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August 23, 2024 • 28 mins

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Imagine a world where grace and love overshadow judgment and division. We start this episode with personal stories of encountering judgmental Christians, only to find liberation through the transformative message of grace, as shared by Timothy Keller. Together with my dear friend and biblical counselor Gary Layne, we reflect on how understanding God's grace equips us to maintain our identity in Christ, even amidst our imperfections. Gary reminds us that although the world may seem chaotic, everything is ultimately under God's control, inviting us to embody Jesus' teachings and become part of the solution.

Our conversation then shifts to the profound impact of living out God's love within our local communities. We emphasize that true change begins at home and with our closest relationships rather than getting entangled in the complexities of national politics. By focusing on showing compassion and letting Jesus' teachings guide our everyday actions, we can glorify God more effectively. Additionally, we discuss the significance of maintaining a constant, personal conversation with Jesus, treating Him as both a coach and a friend who offers strength and peace in our daily lives.

Finally, we explore the life-changing difference between knowing about Jesus and truly knowing Him. Personal experiences and heartfelt anecdotes reveal how a genuine, continuous relationship with Jesus can bring about peace, guidance, and an outpouring of love that touches others. We share moving stories of transformation and faith, building a community of testimony and hope. Whether you're seeking inspiration or looking for ways to deepen your connection with Jesus, this episode promises to uplift and encourage you with tales of God's incredible impact on our lives.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
It's time now to get the hell out of your life.
A weekly broadcast with realpeople sharing real struggles
and offering real hope.
Today's show will encourage,inspire and empower you to face
life's challenges with a boldconfidence and renewed hope.
Now let's join our host, ronMyers.
The promoter.

Ron Meyers (00:22):
Hello, my friends, it is so good to be with you
I have been praying for you.
This is the greatest time to bea believer, because God is
turning our light brighter,walking in his grace, his mercy,
his love, his forgiveness.
This is a good time to be aliveand I hear him right now.

Ron, have you watched the news?
You see what's happening outthere.
Yes, I see what's happening,but I know who Jesus is.
I know who I was before I metJesus.
As a matter of fact, I want toshare something with you.
The last few weeks I don't knowif I'm just being tested or it's
just a freak of nature, but Ihave met a lot of people that

really are these legalisticChristians that find fault with
I mean, if you want to callsome people, I can give you some
numbers and they will tell youeverything that's wrong with
people out there.
Of course, I tell them when Imeet them get off your
self-righteous soapbox, look inthe mirror.

You're not any better than them.
It happened the other day atthe gym.
There was this sweet little oldlady.
I called her Aunt B.
She looked like Aunt B fromAndy Griffith, talked about her
Sunday school class and thelittle potluck dinners and all
the wonderful things she does.
And then, in the next breath,she proceeded to tell me how

Donald Trump was the mostdisgusting man that ever lived.
He will never get elected.
And she looks at him and shejust hates him, even had an
I wish the bullet wouldn't havemissed him.
And I just about that poorlittle old lady.

I think she needed a newpacemaker.
When I got through with herbecause I was not going to be
quiet and I said I don't knowwho you think you are, but are
you saying you're better thanDonald Trump?
No, I didn't really say that.
Well then, you shouldn't sayanything at all.
You are an ambassador for JesusChrist and for you to say, on
one hand, that you do all thisstuff in church and then, on the

other hand, you condemn someonebecause they just don't live up
to your standards Well, I'vegot some news for you, lady.
None of us live up to hisstandards.
That's why God sent Jesus.
And then I had a gentleman comeby the office.
He was falling apart.
I was giving him some advice inthe sense that you've got to
walk in God's grace and hismercy, and he would hear the

word grace, some people, theyjust flip out.
Grace, some people, they justflip out.
So a few days after theseencounters with whiny
complaining Christians, I wassitting down having my coffee
with Jesus, dwelling on this,and said Lord, you know, I know
I'm an instigator and I knowpeople think I'm a loud mouth

But, lord, I understand yourgrace, I understand it so well.
I just don't understand whypeople just don't get it.
So, even though I was thinkingabout it, I was listening to a
podcast from Timothy Keller andhe said something in this
podcast that, wow, it was theanswer that God was giving to me

I heard this short statementand I said thank you, jesus,
take a listen.

