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March 29, 2024 36 mins

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Receiving is a lifestyle that can revolutionize your daily experience at work and home. We delve into the practice of nurturing the heart chakra and what it means to truly open up to love and prosperity. We'll talk about setting boundaries and trusting the ebbs and flows of existence as we learn the art of asking and the joy of letting go of control. Together, these 7 practices promise to enhance not only the way you engage with the world but also the depth and quality of your interpersonal connections.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
this is going to be such a good one.
There was a woman that is inthe woman's group that I'm in,
and she posted somethingyesterday where her before and
after picture was astounding.
She was glowing, radiant, justlike the epitome of a goddess

who has the world at her fingers, who is open to receive all the
blessings available for her,and she was soaking it all in,
and she looked glorious,absolutely stunning.
We're going to be diving in inthis episode, talking all about

opening up to receive.
If you are feeling overworked,tired or like things are harder
than they need to be, maybeyou're even at the point where
you're feeling resentful ofalways having to give so much.
This episode is for you.
Stay tuned.

Speaker 2 (01:08):
You're tuning into the Confident, Connected Leader
Podcast, your premierdestination for breaking through
your current professionalbarriers.
Your coach and host, Lisa Jeffs, will help you transcend
limitations and achieve newlevels of professional success
beyond self-doubt, sabotage andburnout.
Welcome to the show.

Speaker 1 (01:32):
I've been getting a lot of questions about receiving
from both people in my rebirthprogram, from the women's group
that I'm in right now, which isall about pleasure and really
allowing ourselves to receive,and it is so important to

understand, as women who give alot, what it means to receive,
because when we're off balance,this is where, at minimum, our
day-to-day can just simply feelheavier.
It's not as joyous, it's not asfun, we can feel like we're

kind of these workhorses, and itreally does not have to be that
And the funny thing is, whenyou can open to receive and you
really allow that space to befilled by something other than
you just doing and working hardand trying to control, then

everything becomes so mucheasier and you are in the
natural flow of the universe.
Right, you are in the naturalflow.
If you are in a place that hasseasons, right, the seasons are

the natural flow the blooming,the death, the rebirth it just
naturally happens.
You don't have to work really,really hard at it.
You don't have to force it.
You don't have the effort.
You don't have to work really,really hard at it.
You don't have to force it.
You don't have the effort, youdon't have to make it happen.

You don't have to give to thepoint that you are exhausted,
and we're going to dive in inthis episode to really help you
understand how you can start toopen, to receive more.
And really, at the core of thisis an identity shift.
You must shift your identityinto someone who believes they

are worthy of receiving, whobelieves that everything that
you are asking for and desiringwill happen naturally, and your
job is to simply wake up dailyand be the person who receives
it, and part of this is allowingyourself to receive what your

next steps are.
So one of the things I help alot of clients with is clarity
and next steps, and if you wantto be the person who is simply
moving through your life andyour work by every day taking

actions that are in alignmentwith your vision, then part of
that is being in a place whereyou can receive the information
that contains your next steps,and you must be in a place of
receiving to do so.
So what this doesn't look likeis if you are getting up and you

know I remember a time whereone of my sabotaging patterns is
I can fall into a loop ofconfusion and this can look like
kind of throwing spaghetti atthe wall.

Is this going to work?
Is this going to work?
Is this going to work?
But not from a curious place,but from almost a panicked place
and when I was in that period,going through that period, which
was a part of my journey.
So if you're in a period likethat, understand that it's a
part of my journey.
So if you're in a period likethat, understand that it's a
part of your journey.
It's not going to be forever aslong as you take steps to

remedy it.
But I wasn't getting into aplace of receiving daily, so I
wasn't allowing the informationto come to me, which was my next
I wasn't in the identity ofsomeone who believed that me
simply showing up and doing thework I'm here to do and taking
aligned action every day andbeing in a place of receiving

was enough for my work and mygoals to unfold.
Naturally, I believed I had tofigure it out and I had to do it
all and it was just exhaustingand the results were minimal.
So we actually want to be in aplace of receiving because it's

