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May 3, 2024 19 mins

We all know dating can be exhilarating, nerve-wracking, and sometimes, super awkward! In this episode Tani Estefy and Lily B. go through some dating stories shared from the Latina Approved community as well as some found on reddit. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Oh las almost Latina Proof and we're your hosts, Sanny
Steffi and Lily B.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
And this podcast is dedicated to our bilingual Latinas who
are resilient el Shanghanas and for.

Speaker 1 (00:11):
The Latinas that resonate with the phrase zodya ki ida ya.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
Join us on this journey every week where we engage
in relatable conversations.

Speaker 1 (00:20):
Share uplifting stories and empowering insights from everything that is
Latina rood.

Speaker 2 (00:29):
Okay, welcome back to the Latina Proof podcast. How are
you doing, Tony?

Speaker 1 (00:35):
I am doing a wonderful How are you doing good?

Speaker 2 (00:39):
Doing good? It's getting warmer outside, so, you know, just
trying to get as much sunshine as possible.

Speaker 1 (00:46):
Love it, love to hear it.

Speaker 2 (00:49):
Yes, No, So I'm super excited about this podcast episode
because today we're going to be talking about funny slash
awkward date ex experiences.

Speaker 1 (01:02):
I'm excited for this one. I am excited to talk
about this.

Speaker 2 (01:06):
Yeah, because you know, we all know that dating is
like it's exhilarating, it's nerve wrecking. It can be awkward,
especially like first dates, like that first like those first
moments of dating. You know, from the moment you swite
right or left or however those you know, apps work

like until you meet someone in person and you're just
you know, there can be like embarrassing moments, there's all
you're always like, you can be worried about awkward silences.
You know, there's just so many things that go on
through your mind when you're dating. So definitely excited to
talk about this.

Speaker 1 (01:47):
Yes, No, totally, and I think it can be nerve
wrecking on just like so many levels. What do you wear,
what do you like? Especially if you're meeting someone online.
I think I think it's better if you meet someone
in person, like organically then online, because online you just
never know. But in person it's like, okay, at least
at least you get the way if you're attracted to

someone out of the way, although that's not the most
important things inside the beauty inside, but.

Speaker 2 (02:15):
You know, Yeah, No, definitely definitely dating in person or
like meeting someone in persons always the most ideal way
to meet someone. But I definitely had my fair share
of online daty experiences. But that would take like a thousand,
but we could do a thousand episodes on my online dating.

Speaker 1 (02:38):
A thousand first dates, a thousand first dates.

Speaker 2 (02:40):
A thousand first dates. But you know we're here to
embrace and laugh off those awkward moments. And you know,
today's episode, we're going to be sharing some dating stories
that our Latina Approved community has shared with us.

Speaker 1 (02:57):
Yeah there's some. Yeah, yeah, I mean we can dive
into it.

Speaker 2 (03:02):
Yeah, let's get into it. Sorry, I'm just so excited
to share the first one that I'm like, sorry, don't
Menna cut you off?

Speaker 1 (03:07):
No, no, no, no worries, no worries. So these are
also submissions that you know, we randomly found online as well,
So some good old Reddit stories. So these are not
our own personal but you know, we're just sharing them
and let us know what you think.

Speaker 2 (03:22):
Yes, yes, So first story here, this person says, I
had such an awkward first date last weekend. My date
told me to meet him at a location nearby where
he lives, and when I got there, it turned out
that he had booked full body massages for us. Okay, okay.

Then he took me to a bar where he used
to work at and then introduced me to his coworkers
as his girlfriend.

Speaker 1 (03:55):
Whoa whoa whoa Okay, wait, hold on, so first date right,
and the guy told this person to meet him at
the nearby location where they got full body massages, Which
that's cool. What do you think? I think that's fine.
I think up to that point it's fine.

Speaker 2 (04:11):
No, no, a full body massage on a first date.

Speaker 1 (04:14):
Wait, not not them giving it to each other, right,
but like a place where they give you, like a spa.

Speaker 2 (04:19):
Yeah, it sounds like they went to a spa. I
just think that like on a first date, you're trying
to get to know someone, like maybe you want to
exchange conversation, like I don't know, it's just kind of weird,
like your first day you get undressed and the problem
and am I I'm like saying this, like am I approved?

