All Episodes

May 22, 2024 81 mins

Someone reached out to Bobby about a show member potentially going to Hollywood for a larger role than what Amy had in her "Holiday Harmony" movie. Plus, Bobby gets an update from Eddie's popcorn shrimp challenge, where he said he can eat 108 popcorn shrimp in 30 minutes... and to no surprise, he may back out.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Comitting. Welcome to Wednesday Show Morning Studio Morning. Here's your
get to know you A question of the morning. What's
your favorite place on Earth? We all can't say Disney, right,
I don't believe I'm going to your favorite place on Earth.

I will lead give you guys time to think about it.
The thing mine is a Saturday afternoon at Reynolds Razorback
Stadium football season, probably right before a game starts. We
just lose a lot and it gets it gets to
be sour once we lose. Sure, well, we're not there yet.
I know it's before. It's like I still got home.

So I'm gonna go Razorback Stadium on a pleasant weather
late September, early October. It's not just my favorite place
in the whole world, amy, I.

Speaker 2 (00:57):
Mean, I'll pick a summer afternoon at my sister's place
in Colorado.

Speaker 3 (01:04):
She lives in a little tiny town on the.

Speaker 2 (01:05):
River, and she has a fire pit down by the
river and we gather around it and it's so great,
and the kids are older like and her kids have
learned guitar, so they play and we do food. My
sister makes drinks. Like that's just a place to be.
I need to do that this summer. Yeah, it's like
and I'm just with my sister and she feels like
that's like home to me.

Speaker 1 (01:27):
Lunchbox, it's the beginning of summer. Pool season is here
and you.

Speaker 4 (01:32):
Head out to the beautiful city of Las Vegas, where
you're in the casino having some drinks, sitting at a
blackjack table, a roulette table, a slot machine, a craps table,
whichever one you desire. The place is hopping, you're feeling
good and you're winning lots of money. And then it's like, oh,
you know what, I'm gonna go sit by the pool
for a little bit.

Speaker 1 (01:52):
See some chicks and bikinis. They're ready to go.

Speaker 4 (01:55):
And you go out there and you hang out by
the pool for a little bit in a cabana.

Speaker 1 (01:58):
Oh man, they're ready to go. Yeah what does that mean?
And also, I didn't know we could declare a winning
or I'd be like, we just want the national championship.
So Lunchbox is Vegas gambling. Amy's with her sister in Colorado.
I'm at a razorback football game. Eddie. You guys are
specific with your time and weather. Yeah, that's why you
go to Hawaii anytime any weather. Hawaii is gorgeous. It's relaxing.

You got that the you got the little ukuleles plane,
the wind blowing in the palm trees. Dude, Then you
go fishing, you can go surfing, you can lay out.
The problem with that is I can't watch Arkansas football
too early. I mean I can't. That's a wake up
away earlier. So it runs my favorite That's true. You
might have to watch that like a night. But it's beautiful. Hawaii,
Baby Eddie, Hawaii, Helloha, lunchbox Vegas, Amy Colorado. Me I win.

I'm gonna win that contest. Follow us Arkansas Stateium. Yeah,
I can raze to my football. Okay, let's open the Mailbaglia.

Speaker 5 (02:56):
Read all the air dick something we call Bobby's mail tag.

Speaker 1 (03:00):
Yeah, hello, Bobby Bones. My husband and I have been
married for thirteen years. We have three kids. From my
fortieth birthday last week, my husband got me an instapot.
It's like getting a vacuum is a birthday gift. It's
just another tool for me to do my job, versus
something more thoughtful. He was upset that I wasn't more
appreciative of the gift, and it turned into a huge fight.
I just thought he'd do something more thoughtful for my

fortieth who's in the wrong. How do we get past
our hurt on both sides from a forty year old wife. Well,
I don't think anybody's in the wrong. But Amy, I'll
let you handle this one.

Speaker 2 (03:32):
We Yeah, I don't necessarily want to insta pod or
a crockpot, or new pants or blender. I don't want
any of that from my birthday. So let's just does
everybody have a mental note of that that we don't
do that unless your wife is expressed she doesn't mind,
and in that case still don't joy it.

Speaker 1 (03:48):
I would say there's been some sort of error in communication,
probably from her and also him not challenging himself to
be more thoughtful. From him. I don't think this is
a totally sided thing here.

Speaker 2 (04:00):
No, but I do agree it's about being thoughtful, like
she would like him to put some thought into something
that she doesn't need to use that provides for the
entire family, Like maybe it's something specific for her.

Speaker 1 (04:14):
I hear you, But I don't think he would do
this unless he was cultured to think this is what
he's supposed to do. Guys are dumb. Yeah, so you
have to start. You start on the floor with us
and then build and teach us. We're like AI, we
only know what we're around and see you do just
and we learn. So for some reason, he his AI
and he's been taught that this is an okay thing
to do, and his AI hasn't been taught Hey, this

is a special special birthday, to which she probably could
have said, hey, I'm going to communicate this with you,
especially if she knows how on the floor his AI is,
because I don't think if this is what his movie
is at her fortieth birthday already, he's probably not a
real gift general like a thoughtful person. He's probably thoughtful
in many other ways. Sure, it's a great husband, but

you don't go from being like getting flower being romantic
to a pot. This is probably his mo. It's not
your love length is that where you guys say love LNG.
He's probably always getting things. He's like, I don't know,
I think you'd like this. It make her so, I
would say sixty five percent on him, thirty five percent
on her. There's got to be a better communication about it.
But nobody's in the wrong. This is a culture that's
been set.

Speaker 2 (05:18):
Yeah, nobody's in the wrong unless he's got a history
or a pattern of doing this. In that case, you
know there's discussion there. But I think what does this
make possible is the question you get to ask yourself.
And now your relationship is going to grow from this
because you're going to sit down and have a conversation
and then hopefully future birthdays to come, he'll.

Speaker 3 (05:35):
Be good to go.

Speaker 1 (05:36):
You can't put it all on him because he will
not perceive that.

Speaker 2 (05:39):
Well, so how do but okay, how do you have
a conversation with someone who's ai.

Speaker 1 (05:44):
Is Well, first, you have to realize that guys are stupid, right,
as long as you realize that to begin with, and
you have to talk to us like children when it
comes to this. He did not know he was doing wrong.
He didn't set out to buy a birthday gift that
you'd be mad at. He thought he's probably get you
something good, something that would help you with stuff that
you're already doing. Now, therefore you have to go be like, hey,
that was really cool. But for my fortieth I really

hoped it would come from a little more that thought
love part of your brain than just helping me. I
understand you Richard Truck probably try to help my everyday
life a little bit. But my expectations were this, and
then he'll be a little defensive, but then he'll know, Yeah, okay,
you just got to recommunicate that crowd.

Speaker 2 (06:20):
It's a conversation and in any anytime something happens in
a relationship that gives you an opportunity to learn and
grow and communicate.

Speaker 3 (06:28):
Look at it as like a gift.

Speaker 1 (06:29):
I don't always do that, but I hear you. So
when my wife says like, ooh, I always a vacuum cleaner,
like that is not a birthday birthless she wants it
for her birthday. It's what she's communicated to you over
a long period of time and how she's communicated it,
not just in birthdays. So confused in every I get it,
you're dumb.

Speaker 2 (06:46):
I get being also economical. It's like, Okay, this is
something you want anyway, might as well get it as
a birthday present.

Speaker 1 (06:52):
But got you messed up. Don't be an idiot. I
don't want to stick up for him totally. You're an idiot.
At least he got her gift. I agree, geez, and
I would say a little bit's on her because this
is the culture that she's probably allowed for a long
time with birthdays, and she didn't express this is gonna
feel different if it's done the same.

Speaker 3 (07:07):
But now they're going to talk about it.

Speaker 1 (07:08):
It's still his fault. It's still his fault. He's an idiot.
We're all idiots like we are or the bottom of
a sorry, thank you, welcome. We got your game on
the air. Now it's find the clothes Bobby failed that year.
If we were to build a dating profile for Lunchbox,
which we're not because he's married. He loves soccer, he

loves running, loves hot chicks, and he loves calling nine
one one. Oh. The guy calls nine one one about
once every month and a half calls, calls, calls always
comes in. I called nine one one, and it was
for a good reason. The kid didn't have a seat
built on it's but it's not so none of us
are really nine one one ers. I don't know that
I've ever called nine one one never. I don't know

that I've ever called nine one one.

Speaker 3 (07:56):
Of a whole life.

Speaker 1 (07:57):
Hey, once you do, though, once you pop, you can't stop.
That's weird. It's a pringle yep. Never called nine one one, Eddie.
You almost did, dude. I was so close to calling
nine one one, And now I really don't know. I
think maybe I should have called nine one one. Explain
the scenario. This is crazy. So it was about ten PM.
I had to get gas. So I go to the
gas station. It's one of those like where it's there's

no one there. It's pretty it's closed, but you can
still use your credit card. And so I'm pumping gas
and across the street I kind of hear like drilling
and like hammering, Like that's a ten PM what's going
on over there? I look over and there's a white
van backed up to an ATM at the bank, and
I hear pop clink, clink, clink, and I go, there

is no way that someone is stealing that ATM in
the middle of all this going on. It's ten po
it's not even three in the morning, lausch Fox, Would
you have called nine one one?

Speaker 4 (08:48):
Then this is a robbery in progress. I'm here to
report a robbery in progress.

Speaker 1 (08:54):
But I'm guys, they were being so obvious.

Speaker 4 (08:57):
They had flashlights they had never do if you do
it at three am, it's obvious.

Speaker 1 (09:01):
You're gonna see them and be like, Okay, something's going on.
Ten PM.

Speaker 4 (09:04):
You're like, ah, there's so much going on. Still, there's
so a lot of people about.

Speaker 1 (09:08):
Feels kind of shady though. But three am is you're
the only one on the road.

Speaker 4 (09:12):
So if you see something like that, you're calling nine
one this they got you.

Speaker 1 (09:16):
You didn't call, So I got my phone. I'm like,
should I call nine one one? But then I'm thinking
I call nine one one? It's people working on the
the ATM, like the bank hired them, and I'm gonna
look like an idiot. So I drove off. I still
looked at them. They were about four guys working on
the thing. Four dudes.

Speaker 3 (09:35):
True, yeah, maybe it's a second And you.

