Episode Transcript
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Tara Thurber (00:01):
Hey everyone,
welcome back to Top5 brought to
you by DefinedTalent. We are aresults driven service working
with clients to connect themwith quality talent as well as
working to make an impact withinthe recruiting industry. We talk
straight about today'sprofessional world with real
world professionals, experts inrecruitment, job seekers and
business owners alike. Have aquestion for us. Send it in and
you might spur our nextconversation. I'm Tara Thurber,
co founder and director oftalent partnerships here at
DefinedTalent. And joining metoday is a Alaura Lovelight,
singer, songwriter, r&b artist,coach and founder of Conscious
Creative and a whole bunch ofother stuff as well. Hi, Alaura,
how are you today?
Alaura Lovelight (00:45):
Hi. Thank you
for having me. I'm so excited to
be here.
Tara Thurber (00:48):
Yeah. Awesome. Can
we start just by sharing a
little bit about yourself withour listeners?
Alaura Lovelight (00:55):
Sure. Yeah.
Um, my name is Alaura Lovelight.
And I have been in I do a lot ofthings like you said. But
creativity is kind of at the atthe root of all of those.
I've alwaysbeen a creative person, I kind
Tara Thurber (01:10):
of came into the world doingmusic. My mother is a brilliant
piano player. My father is abrilliant business person. And
so music business is kind of mydestiny. And yeah, I grew up
playing the piano. I've beenplaying the piano since I was
four. And singing since I canremember. And yeah, I just, I
always felt such a really uniquerelationship with music. And
such a deep connection to thecreation of music. And so that's
kind of where life has led me, Iwent to school for music, I
worked in Hollywood for filmcomposer, writing film music,
which is what I kind of, Ialways have loved I still love.
And that led me down a path ofperforming and singing and
traveling and just playing forall types of people and all
types of places. And then Ireleased a single in 2021,
called Eroticy. And that singledid very, very well, it played
on radio worldwide. And I didlike 100 interviews or something
crazy in 2022.
Alaura Lovelight (02:27):
And then I had
a new network on Roku approached
me and say, Hey, we love you.
We're doing a new network. Doyou want to have a TV show? I
was like, Sure.
Tara Thurber (02:40):
(laughs) Why not?
Alaura Lovelight (02:43):
Do you say no
to that question? I don't know.
(laughs) So then in 2022, I hadstarted a television show. And
then very quickly, it got pickedup from the new network, it got
picked up by New JerseyTelevision last fall.
Tara Thurber (03:00):
Alaura Lovelight (03:01):
And so the
Alaura Show is on and onnj.com.
And it's on ONNJ the streamingapp, which is a New Jersey focus
streaming app. But if you haveRoku TV, if you have Amazon,
it's just like a Netflix apptype thing. You can download it
and watch the show there. Theshow is a lot about what it
takes to kind of put yourselfout there to pursue a career
that you love, a life that youlove. And then last fall, I was
doing a lot of deep divespiritually. And I ended up
writing a book, which I kind ofalways said, like, I'm gonna
write a book someday. But never,like I'm writing a book this
year, I'm writing a book thismonth. It was such a download
from the universe. It was just abeautiful experience. And I
wrote the book, The MindfulCreative in September. And now
that's, that's 2024 we have anew show called The Conscious
Creative. And it's based on youknow, the mindful, creative,
just creating from a mindfulplace. Like, how do we be more
creative and more mindful.
Tara Thurber (04:16):
I love every I
love the story Alaura, it's just
such an amazing magical storyand purposeful. And as you
continue to really, as youcontinue your journey, you're
able just to get a little bitdeeper and a little bit deeper.
Alaura Lovelight (04:33):
Tara Thurber (04:34):
You know,
currently you host the Love
Launch podcast. What inspiredyou to you know, from the
beginning and being asked foryour own show what inspired you
to start your own show? And whatdo you hope or want, or the
purpose behind your show to takeyour for your listeners to take
away from the content that youShare and put out there.
Alaura Lovelight (05:01):
So um, so it
started with the Alaura show
which right on ONNJ the podcastis called the Conscious
Creative. It's not a podcast,it's a YouTube series. It's just
creative. And it's brand new,but it is stemmed from the
Alaura show you Alaura show kindof started with, you know, like,
here's a TV show, and like,Okay, what's my TV show about?
