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September 18, 2024 29 mins

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The Madhouse Chronicles Podcast Credits:
Cameron Tagge, Producer, Director & Editor
Scott Noda, Editor
Peter Glowski, Executive Producer
LB Horschler, Executive in Charge

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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- I'll tell you a storyI was thinking about.
- Go on.
- I'm in Houston, Texas,at the airport one day,
and I'm coming down afterthe last bump, and I went...
'Cause, you know, you gottado it every 15 minutes.
I got a book of matches in my pocket.
I hadn't got a spoonor anything, you know,
and didn't wanna fuckin'chop it out on the floor.
So I put some on this, I made

a makeshift cardboard spoonfrom the little matchbook.
And I bent down, and Isee these black boots
having a piss, standing at the urinal.
(ominous music)- Jesus.
- It's a fuckin' copper,and I'm standing on one leg,
with this toot of fuckin' coke,
(Billy laughs)
waiting for this guyto just finish his piss
so I could blow it.
It was fuckin' killing me,but I was determined to do it.

- And you, I bet you did it!
- I did it!
- Yeah, of course you did!
- I went "Ah." (sniffs sharply)
(Billy laughs)
(intense, stuttery music)
(knocking at a door)
(door creaks)
You're in the Madhouse now!
(Ozzy cackles)(intense music)
The topic today is very interesting.

Both of us participated in this.
- How dare you! I don't knowwhat you're talking about!
- Drugs and alcohol!(Billy laughs)
Someone has been in my room
and taken my beers away from my room.
- [Sharon] I don't think so, darling.
(Ozzy groans)
- Obviously, it's atopic we both know about.
(melodic rock music)

They sell us on the slogan
"sex, drugs, and rock and roll," right?
- They're already there inrock and roll, they taught you.
I'm too old for the sex.
(needle scratches record)
I've made it to 75 this December,
unless the man upstairsstrikes me with lightning.
(thunder rumbles)
- Which is a miracle in itself,
right?- I mean, fuck you
and fuck me, I mean, a miracle.

- But there is the thing.
For a while, it works.
For me, anyway, there was a time
when it worked.- You know, I don't know
whether this happened to you,
but when you firstdiscover a drug and you go,
(horse whinnies)
"Well, this is what I've beenlooking for all my life,"
you'll never feel that way again.
- That was the...

So one of my things washeroin and cocaine together.
They call it a speedball or a snowball.
I spent seven years, the lastseven years of my addiction,
chasing the one time,the first time I did it.
Never felt the same.
- I had an injury at a concert one time,
and they took me to ahospital straight after,

and they shot me up with Demerol.
- Ooh, I like that one.- I'd jumped off
the fuckin' stage head first
that night, yeah.(crowd roars)
(Billy laughs)
I mean, that was like, "Ohmy God, I felt like that."
And I could never feel the same again!
- Yeah, I-- I thought maybe,
maybe I could find somebodyto give me morphine.
- But then the chemist in us comes out.

"Well, if I take two of theseand four of them together..."
- Oh, you're fuckin' nuts!
I mean, how the fuck you and I
are still breathing is a miracle.
- I know. I know.
- And, you know, people talk about it.
But with all my success, I can remember
when I was combing the fuckin' carpet
for anything that looked white.

- (laughs) Yeah, I know. Exactly!
And then peering out the curtains
thinking they're comin' to get ya.
- [Ozzy] Fuckin' the paranoia.
- But before it all turned to shit-
- It worked well enough for a while.
- It worked for a little while, right?
- I mean, there was a time I could go
on with a load of booze and-
- Was booze your first, the first?
- No. Yeah, beer was myfirst, then it was Dexedrine.

- Dexedrine?- Preludin.
- So this is the '60s, right?
- Yeah, yeah.
- And British culture is pub culture.
- Yeah, yeah.
- So no one thinks twiceif a fuckin' 14-year-old
is trying to sneak into apub and have a pint of beer.
- [Ozzy] Oh, yeah!
- That's what we do, right?
Can you try and rememberwhen it first started
not to work for you?

- The booze?
- Whatever it was you were taking-
- No, I used to have differentcombinations which worked.
I'd switch from one liquor to another.
- [Billy] Right.
- Like, gin would make me all slurpy,
whiskey would make me angry,and I fucked around with that.
But the one thing wasI smoked dope with it.