Timothy Keller (03:48):
A person whose conscience is framed by grace
has got a psychological strengthto look at yourself
You have that kind ofpsychological strength that no
one else has got, becauseeveryone else bases their
self-image on their performanceand so if they can't admit what
they've done, if they admit thefailure, their spiritual failure

, if they admit the failure inperformance, their self-image is
gone, their identity isdestroyed.
They've got no reason to live.
But a person who says I am likethis and yet God has received
me and I'm completely valued andaccepted and welcomed into his
family, you have got the abilityto look realistically at who
you are.
And then you get on a rocketship it's called, and yet here's

what I really am.
And yet he has received me.
My father gives me everythingthat I need.

Ron Meyers (04:36):
Thank you, jesus.
So, basically what I heardthere was this Ron, you have
grace seared on your conscienceand anybody with the legalistic
mindset is never going tounderstand what you're talking
And, friends, that's a shame,because we should all understand
the gospel of grace.

I have on the phone with me agood friend of mine, gary Lane.
He is a biblical counselor.
Now, gary, it seems like theworld is going out of control.
We've just lost control,haven't we?

Gary Layne (05:10):
It's not out of control, it's totally in his
But what happens is we getscared or we get confused or we

Ron Meyers (05:18):
We forget that God is in control and it's just hard
for people to realize that Ithink personally, this is the
greatest time to be alive as abeliever, because, as the world
is getting darker, jesus isgetting brighter and Jesus is
living within us.
So we need to be a part of thesolution and not a part of the


Gary Layne (05:43):
Wow, that's so well said.
I think it's easy to complainand it's easy to criticize and
it's sometimes harder to walkout our faith.
But you know, jesus said a lotof amazing things in his three
years in ministry and they're sowell recorded.
You know, I challenge peoplejust to go back and read, just
read the gospels.

Forget about I mean, don'tforget about the rest of the
Bible, but read the Gospels andlisten to what Jesus was saying.
And he said some amazing things, like in this world you will
have tribulations or you'll havetrials or you'll have problems.
But then he said be of goodcheer or be at ease.

Because I've overcome the worldNow.
He said that over 2000 yearsago and it was just as crazy for
them at that time as it is forus in our time.
So that's very applicable.
Jesus is looking right at us andsaying Gary, look, you know
you're going to have problems inthis world.
I'm telling you you will.
But take heart, be of goodcheer, whatever translation you
have, he says to you.
He says Gary, look, I'veovercome this.
This is not beyond mycapabilities, I have it all

under control.
So that's just one verse.
He said peace I give unto younot like the world gives peace,
but my peace I give to you.
And so there's just so manypassages where Jesus was dealing
with people who were distraughtand dismayed.
You know, their country was wasbeing reigned and ruled over by

Roman soldiers.
They'd been invaded multipletimes over the year by the
Babylonians and the Syrians, andso they had a history and they
were so tense.
And here's Jesus going I ampeace, and so it's.
It's amazing.
It peace, and so it's amazingit's very similar to me.

Ron Meyers (07:28):
Gary, I met you during Hurricane Katrina.
You were down here as avolunteer and we saw so much
turmoil and tribulation here onthe coast.
And I don't know if you werehere the day on the radio when I
said something that a lot ofpeople didn't understand.

But I said one day we will lookback at Katrina and thank God
we went through it, because ifwe could get through Katrina
which you know it was terribleIf we can get through something
that horrific, we can getthrough anything.
And I think maybe God is saying, hey, there's something I need
you to do.
You can help some people getinvolved in a cause that's

greater than your problems oryour circumstances.

Gary Layne (08:14):
Yeah, that's excellent.
Jesus again.
Jesus said so many things.
Here's a little tidbit he said.
He said let your light shinebefore men, that they see your
good works and glorify yourfather in heaven.
So one thing we should be aboutis good works.
What does that look like?
That's whatever God's put inyour heart or called you to.

