All Episodes

April 18, 2024 28 mins

The drama continues around Eddie's missing shoes, and no one knows what happened to them! Plus, we have a new champion in Elder vs. Millennial and more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Mom transmittings, Liza, Welcome to Thursday's show morning studio.

Speaker 2 (00:13):
Let's go check in with everybody in the room.

Speaker 1 (00:16):
Producer Ready's at first, he brings hard boiled eggs to
work that can sometimes smell, and he was caught red
handed recently just dropping the shelves. Read guys, I messed up.
I messed up big time.

Speaker 3 (00:28):
So, like the other day, I was in charge of
taking my kids basketball team, like four kids from one
gym to the other, and it was like a twenty
minute drive, and one of the kids in the backs
to starts talking about like, yeah, you guys know OJ,
like I du died and and they're like, who's OJ?
And so I just kind of jumped in the conversation.
I'm like, yeah, man, OJ, bad dude, And they're like, well,
what did he do? I just ended up telling the
whole story in the drive, the murder the knife.

Speaker 4 (00:52):
How old are ten?

Speaker 1 (00:54):
But the other just got caught. Yeah what the other parents?
Do you think the other parents would have wanted you
to tell the murder of the knife?

Speaker 3 (01:00):
I would have probably been like whoa whoaoa, like they
don't need to know all that stuff. But they kept
asking me questions like, well, why did he run for
the police in the Bronco I like, well, I was dude,
Bronco Chase was crazy.

Speaker 1 (01:08):
And then they said he had a gun to his
head and they're just like.

Speaker 3 (01:10):
A gun into his head and then yeah, and this
happened like this weekend, and I told my wife yesterday
and she was just like, why did you do that?
And that's the first time I realized I messed up.
I shouldn't have told him all that. I appreciate your honesty.

Speaker 1 (01:23):
Thank you.

Speaker 2 (01:24):
All right, moving on.

Speaker 1 (01:24):
He likes to wear a jogging pants to work every
day and here on this show, games are his favorite
thing to play. It's lunchbo.

Speaker 5 (01:32):
Bobby, I saved you six hundred dollars and I dodged
a bullet. I mean, I wanted to go drive this Lambeau.
You guys said I could do it. If I was kind,
you would pay for it. We did Connect four and
then you guys were like, I'll send you on this Friday,
but my schedule was booked. I got someone on Instagram
named Ricky Leggett and he said, lunch I did the
drive a Lambeau thing. I drove him McLaren because that's

what I wanted, and I was so excited.

Speaker 4 (01:57):
I went.

Speaker 5 (01:58):
And they only let you get it up to fifty
miles an hour. Oh, because they set up the course
to once you get it to fifty miles an hour,
you're where you had to turn.

Speaker 1 (02:05):
That's so dumb.

Speaker 5 (02:06):
And he said, so I didn't get to drive it fast,
So you're lucky you didn't go, and you saved all
that money. I don't know if he did the same
experience as we did, but he said his wife got
it for him and he could only go fifty miles
an hour.

Speaker 1 (02:17):
Let me think back about this now. Did we think
you just got to gun it and drive it? I mean,
this is just being stupid. Oh yeah, I thought, sure,
you're driving a multi one hundred thousands of dollars car
and we think for sixty bucks they're gonna let you
go wide open. That's probably domne on our part.

Speaker 5 (02:34):
Well, they say it's at a racetrack, so it makes
you think you're about to go on the racetrack and
zoom it.

Speaker 1 (02:39):
Yeah, I hear you. I just think that we're probably
stupid to think you get to drive car that's three
hundred thousand dollars as fast as possibly could for sixty dollars,
So I get that is disappointing. We were kind of
disappointing because there's no way that would let you drive
it one hundred. I thought they would, but me too,
until I now I think about it, I'm like, I
was stupid for thinking that.

Speaker 5 (02:59):
And at least but they put that car out there
and they show you that picture, it looks like you're
about to go.

Speaker 1 (03:04):
Yeah, because the car looks cool.

Speaker 5 (03:05):
Because the car looks so cool, you would imagine you
are zooming, and they say racetrack.

Speaker 1 (03:10):
But would you want to still do it for if
you're driving sixty miles an hour? I mean, it'll still
be kind of cool to be in one just sitting
on a racetrack.

Speaker 5 (03:18):
Now, yeah, But also they're around town roundteals that people
see me driving.

