darnold, Nick Mullins. But hey, Michael Pennis, you go do your
thing, boy, love us.I love that you know our coach and
McConnell that that is just ripe totake this kid and maximize all his potential

and offensive offensive mining head coach andO'Connell. As you said, and I'm
with you, it's a great spotfor him. He's got Justin Jefferson and
he's got Jordan Addison. They wentout and they signed Aaron Jones in free
agency, two good tackles in Darisawand O'Neill. This is a great,
great spot for Michael Pennix. I'mI'm I'm more throwed for him and the
opportunity in Minnesota that I am theVikings. But Michael Penni's latest off the

board, number eleven right there toMinnesota. That brings us to number twelve.
The Denver Broncos now are on theclock eight and nine and year one
for Sean Payton, which is exactlyhow many years Peyton, Russell Wilson lasted
together. One Russell was let goand signed with Pittsburgh. Zach Wilson's now
in Denver after a deal with theJets. The other two quarterbacks on the

roster are Jared Stidham and some guynamed Ben Denucci. Denver looking for a
center after their starting center Lloyd Cushenberrytook off for the Titans editions in free
agency and included safety Brandon Jones fromMiami and wide receiver Josh Reynolds from the
Lions. The Broncos, by theway, twenty ninth in total defense last
year. Let's find out what theDenver Broncos do with number twelve. The

pick is in the podium. Wego Commissioner Richard el Fane. With the
twelve pick in the twenty twenty fourNFL Draft, the Denver Broncos select Drake
May, quarterback North Carolina. AllRight, Drake May just became the fourth
quarterback taken in the Mather Millen mockdraft last year at North Carolina three thousand,
six hundred and eight yards, twentyfour touchdowns and nine picks. Had

a better year statistically in twenty twentytwo, but Drake May listed it just
under six four to two point thirtyfrom the Huntsville North Carolina comes out and
he is now the future quarterback forshit on pain. Well, he's central
casting for quarterbacks sixty four two thirty. Good looking kid, as you said,
now just a three year player classof high school class of twenty twenty

one. Yep, So now he'suh, he comes in and as he
said in twenty twenty two, thereceivers, he had the offensive line you
watch the tape. Now he's runningfor his life. He doesn't have the
playmakers. You know, it's it'shard even to evaluate some of his decisions
and what have you, because theteam around him was so poor. But
here's a guy that even this yearis air yards per throw ten point seven

air yards. He was We justtalked about Penix pushing the ball down on
that nugget. In terms of perrow, Drake May actually had just a
scost more than than Penis. Pendishad the more volume, but as a
per th row basis May This isa guy, as we said, young,
he's gonna be twenty two in August. Now he's athletic despite the fact

that he's he's again a big guy. In two seasons, rushed for over
twelve one hundred yards and sixteen touchthat's that's rushing touchdowns, and forty one
and a half percent of his runswere scrambles. Compare that to Caleb Williams
thirty three percent. So Caleb Williamsmore likely to run through through through design.

But the concerns are this his yardsper attempt in twenty twenty three,
we said we dropped it down.His yards per temp went down to the
sixty second percentile. His sixty sixand a half percent on target percent is
second to last in the draft class, behind old lout Devin Leary. That's
a big stat like on target percentagefrom a clean pocket, because we talked

about his dirty pocket. When youfilter out the dirty pockets now can have
a residual effect if you get clobberedon first and second down, it can
be in your head on third down. But from a clean pocket, sixty
nine point eight percent clean on targetpercentage rather excuse me, was also second
lowest in the class. So thereare concerns about the accuracy. Does he

have front door accuracy or is itjust front port accuracy with the newspaper in
so and and there's some concerns aboutjust where whether or not he has the
accuracy, and so that that's abig thing for a quarterback. Sure,
so, and I kind of feellike Sean Payton just had to grab whatever
quarterback was. No, No,this is this is a very good pick.

Look and because we don't know everybodyon this chart has a bus potential
and a superstar potential. Now youcan argue about it, but when you're
sitting there at twelve and the problemsthat they have. This is a fantastic
pick. I had no way wantto. I'm just trying to explain why
he may have fallen right right.One of the reasons why he may have

fallen to twelve. Well, it'sa guy who, at one point in
time is being talked about his potentialtop five pick in the NFL draft,
and now he falls to Denver atnumber twelve. So we are through pick
number twelve. Jaden Daniels goes numberone to Chicago the Bears and GM Steven
Knock Hall if I'm getting your nameright, shock the world and take Jaden
Daniels over Caleb Williams. Who whatthe Commanders at number two, Malik Neighbors

