All Episodes

April 9, 2024 78 mins
HAPPY TUESDAY!!!! We Survived The Eclipse, Illegal Butt Implants, Don't Drink From The Fountains In Japan, Shot Over Guac, We Learn What A Paypig Is, & Listener E-Mails...That Is All. 
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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You are about to witness as amazingEmo has comes in living Man's property of
all times. Yes, my bowsuck on you bow down to your master.

Then you did it. Then youdid it? Where you did?
Allowed to play, Allowed to play, Come out to play, Come out

to play. The crystal wos.The sun is rising God, Oh wake
up, wake up now, don'tworry. We're all here to show you
how jan Witz horses Raw Station km o G. Home of the Listens

is a family be don't turn downtown, just wait and say are you ready?
Are you ready to jove in timeto start to show crapstick apl about
Fresco, Whisping Man Marny Show,Welcome to the Working Week. It's on

such a bore kick back, makesup the offing and they get hardcore.
Hang your whisby and then mess pickup your phone there line you're on the
air. Dot time, Good morning, It's the Big Man Morning Show.

Nine one, eight four six Ohk m o D. Can also text
BMMS and then what you want tosay to eight two nine four five li
isten online the website The Rocks kmoD dot com. Past shows are available
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m MS six nine. That's whereyou can hang out with us each and
every day. Good morning, Lindsay, Good morning Corbyn, Good morning,
Givebee Oil, Good morning. Wegot tickets to see star set at Kamody's

Sprinkling Thing that's gonna happen Saturday atthe Tulis Theater. Watch tickets tuls Theater
dot com. We've got listener emailsand we're qualifying people for see them all.
Twenty twenty four chance to win apair of tickets to every KMOD concert
for the rest of the year,including VIP weekend tickets to Oklahoma. Every
hour with the Big Mad Morning Showyou can get qualified Nate Hammond of O

case you heard the Q so,now Nate's in the running. Next chance
in fifty two minutes and forty fiveseconds. It's all brought to me by
Eingling, America's oldest brewery and Tulsa'srock station ninety seven to five KMOD.
Yesterday, obviously, with the eclipsewas bizarre just from the sun part,

but the people watching, Oh spectacular. Oh yeah, everybody out there just
staring at the sky, waiting,yes, waiting, just like a DIRP
and DIRP. If they tell usall our life, don't stare at the
sun, you'll go blind. Ohand the number of the number of pictures,
like videos of pictures like of likepeople looking through telescopes but it reflecting

into their eyes, or the numberof people that had to go to the
hospital yesterday. Your dumb ass,You get what you deserve if that's what
you're gonna do. I'm just saying, let's take a giant magnifying glass.
Remember back in the day when wewere kids, and we'd take a piece
of glass or a magnifying glass andwe burn ants with them, or insects

or start fires with them. Youknow, let's take that and just beam
it right into your eyeball, youretarded mother lover. You deserve, You
get what you deserve. Yeah,it's really amazing. It was really amazing.
And people just like DIRP and Dirtin the middle of a sidewalk just
looking up at the sky and itwas amazing. I'm not taking away from

the awesomeness, just people just out. My wife sent me a great picture
of people just down on the streetstanding in the you know, she works
in high eyes, standing in themiddle of the street and looking at the
sky. An alien must be like, what are these people do? The

coolest photo I saw was from aStarlink satellite of the spot moving across the
Earth, the dark Spot. Thatwas pretty cool. Yeah, that was
pretty cool. Did you I watched? I was actually just going about my
business, going about my day.I was in Aldi, actually and I
want to check out and I couldsee outside it was getting grayer and darker,

and I'm where are the where arethe tellers? There's no one checking
out? And then a lady infront of me, she goes, I
think they're outside looking. Yeah,and that's your chance take everything in the
right exactly. I go. Oh, I said, well maybe we should
go part take and uh they said, yeah, we got some glasses if

you guys want to come look,okay, And so we did. So
we got to check it out withthe tellers of Aldi. Yep, thanks
for sharing your glasses with us.Now you have head lace for some once
in a lifetime celestial event, andyou did it with aldi. Yeah they

love that. Yeah, they lovethat. You did that, did you
gimpie? No? Man, No, I saw it got a little darker
outside, and I was like,Okay, that's cool. Like I told
my girlfriend yesterday, if you've seenone eclipse, you have seen them all.
There ain't nothing different about this eclipsthan the last one. Well there
is, yeah, there's more morecover that. There's always different, for

sure. There's a little bit ofa difference there, yes, But temperatures
got cooler, got a little bitdarker, and I just didn't see any
point in staring at the sun orspending four dollars on a pair of glasses
or whatever it was to to tolook at it. I can do the
same thing, and I have onGoogle and Facebook. Facebook's got me plenty

of images of what I missed.I think there's something to be said of
witnessing a unique event and not downplanet like it's a traffic light changing.
That's all it is. Man,No, it's not just another moment in
the day, is all right?I mean, I was praying for Jesus

to come back and take us all, and I'm like, well, I
guess either, Hey, he didn'twant me or be it didn't happen,
so we're good. Yeah, Iwant I want to. I should start
keeping track of people that are like, this is what's gonna happen, and
then go check their page the nextday. Yeah, just to see what
they say. I never leaved it, right, I'm you know, fake

evidence appearing real. If that's yourthing, Well, Facebook post, I
didn't get raptured today. Yeah,I would imagine next time. So okay,
you know I'm a dirt about psychologystuff. I can't even imagine the
psychology. Two things, the psychologyyou go through when you take such a

stance and it doesn't happen, right, or or you're such a psychopath you
know it's not going to happen andyou do that, right. Those are
two crazy psychology things that are happening. You either are incredibly disappointed or a
questioning everything you've ever stood for yah, right, or you're just staying in

the churn of crazy and making upsomething else. Well, yeah, you
gotta stand your ground because you don'twant to look crazy. Man. Yeah.
There was one thing I saw yesterdaywith this lady was saying, well,
isn't this interesting because there was alot of moisture trails from airplanes,
sorry, Kim, trails from airplanesyesterday morning. And people are like,

where look, And then the ladygoes on, well, I'm not going
to see the eclipse anyway, butlook, and I'm like, you dumb
bitch. Have you ever looked upin the sky ever? Yeah? No,
but only when the news tells metoo. Yes. Yeah, one

lady she went and started shooting driversin Florida because of the eclipse. Oh
God, that seems fitting for Florida. She was at a motel, not
a hotel, in Florida, andshe told the staffers that she was directed
by God to go on a shootingspree because of the solar eclipse, even

though Florida again not in the path, not even at all. No,
how do we keep Florida in thenews. This solar eclipse is just eclipsing
us. I got it. I'mjust gonna go on a shooting rampage and
tell them God made me do it. There that so to me, that

hearkens of like old times, likedirt road uh, sewage running down the
street. Times where you believe thetornado happened because you didn't go to church,
right right? Oh? With allthe earthquakes and the solar eclipse.
I'd seen it on the TikTok It'snow time for us to sacrifice a virgin

to a volcano, because that's whatthey would do back in the day.
All these weird things would happen.You know, it's like, oh my
God, God's smiting us. Let'sthrow a virgin into the volcano, dude.
Some cultures even go as far aslike men can't eat anything red or
slimy or with dark holes or looklike vaginas the Bible says things you should

or should not eat. So plentyof cultures do this and like, well,
this is what we gotta do.Why would we be abstained from that?
I'm glad I don't listen to those. Yeah, those are all my
favorite things all even the thing.Yeah, got to think about that,

like no spaghetti, right, nolasagna, No, no pizza, no
pizza, no raspberry shirtbert, nooysters on the half show, no peaches,
no kiwi, no reason to liveno, all right, I'm on

board with that one. Actually,Yeah, what's that fruit where you open
it up and it's really slimy inthe middle and they look like little tiny
seeds No, pomegrant's not slimy,but it is red purple right, passion
fruit okay? Sure? Dragon fruitsdragon fruit, not dragon fruits white.
Yeah, you missed out on somethings. Yeah, And I think about

