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July 18, 2024 • 27 mins

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Can a life-threatening diagnosis truly change everything? Join us as we explore the profound shifts in priorities that occur when fate confronts us with our own mortality. Through personal stories, we dive into the often-overlooked emptiness of material success and how aligning with our true passions and values can lead to lasting peace and fulfillment. Reflecting on past experiences in the world of promotions, we investigate why waiting for tragedy isn't the answer and how finding purpose through faith and forgiveness can transform our lives.

Ever felt disillusioned with institutionalized religion? You're not alone. This episode tackles the search for spiritual truth beyond traditional church settings, especially in the post-COVID-19 world. We delve into the joy and fulfillment that come from genuine acts of compassion and service, emphasizing the importance of realigning priorities towards faith and family. Plus, we celebrate the power of storytelling by inviting listeners to share their journeys of divine intervention and transformation, fostering a community filled with hope and faith. Tune in for an inspiring conversation that challenges conventional beliefs and encourages a direct, personal relationship with Jesus.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
It's time now to get the hell out of your life.
A weekly broadcast with realpeople sharing real struggles
and offering real hope.
Today's show will encourage,inspire and empower you to face
life's challenges with a boldconfidence and renewed hope.
Now let's join our host, ronMyers the promoter.
Ron Myers, the promoter.

Speaker 2 (00:28):
Hello, my friends, it is so good to be with you today
Today it's a jambalaya show.
I'm going to throw a lot ofstuff in the pot for you to
think about, for you to ponderon, because I believe we are

living in a time where answersare critical to the survival,
the fitness, the health, theprosperity of our lives.
If you went to the doctor todayand the doctor told you you
only had a few months to live,how would your life change?
I ask that question many timeswhen I speak in front of a group

and I will ask people to sharetheir answers and they say, well
, I would do this and I would dothat.
And, man, it's incredible thethings that people would do if
they knew they were going to die.
But then I asked them well, whyare you not doing them now?
Why does it take somethingtragic in our life to make us

realize that life is valuable,life is important?
I asked myself years ago Lord,why did you send me here to
Why did you give me to theparents I have?
Why do I do the things that Ido?
Why do I like what I like and Idon't like what I don't like?
You know, I didn't ask for allthis.

I didn't ask for all thesestruggles.
I didn't ask to be a juveniledelinquent.
I didn't ask to consume myselfwith money and greed and
anything possible to fill thevoid.
In my early youth I thoughtthat's what you do.
I thought you stepped on peopleto get where you wanted to go.

I thought that was the Americandream.
You work hard.
You know, hey, if someone's inyour way, you just push them out
of the way and you go in frontof the line to collect the
reward, the money, the pay,whatever it is.
Friends, as I get older and Iknow a lot of you are the same
way you realize that life is notalways what we were taught as a

young child.
So how do you find life?
How do you find what it isyou're to do here?
Why are you here?
Ask yourself again If I knew Ionly had a little bit of time to
live, what would I do differentin my life?
Would you mend those brokenrelationships?

Would you call those peoplethat you have had arguments with
over many, many years and justtry to have a reconciliation day
Who knows what people would doof telling you some awesome news

by guest myself, editorials,commentary, whatever it takes to
let you know that you are notan accident, that God placed you
in this world with thoseparents, with the beautiful
childhood you had or the crummychildhood you had.
I don't understand sometimes,friends, and I don't try to

figure it out anymore, becauseall that did is make me go goofy
And I knew one thing in lifethat if I was going to ever
enjoy peace and passion, I hadto discover what it is that I
liked, what was my passion.
I was speaking to a group theother night at a dinner and they

asked me why do you callyourself the promoter?
And I said I have beenpromoting something my whole
life, whether it beentertainment or people or
places or things.
I promote what I believe in.
In return, every one of you inthis room, I said, is a promoter

Have you went to a movie?
You enjoyed the movie.
How many people did you tell?
What about a restaurant?
What about some clothes or anew car or a new toy?
You promoted whatever it wasthat affected your life.
It made you feel good.
And I think the promoting partwas so important to me because

as a young person, I found thatif I could promote something
like the swimsuit calendarcompetition that I had in many
of my festivals or the awesomemusic from Cajun people in
Louisiana that I could attractan audience.

And I did, and I was addictive.
I just seemed to be able tofind what people wanted.
Put it together, do someadvertisement and the next thing
you know there's people therehaving fun giving me their
hard-earned money to buy a Cokeor a hot dog or a beer, and
everybody's having fun.

