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May 1, 2024 74 mins

Listeners shared theories they have about the big secret Eddie is keeping and had to sign an NDA for. Bobby is able to confirm if they are true or not and shares when everyone will know the secret! Plus, Lunchbox claims he's going to change someone's life tomorrow and more! 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Transmitting Welcome to Wednesday show, Morning Studio. Morning. All right,
they get to know. Question is if you were coming
out on a stage or introduced on a ball field,

or you were coming out to theme music, what would
your song be? What would your entrance song be? Amy well,
I'm even.

Speaker 2 (00:29):
Like something from the Chicks like Wide Open Spaces.

Speaker 1 (00:32):

Speaker 3 (00:33):
Well, because I'm from Texas.

Speaker 2 (00:34):
They're from Texas and I used to listen to it
a lot, especially when I would drive around with the
windows down. It's just a feel good song for me,
but also paints a picture of like where I want
to go, and I want to go to light spaces,
like I wanna Are you good?

Speaker 4 (00:50):

Speaker 3 (00:51):
I feel great?

Speaker 1 (00:51):
I thought. Now it's like you just want to go.

Speaker 3 (00:53):
No new faces, ready ready, ready, ready to run?

Speaker 1 (00:57):
Give us a different song it is?

Speaker 3 (00:58):
Yeah, well I need Wide Open.

Speaker 5 (01:04):
Spaces to make a big mistakes.

Speaker 1 (01:07):
Yeah all right, Lunchbox were coming out on stage, what
would your song being?

Speaker 4 (01:11):
Oh yeah, there's a shout out to all my teachers
from back in the day, and it's Toby Keith.

Speaker 1 (01:15):
How do you like me now now that I'm on
my way?

Speaker 4 (01:19):
Do you still think I'm crazy standing here today?

Speaker 1 (01:23):
Why? Because?

Speaker 4 (01:25):
Man, No one thought I was gonna make it. My
teachers thought I was a failure. I had no hope,
I had no future. I was just to screw up
in life and then I was going to be, you know,
in prison or what.

Speaker 1 (01:35):
I don't know where. They thought I was gonna end
up prison. I don't know.

Speaker 4 (01:37):
They thought I had no future and they just never
believed in me.

Speaker 1 (01:43):
So I'll tell you that.

Speaker 4 (01:44):
Oh yeah, my doctor Evans, Dr Evans, uh, my pre
calculus teacher my senior year. I filled out the final exam.
I just wrote my name on it and turned it
into yeah. They didn't even bother like answering a question.
And he was like, man, I would love to be
a fly on the wall in your first college classroom because.

Speaker 1 (02:05):
You're going to be in for a rude awakening. And
I'm like, but you were.

Speaker 6 (02:08):
You turned in a blank test and college was sort
of and you didn't graduate.

Speaker 1 (02:15):
It wasn't that difficult, he didn't. But you know, have
to graduated, have to graduate.

Speaker 4 (02:18):
But what I'm saying is as a teacher, you're not
supposed to say, man, you're in.

Speaker 1 (02:22):
For like you also, as a student not supposed to
not take a test and put your name on and
just pass it in. I'd already failed the class man,
I wanted to pass.

Speaker 4 (02:30):
Yeah, give me a zero, whatever, dude, I got a
fifty the last six weeks.

Speaker 1 (02:33):
Whatever dude. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (02:34):
And it's like, and my parents, they're the ones that
told me, like I was graduating high school and I
was getting ready for college, You're like, you know, not
everybody goes to college.

Speaker 1 (02:42):
But they're right, and you don't have to go to
college and be.

Speaker 3 (02:47):
My way.

Speaker 1 (02:48):
Do you still think I'm crazy?

Speaker 6 (02:52):
Okay, So I have four kids, right, so I'm a dad,
So I thought I'd picked something that's very dad ish.
So I'm gonna go I like it when you call
me big pop.

Speaker 1 (03:01):
Not what that song's about, but that's like what I mean, Well,
that's like I like to talk to a lady's like,
I like it big pop.

Speaker 2 (03:09):
Oh yeah, but I don't know that throw your hands
in the air, if you're a true player.

Speaker 6 (03:13):
And throw your hands in the I thought, like the
kids like, let's go throw like the kids bought version.

Speaker 1 (03:17):
Yeah, because like.

Speaker 6 (03:18):
The kids like they called me like, hey, Papa, I
never heard them call you pop.

Speaker 1 (03:22):
They don't actually really daddy in the world.

Speaker 6 (03:24):
And even that but that's that'd be cool, right me
coming out.

Speaker 1 (03:28):
I like him. When you call me big pop, I
hear you. It just doesn't really. I'm a dad. If
I were picking one it was like supposed to be representative,
it would be just like Buddy Holly. That's good. It
would be wheezer Buddy Holly because I am, I mean
somewhat sam a bit maybe not many people a bit,

you know, kind of nerdy looking.

Speaker 2 (03:53):
Yeah, yeah, you know your classes are Buddy Holly.

Speaker 1 (03:56):
Yeah, my Buddy Holly was not nerdy. He was a rock.

Speaker 6 (03:59):

Speaker 1 (03:59):
See, I thought song for Bobby.

Speaker 4 (04:01):
I don't know if it's a song though, I guess
it's a movie Revenge of the Nerds.

Speaker 1 (04:05):
I didn't know that. Well, that's what Buddy Hall. I mean.
I look just like Buddy Holly the song. Yeah, but
it's gonna represent me. Just how sad? What about pretty
fly for a white guy? We don't have to take shots, like,
let's just line up the shots fly for a white guy.
And I don't try to be a fly dude.

Speaker 6 (04:28):
I don't try to be like super like hip oh,
because that's kind of what that song said. Yeah, the kids,
he's like trying to be super cool. Okay, anyway, how
did this turn into shots on me? Okay, look, everybody
we're here, get to know us.

Speaker 1 (04:40):
That's that. Let's open up the mail bag family game
mail and we read it all the air. It's something
we call Bobby's mail bag. Yeah, hello, Bobby Bones. My
husband and I are expecting our first child. We cannot
agree on a name. He won't budge on naming our
firstborn after his father. They've used family names throughout generations,

and I understand wanting to honor family members. But the
baby will already have his last name. Isn't that enough?
He wants to name the baby David. The issue is,
I've dated guy's name David, and it makes me so
uncomfortable to name my child after an ex, even as
a middle name. It makes me uncomfortable. Are there names
similar or a spin on David that maybe I can

convince him to put in the running? Signed mom to
be So. The first thing is, there's a compromise. You
picked this baby, that baby. This is not that. This
is you hating the name David because of your ex.
You're making it too much about yourself here. If it were,
I have a name that's really important to me as
well as he has a name that's important to him,
I would say there is definitely a compromise that can

be reached on baby one versus baby two. However, if
it's about the name David specifically because you've dated guys
named David there were douchebags, then I think that's on
you to let that go because that's not as important
and that's not as lasting as continuing a we're naming
babies after the lineage, I do get the last name.

And again, if you said he already gets the last name,
but I love the name Chuck five for Chuck Hey Charles,
then I would go, Okay, there's a compromise, but it's
only because of the name David, and you dated loser's
named David. Does he know this?

Speaker 6 (06:23):
Because I don't know of a guy that would want
their child to be named after her ex boy named
after her dad, But it's also an ex What you want.

Speaker 1 (06:32):
Weighs more the dad. But I went far the dads
generations versus like an ex boyfriend who cares and so common.

Speaker 6 (06:41):
Yes, like I guarantee you that my kids' names are
not any of my wife's ex boy that.

Speaker 3 (06:45):
You know I'm married.

Speaker 1 (06:48):
But but what what happened is with you those names.
If it was your ex girlfriends and it was a
name you really wanted because he was your grandpa, that
would overweigh the ex boyfriend.

Speaker 2 (07:00):
It really would a hard ex boyfriend relationship college went oh,
got it like it was a that was the one
that made me cry like cry in the shower, cheated
on me.

Speaker 3 (07:10):
So I married a guy with the same name.

Speaker 2 (07:12):
And if my husband at the time, Ben would have
wanted to name our son Ben, I would have been
okay with it and understood it came from his family line.

Speaker 3 (07:20):
It doesn't mean that.

Speaker 2 (07:20):
Every time I see my child, you give it a
new association. I don't think of my college boyfriend, you know.

Speaker 1 (07:26):
Apparently you do. I mean a little bit sometimes he
comes up.

Speaker 2 (07:30):
Yeah, but this is a story in which I scales.

Speaker 1 (07:34):
This is the scales which one weighs more? Well ways
more is you're name in it after somebody in the
family versus some dude you dated. Everybody has people they
dated that weren't good. Twenty of those well, for me,
like Si coup gotten date much?

Speaker 6 (07:47):
Is there anything close to David?

Speaker 1 (07:49):
Again, it would be different if she if she was
fighting for a specific name for a specific purpose, but
she's not. She just doesn't want to be named after
one of her exes. But it's not named after one
of her exes, and it's a very common name, like
Amy said, Mary. So I say you this is this
is a one certificate to get over yourself.

Speaker 2 (08:08):
My brother's name is David. She can, I think, yeah,
I don't know. She just gotta figure something out. What
if they make it like the middle name or something.

Speaker 1 (08:15):
No, no, nope, nope. Can't base your answer. You can't
do it based on the next boyfriend. He's doing it
based on family lineage. That outweighs. You put the little
weights on there, That one far out weighs her problem
with the ex boyfriend. Get over yourself is what I say,
Maybe baby too. You can't name after an ex boyfriend.
You makes that a rule. Okay, that's a rule I'd
signed for. We got your.

Speaker 4 (08:36):
Game on you.

Speaker 1 (08:39):
Now it's found the clothes Bobby failed that.

Speaker 7 (08:41):

Speaker 1 (08:43):
It's Ghana Babe May May mean May May first. Yeah,
it's Ghana Bee May. That's so funny. You know, it's
so dumb. It drives me nuts. Famous first, since today
is the first write your answer down. Question number one,
Who was the first person to step on the moon?

First person to step on the moon? Allegedly?

Speaker 6 (09:06):
Okay, stop stop stop, so they say, the old lad
who was the first person to allegedly step on the moon.