our natural state.
It feels great and you willstart to notice everything just
starts to look better as welland feel better.
So how do we get into a stateof receiving?
Now, everyone's journey isunique because we all have

different beliefs and we didn'tall have different the core of.
If we're not allowing ourselvesto receive fully, then there's
some stuff going on that areindividual.
So you can do this by eitherjournaling and asking yourself

the deeper questions on that Ican't say no when I want to say
no or do I believe thatabundance and wealth and fill in
the blank comes from me workingreally hard and comes from

sweat equity?
Why is that?
Where does that come from?
Do I remember a parent who usedto do that?
Was I always validated andcongratulated by people who
would say oh, you work so hard,we can always count on you,

you're so good at X, y, z, andnow you feel you can't say no,
or now you feel that it's noteven an option to just be in a
place of resting saying no.
I get this image of the goddesson the eating grapes on the

eating grapes.
So let's talk about it, becausethere is that individual need
to really dive in.
You can do that again on yourown, or you can do that with a
mentor or a coach or someone tohelp you.
This is what I do in my rebirthprogram and is what I do in my
VIP intensives.
But there are some generalaspects that you can start
integrating in your day that aregonna help you to open, to

receive, and the first one iscultivating gratitude.
So this is it's.
You know, gratitude practiceshave gained so much popularity
over the last five, six, sevenyears, but a lot of people are
they either resist it funnyenough or they don't really

allow themselves to feel intowhat the gratitude feels like.
I remember the first time I dida gratitude practice and
literally my energy just shiftedfrom maybe I was operating from
a four this was when I wasworking within the school board

and it went to like I don't know, freaking 300.
I remember having a sessionwith an energy reader when I was
in this practice, like reallydiving in, and she said that my
energy like thebrightnessillsbury dough thing
that just expands and he's justlike huge and he's walking

through the New York and shesaid my energy was just so big
and when your energy is justexpanded, when we are expanded,
we are in a more conducive placeof receiving.
So cultivating gratitude byacknowledging and appreciating

what you already have in yourlife.
What do you want more of?
Where can you see it already inyour life?
Gratitude opens the heart right.
It transforms our energy.
It makes us more receptive tothe gifts that the universe

wants to offer.
You can also show gratitude forwhat you are asking for.
So if you are asking for moretime for yourself, then state in
the present.
I'm so grateful for this time Ihave for myself.

I'm so thankful, thank you.
Thank you for this time that Ihave for myself.
You know, whether you you know,if you pray to God or if you
talk to the universe, it doesn'tmatter.
It doesn't matter who, what,anything, if it's just more of

an energetic thing for you.
But acknowledging that andgetting into that state and
really feeling it, feeling theappreciation, is going to put
you in to a state of receiving,being in the present moment.
Right when we are taking time torest, are you in the present

moment or are you thinking aboutall these other things that you
have to do?
Are you feeling guilty aboutwhat you're not doing?
Are you actually allowingyourself to rest?
Is your brain resting or is itgoing a million miles a minute,
practicing being mindful of yoursurroundings.

Right, being mindful brings usinto the present moment.
This is the space wherereceiving occurs.
Being fully present right, whenwe're fully present, we can
become aware of opportunitiesand blessings that are being
offered to us that are literallyright in front of us.

So you can do this by simplypaying attention to your senses.
What are the colors you see Ifyou're resting, taking a
breather, really allowingyourself to enjoy the colors
around you?

Look at the textures, reallyfeel into what is around you.
You know, one of the thingsthat has helped me greatly in my
practice and my spiritualpractice is really loving the
fact that I'm in a human bodyright now.
I came to earth.

Earth is the planet ofhumanness, of human physical
I am enjoying, you know,running my hand up and down a
pillow and feeling the sensationof it.
Feeling the sensation of itEnjoying.

You know, when I drink a glassof water, what it tastes like,
how it feels.
All these things are going tobring you into the present
You know, one of the things myguides always say is enjoy the
part of why you came here.
Okay, so, one, reallycultivating gratitude.