Speaker 1 (09:38):
Went by the next day and the EIGHTM was going.
I've been looking on the big hole. I've been looking
on the news for any story that says like still
on ATM. Okay, I would imagine odds are they were
just probably fixing it or putting money back in or
locating sell it, yeah, to their basement. But I'm saying O,
I's like, only like fifty five percent. There's a big
chance I think was being robbed. Yeah, I still don't know,

but I didn't call nine one one. Maybe you should have.
I never said that to lunchbox. But is that an emergency? No,
maybe the police. Maybe you just could have called like
the secondary number. Okay, I have a question about that.
How do you do that? You four to one one
or so? Every city has a different one three one one?
Like do you google like local police department? Yeah, it

just takes so long. Or you just called nine one one,
say can you connect me to the non emergency I
don't think that's really used for that, but I do
feel that's the easiest way to get ahold of a cop.
Like you got to remember all these numbers, just nine
one one, So there's a non emergency number here, you'd
easily call that. You could just type non emergency number
and you could have called. But then it's kind of
an emergency because you want them to show up quick.

If these guys are robbing the ATM, they're not going
to that decision. They get to make the decison where
they to send you over to the emergency or not.
But I don't think you go to emergency and let
them make the decision to send you down. But you
should drive buy and to see if it's still there
the ATM. Yeah, I don't think I would have called
nine one one. I would have just trusted there was
something going on. But it was one of the ATMs
that were in that's in the wall, you know what
I mean. It's not just sitting out. Ye ye.

Speaker 3 (11:04):
I'm not a person. Is it in danger?

Speaker 2 (11:07):
And I don't. I don't know the full situation, so
I'm probably not calling nine to one one. But I'm
also scared if I stay too long that if these
are bad guys, they could kidnap me shirt a witness.

Speaker 1 (11:17):
I was thinking that too, because I kept looking down,
looking in the corner of my eye, kind of seeming
like what's going on over there, but making it look
like I'm not looking at them from across the street.

Speaker 3 (11:25):
Yeah, yeah, I don't want to.

Speaker 1 (11:26):
Be a pard A license plate.

Speaker 4 (11:28):
No you didn't get that, you start snapping photos video
it was a white band though.

Speaker 1 (11:35):
Yeah, I would have followed him. Now they're going and
you would have called nine one one. I just don't
have the courage, I mean, if I'm like getting I
did call nine one one once when I got robbed
at gunpoint and pistol whipped I did call nine one one,
and they were like, what happened. I was like, I've
been robbed, and they were like, what happened? I said,
I've been robbed? What else seeing me to say, uh,
that's the only time.

Speaker 4 (11:55):
Yeah, I mean this is I mean, this is easy,
nine one one. What's your emergency? Yeah, I want to
report a robbery in products. You see, I see a
white van backed up to an ATM four guys with
hammers and chisels were their faces.

Speaker 1 (12:07):
But they weren't a massive the mouse, no, not that
I saw. They were still kind of far from that.
But I'm gonna say you made the right call. My
call is you made the right call.

Speaker 4 (12:15):
It's time for the good news, Bobby.

Speaker 1 (12:21):
It's one of the stories where so her name's Kathy.
She lives in Michigan. She passed out. She's a hard issue.
Her dog named Bentley sees it runs over to a
house next door and starts jumping up like in the
window and like hitting the window. So they're like, why
is a dog jumping in her window? And they check it,
and then the dog runs to the house and then
runs back to them, runs back to the house, so
they're like, should we follow the dog, and so they

do follow the dog back and she's unconscious on the
bathroom floor and that's the dog save her life.

Speaker 2 (12:50):
I mean.

Speaker 3 (12:52):
A fascinating because my dog would.

Speaker 1 (12:53):
Never do or we've just never been in that situation
and we don't know. My dog doesn't leave her for sure,
but you don't know. Oh, because Benley's not like a
trained dog for that. That's amazing. That's amazing. So Bentley
shout out to you. You get ten treats. But if
I ever give stand like too many treats. My dog
Stanley because he did something good. He didn't vomit everywhere,
and then he gets it feels like he's been punished.

That's from w l o X Bentley. Good dog, Good dog, Bentley.
All right, there you got about that was telling me
something good. One of the members of our show, Swifty Lauren,
she got married. She's off on her honeymoon right now.
A lot of us weren't able to go. I was
in Dallas at the ACMs lunchbox. Were you? I was
in Atlanta working Yeah, yeah, I was working Eddie basketball

tournaments all day. Yeah. Or you just forgot, but I
did ask he would you guys please remember to buy
her a gift? How many people wought her a gift?

Speaker 3 (13:44):
I did?

Speaker 1 (13:45):
I did to lunchbox, did you get her a gift?

Speaker 6 (13:48):

Speaker 1 (13:49):
Are you you're going to get her a gift?

Speaker 4 (13:50):
I was hoping that you guys didn't know these days
are too expensive, like a Classic Serios series mixer, you know,
three hundred twenty nine dollars.

Speaker 1 (14:01):
Sorry, I don't know you want have to pay three
hundred twenty nine dollars. Why are you picking out the
one most expensive thing? Uh?

Speaker 4 (14:07):
Cool purifying fan six hundred and forty nine dollars. Uh no,
thanks but sorry. All we do is work together.

Speaker 1 (14:15):
Ain't paying for that? But you don't have to get
her the expensive thing? Okay?

Speaker 4 (14:19):
You want me to get her a wedding layout photo album?
Two hundred dollars? No, thanks, way over my price range.

Speaker 1 (14:27):
You know what I did is I went to the
list and just found the cheapest thing, and it was
one hundred dollars. There's no no, no, everything's gone. It's
what's left because you guys didn't buy it. Oh yeah,
here we go.

Speaker 4 (14:37):
V eight cordless stickbacume I could pay four hundred and
sixty nine dollars for that.

Speaker 1 (14:42):
No, but you can also, like I did, there's a
thing where you it's already been purchased the amount of money.
There's a new home fund, and you can click and
send fifty bucks any five bucks buying. You're not buying
a house. You're helping. That's what I don't. My house
tributed cash to the home fund. See, I went think lunch,
I should like that because he can see like I
bought her house when he only gave fifty bucks.

Speaker 4 (15:03):
Yes, here, here's like an artisan cast iron round dutch
oven with lid.

Speaker 1 (15:08):
Those are nights been purchased. Oh dang, I saw that too. Okay,
here's one silverware purchase purchased purchase. Is there one of
those things that go like sort cheapest, Oh there is. Okay,
let's do sorte he rode a forty nine dollars and
let's you can get an Amazon gift card fifty bucks.
That's down there.

Speaker 3 (15:27):
It's perfect.

Speaker 1 (15:28):
You can get her a well that's the only thing.
Everything else has been bought in its exactly.

Speaker 4 (15:32):
So I mean, that's on you two hundred dollars to
send them to Saint Lucia.

Speaker 1 (15:36):
Aren't they already there? Sorry? Not doing that? I think
it's maybe to let them enjoy their experience while they're there.
I think they're already enjoying it. You can buy Okay,
there's this an eternal five piece place setting for less
than one hundred bucks, and she still needs a couple
of those. What is your budget? I was singing, like

thirty bucks? Okay, then buy her a thirty dollars Amazon
gift card or thirty dollars towards the house. I mean,
these are the plates they picked the setting. But that's
not your problem, Like that's what they picked. I'm just
saying it ain't very nice. You don't like them, It
doesn't mean they're not nice. What do you think that?
I don't even see them, man, even look I think

they I don't get like nice plates. I mean, my
wife's picked out some stuff that I don't know. It
seems like that's to have like four plates. I never
used that little bit. You wonder when you're gonna use
it never.

Speaker 4 (16:32):
It's like to have people over game, but you're gonna
it's gonna go in a box, Like they're never gonna
use this.

Speaker 1 (16:37):
They're gonna never put this little cup of coffee. Coffee cup.
I never need coffee cup don't drink cofee. Do we
have some?

Speaker 4 (16:42):
Yeah, but they're never gonna put this cup on this
little plate.

Speaker 1 (16:45):
That it comes with.

Speaker 3 (16:46):
Saucer. I love having.

Speaker 1 (16:49):
Someone's house and they have a saucer. Saucer. Yeah, maybe
they do that when you're not around. I would say,
you don't get invited saucer parties that.

Speaker 2 (16:59):
Maybe just made a cup of tea or a cup
of coffee and sat down with your little cup and
your little saucer.

Speaker 4 (17:03):
And never in my life, what ever, I don't have
a saucer.

Speaker 1 (17:07):
What I would say is buy her an Amazon gift
card or put thirty or forty bucks towards the house.

Speaker 4 (17:13):
Here, you can buy her a Cloverdale wood round patio table.

Speaker 1 (17:17):
One hundred and sixty four dollars. Are you listening to Bobby?
It'll no, he just wants to yell things. There's okay,
she'd use a dice and purifying fan. How much is that?
Six forty nine? No, see, that's what I'm saying, Oh,
six dollars, No, one hundred. People have the it's their
right to put on expensive things and cheap things.

Speaker 4 (17:36):
Or I would like to see and if they don't
buy a house where there's this money going, they're just
using it for whatever.

Speaker 1 (17:41):
Well, that's okay.

Speaker 4 (17:45):
You don't spend Hey, if i'm if I'm donating to
your house, don't spend it on a vacation.

Speaker 1 (17:50):
Don't spend it on a new car. You better buy
a house. You can't control that. Well, then don't put
up there buying a house. I think it may be
for their house, like buy things for the house as well,
he says, new home fun. They have a new home,
so they need to find to buy stuff inside the house.

Speaker 4 (18:05):
I think all this crap is funded for their house.
An iron? Who buys a forty six dollars iron?

Speaker 1 (18:11):
But somebody did it's already gone. Goodness, how much iron?
That's like? As I don't know, man, So are you
buying her a gift? It doesn't look like it. You're not.
You're just gonna not buy her gift at all.

Speaker 4 (18:23):
Man, I might have come up with something else. Maybe
I'll get her a surprise gift.

Speaker 1 (18:26):
What's that? I don't know? Maybe not picture of you
ye new house decor or boy. I would recommend you
get us something. But if not, that's on you. Oh
you know what, what? I do have a rug. We're
trying to get rid of gifts, or you can just
be's like it's vintage. You got it from the vintage. Yeah,

it's like a shag carpet. Do you have dog hair
all over it?

Speaker 4 (18:52):
Or I could find something on the palate that she
could use in her house exactly, And that's from the show.

Speaker 1 (18:59):
Now we're out of this. I've already got our gift. Yeah,
we're not splitting a gift. I'm gonna do this. I'm
gonna do a song. I'm gonna do Luke Comb's fast
Car Swifty Lauren. If you're listening, help Honeymoon's St. Lucia.
You never know, and we hope Lunchbox get you a gift.
Scuba Steve's our executive producer. His kid just graduated kindergarten,
had a Kinnaron graduation, or they're having it or whatever.