I mean, I'll take.

Speaker 1 (04:42):
A SPA day any day. We could talk after.

Speaker 2 (04:46):
Oh my gosh, that's so funny.

Speaker 1 (04:48):
You know what, Yeah massagey could we could talk after?
That's fine.

Speaker 2 (04:54):
But now I'm curious, like whoever's like to everyone who's listening,
what do you think? What do you do you think
getting full body massage has the first day? What are
your thoughts on that?

Speaker 1 (05:04):
I mean, as long as they're not touching you and
there's like a professional masseuse, right, like being that's fine,
but it looks like you're like, heck, no, no massage
on the first day, and I'm like, I'm all for it.
Let's go. So it'd be interesting, yeah, to hear what
the audience thinks about that. But then it's like the
fast follow would be to the bar, which I think
to that point is like, sure, now we can go talk.

You know, now it makes.

Speaker 2 (05:28):
Sense now that we're relaxed.

Speaker 1 (05:31):
We're relaxed, there's no there's no nerves or anything like that.
You know. I think that's fine. But then when you
said that they introduced, then that person got introduced to
his co workers as the girlfriend. That's like, whoa, whoa, whoa.
That is a red flag right there.

Speaker 2 (05:48):
That's a huge red flag. I'd be like, well, I
mean they already started by taking their clothes off and
their at the beginning.

Speaker 1 (05:56):
So I mean, well, when you say like that, it
doesn't sound to write, But when you think about it
like a spaw moment, I think I'm.

Speaker 2 (06:06):
Up for that. But yeahing interesting first date?

Speaker 1 (06:12):
Yes, yes, So here's I'll give you a second story
of another person that they shared. They said, my most
awkward first date was years ago. We met up for
some delicious stuckos, and things immediately went weird. He didn't
say a single thing to the entire date except answer
questions I asked. We struggled through dinner. I had to

drive all the conversations. After dinner, I suggested we grab
a drink at a nearby bar, and we went where
And we went and we're on a second drink and
he still wouldn't say anything. We sat there next to
each other people watching drinking alone but together. We stayed

for about another thirty minutes and then left. Never spoke again.
A lot of awkward silence.

Speaker 2 (07:04):
Oh my gosh, I'm like sweating listening to this story
because this exact scenario was like my when I was dating,
Like this was my worst fear of like there being
that awkward silence.

Speaker 1 (07:20):
Yeah, you know, it's it's crazy, And this story actually
reminded me of I went on a date like this
is like years ago. I don't know how old I was.
I was like really really super young, and this guy
asked me on a date and I was like that
we were in school together, and I'm like, sure, let's go,
and he's like, where do you want to go? I said,

I don't know. You tell me, you know we went
to the movies. Oh my god, not even I'm like,
I'm kind of ashamed to even admit this. But we
hung out outside of the movie theater, and again it
was awkward silence, just like no no initiating from his
part to have a conversation, and I like, I was
trying to make conversation, but I'm like, oh my god,

I just want to go home at this point. But
then he had already got in the tickets. We go
inside the movie theater and you're not gonna believe what happened.
I was so bored. And one thing about me, I
follow sleep in movies, like I always follow sleep in movies,
and I still remember it was like one of the

Saw movies. One of those Saw movies. Tell me why
I started dozing off in the theater. And I was like,
I don't know if he had the worst data, so
if I did, but I'm like dozing off and I'm
just like, oh my.

Speaker 2 (08:39):
God, this, Oh my gosh, did you start snoring during Saw?

Speaker 1 (08:44):
No. I think I caught myself, like my head dozing off,
and that to me was like, oh my god, I'm
dozing off, Like this is so bad. Either I was
the worst day to him or he was the worst
date to me. But I think I must have been
like I don't no, super young.

Speaker 2 (09:04):
No, that's hilarious, that's oh my gosh. Yeah, but like
awkward silences and just like those are the worst, those
are the words, and those are like the moments I.

Speaker 1 (09:13):
Dread absolutely absolutely, But onto.

Speaker 2 (09:18):
Our next story. Okay, so this person says I went
out with the guy to a restaurant and he had
the worst table manners I've ever seen. He was chewing
with his mouth open, he was burping loudly, talking with
food in his mouth, licking his fingers. I was so
grossed out.

