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July 18, 2023 79 mins

From being heavily bullied in middle school, to becoming prom king, then to getting into fights and ending jail, this week’s podcast guest is now an advocate for teenagers in finding their inner self He is the CEO of NextGen Wealthy, NextGen Properties, a public speaker, a real estate developer and investor, a Neuro-Performance Advisor, Jay Dhahan.
Jay has been a big believer of personal development since a young age. Traditional school systems were never for him so he decided to go out and pursue different types of education; attended online courses, seminars and webinars to consume knowledge to help him learn how the brain works.Now named as the Number 1 Teenage Mentor, the founder of NextGen Movement and NextGen Academy, an academy designed to inspire and empower the leaders of tomorrow.His company, NextGen Wealthy, is changing the world by inspiring and empowering the next generation to live life with abundance, freedom, and wealth. That's why they are on a mission to feed 1 million children and disrupt the modern education systems by teaching the youth core curriculums like communication, interpersonal skills, personal finance, business fundamentals and much more.Connect with Jay Dhahan on his socials at @jaydhahan and at www.uncageyourroar.comThis podcast is powered by DenTen Insurance - Insurance for the Greater Good. To listen to more and be inspired, visit
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all, my entrepreneurs and business leaders, and welcome to the Michael Esposito Show,
where I interview titans of industry inorder to inform, educate and inspire
you to be great. My guesttoday is a public speaker, serial entrepreneur,
real estate developer, and investor.He owns and operates five privately held

companies and a portfolio of over fivemillion dollars in commercial real estate. He's
named the number one teenage mentor.He is also the founder of the Next
Gen Gen Movement and the Next GenAcademy, an academy designed to a spire
and empower the leaders of tomorrow byeducating youth on the core essential skill set

it takes to create wealth in allaspects of life. Please welcome the CEO
of Next Gen Wealthy, Jay Dehan. Welcome, Jay, Thank you so
much for having me. Man appreciatethat. Thank you and thank you for
putting the pronunciation of your name inthere For me. I have butchered a
few last names here, and Iwon't blame my guests because it's not their

fault, but it always helps tohave a little bit of how do I
say the name exactly? It alwayscertainly helps, so you know, before
we get into your background and allof the different cool things that you've done
in personal development and how you builta portfolio of over five million dollars in
commercial real estate, which I knowour listeners are very interested to learn about.

I think learning how to start abusiness is very important and as part
of this podcast and part of ouraudience, but also learning how to be
able to be wealthy is also veryimportant. I forget his name, but
the person who started the Angel InvestmentGroup, and I forgot the name of
the Angel Investment Group, but anyway, I heard him on the j Joe

Rogan podcast talking about like, ifyou want to give back and to be
able to impact others, he goes, let's get you rich first? Or
do you know who'll talk it about? I know what you're talking about about.
The well said exactly, Yeah,because it's very true. A lot
of people want to help people allthe time, but it's like, make
sure you help yourself first so thatyou can help people. Yeah. Yeah,
and I'm interested where that comes from. And you you also stated that

you got into personal development at avery young age. But like I said,
I want to try to. Ijust want to jump into something real
quick, because it's always an honorwhen a guest takes time out of their
busy schedule, especially somebody as highlevel as you and have so many things
going on to not just drive tothe studio, but hop on a plane

arranged therea plans to come out toNew York and visit the studio. So
I'm very interested in in that mindsetand your trip. Look, first,
it just comes down to experience.I love experience, you know. It's
it's awesome to jump on a zoomcall and to you know, have a
phone call, but to actually flyout here and actually have an immersive experience.

It's all about getting to know you, understanding you. I've never been
in New York. I thought itwas a great opportunity to con you know,
bring my girlfriend now, get toactually see New York and and have
this have this introview with you.So I appreciate you, and she's here
in studio, so give her aquick shout out because we see her here
right here in studio, my girlfriend, Emmy Stevens. That's it very cool
and she's doing some really cool reels. So if you if you're listening to

this and you would like to geta visual of this, there'll be some
reels on I'm sure you're a socialmedia channel, and we'll have them on
ours as well. So tell usabout your person development journey and where that
started, because you did say itstarted at a young age, although you
are looking very young to me rightnow at the point, I'll say this
before you even kind of get intothat. You know, even when you

did the introduction, and I appreciatethe introduction and it was written, you
know, quite quite nice from myteam and myself. But really it's not
about any of those titles. It'snot about the accomplishment, it's not about
any of that stuff. It's aboutthe person that you are, right.
Everyone's always talking about, you know, what is it that you do for
a living, But it's not reallywhat you do. It's who you actually
are. And that's why you know, even flying out here, connecting with
you. You know, I feelconnecting with people is the number one thing

that you can learn, and that'swhat I'm going to really talk about today,
and being able to really harness thoseauthentic relationships with people to actually grow
your network to get the success thatyou actually want. It comes from that.
It comes from people. And youknow, I always I always say
a lot of people think money iseverything, and then they get smart.
When they have money, they go, no, no, no, it's
actually time is everything because you cannever buy back a minute. But when

what happens when you have both,you understand that people are everything because people
are actually the root to your success. So yeah, where did you learn
that concept? I think it startedat a young age. Yes, as
you mentioned, it was right outof high school. You know, from
my earlier years. It was interestingto go through ups and downs of experience
from being bullied in you know,middle school, heavily bullied in middle school,

to a point where I would scratchmy legs and bullied so I would
tell my parents I couldn't go toschool, but then transitioning very quickly to
then finding my inner confidence at ahigh school level to becoming a prom king.
But being prom King didn't really helpwell because that means I was skipping
a lot of school trying to actcool, which led me to being a
high school dropout. So from thatkind of momentum was now chilling out with

the wrong crowds, getting involved indrugs and fights and all that kind of
stuff that landed me in a jailcell. Wow. So all that happening
in that time period, and that'swhy I'm such an advocate towards teenagers right
now and how they need to actuallyfind that inner self being because at that
lost age, I thought to myself, well, I have to do something
different. I got a transition.I don't want to stay in this jail

cell. That's where my personal developmentjourney started. So from there I started
immersing myself and anything I could getmy hands on. Started racking up credit
cards to buy courses online, attendseminars, webinars, anything I could do
to consume the type of knowledge thatwould help me. Because it wasn't really
math and social in school that reallyintrigued me, but what it was is
the brain. How does the brainlearn? How does the teacher get into
a position of standing in front ofthirty students and be able to actually articulate

their language and speak. I wasalways fearful of public speaking. So it's
kind of interesting the journey for thelast ten years, though that's taken.
Yeah. Yeah, and you also, I mean you you mentioned, I
mean and you actually you have theresources now to be able to invest even
more in personal development. And youmentioned you've actually spent millions of dollars in
person development, which I think meansa lot. Uh. You know,

from one point of view, it'slike, all right, well, you
have the money to be able toinvest it, but as you just said,
even when you didn't have it,you put that investment in credit card
debt. I share a similar story. I wasn't in a jail cell,
but I am interested in that storyas well. In that. You know,
for me, about five or sixyears ago, when I realize this

isn't working, I put it allon my credit card. I went called
up Tony rob and got all ofyou know, I couldn't afford what.
I wasn't willing to take the riskto do the the investment of going to
the seminars or getting the coach.But I was willing. I said,
you know what. The second stepthat I can do or the third step

down notchdown, is by the CDs. And so I bought all I bought,
like all the CDs. I remembera huge box showing up and it
was all his CDs. And I'mnot that old, so CDs were definitely
passed, but that's what they hadavailable. So I bought them and I
just downloaded them all into my gdrive, uploaded them all to iTunes,
and then boom, I was Iremember, um, I was actually unemployed,

making believe I was employed. SoI would go to a hotel,
the Hampton and in Newpault's, NewYork, and I would go to their
hotel lobby. I'd put my headphoneson and I would literally study those tapes
and just journal and do all theexercises that Tony said. And they worked,
man, they really did. Sothere's a lot to be said about
that and something we share there.I think that's like, you know,
it's the willingness, right, itdoesn't matter what, like what size,

or where where you're at, whetherit's the private coaching or even just the
CDs. I think it was justthe willingness for you to actually want it
right, actually develop yourself, toknow that that was the next stage for
you. So I think that that'sthat's mad respect. I think that that's
that's a big piece there too,what you just said there the willingness you
know, um you mentioned about publicspeaking and a fear for public speaking.
I had an opportunity to do apresentation for our local chamber just just this

week, and we're talking about publicspeaking and we're talking about the tips and
everything, and you can go throughall the tips and there's so many books
and there's so many resources. Butat the end of the day, you
have to want it right. Youhave to want it, you have to
want to change. I want togo back into time before we go too
far forward, into this phase ofyour life where there was so much adversity

and challenges in front of you,of being bullied, of landing yourself in
a jail cell, and what itwhat it looked like for you, what
was What I always find is thatthere's always a core behind somebody or inside
of somebody that knows what's going onis wrong, and it's you know,
because it's not they know what's goingon is wrong, but there's something about

their their circumstances that they feel theycan't change or have control over. So
I'm interested in what was going onthere for you, absolutely like those are
kind of darker times where you know, a lot of adversities, negativities and
everything hitting The real realization point wasagain starting my self development journey and then
learning n LP NLP neuro linguistic programmingand NLP was a complete game changer for

me because it opened my eyes upand my mind up towards the psychology of
the brain and more specifically that wecan create thoughts, but we can also
remove thoughts. So when we getstuck on a topic or a thought pattern
of a negative of emotion, wecan chain that very very deep, and
that's what sometimes causes traumas and adversitiesand holdbacks and barriers to our minds,