Scooba is not letting his kid go. What do you
mean he's you're not taking him.

Speaker 7 (19:24):
It's a graduation, Well it's kindergarten, but well you're graduating
to continue on in the same exact school that you
were in the year before.

Speaker 1 (19:31):
I don't understand it. I don't get it. But isn't
it about you just finished your very first ever grade.
I'm with you. I've never heard of kindergarten graduation. We
had a high school graduation that was it, So you're right,
but that didn't mean only because we had it, that's
the right thing. Actually, I would say more so it's
the opposite. Does it cost money? Like, what's the problem
even like middle school? Did you have a middle school graduation?
That's actually because we didn't have it doesn't mean it

was right. Guys, So we're.

Speaker 4 (19:54):
Gonna have a first grade graduation, So I mean, why
are we doing all these graduations?

Speaker 1 (19:58):
Member, go ahead, Scooba tell me.

Speaker 8 (20:00):

Speaker 1 (20:01):

Speaker 7 (20:01):
They come to me and they're like, hey, it's actually
a whole thing. It's a two day event where there's
a graduation one day and then the next day they
do this whole like come hang out with your kids
and we're gonna have like games and.

Speaker 1 (20:11):
Food and all this stuff. It sounds fun, but I
have a job.

Speaker 7 (20:14):
I have to be here and work, and I can't
just cut out at eight am to go to a
fake graduation.

Speaker 1 (20:18):
Now, you'd let him go to a graduate it's a
big deal. But if you go to the graduation, why
would you go back the next day? School's over. That's
what I'm saying. Why would I go just in the graduation?
Then after the graduation, then I take your kids home.

Speaker 7 (20:30):
The school's done that day, so then I have to
take my kid back to work here to do more
work with my kid. The whole thing just seems like
a lot for a kindergartener.

Speaker 1 (20:38):
Here's the story and then we'll jump back into Scooba here.
Researchers found that being rejected or left by your father
can do greater, long lasting emotional damage, and being rejected
by your mother especially the bottom line. They found that
being turned down by either parent is traumatizing, but if
it's the dad, that pain carries into adulthood more preventing
people from being strong and trusting relationships with other adults.

Because you're dad let you down, well I definitely have
that trauma. So because of that and your dad bailing
on you, you don't think, I don't know, Maybe you want to,
but I'm not bailing on him.

Speaker 7 (21:10):
I'm just not going to one small little and I'm
as coach for baseball and basketball. I'm very much involved
in a lot of things. This is academics. This is academics,
but it's kindergarten. Now, I mean he's like you.

Speaker 1 (21:20):
Can count to one hundred those ABC's. I mean he's
pretty good already had the graduation. No with no tomorrow,
you should go? Okay, well then then I won't be here.
They Investay, okay, you should go to the graduation. I
you don't have to go the second day of games?
Who cares? Okay, but I do think you should go
and like, but that's what the kid probably wants to do.
The games. Doesn't even know about it.

Speaker 7 (21:38):
He knows everything about He brings some of the flowers.
He's so excited about the graduation the games.

Speaker 3 (21:43):
Who will take him to the games the next day?

Speaker 1 (21:45):
My wife will have to but she can't either because
she's working. It's the thing. They make these events. How
do you guys do it?

Speaker 7 (21:49):
They do these events during the time period when everyone
is working nine to fives.

Speaker 1 (21:52):
How can we just cut out and they don't know?
It's a dad and I never get to go. Man,
my kids's so bad.

Speaker 3 (21:58):
For people that don't have a dad.

Speaker 1 (22:00):
And thank you, I know, but anything, Yeah, it was
never any awkwardness because I just didn't didn't happen. It's
very interesting. But no, there's No, I was never awkward.
I was just like, Oh, they're doing a family thing.
I'm not going this is life. Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 2 (22:15):
Why don't they just do like potatoes with parents.

Speaker 9 (22:18):
There's something like potatoes, or any guardians, Grapes with guardians
that's fantastic, noodles with neighbors, or or.

Speaker 1 (22:31):
What's something apples with anybody? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (22:36):
Yeah, French with family and friends.

Speaker 1 (22:39):
Yeah no, nothing like raspberries with random folks. I don't know, man,
I think you should go to the graduation. If it's
about a day here, screw it, this job of here
the next day graduation. Man, I go to the graduation,
and you gotta give them a graduation gift when you graduate,
you good gifts. Hey. I will say that my son
graduated from pre school recently and everyone had balloons that

say we did it. I'm like, you need crap, But
it's about accomplished that it's our first year of school.
I didn't even have kindergarten graduation. But I think I
understand the reason behind it. I saying, very those minds
are still being molded. You're making them feel comf Aren't
you wanted to give your kid confidence that you didn't
have I do. I want that a lot, Yes, and
I feel like he's got enough of that. This is

just one. You don't want to go. You have to go,
but you don't have to be here tomorrow. If you
want to go to your kid's kindergarten graduation, I.

Speaker 7 (23:27):
Mean I would love to go, but I think it's
the principle of having a kindergarten graduation.

Speaker 1 (23:31):
What's the principle that's good? And you're not going to
change anything, Scuba, So to just go it's happening. No,
you get protest in front have piggy line. He protests
the graduation. Hey, I'm black. This sucks, but he never
says anything. You're free to go. You let whatever you
want to do. Okay, I think you should go. If
you don't, then don't remember the story here kids. I

feel rejected by them father, but their fathers take that
into life. Okay that go to graduation? Yes or no?

Speaker 4 (23:56):
Yes, Eddie, I mean it's stupid, but yes, you should go.
I'm going to pre k graduation the week.

Speaker 1 (24:02):
Hey, how was that? My sounds man had to get
your mission to go to that one. It's in the
afternoon out of brewery. Oh what what that's more of
their parents. I think he made that up me and
you kid?

Speaker 2 (24:14):

Speaker 3 (24:15):
Are they kids there?

Speaker 1 (24:16):
Yeah, they're not going. Here's a voicemail. Go ahead, Hi, I.

Speaker 3 (24:23):
Have a morning, corny.

Speaker 2 (24:24):
How do you get a country girl's attention?

Speaker 10 (24:28):
A trust her?

Speaker 1 (24:29):
Bye bye? Pretty good attractor attractor? Attractor. Lots of motorcycles,
but a tractor attractor. Yes, all right, here's the next one.

Speaker 8 (24:37):
Good morning, studio.

Speaker 1 (24:38):
I just wanted to say, shame on you, Abby, that's business.
You are moved one man a big payday to go
and play guitar for her. She then took that off
her back. Yeah, it's business. It happens, bad business, but
it's business. We moved on. But a, did you find
a guitar player?

Speaker 3 (24:58):
Not yet.

Speaker 1 (25:00):
They're telling you would have just been better to pay
Eddy extra and have peace of mind that you could
work here and practice thirty minutes a day. Sure, reliable.

Speaker 3 (25:12):
I have something in the works.

Speaker 1 (25:13):
I hear you things in the works. You know they
say a bird in the works. Not good as a
bird in the hand. Oh yeah, okay, yeah whatever. Hey,
So Abby wins your show June twenty second? Oh a
month away? Yes? Oh oh? Now, and where is it.

Speaker 11 (25:32):
It is in Monterey. It's the weather Tech Raceway.

Speaker 1 (25:36):
And so there's a race and then you are playing
and George Burg's is playing.

Speaker 11 (25:40):
Yes, so they have races all day and then right
after the race is done, that's when our music kicks off.

Speaker 1 (25:45):
And do they like consistently reach out to you and go,
we're selling ticket tickets and we're not selling tickets.

Speaker 11 (25:52):
No, I haven't really heard that much. No idea how
they did hear the whole segment, So.

Speaker 1 (25:56):
No idea how it's selling or anything.

Speaker 11 (25:57):
No, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (25:58):
How are they bummed? I'm not going, Abbey? They said
it's up to me. They've got raging, Yeah, idiot, you
know Eddie's raging. I'm the idiot. So you got raging
featuring raging. It's okay, all right, well, good luck, Abby,
thank you. And if they go to your Instagram or
you have to take a link up they're built in No,
I don't, Oh my gosh, that in your bios.

Speaker 3 (26:22):
Okay, I will do that.

Speaker 4 (26:24):
Yes, how bad is it gonna be if she has
to come crawling back to Eddie because she can't get
a player?

Speaker 1 (26:28):
Hey? Yeah, is gonna go on thou? Yes?

Speaker 3 (26:33):
Okay, yeah, got this.

Speaker 1 (26:35):
You sing acapella? You okay, you'll do a whole what's
the group that does sing and all? But just there's
gonna be a lot of you singing. There's no Atonics
singing with me. Pile of stories.

Speaker 2 (26:52):
So I have the sexiest accents in the United States.

Speaker 1 (26:55):
Okay, let me list them. Come on, man, you know
number one, somebody that moved here from Australia and now
lives here an American. Yeah, yeah, Oh, they're like American Americans.

Speaker 3 (27:07):
Yeah they're not They're.

Speaker 1 (27:08):
Not in I don't know that there is in my
mind a sexy American accent because I can list some
and just go what I like and don't like. Like,
I enjoy the Boston accent when it comes to like,
I know they mean business. They're probably not gonna give
me the best hug, but that Boston accent, like, I
know they're gonna be honest with me. And they're also
gonna talk about one of my favorite musicals, Wicked. So

Wicked they are, okay, the like, the the New the
New Jersey Long Island. That one. I don't like that one.
That one, to me is not like, yeah, I don't
like that one very much. The Southern accent. I like
because I have it. I grew up around it. But
people often consider us dumb just because of how we talk,
because we talk a little slower eyes. You know. So

Iowa has a great accent, which is none at all
just America, Nebraska and Iowa. Everybody was like, talk like
it from Nebraska, talk like it from Iowa, like going
through college, and I'm like, I can't talk like that.
I'm a hell ability. So I'm gonna go with They
probably think Southern's the best.

Speaker 2 (28:12):
Yes, yeah, Well the number one accent is from the
state of Texas.

Speaker 1 (28:18):
There's no accent. Yes, there is, Cowboys.

Speaker 3 (28:20):
I'm from Texas.

Speaker 1 (28:21):
There's no accent. Texas has no accent unless it's slightly Hispanic.
Texas no accent. That's South Texas for Yeah, Texas has
no accent. Texas is pure its. It's Texas is like
growing up in Idaho, or take it from somebody who
lived there for twelve years. Texas is perfect for accent.
But I do like the slightest like that's when it
gets kind of cool too. I don't know, man, East

Texas has a little bit of a calbourn Texas is
as big as the whole country basically right in Texas.

