Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
How would your life
and work change if you fully
trusted in yourself, in yourideas and in your capabilities?
We're going to dig into this inthis episode.
You're going to want to stickaround to the end.
Let's get started.
Speaker 2 (00:19):
You're tuning into
the Confident, Connected Leader
podcast, your premierdestination for breaking through
your current professionalbarriers.
Your coach and host, Lisa Jeffs, will help you transcend
limitations and achieve newlevels of professional success
beyond self-doubt, sabotage andburnout.
Welcome to the show.
Speaker 1 (00:44):
It's International
Woman's Day, and this episode
was inspired after watching alittle bit of JLo's documentary
with my daughter, where shetalks about getting a lot of
feedback from individuals in theindustry who told her not to
move ahead with her project of.
I believe it's called this IsMe.
Now, if you're aware of whatthe project is or not, it's not
really the point.
The point of this is how do wehave the courage to follow our
intuition and our path forward,really follow the guidance
that's coming from within, whenwe're getting feedback from
others that is completely theopposite or a little bit
different than what we arefeeling within?
What do we do with that?
Now, it's easy to, if you'regetting advice or getting
guidance from someone, let's say, who's not doing what you're
doing Maybe they haven'texperienced the level of success
that you want To really askyourself is this person's advice
even valid?
What's it based on?
It can be easier to moveforward with what your own inner
guidance system is telling you.
What do we do when we'regetting advice or we're getting
feedback from people who, let'ssay, we respect, people who are
successful in our industry andpeople we look up to?
What do we do with that whenour inner guidance system is
calling us forward or we'regetting excited about an idea
For JLOs, using JLOs project asan example and this was before I
even watched this documentary Iknew this project that she was
doing was something close to herheart.
This wasn't a project aboutmaking money, and people might
argue that it is to promote hernew tour.
While that may be part of it,this is 1,000% a project from
her heart and her having thecourage to say yes to that and
follow through.
In the space that I am inworking online as an online
coach, there are 10,000, 10million opinions out there about
what you should do, which wayto go, how to do this, how to
build your business, how toshift your mindset, how to do
all these different things.
One of the things I've gainedover the years is a trust in my
internal guidance system.
I have this trust now becausethere have been many times where
I have listened to others whoI've respected and who may have
had a validity to their opinions, but I've gone against my own
guidance system and it's alwaysfallen flat.
It's fallen flat and then I'vekicked myself to.
I was getting the information Ineeded.
Why did I listen to someoneelse.
The challenging part about thisis we don't necessarily want to
be in our own echo chamber.
It's great to lean on othersand get their feedback, and
especially if it's someone thatwe respect, someone who's been
doing the thing for a while,maybe even someone that we're
paying for guidance andmentorship.
It can be challenging followingyour own internal signals, and
it's really about navigatingthat world, about taking what
you can from others but thenrunning it through your system,
and this is the key.
This is how you truly step intoyour world as a powerful,
empowered woman when you moveforward with trust, belief in
yourself and continuouslybetting on yourself, without the
need for anyone to agree withthe direction that you're going.
And this can be challenging andit's often only in hindsight
that we can see that.
Oh, you know.
And you're going to get thefeedback from others that are
like oh, you know what you wereright, you were smart to follow
what you were, what your innerguidance system was telling you
to do, even though in paper orin the you know, people are
looking at it in a logicalstance, have fallen flat or it
doesn't make sense.
You know again, using JLo'sproject as an example, a lot of
people were telling her thatthis has never worked right.
It hasn't worked for Rihanna,it hasn't worked for Beyonce, it
just doesn't work right.
People don't want it.
Well, she bet on herself.
So this is a message onInternational Woman's Day to bet
on yourself to when you have anidea, when you have a vision,
when there's something that'scalling your heart forward, and
everyone else is telling you,either you can't do it, it's not
smart, it's not wise, maybe dothis, run that information
through your system.
So what I mean by that is andthe challenging part here is, if
you're not connected to yourbody, then you may be trying to
figure this all out in your head.
Right, you run ideas throughyour mind, you make pro and con
lists, you get more confused,you get more disconnected, you
seek out more validation fromothers, and it just sends you on
this road of being even moredisconnected from your internal
guidance system.
So to do this, you have to beconnected to your body.
Now, if you feel that, okay, Ido live in my head a lot, I'm
always thinking, I always feel alittle bit distracted, I don't
feel fully embodied as a woman,then what you can do is to get
into your body and if you are avisual person, this will.
But even if you're not, you canjust set the intention.
But if you're a visual person,you can imagine a ball of light
flowing down.
You know.
Picture the, your mind's eye,which is just behind your eyes.
Picture a ball of light justflowing down, down, down through
your neck, your throat chakra,into your heart space, right in
the middle of your chest, andjust put your hand on your heart
and breathe deeply a few timesuntil you feel can feel, into
your heart space, into your body, and then run your idea.
