Late night paranormal investigation show, Mythic Hunters, is hosted by a drunk skeptic in the studio, who is unaware his co-host in the field has very real encounters with every monster she investigates. Created by Sara Ghaleb and E. Sandero Produced, sound engineered, and edited by Lauren Bancroft Original musical score by Erik Jorgenson Cover art by Dylan Farr Mixed by Easy Podcast Solutions (Full transcriptions, cast, and crew details available at
Sierra here! I'm finally hosting an episode from the studio! We're hunting for the chupacabra, a creature that only kills goats. Just goats, right? Right? Probably!
Content Warnings: Alcohol abuse, drug abuse, animal attack, violence, death, animal/pet death, jail mention, at 15:58 there are car speeding sounds which may be distracting while driving
(Full transcriptions, cast, and crew details available at www.mythichunter...
Sierra here! This special Halloween episode we're hunting the Black Eyed Kids, childlike creatures that kill you seven days after meeting them! Join us to see if we can lure some black eyed kids into our van with candy! Trick or treat!
(Full transcriptions, cast, and crew details available at
Content Warnings: Alcohol use and alcoholism, depictions of violence, mentions of child abuse, child endangerment, chi...
Sierra here! This week we're hunting the Men In Black, mysterious beings that erase people's memories. Now you're probably asking yourself, who are the Men in Black? They're mysterious beings that... that... Sierra here! this week...
(Full transcriptions, cast, and crew details available at
Content Warnings: Alcohol abuse, discussions of bestiality, abduction, violence, memory loss, and paranoia.
Mythic Hunte...
Sierra here! This week we're hunting werewolves. Are they wolves? Are they men? Or are they waiting for the right human woman to come along?
(Full transcriptions, cast, and crew details available at
Content Warnings: Alcohol abuse, discussions of bestiality, sexual language, gun violence, animal violence, a gunshot at 10:27
Mythic Hunters Credits
Created by Sara Ghaleb and E. Sandero
Produced, sound engineere...
Sierra here! It's our first episode and we're hunting La Llorona, a ghost that drowns lost children! Isn't that exciting?!
Content Warnings: Alcohol use and alcoholism, descriptions of children drowning, depictions of adults drowning, discussion of child death and endangerment, death, strong language, at 5:09-6:10 a sustained loud alarm plays which may distract drivers
(Full transcriptions, cast, and crew details available at...
Sierra here! We're making a paranormal investigation show! Isn't that exciting!
Content Warnings: Alcohol abuse, fire
(Full transcriptions, cast, and crew details available at
Mythic Hunters Credits
Created by Sara Ghaleb and E. Sandero
Produced, sound engineered, and edited by Lauren Bancroft
Original musical score by Erik Jorgenson
Cover art by Dylan Farr
“Episode 0: Trailer”
Written and directed by Sa...
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