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March 28, 2024 15 mins

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This episode is for anyone who's ever questioned if their vision is truly achievable. Remember how you used to leap out of bed, thrilled at the thought of what lay ahead? Let's reclaim that enthusiasm together. I'll guide you through understanding the root of your disbelief and share insightful strategies to restore faith in your capabilities. By the end of our session, you'll have a renewed belief in the inevitability of your success and be ready to face each day with vigor and zest. Join me, and let's believe, achieve, and excel beyond our wildest expectations.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
If you are not waking up, just jumping out of bed
excited about starting your day,excited about the work that
you're doing, then there is apart of you that doesn't believe
your vision is going to happen,because if you fully believe
that it was going to happen,you'd be popping out of bed warp

speed, given that your visionis actually something that you
want and it's aligned with yourvalues and it's something that
gets you excited.
Keep listening.
In this episode, we are goingto dive in to what is going on
if you are dragging yourself outof bed or you are just going

through the motions, because we,as human beings, can go through
the motions over and over andover for years.
And that is not why you camehere.
Stay tuned, we're going to divein.

Speaker 2 (00:59):
You're tuning into the Confident, Connected Leader
podcast, your premierdestination for breaking through
your current professionalbarriers.
Your coach and host, Lisa Jeffs, will help you transcend
limitations and achieve newlevels of professional success
beyond self-doubt, sabotage andburnout.
Welcome to the show the show.

Speaker 1 (01:29):
So there's an interesting thing that happens,
especially when we have patternsof sabotage, which is simply
self-protection, we can at somepoint in our journey, at some
point in our leadership journey,decide that our vision is not
going to happen.
Journey decide that our visionis not going to happen.

Maybe we've tried a fewdifferent things.
We may have been working onsomething and it hasn't
manifested yet, hasn't developedinto what we are desiring, and
we make the unconscious decisionthat you know what, the
unconscious decision that youknow what, this is just not
going to happen, it's just notgoing to work.
And because of that belief, wedon't put our energy into

We don't put our full energyinto something.
So this can look like just kindof going through the motions.
You know it's really hard.
Things are hard, things arechallenging.
We're kind of just doing it forthe sake of doing it and we can
fall into this pattern for along time and we do not want to

be here because nothing goodgets created here and you really
just start calling in the sameexperience and the same results
and it just stays challenging.
So we need to actually look atwhy you don't believe that you
can't achieve your vision.

At one point you started thisjourney and you were excited
about it.
At one point you had a visionbecause you believed that it was
going to happen.
At what point did you decidethat it is no longer an option
or it's no longer for you.
We need you to have andcultivate an unshakable

confidence, not only in yourselfbut in your vision.
And when you can do this, youwill start to feel that fire
again, that fire in your belly.
You know those times whenyou're working and time just
flies by and it's just exciting.

And when you hit thesemilestones and you hit these
achievements, it feels great.
And if you haven't felt this ina while, I want you to take a
deep breath and understand thatyou can feel like this again.
And it is all going to startwith what is happening within

you, is all going to start withthe beliefs that you have about
yourself and about the worldaround you.
So when we have unshakableconfidence, it means we not only
believe in our abilities, wealso believe in ourself.

We have a high self-esteem, wehave a high belief in our
capabilities, even if thingsaren't working out, even if
things aren't looking like wewant them to.
If we don't have unshakableconfidence, what can happen is

we can start going internal,start doubting ourselves, start
being really, really critical ofourselves, getting lost in
confusion, getting lost inuncertainty, in the what-ifs, in
lack and scarcity.
When we have unshakableconfidence, we see obstacles as

simply puzzles.
Oh great, here's something Iget to work through Exciting.
Let me work through it.
When you have unshakableconfidence, you have absolute
belief in yourself and in yourgoals, in your vision, and it's
not a matter of if it's going tohappen, it's when it will

And if you're saying toyourself, right, sure, sounds
great, lisa, but I don't reallybelieve it, then this is a very
clear indication that we need todo some work internally on your
beliefs about yourself andabout the world around you.

You know, when you haveunshakable confidence, you
become absolutely magnetic.
You are like the best house onthe block.
You know the best looking houseon the block.
You know the best looking houseon the block that everyone's
eyes are just drawn to.
And sometimes, you know, youmay be a little bit intimidating

for some people, but for theright people, you become
absolutely inspiring and theyjust want to be around you and
look at you.
Okay, that sounds a littlecreepy, but you get the point.
When you have unshakableconfidence, you become magnetic.

People want to be around you,opportunities come to you.
Everything starts to fall intoplace.
Synchronicities happen.
Fall into place,synchronicities happen.
Your path to unshakableconfidence is a spiritual path.
This is you claiming yourdivinity.

It's you claiming your purposein the world.
It's letting go of the lack andlimitations that we learn as
human beings.
You are not born into thisworld with lack and limitation.
You learn it.

