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January 9, 2024 24 mins

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Want to maximize your social media marketing & list building efforts? Join me as we welcome back Tracy Beavers, award winning business and sales coach, as she shares the hidden and often overlooked opportunities that we should be capitalizing on in our social media marketing!

From using Call to Actions to creating a content web that keeps users’ engagement with your business journey, Tracy shares actionable tips that you won’t want to miss! I know I will be incorporating some of them into my own marketing. 

Tune in to boost your marketing strategy! Also, be sure to check the show notes for additional resources, including an amazing opportunity to learn from Tracy!*

Mentioned Resources

Join Tracy Beavers Facebook Group 

 Want to join a collaborative Facebook Group filled with entrepreneurs just like you? Join Tracy’s Facebook Group!

Learn with Tracy Beavers

Business  Visibility Made Easy with Tracy Beavers

Are you tired of not knowing each month if you'll make the income you need? Are you feeling invisible when it comes to reaching your ideal clients? You're feeling overwhelmed, unclear, wondering HOW to grow your business with ease? Skyrocket your list growth in the next 60 days with Tracy in her online course Business Visibility Made Easy! Join the wait list!

This week’s episode is sponsored by our Search Engine Optimization Mini Course.  Our Free online digital course that teaches eCommerce and website owners how to level up their search engine rankings with some simple, doable steps!  Join us at

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Today we have an awesome episode for you.
We have our guest speaker,tracy Bevers, back on our show.
She was in our show on the fallof 2023 and she is just amazing
She is going to teach us inthis episode how to really
maximize your social mediamarketing, as well as your email
marketing and your listbuilding, which you know

everything needs to lead to youremail marketing.
We talk about email marketing alot on this podcast episode and
let me tell you, this episodeis so jam-packed full of great
nuggets you're going to want tolisten to it and then probably
come back to it with a pen andpaper and re-listen to it again.
It is that good, so I can'twait to see you in this episode.

Welcome to the Ecommerce MadeEasy podcast.
I'm your host, keri Saunders.
When we started this business,all I had was a couch, a laptop
and a 9-month-old.
My main goal To help others.
Now, with over 20 years in thee-commerce building industry and
even more than that and webdevelopment, I've seen a lot.
I love breaking down the hardtech and to easily
understandable bits to helpothers be successful in their

online business.
Whether you're a seasonede-commerce veteran or just
starting out, you've come to theright place.
So sit back, relax and let'sdive into the world of
e-commerce together.
Welcome back to the EcommerceMade Easy podcast.
Today we're talking with myfriend, tracey Beavers.
She is an award-winningbusiness and sales coach from

She has helped hundreds ofentrepreneurs over the years
with everything from overcomingthe fear of sales to growing
their brand visibility in emaillists through organic marketing
She walks hand-in-hand with herclients, providing them a
roadmap of clear action steps sothat they can put their

blinders on and confidently getto work.
Building your business does nothave to be a struggle.
Tracey can show you how tobuild with ease and I'm super
excited to interview her againon this podcast.
I do have a little bit moreinformation about her, so let me
continue on here.
She's a wife, a mom of twoyoung adults and a dog mom,
which is a adorable Labrador.

She's a public speaker, apublished author as well.
She was recently awarded theVanity Fair lingerie support
award for women inentrepreneurship.
She has been featured on TopBusiness Podcasts and has been a
regular contributor on one ofher hometown's premier TV shows.
She is a creator of two onlinecourses Business Visibility Made

Easy and Be a ConfidentEntrepreneur.
She has a group coachingprogram and offers one-on-one
coaching for clients wanting aVIP custom experience.
So I am super excited to havemy friend Tracey back on our
We had her back in the fall of23 and she provided such great
valuable information, so I'msuper excited to have you back

again, tracey.

Speaker 2 (02:52):
Thank you, Carrie.
I'm excited to be here.

Speaker 1 (02:54):
I loved it last time and I know today is gonna be
awesome as well, yeah, so I feellike we've known each other
forever, even though I don'tknow.
It's only maybe been less thana year or something.

Speaker 2 (03:05):
We've been chatting, I know I'm here to think that we
haven't actually met in person,because I feel like we have,
but we haven't, right?
We just spent so much timetogether.
So, yeah, right.

Speaker 1 (03:16):
Yeah, next time I'm over that way I will let you
know for sure.
If you come towards Ohio, justlet me know.

Speaker 2 (03:20):
I love that that would be outstanding.

