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July 17, 2024 9 mins

I am coming in hot with a fresh reminder of something you’ve heard me say before but I just feel like you need to hear it again. This episode is for the dreamers who know they have something on their heart and they want to make happen by the end of the year. 

Take this episode, listen to it, let it marinate, and then go out there and go do it. I believe in your ability to do so girl – now it’s time to make it happen! 

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Episode Transcript

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Maddy (00:01):
Good morning. Good morning, my friends. And welcome
back to the living in sunshinepodcast. I hope you guys are
having such a great July such agreat summer. I cannot believe
that we are midway through Julyat this point, which is crazy

cuckoo bananas to me. I'm superexcited for today's a brand new
episode because it is a hypegirl chat, which means it is
short, sweet. And to the pointthese are supposed to be easy to
digest. Listen, as you're likewalking down the street with

your dog or running to go grab acup of coffee or whatever it
might be. And really take themas inspiration to go out there
and do whatever it is that youhave on your heart. Maybe it's
getting after a goal, askingsomeone that really important

question getting guidance onthat thing that you've been
wanting to do for forever. Andfor today's hype girl chat, I am
going to be giving you onething, just one that you need to
do in order to make your dreamscome true in 2024.

Okay, and this is not anythingnew. This is not anything
revolutionary. And this is notanything that you haven't
already heard me say on thisshow. But I like to send this
reminder out at certain pointsof the year, when I know that we
we including me start to feelreally overwhelmed or behind or
like we aren't making anyprogress. Or as if the efforts

that we're putting in aren'tgetting us anywhere, right. And
in my opinion, the summer, theDead of Summer is a really good
example of these types of thesetimes in our lives, where things
just start to feel really hard.
You're either like really,really getting pushed forward
towards where you want to be, oryou are still or at least you
feel like you are still in thesame spot that you were back in

January, when you set the goalsand the intentions that you set
for 2024. Right. I know thatwe've all been there, I know
that I have been there before.
And I want to just remind you ofthis one thing that you can be
doing in order to make sure thatyour dreams are coming true and
are happening for you and 2024.

Okay, so that one thing that youneed to do, and that I need you
to do again, if you've alreadydone it, is to speak your dreams
out into the universe. And Iknow, I know, it might sound
very like woowoo you know, trustand believe in the universe
rainbows, butterflies, unicornpoop all those things? It's not
okay. It's not this works. I'veseen it happen for myself. I've

seen it happen for clients. I'veseen it happen for people inside
the sunshine squad membership.
Okay, so what do I mean by this?
What do I mean by speak yourdreams out into the universe.
What this means to me, is simplytalking to someone else, or
posting to your Instagramstories, or making a Facebook
post about a dream you'recurrently working on. So let's

say you are someone who reallywants to, I don't know, sign
with like a big podcasting. Likeyou want to be like sponsored by
Spotify or something, I have noidea. But you really want to
have you want to be prepared.
You want to becomeprofessionally produced, right?
Like you want your podcast tobecome professionally produced.
You love podcasting, you want tomake it your living, you want to

have brand partnerships, all ofthose things, right? If you
never put it out there thatthat's what you want, it's going
to be that much harder for youand for the people around you to
know that that's what you want,right? And people cannot help
you, if they don't know whereyou need help, right. And you
don't know who might actuallyhave a connection or an in with

the right kind of person who youneed to get connected to in
order for your dream to cometrue. So let's say an easier
example. Let's say you want torun a marathon by the end of the
year, okay? And you have yourreasons for wanting to run a
marathon, you've always wantedto do it, you want to I don't
know, raise money for cancerresearch because a family member

has been impacted, whatever,whatever. And you really want to
run a marathon but your husbandor roommate or partner or just
yourself, or I'm struggling tostart training for a marathon,
right? But you know that thislike really, really matters to
you and you really really wantit. You never know you could
post on Facebook and say I havea goal to run a marathon by the

end of 2024 You could then havea distant friend or a neighbor
or a co worker comment on thatFacebook posts or Instagram
posts or whatever and say, Hey,like I, I'm an avid runner,
like, I would love to set up atraining routine with you, to
help you make that goal happen,right. But if you hadn't spoken
that dream of running amarathon, out into the universe,

you never would have gotten thatlevel of support, right? You
never would have gotten thatoffer from someone else to help
you to make that dream cometrue. I know I see it all the
time. People saying the worldsucks, people suck. You know,
everything is bad. Bla, bla,bla, bla, bla, like Doom,
scrolling, all of those things,everything is bad, everything is

horrible. The world sucks. Whyeven tried. But time and time
again, I see and witness topeople showing up for other
people. Because the fact of thematter is, is we intrinsically
want, need desire, and have tohave connection. And that is no
different when it comes tochasing or getting after a
dream. And so if you have adream, or a goal, or even just

the smallest task, right, maybeit's like cleaning out your
closet, something so silly. Butfor whatever reason, you're
struggling to get that thingdone. Or you know that you need
someone to come in and help youjust throw it out there. You
never know who might beconnected to you socially, or,
or, you know, personally out inthe real world who says, hey, I

can I can help you make thathappen, right.
And so my challenge for youtoday is to make a post, or or
talk to a friend, or reach outto someone who you know, has
done what you're wanting to do.
And just say, This is my goal.
This is my dream for 2024. Andthat's it, you just got to tell

him because you never know whatthey might say they might have a
connection. Or they might knowsomeone with a connection, who
can help you make that thinghappen. And in case you are
worried or nervous or anxious oryour belly starts to get the
grumbles. When you think aboutlike putting this out there like

into the stratosphere that islike the internet, I want to
remind you that I have theselovely things called Clarity
Calls, where you can hop on azoom call with me for an hour,
okay? And tell me what yourdream is. And from there, I can
give you and I will give you oneto three action steps that you

can take in order to start tomake that thing happen. Right, I
might have the connection thatyou're looking for. Right? I
might be the person who can getyou connected to whatever it is
that you need to do, I promiseyou I have done way more than I
have told everyone I have I havea whole toolbox tool belt full

of tools that I couldpotentially give to you. And so
if sharing your dream publiclyout there into the stratosphere,
makes you feel some kind of way.
Bigger clarity call, let's chatabout it. Let's help you get on
the path to making that dreamcome true before the end of
2024. We've got less than sixmonths, Honey Boo, like let's

make this thing happened togather or gather and get after
it yourself. You're a highlycapable human being. You've made
it this far in life. I know thatyou can get this thing done by
the end of the year. I am hereto just give you a little pat on
the booty and a good shove tosay go out there and get it

done. Okay, so that's yourhomework for July go speak your
dream out to the universebecause you never know who's
listening. Okay. That iseverything I have for you today.
My friends. Again, hype girlChat's always short, sweet to
the point 10 minutes or less inand out so you can go out there
and take action on what wetalked about. If you want to

share your dream with me, feelfree to book a clarity call. I
will link those down below inthe show notes. It's also linked
over on Instagram, you can bookthose there as well. And I'll be
back in another few weeks forthe brand new episode. Until
then, I love you so much. I'msending you all the sunshine,

good vibes. And I hope you makeit a great day.
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