so to speak. So I thinklearning that kind of opened me up to
the fact of, Okay, youknow what, I can actually control my
own destiny. I can actually goand get what I want. It's not
necessarily the law of attraction or powerof positivity, but it's more so on
just making the calculated thought patterns.And you know, I have a strategy
that I use for emotional control.We can talk about in a bit here
when we kind of move forward.But it's that emotional control and the emotional

intelligence is the core skill to actuallymake logical decisions in life. So once
you start to flick that switch inyour head, you start to really just
understand, Okay, what is itthat I want at that time for me?
You know, fear of public speakingnow right now? And I saw
I remember I was at a conferenceand it was real estate conference because that's
when I started immersing myself more intoreal estate. And I see the speaker

up on stage and I look athim and I was like, damn,
one day I want to speak likethat on stage. And I heard,
you know, death is number twoon the Fearless Public Speakings note. So
people would rather public speak. Itslike I have to conquer this somehow.
I don't care what it takes.I have the willingness, like we talked
about, to push forward and tomake this happen. So I kept,
you know, again practicing pushing anddoing that, and that kind of really

got me to a point of understanding, now the psychology is kicked in,
now, the real estate's kicking in. What's really left it's this human interaction.
So getting core with these human skillswas actually the biggest transformation because I
was like, look, every humanbeing is a teacher, and you know
this well, even you know beingthe interviewer here is if you can ask
the right questions, you can getthe right answers, and with the right

information, you can transform your life. Yeah, the information is what helped.
It's putting into action, like youjust said, but the information is
what helps transform the life or yourlife. You actually named this person Richard
Dolan, and he was so inspiringthat you named them in your bio.
So I'm interested in the relationship thereand what you ended up gleaning from him.

He's been my mentor where in businesstogether. You know, he's just
been my coach in many many waysfor the last eight to nine years.
You know, he's been taught byTony Robbins directly. He was under Tony
Tony for about seven years and nowhe you know, he's coaching Lebron James,
Mike Tyson, you know, somebig players in performance advising. So
he really helps you mind map yourintentional thoughts and then actually put practical actions

towards them. So that's kind ofthe base of a lot of my actual
course content now, which is neuroperformance, So the nero being the brain
and how the brain actually works,but the performance of the actionables that it
takes to follow through on those thoughts. So very very powerful, man,
it is very powerful because you broughtup Lebron James and Mike Tyson and Mike

excuse me, I'm gonna go toLebron for a second. Lebron has been
in the media since he was fifteenfifteen years old, and Mike Tyson as
well, a different a different generation, different time, similar backgrounds, came
from poverty and had a lot ofdifferent things happened in their lives. But

Lebron had this, I would say, and you know, let's just take
this with a grain of salt,easier path and entering the NBA, having
the mentors around him and being ableto shift from the life that he left
behind into the life that he became. So I don't want to focus too
much there. I want to goto the Mike Tyson story because, as

many of us know, the MikeTyson journey is is a roller coaster of
just insane. This quite honestly,right of being this like junior Olympic gold
medalist becoming the youngest world champion inthe world in the heavyweight division, and
still stealing and robbing and going backto Brooklyn and still doing all of the

things that he came from and neverreally changing. And then what we see
now is this man who is likehumble, who is centered, grounded,
who's sober, who's well, Actually, I don't know that part. I
don't know so much. I don'tknow what we would consider that. I
know that he does troom, soI don't know how we would consider it.
But anyway, my point that I'mgetting at is that you just mentioned

and Richard Dolan as part of coachingand these these people's transformations. I'm interested
in that of like, how didthis how did he help him be able
to let go of some of thosedemons. What this comes down to is
that that inner confidence and confidence notin the way of walking around and seeing
the confidence right, it's the internalself talk that we have. You know,

when we go through roller coasters.Every everyone goes through roller coasters in
life, the ups, the downs, the negatives, depositives. But it's
a matter of now how to mindmap that in the right energy direction.
And I think that's big. Youknow what when Richie was talking to about
us about Lebron, He's like,how do you tell Lebron James to what?
Don Carter run faster? Right?You're not going to be able to
coach him like that. That's adifferent type of coaching. But getting him

to understand internally how to own hispresence on the court and to really unify
the team and to really make ita team sport was a psychological change of
He knew that it was a teamsport. It wasn't anything like that,
but it was a matter of away that he could really resonnate well with
it to understand, Hey, ifI just changed the mindset here. And

then they ended up winning two championshipswith the Miami Heat, and then now
he's done one with LA two.Richie's actually been awarded an actual championship rings.
So he has three championship rings forbeing the performance advisor behind behind those
wins. Wow, So I canget a championship ring if I keep moving
forward with this whole Uh, that'sit. You never know, man,
That's it. It's funny. Iwas, so I run a basketball league

and last night I played the leaguegame. Um, last night was was
my birthday. So I was likereally hyped about the game and everything,
and UM, yesterday it was yes, yes, thank you very much,
appreciate that, UM. And thismorning, I was thinking about the game,
and I was thinking about the NBA, and I was just like,
I want to go into the youthand what you do in terms of inspiring

a youth. And I was thinkingabout how I coach and UM and and
the NBA, and then the differentdynamics between getting from UM playing my daughters
right now they're they're five, fiveand seven, so coaching their coaching them
through school, going into high school. I'm picturing all of this, and
I'm thinking, is the NBA reallythe end result or is it the league?

And what I mean by that islike what I got last night,
what I got out of last nightof going arriving to the game and all
of my friends, all the peoplethat know me and because obviously you know,
everybody knows me because I run it, wishing me a happy birthday and
making sure that I have a funnight. And at the end of it,
even though I didn't have the bestgame that I would have liked to

have had on my birthday, gettingthe text messages of of like, hey,
you were you were working hard outthere. You know, great job,
You're the best husser out there.You know, what is the end
goal? Right, So like,yeah, I would love an NBA championship
ring, But in the end,it's like I'm happy that I'm forty one
and still playing ball with people thatI enjoy playing ball with. So I

want to relate that to you andhow you inspire youth because that is your
mission, and you just talked aboutthat in terms of your history of like
going from being bullied into a jailcell and then being this person that you
are today is to successful person conqueringyour fears. So I'm interested in what
you're doing and how you're working withthis youth. So, you know,

going kind of just going tracking backa little bit towards you know, my
mid twenties and getting into the realestate game now and starting to push myself
out of my comfort zones, gettingon stages, connecting with people. I
started realizing that, like I saidearlier, people are everything, So connecting
with people is one of the mostimportant things. But then what I started
realizing in the traditional education systems isthat they don't necessarily teach that, yes,

you can get a communications degree,but really are we going there and
actually teaching face to face communication,how to build rapport, how to actually
build true authentic relationships, communication ata whole public speaking to like to a
degree where you can actually share yourstory and message. So I made that
a mission of mine with next GenWealthy, my company, to inspire and
empower the next generation. The nextgeneration of leaders are coming in, and

these kids are coming in with technologythat we didn't get when we grew up,
clearly, and that's been huge change. People just look at it as
in, you know, the stereotypicalYou know, they're young, they're just
on their phones all the time,but they're actually not. They're actually very
very intelligent, and they're very veryquick. They just don't have direction,
they don't have leadership. They're lookingat their parents that are trying to just

push through entrepreneurship or still running nineto five jobs, trying to provide for
them. But all they really wantis just some quality time in some direction.
And when you start to understand that, I said to myself, I
said, listen, they need tolearn communication as a fundamental. But then
when we go into business, finance, real estate, What are we really

teaching in business and you get richquick scheme? In finance, what is
it just knowing interest rates in whatthe market's at. And then even in
real estate just becoming a realtor,it's not there's no real clear paths for
these, So teaching the fundamentals ofwhat makes an actual difference in it is
more important. Like my young guyused sixteen years old, when he first
came to me, I met ameta conference. It was at a ten
X conference. So we're there atreal estate somem and he was there with

his mom and I end up meetinghis mom. As mom starts asking me
some questions abou what I do,and I talked about next gen, She's
like, you should be my sixteenyear old son. I was like,
absolutely, had a thirty minute conversationwith him. I look at him and
I was like, I see somethingin you that I've never seen in anybody
else right now, and I'm gonnatake you under my wing and mentor.
I was the first kind of thestepping forward of an actual story and example
a human being that I was goingto really like focus on myself, my

protege, so to speak. Right. Within three months, he went from
being a bus boy making ten bucksan hour to running his card detailing company
making fifteen hundred bucks a day.Wow, sixteen year old kid knew how
to work hard. But he's like, I like cars, but I don't
want to be a mechanic. AndI was like, you can be whatever
you want to be within that.Let's figure it out. So we mapped
out his offering, got him outinto the field in his his local community
there, and then he started cleaningcars. Now he's making fifteen hundred bucks

a day. He looks at meand he goes, Jay, how did
you do that? He's like,I want to come work for you.
So now he's one of my oneof my sales managers. That's interesting.
I have someone in a very similarcapacity. And I'm you know, I
told you I started this podcast.You asked me about the podcast, and
I told you, and many ofour audience know, I started the podcast
to learn right, and so I'min a very similar situation that happened to

you. How many years ago wasthat you said with the sixteen year old
This was about two years ago.Two years ago. Yeah, I'm in
a very similar situation. I havea young a young man who I met
when he was probably around fifteen sixteenyears old. I did a thing for
youth leadership, a speech for youthleadership, and I spoke a lot about
your why, like in public speaking, like why are you there? Who