Speaker 1 (03:22):
Me said they're not gonna let you do one hundred,
And I think about it. You don't own the car,
But okay, that's good to know. I mean, you didn't
really do me a favor. That's him just letting you know.
But I appreciate that Amy is not afraid to get
vulnerable for our listeners. And if you're looking for a
good parenting tip, on Instagram. You should follow hers here.

Speaker 2 (03:37):
It is Amy everybody.

Speaker 6 (03:40):
So I saw a homeless guy with a sign that
says five dollars and I'll feed your ex to the gators.

Speaker 7 (03:47):
And I was like, well, that's weird.

Speaker 1 (03:48):
Tell me more. Is he selling a hit? What's the trick?

Speaker 6 (03:51):
I think it's just a joke to be funny, which
I can appreciate the humor.

Speaker 7 (03:56):
So I only had a dollar, so I gave him
the one and.

Speaker 1 (03:59):
Then I said, you don't really wink and go please
feed my ex husband to the gator. Spoken if there's
a one percent chance, I'm just going to give him
the money.

Speaker 6 (04:09):
No, I have a good relationship with my eggs. I
don't need him to be fed to gators.

Speaker 1 (04:13):
But sure did stumble through that, Amy?

Speaker 3 (04:15):
Could that be like taking the wrong way if somebody
saw you pain the guy?

Speaker 2 (04:18):
So he was kailing her? Yeah, sure, firing a hitman?

Speaker 1 (04:22):
M h yeah, yeah, yeah. Kind it's like to the joke.

Speaker 7 (04:25):
It's a funny sign, but at the same time, it's.

Speaker 6 (04:27):
Like a little bit of truth, an offer that's out there.

Speaker 1 (04:30):
And you were drawn to it, regardless funny or not.
She was drawn to it.

Speaker 2 (04:34):
Yeah, Okay, go ahead from Mountain Pine, Arkansas.

Speaker 1 (04:36):
He drives his own car slow because getting a ticket
costs do Bobby Bones, thank you very much. So I
just want to let you guys know, I had a
really wonderful breakfast like a week ago. I didn't e
really made it. And I got a bagel and I
like bagels, don't have him a lot, and so I
got a chocolate chip bagel, which is pretty good by
itself regardless, and they listed the cream cheeses. I guess

they call that a shmear, and so whatever the cream
cheeses are, and they had I never had it before
Oreo smear.

Speaker 7 (05:06):
So you had a chocolate chip bagel with Oreo smear.

Speaker 1 (05:09):
The one you eat a pop tart next time?

Speaker 4 (05:10):
Yeah, I'm killing you.

Speaker 1 (05:12):
They didn't have one. But I've never had a bagel
with Oreo cream cheese. I didn't know they made it.
That sounds delicious. It was.

Speaker 2 (05:19):
It was too I had like a third of it.
It was way too sweet, but that third was really good.

Speaker 1 (05:24):
But I just did not know that that was an option,
that they had Oreo cream cheese and it takes like
Oreo cookies. Wow, So it's out there. You just like
you just swallowed like you were tasting it. I love
sugar so much and i've basically I've not had ninety
eight percent of sugar. I'm gonna show you. I'm I'm
keeping a journal, not just a food journal, but like

a thought journal of food and then also food that
I'm eating.

Speaker 7 (05:52):
But what do you thought journal?

Speaker 1 (05:53):
Well, when I think about food and I really want
some sugar, I write it down. Why that helps you
trying to see if the things I eat or I
actually the things that are positive are actually affecting my
brain to make me want to have sugar cravings. So
I'm journaling even my thoughts on eating whenever I get cravings.

You're like a scientist.

Speaker 2 (06:16):
Interesting, it's a lot.

Speaker 1 (06:18):
Yeah, you're doing my phone. I'm keeping like a.

Speaker 6 (06:21):
Written It's like your thoughts are just like right now
I'm craving or well, I sort.

Speaker 1 (06:26):
Of talking about it, that's on me. But if I
have a certain lunch and let's say there's beef and broccoliate.
So I've been having almost every day with some kind
of rice thing, I've started to crave sugar a bit
less in the afternoon. So, well, what I'm having actually
affect my brain in different ways, so maybe not want it,
therefore I don't have it.

Speaker 3 (06:44):
Oh, okay, are you going to write right after this
bit that you thought about?