Speaker 3 (28:47):
It's like five versions of exactly.

Speaker 2 (28:49):
I would say within Texas there's different acts, like.

Speaker 1 (28:51):
A British part of Texas because I.

Speaker 2 (28:53):
Grew up in Austin with then my half sister and
half brother grew up in West Texas and they have
a totally.

Speaker 1 (28:59):
Different probably a little more southern. Oh that southern.

Speaker 3 (29:03):
And then my dad was South Texas, so we had
that Hispanic.

Speaker 1 (29:06):
It's crazy because Amy's dad was white, but it was
fluent in Spanish. Is awesome. Yeah, it's crazy. Talk to
me in Spanish and that he'd be like, I don't
know it.

Speaker 2 (29:17):
Costco is selling a jumbo banana cream pie that's over
three pounds. And why this stood out to me is
because I don't know where we are with our three
pound food thing, and who's eating and why don't we
just go get a banana cream pie and have somebody
eat that.

Speaker 1 (29:30):
I already eat that, except I can't why I never
use the bathroom. I'd be clogged up for nine days. Yes,
that sounds awesome. I don't know where we are three
pound food thing. You know, we've been waiting for it
all life goes on, is what I say I made
that up? No even, but they also have gold bars. Yeah,
and does anybody have a Costco membership? Okay, so can

somebody take me there? Sure? Okay? Cool?

Speaker 12 (29:52):

Speaker 3 (29:53):
Also you can there. I just saw their part.

Speaker 1 (29:55):
If you take me, you can't assassinate me. Whoever you
are help be volunteering, so you can assassinate with your
water gun because you can call new role and assassin
if you do. If you do call, you know, even
if you don't know who it is. But if you're
like doing something with somebody like assassin off, you can
call assassin off.

Speaker 3 (30:11):
But what's a witch?

Speaker 1 (30:12):
Well then why were you call it off all the time? Well,
if you get snuck up on and shot, you can't.
I mean, Assassin's mostly getting getting snuck up on. But
if you're doing something together that he runs up on,
you can't go assess it off. But if there is
a plan to do something together, they can't like sneak
attack you because everybody will never will never have fun

with each other. It'll be miserable. But Assassin off can
only be called if there's a plan ahead of time
to do something together, and while doing that together, you
call assassin off. But no, you can't just see them
running after you and go assass it off.

Speaker 2 (30:44):
Okay, yeah, okay, go ahead, Okay, So Costco just quickly,
I did see that they're partnering with uber Eats and
now you can like place grocery orders online if I
have a car, well, I mean I think you.

Speaker 1 (30:55):
Have to be a truck on a ten pound gallon
of mustard.

Speaker 3 (30:58):
I don't know exactly how it was working.

Speaker 2 (30:59):
I just like a headline about that, and I was like, Oh,
that's amazing. You get like your fifty paper towels delivers herround.

Speaker 1 (31:05):
We ordered some Benadryl. Storms are going around. You can
get the little not the capsule kind, but the pill
kind different because capsules you break. Pills are just like
the little pink ones. And so that that was like
you can give the dogs a little like a third
of one on big thunderstorms. And so ordered Benaderl and
the guy shows up. I don't know, I don't know.
This dude is like and it's your driver's license, and
I'm like, I get it, Bena droll. One look and

he takes a picture of it, says in the back
of it, takes a picture of the back. Oh weird.
And it looks like it's just putting into the app.
But that's just that's that's bizarre. Yeah, Uber should just
have you like load your driver's license into their system
from where you are, instead of some bro coming up
and going, hey, I know I missing two hubcaps in
my car, but I need to take a picture of
your driver's license. Yeah, that was weird. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (31:48):
A poll of ten thousand people with at least a
million dollars in wealth, that's including if you own a home.
They're factoring that in as the money. Yeah, yeah, that's okay.
So they've found that they're top way to achieve it.
We're investing in a four to oh one k and
buying said house.

Speaker 3 (32:05):
And the top three jobs with the most millionaires.

Speaker 1 (32:07):
Is not guess because there's so many more. I read
a story that like one out of eight people in
New York are millionaires. Wow, because it costs so much
to live in New York City and that you know,
as every generation, a million bucks not easy to get to.
But it's a million bucks now, isn't what a million
bucks was twenty years ago? Right? But New York is

so expensive to live, Like one in eight people were
millionaires and I'm assuming if you're saying that, it's got
to be people with super consistent jobs, not super high
paying jobs. It's super high paying jobs, fluid, come and go,
probably live a crazy life style. But I would assume
like a engineer, a professor, a teacher, I would assume
those kind of jobs.

Speaker 3 (32:49):
Yeah, teacher, accountant and engineering.

Speaker 1 (32:52):
Engineers one of them. Yeah, i'd teach millionaires.

Speaker 2 (32:55):
Well, it's because you, it's like it's consistent.

Speaker 3 (32:58):
They started early.

Speaker 1 (33:01):
One, k I know that one. He knows that New York. Yeah,
that's not the point. No, no, no, no, you don't
want to put to New York.

Speaker 3 (33:11):
Okay, I don't understand it. I'm Amy. That's my pile.

Speaker 1 (33:14):
That was Amy's pile of stories. It's time for news.
Nine year old Liam Doherty sitting at lunch.

Speaker 4 (33:26):
Chopping it up with the fellas, talking about all the
hot gossip going on at the elementary school, and when
his friend's eating a cheese stick and all of a
sudden he's choking on the cheese stick and Liam's like,
oh no, dude's gonna die.

Speaker 1 (33:41):

Speaker 4 (33:41):
The gossip gets over there, gives him the himeleg, gets
the cheese stick out, and they say man, where'd you
learn that?

Speaker 1 (33:49):
He goes saw it in a movie. I love that,
you know, I never heard of a nine year old
chopping it up gossip. That's what older men do. And
then uh, most I'm hot goss is like something that
teen girls do. But I think in the end though,
chopping it up and the hot goss saved the life.

Speaker 12 (34:07):
It did.

Speaker 4 (34:07):
I mean, they were chatting and when when one guy
wouldn't chime it in on the hot guss, he was like, oh,
something's wrong when he knew he needed to do the homelot.

Speaker 1 (34:14):
What's a cheese stick? What like? What is that like?

Speaker 6 (34:19):

Speaker 1 (34:20):
Okay, she stick is one of those cheese sticks where
you peel thee I know. But if you like ordered
cheese sticks, string cheese, if you order cheese sticks, it's mozzarella. Okay.

Speaker 4 (34:30):
I was pretty sure my fault it was stream cheese.
That's why I had it. I read it and just
said cheese stick because.

Speaker 1 (34:34):
I thank you. Why is he changing the story? I
want apologies from all you guys. He's like thirty seven.
They weren't kids. There was no hot goss all right.
What's his name again? Liam? Liam Doherty? And he did
get a medallion for saving the life. You're a hero, buddy.
That is what it's all about. That was telling me
something good. Here's a voicemail we got last night. Okay,

hear me out.

Speaker 5 (34:59):
I know who Morgan's boyfriend is. So he's a man
in uniform.

Speaker 7 (35:04):
Only where's his uniform.

Speaker 5 (35:05):
When he's off work and travels all the time? I say,
true boyfriend is in the children the musical group of
the Wiggles, And I think it's John the Purple Wiggle.

Speaker 1 (35:16):
I have an.

Speaker 5 (35:16):
Eleven month old baby. I've been watching a lot of
Wiggles lately. It's Big Strong John, the Purple Wiggle.

Speaker 1 (35:22):
He nailed it. He did nailed that the Wiggle. That
is really good, Big Strong John? Is it? Big Strong John?

Speaker 3 (35:31):
I mean, how did he know exactly?

Speaker 1 (35:33):
Be serious? I don't know, Like, how do you know?
I don't understand. She doesn't want to give you so
but it could be him. It could be it could
be a wiggle. Let's go to Amy and get into
Morning Corny. The Morning Corny.

Speaker 2 (35:50):
Why doesn't the sun have to go to college? Why
he already has millions of degrees?

Speaker 1 (36:00):
That was The Morning Corny. I like that one right,
because it's like scientific sounds smart. Yeah, it's great. I
like that. This is an iconic sound from the two thousands.
Just name the sound now earlier as the example, I
did play the intro to the George Lopez Show, which
is also Lowrider from back in the seventies. Yes, and

then we also shared the first iPhone ring tone just
from two thousand and seven. So here we go. We
got like ten of these. Write your answers down. Name
this iconic sound. Go ahead, love hof hear it this again?
If I know what that is? Can you hear it?

Speaker 12 (36:41):

Speaker 1 (36:42):
Fine? One more time. This is from the year two
thousand and three. Yeah, I'm in.

Speaker 3 (36:50):
Maymy Yeah, that's Paris Hilton.

Speaker 1 (36:53):
Lunchbox Paris, Hilton, Hedy, Paris Hilton, Paris Hilton on the
simple life is correct? Next up, what iconic sounds from
the two thousands. That's not when we play games here,
it's not. That's like when you want to you behind

door number three? What is that from? I remember this
all the time. Do it one more time? I man,

I think.

Speaker 2 (37:37):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (37:39):
Change it all right? Lunchbox deal or no deal? Eddie
price is right? Amy Windows. That is the AOL away
message whenever someone you're on al messenger and they like
leave the older door pops up with their name means
I've gone away or they've been idol for so long?
Here does again? There you go? Next up, idiot, I'm

in whoa. You didn't write I'm inot Iconic sounds from
the two thousands Idiots Eddie Napoleon dynamite, Amy, Napoleon Dynamite,
watchbox Napoleon Dynamite. Right, do you want to get a point?
Next from the year two thousand and one? Does that

sound familiar? Yes? Yes, but are you confident in your answer? Yes,
I'm in.

Speaker 3 (38:37):
Amy, Uh, it's true.

Speaker 1 (38:42):
Did you have anything right now? Can you say something?
If you don't have anything? I think it's committing fraud.
I was writing the age be careful in fraud.

Speaker 7 (38:52):
Watchbox Windows, Eddie, Microsoft Windows.

Speaker 3 (38:57):
I just had Windows.

Speaker 1 (38:58):
You both get the point?

Speaker 3 (39:01):
Is such a bummer?

Speaker 1 (39:02):
You said HBO and you just said h you have nothing?

Speaker 2 (39:04):
I know but for the for the door shut. I
thought that was windows. So why wouldn't my brain have
triggered that.