So when I say run, I mean justbring it into your mind.
So you bring your idea intoyour mind.
What does it feel like?
Does it feel expansive?
Does it feel like you're justgoing and sitting in a hot tub?
You know that expansive feelingwhen you first get in that hot
tub and it just feels yourenergy expands.
Or does it feel contractive?
Does it feel tight?
Does it feel like when you walkinto a room and people were
just fighting?
They're real tight energy.
If it feels expansive, this isa good indication that this is
an idea that you can explore.
You can move forward on andcontinue exploring If you run
their idea or their feedbackthrough that same system, does
it feel contractive?
Does it feel expansive?
If it feels contractive, holdback on it.
There's something that's not inalignment with what their
feedback was Learning to trustthat.
Your body, when you tune intoyour body, it's this massive
wisdom center.
You know, when you tune intoyour heart space and build a
connection with your heart space, you are becoming one with so
much power the power of ourlineage, the power of now, the
power of presence, the power ofMother Earth, the power of
cosmic wisdom.
You're tapping in.
It's important to get out ofthe head.
The head is what can steer usin all these wrong directions.
So, taking into my experiencesin the past, I would have an
idea or I would have somethingin mind and I would ask for
feedback and I would getfeedback and it wouldn't feel
right, something would feel off.
But I would run it through mymind and my mind would tell me
well, this person has.
You know they're verysuccessful, they've created all
this in the world, they've hitall these milestones and it
makes sense.
You know their feedback makessense.
It makes sense in your mind.
Maybe it's logical, maybe itseems like the linear next step.
That's great, but that's gonnasteer you in a lot of directions
that are not truly in alignmentwith you.
They just simply make sense inyour mind and it's a learning
process because you'll go downthese roads and then you hit
these walls and a lot of timesit's about backtracking and then
finally following your initialintuitive nudge, and then you
get to the place that you wannago.
So, learning to run it throughyour own system even the most
magical guidance, advice,mentorship you know and it can
be challenging even in the worldof you know, I'm an intuitive,
so a lot of the information Iget for clients is intuitive.
It is psychic information Even.
Still, if you are getting thisinformation, run it through your
system, sometimes a person ison this earth to learn to build
the soul lesson of trustingthemselves, of learning to trust
themselves and follow theirguidance above everything else
that's going on around them.
You are safe to do that and Iwould even argue that by
trusting and betting on yourself, even when it doesn't go the
way you want, it is still goingto give you a huge positive
It's not always about gettingthis huge outcome or this huge
result from what you're doing Alot of times.
The benefit is simply buildingthe trust in yourself, knowing
that there is no one onpedestals above you.
You stand alone.
We all stand on a single floortogether.
We're not meant to do it aloneand that's not what I'm trying
to say.
So I want to be really carefulthat I'm not saying do it alone,
don't ask for others' help,don't invite others into your
Not at all.
I think we're in this togetheras a collective, but what I'm
saying is always run it throughyour system to make sure that
you're not giving your poweraway to someone else's opinion,
to someone else's perception, totheir view, to their experience
, because, again, a lot of times, the path forward to where you
want to go, to your vision, it'snot going to be linear and it's
not going to be the same aswhat someone else has done,
especially not if you're here toinnovate, if you're here to
create a new pathway, then a bigpart of the journey is going to
be trusting yourself andtrusting the guidance that you
are getting internally.
And if you need help with this,reach out.
This is what I do with myprivate clients.
A lot of my private clients arevery much in their head and
they're very, very smart, veryintellectual, very successful.
But they can get lost in theirhead, as can I, as can many
driven leaders can get stuck inthe head.
And we have to practice gettingout of the head, getting out of
that linear way of looking atthings and really trusting
what's coming through, trustingthose ideas, trusting the
inspiration, trusting the visionit's safe to follow, it's safe
to move forward with what'scoming through you and know that
you can course correct on thatpath.
You don't have to get it rightthe first time or the second or
the third.
It can be course corrected.
Take the guidance thatresonates.
If you're uncertain and you getgreat advice or mentorship and
it feels really, really good,follow it.
But if it doesn't feel good andyour guidance, it feels
expansive, don't second guessyourself and get in your head
and tell yourself, oh, thisperson I should follow it.
Trust yourself.
So I'm going to wrap it up.
This episode is I was reallyinspired today for International
Woman's Day, to give you alittle, hopefully inspiring
message for whoever is listening.
I know there's certain peoplethat are going to listen to this
, that have been questioningthemselves, and this is going to
be the confirmation they needto believe and trust themselves
to move forward.
So have a wonderfulInternational Woman's Day, if
you're listening to it today, oranother day, celebrate yourself
, celebrate your ideas,celebrate your vision forward,
trust yourself and let's stayconnected.
Speaker 2 (16:40):
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Leader podcast.
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