Two, practice being mindfulthroughout your day.
Three is opening your heartspace, really opening this
energy center right.
An open heart is a receptiveheart.
So many of us have built upwalls as a defense of past hurts

However, these barriers blockus from receiving love and joy
All these things right Cause usto close down.
When we're fearful, we contract.
When we're in a contractedstate, we're not in a receptive
state, we're in a control state.
So opening up your heart chakraNow this can be a more in-depth

So opening up your heart chakraNow, this can be a more
in-depth work.
If your heart chakra is closed,there may be some healing.
Necessary probably is to behonest.
There may be some work in anenergetic method.

What I want you to do is, youknow if, seeing the sun,
picturing it in your mind, ifyou can go outside and it's
sunny, great, do this outside.
Actually sit somewhere wherethe sun is beaming down you,
either on your back or yourfront, either on your back or
your front and just see thislight flowing through your

chakra coming from opening inthe front, opening in the back,
filling up your heart space.
Opening up your heart space.
Maybe you want to picturesomething flowing in, something

that you love.
Maybe it's birds, maybe it'scertain things that you like to
Creative projects, maybe it'skisses from someone you love.
Whatever it is, you can getvisual, you can get creative
with this, it doesn't matter,but it's filling up that heart

space and opening it up.
There may be, again, some workto be done on releasing any
blocks you have of receivingLike.
This is where it getsindividual.
This is where you may want towork with someone to support you
This is may.
If you want to talk to medirectly, book a breakthrough
Rebirth is currently in aspecial pricing until the end of

If that's something that youwant to explore and have a
conversation with me about, sendme a DM.
You can email me at info atlisajeffscom.
Number four releasing control.
Ooh, this is a hard one.

Receiving often requires us tolet go of our need for control
and trust in the flow of theuniverse.
So one thing that Bashar alwayssays Bashar is a channeled by
Daryl Anka, I believe I may havegotten his name wrong, but

Bashar often says you know, wedon't need to learn how to trust
We always are trusting insomething.
If we're in a place of lack andlimitation or lack of deserving
, then that is what we aretrusting in.
So it's not a matter oflearning to trust, it's it's

directing where that trust isgoing.
Are you?
Do you feel you always need tobe on?
Do you feel you can never sayno?
You know, maybe you aren'ttrusting the people in your life
, or your clients or your team,that they can do a good job

without you, and maybe there'sgood reason from the past.
But what do you want to believenow?
Because if you continue tryingto control and always be in a
place where you're resistingcontrolling, then you're just
going to reinforce this pattern.

It's just going to bereinforced over and over and
over again and ultimately it'sbased in fear.
That's where this is comingfrom.
So we want to release thecontrol.
This can involve surrenderingour expectations of how things

should look or how things shouldgo or when things should come
to us right.
We really want to be in a placewhere we are just elated and
surprised and delighted aboutthese wonderful things that the

universe can bring us.
When we're always in a place ofcontrol, then we're not in a
place of receiving and we don'tget to be surprised and
delighted because we'recontrolling everything and we're
limiting the amount that'savailable to us, we're limiting
what can actually flow to us.
Again, this is an identityshift.

So what do you look like?
As someone who can bask in rest,someone that can have
boundaries, that can say nowithout guilt.
Who is this person?
Who is this person that justallows things to flow and trust,

if you say no, that people willfigure out another way and it
won't affect your relationship,that they'll honor you saying no
, and it actually teaches themhow to treat you and what to
expect from you.
And it actually teaches themhow to treat you and what to

expect from you.
One of the best things I didwas instill very firm boundaries
within my business, very firmboundaries.
It teaches people how tooperate around you and it's
never had a negative outcome forme at all.
It's only positive, onlypositive.

People respect it right.
Children love to haveboundaries.
We often think, you know, somepeople will think that, oh, it's
being cruel or mean.
No, it's actually supportingthe other people in our life
because it's giving them veryclear direction.

Okay, so just to recap, we havecultivating gratitude, being
mindful throughout your day,opening your heart, releasing
resistance and control.
Leasing resistance and control.
The next one is be willing toask.
Right, asking is a powerful actof receiving.
You know, there are people thatI talk to sometimes and they'll

bring up things with their teamor their family or whatnot, or
whoever their partner they'll belike.
This person never does this,they never do this.
And I'll ask them well, haveyou asked for it?
And they say no.
Well, how on earth is thisperson supposed to know what to

Right, and it's funny when youthink about it, it's kind of
But when we can get trapped inthis loop, either we think that
they should know which no,that's a surefire way to be
resentful in your relationshipsor we just don't even realize.
It just doesn't flow into ourmind.