are you there for? And whatare you offering? So what is your
why? Right, and really honingin on that purpose. And next thing
I know, he shows up inmy toastmaster's group. I didn't know who
he was at first, right,because he's a man now, right,
And I see him and so whyare you here? You know? I
asked him, you know what broughtyou here? And he goes, well,

actually you And I was like,whoa, this is crazy. And
he talked about the why speech andI was like, wow, that's incredible.
So I was like, we gotto connect after this, because there's
no way I'm letting you go again, right, So we connected afterwards,
and he's shown up time after timeto different events that I've invited him to,
networking events, and he's done somehe wants to be a video marketer.
He's done some video work where likeI just told him, I said,

hey, look you can you know, come to this event shoot some
of the film and you know,send it to me and we'll use it
and see what, you know,what we can make of it for you.
Well, it was tremendous. It'sactually on my LinkedIn the work that
he did. I was like,this is awesome man. So anyway,
so I just had the conversation withhim recently of like what me mentoring him
can look like and to help himdo that. And so I'm I'm interested

in how were you able to mentorthis this young man that you were working
with into doing his card detailing whilealso doing your business? How were you
able to manage the two Because it'sa lot of time, And that's what
I was trying to figure out withHis name is Rocky. That's what I
was trying to figure out with Rocky. The thing with time is, right,
we all have the same twenty fourhours, one thousand, four hundred

and forty minutes and eighty six thousand, four d seconds in the day,
right, So that you noted downI guess that's very important and part of
this whole thing, right absolutely,because time is time is just a measurement,
right, how you allocate that timeis now the important part. The
hard part you can say, sowhen and again it's it goes back to
the limiting beliefs. That's why I'msuch a big believer of now neuro performance,
because the limiting beliefs hold us backto saying, well, like I

don't I'm too busy, you don'thave enough time. I hear that a
lot with people, and I'm like, now, look, whoever you consider
the richest person or the best person. Let's look at Elon must for example.
Sure the man also still has thesame in twenty four hours. We
do well, I'm gonna say,I mean, I've watched a lot of
interviews on him. He does notlike he sleeps like three hours. Well
that's true, but again it's notI it's perspective, right, So whoever

it may be. The point isis that when you start to understand how
to allocate the time the right waybased on what you actually want in life,
it starts to change up the game. Because most of us humans we
spend a lot of our time onthings that we really shouldn't. And I'm
not even just saying like the distractionslike TV and just mental thoughts. Every
single day we spend thoughts and thoughtsthousands, tens of thousands of thought on

things that we shouldn't think about right, whether it's past, whether it's hoping
for the future. It's so hardfor humans to be present. That's been
probably the catalyst to my success,if I could say that in one simple
thing, it's just to be ultimatelypresent, you know. And an example
of it is when I go outwith my friends. We're out, you
know, a Monday night, we'regoing out for beers or whatever it is,
and we're hanging out. I dothis game. We all put our

celve phones in the middle of thetable. I started. I have two,
so I put both of them there. First person touched their phone pays
the whole bill, because I'm notgoing to come and spend my time with
here when everyone's going to still bedoing this. We're either going to immerse
ourselves here and we're gonna get toknow what's happened in our lives and actually
catch up and communicate, or takeyour phone and pay the bill. It
saves me. Anyways, that's awesome. So you know, if you're going
out with a real influencer, you'reyou're gonna get like the best scotch out

there, right because they're like,there's no way they're not going to be
able to They're not going to beable to hold back. Let's go into
this emotional control, because you broughtit up before this neural performance. I'm
interested in this whole concept. Well, it's not a concept. This what
you teach and what you do.So my background my background and nero science
and also NLP psychology. However youwant to label it, classify it.

The point is it's just mapping outyour thoughts, understanding that your thoughts are
the starting step. Then it goesto your heart, the emotions, and
then it's the true energy. Soif you can master your thoughts, master
your emotions, and master your energy, you become one with who you are.
And that's my own true belief.Now going into the emotional control,
this is the hard part because youknow the best way I'll give it to
you is that we have three levelsof thinking, level one, level two,

and level three. So if Iuse an emotion, because out of
the common seven emotions that humans feel, remember six are negative, one is
positive. Joe is the only positiveemotion on a generic level that we actually
feel. So when we're dealing withthe six other ones. Let's just use
anger as an example. Anger you'lluse language in your own mind in level
one, thinking I am angry.In level two you'll switch to I'm having

a thought that I am angry,And in level three you'll say, I
believe I'm having a thought that I'mangry. Now, let me put this
in perspective. Let's just say you'redriving down the freeway. You're going,
you're going, You're in the fastlane, and some guy comes right next
to you in a big truck swipesyou almost off the road and guns it
up. You're a pist, You'reangry, You're like, oh my god,
I cut like, what is thisguy doing? In level one,
you're in driver's seat. This isyou swearing and blaring. In level two,

it's the version of you that sittingin the passenger seat that's looking overgoing.
But what we gonna do? We'regonna crash in them? Are we
gonna call the police? Like We'reokay, don't worry, Like, let's
get back on the road. Wehave a destination to go to, and
right there is where humans go throughthat every single day. The level one
to two, it's almost like thedevil an angel on your shoulders, so
to speak. But level three iswhere the magic happens. Level three version

of you sitting in the backseat nowwith your arms up like this, going
look at tweedled d trying to explainto tweedled dumb that we're angry right now.
And that's the art of disassociation.When you can do it three levels
out, what happens is it nolonger becomes really relevant because what different what
is that serving in that exact momentthat you're in. But we get stuck
between level one and two, andwe and we're human, we're guilty of

it every single day. But onceyou start getting your mind on autopilot to
get to, first of all,just self realization during the day, what
level of I in I just gotupset, I just got you know,
I got yeah, No, I'min two or I'm in three. Self
awareness is the first step. Thenthe second step is like, okay,
how do I now start to autopilotthis? But I can start, you
know, when anything comes out.And basically, emotional resilience is just shortening

the time it takes to get overa negative adversity. If you can start
to shorten it, you start tocontrol it, not suppress it, because
we're also good at that too ashumans, especially as men more than women.
I'll tell you that. Now that'sa whole new, whole new content
strategy that we're coming out with justto actually help men become gentlemen because we
suppress a lot of emotions. Man. We do because it's it's we're taught

and all you to be a man, to be this, and that's just
the conditioning. But once you startto open that up and you start to
control those emotions, it's a wholedifferent game because you own yourself. And
speak to us about that a littlebit, because that is something that is
going on in social media. Alot of talk about that. I know,
UM, I get names very quickly, but it's probably better off that

I do forget names. But somebodywas just who was one of those UM
advocates for UM Macho or mail wasjust recently detained, let's put it that
way, and he was recently letgo as well. You know I'm talking
about and UM. But it's it'ssomething that comes up a lot in conversation
right now because we're trying to figureout what's where's the balance of we want

to UM create a society that's fairand balanced. Um. But then sometimes
we overcompensate, and in that overcompensation, UM, you know some of the
some others are kind of left outto in the cult. And so I'm
very interested in this, UM,this this course of strategy that you have.
What this really comes down to justowning your value, owning your power.

That's why what I talked about isuncaging your roar, right. I
feel like especially men, but thisworks with the women as well too,
because there's their lionesses they know theyare. But the thing is is that
when you're a lion or a lioness, you're you're walking around. But what
we do, just like our mind, is that we cage our line.
We put them in a cage,keep them there, and then our brain
gets really smart and starts putting lockson it. And to really uncage your

roar and your inner power is tofirst of all, work on those locks,
which usually come down to three judgment, ego and fear, the judgment
of others, the ego within yourself, and the fear of the unknown.
Those are your gatekeepers, right.And once you can start to take those
locks off, that cage and yourline is able to come out and start
to stretch out a little bit andfeel out the environment, then you actually

get ready to roar. So it'sfinding your inner power. So it doesn't
matter how you know, so thesocial media and you know, even and
you're talking about with the stuff thathe talks about online, it's great because
it's it's its own perspective, butreally beyond anybody's perspective or opinions, it
just comes down to your own selfworth. How do you get in tune
with this inside yourself and become wholeincomplete and that allows you to then go
out there and build relationships and becomewhatever you label you want to. You

know, you want to associate yourselfwith right, regardless of your gender,
regardless of the race, regardless ofhowever your associate in life. How do
you find that inner confidence? Andyou know, you talked about it with
Ritchie who I'm happy to I'm beable to say that now, no,
but you did talk about it withhim, and that inner confidence is so
important. So we have entrepreneurs andbusiness leaders and executives and people in the

c suite who and like we talkedabout with Mike Tyson even right, like
who just didn't know how to findthat inner confidence. So it doesn't matter
how much success you achieve, howmuch wealth you achieve, if you're not
confident inside. There's an issue there, right, So how do you find
it? How do you develop?Well? First of all, it's a
lot of work. It's a lotof inner work, and it's and I
know that sounds just kind of prettysimple, but it's it is simple.