But as I got older in life, Ithought, well, this isn't all
it's cracked up to be.
Even making money and havingfun with all kinds of people
around has its drawbacks,because you still have to live
with yourself when you go to bed.
You have to live with yourselfwhen you wake up in the morning,
and I was beginning to seethings that I didn't really want

to see.
I didn't want to become agreedy person to where money was
more important than friends.
I didn't want to have to use,you know, a bikini contest or
swimsuit calendars and awesomebeer drinking to attract people
and make money.
I got tired of that.

What was missing is me, mypurpose.
I was becoming what I thoughtthe world wanted me to become.
I was becoming what I wanted tobecome.
I wanted some lights, I wantedsome interviews, I wanted it to
be in the news in the newspaper.
Well, I accomplished that.

But when I accomplished it, Ididn't feel any better.
I didn't run around my yard ormy home giving myself high fives
, looking in the mirror.
No, I said, is this all thereis to it?
I've filled the desires.
I've had to make a couple bucks, but I haven't filled the

desire that's within my soul.
And how do I find that?
I had dabbled with a little bitof religion, growing up in a
Catholic school and thenbouncing around from an assembly
of God church to a Methodistchurch and then to a Baptist
And then I finally found what Ineeded.

I found hope.
I found peace.
No, not in attending a buildingand not by listening to
somebody on TV.
I found it by saying Jesus, ifyou're real, will you come and
be in my heart, will you show mewhat I'm here for?

And, friends, that's reallywhat happened in 1998.
That led me now to promote thegoodness, the grace, the mercy,
the love, the forgiveness ofJesus.
You see, what I discovered thatday is that when Jesus is the
center of your life, then thedreams that he placed in there

begin to come alive, the totalforgiveness that he gives us
when he enters our life.
Well, we begin to forgiveothers, we start removing those
boundaries we had with otherpeople because we thought, well,

they were wrong and we wereright.
Who knows God's right?
And he says to love one another?
So forgiveness flows out of youwhen Jesus is in the center of
your life.
I started finding more joy and Ifound abundance.
Abundance not necessarilytalking about financial, but
abundance of peace, abundance offriends, abundance of just

making a difference in life.
I knew, without knowing.
I didn't know really where Iwas going, but I knew that God
was with me and I knew my faithwas going to take me to a level
that I never knew anything.
What would happen.
I just had to walk by faith andnot by sight and youth, feeling

young and feeling important inlife again and feeling like God
really is going to use me.
Friends, when you value yourworth and when you understand
that God did not make junk.
It is really an incrediblefeeling.
And then the visions and thedreams that I started having it

was ideas of things that I hadto complete before I leave this
world and it gave me a fire, itgave me a desire, it gave me a
And as I meditated and prayedon these dreams and ideas and
visions, things began changingin my life.
Things were being built, thingswere being discovered and I was

on my way to discovering whoRon Myers is.
Peace, peace from the center ofmy life with Jesus is the most
essential thing that any of uscan have.
Center of my life with Jesus isthe most essential thing that
any of us can have, because ifwe can be in the middle of a

storm, with a lightning, with abe in the middle of a hurricane
let's say hurricane, but you canstill have peace, that's only
because Jesus is the center ofyour life.
And then eternityternity is thething that I think about that
when I miss my loved ones and mygrandparents, my mom and dad
and all my friends and familiesand brothers and sisters will be

together one day.
I want that.
So I say all this today becausethis show just wants to touch
that one person today thatthinks they want to throw in the
Maybe they just don't like allthis stuff going on.
They don't like the politics,they don't like the division in
this country.

I've said many times on thisshow that if you could snap your
fingers and everything in thisworld would be just like you
wanted it, would you be happythen?
I don't think so, because untilyou can get the hell out of
your life, when you can get thehell of disappointment, of fear,

of doubt, of unbelief, that'sthe freedom.
That's the freedom that comesto those that trust in Jesus.
See, jesus is either real or heisn't.
So when I began that intimate,personal walking relationship
with Jesus, there was somethingdifferent.

There was something different.
I really didn't know, but Iliked it.
And if you've listened to anyamount of my interviews that
I've had on this show, you willfind that thousands of people
discovered the same thing.
Could it be that God sent youto this world to show off you,

your talents, skills andabilities?
And even though we are in afallen world with evil all
around us, god extends his handfrom heaven to say hey, listen,
I'm knocking at your heart and Iwould really like to come in
and live with you.
And if you trust me with yourlife, I will forgive your sins,

I will give you a peace thatsurpasses all understanding and
you will begin to discover whatit is that you have that this
world needs.
It's that simple.
It doesn't matter if you everstep in a church.
It doesn't matter if you everopen the Bible.

