Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:08):
Hello Food Fam.
This is the Walk Talk Podcastwhere you will find the perfect
blend of food fun and cookingknowledge.
I'm your host, carl Fiorini.
Welcome to the number one foodpodcast in the country.
We're podcasting on site atIbis Images Studios, where food
photography comes alive and Iget to eat it.
First things first.
Last week we had chefs LanceCook and Jason Eflin on the show
We dove into theirACF-sanctioned cooking
competition that our own Chef,jeffrey Schlissel.
Well, he participated.
And which chef won a gold?
Well, it was a fun, spiritedepisode.
Go back, listen and enjoy Buonappetito.
Thank you Peninsula FoodService for supplying the
proteins for today's productionChefs in the central Florida
Peninsula is the largestdistributor of Creekstone Farms
beef in the southeast USA,complete with a fully staffed
butcher shop to help solve allyour kitchen inconsistencies.
Check out their dry agedprogram too.
Okay, our guest this week is onFood Network's season six of
Supermarket Steakout, airing May15th.
Oh yeah, we're talking aboutour industry brother and dear
friend, chef Jonathan Rodriguez.
Stay tuned, chef is on deck.
Here's some exciting news.
I'm sending Jefferson and Poochto the NRI show in Chicago this
They'll be doing impromptushort-form interviews with
industry personalities andmeeting up with some of our
partners, sponsors and friends.
In fact, citrus America's boothwill be home base.
Come by and say hello.
It's booth 5463.
And I know that AJ and Briannafrom Metro they're going to be
there, along with Tina from RackPorcelain.
I wish I could make it.
I cannot.
Dirty, dirty, dirty, jeff.
So you're in New Hampshire,you're cooking, you dirty dog,
you and I'm starving over hereand I don't know what to do with
What, what's up, man?
Speaker 2 (02:18):
Oh, you know it's.
It's great.
We it's about 53, 63 degreesdown or up here.
It's beautiful.
We're in the middle of traffic.
Right now.
We're headed to one of myfavorite spots every time I come
to Boston, which is Chinatown,and it has just the most
intricate foods and justdelicious foods.
So that's what we're up toright now.
Speaker 1 (02:45):
So, yeah, I mean
you're doing some of that
friendly chef-y, chef consultingwork and you're helping our
friend who shall not be named no, you're helping Keith up there
right, keith Saracen with awedding.
Speaker 2 (02:56):
Yeah, he's got a
It's a 200-person wedding.
It's all Indian food, it'smocktails.
It's literally starting at likelike 11 o'clock in the morning
they start getting fed and theygo all the way until 8, 39
o'clock when we get done so forus it's about a 14 hour day,
just that day.
But we're also bringing in uhmanish from new orleans.
He's going to be flying up andhe'll be in tomorrow and then we
start prepping tomorrow andSaturday and then game on with
And I get to see RobertGonzalez on Saturday, which I'm
stoked about.
So I get a big nice hug fromhim and just congratulations.
And Chef Nikki reached out onone of my posts and I got in
touch with her, got hercredentials and we'll be seeing
when she can come down the show.
So my next work is now chefsteven, who was the winner to
the spring baking championship.
So hopefully we'll get both ofthose uh chefs on the air soon
for everybody to listen to.
Speaker 1 (04:01):
Yeah, that's awesome,
Yeah, and you know what I?
We got to get some of thesepastry pastry people here.
I tell you that, um, after lastweek with uh, with that crumb
cake dude, um, I'm sorry but weneed to.
Speaker 2 (04:17):
We need to start
doing desserts here, just saying
yeah, I, I would not just bedoing them, I would love to have
other chefs to come in and dothem, especially if that's the
forte is pastries, so I canlearn yeah, you know clearly, uh
, clearly that, but I will tellyou that, um, my whole house
enjoyed that crumb cakeeverybody yeah, I, I saw you
posted that you ate three poundsof the crumb cake you.
Speaker 1 (04:43):
You saw it Like.
You saw that it was a massive.
It was a massive, massive, justchunk of of crumb cake, you
know, not to mention the brittleand everything else.
That man, I just enjoyed thehell out of that.