Speaker 1 (06:48):
Oreo will?

Speaker 6 (06:50):
I don't know if you're also supposed to like associate
when you're having a certain thing, like what else are
you feeling?

Speaker 7 (06:57):
Are you feeling happy?

Speaker 1 (06:58):
Are you what I'm feeling?

Speaker 7 (07:00):
Are you feeling lonely?

Speaker 2 (07:01):
Oreo tired?

Speaker 1 (07:02):
No, Oreo bagel, That's what I'm feeling. I know, no
order one.

Speaker 7 (07:07):
Who is this something you thought of to do by
yourself or so?

Speaker 1 (07:12):
I don't even know if it's a real Yeah, I
don't even if it's a real thing. It's like a comedy.
It's like a hybrid food journal thought journal, but only
a thought journal about food. Okay, I'm confused, Thank you
very much.

Speaker 2 (07:23):
Let's open up the mail bag. Do you send an
email and we read it all the air.

Speaker 4 (07:28):
It's something we call Bobby's mail bag.

Speaker 1 (07:31):
Yeah, hello, Bobby Bones. I accidentally sent a rant about
my boss to my boss instead of my work buddy.
This is me talking here. I've at times texted the
wrong person. Not this bad when talking about someone, not
even in a bad way. But if I'm like talking
about Eddie. I would like actually text Eddie when I'm
meant for it to go to someone else, because it's

just in your brains, I know, I know. Back to
the email. The email details some pretty candid feelings about
their management style. Surprisingly, my boss has a set it
about it. It's been a week. Should I bring it
up and apologize or pretend like it never happened. Is
it possible they never read it? Or do you think
they're waiting for me to say something? First? Signed bad
at email? Wow, this is easy. You break in at night, right,
follow me here into his office? Yeah? Yeah, I dress

all in black. You get in, you have to steal
his passwords. So you got to get one of those
hacking things to put on his phone. Right, A lot
of that's easy. Yeah, yeah, no problem. A stroke detector? Yeah,
if you I'm sure he saw it. I mean yeah,
I'm sure he saw it.

Speaker 6 (08:31):
He's good at his job. He probably opened an email
from an employee.

Speaker 1 (08:35):
I would think, so, I'm sure he saw it. If
he hasn't said anything yet, I would imagine what he's
doing filing it away, and he will find a way
to not have you work on that team anymore. Oh,
which means if he is upset and he really wanted
to impose, what you then do as you start to

create in the corporate world of paper, trail on somebody
not doing things so you can get ready to hold
hold on.

Speaker 3 (09:05):
Is there a chance that whatever was set in this
email could be true and the boss will be like,
you know what, I should read this and look at
this as a critique new.

Speaker 1 (09:15):
Okay, because it wasn't even sent to the boss. It
was sent to like Clark.

Speaker 7 (09:20):
You know what do you say?

Speaker 6 (09:21):
I mean, if you're emailing your buddy about something, do
you say, like deer Clark.

Speaker 1 (09:25):
They're broke? Yeah, you don't say anything. And it's also
you're talking about him in third or like whatever person
that is. So No, I don't think so. I think
the boss knows. The boss is letting it. I think
if you value long term at this place, you have
to go or you just send another one to go lol?
Or do that gets it? That j'll get you?

Speaker 6 (09:41):
Well, that's gonna say like, since it's still April, can
you be like, did you get my April fool's joke?

Speaker 1 (09:46):
Yeah? You better hold think him on the first yeah
or else? And it's a little too personal. If you
want to stay at that job, you need to go
and bring it up because it's gonna be very awkward.
It's gonna be it's it's already bad. You're not going
to be able to make good out of this.

Speaker 4 (10:03):
I mean, you need to go.

Speaker 1 (10:05):
It's going to be awkward and bad.

Speaker 7 (10:07):
Put some feelers out for some new jobs.

Speaker 1 (10:09):
It's just not going to be good. So but I
would have the conversation because I would just imagine playing
the odyes that he reads the emails of his employees.

Speaker 2 (10:18):
Yeah right, every everybody feels that.

Speaker 1 (10:20):
We got your game mail laying on your air.

Speaker 4 (10:23):
And now it's found the clothes Bobby's mail bag.

Speaker 2 (10:28):
What'd you find out about the shoes?