I don't know if there's a lotof slimy things that are available to eat.
I mean, oysters is the firstthing that comes to my mind.
Slimy or watery, slimy, it'spretty slimy. Slimy yeah, I mean
when they're raw like that, they'reslimy. Okay, people call it s
not for a reason snails snails yeahyeah, no, s cargo for the

French. Sure, yeah. Slimyfood yeah, what are slimy food?
Tapioca, oysters, seaweed, andokra. That was just a few that
just popped up. So I can'timagine of these cultures that you know,
for forbid forbid like foods because theydon't want their males eating anything that resembles

vaginas in any way, shape orform. I can't imagine they're bummed about
the tapioca situation, right, Idon't think they get a lot of tapioca
pudding. Nope. In some ofthese very you know, indigenous groups.
I'd be fine without it. I'mgonna be honest. I don't know if

I've eaten tapioca pudding. It doesnot register as like I. I've had
it a few times. I thinkthe first time I ever had it,
I was I was just a youngwarthog. But I remember it because of
an episode from Alf where Alf waslike, no more tapioca pudding before.

I don't know why. He soundslike Bill Cosby, but no more tapioca
pudding before bedtime? I got badnightmares or whatever. It's like tapioca Huh,
you got some matha store. It'sit's I, It's I. I
just didn't understand the point of tapioca. Yeah, why not just get pudding?
Yeah? Yeah, Why do youneed tapioca pudding? Don't flavor?

Maybe what flavor is tapioca? Ibelieve their flavor it's flavored vanilla. Uh
huh with what rice? Uh?I again, I don't know much about
tapioca. Tachyo tapioca tayoka tkyoka isstarch obtained from the root of cassava,

a plant that has mostly grown undergroundlike a tater. In many parts of
the world, it's a food staple. Cassava is native vegetables to South America
and grows in tropical and subtropical regions. God damn, I'm learning so much
today. I just see it atstory. I'm more of a rice pudding
kind of guy. That's that's justme. My grandma made a mean rice

pudding. But tapioca is good.It's it's, it's it's it's nothing to
write home to mom about, youknow. But uh, you know,
here's a sweet tooth. So it'sa it's an American thing. It's from
Boston in the eighteen nineties. Tapiocapudding. Yes, where a woman who
was boarding sailors. He was goingthrough his belongings and found cassava root from

his sea journey and put it inhis Puddingy Like, I mean, yeah,
if pudding's okay, what are wegoing to do with this route?
Come on, I guess I couldput it in his pudding. I mean,
we talk a lot about how theorigin of things, and I love

any opportunity to reference. The guywho decided, you know, milk was
a good idea runs up to hisfriends wiping his mouth, going, guys,
guys, you're not gonna believe whatI just found it is delicious.
Here, put your mouth on this. No, no, guys, trust
me. Wait too, we putsome cocoa in it. Right, Oh

my god, game changer. Soany cow? Oh no, right,
just these the black and white spottedones. Don't go to the one that
has horns. It's very bitter.It's just a different experience. This thing's
only got one other. It's agood T shirt too, beam a mess.

It's only got one utter. Ilike it. And then some guy
was like, okay, well cowsas he turns to the you know,
goat. Yeah, hey, hey, hey, what do you taste like?
Come here? Come here? Orhe was waiting in line to try

it. I got tired of waiting, and the goat was just gnawing on
some grass or a house, andhe was like huh. And then I
can't imagine the guy who you know, how long it took him to get
it out of a cashew, right, or an almond, sitting there sucking

on that nut forever, still gettingnothing, got nothing. It's as good
as the cow. Guys. Yeah, you guys, wait, so this
is gonna be huge, so manyjokes that I can't. I feel like
I gotta censor myself all right,parent tickets see star set for Kmody's sprinkling

thing that's happened on Saturday. It'sTulusa Theater. We got listener emails plus
more qualifying for see them all twentytwenty four. We'll be back tul Usa.
This Morning show, Good morning,It's the Big Mad Morning Show.
Nine one, eight four six,Oh kmode. You can also text bmms

and then what you want to sayto eight two nine four five. News
quickies are stories you may have missedin the news. We cover them here
and put a link on our Facebookpage if you'd like more. Facebook dot
com, slash bmms six y nine. Nope, that's the wrong one.
Let's do this one. Let's rightout of paper news. Quikis world news,
local news. Still thinking about saywhat's going on the news? Clickies

from The Big nine Morning Show.In ninety mother daughter duo arrested for performing
illegal butt injections. This happened overin Texas, where Consulo adl Bo and
her eighteen year old daughter Isabella werearrested separately but are both facing charges related

to unlawful medical practice and the lastWednesday, they were busted in a sting
operation conducted by the Houston Police Department. It took place at a temporary residence.
According to investigators, the dell Bowswere charged were charging six grand per
procedure, and allegedly performed the injectionsimmediately after arriving in Texas from California.

During the sting operation, authorities reportedconfiscating bags that contained illegal injectibles and medical
equipment. Officers from HPD's Major Offender'sDivision and agents from the FDA and Homeland
Security Investigations worked to arrest the duo. The women were under the impression they
were going to a private residence tomeet a client. Instead, they were

met with police. Additionally, theytried to give the client, who was
the undercover officer, xanax to relaxbefore the injections, and documents show that
the women were not even sure whatwere in the bottles. They have no
idea what they were injecting. Theshocker right. Both Kensuelo and Isabella were

released on bond and their next courtdate is set for tomorrow. They their
faces look like injections, absolutely,they do. They probably inject themselves.
They inject themselves in their face.We could do this, We could do
this. We could shoot this insomebody's button, get minding for it.
I think that there is this isa cultural problem, okay, right,

the idea that you've got to looka certain way and then you realize how
much it is and you will tryto find a cheaper way to do it.
And we do that with anything.Right. You want a pair of
Nikes, You're going to find acheaper pair, right, Right. You
want a pair of just regular Chucks, You're going to not pay the most
expensive price. You're going to tryand find the cheaper price, right right.

