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April 12, 2024 • 9 mins

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
We know the Paramatter Eels was set to take on
well top of the table Dolphins in an NRL game
that's happening in Darwin next Friday. So the Paramatter Eels
are meant to be the Territory team, but there's a
lot of.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
Support for the Dolphins.

Speaker 1 (00:13):
Now joining me on the line in what's the first
I think for both of us is my brother Christian,
who is indeed the assistant coach of the Dolphins.

Speaker 3 (00:22):
Good morning, Okay, there you go.

Speaker 1 (00:26):
Good bit strange obviously interviewing my brother. But we've had
lots of lots of requests for us to talk to
the Dolphins, because even though Paramatta is meant to be
our team, everybody seems to be supporting the Dolphins.

Speaker 3 (00:41):
It's good to hear. And you know, I think we've
got some exciting players that are easy to support or suppose. Yeah,
guys on the Chemist certainly come to mine. There is
a here's a guy that's been up to the Territory
a couple of times and was up there last year
actually doing some development work, and he's got a great
following everywhere. So we're statly looking forward to getting up

there and sitting looking forward to those support as well well,
and you've got to get.

Speaker 1 (01:05):
Through tonight's game first, of course, taking on it's the
Battle of Brisbane taking on the Broncos.

Speaker 2 (01:11):
How's the boys looking.

Speaker 3 (01:14):
It's trained really well. We're a little bit banged up
at the moment, as are the Broncos in terms of
injuries and some really key players out, but the guys
who who are playing and have prepared, as I said,
trained really well. So yeah, we know it's going to
be a massive game for both teams. It's going to
be over fifty zerousand people and it's a game that

both teams put what into and there's a lot of
emotional investment as well. So that's the sort of game
that players want to be involved in and it's one
that excites everyone and it's going to be a great occasion.

Speaker 1 (01:47):
Yeah, I noted on the news and some of that
coverage from the NRL has been about how many players
the Broncos have got out and how many injuries they've got,
But you guys seem to have quite a few allso.

Speaker 3 (02:00):
Yeah, look we do, and some crucial guys there. If
you've got the likes of Tom Gilbert, Max Platt, Tom Flagler,
so they farm Worth, Alice Cafusi, you know some of
our big names and guys. It would definitely be in
the seventeen every week. So that's part of the sport
and it's something that we've got to deal with and
every team's got to deal with at different times. And
very extremely confident what we're going to throw out there.

So we know the blokes that we're putting in have
have heard it through the work they've done and they've
build trust with their other teammates through the preseason and
again through the work they've done and playing for the
Queens and cupsides. We're looking forward to it and we're
looking forward to seeing how some of those blokes go
in such a big game.

Speaker 2 (02:41):
Any names that we might know that are coming up
to have a crack, yeah.

Speaker 3 (02:47):
Testing News. There's obviously played plenty of footy for US
before and he'll step into the centers and he's an EXTRONCOVID.
It's a game that means a lot to him and
he's he's a guy who played in Round one and
played a lot of footy for US. Lash you we
got a lot of trust in him. You know other
guys that have played a lot of footing and all
have a bit of an association with actually guys like

Anthony Milford Joe Wallace. So we've got some season campaigners
that are coming in and now guys who know how
to win these games. And as I said, it's a
game that means a fair big to them, so they're
going to be at their best. On top of that,
we've got a young guy, Lachlan Hubner who's going to
make his debut and he's a great story. He's of
both who's told and been a really good player in
the Queensland Cup for a long time. And he's not

on a full time contract, but he's done a couple
of pre seasons with us where he's showing how hard
he works and how tough he years as a player.
And you know, he's a guy that we know that
our players want to play with. So it's great to
give him that opportunity to all good stuff.

Speaker 1 (03:46):
It's always good when they when they get to go.
Then in the NRL, hey, we're not like obviously we're
all hoping that you have a win tonight. Our mother,
I'm sure hoping that you have win more than anybody.
She'll be watching. We'll be watching at home. Tell us
our do you get through tonight's game? How early are
you getting here to the Northern Territory for the game
here on Friday.

Speaker 3 (04:07):
I think we're leaving Wednesday afternoon on a fairly light flight,
late flight. Sorry, So yeah, we'll be there. I think
we're looking to train Thursday or Friday it might be,
and then with some community stuff sort of the games
Fridays and fridayday. Yeah, play Friday and then we with
some community stuff to do on Saturday morning before we're

on another late Frida out.