Speaker 6 (10:29):
Okay, well it's unfortunate because the box I did see.
Abby confirmed where it was and I was like, yeah,
that's what I saw. I said, attention Bobby Bone's show.

Speaker 1 (10:39):
Okay, that's all fine, but what about Eddie shoes? Right?

Speaker 8 (10:41):

Speaker 7 (10:41):
So I thought it was to you from.

Speaker 6 (10:43):
Brooks, but it was Bobby Bone's show. And then it
had like maybe probably myke D's name under it, and
I didn't see it.

Speaker 7 (10:48):
I don't know where Eddie's are.

Speaker 9 (10:49):
Eddie stolen shoes, and then I don't know so Abby
like for sure saw shoes for me right, yes, them,
I would bet that they send me.

Speaker 7 (11:00):
Shoes to be well, she thinks that they did it.

Speaker 4 (11:05):
She didn't message.

Speaker 6 (11:06):
Abby just confirmed because I showed her right where I
saw that.

Speaker 1 (11:08):
I don't need shoes anyway, but Eddie needs shoes. You
do because they stole your walk, They stole your run.
Somebody stole your running shoes. I'm just tired of things
getting stolen around here. It's ridiculous. Well, there's nothing I
can do. All the mail comes and just sits in
a room whereverybody has access to. It's the worst system ever.
But it's no one in this room that stole the shoes.

It wasn't me. It wasn't me, Shaggy once it was.

Speaker 7 (11:36):
On the counter.

Speaker 1 (11:37):
We gotta do something about the mail here.

Speaker 2 (11:40):
Because it is the worst system.

Speaker 1 (11:42):
Like people send me stuff up here, I never get
it because somebody probably steals it. The mail comes here
for other places and lunchbox steals it. Like the wine,
it's not there for a month. I figure that was
scoo of Steve. What's the plan?

Speaker 10 (12:01):
In general?

Speaker 1 (12:01):
Though, I feel like we're all adults, we should be
checking the mail on it.

Speaker 2 (12:03):
I doesn't want to get.

Speaker 11 (12:04):
To it quicker and take it home, because how long
were those shoes sitting there for.

Speaker 4 (12:07):
A couple of days?

Speaker 1 (12:08):
A couple of days. I don't even know where the
ones ever told me where the mail even is a
break room? See that? Yeah, it's all spread on the
breaking pot lock. It's a Sunday on the grounds after church,
everybody and cheese and lays it on the ground.

Speaker 11 (12:21):
This has been sitting there forever, and people don't get
to their mail and take it home. So I mean,
I think us as adults should be better at getting
the mail sooner and take it home so this stuff
doesn't happen anymore. But we can try to figure it out,
rectify it, and get your new shoes or cameras.

Speaker 2 (12:35):
Here for two days doesn't mean that there's no one
should steal.

Speaker 11 (12:37):
No, I'm not saying that's okay to steal it, but
I'm saying to combat that we should probably get on
it quicker.

Speaker 1 (12:43):
But if you don't know you have mail, we'll check
it every day. You're like, we're all adults to like
the American society, we're all adults. We shouldn't murder and
pillage and would have happened.

Speaker 6 (12:52):
I think he's saying, like everyone could take five seconds.

Speaker 1 (12:55):
And go watch the mail.

Speaker 11 (12:57):
Yes, we check our mail every day at home, Like
I go to the mailbox looking like check my mail
once a week.

Speaker 7 (13:02):
I'm guilty. I'm guilty. I'm not an adult. I don't know.

Speaker 2 (13:07):
All you just scattered amongst that room.

Speaker 6 (13:09):
I know, but I mean I think that it piles
up and there's nowhere else for it to go, and
there's a.

Speaker 4 (13:14):
Lot of mail for people that don't even work here anymore.

Speaker 1 (13:17):
Yeah, the system's broken.

Speaker 7 (13:18):
But I kind of like the fun surprise of like
if your mail get stolen.

Speaker 6 (13:22):
No no, no, but like my my my little mailbox
where the envelopes go because we.

Speaker 7 (13:28):
All have them with our name on it.

Speaker 6 (13:30):
That yeah, I see the envelope, okay, And so yeah,
sometimes I go a long time without checking that and
then I do, and that's when bam, I have a
thirty seven dollars royalty check from Holiday Harmony, and I'm like, yeah.

Speaker 7 (13:41):
That's fun.