It's just working on yourself, askingyourself certain questions and getting coached in a
way where you can start to unlockcertain things. For me, I'll tell
you it really comes down to childhoodtrauma. That's what I coach my clients
are directly on because I know thatthat's what's the hold back, it's the
barriers. So with my psychology background, I'm able to through conversation get them
deep enough and even using hypnosis ifI need be to really be able to

fine tune and get them into thatstate of mind. To put a ribbon,
so to speak, is what Ilike to use in my references on
some of those childhood traumas, theadversities that have created a lull inside the
thought patterns that's coming back in adulthood. But they don't know that. That's
why it's the hardest thing. That'swhy I don't really advertise my coaching either,
because I only work with people thatcan understand exactly what I do and

know that I'm able to do thatbecause once they do through conversation. You
know. I had to add aclient of mine, you know, just
in November. He met me insummer in Tampa randomly, you saw my
car. He's like, Yo,this is your car, took a picture
with it and everything like that,and I was like, Okay, that's
awesome. Calls me back in November. But he's in a pretty dark place.
Girlfland just left him business. Hisreal estate business is going under right
now, on a point of reallytalking some real negative, negative things about

not being a part of this worldanymore. And when I thought that,
I said, listen. I taughthim about the thought patterns. It's just
a thought and it can be removed. Within two months, He's now sending
me sell few videos of him atlike Hugh Heffner's mansion back in the day
or something like that, because nowhis real estate career is picking up.
Now. How did I help him? It was about the conversations I had
with him for him to go intohis childhood to rid some of those those

negatives, to come back and understandhis actual power, because at one point
he was powerful. At one pointhe was feeling that. So it's just
regaining that and bringing that back out. It's it's reigniting it, so to
speak. Tony Robbins is famous forthis. So a lot of our a
lot of our teachings come from fromTony himself because that's the mindset. It's
all about the change of state,of of your your perception. Yeah,

he does talk a lot about that, about changing your state, and it's
and I mean, changing your stateis incredible. And it's not it's not
saying that you're like you said,it's not saying I'm not angry like I
mean, it's you own that emotion. But you then can make that decision
of what do I want right now? Do I want to continue being angry?
And like you said, what doesit serve I'm interested in this person?

Oh? First of all, I'malso interested in your car? So
what kind of car is it?It's audir eight Okay, it's a it's
a it's a Lemon's edition. There'sonly eight made in the world and it
happens to be eight of eight,making it the last produced first generation in
the world. Okay, so it'sa pretty sweet car. That's a nice
little one. Her name's Lena bythe way. Okay, we'll give her
a shout out to and what's herwhat's her collar red? She's red?

Oh wow? Okay, so shestands out. That's that's pretty sweet.
So this guy he does all ofthis. Um, you mentioned hypnosis,
and I've actually I've enrolled. Ihad a had a hypnosis eight week course
and everything, and and I stillactually listen to the audio every now and
then and get into that state.Um, but could you share with our

audience a little bit more about hypnosisand how you're able to help people go
into a state and also how you'reable to help them navigate through that state.
Absolutely, So you know hypnosis,you know, yoga, meditation,
it's all really the same. It'sbeing able to really get to gamma level
thinking and that's the frequency of brainof getting yourself in a state of mind

that can really just be working onyour mind where you can let go of
the actual body. So in hypnosis, you know where we use our deepeners
it's just about simple breathing techniques.Simple breathing techniques they can get you relaxed
and calm, but also using linguistics, changing vocal patterns, getting you to
calm and soothe in certain ways,counts ups and counts down, different things

that can actually just get you immersed, but also establishing safe places for you
so at any moment that you're inthere, you know you can come back,
You know that you're in full control. The stuff that they teach you
on. You know in the showsthat you see in people putting up their
hand or squawking like a chicken,that's stage hypnosis. So don't ever compared
to that necessarily, but I wouldsay that's great that you brought that up.
Yeah, go ahead, just makethe difference between that for us.

So stage hypnosis is how they use. It's quick thinking, almost like the
mentalist type of style. So youcan actually convince somebody to do something very
quickly, and they think that they'rein control. So the minute that they
think they're in control, they willdo it. So that's more of a
stage side of things. So it'slike I don't really get into that too
much and I'm not too eligible onit, but the way that they actually
get your your your thought patterns ina mindset to actually do It's like if

I if I told you to justkeep your hand completely here, and I
don't want you to move, butI want you to just imagine that there's
glue now on your hand, andthe glue is getting tighter and it's getting
thicker and thicker. The person eventuallywill not be able to move their hand
because what they're doing is that they'vebeen the embedded commands now have told them
that it's getting stronger, it's gettingstronger, but they still know that they're
in control to move it, butthey still won't move it. Or so
they're also deciding then keep their handdown because they have to be in control.

You can't control somebody else like that. That's not humanly possible, right,
right, So you have to useyour language when with our style,
hypnosis is more just getting you ina relaxed, calm state of mind so
that we can now work on ajourney and go through a timeline. Like
time laps therapy is an interesting onethat we use where you literally zipline through
your timeline through experiences and we takeyou there and we get you into that
moment, but you're like at likethird level, you're disassociated. You're watching

that experience, that negative trauma thathad happened when you were four years old
or nine years old, and you'reseeing it from a different perspect And the
coolest part of a hypnosis that youdon't need to talk about it. Most
psychologists will have you talk therapy andactually explain that moment and relive it.
You don't need to. You justneed to go and put the bow on
it, and then you come backonto your zip line and you come back
into the present time moment. AndI know it sounds, you know,

very simple, but it's not easy. But once achieved and putting that bow
on that has unlocked massive things forme, Like I never knew that my
parents were actually holding me back,the two people that I love the most
in the world until I went andworked with doctor Rob Kelly, who's one
of the top addiction specialists and neuroscientistsin Texas, and he did brainspotting on
me and called me to realize thatmy mom and dad were the ones holding

me back. My dad's pressure ofalways wanting me to be successful and always
do something with my life was holdingme back from making money. Can you
believe that all I wanted to dois to make money to show him?
And it was actually holding me backfrom making money for many many years.
And then on my mom's side,is that all she wanted me to do
is be healthy, not to drain, not to party, not to do
this kind of stuff. But shedidn't necessarily take care of her health the

best way. So that was againa childhood I was experiencing a mixed signal
that my brain was receiving, althoughmy conscious mind was just saying, that's
my parents. I love my parents. I just want to make my parents
happy, right, But now understandingthat going in and tying my bows on
that allowed me to completely break free, get more into a healthy state of
mind, and now making more moneythan I can imagine, right, yeah,
more money than most of us canimagine. And let's go back to

dad for a second, and I'dlike to also dig into mom. So
by him putting in front of youthis, I guess this expectation of success
became a barrier when you were ableto kind of, like you said,
zip Line, I really love thisanalogy, by the way, and I
like that how you were able tokind of also show it with your hands.
So definitely got to tune into theYouTube channel and the reels that he's

putting out there. What did yousee there and what did what did you
come out with on the other sidethat made you that helped you put this
bow on it, as you said, yeah, which was crazy, is
because like I didn't know that thatwas holding me back. That was the
big challenge. That's why us humanswe don't know what we really need.
We don't know what's actually holding usback. That's why I feel coaching and

mentorship from somebody that has the experienceof a lot of psychological not just theory,
but the practicality of it is soimportant because at the beginning, it's
like I didn't realize that. Soonce I kind of understood that through the
conversations that I was having with mycoach, it got me to say,
okay, wow, I'm now I'maware of it. But what does that
actually mean to me? Now?Right? That's the part, right,

like what does it mean exactly?And I was like, wow, that's
interesting because you know it was itwas the constant where like the business where
are you at with business? Whereyou're out with money, And it was
like little comments that I could actuallyhear now that we're actually stopping me from
success even though I didn't have theright intention. That got me clear on
my purpose and intention, because beforeit was like, no, I gotta
make money, I gotta I gottasucceed in business. I gotta do this,

but there was no intention behind it. Once I got to go through
that experience and brainspotting kind of clearingthat it got me to understand the purpose
is actually for me, Like Icreated Next the next Gen a group of
companies because I always want to impactan influence the next generation. I don't
have my own just yet, butI want I want the next generation of
people to be better. But Ialways knew that it was because my generation,

my generation above me, took thattime, effort, hard work,
dedication to move away from India,from England to come to Canada to grow
up to build a new generation.So I always had that, you know
that that kind of standard to belike, I want to take what they
did into the next level. Buttaking them to the next level wasn't my
intention. It wasn't my peer intention. My peer intention came from me actually

living my lifestyle and feeling my abundancefreedom and wealth, and that switch there
changed the trajectory of my life.Wow, that's incredible. And the other
thing I want to just touch onand then I want to go into mom
too, is is the time ittook to get there. So it was
I think it's important to touch onthese two things. And you're going to
speak to the time piece. Butso many again entrepreneurs, so many of

us, we think I'm going tobe I'm a public speaker. I'm going
to go to the seminar, andthen the next day I'm gonna be able
to get on stage and speak.I'm gonna go to this therapist and then
next day I'm going to be better. And a couple of things to realize
this, And you're going to speakon the side of time here is you
went to an expert, as youmentioned, you know, doctor Rob Kelly,
who's like well known for what hedoes, and you went there and

so it didn't happen in one session. So I'm interested in the time that
it took. Actually interesting enough,So time and personal development in general has
been the last decade of my life. Yeah, right, ups downs this
that coaches, mentors, conferences,everything that I could get my hands on.
But one thing that I also realizedagain how powerful the mind is,
is that it doesn't necessarily take twentyone days to make to build a habit.

