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August 29, 2024 • 28 mins

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What happens when divine purpose and human mentorship intersect? Our guest, Roy Wyckoff, played a crucial role in my transformation from being labeled a "loser" to becoming a passionate advocate for the gospel. We journey back to the 90s, revisiting the challenges I faced in Christian radio and highlighting the importance of recognizing and nurturing potential in others. This episode is a heartfelt testament to God's grace and the life-altering power of support and mentorship.

From the early days of our friendship in 1994 to Roy's heroic leadership during Hurricane Katrina, we unpack the profound impact of divine timing and purpose. Roy's role as a general manager of a Christian radio station turned the station into a beacon of hope and aid for many during the crisis. Reflecting on how natural disasters might signal the earth's groaning under sin's weight, we also hold onto the promise of a new heaven and earth. We emphasize the importance of maintaining unwavering faith, undeterred by worldly concerns.

In the face of adversity, how do we find hope? Roy opens up about his personal battles, particularly during his late wife's fight with cancer. His story underscores the power of faith communities in providing strength during tough times. We discuss how love and faith can transform lives, advising listeners to remove negativity to achieve joy and fulfillment. Join us for real stories of struggle and hope, and discover how faith can guide you to a better life. Tune in next week for more inspiring tales of personal growth and redemption.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
It's time now to get the hell out of your life.
A weekly broadcast with realpeople sharing real struggles
and offering real hope.
Today's show will encourage,inspire and empower you to face
life's challenges with a boldconfidence and renewed hope.
Now let's join our host, ronMyers.
The promoter.

Ron Meyers (00:22):
Hello, my friends, it is so good to be with you
I've been praying for you.
Have you felt it?
That's right.
Every single day I pray forevery listener.
I want you to experience God'sgrace, his love, his power and
the destiny that he has for you.
Have you ever met somebody inlife that had an impact on your

I believe God is moving peoplearound in different places,
different geographical locationsand different vocations.
Because this is the time thatyou and I have been born for,
because we have something tocontribute to this world.
We have something that we canhelp with God's plan, and I want

you to know that when youlisten to this show, it will
always be about God'sunbelievable grace, his awesome
mercy and how much he wants tohave a relationship with you.
Personally, I say all the timethat we are living in a time
that we have to have the desertisland mentality.

It's just you and Jesus on adesert island, no church, no TV,
no podcast.
Darn it, hey.
But that's the way it should be, because when you are alone
with Jesus and you can open yourheart and share whatever's on
your mind, conversations withJesus, I call it.

It is freedom, it is liberating.
And then he begins the processof turning you into the person
he designed you to become.
This is a great time to be alive, and my guest today is proof of
the fact that God will alwaysintervene in our lives when we

don't even know it.
He will put people in your paththat can change the entire
direction, the trajectory ofyour life and your destiny,
because he knows those peoplehave an influence that nobody
else has.
And when someone believes inyou, someone really values what

you can contribute to this world, it feels good.
And do you know what you wantto do?
You know what the answer is youwant to do more, and that's
what happened to me.
My guest today is a friend, acoach, a mentor, Roy Wyckoff.
If it wasn't for Roy, you wouldnot hear me on this radio show

or podcast.
He gave me a shot in life wheneverybody else thought I was
well a loser, a goofball.
Roy, I'm so glad that you tooksome time to visit with me today
How are you doing?

Roy Wikoff (03:10):
Hey, I'm doing fine, Ron, and so happy to be on your
show and have a chance to sharewith you a little bit of my
life and what God's done overthe years.
It's an amazing look back itreally is on all that God has
done for me and my family.

Ron Meyers (03:24):
I first met you back in the 90s, you were taking
your daughter to theorthodontist next to me and you
saw a sign I believe Ron MyersProductions and you wanted to
find out who is this guy.

Roy Wikoff (03:37):
Yeah, actually I was working at that radio station
there on the Gulf Coast at thetime and you had already
contracted for some advertisingtime with those radio stations
for your Christmas show and youcame in.
That's when I first met you andthat was in 1994, by the way,
we've known each other 30 years,ron Wow Long time.
You were actually a young manin those days.

