Evangelist Jeff Kent and the Shadyside Church of Christ present a weekly lesson to help and encourage listeners in their daily walk with Christ and spread the Gospel. We are non-denominational and all lessons are taken directly from the scriptures.
When the Queen of Sheba heard of Solomon's wisdom and the splendor of his court, she had to come and see for herself if it were true. Jesus praised her for her honest perception of all she heard and saw saying that she would rise up in judgment against His own generation who did not believe in Him. We can learn a lot from this queen.
As promised, we want to look at some scriptures in this lesson which especially bring us joy, hope and comfort. We need such words from God to inspire faith and to strengthen our faith in times of trouble and distress. We all have some of these "go to" scriptures which are particularly meaningful to us. Perhaps we'll use one of yours in this message.
God's book contains many of the saddest words and most distressing events which we will ever read about. They can bring tears to your eyes and make one's heart to hurt. Yet, we can learn many great and profound lessons from these very sad words. Let us be careful to do so. (Next week, Lord willing, some of the most joyous and hopeful scriptures!)
Jesus' instructions in Matthew about making disciples (28:18-20), include several uses of the word "all." Some of these speak of an inclusiveness and others of an exclusiveness. We need to correctly understand what Jesus is teaching us and telling us to do. We need to remind ourselves that all means all.
Covenants have been the primary way in which God has dealt with individuals and peoples from early on. Some of these early covenants are still in effect, but some are not. Misunderstanding these differences has led to a lot of confusion in what people believe today and how they try to serve and worship God. In fact, many Christians don't even know what a covenant is!
When Joseph's brothers return to Egypt to buy grain they bring Benjamin, a stipulation by "the man." When Joseph's silver cup is planted in Benjamin's sack and "discovered," Judah steps up to plead for the lad since he had become surety for him to his father Jacob. This is too much for Joseph, and he breaks down in tears as he reveals himself, telling his brothers that God has been behind it all...
The famine is so severe that Jacob sends his sons to buy grain in Egypt. Joseph recognizes them, but they don't know him. He speaks harshly to them and treats them rather roughly. He accuses them of being spies and finally holds Simeon hostage until they go back to Canaan and return with their younger brother. All of this sparks guilt in the brothers seeing these events coming upon them for what they had done previously to...
Joseph languished in prison for two years, but when Pharaoh had dreams, the chief cupbearer remembered him. Not only was Joseph able to interpret Pharaoh's dreams, but he was also able to give him a remedy for the coming seven years of devastating famine. All this was by the power of God, of course. Pharaoh was so moved that he elevated Joseph to the second place of power in all of Egypt with all its benefits. Joseph immed...
Joseph prospers in the prison because God is with him, and he applies himself. When the incarcerated chief cupbearer and chief baker have dreams, Joseph offers God's interpretations for them. The chief cupbearer's dream indicates that he will be restored to his position with Pharaoh. Joseph asks him to remember his plight, but the chief cupbearer fails to do so. Joseph is forgotten in the prison, but not by God.
Joseph prospered as Potiphar's slave in Egypt because God was with him. But he got thrown into jail because of false accusations made against him by Potiphar's wife because he refused her advances. But even in the prison God caused him to prosper. Joseph is a great example for all of us when we are in that "life isn't fair" mindset.
Life's Not Fair, Maybe - "Life's not fair" is a theme we hear often. Joseph's life was very much like that, and we can learn a lot from it. Young people especially need to learn to expect the twists and turns of life. Sometimes it's good, and sometimes you don't get what you deserve. However, when God is with you, He will see you through it all.
Jesus referred to Himself as "the bread of life" and "the living bread." But He also spoke about "living water." What was He talking about? Was this another reference to Him or was this something else? Who was this "living water" for? What might it do for a person? And how does one get it? Is this something that's been somewhat overlooked?
In a few years' time, the early disciples were accused of upsetting the world and proclaiming "another king, Jesus." How had they "turned the world upside down" in such a short period of time? What had they done? What was the driving force in their lives? And was Jesus really a King? Is He still a King?
Filling in for Jeff this week is fellow Shadyside Church of Christ member, Bob Moore with his sermon titled...Pictures. Enjoy!
Jesus taught that His people were the "salt of the earth" and the "light of the world." We understand those metaphors for what they are, but how do they translate into practical living? Jesus mentions our "good works," but what are these? Are we to fill an arena with 30,000 and preach the gospel to them? Are we to head up a relief ministry which feeds thousands a day? Just what does Jesus mean?
It is quite easy to turn the Christian faith into a rule-keeping exercise. "Do this, and don't do that." Certainly there are things to do and not do, but at the center of it all stands a person - Jesus Christ. He is the reason for and the focus of the Christian faith. He is alive at the right hand of God and intercedes for us even now. And the end of the journey is to be where He is. Do you love Jesus?
After Nineveh repented, and Jonah saw that God relented of bringing disaster on the city, Jonah got angry. He went to the east of the city, made himself a little shack and waited to see if the Lord would really not destroy the city. But using a plant, a worm and a scorching east wind, God tried to teach Jonah a lesson about compassion. We hope Jonah learned the lesson. What about us?
After Nineveh repented, and Jonah saw that God relented of bringing disaster on the city, Jonah got angry. He went to the east of the city, made himself a little shack and waited to see if the Lord would really not destroy the city. But using a plant, a worm and a scorching east wind, God tried to teach Jonah a lesson about compassion. We hope Jonah learned the lesson. What about us?
After being thrown overboard from the floundering ship, the great fish swallowed Jonah. Jonah had tried to flee from the presence of the Lord, so the Lord found him a good place for that - dark, lonely, uncomfortable, scary. So, what do you do in such a place? Jonah reflects, remembers and prays. What does He learn?
The Lord gave His prophet Jonah an assignment which he didn't want to do, so he tried to run from the presence of God. He ended up in a very dark and lonely place. Not a way to spend your life. Has something like this ever happened to you?
Scriptures: Jonah 1:1-3; 2 Kings 14:25; Jonah 1:4-6; Jonah 1:7-9; Jonah 1:10-12; Jonah 1:13-14; Jonah 1:15-16; Jonah 1:17
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