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August 15, 2023 23 mins

Doctor Calculus's old flame threatens to light him up if they don't get back together. Can Anna Kat, Trevor, Maddy and the gang find him before it's too late?

Like many of our episodes, it's based on real events. If you'd like to know what those are, ask us in our Facebook group:

My Amazing Crazy Ex

My Amazing Woman S03E01


Anna Kat Waring (Amazing Woman) ····· Lena Garcia  |  Trevor Waring ····· A.J. Cruz  |  Dot Beatty-Simon (Theia) ····· Darlene Muniz  |  Madison Goforth (Red Light) ····· Sophie Flack  |  The Special Agent (Olive Branch, etc.) ····· Nicole Beharrell  |  Lenny Watkins ····· Frank Guglielmelli  |  Craig Gregory (Dr. Calculus) ····· Ken Hallaron  |  Arch Davis ····· David Robbins  |  Carla Beatty ····· Jamie-Lyn Markos  |  Alice ····· Winter Noël  |  Mindy Marshall (Snowy Owl) ····· Kelsey Painter  |  Construction Worker ····· Rick Steele  |  Narrator ····· James C. Taylor  |          Produced by ····· James C. Taylor  |  Written by ····· James C. Taylor  |  Voice Direction ····· Mark Alan Bauer  |  Dialog Editing ····· James C. Taylor  |  Sound Mastering ····· James C. Taylor  |  Music Composition ····· James C. Taylor  |  Sound Effects ·····  |  Production Assistant ····· Ida Williams  | 


This is a production of Hey, Daddyo Audio, in affiliation with Time Well Electronic Recording Productions, copyright © 2023 by James C. Taylor, all rights reserved.

Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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I think that's everything I was framed for killing that attorney who wasn't really dead.
I was exonerated by showing the attorney wasn't really dead.
And then I was kidnapped by your daughter dot dot Said that the did it?
the only person I saw before I was knocked out was dot And excuse me,

an orange.
What are you doing?
Killing time?
nice throw.
I had to do something about that creepy cat clock.
What did you say the name of that lawyer was again?
I think that's a lawyer working on Warren's case.

maybe this has to do with him rather than just hi mom.
Hi lover.
We haven't been lovers for a while dot The said to bring you more fruit.
Need to keep your vitamins up since you're not getting any exercise.
Being locked in a cage will do that for you.
Maybe if you cooperated more with the,

you can come and go like I do give me a kiss lover.
Should you be doing that in front of your mother?
Don't be silly.
Mama knows all about that.
That's how I got here after all.
Have some Decency dot Craig doesn't like Decency.
Do you?
Craigie Waggy?

No comment.
It's so nice having your family back together.
Your father's not here.
I don't have a father.
I thought you said you knew how you got here.
There's still a chance that Warren will go to jail.
Even with that amazing woman rescuing that lawyer.
You want your father to go to prison?

He's not my father.
And yes,
I do want him to go to prison.
He hits Mama Carla.
She won't admit it.
She never admits it,
but I saw him do it.
I saw him do lots of things and nobody knows.
But me,
I have all the secrets anyway.

I have to go.
Theo wants me to spend some of Warren's loot to fix the big hole in the waters layer.
That amazing woman made daddy.
You need to let us go.
Not until Warren is behind bars where he belongs.
And what did that little cartoon character used to say?

Oh yeah,
call me daddy.
And you die.
My amazing woman starring Lana Garcia and AJ Cruz.

You must be really glad I'm home.
You've made breakfast.
But what's with the egg cups?
They're the way a civilized person eats one's eggs in the morning.
All of what are you doing here?
I should think it obvious I'm making breakfast.
I mean,
I mean,
why are you making breakfast instead of my lovely wife and a cat?

Because she's not here.
Take three.
Where is Anna?
She's at the supermarket?
She's finally an actual answer.
And why did you come for breakfast this morning?
I wanted to go for your ordeal with you and I wanted to do it away from Arch,
interrupting us.
I get it.
Have a seat.
They should be here shortly.

me for one.
How would you super hearing?
you've got English muffins,
as I like to say,
And who's your police officer friend?
Snowy Owl,
the Avian investigator we met briefly.
So did we said that Snowy.
there's something crawling down your shirt.