Speaker 1 (09:13):
Let me know when you're in. I'm in.

Speaker 6 (09:16):
Amy, Neil Armstrong, Lunchbox, Neil Armstrong, Eddie, Neil Armstrong allegedly.

Speaker 1 (09:21):
Number two. What was the first music video to be
aired on MTV? This is one of those that we've
done like three times in different ways, just to see
if it will stick with you, guys. The first music
video to be aired on MTV. I'm in, I'm in
for the womb. Lunchbox video, killed the radio star.

Speaker 3 (09:42):
Amy video killed the radio star.

Speaker 1 (09:44):
Eddie video killed the radio star. I'm proud of you, guess,
thank you? That was stuck. Good job, good job, good job.
Who was the first artist to sell over fifty million
albums by nineteen fifty nine? First artist to ever sell
fifty million albums and he did it by nineteen fifteen.
I mean, I don't even know an artist. It was

a live back rebrand Picasso. Those are all artists. Don't
give him the answer.

Speaker 6 (10:13):
Van goes stop, I'm in for the Wind nineteen fifty nine.

Speaker 1 (10:21):
Yeah, I mean, think all the artists that were big
back then.

Speaker 6 (10:23):
I'm in lunchbox, Uh being cross quality guess you know,
have no idea quality?

Speaker 1 (10:29):
Guess Amy, Frank Sinatra quality. Guess Eddie Elvis Presley's elvish Elvis.
He was a lie back then. What do you mean
that was a million albums by then? He's killing it, dude.
And I thought he was sixty seventies he was. He
died in what eighty or like said, See that's what
I'm saying, like eighty. Yeah, maybe I didn't know. That's
why I didn know he was in the fifties. Who

was the first US president to resign from office? He
died in nineteen seventy seven. Elvis did way off. What
was that question? But who was the first US president
to resign from office? Famous firsts trivia? I never knew
presidents could resign? He did this? I quit? Stop? You
knew presidents could quit? Yes, I don't know. I've never

heard that.

Speaker 4 (11:17):
Okay, well maybe it's that guy.

Speaker 1 (11:21):
All right, let me know when you're in. I'm in
for the wind. Lunchbox changed it from Garfield to Nixon.
Why Garfield? This was a random guess. And then I
remember there was something about Watergate or something. But I
don't know if he quit Amy.

Speaker 3 (11:35):
I mean I think he was also in peached, but peached.

Speaker 2 (11:41):
Even she was impeached, but he resigned, so next, because.

Speaker 1 (11:45):
You can be impeached and not resigned. That's happened with
a couple of presidents, Eddie. I'm not a crook, but
he got it. Good job he quit. Man, Well he
was now he said, I resigned famous first, Okay, s
he's may first. Yeah, everything's first. What movie did Leo
DiCaprio win his first oscar for? Oh, that's a good question,

thank you. I take great pride in my questions. First oscar? Oh, man,
it'd be a lot of them. Man, Amy's in, eddid
you stay in?

Speaker 2 (12:21):

Speaker 1 (12:22):
Man, Lunchbok's waiting on you. Yeah, I know you are,
uh sure? Lunchbox Titanic Man Amy, Titanic, Eddie. I figured
everyone's going to guest Titanic because that's the Titanic. The Revenant.
The big story was. The big story was he'd never
won an oscar until he did the Bear. He hooked

up with a bear. That's what that was the big
deals the bear scene. Yeah, no, he didn't really hook
up with the bear. He didn't. Okay, Next up, who
is the first black country music artist to perform at
the Grand Ole Opry in nineteen sixty seven? Well, oh,
I know I've known it. Now. No, you said you were.
He didn't say he was in to be out. That's
no rule.

Speaker 3 (13:03):
Now, Oh my gosh, you were in the.

Speaker 1 (13:05):
You should make that a rule. Bones you say you're out,
you're out. Oh, I don't know if there's did you
write it down? You in? I wrote something down? But
are you in? Yes? I just I don't know if
they're black. So that's a good question. We'll find out
your answer. That's right, you got I'm in.

Speaker 3 (13:21):
I'm thinking you were in his documentary?

Speaker 1 (13:24):
Right, possibly, but I can't give a hint.

Speaker 3 (13:28):
Why can't come on?

Speaker 1 (13:29):
I want to know what lunch bother wrote?

Speaker 2 (13:32):
All right, whatever, I don't have anything, are you hey? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (13:35):
Because I can't think of his name.

Speaker 1 (13:36):
You're going to answer it all the guy?

Speaker 3 (13:38):
You were in his documentary?

Speaker 1 (13:40):
Okay, that would be correct. I wasn't this documentary. I'm
a big fan. I was in the documentary. But I'm gonna
say who it is yet I know it now? Well,
I am sorry, lunchbox brain. Do you not know if
they're black or white? Charlie pro that's the right answer.

Speaker 2 (13:53):
Oh whoa.

Speaker 1 (13:55):
I was unbelievable. No, you know what. I've never seen him,
you know at first. The funny thing about that is
when they first sent out his music, they wouldn't put
a picture of him on the real tapes whatever they
sent out because they didn't want people not to play
because he was black. That's crazy, So they just sent
out the music. Eddie, Oh, maybe that's the album that
he saw. Then he didn't, he didn't know. Yeah, I
have Charlie Pride? Correct? Did you got Charlie Pride? Later? Though?

Amy just didn't get it? Yeah, Eddie five lb four
Amy three? We have three left? These are famous firsts.
What number Apollo was the first manned spacecraft to land
on the moon? Allegedly? Allegedly? I'm in What number Apollo

was the first manned spacecraft to land on the moon? Houston?
We got a problem.

Speaker 4 (14:43):
I'm in for the moon, lunchbox I mean, whiles would
they make a movie about it?

Speaker 1 (14:48):
Paulo thirteen, Amy thirteen, Eddie eleven eleven eleven. How did
you know that? What do you mean?

Speaker 6 (14:55):
Because thirteen they didn't make it to the moon. Oh gosh,
spoiler alert, great point. You know that one, Ron Howard
because he directed that right.

Speaker 1 (15:02):
Yeah, he went to NASA to ask for all their
footage from the space and he was gonna take it
turn into high death and they're like, we don't have anything.
Stop here you go. Ron Howard's dad was like, I
don't believe what you see anyway.

Speaker 6 (15:14):
Ron Howard's dad says that now, Grandpa, Grandpa, grandpa.

Speaker 1 (15:18):
Moving on. What was the first city to host the Olympics?

Speaker 3 (15:21):
Oh, I mean.

Speaker 6 (15:26):
I'm in I'm in Athens, Eddie Athens, lunchbox, Athens.

Speaker 1 (15:32):
Did you really write that? Yeah, let me see. You
don't need to look him up. Look did you ride
it down? Of course? Let Eddie see. Let Eddie see.
Fact check. Hold on, fact check, gonna be that. I
think I got him. I think I caught him in
a lie.

Speaker 4 (15:48):
I can't do that, man, that hold on one fact check,
hold check.

Speaker 1 (15:52):
Hold on. Why would you guys? Questions? How you said it?
And you could you asked why would you got a question? You?
But you just went like you went like this Athens,
So that's why it just felt weird. Okay, well you
just show Eddie's so we know, because I mean it's right,
I know, I want to see it's showing real quick.
We don't like you want to Mike you Mike, you
can look. What does that say? Eddie? You are? That's

not good if you don't believe him.

Speaker 6 (16:15):
That's exactly believe They call me like I'm a cheater's
was that televised?

Speaker 1 (16:21):
No, it wasn't. That didn't. Bob Costas was not hosting it,
all right, Final one worth three points, that's why not
worth three points? Okay, because Eddie said you didn't trust him.
Thank you for three points. Thanks great. What was the
first animated TV show for adults in nineteen sixty you

and Eddie?

Speaker 3 (16:42):
Yeah, he's gonna know it.

Speaker 1 (16:43):
No hold on adults meaning it wasn't just made as
a kid cartoon. It was like one of those No,
it was just it wasn't like I just made for
kids like could have been shown him prime.

Speaker 4 (16:54):
Time animated for three points when Eddie turned twenty one,
Lunchbox you can win this?

Speaker 1 (17:02):
Yeah, yeah, I'm out. I'm not gonna get it. I'm
gonna out I'm gonna out out out. Is that the
name of the show. You don't need an answer, guys,
everybody in no okay, man, all right, I am in
for the wind Amy Looney Tuns, great guess incorrect, really

good guess, great guess Amy, Lunchbox, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. That's
not a real show. That's a real show. It is
absolutely mouse Club club House. I'm inside. Let's go inside
the mouse Club. Okay, so that's the show that toutles
your is that Mickey Mouse club club House club House?

So there's a Mickey Mouse it's a show. And then Eddie,
I have Looney Tunes, the fund Stones, Yeah, famous first winner.

Speaker 8 (17:58):
It's time for the good news.

Speaker 4 (18:04):
A woman in Michigan told her husband don't worry about it.

Speaker 1 (18:07):
I though big up the pizza. She's driving.

Speaker 4 (18:09):
She's like, man, I'm gonna be about seven minutes early.
There's a gas station. I might as well just stop
in and get a couple of scratch off tickets while
I go get the pizza.

Speaker 1 (18:17):
And while she's waiting for the pizza, scratch scratch two
million dollars. Oh it hurts him. You can hear the pain.
You hear the pain he has to do. Somebody else
winning the lottery that's not him.

Speaker 2 (18:31):
Swear the lottery has the best pr I mean, oh yeah,
we have.

Speaker 3 (18:35):
Like more lottery winnings like you would think of this.
Many people are winning like the odds of us.

Speaker 1 (18:39):
Like we should have went.

Speaker 4 (18:40):
Yeah, she decided to remain anonymous. She took took the
lump sum. She got one point three million dollars.

Speaker 1 (18:48):
He's gonna go on vacation, he me and crying. He's
happy and sad at the same time. Casey Musky song,
What are you thinking right now? I was thinking, Man,
what a vacation that'd be. It'd be a month long vacation.
So you're happy in your mind if that was me? Okay?