Speaker 1 (39:09):
I don't know, took a break. We don't know. Your
can't pretty good either? Next up? Is that a familiar sound?

Speaker 3 (39:24):
Yes, I'm in.

Speaker 1 (39:26):
I'm in. That is from the year two thousand. Oh wait,
you wanna hear again? Lunch Yeah? Why not?

Speaker 4 (39:44):
Light, I'm in for the wind Lunchbox, South Park, Eddie,
can I say it?

Speaker 1 (39:48):
Yeah? Jackass? Amy, Jackass Jackass is great? Oh my god,
oh Eddie four lb three Amy three. Let's go. Next up,
I'm from the year two thousand and nine. That is

so interesting. Have no idea what that is? Such a
good one. You guys recognize that one more time from
the top. It's a jam Man.

Speaker 12 (40:35):
Right answer in my life for the wind, Watchboks, the minions, Amy,
crush Man.

Speaker 1 (40:45):
You guys are You're on it almost. You're really close. Eddie,
That my friend is angry birds. Angry birds. I'm not
a nerdod job birds. Everyone did as he goes and
stands in line to me the team, all right? Next up?

Name that iconic sound from the two thousands. Here we
go again.

Speaker 3 (41:20):
I'm in.

Speaker 1 (41:21):
Sounds like you are. What the bathroom every day? That's
ibs America? What the hair are the again? What yearbunds
two thousand and seven? Yeah, I don't know either. I'm in.

I'm in for the wind.

Speaker 12 (41:49):
No leaning to prolong on this lushbocks MTV Amy, Transformers,
Eddie Kong Transformers.

Speaker 1 (41:55):
It is dang, it's the metal I love that movie.
You three left four Lunchbox Next doesn't come up? Oh
oh what what? Here is this? Here it's two thousand

and five. Here it is again. I'm in bones. Let's
play one more time? Quiet for everybody? Go ahead, I'm
in for the wind lunchbox garage band. Amy.

Speaker 3 (42:38):
Oh, guitar Hero.

Speaker 1 (42:39):
It's guitar Hero. He you picked the same thing, just
a bigger version of it. Yeah, I just knew. I
never played guitar Hero Hero. Okay, next one, what is
that for? One more time? Here you go? You are yeah,

but it doesn't know it will be nerd stuff. Everybody
be prepared, Okay, Eddie, I'm in. I'm gonna go with
the same theme. Nerd stuff, Star Wars, lunch bikes. That's
Gray's anatomy. Amy, it's twenty four the tea show. That's
a good show. I did. We're gonna do this one
sudden death buzzing with your name.

Speaker 3 (43:33):
We have so Eddie and I are TI.

Speaker 1 (43:34):
Yes you're tied. So lunch bunch of episodes. This one out?
What this one out? Because if you get it, it's
our last one and I want them to kiss what
we know? How would you want? Okay, here we go
Eddie Edie Pokemon and correct this and again.

Speaker 6 (43:52):
Okay, what what you got?

Speaker 1 (44:09):
What year two thousand and six?

Speaker 3 (44:12):
Two thousand and six, and that is what we got.

Speaker 1 (44:18):
All from two thousands?

Speaker 3 (44:19):
I know, but the year helps? Can I hear one
more time?

Speaker 1 (44:28):
I love it? Sa plug, I got crazy by John
A dance floor.

Speaker 2 (44:36):
An okay, farm Bill close dish, Nintendo?

Speaker 1 (44:45):
We oh, we started up. The rest aren't fair? You
have called it a tie?

Speaker 4 (44:51):
What what?

Speaker 12 (44:51):

Speaker 1 (44:51):
What do you mean? They're not?

Speaker 3 (44:52):
The rest not fair to Oh, there's sports.

Speaker 1 (44:55):
Here's here's eleven right, that's in the game Eddie Eddie
a sports. Correct. Here's the next.

Speaker 10 (45:00):
One, Eddie Eddie PlayStation PlayStation. Yeah, and then the next
one ain't nothing let a thing.

Speaker 1 (45:15):
Bab thought it was stre amy and Eddie tie. Congratulations winner.
I'm always hesitant on when to bring this up. I'm
always it's exciting for me to be able to bring
this up, but then I also know the headache it's
going to cause me and most of the other show

somebody else on the show. I've been approached by somebody
else doing a movie. Oh somebody else. Well I'm not
it could be Amy again too, but somebody else. I
like somebody doing it. Somebody else do it? Just somebody
doing a movie for everybody listening. Now, here's the thing.
Last year I got an email and it was nobody
realized this is that's the thing, and nobody knows about

this except for Scooba Steve. And so last year somebody
came to me and said, hey, we want to go
to Amy and have her to do this a cameo role.
She had a few lines in at Christmas movie called
Holiday Harmony on HBO. I'm just on Max. She killed it,
great job and she got paid and she still gets
paid for I know, I know. I almost don't want

to deal with it. I wish they wouldn't have come
to me. What are you talking about? Why don't we
just just say? And the reason they come to me
is because they want to make sure that I'm cool
that this person leaves the show for a bit of
time and you're completely cool. I can take time off,
no problem, dude. I wanted to do this. I wish
I didn't know anything about it. Man, where are we
going to be filming, well, Hollywood School, can we verify that?

I'm everything I'm saying is the truth?

Speaker 7 (46:44):
Yes, This is when we were talking about yes we're
good than yes, yes, yeah, yep Ireland.

Speaker 1 (46:50):
Well, because we were emailing about it because I didn't
want to even know. I don't even want to know
about it. I just rather than come to whomever they
want and not go to I just don't like being
the gatekeeper of stuff like that. But now that I
am the gatekeeper, I got to make it a bit
because it's funny. And when is filming? I don't know yet, Scuba.
Do you have any idea? You may know that. I

think they're going to be filming in the late summer. Okay,
when do I get my script? It's not about we
don't know that. It's about you. We do we don't
we do? I was sent in Scooba. You can verify this. Yeah,
either it was a rough version or they for some reason.
I have the script as well. You do, So what's
the role. Yeah? I can't tell you that because I

think it'll lead to you guys knowing who it.

Speaker 2 (47:33):
Is to find out anyway, I thought we were finding
out right now.

Speaker 1 (47:39):
I was just going to express to you guys that
I don't like knowing, but now that I do know,
I've got to make it a bit.

Speaker 3 (47:44):
Oh my god, for how long?

Speaker 1 (47:46):
Exactly? How long? Yeah? I got to arrange child here?
Have you made the decision on it? If it's okay,
yeah or yeah, it's good, I'm good. Let me say this.
I never want to hold anybody back from an opportunity,
even if it is them leaving the show for a bit,
I would be hypocritical. I have like eleven jobs, so
and this is a huge opportunity. I don't know if
it's huge. What are you talking about it big?

Speaker 3 (48:07):
Is it a TV show or movie?

Speaker 1 (48:09):
I am not going to say right now, Okay, this
is our step into Hollywood. Man, this could lead to
big things. Who First of all, it may be for
somebody who doesn't want to do it. Does anyone want
to take themselves out of it? So if it's let's say,
for example, if it's uh, Scooby Doo who is part
of the show, and Scooby's like, I don't want to

be a part of it, I would say, okay, you know,
any part of it it was for you. I'll let
them know it's not does anyone not want to be
a part of it? But you'd be an idiot to
turn this. You can take yourself out because you know
it's not you. You don't know that. No, we do.
Everybody's in. Here's what I'll do. I'll eliminate a person
today for starting now. Should I eliminate somebody today? Yeah,

let's take Let's just put someone out of misery right now. Okay, lunchbox,
you're still in.

Speaker 12 (48:59):

Speaker 1 (49:00):
Don't do it. That's not funny. One funny? Oh no,
it could be Ray because he reads those lines with
you in Masterpiece Theater.

Speaker 3 (49:11):
Careful are they getting a holiday harmony too?

Speaker 1 (49:15):
I don't know. It definitely could be that. Guys now
the time to be shooting that well, so they could
be going, hey, is it cool if Amy gets off
some days again. I't know if I'm going to eliminate somebody, Ray,
do you want to do it? Depending on where its

filmed at? Okay, you're out, then you're okay. I'll say
what I'll cut somebody else later in the show as well.
We'll get at quicker, but I'll cut somebody else later.
That was easy, And I will say from what I've seen.
It is a good but you can verify because you
probably looked into a lot more than I did. It
is a larger role than what Amy had in the

last version of that moment. This is very significan. Yeah,
so it could be more. But it could be more
of Amy, It could be a lot of lunch Bob,
come on, yep, this is it. They want a Hispanic detective.
This is It's gonna play the murder.

Speaker 3 (50:13):
They had built a story.

Speaker 2 (50:14):
It's a Christmas movie around Hispanic detectively divorced and looking
for love in a small town.

Speaker 1 (50:21):
Okay, so here's who's here. He's a biopic. Here's who's in.
Scuba's not in because uh, you knows Scuba and I
know Raise not in. Abby, Abby, You're not in. I'm sorry.
I'll lemonade you. Oh okay, sorry about that. Sorry about that. Abby.
I just want people to hold on to home. Oh

my goodness.

Speaker 2 (50:43):
So, like last time with Holiday Harmony, iHeart was involved,
like because the the musical artist in the movie was
playing the iHeart jingle ball.

Speaker 1 (50:51):
Like good, I'm not gonna give you any you can ask.
Is the company involved in.

Speaker 3 (50:54):
This the Christmas Eve Show? So that's why I mean,
I did.

Speaker 1 (50:58):
A really good job at I heard tree. I think
maybe they could have seen that it is a company
in Fall. I mean, not not really that, but it's.

Speaker 2 (51:07):
Like it's okay, I'm just I'm just asking because that's
how my.

Speaker 1 (51:11):
Damn sorry, you're eliminated, buddy. Oh are there listens in
the movie?

Speaker 3 (51:16):
Yeah, good question.

Speaker 1 (51:17):
I will say this. I definitely I don't wont say
too much. I definitely knew one of the people in
the movie. Yes, it's so, here's Who's left a cop
movie with Here's Who's left Amy, lunch Bikes, Eddie and Morgan.

We'll leave it there. I'll cut somebody else later in
the show. I gotta start practicing, Like, give us an
idea of what the role is. We can start practicing. Man,
I didn't read enough to I just know they said
the script and I look through that. I googled the
name of the person and I googled I did this
hour glass to see how many lines they had, and
there were like a lot, a lot of lines. Yes,

I cannot wait. Man, I'm pretty good at memorization too.
I'm terrible memory, Like, like I would probably read the
line and be like, oh, what they really want me
to do. That would be terrible. You don't go in
as a rookie and be like, I'm changing the script.
What if I can say it better? You can't. You're
not a writer. Even if you could, you don't life
of his lack of box of chocolate. Well, that's good,
you should do that, Okay, I'll cut somebody later later

in the show. Good. Yeah, let's go over and do
the new.