Marvin Harrison go back to back tothe Patriots and Cardinals. Joe Alt,
the first offensive lineman taken, goesto the Chargers at five. Roma Doonza
went to the Giants at six.Talise Fauaga from Oregon State went to the
Titans at number seven. The offensivelineman from Corvallis Dallas Turner the edge rusher
Alabama to Atlanta at eight. OluFushanu offensive tackle Penn State, went to
the Bears at nine and the Jetsgrab brock Bowers tight end from Georgia at

number ten. The Vikings go MichaelPennix out of udub at number eleven,
and right there the Broncos and SeanPayton taking Drake May the quarterback out of
North Carolina that puts the Raiders,the Saints the Coats on the clock.
Will continue with the annual Maler MillenMock Draft from Action Sports Bar and Grill
in Kent next on ninety three tothree KJRFM. Now back to Commissioner dig

Faie Hugh Millin and Dave Saftey Mullerand the twenty fifth Annual Muller and Millan
Mott Draft, presented by Corslfe,brought to you by Action Sports Bar and
Grill and by Delta Airlines on SportsRadio ninety three point three kjyrfl alright back
here and Ken Action Sports Bar andGrill. The annual mal Of Millen Mock

Draft is under way. We arethrough pick number twelve. The latest selection
Drake May and of North Carolina.I went to the Broncos at number twelve,
Michael Pennix went to the Vikings ateleven, and Romadonza went to the
Giants at number six. Don't forgetguys. At the end of this thing,
we're gonna be awarding prizes here atthe mock Grand prize one thousand dollars
voucher to Delta Airlines, second place, two fifty to simply Seattle dot Com

and a pair of Mariners tickets.Third place one hundred bucks to simply Seattle
dot Com and a pair of Marinerstickets. And by the way, I
like to add a prize to thecontest here. If anybody can read that
screen up there, you win aprize. All right, Just let me
know if you can read the screenand you win a prize, the further
away you are, the better prizeyou get, all right, Sophie and

humill Action Sports Bar and grill Incan't The Raiders now were on the clock
at number thirteen, eight and ninelast year and a ton of changes in
Vegas. Hugh Antonio Pierce elevated thefull time head coach after Josh McDaniels got
fired halfway through last year. Runningback Josh Jacobs is now a packer.
Jimmy Garoppolo porn star Jimmy is nowa ram tight end. Austin Hooper is

now a Patriot. The Raiders,though, did bring in Gardner Minshew in
free agency. He'll compete for thestarting quarterback job for now with Aid and
O'Connell. Vegas does have their topfour pass catchers back from last year in
a team that finished twenty twenty threetwenty third in scoring and twenty seventh in
total offense. Raiders defense, bythe way last year, though not bad,

ninth in scoring defense last season.Raiders now on the clock at number
thirteen. The pick is coming inthere. It is let's go to the
podium. Commissioner Richard el Famer.The Raiders pick at number thirteen, with
the thirteenth pick in the twenty fourNFL Draft, the Las Vegas Raiders select
layat two Lat too Edge Ucla layattwo Lot too. Edge. Rusher from

UCLA is a former Husky as youknow, twenty nineteen, suffered a neck
injury was told by the Washington doctorsthey would not clear him to play Sets
out twenty twenty Sets out twenty twentyone. Goes to UCLA and doesn't do
much, just has twenty four sacksin two years too for the UCLA Bruins

and no I'm not bitter at allabout layout two lot to not playing at
Washington. What an unbelievable story.He thought he was done, thought his
career was over, and he goesto UCLA and becomes maybe the best edge
rusher in college football. Yeah,and look at the Raiders. I mean,
you can always use a player likeLatu, right, but Max Crosby's
their left end. He's one ofthe best ends in football. You know,

Malcolm Cootz had a really good season, so I don't I wouldn't say
it's urgent need. But as forloyot two Latsu, it's a great story.
As we know. You look athim and say, okay, six
' four and in three quarters twohundred and fifty nine two hundred and sixty
seven pounds on his pro day.That's good size arm length. This is

below the median at thirty two anda half. Basically the forty four point
sixty four and the forty and thirtytwo inch vertical jump a little bit underwhelming
as an athlete. Here's what theguy is. He is. He is
crafty. He in terms of ofjust his knowledge and his movement at the
line of scrimmage. He owns amaster degree in hand placement. I'm probably

the best we've seen in twenty fiveyears of doing the mock draft in terms
of just that aspect. He hasa toolbox at the line of scrimmage to
deal with his hands. It's likeit's like Bruce Lee in a defensive end.
So and he combines that incredible handmovement with their certain stutters and an
awareness about and he just has aninnate field for creating rush angles. He's

a very good athlete in terms ofon the football field. In fact,
the UCLA coaches believe that had theyput him at tight end, he would
have been the best tight end onthe football field. So I think that
I think that his football athleticism justpops more than his measurables as again open

below average arm length by NFL standards, possibly because of the surgery and the
fusion in his neck. He's maybemore of a hug and drag tackler as
opposed to trying to finish with violence. But in the end, the objective
is to get the player on theground. So this is a guy extremely
productive. More Trophy Best defensive Linemanin the Pac twelve Ted Endricks Award for