Speaker 1 (13:42):
Operation find Eddy's Shoes please, this is ridiculous. If you
turn in whoever stole any shoes, a one hundred dollar reward.
Oh wow, lunchbox.

Speaker 2 (13:51):
I don't know who if you turn in whoever stole.

Speaker 7 (13:54):
It, no questions asked.

Speaker 1 (13:56):
You know you're turning somebody in. I'm gonna ask much
questions once i find out who it is.

Speaker 2 (13:59):
I mean no, there'll be questions. I'm not saying the
shoes turn up.

Speaker 1 (14:02):
If you turn in whomever stole the shoes or where
they went, and that's the truth, I'll give you a
hundred bucks.

Speaker 2 (14:08):
I'm tired of people stealing stuff around here, no questions asking.

Speaker 1 (14:11):
No, there'll be lots of questions ask and some statements
given afterward.

Speaker 6 (14:15):
I thought it was that you could just show up
with shoes, no questions to ask.

Speaker 4 (14:19):
It's time for the good news.

Speaker 3 (14:25):
The Abandoned Pet Rescue is a no kill animal shelter
in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, And about two years ago a
dalmatian came in and they were like, man, this dalmatian's
really not listening to us. Turns out the dalmatian was deaf.
It's a three year old Dalmatian named Coco, and so
after a few years staff volunteers they taught the dog's
sign language.

Speaker 2 (14:46):
So the dog would see the sign language.

Speaker 1 (14:49):
I don't know. Man, I'm he's deaf.

Speaker 2 (14:51):
He has to learn to see motions and then do.

Speaker 1 (14:54):
It maybe a little bit of both, because I mean,
if you give me two years, I'm still learn full
sign language. Like, I don't think I can do that
much animation. I know that I love you sign. I
can spell my name B O B B why that's amazing.

Speaker 2 (15:07):
But that's and then I know, is it amazing?

Speaker 1 (15:09):
Yeah? I don't know how to spell my name and
sign language.

Speaker 4 (15:11):
I know how to do vomit.

Speaker 1 (15:14):
I know how to give me a beer exactly. Listen,
they adopted the dog. The dog was deaf. Now the
dog has learned sign language. What are you doing?

Speaker 7 (15:22):
A B C D Eddie is not?

Speaker 1 (15:26):
Eddie is amazing d D I Hey, that's awesome. Yeah yeah.

Speaker 3 (15:31):
But what's really cool is that a couple found out
about her, read the story in the paper, and have
officially adopted Coco.

Speaker 1 (15:38):
Great news.

Speaker 3 (15:38):
Yeah, and Coco is gonna start working too, since Coco
is deaf and can do sign language, It's gonna go
around helping other people.

Speaker 1 (15:44):
I feel like I know sign language, like I know CPR,
like I've seen it on TV, and enough of those things.
I could probably did, the fact that you can spell
your name in sign language is awesome.

Speaker 5 (15:51):
B B.

Speaker 9 (15:52):
Why yeah, could you do lunch story letters?

Speaker 2 (15:58):
That's what it's all about.

Speaker 4 (16:00):
That was telling me something good.

Speaker 2 (16:03):
Lunchbox, do you hit this?

Speaker 1 (16:04):
You win?

Speaker 2 (16:05):
You got four?

Speaker 1 (16:06):
Winch oh swift loins only got one? I don't even
know that. Yeah, elder versus millennial. Let me get so
up first. He's the captain of cringe. He claims. All
he does is when he's afraid of every kind of snake,
and for dessert, he demands cheesecake.

Speaker 4 (16:24):

Speaker 2 (16:25):
It's lunchbox.

Speaker 4 (16:27):
Let's go.

Speaker 1 (16:27):
Let me ask you three questions that Lauren will probably
know the answers to Lunchbox. What boy band really songs
in the two thousands, such as Year three thousand and burning.

Speaker 4 (16:39):
Up boy band Jonas Brothers?

Speaker 1 (16:49):

Speaker 2 (16:49):
What hey? He played that at a little time. I
don't know anything about boy band. I guess I'll just
guess randomly.

Speaker 5 (16:58):
This morning in our studio and there may have been
people banging on the windows.

Speaker 2 (17:03):
Next up, Lunchbox.

Speaker 1 (17:04):
T L d R is slaying use my millennials to
acknowledge and summarize body of text. What does T L
d R mean? T?