You know, it might just bebuying somebody breakfast in the
drive through line ahead of youor behind you, or it might be
taking second place instead offirst place in something,
because because the other person, uh, was, was there.
So it's.
It's about oh, my goodness,it's about love.
It's really about love, right?

Jesus said people will knowthat you're my disciples because
of your love for one another,and so Christians have got to
You know, I'm a counselor, I'mtelling you you shouldn't say
you've got to stop, but we needto.
We need to focus on loving,maybe ourselves first, but then
loving other people because ofthe great love with which we've

been loved.
Right, and that's what, andthat's what Paul wrote.
He said because of the greatlove with which we've been loved
, we can love others.

Ron Meyers (09:24):
Yeah, you know, Gary , you and I talked about a year
ago on emotional intelligenceand that was just really a
fascinating show we did.
And right now, somebody outthere that really is scared,
concerned, worried about thefuture.
They're worried about eitherpolitical party worried about

the future.

Gary Layne (09:46):
They're worried about either political party.
What would you tell that person?
Well, first off, I would saydon't worry about the political
I know it sounds like theworld's coming to an end, but
we've endured 200 years ofhistory.
We've had great presidents, notso great presidents.
We've had Democratic presidents, we've had Republican
presidents, we've had Democratic, this Republican that you know.

The world goes on.
The sun comes up every day.
It doesn't matter who thepresident of the United States
is, and so it doesn't matter.
It probably matters, moreimportantly, locally, who is in
your town and who is sharing thelove of Jesus with each other.
You make more difference inyour own town than you'll ever
make on a national level, and sowe get caught up in this, in

this the big picture, instead offocusing on the local picture,
which is where I live and thecommunity I'm working in.
So let your light shine in yourcommunity and God will God will
be, will be glorified throughthat, because we're showing love
for one another, compassion forone another.
You know, give a, give a, jesussaid.

When you give a cup of water inmy name, you're doing good.
So give somebody a cup of watertoday and start focusing on how
we can help other people.

Ron Meyers (11:02):
You know, one of the things I've had a few
conversations about are theamount of Christians that will
look at, and I'll use Trump asan example.
While it is Trump, they say,well, there's no way he can be a
Christian because you don'tbehave that way.
And I said, well, do you knowhis heart?

I tell people why are yousurprised about this, Didn't

Gary Layne (11:27):
as you say in a lot of quotes of Jesus that they
will not like you because of me,it's so true and, first off, I
don't know that, probably not apopular position, but it's like
I don't know that the secularworld that I live in is my home
and so I have to live here.
I don't have to live here, Ican.
You know, god has made us freepeople in America.

For sure, we can move and leave, but but I don't want, I don't
want my life to be defined bywho our president is, and so if
he is a Christian or isn't aChristian, that's not my issue,
that's between him and God,that's exactly right, it's like
any pastor.

If you have a pastor in yourneighborhood or you have a
pastor and you don't like whathe says, it's like well, you
know that's between me and God.
Let God deal with him in theway he needs to.
I was just reading today it'sfascinating that this topic came
I was just reading today thatJesus was before Pilate.
You know, pilate was the leaderof the Roman Empire in that

He was the appointed person.
I don't think he was dulyelected, but he was the leader.
And Pilate was like you know,are you, are you a king or not?
And Jesus said yeah, I am aking, but this is not.
This isn't my kingdom.
It's because if this was mykingdom, my people would be
fighting so that I wouldn't havebeen taken, and so I really,

really struggle with Christianswho are fighting for this world.
We should be fighting that thereare lost people and dying
people going to hell withoutJesus Christ, and Jesus Christ
is the solution to their majorproblem.
Life is going to throw us abunch of lemons and we can learn
to make lemonade, but onlythrough the strength that Jesus

Christ provides.
Otherwise, I'm on my own andI'm looking to someone else to
help me instead of looking tothe one who's already helped me
And so that's why Jesus knew,in his time and his day, that
politics weren't the solution.
Better health care wasn't thesolution.
Less poor people wasn't thesolution.