Besides me, which is feels like,you know, anti climactic I guess
Tara Thurber (05:33):
(laughs) All eyes
are on you!(laughs).
Alaura Lovelight (05:34):
You know how
do I use my story to inspire
other people?
The number onequestion that people have
Tara Thurber (05:38):
continually asked me is like,how do you do that (laighs)? How
do you put yourself out there?
How do you get booked for yourshow and perform for 1000s of
people? And I did. I mean, I hada team that I've built over the
years here and there.
Alaura Lovelight (06:02):
I did it
myself. You know, I never had a
Tara Thurber (06:02):
booking agent. I never. I had amanager, but I kind of I really
pave my own path. And peopleconstantly had asked me like,
how do you do that? And for me,it all comes back to this
willingness that is necessary todo everything, our willingness
to put ourselves out there, ourwillingness to ask for
opportunities, our willingnessto try, our willingness to pick
ourselves up and try again, ourwillingness to not take things
personally, there's so manythings like, willing feels like
will, but it's not it's just anallowing of how do I allow
myself to exist in that space?
How do I allow myself to beuncomfortable? How do I do all
that? And so that's kind ofevery episode of the Alaura show
has been the willingness tosomething, the willingness to
all of the things that Imentioned. And then when I wrote
the book, The Mindful Creative.
It just caused me to ask like,deeper questions in terms of
because when I wrote a book, Iwas going through a very
spiritual period of my life.
Alaura Lovelight (07:19):
And I've been
a spiritual person, my whole
life. Like, I grew up in achurch, I went to a Bible
college, like, I that's been thepath, but I'm kind of like a
surface spirituality.
Tara Thurber (07:29):
Alaura Lovelight (07:29):
And so when I
wrote this book, I was just in
such a state of like, reallywilling to heal all the parts
and look at the shadow and allof that really hard work that
like, is not fun (laughs). Andas I was doing the work, I wake
up one day and I, just in twodays, I just had like, a
universal download, just writingthe book for hours, like what
time is it (laghs). And justwrote the book, boom, like,
like, as if you unzip the fileon a computer? And so that's,
that's where that came from. Andit really made me question as a
creative person my whole life...
Tara Thurber (08:19):
Alaura Lovelight (08:19):
How are we?
Like, it seems like we'reefforting so hard and our
creativity, and how do wemaximize our time and our
success by tapping into theenergy field around us and our
source of life and creativity.
And that's where The ConsciousCreative kind of got birthed. So
to speak out of that (laughs).
Tara Thurber (08:44):
I love what you
just said about the willingness.
And it's funny because it kindof comes full circle with I'm
doing this 21 day meditationchallenge right now. And this
morning, the idea around it wasdetachment. And it talks about
the law of detachment and whatwe desire and how to take steps
and you have to let go of theoutcome. You just have to be in
it. And it's like, Deepak Chopradoes the 21 day abundance. And
that's what I've been listeningto. And so it's amazing how what
you're saying. It just, itlights up in my mind right now.
Because you can't think aboutthe outcome. And you have to
detach, you can't take thingspersonal. You have to be I mean,
when you were writing the book,you just, you were in flow,
Alaura Lovelight (09:46):
Tara Thurber (09:47):
And and then you
kind of come out of it and
you're like, holy crap, thishappened.
Alaura Lovelight (09:51):
I just wrote a
book (laughs) that's cool.
Tara Thurber (09:54):
And it's really
that something that I took away
this morning is that beingcomfortable in the uncomfortable
space. And it's that middleground I feel between fear and
Alaura Lovelight (10:09):
Oh, yeah.
Tara Thurber (10:10):
Right? And I kind
of get shaky and tingly when I
think about that feeling. Andbeing able to sit in that
presence and allow the universeto guide you and find that
clarity to then have that focusto take that little step into
that whatever direction is,right?
Alaura Lovelight (10:33):
Tara Thurber (10:33):
And I'm hearing a
lot of that in how you've gotten
to where you've gotten today.
And I just find it'sfascinating, because I think so
many people end up stoppingthemselves dead in their tracks
from either imposter syndrome oryou get those Gremlins talking
to you in your head, or you havethat in as as a creative
creatives need to release that.
Alaura Lovelight (11:01):
Yeah. Yeah.
It's I mean, it's a sign it'sscientific is that I think a lot
of people don't understand. Ourbrain is wired and designed to
protect us. It's not like wiredto live our dreams (laughs).