People go to South of the borderfor surgeries all the time, one
hundred percents and stuff because it's cheaperdown there. Yeah yeah, yeah,
yeah. You can see how justhow big their lips are and then the
mom especially, I wouldn't be surprisedif they're using the cement. Like I've
heard that people were getting cement injectedin their lips and in their cheeks and

then they would have to have itsurgically removed. Sure, yeah, like
it's yeah, there's definitely there's definitelyinjections into their cheeks of some sort.
Big time. You do do youdo lip injections? I did it once
when I had my eyebrow lift,they took fat from my leg and put

it in my lip because it's permanentway, so it's not like the it's
not you know, your lip fillerthat you can buy. It was just
my own facts and it doesn't dissipateat all. You'll never have to update
it again. Right, Yeah,I don't think there's anything wrong if you
want to do those things. Ijust think it's like buying black market weed.

Right, What's I mean? Blackmarket buying black market weed? People
are like, you get it's likea negative image, as it should be,
but this is black market cosmetic surgery. Rather have the black market weed
a little safer that way, well, Fittanel, Yeah, true, gonna
feel good for a little while.Man arrested after inappropriate acts with the water

fountain. This comes out of Japanwhere this dude, he's fifty six.
Police spotted him riding his bicycle umnaked as a jaybird from the waist down.
So he's porky pigging it and theystop him in the middle of the
street and they're like, hey man, you ain't got a pants on,
and so they went ahead and theyarrested him for public in decency. That

makes sense. So they were goingthrough his phone for whatever reason, and
that's where they found a picture thathe had taken of him with his butthole
pressed up against a water fountain therein butt or butthole. Behold, behold
his anouse. His anose was onthe fountain, and he took a picture

of a little selfie. Sed,Hey, what was he zoomed in?
That's a pretty distinct feature to pointout. Tell me about it in the
story, Tell me about it.But they made it a point that said
his anus was on the water fountain. So they went ahead and arrested him

for publican decency already being half naked, you know, and property damage I
guess for putting his butthole on thewater fountain spigott. Anyway, they did
shut the park down for the dayso they could go through and clean and
sanitize every water fountain in the park. This is Schrodinger's cat man, what

I mean. I mean, theyjust caught this guy, right, how
many other people? How many othertimes has this guy stuck his buttle on
the water fountain or other people?For anybody done anything? I think public
water fountains are vile. Oh yeah, I would agree. I'm sure they're
almost never cleaning. If they are, it's the same one they've been wiping
door handles and elevator knobs with rightright elevator buttons with. Yeah. You

go over to Riverside Park, youknow, and you see I see all
kinds of people out there drinking outof the water fountain right there by the
bathrooms that also has a little dogbowl down there for your dog. Yeah.
I never seen anybody ever clean itonce. And I've been going to
that park for over a decade playingdisc golf and whatnot, and I ain't

never seen anybody clean it once.Uh to man facing charges after allegedly shooting
Chipotle worker. This happened in Michigan, where a man's facing charges because he
shot an employee over the portion sizeof guacamole he received. Thirty two year
old Aaron No No No, noton the side. Brown is accused of

shooting the employee in the knee onFriday. The victim is unstable condition and
we'll recover from his injuries. He'sfacing several charges, including assault with intent
to do great bodily harm less thanmurder, and he faces up to ten
years in prison if convicted. Iwatched the video from the surveillance footage,
and he at one point goes behindthe counter to get his own guac because

he isn't happy with the portion.And that's when the employee is like hey,
no, and like tries to usetheir arm to kind of shove him
out of the way. And that'swhen this guy goes, oh, hell
no, man puts a camping andthen decides that ten years is better than
the quawk size that I got.Wow, there, Guawk's good and it
ain't cheap. I get it,but I ain't shooting somebody over No my

lack of guak. I would probablyjust go, well, he must want
me to have lessqualk today. Isaw you just made it fresh. I
need it more, just a littlemore. What are you in for?
Embezzlement? What are you in for? Murder? What are you in for?
Guawk? Smashed avocados, onions,tomatoes, salon through overpriced? Yeah

guawk? All right, we gotto take a break. All these stories
are on our Facebook page, Facebook, dot com, slash, bmms six
nine. You're listening to the MadMorning Show. This is Tulsa's Morning Show
ninety KMOD Good Morning, It's theBig Mad Morning Show nine one, eight

four six, Oh KMOD. Canalso text BMMS and then what you want
to say to eight two nine fourfive See what Lindsay has for Balls to
the Wall Sports. Yukon is celebratinga second straight men's basketball National championship after

blowing out Produce seventy five to sixtyin the title game from Glendale. Tristan
Newton led the Huskies with twenty pointsas the team wrote a six point lead
into the half and never looked back. Yukon is the first program to repeat
since Florida in two thousand and seven, and now has six NCAA Tournament championships.

The Huskies officially end of the seasonthirty seven and three. What makes
them even more impressive is that theydid it with a whole new cast too.
I mean, they lost a lotof good players last year, and
I don't think we're done seeing thembe good, so I think they've got
a couple more years still. Thecraziest thing that happened last night was Zach
Edy had a pick and then Hurley, the coach for Yukon, came on

to the floor because they called likea time out of it and started yelling
at zach Edy. It was superbizarre. It was really bizarre. And
zach Edy is good too. Heled all scores with thirty seven points for
he's a study. He is.He's going to be a killer in the
NBA, at least for a fewyears. The people that big can't deal

with the trauma that you go throughrunning up and down the court every night.
Yeah. Yeah, mean only didlike what two seasons? Yeah?
I think so. Yeah. Yeah, he really did not last long,
did it. No? He wasin and out for sure. People with
those body types like, they'll makesome money, but they will damage their
body. Yeah, they're not init for the long haul. Their hearts

are so fatigued from having to pumpblood all over their body. Yeah.
Yeah, a Chief super fan hasa big price to pay. Tulsa County
District Judge Tracy L. Pretty orderedXavier Babadar, widely known as the Chief's
Aholic, to pay ten point eightmillion dollars to a bank teller that he

threatened with a gun. Peyton Garciawill be paid three point six million dollars
for inflicting physical harm and emotional distressand seven point two million dollars in punitive
damages. Garcia has attorney acknowledged Mondayit will be a challenge to collect the
money. The Chief Saholic is currentlyat Leavenworth Federal Prison in Kansas and a

schedule to be sentenced in July.The Knicks have been punished by the league.
On Monday, the NBA fined theKnicks twenty five thousand dollars for violating
league injury reporting rules. New Yorkfailed to accurately disclose the status of Mitchell
Robinson ahead of its game against theToronto Raptors on March twenty seventh. The