Speaker 1 (03:23):
Alright, so let's dive in to what we want to talk
about today.
What so?
First off, I know Tracey hashelped me a ton with a lot of
these strategies we're gonna betalking about today.
So the first question I havefor you, Tracey, today is what
is a big mistake you seeentrepreneurs making when it
comes to the social media andemail list growth?

Speaker 2 (03:45):
That's a great question.
There are a lot of things thatI wouldn't say are massive
mistakes, but there are a lot ofthings we forget to do that
create what I call holes orleaks in our visibility and in
our marketing messaging and ourability to grow our email list.

But one of the biggest ones, Isee, is we forget to use a call
to action on our social mediacontent, and what I mean by that
is some people call them CTAs.
Call to action is what it meansand they are so simple.
A call to action is such asimple thing that it's simple

and easy to use, but it's alsojust as simple and easy to
completely forget about.
But it's powerful in itssimplicity.
And a call to action means whenyou post something on social
media, what do you want yourideal client to do next?
Do you want them to engage withyour post?
That's a form of a call toaction, so like if we did an

inspirational quote graphic.
Let's say I want to quote TonyRobbins or Ed Milet or somebody,
and I talk about the quote inmy copy and then my call to
action at the bottom is how doesthis quote resonate with you?
Or what did you think aboutwhat he said about XYZ, and I'm
asking them for their opinionand to engage with me.

That's a call to action.
But then the more obvious callsto action are when you invite
somebody to come into your worlddeeper either.
Grab my free lead magnet, joinmy Facebook group, listen to my
latest podcast episode anddownload it, subscribe to my
YouTube channel, book a freeinfo call, grab a seat in my

free life masterclass.
Those are just some of the callsto action that come to mind,
and what I encourage my clientsand students to do is to make a
list of your calls to action,because we forget how much we
Like I have now, I think I have10 lead magnets, and that would
be so easy for me to forget thelist of those if I didn't have

that list in front of me.
If you've just newly created aFacebook group, you might the
name of your group might notroll off your tongue like it
should yet and you might forgetoh my gosh, I should have
invited to my group.
But if you make a list of thesethings when you're creating
your social media content,you've got that list right there
You can say to yourself okay,I'm going to post about this?

What call to action would fitwith that?
What would be the next thing Iwant that person to do?
So they're simple and easy touse, but they're also simple and
easy to really forget about.

Speaker 1 (06:29):
That's actually kind of really perfect because, like,
as I'm thinking and you'retalking here, I'm like I'm not
doing that with all my posts.
I know better, I know that Ishould, but I'm totally not Like
I'd like to do a motivationalMonday.
I'm not asking what peoplethink about the quote that I put
out, like why am I not Likethat's kind of a simple thing,

Speaker 2 (06:48):
Yeah, yeah, and even though we ask, some people won't
But they definitely won'tengage if you don't ask, because
they don't think they should.
They're like, oh well, that's abeautiful post.
You know, some people might,they might go.
This is great, carrie, thanks.
But a lot of times they justwon't because they'll think she
doesn't want us to.
She didn't ask, you know, forus to comment or anything.

So, yeah, they definitely won'tif we don't ask.

Speaker 1 (07:12):
Right, it's kind of like being spoken at rather than
to, where you feel like you'remore involved if you're asking a
question at the end, right, soI love that.
I'm going to make a list afterwe're done here.
I'm like why haven't I donethis yet?
Oh, great, no, that's great,all right, so let's go on to.

I have a good question aboutwhat is a mistake you see
entrepreneurs making when itcomes to their free lead magnets
, and you might want to alsokind of define what a free lead
magnet is, just in case somebodydoesn't know.
But what's a mistake you seewhen it comes to their free lead

Speaker 2 (07:48):
Yeah, a lead magnet is just a free thing that causes
the lead your ideal client tomagnetize to you to join your
email list, so you're attractingthem.
That's why that that's wherethe magnet part comes in.
You're attracting your idealclient like a magnet to your

email list.
And so a great example of thisand there's lots of different a
lead magnet and a funnel.
Those can kind of get confusedand some people think they're
the same thing Technically.
They're not.
The lead magnet starts thefunnel process.
Would think that's easy, butthis isn't a course 6 by a
practical analysis device, es.
Almost there's so many thingsthat we don't think about their

lead magnets Like.
The obvious ones that come tomind are the free guides, the
free PDF Grab my top 10 list forXYZ or grab my cheat sheet for
doing this procedure in yourbusiness or whatever and that
free stuff that we give away thePDFs, the checklists, the cheat