Tara Thurber (11:14):
Alaura Lovelight (11:15):
It's like
wired to like, not get eaten by
a bear.
Tara Thurber (11:17):
Alaura Lovelight (11:18):
So in terms of
your brain, like anything
unfamiliar, it doesn't want todo, it doesn't gravitate, it's
not because you're a bad person.
It's not because you're tooscared, or you're to this, it's
because you have a cool brain,and it's trying to protect you.
And you just have to learn howto go outside of your mind and
say, Hey, like, we're safe,right now. This public speaking,
like, we're not gonna get eatenby a bear, we're getting
And literallyjust training your brain to know
Tara Thurber (11:48):
(laughs). I love
that. I love that. And it's
(laughs)the difference. And I do that
all the time, where I have totell my body, my nervous system,
you're in trouble. You're notunsafe, right now, I know, you
feel like that. And I appreciatethat you're trying to protect
me. But right now, we're notunsafe. And so you can relax.
And I think if creative peoplecould learn how to do that,
because you can override thesystem, right? You can ride that
survival mechanism. But if youdon't learn how to program your
brain, those are the programsthat come with the computer, so
to speak, like a survivalmechanism, you got to figure out
the rest.
true. And even individuals that,you know, we talk about
individuals that are looking fortheir purpose, or individuals
that are looking for their newjob or their next steps. And you
have to allow that security,right? We go back to a computer,
let down that security, becauseyou need to move through that.
Alaura Lovelight (13:02):
Tara Thurber (13:02):
And it's not a
matter of others coming in to
destroy you or the bear comingto attack you. It's your core.
It's that true core inner self,that you have to train to
release it. And embrace the fearalmost.
Alaura Lovelight (13:18):
Yeah. Lean
into that.
Tara Thurber (13:19):
Hug that fear so
tight (laughs).
Alaura Lovelight (13:21):
Yeah, you
gotta lean into the discomfort
and just know, am I literallyunsafe right now? And if the
answer is no, then lean intothat uncertainty. Like, it's
okay. What's the worst thatcould happen? You know, doesn't
work? Oh, well, that was cool. Ilearned something.
Tara Thurber (13:37):
Right? And then
take that and continue to keep
moving forward. Right.
Alaura Lovelight (13:41):
And that's,
that's the detachment that
you're talking about is justbeing detached from so many
people don't do somethingbecause, well, what if it
doesn't work? Well, what if it'sfor a different purpose than you
think? You don't know, the ifthe universe is giving you an
impulse to do something? Likethere's probably something
beyond what you're aware of?
Tara Thurber (14:04):
Alaura Lovelight (14:04):
There's been
so many things that haven't
worked quote, unquote, peoplecan't see me, but have not
worked in their in my career,but they have been perfectly
what they were supposed to be.
Tara Thurber (14:15):
Yeah it comes just
in alignment at the time that it
presents itself. Wow. Just toask a fun question over here. If
you could have dinner with onemusician in history. Who would
that be? And what would you eatfor dinner?
Alaura Lovelight (14:34):
Hmm. That's a
good question. That's so hard to
like, hey, and that's whatpeople ask me a lot. Like who's
one person you want tocollaborate with? I'm like, I
don't know. One person (laughs).
Tara Thurber (14:46):
Everyone creative! (laughs)
Alaura Lovelight (14:49):
I love to be
in other people's creative
energy. I love like, when Ithink of that question, I just
like imagine myself in a jazzclub with like, every major Jazz
musican like Miles Davis andFelonious Monk, I have a picture
on the wall and like just reallysuper creative people. I just
adore people who express theircreativity, I love to be near
them, I love to be in theirpresence, I got to go to be a
part of the 50th anniversary HipHop shows in Atlantic City last
week, and I got to be on thestage. And I was just like, just
like soaking in every creativevibe around me.
Tara Thurber (15:33):
Alaura Lovelight (15:33):
Like, not even
because when you get to that
level of consciousness ofmindfulness, like, everything
you understand is one. So like,it doesn't start to matter who's
show, or who's this, or it'sjust creative, just creative
energy. I'm just like a junkiefor it.
Tara Thurber (15:50):
I love it.
Alaura Lovelight (15:51):
Anybody who is
creative and I love food so I'd
eat pretty much, if there's aglass of wine, and there's some
delicious little bites, I'm goodto go.
Tara Thurber (16:04):
Amazing. I love
it. And I feel you with the
creativeness and the the energywhen you can be in that energy
and open to that energy.