Speaker 4 (19:07):
And then she remains anonymous. No one knows who she is.
She on show up for work from another year. That's
kind of obvious. All right, are we happy about this? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (19:17):
I mean, all right, there we go. That's what it's
all about.

Speaker 6 (19:19):
That was telling me something good. Eddie wants to confess something.
Go ahead, guys, I'm a terrible coworker. Happened, and I
feel terrible about it. I feel so bad about it.
So the other day I'm leaving work leaving the parking
garage and I turn onto the street and there's an
accident at the intersection.

Speaker 1 (19:38):
Right here, and I'm like, oh, wow, somebody got into wreck.

Speaker 6 (19:41):
I look around, ooh gosh, t boned or something like
definitely both cars damaged pretty well.

Speaker 1 (19:45):
And then I look on this corner. I'm like, well,
that girl kind of looks familiar. Who's standing there kind
of looks like she's crying. It could be our producer,
Lauren Swifty, Lauren Swifty Lauren.

Speaker 6 (19:55):
But I wasn't sure, and my light was green, so
I just like I just left, just went on.

Speaker 1 (19:59):
And then and then yesterday I asked her.

Speaker 6 (20:02):
I was like, hey, you're happening to get a car
accident you and she starts crying.

Speaker 4 (20:07):
It was me, Oh, I can't believe mister all American
Eddie that always pulls over to help people didn't stop.

Speaker 1 (20:13):
Hold on, that's not the that's not the lead here.
First of all. That sucks. Yes, I didn't know Laura
was in a carreck outside the building.

Speaker 3 (20:20):
Okay, guys, I saw this too, but I.

Speaker 2 (20:23):
Thought, okay, I honestly thought she was a bys.

Speaker 3 (20:27):
I didn't think that was actually her that got ring.
I swear to you. It looked to me.

Speaker 6 (20:33):
I did not.

Speaker 2 (20:33):
See tears or anything. To me, it was she looked
like tears. She was with her fiance. I thought she
had just said bye in the building right before that.

Speaker 3 (20:42):
But I thought they were.

Speaker 2 (20:43):
On foot walking to get something to eat and they
saw the wreck. This is the story I told myself.
I was like, oh theyt that's weird. I thought they
were walking to get food and they saw the wreck. Okay, cool,
looks like they got this handled.

Speaker 1 (20:55):
I don't know they got this handled.

Speaker 6 (20:57):
So you knew it was her though, Oh yeah, that's worse.

Speaker 3 (21:02):
It's not worse.

Speaker 2 (21:02):
I didn't think that that was her car. I thought
she was just I thought you were walking to like
the well.

Speaker 1 (21:07):
With swifty Lauren. First of all, I did not know
you had a right outside the building. Yeah I did.

Speaker 9 (21:12):
What happened, Okay, So I had literally just left here.
I had pulled out of the parking garage. I'd maybe
been on the road for not even a minute, and
I have the right away.

Speaker 3 (21:20):
The light is green, I go.

Speaker 9 (21:22):
Through, and then the car there was a car that
was one making a left, but they realized they were
making the wrong turn. They actually need to make a right,
so they didn't see me coming, so they just hooked
a yuwie really fast and.

Speaker 1 (21:34):
Just slammed right into me.

Speaker 5 (21:35):
I had been on the road for less than a minute.

Speaker 7 (21:37):
I had just left here.

Speaker 3 (21:40):
She just walked.

Speaker 1 (21:42):
I had a lot of questions. First of all, let
me focus on the right. Were you shocked from the
dude you?

Speaker 6 (21:46):

Speaker 8 (21:46):
I was shocked.

Speaker 3 (21:47):
I was like, are you kidd excited?

Speaker 9 (21:48):
Also, I'd also just got into a car wreck three
months ago, so I was like, this just happened again.

Speaker 1 (21:53):
Did you see Eddie drive by you?

Speaker 3 (21:55):
I did not see Eddie or Amy.

Speaker 9 (21:57):
I was very kind of like just shaken up, kind
of did in shock a little like of what just
had happened, and also just kind of hoping that I
didn't want anyone to see me. I was like, this
is kind of embarrassing.

Speaker 1 (22:07):
Were you hurt at all?

Speaker 2 (22:09):

Speaker 9 (22:10):
No, thankfully, nobody in my car. I was the only
one in my car, but the other car nobody.

Speaker 1 (22:14):
Was hurt either.

Speaker 3 (22:15):
Your fiance was standing with Yes.

Speaker 2 (22:16):

Speaker 9 (22:16):
So the first thing I did I called Clay my
fiance because I don't I don't do well in that
type of stuff.

Speaker 1 (22:22):
I don't know cars. I don't know that whole talk.

Speaker 9 (22:24):
So I was just like, can you can you come here.

Speaker 3 (22:25):
And help me? Okay?

Speaker 1 (22:27):
And is your car? What's the deal? So?

Speaker 9 (22:30):
I mean it still works, It's still fine. It's like
it was side swept kind of so like the passenger no,
not the passenger door, my door, Like the driver's door
is bent and I need to take it to the
shop this week.

Speaker 1 (22:42):
But so both of you guys passed her by almost
did you see anybody else drive by you?

Speaker 9 (22:51):
No, nobody that I recognized, but I wasn't looking either.
Was kind of just kind of keep a low profile.

Speaker 1 (22:55):
And do you think any less of them? Because Eddie
saw you and kept driving?

Speaker 3 (22:59):
I mean, yeah, what if I was hurt? Eddie? Like,
what if I needed help?

Speaker 1 (23:01):
I think Amy saw you and kept driving.

Speaker 3 (23:03):
I saw you.

Speaker 2 (23:03):
It must have been well into the whole situation because
for your fiancee to have time to arrive, and it
seemed like there was a lot of people, Like I
just really thought, okay, there they just saw. I thought
you and your fancy were witnesses, like.

Speaker 1 (23:16):
They were saving somebody.

Speaker 2 (23:19):
She must have felt comfort once he arrived, because I
did not see her in distress or I would have.

Speaker 1 (23:24):
Definitely I saw tears. Man, I feel terrible. Definitely. I
didn't know it was her. Yeah, yeah, so if it
was her with tears, yeah, oh yeah Lauren, Lauren, I parked.
Are you okay? Are you okay? What's going? What can
I do? Got it? Absolutely? But I didn't know who
it was. Were the cops there? When you know, no
cops there?

Speaker 3 (23:44):
No, they had to be.

Speaker 1 (23:45):
Yeah they can't.

Speaker 3 (23:46):
Yeah, I'm telling you there was lots of people. It
was a busy situation.

Speaker 1 (23:50):
I felt like you were checking on her to make
sure cous came at all, so you could say.

Speaker 2 (23:53):
Yeah, No, I just can't remember who all was there.
I know that it had to be.

Speaker 3 (23:58):
All I know was I was like, oh, look, co
cute Lauren. Hear me on same trying.

Speaker 1 (24:02):
To help these strangers.

Speaker 4 (24:02):
You're good?

Speaker 1 (24:03):
YEA sometime yes, ok, We're happy to hear it. But
just know two different reasons that neither one of them stopped.
I remember that next time anytime I see anyone who
stressed it looks like you, I'll pull over. It doesn't matter.
I just say, you know, it doesn't matter where I am.
I always pull over. Okay, Okay, good, you're okay, here's
a voicemail that started it all. I just finished the

secondment where you guys talked about everything that was annoying
about each other and as entertaining as it was.

Speaker 6 (24:29):
Can you guys do like what you guys really enjoy
about each other? And I know that'll be hard for Lunchbox,
but it'll be.

Speaker 1 (24:34):
Really good, feel good, and I know Amy will love
it too. Okay, love the show. I started this yesterday.
I laid out some things that I like about each
of you, Lunchbox. You're up today, so you need to
tell us. You need to be serious and I am
somewhat sincere Amy, Eddie and myself. What you like about
each of us? And you start with Amy, Amy is

like a plea go board. I love it story. Can
we go in one direction?

Speaker 4 (24:59):
Hits one of those little markers and boom, it shoots
over here, boom, shoots back to the left, shoots back
to the right.

Speaker 1 (25:05):
Kind of like her driving. It's awesome, very entertaining. It
never gets there. It eventually gets there, he said about
your car too.

Speaker 4 (25:13):
Never well, never really know where how we got there,
but we got there. And that's what you really like
about it, because it's entertaining. Thanks, So you like her driving.

Speaker 3 (25:26):
Talking about my brain?

Speaker 1 (25:27):
No, I know, but he says kind of like you're driving, right.

Speaker 3 (25:29):
He didn't have to do that part.

Speaker 1 (25:31):
That was just not a shot.

Speaker 6 (25:32):
But he's talking about how your brain's all over the
place an added shot. But she she admits that her
brain is all over the She says, she's like, you know,
she has a lot going on.

Speaker 2 (25:39):
I like them my brain being sometimes I wish it
would take more of a straight shot. But it's okay,
like you said, thank you for the compliment that maybe
it stays interesting.

Speaker 1 (25:49):
That's what he likes. Okay, Wow, why don't you do
me next?

Speaker 4 (25:53):
Very creative creativity out the wazoo just like always has
different ideas coming up with this that the other.

Speaker 1 (26:02):
Very creative. What exactly would a wazoo be?

Speaker 2 (26:06):

Speaker 1 (26:07):
In the butt? Is it the butt? Oh? Is that wazoo?
I don't know. I've heard that before. I didn't know
if it was the butt of the front a rebot
on that. Either way, I got creativity rolling out of it. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (26:16):
I mean, it's just like you think of one idea
and then it's like, oh, I have Pivot's is another
idea and.

Speaker 1 (26:20):
It's like we're over here, like, man, I don't have
any ideas.

Speaker 6 (26:24):
Waite, So he's got a Plinko board of ideas. Nope,
he's got a dried up wazoo.

Speaker 1 (26:29):
He's got he's got ideas coming out the wazoo. Got it.
I appreciate that. Thank you. That's that felt pretty sincere
for him and from him. Uh, Eddie, great videos. I
mean like when I look at our videos that are online,
it look really good. Wow. I mean that's nice. That's
my job. I mean it's nice. Yeah, you do run
the videos. What looks good about them? Ah, they're they're

like they're they're they're cut really tight, like there's no gas. Yeah,
Ed as well, I'm an editor. That's wow. What about
personally anything that's about it? Man, I'm a good editor,
just does his job. Well. Yeah, I mean I'll take that.