sheets, the worksheets and allthat.
That's what a lot of peoplethink when they think of a lead
But a lead magnet can be alittle bit more robust than that
For me, the reason why I endedup with so many lead magnets was
because there for a while I wascreating a PDF or a checklist
or a little cheat sheet withevery live training that I was
doing, and I did this for about90 days, and then the lead

magnet itself that was deliveredto the person once they opted
in was the PDF or the cheatsheet, but also the video.
It was the video training andthat.
Now, if you want to dive deeperinto this and really get this
done, then here's your PDF foryou to download, and so it
became a more robust lead magnet.
But also your Facebook groupcan be a lead magnet If you have

a free Facebook group.
If you have a podcast, that's alead magnet.
If you wrote a book, that's alead magnet.
If you have a blog, that's alead magnet.
And all of those things shouldbe set up in a way that leads to
your email list.
All roads need to lead to emaillist growth.
So, like, if you have a podcast, be sure to put something in
the show notes that causes themto want to opt into your email
If you are writing a blog, thesame thing you want to remember

to have a call to action wherethey have to opt in for
something that you're offeringor go to the next step with you
meaning, like, maybe on my blogpost I talk about my free
Facebook group.
Hey, come join my free Facebookgroup.
And, by the way that myFacebook group is set up with
the entry questions when youcome in to want to join it.
That's how my email, that's howmy Facebook group becomes a

lead magnet to grow my emaillist.
Because of the way I have themembership questions set up,
people want to give me theiremail address when they join my
group and so, with all roadsleading to list building, let's
go back to that blog example.
The blog could be a lead magnetfor you, where you post about
that on social media and you say, hey, go check out my latest
blog post if you want to divedeeper into this topic.

Here it is.
They click on that, they go toread the article, Then there's
an invitation for your Facebookgroup.
They go to that.
They land on your email listthat way.
And so, when it comes to ourlead magnets, we want to.
What I ask myself is where aremy lead magnets leading my
clients next?
So, like I have a social mediamade easy guide, that's 90 days,

create 90 days of social mediacontent topics in only 30
minutes, ok, cool.
So you opt into that and youget the email that has the video
with it to walk you through theexercise and the downloadable
PDF where you can map out yourtopics and all that and walk
through everything.
But then what do I want you todo next?
So in that printable, in thatdownloadable, I have an

invitation to my free Facebookgroup.
I have an invitation to grab a$37 visibility guide that I've
Some of my lead magnets willgive them an invitation to book
a free info call with me.
So creating the lead magnet isawesome, but think to yourself
OK, what do I want them to doafter they've opted in?

They landed on my email list,which is great, because now I
can nurture them into buyers.
But where do I want them to gonext?
So that they stay caught up inour?
My friend, crystal Prophet,your friend too, calls it the
spider web of your, of yourbusiness and your content.
Get them caught up in yourspider web, swimming around in
your swimming pool of content,staying with you in your

community and just wanting thenext thing and the next thing.
And so the lead magnet needs tolead somewhere.

Speaker 1 (12:13):
That totally makes sense.
And I'm just sitting over herethinking you know, I've been in
business for over 27 years and Iwant to come back and re-listen
to like there's tips rightthere, because I know we do that
kind of lightly but we don'tlike do it as fully as you're
describing there.
So I just feel like that's justsome great nuggets that you can
really tweak and they don'treally take a whole lot of time.

Once you've already got yourleague magnet built, just tweak
in those little edges to reallymake it make a big difference.
That's just genius there.
I love that.

Speaker 2 (12:45):
Thanks and on that thank you page also.
So I opt in for your leaguemagnet.
I put my name and email addressin there and then you send me
to a thank you success page thatsays hey, tracy, you know
you're the guide to XYZ on itsway.
Go check your inbox, even onthat thank you success page.
What do you want me to do next?
You don't want me to just leavethere again.

I have an invitation to my freeFacebook group with a less than
one minute video.
That says something like whileyou're waiting for your free
league magnet, check out thisshort video by Tracy with a
special invitation for you.
And I'm like hey, I'm so gladyou're here.
I want you to join my freeFacebook group.
Here's why you should join it.
Click the link below and jumpin and join us.
And then some of my successthank you pages have like a $7

item on them.
That's like thank you so much.
You know, would you beinterested in grabbing this $7
guide to XYZ?
You'd be amazed at how many ofthose I sell each month, because
that's on the thank you pageand it's seven bucks.
And people are like well, Ihave a no-brainer.
So every step you're like justwalk through the funnel and be
like, okay, what are they doingnext?

Where are they going next?
What can I offer them next?