So asking is a powerful act ofreceiving.
Asking the universe, askingyour guides.
It signals that you are readyand willing to receive.

Now, when you ask, you also haveto be in a place of receiving
what you're asking for.
So let's say that you're askingyour partner for something and
then they start giving it to you.
Are you actually open toreceiving what you're asking for
Are you pushing back on it?
Do you try to control it?
Do you try to dictate how itshould look, how it should
Do you just not even want it?

Does it make you feeluncomfortable when you ask for
If you're asking for help andthen someone starts helping you,
do you actually allow them tohelp?
Or do you micromanage?
Or do you say you know what?
I can do this better myself,even if you can do it better
than this other person.

Right, even if you can do itbetter than yourself?
This is the tricky part.
It's still allowing.
Are you in a place of receiving?
Are you in a place of receiving, even if this person, let's say
, doesn't do it exactly how youwant?

How can you be in a place ofopen-hearted gratitude?
You can't be the same identityand shift into receiving and be

in harmony with giving andreceiving.
You have to shift your identity.
It has to be an identity shift.
So the next one is what doesreceiving actually feel like for
Can you cultivate that in yourbody?
What does receiving actuallyfeel like for you?
Can you cultivate that in yourbody?

What does receiving feel like?
Think about a time where youwere just I'll give you an
example from my own life On abeach, sun beating down, waves

crashing, the smell of the ocean.
You know, I order a pina coladaand it comes to me on the beach
and I have so much gratitudefor the people that are working
around me and I have so muchpeace and calm that I don't need

to be anywhere else.
I don't need to be anywhereelse, I don't need to be doing
anything else, I don't need tobe anything for anyone.
I just feel like this openchannel, right, absorbing all
the wonder that the world has.
Can you cultivate thatthroughout your day, absorbing

all the wonder that the worldhas?
Can you cultivate thatthroughout your day?
Can you visualize yourself in aplace of receiving, and it
could look different.
It doesn't have to look likemine, it can look like anything.

Maybe it's you in a state ofmeditation where you're not
trying, you're not trying tofigure anything out, you're just
in and you're just allowing.
You're just sinking into thatmeditation and allowing what to
come, to come.
So really understanding what iswhen I'm in a place of receipt.
What does that feel like?

What does that feel like?
And the last one is givingwithout expectation.
When you are in a place ofgiving without expectation, you

are fully trusting that andbelieving in the natural flow.
That and believing in thenatural flow, so this can look
If you are, I'm trying to thinkof a situation where people can
get wrapped up, so in someromantic relationships, people
can fall into a pattern oftransactional right.

So transactional can look likeyou know, I did this, so now you
do this, I did this, so you dothis, and you're not in a
natural flow.
Right, can you give withoutexpectation and can you receive

without needing to give back,right?
Some people have the opposite,where if they receive something,
they immediately have to kindof equal the score they got to
give back to that person.
And when you are in a harmonyof giving and receiving, this is

going to look like you can givegenerously, you don't need to
receive back anything from thatperson or that group or whatnot.
You know inherently thateverything that you put out
comes back.
This is law, and you can alsoreceive something graciously

from someone knowing andunderstanding that them giving
you something and you being opento receiving it is gift enough,
and then again they will be isgift enough and then again they
will be given something elsefrom whatever is in their flow,

and it doesn't need to come fromyou.
You don't need to be in thistransactional state right, it
can be just this real ease andflow.
Ease and flow.
One of the things that peoplesay often, which kind of just
internally, makes me like, ooh.
One of my love languages isgiving gifts, and you know, I

know it's almost just a thingpeople say which is oh, you
didn't, you shouldn't have, oh,you didn't have to do this, you
shouldn't have, actually closesdown, right, the person who is
giving it actually constrictsthat energy.
So, if you can really payattention to how you are