the top defensive end in FBS,Lombardi Award winner for the top oer liner
d lineman in FBS, and heled. Not only did he lead college
football in sacks, he had histwenty four point six pressure percentage was deemed
to be the very best in collegefootball. So a football play. A

very good athlete, but an extraordinaryfootball player, and he undoubtedly would have
gone higher had it not been forthe next fusion. All right, there
you go. They got to alot too at a U colgos to the
Raiders at thirteen, and that putsthe Saints now on the clock at number
fourteen. Nine to eight. Lastyear, lost tie breakers to both Green
Bay and Tampa for a wild cardand the NFC South title, so they

stayed home. Big free agent additionsincluded defensive end Chase Young, wide receiver
SEDGEC. Wilson, inside linebacker WillieGay. Quarterback Jamis Winston has gone after
signing with the Browns and the MalcolmRoach, who took off for the Broncos.
Quarterback Derek Carr is going into yeartwo of a four year deal after
putting up thirty eight hundred yards andtwenty five touchdowns last year. Head coach

Dennis Allen, who's now in yearthree looking for his first playoff win as
a head coach. The Saints pickis now there, it is, let's
go to the podium in the Saintsat number fourteen. Here's Commissioner Fame.
With the fourteenth pick in the twentytwenty four NFL Draft, the New Orleans
Saints select JC Latham, tackle Alabama. All Right, so this is now

the second time in four years theSaints have used a first round draft pick
on a tackle. They took TrevorPenning out of Northern Iowa with a nineteenth
pick two years ago in twenty twentytwo, and now take JC Latham at
number fourteen. So maybe a signthat they're ready to give up on a
former first round draft pick already.Well, as he said, he's left

hand. Penning was a left tackle, and the right tackle the Saints has
been Ryan Rampcheck, thirty years old, but he has actually graded out the
vessel. I'm I'm a little bitmixed on this pick for the following reason.
I don't think it was a hugeposition of need to get the right
tackle. But JC Latham is myfavorite offensive line offensive tackle. If we

if we, if we exclude Faltano. Wow, uh, because, by
the way, right, but JC. Latham the right tackle. This
is a just a three year player, three year junior, highly recruited guy.
Did he played left tackle? Ishe? Is? He exclusively right?
I think he's a right tackle.His functional strength, this guy is

as good as he wants to be. I I literally, I just I
said, I can't. I gottaget popcorn and I gotta get a Sunday
to watch this guy. It's thatentertaining. I just love watching his strength.
Remember in the very first Jurassic Park, when Laura Dern got out of
the the the Wrangler and looked upat the Bronosaurus and when the bronosaurs started

to walk, the ground shook.That's what jac That's how big this duty
is. But his posture when hefreaking pass blocks his posture, oh my
god, it's like he's on aninvisible Can you question, did you look
up that movie a reference? Oris that it's just it's just okay,
gotch weird ass crap going check itas always. But but but I'm telling

you, this guy is so big. But he's a beautiful looking freaking alignment.
Now he's a right to I don'twant to overblow it. I don't
think he has the you know,the prototypical left tackle athleticism. But his
feet moved well enough, and hisstrength is so dog gone, uh incredible
at the point of his hips,and I mean his legs hit they're oak
trees. And yet he danced justa third year guy. Yeah, he

gets beat to the inside. Guesswhat he's gonna be taught. Hey,
keep a little bit more of yourweight on your inside foot. You're gonna
be fine on that inside pressure.He's got enough athleticism. Yeah, there's
a he was. He was heonly looking to two years. He had
two holding calls, one fall startin his whole career. He had one
blown block, one in each season. Yeah, playing that right tackle for

Bama. You know, they playa lot of good dudes who were really
excited to beat those guys like so, so he's been productive. And again,
if I could just paint the pictureof what he looks like, imagine
a guy who doesn't even look likea human, that's how big his legs
are, and he actually floats alittle, and he's just sitting there just

like he's in some kind of yogaclass with his posture and but bam,
when he hits you man, youknow it. And so he's got strength
galore to make up for any imbalanceor if he loses momentarily, he just
makes up for it strength. Thisguy has the potential to be a multiple
Pro Bowl right back well and forthose that wonder about the value of a

right tackle, the Lions today justmade Panne Sewel the highest paid offensive linen
in the history of the NFL andhe plays right tag day allons. J
C. Latham, offensive lineman fromAlabama goes to the Saints of fourteen.
That puts the Cults followed by theSeahawks on the clock. We are two
picks away from the Seahawks and theannual Maler Millen mock Draft coming next from
Action Sports Bar and grill here andcan't right here on ninety three to three KJRFM.

Dave 'Softy' Mahler and Dick Fain News

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