What the solution was haveJesus in your heart and then,
because of the love that youhave, you will start to change
from the inside, and that willchange you, which will change
your family, which will changeyour neighborhood, which will
change your community, whichwill change your town, which
will change your city, whichwill change your state, which
will change your country.

Ron Meyers (13:55):
It's an inside out thing, not an outside in, and I
think christians have lots thatfocus on that I have a board on
my little chalkboard on my walland I'm looking at it and it has
in the middle center it saysjesus, center of life, and from
that is all the things that comeout of there joy, forgiveness,
visions, dreams, youthfulness,abundance.

So if j Jesus is the center ofour life and we do life with
Jesus, I tell people, listen,you need to look at Jesus as
your coach, as your friend, asyour mentor, you need to talk to
him, you need to haveconversations with him and you
need to open your heart to him.
If there's something reallybothering you, well, take it to

I mean, he is alive inside you.
So why not have daily minuteconversations with Jesus?
That's what gives me peace.

Gary Layne (14:50):
You know, I ask people all the time is it okay
to have a conversation withJesus while I'm opening the mail
and paying my bills?
And of course it is.
Of course it is.
He wants to be in constantcommunication with me.
He's always listening, he'salways there for me.
He's there, he's there, he.
He is an advocate for me.
Right, he's on my side, he'sfor me.

And so the weird thing is, he'sfor our enemies too.
You know, he's for people, andso that's what we need to
understand is that God, throughJesus Christ, provided that
Like you said, he should be thehub in the middle of our wheel,
not one of the spokes.
Yeah, you know.

Ron Meyers (15:29):
Gary, I tell people, you know, years ago, on my
before Jesus day, my littlepicture my office desk was JR
You know he was my hero and Ilove JR.
But then, when I met Jesus, thechange that began to happen
inside, that spiritual rebirth,all of a sudden I didn't want to
be that way anymore.
I wanted to look at people andI saw them through the eyes of

Jesus, which I started changingmy perception of the world and
people and I'm thinking, wow, ifI feel this good with a new
born relationship with Jesus,maybe that's what I should do,
is just tell people or interviewpeople and share their Jesus
And that's the answer you justsaid we need more of Jesus in

our life and not just once aweek on a certain day to go to a
But it's 24 seven, it neverends.

Gary Layne (16:23):
You know.
That's the connection.
That's a personal relationship.
I can't you know.
Let's say, you know we have apresident right now and I know
his name and I know what statehe's from and I know he's.
You know this and I know that,but I don't know that guy.
I don't know that person.
I just know about him.
And so to know somebodypersonally means I know what's

going on in their heart, I knowwhat's going on in their life, I
know what's going on in theirdaily activities, and so that's
a personal relationship, not aknowing relationship, but a
personal relationship.
So you know it's different andpeople don't, probably we don't
know how to have personalrelationships.
We struggle in our marriages,we struggle with our kids, we

struggle with our boss, and sohow to have a relationship with
Jesus Christ needs to be thenumber one thing we learn to do
how to experience a person whois on our side, who is for us,
who loves us, he gave his lifefor us, died so that we could
have the relationship.
That's how much he cares aboutus, and let that sort of sink in

your head for a moment.
And then, all of a sudden, I'mstarting to share about this
person that I have arelationship with who's pretty
cool, who's pretty neat, who'sthere for me in my struggles,
who never abandons me, who'salways ready to give me a
solution and a way throughsomething not out of it, but
through it and so that I meanthat's the ultimate relationship

that we're all searching forand that's what brings peace in
our life, so well put.