receiving, are you receivingsomething?
And you're just like, oh, myGod, thank you, thank you so
much for this.
I love this.
This is so thoughtful of youand not having to give back
anything, right, you don't feellike you need to give back to
the person, and you can if youwant, not saying that you can't

do that, but it's a differentplace coming from.
Oh, I want to pour into thisperson, I just feel so good, I
just feel so abundant,prosperous and happy.
Then feeling like, oh, now Ihave to give something to equal
the score.
Or if you give something tosomeone and they don't, do you

feel somehow slighted?
Right, this is showing you thatyou're not in a harmony of
giving, receiving right.
Things are very transactionaland if this is a belief, then
that is going to be yourexperience in life.
You're going to experience avery transactional way of being
So I'm just going to be yourexperience in life You're going
to experience a verytransactional way of being Okay.

So I'm just going to run downthe list one more time for you
of going from challenges withreceiving to being just an open
channel of giving and receiving,flowing just to where you are
The first one gratitude,cultivating gratitude, really

feeling into it.
Second mindfulness beingpresent in your day.
If you're not present, you areblocking your ability to receive
All receiving happens in thepresent.
Opening your heart what healingneeds to happen?
What work do we need to do toopen your heart?
Where you feel safe in yourbody, where you feel safe and

comfortable to open it?
Four releasing resistance andcontrol.
To all my control freaks, thisis really really important,
How can you get into the flow?
How can you direct your trusttowards the natural flow of

giving and receiving, thateverything works out for your
highest good?
You don't need to control it.
Five being willing to ask.
Ask for your highest good.
You don't need to control it.
Five being willing to ask.
Ask for what you want.
Are you asking for what youwant daily, whether that's your
spirit team or to the people inyour life?
If not, how can you be open toreceive if you're not asking?

Six cultivate the feeling ofreceiving.
What does receiving feel likefor you?
You have to understand what itfeels like when you're in a
feeling of receiving.
What does receiving feel likefor you?
You have to understand what itfeels like when you're in a
place of receiving.
Seven give without expectation,receive without needing to give
back to that.
When you are in a flow of givingand receiving everything, it

works itself out.
You do not need to be theperson to make sure everything
is on equal planes, becausethere really is no equal planes.
In that way of looking at it,it just becomes this weird
transactional kind of experienceand that completely takes away

from the wonder and delight andjust this incredible way of
being in this world.
You know when you can reallytap in to your own energetic
fields and feel into.
You know if you think about atap and the tap is just flowing

You know you put it on blastand it's just flowing.
Is your tap flowing out?
Is your energetic tap flowingout, your energetic receiving
tap, or is it a little bit, youknow, midway?
Or is it kind of just dribblingout?
Or is it not going at all?

Is it completely off?
This is your way of intuitivelytuning into what do I need?
What do I need more of?
How can I get into thisabsolute flow and expectation
and trust that I can honor myneeds first, that I can give to
myself and when I give to myselfand I set boundaries, that I'm

actually allowing myself toreceive so much more and, in
turn of me receiving so muchmore, I can actually give so
much more.
Right, we can't give when ourtap is just dribbling out, and
this is, you know, the challengefor so many of us, leaders and
light warriors and givers thatwe can fall into this trap.

Okay, so I hope this washelpful.
If you need support in this, ofcourse, reach out.
If you want me to go more indepth on anything, send me a DM.
I would love to hear from youdirectly.
Your questions help me createpodcasts that you actually want
that give you the value that youneed.
And if you wanna chat with meabout Rebirth, it's my six-week

We're gonna be working reallyin depth over those six weeks.
It's my six-week program.
We're going to be workingreally in-depth over those six
It's completely tailored to you, but I can give you a breakdown
If you want to talk more withme the special pricing ends at
the end of Easter Would love tosupport you if it's a good fit.
Other than that, I'm so honoredif you're still listening.

I appreciate you and let's stayconnected.

Speaker 2 (35:23):
Thank you for tuning into the Confident, Connected
Leader podcast.
Lisa Jeffs is committed tohelping you break through
barriers and climb to newprofessional heights.
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