Speaker 7 (17:16):
L d R.

Speaker 8 (17:20):
And it's for a body of texts too long, don't remember? Incorrect?

Speaker 7 (17:38):
I guess, though.

Speaker 2 (17:41):
I'm not even one hundred percent sure.

Speaker 7 (17:42):
I think that is uh.

Speaker 1 (17:47):
Need an answer, too late, don't remember? People post this
when you post away too much croud, They're like, T
L d R too long, didn't read that one.

Speaker 2 (17:59):
Lunch Box.

Speaker 1 (18:00):
What was the name of actor Josh Hutcherson's character in
the Hunger Games?

Speaker 4 (18:06):
I mean, I don't know. I don't see the dude,
Josh Hudgson.

Speaker 1 (18:10):
What was the name of actor Josh Hutcherson's character in
the Hunger Games?

Speaker 4 (18:15):
Peta Correctita?

Speaker 1 (18:18):
Why is he playing Bossome?

Speaker 4 (18:19):
He does because Amy made us film the stupid game.

Speaker 1 (18:22):
Let's just say people were banging on the windows. Fans
bang on the windows.

Speaker 2 (18:27):
Yeah, but that has nothing to do with how United sounds.

Speaker 1 (18:29):
All right, So let's he nailed that Jonas Brothers. That's okay,
nothing wrong with that, man, all right, lunchboxes opponent.

Speaker 2 (18:38):
Man, If she loses this, she's done.

Speaker 1 (18:41):
She's getting married a month from today. But to win
this game, she'll need to pray.

Speaker 4 (18:45):
It's swifty.

Speaker 2 (18:46):
Laura, Laura, Laura, And these are questions at Lunchbox.

Speaker 1 (18:51):
Probably based on his age, he should know the answer
to question number one. The iconic blue steel look comes
from what two thousands comedy movie? The iconic blue steel?
Blue steel comes from what two thousands comedy movie? Do

you have an answer there? Swifty Lauren? Five seconds?

Speaker 4 (19:24):
The pressure? The pressure.

Speaker 1 (19:27):
Comedy movie? Who steal Blue Steal movie?

Speaker 7 (19:31):

Speaker 1 (19:31):
Damn, I don't know. If he knows it's over, he wins.
He's doing the low.

Speaker 4 (19:39):
The low, Lauren, see that door.

Speaker 5 (19:42):
You're gonna need to excess stage left, Go ahead, that's correct.

Speaker 1 (19:47):
He just dominated who went five to one on.

Speaker 2 (19:52):

Speaker 1 (19:52):
Who would have won the Grammy with their song faith
in nineteen eighty nine?

Speaker 7 (19:56):
George Michael?

Speaker 1 (19:57):
Yeah? Correct. Finally, what iconic ar eight game featured a
yellow circular character eating dots man.

Speaker 10 (20:04):
If you.

Speaker 1 (20:06):
Didn't know, you got me, but you did lose, and
Lunchbox is the champion.

Speaker 4 (20:15):
She didn't do as well as me because she did Eddie.

Speaker 1 (20:17):
She knew everything.

Speaker 5 (20:19):
She against Eddie, she knew everything. I feel like this
season she struggled with answer any of the questions.

Speaker 6 (20:31):
You did play Bostom, though you can't argument you were like,
I don't really know that much we'll see and you know.

Speaker 5 (20:39):
On top of the top of the throne, what on
top of the mountain, King of the mountain?

Speaker 4 (20:44):
Whoa champion away up here?

Speaker 1 (20:46):
Returning next week will be Morgan? Oh really as millennial? Yeah,
I don't get Do you want to pick pick? Hey, Abby,
have you.

Speaker 4 (20:54):
Ever played this?

Speaker 9 (20:55):

Speaker 7 (20:55):
I haven't.

Speaker 5 (20:56):
You know what, that's a good point, but you know
you're I'm not gonna play.

Speaker 10 (21:00):
I want I don't think he doesn't get to pick
pew material right there? I agree, I agree, you don't
get to pick We insert the next millenniy.