It actually takes one second choice.So as much as you say,
you know, going to a therapistand the next day you feel better,
if you actually want that to bethe result, you can because think of
it like this. You get intoa bad car accident, you don't want
to ever be in a vehicle again. That's an instant neurological change that you've
made inside your mind in a negativeway. Why not just do that in

a positive way? But why dowe have to wait for the negative adversity
to hit? Why do we haveto wait till we go broke first before
we make that action? We doall the things because we wait and wait
and wait, and then when somethinghits us, then we go, Okay,
now I gotta now I gotta takea course of action to recourse.
Instead, think of it from adifferent perspective. It's like I'm actually just
creating my own course along the way. I'm building my own pathway. So

I think that was that was massiveand with doctor Rob Kelly, that was
two months of coaching cost me wellover into the six figures, but it
was it was two months if immersive, daily check ins every single day,
not being late to one call,being exactly precision for the assignments that he
would give me, the mind workthat I would have to do, and
coming backward that so it was itwas two months of dedication very day.

Let's let's go back to that whatyou just said there too of Like you
said, that was six figures ofof work there that you put in there.
So you were doing well prior tothis, you were financially well prior
to making a choice to go tothis person, to doctor Kelly. Where
does that decision happen? Because againwe go back to the outside or I

guess internally is the answer for you, But we go back to the outside
of you, like, you're doingwell, Why do you need to make
any changes? Why do you needto go seek out a doctor? I'm
interested in that more self development,right, And when I say that,
I say I'll never stop learning.That's the first thing. And the second
thing to that is that there's morepeople to meet. See, money doesn't

change that. You can put abillion dollars into my account today, I'm
still going to go seek people thatI want to communicate with and get and
learn from. Right, So themoney doesn't really actually change the factor.
It's just your list gets maybe strongeron the people that you can actually communicate
with. You know. I alwayssay, you know, at the beginning
of year, people have resolutions andall that stuff, But who's the top
three people in the year that youwant to meet? Right? Make that
a resolution? Right, you know, look at some of the leaders,
people that you look up to,heroes, so to speak, and say,

you know, I want to putthese people on my list. So
it's really seeking what the actual resultis that you want. That's the biggest
thing. People go to conferences andI see them all the time. You
know, I'm a part of manydifferent communities and I always attend the events,
you know, just to be connected, and I see people all the
time. They go there, Theygo to conferences, they write a bunch
of notes down, they try toget all these phone numbers and try to
and then the next day they goback, no follow ups, and they're

back in the same slum. Soit's like, why why just get fierced
up and pumped up. There.Go in with a result, though,
go in saying I'm going to connectwith X amount of people and I want
this and this and this, andgo in with the right intention and get
the result. With doctor Rob Kellywas the same thing I wanted the result.
I knew I was doing successful.I knew it was there was still
something off, and that off bitwas just like, I know I can
do this more, and you're alwaysgoing to have that feeling as an entrepreneur,

I know I can do more,But it wasn't. It was me
being self aware enough to understand they'rethe minor tweak that I needed because I
didn't know that it was my parentsholding me back. But I knew that
there was something that I needed towork on, and that's why I seek
somebody that had that type of expertiseand was able to sell it. To
be honest, right, I givethem an opportunity. Being a buyer is

amazing, Right, we forget that, we buy it. We're like,
being a buyer is amazing because youactually have the ability to go out there
and get people to sell their servicesto you, right, and choose the
most qualified person that will give youthe result and then pay for it.
You. You reminded me of acouple of things here. One is with
the always learning. I go backto Rocky, so he's he's nineteen years

old, was at a was ata networking event with me and was speaking
to someone. I introduced him tosomeone who was an older gentleman and successful
as well, and asked, Rocky, what are you doing? And Rocky
is saying, well, you know, I'm just trying to learn. I'm
learning, I'm learning. And Iinterrupted, I said, we're all learning,
man, I said, we're allhere learning. So I love that
you touched on that and that we'reall learning. The other thing is about

setting a goal to meet people.And I bring this up because I had
I have goals of meeting certain individualsand I spoke about this on podcast before,
but it relates to what you're talkingabout here. I had a goal
to meet Ryan Sirhant. I'm sureyou're familiar with who he is, right,
So I had put in one inmy vision board, a goal to
meet him by twenty twenty three.And I was at a networking event and

I met a gentleman named Ricardo,and Ricardo and I hit it off real
quick, really well, and hestarted telling me about an event that he
was going to down in the city, down in New York City, and
I said cool, I said,well, tell me about the event.
He starts telling me about. Hegoes yeah, and he's he's got a
Spanish, a heavy Spanish accent,so he goes yeah, and this guy
Ryan Surgant is going to be there, but he didn't know who he was,
so he's just saying Ryan Sergant andI said, I say who,

and he goes Ryan Sergeant. Igo Ryan Sirhan and he goes, yeah,
he goes who is he? Igo, He's on my vision board
like to meet. I go whenis this? And he goes, it's
tomorrow. And I was like,now we're talking a couple of months ago
right now, and I said tomorrow. I said, I said, I'm
gonna go. He goes. Helooks at me, He's like, what
do you mean you're gonna go.I'm like I'm going, and he goes,
what are you talking about? AndI said, well, he's on
my vision board to meet. Andso here's where I'm going with This is

what Ricardo asked me next Ricardo's avery astute individual, great business owner.
Got to give a shout out tohis company, his Stone Ridge Landscapings,
and he says to me, whyis it so important for you to meet
this person? Because we're all justpeople, and I want to go into
your human connections there because I thinkthat that's so important as a as a

great follow up to this, andhe's like, why is this person so
important for you to meet? AndI said, what it is for me,
it's not the name, it's notthe celebrity fanboy. I said,
sure, there's that involved in itbecause I've been studying his work for the
past a couple of years. I'vebeen mirroring a lot of what he does
and his strategies and his technique andtrying to incorporate it into my life into

helping me succeed. But a lotof it is also just accomplishing the goal
that I set for myself of meetinghim. And what it means for me
is that I've also stepped into becomingthe person that I had set out to
become and entering those circles of thepeople that I wanted to be a part
of. And so that's why it'sso important for me to go. And

the truth that that happened after thatis Ricardo is a level above my circle,
if not two levels above my circle. Is that him and I.
Then he said, well then I'mgonna go, and so I thought you
were already going. He goes,no, you encouraged me to go.
So he goes to the event.And then now we're in the same network.
Now we're networking together. He cameto my recent event recently. You

know, we're part of the circle. So it formed that human connection between
me and Ricardo, which I metRyan, got a picture with him,
got a fist bump with him.He spoke very nicely. It was great.
I got to meet him. Icheck off on the vision board.
I'll probably never meet Well, Idon't know if that's not true, but
I won't speak that way. Butthe point is that sitting here, he

might be right. But the pointis is that it did it accomplished by
me setting that goal to meet RyanSarhan and doing it and taking the action
to do it. Accomplished my goalof getting me into the circle of the
people that I want to be with. By being friends and networking with Ricardo
amazing. And see, that's thething, that's a connection, that's the
human connection, right, being ableto connect with one person you never know,

you know. I always say likethis, I truly believe you're one
relationship, one connection, one handshakeaway from changing the trajectory of your life.
Whether it's just to meet somebody orwhether it's to completely change the course
of your life. It's a matterof the only way to do it is
to go out there and do it. You're an average a human being is
connected to about sixty four people.They say, that's the average attendance at
a funeral, sixty four people.And it's like, there's sixty four people

in your inner circle, just ina roughly. Imagine expanding that just ten
times. Imagine having six hundred people. Imagine where your people, Imagine having
six thousand people. Imagine what possibilitiesif you now understood what those connections mean
and how to actually channel them.Like and I was asked the other day,
what's the difference between a lead anda contact? Right? And I

was a big more of a busyin the style, and I was like,
that's an interesting question, it is. And I was like, because
especially with me, because I'm goingout there and connecting with ten twenty thirty
fifty people in just one quick session, and I was like, you know,
what I really feel is that acontact is somebody that you've built enough
for poort with that gives you permissionto have their number so that you can

state remain connection. But a leadis similar. But a lead is somebody
that, through qualifying questions, you'veestablished as a product or service that you
offer that would truly add massive valuefor that person, and you establish that,
get that straight from the beginning,get the intention clear from the beginning.
That's where most business owners will goto conferences and meet people and get

connected and get phone numbers. Butif you don't know how to establish that
at the beginning, later on,it's going to be very difficult to recourse
if you need to. So really, what you're saying here is when you're
going to these conferences, networking events, whatever it is, when you're meeting
anybody, figuring out if there's somebodythat's a lead that might be in need

of your product or service, orif there are a contact somebody who might
help enhance what you're doing, helpconnect you to people, and exactly remain
connected to that and remain connected.I love that you brought that up because
I think that that's one of thebiggest issues that salespeople run into in that
they you know, I'm an insuranceright so Denton is an insurance company,

and an insurance life insurance especially.We're taught, okay, call up your
friends and family. That's your list, that's your first lead list, right
of like, call up your friendsand family, and most of us don't
do it, and that barrier.We don't understand that barrier. We don't
understand it. And actually, tobe honest, I mean I might have
understood it a little bit, butnot to the degree that you just explained

it. And that the reason forthat barrier is that the people in that
list, those family members as friendstheir contacts to me, they're not leads
to me because they might get valueout of my out of that First of
all, they all will get lifeinsurance is certainly valuable. But the point
is is that I'm not viewing themthat way exactly, and that's the barrier.