Excuse me?
One Alice,
how you grow and drink like that is amazing to me.
I'm still getting used to it myself even after all this time,
to be honest,
since you all had a hand in rescuing Trevor and getting Doctor Gregory off the hook,
I thought we could have a nice breakfast and talk things over together.
Sit down everyone.

You know,
it's amazing that I'm sitting down to a breakfast with a room full of women and none of them is Madison.
I didn't think he'd be here,
but it was worth a look.
He didn't think he'd be here,
Why do you think he'd be here?
Because he's not anywhere else.
At least that I can find.
Are you saying he's missing?
It certainly seems that way.

It's me,
Snowy Owl.
who Alice?
I recognized but I wasn't sure if you were someone I knew.
Thank you.
Did you ask his a I where Craig was going?
Where Craig is?
I can't,
why can't you?
For starters?
I can't get into his penthouse.
My private entry code doesn't work on the penthouse sky door anymore.

Sky door.
It's an exterior entrance to the apartment he put in for his guests that can fly.
It's sad that you can't get in anymore.
Did you guys fight at the bar after we left or something?
The bar,
a few of us had a night to cap to celebrate your return.
And Doctor Gregory's release,
how come?
I didn't know about this.
I kind of wanted you to myself last night.

we didn't have a row in quite the country.
He said he wanted to invite me over for a private celebration,
but he was emotionally exhausted.
can you access Betsy from anywhere else?
My phone has a commercial version on it.
That's what I was over there for in the first place.
I could try that.

You must really be worried about Doctor Gregory?
You haven't insulted Trevor once,
Where's Doctor Gregory?
Is it supposed to do that?
I don't think so.
It doesn't sound like Betsy either.
This is a definite mystery.
Snowy owl.

I think you and Alice should see if you can get into his apartment and see what's going on.
I'm coming to May I write in your purse.
Keeps buttoning her uniform pocket.
You could have just ridden in the car.
Stelly brought her two seater.
There's no room.

I'm going to try that again.
Where's Doctor Gregory?
that sounds pretty creepy.
I also think it sounds familiar.

Do you remember when I wrote this for you?
I do the one I have been waiting for.
That's who you are.
You know,
the one I have been waiting for.
You were so good together.
what happened?
I don't think we were all that good together dot You broke up with me three times in four years and then I finally broke up with you and then there was the whole almost slunk out of grad school because instead of studying,

we were not in front of mama.
Now you're worried about being bashful.
that was so long ago.
I cannot even remember why we broke.
I do one time.
You got mad at me for putting pizza in your lunchbox the wrong way.
Everybody knows there's a right way and a wrong way to pack a lunch box.
I'm not sure everyone does know that.
Let's see.

Once you asked me to drive during a hurricane to bring you pizza,
I said no,
you dumped me.
I was hungry.
It was a hurricane.
And then there was the night you cried because I told you I didn't like anchovies on pizza.
Lots of people like anchovies on their pizza.
Of course they do.
I'm just not one of them but you should be.

why should I be someone who likes anchovies?
Because people who love each other should like the same things do just stop.
We're not doing this again.
we're not.
We're together again for the first time.
Must be the new Alice.

You could wear something other than your uniform once in a while.
It's hard to get regular clothes to work with the headband and while some people might like seeing a giant naked lady,
I'm not one of them.
Just great.
It's Lenny Watkins and a cat and Trevor's neighbor.

You're pretty far away from home just getting my morning bike ride in.
Is this where you live?
Friend of mine?
It's pretty snazzy.
who are your holy cow?
It's Alice.
Pleasure to meet you.
I've seen you on the news,

but I never thought I'd meet you.
now you have,
may I take a selfie with you?
Why not?
My neighbor bought me one of your headbands from when he visited the Literary Guild,
but I really wasn't sure it was yours.

It is.
Don't you have somewhere you need to be.
Thanks again for the headband.
It stopped working.
So I figured it'd make a wonderful souvenir for a wonderful guy.
I have a good day,
I need to tell Kelly about this.
He didn't even look at me.