- So you were smokingweed with the alcohol?
- Yeah, I'd get a belly full of that.
I used to piss myself every night.
- Yeah.
- That's not alcoholism, innit?
You're covered in your own urine.
- I mean, a lot of people do that,
and they say they're not alcoholics.
I'm not here to say whetheranyone's an alcoholic or not.
I know I am, right,
and an addict.- If somebody said to me,

"Go a year without," not even thinking,
just, "Go a year without drinking"...
- Well, that's it. You can't do it.
We couldn't do it.
- I couldn't fuckin' do it.
- So I remember, clear as day,
my thing was heroin, from the word go.
I wasn't down the pub drinking,
right?- Yeah.

- And I remember after about,it took six or seven months.
For six or seven months, it was great.
I'd get stoned and blah, blah, blah.
I was only a kid, teenager.
And I remember one day, I woke up
and I had a cold, Ithought, and I was achy,
and I went round to the guy's house
that I was buying this shit from,
and I told him, and hewent, "Welcome to the club."

And I was like (laughs) "Fuck."
- But after a while... Youwere doing it for a long time.
- Yeah, 15 years.
- I mean, the fuckin'withdrawals from that stuff's...
- Withdrawal frommethadone is worse, Ozzy.
Well, so, the methadone isthe English government's
answer to heroin addiction.
- It's bullshit!
- Yes, absolute bullshit.
(bell dings)
Yeah. And it's awful tryin'to come off that shit.

Methadone gets in yourbones, so it takes months
to feel good.(electricity hums)
- Well, even methadone,it's a synthetic heroin.
- It's an opiate substitute.
- Didn't they start usingthat for pain, then?
- Methadone?- Yeah.
- No, that was an opiatesubstitute to get you off smack.
- Well, they don't use...
They use the long-acting-- Are you thinking

of morphine?
- I think it's fentanyl now in hospital.
- Right.
- But you don't get abuzz off them, do you?
- You're fuckin' brown bread on that shit!
We're gonna show some videos.
So one of the things Iwanted to talk about...
- I mean, before we can-
- [Billy] Yeah.
- I'm so glad we're out of it now,
'cause people, this fuckin'fentanyl's in everything now.

- It is, and do you know why?
It's because it's cheap and easy to make.
- Yeah, but it's fuckin'
dead-- But it kills people, yeah.
- It killed Prince.
- If you speak to anold-school heroin addict now,
they will tell you, "I had to get clean."
'Cause I you can't buy heroin.

You can buy shit laced with fentanyl
that does a similar job, buteverything out there now.
And that's the scary thing.
It was different.
It was still super dangerous,
and it nearly destroyed us both.
But that wasn't around-
- Some very good business moves, you know.
- "Kill your clients.There's always more."

And we'll get, there'sanother video I'm gonna play
which, we'll talk about that.
But before it really startedto turn on you, and me,
were you being creative?
- I used to think thatwas my creative juice.
- [Billy] Yes.
- I could go down thepub, get a bit, and then,
you know, everyone likesto sing when they're...
But I've written somegreat stuff in sobriety.

- Well, you said to me whenyou did that "13" album,
'cause that was the first album-
- [Ozzy] Absolutely 100% sober.
- Yeah!
And it was quite a miracle.- My first number one
album in America.- Yeah!
So here's the dichotomy,
because when you're using and drinking,
I now write way better music
because of the shit Iwent through as an addict,

but I couldn't write that musicwhen I was in the addiction.
- But when you you think, "Oh, yeah,"
it's called "Dutch courage," you know?
- Well, and also, there'sall that, you know,
you get high and you do a mix
and you think it sounds great,(jaunty piano music)
and you come back thenext day, and it's like,
"What the fuck is that?"
- [Ozzy] Music does soundbetter when you're, I mean...
- It does. It does, yeah.
- But have you ever heard a cocaine mix?

- Oh, yeah! It's just all high end.
- You're so out of your fuckin' head.
(sped-up, high-pitched rock music)
(Billy laughs)You're so out of it.
- I would imagine there was a lot
of Billy Idol mixesbefore they sorted it out
that came out like that in the '80s.
- [Crowd] Yeah!
♪ Wow, wow, look at him go, go ♪
- With Sabbath, we discovered cocaine.
It was like the meaning of life.

