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July 7, 2024 18 mins

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Ever wondered why your efforts to achieve your goals often yield minimal results? On today’s episode of the Confident, Connected Leader podcast, I promise you'll uncover the three essential actions to start and stop doing to propel yourself into a quantum leap of success. By sharing personal transformative moments, I reveal how internal energy shifts and external actions can drive significant external changes and break the cycle of self-sabotage and habitual patterns.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello, my leader.
Today we're getting into thethree things you need to start
and stop doing to quantum leapyour results.
And what I mean by quantum leapis simply make that
transformation no more trying todo something or working towards

something that never seems tohappen.
Three things you need to startand stop doing.
These are critical and when Itell you them, you're going to
be like oh, this is reallylogical, Stick around, it's
going to be a good one.

Speaker 2 (00:39):
You're tuning into the Confident, Connected Leader
podcast, your premierdestination for breaking through
your current professionalbarriers.
Your coach and host, Lisa Jeffs, will help you transcend
limitations and achieve newlevels of professional success
beyond self-doubt, sabotage andburnout.
Welcome to the show.

Welcome to the show.

Speaker 1 (01:04):
In my life.
There have been pivotal momentswhere I have made absolute 180s
in my life, and these aremoments where I wasn't working
towards something.
I made a change and immediatelymy physical world, the results

that I was seeing, started tochange, and today we're going to
talk about what.
Do you need to do that?
Because a problem that happensoften in the world of personal
development or personal growthor in anyone that is moving
towards a life that is ambitious, someone who wants to achieve

What can happen is thisconstant working towards
something, but the results arevery minimal or they take just
years upon years.
And I'm not saying that wedon't need to be patient and we

should expect things to justsnap our fingers and for them to
happen, because some changesare going to take a long time,
and it really is about thejourney.
However, what I'm speaking totoday is less about that and
more about making sure thatyou're not in a loop where

you're unintentionallysabotaging the results that you
want, either through fears, oryou're just in a habit loop and
you're in this constant state.
You know, when people saythings such as oh, I'm
manifesting this, I'mmanifesting this.

Often there is a problem there,that you're in this loop of
constantly trying but it's notgetting anywhere because you're
not actually making the changesnecessary to allow that change
to come into your life.
So let's get into it.

Ultimately, you want adifferent set of results because
you believe that you will feelbetter once you get those
So if you are working towards,let's say, I'm going to use our
body because people can relateto this across the board.
Because people can relate tothis across the board, if you

have a certain goal, a workoutgoal, or maybe you're trying to
lose weight, release weight orgain weight, you believe that
you're going to feel better inhaving that result.
We want to feel better now.
We don't want to have to waitto get a result, to feel that

excitement or feel proud ofourselves or feel that we are
beautiful or healthy.
And this can be verychallenging because we are
attached to seeing things in thephysical.
If I can give you one thing inthis episode, it is internal

Okay, the internal self, how wefeel about ourself, the energy
that we're in, matters so muchmore than seeing it in the
If we're waiting to seesomething in the external, this
is when we get into these loopsthat can just last for so long.

And it's like you are waitingfor this result and it's out in
the horizon and you keep doingthese things but you're never
getting closer.
And you keep doing these thingsbut you're never getting closer
Right, that goal is nevergetting closer.
I need you to start feelingthese feelings, these elevated
feelings of what you aredesiring now.

So that means, if you arethinking about an outfit you're
going to wear, or thinking aboutan outfit you're going to wear,
or thinking about what you'regoing to do when you're at this
certain goal, whatever it is, Iwant you to start to ask
yourself how can I start feelingthat now?

What do I need to do in myday-to-day to feel that result
and then do it, startimplementing it?
This takes deeper work.
Okay, you may need to do somejournaling on it.
You may need to do somevisualization and get yourself

into that energy.
Feel better now.
Okay, that one's a little lesstangible, but it's really,
really important.
One of the times I rememberthat I just started becoming a
manifesting magnet was when Iprioritized feeling really

grateful for everything that Ihad, and just grateful for the
world around me, and thatdoesn't mean I was avoiding
feeling all the feels of being ahuman, but I prioritized
feeling grateful and I startedattracting things into my life,

like I was literally a stickytape and everything was just
being attracted to me.
Okay, getting into the next one.
Stop working towards somethingand be the person now.
Working towards something as ifyou are working towards an

identity keeps you in aperpetual loop.
Trying to get there.
It's always outside of yourself.
It's always somewhere out there.
You know, I'm working towardsbeing in this position in my
career, or I'm working towardsthis person in my business.

I'm working towards Now.
Again, this isn't to say thatwe don't have goals, that we are
long-term working towards.
That's fine, but I need you tobe in the identity of that
person now.
I just told this story to one ofmy clients the other day.
When I first started trainingfor my marathon, I wasn't a

person who was working towardsbeing the person who could run a
As soon as I signed up for thatthing, I became a marathon
That meant that I was eatingand breathing and sleeping.
That identity and guess what itthe gap of me being someone who

could barely run down thestreet without needing to call a
taxi to pick her up and bringher home to the marathon runner.
It closed the gap very quickly.
If I had gone into thatexperience and said you know I'm
working toward it could havetaken years.