I remember I was impressed.
Something about you justclicked, and over time we got to
Not only through thatadvertising effort I got to know
you, but I got to know you realwell when my daughter was
having her braces put on.
Your office was just next doorto the dentist and we had a
chance to spend some realquality time getting to know
each other at that point in yourlife.

Ron Meyers (04:18):
If you want to get the whole story, friends, go to
my website.
I'll send you the book thePromoter.
Go to my website.
I'll send you the book thePromoter.
But eventually, one day afterJesus got a hold of me, I came
to you.
You and I were having lunch andI ended up being a volunteer.
I offered my services as avolunteer for Christian Radio in

the afternoon and you liked it.
But when I went on the air,well, a lot of listeners didn't
like it, did they?

Roy Wikoff (04:49):
No, they didn't.
And I got some calls from somebelieve it or not some prominent
Christian leaders on the GulfCoast who said do you know who
this guy is?
And that was one of the bigquestions.
And I said, well, sure, ronMyers, great guy, good Christian
But see, what they didn't knowis what I knew at that time.
I had watched the progress ofRon Myers over the last couple
of years.
I had watched your growth.
I had watched you turn intosomething that you weren't

before and that was an advocatefor the gospel and you began to
teach and to preach and stuff.
And so I saw an opportunitybecause I was in a position with
American Family Radio there.
I needed some help.
So I asked you to do that.
And what happened was I got acall from I'm not going to name
the pastor, but he called me upand says Roy, he says you know
this guy, he promotes a wett-shirt contest and has beer.

I mean, it was all this stuffand that's the kind of
promotions that at one time inyour life you did, but you had
But they didn't know about thechange that I saw in Ron Myers
and I felt like you had a lot tooffer the kingdom through radio
and that's why I offered thatposition to you.
I saw something in you thatothers at that point only knew
the public image of Ron Myersand what you did in promotions

I saw something deeper and Iwanted you to be a part of it
deeper and I wanted you to be apart of it.

Ron Meyers (06:07):
You know, and, roy, that is one reason I have this
radio show podcast and I go tonon-Christian radio stations to
air this, just to let everybodyknows that.
Here's this it doesn't matterwhat you've done in life, it
doesn't matter if you think thatGod could never use you, that
God does have a plan.
And when we get to the point inlife like I did, I got to the

end of myself.
I said Lord, I'm making money,I'm having fun, people know me,
but I'm miserable.
And that's when I startedfollowing Jesus and I love Jesus
It's been what?
30, well, 25 years, or whatever.
But the point is this, roythere are people listening right
now that they think, because ofwhat they've done, that God

could never use them.
That's not true, is it?

Roy Wikoff (06:52):
No, it isn't.
And think about from a biblicalperspective.
Here was Saul heading on theroad to Damascus.
To do what?
To persecute Christians, tohave them stoned, like he did
Stephen and others.
But here he was and God saidI'm going to use you.
Look, this was a man who hatedChristians, who hated Jesus at
that time, and was looking forreasons to put Christians in

prison, to have them stoned,have them killed.
But yet God took him and youtalk about a flip-flop flipped
him completely upside down andturned him into the greatest
evangelist in the New Testament.
No question, paul was that.
If God can do that for Paul,what can he do for a Ron Myers?
And that's the way I look atthings.
I don't care what you've donein the past, I don't care who

you were in the past.
God looked at you and said I'mgoing to use you, ron Myers,
whether you want to be used ornot.
And he did.
He used you and he's using younow.

Ron Meyers (07:44):
And Roy, right now, a lot of people, a lot of
preachers some are preachingdoom and gloom, other ones are,
you know, almost selling bombshelters to go hide because the
end of the world is coming soon.
A lot of these people thatdon't know Jesus, they don't
know what to think.
What do you tell someone outthere that doesn't go to church,

doesn't really know Jesus thatwell, they do have faith, but
they're starting to get worried.
They're starting to get fearfulfor their family.

Roy Wikoff (08:15):
You know, one of the things that I try to tell
people and I hear this quite abit is people are worried about
what the world is coming to.
The culture of the UnitedStates and the world.
They call it.
If you watch the media, theycall it wokeism.
You can call it whatever youwant.
God's got a plan.
He's sovereign, he knows what'shappening.
He's not surprised by any ofthis stuff going on in the
current political arena.