- Yeah.
♪ Hallelujah ♪
- Yeah. But, you know-
- We couldn't do...
We had a dealer on the road with us.
- Oh, tell me about that! What?
So, hang on.- We had this guy.
We had this guy. He was a bit strange.
- Well, yeah.
- And he'd have these fucking bags,
you know, these bigfucking chunks of coke,
big bags of coke.
- So he would carry it.

- Yeah.
- I can't name the name,I'll tell you afterwards,
but there we did-
- I'll tell you a storyI was thinking about.
- Go on.
- I'm in Houston, Texas,at the airport one day,
and I'm coming down afterthe last bump, and I went...
'Cause, you know, you gottado it every 15 minutes.
I got a book of matches in my pocket.
I hadn't got a spoonor anything, you know,

and didn't wanna fuckin'chop it out on the floor.
So I put some on this, I made
a makeshift cardboard spoonfrom the little matchbook.
And I bent down, and Isee these black boots
having a piss, standing at the urinal.
(ominous music)- Jesus.
- It's a fuckin' copper,and I'm standing on one leg,
with this toot of fuckin' coke,
(Billy laughs)

waiting for this guyto just finish his piss
so I could blow it or something.
It was fuckin' killing me,but I was determined to do it.
- And you, I bet you did it!
- I did it!
- Yeah, of course you did!
- I went "Ah." (sniffs sharply)
(Billy laughs)
- [Billy] Do you think morepeople are doing drugs now?
Or do you think-- Like more people
doing cocaine in England?

But they ain't gettin' coke.
They don't know what coke is!
- No, no, that's the thing. So-
- They're doing meth-
- Crystal meth, a lot of crystal meth.
Have you heard of the open-airdrug market in Seattle?
- Oh, yeah, where they do-
- So, Ozzy, I'm gonnashow a video in a second.
The reason I wanna show this video

is I was there only 18 months or so ago,
we played Seattle.
And it was before I saw this little video.
And it's on 3rd and Pike.It's an intersection.
- Is that the place wherethey burnt the cars and stuff?
- No.
So there's a CVS, and I don't know, do I?
And I come out of thehotel, I go to the CVS,

and as I get there, there's a huge fight,
bad fight, like knives andstuff, spilling out of CVS.
And I look across the street.This is exactly where I was.
Watch this, Ozzy.
So when I watch this video,
it's from 3rd and Pike in Seattle,
if you look carefully, there's even kids
going to school in the background.

It's absolutely crazy.
Oh, see all these guys?
They're there, they're selling drugs.
And I stood there, 'cause obviously,
I know you're like thistoo, I'm fascinated.
Now I know what's going on.
So I just stand and watch, right?
There's a delivery, andthey all rush to the car,
and they all get their bundles,
and then they just standthere selling drugs

right on the street corner.
- And the cops come?
- The cops don't care.
They leave the...
This is so famous now, it's ridiculous.
- It's like Needle Park.
- It's exactly like NeedlePark! Did you ever go there?
- Never.
- I went there once it wascleaned up, in Switzerland.
- Oh, yeah?
- But it seems to be easier for the cops

to leave that going on.
- Well, I mean, what they did in Portugal,
they go, "OK."
And they do this in Europe,they do it in Holland.
They'll go, "This is yourfucking part of the town.
Do what the fuck you like there,
but don't bring it in here."
- That's right.- "If you do,
we'll come down."
- They've done it in afew places, haven't they?
- Yeah.
"But if you do, if youcome out and we find it,

we're gonna have to shut you down.
It's up to you."
- Can you run the end of this?I just wanna see something.
- You are a lying sack of shit!
- Do you see that therewas a cop right there,
and it's all going on around it?
I find it just fascinating.
- The bottom of the lineis, just like prostitution,
it's always been there.
It's because it's against society.

When you're writing up afuckin' junkie on the street,
and they're there the next day,
you're gonna be writing 'em up.
- That's the mentality thatthey're going through. And-
- It's just the timeconsumption it must take.
- If you were a cop,you'd probably be like,
"I can't, I just can't,write this guy up again."
- But you do what they tell you.
If they say, "We gotta clean this up,
you gotta bust them," you bust them.

- Yeah.
- [Ozzy] I mean, the thing is, Billy,
while they're doing allthis paperwork on it,
it's just some guy murderingsomebody, for fuckin'...
- Exactly. But what do you do?
Even for a hardened addict like me,
when I saw 3rd and Pikein Seattle, I was like,
"It's something different going on."
I mean, it's bad.
- They're gonna do it whetheryou get busted or not!