Speaker 1 (13:54):
Yeah, that's actually .
Yeah, that's perfect, because Iactually just released in
December, free search engineoptimization course.
And that was one of the thingsI did is I linked it to my free
Facebook group that we juststarted in December and I've
gotten a lot of people via that.
So yeah, really kind of justwrapping in those little nuggets
in all the little corners, thatreally does make a difference.

Speaker 2 (14:15):
It does, and so like so they land in your Facebook
Okay, well, now what do youwant them to do next?
Maybe you want them to startlistening to the podcast, so you
share the podcast, you know, orthe blog, or whatever, and so
it's like okay, wherever theyare, you know, think about that
next thing that you could offerthem.
I love that.
That's awesome.

Speaker 1 (14:33):
So that's great, all right.
So I know that you love and useFacebook as your main platform
and, honestly, that's probablymy favorite platform too, and
that's where you've gotten themost growth and visibility for
your business.
So what are some nuggets therethat you've done to achieve this
Cause I know there's likehidden nooks and crannies that
you've taught me recently, andso I'd love you to share some of

those with our audience.

Speaker 2 (14:57):
Yeah, you betcha.
So whatever platform you'reusing whether it's Facebook,
instagram, linkedin, tiktok,twitter ask yourself what does
this platform want?
What does this platform reward?
Facebook rewards people who dolive video by the algorithm

pushing their live video out tonew people that they have not
connected with.
That Live video and reels arethe only two ways to get reach
past the people that areconnected to you as friends or
already following you, and so bydoing what it's kind of like
when you're a little kid andyour parents said I need you to

do these three chores and thenyou'll get a reward, or then
we'll get to go get ice cream orwhatever.
In order for us to get what wewant, we've got to do what our
parents want.
It's the same thing with theseplatforms.
I've got to ask myself whatdoes Mark Zuckerberg want me to
do on this platform?
He wants me to do live videoand he's gonna reward me for

He's gonna reward me for thatStories.
He's gonna reward me for thatUsing Facebook's tools like a
Facebook loves it.
When you create your own groupand when you have engagement in
your group and it becomes ahighly engaged group, then
Facebook starts serving thatgroup up to your ideal clients
as a group, they should considerjoining.

I have a lot of people thatfind my group and I say, how'd
you find my group?
And they go.
Facebook recommended it and I'mlike, well, it's super fun, but
it's because I'm playing thegame with Facebook and Facebook
wants us to interact in groups.
They want us to be networkingand talking to each other and
being in Facebook Messenger andhaving authentic DM
They want us to set up aFacebook business page and a

profile, personal profile, andoptimize those.
They want us to push outregular content and be it's
social media.
For a reason, right, and sothat's how I have squeezed all
the juice out of Facebook is byasking myself what are the
things that Facebook loves andhow can I get Facebook to reward

me with more engagement, morereach, reaching more of my ideal
clients in a faster way, and byplaying the game.
That's how I did it.

Speaker 1 (17:17):
That makes a lot of sense.
I actually, the past about 30days, decided December 1st I
decided to do a real everysingle day.
Now I took a little bit of abreak over the holidays, but I
did a short form video everysingle day.
My reach went threefold likethree times the amount of people
I reached just because I didwhat Facebook wanted me to do

and I created some valuablecontent and little short form
videos and I did it regularlyand it just blew up.
It only took like a week or twoand my reach just really blew
up there.

Speaker 2 (17:51):
Yeah, yeah, it's true , yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 1 (17:56):
Well, that was super helpful and amazing.
Tracy, is there any other tipsyou wanna give us before we sign
off for this episode?

Speaker 2 (18:04):
So the biggest thing I would say is make a plan, have
a strategy, have a plan forwhat you want to do.
What platform do you wanna beon?
Master that one platform beforeyou try to move on to another
For the longest time, I wassorta on Instagram and sorta on
LinkedIn, but it wasn't until Iwas able to hire an assistant
that I was able to really be onInstagram or really be on

LinkedIn, because my focus wasFacebook.
That's all I had time for.
And remember that, like wetalked about, don't forget to
list out all of the calls toaction you could possibly use in
your business your lead magnets, your podcast, your Facebook
group, your blog, your book youwrote your ebook, that you've
got your small offers, your bigoffers all of those are calls to

action you could use.
And then ask yourself how can Ikeep people caught up in my
world, with me, close to me,taking them through the next
thing that I can offer them?
And just be consistent and bepatient, which is really really
hard, really hard for me too.
But consistency and patienceare the absolute keys to getting

you business growth.
And when you're consistent andyou're patient, there's gonna
come a point where your businessis gonna blow wide open and
your visibility is gonna just go.
And it's gonna blow wide openand you're gonna be like, oh my
gosh, it's working, but it takesa hot minute to get you there
and that's what's frustrating,so just stick with it.