Alaura Lovelight (16:18):
Tara Thurber (16:18):
There's this
unannounced connection. And back
and forth, that happens.
Alaura Lovelight (16:25):
For sure.
Tara Thurber (16:26):
And that there's
so much more exploration. And it
drives me crazy sometimes whenindividuals lock themself up and
don't, I say play with everybodyin the playground, that because
they have competition, orbecause of different views. And
it's like, you need to all playtogether, because that's where
that special magic happens,where you can have that give and
take of energy of ideas ofexpressions and thoughts. And
then everybody gets to take thataway and grow internally
themselves, but then externallyas well. Right?
Alaura Lovelight (17:14):
Definitely. And that's thethat's like, so exactly what The
Conscious Creative, and all ofwhat I'm creating is, I hate,
it's hard for me to say what I'mcreating, because it doesn't, it
doesn't really feel like Ianymore. It just feels like I'm
tapping into that oneness.
Tara Thurber (17:31):
Alaura Lovelight (17:32):
And I like
being at a show like that and
just really present to theenergy. That's just like,
bottled up. And then when I gocreate, it's not like me, it's
like that creative energy of theuniverse. I just translated it
into whatever this lens, seesyou know? So I agree if we could
all work together and learn moreabout all of our art is I wrote
on Instagram, the other day, Iwrote, all of our dreams are all
of our dreams. And like, I lovethat it's so powerful to say all
of our dreams are all of ourdreams.
Tara Thurber (18:08):
Yeah, that is
powerful. And when it's united,
it just becomes a force.
Alaura Lovelight (18:14):
Totally, it's
stronger, it's more powerful.
And like, love and compassionand kindness and all of that,
the more we tap into that, thebetter everything will get.
Tara Thurber (18:28):
So I, this kind of
leads into this my next question
of can you explain whatconscious creativity is for our
audience? But I think that kindof lends, what we just
discussed, brings that to theforefront of being here right
now. You know, with consciouscreativity, you've gone from
writing a book, and now well, TVshows, writing a book and now
moving into a series as well.
Alaura Lovelight (19:06):
Tara Thurber (19:09):
When when kind of
diving into all of that for our
listeners what would your Top5ways be? to tap into that?
Alaura Lovelight (19:24):
Yeah, that's a
good question. Well, part of so
I have an idea of like, fivereally cute ones. But I feel
like part so The ConsciousCreative is a new series that's
going to be launched on YouTube.
It's like one of my mostexciting creative projects. And
I'm loving it because I'm justlike learning along with the
Tara Thurber (19:49):
Alaura Lovelight (19:50):
I created
that, that series, just because
after this like massive downloadin the book, it will really made
me say, what's going on likescientifically?
Tara Thurber (20:05):
Alaura Lovelight (20:06):
That, like,
science is on such the leading
edge of learning how to tap intothe energy field around us.
Like, it's not like this woowooidea anymore.
Tara Thurber (20:19):
Alaura Lovelight (20:20):
It's like,
your heart is actually magnetic,
they can measure it.
Tara Thurber (20:24):
Alaura Lovelight (20:24):
Your brain,
they can actually measure the
vibes from your brain, likethey're doing a lot of work with
epigenetics about what your,what your body receives from the
matrix of the universe, and howthat relates to what's unfolding
in your life.
Tara Thurber (20:42):
Alaura Lovelight (20:42):
And, like in
terms of conscious creativity,
to me, like so so so, so deep,but one of so I had my first
guest on and that will launch inMarch, and he, Harvard Med,
Harvard PhD, he studies thecerebral spinal fluid, which is
the fluid in your brain thatgoes through your spine, goes
down to the base, like whereyour hips and back up. So this
is science, right? And thatfluid is literally carrying
information from the here,outside world into your body,
down through your system, andtelling your body like there's
infinite possibilities in theuniverse, every single thing can
have, like, every single momentthat you're in every there's
like an infinite amount ofpossibilities that could happen,
right? And so our brain isdesigned to tap into what it's
told to pay attention to.
Everybody knows, when you buy anew car, and you buy a new white
car, all of a sudden, you seethat car everywhere you go.
That's consciousness and so it's
Tara Thurber (21:54):
That's, to me,
it's like a mind explosion right
just training your brain to tapinto the things that you want to
create in your life.