Ron Meyers (17:57):
I will often talk to people.
I'll ask them well, who isJesus to you?
And they say, well, the Biblesays this and that.
I said no, no, I didn't askthat.
I said who is Jesus to you?
Until you actually can relay apersonal experience, something
that happened to you, then youknow Jesus only from a distance,

something that happened to you.
Then you know Jesus only from adistance.
Until you know him personal,you're not really walking in the
freedom of the grace that he'sgiven you.
So when I say to someone who isJesus to you, oh man, he is my
savior, he is my friend, hehelped me when I was in trouble
and now I tell other peopleabout him.
That's a healthy relationshipwith Jesus to me and you can

tell it.

Gary Layne (18:41):
You probably knew that you knew the answer before
you asked the question.
But to both people, right,right, you knew the one who was
struggling, who didn't have theclose relationship, and you knew
the one who was going throughthings with a piece in their
heart, you knew they had theclose relationship.
So it actually shows outthrough our attitudes and that's
what the world is desperate for.
They're desperate for somethingthat will give them a sense of

calm, a sense of peace, a senseof security, and it's not going
to come through world politicsor world domination.
None of that's going to work,because this is not our world,
this is Satan's world and he isrunning amok amongst the lost
and, and like you said at thevery beginning, the world is
getting darker, and so our lightshould be shining brighter and

people should be seeing our goodworks that the father has, and
even Jesus like for my grace,are you saved through faith?
That's a great verse.
We all know it.
Not of ourselves is the gift ofGod.
Let's say the mansion books,that's Ephesians 2, 8 and 9.
But 10 says we are hisworkmanship, created in Christ
Jesus for good works, amen.

And so that's why we're here.

Ron Meyers (19:51):
And the good works is and this is a conversation I
have with many people Well, youhave to do this and do this.
I said well, but if you set outon your day that I'm going to
do this and this and that isthat really, are you doing rules
or things that you need to do?
Are you doing it because Jesusinside of you is urging you to

do it and you want to do it?

Gary Layne (20:15):
You know, it's the thing that spurs us to good
works, isn't it?
It's the fact that you have anoverflowing amount of abundant
love pressed down, shakenpressed down and flowing over.
If I see my life that way, thenthat overflowing should be
going into other people.
And it's just as easy as asimple conversation.
You know, I had to go to the.
My neck was really strugglingand I was hurting and I went to

see a therapist and she wastalking to me and I was just
You know, I wasn't complainingabout my.
It's like, if you can help me,that'd be so nice.
And and I said, you don't looklike you're having a good day,
are you okay?
And she's like no, you know,thanks for asking.
I'm not.
I'm going through somethingreally bad.
I said, well, tell me about it.
You know, and just justallowing her to share her story
with me made her feel better.

You know what?
You came in here for me, forhelp, but you helped me more
than I helped you.
Thank you so much for that.

Ron Meyers (21:07):
Well, you know what you just lead into.
My last thing I want to talk toyou about we're almost out of
You have the microphone, youare a counselor, you're a world
You have talked to a lot ofpeople.
Now I want you to talk to thehurting people that are
listening to this right now,that are just about losing hope.

Gary Layne (21:28):
Yeah, so so there is a God who cares about you.
You say, well, I don't knowthat he does, because look at
what I'm going through.
That's not the point.
The point is, we're all goingto go through struggles in our
lives, and I'll.
Let's be honest.
Probably most of what are we'regoing through is somehow caused
by decisions that we've madebecause we haven't been looking

to someone to guide us.
So there's a God who cares,there's a God who loves you so
intently and so intensely thathe wants a relationship with you
and was willing to kill his sonand shed his blood so that you
could have a relationship,salvation relationship.
However, you want to say thatand what he's asking you to do
is to trust him, and trust is areally hard thing, but trust him

that he will guide you throughyour pain and through the
experiences that you're havingright now, and he will.
He'll give you a piece thatwill pass your ability to
understand it.

Ron Meyers (22:24):
And you're saying that not because you are a
preacher and counselor.
You're saying that becausethat's what you have experienced
in your life, isn't it?