Speaker 1 (09:40):
Yeah, that is gross.

Speaker 2 (09:42):
That is gross. I think I think this one's worse
than the awkward silence. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (09:49):
I'll take awkward silence any day. I'll take it because
it's like, Okay, you're probably just not vibing with that person,
and that's fine. Not everyone is going to vibe with you,
and that's totally okay, Like that's fine, But the chewing,
like the lack of manners, like basic manners, it's just
like that's gonna be a noe for me.

Speaker 2 (10:06):
Dog, Yeah, no, I would like, I don't feel like
I would be able to focus on anything else because
I feel like that would already give me the ick.
You know, it's like one little thing and then it's
like you notice one thing, and then you notice another
thing and another thing, and it just like builds on.
But no, that's horrible.

Speaker 1 (10:23):
Yes, it's like no, I mean at that point, what
would you do, Lily, would you like, would you step
away in the middle of the date, or would you
actually wait until the whole food experience is over? Like
what is the right thing to do at that point?
I mean, or would you tell him like, hey, can
you stop doing that?

Speaker 2 (10:45):
Why you smacking?

Speaker 1 (10:46):
Why you smacking?

Speaker 2 (10:48):
Who got you smacking?

Speaker 1 (10:49):
Like that?

Speaker 2 (10:52):
I think? I mean, I think that if I don't know,
I would try to be as polite as possible, and
I would I would like try to like wrap up
the date if I already know, like I'm turned off,
I probably don't want to see this guy again, Like
I'm going to respectfully just like do you know, let
the date run its course, but not like engage to

where it like takes longer. But yeah, I wouldn't just
leave or anything like that. I would just kind of
like wait and then cut the date.

Speaker 1 (11:21):
I would feel like, respectfully, we're only doing an appetizer,
and I don't think this is going to.

Speaker 2 (11:26):
Be out respectfully epectfully.

Speaker 1 (11:32):
It ends after the appetizer, like after you're done with
the appetizer and we're not ordering entrees.

Speaker 2 (11:39):
We're not ordering I'm suddenly not so hungry anymore.

Speaker 1 (11:43):
I am defintely not hungry at that point.

Speaker 2 (11:47):
Gifts and salsa have sufficed.

Speaker 1 (11:49):
Yes, And I mean there's nothing wrong right, like if
you want to chew and smack and but like burping
loudly talking with his food in his mouth, licking his fingers,
like that's so gross, Like don't do that, don't do that.
But let's dive into the next story. So this story
says this was the first date with this guy I

had met oh while I was out. Date started out fine.
He picked me up from my place and we headed
to dinner. When we got to the restaurant, I was
surprised to see his friend was waiting there for us.
I had no idea his friend would be there. It
was just the three of us. It was so awkward
because I thought I was going it was just going

to be us, and it felt so weird. This is
not a day boom, that's.

Speaker 2 (12:41):
Not a date. No. If his friend's there, that's just
like so rude. If like the guy didn't tell you
his friend was going to be there.

Speaker 1 (12:52):
Yeah, like that that's rude. First of all, it's like
who plans a date and invites her friend and you
know what, Like I get it, right, but when it's
a first date, like you don't want to do that.
Like I feel like once and it's like and you
guys are just going to casually go eat something. Sure,
I'm both skin invite their friends, but like on the

first date, it's like.

Speaker 2 (13:15):
Yeah, like you're trying to get to you're trying to
get to know each other, You're trying to have like conversations,
and it's like this person was like dating two people
or like going on a first date with like two strangers.

Speaker 1 (13:26):
Right, yeah, So what do you do at that point?
Do you walk away and you just let the court
the date run its course?

Speaker 2 (13:33):
Again, that's nice. I would just let it run with me.

Speaker 1 (13:40):
I'd be like, respectfully, I think you can have dinner
with your with your friends. I think I'm just gonna
call it call it a day out of this one. Yeah, uber,
my butt out out the door. You know something literally
I've learned it's like time. Well, I don't have time
to be like seeing with like low effort, low effort

like gestures like or low effort behavior. It's like no, respectfully,
I'm out.

