Join Kimberly Meredith, World Renowned Celebrity Medical Intuitive Medium, Miracle Healer & Best Selling Author and Special Guest Brandy Gillmore, Mind-Body Healing Expert - Live Tuesday, March 26, 2024 at 7 pm PT / 10 pm ET!Kimberly talks with her special guest Brandy Gillmore, then Kimberly and Brandy take caller questions on wellness, medical, physical & emotional mediumship readings and healings, for a full hour.Brandy Gillmore is a researcher and mind-body healing expert who has been captivating audiences worldwide with her incredible ability to demonstrate radical healing using only the mind. She has even shown visual proof of the power of the mind using medical thermal imaging. Due to these breakthrough results, her case studies have been published in a prestigious medical journal. She has also delivered a mind-expanding TEDx talk and has been featured in several documentaries. Brandy's groundbreaking discoveries stemmed from her own debilitating injury after an accident in 2003. Brandy's new book is Master Your Mind and Energy to Heal Your Body.Kimberly uses her medical mediumship abilities to remotely detect your medical situation and connect you to your loved ones on the Other Side.Visit Brandy's website: BrandyGillmore.comVisit Kimberly's website: