Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Now joining us on the line is the first of
our candidates, Brian Manning for the Labor Party. Good morning
to you, Brian.
Speaker 2 (00:08):
Good morning Katie.
Speaker 1 (00:09):
Now we've got I'm really good. Thank you. We've got
seven minutes and a series of questions to get through.
Are you ready.
Speaker 2 (00:16):
Go for it?
Speaker 1 (00:17):
Let's do it all right? Why did you decide to
put your hand up to run for the seat of
Port Darwin.
Speaker 2 (00:23):
I look, Katie, I'm a proud and born and bred
Darwin local. I've got deep connections to the Port Darne
electric I was educated at Dawn Free Primary High Schools.
I decided to run because I want to actively be
part of the change I want to see in my
home city, and not just be one of those people
who winds that are have good things were in the
old days. But you know, I strongly believe our best
years are ahead of us. I've spent my career teaching,
getting charactery kids ready for work. For the past eight years,
I've been assistant principal at dah Middle School. Prior to that,
I was AP at the Anti Music School, which saw
me travel all over the NT. If I'm lucky enough
to be elected, my goal was to build a longer
and say to Port Darwen, working with community and other
stakeholders to make sure we all play our partner get
in the territory working if I'm elected, you know, speaking
to people on the doors, some of the things that
have come back to me is that you need to
be a strong local member to advocate for Port Darwin.
Speaker 1 (01:19):
And based on your sort of previous work experience and
some of the work that you've done through the community,
why do you think that you are the best person
for the job. Oh?
Speaker 2 (01:29):
Look, you know I've got an established network over the years,
you know, through through small business in the CBD. In
my job as the ap you know, I've taught countless
numbers of kids and established relationships with those parents that
still live in the CBD. My job as a principal
and assistant principles you know, really it's a challenging environment
to working. You're constantly dealing with parents, teach as students,
and you have to negotiate when when outcomes. And that's
something that I think I can do. Over the years,
I've managed to establish good relationships with people from all
sides of the political spectrum. You know. In fact, some
of the best conversations. I have people who you know,
have told me that they've been CLP voters, but they
really really want to see Port Darwen and change for
the better.
Speaker 1 (02:26):
Now, what do you see as being the biggest issues
in the electrics?
Speaker 2 (02:31):
Oh, look, you know, I won't beat around the bush obviously,
crime and antisocial behavior, but there's a nuance in I
think in Port Darwen I get more responses around, you know,
because people live in there's a lot of people who
live in apartment buildings, so they're quite secure. That's not
to say that they don't aren't affected by crime, but
a lot of so I was speaking to people on
the Esperanade a couple of days ago. Anti social behavior,
you know, people yelling in the part, some people witnessing
violence between Aboriginal people in and around the CBD. So crime,
anti social behavior I think more so in Port darn
But you know, as I speak to small business owners,
you know, like going around and I spoke to John
from John John's recognizing some of the challenges he's faced with,
and you know other business owners in Nucky Street, Cabinet Street,
and the more they are really supportive of the TPS
guys to your security guys and they're doing a fantastic job.
And look, you know where the law of government is
investing in that front line. And you know, we're putting
in two hundred more swarm police officers over the next
four years. New CCTV and call centers, upgrades for forensic stuff, infrastructure,
new vehicles, legislation. You know, these are things that will
take immediate effect. Now. You know, EVA has only been
in for what since than the similar few issues that
she's had, like six to eight months in and already
seeing where I'm already hearing on the doors that people
like Eva's leadership. They like the fact that she's decided
and that they you know, they think that that we're
going to we're seeing some movement in that space.
Speaker 1 (04:16):
Excuse me sorry, in terms of I mean those issues
with anti social behavior. You touched on this. You've obviously
gone out and spoken to John Coenig there at John
John's and others. I mean, it's been quite debilitating in
some ways for some of those businesses, to the point
we've seen you know, some wanting to shut shop or
looking at like they're going to shut shop. You've spoken
about some of what's happening already. What more do you
think can be done to really try to revive the
city again and stop those issues that we're seeing.
Speaker 2 (04:47):
Yeah, look, I think there's a it's a multi prong
approach the way I see it, Katie's you know, I
see activation in the CBD. Like you know, Darwin is
our is our northern most capital, and you know it's
our gateway to Asia. And what we need to be
seeing in our CBD is a thriving CBD where people
are visiting that place for retail, for entertainment. I would
like to see more activity there so you know, like
I'm advocating for a farmer's market on a Sunday to
bring people in. But also you know, if you've been
up to the city on the weekend on the Sunday,
it's like crickets up there. You know, we've got something
like one hundred or so cruise ships that are destined
to arrive here, and I want those people to, you know,
their experience. I imagine in my mind going to there's
a new Larochee of Cultural Center that's opening down Stokes Wharf.
Is a new museum up by the Supreme Court that's
going to be open serned. You know the Dale Fessel's
a bit. You know so much. It's great about our
city and you know, I'll never talk it down because
I love this place and I see our best user
ahead of us. Still.
Speaker 1 (05:47):
Now, Brian, we've got about a minute and a half
to go. A quick one. Do you live in the Electric?
We're asking all the candidates that one.
Speaker 2 (05:53):
Yeah, sure, Look when I was approached by Eva, I
don't live in the Electric currently, but you know, I've
got three kids grade two, three and four and I'm
reluctant to pull him out of school, but I spoke
in my wife about it, and if I'm fortunate enough
to win, we're already looking at real estate listing, so hopefully,
you know, some of my real estate mates will get
in touch with me, and if I'm fortunate enough to win,
and I'll be moving in after the election. But look,
I think that it's really important that people understand that
I want to be a strong local member to represent
them and I'll do everything I can to improve our
city and make sure that you know it's a comfortable
with a all safe space for everyone.
Speaker 1 (06:35):
Brian, forty seconds to go. Why should people vote for you?
Speaker 2 (06:39):
Yeah? Well, as I said, you know, I'm invested in
this place, Katie. I'm not going anywhere. You know. I
haven't fallen out of love with Darwen. I love this place.
This is my home. My father came up here from Mandaba,
a little country town in Queensland. I don't know if
you're know, but in nineteen fifty six for a rook
and you know we've been here ever since. My family's here,
my grandmother's here, my mum's here, my sister's here. You know,
I'm in here for the long haul and I want
to see positive change and I think Evil Lawa's government
should be given another chance. She's making some really good
moves at the moment. She's decisive and I think that
territories and people at Port Darne should really have a
look at who their candidates are to make sure they
can represent their interests well.
Speaker 1 (07:19):
Brian Manning, just in time, two seconds over. Good to
speak with you this morning. I really appreciate it.
Speaker 2 (07:25):
Thanks Katie. Thank you to be up in the morning
if people want to see me too today at twelve o'clock.
Speaker 1 (07:30):
Good stuff. Brian Matting, the Labor Party candidate for Port Darwin,
Thank you, thanks for your time this morning.
Speaker 2 (07:36):
Thanks Katie, Thanks