Speaker 2 (04:56):
I'm glad you did man
Speaker 1 (04:58):
I mean listen, you
can always get a gig somewhere.
Speaker 2 (05:06):
I'm sure that you can
You can do pastry man, you canbake, you can bake baby.
Yeah, I appreciate that.
It was funny because we'regoing over design for the book
and we're picking and choosingwhich recipes we're going to be
using and I've never, ever, andI'm not kidding in 40 years have
never written down my tiramisurecipe and I was just about to
pull the trigger.
So might be the next book okay,all right.
Speaker 1 (05:26):
Well, I mean, I think
we should probably.
Maybe we want to work it out afew times, and I was just about
to pull the trigger, so it mightbe the next book?
Speaker 2 (05:32):
Okay, all right.
Well, I mean, I think we shouldprobably.
Maybe we want to work it out afew times.
You know a couple of variations.
Speaker 1 (05:35):
Oh you want to be the
Yeah, Aren't I that.
Isn't that what I?
I mean, I've kind of builteverything around it here.
What are we talking about?
Speaker 2 (05:41):
Yep, yep, yep.
And, by the way, on the news,the news that you said about the
Funny enough, both Pooch and Ihave registered.
And Pooch and I were talkinglast night and he's like, oh
yeah, I've got some emails frompeople.
I'm like, what did you do toget emails?
Who did you contact?
And for some reason I had a lagin my emails.
I've got 24 emails waiting forme today for NRA people that
want to meet with us when we'rethere.
So that's really, that's goingto be a huge thing for everybody
Speaker 1 (06:09):
So I'm really psyched
about that.
Let me tell you, jeff, man, Iam so stoked about this NRA
This show is going to be bad.
So I mean, we, basically weregistered as content creators
and media and, yeah, we're inbaby, and and it's going to be a
beautiful, beautiful show.
We have a lot of friends whoare going to be there and uh,
yeah, it's going to be a ton ofcontent, man, ton of content,
ton of contacts and, um, let'sroll.
Speaking of let's roll, um, allright, without further ado,
let's get Chef Jonathan on the.
Yeah, you, that's you.
Let's get you on the program.
Thank you for coming out.
Speaker 4 (06:49):
Thank you for having
This is the home away from home, they say.
Speaker 1 (06:53):
As they say yeah Well
, look dude at the end of it.
Where were you overnight?
What did you do?
Speaker 4 (06:59):
What did you do, boca
So I got to get a last minutecall and then drive myself three
hours and 15 minutes Last night.
Last night.
Speaker 1 (07:10):
Yeah, you saw a
couple of properties.
Speaker 4 (07:12):
Saw a couple of
properties that definitely the
company's involved with and theydefinitely want to take over,
which is beautiful.
Can't announce the properties,but they're definitely by the
marina, which is beautiful, youcan announce the properties, but
they're definitely by themarina, which is beautiful.
Speaker 1 (07:25):
You can announce the
company that you work for, if
you like uh.
Speaker 4 (07:28):
So I work for schulte
hospitality and um you know we
definitely manage a big, largegroup of uh resorts and hiltons
and marriott's throughout thethe property.
So it's a definitely a a reallynice avenue for our company
because we're now focusedstrongly on the food and
beverage world and it's givingopportunities for multiple chefs
on our platform to be able toshowcase and give the best
ingredients to their performance.
Speaker 1 (07:54):
All right.
Well, you know, we just want tomake sure Sheltie here is, you
know their name getting calledout.
We appreciate what they do withyou.
Obviously you're a friend ofthe show, you know.
So you're doing what you'redoing and we love it.
But let's talk.
Let's talk food network foodnetwork.
Speaker 4 (08:10):
Yeah, food network is
uh something that's uh very
personal actually.
Um, not to throw a sentimentalright, but uh, as a kid you know
my mom was very big about thatstuff.
She would be watching it andshe's like oh, jonathan, one day
I would love to see you onthere.
I'm like all right, mom, stopwith the TV thing.
This is a dream, ain't nobodygoing over there?
We live in the Bronx Calm down.
We live in New York City andthe surroundings is not where
you want to be.
Nobody's coming out of here,everybody that's from New York.
They know it's the.