- Oh, then, well, no one cares.
- It's got to such a serious state now.
- I mean, I didn't careif I was busted or not
when I was using.
It just wasn't out in the open like that.
- Yeah, but it must be aneasier life for the junkie.
- So that's quite interesting. Before...
Let's talk about that.
I, on some levels...
You know, and probablypeople watching don't,

I was homeless.
- Yeah.
- On some level, life was easier.
Now, true, I was dying, right?
And I was probably gonna get shot
or end up doing life.
But, on some level, life was easier,
because all I needed to do was get money.
Get money, use drugs, get money.

There was nothing else to worry about.
- But that must get old, really.
- Really old!
- For women, living homelessmust be fucking dreadful.
- Look, it's beyond-
- I mean, do you know Silver Lake?
- Yeah.- It costs the city
a million dollars to cleanall the shit out there.
- That park, yeah.

- The excrement.Look, the truth of the matter
is, Ozzy, no matter how manyTV documentaries like this
are made, and no matter howmany politicians talk about it,
no one actually understandsjust what it's like.
It is beyond-
- Too sober?
- Everyone talks about...You just said it.
If you're a woman and you'rehomeless and addicted,
no one knows what that is really like.

You can't imagine that.
- I know what I feellike if I have a shower
every other day, you know,
when I'm on the road every fucking day.
- Yeah. I'd go a monthwithout having a shower.
And I would only get a shower-
- That alone would drive me fucking nuts.
- Well, yeah. I didn't have a choice then.
- But mind you, if that'sthe way you gotta live,
that's the way you gotta live, you know?

- Well, yeah. And also,I guess it was a choice,
'cause gradually, as I wentdown that road, the comfort-
- Well, I watched thisthing about this woman
who, she had a pretty hefty childbirth-
- Childbirth? On the street?
- No, nice house, two kids at home,
nice house, worked, and wealthy.
And they gave her some Vicodin!

- Ugh.
- Didn't tell her the dangers.
- Yep.
- She starts doing it.
She's, "Oh, I feel prettygood on them, these.
I'll get some more!"
Gets some more, you know, she's fucking
doing bagfuls there.
This woman, in four years, five years,
ended up in a fuckin'house full of heroin users,

lost her family.
- So who's at fault?
- [Ozzy] The doctors, I suppose.
- I agree with you.
You see, some people would go,
"It's her fault for abusing."- But now,
it's changed a lot.
- In what way? What's changed?
The doctors?- Getting the fucking,
- Well, because everyone's too scared
to do it the wrong way,because there's so many people-
- I mean, with the OxyContin...

But they don't allow fuckin'illegal dope dealers.
Fuckin' thousands of fucking people
are addicted!- Legally, legally,
they created a fuckin'
opioid addiction.- The fuckin' people
who are doing this, whoown that fucking company,
made billions of dollars.
- Yeah.
Do you remember, I know you do,

'cause we talk about it all the time,
remember watching theKrokodil documentary?
- Oh, fuckin' hell!
- So, we're gonna talk about it,
but I wanna illustratewhat we were watching.
And I noticed something here on this clip.
This is a clip from that documentary.
Run this a second.
- What's this? Sasha?

- What? What?
(men speaking in Russian)
- So hang on a second.
So, what I didn't pickup when we watched it,
Krokodil is this new flesh-eating drug,
that they apparently get high.
But they find shit to mixwith it to make it stronger.
Eye drops.
They found out that itstrengthens the effect.

So, how are you finding that shit out?
Are you just puttinganything in this thing?
- "I know! Let's put thisfuckin' cat piss tray in there."
- But play the other bit of this.
This is the bit of the video
that Ozzy and I were like, "Ugh."
- Krokodil is so-- Oh, oh my God!
- You ain't seen nothing yet.
- [Narrator] And eatsthem from the inside out.
- It even shows the nastyeffects of the drug on the body.

- Nice! No, I like that!
I'm gonna try it!
- That's a good pedicureright there! Look at that!
- I'm gonna fuckin' go for a bit of this.
Looks good fun!
- Oh my God. OK, OK.
- So this looks like fun to me.
(Billy laughs)
- Ozzy, you make fun ofit, but back in the day,
if someone had said, "Here's this drug.