Speaker 3 (27:09):
I mean he is supposed to just do one thing.

Speaker 1 (27:11):
No, no, I hear you. But it's like, I didn't
know if there was anything they sit right by each
other every day with this show, as they've sat by
each other for eleven years. Yeah, didn't know if personally
there was something you enjoyed about Eddie. Nah, No, I
really not even think of if you had to pick
something personally about Eddie. He is our head of video

and editing, and I do good editing. So there's that.
But anything personally that you like that you would like
for your kids to even have as a trait. Oh
that's oh definitely not No, none of that.

Speaker 4 (27:42):
Well no, I mean no, I did. I'll take that back.
He's good at accepting Bobby's clothes, So I would like
my kids to do that.

Speaker 1 (27:49):
I would.

Speaker 4 (27:49):
I think my kids would do good. What do you mean,
Like you said, is there something you'd like your kids
to do?

Speaker 1 (27:54):

Speaker 4 (27:55):
And I absolutely like if Bobby were to give them clothes,
I would love for them to accept them the way
Eddie accept the clothes that you give him.

Speaker 1 (28:01):
I think that he does a very good job of that.

Speaker 6 (28:03):
Yeah, I don't want to take a lot of credit
for that. I think anyone would accept clothes. Yeah, I
mean Mike d gets sung right.

Speaker 1 (28:09):
Mostly it's just like a TV show clothes that I
don't I've only worn once and I'm like, I'm not
gonna wear this.

Speaker 6 (28:13):
Would you guys like to have it? I'm no better
than you, Lunchbox, if you were offered clothes. I think
you would take him too.

Speaker 4 (28:18):
No, I'm saying you do a good job and accept it.
I admire that about you. You know you're not you're
not scared of taking a handout because I I love handouts.
That's what I'm saying. I like handouts. So I like
that about Eddie. Some people are too.

Speaker 1 (28:33):
Too much pride. Oh I don't need that. I don't
want that out. So we're the same there. Yeah, oh cool.
So you like Eddie's ability to take free stuff? Yes,
got it? Like you? You like you? Then? Yeah, just
a callity that I have that he has learned how
to do. Hey, that wasn't easy, man, he did it,
but he did it. That was tough. Man. Let's keep
moving tomorrow. Amy and Eddie will do theirs. Oh boy.

Eight out of ten eighteen to twenty five year old
say they're getting rich is their most important and then
fame comes next. Eight out of ten eighty percent eighteen
twenty five. That's ridiculous. Number one goal in life, getting rich,
number two famous?

Speaker 3 (29:08):
So, d which would you rather be? Rich or famous?

Speaker 4 (29:10):

Speaker 1 (29:11):
Okay, famous pretty big because famous you don't have to
pay for anything. That's not true at all. That mean,
it's literally not true. Did you hear his argument?

Speaker 4 (29:22):
A certain level of fame, you get free stuff everywhere
you go, free food, free.

Speaker 1 (29:26):
We're talking about the small things like food and like
the perks. But you still have to pay for everything
like housing. I understand that, but you just don't have
to pay for anything, get to pay for almost everything.
That if you get a free car, you don't really
get free cars. Bet. I bet Kim Kay gets a
free car. I bet they pay for more cars than
they're given for free. Okay, she buys extras, but she
could drive a free car if she wanted it. I mean,

I have a free car there you go from Yndai exactly,
and it's awesome. But I would rather I choose to
be rich other than famous. Really yeah, yeah, I.

Speaker 3 (29:57):
Thought you would choose the fame. Interesting.

Speaker 1 (29:59):
Well, my answer the first in my head was, well,
if I'm famous, I could turn that into money, no doubt.
But if I'm rich, I could buy fame. Interesting exactly. Yeah,
but eighty percent of big number there, that's that's that's
almost all of them. Like when you number one goal
coming out of high school or as you finished college

to be rich or famous, and the goal is to
have an actual goal of what you can be great at. Therefore,
you could either become if you want to be rich
or famous from achieving some cool goal. CEO started, I
don't want to be famous for me to CEO, but
no one cares about that. That's too much work. Yeah,

pile of stories.

Speaker 2 (30:45):
So Courtney Cox was sharing about how when her and
her fiance at the time decided to do couples therapy,
like when then the first minute of it, he was like, yeah,
I can't.

Speaker 3 (30:55):
Do this and he broke up with her.

Speaker 1 (30:57):
That's crazy.

Speaker 3 (30:58):
Yeah, it could be overwhelm whole therapy thing.

Speaker 2 (31:01):
But you know, she said, hey, I could have just
thrown in the towel there and been like, okay, fine,
this is over. But what she did is she realized, oh,
I can just take this time to work on myself,
and so she took whatever information she got from there,
she did the work, and guess what, eventually they got
back together.

Speaker 1 (31:19):
So did they ever go back to counseling.

Speaker 2 (31:22):
Yeah, I don't know about that part, but they did downgrade,
so like they were engaged and then now they're back together.

Speaker 1 (31:28):
But they're this is current story thought. It was like
from the nineties.

Speaker 2 (31:32):
Yeah, no, no, No, this is her boyfriend from snow
Patrol Johnny McDade.

Speaker 1 (31:36):
Yeah, do you know snow patrol? What they say?

Speaker 3 (31:37):
Yes, hold on, hold on.

Speaker 1 (31:41):
Down for one second.

Speaker 2 (31:42):
No, now I have the wrong sign of the head
see nolda dude, Yes.

Speaker 6 (31:51):
This is what.

Speaker 1 (31:55):
Originally Yah, now you're giving it to or No, that's
what she was saying.

Speaker 3 (32:01):
I could just stay here for a while. Just tone death, I.

Speaker 1 (32:07):
Can help you, d d Yes, she's close to lunch box.
Not totally, but I.

Speaker 2 (32:22):
Mean, yeah, I agree, I'm a little I can if
you clap five times, I can clap.

Speaker 1 (32:27):
Yeah, I say close.

Speaker 3 (32:28):
But tone is just offer me too.

Speaker 2 (32:30):
Well. Anyway, I share this story because it's like, hey,
if someone breaks.

Speaker 3 (32:35):
Up breaks up with you, you don't throwing the towel
right away, like.

Speaker 1 (32:40):
I'm throwing pretty quick.

Speaker 3 (32:41):
But you could see like, hey, what am I out?

Speaker 1 (32:45):
That's crazy? Dude?

Speaker 3 (32:46):
What am I contributing to this mess?

Speaker 2 (32:48):
And like go work on yourself and then maybe one
day you'll eventually get back together. And they're back together,
but just not as an engaged couple.

Speaker 1 (32:55):
Sounds fishy. You folly here, that's it? Lay here, I just.

Speaker 3 (33:01):
Would you lay with me? And Jess for get the
rest of the world.

Speaker 1 (33:07):
Yeah, just forget the world. That's it.

Speaker 2 (33:10):
Okay, So Domino's is doing this whole hey you tip,
we tip campaign, And what this means is if you
add a three dollars or more tip on your delivery order,
then they're gonna send you a coupon for three dollars
off your next pizzas for good. And so they're trying
to encourage like you to appreciate the delivery driver and

then turnville appreciate you like it.

Speaker 1 (33:35):
Yeah, what else?

Speaker 2 (33:36):
And then if you're wondering speaking of money, like where
it is for your tax refund? Did you know that
the IRS has a Where's my Refund website?

Speaker 3 (33:46):
You can go ask for it.

Speaker 1 (33:47):
Then feel like I would click that out. I feel
like that was bait. With all the scams, I feel
like where not refund dot com, it's just trying to
trick me.

Speaker 2 (33:53):
Yeah, well you can go there or they also have
an IRS to Go app and that's where you can
go click and say where's my refund.

Speaker 3 (33:59):
It's a little too soon though, because I mean tax
Day was just like the middle of the month.

Speaker 7 (34:04):
It was.

Speaker 1 (34:05):
But but but that's the deadline.

Speaker 3 (34:09):
Yeah, the deadline but it's not too soon.

Speaker 1 (34:11):
Filed in January, everybody filed like no, no, no, no,
no number one. Everybody doesn't procrastinate, no no, no forever.

Speaker 3 (34:19):
I go yeah, okay, okay, okay.

Speaker 2 (34:20):
And then I just shout out quickly to Kenny Chesney
because he's officially now tied with George Straight for the
most top ten singles on the Billboard chart. George Straight
had sixty one and he held the record, and now
Kenny would take her home and he's tied with him.

Speaker 1 (34:32):
Dang sixty one number one though, just top ten. Still no,
I know, I'm saying it's nobody really, it's like a
made up stat But now it's huge for Kenny Chesney.

Speaker 3 (34:42):
But also George has sixty.

Speaker 1 (34:45):
More number one, one more number ones.

Speaker 3 (34:47):
Yeah, Amy, that's my pile.

Speaker 1 (34:49):
That was Amy's pile of storage. It's time for the
good news produce. Already there was.

Speaker 6 (34:58):
An abandoned dog, Maya, howling behind the Walmart in Connecticut,
just like looking distressed.

Speaker 1 (35:05):
Oh so they called animal control, like will someone come
check this dog? Out?

Speaker 6 (35:09):
Turns out that Maya had seven puppies. Somebody stole the
puppies from Maya and sold them in the parking lot.

Speaker 1 (35:16):

Speaker 6 (35:16):
So Maya's been running around looking for like, where are
my puppies? Where my puppies? So they got the word
out and animal control instead of just taking Maya back
to the pound or whatever, they said, you know what,
let's look for these puppies. And they found one guy
that bought two puppies. That guy returned two puppies and
helped them find another puppy. So they've recovered three out
of the seven.

Speaker 1 (35:34):
Well, the fact that they would care to do all
that track all that down's awesome exactly. Then they stole
their kids.

Speaker 6 (35:41):
There's also a five thousand, five thousand dollars reward for
any of Maya's puppies that are found and returned.