Not at all.
But what we do is we worry.
And look, I worry about mychildren and grandchildren, as
you do, john.
You know, what kind of futureare they going to have in this
We've experienced in the UnitedStates some of the greatest
blessings ever, and we reallyhave.
But this too shall pass.
As they say, god's got a planand, by the way, my preacher

says this quite a bit.
He says there is a God andyou're not him.
So he's got a purpose for allof this.
And look, my prayer is God,come quickly.
Whether you believe in apre-millennial rapture, whether
you know a pre-trib rapture, youknow you could go on to all
those different rapture theoriesyou want to the bottom line is

this God has a plan and theworld out here is full of sin
and there's a lot of Christianswho look at the world and it
worries them.
I try to look at the kingdomand not let the world bother me,
because I can't change theworld.
But I can touch one life at atime and that's what your
program does, because you'rebroadcasting this program on
secular radio stations who havea belief that maybe your program

has some value.
So you've got that one listenermaybe, who listens to what you
have to say on some of yourdifferent podcasts and I've
looked at several of them andlistened to them.
By the way, you do a prettygood job for an old man.
But anyway, we go through thisthing and we realize that if you
touch one life, if all you dofrom now to the time you go home
to be with the Lord, and you'veaffected one life for the

kingdom, you've been a success.
Let's see, in this culture inwhich we live, it's about the
numbers, it's about how manypeople might ask you how many
listeners do you have on yourradio program or your podcast?
And I heard you say that that'snot what's important.
What's important is touchingthat one life and you do that.
I saw that in Ron Myers in 1994.
I could see there was.

We became good friends afterthat and a lot of people, as you
said earlier, they questionedme.
But God, I think, was tappingon my heart and said hey, I've
got a plan for Ron in the futureand I just need you to do
something today.
And I did that and I didn'thear some audible voice out of
the sky say Roy, call Ron.
That didn't happen, but whathappened was I just had a peace

in my heart about who you wereand what you could become in the
kingdom, and I'm kind of proudof that.
I like the idea that I was ableto listen to God's still small
voice and move forward on it.

Ron Meyers (11:00):
Well, I actually believe I wouldn't be behind a
microphone now if it wasn't foryou.
And speaking of that, how Godhas a plan for all of us.
You know, I came in to get intoChristian radio and, as you
said, to share the good news ofJesus.
But one of the skills that I'vehad my whole life is a promoter

And what happened in 2004, Ibecame the general manager here
at the American Families RadioStation in Gulfport, but one
year later, hurricane Katrinachanged this entire Gulf Coast
and I think that and you sawthis, you were down here, coming
to traveling down here fromTupelo that God had put me, just

like he'll put other people outthere in positions when he
knows a storm is coming, and heputs people in place.
And I think it was theorganizational skills that I had
, my team had, here at the radiostation, because we were busy
little bees helping people alongthis coast to rebuild, send out

Remember this was a central hubof activity and I was right
there in the middle of it.

Roy Wikoff (12:16):
You were, and what I remember about that was when
all the power was down and itwas hot and humid.
The radio station had twoshingles off of it Seriously had
a little 100 foot stick therebeside and they came down from
Tupelo and put a smalltransmitter in.
We were the only and had thebig generator.
We were the only radio stationbroadcasting for a while because

God placed his Christian radiostation in the midst of the
turmoil of that storm to provideinformation.
You remember, the people comein, we're doing interviews.
You were there in the midst ofthat when the big stations, the
hundred thousand waters, and allthose others out there.
they weren't on the air, theyhad no power, but God provided
through the Christian radiogroup and I think that affected

a lot of people.
They now know who AmericanFamily Radio is and was, and
they know who you are.
As a result of that, god usesRomans 8, 28,.
All things work together forgood.
All things, the good, the bad,the ugly, everything.
God has a purpose for making itwork out to his glory, and I
think he did that, you know.

Ron Meyers (13:17):
Roy, one of the funny things, while it wasn't
really funny, one of the thingsthat happened so many people, a
lot of them, were the religiouspeople.
Ah, this is God's judgment.
He has put Hurricane Katrina onthe coast, and I said, well,
you know, the only ones thatreally got damaged around here
were the churches and BourbonStreet's opening up right away

within two weeks, and I don'tknow.