It does not matter whatbehavior you do.
If you have Jesus in your heart, you are a eternal being.
You will live with Jesus foreternity period.
It's not based on your behavior, it's not based on what you do.

It's based on what he did.
I know some are saying right nowRon, that's not what they
taught me in church.
I'm not talking about church.
What really began my journey,heartfelt journey to find the
answers, was partly of COVID.

Where were the churches for thepeople?
They closed down and now youcan search the internet.
Look at the amount of pastorsthat are being disgraced by
things that were in their pastand they have stepped down or
they're stepping aside, and it'scausing people out in the world
to become cynical and see, Inever wanted that God thing.

Look at those people over there.
Friends, you never look at themessenger.
You never look at the messenger.
I am a messenger, but I'mgiving you a message.
It's not about me, it's allabout Jesus.
See, sometimes, many times, wefall in love with the messenger,
we fall in love with the socialactivity inside of our church.

Some of the most unhappy peoplethat I have ever met are the
ones that have been sitting inthe pews of church for many,
many years.
Why are they unhappy?
Because they are scared they'renot doing the right things.
They are scared that Jesus ismad at them.
They are scared that they aregoing to get a bad report card.

All the things that I justmentioned aren't even scriptural
Jesus is is free to each of usand with that is grace.
His last words on the crosswere it is finished, friends.
He did everything so you and Ican have that life on earth.

That maybe it doesn't alwaysmake sense, but it doesn't
matter because we're goingforward, we're moving up, we're
doing the things that are newdesires that are in our heart.
We're doing things that aregetting to excite us and there's
not really.
It's not about money, it's notabout fame, it's not about

It's about you want to do itbecause you come alive.
Someone told me last week, whenI interviewed them, that the
greatest feeling they ever hadis when they were ministering to
other people, that when theywere talking and caring and
loving and having compassion forsomebody else.
They came alive.
They loved everything about it.

It was addictive.
I heard this with many of thevolunteers that came on the Gulf
Coast after Hurricane Katrina.
They came here to help, butthey ended up getting blessed
beyond words.
Many of them returned every sixmonths or once a year just to
get a refill at that awesomefeeling of being the hands and

feet of Jesus.
Friends, we are living in a timenow that you have to make some
serious decisions.
No, no, no.
I'm not talking aboutRepublican, I'm not talking
about Democrat, I'm not talkingabout an independent.
I'm talking about you.
What if, today, you found outyou only had a few months to
Would you really care who wasgoing to be president?

Would you really care how muchwas in your 401k?
No, you might be saying, wow,where has time gone?
I've wasted time with my life.
Wow, I need to spend more timewith my family.
I was in the office all thetime making money, and now it's

almost over and I don't evenknow my own family.
Now it's almost over and Idon't even know my own family.
Friends, we've got to get ourpriorities right.
You have to be assured in yourheart that if you fell asleep
tonight and your eyes neveropened again, that you would be
in eternity with Jesus and oneday see this loud mouth at the
paroder Say hey you, there youare, ron.

I heard you on the radio.
Friends, we are in thistogether.
I buy time on radio.
I know sometimes people say youought to have your head examined
and I said, well, what good ifyou have the answers that you
searched for so much in life?

You discovered the answers, butyou don't share them with
You know the Bible says withoutvision, the people perish.
We've lost the vision ofindividuality.
We base our life on popular popstars or the cultural preachers

, the ones that get the mostlikes on YouTube or videos.
You know, when I started thesepodcasts five years ago and
radio shows, the Lord told methat still quiet voice it's not
an audible voice in no uncertainterms.
It's not about the numbers thatlisten to this show.

It's all about that one person.
So every week when I record anew show, I am speaking to one
person out there, one personthat says I need to know if
you're real God.
I need to know if you really dohave a plan for me, lord, give

me a sign.
I'm willing, I'm able and I'mready to do what you want me to
That is my goal each week.
You see, the first half of mylife, the whole premise of being
a promoter was having the mostpeople ever attend an event.
If I had that, well then Iwould make a lot of money.

Well, god flipped that upsidedown for me when I started
promoting Jesus.
He says now, it's not about thenumbers, ron, I would leave 99
for that one person.
So when you go out there andyou start promoting the goodness
of my son Jesus, you speak tothat one person and don't worry

about likes, don't worry aboutgetting applause from the
You trust me and I'll take careof the rest.
And friends, that's my journey.
I don't really know what I'mdoing tomorrow.
I have a general idea, but whenI wake up I say Jesus, take the
wheel, let's do some life,let's take a break.