Knicks listed Robinson as out on theirinitial injury report, and he went on
to appear in the game. Heplayed twelve minutes, scored eight points,
and collected a pair of rebounds.The twenty six year old is averaging five
point seven points and nine point tworebounds in twenty seven games this season,

and the Hornets continue to search fortheir next head coach. According to esp
Charlotte has been granted permission to interviewSacramento's G League coach Lindsay Harding for its
opening. The former number one overallpick in the WNBA was the g League
Coach of the Year for Stockton.Current head coach Steve Clifford will be moving
into a front office role at theend of the season. The Hornets wrap

up their eight game homestand when theyhost the Dallas Mavericks at Spectrum Center.
Charlotte is tied for the third worstrecord in the NBA with the San Antonio
Spurs at nineteen and fifty nine,and a stud pitcher on the Cleveland Guardians
needs Tommy John surgery. Shane Biebertold the media on Monday, it's just

an injury. He needs to getpassed and he's keeping things in perspective.
The twenty twenty American League Cy YoungAward winner felt soreness in his elbow on
opening day and was further evaluated.The team opted for season ending surgery after
rehabbing the elbow became out of thequestion. The twenty eight year old is

in the final year of his contractwith Cleveland. Bieber had a three point
eight zero ERA in twenty one startslast season, so in twenty twenty three
there were more Tommy John surgeries amongstprofessional pitchers than in the entire decade of
the nineties combined. You probably couldmake an argument that, you know,
the technical advancements in the rehab acceleratedthat number in the last year, but

that's still is what they do before, were guys. Career is just over
right, probably and that's your balls. So the Wall Sports, I'm lindsay
in ninety seven to five km OD, good morning, it's the Big Mad

Morning Show. Four six oh km O D. You can also text
BMMS and then what you want tosay to eight two nine four five good
morning, Good morning Corbin, andcongratulations to Tim Schmid of Broken Arrow.
Timm Meg got qualified to see themall in twenty twenty four pair tickets to

every single KMOD concerts for the restof the year, including those weekend VIP
tickets to Rocklahoma. You can getyourself qualified too, every hour with us
again at eight o'clock this morning andthroughout the day with Mel and j Rod
from Yingling and America's Oldest Brewery andTilsa's Rock Station. Ninety seven five KMOD
good luck, good morning, Gimpie, Well, good morning ban As that

UKN won the championship last night,that means I'm heading down to slow Ride
on Brookside on Thursday for the BigBar Madness giveaway. If you did not
do that online, enter the contestonline. You can still be a last
chance qualifier for some pretty awesome prizes. So make sure you come join me
this Thursday night at Slow Ride onBrookside. I'll be from five to seven.

So I came across this post onlineand I was intrigued to know more
about it. So it sent medown a rabbit hole like happens And this
is getting some attention online. Thisgirl named Elissa and a guy named Scoro,

and he is the son of abillionaire and he gives her money about
ten thousand dollars a month. Iguess all to be. And this is
the rabbit hole her paypig, Apaypig, a paypig. Now I can

understand sexual kinks. They may notall be for me. But whether it's
sounding or dominatrix or I get it, everybody's got their weird little thing.
Yes, this is a finn Domtype of kink where the woman it's a
transactional situation where the man in thiscase gives her money and gets something in

return. Now, that can bea wide variety of things. It can
be people you've never met in reallife. But you give them money and
then they send you pictures or itcan be sexual in nature, and you
give them money and sometimes you getto have sex, and sometimes you get
to have over the close sex,and sometimes you know, you don't get

anything except for maybe handheld. Likeit has many different looks, but ultimately
the term that has got my attentionis paypig. And if you are a
billionaire, you have a lot ofmoney to throw away. So I guess
in that scenario, I can wrapmy head around that money to you is

never a concern. So it isyou will waste it and not even think
twice. When you are the sonof a billionaire, giving somebody ten grand
to give you attention does not botheryou, not a thing. Yeah,
but where I got wrapped up andI have a video this and what's bringing

this to light. The video Ijust sit you is them in a car
and she's being dominating to him andthey're doing a live video where people are
donating, like giving money as thislike to witness it, and he's hit
she's hitting him, and he isdone, like he reached his limit,

and he then assaults her and sothen there's this I mean like violently assaults
her, grabs her hair, pinsher to like they're in a car.
I don't know how they didn't getin a wreck, and yankster out of
the car, throws her out ofthe car, I guess, and then
she takes off like it's it's insanity. And part of me was like,

is it a salt? If that'syour arrangement? Good question? That's no,
No, it's not a good question. It's a simple question. There's
a limit, and this guy reachedhis limit and was finally like, I'm
done. At first, it's asexual thing, and it's like, yeah,
you smack me around a few times, bitch whatever, you know.

But she goes overboard, and Ithink that's where the line is. Now,
whether or not they discussed where thelimit is, where is that line?
Where's the boundary? You know whatI mean, we don't know that,
but I feel that he got hisfill on this one and snapped.
He does warn her multiple times,there you go. He does say cut

it out, there you go there, But in a dom scenario, you
don't take no right right right right. He didn't say pine. I don't
know what their keyword er if thatexist, But to me, if isn't
that her job to keep going evenwhen he says stop until he says Pineapple
Express or whatever whatever they're safe forit is. Maybe we don't know if

they had that arrangement set up already. Me personally, the first time somebody
says Okay, that's enough, that'swhen I'm like, well, wait,
okay, okay, okay, Icrossed the line. Have you ever been
in a scenario where the got herin a head loged, oh yeah,
he's just working, he's yeah,it's very uncomfortable. Wow. Anyway,

have you ever been in a scenariowith the girl gimpie where you have she
has said no, but you feelsyou think she's liking it. You both
like it, and you keep goingno never never, never, because why
because I don't need that stuff comingback to me. Well, I told
him no, well you know,your honor. She seemed like she was

liking it, right, So Ijust kept on going. But sir,
mister McGee, she did say no, did she not? Well? Yeah,
but I mean the look in hereyes. You know, her mouth
says no, but her eyes sayyeah, I'm I'm on board with you.

Do women say in sexual situations sometimesthis sounds horrible to say out loud.
It depends on how they say it. If it's like, no,
don't stumb, you know so,inflex inflex in your honor. I heard
her tone go down right right,that's the way she said it. She
didn't say, don't stop now rightagain. This is the way she said

it, don't What do you think, lindsay, Do girls say no when
they really want you to keep going? Me personally, I have not,
But I'm sure that it has happened. I'm sure that I'm sure that it
has happened. I could see it, or they've quickly changed never mind,

they could change their mind. ActuallyI do like it. Never mind or
well that never happens. You're neveryou mean you persuaded them. I think
there's also an energy shift there too, right. You can feel the energy
when it's like, well, whoa, whoa, whoa, that's too much,
please stop smacking me, you knowwhat I mean, or something to

that effect. But if the energy, I guess is still the same as
it was when you guys first starteddoing it, then yes, I guess
it's okay. I'm with you.No means no, one hundred percent.
That's the end of the conversation,no reason to have more. But in
a dominatrix scenario, which is whatthis really is, their arrangement appears to
be is how do they know tostop? I think that is why you

have to establish that safe word.You have to people are people, right,
so you can assume like people getinto that field and they just become
like well organized, right. Usuallythat's a learned lesson. But to go
back to the paypig thing, Iwent down a rabbit hole reading about people.