You can survive the concretejungle and you can survive
anywhere, you know.
So it's really cool.
But you know, in that forte,you know, I grew up watching all
these great shows and you know,really, you know, inspired me
in a way that you know, my momwas so involved with.
You know so, um, you know,fortune loss, mom.
You know, um, you know it'sgoing to be weird, it's going to
be almost two years, it's goingto feel.
Speaker 1 (09:08):
Has it really been?
Speaker 4 (09:09):
It's going to feel
almost two years, man, yeah.
Speaker 1 (09:11):
I mean, I remember
the phone call.
Speaker 4 (09:12):
Yeah, it's, uh, you
know, and but, um, you know, and
it was definitely somethingthat you know, I would just wake
up and then, all of a sudden,my dad would be started, you
know, pulling me.
Hey, John, come over here, comewatch this, you know, come try
this, come try that.
So, um, you know it's, uh, youknow, have to take a an
opportunity of a lifetime and,um, you know where I'm at in my
career now.
You know I'm very blessed and,um, you know, manifest through
the process, uh, food networkreached out, which was
phenomenal and uh felt like areally strong win, you know.
So, um, you know, I wanted to dosomething and give back, but I
also wanted to do something inremembrance of my mom and my dad
and having that one-on-onewatching those shows.
So that's what it uh reallydraw to attention.
I said, you know what I want todo, it, this is great.
So they called me, they talkedto my publicist and my publicist
was like you want to do thisand I'm like all right.
And I remember I was like whatthe heck is supermarket stakeout
You know, us chefs we're prettybusy right, and me and the
world are a little bit morebusier time than I've had that
I've ever spent.
So it's really nice that, uh,you know, um, you know, I get to
take a step back andacknowledge what the show was
And chef Alex is the host ofthe show.
Um, they have different randomchefs that go on the show, which
is phenomenal and, um, you know, just, you know, going and
getting that experience was waspretty cool.
Man, they flew me out toArizona.
It was great.
Speaker 1 (10:40):
How many chefs are
with you um for the shooting,
like when you're in thecompetition so um, there was a
total of five of us all togetherit was a total five of us, five
all day.
Okay, and are you allowed toreveal who they?
Speaker 4 (10:57):
are um, yeah,
everybody knows um exactly.
I mean, it's all over right now.
So you had Chef Lance who wason last week.
Speaker 1 (11:06):
Who was on last week,
right, so for?
Speaker 4 (11:08):
friends and the
family, right.
And then you have Kayla, andyou have Chef Ponder, who was
involved as well, which he'sdone, like Chop, and he's done
another show that he did win,actually, which was pretty cool.
So he's a little bit more.
Speaker 3 (11:28):
He's probably the
most he's more seasoned.
Speaker 4 (11:29):
He was the most
season one.
It was funny Cause I rememberwaking up and you know, getting
there in the morning and theywere like we're waiting for one
This person is still not hereand I'm like all this person's
still not here and I'm like, allright, I thought I was the
first one here, but apparentlynot.
And uh, all of a sudden I seeuh, kayla, I see Lance, um, and
we're like, well, this persondidn't seem to show up, comes to
find out he was sitting at thepassenger seat, like home alone
it was.
They would give it the ticketsout.
And uh, he just turned around.
He's like, hey, I'm chef,ponder how you doing.
It was pretty funny actually.
So, um, no, he he's like listen, man, uh, I know the deal, I
know how it is his uh normalroutine and, um, probably the
season, the most season one outof everybody.
And, um, yeah, it was cool,cool experience.
So, um, we went there and thenI can't reveal everything until
the show comes out, of course,but it was just such a great
experience overall and blessedto be part of that part of my
Speaker 1 (12:35):
I feel like you're
going to probably get some more
opportunities too, right Overthere For sure.
Speaker 4 (12:41):
I think that once you
get the leverage of your
personality and they seek out Imean they were very driven about
the personality and thecompetitive side I could tell
you 100%, and this is no joke, Iwas on the wrong show.
I was prepared for chop.
Prepared for chop, okay, that'sall I gotta say.
I was prepared for chop, um,but it definitely threw a
challenge, like a littlecorkscrew challenge for me.
