Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Have you ever found
yourself at a crossroads, guided
by a chorus of shoulds?
You should be more successful,you should be a certain way, or
you should have it all figuredout.
We call this the path paved bysociety, paved by society, by
external voices that drown outthe most important, crucial part
of you, which is your soul.
Today, we're going to stripback the layers.
We're not just talking aboutsurface-level authenticity, but
rather we're diving into theessence of our being and giving
ourselves permission to live inaccordance to our rules, what we
are desiring, what we want.
Stay tuned, we're going to getdeep.
Speaker 2 (01:05):
You're tuning into
the Confident, Connected Leader
podcast, your premierdestination for breaking through
your current professionalbarriers.
Your coach and host, Lisa Jeffs, will help you transcend
limitations and achieve newlevels of professional success
beyond self-doubt, sabotage andburnout.
Welcome to the show.
Speaker 1 (01:29):
Hello leaders, we are
getting in deep today with
being authentically us, givingourselves permission to be us in
all our glory.
Because when we can do that,when we stop trying to do stuff
or trying to fit in a certainway and we just fully embrace
our unapologetic, incredibleamazingness, then that is when
we are the most magnetic, thatis when we're actually having
the most fun and we call theright people to us as leaders.
Maybe that looks like we arebuilding a team that is so
aligned and just excites us.
You know, if we'reentrepreneurs leading a mission,
we pull all the right peopletowards us, when we are being
authentic to our desires, ourdestiny, who we truly are.
So I want to tell you a littlea funny story, because this has
definitely been a journey ofmine, even though, you know, as
a young teenager I was very muchone to go against the grain and
simply do what I saw fit formyself, whether that fit in or
didn't fit in.
I was, you know.
I remember rolling around in myfelt coat which had a thick
animal print collar on which Iput on the coat because it was
so dreadfully boring.
I just told my mom I can't wearthis coat.
There's like no pizzazz to it,pizzazz to it.
And I remember, you know, I'dwear this coat and I was 15 at
the time and people would alwaysassume I was much, much older,
because what kind of a 15 yearold, you know, in 1995, is
rolling around with a felt coatwith animal print all over it.
But I was being soauthentically me at that time
and I was very confident At 15,wow, I had come out of my shell
and thinking back and it'sactually I'm just realizing this
now that was a time of great,immense confidence in myself and
who I was and when I started mybusiness and really it started
taking off.
So not even at the beginning,because at the beginning I was
following more of my heart,playing around, doing what felt
It was a.
It was when I started to getmore success and more notoriety
and more just my face out there,more more articles and stuff
popping up, that I started to domore of what I thought I should
be doing.
Or, if this is starting toresonate, when you get to a
certain point in your journeyand you're like, oh, maybe I
should be more like these peoplewho are already five steps
ahead, maybe I should be doingmore of what they're doing.
Let me see what they're doing.
You know, for me it was.
You know for me it was.
I was in a place where I wastelling myself, oh, I should be
more adventurous, right?
This was kind of at that pointwhere people were posting more
on Instagram and they wereposting their adventures and all
this stuff and it's like, oh,maybe I should be more
adventurous and do more stuff.
And you know, people may theremay be friends of mine saying,
well, you are adventurous, lisa,because there are certain
things that I am quite more outthere than, I would say, the
But I'm not.
I would not say I'm anadventurous person.
You're not going to find me,you know, hiking a mountain or
something an adventurous person.
You're not going to find me,you know, hiking a mountain or
But there was a point where Iwas like, okay, I'm going to
step out of my comfort zone, I'mgoing to do these adventurous
And you know, we planned a tripand I'm like, oh, we're going
to Panama and usually I wouldjust enjoy, you know, my time at
the resort and kick back andlay back.
But I'm like, no, we're goingto be adventurous, we're going
to go through the rainforest andwe're going to go on this
excursion and I'm telling myselflike these are all the things I
should be doing.
Right, I should be.
You know, I'm looking atcertain people that I was like,
oh, they seem to have it alltogether and they're doing all
these adventurous things.
I was like, oh, they seem tohave it all together and they're
doing all these adventurousthings.
And so we book our trip, ourexcursion through the rainforest
And you know, I remember askingthe people because I was with
my mom.