Speaker 2 (35:47):
Oh you think you like, get this good deal in
a puppy at a gas station or wherever sold? I
don't know.

Speaker 1 (35:52):
And then you have to think about the losers. They
just stole them exactly.

Speaker 3 (35:55):
I mean, you're thinking you're getting it.

Speaker 2 (35:56):
I assume that's why the guy's like, whoa, Okay, I'll
give the puppy back.

Speaker 1 (36:00):
Yeah. Is it illegal to dog now like the babies?
I don't know if it's illegal.

Speaker 6 (36:05):
It should be illegal when nobody owns them wild as puppies.

Speaker 1 (36:09):
They're not yours. I don't. I don't think that's anyway.
I think you're like say it, but yeah, yeah, what
are we talking about here, man? The puppies, the dog, right, Okay, great,
but I don't think it does otherwise. What they should
have done is just called animal control and allowed for
Maya and all the puppies to be taken in. But

this person saw a way to make a quick buck
and just started selling the puppies, grabbed them all and
the dogs, Like where are my kids? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (36:36):
I sometimes wonder if my animals think of like what
their mom's up to. Nah, no, no chance, right, okay,
because I don't know. They just they don't.

Speaker 3 (36:45):
They never see there. But like it's weird.

Speaker 1 (36:46):
Can't wait for that chip to be put in. It's
so true? All right, there you go. That's what it's
all about. That was telling me something good. Can I
rank people and how good they smell? Or is that
weird because I put ray up there? Well just on
the show. Interesting, I thought you meant no. No, It's

like it's like I don't wear Colone. I don't know
that I've ever maybe I've owned a bottle. In my life,
I don't wear Clone. I wear the odorant, and most
of it's non smell the odorant. But is it weird
if I do a ranking because I think Ray, who
I smell sometimes Lauren who walks up to my desk

and drops stuff off jam Amy sometimes I can smell her.
Morgan sits so far away. I don't never forget, but
I would rate. I'd go Ray Lauren Amy in the
Smell Interesting smell rankings, not all, but too. I don't
get to smell Morgan enough, and I'm not gonna walk
over and sniffer. No, I don't want to smell. I'm
just talking general fragrance of people when they are standing

near me. Have you smelled me, dude, I smell good.
I don't. I've never smelled you.

Speaker 3 (38:00):
Ever really alone.

Speaker 1 (38:01):
Yeah, yeah, that's right, Oh here you I don't. I've
never wanted to smell the word.

Speaker 3 (38:06):
Because we smell the urban all the time and I've
never smelled it.

Speaker 6 (38:09):
But I don't spray it on my body. I sprayed
in the air and then I walked through it, so
it's very faint. Should spray in your mouth or something.
I've never smelled it.

Speaker 1 (38:16):
That's crazy man. All right, where Amy? I get something? Ray?

Speaker 4 (38:21):
What you said what you're wearing buddy, Well, it's usually
a mixture of things. I got coconut lip stuff. I
got uh, it can't be lip bomb.

Speaker 3 (38:28):
It is his lip mom is quite potent, go ice bomb.

Speaker 4 (38:32):
I have the labo from Amy various stuff. I could
be wearing it anytime, always switching it up.

Speaker 1 (38:37):
Okay, well, Ray Lauren Amy is my official fragrance ranking
for this show. I'm glad I'm not on it.

Speaker 4 (38:44):
You're not on it, I know, Yeah, don't care to be.
Let's go over into the Morning corn Yeah, here we go.

Speaker 1 (38:51):
The Morning Corny.

Speaker 2 (38:53):
Lightning struck the orchestra, but only one person got hit,
the conductor.

Speaker 1 (39:02):
I didn't know where the juy that was the Morning Corny.
That's pretty funny. Yeah, I was just confused about the
whole presentation of it though different. I felt like she
was doing like Phantom at the operator. It seems so
built bold. But let me also say that coming up
this weekend, our iHeart Country Festival presented by Capital One.

It's happening. I'm hosting it. Jelly Roll, Keith, Urban Old Dominion,
so many artists you can stream it live on Hulu
at eight seventh Central and that'll happen on Saturday night.
Still get tickets ticketmaster dot com. But watching on Hulu
at eight seventh Central today is may one famous first.

For example, the first person to walk on the moon
was allegedly. Okay, here we go. What was the first
capital of the United States before Washington, d C? There
was a capital? What was the first capital of the
United States before Washington, d C. I'm in, I'm in

for the wim, I'm in, Amy Dang.

Speaker 3 (40:14):
I don't know down Colonial Williamsburg.

Speaker 4 (40:19):
All right, Well, I thought about James Sound, but I
went with Philly because there's a bell there.

Speaker 1 (40:24):
Oh that is that?

Speaker 7 (40:25):

Speaker 1 (40:25):
Eddie Jamestown, USA, New York City is the answer. New
York City was the first capital of the US once
the Constitution was ratified. George Washington the oath of office
to become the first President of the United States from
the balcony of the old City Hall. Wow.

Speaker 3 (40:39):

Speaker 1 (40:40):
Next up, Who was the first woman to be inducted
into the Country Music Hall of Fame in nineteen seventy three.
I'm in, all right, I'm in for the wind lunchbox.

Speaker 6 (40:51):
June Carter cash Eddie Loretta Lynn, Amyretta Lynn, Patsy Klein.

Speaker 1 (40:56):
Oh my gosh, we're kind of struggling. We're looking at
our first answer. We're over. Yeah, those are tough, man.
What was the first organ transplanted successfully? In nineteen fifty four?
May first, all first is here on the answers. What
was the first organ transplanted successfully in nineteen fifty four?

I'm in nineteen fifty four.

Speaker 6 (41:22):
I'm in for the win lushbox Heart, Eddie kidney man
O g Amy, Dang.

Speaker 3 (41:28):
I want something atle simple like the liver, the kidney.

Speaker 6 (41:31):
Yes, get to your point, they're ready. I'm on the
board and I went to crazy the heart. That's tough, dude,
or left.

Speaker 1 (41:38):
What was the first Olympic sport in which women could participate? Baking?

Speaker 6 (41:46):
Please please write that down. What was the first Olympic
sport in which women could participate? I'm in.

Speaker 1 (41:57):
And I'm in for the wind lunchbox track, Amy.

Speaker 6 (42:02):
Eddie gymnastics tennis in nineteen hundred, Wow, a long time ago.

Speaker 1 (42:08):
Matthew Webb was the first person to swim across what
famous body of water in eighteen seventy five. I'm in
what Matthew Webb was the first person to swim across
what famous body of water in eighteen seventy five? What
body of water? I'm in? Yeah, I'm in for the
womb Lunchbox Suez Canal? From what did you base that?

Speaker 4 (42:35):
I just wonder, sounds like it's been around a while
and sounds like a body of water, Eddie, the Baltic
Sea and from you?

Speaker 1 (42:43):
What did you base that on? It just came into
my head, Amy.

Speaker 3 (42:46):
The English Channel, that's correct. Thanks?

Speaker 1 (42:49):
What. I don't know what that is. I've never even
heard of that, as you can. I don't know. I
just guessed right, two lefts. What was the first color
film to win Best Picture? The Oscar in nineteen thirty nine?
The first movie that had color that won the Oscar
for Best Picture. I'm in, I'm in. Eddie watches a

stupid movie. You've seen it too? What is it called? Though?
Five seconds.

Speaker 3 (43:26):
Nineteen thirty were good?

Speaker 1 (43:29):
Lunchbox life is beautiful? Eddie? The Wizard of Oz, Amy,
Wizard of Oz Gone with the wine? Think of stupid?

Speaker 2 (43:38):

Speaker 3 (43:38):
I thought that was black and white?

Speaker 1 (43:40):
Stupid? What did you call stupid?

Speaker 7 (43:43):

Speaker 1 (43:44):
Answer? White? Okay? Final one? What was the first hidden
camera TV show in nineteen forty eight, often called the
first reality show. What was the first hidden camera TV show?
It started in nineteen forty eight, It went on a
long time. Oh my gosh, what was that called? Often
called the first reality show starting in nineteen forty eight?

Such even the real world was back then.

Speaker 4 (44:15):
I'm in, I'm in for the wind, blushbox, totally hidting video, Amy,
hidden camera, Eddie, candid camera, candid camera.

Speaker 1 (44:25):
Whoa got this candid camera there at the end. I
don't even think this is a bad dentist because I
don't know what happened here. But guy goes in just
to have some random work done, has an implant, and
the dentist pushed up and maybe the dentist was like
like excited or something, but maybe pushed up too far

and it went into his brain. Cavity. Is that that close? Yeah? Whoa,
it's right there by it. You feel like it's got
to go up a little bit, a little bit like
I'm doing the hand.

Speaker 6 (44:59):
But I mean, if it's the top of the jaw, man,
that that means he was pushing hard or she was
pushing hard.

Speaker 1 (45:05):
Good job not being sexist or catching your sexist men.
Women dennists. Good job. So he goes to a dental
clinic and he was like, my mouth's killing me, and
all right, this is what we need to do. Trust
his dentist. I trust mine. I feel like I got
a good dentist.

Speaker 2 (45:21):

Speaker 1 (45:22):
His doctor, which they're not saying the name, told his
assistant that the tool wasn't working properly. And I don't
want to get too much because I don't even like
talking about dental stuff. But this isn't like a twoth thing.
This is like a brain things. And so it went
through his jawbone into the brain cavity, and the guy
yells like ah, he did not die. He got very lucky.

They removed the metal screw without causing any brain damage.
He was discharged after a few days in the hospital,
like the unluckiest and then the luckiest. So I guess
he's back, even with a heck of a story to
tell everyone. I'm out of the Central that is wild
lawyers fired for the same thing that Amy has done
on the show recently, falsely telling a story that's funny.

You go, no, no, no, no, what do I do?

Speaker 3 (46:12):
Sometimes? I mean, I give series no, I'm not making
it up. But maybe on a news story.

Speaker 2 (46:17):
There's theories that I share without any evidence to back
it up.