Speaker 1 (19:30):
Yeah, I totally agree with that, and I feel like, as
entrepreneurs and onlinebusiness owners, we tend to like
wanna grab onto that next hotthing, and so making sure that
we're consistent with somethingfirst and mastering it before we
go to something else is a goodreminder, though I think we all

Speaker 2 (19:46):
Yeah, well, and don't try something once and it not
go the way you want it to, andyou decide you're gonna scrap it
No, no, no, no, no.
Because as many years as I'vebeen going live every Thursday
at 1130 on Facebook and YouTube,I have days where I go live and
nobody's with me.
Now I could very easily decidethat day oh, this is horrible,

this is the end of the road, I'mnot gonna do this anymore.
I'm gonna show up every weekand I'm gonna do what I can and
I'm gonna be consistent with it.
And you have to try some thingsand you have to try them for a
You gotta give some of thesestrategies.
You've gotta give a good 90days to six months before you
decide it's not working.

Speaker 1 (20:25):
Yeah, that's totally true, and in like business and
in life in general, you reallygot to give something time to
see if it actually really worksor not.
That's great advice.
Well, I appreciate having youon our podcast again, tracy, and
thank you so much.
Like I said, I'm going to goback and re-listen to this
You gave me such great nuggetsfor me to use myself, and I'm

sure our audience will totallylove it.
So thank you so much, tracy.

Speaker 2 (20:51):
Yeah, you bet.
Do you want to tell everybodyabout the Live Masterclass so
they can create?

Speaker 1 (20:56):
a link for that.
Yes, tracy's going to be havingsome Live Masterclasses coming
We're going to be linking tothose in our show notes.
So make sure you go to our shownotes at
ecommercemadeeasypodcastcom orwherever you're listening.
We will have the links there,as well as links on how to get
into Tracy's awesome freeFacebook group and things like

So we'll have all those linksin the show notes so you can
connect with Tracy like I have.
I just absolutely love chattingwith her and learning from her,
and we all can always learnthings from each other, so it's

Speaker 2 (21:28):
Thanks, carrie, I appreciate that.
Yeah, I learn a ton from youbecause, you know, tech is not
my thing, it's not my lovelanguage.
Somebody starts talking aboutit and I'm like, oh, I'm just
going to call Carrie and ask herbecause yeah, and I love tech
and you're better at creativitythan me, so we go hand in hand

Speaker 1 (21:45):
Yep, yes, ma'am.
Well, thank you so much forhaving me.
Yeah, I'm so excited for comingon here and I can't wait for
your next launch with BusinessVisibility Made Easy.
We will be linking to that inthe show notes, which is one of
her signature courses.
It's an awesome course.
I actually just got done takingit at the end of the fall and
it was probably the mostvaluable course I've ever taken
in my entire life, and so Ireally enjoyed it.

Thank you Seriously, really,wow, wow, thanks.
Yeah, I'm not just saying thatbecause you're on my podcast.
I really need it.
It was really great.
I was even telling my husbandbefore we were recording the
episode, so I totally love it.
So thank you again, tracy.

Speaker 2 (22:22):
Yeah, thank you, I appreciate the opportunity.

Speaker 1 (22:26):
All right.
So wasn't that such a funepisode with Tracy Beaver?
She has such cold and nuggetsfor business owners.
I just love everything thatshe's so willing to share and
all the tips, all the little,really, all the little pieces
that kind of all tie it together.
It's just brilliant when itcomes to social media marketing

and how to lead it all into listbuilding and getting your email
list bigger, because, as weknow, having a great, healthy
email list is a key to businesssuccess.
So hopefully you found thisepisode super helpful.
We would love to hear from you.
Drop us an email at podcast atbcsinjoneeringcom, and tell us

what you think.
Would you like to hear Tracyback on this show again?
I know I would, because everysingle time I've had her on here
which is twice now I've learnedso much, even though I already
follow her and we already arefriends online.
As always, you can find linksto her and to her resources in
the show notes of this episode.
So be sure to visitecommercemadeeasypodcastcom

forward slash 37 to get the shownotes for this episode.
You can also find some of theshow notes details as well on
your favorite podcast app thatyou're listening to right now
and if you're watching us onYouTube, make sure to go over to
ecommercemadeeasypodcastcomforward slash 37 again, so that
you can see our full show notes.

We would definitely have lotsof information in the
description on YouTube, buteverything you will need will be
in both places, and thank youso much for joining us this week
and I will see you next week.
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