It could have taken years andyears, as opposed to taking a
few months.
So this is if you want to reallyget radically honest with
If you have had goals or if youhave set certain milestones and
it just feels like, year afteryear, nothing is really moving

the needle, and you have thisgoal and it's great because
you're being really dedicatedand committed to it, but you're
like what is happening?
When is this actually going tohappen?
And this happens so often inthe personal development world.
You know I see people goinginto and I've been guilty of

this myself, so I'm not passingjudgment.
We can fall into these loopswhere it's another course, we're
buying or we're going toanother seminar or we're doing
the next thing, and we're alwayslooking outside of ourselves,
thinking that that's the answer,that's the next step.
This is the one thing that Ineed to close that gap, and

we're doing it in the sameidentity that is far away from
the results that we want, andthis creates this ridiculous
I need you to be in theidentity of the person that
already has the results.
This is going to take yougetting very clear.
Get out a paper and a pen andwrite out this is the goal I

Who do I need to become toachieve this goal?
This is for anything.
This is for your big businessand career goals.
This could even be forachieving a goal in your hobby.
Who do you need to become?
How do they behave?

What do they believe?
What actions do they take?
What do they believe?
What actions do they take?
You know?
Going back to my marathonexample, I had to again eat,
breathe and sleep like amarathon runner.
I couldn't be, you know, eatingand sleeping and being.

You know, oh, you know, at somepoint I'm going to start
At some point I'm going tostart doing these things.
I'm going to start.
Then the race would have comeand I would have nothing in
I would have no training undermy belt.
I wouldn't be fueled.

I wouldn't be fueled.
I hope this is making sense,because it really is simple when
you can become that person nowand you can literally snap your
fingers and become the personnow.
Let me tell you the changes thatI've made.
The transformations I've madein my life have literally been
For me, a lot of those changeswere me hitting a rock bottom

moment and then immediately youknow being I am done and making
these radical changes literallythat day.
But you don't need to hit arock bottom moment.
You can get honest withyourself, look at the results
you're getting or not gettingand be okay.
Why is this not happening?

Why are the changes not reallycoming to par or why is there a
Why have I gotten to a certainpoint, but that last 10% just
seems like it's not moving.
The needle's not moving.
Who do I need to become?
And the challenging part isyou're going to have to make new

You're going to have to takenew actions.
You cannot take the sameactions and sometimes, a lot of
times, this is courageous newactions.
It's not necessarily oh, I'mgoing to learn more about this.
It is.
I got to do this.
And if you're having challengeswith this, get a coach, hire

someone that's going to keep youaccountable.
Often it's not your friendSally that's going to really
hold you to making these big,courageous changes.
Sometimes it takes investing todo it.
Okay, so become the person.

Stop working towards somethingin the old identity, because it
just perpetuates the oldidentity, the old results, the
old way of doing things.
Okay, and last but not least,have more fun, please.
Okay, have more fun.

I work with a lot of drivenA-type personalities.
A lot of them are very driven.
A lot of them do not have fun.
Okay, this has been a goal ofmine over the last few years to
ignite more fun into the workI'm doing, into my day to day.

Because fun has beenscientifically proven not only
to have benefits on ourcreativity, but just a wealth of
other benefits.
And when we are feeling good,when we are feeling happy, okay,

I mean, I'm in a course rightnow the Science of Happiness.
I'm taking it with the Berkeley, I believe it's called the
Science of actually, you know,I'm not going to say the name
because I'm not sure theBerkeley, I believe it's called
the science of actually, youknow, I'm not going to say the
name because I'm not sure thedepartment.
But anyways, I'm taking thecourse and it's just.
You know, I always knew thatfun and happiness had a lot of

benefits, but the benefits aremassive, including the benefits
that we want in our life and inthe work that we do.
So you having more fun is goingto not only make you feel
better, it's actually going toimpact your work in a positive

So if you feel like you're kindof in this loop and you're just
like, okay, I keep workingtowards something.
It's not really happening, I'mjust not really enjoying it,
what can you do to put more funinto your day?
Fun is gonna open up yourcreativity.
Okay, this is gonna help tomagnetize people to you,

opportunities to you.
It's gonna open the door to awhole new realm.
I do this experiment a lot.
Anytime that I'm feeling great,I'll pay attention to who I'm
attracting, what are theopportunities I'm attracting,
and when I'm not feeling sogreat I'm attracting.

And when I'm not feeling sogreat, what do I attract into my
And again, this is not to we'renot talking about toxic
So, ignoring feelings likeanger or sadness or grief, et
cetera, and always trying to puton a smiling face through the
pain, no, trying to put on asmiling face through the pain,

But we want to start tointentionally make an assessment
of our day and if there arethings we can add into our day
that are going to bring in morefun, bring in more creativity
that are going to add to ourgenuine happiness.
Our genuine happiness, such asif we are someone who really

loves to give to others.
Right Giving has been proven toincrease happiness.
Let's put some of that in ourday intentionally.
To sum it up, you know, if wewere to sum up all of these
three things, if you make anintentional decision to show up
as a person who already hasthese results that you're

working towards and you getclear what does this person need
to think, what does this personneed to believe, what actions
are this person taking, and youstart implementing this, the
results that you see will bemind-blowing.
I promise you that.

Okay, guys, I'm off.
It is my mother's 80th birthdaytoday.
We are going to go have a party.
I appreciate you.
I honor you If you were stillwith me.
Thank you, I hope this was ofsome value.
If you are ready to go deeperinto this and you would like to
have a chat and see if private,one-to-one coaching can help to

close the gap a lot faster thanwhat you've been experiencing,
book a breakthrough call.
You can find the link in myshow notes.
I would love to have a chat and, as always, let's stay

Speaker 2 (18:13):
Thank you for tuning into the Confident, Connected
Leader podcast.
Lisa Jeffs is committed tohelping you break through
barriers and climb to newprofessional heights.
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You'll find all relevant links,including those for our
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Until our next episode, embraceyour confidence and stay
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