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December 18, 2024 12 mins

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Reflecting on a year filled with transformative conversations and invaluable insights, I've had the pleasure of sharing 47 new episodes with 24 incredible new voices on the "Finding Your Way Through Therapy" podcast. Among other voices are recurring guests like Stephanie Simpson and Keith Hanks, whose impactful contributions continue to resonate within our community. Inspired by the guidance of mentors like Dennis Sweeney, I've been expanding my practice to include corporate coaching, influenced by the rich discussions we've explored together. This year has also been a journey of growing friendships and professional connections that have enriched both the show and my personal life.

A special spotlight shines on Courtney Romanowski for her vibrant episodes on expressive arts, which have significantly enhanced our series. As I express my gratitude for Courtney's inspiring contributions, I eagerly anticipate what's to come. The upcoming episode will feature heartfelt messages from past guests, offering listeners a touching retrospective on our collective journey. Don't miss the chance to like, subscribe, and follow us on your preferred platform. 

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Hi and welcome to Finding your Way Through Therapy
A proud member of thePsychCraft Network, the goal of
this podcast is to demystifytherapy, what can happen in
therapy and the wide array ofconversations you can have in
and about therapy Throughpersonal experiences.
Guests will talk about therapy,their experiences with it and

how psychology and therapy arepresent in many places in their
lives, with lots of authenticityand a touch of humor.
Here is your host, steve Bisson.

Speaker 2 (00:39):
It's starting to be really cold.
I said it in a very Quebecaccent, so shout a shout out to
my Quebecer friends.
But welcome to episode 183.
If you haven't watched it yet,go to episode 182.
With Craig Merriweather.
We had a great conversation onhypnotherapy and how it works,
how it doesn't work, what itdoes, what it doesn't do.
So please go back and listen.
But episode 183 is going to be areview of the year and I do

this every year.
Just to give an idea, sometimesI choose certain things I talk
Today I'm just going to kind ofwrote down a few things but
ultimately want to talk rightoff the top of my head.
So let's start off with thenumber of guests I've had this
So we've had 47 brand newepisodes.
So when you think about it,that's only like seven replays.

That was the summer.
So I do a lot of new stuffbecause I want you guys to keep
on being entertained and reallyenjoying this and I want to make
sure I mention a lot of thestuff that goes with that.
So 24 new guests so every otherweek, essentially throughout
the year, you had a new guest.
I know it's going to not exactscience, but please be nice to

me and you know there's beennames that you may remember.
There's been Kyle Goodnight,leon Doubleday, catherine Darley
We also had Hayden Duggan.
That was on the first twoepisodes of this year.
We've had a lot of new guestsand new insight and new
information and I hope you enjoythat.
It's not fair to ask me whichone were my favorites, because I

do have some vested interestson some of them and I've told
you before, right.
So the Mindful Guardians werereally good.
You know I had them on March,april and since then I'm
actually joining thatorganization.
They did their firstpresentation a couple weeks ago,
very excited to be part of thatorganization and and I'll keep
you posted in helping right nowthe Coast Guard, but hopefully

long-term, we help most of thearmed forces, we help the first
responders, really something Ireally enjoy.
But those are the new gueststhat I would say that stood out
for me, not that the other onesweren't, because you know again,
I think about Lee and Doubleday, lee and Double Day.
We really had a good time andwe participate on something.
I know that Keith Hanks hadbeen on before, but it was his
first solo episode with me.

Obviously I love his work andwant to make sure that I say
that, and he was really cool.
But to name all my favoriteguests unfair, so I don't really
do that.
13 returning guests.
This includes Hayden doing twoepisodes.
We had Stephanie Simpson, who Iwill always have her on.
Stephanie is probably someonethat I feel like I connected so

well on this podcast.
Yes, we have a common friendbut at the same time we really
connected and we really enjoytalking about different things
and you know, I'm leaningtowards doing a little more
corporate coaching myself aroundthat stuff.
So you know, stephanie, ifyou're listening, hey, I'm going
to do that thanks to you, notjust thanks to you, but

something you've inspired me todo.
But you know, it's notsomething I want to really take
over my practice, but Idefinitely want to do a little
more corporate coaching,especially with people who need
kind of like that.
You know they're already maybestuck, maybe they already have
some ambitions, but they'refeeling X, y, z, so I'm really
looking forward to that.
So, um, but anyway, stephanieSimpson, the mental men I can't
ignore, who I consider greatfriends, mentors, people who

have really, really helped meoverall in my life.
You know Dennis Sweeney part ofthe mental men.
I think he left a littlemessage.
You're going to hear that nextweek, giving you a spoiler right
But with uh, dennis, he's mymentor.
I consider him my mentor tothis day, although he wants me
to call him his colleague, whichI guess I am his colleague too.
I'm so honored by him, I sorespect him.

I actually took over his office.
He was downstairs from me tookover his office.
So that is yeah, not onlybecause I wanted the space,
because I really liked the space, but ultimately I really.
You know, just to me it was anhonor to always work with Dennis
He's not retired.
So for those of you who think,oh, he's retired, no, he's not
retired, he's going to work fromhome.

But I wanted that office forseveral reasons.
I like it, obviously, but Ialso think I like Dennis and
with Dennis, if he ever needsthat office, he has access fully
to it, no questions asked, andit's my little tribute to him in
some ways.
Also, other returning guestsother than them.
Like I said, we had Hayden whocame back, stephanie Simpson all

people I truly enjoy talking to, and I think, with Keith that
he falls under repeatingreturning guests.
Liz Kelly we had a greatconversation around her book.
This book is cheaper thantherapy.
Go pick it up.
It's the holidays, a good book.
Truly enjoy Liz, and shout outto Liz, a good friend of mine,
the time it took.
So new episodes only, not therepeats that I put in the summer

, but I've created 1,784 minutesof new content for you, which
equates to 29.7 hours.
So if you sat there right now,whatever time you're listening
to, in 29 hours you would havegone through the new stuff that
I've done this year, which Ithink is a whole lot of a whole
lot of time and a lot of goodstuff.

