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April 27, 2024 87 mins

This part of the podcast is just the best 7 bits from the show this week that Morgan counts down from 7 to 1. You’ll be able to listen to them uninterrupted with just a few intros!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
It's the best BIF of the week.

Speaker 2 (00:03):
With Morgan Part two, she's breaking down the top seven
segments from the Bobby Bone Show this week.

Speaker 3 (00:10):
What's up everybody? Happy weekend?

Speaker 4 (00:12):
The bits off here now while you're listening to this,
I am currently in Florida for a friends bachelorette, so
I hope you are also enjoying your weekend like me
and maybe not hungover, which I may be in this
very moment.

Speaker 3 (00:24):
Who knows, But for now.

Speaker 4 (00:25):
Let's get caught up on the Bobby Bone Show for
this week. Be sure after you listen to this to
go check out Part one and Part three with Scuba
Steve this weekend.

Speaker 3 (00:33):
It was really fun. I had a lot of random
questions for Scuba Steve.

Speaker 4 (00:36):
On part one, we talked about a lifetime supply of
something we want to own, are beige flags, the kind
of year we're having right now, like his has to
do with growth, mine has to do with weddings and love.
And then part three we answered listener questions which we
got some compliments for Scuba Steve.

Speaker 1 (00:53):
I always love.

Speaker 4 (00:53):
Starting out with compliments, and then his proposal story of
how he proposed to his wife. So really good stuff
over there. But for now the reason you're here, just
the bit let's go. We did the Bobby Bone Show
rejected segments. So these are segments that didn't quite make
the air, as in they had their own segments.

Speaker 3 (01:09):
They were this whole thing.

Speaker 4 (01:11):
They made it in rejected segments, so we still talked
about it, but they.

Speaker 3 (01:14):
Weren't quite great. And this is the first time I've
come in at number one.

Speaker 5 (01:18):
So here we are number seven.

Speaker 6 (01:20):
It's no time for rejected segments. Rejected segments, segments that
were pitched that no chance they were going to get
on the air. I will say this. The number one
rejected segment comes from Morgan What which I don't know?
What has ever happened before?

Speaker 1 (01:36):
What did I do wrong?

Speaker 6 (01:37):
We'll get to it to the second. Number five is
from Mike d Number five, we challenge Lunchbox and Eddy
to stay overnight at a Walmart. They have to find
the best hiding spot so they remain undetected when Walmart
closes at eleven pm. Oh then they walk out in
the morning at eight am. They document the whole thing
and they go live during the night. They even do
Walmart Olympics in the store. The reason it was rejected

is because you'll go to Jay, you'll it's a leak.

Speaker 7 (02:04):
Yeah, and they have overnight stalkers, so they would be
working while you're there.

Speaker 6 (02:07):
Yeah, some of them are secretly going get a cannoby.

Speaker 8 (02:10):
I'm assuming they have lasers in there too, for most.

Speaker 6 (02:12):
I don't think that. I don't know. Yeah, so that's rejected.
Segment number four. Eddie suggested I'm turning into an old man,
and this is what he wrote. I just turned thirty five,
and I refuse to get apps for restaurants and websites.
So first of all, he's yeah. First of all, he's
not thirty five, he's forty five.

Speaker 8 (02:28):
You held on to this bit for ten years.

Speaker 6 (02:30):
You wrote it wrong, My bad.

Speaker 8 (02:33):
I must have been in a hurry and I just felt.

Speaker 6 (02:34):
Like it was too cranky of a segment that day.

Speaker 8 (02:37):
No, I'll tell you what happened. You want to hear
the story.

Speaker 6 (02:40):
Well, I rejected it, but go ahead.

Speaker 8 (02:41):
That was I shouldn't say where I was. But they
I went inside to get my food whatever I was
going to order, and no one came to the register,
no one for five minutes, and I go, hello, anybody
want to come help me over here? They say, hey,
can you just get the app because we're kind of busy,
and then if you do that, you can just pick
up your order right over here. It's crazy. So I

got in my car went through the drive th I
had to go through the drive through because they were
too lazy to take.

Speaker 6 (03:08):
My order at the regstar of the app.

Speaker 8 (03:09):
Though I don't want to do that. I don't want
to be forced to do something out.

Speaker 6 (03:12):
I too cranky. All right, that's projected. Thank you, Let's
go to number three. Number three, Lunchbox wrote, Travis Kelsey
stole my job.

Speaker 9 (03:21):

Speaker 6 (03:21):
The reason I wrote that I rejected it is because
I think this is one of those where he was
just mining for anything to talk about. No, because he
didn't actually feel like Travis Kelsey stole his job. But
go ahead, I did.

Speaker 7 (03:30):
I told you I got the email that they were
looking for someone to host. Are you smarter than a celebrity?
And so they were reaching out to me, And then.

Speaker 6 (03:39):
That is not what happened. It was for extras in
the crowd of the audience. They weren't looking for a host.

Speaker 7 (03:44):
Well, I thought I got the email looking for a host,
and I said I should apply. And then I replied
to the email, never heard anything, and turns out they
hired Travis Skeils.

Speaker 6 (03:52):
This is what I felt, was just him looking for
anything to get on the airway.

Speaker 10 (03:56):
Sure, no, it was a follow up. It was like, hey,
I didn't get the job, guys projected.

Speaker 6 (03:59):
Second number two, Eddie wrote, is it okay to drink
at a kid's baseball game?

Speaker 9 (04:04):

Speaker 6 (04:04):
I want to say this when I read back, as
I say, of all the bad ones, I look back
and I was like, I don't know why that was rejected?

Speaker 8 (04:10):
Decent, I know why. I have the same question.

Speaker 6 (04:12):
Why I know so I messed up. I'll be the
first one to say it. All right, I shouldn't have rejected.

Speaker 8 (04:17):
It, So throw it back in the bin. Let's do
it someday.

Speaker 6 (04:19):
Okay, we'll throw it back in the bin.

Speaker 8 (04:20):
Will come out.

Speaker 6 (04:21):
Yeah, all right, here we go Number one number one
from Morgan and now let me explain why it's the
number one rejected segment. She wrote, what's wrong with people?
I watched a worker at the grocery store that I
go to comb his hair while in the produce He
was cleaning up the produce section and combing his hair
and brushing it into a dirt pile. I read this
and was so grossed out by it. I just didn't

feel like it that morning. I think it's interesting, Yeah,
I know. I just was like, oh, I don't feel
like talking about that because I felt gross. But you're right,
that's disgusting.

Speaker 4 (04:48):
I mean you watch like a grocery store worker just
seeing there coming like he has his dirt palt, he's
combing his hair over and he's in the produce where
you get all your apple.

Speaker 6 (04:56):
Oh, it's gross. And that's the only reason I didn't
do it because I felt too Grossy, I don't.

Speaker 10 (05:00):
I don't understand what's wrong with that?

Speaker 6 (05:01):
Go do it back back, Go do it back in
the back, like any sort of He was on the
cereal aisle, and to be open up it would have
been different because cereals not exposed Aaron, you're actually eating.
But any sort of grooming you need to do back
behind the flappy doors. That's what always did mine when
I worked at hobby lobby.

Speaker 10 (05:16):
You go back combing your hair. You're not pulling your
hair out, but.

Speaker 11 (05:20):
Why no, it comes there falls out when every time, yes,
every single time, like my son has to pick his
hair all like every day he has to pick it,
and he picks it in the kitchen and it drives
me crazy because little hair is just fling everywhere, and
I'm like, this.

Speaker 1 (05:35):
Is where we cook, this is where we have food,
this is where we eat. No more.

Speaker 6 (05:39):
Not a bad topic. I just grossed out that morning
by it so much. I didn't bring it up.

Speaker 4 (05:42):
But does it count as of what's wrong with people?

Speaker 6 (05:44):
Yeah? What's wrong with people? What's wrong with people?

Speaker 9 (05:47):
I don't agree?

Speaker 12 (05:48):
Okay, rejected segments.

Speaker 5 (05:53):
It's the best bits of the week with Morgan.

Speaker 6 (05:56):
Number two.

Speaker 4 (05:58):
Listener Kurt called into the show and he wanted to
do you some trivia with Bobby. But the huge zinger
of this whole thing is that he has an autograph
card that he wanted to give Bobby, and then.

Speaker 3 (06:08):
There was money involved.

Speaker 4 (06:09):
It was a whole thing, but pretty cool because Bobby
doesn't normally get to play trivia games, so this allowed
him to. But it was pretty hard. I'm not sure
I would have gotten any of these correct.

Speaker 6 (06:18):
Number six, Let's go to the phones. Kurt, who is
in Virginia. Hey, Kurt, you're on the Bobby Bone Show.
What's going on?

Speaker 13 (06:24):
Look what I heard you earlier talking about your obsession
with your your new thing of collecting autograph cuts, and
how passionate you are about it.

Speaker 6 (06:33):
Yeah, my new hobby.

Speaker 13 (06:34):
So what I wanted to do was I wanted to
offer one to you because I have one I would
like to sell. And it's it's a PSA certified. It's
the real deal. It's a word by Abraham Lincoln from
a letter he wrote.

Speaker 6 (06:47):
Let's go honest now, number talking about honesty, not liar
abe right on the honest one, the president.

Speaker 13 (06:53):
The honesty one from yeah, the eighteen sixties. How much
So well, it's value anywhere between five hundred to one
thousand dollars. So I thought maybe we could make a
deal for seven to fifty in the middle.

Speaker 6 (07:05):
What's the word?

Speaker 13 (07:06):
But I wanted to since you're so good at trivia,
I wanted to try and make it a little more
interesting that possibly I could ask you some questions about presidents,
and for each one you got correct, I wanted to
award you I would take off fifty dollars, But each
one you got wrong, I would like to add fifty dollars.
If we can agree to start at seven hundred and

fifty dollars and move from there.

Speaker 6 (07:29):
The word needs to be something like a really cool
emancipation yeah, or proclamation proclamation.

Speaker 13 (07:35):
Okay, okay, I got you. I don't know what we're
into real estate, but the word is property.

Speaker 8 (07:41):
Okay, okay.

Speaker 6 (07:42):
So here's what I found. I just looked up. There's
an Abraham Lincoln PSA D and a handwritten cut with
two words after and date going for two fifty. I
want to spend seven to fifty bucks.

Speaker 8 (07:53):
On property because it's property.

Speaker 6 (07:54):
Yeah, but this is two words this property.

Speaker 1 (07:58):
Property, that's I mean, I I.

Speaker 6 (08:01):
This is the dumbest argument.

Speaker 11 (08:02):
No, No, I don't know the letter, but imagine if
it's a letter that was written talking about how he
wants all the equal rights to own property.

Speaker 6 (08:10):
Or or people aren't property or people aren't property right,
or what's the letter about? Do you know? Fully?

Speaker 13 (08:17):
No, but a guy tried to sell it on an
auction site and he wanted like twenty five thousand dollars
for the whole letter, and it's signed by Abe Lincoln,
had a great signature on it. He didn't meet his goal,
so he cut up the letter into individual words like
the things you collect and sold them off piece by piece,
and he ended up getting a lot more money.

Speaker 6 (08:37):
I got two words here. I like the value received
for two ninety nine.

Speaker 8 (08:43):
It is property, you guys have to it's I mean,
it really could be as easy as like the cow
on the property.

Speaker 11 (08:48):
No, but it's not not able. No, No, he was
writing important.

Speaker 6 (08:51):
For it, like there's a war on my property.

Speaker 8 (08:56):
And get.

Speaker 6 (09:02):
This. I can't agree before the game to buy it.
But I think we could play the game. But I
just can't start at seven fifty that's way too much.

Speaker 13 (09:11):
About six hundred?

Speaker 8 (09:13):
Deal? You can't say sorry, that was me? That was
involve how many?

Speaker 6 (09:17):
How many trivia? How about four fifty or fifty?

Speaker 1 (09:22):
Don't do that?

Speaker 6 (09:23):
And the game I can buy two words.

Speaker 11 (09:25):
For less but not not good, not property.

Speaker 9 (09:28):
Why are you guys?

Speaker 8 (09:29):
Are you on his side?

Speaker 1 (09:30):
Because we're helping you. It's a better word.

Speaker 6 (09:33):
It's not it is. I can buy the word. What
is this word? The one that's two words? The one?
What's that say? Mike? I don't know apen even right,
very let's just play the game.

Speaker 1 (09:50):
Why do you want to get rid of it?

Speaker 14 (09:51):

Speaker 1 (09:51):
I ask?

Speaker 6 (09:53):

Speaker 13 (09:53):
You may my student at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia,
and I'm going to u use the proceeds to help
pay for her tuition.

Speaker 8 (10:02):
Yeah, bone seed, it's going to a good cost.

Speaker 6 (10:05):
No, No, yes, I will. So how many questions do
I get.

Speaker 13 (10:11):
I'll give you five, and they'll start off easy, and
then they'll get more difficult as we proceed.

Speaker 6 (10:16):
Okay, I tell you what. You're still good. I'll start
it at five hundred, and I'll take the five questions.

Speaker 1 (10:26):
For his daughters.

Speaker 6 (10:27):
I don't know his daughter, and I can't verify it's
not PSA authentic that his daughter's even existed.

Speaker 13 (10:33):
Yeah, but you always say that you take your proceeds
after you make a profit and donate them to a charity.
So this this is kind of like that.

Speaker 6 (10:39):
It's not a charity, and I don't always say that
I have like real business.

Speaker 13 (10:43):
That's why I said kind.

Speaker 8 (10:44):
Of Yeah, children are kind of charity work.

Speaker 6 (10:48):
Let's started at five hundred, and let's say fifty each time.

Speaker 13 (10:53):
For each correct, fifty for each one you get correct,
and then fifty we add for each one you get wrong.

Speaker 6 (11:00):
Yeah, no, I'll do ten dollars I add for each
one I get wrong.