My mom at the time was probablyin her late 60s, not a very
Well, I shouldn't say that Idon't want to throw her on the
bus because she's 79 right nowand actually she's pretty in
good shape, but at the time shehad asthma and it wasn't exactly
a trip that you would bringsomeone that may need some
So I asked them and they werelike no, no, it's no problem,
it's for beginners.
Okay, let me tell you something.
I've been on a few of these.
I have a few stories like thisand anytime they say it's for
beginners, you need to go deeperand start really questioning it
So we go on this trip and we'reabout midway through and I start
questioning this entiredecision.
I mean, I'm carrying mydaughter in my arms because she
was, I don't know about five orsix, my mom's like over there
trying to catch her breath.
I'm wondering can I get out ofthis?
Can we turn back?
Which no, we couldn't, becausewe were in the middle of the
And all of a sudden, we come tothis creek and I'm looking down
at my shoes and this was myfault, because I didn't even
think of this, because, onceagain, I'm not an adventurous
So I'm wearing my brand newwhite pumas and we need to go
trupsing through this body ofwater.
So I'm stepping in this waterand, as the water is squishing
through my toes and my shoes andI'm just you know cursing the
inside, I'm realizing that maybe, just maybe, this wasn't
something I needed to do.
Maybe, just maybe, I wasn'tactually listening to my soul,
to my true desires, even to myintuition, when I book this trip
Maybe, just maybe, I waslistening to the part of my mind
telling me what I should bedoing, because it seems like it
makes sense or it seems like thegood idea.
So we're on this trip and weget to a, a village, and the
hosts there were just fantasticand I'm glad, you know, we got
to experience because there wassome nice moments in this
village area for my mom.
She enjoyed it.
Now, my experience, this, this,this child, this poor child
which was forced to dance withme, will stay in my memory until
the end of time.
So there was a, a moment where,you know, we, you know they put
on some music and it was timeto dance and I am holding my
daughter because my daughter was, you know, very, didn't want to
be put down at those times, shewas not very comfortable in
places she wasn't familiar with.
So I'm holding my daughter andthey're like come dance, come
I'm like, no, no, I'm okay, I'mokay.
You know those moments and youknow, at some point I realized,
okay, they're not going to takeno for an answer.
And this young man who wasprobably about I don't know
anywhere from like 8 to 12, justlooked like he wanted to be
anywhere but dancing with me andI can't blame him at all.
It was such a oh I don't evenknow what the word is cringey
Not because of him, there'snothing, he was lovely,
absolutely lovely, but because Iknow, if I had flipped
positions I would absolutely becringing, having to dance with
the woman and her child.
And it just clued in at thatmoment that it's okay to just do
what you think is right.
It's okay if you want to go ona vacation and just stay at the
resort and have some pinacoladas and dip your toes in the
pool and look out over theocean, literally for seven,
eight, nine, ten days, and notgo on any excursions or do
anything, even if there's amultitude of people telling you
that you should.
It's good for you, it'sexciting, right and funny enough
, I didn't learn my lesson afterthat vacation because there was
another experience a few yearslater.
I'll tell that story at anothertime.
It's equally as I don't knowwhat the word is, can I say
cringy again.
But after that, after the secondtime, it was a huge realization
that you know what.
I'm going to start listening tome.
Now I'm going to startlistening to what I need.
You know, I'm a very type Aperson and I've had a history of
doing a lot of things where Ipush myself.
I've really pushed myself outof my comfort zone.
I've done a lot of things.
So I have that experience.
I have that experience.
So I'm not saying don't doadventurous things, don't push
yourself out of your comfortzone, don't do things.
What I'm saying is make surethat what you're doing is
aligned to what you truly wantto do.
There is many things that Iwant to continue to challenge
myself with and to get out of mycomfort zone, but they don't
need to be what everyone else isdoing, need to be what everyone
else is doing.
They only need to be what Iwant to do, what I'm enjoying
You know I have a journal comingout in the next few days, at
the longest by next week.
We're doing some.
There's some formatting andsome review.
That needs to happen.
And this journal got completedso quickly because I fully
tapped in, listened to myself,listened to what I already knew
was going to be helpful forpeople, what I wanted to create,
what I knew I would want topick up and use, and because I
didn't look at what else was outthere.
