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April 2, 2024 11 mins

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Ever encountered a promising website, only to find it cluttered and confusing? When a website causes frustration like that, you may find yourself clicking the back button swiftly and searching elsewhere. However, is this happening on your own site? In this episode, we're exploring Above the Fold content – your online business's digital storefront.

 We'll delve into everything from understanding above the fold content to utilizing it effectively. Join us to learn how to craft captivating experiences that grab attention and boost conversions. Tune in to ensure your website makes a stellar first impression! 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Have you ever had this happen?
You're browsing the internet,searching for the perfect
solution to a problem thatyou've been working on for weeks
You stumble upon a website thatpromises to have exactly what
you need and you click on thelink, only to be greeted by a
cluttered, confusing mess ofinformation.
Frustrated and overwhelmed, youquickly hit the back button and

continue to search elsewhere.
Frustrated and overwhelmed, youquickly hit the back button and
continue to search elsewhere.
If you've ever found yourselfin a similar situation, you know
how crucial that initialimpression can be.
That's why today, we're delvinginto the world of
above-the-fold content, thedigital storefront of your
online business.
So join me as we uncover thesecrets to crafting captivating,
above the fold experiences thatnot only grab attention but

also drive conversations likenever before.
Welcome to the e-commerce madeeasy podcast.
I'm your host, keri Saunders.
When we started this business,all I had was a couch, a laptop
and a nine month old.
My main goal to help others.
Now, with over 20 years in thee-commerce building industry,
and even more than that in webdevelopment, I have seen a lot.

I love breaking down the hardtech into easily understandable
bits to help others besuccessful in their online
business, whether you're aseasoned e-commerce veteran or
just starting out, you've cometo the right place, so sit back,
relax and let's dive into theworld of e-commerce together.
Welcome back to another episodeof the e-commerce made easy
So today we're delving in to acrucial aspect of website

optimization, and that is abovethe fold content.
So, whether you're a seasonede-commerce veteran or just
stepping into the digital arena,understanding above the fold
content can be a game changerfor your website success.
So first, though, let's clarifywhat above the fold content can
be a game changer for yourwebsite success.
So first, though, let's clarifywhat above the fold content

actually means In the realm ofthe web design.
Above the fold refers to theportion of the webpage that is
visible without scrolling downat all.
We've talked about this a fewtimes on our podcast episodes
already, and it's the prime realestate of your website.
The first impression thatvisitors encounter when they
land on your page, just like acaptivating headline grabs an
attention on a newspaper back inthe day, if you happen to

remember those.
Your above the fold contentsets the tone for your entire
website experience, so it's veryvital to have this part right.
So let's continue on into whyabove the fold content is so
crucial to your online business.
Well, let's imagine thisscenario A potential customer
visits your site seeking aspecific product or service.

They're eager to explore whatyou have to offer, but they're
greeted by cluttered oruninspiring above the fold
content section.
They're likely to hit thedreaded back button faster than
you can say lost opportunity, amI right?
I'm sure you've probably donethis before yourself.
I know I have.
Your above the fold contentserves as a virtual storefront,

enticing visitors to step insideand explore further.
Like I said, it's their firstimpression and we all know that
first impressions are veryimportant, and it's your chance
to make a memorable impressionand guide your users seamlessly
through their journey on yourwebsite.
So now let's discuss some keystrategies for optimizing your

above the fold content tomaximize your conversions.
So, first and foremost, clarityis king.
A confused mind says no.
So we want to be clear, notclever, and this is something
we've talked about on thepodcast before.
Let me say that again clear,not clever.
Your bold above the foldsection should communicate your

unique value proposition clearlyand concisely.
Visitors should immediatelyunderstand what your website
offers and why they shouldchoose your products and your
services over the competition.
So use compelling headlines andcaptivating visuals and
persuasive copy to grab theirattention and pique their

I find this super importantwhen I'm browsing the web.
If I land on a webpage and Ihave no idea what they do or
what they're selling or I, Ijust I don't have the time for
I'm sure you're in the sameplace.
So make sure that above thefold content is super clear Now.

Next, we want to prioritizerelevance and engagement.
We want to tailor your abovethe fold content to resonate
with your target audience'sneeds and preferences.
So do some research here andfind out what are they really
looking for, and considerincorporating interactive
elements such as call to actionor product showcases to
encourage a further explorationand interaction.