Speaker 15 (11:04):
Where it's too low, I can buy one for two
thirty right here.

Speaker 1 (11:07):
Not as good as property, how property.

Speaker 13 (11:09):
Means Bobby, I looked up your net worth, you can
handle it.

Speaker 6 (11:13):
That's not accurate. And also that's all.

Speaker 1 (11:18):
It's not accurate. They never are.

Speaker 6 (11:19):
That's not accurate. But I hear you, but I go.
My deal is fifty on, but ten wrong, take it
or leave it.

Speaker 13 (11:28):
That's a little low. How about twenty five we add
for each one you get wrong. I negotiate with.

Speaker 6 (11:34):
You about sixty up, but twenty five.

Speaker 13 (11:36):
If I miss it, that's sixty okay, and twenty five
all right, I'll do it, all.

Speaker 6 (11:43):
Right, But these are gonna be crazy. Other question, you
already have the question, so you're not like making up aby.
I'm looking at how many Well, I'm the.

Speaker 13 (11:50):
While I was on hold to get you on the phone.
So they're they're kind of quick, so they're not great.

Speaker 6 (11:56):
But let's let's okay, we're starting at five hundred dollars.

Speaker 8 (11:58):
Five hundred dollars.

Speaker 6 (11:59):
Here we go.

Speaker 13 (11:59):
Question number one, Question number one, and these all pertained
to presidents of the country. Right, So the first question
is four out of the first five presidents were born
in Virginia. I would like for you to name them,
and name them in order.

Speaker 5 (12:16):
You want to go four in a row and in order.

Speaker 8 (12:19):
This is impossible, you know, the first five.

Speaker 6 (12:21):
I hear you, but I'm saying these aren't just hold on,
these aren't just questions. This is like a nine layer cake.
He's like, identify you eat the layer of the cake.

Speaker 8 (12:29):
No, no, no, no. The first five presidents of the United States.

Speaker 6 (12:32):
I hear you, but more of them, trivia question. Go ahead.

Speaker 13 (12:36):
We're out of the first five were born in Virginia.
And I think you got this one.

Speaker 6 (12:40):
So you want all four of them in order.

Speaker 13 (12:43):
We're out of the five.

Speaker 6 (12:44):
Okay, I think I four. I don't. I don't order,
but I can probably do four out of five.

Speaker 13 (12:48):
Okay, let's do it.

Speaker 6 (12:49):
Okay, number one born in Virginia. Born in Virginia, right, yes, sir, Okay,
I'm gonna go Washington.

Speaker 13 (12:58):
Okay, you got it.

Speaker 6 (12:59):
I'm I'm not going to go Adams because I do
not think Adams. So that's that's going to make the
other three of the five Virginias. So if I'm going
to go Washington at one, Jefferson, I think Washington is
born Monroe and Madison outstanding.

Speaker 13 (13:18):
However, Madison served before Monroe.

Speaker 6 (13:21):
I said I wasn't getting an order I said I
wouldn't get aim an order.

Speaker 13 (13:24):
He did say, okay, all right, all right, so you
got that one. So kay, you got that one correct.
So we take off sixty dollars from the five hundred.

Speaker 8 (13:30):
Okay, okay, you're at four forty four sixty.

Speaker 6 (13:33):
I get you. I know, I give you some like
four or five. Okay, but I got off. I got
four of them. Okay, let's go.

Speaker 13 (13:40):
Okay. Abraham Lincoln was the president between eighteen sixty one
and eighteen sixty five. He met his demise. We all
know he was assassinated. The question is who was his
vice president? Who came into office and served after he
was killed?

Speaker 6 (13:56):
Okay, I watched man Hunt. Yeah, we watched Manhunt. That
this one is this one's so easy that it's not
Andrew Jackson, but it's Andrew Johnson. And yeah, he was
just kind of he didn't expect to be president. And
it's kind of like I'm an idiot, But yes.

Speaker 8 (14:14):
We're a three eighties.

Speaker 13 (14:15):
I believe he was also impeached, you know, yeah, he was.

Speaker 1 (14:18):
I believe that.

Speaker 13 (14:18):
And I believe he's also the most unpopular president of
all time.

Speaker 1 (14:22):
I can see that.

Speaker 6 (14:23):
I don't know about that. But that show don't make
it look good.

Speaker 14 (14:25):
All right?

Speaker 6 (14:25):
I got two down, give me another one, all right?

Speaker 13 (14:28):
Yeah, Like I said, they get more difficult. The next
one would be who was the last president to serve
that was born in Virginia? The last president to serve?
Who was born in Virginia?

Speaker 6 (14:41):
No, so, I mean we could be working our way
backward even so, I mean from like now, which is it?

Speaker 11 (14:49):

Speaker 1 (14:49):
No, Obama was born in Hawaii.

Speaker 6 (14:51):
That's what I'm saying. Like that, Reagan was California.

Speaker 1 (14:54):
Yeah, Bushes or Texas.

Speaker 6 (14:57):
Jimmy Carter.

Speaker 1 (15:00):

Speaker 9 (15:01):

Speaker 1 (15:01):
Was he born there or just lived there?

Speaker 6 (15:02):
No? He was born there? Okay, the last president from Virginia.
I think I'm going to miss this one.

Speaker 13 (15:11):
Well I need one.

Speaker 6 (15:13):
I hear you. I am about to spile the phone.
I'm gonna go. I don't know. So I'm just gonna
throw a president out there and say who Herbert Hoover?

Speaker 13 (15:27):
Stay correct? Okay, good guess though, the answer is Woodrow Wilson.
It was one of those Woodrow Wilson. I'm in Stanton, Virginia.

Speaker 6 (15:36):
I give him twenty five bucks back now, okay, we
head back twenty That's a tough one. If they got
harder than this, I'm screwed.

Speaker 8 (15:42):
We're at four hundred and five dollars.

Speaker 13 (15:43):
Okay, go ahead, Okay, Is that is that correct?

Speaker 1 (15:46):

Speaker 13 (15:46):
Because I trust you, I got.

Speaker 8 (15:47):
A calculator, man, Come on, yes, okay.

Speaker 6 (15:49):
They all want me to lose my money, man, so
I don't know why they're all on your side. Go ahead,
all right.

Speaker 13 (15:54):
The next one is Back in the nineteen thirties in America,
the US Treasury issued notes that were high denominations for currency.
We had a five hundred dollars bill that was common.
Who was the president? Who was on the five hundred
dollar bill?

Speaker 6 (16:13):
I know this, you do? Yeah? Why can I to
be quiz Bowl champion? It's McNugget.

Speaker 13 (16:20):
That's William McKinley McNugget.

Speaker 6 (16:23):
Yeah, I think it's William McKinley.

Speaker 13 (16:26):
It is William McKinley. Correct.

Speaker 6 (16:27):
Wow, A lot of reasons. I know that, because I
do I have to word associate every answer with everything. So,
oh my goodness, yeah, William McKinley. That's right.

Speaker 13 (16:35):

Speaker 1 (16:35):
So you were like, you know, five hundred mcknuggy.

Speaker 6 (16:38):
Circle, and the circle where the heads are on is
shaped like a McNugget, so I would remember William McKinley
was on the McNugget.

Speaker 9 (16:43):

Speaker 8 (16:44):
We're back at three point forty.

Speaker 13 (16:45):
Okay, okay, good job on the calculator, thank you. Okay.
After McKinley served as president from eighteen ninety seven to
nineteen oh one, who came into office to succeed him
as president from nineteen oh one to nineteen oh nine,
he served two terms?

Speaker 6 (17:04):
I can do this.

Speaker 13 (17:05):
Who was the president?

Speaker 6 (17:07):
So this is after McKinley at the turn of the
century nineteen oh one.

Speaker 13 (17:12):
Correct, correct, correct, two terms?

Speaker 6 (17:16):
Boy, those eight after Lincoln, those presidents go.

Speaker 13 (17:18):
He's not looking at he's not using Google over there,
He's not.

Speaker 6 (17:22):
No, and I'm not even looking at anything that could
be a screen that allows me to look at anything,
like I'm looking over towards lunchbox's direction because I'm on
camera and lunchboxes stuff. Yeah, So okay, asking nineteen hundred.
So it's either going to be one of two people
and I get them mixed up because they have the

same last name, and then we're related. It's either going
to be old Teddy Roosevelt or the other one, Franklin Delanore.

Speaker 1 (17:55):
This are two different people.

Speaker 6 (17:58):
Whatever Delanna Dell a neo.

Speaker 1 (18:01):
I thought so Franklin fd R. His nickname is not Teddy.

Speaker 8 (18:07):
That's another one.

Speaker 6 (18:08):
I know. It's one of the Roosevelt brothers. I'm gonna
go with. I don't even know, but I think it's
one of the Roosevelts. I'm gonna go with at Theodore.
I'm gonna go with Teddy because it's my first.

Speaker 7 (18:26):

Speaker 13 (18:28):
Wow, I just lost another sixty dollars eight.

Speaker 6 (18:31):
Okay to eighty. So here's what I'm gonna do, double
or nothing if I can't name the president right now,
that's kidding. Okay, now, how much I don't do that?
To eighty, I'll do three p fifty because I'm a
good guy and it's for his daughter.

Speaker 8 (18:47):
It's nice. I wouldn't.

Speaker 6 (18:49):
I know you wouldn't, but you know it's like you
said to Charity, and how is this.

Speaker 3 (18:53):
A good guy?

Speaker 11 (18:53):
When he started at seven point fifty and we knew
it was for the daughter, and it went down because
I won.

Speaker 6 (18:59):
He we negotiated the terms. I ended up missing one
made money and now I'm going you know what, I
won't even take all that I deserve.

Speaker 1 (19:09):
Okay, so we're at three fifty and what.

Speaker 6 (19:11):
No, we're at two eight. You just said fifty, but
I said I would give him three fifty. Oh okay,
if he didn't have to take the deal, he can
actually keep it and we had a good time and
don't worry about it. It's up to you, sir.

Speaker 13 (19:23):
Oh no, you collect them, so I want you to
have it. But I'd like to offer you a bonus question. Yeah,
if if you, if you cared to the three fifty
is a fair offer. I'll give you a bonus question
for one hundred dollars.

Speaker 6 (19:38):
But I'm already down there in like real life for
one hundred dollars off. Yeah, we already gave him. I
already gave him money. On the other side of it, I.

Speaker 13 (19:46):
Think I should have gave you harder questions.

Speaker 8 (19:48):
Are you kidding?

Speaker 1 (19:50):
I mean, you knew them, so how could I mean.

Speaker 6 (19:52):
How was I get you didn't know? I knew McNugget
on the dot. Five hundred dollars bill.

Speaker 13 (19:56):
That was pretty, that was amazing. I didn't think you'd
get that one I had, I had a lady. I
was ready to bank that money.

Speaker 6 (20:02):
Okay, I'll tell you what this one gonna do. Ray
if you get his venmo, Well, we'll put them on
our PayPal whatever it is. You have a conversation off
the air, I don't want to And if he wants
turing a fifty bucks, I'm happy to give it to him.
If not, we had a good time here on the air. Okay,
put them ahole.

Speaker 8 (20:14):
You don't want to do the bonus question?

Speaker 6 (20:16):
No, because I already gave up that money in the giveaway.
Why would I give you even more? Well, no, but
I wouldn't go down to two fifty and be like
then I'd be like, okay, I'll just give you three
to fifty. There's no win there.

Speaker 11 (20:27):
What So you're just giving him three fifty. He doesn't
have to send you the letter.

Speaker 6 (20:31):
No, no, no, no.

Speaker 8 (20:32):
What he's getting the work, you guy?

Speaker 6 (20:33):
The work?

Speaker 8 (20:34):
This is like? Then it turned into a donation.

Speaker 6 (20:37):
We will buy a palette.

Speaker 11 (20:37):
I am clarifying, don't. I'm clarifying.

Speaker 1 (20:41):
You should have it. You should be glad. I'm clarifying.

Speaker 6 (20:43):
You try to give me to seven fifty. Okay, thank you,
presidential trivia.

Speaker 8 (20:47):
That was fine.

Speaker 1 (20:49):
Okay, So he's mailing you.

Speaker 6 (20:50):
I don't know what's happening right, let me know after
we talk. To him privately and I'll do whatever. Thank
you America.

Speaker 8 (20:57):
Rules, Yeah, sure does.

Speaker 6 (20:59):
Thank you. And FDR and Theatore not same person, they're
brothers though. Okay, there you go, goodbye everybody.

Speaker 5 (21:07):
It's the best bits of the week with Morgan. Number two.

Speaker 3 (21:12):
Cole Swindell stopped by the studio this week.

Speaker 4 (21:14):
He was talking all about his proposal to his now
fiance and how he went about asking her dad and
new music of course, which is about his fiance.

Speaker 3 (21:23):
So really good stuff here, a lot of love. It
is just the year of Love in twenty twenty four.

Speaker 5 (21:28):
Number five on The Bobby Bone Show.

Speaker 6 (21:31):
Now Coleswindle, hey doing buddy good.

Speaker 9 (21:34):
Good to be here.

Speaker 6 (21:35):
He always good to see you in this setting. So
a couple of questions I want to ask you that
had nothing to do with your career. Cool, all right, cool, cool,
because I know you're getting married. It's all cool.

Speaker 8 (21:45):
Love it.

Speaker 6 (21:46):
You look happy all that. I just went through that
so like a few years ago. So it's awesome to
see because you and I talked about that so many times.
Show enough for both of us.

Speaker 15 (21:53):
I know you literally I was sitting right there when
you said you got to make it happen.

Speaker 6 (21:57):
It's not just gonna happen. And I don't think you
and I think who knows what I know, But I
don't think like you force anything. I think it came
and you were actually open to it, which was the
hardest thing to do.

Speaker 15 (22:07):
Yeah, it's it's still hard to believe it happened at
the time it did and it was just perfect time.

