The Story: It’s the night before his gastric-band operation and Corey is terrified. He’s 16 years old, weighs 300 pounds and has a BMI of 60*. However, if Corey doesn’t have the operation, his hypertension will literally make him blind. None of this stops him from stealing, in the dead of night, an electric motor-scooter from the hospital. He picks up his best friend Cassie, a recovering anorexic. Like Corey, Cassie has found solace in the jungle beats and liquid rhythms of D’n’B and they toast together all. the. time. Thing is, Corey has a plan. Eight miles away is the Brit School and the next morning, they’re holding auditions. Corey and Cassie are going to apply, get in — and change their lives forever. What happens next is a musical journey through the night and the streets of south London. A night where they kidnap a Metro Express security guard, destroy an anti-teenage loitering device, have a mystical experience in an allotment and finally understand the true meaning of food. Will they get in to the Brit school and get to live their dreams? You’ll have to follow them to find out. * A healthy BMI for a Young Adults is 25. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Cassie & Corey drops on April 17th 2020.
Cassie & Corey is a Drum and Bass Musical about Eating Disorders. It is for anyone who is in distress around food. #ED #edrecovery #selflove#selfcare #loveyourself #DnB #DrumandBass
Nutritional Information: For every 100g:
200 metric tons of LOVE & EFFORT
700kg of @gtagirlstakeaction (
150kg of Tuwaine Barrett - @tuw...
It is 1AM:
Your name is Cassie.
Your best friend is dressed in pre-surgical scrubs, shouting at you from the street to wake up and change everything in your life.
What would you do?
Nutritional Information: For every 100g:
200 metric tons of LOVE & EFFORT
700kg of @gtagirlstakeaction (
150kg of Tuwaine Barrett - @tuwaine (Corey)
75kg of Harriet Main @harriclaremain (Cassie)
100kg of Yink...
It is 2AM:
You're doing what. 9 maybe 10 mph on a motorised shopping scooter. The wind is in your hair, and your dreams just over the horizon. This is living alright. This is living.
Nutritional Information: For every 100g:
200 metric tons of LOVE & EFFORT
700kg of @gtagirlstakeaction (
150kg of Tuwaine Barrett - @tuwaine (Corey)
75kg of Harriet Main @harriclaremain (Cassie)
100kg of Yinka ...
It is 3AM:
Corey is at the wheel. He increases the speed to 11mph. Nothing's gonna stop him now. Not even Infracranial-Hypertension. Not even an over-zealous security guard who thinks he is a Leopard.
Nutritional Information: For every 100g:
200 metric tons of LOVE & EFFORT
700kg of @gtagirlstakeaction (
150kg of Tuwaine Barrett - @tuwaine (Corey)
75kg of Harriet Main @harriclarem...
It is 4AM.
With Metro Express security guard Jason Ekotie Eboh now 'on board'. Your speed drops. The Battery is draining. Will you ever get to the Brit School? Only the Lithuim Ion Battery can answer that question now.
Nutritional Information: For every 100g:
200 metric tons of LOVE & EFFORT
700kg of @gtagirlstakeaction (
150kg of Tuwaine Barrett - @tuwaine (Corey)
75kg of Harriet Main @ha...
It is 5AM:
This is nuts. This is not the plan. Will someone, somewhere please take control of this situation!?? If there is one thing that recovering anorexics don't is being out of control. Somethings got to give.
Nutritional Information: For every 100g:
200 metric tons of LOVE & EFFORT
700kg of @gtagirlstakeaction (
150kg of Tuwaine Barrett - @tuwaine (Corey)
75kg of Harrie...
It is 6AM:
The scooter is mired in the mud of Norbury Park. Corey will not let his dream die He is going to the Brit School auditions even if it kills him. You can't let that happen.
Nutritional Information: For every 100g:
200 metric tons of LOVE & EFFORT
700kg of @gtagirlstakeaction (
150kg of Tuwaine Barrett - @tuwaine (Corey)
75kg of Harriet Main @harriclaremain (Cassie)
100kg of ...
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