Remember, the goal is tocaptivate the visitor and compel
them to take action, whetherit's making a purchase or
signing up for your newsletteror contacting your business.
Figure out what you want thecustomer journey to be and then
make that a priority in yourabove-the-fold content.
Another crucial aspect ofabove-the-fold content is

optimizing the mobileresponsiveness.
I know in our podcast we'vetalked many times about mobile
and how important it is, and itcomes very much into play with
above the fold content too.
But then the majority of ourinternet traffic is now from
mobile devices over 50%.
So it is essential that yourabove the fold content looks and

functions flawlessly across allscreen sizes, whether it's a
tablet, a laptop, a mobile phoneor a desktop.
We want to make sure it looksgreat across all.
We find a lot of our clientsobviously will design for
desktop first and then they'llbasically just shrink those
elements down for mobile.
Sometimes we don't want to dothat and it doesn't work great.

So make sure you're looking atyour mobile content from a fresh
set of eyes, not a set of eyesit's like does this look like a
smaller version of my desktopsite?
We want to make sure it'sengaging and great for mobile
view only.
So you want to invest in thisand invest in the design
principles that are really goingto make this super effective.

It's very, very important.
I know for me.
Sometimes I'll do a quicksearch on my phone and I'll find
websites that I like, and thenI'll go visit them on my desktop
device, because I personallydon't like to shop or do things
too heavy on my phone.
I'm so much faster on a desktop.
So if we didn't have a greatmobile view of your above the

fold content to begin with onyour website.
I might not go to my desktopand look at your website.
I probably go find somethingelse.
I'm sure you're very similar inthis, because I know so many
people are very impatient whenit comes to the information
we're getting anymore.
You also want your primary CTA,or call to action, above the
fold too.

So we talked a little bitearlier about what do we want
your customers to do?
Do we want them to subscribe toyour newsletter?
Do you want them to contact youfor more information and have
that really readily available?
Do you want to showcase some ofyour top products or services?
So, and you want them to maybefind out more information about
So make sure your primary callto action is at the top of your

page, above the fold.
Also, in episode 47, we talkabout website speed, why it's
important and how to improve it,and I can't stress this enough
and this is especially importantfor above the fold content.
Users shouldn't have to waitfor your most important content
to be visible and usable.

So make sure you listen toepisode 47, which also links to
our WebCorp Vitals episode,which also goes into the
usability of your website whenit comes to website speed.
So if you haven't listened toepisode 47, I highly recommend
you go back and check that outbecause it has some great
nuggets in it.
Highly recommend you go backand check that out because it
has some great nuggets in it.

And finally, don't overestimatethe power of testing and
iteration on your website.
So we go over this in episodeeight, which I know is one of
our first episodes, but I have areally great checklist there in
the show notes to help youeffectively test your website.
I go into many differentdetails that you may not think
of on your own, so make sure yougo to episode eight.

As always, our show notes arein your podcast If you're
listening to it there, or youcan go to
Forward slash eight to getepisode eight, and we want to be
continuously monitoring theperformance of your above the
fold content, especially andthrough analytics.
And if you have the ability todo A-B testing, that also works

great as well.
That's a little bit more techieand a little bit more advanced
to do, so if that feelsoverwhelming to you, don't worry
about it.
You can just still do yourtesting without A-B testing.
You can experiment withdifferent layouts.
You can just still do yourtesting without A-B testing.
You can experiment withdifferent layouts, you can
experiment with messagingstrategy.
You can experiment with visualelements to identify which ones

resonate the most effectivelywith your audience.
So, by embracing a culture ofoptimization and refinement, you
can fine tune your above thefold content to drive maximum
conversions and elevate youronline business to new heights.
I can't stress this enough, butif you're not testing something
and you're not really keeping aneye on conversions and your

metrics that you have set,you're never going to improve
them, and we'll be going intothis more in other episodes.
But having certain things thatyou're measuring and testing and
keeping an eye on, whether it'sweekly or monthly, was going to
help you really greatly improveon what you're trying to do.
All right, so that wraps uptoday's episode on mastering

above the fold content.
I hope you gained some valuableinsights into the importance of
optimizing the critical aspectof your website and learn
actionable strategies forenhancing your above the fold
As always, if you have anyquestions or feedback, please
don't hesitate to reach out tous at podcast at
bcsengineeringcom, because welove hearing from our listeners

and if you enjoyed this episode,no matter whether you're
listening on a podcast app or onthe our YouTube channel.
Make sure you subscribe to ourpodcast e-commerce made easy
podcast on your preferredplatform so you don't miss out
on upcoming episodes.
And don't forget to share itwith your fellow online business
owners who are eager to levelup their website conversions as

Join us next time as we divemore into great tips for keeping
your website and tip top shapeand converting awesome.
Until then, we will see younext week.
Thanks for tuning in.
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