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January 1, 2025 11 mins

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The episode unveils an exciting rebranding journey for the podcast, focusing on trauma, grief, and first responder experiences. The host seeks audience feedback and emphasizes enhanced engagement and targeted content in future episodes.

• Announcement of the podcast rebranding 
• Reasons for focusing on trauma and grief 
• Importance of audience engagement and feedback 
• Introduction of bonus episodes and new formats 
• Collaboration with organizations for community support 
• Goals for the podcast’s renewed mission and vision We’ll Do Your SOAP Notes!
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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Hi and welcome to Finding your Way Through Therapy
A proud member of thePsychCraft Network, the goal of
this podcast is to demystifytherapy, what can happen in
therapy and the wide array ofconversations you can have in
and about therapy Throughpersonal experiences.
Guests will talk about therapy,their experiences with it and

how psychology and therapy arepresent in many places in their
lives, with lots of authenticityand a touch of humor.
Here is your host, steve Bisson.

Speaker 2 (00:37):
Alors, bienvenue à l'année 2025 et la saison numéro
Welcome to the year 2025 andseason 12 of Finding your Way.
Yes, I'm already kind oftelling you what I'm going to
talk about today, which is arebranding, so I know you can
see it.
If you're on YouTube, you seeI'm fading out the name, but it
will now become Finding your Way.
How long?
Not so long, actually, becauseI'm actually working on

rebranding my whole podcast.
There's a few reasons for that,and I want to make sure I share
them with you because I don'twant you to think well, he's
doing this just to X, y, zreasons.
No, I'm doing it for specificreasons.
So the first thing I want tosay is this I've been thinking
about a rebranding for aboutthree to six months now.
Why do I want to rebrand?
Part of it is because I want toget back to what I actually

wanted to do.
So I wanted people to knowabout how to find their way
through therapy, and I thought Idid that really well.
For what?
185 episodes give or take.
Now we're going into season 12.
And one of the things I've beenthinking about is finding ways
to make my work a little moreconcrete.
And then what I mean by that isthis while I do like a lot of

the subjects we talked about,really, I think you figured out
so far as my audience that Ilike first responder stuff.
I really like talking aboutthat.
I like to talk about trauma andI do like about talking about
I also like to talk about howto coach people and particularly
people who are, you know,looking, you know, more
executive positions.
So these are all the thingsthat I've been very excited

When I think about all thepodcasts that I've done, so,
instead of me trying to alwayskeep it as general as I can
which probably is going to be,you know, always going to be
tough for me to get a audiencewhen you keep it so general what
I'm going to do is I'm going tostart making it a little more
specific, and so I talked aboutthe subjects that I want to talk

I'm not a hundred percent sureI'm going to do that, but I
might go in order, and sometimesI'll repeat a couple of times,
and they're not all going to beinterviews.
Because I think that I need totalk more about what I do in
regards to these things, becausethere's a lot of that missing
from the podcast.
So am I criticizing myself?
I guess I am, but I'm alsowanting my audience to kind of

figure out where I'm coming fromand what I enjoy.
So what I'm going to do is I'mgoing to throw you to a
I'm going to come back on theother side.
So please listen to this veryimportant message from freeai

Yes, you've heard me talk aboutit previously in other episodes
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But it goes above and beyondthat.
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So that's the great great thing.
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The best part of it too is thatif you want to go and put in
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get 10% off, get free fromwriting notes, get free from
always scribbling while you'retalking to a client and just
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So they win out, you win out,everybody wins, and I think that
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And if you're up to a pointwhere you got to change a
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So, getfreeai code Steve50 tosave $50 on your first month.
So welcome back.
And, yes, we're going to becalling it Finding your Way for
a short while.
We're going to change toanother name.
I have a great name in mind.
I'm not sharing it right awaybecause there's going to be some

kinks to work out, butultimately I'm going to be
changing the name to somethingelse which will reflect a little
more about what I want to talkabout and also, kind of like,
hopefully get people to look atwhat I do in a different way.
Why do I also want to do thisis because I really think that
the highest you know we talkedabout in the last season.
You know I've had a few goodhits on different things that

may not be related to thosesubjects, but when I do those
episodes that I enjoy, I feel Iget more referrals.
So that's interesting, right,so I get more downloads on
certain things, but I get morereferrals by talking about stuff
that you know I really work ontrauma, grief, first responder
stuff and even the coaching part.
So that's part of what I wantto do and I want to really make

my brand, straight to the pointtherapy, my therapy on brand
with the podcast um, also linkedto Gambit counseling, which is
my joint venture with mybusiness partner, bill Dwannells
So I'm just trying to makeeverything like in order.
So you know, I want to makesure that everyone enjoys it,
but I also want to make surethat I enjoy it, because
sometimes, you know, whilethere's a lot of great guests

I've had, I was just doing itjust to do it, and if I don't
have anyone, I'm just going tochit chat.
I'm going to be doing my ownstuff.
You know, one of the otherideas that I have is I really
want you listeners to come back.
So, you know, if you're onYouTube, you know like this
channel and even like this videoand subscribe, as well as

anyone who's on any of the othermajor podcast platforms.
But what I'd like to do isrelease bonus episodes.
Sometimes I go along with someof the guests, and it's not that
I don't want to go long still,but I want to make it a little
more concise so people canreally enjoy it.
Again, looking at how things go, people like shorter podcasts.
I'm going to go with that.