One guy, he was lonely andhe was paying somebody he did not
know. He found online twenty eighthundred dollars a month his entire paycheck.
Wow. And sometimes they would havesex on the computer. Sometimes they would
role play and she would wear cheerleadingoutfit and he would play the nerd who

can't know, and she would actlike she like they did all these things.
It was very transactional, right.And my whole thing is, again,
I can understand kinks, but whenI start, I don't like paying
for lap dances. That's why Idon't like strip My reason to not like
strip club strip clubs is purely financialright right there with you, man,

They don't like it. When youask for change back, right, Can
I get a couple ones? Please? I look at a strip club much
like a casino. I gotta getcash, and anything I put out that
give is gone forever with no return, right, right. And so my
friend's bachelor probably like, let's goto the strip. I'm like, ah,

I'm good, I'll call it.You guys, go get it.
And I've been and I like lookingat naked women. Don't get me wrong,
But so in this scenario where you'regiving money, I guess because you
feel like you're getting something and thewhole like I'm a pay pig. Yeah,

I don't know how that's a betterlabel. How does one survive on
something like that? Like that guythat's given this woman his entire paycheck right
to sometimes do it or not orwhatever? Like how's he living? How's
he eating food? How's he payingfor his housing? Yeah? You see
what I'm saying. Yeah, Butyou know the answer to that. You

can relate to people that don't havemoney for one reason or another. You
just figure it out, right,right, Rob Peter to pay Paul so
you can have fun with Mary.I get you, I get you,
right, or you turn off yourcable, or you don't pay your cable,
so then you can and then I'llcatch up, and then you feel

and he says even times like whenhe did, he would stop calling and
being online with her, and shewould start harassing him because she wasn't he
wasn't paying, because she thought thatwas the thing, right, right,
right, Everything comes to an endsometime, but not according to her.
Give me your money and the ideathat this is a thing that yeah,

again, if you're a millionaire,I'll buy it. You don't have to
explain it to me. Because yousee money like you see leftovers in your
fridge, you'll just throw it away. You won't be responsible with it because
you know there's more. But whenyou don't have very much money and twenty

eight one hundred dollars is your monthlyincome, right, you're being reckless to
have a woman go you dirty nerd, right, simply because you're so awkward
you can't go out and find anothernerd for yourself, whatever it is.
He would say that she would evenin another relationship he was in, he

would ask her or she would say, oh, I really want a pair
of shoes, and she would thenhe would buy the shoes for her,
and then she would take a picture. That was the transaction. That was
it, right, And she wasa beautiful to him, a beautiful woman.
I don't know what she looked like, a beautiful woman. So for
him, that was the and thenthat was their only relationship. He would

buy for things for her, shewould take pictures. That was the that
was the limit of their relationship.That sounds horrible, horrible if all you
got as a shoe pick, right, come on, or a swimsuit or
or underwear or whatever it was.Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.
And as a fun guy, thatsurprises me. But you being the

fun guy, not mean, justmake that clear one percent norse. Uh.
But and then he says, therewas another one where we'd have a
relationship with a girl, and thatwas in real life. This was one
of his first like real life paypig scenarios where he would sometimes it was
just a picture. Sometimes they wouldhe would she would let him take him

to dinner. Sometimes they would havesex. Wow, and then sometimes he
would have to watch her with someoneelse. Like it was the most bizarre
degrading I've never understood degrading, Likebecause I know that submissive sex and degrading
sex aren't the same, right,But power is a big role in sex.

Absolutely absolutely, And that's a psychologicalissue right there, man, when
it comes down to it. Uh, probably you know, the dude's mother
always talked down to him, andthat's how he interprets love. So therefore
he needs that from women, youknow, in order to feel something not

or maybe even knowing that it's notright, knowing that it's wrong. That's
the only way that he knows tofeel that emotion. I don't get it.
You start degrading me, and we'redone. We're done, one hundred
percent. This person sext in andsaid that look look up crypto pig butchery.

My ex husband has fallen for thisright now, no matter what I
tell him, Well, one yearis x, so it doesn't matter what
you tell And this is a pigbutchering scheme is scammer's obtaining funds from victims
using manipulative tactics. The scammer establishesa level of trust with a victim in
the online communications and entices the victiminto investing into a fraudulent cryptocurrency scheme that
feels completely different. Right, Thatis just a online scam at least at

least in this description that does notinclude sex or pleasure. What I'm describing
is sex and pleasure, right,And maybe that's what her ex is falling
for. He thinks that he's goingto get some sex or pleasure out the
deal. And this, this scammerjust keeps just keeps trolling them all right

along, just keeps on tagging them. I get it. So this,
okay, this is a good exampleof this pig butchering thing. I got
a text saying I owed money tosomebody like they're a debt collector. Click
on this link. I just laughedand deleted it. Yep, of course.
And then I got an email alsosaying that I owed money to somebody

click this link, and I waslike, no, if anything, our
company is very proactive in understanding fishingscams and trying to educate us about it.
And so in my mind, ifI owe you money, you will
either call me or write me aletter. Absolutely, yeah, So I
don't care if you get you sendme a text message the number of times

so that I actually actually did owemoney to somebody, but I didn't know
I owed them because a credit cardexpired. All right, But my mom,
who's old, you know, elderly. I guess it's a weird thing
to say, but she's in herseventies. The amount of scams she gets
solicited to is insane. Yeah.Yeah, they target the elderly. And

my response to I go blanketly justignore them all. There, she goes,
well, what if we do withmoney? I'm like, then they'll
let us know right in another formbesides a text message or an email,
A formal letter usually is what doesit? And my mom old school is
like, I don't. I don'twant to owe people money one hundred percent.

I don't want you to owe moneyto people. But people be tricky
and tricky people try to make youthink something that isn't happening. I think
in that situation there, you justwait for a court summons to come along,
and then that's what you follow upwith and be like, Okay,
yeah, I did not pay becauseI thought this was a scam. Yeah,
you know, and I was justholding out waiting to see what happens.

And obviously it was legit because y'allgot me in court now, so
let's just go ahead and set upa payment brought. Yeah, yeah,
you're not going to owe them moremoney. No, as far as I'm
concerned, once it becomes a debtcollector. But to hand over your money
to somebody for sexual favors, buttransactional sex. I also don't have a

problem with What do you mean,I mean, well, however that looks
for you, I mean, that'sthe prostitutions, transactional sex. Yeah,
so there's a lot of people whohave relationships that's transactional. Okay in some
regard. I buy you dinner,you know, you know, put groceries
in your house, pay your lightbill, whatever. If you take me

to a fancied you can be ina real relationship with somebody. You take
me to a fancy dinner, we'llhave sex. Right, Yeah, you
mow the yard, we'll have sexafter your shower sometimes. So transactional sex
isn't exclusive to prostitution in my opinion. No, no, no, no,

But I got no problem with itif that if that's if you're okay
with that. But when you starthanding over ridiculous amounts of money where you
are jeopardizing your stuff, I don'tget it. And then to be have
a term for it, and itincludes something that rolls in its own feces
exactly. Is a weird. It'sa weird. At some point you go,

huh, yeah, I don't understandwhy you would want to be a
pay pig or a it's such aweird. But the definition, though,
are men who enjoy the humiliation ofsending women money without getting anything in return.
Yeah, that definition is missing animportant attribute, and that is attention

from women. That's it. Lonelyguys who do whatever it takes to get
that little bit of attention from theopposite section. All these articles I read
about it all had the same theme, and that was I was lonely,
or I was shy, or Iwasn't good with women, all right,
when they could easily go out andfind some fat slug at a bar somewhere,

do whatever they want, and she'lltake care of you. All right.
We got to take a break.We'll be back. Rush of the
Big Mad Morning Show is next ninetyseven KOD, Good morning, It's the

Big Mad Morning Show nine eight foursix oh. KMOD can also text bmms
and then what you want to sayto eight two nine four five. Let's
play a game. We've got ticketsto give away to kmod's Spring Fling Thing
with Star Set Saturday at the TulsaTheater. Tickets available Tulsa Theater dot com.