I didn't research, didn't wantto know.
I fully allowed this creationto come through me.
It was able to be completed soquickly and it's just a
phenomenal journal.
It's literally going to changelives.
It's a self-love journal forwomen who give a lot.
It's coming out soon.
Send me a DM if you'd like tobe first to know when it's out.
But this is the power of tappingin and truly listening to you
what you need, what you want,what you desire, what your soul
is calling you towards.
I had a client call today andwe were having a discussion and
this comes up a lot, you know,because a lot of the people that
I attract are, you know, mayfeel like the odd one out, even
though you may look and be like,oh, this person doesn't feel
like that, they're not the odd,they don't seem like the odd one
out, even though you may lookand be like, oh, this person
doesn't feel like that, they'renot the odd, they don't seem
like the odd one out.
But internally they may feellike the odd one out and
sometimes they have uniquedesires, they have unique things
that they like, but they don'talways feel comfortable sharing
because it isn't according tothe norm.
It isn't according to the norm.
There's a lot of people thatmaybe view it as being different
or odd or not very cool or kindof this or kind of that.
Here's the thing You're alwaysgoing to get judged by someone.
Someone's always going to judgeyou for something.
Whether you're following inline with what everyone else is
doing or you're totally goingagainst the grain, you're going
to be judged.
So you might as well do whatyou want to do, because, at the
end of the day, our time here onthis planet is limited.
Even though you know we canhave a conversation about time
and how it's, you know, is timeactually real and all that stuff
But on earth we have a limitedamount of time in this body as a
human being.
Spending it doing things thatare true to you are going to
make your time here so much morefulfilling, so much more
connected, and you're truly,truly going to be your most
confident, magnetizing self.
When people are unapologetic inwhat they're doing, in who they
are, they become magnetic.
It doesn't matter what you sayor you do or what your choice is
People want to be around thatbecause you are a mirror for
You are a mirror giving thempermission to be their most
confident self.
So if you're someone, if you'rea leader who works with clients,
the best thing you can startdoing is tuning out the noise.
Forget what everyone else isdoing, you know.
Forget what the top people aretelling you to do and what works
and what sells, you know.
Take information like that witha grain of salt.
Take what resonates, leave therest, but always listen to your
internal guidance first.
Always listen to your internalguide and not the brain or the
you know, the part of you that'stelling you this makes sense or
this is what I should be doing,because that's what I did.
That's what my story was for toshowcase you that that's a very
two-dimensional way of lookingat things and you don't always
know how the pieces are going tobe fit in together.
So following that 2Dinformation source doesn't get
you very far.
Tapping in and learning how tolisten to your intuition, to
trust what's coming through andtaking actions forward, you
start to see how the piecesstart fitting in and how
everything starts to fall intoplace, and you start being in a
place of wonder and delight, asyou are surprised by all these
magnificent synchronicities,because the best thing you want
to have happen is to be in aplace of flow where it doesn't
feel like you need to effortanymore, that the challenges are
just simply enjoyablemilestones.
I'm not saying that you're notgoing to have fears and you
won't need to tap into somecourage and there won't be
things to process, but it nolonger becomes this hard
efforting, you know, struggle ofgetting things done, your
creations accomplished.
Okay, so I'm going to wrap itup here.
Let me know if this resonates,send me a DM.
I'd love to hear from you.
I'd love to hear if you wantmore topics on this here.
If you want more topics on this, entrust yourself.
You have the answers.
You have all that you requirewithin you.
Sometimes it takes becomingstill to listen.
Sometimes we need to do somework around self-love, which is
the cornerstone of starting totrust and feel worthy that your
desires and wants are completelyvalid, even if you're in a
world of very type A.
Even if you're in a world ofvery type A, driven leaders who
are all talking about this andthat and this and you wanna go a
whole different way,acknowledging that you get to do
That's part of your birthright.
It's very much allowed andsupported.
I'm gonna wrap this up.
I appreciate you If you'restill listening.
Thank you, I'm honored to haveyou on this.
I hope this was a value and, asalways, let's stay connected.
Speaker 2 (20:10):
Thank you for tuning
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Leader podcast.
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barriers and climb to newprofessional heights.
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Until our next episode, embraceyour confidence and stay