Maybe you should try being 8 ft tall.
You know,
that's not your real height.
Come on.
What's your head?
I'm guessing I'll have about 20 minutes based on our previous departures.

20 minutes to do what I'm going to try to get us out of here with an Afro comb.
An Afro pick.
But one of my own design these two times can be removed and used like a set of lock picks from what daddy says,
tha won't like that.
she won't and neither will die.

What do you mean?
Carla dot is not?
I'm not a psychologist but I'm pretty sure she has dissociative identity disorder.
What they used to call a split personality and probably a few other things as well.
Don't say that that's what Warren was saying.

I think this time he's right and I think we need to get out of here that may not want to kill us.
But with the,
I think all bets are off.
But why and why do you have secret lock picks and combs?
I'm Doctor Calculus at Doctor Reflectone's workshop.

So Arch you sure you can handle this Warren Simon case without me,
the phone records that you and Olive subpoenaed ought to be enough to get an acquittal.
But I would like to call the ex-wife to the stand anyway.
She flat out told me she would lie on the stand.
I know,
but I think I could get her to admit he was there anyway with a little verbal trickery.
But it's irrelevant as I cannot find her or rouse her on the phone.

You just rest up and I'll see you soon.
I wouldn't call this resting roaming the town looking for Craig.
I'm doing the looking and it's more like listening.
I've scanned the building.
You were kept in with my hearing,
but there's no one in there.
There is somebody working on the hole I made though.
about that.
You know,
you could have just opened the door.

I can put you back in there if you'd like,
you know,
you know what big holes are fine and it was pretty creepy in there with those magicians tricks and,
and mirrors and all.
That's how she got me.
By the way,
I fell into a false back on that industrial chipper.
I hear something else.
we're doing our best.
Do better.

What did you do to my dry wall?
Unless you want a hole in you.
I suggest you get it done.
She's here at the apartment door.
There's no way I can pick this flock time for plan a plan a a for Alice.

She's so small.
I can't see her.
My snow goggles have picked her up.
Those are sunglasses,
Officer mcgill Cuddy.
They look like sunglasses.
M Goforth.
She's going under the door now.
She's in.
Will you two get in here?

Your doctor?
Yes dot Helped me get my particle reactor power supply working.
I was having trouble finding a laser powerful enough to get my prototype to work one day dot Brought me a working one as a present,
but she never said where she got access to such a powerful laser.
I know,
what do you know Carla dot has powers just like Warren does.

She's also learned magicians tricks like Warren too.
Apparently she did love hanging out in that workshop.
It's said that there's a thin line between genius and madness that erased that line years ago.

I know you'd get that job.
Sit down.
Please tell me we're here to celebrate.
We'll have dinner now and then we can have dessert in my apartment.
Sit down,
Do I would like my mother's ring back?

There's no need.
It's my size and I love it.
I don't want to replace it.
I want it back.
What are you saying?
You're smart and you're sexy,
so sexy.
But you have a problem.
What do you mean?

You're too impetuous.
You get ideas in your head and you just do them without thinking without worrying about consequences without talking to me.
I don't need your approval.
you don't.
But I should know what you're doing,
what we're doing.

I can't live crazy like that.
Are you calling me crazy?
I am not crazy.
I didn't say that you want me to take the pills,
You need me to take the pills and then I am not taking the pills.

I'm going to go.
Now do is never giving you that ring back.
Never inside doctor Calculus's apartment.
His costume is in his secret closet.
So he's not out on a mission somewhere.
His phone and his keys are in this tray in a Faraday bag.

Why a Faraday bag?
I'm still trying to figure out why there was a trolley by the door.
That's odd.
He doesn't usually leave his laptop open.
Come take a look why me?
Because after Anna and Greg and maybe the special agent,
you're the nerdiest person.
I know.
I'm going to assume that's a compliment.

I know why Betsy doesn't work?
She's been digitally butchered.
What's this?
What's that goofy floaty ball thing?
He likes to play with.
Where did you get it from the trolley?
It must have fallen out of his pocket.
Someone surprised him,
knocked him out or they then hauled him downstairs with a trolley.