Speaker 6 (22:13):
How involved are you in the wedding planning process?

Speaker 15 (22:16):
Just saying yes, okay whatever, that's she's doing a lot
of it.

Speaker 6 (22:20):
But where I got in the same right, same where
I got into trouble was I didn't present my availability.
I was just like, well, you're doing it all right?
What I should have done? And my advice to you,
because I just went through this and we're both you know,
we're not twenty two, No, we're both established, it would
be just to say, hey, whenever you need me to

do anything, I'm happy to go anywhere with you.

Speaker 9 (22:44):

Speaker 6 (22:44):
I didn't really do that. Yeah, that's probably u.

Speaker 15 (22:48):
You were right in the middle of it now and
you know I'm there to help when I can, but
I know this is her day.

Speaker 8 (22:53):

Speaker 6 (22:54):
I hear you, though, But I'm just saying, even if
she never uses that. It's just like, hey, I would
when you need me, I would let me know, Yeah,
because then it can never be used against you that
you had nothing to do with it, right, Yeah, Okay,
well that's good advice. How did you propose?

Speaker 15 (23:07):
We were heading to the ACMs last year and I
on the way out of town where the video shoot
for some habits is kind of that was like our
first date kind of deal, and just dawned to me.
I was like, I wanted to do it in Texas,
but I just thought on the way out of town,
we'd stop.

Speaker 9 (23:23):
By where we did the video shoot.

Speaker 15 (23:25):
So that's where I did it, on that little dirt
road we shot the video. And did you record it?

Speaker 14 (23:30):
Record it?

Speaker 15 (23:31):
Yeah? I had my camera go out there, so there's
clips of it. We hadn't really released a lot of it,
but the woods. Yeah, it's somewhere in the field out there.

Speaker 6 (23:39):
Yeah. It was.

Speaker 15 (23:41):
Man, that's the most nervous I've probably ever been in
my life, other than talking to her dad.

Speaker 6 (23:45):
So yeah, it's nerve wracking to ask, even though you
know the answer. It's probably the same way. Like I
was nervous, but I felt like she was gonna say yes.

Speaker 15 (23:54):
Yeah, but I mean, you're just there. And at at
one point I kept repeating myself. I was like, just
ask her, this is getting out of hand here.

Speaker 6 (24:00):
How did dad talk go?

Speaker 14 (24:02):
It was fine, you know in person.

Speaker 15 (24:05):
Yeah, at her house she grew up in. And that
was definitely more nerve wracking than than asking her to
marry me, just because I can't imagine being a dad
and having a daughter. And I don't know that I
would think anybody's good enough for you know so, and
he's just he reminds me a lot of my days.

Speaker 6 (24:21):
Just a great guy. And her whole family.

Speaker 15 (24:24):
I mean, I think, you know, losing both your parents
so young to have a second chance at you know,
a family like that. And I still have my brothers
and some uncles and aunts and stuff, but they are
just I mean, I don't know, it just reminds me
of my family, and uh, that's a big part of
you know, the whole deal, getting to you marry into
a family like that, and I just think it's been
it's just been a blessing.

Speaker 6 (24:43):
That's cool you say that, I don't, you know, have
a mom or a dad and so. But her parents,
my wife's parents, my in laws, they are awesome.

Speaker 9 (24:50):

Speaker 15 (24:50):
I mean that's a big deal. That's a big part
of it, I feel like, and it just they've taken
me in and it's it's like a literally like a
second chance that having something like that.

Speaker 6 (24:58):
So I said on the air line couple weeks like
I never thought I would really love them. I thought
they'd be my wife's parents, like i'd always I love them.
We hear stories.

Speaker 15 (25:05):
I know, it's like it could be that's we're lucky then,
because that is they're great people.

Speaker 6 (25:11):
Did she know you were going to propose?

Speaker 15 (25:14):
I mean, I think she had a clue, but she
thought I was going to do it somewhere else. We
love pine Wood Social that was one of our first
like coffee spots and stuff. So she thought I was
gonna do it there. But I think when she saw me,
you know, wearing some on the bus that I probably wouldn't.

Speaker 6 (25:30):
He's in a tucks today.

Speaker 15 (25:35):
Yeah, I mean, I she didn't know where I was
going to do it or whatever, but I think obviously,
I mean she uh, I had to let her know.
You couldn't just surprise somebody like that and her not
be nails. Yeah, oh yeah, they were done. Yeah, she
she had a clue, but I honestly thought she thought
it was gonna be in Texas anyways.

Speaker 6 (25:52):
So okay, so you brought up a CMS going there.
This is just me asking you because I feel like
I can, yeah if I'm comfortable. Did you get heat
for not thanking her and when you won because you just.

Speaker 8 (26:04):
Proposed and not did?

Speaker 14 (26:05):
I not think?

Speaker 6 (26:06):
No? No, No, I just wonder did anything I didn't?

Speaker 15 (26:09):
I mean those kind of moments, just like the proposals,
Like I'm not used to that situation. You know, I
haven't won many awards, so I mean, I'm sure I
left a lot of people out and no heat.

Speaker 6 (26:20):
I got to be up there. No, no, like, well
you didn't even nothing was said.

Speaker 15 (26:24):
She thought it. She didn't bring that up. She was
letting me, I guess have the moment. We got to
enjoy it together. But now that you bring it up,
I'm better apologized.

Speaker 6 (26:32):
I just think that I wonder because I like I'm
in a time machine, like two years ahead of you,
you know. Okay, one other question about this thing, r
s v P. I never r SVP did anything of
a whole life, Like never, I was like, who cares
r s VP? But when I was having a wedding
and people wouldn't. I'll be like, why are people telling me?

Speaker 8 (26:49):

Speaker 15 (26:50):
I know exactly how you feel like. I'm not feeling
that out. I'm not addressed.

Speaker 6 (26:53):
That's what I would do. Who cares?

Speaker 15 (26:54):
Absolutely, And then when it's you, though, it's it's a
little different. And just to get into that, the invitations
and who you only have so many people, and it's
just like, I don't I don't like hurting people's feelings
and this is gonna be an issue probably and it's
just we're doing a little small thing for the ceremony
than having a reception. But it's, uh, it's already I
don't know. Who do you? You can't send out enough invites.

I feel like everybody deserves to be there that I know,
but it's it's just tough.

Speaker 6 (27:21):
And then the people that you pick to come, when
they don't r s VP, you're like, why it even peak?
Yeah exactly, I could have picked yeah rs VP. They
clicked the steak or the chicken, and now you got
to do both because you won't freaking answer. Okay, that's
all I did. Those were the questions. Absolutely, I've been
waiting to ask you about love.

Speaker 15 (27:36):
Talking about it used to make me uncomfortable because I
didn't have much to talk about. So now it's, uh,
I don't know. I'm just the happiest I've ever been,
and just not just career wise. Now it's uh, there's
more to life than the music, and I'm loving it.

Speaker 6 (27:51):
So I'm gonna play Forever to Me. It's a perfect
way to get into that. So you wrote this book
with a couple of guys, grayl and James and Rocky Block.
It may make sense that this song I played after
because of the situation, the excellent, wonderful situation you're in
now with your life. But is that why you wrote it?

Speaker 14 (28:08):
Yeah, we were.

Speaker 15 (28:08):
I wrote it before the National Championship back in January.

Speaker 6 (28:11):
We were out there.

Speaker 15 (28:12):
I had a show the night before and I was
just telling Gator in there We're about to go to bed,
and they were talking about Courtney and they were like,
we need to do you have a song, you know,
like that for her? I was like, I've written a couple,
but nothing I think is good enough yet. And they
were asking about it and I said, She's Forever to me,
and they both looked at each other and just crazy.

Usually I'm the one that catches something like that, like
that needs to be the song. But I was just
talking and those sometimes that's how the best song starts.
So we ended up writing it almost was we were
almost late to the game, and I told him I
didn't care. We got to finish it. It just was the
lyrics were flowing and it just felt felt special. So
the fact I get to put it out and you
are playing it, man, it's it's a different feeling when

it's you know, personal, like this.

Speaker 5 (28:56):
On the Bobby Bone Show.

Speaker 6 (28:57):
Now, cool swind Now, I want to do some Georgia
trivia with you at your home. It is. It's been
a while, yeah, but it's still your home, my home always.
You know, I dominate Arkansas trivia. I just want to
throw some Georgia at you. Georgia State nickname Peach State.

Speaker 9 (29:14):

Speaker 15 (29:14):
But you're so worried about embarrassing if I don't know
what I'm going to miss one?

Speaker 6 (29:18):
Come on, what's the capital of Georgia?

Speaker 14 (29:20):
Atlanta? Boom?

Speaker 6 (29:21):
Two for two? Wow, there's only six. What famous beverage
was invented in Atlanta in eighteen eighty six?

Speaker 9 (29:27):
Coca Cola?

Speaker 6 (29:28):
Absolutely? Hey, come on, what river forms part of the
eastern boundary of Georgia. He's struggling here. Hoopye, I don't know.
I'm sorry.

Speaker 14 (29:39):
That is a golf club that was thinking golf.

Speaker 6 (29:43):
It is the Savannah River, Savannah that was born in Savannah.

Speaker 9 (29:47):
That's terrible, I know.

Speaker 6 (29:49):
Just send them home out. Let's go to a hoopy river.

Speaker 1 (29:52):
Questions are okay to miss?

Speaker 6 (29:54):
Do you?

Speaker 14 (29:55):

Speaker 8 (29:56):
All right?

Speaker 6 (29:56):
Two left? Let's see how he does. What's the state
tree of Georgia. I didn't even know this was a
specific tree.

Speaker 14 (30:02):
I wish it was a pine tree, but it isn't.

Speaker 6 (30:04):
No, it's it's not just an oak. It's a live
o liva.

Speaker 8 (30:08):
I would have thought Georgia pine.

Speaker 6 (30:10):
See, No, that makes sense. But I don't even think
I know the state tree of Arkansas.

Speaker 1 (30:14):
You don't have the same dead oak.

Speaker 14 (30:17):
That does one tree get to be the tree?

Speaker 11 (30:19):
Also, peaches come from trees, so could it be the
peach tree?

Speaker 6 (30:23):
I mean Peachtree City live oak also my nickname of college.

Speaker 1 (30:26):
I don't know.

Speaker 6 (30:29):
Okay, And finally, if you get this, I will give
you five hundred bucks right here, let's go. He's never
gonna get it, though, I don't know anybody that would
know this unless you're like working for the state or
like in politics. What is Georgia state motto?

Speaker 1 (30:46):
Yeah, that would be like.

Speaker 6 (30:47):
Millions of peaches?

Speaker 8 (30:51):
Can we change it?

Speaker 6 (30:52):
You'll know this is impossible. I don't know what.

Speaker 14 (30:54):
Tell me what is?

Speaker 6 (30:54):
Because I was there's three words wisdom, justice and wisdom,
justice and truth. That's a good guess. Freedom, moderation, moderation.
Who knows that? The other sudden death one was what
school is located in Athens, Georgia? You know that one

located in Athens, Georgia. Who's your list of top five
people you've never met that are still alive you would
like to meet?

Speaker 8 (31:24):
Mm hmm.

Speaker 6 (31:25):
Cole Swindell's here, we're putting him on the spot. You know,
I've never never met George straight Bo. Wow, well that's crazy.

Speaker 14 (31:33):
Tiger's one of.

Speaker 6 (31:34):
The number two.

Speaker 8 (31:37):
Have you met Jordan?

Speaker 14 (31:38):
I have just recently. I didn't get to play golf.

Speaker 15 (31:42):
Think I don't have enough money to share hold with him,
But I did. Yeah, I got to hang out with
him after a round and at his course at the Grove.

Speaker 14 (31:50):
Have you been down there?

Speaker 6 (31:51):
That's why would I go to How would I go
down there? How would I go down there. You and
Colin Kane Brown are the same. Hey man, you've been
done in Tiger's courts? How would I or not Tiger?
But Michael go Back.

Speaker 14 (32:00):
I can do more cool stuff than anybody.

Speaker 6 (32:02):
That's all I fake it, Okay, anybody? Anybody else come
to mind? Ex give me one more. You haven't met that.
I'm trying this tough. In the sports world, specifically, who
would you like to meet? You ever met Del Murphy?

Speaker 14 (32:14):
I'm not.

Speaker 15 (32:14):
I've spoken with him and he sent me a jersey.
But he was one of my heroes. Him and Randy
Travis growing up like different worlds. But Jes Chipper, I
know Chipper, that's a buddy of your yep. But who else?
I don't know. It's tough, I mean in the sports world.
But Will Ferrell i'ld like to.

Speaker 6 (32:32):
The Pope I've never met the post Yeah exactly.

Speaker 14 (32:34):
He didn't want to meet me.

Speaker 5 (32:35):
Exactly on the Bobby Bones Show.

Speaker 6 (32:39):
Now you can check all out on the Win the
Night Tour and get tickets at Clswindelle dot com and
starting May thirtieth in Boston and it runs in a
lot of the cities are our show's in and you're
all over the place. You do a great live show.
You know, I think people should go. So I said that,
thank you. I want people to know they should go
and go to Colswindell dot com to see it. I

have a couple more questions for you. Would you rather
never have a number one again? Or the Braves never
win a world series again?

Speaker 15 (33:06):
Need my career to keep going, so I'm gonna have
to I can't say that either.

Speaker 14 (33:10):
Brains gotta win a world set.

Speaker 6 (33:12):
Okay, that's a good answer. That's just what you say,
because it's really not real.

Speaker 14 (33:16):
I'm doing the game.

Speaker 6 (33:18):
Yeah, there you go. So here you are. It's like
you're like, you're not the kid anymore. We first met
you, you were like the kid. Yeah, now you're like a
real adult. Like is your songwriting you feel like it's
a little more adult like it's not so much just
well no, I think partying up and yeah, absolutely no.