Roy Wikoff (13:41):
We laugh at that, but it's true.
Look, I don't think thatHurricane, Katrina or any other
storms are God's punishment.
I think that this world isaching.
My wife, Barbara, and I werespeaking just the other day
about the heat that we have uphere in Kentucky.
Where we are, it's going to belike 99 tomorrow Unusual for
this area and we take a look athow the earth is groaning we're

seeing snow and Tahoe and 95degree weather in the mid part
of the country, and what that is.
I think this old earth is tired.
The earth is.
It's not anything that I did oryou did, but sin from the time
of Adam and Eve has corruptedthe land in which we now live
and God's going to change thatsoon.
He's going to change it back toa new heaven and a new earth

and all these sea waves.
We're going to have perfect 80degree weather and sunshine all
the time.
I'm waiting for that.
I'm looking forward to that.
So, because I look forward toheaven, because I look forward
to what God has promised us asChristians, I don't fret too
I don't fret too much aboutwhat the economy is doing.
Yes, but I like to see theeconomy better.

Well, absolutely, but I don'tworry about it, it's going to be
what it's going to be.
In light of God's kingdom work,it doesn't really matter, but
it does matter that we dosomething in the meantime.
What is that?
What you're doing with thisradio program?
Touching lives?
That's what really matters.
Yeah, we can.
We need to be careful not tothrow trash out our car window.

We've had to be, you know, goodpeople and and and take care of
the things around us and careabout what's going on.
But if we forget the gospel inthe midst of all that taking
care of stuff, then we failedmiserably.
And I don't want to be thatperson that fails and I do
anyway, because I am.
Paul said when he begged God totake that thorn from his flesh

and God said hey, look, saidPaul, you're going to be OK.
I'm going to be strong becauseof your weakness.
Just be OK.
And that's what I have toremember.
That's what I have to take careof in my heart.
I fail quite a bit, just likeyou do.
We fail, but you know what myprayer is each day Lord, when I

fail, pick me up, show me whereI failed and teach me how to be
better, for one purpose, onepurpose only, that's the gospel

Ron Meyers (15:52):
You know Roy well.
Listeners Roy Wyckoff on thephone, my former boss, just a
great friend and mentor.
He is always like this, he'salways enthusiastic, he's always
And it brings me back to when Iwas a volunteer here.
You at that time were marriedto another barber but she was

battling cancer and I wassitting back and watching you
from a distance and Roy, you,just you were a breath of fresh
You were always having hope.
You're always praying forBarbara.
You never were whiny and sharea little bit about that, because
there are a lot of people goingthrough some sickness

situations as we speak.

Roy Wikoff (16:40):
Yeah, that's true.
By the way, your listeners areprobably going away.
He just mentioned that he wastalking to Barbara a few days
ago and, by the way, my latewife's name was Barbara and my
current wife's name is Barbara.
That's another whole story anda lot of funny stuff happened as
a result of that.
But yeah, I remember that time.
That time in my life was tough.
I remember the very day thatshe passed away.
It life was tough, but Iremember the very day that she

passed away.
It was on a Sunday afternoon andI got in my truck and of course
, they were coming to dowhatever they do at that time
and I went over to Lowry andCandy Anderson's house A lot of
people listeners here know whoCandy Anderson is and I went
over to speak to Lowry and sitwith them until time for church
at Michael Memorial.
I went to church at six o'clockand some people were looking at
me and they said Roy, what areyou doing here?
I said, where else would I be?

I'm with my family, and Iwasn't talking about my mother,
who was there, and others.
I wanted to be with my churchfamily because I knew that's
where my strength was and I hadpeople that thought it was crazy
that my wife died at threeo'clock and at six o'clock I was
in church.
Where did I need to be?
I needed to be in the presenceof God's people.
I needed to be in the presenceof worship and I needed that as

much as I needed anything else.
That's where my strength camefrom.
Yeah, it was difficult days.
There were some tough times andI've got some stories that I
could always tell about how Godreached down and had to shake me
to my knees to understand hisglory in the midst of it all,
and had to shake me to my kneesto understand his glory in the
midst of it all.
But yes, I try to remainpositive.
It was difficult If I sat hereand tried to tell you that it
was all fun and games.