(dealer whistles)
Your hand may fall off,
(bell dings)
but if it doesn't, you'll feel amazing."
- No, I wouldn'ta have done it.
- You wouldn'ta done it?
- No.
- See, I would have.
I would have.
Here's the thing. Iunderstand the mentality.
- I understand the mentality!
But when you wake up with half a foot...
- Well, you've still got another one.
- Yeah, but joking aboutit, it's fuckin'...

- It's crazy what-
- This one guy I saw, hisfuckin' face had just opened up.
- [Billy] Yeah.
- [Ozzy] Another guy, hisribcage is hanging out.
- Well, things fall off.
It eats you from the inside,
so fingers and shit like that fall off.
- But that's not recreational.
- No, but I'm wonderingwhat has to be going on

in your life that you'rewilling to do that.
- Russia wasn't exactly the fucking
best place on earth.- True. True.
- But when I went toRussia in the early '80s
with Motley Crue and all that,
it was fuckin' unbelievable!
- Was that the firsttime you went to Russia?
- Yeah.- On that gig? Yeah.
Yeah, I mean, it's-
- But as the years got by,it got picked up a lot.

- Yeah. I mean, yeah.
Last time I went to Russia,
there was a McDonald's on every corner.
There's a McDonald's in Red Square.
Like, they've really-
- But, you know, they pay a month's salary
to get one McDonald's.
- Is that right?
- Yeah.- So, you just
hit on something.
That's why they're makingtheir own drugs, like Krokodil.
- Part of it is codeine or something.

- Yeah, and there's also fertilizer in it.
- [Ozzy] I don't fuckin' know.
- And apparently eye drops as well.
So, what do you think about, this is...
I know what you're gonna say.
What do you think about the so-called
positive effects of certain drugs,
like microdosing now, using-
- Well, you know what?
I went to a doctor recently'cause somebody I know,

very well, started tohave this ketamine, so-
- OK.
- I go, and he put atiny little bit in me,
but that was enough to spark me.
That feeling, that thing, came back.
It went...
(ethereal, psychedelicmusic with choir vocals)
- Yeah.
- It waited in my brain,waiting for something

to go "Bing!"(bell dings)
- But do you see how itmight work for some people?
- No, because my daughter, Aimee,
was telling me a friend of hers
went to this guy that I went to
and he'd given her this,
and she went, "Fuck this. I'm on my own."
- Right.
- She ended up havingher bladder taken out.

She goes in a bag.
- Oh!
- And she killed herself.
- Some people, I can'tname him, but you know him.
there's a few people that we both know,
swear by doing microdosing.
It's little tiny bits of acid, or-
- Well, you know what?
They don't make Smack Lite.
(bright music)
(bell dings)

(Billy laughs)
- Ahem. (laughs)
- You know, it's like-
- "I'll take a Smack Lite." (laughs)
- The thing is, you know and I know,
that for me, that's the fuckin'
lighting the fuse.
- But that's the key phrase.
For me, I couldn't do it.

It's exactly what you said.- Look, the old saying
in the program, that'swhat I stick to in my life.
One's too many and 10's not enough.
- A thousand, never enough. That's right.
- That is it in one nutshell for me.
- For us.
But you have to think about,
I wish I could say hisname, but I'm not gonna.
But he's alive!

10 years ago, I thoughthe was gonna kill himself.
He's alive because he'smicrodosing, he says.
Now, I couldn't do it.
- Well, when I worked a program years ago,
this guy, once a month, he'duse heroin and get loaded.
- Yeah, I have a friend like that.

- I don't understand that.
- This is me off! (laughs)
I've got a video I wanna show you.
This is one of the leadingguys about microdosing.
So first of all, canwe just, look! (laughs)
- Works, doesn't it?
- Yeah!
So this guy's obviously, youknow, doing the microdoses.
- You know what I mean?
That's an excuse for him.