Speaker 15 (33:34):
And I, like I said, I'm just glad that I've
had a chance to be around this long to kind
of grow up in music with my writing and everything.
And I think this phase of life I'm in, I'm
getting to like this next album, you know, I get
sent songs. I'm like that is a huge hit. I
feel like, but I can't pull that off anymore, and
I don't that's not me anymore either. So it's just
I think this next album will be more.

Speaker 6 (33:56):
When is the next album, I don't even know this year.

Speaker 15 (33:58):
I mean probably you know, later this year, but I'm
excited from obviously three feet tall forever to me. People
were like, is this gonna be all tear jerkers or
I'm like, no, We're gonna have some different stuff. But
I just think it's you have to be careful, you
know what you're singing. I want to believe it, and
I want people to, you know, believe what I'm singing
and what I'm writing. So it's just going to be different.
I feel like a little more hopefully mature, and I'm

just glad that I, you know, get to kind of
tell my story through my songs now.

Speaker 6 (34:25):
So do you ever have any songs that you wrote
and you regret you not recording songs that you wrote,
not just songs that you passed over, but somebody but
like you wrote them, and you're like, I.

Speaker 15 (34:34):
I mean, yeah, there's still some that and I know
it probably bothers the writers I wrote them with more
than me. It's like, how do you not record that?
And it's just, you know, there's no really reason. It's
just maybe I didn't give me one fit at the time.

Speaker 6 (34:48):
You're like, you're so proud of it, and you're like, man,
I just I'm gonna pass it on. Oh my gosh,
give me one trying. I mean, I can give you
a couple that I think are good. Tell me, like
I think Belly Currington in Summer Forever song, Oh yeah,
that was a good one. I think you had have
saen that one had been really good.

Speaker 15 (35:04):
Right, And I mean obviously that that other people have recorded.
I think roller Coaster. Roller Coaster would have been that was.
But at that point it was just I couldn't believe
that Luke was recorded. I remember heard it just yeah,
that would be probably yeah, no, me and just me
and Michael carter Man. That was I didn't even know
what we were doing.

Speaker 14 (35:23):
I couldn't.

Speaker 15 (35:23):
I don't think Luke could believe it either, But that
was That's a special one. I but honestly, I can't
say I wish I would have record it because that
I mean, those songs that before I got my record
deal kind of put my name out there and that
ultimately landed me where I am so.

Speaker 6 (35:37):
Ray, if you give me a little bit of a music,
We're gonna throw Cole under the bus. One more game here.
I just like it's fun.

Speaker 8 (35:42):
I can do it.

Speaker 6 (35:44):
Top ten Famous musicians from Georgia Cole. Top ten famous
musicians any format from Georgia. How many can you get?

Speaker 14 (35:53):
Top ten's give me one?

Speaker 6 (35:56):
Give me one?

Speaker 14 (35:58):
Alan Jackson.

Speaker 6 (35:58):
Alan Jackson is a number four. Correct, you're still life.

Speaker 8 (36:01):

Speaker 6 (36:01):
Now when you miss one, you get shout with paintball,
So to be ready. Yeah, you know you don't know
where it's coming from. Go ahead. Famous Otis Redding musicians
at number two Otis Redding.

Speaker 14 (36:12):
Great job, nice, I.

Speaker 6 (36:14):
Did you know that he's from Georgia. Ray Charles Number one,
Ray Charles, Otis come home. There's seven left. Top ten
Famous musicians from George Jason A. Dean Jason al Dean
did not make the list. That strike one. There are
three strikes. There are three strikes in baseball. Don't sit
put it going away? Got away?

Speaker 12 (36:34):

Speaker 6 (36:35):
You got two strikes left?

Speaker 9 (36:36):
Go ahead?

Speaker 6 (36:37):
Yeah I should know this, I know you do it, okay.
Top ten famous musicians artists from Georgia. You got Ray
Charles at one, otis reading it to Alan Jackson at four.
I'd say, thank of your friends.

Speaker 8 (36:51):
That would be a good one.

Speaker 6 (36:52):
Yeah. Is Luke Bryan on Luke Bryan's at five? Oh?
What on earth? Man?

Speaker 14 (36:56):
I'm sorry, Luke.

Speaker 6 (36:57):
Yeah, I just thought I was. Yeah, there are no
there's no trisiar Wood. Where's she from?

Speaker 2 (37:09):

Speaker 6 (37:09):
She's miss that's faith Bill get no two strikes strike to.

Speaker 8 (37:13):
Shoot him, all right? No one more ediot.

Speaker 6 (37:17):
Two of them are rappers.

Speaker 14 (37:19):
Oh oh, can I say Outcast?

Speaker 6 (37:22):
Yeah? Andre three thousand for Outcast on there. No, t
I did not make it, so shoot him all right.
We have James Brown at number three, yeah, Augusta I know,
Zach Brown at number eight. The other rapper was Ludacris
at nine.

Speaker 8 (37:40):

Speaker 6 (37:42):
You have a little Richard and then you have a
number ten. Oh there's another country artist, Travis tret at ten.
Oh yeah, wasn't on there? Eleven Top of eleven though,
and Tricia, I'm good on top eleven. Do congratulations on everything.
Thank you so much, Thank you for having a new song.
That's great. It looks like your personal life is getting

extremely complicated. In the most positive way, and that's what
we're looking for.

Speaker 15 (38:06):
You know, thanks for the advice. So I'm looking forward
to see you y'all next time.

Speaker 6 (38:11):
Yeah, he's already out. Okay, wellbody save the gift that
we're going to give him. He's out of here. There is.

Speaker 2 (38:21):
It's the Best Bits of the Week with Morgan number two.

Speaker 4 (38:28):
The show has ran into a lot of celebrities, not
just in studio, but just in different parts of their
professional careers. So everybody shared the last time they were starstruck.

Speaker 3 (38:37):
And these are some wide variety of stories. You're gonna
really like it.

Speaker 4 (38:40):
And if you would also like more starstruck stories, Amy
and I on the Best Bits last weekend talked about
this similar thing, and we have some fun stories to
share there.

Speaker 3 (38:50):
On part three.

Speaker 5 (38:51):
I believe number.

Speaker 6 (38:52):
Four we're going to talk about the last time you
guys were starstruck. And I say that because I know
we get celebrities in our studio all the time, like
gnennuinely starstruck. There's a story out about Tiffany. She used
to sing I think we're alone now doesn't seem to
be anyone around. And if you don't know it from Tiffany,
you might know it from Full House.

Speaker 8 (39:12):
Did they sing that on her?

Speaker 6 (39:13):
They did, Yes, they did. So she was like with
Michael Jackson, the most starstruck ever was meeting Michael Jackson.
I had just taken bad out of the number one
spot when she had I think we're alone now. And
then she went to the concert that he had nearby
and he was very nice to her. She was like,
I was so starstruck. That's from US magazine. The most

you've been starstruck?

Speaker 11 (39:36):
Amy, I mean, I'm going to use a moment where
I was caught off guard, complete surprise. One is expecting
to see this celebrity. And it was the time I
ran into Reese Witherspoon backstage at something we were doing
here and she just I was walking by a door
and she walked out that door look right in front
of me. It was like a gift, and I was
with a sign. I was starstruck to where I don't know.

I said something stupid like I love everything you do.

Speaker 6 (40:02):
Oh wow nice, something like that. Now my mind might
be playing tricks on me. Here did you tell me that?
At the event? And then we go track her down
and I introduce you to her.

Speaker 11 (40:12):
Maybe you don't get weird I don't remember either, but
that sounds like it could have happened because we just
have a lot of experience.

Speaker 6 (40:18):
I mean it was like I think I saw Resweatherspoon
and I was like, Okay, come on, let's go find her.
And we found her and said Hi, Maybe you just
are blurred out.

Speaker 11 (40:25):
No, I just think sometimes I'm like, oh, that definitely
sounds like that could have happened.

Speaker 1 (40:29):
But isn't it weird? Do you think I would remember
every single detail?

Speaker 8 (40:31):
Well, that's what happens when you get started.

Speaker 6 (40:33):
It's all a blur. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (40:34):
I just know that.

Speaker 11 (40:35):
When she walked out of that door, I was like, oh,
she's like, excuse me.

Speaker 1 (40:38):
I'm like no, no, no, no, excuse me. We're good.

Speaker 6 (40:43):
I ate dinner next to her to restaurant once, really
like right next to her. Yeah, she was sitting right
in the middle table.

Speaker 1 (40:47):
Would she eat?

Speaker 6 (40:48):
I don't know, And I didn't care that much, said
her for nothing. I was her own family time and
she was sitting right like no special place, just the
middle of the restaurant. Yeah, we were. She was eating
a little early, like we were mostly up early. I think
she was a celebrity, so she came a little earlier,
but there was no like preferential seating or anything.

Speaker 8 (41:04):
Oh, I would have been looking the entire time, dude, Yeah,
how do you not She's right there?

Speaker 4 (41:08):

Speaker 6 (41:08):
I just felt like that was her own business. You know,
I don't want to get in that. I don't have
her family time, lunchbox most starstruck.

Speaker 10 (41:14):
Oh it's easy.

Speaker 7 (41:15):
I was at a bar in Austin, Texas, and my
buddy Forrest comes up to me. He's like, dude, I
just saw Johnny Bananas in the bathroom, and I said,
there is no way Johnny Bananas is at a bar
in Austin, Texas. And Forest searched for thirty minutes in
that bar because it's jam packed, found him, came and
got me, and I went up to Johnny Bananas and

all I did was scream at him.

Speaker 6 (41:39):
Well you, before you elaborate, will you tell people who
that is? Because I don't think most people know.

Speaker 7 (41:43):
Who that is Johnny Bananas, real world, key West, you
know him?

Speaker 10 (41:47):
I mean, how can you forget it?

Speaker 6 (41:48):
I didn't until you told me, And now I do
know who he is, and he seems like a pretty
talented guy.

Speaker 7 (41:52):
And then he was on the challenge for many many years,
and he's hosted other things here and there offshoots. But yeah,
so I would up to him, and I thought I
was gonna be so cool, calm collected me, like, dude,
what's up, big fan, Like, let us talk to him?

Speaker 10 (42:06):
And all I did was like, Johnny Bananas like to him.

Speaker 7 (42:11):
Yeah, And then he's sitting there He's like yeah, and
I'm like, Johnny Bananas, what are you doing, Johnny freaking
bananas man? And I didn't ever really have a conversation
with him as more as I just like yelled at him.

Speaker 6 (42:26):
Did you think that would blossom into a friendship though?

Speaker 10 (42:29):
Somehow I did.

Speaker 7 (42:30):
I thought I was gonna play it cool, we'd become friends,
you know, like he'd hit me up like hey, what up?

Speaker 8 (42:35):

Speaker 10 (42:35):
And no, it didn't happen. All I did was scream at.

Speaker 6 (42:38):
Him, and then then you started dming him.

Speaker 7 (42:41):
And then I kind of sent him messages and then
you got told to tell me to back off.

Speaker 6 (42:51):
That true. I didn't want to tell you that.

Speaker 7 (42:53):
Yeah, yeah, so starstruck, Like I mean, because usually you
think starstruck, you just.

Speaker 10 (42:58):
Sit there and stare.

Speaker 6 (42:59):
You just reacted.

Speaker 10 (43:00):
I just reacted, and I couldn't.

Speaker 6 (43:02):
Respect down to respect that Eddie.

Speaker 8 (43:04):
When I worked for the news, they sent me to
a movie premiere. I was just the camera guy. I
was like, I'll just show up, set my camera up,
had no idea what movie it was, who the actors were,
And here came out a limousine, parks right there in
the red carpet, and out comes Johnny freaking Debt And
I was like, this is crazy.

Speaker 6 (43:23):
What do you look like in person?

Speaker 8 (43:24):
Like Johnny Depp?

Speaker 6 (43:25):
Like smaller, bigger, no normal size.

Speaker 8 (43:28):
I remember him being normal size, but his like what
do you call that complexion?

Speaker 6 (43:33):

Speaker 8 (43:33):
It was just like it looked fake, like he looked
like a doll?

Speaker 6 (43:37):
Was he really good looking?

Speaker 8 (43:38):

Speaker 6 (43:39):
I want to go celebrities you see in person and
there's so much better looking in person, even though they're
good looking on camera, but on camera there's just a
higher standard we hold because it's all beautiful people. And
were like, no, they're pretty good looking, but they're in
real life.

Speaker 8 (43:49):
You're like, wow, in real person when you want it's
just like I wanted to reach out and just touch
him because it's like, you know, you see him on
TV and movies like your whole life, and there he
is in front of you.

Speaker 6 (43:57):
I was so starstruck. That's pretty cool. I made a
list when I put the segment together last night. Did
I to turn my list? Yes, I've been lucky enough
to meet a lot of people. I don't really get
starstruck that often, but when I do, I pee a
little okay. Number five Derek Jeter.

Speaker 8 (44:12):
What'd you mean him?

Speaker 6 (44:13):
I did a whole two segments with him on The
Today Show when I host to the Today Show. That's right.
It was bizarre in the way of like I was like,
what body am I in? He was so nice, so cool.
It was Hoda and I and I played it totally cool.
I was like, what's up?

Speaker 8 (44:26):

Speaker 1 (44:28):
Is he the one that would give the baseball in the.

Speaker 8 (44:30):
Basket back in the day, like twenty years before he
was married?

Speaker 10 (44:33):

Speaker 6 (44:33):
Yeah, we thought they got to be a family day.

Speaker 8 (44:36):
How big was he?

Speaker 6 (44:37):
No? Probably like six to one? It mean's my size?

Speaker 8 (44:40):

Speaker 6 (44:40):

Speaker 8 (44:40):
I mean you're six one?