Speaker 1 (21:12):
No, you're out, you lost. You're You're against Lunchbox in
the next season. You're the only one that hasn't gone.
I have not Okay, so Abby, Lunchbox next. Elder Millennial
a tax preparer in New York City. It's from NBC
New York. He was known as the Magician with his

tax preparing. He was arrested by I R. S Agents
and an alleged one hundred million dollars tax ripoff scheme. See,
if I were a tax preparer and I were ripping
people off, I'd have a nickname like the person that
cares about the government would never rip off anybody something
like that, the Magician, you just know they're up to
no go. Like unless or if my nickname became the

Magician as a tax preparer, I would start having magic
be aside hustle just to over my tracks and be like, duh,
watch rab it from my hat. Look, I'm a magician. Otherwise,
like that ain't a good nickname to.

Speaker 7 (22:06):
Have magically figuring out.

Speaker 2 (22:08):

Speaker 1 (22:08):
A Bronx tax prepayer known as the Magician was arrested
criminal investigation. He was charged Monday morning on federal tax
and conspiracy accounts sixty years old, over ten years, dealing
more than one hundred million dollars one hundred Wow. As
a magician, he can't say abacadab anymore. They say, no,
we can't. You just can't have that nickname. Or if
you do have it, you can't shake it. Then you

have to go be a real magician. I'm sure he'd
love to disappear right now.

Speaker 4 (22:32):
Yeah, you can do it, okay, pile of stories.

Speaker 6 (22:38):
The most stressful time of the day is right now,
well eight fifteen.

Speaker 1 (22:44):
Am, because work is starting in your whole plate's full.

Speaker 6 (22:48):
Either that or you're also trying to get out the door.

Speaker 7 (22:51):
With kids.

Speaker 6 (22:52):
It depends on what you have going on at your home,
but it could be that you didn't wake up in time.
Then you're rushing for work, You're trying to get ready,
you're trying to make breakfast, you're trying to get ready.

Speaker 1 (23:00):
So the thing is that I'm stressed out for you
guys by having all that so much.

Speaker 6 (23:05):
Right, whatever you can do for nighttime, you to take
care of mourning you is the best chance of success
and not getting stressed out early in the day.

Speaker 1 (23:13):
You know, I'll be tired when I go to bed
because I think my most stressful time is at a
different time. I'll be like exhausted, even sleepy. It can
be two different things, tired and sleepy, but I'll be both.
And I'm just like dragging to get to bed, and
as soon as I lay down, I get covered up,
I'm just like, oh, brain just flips on and now
I'm stressed out because I think I'm giving myself time

to just sit calm and think, and that stresses me out.
So I don't know what the answer is, but it
could involve drugs. In the nineties, Oh man, hard a
lot of those bands used to do. Yeah, that's not
gonna be the answer. But that's my most stressful time, bedtime,
which is weird because it's the opposite of what it
should be.

Speaker 2 (23:56):
Or what else.

Speaker 6 (23:56):
Well, Americans, American adults specifically are winning at skipping cancer screenings.
Like we're doing really good, you know, being a little
sarcastic here, but it's like we're getting so good at
it that the President has declared April Cancer Prevention and
Early Detection Month.

Speaker 1 (24:14):
So we now don't two reasons. One, if you can't
afford to go to the doctor, been there, you don't
go to the doctor. Two, we don't go to the
doctor because we don't want to get the bad news.

Speaker 7 (24:25):
That's true. I mean we were on a voice.

Speaker 2 (24:27):
I don't want to go to the doctor and just
have them tell me something bad.

Speaker 7 (24:29):
If I don't know about it, it's not there.

Speaker 6 (24:31):
And Danielle who is on Elvis Duran's morning show, she
just shared yesterday that she was inspired by a Kardashian
to go get a skin cancer spot looked at and
turns out it was cancerous.

Speaker 7 (24:43):
So good for her, you know, I think it was Chloe.

Speaker 6 (24:46):
So Chloe Kardashian's sharing her stuff helped Danielle go get
tested and now she was able to get it removed.
And Danielle sharing her story is going to encourage other
people to go get tested. And early detection is everything.
So the quicker you get in, I feel you can have.

Speaker 1 (24:59):
A It's like most people would hear this and be like,
that's why I don't go. I don't want to find
out to have it. Yeah, but you should know. Again,
I'm not saying what you should or shouldn't do, but
that's why this is what it is.

Speaker 6 (25:09):
And it could be skin cancer, could be women making
sure you know, if you have access to getting a
mammogram and a year of the age to go, start
doing it.

Speaker 7 (25:16):
To make sure you do it.