Gary Layne (22:34):
It's exactly what I've experienced.
You know, I had a wife that gotcancer and struggled with that
for two years and died from that.
You know, I've watched someonethat I loved deeply for 30 years
I watched her struggle and die.
That's horrible.
I've heard the stories of otherpeople but I've experienced
that personally for myself and Iknow, through all of those

things, that God was with me andwas with her and was guiding
our decisions and guiding ourhearts and all of that.
And yeah, she died.
The cancer killed her.
But you know what?
Because of our faith in JesusChrist, we know that she's out
of pain and that she'scelebrating life in heaven with
him and she's probably forgottenall about me completely.

You know, it's been four orfive years now and she's
enjoying heaven and left mebehind to finish out life here
on earth with all my aches andpains as I get older.
But you know what God is so good.
But people don't see it.
They think he's full of hateand he's not.

Ron Meyers (23:39):
He's full of love.
Gary, what is your website?
You have a lot of greatresources.
Our listeners should take alook at.

Gary Layne (23:46):
I do.
I keep adding a few littlethings here and there.
Functionalchristianitycom sobig, big title, but
I really want people tounderstand how God works in our
day-to-day life, in everysituation.

Ron Meyers (24:02):
And now pray for our listeners, please in every

Gary Layne (24:06):
And now pray for our listeners, please.
I will, father, thank you somuch for Ron and his ministry
and for your word.
But, father, most of all, thankyou that you sent Jesus to walk
around on earth like a humanbeing and then you showed us
what you're like and what yourattitudes are, and what our
attitudes should be like as weinteract with other human beings
on this earth.
Lord, we go through so manytough times and so many

struggles in our lives, butyou've said we will go through
those, and of course that's true.
But you also said I'll gothrough them with you.
Even David, before Jesus, saideven if I walk through the
valley of the shadow of death, Iwon't fear evil because you're
with me.
Your rod, your staff, theycomfort me.
So, father, you are thecomforter, the great comforter
that comforts us when we're inneed.

So, father, I pray for everylistener that hears this today
that they would take a step offaith and say Father, I'm just
going to start trusting you andI'm going to rest and watch as
you work.
In my life I quit working andnow I rest in you and let you do
things for me.
And so, father, help us tolearn from that.

Help us to do that Well, father.
Thank you for the listeners andtheir days.
Bless them.
I pray in Christ's name, amen.

Speaker 1 (25:28):
You're listening to Get the Hell Out of your Life
with your host, ron Myers.
Real stories, real strugglesand real hope.

Speaker 5 (25:39):
Here's a refreshing word from Ephesians 5, 1 and 2.
Therefore, be imitators of Godas dear children, and walk in
love, as Christ also has lovedus and given himself for us.
Ron, we'll be back in a momentto wrap up today's conversation.
We want to encourage you todaywith God's promise to you.

It comes from the book ofJeremiah, chapter 29, verse 11.
For I know the plans I have foryou, declares the Lord.
Plans to prosper you and not toharm you.
Plans to give you hope and thefuture.
That's God's promise to youwhen you choose to commit your

plans and future to him.
Now back to Ron.

Ron Meyers (26:29):
Well, friend, my time is up and walk in God's
extravagant grace.
Wherever you go this week, Godloves you unconditionally.
It's not based on what you cando, it's based on what he did on
the cross.
You are free to become you, andso, my friends, check out my
website, thepromoterorg.
I'd love to send you a copy ofmy story, the Promoter, and, in

the meantime, remember this Ilove you, jesus loves you, and
when you give Jesus your heart,he will give you the grace that
will lead you to a life ofpurpose.

Speaker 1 (27:18):
Get the hell out of your life is underwritten by the
Christmas City Gift Show.
We invite you to come shop withover 255 vendors from all over
the United States from November8th through the 10th inside the
Coast Convention Center locatedon the beach in Biloxi,
You can find more informationat christmascitygiftshowcom.
Thanks for listening, and ifyou would like to share your

story of what God has done inyour life or listen to previous
episodes, please visit ourwebsite, thepromoterorg.
To share your story of what Godhas done in your life or listen
to previous episodes, pleasevisit our website,
Join us next week for anotherepisode of Get the Hell Out of
your Life Real stories, realstruggles and real hope.
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