Speaker 1 (46:21):
Interesting. No, no, just using chat gpt like cheating. Oh okay,
if we did a report yesterday, Amy had to do
one on Johnny Unitas because I had like an autograph
from him. Yeah, lunchbox has one on ed Asner coming
up later, the actor, and so you didn't do it. Yeah,
I got they got so big. Now he's googling. He went,

oh god, that had to be what he was like
waking up for school in the morning. Homework. You can
get to school and somebody like, hey, you do that,
and we had that due today. Man, this dude he
used to chat gpt, which is an app but it's
it's AI and it just tells your stuff. But he
was doing doing it. According to Daily Mail, he was

stressed out, used it to generate emotion and he I
can't apparently you can't do AI law as a lawyer.
I guess. I guess he maybe didn't even look at it.

Speaker 3 (47:15):
Say like, what's the defense for like this crime?

Speaker 1 (47:17):
Oh that's funny, and then you just copy and paste
and don't look back at it. I don't know that
he did that, but well, we got the news coming
up in a second. I have some personal news coming
up in a second. We have some theories about a
big secret here on the show coming up in a
second that somebody wants to present. So all that on
the way. And if you're in Florida a big Florida

State fan, our newest episode of Too Much Access is
up with the Florida State softball team. I do think
that's where I started to have rotator cuff tearing. It started, Yeah,
that was going a little too hard when I went
and the doctor told me I had like tears in
my rotator cuff. It's like, how often do you throw?
And I was like only when we're shooting and it
was like not go and you just throw for an

hour like NonStop. But you never I warm up before.
But he's like, you know, you know, if you don't
like do the activity a little bit before you go
into it really hard, you're probably gonna get hurt. It's doctor,
it's actually like a kid. Yes, don't produce there. So
that's up with mister Bobby Bones on my Instagram, I
go watch our newest episode with the Florida State Softball
team that they were awesome.

Speaker 2 (48:22):
What up.

Speaker 1 (48:22):
Let's go and do the news Bobby's stories. If your
iPhone alarm isn't working, isn't waking you up in the morning,
you aren't alone for a lot of people, to clocks
app isn't working. Some people are just sleeping in even
if you're late to work. I use this as an excuse. Yeah,
use no, but I'm saying, even if it hasn't broken

for you, just overslept, just be like and then like
show me Philly app now said it for one minute,
Let's do it appen it's broken.

Speaker 3 (48:53):
Gives me anxiety.

Speaker 6 (48:54):
Apple has heard hundreds even thousands of complaints on social media.

Speaker 1 (48:58):
I discovered the issue. They say the expected sound for
some users is not working and it fixes on the way.
That's tough going to bed just hoping your alarm works.
And no, I would not sleep. I don't sleep anyway,
but going to bed. Luckily, I'm a ninja and don't
have well. I have neurosis, not the same but close

kind of. My alarm never goes off. I have it set.
I never get to my lit it.

Speaker 6 (49:25):
I hate that that happens, you know, I have like
a I set mind to sleep mode and if you
do that, you won't get any calls, no text, nothing,
And I didn't know that, like your alarm will go
off though.

Speaker 1 (49:34):
Well yeah, but what if somebody needs me in the
middle of the night. You can actually call through it
and you can add people to do it.

Speaker 2 (49:40):
Oh okay, if you're away from your wife or something
that you want her to get through, like you should,
you could add her or your kids, but mostly just
add meboy.

Speaker 1 (49:49):
See Morgan, this is why it's good that your dad
still calls you in the morning. Exactly.

Speaker 5 (49:52):
He's my back of a lion.

Speaker 1 (49:53):
Is so crazy.

Speaker 3 (49:54):
I'm thirty.

Speaker 5 (49:56):
He's my backup alarm clock. I don't ever want to
miss work and he's my life.

Speaker 3 (50:00):
I mean, it's special.

Speaker 1 (50:01):
And so what does he say? Does he say the
same thing every morning? No, we talk about that take
up good morning?

Speaker 5 (50:07):
Well it always starts with hey you wake, how's it
going over there?

Speaker 3 (50:11):
And then we catch up on life.

Speaker 1 (50:13):
That my alarm that tells him to be your alarm?

Speaker 5 (50:16):
I don't think so he just knows to call me.

Speaker 4 (50:18):
Yeah, what if there's a dude over your house, he
still calls you touke to him when you're sitting next
to a dude.

Speaker 1 (50:23):
The dude would one stop talking, probably for Dad's call.
The phone just doesn't answer itself. I'm just saying, like,
it feels weird that dad has to call you when
the dude's in bed, Like it just seems weird. Morgan,
Why Morgan? I find it weird. From Polestar, Taylor Swift,
Uh comes at number one. She broke a billion dollars
with her Arras tour. Beyonce's Renaissance Tour grows five hundred

eighty million, Bruce Springsteen grows three hundred and eighty million. Uh,
they made a bunch of money. Now gross is not
what they get. Grosses all the money coming in before
they pay all the bills. But it's the first ever
to break one billion. That's pretty wild. Congratulations, Uh. North
Carol line of man says his sister's dream foretold his
lottery jackpot. A North Carolina man won eight hundred and

thirty seven thousand dollars after his sister had a dream
that he encountered riches in her dream. I found a
bunch of gold. I guess dreams do come true. He
bought the winning one dollar cash five ticket one dollar.
I was stunned at first, I saw the jackpot went
back down to one hundred thousand, so I knew someone
had hit it. I had no idea it was me.

After taxes, he will take home five hundred and ninety
eight thousand dollars. I mean, if that sister had that dream,
that sister needs a little cut of that pie. Huh.

Speaker 6 (51:40):
So sister had a dream, told him I had a
dream about this, and then he went and bought a
arty ticket.

Speaker 1 (51:45):
Or did she tell him after and she really did,
like I had a dream? That is from UPI So
I guess the problem. Let me read you the headline
of the story and then I will give you the
fundamental issue I have with the story. The twist on
season two of milf Manor, fathers and sons are going
after the same women. What so milf Manor air Sunday

Night's ten PM follows six moms ranging from forties to
sixties as they date younger men in their twenties. It's
a show. I'm not gonna spoil anything. The real headline
for me is not that it's on TLC. But TLC
is the learning chat. What are you learning from milf manner?
The learning chain? Yeah, this has been a thing with TLC,
they just create programming that people are like, Dang, I
didn't know that I was this interested. But sometimes when lives,

when your brand starts going a different way, you just
roll with it. You've got a lot of shows. A
lot of their shows are like that. It is not
educational programming. It is untold stories of the ear. It
is returned to amish. It's crack addicts, but not crack.
It's the crack the back the oh, dipractors. Oh wow,
it's baby surgeons with honey boob on the probably sounds

like it was.

Speaker 3 (53:00):
Maybe surgeons.

Speaker 1 (53:01):
Yeah, so don't be confused with their babies doing surgeon.
That's what are surgeons to deliver babies? Oh okay, they
had to show my six hundred pound life shows like
that where I'm learning that I'm interested in things I
didn't interested in. I guess so milf manner. That sounds interesting.

Speaker 2 (53:17):
Okay, so they're dating the twenty year olds, but then
suddenly the dads are like, whoa, I'm into.

Speaker 1 (53:22):
Really into this?

Speaker 3 (53:23):
Huh, I'm interested.

Speaker 1 (53:28):
Bumble will no longer require women to make the first move, Morgan,
your thoughts on this, I mean, it's.

Speaker 8 (53:33):
What makes bumbles stand out like Hinge. It makes it
exactly like Hinge.

Speaker 1 (53:40):
So, in my opinion, Bumble has always been where women
had to say what up first. It gave them a
bit of a bit of power and a bit of
not having to deal with creeps all the time. Yeah,
it made you feel safe a little bit. Ten years
after creating the new model for dating apps with women
make the first move, Bumble is opening the door to
men starting conversation. Humble is rolling out a new feature

called opening Moves that will let female users set a
prompt to which male suitors can respond to initiate a conversation.
For example, she could write what are you wearing and
a guy would respond Camo briefs or that's what I
would respond. So it's not free as to where you
just get on. Anybody can sit the message if you're
a woman. But they are doing things and I'm surprised

too they haven't allowed like people who pay a subscription
to be able to initiate with women.

Speaker 8 (54:27):
Oh, you can pay subscriptions now on both Pinch and
Bumble and you can be part of the b line
or you get more roses like you get better matches.
There's definitely a money scheme happening with Sadie Apps.

Speaker 1 (54:37):
Oh yeah, I mean by that money scheme though, what
we mean is profiting, not communism, not socialism, but capitalism.
Got it a money scheme, or well, build a business,
that's capitalism, that's correct, CNN. Bon Jovia admits he got
away with murder, not literally, but he is still married.

But he's he had one hundred girls on his life
at some point and his wife was just kind of
dealt with it. Did he say this in the new
Hulu documentary? John bon jovi admits it was like an
ABC special, So so yes, because that ends up going
on Hulu. I'm pretty sure that's that the formula there. So,
he admitted that he indulged in the rock star lifestyle
a little too much during the eighties. He admits he's

no saint when it comes to a thirty five year marriage.
He said, it's pretty good for him back in the day,
he said, and he told Michael Strahan in halfway there,
which is halfway there, so he said, I'm a rock
and roll star. I'm not a saint. I'm not saying
there weren't one hundred girls in my life. Oh it's
pretty good. He said, but if you think I was

ever going to jeopardize my anything for believing the narcissistem,
he was real, what a stupid thing to do. What
kind of excesses does a man need that's going to
fuel that fire? It's just not worth it. I think
he knows that now. Oh sure, sure, And life's about learning, man,
is it. Yeah?

Speaker 6 (56:00):
So I've seen the preview to whatever documentary just came out.
I mean I saw the trailer two months ago, and
the documentary just came out, And in the promo, one
of the guys I don't know who is the basis.

Speaker 1 (56:11):
Maybe he's like, yeah, I shouldn't have been married back then.
This So it feels to me like this ABC deal
is a promo for the doc and it's on Hulu
as well, but it's also a promo for the documentary
that's the same company. His wife's tolerance is what allowed
them to survive thirty five years. Yeah, usually that's what
she knew. What was up?

Speaker 6 (56:33):
You think A hundred girls mean probably more than that. Yeah,
I'm sure that's just like a SI like a thing.
One hundred girls?