And then when we go into thesenetworking situations or whatever, if we
can look at our network of peopleand identify who are the contacts who are
the people who are going to connectme to people, enhance and all the
rest that you said, continue arelationship with versus who is a lead,
who's a good person for my product. It's going to make that phone call
a lot easier. And going backto your family example, it's like,

you know, not all of themare just contacts. Some of them will
be leads. Right, that's fine, but that again the intention needs to
be clear on that. If youknow, like you're you're not gonna you're
not gonna get life insurance for somebodythat you know that won't be able to
maybe afford the premiums or something likethat. If it's something someone that fits
the actual ideal client that is inthe right age and the right whatever that
might be for your ideal demographic andperson, if that person fits into that,

absolutely right. But know who thatperson is, and that's more of
on a business scale of just likeknowing your niche mark, get in your
audience and everything like that. Butgo for that and actually use the human
connection to create that right, andI think also be authentic and truthful about
it too, because that's how wetake a contact and turn them into somebody

who doesn't want to talk to usanymore. Is if we're not truthful and
saying, hey, listen, heycousin, you know I love you,
I love you to death, andI want to speak to you about this
because you fit the perfect demographic,you fit the perfect role for the person
that I can sell this product heor whatever. It is obviously a little
bit smoother than that, but exactlyyou're getting, but you're you're being very

transparent in that. Um, let'sgo back to this uh neuroperformance that you're
doing with the youth. Um again, interested on this youth that you're working
with so on in next gen?How are you finding them? What are
you doing? What are some youknow you you mentioned this this guy who's
doing card detailing. What are someof the other things are you doing?
Courses? Like where where you're bringingin a large audience? Is it all

one to one? So the newerperformance side is just more my actual one
on one private coaching that I'm usuallyjust dealing with entrepreneurs executives that really want
to, you know, use hypnosisto rid some of those limiting beliefs and
on cage the roar. That's justkind of exactly. And then on the
other side of my giveback and passionproject is building the Next Gen Academy.

So the Next Gen Academy now iscompiling all of my IP, all of
my knowledge, all the trainings andcourses that I've done into my own content.
So it's going to be an academythat's going to be launched probably by
the end of this year. Thepre version of it is coming out just
to actually, you know, getsome people involved, because I really want
to add value, and that's whywe're not charging for it. We're actually
giving it away because I don't wantprofit from this, and if we ever

do make profit, we're going tobe donating that back to helping more youth.
Because this is a project where Iwant the young people of tomorrow to
be leaders today and the only wayto do that is to teach them the
right course skills, So protting togetherthe right foundations in business, finance,
real estate, communication, relationships,and mindset. Those are six core modules

and it's because now with that beingsaid, it's their generation now that needs
to understand the community and connectivity.That's why we're building an actual community within
it. So it's going to bein attending a school so to speak.
Now we have it digitally, butthat's where our live events and now are
you know, all the different thingsthat are coming up. I don't want
to speak too much on that becausewe are slowly releasing those, but you
know, having immersive live events andgetting kids all together and attracting them really

is yes, utilizing the social media'sof the world, but it's just having
conversations with them. It's a referral. It's a peer to peer, you
know. Once you know my youngguy Gus, you know, he got
into it. He started telling hisfriends about it, and his friends are
like, oh, that's cool,like and then they saw him first.
At the beginning, they didn't theydidn't really trust it. They're like,
I don't know about this. Threemonths later they're like, Okay, now
I see it. How do Iget involved? And that's just going to

start to spread like wildfire because it'sproper teachings and I want other teachers with
me. I don't want to bethe only teacher right right, I want
I want to bring you. Iwant to bring other people that can now
use your knowledge in our generation toreally bridge that gap up right, because
they have they're very quick and they'revery you know, savvy, but they
still don't have the traditional foundation thatwe do, right, so we still
need to instill that in a subconsciousway that actually resonates well with them,

not just telling them what to dobecause they don't listen to that. And
what's the age group that you're lookingfor for that? It would be about
sixteen to about twenty six. Okay, it's kind of that that. And
you mentioned it's a free course rightnow, how can people how can they
find it? So you can justgo to uncage roar dot com. Okay,
that'd be the best way, justto start understanding a little bit more
of the mind and just the communication, and then we'll slowly start releasing everything
on the catagory. I like theUncaged row. And then I like the

statement that you made about winning thegame of life and that you're you're looking
to help people win the game oflife? What does the game of life
look like for you? So funnyenough about that actual, uh, that
statement, that statement came from meunderstanding my own name. So my name
isn't fully jay. Jay is mynickname, but my full name is jeeven
get okay, And that's it comesfrom from my parents for originally from India

and in Punjabi geeven is how Ikind of grew up, which means life
and jeez means winning. So myname really means life, winner, winning
at life. And when I whenI had said that to somebody, they
looked at me and they were like, man, that's crazy, Like that's
what that's what you did with me. You help me win the game of
life. And I was like wow, and it just kind of hit me
in that moment. So winning thegame of life is you living with abundance,

freedom, and wealth. Those arethe three cores. So abundance is
being able to have all the opportunitiescome to you, but being the most
grateful for exactly what you have,no matter what. But being open to
opportunity, an abundant amount of opportunity. Right. Freedom did the ability to
do whatever you want, whenever youwant, however you want, with whoever
you want. That's freedom. Andthen wealth and most people associate wealth with

money, right, I feel wealthis more of relationships, love, loyalty,
respect, and yes, of coursemoney because it is a tool in
the toolbox and it may be thesharpest, but it's just a tool.
So once you can truly live withabundance, freedom and wealth, you win
the game of life. Right.It reminds me actually of the move A
Wonderful Life. Uh you know,are you familiar with the movie? Um

and one? It's it's a moviefrom was it the nineteen forties? It's
like it's a Christmas movie. It'sone of those um Christmas movies that they
play every year, but at leastmy wife plays it every year. Um
and It's about a man who takesover his family business by accident. Um
he his father. I forget whathappens his father, but he takes over
the family business. But he doesn'tget to live out his dreams. His

dreams was not to run the familybusiness. But through running the family business,
he makes the human connections that you'respeaking about about saving the prescriptionist from
from killing somebody by overdosing them withthe medication because he was working behind the
counter, um, by by doingdifferent things of helping others not run into

financial despair, by giving them money, loaning them money, and being the
money that he needed to buy somethingthat he wanted. And in the end
he's like, I got nothing leftand I'm worth more dead than alive.
And what he does, it's kindof like one of those tales where he
sees a ghost and they bring himback into his life. And if you
didn't save your brother, he wouldhave died. And if you didn't do

this, she would have gone intojail, and all these different things.
And in the end, he wasshort on money and he needed money otherwise
the business was gone, and heowed money to the government and he was
gonna get arrested. And in theend they all came, and of course
it's a Christmas story, so it'son Christmas Day and everything happens, and
all of these people come running throughhis house, and his wife and his

kids are all excited, are going, you gotta see, you gotta see
what's happening. And they're all comingand going here, we heard you need
money. Here's ten dollars, here'severything I saved, and they're pouring money
on his table. And it wasthe connections that he made throughout his life.
The friend who had offered him acareer in something where he was going
to make millions of dollars, andhe didn't take it because he had to
stay with the family business. Callshim up and sends him a telegram of

whatever you need, my office isencouraged to give you whatever you need to
get the business back up. Sohe was all the connections that he made
so beautiful story. And it's likewhat you're talking about is like these connections
and which um you know, goesinto what you're doing with this academy and
like creating these connections for this youth. And just on note of that is

you know, like I always saythis as well too. You can take
my money, you can take mywatches, my cars, my everything.
You'll never be able to take thisaway, right, Your mom will never
be able to take the connections thatI've built, the impressions that I've left.
Right, That's why to actually payit forward, to actually make a
contribution to this world. Everyone talksabout wanting to help people, right,
is truly just go put smiles onfaces. Start there. You know,
I make this challenge every time Igo to the airport, I just put

ten smiles on ten faces every airport. Right. It's just this this little
thing, little game that I dowith myself, whether it's just looking over
and smiling at somebody or actually havinga conversation and lighting them up right right,
start simple instead of trying to getto this grand dealer, I'm going
to go, you know, solvepoverty, right right, Just do the
simple actions that it takes to buildthose human connections, because that's what it
will take you into the next Itis those it is those one steps and

you're one hundred percent right. It'sit's people ask me that because we have
a foundation for Gone Tern of Haitiand non for profit and we try to
help the children in Haiti. AndI see that you also are trying to
help feed over a million children.And but it does start with just at
home, like we have a littledonation box at home just for the kids
in our community. I do wantto get into how you did get to

where you are today financially speaking,because you know, we talked about connections,
we talked about mindset, self development. But again, so many are
listening because they're going, all right, listen, this guy's got over five
million dollars in commercial real estate?How did he do it? And you
know, I know that that sometimesit's hard to get into all of the

details, but I'm sure you canshare a little bit about that journey in
that story there. Absolutely it camedown to simply the mindset work built me,
the connections that allowed me to scale, and how that happened was simply
this. You know, I hadI had inherited a bit of a family
portfolio. So it was a sixtha couple of houses that my dad had
invested in. So I looked atthe reals and they were and he was

partnering up with another gentleman, youknow god rest is so always passed on
now and they're basically just doing likeduplex infill. So they would tear down
a small, little older house andthey would build it up into a duplex.
They did a couple of them.So I started understanding the development game
and it got me thinking about whenI was young, my favorite childhood toy,
which was Lego. I loved Lego, and Lego was just like you
know, I would see an imageand I would see all these pieces and