Speaker 6 (44:42):
Yeah? Yeah? And she was And the dress shoes I
had on that day for sure, But Derek Peter and
I was just chilling with him. He was so nice.
That's number five. Number four Steve Young. I saw Steve
Young always Derek Jeter six three, so my.

Speaker 8 (44:55):
Size, Oh yeah, your size okay?

Speaker 6 (44:58):
Uh Steve Young quarterback with nine ers.

Speaker 8 (45:00):
I was there with you.

Speaker 6 (45:01):
We saw him and he was in a group of
people and I was like, oh boy, I don't want
to go and bother him. But I just walked up
and just stood in the group of people and I
was like, yeah, yeah, just kind of jump in and laugh.
And then people started to walk away and I was like, hey,
Steve and Bobby and he goes, oh, so listen to
your show all the time, and I was like, what
where a lot of minor sports people as you can tell.

Five Jeter four, ste beyond number three. Lenny Kravitz.

Speaker 8 (45:27):
I'm not a sports person.

Speaker 6 (45:28):
iHeartRadio Music Festival last year. I've loved Lenny Kravitz. Never
met him. He's like a ghost. Like when who sees
Lenny Kravitz and he shows up. I don't know old.
He is fifty something.

Speaker 1 (45:39):
He did not look he did not look at them.

Speaker 6 (45:43):
He's beautiful and he was so nice. What did he
smell like, do you remember that leather? Yeah, because he
was like wearing leather. He was Krabit is fifty nine
years old. And I just remember thinking this is so
cool and super kind. We did an interview, we talked
for a second, and he left, so there was nothing
like extra there. I was just like wow. Number two
Jim Nance, Hello friends, all right, Bobby golf but NCAA

basketball tournament final? Yeah, with Tony Romo, Yeah, all of it.
So Jim Nance is like. I was like, wow, that's
Jim Nance. And I was with Charles Kelly from Lady
A and he was like you should just go. So
I had a Jim He's super nice.

Speaker 14 (46:19):
I'm like I'm not going.

Speaker 6 (46:20):
Jim Nance is so tall, and I was like, Hi, Jim.

Speaker 1 (46:24):
He's like hi, like so tall, like yellow, the same
hight Jim.

Speaker 6 (46:28):
Jim Nance a big dude. He's like six three so
my hey, okay six three six four hey.

Speaker 8 (46:34):
But when he talks the sounds just like TV.

Speaker 6 (46:37):
And then I saw Jim Nance here in town. He
came up behind me in a golf cart and was like, Bobby,
what's up? And then we talked like fifteen minutes.

Speaker 8 (46:42):
Oh he didn't pull up a go Bobby, what's up?

Speaker 6 (46:44):
Hello? Friends. Jim Nance is pretty awesome. And then number
one can you name it? He was in the studio.

Speaker 1 (46:50):
Oh, John mayerck No.

Speaker 6 (46:53):
Adam Darret's kind of crosy. Oh yeah, never met him.
That was the first time you'd never ever met him? Yeah,
John Mayer and I had a brief like friendship fling,
which one of my favorites. But there was a time
where I was in like California. I would see we
like hang out a little bit, like like a friendship
frame playing.

Speaker 1 (47:09):
Yeah, I don't know that I've ever heard of a
friendship fling.

Speaker 6 (47:11):
It was very brief. We don't do it anymore, but
it was like once I was hosting, uh, I was
hosting a iHeartRadio thing with something, and he was like, Hey,
I'll come over there and say hi. And he came
in and drove over and came in. We talked for
a long time, had nothing to do with the show.
Then he was doing a show and I was in town.
He was like, hey, come to the show. And then.

Speaker 8 (47:30):
What happened.

Speaker 1 (47:31):
We don't even talk anything.

Speaker 6 (47:34):
They fade, no reason to fade. Yeah, I just think
I lost my my favorite It happens by Adam Durretz
number one of the County Crows, because as a kid
and as an adult, my favorite band round here as
almost got Barry Switzer. Oh you coach Dallas cowboyd coach
Arkansas razorback player sat next time in a Southwest flights

that's honorable mention. Yeah, so oh, I love being starstrucks.

Speaker 5 (48:03):
It's the best bits of the week with Morgan.

Speaker 3 (48:06):
Number two, Chase Matthew was in the studio this week.
It was his very first time and so great talking
to him.

Speaker 4 (48:13):
He was sharing all about the beginning of his career
and that moment that he went viral on TikTok and
now opening for Jason Aldan and Luke Bryan and also
fixing cars. Just really really great interview and he's a
really good guy. Like shout out Chase Matthew. I think
y'all will love him. And his song Darlin is great.
It's like a very catchy tune that I put on

often because it goes like, why's.

Speaker 3 (48:36):
He call you Darlin? Why does he call you? Daily?

Speaker 7 (48:40):

Speaker 3 (48:40):
It's very catchy. Here's Chase Matthews on The Bobby Bone Show.

Speaker 2 (48:44):
Number three on The Bobby Bone Show.

Speaker 6 (48:47):
Now, Chase Matthew, you look Chase. You looked like me
if I were like taller and better looking and had
been in the deer stand about four more years, like
totally and younger. But doesn't he kind of look like
like his face look like me with glasses?

Speaker 8 (49:00):
Yeah, he looks like you. Like you all could be brothers?

Speaker 6 (49:02):
Yeah, yeah, like I have. I do have a half brother.

Speaker 1 (49:04):
Looks like him really and your nose is a little similar.

Speaker 9 (49:07):
Yeah, oh wait, he might be my dad.

Speaker 6 (49:09):
Where where did you grow up?

Speaker 9 (49:11):
I could right here in Nashville? Okay?

Speaker 6 (49:14):
And could I be hell to you?

Speaker 9 (49:16):
Twenty six?

Speaker 8 (49:17):
So your parents ever go to Arkansas?

Speaker 6 (49:19):
I could.

Speaker 8 (49:19):
I couldn't be.

Speaker 1 (49:20):
Probably there your mom in particular.

Speaker 6 (49:22):
I could be music. Yeah, that would be too too young.
I'd have to be like seventeen to be his dad.
I guess that could happen. My biological father had me
when I was seventeen. It's a weird conversation. Chase, good
to see it, but see too. Yeah, how tall are you?

Speaker 16 (49:35):
I am six too, but with my lift kid on
probably six five.

Speaker 8 (49:39):
So those are his boots?

Speaker 6 (49:40):

Speaker 9 (49:41):
Yeah, he came in.

Speaker 6 (49:42):
We were doing the show and he came in through
the guest door, which we can see, and he throw
threw his arms up real quick. I thought there was
like a fire or something. He was just happy to
be here.

Speaker 16 (49:48):
Oh hell yeah, I'm glad to be here. This is
so cool. It's a dream come true for real. Thank
you for having me.

Speaker 6 (49:54):
So you grew up in Nashville, sir, So, how most
people to grow up in Nashville have either fan family
that's in the music business because the business is here,
or they don't want anything to do with music. What's
what's your version of that story?

Speaker 16 (50:06):
All right, throw the leg up for this one. So
I come from a musical family. So my mom and
my dad kind of, like, you know, did the whole
music thing.

Speaker 6 (50:15):
What does that mean, did the music thing?

Speaker 16 (50:17):
Dad played Printer's Alley for a few years. My mom
did like Broadway style shows. Patsy Klin impersonations. Cool, she's
a hell of a singer too, and uh so yeah,
and my grandparents, like I grew up in church, playing
in church and stuff. I actually played drums before I
ever like become an artist. So but once I, you know,
started diving into that, I kind of found my own

own lane. I thought that, like I thought every town.
I thought every state had a Nashville, like every state
had a Broadway. And growing up here, you know, you
don't realize what you got at your fingertips. So I
was grateful to be here man, And I know a
lot of people weren't.

Speaker 6 (50:49):
What were you like in high school? What were you
the music kid? When did when did it start to be.

Speaker 9 (50:53):
Musical for you?

Speaker 16 (50:53):
I was a dork. I was a dork in high school.
I had the glasses. I was probably wearing skinny jeans
that were way too tight for me. And why do
you wear glasses because I'm blinders?

Speaker 6 (51:03):
But do you? But but so I can't wear contacts
as my right eye doesn't work, so it wouldn't do
anything for me.

Speaker 9 (51:09):
Yeah, so I tried. I tried. It's actually a funny story.

Speaker 16 (51:13):
The other like probably three weeks ago, I got this
crazy hair because I had to go get some more glasses.
I like to buy like multiple pairs so in case
I break one, you know, I got an extra pair.
Well they were like, you know what you do, like
try contacts for free? Well, last time I tried contacts,
I was like eleven and I couldn't get one out
of my eye, and I like freaked out because I
didn't want anybody touching my eye. Yeah, basically I just

had the same thing happened. But I was twenty six
this time.

Speaker 6 (51:35):
Wait, so you did it? You tried it again?

Speaker 16 (51:37):
Kil Yeah, And I was on the bus we were
headed to a show. I made to pull the whole
bus over to try to get these contacts out of
my eyes, but we finally got them, and uh yeah,
I felt like I felt like my face was bleeding
with but no contacts. Man, I'm keeping these bifocals on.

Speaker 6 (51:51):
So chase this playing our iHeart Country Festival in Austin
on May fourth, playing the Daytime stage, which is a
big deal. Tickets are on selling now a ticketmaster dot com.
And then are you going out with Luke? Are you
went out with Jason?

Speaker 9 (52:04):
Both? Yeah? Both?

Speaker 16 (52:06):
Yeah and first and we yeah, okay, all right, yeah.

Speaker 6 (52:11):
So you're so you're doing shows with both those guys.

Speaker 9 (52:13):
Yeah, yeah, I'm really excited.

Speaker 6 (52:14):
Did you get on those tours? Do you know those guys?

Speaker 9 (52:16):

Speaker 16 (52:16):
I've actually so I met I actually met Jason the
same night I met you at the ACM like after party,
which I know was brief, so I don't know if
you remember it, but but yeah, and I think we
were all probably drinking a little bit too.

Speaker 8 (52:29):
You went to an after party.

Speaker 9 (52:31):
It was like the thing at the ACM.

Speaker 6 (52:33):
I had to walk to. What he's saying is I
walked through an after party so I could get out
and go to bed.

Speaker 9 (52:37):
That sounds yeah, he was getting bugged. That was one
of those people.

Speaker 6 (52:40):
No, No, I wasn't bug but I worked, you know,
it was Garth and Dolly and then I was backstage
doing all the stuff. But to get out you had
to walk through the people. And so that was my
after party walking through.

Speaker 8 (52:51):
He wasn't partying at the after party.

Speaker 9 (52:53):
No, no, I was walking.

Speaker 6 (52:55):
Yeah, for like thirty seconds, I was walking. So I'm
just curious because we Lunchbox had you and interviewed you.
You had talked about the jobs that you had had
prior to doing music full time. When you were working
on cars or you're a mechanic, were you also doing
music like in the evenings and on weekends or did
you just flip over at some point?

Speaker 16 (53:15):
It actually started with like really horrible covers, like you know,
like just how do you name it? But yeah, when
I started working, my job was I was an ATV mechanic.

Speaker 9 (53:26):
So my boss was really cool.

Speaker 16 (53:27):
He kind of like helped me, like loan me money
and let me work it off against my paychecks, you know,
and uh so.

Speaker 6 (53:34):
That while you were doing music?

Speaker 9 (53:35):
Yeah, yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 16 (53:37):
And uh so I've been doing it now, probably full
time for like three years.

Speaker 6 (53:40):
So doing you're still you're still music though.

Speaker 9 (53:43):
Yeah, but full time music.

Speaker 16 (53:44):
So I was still doing my job three years ago
and doing the music thing, so really just working enough
to barely survive off rawmen noodles and pay my rent
my bedroom.

Speaker 9 (53:53):
I was written and put the rest into music.

Speaker 6 (53:55):
What happened? What was a moment or what was the
event that allowed you to quit doing music and actually go,
I'm not music? What allowed you to actually quit being
a mechanic and go I'm just gonna focus on music
because that's a big deal.

Speaker 16 (54:07):
Yeah yeah, So I I wasn't like a big believer
in like social media and like finding your career. I
kind of like, again, growing up in a musical family,
it was always you know, gorilla marketing.

Speaker 9 (54:19):
You had to go out. I had to sell the
tapes and the.

Speaker 16 (54:20):
CDs, and you know, that's kind of like what I
was raised to think. But so I don't really believe
in the social media thing for the longest time. And
I posted a video and because my manager told me,
he's like look, man, dude, like you got to you
gotta post something on TikTok, Like everybody's blowing up on TikTok.
And I did it. I went to work and I
came back home and had like seven hundred and fifty

thousand views, most views I've ever seen on anything. I
liked that, just yeah, boom over like overnight, and all
my friends are calling me like the next day, like dude,
you're going viral. Oh my god, like you know, don't
forget about us, And I'm like, yeah, whatever, it's like
one video. It's gonna go for the songs you do
on It was County Line and wrote that song like
sitting in my bed by myself, by myself and uh

about a real situation. A girl I fell in love
with it was a bartender outside of Nashville, and shout
out to her for the inspiration. It's it's my first
platinum record now, so that's that's cool. We got a
plaque to look at that. And does she know that
she inspired that song?

Speaker 9 (55:17):
Oh yeah, oh yeah?

Speaker 6 (55:18):
Did you want her? Did you want her to know?

Speaker 9 (55:20):
Too many Easter eggs? Yeah?

Speaker 6 (55:21):
It's yeah, not even not even hitting there, just out
there in purple and yellow easter egg.

Speaker 9 (55:26):
Yeah, exactly, Yeah, purple yellow, some camouflage.

Speaker 6 (55:29):
But so when when that blows up, do you go, Okay,
we got to we gotta be precious about doing the
second one, or are you just like screw it. I'm
going in and if some hit and some don't. Whatever.