We're playing sing Sing current record iswell, looks like I'm dominating with
five. Lindsay's hot on my heelswith four, and you're pretty far back
there with tube last week's winter.That would be a whole bunch of nobody
we got tied up. Hello,everybody's available to play at nine one eight
four six Oh kmo D nine oneeight four six oh kmo D. Call
up, decide who's gonna be yourclue giver? Whoever gets the most right

is gonna win those tickets to KOD'sSpring Fling Thing with Star Set Saturday at
the Tulsa Theater. Nine one eightfour six oh kmo D nine one eight
four six O kmo d uh.Good morning, you're on the air.
What is your name? Yo?Ho? Hey Steve? Who do you
want to give? Clues? Uh? Lindsey Gimpy or Corbin Lindy Lindsay.

Okay, sixty seconds are on theclock. Timer starts after the first clue?
Are you ready? All right?Here we go? All right?
Think of the film Top Gun andthe main theme song half Gun, Top

Gun. I don't know that,Tom Cruise. Okay, stay away,
this is not radio down. Turnyour radio down, dude, Okay,
he's he's the soundtrack king. Thisis a this is a no fly blank.

Uh huh okay. So the firstword is uh, oh my god,
uh blank, uh oh my god. Who's choking here him? Are
you mean he's never seen Top Gun? Okay, we can't talk. Yeah,

Top Gun the movie Top Gun,the theme song time Jesus, I
know, yeah, Steve, Ithink zero. It's safe to say you're
not winning man, So thanks forplaying all right, see you later.
I wonder if he did that over. Good morning, you're on the air.
Good morning, you're on the air. What is your name, Matt?

Matt? How are you today?I'm good, Good Matt. Gimpy
and Corbyn are your choices and youjust got to get one to win.
Hey, sixty sixty seconds are onthe clock. Timer starts after the first
clue. Are you ready? Yes, here we go. Okay. This
is Lars and James Hetfield's band,you know, okay, And this is

the song about Pinocchio. Was whatwhat was Pinocchio? Oh? God?
They have the strings on them andthey make them dense puppet. There you
go, and if you are reallygood at, you know, working a
puppet, you would say you area what puppets master of puppet? There

got Okay, Yeah, that's that'sI think that's good. I don't think
we have to do anything else.Congratulations, man, congratulations you're getting those
kid tickets Kimmity sprink Fling thing whichis almost sold out. So uh hang
on the line, so gimp youcan get your infoka. I will thank
you, good job, sir.Give me this the one she ended on.
Yeah, she was on the rightpath with the theme song to top

Gun and obviously that didn't work.She was good with like this is a
no blank zone he said, orno fly blank he said zone. She
got hung up on the very firstword. And the things that I was
thinking of is blank blank Will Robinson, Yeah Blank, a nineties band that
same flagpole sitter called Harvey Harvey Blank. Yes, yes, danger Zone Maverick

was on the highway to this.Other than that, you know, but
yeah, but yeah, do youknow any of the lyrics? All I
can think of is the chorus,and I was thinking of blank, Will
Robinson, but I was thinking ofWill Roy like I do. I have

no idea. I have no idea. The record now, well, that
keeps me in the lead with six, keeps Lindsay with four, and keeps
you with Take a break and we'llbe back. Four of The Big Man
Morning Show is next. Good Morning. It's The Big Man Morning Show nine

six KMO. He see what Gimbihas in his four X forema Well Corbin
assays here that the NAIA band's transgenderathletes from women's sports. The National Association
of Intercollegiate Athletics Council of Presidents approvedthe policy in a unanimous vote Monday after

a survey indicated heavy support for theband. The association is a national athletic
governing body for two hundred and fortynine small colleges across the nation that are
not part of the NCAA's three divisions. The DOJ is refusing to turn over
audio of a Biden interview. TheJustice Department will not turnover recordings of JB's

interview about his handling a classified documentsfrom his time as a VP. House
Republicans set yesterday as the deadline forthe ag Merrick gold Garland to release the
records or possibly face contempt of Congresscharge. The interview has become a lightning

run after former Special Council Robert Hirrcalled Biden an elderly man with the poor
memory. The Biden appointed Garland isrefusing to turn over the recordings because he
believes that the GOP wants to usethem for political reasons. Of course,
that's why they're gonna use. Eclipsesunglasses can be donated, so if you

have some and you just don't wantto want them anymore, here you go
for eclipseer eclipsers in uh improverished countriespretty much. The group Astronomers Without Borders
is accepting donated glasses to send Africa, Asia and Northern South America for future
eclipse events. They can be donatedat any Warbee Parker store. The organization

called Eclipse Glasses usas accepting glasses tosend to students in Latin America for the
October annular eclipse. And then,lastly, good news for the people of
Wagner. Construction begins on an infamousWagner County road known to damage cars.
If you've ever tried to go todowntown Wagner, this is what they're talking

about. The project was supposed tostart in twenty twenty one, but had
to be delayed due to scheduling conflictand inflation on materials. Biden the Openment
Department of Transportation said that at thattime the best thing that they could do
was cancel it. But now constructionhas officially started. Highway fifty one,
also known as Cherokee Street, willbe narrowed to one lane in each direction

from Highway Giggity for Highway sixty nineall the way to mcquerie Avenue so contractors
can have room to work. Finally, get it fixed? Does he also
get credit for getting it fixed?Too? Sure? Why not? If
he gets blamed for the costs healso claimed blamed for the getting fixed final
No, oh Dodd gets there sureso. Early yesterday morning, news started

to leak that the days of JohnCaliperry as the head coach of the Kentucky
Wildcats were coming to an end andthat he was finalizing a deal to coach
the Arkansas Razorbacks. Since those reportsstarted to emerge, more details as to
why this is happening now have cometo light, and sources say that John

was having bad feelings about his situationin Kentucky and that a lack of supports
made him feel unwanted. That couldhave something to do with Kentucky fans having
an expectation of winning, oh dearright. Other reports say that he had
been looking for a way out sinceFebruary and expressed interest in the position at

Ohio State, but Arkansas ended upbeing a dream shot out of Lexington and
reportedly Arkansas alumni Jerry Jones, whostill donates two and Carrie's influence at the
school played a significant role in reelinga Calipari in. And as for who
will now coach at Kentucky, oddsmakers have Alabama's Nate Oates as the favorite,

followed by Baylors Scott Drew and Auburn'sBruce Pearl and former Kentucky head coach
Rick Patino also getting a few betsin there as well. Yeah, he's
he would dig good there. Theyjust have this expectation, right, and
so, yeah, went a win. I'm sure he felt the heat.
Yeah. The Baseball Hall of Famewill honor Hank Aaron with a statue next

month. Monday, mark the fiftiethanniversary of Aaron hitting his seven hundred and
fifteenth career home run breaking the recordthen held by Babe Ruth. To celebrate
the anniversary, Cooper's Town opened thenew more Than Brave The Life of Henry
Aaron exhibit, while also announcing theplans for the statue. The bronze statue
of Aaron will be installed on thefirst floor of the museum when it's unveiled

on May twenty third. The Hallof Fame said the statue will stand forever
as a tribute to an American hero. And that's your balls to the Wall
sports. I'm Lindsay on ninety sevenfive KMOD, Good morning, It's the

