An Older Gay Guy Show

An Older Gay Guy Show

This is an LGBT Podcast aimed toward 40+ guys or anyone who enjoys a show that discusses older gay life and interests. The best is yet to come! We are the largest growing segment of gay individuals, so let's keep our community vibrant! Please join host Joey Hernandez as we talk and laugh about the trials and tribulations of growing older, sex, health, fitness, tv and films, personal stories and many other topics. PLAYERS FOR EACH EPISODE WILL APPEAR AFTER 10 SECONDS


June 7, 2024

Today I present Part 2 of our fun 3-part nostalgic discussion of Dark Shadows. In this episode we conclude our memories of the Original 1966-1971 series with a laugh-filled show that we both enjoyed doing so much! I truly hope you enjoy this fun ride.

Next Friday, in Part 3, we will talk about the amazing 1991 Revival...

Mark as Played

Today we return to conclude the STORYTIME that I started a couple of weeks ago. After answering some questions that a listener had posed to me, we continue the Naked Hiking story right where we left off: the two Donovan brothers and I were merrily hiking through the woods of Vermont bareassed, heading for a private swimming hole with a waterfall that bordered the Solomon farm. 

I hope you enjoy the conclusion of this STORYTIME.


Mark as Played

I'm so excited to bring you this incredibly fun and funny 3-part series with Radical Ryan Hunter of the Radical Retro Rewind Podcast and YouTube channel.  In this series, we will cover all things Dark Shadows, from The Original Series to the 1991 re-boot and many, many more Dark Shadows memories will be discussed. I have waited literally years to be able to have this kind of discussion about my all-time favorite childhood show...

Mark as Played

This is a two-part STORYTIME about an adventurous Summer day that I spent with the Donovan brothers. These were two straight college jocks that had bright red hair and freckles. The brothers were in a previous episode I did called 'Don't Let Your Balls Touch Mine', and that episode is in my back catalogue. I hope you enjoy this two-part STORYTIME.