Speaker 9 (55:37):

Speaker 16 (55:37):
Well, I mean I'd say I had a lot of
songs stacked up because I couldn't really afford the production
like in the studio. And when I partnered with my manager,
he he like really helped me, you know, kind of
get the budget together and we started putting out more songs.
When that blew up, it should like showed that people
were more interested, and you know, we started growing in
an actual fan base rather than just around town fan base,

and so that changed a lot and man to see
like to see the flip the transition of like people
that became die hard fans too because of that song.
They definitely translated into like the next songs too, So
it was really cool. I feel like we built a
fan base early on that was like die.

Speaker 6 (56:20):
Hard, How did you make enough money to support yourself
if you're quitting your full time job to do music,
Because there are just a few videos from TikTok that
have hit.

Speaker 16 (56:28):
Well, that's what's cool, because the songs, the video views
on TikTok translated into real streams. I feel like the
people followed through and which is something that seems really
hard to kind of acquire, you know, like there's a
lot I feel like it's easy to make a video
go viral, but to make a song go viral is
really seems like a tough thing to do.

Speaker 9 (56:46):
And for some.

Speaker 16 (56:47):
Reason, I hit it out of the park the first
time and I don't even you know, play baseball, So
it's crazy.

Speaker 13 (56:54):
You know.

Speaker 6 (56:55):
It's interesting to me just kind of the different skills
that you have because again, you had to like have
a real job until you were able to do music,
which again it's risky to quit a real job to
pursue something in any art because there's nothing in art
that's for sure. Right, Yeah, you're creating and just hoping
that that it stays up. When did you first get
like a look from because you haven't yet a manager,

but like a label or or another artist that reached
out and they were like, dude, that's legit, Like when
did that happen?

Speaker 16 (57:23):
Yeah, So there's an artist by the name of Ryan Upchurch.
He's a local Nashville native and like badass country music,
like country rap artists, and him and my manager partnered
and started a label and like signed me, and that's
kind of where the budget came from to build everything.
Did a few shows with him, finished my contract with

Holler Boy Records, which was that establishment, and then moved
over to Warner So now I have a JV at
Warner and so like that was even more songs getting
released and then came with radio play and everything else too.

Speaker 6 (57:58):
So has it just been wild? Like you can't kind
of believe it's all happened, but at the same time
you can believe because you put it in the work. Yeah, Still,
it all just came from you not even wanting to
post a video. Yeah, it's it is gnarly.

Speaker 16 (58:09):
I mean my manager I'm telling you about is literally
that big dude standing right there inside that window, and
we called him Snap. Everybody knows him as Lloyd, but
Big Snap, and I mean he's been with me since
since day one. He's known me since I was fifteen
sixteen running around in a jeep with no tags in
Nashville and you know, trying to show him demos that
I've written that we're just really bad. But eventually we

figured it out and h we're getting somewhere.

Speaker 6 (58:35):
So if your bus broke down, could you fix it?

Speaker 9 (58:38):
Oh I've done that?

Speaker 11 (58:39):
Yeah, oh yeah, basically fix it himself because he's yeah.

Speaker 9 (58:42):
Like, oh hell yeah, yeah. I got a video.

Speaker 16 (58:45):
I could probably find it if you wanted me to
show you. I was up underneath. So we bought I
bought my first bus. I believe like ownership is the
only ship, right, so at least a bus for a
long time. And I was like, this just doesn't make
sense financially to me for how much we to And
so I bought a bus and the first run that
we took it out on of we made I think

we went to like New York and then we like
made it all the way up there, did three shows
on the way all the way up, and I was like, Lord,
if we make it all the way to New York
with no issues, I'll be fine. If we have issues
on the way back, fine, you know that's fine. I
think it was like four to twenty like last year,
and so you know it comes with four twenty and
so we had just sparked up in the back of
the bus. The next thing I know, there was problems happening.

So I'm underneath the bus trying to figure that out,
and like three o'clock in the morning, off an exit ramp.
Our air system so the bus has like a self
leveling air system, and it has like a little like
a little bubble like you would see like on a
level when if you're building something. And the whole driver's
side of the bus, the front was just like ducking

like it would not air up, and you have to
be aired up to go down the road because if
you're not, then you're just right on bump stops. And
we could air it up for long enough that I
could get under it. And so they aired it up
on the side of the road and then cut the
bus off, like bus off really fast.

Speaker 9 (01:00:04):
I crawled up under there before aired down.

Speaker 16 (01:00:06):
So I'm under the bus while it's aired down, like
the cross members like just like like right on here,
and I'm and again we're sitting on an exit ramp.

Speaker 6 (01:00:12):
Like every part of this feels dangerous. By the way,
Oh yeah, exit ram, yeah, bus reach me.

Speaker 9 (01:00:16):
I mean I was ready.

Speaker 16 (01:00:17):
I was ready to die if I had to I
was right with the Lord at that point, but they
cut it off. I found the air leak. I literally
like popped it off, cut the piece off of the
It was kind of I don't know what kind of
air hos it is. It's kind of like picks, but
like popped it off, cut it off, put it back in,
and it was fine until we got back to Nashville.
Put some duct tape around it. Literally like something you
would see some Joe dirt.

Speaker 6 (01:00:39):
I can do nothing like that. I don't know. I
have no skill at all. That's has a parallel like none.

Speaker 9 (01:00:45):
Four Boys got poor boy ways man.

Speaker 16 (01:00:46):
We've had a lot of Chinese four wheelers and broken
uh broken lawnmowers.

Speaker 9 (01:00:50):
That we had to fix over the days.

Speaker 6 (01:00:51):
So we have no Yeah, you're extremely at a level
of masculinity that I know.

Speaker 16 (01:00:57):
I'm older than you have masculinity. Yeah, dude, that's like
thank you. That's I'll take that. Tattoos and in the gym,
so I'll take that.

Speaker 9 (01:01:06):
It feels good.

Speaker 6 (01:01:07):
We're gonna play Love You Again. So, I don't know
you wrote this with Casey Brown Taylor Phillips. Yeah, the
song's doing really well. It's I mean, it's really starting
to pick up on a different like mainstream level, like
a bigger audience is hearing it every day. So I
don't know when you write this song, were you pursuing
any type of like we're gonna writ up, We're gona
run mid, We're gon run up, or rid sads? Like

how did this come out?

Speaker 16 (01:01:29):
I'd say it was It was a day where it
was actually the first time me and Taylor Phillips had
wrote and we walked into the room he kind of
was like, had this this like melody and we just
laid it down and like wrote the whole song literally
no Joe, like twenty minutes and wrote it, recorded the
demo right there, and mainly the demo is what became
the record, and so it was just fell out. Yeah,

we basically just mixed and mastered it. Austin Sean did
a little bit of tweaking on it and and took
it all the way to radio and that's crazy to
even say, but yeah, it came out fast and we
jammed it. I mean, I think we played it probably
one hundred times the first day when we left with it,
and just knew that like there was something special about
that one.

Speaker 5 (01:02:11):
On the Bobby Bones Show now Chase Matthew, which is.

Speaker 6 (01:02:14):
So interesting, Like I have a Bronco and it's a
seventy three. Oh yeah, it's the cool body style one
of the last year's. Yeah, it won't start, and so
I gave up. I haven't even been back to it.

Speaker 9 (01:02:27):
I mean, does it do anything when you hit the key?

Speaker 6 (01:02:29):
The first time it went and the second time it
went like half of what it does?

Speaker 9 (01:02:34):
Dead or yeah?

Speaker 6 (01:02:35):
Well, I don't know. I was just sitting there and
sounds like it's trying to turn over. If you come back,
I'm leaning to die. I'm never to going back to
it again. It's broken forever. Yeah, But so I need you.
I need your assistance because Ray has a truck and
it leaks oil and he gets messages from our building
going whoever drives the suv that has an oil spill? Stop?

So Ray, what, here's your truck two thousand and five,
and it's a what trailblazer?

Speaker 12 (01:03:03):
Chevy trail Blazer. They don't even really make them anymore.
I mean it kind of went out about five years ago.

Speaker 9 (01:03:07):
I think, yeah, the you said it five?

Speaker 10 (01:03:10):

Speaker 9 (01:03:10):
Is it a six cylinder?

Speaker 10 (01:03:12):

Speaker 12 (01:03:12):
You know, it's actually four and I got it murdered
out though you went down.

Speaker 6 (01:03:15):
You made it sound like it's any more. He was like, no, man,
it's actually four yeah, tricky, I don't know, Ricky, we
like that.

Speaker 16 (01:03:20):
I don't know they put four cylinders in those. I
thought it was a probably like a forty two.

Speaker 12 (01:03:24):
You're right, supercharge is like seven cylinders right?

Speaker 8 (01:03:27):

Speaker 9 (01:03:28):
Oh my god, it went on.

Speaker 6 (01:03:29):
I don't think that one exists.

Speaker 9 (01:03:30):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I think I think that one. Yeah,
that's uh yeah four seven?

Speaker 6 (01:03:35):
So when when when like his oil is leaking out
of his truck?

Speaker 9 (01:03:39):

Speaker 6 (01:03:40):
What what probably is that? If you were just guessing
but not even looking at.

Speaker 16 (01:03:44):
Yeah, I mean it's got some kind of orifice that
it's coming out as a hole somewhere.

Speaker 9 (01:03:48):

Speaker 16 (01:03:48):
Probably, I mean it's probably some gaskets or something. Who knows,
it could be valvec or gas.

Speaker 12 (01:03:52):
You think it's connected to like the wipers because the
windshill wipers the actual motors haven't worked in about five years.

Speaker 9 (01:03:59):
There's a fused or something.

Speaker 6 (01:04:01):
Yeah, when your wifers are brook.

Speaker 12 (01:04:02):
Right well, and then also with the locks on the door,
So the only way I can do it, none of
the locks if I put my key in it.

Speaker 6 (01:04:07):
There's no actual lock in the door.

Speaker 9 (01:04:09):
Oh that's a pain in the wait.

Speaker 6 (01:04:10):
But is there a thing to put your key? No?

Speaker 12 (01:04:13):
Oh, so that whole thing that it's it's out, it's
in there, but when you put it in it like
the want unlock the car. So there's no way to
lock my car.

Speaker 8 (01:04:19):
Oh wow, Well that you just told her on that.
That's awesome.

Speaker 6 (01:04:21):
But I think they'll see all seven soldiers think.

Speaker 11 (01:04:27):
Ray says his blazer is murdered out. It's just a
black blazer.

Speaker 6 (01:04:32):
It's literally black.

Speaker 11 (01:04:33):
There's no black friends, there's no like the tires are black,
but everybody's are and black paint.

Speaker 6 (01:04:39):
Are you still like a car? Do you are sure
a car guy? Do you still love cars? Oh?

Speaker 16 (01:04:42):
Yeah, yeah, I've got a I've got a cool collection
that I've kind of acquired over the years. Most of
them are like sentimental and have like a story behind them.
And that's why, you know, I don't really just like
go buy cars because I think they look cool. But
most of the time, like you know, I feel like
a build a relationship with them where they have a
reason they wear in a music video or vice versa,
something like that.

Speaker 6 (01:04:59):
Do you have somebody that you trust that we could
send rate like you're the guy that was your boss.
It is that who it is. But just somebody that
you would trust that we could send raised truck to
and they count like fix the little stuff.

Speaker 16 (01:05:12):
Yeah, but I mean if it's just little stuff, I
mean I could. I mean even if it's an engine,
I could do it. I mean I feel like that's hey,
bring it over. I'm like twenty minutes from Hey, Well you.

Speaker 6 (01:05:22):
Let him have your truck.

Speaker 9 (01:05:24):
Absolutely, I'm serious.

Speaker 6 (01:05:25):
I'll do it, dude.

Speaker 12 (01:05:26):
Get those window wipers rocking before the next rainstorm comes.

Speaker 6 (01:05:30):
My favorite thought the oil leak was because the winch wipe.

Speaker 16 (01:05:33):
That's great. Yeah, because I had seven cylinders. Yeah, it's phenomenal.

Speaker 6 (01:05:38):
So let's do that and that'd be fun. We'll make
some content out of it.

Speaker 8 (01:05:41):
Okay, does the Chase have time for this?

Speaker 16 (01:05:46):
Not really, but I'll make tom. I'll make time.

Speaker 6 (01:05:49):
I think.

Speaker 9 (01:05:49):
I think it's cool. That's cool.

Speaker 16 (01:05:50):
I mean I hate that, it's I hate uh, I
hate those trailblazers.

Speaker 9 (01:05:55):
But I'll fix it. Yeah, we can make that happen.

Speaker 6 (01:05:58):
You could do that, and you should have them signed
the back. Yeah, for sure, you already got bumper cigarets.
But I just like.

Speaker 16 (01:06:03):
Wrap it, like wrap whole thing in your face, like
a thousand times.

Speaker 6 (01:06:06):
All raised face.

Speaker 9 (01:06:08):
Just bring it back.

Speaker 1 (01:06:10):
You know how to wrap a car.

Speaker 16 (01:06:11):
I've never wrapped a car, but I mean, it's sure.
It's just vinyl and a gun. Really, Yeah, cylinders.

Speaker 6 (01:06:18):
Nine takes nine celders throw that gun.

Speaker 11 (01:06:19):
Thoughts when you say it, it doesn't sound the same.

Speaker 8 (01:06:24):
But yeah, taste knows. He sounds like he knows what
he's talking about.

Speaker 6 (01:06:27):
Yeah, I don't. I'm actually clueless.

Speaker 11 (01:06:29):
I know the thing is, though you I feel like
y'all grew up. Well, he said you you grew up.

Speaker 6 (01:06:34):
He grew up a car. I'm not sure what his animal.
I can clean animal pretty quick, Okay, I don't know
if you can. Don't know what.

Speaker 14 (01:06:39):
I don't know.

Speaker 6 (01:06:40):
Everybody, all poor people will raised differently.