I think he's been kidnapped just like Trevor.
And the Faraday bag was so he couldn't trace his phone is his watch in the bag.
Maybe we can use his phone to find his watch back at Doctor Roo's workshop.

What are you doing?
Changing into my costume,
I'm going to follow her in the air,
take the car and follow me with the app on your phone.
I can't get Annie on her phone.

that's because she's flying and,
you know,
don't fly while texting.
she thinks she may have a way to find Craig.
So do we snowy and Alice are driving there.
It's time I did some flying too.
Where are you?

you should have said something.
If you wouldn't believe her own father,
you certainly wouldn't have believed me.
And I'm not in the habit of talking to the mothers of my exes immediately after a breakup.

I'll make her give the ring back.
Don't bother Carla.
I doubt you can make her do anything.
And second,
I want her to have it there.
You want her to have it?
Being my mother's ring,
it has a lot of memories,
but I need to make new ones.
Let me get you loose.

oh boy.
Get back in your cage.
Do you could hurt him?
It's the,
and I don't care.
Nobody cared about hurting dot Not daddy,
not Craig.
Not you.
You'd all be locked up.
If it wasn't for an amazing woman,

that would be me.
It's time to let everyone go.
Stay down Carla.
What's that?
It's a really big vest and our way out.
Come on.
I need to help.
Amazing woman.
computer world.
I brought your change of clothes.
They're in my car.
Why don't they burn you?

Because I'm cool.
Is that your name?
Just stop.
You can't take my family from me.
That's not what she's trying to do.
Please don't tell anyone I hid behind you right now.
It's the safest place to be dot Please stop.
Still wear that suit dot Made you.

it's over.
there's nothing to be gained from this.
Let me help you please.
I just wanted Yeah,
I'll take it from here.

She started out wanting to waylay Trevor so her dad would lose his cakes and then when she saw he knew me that pushed her into all the rest of this.
So is Betsy gone for good?
I keep backups ones dot Wouldn't know about.
I should be able to restore the A I but I am going to change the voice from her hyena la.

I should think so.
I mean the main voice,
it reminds me of when we commissioned it.
So I'm changing it.
No more ghosts.
It sounds like she was your partner in everything she was.
I was going to marry her until I realized that our life was mostly a whirlwind of thrills and sex.
That doesn't sound that bad.

Is she getting help?
I've arranged for Dr mcilroy to visit her in prison.
What's the point of having strings if you can't pull on them once in a while?
I'll thank the both of you to stop getting captured.
It cuts into a woman's right.
Share time.
Not to mention how hard it is to shop when you're worried about someone.
now there's the medicine.

I know it was hard getting used to you being so nice to me and don't worry,
I won't make it a habit.
why did you name the A,
I Betsy?
And instead of do I did name A dot At first,
but Jeff started using the name.
So I switched it to what?
To never you mind.
I called her Anna for a while.

so who's Betsy?
She was a girl who was kind to me in kindergarten.
Even when our teacher didn't like that very much,
I never forgot.
So when I decided to change the name again,
I chose her and speaking of choosing I chose something without consulting you,

I'm hoping you'll like it anyway.
What on earth are you doing,
Is that?
Oh my heavens.
You've been listening to season three episode one of My Amazing Woman titled My Amazing Crazy starring AJ Cruises,
Trevor and Lena Garcia as Anna Cat guest starring Darlene Moniz as dot Beatie Simon,

featuring Sophie Flack as Madison,
Nicole Frank Guam as Lenny Ken Halloran is Craig and David Robbins is Arch with Jamie says Carla Beatty Winter Noel as Alice Kelsey painter as Snowy All Rick Steele as the construction worker and James C Taylor as your narrator.
This episode was produced and written by James.
It was voice directed by Mark Allen Bauer and dialogue edited by James with sound mastering and original music also by James.

Sound effects are from free sound dot org is a production of Hey Daddy Audio.
An affiliation with Time Well,
electronic recording productions,
copyright 2023 by James Z Taylor.
All rights reserved.
This is a work of fiction names,
events and incidents are the products of the author's peculiar imagination.
Any resemblance to actual persons,

living or dead or actual events is purely coincidental.
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