Big Man Morning Show. Nine one, eight four six oh KMOD. You
can also text BMMS and then whatyou want to say to eight two nine
four five, Good morning, Lindsay, Good morning, Corbyn. Rock Klahoma
is the loudest weekend of the yearin prior USA Labor Day weekend. It's
going down August thirtieth through September one. Avenge sevenfold, evan Essence, Hailstorm,

disturbed, a Data, remember,Skillet, slipknot lame, my God,
just to name a few. Ticketsare on sale, Get the full
lineup, get your tickets. Allthe information you need right now, kmod
dot com. Good morning, gimPie, well top of the morning,
do you sir? Smoking Guns nineis going on before Rockklahoma. There that's
happening on the twenty seventh of thismonth. Police officers, firefighters duking it

out for charity. It's always agood time. You can get your tickets
right now at bokaycinder dot com qualifyingpeople for see them All twenty twenty four
and James Moses if chinks heard theque so James is in the running to
see every concert Camo d is apart of including that VIP week in Rockklahoma.
All you need to do is listenfor a queue every hour. Mel
and Jay Rod are gonna have chances. It's all brought to by Yingling Untilsa's

Rockstation ninety seven to five. KMODlistener emails are a chance for you to
ask for help. Maybe you wantour opinion. We're not professionals, we're
just people. So you consider aquestion to us v email show at kmod
dot com. We read it onthe air and then you guys get to
give advice on what this person shoulddo. Cemail says, good morning,
guys. We have people at ourhouse. We have people at our house

a lot for parties. Sometimes Iget people to come over. Sometimes my
roommates get people to come over.It's always a good time. But my
roommates always duck out early and leaveme in charge. They'll go to their
girls' houses, they'll go to thebar, and then I'm stuck babysitting people.
I don't know. Do I justlet do I just tell them to

go or let them stay? Ordo I tell my roommates if they invite
people they need to stay with them. That would drive me crazy. I
It's one of the number one reasonsI never liked having roommates, because they
do their own thing right, right, they're humans. Yeah, I love

hosting people at my house. Ido love I love that, But also
I know the people that are comingover. You know, I'm not going
to have people I don't know.The chance of your husband inviting somebody over
and then leaving is pretty much zero, exactly, Yeah, absolutely right,

But in a roommate situation that mightbe a little a little different. Yeah.
Yeah, And isn't the whole reasonto have people come over so you
don't have to go anywhere? No, Like, I don't even know how
many like in college, the numberof we'd have people over and then I'll
go to the bar, or somepeople would go to the bar. Yeah,
some people can't afford to go tothe bar. Yeah, I see

that. Yeah in the jay.Now, I think that happens when you're
like older, you start going I'mnot going to the bar and having roommates
bring people over. Usually those peoplewill hang in the same circle though,
yeah right, usually those people liketypically you have met them before, right

right, at least once or twiceor whatever to that effect. When I
had a roommate, he never reallyhad anybody over whatever. But you know,
I knew some of his friends frombefore when you know, he moved
in or whatever, So if hedid invite them over, I'd be like,
Okay, I know these people,you know for sure. But I
don't think I think he would havehad the respect of, hey, I'm

leaving and these guys are coming withme, that he wouldn't just leave his
friends there for me to babysit rightentertained. Yeah, yeah, I never
got put in that position, butI think I know him well enough to
wear he wouldn't have never done that. It might have been ten years ago
where somebody had some people over attheir house and they brought someone with him
that nobody knew, and about aweek later, their house got broken into.

Yeah, that sucks. And whenthey caught him, it was that
other person. And hearing that storythat happened here and hearing that story,
I was like, psh, Andno fools come to my house, y'all'll
band? Yeah, well, itwas one of my dad's reasonings for not
letting, you know, my friendscome over and hang out. I don't
know your friends, don't know.I don't need them in here, you

know, taking my stuff, youknow what I mean. And that's just
something that I have adopted as I'vegotten older. Yeah, I don't know
you, I don't know who yourfriends are. You're cool, you know,
But I mean I remember growing upand you know, living under my
parents' roof, and my parents wouldgo to town and leave my brother in
charge, and he never really hadparties. He would have some people over,

but never really parties. And youjust got to submit, Like my
wife and already had have had thisconversation about the future, and you know
that our kids could invite people over. Yeah, and that's what he You
can lay down the rule. Butwhen you're not there, that doesn't mean

anything, right, right, Like, you know, We're going on vacation
in July, right, I'm goingto Florida, and I've got my youngest
son coming to house sit and takecare of the dogs and blah blah blah
for me. And I'm I'm ata crossroads. We're like, all right,
well, I let him bring somefriends over and hang out. You
know, they've got this whole houseto themselves, big ass TV, PlayStation

five, blah blah blah, drumswhatever, you know what I mean,
all the fun stuff that they couldpossibly need. But at the same time,
I'm like, you know, Iknow him, I trust him,
but I don't know his friends.So I'm like, okay, well do
I let him have you know,a friend or two over. And and
I'm not naive to the fact ofwhere he may just have him over anyway,

whether yeah, right, whether Isay not to or whatever, he
can still have people over, youknow, And I just all I can
do is just say, hey,there's the camera. Keep in mind,
I'm watching it all times. Yousee what I'm saying. But that would
have ruined a vacation as well,because I'm too busy glued to my camera
to make sure it ain't nobody messingwith stuff in my house, you know
what I mean. Do you thinkgiving permission makes it worse or better?

I think it would make it better, because because at least he's not going
behind my back, you know,and throwing a party or whatever, deliberately
breaking whatever rule that I may laydown, you know, So I think
it would make it better. Like, all right, you have some people
over, but at the same time, I've got big scary dogs and I
don't need them. You know,something happened into one of his friends,

get bit or whatever, and thenI'm on the hook for that, you
know. So I've been trying tofigure out how I'm going to handle that
situation. Yeah, but I thinkhe's a responsible enough young adult that he
would he would, you know,respect my wishes. But at the same
time, he's my kid, sowho knows. He's a product of me.