Speaker 9 (01:06:41):
Right. Yeah, I'm not a big hunter.

Speaker 16 (01:06:44):
I mean I've been hunting many times, but I'm not
a big So that's what it is.

Speaker 1 (01:06:48):
You can clean an animal, Yeah he could?

Speaker 6 (01:06:51):
Yeah, Oh yeah, yeah, no problem. Okay, look, when he
gets time, we should actually let him do this.

Speaker 12 (01:07:01):
Yeah, and passenger side door to it doesn't close, so
I'm making my numb.

Speaker 9 (01:07:07):
My Amazon order's been it long right now.

Speaker 6 (01:07:09):
Chase Matthews here our straight talk wireless question. So, as
your career continues to grow, like who tells it to
you straight? Like who if it's new music, if it's
hey man, maybe you shouldn't.

Speaker 16 (01:07:20):
Put that song, Hey, Chase, this sucks kind of thing,
basically like who gives you the straight talk? Yeah, well,
shout out straight talk because I think I still have
a straight talk phone. That person's probably like my managers.
And then when they tell me it sucks, I like,
I love to argue about how it doesn't suck, but yeah,
I trust their opinion.

Speaker 9 (01:07:41):
Trust their opinion.

Speaker 16 (01:07:41):
And sometimes I'll send it to like other like my
producer friends or something like a song, and be like,
what do you think you know? And then they'll either
tell me if it sucks, and then I know it
really sucks.

Speaker 6 (01:07:50):
The great thing about having somebody that you trust to
tell you that something isn't great is that when they
tell you that something is really good, you can trust them.

Speaker 9 (01:07:58):

Speaker 6 (01:07:58):
Because there's a point when you start to have success
where everybody just wants to be around you or be
connected to your success or a yes man. Yeah, And
so everything's awesome. But it's the people that will be like, hey,
I don't think this is your best work. That maybe
that's a value or maybe not at that point. But
you know that when they say hey, this is good,
you can trust that because they're also not afraid to say, hey,

that's not good.

Speaker 9 (01:08:20):
Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 16 (01:08:20):
You need to surround yourself with those people in your life.
If everyone's telling you yes, then they're lying to you
unless it.

Speaker 6 (01:08:25):
Was really good.

Speaker 16 (01:08:27):
Unless you're just or the size of your manager slash bodyguard.
Unless you're him Heimothy, you're just Himothy.

Speaker 6 (01:08:33):
How big is that?

Speaker 9 (01:08:34):
Dude? He's big?

Speaker 8 (01:08:36):

Speaker 6 (01:08:36):
What's up, buddy?

Speaker 9 (01:08:37):
Hey, he's he's I'm proud of him. Man.

Speaker 16 (01:08:39):
That man shaved like one hundred pounds this year already.
I'm at height more than anything, like six four.

Speaker 9 (01:08:44):

Speaker 6 (01:08:45):
Like he could lift up the bus and you just get.

Speaker 16 (01:08:47):
He could probably lift the airplane up and take it
to Bahamas. He just got back from Mexico like two
days ago and didn't take me with him.

Speaker 6 (01:08:53):
I'm mad, Chase, dude, it's really cool to see you know,
what's been happening and how you've been growing it, but
also you know, like creating a lot of this yourself.
Thank you like doing it your own way. That's really cool.
You guys. Chase Matthew dot Com if you want to see,
because he's doing the Loop Tour and the Al Dean
Tour and he's doing shows and he's playing the iHeart
Country the Daytime Village. So come out because it'll be

chasing Riley Green and Walker Hayes, Ashley Cook, Chris Lane.
We'll see in Austin. That'll be super cool. And I
don't know, man, congratulations, thank you. It's it's the first
of many times will hang out in here.

Speaker 9 (01:09:27):
I love that.

Speaker 6 (01:09:28):
And anything else, guys.

Speaker 16 (01:09:30):
I'll say something. I just want to say that this
is really cool for me.

Speaker 6 (01:09:34):
Well, thanks man.

Speaker 16 (01:09:35):
And if there's anybody listening, if we add this into here,
I just want to say to anybody listening, believe in yourself,
chase your dreams. Because I used to sit in that
garage working on ATV's listening to this on the radio.
So this is really cool to like, thanks man, you know,
come to work early and then listen to you guys
and then like see myself here.

Speaker 6 (01:09:54):

Speaker 16 (01:09:54):
It's just it's it goes to show God's really and
he's got a plan and you gotta trust it.

Speaker 6 (01:09:58):
So I love that too, bus the whole thing, Like
he's inspiring himself. But you guys, when he's like I listened.

Speaker 1 (01:10:09):
It's real, no, and I like it. Chase is reminding
us to chase.

Speaker 9 (01:10:16):
Uh this one? Wait which one left?

Speaker 6 (01:10:21):
Arm? Forearm? Three words? No other side back here right there?

Speaker 16 (01:10:26):
Oh this born for this? Yeah, that's like my kind
of my life story. It's a long story, but born
for This is like my slogan. You know, you're we're
all born for something. We're all born to chase our dreams.
And and uh it's also the title track for my
first full length album, and uh it's something my dad
told me. I auditioned to go to Nashville School Arts,

which I've never told anybody this, but I have just
never said National School Arts. But I audition to go
to National School Arts out of middle school. And it
was like, I don't know what was up with the
teacher that day, but he was just having a bad day.

Speaker 9 (01:11:00):

Speaker 16 (01:11:00):
To be as young as I was, you know, certain
words kind of hit you a little different, and he
was just having a bad day, I guess, and he
was just like, yeah, you're not good enough. Man, like
you're wasting my time kind of thing. And so me
and my dad sat at the Sonic and in his
beat up old Dodge caravan with no ac it just
hot as hell to start of summer, and he told me,

he's like, son, you're born for this, Like, don't listen
to what that guy has to say, and that for
some reason stuck with me for so long, and it's
become my slogan. It's become my saying. It's become our
kind of our for lack of better words, are, it's
what we live by. And a lot of my diehard
fans and like really cool supporters, they all have the

Born for this tattoo, and most of the time it's
my handwriting, and it's it's just really cool. It's Isaiah
fifty four to seventeen. No weapon formed against me shall prosper.
That's kind of the backstory too as well of what
we ride with on that because Born for this. You'd
have to watch the music video for Born for this
to understand. But yeah, I bought I when I got

my first music check, I went and bought my dad's
old car back for him back in twenty seventeen. He
lost it. In a divorce. I feel like I'm rambling.
I'm sorry, we have time to cut you off. Don Okay. Yeah, so, uh,
twenty seventeen was like a tough year for me in
my life. And not to get like sappy. I'm not
that guy. I don't want anyone feeling bad for me.
But my dad went through a lot that year. I

did too. I lost my best friend a couple other things.
But he, Uh, my dad had this car since he
was nineteen years old and it's an old sixty five
plymous satellite. He brought it down to Tennessee from New Mexico.
We always had dreams like fixing it up. Grew up
watching automotive shows and restoration shows. And when he got
his divorce, he kind of had to sell it, and

I sold it for him because he was out of town.
And watching that car leave on a rollback was really
emotional because we had all these dreams of fixing it up.

Speaker 9 (01:12:52):
And so.

Speaker 16 (01:12:55):
When my manager told me, he's like, man, you're gonna
get your first music check, you know, I think it's
time you can let your boss know you you won't
be showing up to work as often. I bought my
dad's old car back. I went through like months of
trying to track it down and I found it and
we documented the whole thing and film the whole thing
and put it on YouTube in the music video for

Born for this. So there's tons of footage of like
my childhood, like riding motorcycles at like the age of six,
and like just being a gearhead my whole life, and
like always having a musical instrument around me or close
to me or in my hands, and even like me
at three years old getting my first guitar and then
at the end surprise of my dad with his car,
and it's just emotional.

Speaker 9 (01:13:36):
We're fixing it up now. It's sitting in my shop
at the house.

Speaker 6 (01:13:38):
I mean that's a headliner. I mean, that's it's closer
right there. The stories like oh, I'm not rambling, and
we're like, please talk more.

Speaker 8 (01:13:43):
It's awesome.

Speaker 6 (01:13:43):
Okay, it's a great story. That's an awesome story. Chase, I'll
talk to my book to youth fall out. Well, you
keep talking, I'm gonna go to that. But listen, Chase Matthew,
you guys follow them.

Speaker 9 (01:13:51):
I am.

Speaker 6 (01:13:52):
I am Chase Matthew. iHeart Country Fest, Daytime Stage. I'll
see you there. It'd be awesome.

Speaker 9 (01:13:56):

Speaker 6 (01:13:57):
I'm rooting for you. You don't need my rooting. You're
killing it by yourself. But thanks for coming in and
thank you and hanging out man and Ray. Yeah, sometimes
you know how this is, like, Oh, we'll hang out,
or we'll go to dinner, or we'll fix your car.
I don't know if he's really gonna do it once
we leave, but it was a fun talk, right, Sorry, dude,
you're back in the garage, man, you get a car?

Speaker 9 (01:14:13):
Yeah, no, I'm in there.

Speaker 16 (01:14:14):
I'm in there every day of the week like that
I'm at home, so I enjoy it. It's actually like
my my thing to do. But I mean it like
you got my word and one man of my word.
So all right, don't make me put a motor in
that thing, dude, Like in a week can be hard.

Speaker 6 (01:14:26):
It's cut off. I don't even know the thing. The
hoods cut up and there's a big one that comes
one of those engines. Flames are coming out of it.

Speaker 9 (01:14:32):
Got a turbo LS hanging out there?

Speaker 6 (01:14:34):
Know what that means. It's funny. I got tub about
the funny reference, but I know nothing about cars.

Speaker 9 (01:14:38):
So turbo ls just one forge internals.

Speaker 6 (01:14:42):
That's hilarious. I have no idea, but I'll look at all.

Speaker 9 (01:14:44):
That built turbo four hundred four hundred. That's a good yea,
that's a good one.

Speaker 6 (01:14:47):
Chase, Matthew, Chase, Chase.

Speaker 2 (01:14:53):
It's the best bits of the week with Morgan. Number two,
so Lunchbox.

Speaker 4 (01:15:03):
Wants the show to now do staggered bathroom breaks. And
it's as weird as it sounds and just idiotic and ridiculous.
That's all I'm gonna say, because I will get mad again.

Speaker 6 (01:15:15):
Number two, Lunchbox wants to suggest a new rule for
all of us here in the studio, the guy who
does not like rules himself. I like to suggest a
new rule. The microphone is yours.

Speaker 7 (01:15:26):
Yeah, I want to do staggered bathroom breaks. It's getting
awkward when we go to the bathroom and the women
go to.

Speaker 10 (01:15:33):
The bathroom because those walls are so thin.

Speaker 7 (01:15:35):
And the other day Morgan and Amy went into the
bathroom and I could hear the urine as I was
standing at the urinal through the wall, and I was like,
this is so awkward, my goodness, and so weird, and
I'm like, whoever designed the walls? Soapdin a needs to
be fired. B. We had to make it where the
women go in, they do their thing, and they come out.
Then the guys can go in their bathroom and do
the thing. Because I was just like, oh my gosh,

get me out of here, Get me out of here,
get me out of here. And I can't unhear it.

Speaker 10 (01:15:59):
I can't unheer.

Speaker 6 (01:16:00):
So you're still hearing it now, Yeah, I'm still hearing it.

Speaker 1 (01:16:02):
You've never heard someone p before?

Speaker 10 (01:16:04):
No, No, I've heard someone pee, But it's just weird.

Speaker 1 (01:16:07):
Weird, right am I?

Speaker 6 (01:16:10):

Speaker 11 (01:16:10):

Speaker 8 (01:16:11):
I mean I've never heard that, but yeah, that would
be weird if I heard it. Yeah, it's weird, weird.

Speaker 10 (01:16:15):
I'm sitting there at the Journal and I hear Morgan
if I was.

Speaker 6 (01:16:18):
One of list, No, I don't you think it was Amy?

Speaker 10 (01:16:23):
It was Amy because I was just trying to protect.

Speaker 1 (01:16:25):
Her, So you're trying to protect me.

Speaker 6 (01:16:28):
I'm saying, if you they were both in there, Morgan
went really in there.

Speaker 1 (01:16:30):
Okay, and I were in there together.

Speaker 7 (01:16:33):
At some point, yes, But this time when I heard it,
it was what I have heard is the toilet paper roll,
Like I've heard that before.

Speaker 6 (01:16:41):
It's weird.

Speaker 4 (01:16:43):
That weird every time. Okay, this is maybe can you
hear them p because I can't hear them.

Speaker 6 (01:16:52):
Well, the hin doesn't have a correct.

Speaker 10 (01:16:55):
That's the problem is you're you're you're so far up
you're hearing it.

Speaker 6 (01:16:58):
Like, but what if you were to hear it, dude
peeing in the like the regular stand up toilet in
the back of the bathroom.

Speaker 10 (01:17:05):
That's it's different. That's fine, it's different.

Speaker 1 (01:17:08):
Okay, Well, I have no problem with this. We need
to grow up.

Speaker 6 (01:17:11):
Like, so, do we need to rule change stagger bathrooms? No?

Speaker 8 (01:17:16):
I mean I wouldn't mind it now that he brings
it up. I do remember hearing the toilet paper roll
come out and like and then we go like, oh
my gosh, I feel like I'm in the bathroom with them, exactly.

Speaker 7 (01:17:27):
This is weird, Like I'm in them and I shouldn't
be like, get out.

Speaker 1 (01:17:31):
Like this is weird exactly. Know, it's weird that this
is a conversation.

Speaker 6 (01:17:36):
I s would have never even thought that that would
be a factor. Ever, Hey, Scuba Steve, what do you
think about this? Our executive producers is awkward. It doesn't
bother me at all, But what do you think about
them wanting to change a rule to have staggered bathroom
breaks because they feel offended.