Speaker 9 (25:16):
And I go every day in my prostate check for
that reason, every Tuesday.

Speaker 1 (25:20):
Every Tuesday.

Speaker 2 (25:21):
It's a little again a standing appointment.

Speaker 1 (25:23):
Yes, all right, it's behind the ie hoop overront third
All right, go ahead.

Speaker 6 (25:27):
Well, Laney Wilson, she's living the dream right now. So
much success. But something cool is Robin Roberts Production Company
is doing a documentary about Laney and her life. Her
family is going to be involved, and I'm super excited
about this. It's going to stream on Hulu and it'll
to be out in May twenty nine.

Speaker 1 (25:42):
I was a part of this you were is a
bit of a headache, to be honest with the only
reason I did it is because it was Laney. And
I've known Laney since before Lane even had a record deal,
so it's been super cool to watch her success now.
It wasn't about Laney that was difficult. I was wearing
a white hat and had a very small logo on
it that said alo. I was just up here doing
the show and they're like, can we come by and

interview you for like an hour about Laney? Because Lane
would come to my house. We'd do interviews like on
a podcast before any of this fame happened. And I
was like absolutely. And so they get here and they're like,
can you take.

Speaker 7 (26:13):
Your hat off?

Speaker 1 (26:13):
And I was like no, you didn't give me a
heads up, like and my hair was a mess, like
and then they were like, well, can you put tape
over it? And I did and they got a call going, nah,
I can't wear the tape. We spent like thirty minutes
just trying to fix the hat and they're like, can
you turn it backward? And I was like, oh god,
I'm gonna be backward hat guy in the documentary, and
so we ended up finding some white tape.

Speaker 2 (26:35):
We didn't get any of the questions. We said thirty
minutes on the stupid hat.

Speaker 1 (26:39):
And so I don't know what's gonna happen. I don't
even know. If I were them, i'd cut it all
unless they just want to show like a blooper rill.
If I was trying to fix my hat, but I
got no heads up, that'd be funny that I couldn't
wear it, just a hat with a tiny It was
a it's gonna be awesome, good for Laney. But that's
my experience of that documentary is that I.

Speaker 6 (26:57):
Recall you recording something for Laney, but I didn't know
it was for this Robin Roberts documentary.

Speaker 7 (27:03):
You know, I love her.

Speaker 1 (27:04):
Robin wasn't here, though, it was. Whoever was asking me
the questions wasn't on camera. They were just like, talk
about this, and I'd be like, well, they were like, yeah,
can you turn your hat? Oh mother? Oh yeah?

Speaker 4 (27:14):
The hat that was Amy's pile of stories. It's time
for the good news, Like Bobby.

Speaker 1 (27:24):
Two brothers in San Antonio are on a mission to
mowe fifty lawns for free. They're taking part in the
raising Men and Women lawn Care Services fifty yard Challenge,
which is just hey, who needs it? Why do you
need it, and let us come over and mow your yard.
What happens is usually it's a lot of elderly folks
who can't mow their yard, disabled or even single parents
who have to work all the time, and even some veterans.

And so, you know, fourteen, Adrian's fourteen and his brother
who's around the same age. They're like, we're gonna go
do this. We're not making any money, and our goal
is to finish fifty. They finished six right now, and
so they have forty four more to go, and apparently
they have eight or nine on the books. O good
WTSP with that story as two teenagers who are donating

a lot of time and even money.

Speaker 2 (28:10):
As far as money they're not making.

Speaker 5 (28:12):
Yeah, gotta pay for their own gas, lawnmower breaks.

Speaker 4 (28:15):
We either bag up the grass break The league.

Speaker 7 (28:19):
Knows what it's like. He had his own long business.

Speaker 4 (28:21):
I'm just saying, man, I don't know.

Speaker 2 (28:23):
You're just saying you don't know.

Speaker 4 (28:24):
You don't know what.

Speaker 1 (28:25):
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (28:25):
If it's a good business move.

Speaker 1 (28:26):
It's not a good business and they're helping others. It's
a good human move. Yeah yeah, yeah. People are sure
you're gonna come out in the red, but that's what
people do when they yes. Yeah, it's like a donation,
a donation, yes, Amy, good job by those kids.

Speaker 2 (28:43):
That's what it's all about.

Speaker 4 (28:44):
That was telling me something good.
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