Speaker 2 (14:09):
Yeah, you know, I wonder how often this happens, Like
you go on a date and then the friends show
up or like that's just like especially a first date,
Like no, like you said on Fianza, you've been you know,
seeing each other for a while and it's like, hey,
you want to meet up with my friends? There are
so into place then of course you know, like then
you make that decision, but just showing up somewhere and

then you know friends who knows family, What if like
someone's mom.

Speaker 1 (14:34):
Just like shows up to your date. Yeah, it's like
respectfully no respectfully now, like it's just no, you know,
some some things you gotta like either roll with it
or just just roll out of it.

Speaker 2 (14:48):
But yeah, no, I think I agree with you though.
I think like at this point, like there's just time
is too valuable exactly one hundred perc. Okay, and onto
our last story. Okay, so the most awkward day I

had was one that didn't happen. The guy stood me up,
and it was so embarrassing. I showed up to the
bar we were supposed to meet up at. I sat
there for waiting for twenty minutes. I tried to get
a hold of him and nothing. The bar staff was
really kind to me, but that experience was the worst.

Speaker 1 (15:31):
You know, this sucks. This says more about the person
that did the ghosting than the person itself. Like those
situations just like why would you do that? Why would
you tell someone to meet you somewhere and not show up?
Like that's just super messed up.

Speaker 2 (15:46):
Yeah, Like if you can't make it, even if it's
like even yeah, even if it's super last minute, something
comes up, or like you back out or whatever, you
decide you don't want to go meet this person, just
let them know. You know, that's the just respectful thing
to do, because you know, I would hate to be
in that situation. You show up somewhere looking forward to something.

You're first of all, this person's probably nervous. This person's nervous,
and then they show up and then they're stood up.
Like that's that's not right.

Speaker 1 (16:14):
Yeah, that's definitely not right. I mean, that's not taking
into consideration the fact that you've cleared out your schedule
for someone to meet them at a certain time and location,
Like you've had to get yourself there, whether it was
yourself driving or whether it was some form of transportation.
Then you had to get ready for this day. You
had to get your hair, your makeup, like all the

effort that contributes into being prepared for a date, Like
all of that takes time and effort, and then you
show up. Plus you're waiting and you can't send a
message to say hey, I'm backing out or like hey
I'm going to cancel, Like that's so rude. That's so
rude and uncalled for. So I don't know why people
do this, but it sucks to be, you know, on

that on that side of side of things. So hopefully,
you know, hopefully it doesn't happen to this person again
or anybody else, know what.

Speaker 2 (17:09):
Honestly, I've been stood up before, and it's the worst.
It's like the absolute worst. It was when like it
was inn I was going to meet up with someone
at a coffee shop and like we had confirmed in everything,
like we were even confirming like on our way there,
like oh see you there, and like I showed up
to this coffee shop and was he was not there.

He was not there, and you know, I texted him
and you know, said I was there, and like didn't
hear back. So I like, I I think. I text
one of my friends and I told them and they're like,
just leave, like just you know, and I felt it
felt so bad.

Speaker 1 (17:48):
Yeah, and it's like I'm sorry you had to go
through that with this person, you know, and it's just
but you know what what the what the beauty of
life is, there's something called karma. What goes around does
come around, So you know it's not your problem.

Speaker 2 (18:02):
Yeah, no, and you know what, it was an experience,
and you know I kept dating. I kept dating Like
this is if this has ever happened to you, like,
don't It's just one person and like you said, it
says more about that person than you and yeah, just
keep going.

Speaker 1 (18:19):
Exactly like you dodged a bullet. Yeah, he dodged a bullet.
But wonderful. These stories are amazing if you not amazing
in a good way, but like we're grateful that you
submitted these stories. So if you have any more dating
stories that you'd like to share with us, please dm us.
We can talk about them anonymously and we'd be more

than glad to share them out and talk about it
on the podcast.

Speaker 2 (18:45):
Yes no, thank you, Thank you again for tuning in,
and if you don't already, make sure to subscribe to
Latina Approved podcast, make sure to follow us on all
social media at Latina Approved, and we're excited to keep
these conversations going. You know, we're here to be your
amigas and share these life experiences with you. So until

next time, Until next time, are the else. Bye
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