Speaker 8 (01:17:50):
I feel like then that becomes inefficient for what we're
doing here, because we do it at the same time
so we can come back at the same time and
keep working.

Speaker 11 (01:17:55):
But also it's like you're telling me we need to
sca stagger bathrooms because a little boys over here can't
listen to a girl pee.

Speaker 6 (01:18:01):
That's another thing too, it's a little imature, so immature,
feel like your rights have been a French time.

Speaker 10 (01:18:06):
Yeah, I may have to hit up, like at home,
do you have a problem like hearing bathroom?

Speaker 6 (01:18:10):

Speaker 7 (01:18:10):
I don't see my wife go pee ever ever, ever,
but like you like I in there when she's going.

Speaker 1 (01:18:15):
Pe, you've never heard You've never heard your wife?

Speaker 7 (01:18:18):
I know I'm saying I have, but I don't like it,
That's what I'm saying. I try to avoid it at
all costs so I don't need to bring it to
work where I'm hearing you pe bring.

Speaker 6 (01:18:25):
It to work? I feel like, what do you bring
to work?

Speaker 10 (01:18:29):
You know I'm saying.

Speaker 7 (01:18:29):
If I hear my wife p at home, I'm run out,
Like I'm I try to aboid it out of the house.

Speaker 11 (01:18:34):
Okay, what if you and the guys are in the
bathrooms the same time and y'all pee at the same time.

Speaker 10 (01:18:38):

Speaker 6 (01:18:38):
How is that?

Speaker 1 (01:18:39):
Is it different?

Speaker 8 (01:18:40):
Yeah, it's just weird.

Speaker 11 (01:18:40):
I feel like now I should go to HR like
this feels weird.

Speaker 6 (01:18:44):
Everybody, let's go to HR gosh and let them make
the decision.

Speaker 8 (01:18:47):
Scuba, have you ever heard it?

Speaker 6 (01:18:49):
Yeah, but it doesn't bother me, Like like my wife
and I have gone bathroom myself here in the office. Yeah,
it doesn't bother me.

Speaker 8 (01:18:55):
I've heard Amy and Abby and Morgan, people who work
out the other the girls. Did you guys know that?
Did you know that? We can hear you.

Speaker 3 (01:19:02):
It doesn't bother.

Speaker 8 (01:19:05):
Starting right, like one time I heard the toilet paper
go over and over and over, like I knew it
was one of those days.

Speaker 1 (01:19:15):
No, that's not what that means.

Speaker 5 (01:19:17):
Whatever, that doesn't stop.

Speaker 6 (01:19:20):
That's too far, too far. I hate it.

Speaker 1 (01:19:22):
It's ridiculous HR.

Speaker 11 (01:19:24):
And also that's not whatever. I honestly can't believe this is.

Speaker 6 (01:19:31):
I didn't even know it was like something people were
scared of, Like I didn't even't think about it until
you brought it up. But I've never heard anything to
the wall in the bathroom, although I don't really leave
the studio down, so I can't never go again. Well
you have a solution, okay, but keep it. Keep it.

Speaker 11 (01:19:45):
The solution is.

Speaker 1 (01:19:48):
We all go to the bathroom the same time. It
is what it is, and you'll.

Speaker 6 (01:19:50):
Grow up this solution.

Speaker 1 (01:19:54):
Grow up.

Speaker 6 (01:19:55):
I like your solution, but I'd like to hear everybody out,
Eddie more practical.

Speaker 8 (01:19:58):
Can we do a bluetooth speaker in there with me?
Music maybe, like sounds of like nature or something to
drown out that.

Speaker 1 (01:20:03):
Sound, because y'all don't like the sound of a female.

Speaker 6 (01:20:06):
Your phone in front of you.

Speaker 8 (01:20:07):
It's not a female, what is it? It's just you.

Speaker 1 (01:20:11):
It didn't matter.

Speaker 8 (01:20:13):
It's you, guys. It's weird, man.

Speaker 6 (01:20:16):
So Eddie phone the music of your phone. Okay, that's
as practical as it gets.

Speaker 1 (01:20:22):
Now we should feel insecure. I'm not going to. But
they're making us like.

Speaker 8 (01:20:29):
If you were in there and you heard lunchbox going.

Speaker 1 (01:20:32):
But I don't know what we do. But that's not
what we're talking about here.

Speaker 11 (01:20:37):
It's a different Why is it escalated to that when
it's lunch Whatever.

Speaker 6 (01:20:41):
You think is gross, regardless of what it is. If
that was happening and you heard it?

Speaker 1 (01:20:46):
What did he bother No, I'm not bothered by it.

Speaker 6 (01:20:48):
I'm not either. I'm not not here.

Speaker 8 (01:20:50):
You haven't heard it.

Speaker 6 (01:20:52):
I didn't even know this could be a thing where
people will be.

Speaker 1 (01:20:54):
So are you bothered by that sound? If it's lunchbox?

Speaker 9 (01:20:57):

Speaker 11 (01:20:57):

Speaker 6 (01:20:57):
I am right? Oh yeah, like that's that's not okay. Well,
here's my final ruling. Then, I think that you guys
should walk in with your phones and your music turned on. Okay,
Therefore it doesn't bother you because it is not wrong.

Speaker 10 (01:21:17):
I'm not saying it's wrong, but I'm not saying it's right.

Speaker 1 (01:21:21):
This is so stupid.

Speaker 6 (01:21:22):
Here's here's my ruling. Play music on your phone. Okay,
we can do that your phone, all right. Case dismissed.
No need for hr. Thank you.

Speaker 5 (01:21:31):
It's the best Bits of the week with Morgan. Number two.

Speaker 4 (01:21:36):
The big moment of the show this week, Eddie received
a million dollar secret. Well, essentially, he had to sign
an nda that if he breaks he has to pay
a million dollars. So we're calling it the million dollar
Secret and he will be able to share more once
the news is out, apparently in the coming weeks.

Speaker 3 (01:21:54):
At some point. But that's all we know.

Speaker 4 (01:21:56):
All we know is he has a secret. Scoop Steve
knows the secret, and that's it. So you're going to
hear that right now in Eddie's reaction as he's receiving
the secret.

Speaker 6 (01:22:06):
Number one, Eddie could lose one million dollars in this segment. Eddie,
do you have a million dollars?

Speaker 8 (01:22:10):
No? No, not even close.

Speaker 6 (01:22:11):
So Eddie has signed a non disclosure agreement. I tried
for them to let Lunchbox and Ray sign it to
learn the secret. They said no, they can't be trusted
for some reason. They think you can be trusted. All
good Amy. You are also selected to not sign it.
Does it hurt your feelings at all?

Speaker 11 (01:22:25):

Speaker 1 (01:22:25):
I'm okay.

Speaker 6 (01:22:26):
I did sign it either. What happened quick story a
few days ago? Record Label said we want to give
you some some secret, but you need to sign this
with a penalty of one million dollars. I said I passed.
They said no, no, we want to tell you.

Speaker 8 (01:22:36):
You were scared of the one million dollars.

Speaker 6 (01:22:37):
I just don't care. I don't think I'll care.

Speaker 8 (01:22:40):
You don't want to know a secret.

Speaker 6 (01:22:41):
Not about No, I'll learn it anyway. Apparently so I
said no, thank you, and then our boss was like,
you should sign it. I'm good. I don't want to
have a million dollar penalty in case I say something.
So I said, what if Lunchbox and Ray can do it?
That'ld be hilarious because you know they'll end up saying something.
How funny is it that they got fined a million bucks.
I've been find a million bucks by the FCC. It's
not fun not funny. So they said no. So they

said that Eddie is the person they think would be
best to sign it. Eddie has signed this agreement. He's
now going to learn what the secret is. Ray, can
you give us some secret music because we're not going
to use.

Speaker 10 (01:23:14):
Part of the secret.

Speaker 6 (01:23:15):
What what the music whatever we're about to play. I
don't know what he's about to play, so none of
us know what it is, including myself, So we're gonna
be quiet.

Speaker 8 (01:23:21):
That's just Scuba.

Speaker 6 (01:23:22):
Steve is in your ears, Scuba, are you there now?
We can't hear Scuba.

Speaker 8 (01:23:26):
Steve. I hear him.

Speaker 6 (01:23:27):
Now, tell him to tell you the secret and we'll
just and guys, don't talk. Just let the music play.
I don't want Eddie be distracted.

Speaker 8 (01:23:33):
Okay, Scuba, I am now fifteen seconds to your secret.

Speaker 6 (01:23:37):
Ready, go to hear the seat here Eddie's reaction. Okay,
Edie's got big eyes right now, he's got big eyes.

Speaker 8 (01:23:45):
He's trying to hold on, hold on, hold on, repeat that,
repeat that second part.

Speaker 6 (01:23:49):
Again. I do not know what the secret is. Yeah, yeah,
it involves two years.

Speaker 1 (01:23:59):
Nice crouching his lip.

Speaker 6 (01:24:01):
Yeah, he's got big eyes. He's not understanding something.

Speaker 9 (01:24:05):
It's probably math. Wow.

Speaker 6 (01:24:07):
Wow, Okay, he's shaking his head back and forth. He's
now spitting on himself.

Speaker 1 (01:24:19):
He's like he doesn't he doesn't have words.

Speaker 8 (01:24:22):
Or hold on quiet, hold on, say that again, yelling.

Speaker 1 (01:24:26):
We're doing a show here.

Speaker 6 (01:24:27):
We're supposed to be quiet.

Speaker 8 (01:24:35):
Okay. Is that is that the end of the secret?
I mean there can be more. Wow.

Speaker 6 (01:24:41):
Okay, you're not talking to me, you're talking to Scooba.

Speaker 8 (01:24:42):
SE's talk to school guys. Guys. Guy, I'm talking to
Scuba here.

Speaker 9 (01:24:44):
Can I hear you?

Speaker 8 (01:24:45):
Okay, Okay, we're done.

Speaker 6 (01:24:48):
Okay, cut cut the secret. Cut Scuba off, so now
we can talk to you.

Speaker 8 (01:24:51):
Scoobas done.

Speaker 6 (01:24:52):
Okay, we try to be as quiet as we said.

Speaker 8 (01:24:54):
It's so hard. I've spoiled so many movies. Like now,
I don't even know what to say, So what was it?

Speaker 10 (01:25:01):
He almost did it?

Speaker 8 (01:25:03):
I didn't want to look at you, dude, I have
like I don't want to say too much.

Speaker 10 (01:25:07):
Do you have too much on your shoulders?

Speaker 13 (01:25:09):
You need to let it?

Speaker 6 (01:25:09):
Yes? Like okay, on me, right? What if we do telephone?
You whisper it to Amy, he whispers it to lunchbox,
he whispers it to me. We'll see what comes.

Speaker 9 (01:25:19):
Out of it.

Speaker 8 (01:25:21):
I don't even want to talk about anything. You don't
like anything, so you.

Speaker 6 (01:25:24):
Don't even want it to not really have much like
pokey about the bit or anything.

Speaker 8 (01:25:28):
Not even the bit anything, dude, I don't even want
to question, like what your color? I don't care. You
don't want say, like what if I accidentally say something?
Now that's a million dollars that I don't have that
I don't have to pay.

Speaker 6 (01:25:39):
Okay, can I ask you one question about it?

Speaker 8 (01:25:41):

Speaker 6 (01:25:41):
Okay, I guess my question was and you don't have
to answer it. Is it worthy of me signing? I'm
not going to have me signing a document. There's no
chance just signing a document.

Speaker 8 (01:25:54):
Is that a real question?

Speaker 6 (01:25:54):
Yeah? Yes, the answer is what Yes, the answer is yes.

Speaker 8 (01:25:57):
Sign it.

Speaker 6 (01:26:00):

Speaker 8 (01:26:00):
Here here, you can put two signatures on this one.

Speaker 6 (01:26:02):
We're not doing a dou a lotto, dude, Come on,
man done. Eddie now knows the secret. He's the only
one in this room that knows the secret.

Speaker 8 (01:26:08):
I don't even want to say anything, but guys, I
know a secret.

Speaker 6 (01:26:12):
We're gonna play Morgan Wallan. We'll move off this scuba. Well,
will you know in the next three months what the
secret is? Definitely in the next three months, two months,
two months, one month, oh yeah, one month.

Speaker 8 (01:26:23):
Oh I like that much better.

Speaker 6 (01:26:24):
Weeks So in the next weeks we'll find out what
all this. Yeah, okay, thank you. Now let's play Morgan Wallan.
Think about me. I wonder if we'll get suit for
that one.

Speaker 8 (01:26:32):
This is too much, you do you not now?

Speaker 6 (01:26:34):
Not want to know?

Speaker 8 (01:26:35):
It's too much.

Speaker 6 (01:26:35):
It's like the matrix you wish you hadn't taken the fill.

Speaker 8 (01:26:38):
I know too much.

Speaker 6 (01:26:38):
Okay, it's the.

Speaker 5 (01:26:41):
Best bits of the week with Morgan number two.

Speaker 4 (01:26:45):
All right, y'all, that's it for me this weekend. I
hope you're having a great, safe, fun weekend. Whatever you're doing.
I appreciate you. Taking some time out to spend it
with me and hopefully with me and Scuba Steve on
part one and three.

Speaker 3 (01:26:57):
I'll catch you guys next time. You can come hang
out with me on social media at.

Speaker 4 (01:27:00):
Ub girl Morgan on Everything and The Bobby Bone Show
on Everything.

Speaker 3 (01:27:05):
Also, bye, guys.

Speaker 2 (01:27:07):
That's the best bits of the week with Morgan. Thanks
for listening. Be sure to check out the other two
parts this weekend. Go follow the show on all social platforms.

Speaker 1 (01:27:15):
Bobby Bone Show and follow at web

Speaker 2 (01:27:18):
Girl Morgan to submit your listener questions for next week's episode.
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