Speaker 5 (52:31):

Speaker 1 (52:32):
I suffer from motion sickness, and in the most horrible
of ways, if I just swipe my phone enough while walking,
I get sicker elevators, especially cars. Apple is now helping
with motion sickness. A new feature on the iPhone and
iPad puts tiny moving dots on the screen when you're
in a moving car. This new feature is called Vehicle

Motion Cues. It will supposedly help people who suffer from
motion sickness. These animated dots trick the brain into thinking
everything is fixed in place and reduces the effect of
motion sickness. Cole sweat's nausea, headaches, drowsiness, among others. That's
from Wired. I will be downloading this as soon as
the segment's over. It is called Vehicle Motion Cues. Also

gives me a reason to be on my phone more
and you like that, love it. So what a day.
What a victory for motion sick people and people who
love to be on their phone. Isn't it crazy that
that there are people working on that, Like I would
have never thought of that, but there are people working
on everything right now to help us live a better life.

Capitalism man, crazy man, and I make a more money,
you know what I mean. Next up, severe turbulence during
the airline A flight. One guy died so bad.

Speaker 2 (53:44):
He had a pre existing heart condition and he had
a heart attack.

Speaker 1 (53:47):
One person has died. More than thirty others are injured,
like thirty people were hurt after the Boeing flight hit
severe turbulence, plunging six thousand feet at once. The Boeing
seven seven seven three hundred yards yet was headed from
London when it was forced to make an emergency landing.
The flight was carrying two hundred eleven passengers. The airlines
offers its deepest condolences to the family of the deceased.

It wasn't immediately clear if the onboard fatality was a
passenger or a crew member on this story.

Speaker 2 (54:14):
So yeah, it was a guy he was taking a
trip with his wife, like it was. I mean, it's
so terrible, but yeah, because of his pre existing heart condition.
I think probably your body going into that kind of
a shock in that moment for whatever reason, triggered a
heart attack with him, and that's who died.

Speaker 3 (54:29):
I think he was in his seventies.

Speaker 1 (54:31):
Roughly eleven hours into the flight, flight radar twenty four
tracking data shows the Boeing jet sharply dropping from an
altitude of about thirty seven to thirty one thousand.

Speaker 3 (54:38):
Feet like people flew up and hit their.

Speaker 2 (54:41):
Heads on the thing, like so much to the redenting
like it caused a disk in the airplane, and they.

Speaker 1 (54:47):
Like turbulent, it's no problem. Yeah, right, hard about this
one story and I bring this, I keep it hold
of my wallet. Read this. Yeah, that sucks for everybody.
I wonder because this guy died because they already had
heart condition. I wanted if there's ever somebody with something
wrong and like this happens, it's fixed, Like if the
opposite happens because of such a thrust of anything, that'd

be cool. That will be cool. I'd like to be
one of those stories like turbulent saved the guy he
was impotent. Now he's not. You know what I mean.
Now it's the opposite. Uh that, Yeah, that sucks. I
don't like flying. I like turbulence. I leave a seatbelt
all the time on I think they say the time
for that exact reason. I don't like even I don't

like going into the bathroom in case something happens, so
I hold on hard to something in the bathroom.

Speaker 3 (55:34):
Gosh, I just wasn't thinking that like that.

Speaker 1 (55:35):
Oh I do. Every time I go in the bathroom,
I think of a castaway. I'm like, this could be
the moment where I'm sitting down and I hit the toy.
We crack. I haven't seen that long time. He's on
the toilet. That's what happens. He's like looking himself in
the mirror and then lunchboxing. Ray. You guys were on
the flight right that.

Speaker 4 (55:49):
Oh yeah, he was joking saying, hey, we're going down.
And did it happen after that? Yeah, because one of
the girls from Saint Jude had never been on a
plane before and we were having a little bit of turbulent.

Speaker 1 (56:00):
That's I'd never been on a fly. I would did
this story fifteen years old. I was twenty two for
God's sake, Eh, let'd say it's probably years old. Go ahead.
What happened.

Speaker 4 (56:10):
So we were having a little turbulence and the girl
from Saint Jude, who had never been on a plane before,
was like kind of starting to freak out, and Ray goes, oh,
we're going down. You're doing good over there, you're doing
all right. We're hey, planes going down, guys. Enjoy your
last drink. Enjoy your last drink. And then like thirty
seconds later, boom boom, and we went flying down and
drinks and computers flew everywhere.

Speaker 1 (56:31):
Like they said, we dropped a thousand feet Yeah, oh
that's only a thou This was one thousand. No, yeah,
we dropped a thousand. It was massive. It felt like crazy.
Oh my dude. There was stuff all over the aisles,
like people's stuff was everywhere. Did anybody fly up or
did they everybody buckle their seat belt? But basically were
going through they had people buckle because it was bumpy.
It was bumpy for a good like what four minutes. Yeah,

you have flown up if you weren't buckled. For sure. Really,
people's laptops were hitting the top. So the airlines then
must have come on to some unexp back did turbulence,
and a lot of times people report so you know
the app where you like report ways, you're like, oh,
there's so. From my knowledge of talking to pilots, because
I'm scared to death, they report turbulence like they fly

over over turbulent here. These are also weather indicators that
can tell too, because that's just the air coming back
up right, different temperatures. Bad explanation of it. Amy's husband
X has been taught meet at the radar. So but
they report, hey, turbulence is bad here at this amount
of fee, have them go up, have them go down.
But usually people know this plane must have had no

idea and they were all bammed. Ray never yelled at somebody,
what were you thinking? We drunk? We drunk on the plane.
We were all drinking. It was a roller coaster ride
that didn't end. And in that moment, yes, I yelled
at my bad, I'm sorry. Ten years later, a wild
moment that a driver rams they're Lamborghini into an armed
robber who stole his Rolex. This is the most luxurious

stopping of a I've ever heard. Yeah, Rolex lambos Yeah.
Wild video footage captured the moment a driver rammed his
bright green Lamborghini to be a douche bag? Do you
have to white green Lamborghini? That is so cool? If
they say, what he's listening to def Leppard.

Speaker 3 (58:15):
So I have thought this too about luxury cars.

Speaker 1 (58:18):
Luxury cars bright green, the those colors. They don't have
to get one in bright green.

Speaker 2 (58:23):
No, I think it's a listen because I have felt
this way too, like why would you get orange or
such a douche But in that world that's like a
very special thing, like and they can have them wrapped.

Speaker 1 (58:34):

Speaker 3 (58:34):
I know it's weird for us.

Speaker 2 (58:36):
And we're not in that world at all, but I
like my friends people that I know you.

Speaker 1 (58:42):
Do whoa Okay, so she's protecting somebody. Now the green
lambe same to me?

Speaker 3 (58:48):
Why sometimes there's these different colors and it's like a
thing you still don't.

Speaker 1 (58:52):
Have to buy them. That thing is not to get
a Lamborghini would be awesome. Yeah, that's not my thing,
but I can understan why people would love a really
cool car. Yeah, but why crash it just to get
your role legs? Well, if you have a ton of money, though,
you have a ton of money, just buy a new rolex.
But also you want to show them what's up. Also,
you have so much money. Neither matter what if the
roles costs more than the car.

Speaker 3 (59:13):
Or what if the roles has the memory.

Speaker 1 (59:15):
The footage shows the crook driving up on a motorbike
to the expensive sports car as it was stopped at
a red light, and then holding up the driver with
a gun for the watch. The motorist then takes off
after the robber, so the robbert on the bike cars chasing.
He catches up with him. As the motorcyclist tries to

take an I legal left turn, the green Lamborghini hits
the gas yes boom crashes into the pole afterward, but
the guy on the motorcycle gets hit and flies off
the bike, then gets up on his feet runs away.
People run over to the Lamborghini to make sure he's okay.
The suspect left a mobile phone and a thirty two

caliber handgun. They have been able to identify the suspect
because of that. And I'm sure if you got a Lamborghini,
that's that's bright green. You have insurance.

Speaker 2 (01:00:06):
You're good, You're good, But how scary You're at a
red light and you're.

Speaker 3 (01:00:11):
You know, like that's so.

Speaker 1 (01:00:13):
Terrifying the car. That's why I don't like to play
the game Assassin. Uh, I don't I don't know, I
don't know. I don't know if you prosecute, Yeah, you
can't follow your that your burglar and hit them with
your I'm sure there's.

Speaker 3 (01:00:28):
Like a reckless dr you were held a gun point,
but he's.

Speaker 1 (01:00:31):
Saying chasing, chase. You don't get charged for being held
at gunpoint, Sarah, we charge you. It's sitting there with
your head, but afterwards you can't. Yeah, they're fleeing their.

Speaker 2 (01:00:42):
Way, even though your life was just in danger and
you're having it's no longer in danger.

Speaker 1 (01:00:46):
A reaction to no longer in danger.

Speaker 3 (01:00:48):
I know, but you're on her. I would reaction that.

Speaker 2 (01:00:52):
I went into fight, fly, freeze, whatever, Like I'm in
survival mode, so I'm going to defend myself.

Speaker 1 (01:00:58):
But he's going, well, I would understand that, but there's
no need to chase them. I've been held a gun
point in my car. I didn't chase.

Speaker 3 (01:01:04):
Well, well, I would freeze at.

Speaker 1 (01:01:06):
That point, You're putting everyone else on the road in danger.

Speaker 3 (01:01:08):
Yeah, okay, okay, I get well, what have you been
up to?

Speaker 1 (01:01:11):
Lamy with these Lamborghinius. Who are you hanging out with?

Speaker 3 (01:01:13):
Oh, I'm just thinking like you should. Sometimes you're you're
part of a road game.

Speaker 1 (01:01:19):
Scientists saying, don't touch your phone or your computer the
first twenty minutes after you wake up.

Speaker 3 (01:01:23):
You yeah, no, I don't get don't do it.

Speaker 1 (01:01:26):
Why not say don't breathe for twenty minutes if you
wake up.

Speaker 3 (01:01:29):
Yeah, but that's such precious time.

Speaker 2 (01:01:30):
You don't need to inundate it exactly back from your.