there would be instructions like blueprints,and I would make something nothing into something.
And I thought of that from adevelopment perspective, seeing kind of my
dad being an entrepreneur. He runsa little Indian grocery store. He's been
doing for twenty two years legit everysingle day, but he would take his
money and you invest with his partnerthat would do some of these developments.
And I was like, oh,that's a different approach to real estate.
So that was kind of my initialinto that versus I don't know about selling

real estate and doing that kind ofstuff, but building real estate could be
interesting. So while that was happeningmassively into self development, started attending one
of the largest real estate conventions,which was Raying Real Estate Investment Network up
in Canada, and that's where actuallyI met Richard Dolan and he can't stay
because he was the president of thecompany. And from that moment, you
know, starting to immerse myself withreal estate. Went to University of Calgary,

got a real estate development certificate,started getting immersed. Now, at
that point, I found an opportunityand I said, you know what,
instead of building in the major citythat I'm in, we got to find
a smaller municipality outside that will takethe benefits. Our cost will be a
lot cheaper, and we'll start helpbuilding that city. We'll get closer to
that city. And that was justmy thought pattern into it. From there,
found three small residential properties ended upgetting my dad to sell all of

his property, where he looked atme and he was just like, you
better be right about this exactly,which he didn't trust me. So I
got to give him that, andI took a little bit of those funds
there and I bought those three smalllittle houses. From there, I had
to go and raise capital. I'mlike, I don't know anything about raising
capital at the time. I'm twentytwo years old, and I'm like,
I have I have no idea howto raise capital. But now I have
these three small houses that I'm supposedto tear down. And if I don't,

now, Dad's gonna look me andbe like, what did you do?
You just bought this right right?So from there it was a matter
of now, okay, how doI now get connected with the right people.
And now while I'm now in thoserain rooms connecting with the right people,
I started listening and learning and adapting, and from that point it was
a matter of now, okay,this doesn't need to be residential. This
needs to be commercial. And theknowledge of commercial started coming on. And

I met this one gentleman, Iremember, he's a real estate agent,
and he told me and he's like, if you think about it like this.
He's like a lot of people aregoing from multifamily. They love multifamily,
and he's like, retail strip mallsare probably the most profit It's a
golden egg of real estate. AndI was like, well, what do
you mean by that. He's like, think about it. You have a
tenant that's five ten years long andminimum and they spend a couple hundred thousand
dollars to build out their own base. He's like, compared to the guy

that gets mad at his wife andpunches a hole in the wall, right,
And I was like, whoa.That just blew my mind. And
I was like, that's interesting.So it's like, if I actually take
this land here and rezone it,that would be the first step. So
it was just a matter of alwaysconnecting with somebody to ask them the right
question, to get that answer,and then go and put into practice.
So we can get all the knowledgefrom people, but putting it into practice
is the hardest part. So Itook that knowledge when to the city as

a city, could this be commercial? And then it started rezone the property,
ended up getting an actual plan setup on it, and then went
out to the market, started talkingto people, Hey, you want to
invest, Hey, you want toinvest. We end up raising a bit
of capital on it and started theconstruction process. What do you think I
was doing every single day, goingthere on site six am, writing notes,
talking to the general contractor. What'shappening here, what's the first step,
what's the second step? Learning?If I'm going to pay for it,

I'm gonna learn from it. That'swhy I went back to the buyer
comment. We're all buyers, right, we just think we're buying products,
Like I'll just hire a general contractor, he'll build me a building. Go
learn from him. So when Iwas hiring lawyers, now I would sit
there and say, if I'm gonnapay you three hundred fifty dollars an hour,
get my notepad out and I'm gonnastart asking you some questions. I
learned the legal side of it,learned the accounting side of it, went
to my realators, learned the salesprocess of it. So now I started

getting all well rounded. And thisis now three four years we built that
building. In between found another opportunitystill. I still remember at that time
we had to come up with sevenhundred thousand, and it was we had
three hundred and fifty on our side, and our partner's supposed to come in
with three fifty. Last minute,he opts out, We're already fifty thousand
into the deal, Like we needto raise three hundred fifty. I still
remember another going back to the parentsbank. I did do that, and

I went back to parents and Iwas like credit card debt, now,
like we need this. I needto figure something out. I raised my
limits, got my mom to raiseher limits. We got the three fifty
and hand when and close that deal. Within eight months flip that made over
half a million dollar transaction. Profittook the profit, bought another piece of
land right across the street, startedbuilding another building. So it was just
it started manifesting, but all inall, it was still always all.

My success will come down to askingthe right questions and connecting with the right
people. Right. That is thetrue key to it all. I know
it seems simple, but that ishonestly the true key to making millions in
this world, especially that we livein. Now that we can just DM
people and message people and you know, set conversations up like this, like
it's incredible. Yes, if there'sno reason why we shouldn't be successful any
everybody should be successful in that way, right, And there's also an element

of trust that you also established inall of their would you like to speak
to that absolutely? So trust isthe genuine intention. The pure intention goes
back to kind of that contact versuslead. It's when you have a pure
intention of connecting with somebody, they'llfeel it if you if you if you
don't, they won't. And that'sthat's how people will say, well,
I got manipulated because of this dealand this business partner screwed me over here,

and that was just because of theemotional control that you had, the
emotional control of you not understanding howto actually measure that purity coming to you,
right, So it always will beon yourself. You can't blame an
external resource. They can't blame themarkets or say business partner screwed you over
it. That was a logical decisionyou made again, going back to trauma,
right right, created your own traumanow and now you're suppressing those emotions
still in this time thinking about thepast, So you're causing yourself that circle

effect of just running around in circlesthat insanity so to speak. Yeah,
yeah, I mean, you know, if if for for our listeners here,
you can apply that to anything thatyou do. Everything that you just
talked about that applies to everything thatwe're doing here. And something that I
one of the key thing I justpulled from this is if I'm if I'm
paying for it, I'm gonna learnfrom it. That I love that if

I'm paying for it, I'm gonnalearn from it. And I got to
tell you, I wasted a lotof learning because I've paid for a lot
of things and we don't learn fromthem. Like I have a you have
a marketing person, you have anaccount and you have in business, we
have all these different departments. Andeven if you don't own the company and
own and pay the contractor if they'rein house, then I think to your
point, then go sit in thefinance department, Go sit in the marketing

department, Go sit in the salesdepartment, and learn from these people so
that if you want to go outand do something, or if you want
to level up in your career,you know what those departments are. So
I think you could apply it toall. I'm interested in your filanthropic work.
You mentioned you want to feed andservice over a million children. One

I'm interested in why children, whichI think we've touched on a little bit
about in your in your youth,but to how are you accomplishing this or
how are you going about to accomplishthis? The real story came from on
December twenty second, twenty twenty one, and that I had just moved to
Florida. You know, I'd madethat decision during kind of the pandemic style
and you know, everything that washappening up in Canada. I said,
you know what, I'm just gonnago out and kind of just take a

six month break and go kind oflive out in Florida. So I came
out to Florida. I was enjoying. I just closed one of my big
deals. You know, it's athree and a half million dollar commercial deal.
So I kind of feeling good,and I was like, you know,
I'm just gonna go relax in Florida. Everyone keeps talking about Florida,
right, So I'm chilling. I'menjoying, you know, partying a little
bit, relaxing, still working onthe business, and then December twenty second
hits. That day, I haveno idea, like I'm a man of

faith. I believe, you know, I believe in God. I believe
in everything. But that day wasa different day. Because that day I
remember getting ready to go out foranother night and my hand just froze at
the door the hotel room. I'vebeen living at this hotel room and the
door. Oh, I'm still feeling. My hand just freezes. And as

the first time that, my heartjust sank because it's like I have full
control of my mind, my body, my everything, and I just froze.
And all I heard was a quickvoice and it said, don't open
the door. I didn't know whatit meant. I went back inside.
I sat down, and I can'tshare too much now because I does get
me into a different state. Thatday, I'm at my maker. That
day I was sent a message,and that message was just very simple.

Feed children, educate youth, andwork alongside adults. That's all I heard.
From that day. I knew thatthat was a purpose, that was
a mission, that was a callingthat was above me. I just became
a voice in a vessel at thispoint. Now, from that day forward,
I'm just here as as a bodyto embrace human connection, get people
more connected, and then utilize thatby helping more people in my way,

just as everybody else wants to do. Feeding young people like kids is something
that I just feel that no childshould ever go to sleep hungry. It's
just that simple. Educating youth.I've made that very clear on it.
They are are tomorrow, There aretomorrow leaders, So why wouldn't we be
doing that. That's just a nobrainer, right, and then working alongside
adults here to making sure that we'remaking logical decisions not emotional ones. Right.

So now I found my purpose track. As long as I stick to
this, I know all the success, whatever you want to call or whatever
I feel my ideal lifestyle will be, will come. I don't think about
the future so hard because thinking aboutthe future isn't going to help me right
now. It may give me direction, and it may give me a finish
line to hit, but I knowthat every choice that I make in this
exact moment of me sitting here rightnow in front of you, is creating

that future, not just hoping fora better future. Right. That's tremendous.
And you know I have to speakto the emotions that we I saw
come through you in that moment.So obviously it was an impactful moment for
you. And I think that youknow when those things happen. I've had
it happen to myself as well.It's it's that self awareness that occurs and

that you know, it's like thatthe question for me comes in, It's
like what am I doing? Andwhy am I doing this? Like what
is this serving? And you startrealizing that there's more in the world than
what you just said, than thesecreature comforts or all this other stuff.
There's more and there's so much morework to be done. Is it's it's
not about blaming others or what governmentshould do or shouldn't do or whatever.