Speaker 2 (04:30):

Speaker 1 (04:30):
I reckon that they've got They seem to have a
few things lined up for you guys. In terms of
the Captain's call, we've had all the captains run. We've
had a lot of people asking us when the Captain's
Run is. Apparently it's happening on Thursday five till six.
I'm also hearing that you might be that some of
some of your team might be doing stuff with the
Nightcliff Dragons as well. And there's a couple of much

loved Territory football families part of the Nightcliff Dragons who
are very very excited to have.

Speaker 2 (04:59):
You all here.

Speaker 1 (05:00):
Are There is a lot of support in the community
in terms of that community work that you go out
and do all some of those visits.

Speaker 2 (05:07):
Are you going to schools or anything like that while
you're here?

Speaker 3 (05:11):
Love to be honest. So I haven't had a real
good look at that schedule you said. I live a
little bit week by a week, so I'm worried about
the Broncos this week. But yeah, what I do now
is that we've got some things scheduled in for the Saturday,
and yeah, I'm sure there'll be some things putting around
that as well. And when we come to areas I
like darl and that don't get access to NROL players
and then roll staff all the time. It is important.

Something that everyone really buys into and wants to be
a part of is making sure that we give a
little bit to the community and make ourselves available. And
I guess we really support people who are involved in
rugby league in those areas and give them access to
some of our really high profile players. So that's something
we'll be doing.

Speaker 1 (05:53):
Yeah, well, I agree, I reckon it's good too good
to see. But it must be nice as well for
the boys to head to different parts of Australia, particularly
you know, I know you go out to regional, regional
Queensland and places like that often, but even coming to
somewhere like Darwin and seeing the support that the club has,
particularly when you're such a new club, seeing that support
that you have from all around Australia and even from

somewhere like the Northern Territory.

Speaker 3 (06:19):
Look, it's great. And you know, we've got a little
bit of an experience with that last year going to
pers and yeah, last year was outstanding from that point
of view. We went to a lot of different places
in New Zion, being one person and one as I
mentioned where now the support that we had there already
being such a young club and playing in such big
occasions because of the crowd that turned up for everything

was the first last year. It was great to be
a part of and I guess really cemented in everyone's
heads the importance of the team and being a new
team was important to have one representing this area. And
Darwin's another really good experience for us. We'll have a
lot of players that have never been to the Northern Territory. Well,
we don't get to do real touristy things when we're

there to play. It's still great to be able to
get up to somewhere different, have a little bit of
a look around blocks of the gown for coffees and
things like that on in the morning of the game,
and I'm getting a little bit of a feel for
the community and what it's like, and it adds another
level of excitement to the game and the whole occasion I.

Speaker 2 (07:19):
Taking on Paramatta.

Speaker 1 (07:20):
You guys are obviously top of the ladder at the
moment there fourteenth. What can people expect on Friday night
and Dale in a big game?

Speaker 3 (07:27):
Obviously, Yeah, every game is a big game at the moment,
and I wouldn't be wouldn't be looking too much into
where where the ladder is right at the minute, or that.
We know that Paramatter are very good side. They played
in the greend fall and later months ago, and the
majority of those players still involved in the club, and
they've got a very good coach who I'm very familiar

with as well. So we know that they're going to improve,
and we know that they're going to be a really
tough team to beat. And you know, we need to
make sure that we're exactly the same and we're doing
the same, and I'm sure we will be and the
idea of us coming today, and actually, you know, we
know that it's going to be a little bit warmer
up there than what it is in other parts of
Australia and that suits us. I think we had a

very warm and muggy pre season here in Brisbane this year,
and certainly a lot warmer, a lot muggy than what
it was then in Sydney. So yeah, I like have
that little bit resilience and a little bit of being
used to that. I think those conditions are favors a bit.

Speaker 2 (08:25):
Well, I mean surely you like half Territorian.

Speaker 1 (08:28):
Really, your mother and your sister are here, and you've
spent plenty of time in the Northern Territory. I think
that Territorians would like to adopt you, Christian, I'm sure.
And the Dolphins, so I'll be very very happy to
have you all here next week.

Speaker 3 (08:43):
Look, I'm sure they can find some better players to
adopt them. As I said, it is going to be
good coming up there, and everyone's going to enjoy it
and looking forward to it.

Speaker 2 (08:55):
Good stuff. Well, thank you for having a chat with
us on air this morning.

Speaker 1 (08:58):
And I won't see you. Yes, I've already told our listeners.
I'm not here next week. I've got the week off,
but we'll see you before you leave. We'll make sure
we catch.

Speaker 3 (09:06):
Up there, no no worries. Thanks for having me.

Speaker 2 (09:09):
Thank you,
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