Speaker 1 (56:42):
Why you need to wear sunglasses every day even when
it's cloudy experts reveal that it is not overkilled to
wear sunglasses when it's cloudy and you're outside, because if
you don't, it could prevent serious health problem because because
you don't see the sign doesn't mean the sun doesn't
reach you.

Speaker 6 (56:57):
That's like you be raised or sure, that's like what
they say, Like when it's overcast or whatever it's you
can still get a sunburn.

Speaker 1 (57:04):
Same thing with sunscreen, right if you're out, the sun
can actually nail you it to the clouds, even though
you don't feel it the same.

Speaker 6 (57:12):
So it's the UV rays, he goes, if you're outdoor,
I just put it on if I were you, So
I still don't. I'm gonna be honest with you. I'm like, well,
like good day for clouds.

Speaker 1 (57:23):
You know what. I don't even do it when it sunny,
you know, I don't even go outside. I'll be honest
with you. I don't even go outside. I'm good. I
don't need to go outside. I Our Country Festival, presented
by Capital One is Saturday in Austin, Texas. We will
be there. It'll be on Hulu speaking to Hulu eight
seventh Central on Saturday night on Hulu. Will be there.
You can still get tickets if you want to go
ticketmaster dot com. You can watch it on Hulu Keith

Urban Old Dominion Brothers Osborne. I'll be hosting it jelly Roll.
It's a lot of people, but on Hulu. Be sure
to check it out on Saturday. That's your news. Bobby's nice.
A couple of things, and they do not have to
do with each other. One week from today, so today's
May first. I think that would be May eighth, at

two pm Central I'll be holding a press conference to
announce something one week from today. Nobody knows anything about it,
but this is the first time I'm saying anything about It.
Has nothing to do with what I'm about to talk
about as well, so just put that in. I'll do
it on my Instagram, mister Bobby Bones one week from
today at two pm Central time, mister Bobby Bones Instagram. Secondly, again,
no connection with this at all. Morgan wants to read

some listener theories about the secret that Eddie knows that
he had to sign the non disclosure agreement to learn
and listeners have theories about this. Yes, okay, and there's
a little development there. Again, my press conference one week
has nothing to do with this, so I don't want
to get jumbled up. But we're going to go through

those theories next, and then some new news on this,
and then Lunchbox has a report on ed Asner, ninety
second report on ed Asner the actor. Oh he's an actor.
Yeah see you don't even know. Yeah, we'll get to that.
And your calls allow me to reset this real quick.
I got a call, Hey, will you come and learn

some industry country music secret and meet with the record
label and sign this document that's called a non disclosure
agreement an NDA. But if you share the secret, you
have to pay a million dollars. And I'm like, I
don't want to know the secret, even for free. I'm good.
They're like, no, no, you need another secret. I'm like, no,
thank you. So Scuba Steve learns the secret, and then

I say, well, can Lunchbox and Ray learn the secret?
And they're like no chance. But then they ask if
they can give the secret to Eddie for some reason,
So Eddie signs the paper. If he shares it, it's
a million dollar it's a fine. Apparently, I still I
don't know what it is. Okay. So that's the whole
story that happened like two weeks ago. Was not made up.
It's not us like searching for content anything like that.

That's really what's happening behind the scenes here. However, did
you guys get them? Well, I'll come to that after this.
You got the message today? Yeah, but I'm confused, but
we'll come back in a second. Okay, Morgan, you have
listener theories.

Speaker 8 (01:00:06):
Yeah, so there's listener theories that the big secret involves
the show and not actually anybody outside of the show.

Speaker 1 (01:00:13):
Okay, I'd be curious to hear them, but I don't
know the secret. But I can probably tell you if
some of these are true or not true. But go ahead.

Speaker 5 (01:00:20):
Yeah, okay, So Bobby, you and your wife.

Speaker 3 (01:00:22):
Are having a baby.

Speaker 1 (01:00:23):
No, that is not true. That is not this. I
mean maybe at some point in our lives, but right now,
that is not accurate. She is not pregnant. Incorrect. Okay.

Speaker 5 (01:00:31):
Lunchbox won some version of the lottery.

Speaker 1 (01:00:34):
I don't think he would be able to keep it
a secret. Yeah, how why would I tell Eddie? He
wouldn't even be here.

Speaker 8 (01:00:39):
I think it's because people think you like, wouldn't tell
anybody without an NDA.

Speaker 1 (01:00:43):
I think that's where that theory is told everybody, I
would scream it for you.

Speaker 4 (01:00:46):
I would stand it on a street corner with the sun,
and that says I won the lottery.

Speaker 1 (01:00:49):
Okay, what else that's wrong?

Speaker 5 (01:00:51):
I got secretly married?

Speaker 1 (01:00:52):
Any remarks to that?

Speaker 5 (01:00:54):
No, I have not gotten secretly married.

Speaker 1 (01:00:56):
I would also shot that from the rooftops. Hey, go ahead.
Amy adopted another their kids. Oh whoa, that'd be crazy.
Why that's a lot? You already have two as a
single part.

Speaker 5 (01:01:05):
She's mentioned she's wanted to she's thought about it.

Speaker 3 (01:01:07):
Oh yeah, I mean I wouldn't be opposed to it.

Speaker 1 (01:01:11):
That's a lot. Yeah, there's a lot. Sorry are you
saying that could be? No? Yeah, it's it has nothing
to do with the show, right, Listen, this is the
listener theories. Okay, go ahead.

Speaker 5 (01:01:19):
And then Eddie and his wife renewed their vowels in
a really big way.

Speaker 1 (01:01:23):
What listen, I don't know what does that mean? In
a big way? Did it naked?

Speaker 5 (01:01:26):
Well, because he's been talking about them like renewing their
vowels and he just wanted to make it like a
fun big.

Speaker 1 (01:01:32):
So okay, Well, no, you oftenly his noses. Oh that's right.
His nose is big. I was talking about the other port.
You already said nothing. He said nothing, So now you
can no longer say no, just strike down from the records.
So this is what I'd like to say. I did
not sign the papers. I now know the secret. Why
do you know it without? I signed my life away

and you know the secret? Yeah, because everybody's geting kicked
out of the Bilding today after you guys know this
now they're asking everybody to leave the building today at
a certain point after the show so we can record
it what exactly? So yeah, that's what I don't understand.

Speaker 4 (01:02:10):
I was confused by the email because I was it
was like, Bobby's going to be there, and I'm like, well,
Bobby doesn't know the secret.

Speaker 1 (01:02:14):
He's not allowed to know the secret then, b so
we will react? How will we? I thought the whole
reaction would be whatever the secret is. I don't know
the full secret. I only know part of the secret.
I know what like what's happening, and I'm going to
be let in on it right before I But they're
making everybody leave the building. So whatever happens, people, the.

Speaker 3 (01:02:34):
Record label's coming here and they're kicking us out because
they have a secret.

Speaker 1 (01:02:42):
I have my theory.

Speaker 4 (01:02:43):
Okay, what is it that Bobby has been asking artists
every time they come in to be a co writer
or co singer on some song called plural ra merles
to do? And so Bobby and there finally got someone
to take de bait.

Speaker 1 (01:03:01):
Not it and it's not has nothing to do with
me because I don't even know the full secret. They
just had to tell me enough to for me not
to freak out when they lost everybody to leave the building.
So how do we know? You don't?

Speaker 2 (01:03:11):
Are they bringing a hologram here? Remember I don't know
of Elvis or something.

Speaker 1 (01:03:16):
That would be awesome or the real Elvis.

Speaker 6 (01:03:18):
No, But what I'm saying is, how do what if
that's the announcement, Hey, later today after you guys like
play pretty Daddy, I'm here when I'm eighty three years
old and I'm gonna announce it.

Speaker 1 (01:03:27):
That would be awesome. I guess why you guys can't know.
Eddie's being quiet because he didn't want to say I'm
just here. So why you can't know, It's because we
have to tape it. There would be days since the
taping of it to the air that you could reveal it.
That's why you have to leave. But they knew i'd
freak out if I was like kicking you guys out
of the building. And I was like, Okay, I get it,
So I'll be learning the full secret later. Cool without

signing the NBA, that's messed up.

Speaker 2 (01:03:57):
So you could go the rest of the time telling
people say something and not good soon.

Speaker 1 (01:04:02):
But I'm not going to because I get that. Unless
it's so good, and that's why they tell you secrets,
I'll be yelling rooftops like you want the lottery, you know?
Uh yeah, yeah? So it was it weird when you
guys got a noticeaying you had to leave the building. Yeah,
I was like what what? How was it said to you?

Speaker 3 (01:04:16):
Says tomorrow at this time?

Speaker 1 (01:04:18):
What's it again?

Speaker 4 (01:04:19):
You need to It says you have to vacate the
building at this time. No one is allowed here except
for Bobby, Eddie and Scuba. No questions. It said no questions,
but you asked the question. Say no questions.

Speaker 6 (01:04:32):
No, It just says heads up, having to clear the
building tomorrow at ten thirty eight before guests arrived, and
you need to come back to finish your work.

Speaker 1 (01:04:38):
I can text you when everything wraps. You will be
escorted out by arm guards and I'm like, come back.
It is not a bit that we created. I promise you.
We've done some bits off of this, but it's not
something we created. It's not gonna be like oh like lunchboxes,
a little bits he does. I don't do little bits
you do? Do you want to do your teas tomorrow?

Tomorrow I'm gonna change someone's life. Yeah, yeah, here we
go in this studio.

Speaker 4 (01:05:04):
I have something that's gonna change someone's life. I'm not
gonna tell you who it is. You may have designed
an NDA. If you want me to tell you early,
you have to get.

Speaker 1 (01:05:12):
An attorney to write out the NDA. And that's gonna
cost you money. Oh it does. He has an attorney.
Yeah yeah, his friend, he yelled once on the podcast.
I'll call my lawyer, will John odgers Man check him out.
So tomorrow you're gonna change somebody's life. I'm gonna change
someone's life, And I mean, you don't want to miss it.

Speaker 4 (01:05:31):
Like this is it could be tell me something good,
could be the biggest, tell me something we've had.