With a lot of good stuffthere's also great people.
You meet people you see again,and also my solo episodes, which
you know would equate to theother ones that were left.
So if we have 37 new guests orreturning guests, we have 10
solo episodes.
I'd like you to listen to thismessage.
I'm going to change it up forthe new year, but listen to

Listen to this commercial,getfreeai.
Yes, you've heard me talk aboutit previously in other episodes
, but I'm going to talk about itagain because GetFreeai is just
a great service.
Imagine being able to payattention to your clients all

the time.
Instead of writing notes andmaking sure that the note's
going to sound good and howyou're going to write that note,
and things like that, getfreeailiberates you from making sure
that you're writing what theclient is saying, because it is
keeping track of what you'resaying and will create, after
the end of every session, aprogress note.
But it goes above and beyondthat.
Not only does it create aprogress note, it also gives you

suggestions for goals, givesyou even a mental status if
you've asked questions aroundthat, as well as being able to
write a letter for your clientto know what you talked about.
So that's the great, greatthing.
It saves me time, it saves me alot of aggravation and it just
speeds up the progress noteprocess so well.

And for $99 a month.
I know that that's nothing.
That's worth my time, that'sworth my money, you know.
The best part of it too is thatif you want to go and put in
the code Steve50, when you getthe service at the checkout code
is Steve50, you get $50 offyour first month and if you get
a whole year, you save a whole10% for the whole year.

So again, steve50 at checkoutfor getfreeai, we'll give you
$50 off for the first month and,like I said, get a full year,
get 10% off, get free fromwriting notes, get free from
always scribbling while you'retalking to a client and just
paying attention to your client.
So they win out, you win out,everybody wins, and I think that

this is the greatest thing.
And if you're up to a pointwhere you got to change a
treatment plan, well, the goalsare generated for you.
So getfreeai code Steve50 tosave $50 on your first month and
we're back.
So let me tell you about thethemes.
I didn't go one by one,obviously, but there's themes

that came over and this willprobably lead to certain things
in the new year.
Again, spoiler, but listen,listen if you want to hear more.
Probably in the first week ofthe new year I'm going to share
a little more, but the themes Italked about trauma, first
responders and types of therapy,as well as sobriety and
So we had a lot of good thingsthat went like I love those

I'm hoping to do a little moreabout grief and I think that one
of my first guests in the newyear will be someone who does
grief, and obviously we've hadother people talk about grief,
including my good friend GinaMoffa Not on this year, was on
last year.
Still a good book, stillsomething I recommend.
Maybe I'll have Gina back inthe new year just to chit chat
catch up.
So I want to make sure you knewabout those things and kind of

where I'm heading in the newyear.
As far as the most downloadedepisode for the first seven days
, which to me is more of anindication of total downloads,
sometimes people catch upafterwards and that's why the
downloads go up in the firstseven days.
It's like really peak interest.
And, uh, reforming a teenindustry.
When meg applegate was the one,it was episode 177.

That was the one that had themost downloads in the first
seven days.
Overall, though, when it's notsurprising because it's a
problem, it's surprisingthinking what I've, what I've
seen in my audience.
So I'll say it's a surprise,but I'm happy that it was.
Uh, stephanie Cohen, uh,overcoming your fear of dogs was
the most downloaded throughoutthe year and when you really

think about it, it was late inthe year that she came on and
she's still the most downloadedepisode by far, by the way,
So people are really interestedon getting over their fear of
The other thing that I would sayto you in the last year or so
we've switched.
You know, we we used to be atthere should be Amazon podcasts
or something like that, and nowwe have YouTube.
So some of the numbers I've hadon the other uh, it seems my

overall numbers, cause what Iuse as a distributor tells me
all these numbers but they don'tcount without now is considered
YouTube podcasts.
I don't even know what the nameis, but Dave definitely touched
my numbers, but overall mynumbers have been pretty stable.
Wish we would grow, but hearingfrom the industry in general,
it's been going down for some.
So I'll take stable over down,I guess.

Want to make sure I mentionedthat.
And the other thing I want to dobefore I end this episode, I
want to shout out two importantpeople that are here every or
not every week, but they'recertainly.
One of them is definitely hereevery week and that's Chelsea
Chelsea Weaver is my editor, mywhatever you want to call her
executive producer, whatever youwant to call her, but Chelsea's

She, you know, tells me hey, bythe way, when are you going to
be ready for this?
I did this, I adjusted thattime, I did this, I did that.
Chelsea is a great communicator, someone who works in the armed
forces which again dear to myheart, as you've known over the
course of three and a half yearsbut also just a great human
I really enjoy working with her.
She's on the ball, which isprobably what I need, and, for

those of you who may not or maynot know, I like to control a
whole lot of what I do, andletting go of any type of
control is really hard, andshe's so on the ball that it's
so easy to let it go.
The other person I want to shoutout, who had a few episodes
this year, is CourtneyRomanowski.
I know we talked aboutexpressive arts with her
particularly, but she stepped in, she did a great job and I
really, really appreciateeverything she's done.

So that's it.
That's the episode Wanted totell you a little bit about the
Next week, on episode 184,we're going to talk about people
who left a message, or I willread some of the messages I got
from the guests that we've had.
So we'll be doing that for nextweek.
I hope you join me then.

Speaker 1 (11:59):
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