Alaura Lovelight (22:09):
Literally, me
and the scientist are on our
now (laughs).
call talking about how mindblowing it is. And he's a
neuroscientist. And he's tellingme we know this, we know a
miniscule of information that'sreally going on, in this amazing
thing of our brain and our heartand our body. And what we do
know, is mind blowing, it isfascinating. And that's what led
me to create this series TheConscious Creative to say, if
people could learn andunderstand this information,
what can we do as a society ashumanity and like, all of us,
because I'll say, for myself, Ihad a very humbling experience
during the spiritual process tosay, I have been creating kind
of from a space of wanting toimpact other people, but it has
had an overtone of how do I makemy music take off? How do I make
my podcast take off? How do Iget and like a dirty mix of
Tara Thurber (23:18):
Alaura Lovelight (23:19):
Instead of
Whoa, if I tap in how do I
create something that is justpurely benefiting all of us? And
interestingly enough, thosethings I've been creating have
have been creating more successfor me in the last six months,
then, in years?
Tara Thurber (23:41):
Just to kind of go
off of that. Do you feel that -
is that where that those gutfeelings come from? Or that
intuition? Because I,personally, I feel that way
where there's ideas or peopleI'll meet.
Alaura Lovelight (24:07):
Tara Thurber (24:08):
And I'll feel deep
in my stomach. You need to meet
this person, because I thinksomething magical can happen.
Alaura Lovelight (24:16):
Tara Thurber (24:17):
Or aI'll feel deep
in my gut. This, this larger
idea, and I've got, I've gotgoosebumps right now, this
larger idea. And I'm not surehow to get to that idea. But in
my gut, I know that that's whereI need to get to, or that's
where it's got to be. So it'salmost then coming back even.
And now. I mean, it's provenscientifically, but coming back
to your core self, and beingable to listen from what the
external gives to you, brings toyou, travels through this body
of ours, and is like jabbing youat times. Or it's giving you
these alarms where you have toturn the switch on to start
listening. Y
Alaura Lovelight (25:13):
Yes, yes, yes.
And that's consciousness. That'syou tapping into consciousness
and like, so everything in theuniverse is vibrational, like
our bodies and our everything'sso solid. But everything in the
universe is vibrational and solike, it's just literally a
matter of what frequency you'reon. Like if you put your radio
on r&b station, you're gonnahear r&b, you're going to hear
r&b, you're gonna hear a AlauraLoveligh (laughs).
If you putyour radio station on country,
Tara Thurber (25:43):
Alaura Lovelight (25:43):
So it's like,
just, especially with
Tara Thurber (25:43):
creativity, you have to follow,but that's where we muck it up.
you're not going to hear r&b,they're never going to put an
r&b song in the rotation becauseit doesn't play on that station.
That's where we have a creativeidea, oh, my god from the
And that's really what yourintuition is, is a station from
university. And then we decideto get all attached and decide
the universe that you're alignedwith. And it's a matter of maybe
to just follow the impulses.
a stoplight that you decide notto run, and your life is
drastically different. And likeintuition is the universe, its
consciousness, it is insanelypowerful. I'm at a point where
Just keep going.
Oh, yeah. So what are your Top5I'm like, oh, okay, go left.
Okay, literally every impulsethat I'm feeling in terms of
have I tapped in today? Okay.
Yes. Get on this call, take abreak, go for a walk, turn this
way instead of this way. That ishow you find the empty parking
spot. That is how you saw thegreen lights because you leave
three minutes later. Like itsounds crazy, that that's how
Ways to Tap into our ConsciousCreativity? (laughs)
everything works. But it's like,you and I meeting if I had I
Alaura Lovelight (26:45):
Oh Yeah, let's
give them practical
really didn't want to go to thatevent (laughs). I should well
Tara Thurber (26:50):
I'm ready. Let's
go (laughs).
look at what happened.
Alaura Lovelight (27:23):
Okay, so five,
ready? Number one is meditation.
You cannot live without it. Youthink you can. You cannot. Your
life is a lot harder, becauseyou're not meditating. If you're
not meditating. People tell meall the time, I don't have time
to meditate. Well, guess what,you're making everything else
take a lot longer because you'renot meditating. Kids, husbands,
wives, children, everybody canwait until you get tapped in and
aligned, everything else will gobetter. I swear.
Tara Thurber (27:58):
I agree. A million
Alaura Lovelight (28:00):
meditation is an uncomfortable,
uncertain, unfamiliar thing. Itwill be weird and hard at first.