It is not about blaming them.It's just about like, what can I
do and figuring out how can Itake what I'm already accomplishing and succeeding at
and help others see it. Andlike you said, shouldn't go and no
child should go to bed hungry,and I certainly agree with that. As
we conclude, I always like tobring up your mantras, and for you,
your mantra is monetize your passion inorder to live life with abundance,

freedom and wealth, And you justspoke to that. So just but just
to elaborate a little bit further onit for our audience and put a nice
cap on it. I think thefirst part is probably the most important right
there for the montral wise in termsof monetize your passion. You know,
when you truly know what you're passionateabout and you can create a way to
actually monetize and make money from it, you're instinctively going to put the time

and effort into it. See,we do things a lot of the time
because we're trying to get again againfinancially. We do things that we don't
like to do to try to justpay bills. And as much as we
think that, well, I havebills to pay, I have to do
this, you really don't. It'sjust a choice, and every human has
that choice. And if you startto make a choice of finding that passion
and being able to monetize it,it changes the way that you'll feel afterwards,

because the feeling of accomplishment is oneof the designs the dopamine that you
really want, the natural dopamine thatyou really want, And if you get
that accomplishment in something that you areactually passionate about, like even what you're
doing right now, That changes thegame. It moves the needle, It
creates your purpose, It gives youa deeper why versus just again sticking to
your lane. So the more thatyou can start to hone in on that

passion and really be able to nowwork with coaches, work with the right
people to figure out monetizing it.That now takes you to a step now
where you can start to think aboutwhat that ideal lifestyle is, right,
what is it that you want?See everything? There's people on one side
that say, you know, themoney, cars and clothes is all I
want. And there's other people tosay, you don't need any of that.

I'm happy with just two dollars inmy pocket as long as love and
happy. Well, why can't youjust have both? Right? Why can't
you enjoy the lifestyle? And ifyou like fancy cars and buy fancy cars,
if you like to live simple,then live simple. But we get
so complicated with these conscious decisions inour minds, and the conscious of you
know, party A versus party B. Who's saying what and you know like

it labels on all this stuff versusjust internally looking subconsciously and saying, is
it that I truly want? Whatam I truly happy doing? Right,
and then focusing on that, Yeah, I love that and I love the
passion too of what you're talking abouthere about when you're passionate about something and
monetizing your passion because the other thingI want to touch on in that it
doesn't mean that you're not working.So like the whole concept of like,

you know, do what you loveand you'll never work a day in your
life. It's a wonderful statement andthere's a lot of truth to it,
but there's still a lot of workthat goes into the things that we're passionate
about, and that is what createsthat dopamine rush, right, because it's
that hard work that leads to thesuccess in it because you're passionate about it,
so you're going to see success init. And then that's when you're
like, whoa, this was awesome, which is which is so true and

just a point on that. It'slike, you know, I work sixteen
hour days right now. I'm upat four in the morning every day.
Reason being is that because for methat in that type of statement it's not
necessarily work. I'm still putting againstsixteen hours a day, right, no
matter what happens, because I knowhow much actually needs to get accomplished,
right, But it's still my lifestyle. It's me being able to travel,
it's me being able to be withmy teams, as me being able to

go on meetings and travel and behere and you know, doing these things
and allocating the right time in theright places. Right. That creates my
lifestyle now. And of course workis in coming. There's a lot of
hours of sitting on a computer andgoing and going hard. But then there's
also just that aspect of having thatfreedom, going back to that abundance freedom
and wealth. It's like the freedomof saying, you know what, I

know, I want to take mygirlfriend and I want to go for a
vacation, right, you know,I don't have something that's restricting me,
right, But also still knowing thateven on a vacation where we're gonna understand
that, you know, there aregoing to be some calls, there are
going to be this, ye,but there's also times where we're gonna be
completely present. Phones are gonna beoff, like I play my game with
my guys, I mean, andwe're going to be immersed, you know
what I mean, I will shutoff the world because I have that privilege
to shut off the world because I'vecreated that for myself. Yes, so

I love that. And I dowant to say too about time, and
something that you just talked about tooby your sixteen hour days is that while
we all have the same twenty fourhours, it's about how we use those
twenty four hours and making those consciouschoices to wake up earlier, have a
little bit of solitude, have thattime to journal, to think. I
love it. I was waking upat five. I now try to wake

up at four thirty, and you'resaying four, and I'm like, I
had somebody to come in here whoactually wakes up at like I think she
wakes up at three thirty. Andshe's in real estate as well, So
it's got to be something about realestate people. But but the point that
I'm getting at is that solitude isso important, and that, by the
way, is quote unquote work.You're working on yourself, your mindset,
all of that plays into your wholeday. So I think it's very important

to impress upon everybody that while weall have the same twenty four hours,
about how we use them. Andthe next part to that, which you
just touched on two is it's it'snot about and you touched it on this
earlier on in the podcast as well. It's not about everything that you're doing.
It's about the things you're not doing. It's about eliminating some of those
things of maybe scrolling on Facebook orwatching a show that's doing nothing for you

in your life. For whatever itis, Hey, daydreaming is good,
so let's not. I don't wantto I don't want to discredit that because
I think daydreaming is very good foryou. But the things you know,
eliminate those things that you could bemore focused on the things that you want
to accomplish. And so, speakingof which, and to put a little
bow on our session today, you'rein New York, first time in New
York on vacation, your your girlfriendhere, and you guys are visiting the

area. So I'm interested in someof the some of the places that you
you have decided to go to.Well, not to be all cliche on
this, but definitely the Empire StateBuilding, Okay, sure, that's just
been always a monument that I wantto go see and just be live there,
and our hotels not too far awayfrom it, So definitely getting to
see that one for sure, verycool and any anything else, recommend anything.

Statue of Liberty was another one withthis rain clears up a little.
The Statue of Liberty is a littletough because of you know, you're kind
of just climbing up up it andI don't I don't know if you're allowed
at the top anymore. So there'ssome restrictions there. So that's a tough
one. Empire State like, look, if you're you've been wanting to go
there forever, then I said gofor it. As a native New York
ground from Queens, New York,it was it was something that I only

got to do when somebody came infrom out of town. So I always
thank my cousin knew Melia, whocame in from France and as a sixteen
year old forced me to go tothe World Trade Center. I was just
I had no desire. I grewup with them in my backyard. I
saw them all the time. Itwasn't it was like whatever, But she
she was like, I want togo see us at fine. So my
girlfriend and I we planned a tripto the World Trade Center and we got

pictures at the top and everything andUnfortunately, obviously September eleventh happened. But
it's because of her, because thatexperience, and it's like you, you
know, so go to the EmpireState Building because tomorrow is not promised.
Something else I would recommend you werehere in the Hudson Valley is the walkway
over the Hudson which is a beautifulIt's the longest pedestrian walkway, they say
in the world. So I'm goingto use their motto there in the world

where you can walk across the HudsonRiver beautiful views from both sides, really
really gorgeous. But I am happythat you did come to New York.
I'm happy that you were here instudio. And one last thing I'll say
on the areas is go visit ago to see a Broadway show. I
mean, you're in New York City. Take any ticket you can find,

any ticket you could find for tonightor for tomorrow night. Go to a
Broadway show. You're gonna love it. It's just a great experience. I
want to thank you so much fortraveling. I want to thank your girlfriend
so much for being in studio withus and traveling here. You can definitely
check out I'm speaking to our audiencehere. Definitely check out are the reels
that are going to be on Jay'sInstagrams and all his different social media channels
will also be on ours. Definitelycheck those out. But also if you

want to just give a plug tothose social media channels and anything other way
that people can find you, absolutelybefore I even get there, I just
want to also just take this timeto appreciate you. You know, it
takes. It takes the time andeffort and also the willingness and power to
to host this, to find peoplelike myself and other other guests, to
actually interview us and ask us ourstories and questions, and then to be
able to provide that value for youraudience. So I just want to give

my respect where it's due and saythank you for hosting me and having me
out here and getting me into NewYork. That's that's amazing and by all
means, yeah, if you wantto connect with me, by all means,
it's it's at Jadahn, it's allmy social media links or at ja
Dahan jay d h a h an Ja Dahan awesome. And again I
do also want to just give thatfree course available to anybody that wants it.

Uncage your Roar dot com if yougo there, just free again for
you for helping me out. Here'shere's a gift her your audience as well
too. I love that And isit okay for forty one forty one year
old joints? Absolutely awesome. Thisis just uncaging any roar. I don't
care who you are. It's oncagingyour or your inner desire. Be breaking
free from those limiting beliefs and goingout there and just sharing to the world
what your story is. Because I'llleave it. I'll leave it with this.

I believe that every human being hasa story, a message to share.
If you can uncage your roar andget it out to the world,
you'll impact just one if if it'sjust one person, you'll make the world
move forward. Love that. Thankyou so much, Thank you man awesome.
Thank you for listening to The michaelsPosito Show. For show notes,
video clips, and more episodes,go to Michael Espositoinc. Dot com backslash

podcast. Thank you again to oursponsor dan ten Insurance Services, helping businesses
get the right insurance for all theirinsurance needs. Visit dent ten dot io
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This episode was produced by Uncle Mikeat the iHeart Studios in Pikeepsie. Special
thanks to Lara Rodrean for the opportunityand my team at michaels Posito Inc.
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