No, it was not.
It was terrible, it waspowerfully terrible.
But God used that opportunityin the midst of her sickness,
her illness and her death toteach me a lot, and I would
rather have been taught adifferent way, but God used it
to teach me and with that heshould continue to work with me

and I'm blessed by that.

Ron Meyers (18:28):
Well, Roy, speaking of that,right now you've got the
You can talk to anyone outthere that's having some
What would you tell them?

Roy Wikoff (18:39):
that's having some struggles.
What would you tell them?
Well, I simply say that yousurround yourself with people of
faith, and that's what I didduring those difficult times.
A lot of people feel so alonein the midst of their struggle.
It doesn't matter whether it'sabout to lose a loved one, as I
did, whether it's an addictionof any kind, from gambling to
alcohol to drugs, you name it.
You're struggling and you're ina lot of pain.

Right now You're thinking howcan I get through this?
One of the things that I wouldsuggest is to surround yourself
with people of faith, people whowill encourage you.
Stay away from those naysayers,those negative people you know
For instance, when you lose aloved one and somebody says,
because you're grieving, aftertwo or three months they say get
over it, in time you'll bebetter.

It's the worst thing you canever say to anyone.
But be around Like I did.
I went to church.
Because I wanted to be aroundthe people who loved me and
cared for me, my real family.
And I encourage you if you'reout there listening and you're
struggling, maybe with the deathof a loved one, maybe you're
struggling with alcohol or sometype of addictions, go and seek
out people of faith who can bean encouragement to you, because

I want to tell you, even when Iwas going through all, that
there was Blair Bradley isanother friend of mine, you
another great friend of mineJerry Watts, larry Anderson I
mentioned these guys becausethese were the ones that when my
wife passed away, they stoodbeside me, they were there every
I remember Larry Andersonknocking on my door one night at

1030 just to see if I was okay.
So surround yourself with godlypeople, with people of faith,
who will encourage you, andthese people will walk with you.
They will walk with you throughthe struggles, walk with you.
They will walk with you throughthe struggles, through the
encouraging word of God, givingyou faith and hope.
And I'm telling you, if itwasn't for people of faith, ron,

yourself and those other men Ijust mentioned, I'm not sure I
could have made it on my own.
God placed those people in mylife for a reason and those are
the people who made it right forme.

Ron Meyers (20:39):
And those are the people who made it right for me.
I have said many times.
I would not be here if itwasn't me finally calling out to
Jesus and he saved my life, andI love it.
As a matter of fact, Roy, Ibelieve we are living in the
greatest time ever to be aChristian.
As the world is getting darker,our light is getting brighter,

People are looking for hope, andthose of us who call ourselves
Christians, we are carrying thehope of the world within us.
So this is a good time.
Am I nutty or am I right?

Roy Wikoff (21:12):
Well, maybe a little bit nuts, but that's okay.
You have an opportunity to inthe midst of the seemingly bad
darkness that's all around us,because people are desperate for
some hope.
There's the key.
I was on an airplane flightfrom Chicago to Denver a few
years ago and I was withTransworld Radio and there was a

gentleman sitting beside me onthe whole flight.
He was a Muslim and we got totalking and he said what is it
about you?
Because he knew I was aChristian, because he heard me
talking to someone else.
And I said you know, we have acommon goal here in life.
And he said what's that?
I said peace.
I said everybody who's everborn, ever lived, they just want
And I'm not talking about worldpeace, I'm not talking about

peace from wars, I'm not talkingabout peace from struggles.
I mean peace in our heart.
I said, and the only way to getpeace is through Christ Jesus.
I found an opportunity.
God placed me right.
I never know what ever happenedto that guy.
I have to believe that Godcontinued that conversation with
him right on.
Here's what happens, Ron.
You are in the middle of a warzone, you are broadcasting in

the middle of a terribledarkness, but there's a light.
Always remember.
Darkness cannot overtake light.
Light always overtakes darkness, and your radio program and
your podcast is a light, it's abeacon so people living in
darkness can see, and I thinkthat's what has to happen here.
So look, hey, I'm always opento a conversation.

Hey, you can give people myphone number, have them call and
say, hey, I heard you on theradio, I'll pray with them.
If someone out there isstruggling now, if it's a Sunday
morning and this radio programis broadcasting, I may not
answer right away.
You can leave me a message.
I'll call you back after church.
My number is 270-217-0612.
That's 270-217-0612.

You want to talk and pray.
You want someone to maybe helpyou a little bit through your
struggles, and I'm also a griefcounselor.
I do that as well and Iappreciate any opportunity to
pray with anyone, anytime,anywhere.
I missed the radio gig.
Hey, I did that for 45 years,45 years, and God gave me much
of that through Christian radio.
Now I'm a real estate broker.

I'm not having a ball because Iget to really share my life
with others through that.
Even though the law says youcan't talk about your faith when
you're a realtor, I do anyway.
I don't care, I'm going to talkabout Jesus no matter what.
And I've got a great lifepartner now over 20 years,
almost 20 years with my wife,and she feels the same way and
we have a great relationship andGod has blessed me.

My goodness, I am so blessed,Even in the midst of losing
someone you love dearly andmoving on through.
I've lost both my parents, I'velost a sister.
I've seen death here.
Just a month ago we lostBarbara's mother but in the
midst of it all, God gives mehope.
I wouldn't want to live anyother way.
I want to share that withsomebody.
Amen, Somehow someway Amen.

Well, I'm going to ask you rightnow, roy, to pray for our
I'll do it.
Let's pray, father, lord, jesus, we just give you all the
praise and all the glory, allthe power that we can muster in
our hearts right now for you,lord, thanking you for your
gospel message, thanking you foryour death, burial and
That truly makes a differencein who we are and what we do.
Father, lord, there's a lot ofpeople listening right now to
this radio program and thispodcast, and I pray for their

I pray for their minds as itrelates to their heart struggle,
If there be one person out there, lord, or many, that is
struggling with life, have themknow that you are there for them
Bless them in such a way, lord.
Encourage their hearts to reachout to Ron, to reach out to me.
I pray, lord, that this issomething that will change the

hearts and the minds of everyonelistening.
So bless them, lord.
Lord, I pray, blessings on Ronand his show, that he will
continue to be able to share thegospel message and the
struggles that other people haveas they get the hell out of
their lives, and I understandthat that's so important.
So we praise you, lord and wethank you and all this.
We pray in Jesus' name.

Speaker 1 (25:31):
You're listening to Get the Hell Out of your Life
with your host, ron Myers.
Real stories, real strugglesand real hope.

Roy Wikoff (25:41):
Here's a refreshing word from Ephesians 5, 1 and 2.
Therefore, be imitators of Godas dear children, and walk in
love, as Christ also has lovedus and given himself for us.
And walk in love as Christ alsohas loved us and given himself
for us.

Speaker 2 (25:57):
Ron, we'll be back in a moment to wrap up today's
We want to encourage you todaywith God's promise to you.
It comes from the book ofJeremiah chapter 29, verse 11.
For I know the plans I have foryou, declares the Lord.
Plans to prosper you and not toharm you.
Plans to give you hope and afuture.

That's God's promise to youwhen you choose to commit your
plans and future to Him Now backto Ron.

Ron Meyers (26:29):
Well, friends, my time is up and I want you to
remember this.
Do not forget this God is notthrough with you and I.
You can't script God's love.
You can't script what God isgoing to do in your life.
So be on the lookout for peoplethat God is going to plant, or
maybe has already planted, inyour life.

I believe in you, friends.
God has an awesome plan and Iwill continue to pray for you
and join me next week foranother great episode of Get the
Hell Out of your Life Realstories, real struggles and real
In the meantime, remember thisthat I love you, jesus loves you

, and when you get the hell outof your life, life gets good,
life is fun.
And guess what?
You're going to smile again.

Speaker 1 (27:21):
Get the Hell Out of your Life is underwritten by the
Christmas City Gift Show.
We invite you to come shop withover 255 vendors from all over
the United States from November8th through the 10th inside the
Coast Convention Center locatedon the beach in Biloxi,
You can find more informationat christmascitygiftshowcom.
Thanks for listening, and ifyou would like to share your

story of what God has done inyour life or listen to previous
episodes, please visit ourwebsite, thepromoterorg.
Join us next week for anotherepisode of Get the Hell Out of
your Life Real stories, realstruggles and real hope.
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