Tara Thurber (28:08):
Alaura Lovelight (28:08):
I always tell
people like when you start to
meditate, you're gonna uncoversome things that might be
uncomfortable, you have to pushthrough it, you have to make it
a part of your daily routine. Itwill change the way you function
and your whole life. Number twois appreciation. So meditation
is one, appreciation is two.
Appreciation for everythingunder the sun. I don't care what
kind of day you're having. Idon't care what your bank
account looks like. I don't carewhat frustrations you have.
You're allowed to be frustrated,you're allowed to be
disappointed. You're allowed tobe all those things, which is a
separate conversation. Butfinding appreciation and every
single day in every singlemoment. Also will change your
life. And meditation really,really helps in terms of finding
those things to be appreciativeof, it's hard to be like, Well,
yeah, that's nice. I'mbreathing, but I can't pay my
bills. You have to figure outhow to be like, Wow, I'm here.
Tara Thurber (29:09):
Alaura Lovelight (29:10):
I'm alive.
Wow, I'm in perfect health.
Tara Thurber (29:13):
Alaura Lovelight (29:13):
Like, a lot of
things that we worry about are
really not that serious. Theyreally, really aren't. And I say
that to listeners coming from aplace of having been broke,
having had no money, having beendisappointed by my career. Don't
think, oh, you know, she's aspiritual teacher. She's a
spiritual, whatever. No, Ipractice that very deeply on the
days that I'm like, Okay, so,let's practice what we talk
about. Appreciation iseverything and and sit in that
moment until you can appreciatesomething. Sit in and you're
frustrated and you'redisappointed and you're, you've
got to push through and make andfind something to appreciate.
Three I would say iscontemplation. So meditation,
appreciation, contemplation. Ialso say visualization for that
one. But it does go as cute inthe same.
Tara Thurber (30:06):
Alaura Lovelight (30:07):
is very, very, very important.
If you are not visualizing yourfuture you will for sure create
your past. If you don't want tolive your past, then you need to
visualize your future. Veryimportant. There's lots of
meditations that you can do onvisualization. I constantly like
you can literally be in a roomright now and be like, I'm in a
million dollar mansion, I havemy dream job, like in this
present moment, anything couldbe true. So instead of worrying
about this, and that and thisand that every minute, be
visualizing what you want tocreate, and it will definitely
become your reality. 100%.
Tara Thurber (30:46):
I love that.
Alaura Lovelight (30:48):
So number
four, okay, meditation,
appreciation, contemplation.
What did I say next?
Tara Thurber (30:55):
Alaura Lovelight (30:56):
Tara Thurber (30:58):
Alaura Lovelight (31:00):
Creation is
everything in life is like, once
you get aligned, once youappreciate life, once you really
visualize and contemplate whatyou want to create, do it
(laughs). And be totallydetached, just like you said,
just like, the best thing youcould do, especially for your
creativity is to do it for thecreation of it.
Tara Thurber (31:24):
Alaura Lovelight (31:25):
And nothing
else. If something happens with
it, super cool. If nothinghappens, like having the ability
to take something out of theuniverse, and put it into
tangible is like the mostincredible opportunity. That's
why we're here. That isliterally why we're here.
Otherwise, we're a nebulouscloud in the universe. Like
we're here to create, we're hereto create life. We're here to
create relationships. We're hereto create art, we're here to
create, oh, it just like movesme so deeply to say like,
creativity is everything. Andeverybody's creative. Nobody
tells me I don't want anyletters that say I'm not
Tara Thurber (32:07):
(laughs) I'm not
creative (laughs).
Alaura Lovelight (32:08):
Yes, you are!
Everybody is creative. You are
creating your life You are lifeitself. If you are a woman who
can have children, that'samazing. You are creating
businesses, you are creating.
You don't have to be a singer,dancer, writer painter, to call
yourself creative. So startthinking, I'm the creator of my
life. Because you are.
Tara Thurber (32:27):
Yes! I love that.
I love that. I am the creator ofmy life, because a lot of people
well, I'm not creative. I don'tknow how to draw, I don't know
how to write. Take a step backand think about that for a
second. Because you are, you'recreating your life, your
journey. So everybody is acreator. And everybody is
creative through that.
Alaura Lovelight (32:55):
I mean, we all
know that from like, the
cafeteria lady who's like thesweetest person you ever met in
your frickin life?