Do they like short?
Are they like 30 to 45 minuterange?
Yeah, roughly, and if I havemore things to talk about, we're
going to create bonus episodes.
Where those bonus episodes aregoing to go, I don't know yet,
but I will encourage you to keepon listening, because this is a
One of the things I can tellyou for sure is by the 200
episode, which will probably berecorded for April, I will have

the full rebrand done.
The other part that is probablyboring to you.
So you see this backgroundpretty much the same for the
last three and a half years.
I'm going to be changing.
I, I have a space I I have nowrented.
I'm really thinking about doingeverything from there.
I just have to work out a fewgigs, so you may see some
interviews from there and someinterviews from here right now,

but eventually it's just goingto be coming from that new
studio that I'm currentlyworking on and I will keep some
of my regulars right.
So what I mean by that is thiswill the mental men go away?
Well, no, because they're themental men, One of them being my
mentor and other people that Itruly respect and really have
talked to for a long time in mycareer.

I want them to come back, talkabout stuff.
Are we going to talk abouttrauma, grief?
Are we going to talk aboutmentorship?
Are we going to talk aboutcoaching?
I don't know yet.
We'll figure it out, but that'show that group goes.
We sometimes look at what'sgoing on in the world right now
when we talk about that, but wealso talk about our experiences.
So that won't change.
Would I love to have someonelike Stephanie Simpson back.
Of course, if you listen to thatepisode, we were talking about

going for meeting in New Yorkand doing something there, and
this is not out of the realm ofpossibility.
We're still working on it.
So, and that's the stuff thatI'd like to do.
I also invite you to listenersto tell me what you want to hear
So one of the things that Idon't, you know, sometimes,
again, I tell you I get feedback, but I'm really talking to like

, if you saw right here, it'sgoing to be the same in my new
studio, looking at a screen witha camera on top, there's no one
giving me feedback, and when Iget the feedbacks, you know it's
usually positive, but the mostpositive feedback have been
about the first respondermeetings Not meetings, but the
first responder podcasts.
There's been also greatfeedback on the trauma and the
grief when we talked aboutcoaching.

I know Stephanie Simpson'sepisodes really just stay on top
most of it.
So I really want to do that.
I also want to do it for me,obviously, because it's my
I do whatever I want.
But again, listeners, give meyour feedback, tell me what you
I have a couple of names inmind.
It will represent a little bitmore of what I do and hopefully
that will bring people in.
And that's the stuff that I'mhoping to do.

You know, as I get involved withthe Mindful Guardians, which
has been something that is nearand dear to my heart, I'm
working with a bunch oftherapists in Massachusetts and
we're trying to create a nicekind of like networking for all
therapists who work with firstresponders.
I have a few friends.
We talk about grief and traumaregularly and I get a lot of

referrals for that.
So really want to keepeverything in line with
everything I do.
And, yeah, humor is going to bestill part of it.
Although I'm kind of not funnytonight, listen to this some
other time maybe you'll find itfunny, who knows?
But ultimately that's the goalright now and I wanted to share
it with you.
Resilience is key and I want tosee it in action and, you know,

I want people to be able to talkabout all those things and
being able to move forward intheir lives with you know.
You know, whether it's firstresponders, whether it's
supporting other people who arehaving trauma or issues with
So, anyway, if you are smartenough, I'm dropping a few hints

of possible names for thefuture, for the podcast, when we
relaunch in April 2025.
It's very exciting to meconsulting with a bunch of
I want to consult you, myaudience please write back.
And, speaking of which you know, for episode 186, this was
actually something I wanted torelease in December and I'm like
, eh no, this is a lot moreimportant to start thinking

about the rebranding.
So, on Finding your Way, we'regoing to have Dave Roberts, who
you know talks about grief andtrauma, and I'm looking forward
to having that conversation withhim.

Speaker 1 (11:37):
And I hope you join me then abuse issue.
Please reach out to aprofessional counselor for
If you are in a mental healthcrisis, call 988 for assistance.
This number is available in theUnited States and Canada.
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