Speaker 1 (01:05:38):
Yeah that big? Okay, while so we got multiple things here,
I mean, who's excited to have their life changed, but
you often dangle and then when you finally get to
the carro and it's not a carrot at all, and
you never do anything for other people. Yeah. True, it's
always a little bit for you. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, So

that's tomorrow. Hope finally reveal the end of that segment too. Man.
The thing my recording today is not tomorrow, right, two
different things. I don't even think I can say when
it's gonna be, but it won't be forever a way,
because I don't even know exactly when just kind of goes.

Speaker 2 (01:06:12):
Back to lunchbox, this question when it when it plays
back or whatever we we react in that moment.

Speaker 1 (01:06:21):
I don't know how it's gonna work because I don't
know what it is. I don't speak, I don't know
what I don't know what it means. I don't know. Yeah, okay,
you'll be able to speak, Okay at some point. This
whole thing is getting it's weird.

Speaker 7 (01:06:34):
Yeah, I just have a I was today years old
story for you guys. So I'm twenty three now. Probably
when I was like twenty, I figure out how the
light and the fridge turned off and on. I guess before.
I just never thought about it. I just thought it
was like a censor. But then one day I was like, hey,
did you guys know that this button gets clicked when

the door closes. That's what turns off the fridge light.
And they were all like yeah, and I was like, well,
I was today years old.

Speaker 1 (01:07:02):
Thanks for your vulnerability. It's hard not to laugh at
some of these, but that's the point of them, is
that we have one that we're kind of we felt
idiotic about too, and everybody's like, duh, but yeah, I
appreciate you sharing that. Yeah, all the refrigerators had a
little button, uh huh, And I knew that. But there
are things that I didn't know that you guys were like, no,
we knew that. You shouldn't judge anyone if they say

I was today years old when I found out. That's
kind of the that frees you from any judgment because
we kind of all have one of those. It's no
time for ninety seconds on ed Asner, the actor Lunchbox
is gonna do a report. I collect these signatures and
I got one from ed Asner, and so this is
how we're broadening our knowledge. Ninety seconds on the clock

lunchbox and go. Yeah. Ed Asner.

Speaker 4 (01:07:48):
He was born in Kansas City, Missouri, but he hails
from Kansas City, Kansas, where he grew up. And then
he started college and he was doing college, he's working
in a steel mill and he was gonna do journalism.
There's no money in journalism. He's like, all right, I'll
start being an actor. Starts being an actor. Then Boom
gets drafted into the military, got to go to the war.

Speaker 1 (01:08:09):
And in the war, what do you do? You don't know,
do you? He traveled around it, plays at army bases
like he was like an actor like to Keith. The
morale up. And then he got back started doing small jobs.
Then he got the job on the Mary Tyler Moore
show show. I don't know what that is, Yeah, being
the boss kind of like the bald guy.

Speaker 4 (01:08:29):

Speaker 6 (01:08:29):

Speaker 4 (01:08:29):
And he was such a hit on there that he
got his own spin off called Like Lou And that's
how he became a famous Hollywood actor.

Speaker 1 (01:08:36):
And that's it. And see, that's a good report. That's
a good I mean it shows I don't know, so
I don't really know how to tell you about a
Simpons episode. That's a good question. I don't know.

Speaker 4 (01:08:48):
He did appear in three episodes of Modern Family the
last season.

Speaker 1 (01:08:51):
I think, do you recognize him from I recognized him.
He was like the Grandpajo and so.

Speaker 4 (01:08:57):
He had a lot of voiceover work and other TV shows,
but I.

Speaker 1 (01:08:59):
Don't really he was the guy up. He was the
grandpa up to never seen it. Oh, he's the voice
for the grandpa.

Speaker 2 (01:09:04):
Are we calling out that lunch truck said? He hails
from someone.

Speaker 1 (01:09:07):
I did it because you did it. Literally, it was
kind of a parody of you. I made sure. I said, hey,
are you asking? What do you know him for?

Speaker 7 (01:09:15):

Speaker 1 (01:09:15):
Why did you marry? Telling more, I saw that his
auto was up on ebakes. I just searched for auto
cuts and cut out signatures that have been authenticated so
when I collect. He was also the in the Santa Claus.
He was Santa Claus at the end. Oh sorry, when
he says on his lap, you know, and the big
Will Ferrell sits on the lap, and also he tells
the story. Oh that's.

Speaker 6 (01:09:37):
The big Elf, the Santa Claus. He's Santa Claus and Elf. Okay,
so that's not who tells the story. Who tells the
story is the big else?

Speaker 4 (01:09:46):

Speaker 1 (01:09:46):
But that's what is that? Who it is? I don't know.
I've only seen like once. I never watched. My wife's
family they watch it every Christmas Eve. I know we
never did that. We didn't.

Speaker 4 (01:09:57):
But he had a lot of work. I mean, I
I you going on really stuff. I'm like, yeah, okay,
maybe he was in that. He had so many.

Speaker 6 (01:10:02):
Papa elf he's Papa Elf and elf. Oh he is
has a story? Okay, so he does tell a story. Oh,
oh my gosh, guys does an elf? He's Okay, that's
Bob Newhart, got it? Okay, I have a Bob Newhart
one too, you do?

Speaker 7 (01:10:17):

Speaker 1 (01:10:17):
From a check heart to check off, it's Bob Newhart. Wow, No,
that's pretty cool. Okay, let me play. This is Jenny
from Mississippi.

Speaker 2 (01:10:28):
Your song, she loves your songs? And what's your favorite
Caroline Honny Lovey Moy, Hobby Lobby, Bobby Well.

Speaker 6 (01:10:37):
I mean, if the people demand it, yeah, man, give
it to him. I thought that was like someone on
helium at first, right, kid, Yeah, Bobby Bone show.

Speaker 4 (01:10:45):
Sorry. Today this story comes us from Wisconsin. Hey woman
and her boyfriend were up having a few drinks when
they started talking about taxes. He's like, oh, yeah, don't worry,
I didn't finish my taxes. And she says, you didn't
finish your taxes, You're gonna go to jail.

Speaker 1 (01:11:02):
He's like no, no, no, no. He was trying to
explain that he filed an extension and she got so
mad she pulled out a gun. Pop. I'm surprised that
people who care about people doing their taxes Carrie's carry
a gun and just pull it out like that, because
paying your taxes is kind of a responsible thing, getting
a gun in time, Yeah, I see that, But then
to have a gun, not just have a gun because

some people have guns and they should have guns, but
to pull it out and then for a pop to
happen because of the situation, they don't really go together.

Speaker 4 (01:11:30):
But luckily the bullet missed him whiz by his ear.
So he went for a walk and she follow him
down the sidewalk and Pop shot him.

Speaker 3 (01:11:37):
I think maybe she's just looking for a reason to
shoot him.

Speaker 1 (01:11:39):
I think so too. I think the taxes, so I'm
assuming he didn't die. Now he didn't die. It was
like in the leg.

Speaker 4 (01:11:45):
Yeah, But when she was arrested, she was significantly significantly
above the alcohol limit.

Speaker 1 (01:11:51):
Yeah yeah, or works for the irs and gets is
really passionate about her works.

Speaker 4 (01:11:55):
One of the too Okay, I'm Lunchbox. That's your bonehead
story of the day.

Speaker 1 (01:12:00):
It wasn't meant to be a sensitive subject, but we
were talking about on this show. In our post show podcast,
we were talking about how some people are doing extra
work to create extra money, or create side hustles or
even maybe new careers. And some people were like, wait,
what's happening here? Why are people trying to leave the show?

Not particularly, but some people are actually trying to create
maybe a secondary career that leads to something. I guess
Lunchbox was motivated and inspired by this. He was applied
for a new job. Oh good, good for him. So
that way he's just not sitting. When does it start? Well,
what's the job?

Speaker 4 (01:12:37):
The job is? We talked about it. It's a cruise line.
They're letting you come cruise on their dime, where you
get to go on the cruise gamble. They give you
gambling money to try out their new casino and you
go on a voyage for one to two.

Speaker 1 (01:12:49):
Weeks and hit the open seas. And how did you apply?

Speaker 4 (01:12:54):
I just went online we talked about it, and I
found the new story and you said if I got it,
I could go. So I went filled out the information.

Speaker 1 (01:13:02):
That a sound effect for filling out the that's me
clicking on my computer. And what do they ask? That's
the problem.

Speaker 4 (01:13:09):
They didn't ask any of my like, hey, how many
Instagram followers that. They just said, put your name, your
address in dreamail.

Speaker 1 (01:13:16):
That's it. So they'll probably take that email and save
it and use it for Hey, sign up for a
cruise exactly if you get that job. It's only only
two weeks. If you going on a cruise, have a fun,
you absolutely can go. That's so what I'm talking about.
Really absolutely, it's hilarious.

Speaker 3 (01:13:33):
Oh just for him.

Speaker 1 (01:13:34):
Yeah, hey, check out apply to you apply, you can
go if you get it. No, deadline's fast, that's okay.
Really yeah. When was the deadline? April thirtieth at noon?
So you held it purposefully, so no one else. Of course,
do you take someone with you? Yep, I get to
bring a guest. Who are you taking? I mean you
don't have to take Eddie. I think we said that.

You did say that. You said we both have to
have two people gone. Well, you said you both had
to apply, and I don't think he applied. I did not.
Gotta got it. You take whoever you want, but if
you do get it, you can go. All right, hilarious.
You's got to call us like every day.

Speaker 4 (01:14:08):
Yeah, we're here all wortht the Baltic Sea where the
red seat the Caspian Sea.

Speaker 1 (01:14:12):
Now, man, what about all that money you're spending on
gambling of your own money that you made.

Speaker 4 (01:14:17):
Oh no, no, no, I get you spend the money
on the boat they gave me five hundred dollars.

Speaker 1 (01:14:21):
I'm just welling with that.

Speaker 4 (01:14:22):
That's crazy, amazing, dude, thanks to casino dot org.

Speaker 3 (01:14:27):
You need to go.

Speaker 6 (01:14:28):
Iial all right, We're done. You guys have a great
rest of the day.

Speaker 7 (01:14:33):
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