And when I come back I want totalk to you about God.
Is giving you permission toquestion the things that you've
heard over your life, toquestion who Jesus is to
Why do you feel guilty and fullof shame after you leave church


Speaker 1 (21:26):
after you leave church.
Thank you.
You don't like where you'reheaded?
Rearrange it.
You're sick of being let down.
If you want to turn your lifearound, if you want to start
living right, get the hell outof your life.

Speaker 2 (21:49):
Get the hell out of your life.
I do not agree with this.
I don't understand this.
I have opened up my heart toJesus.
He lives with me, but now I amsupposed to suppress the desires
, the passion, the excitement,the fever, the fervor,
everything that I have for Jesus?

No way I'm not dying to myselfdaily.
I am free, jesus.
No way I'm not dying to myselfdaily.
I am free, I'm forgiven.
I'm going out and tell theworld about Jesus and if I'm a
little excited, I get a littlecrazy, I get a little wild, I
have a little passion.
And people say, well, that guy'sa wild guy, he needs to die to
himself today because he's justa little bit too loud for me.

No, that's not.
That's the silliest thing I'veever heard in my life.
Friends, you got to be yourself.
That's all Jesus wants you todo.
Be yourself, don't be anythingelse.
Be yourself.
Allow him to minister to you ona daily basis.
You want some peace in thisworld.
Let Jesus minister to you.
You want some direction in yourlife.
Let Jesus minister to you.

It's time that we take back whoJesus is and quit relegating our
walk with Jesus by what we hearon a church on Sunday morning.
What if they tell us somethingwrong?
What if they bring up somethingthat is totally irrelevant to
the finished works of JesusChrist?
All it does is confuse you andit makes you leave wondering and

scratching your head.
You, and it makes you leavewondering and scratching your
Wow, jesus is a little morecomplicated than I thought.
Jesus is not complicated.
Jesus is freedom.
Jesus is your life, jesus iseternity.
As I said earlier, jesus as thecenter of your life.
Everything begins to flow outwith Jesus at the center.

It's the fruits of the spirit.
Friends, don't ignore Jesus.
Ignore the messengers that aretrying to confuse you by having
you do more, be more and sign upfor more, and then God will
have your back.
That's not even scriptural.
Don't listen to things likethat.
God doesn't need to bribe youto do something.

God isn't going to say well, ifyou do this, if you sign up for
this and you do this and youteach a Sunday school class,
you're going to have a specialblessing.
That's not true.
That's not true.
We are blessed because whatJesus did at the cross, it's
equal all across the board.
There's no favorites.
Anyway, that's my talk today,my jambalaya talk, throwing

things out there because I lovepeople.
I love you.
I see people struggling becausethey were just like me, until I
finally said I don't think I'mbeing told about the real Jesus
in church.
They're telling me a little bitabout Jesus, but they're mixing
Moses with him.

And what's the saying?
If you flirt with Moses, you'recheating on Jesus.
I like that.
I'll be back and close out theshow in just a minute.

Speaker 3 (24:58):
Ron will be back in a minute to close out today's
We want to remind you today ofthe last words of Jesus it is
What is finished, the finishedwork of Jesus, refers to the
complete and finalaccomplishment of salvation
through his death andresurrection.
It means that Jesus has doneeverything necessary for our

forgiveness, redemption andreconciliation with God.
Through His sacrifice on thecross, jesus paid the price for
our sins once and for all,providing total forgiveness and
This finished work of Jesusmeans that we no longer need to
strive or work to earn God'sfavor or forgiveness.
We can rest in the assurancethat our salvation is secure and

that we are fully accepted byGod because of what Jesus has
done for us.

Speaker 1 (27:15):
Now back to Ron, Thank you.
Get the hell out of your lifeis underwritten by the Christmas
City Gift Show.
We invite you to come shop withover 255 vendors from all over
the United States from November8th through the 10th inside the
Coast Convention Center locatedon the beach in Biloxi,
You can find more informationat christmascitygiftshowcom.

Thanks for listening, and ifyou would like to share your
story of what God has done inyour life or listen to previous
episodes, please visit ourwebsite, thepromoterorg.
Join us next week for anotherepisode of Get the Hell Out of
your Life real stories, realstruggles and real hope.
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