You're using dope, whether it's fuckin'
microdose or fuckin' overdose!
- Well, there's the whole"California sober" thing as well.
But hang on. Let's play this video.
Let's hear what he's got to say.
We found thisneuropsychologist, Dr. Robin.
You gotta check his eyes out.
I mean, clearly, he's gettinghigh on his own supply.
- We're gonna see-

- So what he's saying is all these things,
like anxiety, depression,eating disorders, chronic pain,
they can be treated by little bits
of mushrooms and acids.
I couldn't do it.
- Like a little bit of death.
- Yeah. Yeah.
And when did a little bitof anything appeal to you?
- I would start off with a little bit,

but I guarantee at theend of the fuckin' night,
there were none left.
- When you see someone-
- I did lots of little bits.
- Yeah, they just add upto one big bit. (laughs)
When you see someone with aglass of wine, and they go-
- I'd drink before them!
I was in a restaurant,me and my wife, one day,
and there's this tablewith these women round it,
we all got glasses of wine, and they go,
"Put the glass down."

Every time I'm going like...
(champagne cork pops)
- (laughs) Give you a nervous-
- And Sharon goes, "What doesthat lady's wine taste like?"
- Aww.- What do you mean?
- She knows ya!
- But with time, that goes away. But-
- Yeah, I was gonna say,do you feel happier now?
- Happier. But I'm not completely sober.

I use a bit of marijuanafrom time to time.
- Right, right.
But you're not out of your head on coke,
and booze, and all the rest.
- No, I mean, I'm lucky mywife kicked my butt, obviously.
She would fucking make life so difficult.
- Isn't life easier for you now?
- Much easier.
- Like you just don'thave to think about it?

- Like, with the marijuana,
she'll fuckin' find it and get rid of it.
(Billy laughs)
- I mean, for me, Ozzy,it's very easy to see,
'cause, well, I didn't have a roof.
I was homeless.
And so, I can see in my lifea very easy math equation.
- Yeah, but you know-- When you do that shit,
you're fucked.
- There comes a point when you and I said,

"You know what? This ain'tgetting me anywhere."
- Yeah. Yeah.
- "I mean, surely there'ssomething better than this."
- And there has been. And like you-
- Yeah, I was king ofthe world, rock star,
all of the things I canfucking do at my disposal,
and I just had the biggestparty of my life ever.

- But again, I'm gonna say to you,
when you did that "13" album,
I remember you looked at me
and you're like, "This is really weird.
I'm 100% sober, and the the album's gone
number one everywhere, and I feel good
about what I'm doing."
It's amazing what we cando if we're not loaded.

- I mean, the thing is, I never thought
I could do a fuckin' thing
as creative as-- No.
- I mean, look at you!
If you have a pint, look whatyou'll fuckin' turn into!
- Yeah.
And there's zero way I'd bedoing anything that I'm doing
if I were still shooting smack.
- [Ozzy] I mean, I don't know about you,
but I used to have these great ideas
when I'm lying in the bed at night,

stoned.- Oh, yeah!
- [Ozzy] I got this fuckin'orchestra in my head.
But I'm like, "Is that good? I can't...
Well, I won't forget it tomorrow morning."
- Well, we still have a joke!
If you say to me, "I've had a great idea,"
I look at you and go, "Oh, fuck!"
(laughs) 'Cause when we havegreat ideas, it's not good.
- I mean, the next morning,I've totally forgotten it.

- Yeah.
So, look, we're comingto the end of this show.
I think that-
- The message is, if you're out there,
and you're using dopeand you wanna get off,
there's plenty of help.
You know, AA is a 12-step program.
It got me sorted out to a certain degree.

I don't go to meetings myselfanymore, but maybe I should.
I don't know.
- I would say that if you'reout there shooting dope,
or getting loaded, or unhappywith what you're doing,
it's OK to ask for help.
That's the message that you and I have.
'Cause you asked for help.

- The thing is, there is help.
- It's available. It's there.
- There are countries in this world
that don't have it, you know.
- That's the point.
And the thing is, somepeople don't want help.
Some people, like somepeople won't do it easily.
- Hey, man, if you're out there
and you're having a blast,
my hat goes off to you.- Exactly.
But it doesn't make you weak
if you decide to ask for help.

It actually makes you stronger.
- And I mean, but I can guarantee,
and I don't give a fuck who it is,
it will bite you in the balls-
- Oh, eventually, yeah. Eventually.
Well, I always love talkingabout drugs with you, Ozzy.
(laughs) It's always fun.
That was "The Madhouse Chronicles."
I'm Billy Morrison.
- And I'm still Ozzy Osbourne.
- Still Ozzy Osbourne.
We'll be back soon.

(Ozzy shouts)
- [Kelly] Discover exclusivecontent, merchandise, and more
(Ozzy cackles)
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