Speaker 1 (01:01:32):
Phone crap because you need to. You need to regulate
yourself real quick. My phone does not crap on it.
It has relationships, friends, it has things I learn, It
has Twitter, it has TikTok, it has I do breaks
on dorm dudes breaks, it has I do.

Speaker 2 (01:01:48):
And you can get to all that, but after you've
been up for some time, I.

Speaker 1 (01:01:53):
Like to do it the first twenty minutes and then
see how my day is going. On the opposite of that,
a woman accidentally went seven hundred and thirty six thousand
dollars playing the lottery accidentally, by the way, accidentally, so
Cynthia Harris in North Carolina thought she was playing the
two dollars Bison Bonanza Digital instant game in demo mode.
She wasn't. She hit the top level epic jackpot. The

two dollar wager ended up giving her seven hundred and
thirty six dollars sorry, seven hundred thirty six thousand dollars,
so she would have lost. She would have lost money. Right,
so she didn't know, so she could have lost money
not knowing she was playing. Right, she said she won.

Speaker 3 (01:02:31):
She put two dollars in for a demo.

Speaker 1 (01:02:32):
Yeah, yeah, she didn't know. She didn't. Maybe she thinks
she's playing to fake money because it's the demo mode.
Oh you know, people play the dumb game and they
don't even make money, but they care lost some money
my mom. Yeah, I didn't say, but what she does.
That's from North Carolina Lottery. A law student spends ten
thousand dollars on rehab for addiction to cheese. Is that real?
I get it. I'll like, I'll eat mellon until cows

come home and cereal. Oh, don't get me startled in
my house? What are you in for? Fruluk? Did I
see you last time? Yeah? Cineamtael's crunch. He's bad and
I'm doing good. I'm doing good From Cinnamaton's crunch. Yeah.
She says that she would eat five and a half
blocks of cheese each week. Wow, how do you go
to the bathroom? She says it was the only thing
that would make them her feel somewhat whole. The cheese

habit caused her to put on weight. I get that.
Came with several other health side effects. I got it,
and cost her eight hundred and twenty dollars a week.
It's like those eighties rockers who spent all the money
on cocaine. They'd be like, I spent two thousand bucks
a day on cocaine. We're like dang. And she's like
a boy parmesan. I do love cheese though. Cheese is
so good. But I hope that she's able to figure

out what's up, because that is a real whatever it is,
I don't know. Everybody's chemicals are different in their body
and they want things mentally, psychologically, physically. This program a
diet change and an ozimpic prescription. She's been able to
cut the cheese. Hey, heynds, cut the cheese and least
fifty pounds. Man, that's good. I mean tee, I like

I want tees right now. I'll be honest. I read
the story and I know, yeah, And finally production of
the final season of Yellowstone is underway. I like it
also in a whole lot for like two and a
half seasons. And I never was like I don't like
it anymore. I just stopped watching it and never cared
to go back.

Speaker 2 (01:04:11):
I know, and I don't know why I need to
go back. I don't even know where I am though
me either.

Speaker 1 (01:04:16):
I remember that last thing I know, Kevin Costner was
like King of England or something, m hm, governor very
much something like that. It was. It got kind of weird.
But what do you do after see? You have to
make up new stories. I was watching Say What's a
good one, Honey with my son. I said, look that's
RiPP from Yellowstone. He's like what, I don't even know
he's in there. Yeah, he's really young. It's crazy. It
doesn't even look like him. That's a newstakes Bobby's stories.

Speaker 6 (01:04:43):

Speaker 1 (01:04:43):
I looked up the Apple app after the news to
see if I could use it to not be a
motion sick. It is not out yet. It is coming
out later this year when new updates are added. At
the phone, I looked at the app store, there were
like no such thing, and then I googled it and
it's his Apple has announced and then it will be
out later this year time. Yet, that's what's up. We'll
waiting on two things. That app and nc double a

college football for PS five. Oh I cannot wait. Yeah,
I've already said it side time on my calendar. Did
you pre order that? And July? Of course I ordered
the Madden Ncuba bundle of two of course, yeah, big.
First of all, you get a cheaper deal because I
buy them both anyway, and you get college football points.
You get points to like buy stuff anyway, move on

for it. That's why you pre order man exactly why
uh my d sauce Celebrity in the wild, which is
always fun because for those that don't know, if we're
new to wherever you're listening, we live in Nashville and
none of us are from Nashville, but we moved here
because this is where all the country music people are,
and so we just go to the store sometimes and

we see them there and it's crazy. We may see
them in the studio and it's like, oh, how about
that that's dude, that's that person's pretty cool. But we
see them out live. It's like, what once I saw
Hillary Scott at Target and I know Hillary Scott from
LDY eight, and I was like, there's Hillary Scott at Target. Oh?
Even better? My dog beat on our feet at the
dog place that both of our dogs would go. And
I was like, my dog beat on our feet. That's
so cool. All right, Mike d where were you when

you saw this celebrity in the wild? Oh? Was at
the container store.

Speaker 13 (01:06:12):
I was trying to get a display case for that
post Malone beer cane I have, so I needed something
to put it in.

Speaker 1 (01:06:17):
Did you ever get that signed by him?

Speaker 12 (01:06:18):

Speaker 1 (01:06:19):
Do you want it signed up? I would signed by him.
I should have taken it and had it signed at
the ACMs. Maybe I'll come in a some point. That's
all me and forgot. I'm holding on to hope that Okay, Okay,
so let's do there's four of us. Let's do twelve questions.
See if we can identify the person the container store.
So they must love containment. Don't don't let that slip
your mind. Okay, Question number one, I'll go first. Is
it a man? It is a man? Okay?

Speaker 8 (01:06:40):
Amy, Is he married? He is married, got lunchbox over
to you? What celebrity man at the container store that's married?
Did Mike se yesterday?

Speaker 1 (01:06:54):
Are they part of a Are they a musician? They're
a musician. Is he a country music Mike in country music? Okay?
We got one round over, two rounds to go. Maybe
we narrowed it down.

Speaker 12 (01:07:06):
Is he.

Speaker 1 (01:07:08):
Over forty? He's over forty? Okay?

Speaker 3 (01:07:15):
Does he have a beard?

Speaker 1 (01:07:19):
He has a beard? Do you know who? Or is
that just a good question?

Speaker 2 (01:07:24):
I have an idea, but I mean, did you well,
I mean over forty?

Speaker 3 (01:07:27):
Huh oh see, okay, she doesn't know he said over forty?

Speaker 1 (01:07:29):
Yeah, forty? Not it?

Speaker 3 (01:07:31):
I have to google the first.

Speaker 1 (01:07:32):
There's the questions because I feel like I know a
bearded guy over forty? Do you yeah? I think he's
over I think he's over forty. Yeah, mine's borderline. I'm
not quite sure if he's right around forty? Yeah? Does
he fly a plane? Beard? No? Does he have a beard?

Has a beard? Kind of? But short? I mean i'd
have to like, yeah.

Speaker 3 (01:07:59):
I'd say sc of but okay, true, true, I guess.

Speaker 1 (01:08:02):
Mike is this? Does he wear a cowboy hat when
he performs? Yes? Oh, okay, does he have his A
few of his last songs been covers, but there's there's
such cool obscure covers that most people don't even know
their covers. I would say, yes, you got it, Yeah
I got it.

Speaker 3 (01:08:21):
I think I got it.

Speaker 1 (01:08:23):
Does he send us at the mall? He does? So,
I think it is. That's what I think he's he's
forty six, because you're like, good he does.

Speaker 3 (01:08:35):
What was he getting at the container store?

Speaker 1 (01:08:36):
He was just walking around.

Speaker 13 (01:08:37):
Would recognize his wife first and I was like, it's
like more than his wife, and I was like, that's
Chris Stableton. It was just weird seeing him there because
it's like you figure he'd be like at a music store,
at the record store.

Speaker 1 (01:08:47):
Is at the container store looking at it like file cabinet.
What was he wearing?

Speaker 13 (01:08:52):
He was wearing his signature, like just a ball cap, sunglasses.

Speaker 1 (01:08:55):
And then like a jean jacket, hair in the pony
tail hair. What did he say? Nothing? You're just walking around?

Speaker 6 (01:09:01):
You know?

Speaker 1 (01:09:01):
What did you say to him?

Speaker 6 (01:09:02):

Speaker 1 (01:09:03):
Why would you bother him? At the container store? That's
where people Nobody was in the bothering him. At one
point he even like needed help with something. Nobody helped
him just like us. Wow, I love that. Wait, nobody,
nobody helped him. Help, nobody came. No, man can't help you.
It's like the guys like guy working there, like, what

are you specialist something? Who do you think you are? Like?
He didn't even snap up behind the back pick. No,
that's creepy. No, we're all good on that. Really, that's
kind of weird. That know how cool would he was
in the studio three weeks ago? Yeah, you know how
many news outlets would run with the stories. We had
to pay for the years of Laurna Lena. No, we

got to take him down.

Speaker 3 (01:09:46):
I don't know that it's news.

Speaker 1 (01:09:47):
I don't think it's news unless they're doing something buying containers.

Speaker 4 (01:09:51):
Christablin is looking to move out of Nashville. He's buying containers.
Great story exactly, But that's what they do the National Inquire.
They write these crazy you guys been in the grocery
store lately? It's still there.

Speaker 1 (01:10:05):
It is still there. That's pretty cool though, it's crazy.
That's pretty cool. Christ Ableton stars are just like us.
They go to the container store and they don't get
help and they need it. I love it. Dang coming
up but second, I'll eliminate somebody else from the movie role.
So segment about an hour ago, where you know, last

year I was reached out to and they were like, hey,
can you do this Christmas movie? She get off work?
Is it cool with you? She does? And I was like,
of course, never want somebody to not have an opportunity.
I received I'll pick my words here an email asking
a very similar question. Again, this is awesome, and so

might as well make it a bit and so of
everybody here on the show, I've eliminated an Abby and
Ray and Ray okay, so everybody else still in the mix,
I'll eliminate one more person next. All right, I'm gonna
address three things in this segment of First, a popcorn

shrimp competition. Eddie said he could eat one hundred and
eight popcorn shrimp in thirty minutes, and if he did it,
I would give him one hundred and eight dollars. But
now I hear he's backing off of it. Nope, nope,
not back when. I would like to amend the rules.
But if that's possible, probably not, But go ahead, what
do you want amend it to? I was just thinking
about it. One hundred and eight shrimp. I no one

forced you to do this. It was your idea because
the story I know, and I heard it, and I said,
you know what, I could totally do that. Honestly, I
don't know if I can do one hundred and eight,
I can do a lot, and that's not interesting. And
I feel I feel like if we were in a marathon,
but I can run a lot. Okay, what happened to
the medal dude? One? Oh, it's impossible, one wit is
because that guy, like it was all based on the story.