So I don't know here, Corbyn, what do you mean you remember
growing up? Because you still seempretty childish to me. No, I
don't. Reasonable answer. Maybe ifyou end up with a party full of
strangers, start making friends. Nugularanswer want your party to in shut off
the tunes, get hammered and nakedand do vomit, pelon, sprinkle or
in the middle of the party,party over another one. Tell them to

leave if the person that invited themhas left, stop being insecure? Insecure?
Are you're trying to be respectful?Like I didn't invite them? Someone
else did. I could understand itlooking like insecure, But I could also
understand it looking like, hey Ididn't. It's their thing. Yeah,
I think it's on the roommate tobe like, hey man, I invited

you here and I'm leaving, soy'all need to leave. Two. That's
just my opinion, though I don't. I think it's being respectful non insecure.
Yeah, and how many people wetalking right? When when you leave
to go to the bar or toyour girl or whatever, are you sneaking
out and no one sees you leave? Right? Are you like, hey

man, we're going to the bar? Anybody want to go? Because because
I would think also the people thatyou brought would go. That's our cue
exactly right, we're out right,And if they're just sneak can out,
you know, play a little Houdinithere, Well that's rude af to your
roommate and to your friends that youinvited. Absolutely. Oh I don't think

Plain Houdini's rude. Of course youdon't. But if you invited people over,
you know, and then you tomy house, yeah sure, OKAYI
out of there. Don't tell yourfriends or your roommate or anything. Yeah,
that's rude, that's rude. It'sit's okay. Well they also do
they call it the Irish goodbye.Yeah, I didn't know that your own

party for real. Yeah, ifyou leave to go get stuff from the
you know, the liquor store orwhatever, do you need to say goodbye?
No? No, but you doneed to say I'll be right back.
Not saying goodbye, no, No, that's I mean, you're making
an announcement of your departure. Yes, but you're also saying I'm coming right

back, and I'm coming back withsupplies, right, you know, not
just that's aout. Yeah, thisthe party is not over. I'm just
I'll be back. So one ofthem, you're saying, one of them
is stepdadding are and one of themis being a responsible parent. Yeah,
yes, sure, he went outfor cenarettes and then came back and listener

email from a guy whose roommates theyhave parties, and then the roommate leaves
with all these people he doesn't know, and he feels like he's got to
stay around and entertain them. Yeah, this Texas respect left the room when
the roommate bailed. Well, therehe goes Tom and all the respect they're
with them right right, just goingup to the person being like, why

are you still here? That's notbad? Oh, come on, it's
not I mean, I mean whenyou put it like that, you Yeah,
why are you still here? Yourfriend left a long time ago,
right, that's different. What areyou doing? I'm sitting here. We're
with all your partying. No,we aren't partying. The person you were

partying with left. We don't knoweach other. You got a mouse in
your pocket? Do you know mylast name? Right? Oh, you
just read that on the mail.Get out of here, right, lucky
guess? Yeah? And what kindof you know? What kind of party
are we talking? Some people labelparty as we're just hanging out watching TV

as a party. Some people haveto have the ones and twos going right
for it to be a party.Alcohol flowing, yeah, maybe some trees
burning. Yeah, gosh, andthen there's like watching your TV or nature
calls for a delivery. No,now you got somebody you don't know in

your house and you're waiting for themto be done in the Hey, I
just got to go to the bathroombefore I leave. Ah listening to him
from a guy who says his uh, they have parties him and his roommate,
and sometimes he gets people. Sometimesthe roommates get people, and it's

always a good time. But myroommates always sneak out early and leave me
in charge. They'll go to theirgirls' house, or they go to the
bar, and then I'm stuck babysittingpeople. I don't know. Do I
just tell them to go or letthem stay? And do I tell my
roommates that if they invite people,they need to stay with them. What
do you think, lindsay? Ithink first, you should definitely take it

up with his roommates and set theboundaries. This is a discussion to have
before they throw the parties or beforethe next get together. Be like,
hey, before we have friends over, we need to when you guys leave,
then your friends leave. I don'twant to be stuck, you know,
entertaining your friends and if it can, and if it keeps happening,

then just be like, hey,party's over if they leave. If you
don't want to be stuck entertaining,simple as that. Just sub boundaries with
your roommates, gimbi for sure.Man, the roommate needs to take his
friends with him when he leaves,and that's a discussion like Lindsay said that
that dude has to have with hisroommate. Man, Like, I'm tired

of you dumping your damn friends onme. I don't know these people.
I'm not here to entertain. Iam not your dancing monkey. Okay,
So if you're gonna leave, youneed to take your friends with you,
because you know I would do thesame for you. I'm not gonna leave
you here to babysit or to entertainpeople that you don't know or barely know
or whatever. So get it together, or you're gonna have to find another

place to live. Yeah, it'smy place. You're renting here, right.
You just don't know, right,we don't know the situation. I
think you're at this point where youyou're kind of becoming like a responsible adult,
and maybe your roommates are still inthat face and so now you got
to tell your roommates how you wantthem to act. That's weird. This

is why I don't like roommates becausepeople are just in different spots in life.
And now you're like, hey man, we got to clean up after
every meal and they're like, Idon't do that. I clean up on
Fridays. Right. Yeah, it'speople are just different people. They're just
all different. And so now oneof you has got to tell the other
person how do the things should be? Uncomfortable? Time to find your own

place. That's the solution. Thereyou go. You clearly don't want that
lifestyle anymore. There's no way that'sjust started. Or did the newness wear
off in the relationship? Oh,the honeymoon phase is over now before it's
like, yeah, we're partying.It's awesome, and you didn't care that
they left because you're like, yeah, I'm partying. And then you're like,
oh, I gotta get up,I gotta work tomorrow. I could

say someone might have got a newjob you work early, or now you're
like, well that's fun, butyou always come home at two in the
morning loud, yeah bitch, it'smy Yeah, but I gotta work,
Okay, it's called having roommates.I don't know what to tell you.
Don't eat my hot pockets, right, it's that kind of stuff. It's

to me, it's just roommate littleTIFFs that you got to deal with.
People are like leave immediately, andthen what lead people in your house?
Oh no, no, no,no no no. But ultimately I think
if you want to stay, Ithink you just tell the people they got
to go. Hey, listen,he left, you got to go.
Well you're still here, that's right, yeah, my house, bitch.

Yeah. And if they get madat you, they get mad at you.
And then if your roommate brings itup, then you can be like,
oh, well you left and Ididn't know them, so I figured
they should go, as I hadstuff I wanted to go do. Why
should I have to entertain your friends? Then, you know what I mean?
Then you're not bringing it up,right, Then you're not telling them

how to live. You're just notdealing with their leftovers. I never did
good with roommates because like I wantedto clean up, I wanted dishes put
away. They would just let themsit and then I just started stacking them
on their bed and they moved outnice. I can't sleep with all the
spaghetti sheets. Hey, listen,I get it. You don't want to

do dishes. I'll just leave themhere until you're ready. Oh, you're
ready to leave forever sounds good dishesaren't a problem anymore. No, they
didn't do that, all right,Listen, We've got to in the show
early because I've got to go toa funeral. So uh, this will
be the inter show, but wewill be doing best of them. We'll
see you guys tomorrow. Thank you, thank you. Ready to be to

make some noise interpassword Corbyn new messages. The Big Bad Morning Show would like
to take a minute to thank troopsfrom Oklahoma and all over the United States.
These soldiers have sacrifice. Give theBig Mad Morning Show before you to
back like the total douchebags that theyare, total douchebag bag, total incomplete

douchebag. We honor and respect you. We honor and respect you. We
honor and respect you. Douglas RockingAll blessed Tulsa. We try boys,

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