You learn it from lifetimes,from human lifetimes.
This is where it comes from.
So, to build unshakableconfidence so you can start
waking up excited aboutimpacting the world, about
creating the things that you aredesiring, about experiencing
more prosperity, more love, moreimpact, more influence,

whatever it is that gets youthat feeling of fire.
Then you got to first look atyour beliefs about yourself.
At what point did you startbelieving that it wasn't going
to happen for you?
At what point did that happen?
Because it wasn't always likethat.
There was a point where youunconsciously made that decision

Was it over time, when thingsjust weren't happening and you
were seeing other people havingthe success you wanted?
Was that a point where youdecided you know what, it's just
probably not going to happenfor me?
Was there a point where you hadgreat loss or, in your

perception, something was a bigfailure and you felt embarrassed
or you felt shamed and at thatpoint you decided unconsciously
that this wasn't going to happenfor you.
And now you're just kind ofgoing through the motions,
working really hard, nothing'sreally happening and you're just

kind of doing it.
Can we stop the insanity?
Right now, the only thing inyour way, from where you are to
where you want to be, is yourbeliefs.
I want you to get a piece ofpaper and write down all the
beliefs that are in the gap ofwhere you are now to where you
want to be.
The gap is a place where weeither keep hitting a wall, or

it's a place that we can be inand sit in an inner confident,
knowing that everything we aredesiring is already there and
sometimes it takes time for usto see it in the physical, but
it's there or the gap is filledwith a consistent roadblock that

we're just hitting and we'renot getting creative and problem
solving to make our way throughbecause, unconsciously, we
don't believe that it's possible.
I hope this is giving you someaha moments, because any kind of
challenge you're facing rightnow with breaking through that

upper limit, that ceiling, hasto do internally.
It has to do with the beliefs,has to do with your beliefs of
self, either your self-image,your beliefs of what's possible
and all these things can beshifted.
So, so quickly, so so quickly.

Either you can shift them oryou can work with someone that
can help walk you through.
I recommend getting support Ifit's been three months or longer
that you've been in a placewhere you're not happy, where
you want something more.
Invest in yourself, invest inyour vision, get out of the

spiral that you are in, becausethat's all it is.
It's you're looping in a beliefsystem and you're looping in
the same energy and it just goesaround and around.
It'll go around and arounduntil you do something about it,
until you stop it.
So, if you're interested inworking with me, this is what I

This is what I love to do.
This is what I'm really, reallygood at is seeing what is
getting in the way and pullingit out from the root and helping
you to see your own power toreally embody what unshakable
confidence is.
Unshakable confidence is radicalbelief in self and it is

radical belief in your abilities, your competencies.
And it is radical belief inyour abilities, your
competencies and it's combiningit and it's living it daily
through practices.
And it's showing up as a newperson not new in a sense, where
you are faking the fun.
It's showing up as that nextversion of you that's always

been there.
It's just been clouded bybeliefs.
I believe fully that you comeinto this world whole, and part
of your work here to do as asoul, as a spirit, is to go
through the journey of comingback to that place of wholeness.

I mean, it never leaves you,you're always whole.
But it's about shedding thesehuman tendencies to want to
shrink, to want to lean into thecollective consciousness, which
is riddled with lack andlimitation.
It's breaking beyond that andpaving a new path, and this is

going to help you, not help.
It is going to create a lifewhere you're jumping out of bed
literally excited to start yourday.
And if you're thinking thatsounds so cheesy and it's not
true for anyone, then we'vereally got to start working on

your beliefs, because it is10,000% true.
Is it going to be like thatevery single day?
No, of course not.
There's a cycle, right?
Everything, we flow witheverything, but it is going to
be the case for the majority ofthe time.
Okay, I'm going to wrap it up.

I'd love to get your feedback.
Send me a DM if this is helpful.
Send me a DM with any questionsyou have.
I'd love to do a podcast onyour specific questions and send
me a DM if you'd like to chatabout working together.
Or you can book a breakthroughcall.
There's no obligation tocontinue.
The breakthrough call alone isgoing to give you so much

It's not called breakthroughjust for the fun of it.
It's called breakthroughbecause you're going to have a
This is me in my purpose, wherethis is what I'm really, really
good at, and I'd love to helpyou break through whatever
you're going through, to breakthrough that upper limit so you

can impact the world in the waythat you came here to do.
I'm sending you lots of love, Iappreciate you and let's stay

Speaker 2 (14:45):
Thank you for tuning into the Confident, Connected
Leader podcast.
Lisa Jeffs is committed tohelping you break through
barriers and climb to newprofessional heights.
If today's episode inspired you, we'd be honored if you could
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You'll find all relevant links,including those for our
complimentary gifts andtrainings, in the show notes.
Until our next episode, embraceyour confidence and stay
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