Yeah he did. It was about me. You don't have
to do it, and none of us said, here's a
story and Eddie, you have to do this. I read
the story about the guy eating the hundred and seven trimp,
one hundred and eight whatever it was, and you said, oh,
I could do that, And I said, okay, if you
think that, I don't want you doing it for no reason.
I'll give you one hundred and eight dollars if you
can do one hundred and eight popcorn trip. And you

said I can do that. I said, but if you don't,
you have to razor shave your head right right right
to which I think that's probably why you're because I
don't want to do that obviously, But what is episode?

Speaker 11 (01:12:23):
What about?

Speaker 1 (01:12:24):
What if I eat seventy that's not fun? What do
you mean seventy shrimp?

Speaker 3 (01:12:28):
Nobody's I'm not breaking the record.

Speaker 1 (01:12:31):
No, no, no, I'll still try to go more than seventy,
but I don't get paid any money until I hit seventy.
But once I passed that seventy mark, I don't have
to shave my head no, because then you're just seventy
one and be like, all right, you haven't said something.

Speaker 4 (01:12:44):
Then what I want to make I didn't know Eddy
wants to do it, but but now you're not again,
here we go.

Speaker 1 (01:12:51):
Are you officially out? And if you're the one who
declared the competition? We did not? Even this is all you?
Are you out? Are you in? Way? It's a lot
of shrink. Think about how I come back to you.
It's not even with the drum roll R. I appreciate
that though Eddie lured us in and then we took
the bait, pulled it back to you can't talk. You
haven't done your three pounds of food yet. I just

tell me to day and my wife will made that
guakam over and you can't get yourself the luchox. That's
not a good person like Amy always follows through.

Speaker 3 (01:13:18):
Thanks you guys.

Speaker 1 (01:13:20):
Supposed to.

Speaker 3 (01:13:21):
Oh that was a setup.

Speaker 1 (01:13:22):
I set her up. Yeah, okay, the next thing, I'm
a dressing set up. The next now you're going to
say this, the next thing I'm addressing. I was contacted
last year in the summer and they said, hey, would
it be possible did Amy come and do a cameo
in this movie Time Flies?

Speaker 2 (01:13:39):
It was two years ago. It was two years ago
because it came out not last not this last Christmas,
but the Christmas before. I know it felt like last
year to me.

Speaker 1 (01:13:47):
Too, but I'm still thirty five. Okay, So I was like,
of course, I would never want to hold any of
you guys back from doing anything. How hypocritical of me.
I have tried to do like eight things and Amy
goes and she crushes it. She has lines. She plays
herself in Holiday Harmony. It's on Max. She made money,
she did. How much do you think you made total
from that?

Speaker 2 (01:14:05):
Just I still get some fun checks in wall Park
total estimate latest check was.

Speaker 3 (01:14:09):
For foreign screenings Ballpark. It over five thousand. Wow. Wow.

Speaker 1 (01:14:16):
And she's on Max, that's Hollywood wherever in holiday harmony. Okay,
I was reached out to you again. It's like, hey,
there's somebody wanted to do it's it's it's a it's
a good spot, multiple lines, and I think they sent
me the script part so I would see how much
it was. Because they've asked for this person to have

a few days off. I would let whomever have few
days off, not a big deal. And they said, would
this person want to do it? Yep, I would. And
all I've said is it's not Mike sadly, and it's
not Abby sadly, and it's not Race sad. We're not sad.
So I'm gonna cut one other person here. You don't
want to give us a line. I don't have the
script up my email tomorrow.

Speaker 3 (01:14:57):
They probably didn't want you to share that.

Speaker 5 (01:14:59):
That's right.

Speaker 1 (01:15:00):
Yeah, But what I meant that I've been practicing. Yeah. Yeah,
have you seen the body? It's in the creek? Follow me?
What roll? Is that? Hispanic detective? There was no Hispanic Christmas?
Oh you know Latino? Yeah? Yeah, but you're is it Christmas?
It's another Christmas?

Speaker 3 (01:15:20):
Okay, it is Christmas?

Speaker 1 (01:15:23):
Okay, Okay, I got it.

Speaker 3 (01:15:26):
You haven't said that.

Speaker 1 (01:15:27):
Break Okay, they don't want a Hispanic detective Christmas.

Speaker 2 (01:15:33):
This could be huge because this the more you're in
and the more you get considered, and then that becomes
your thing.

Speaker 3 (01:15:38):
You're like the Hallmark.

Speaker 1 (01:15:39):
Oh you're locked into.

Speaker 3 (01:15:41):
You're like the Romantic.

Speaker 1 (01:15:44):
So here's that hole could be one of its fel Chris,
I think about that, the Mexican detective, Mexican Santa. It's Christmas, Amy,
what you're still?

Speaker 4 (01:15:59):
Oh my gosh, I mean she's miss Christmas man Eddie.

Speaker 1 (01:16:04):
This is what come, Come on, get him out of here.
Come one. Hold on, that's a good you're still in Latino.
Christmas is here still, let's go, boy. Yeah, don't even
worry about it. I know I'm in. Morgan, you're out.
I'm sorry, you're out. You're in. Yeah, I don't know.

Wait what you're in? Oh? Yeah, I heard. Sorry, Yeah,
I'm sorry, you're in. Okay, So, oh my god.

Speaker 3 (01:16:33):
So when do we find out the rest?

Speaker 1 (01:16:36):
I can tell you right now, but I'm only doing
it's just a bit at this point. Stretch it out.
I probably should have just come and I don't.

Speaker 3 (01:16:41):
Stretch it out.

Speaker 2 (01:16:42):
We stretched everything out and It's like stretch it.

Speaker 1 (01:16:47):
This is real. It's not like when certain people have
a three day bit tease and it turns out Eddie
throws some eggshells on the ground. Right, I call any
names out here. I still think it's what man so gross?
What he does pretty stupid? Okay, okay? What could be
Hispanic Christmas? You're just really attached that Hispanic thing. Well,

I mean, dude, it's me, you know, Hispanic guy. I
can be a detective, I can be a neighbor, I
can be whatever.

Speaker 4 (01:17:14):
No, if they need you to speak Spanish, they would
have cast Mike d True.

Speaker 1 (01:17:18):
I don't. It's not Spanish speaking. They could be something Hispanic,
or could be Amy again, or it could be lunchblocks
because they just like we need that personality. I need
that acting. Who a drunk Santa? You can be a
good drunk Santa. I'll give you you want to know
now or tomorrow? Now, tomorrow, Bobby Bone show. Sorry up today.

Speaker 4 (01:17:41):
This story comes over from Saint Augustine, Florida. A man
was walking around decide, hey, I see a nice hundred
thousand dollars boat out there on the water. I want
to take me a little joy ride. So we jumped
on the boat obviously had no idea what he was doing,
kind of almost sank it. He just came walking down.

Speaker 1 (01:17:58):
The dock after he sank it.

Speaker 4 (01:18:00):
Yeah, and people are like, huh, he's only an underwear.
That's weird, and oh wait, he has an ankle monitor on.

Speaker 1 (01:18:08):
That's how they were able to track him. I see
the guy, and this wasn't a bonehead. But he was
at the the PGA and he took up all it's
closes to jump in for the club. No, with the
golfer's club. The golfer uh through it and throw it
in the pond. And he's like, I'll go get it.
And he got all the way down to his underwear
and then jumped in. Did he get it? Yeah, he
got the club nice wet the whole day, but also

got all the way down to his underwear. If you
were just in his underwear there, they'd probably charged him
with something. Yeah, but it's like a swimsuit. Yeah, but
I hear you. But just let's say streaks across and
just his underwear, they're probably like, oh, you're indecent. Yeah,
But because he did it for a club, it's like
your hero. I'm Lunchbox at your Bonehead Story of the day.

We drafted best ways to say goodbye, so like slang
terms for bye, and Eddie had audios Ostella Vista by
Condios finished last, so you're good safe, okay. Lunch Box
had see you yeah later, yeah, and talk to you later.
Not not see you later. No, no, but he had
see you and later and talk to you later. Boom,

but you started it started. The well was running dry
around the last round. Yeah, I mean, I don't know. Yeah,
you're not in last place. That's what I'm talking about. Morgan, Yeah,
you're in last place.

Speaker 13 (01:19:19):
Yeah, I know.

Speaker 1 (01:19:21):
No. Morgan had peace by Felicia and t t Yo
with only six percent of the votes. Morgan was in
the last place, next to last place. Now I only
was too young the tgyl but by Felicia's old. That's
like a night late nineties.

Speaker 3 (01:19:36):
I know, but it can't you know, came popular recently.

Speaker 1 (01:19:38):
Don't make excuses. Loser. Amy had peace out chow and
buy next to last, but you're still in third place
was a lunchbox. The belt will switch hands, It'll ew
to go to Eddie who has audios Ostella vista or
via condios or me. There's no chance anyone that had
see Alligator, but see you later, Alligator, I'm out and

Christ be with you. Oh that's a good one. Man.
That Christ be with you is by condos.

Speaker 4 (01:20:05):
But I don't even I've never heard someone say Christ
be with you. You church, they say peace be with you.

Speaker 1 (01:20:11):
I guess it depends if you're a church it likes
Christ or not. Yeah, I'm Catholic. We say peace be
with you. So which one do you think? One? You? Eh,
you're the person that one had forty six percent of
the vote, massive victory. Wow, it's either Eddie with audios
still Avista I condios and me with ye later. Alligator,

I'm out, or Christ be with you. Man, I don't
know the Christ be with He's so powerful.

Speaker 3 (01:20:35):
It's got to be see you later.

Speaker 1 (01:20:36):
It's got to be see you later. Check you later, Alligator.
The belt will change hands. The belt will now go
to Eddie. What what you want? Yes, two things that
rarely happens. First time ever it's ever happened that Eddie
one and Morgan lost. Oh last business man. That means
my people voted. Hey, this is at least comment once
every eighty years. The perfect scenario just happened. Wow, Morgan,

who the best last place? Eddie, who's the worst in
first place? I never win the draft sorrow day, give
me that belt, take the belt back. Thank you. We
will see you tomorrow. Christ be with you, everybody. Adios Alligator,
and asta la vista.

Speaker 12 (01:21:15):

Speaker 1 (01:21:15):
Yeah, you want to say one of your last place
once Morgan show? All right by everybody. Let's go Bobby
Ball Show.
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