Tara Thurber (33:01):
Yeah (laughs).
Alaura Lovelight (33:02):
Or the person
who is on customer service, and
they just like you have a bigproblem. And they just like
really help you like, I'm alwaysso appreciative of those types
of people. They're in the flow,they're creating the outcome.
And so are you and so everythingis creative. Everything is
creative, down to happiness.
Down to happiness.
Tara Thurber (33:25):
Yeah, I love that.
Now, the fifth one, my favoritethat you've given to me, but
let's share your your fifth one.
Alaura Lovelight (33:34):
So a recap.
One is meditation, two hisappreciation. Three is
contemplation, for is creation.
And five, excuse me, is thevery, very, very important one
to celebration.
Tara Thurber (33:50):
Alaura Lovelight (33:51):
You have to
celebrate yourself. And
especially as adults, which evenmyself like learning to
celebrate what I've done versuswhat I haven't done, you have to
celebrate every win every day.
Every time you see yourselfdoing something better. Good for
me. I did that. And mean it.
That's whatyour inner being is saying to
Tara Thurber (34:15):
yourself. Like, yeah, we didthat. Like that's how your inner
being feels. Don't silence likethat's the best part of you
don't silence that. It's notabout being braggadocious it's
not about being better thansomebody else. We're all
connected. We're all one. Solike, when you do something, I'm
going to help celebrate the hellout of it. So if I do something,
I should celebrate it as much asI celebrate you.
Yes. I couldn'tagree more and I went on a
journey of trying to celebratemyself years because it was
almost, I think a lot of peopleare raised and it's the external
world that they suppress thatthey suppress these wins. And I
oftentimes, I'll hear two voicesin my head one being like high
fiving me and the one beinglike, you better keep your mouth
shut, because you really didn'tdo that good. Or look at what
you did wrong, or the pickingpart of it. And at the end of
the day, yes celebrating, turnon some music and have a dance
party. You know, take yourselfout, give yourself that self
love. Because when you cancelebrate yourself, it shows
externally, too. And it justraises you up to a whole nother
Alaura Lovelight (35:53):
Right? It's
contagious. And it's contagious.
Like I heard somebody say onInstagram the other day, they
were talking about self love.
And they were like, when weunderstand that we're all one
there is only self love. My lovefor you is self love. My love
for the listener and self love.
My love for myself is self love.
Like, when you can move past. Wejust exist in a society that
doesn't know how to do that. Andso we tend to like dim each
other's lights unintentionally,because we don't know how to
turn on our light. So it's like,wait, wait, wait, you're too
bright, which I've gotten a lotin my life. And just realizing
like, Okay, well, I can teachyou how to turn your light on,
but I'm not going to turn mylight off.
Tara Thurber (36:40):
Alaura Lovelight (36:41):
And so, um,
yeah, I hope that people listen
to this and celebrate the heckout of themselves.
Tara Thurber (36:49):
I love everything
about this, I'm really excited
to start listening to yourseries, watching your series.
And let's make sure I want toget this out to all of our
listeners and share it get itout there because it's
important. And the more we canshare it the more we can become
a we instead of an I.
Alaura Lovelight (37:12):
Tara Thurber (37:12):
And become a one.
United with with a huge forcebehind us all.
Alaura Lovelight (37:19):
Tara Thurber (37:19):
So excited. And it
was just such a pleasure to have
you on today. Thank you so verymuch for just your energy, your
love and your light.
Alaura Lovelight (37:28):
Thank you for
having me. It's always so fun to
like, I really this year for meis very much about if I ask,
it's the universe, or ifsomebody asks of me, it's the
universe. So like any podcast,any interview, any event, I just
feel really humbled andappreciative of sharing the
oneness and being a vehicle forthat and really working on
representing that and beinglight and being love. Because we
all are that and we all likethat's what we're here for.
That's the experience that we'rehere for. And I just so deeply
wish that for everybody. And ifhearing me on a podcast helps
somebody connect to that alittle bit more like then cool.
I'm living on.
Tara Thurber (38:21):
Doing it.
Alaura Lovelight (38:22):
Tara T (38:24):
Alaura, thank you again.
Alaura Lovelight (38:26):
Thanks for
having me.
Tara Thurber (38:27):
We are
DefinedTalent, a DefinedLogic
service coming to you at Top5.
Make it a great day.