Uh, because they're, um, theywere very, extremely literate,
like, they were very literal,like on the particular um
competition, like sketch thatyou have to do.
You know, for example, if,example, if it was burger, like
they're being specific, likethey're serious, make a burger,
um, you know, and again, you'llsee, uh, how different I was.
You know, through the process,and you could definitely be like
, that was Jonathan Rodriguez,he's definitely a different from
everybody in that quarter turn,um, but you know, uh, it was
cool man, it was a coolexperience, it was hot.
Arizona, um, not many fluffypeople, I can tell you was in my
I was the most fluffetizedperson in the area, um, so yeah,
but you've been doing you.
Speaker 1 (13:51):
You look great.
What have you been doing?
Speaker 4 (13:53):
So, uh, I cut a lot
of carbs, man and, um, there's a
lot of cool chefs out therethat you know you can, that you
know they're teaching you how toutilize more of the food in a
more healthier standpoint, right, so you know carbs are in
You know nutrition is soimportant in people's lives.
But I think when you actuallytake the science behind it and
you like, break it down to the,to the science of where it makes
sense to your body, you know,and celiac runs through my,
through me, so it's like it'ssomething that I love because
you know, I under, I understandcause, I have a relation to it.
So I, you know, studying thatand studying the nutritional
value of that and then trying tobe a little bit more healthier
is, you know, you want to seeyourself, in the long run, keep
growing and keep, you know,manifesting the opportunities in
life so that you can keep, youknow, experiencing this
beautiful life that we're gifted.
And I just, you know, seen somuch death happen so fastly in
my life, so I just didn't wantto repetition the situation so
Speaker 1 (14:52):
Yes, Well, I mean, it
seems that you're on the right
You're on the right path.
I mean, obviously, we know eachother a long time and we know
each other really good.
Really well, I should say.
And yeah man, I mean I'm, I'mproud of you.
You're holding yourselftogether with with the
adversities that you know you'vehad over the last couple of
Speaker 4 (15:12):
It's, you know, like
I said, you know, you know it's,
a person needs to have greatpeople around, you know, and you
know you, john, jeff, you know,um, keith, um, there's, you
know, it's very important tohave that circle of love and
Um, nobody's Superman, nobody'ssuper woman.
You know, I think that the moreyou keep around good people,
the more you can balance andgrow together.
There's no, you know, book tosay that needs to be one person
to succeed.
Everybody needs to succeed intheir own ways.
But you know, whatever youcould do to plug in those plays
is where you have to.
You know, really practice andpreach, you know.
So it's very important to methat you know what's really
saved me and my sanity is reallyeverybody.
Just, you know, keeping incontact and seeing how everybody
do, and you know I'm trying toget better.
I'm like, hey, how are you, howis everything?
You know we get so busy in lifeand you know you got 24 hours
Out of your 24 hours.
You know what are we doing?
90% of us are all grinding.
We're all grinding because weall see the same goal, but we
all have a different path andgoal.
But we all have a differentpath and that's the honest truth
And when you're thinking thisand you're seeing things like
you know, jeff, you knowcompeting with you know, lance
at the acf, I mean jeff, and Ialways say this and I'll never,
you know, no matter he, he canalways stop hearing this, but I
always tell you, carl,personally, and you, john, um,
very admiring, right, um, and Iand I always throw that in there
he's very admiring because he,at the age that he's at, where
he's been in life as a chef,where he's grown, you know, he,
you know, secures thatunderstanding that you as a
person, yes, you're going to gothrough things, but in time it's
tough, you know, just keepfocused, keep balance, keep
energy, keep the manifestationgoing.
You tell yourself exactly whereyour approach is.
You know, and those videos, Imean, as funny as it sounds,
jeff, I watch them as often as Ican because you know people
like me that are constantlymoving.
We need that positivity in thatworld.
Speaker 1 (17:20):
Right, You're talking
about Jeff's TikTok.
No, I'm talking about Keith.
That's what I'm talking about.
No, I'm talking about Keith.
Speaker 4 (17:25):
That's what I'm
talking about.
Speaker 2 (17:27):
No, I'm talking about
I just literally put us off
mute and I'm laughing becauseyou just mentioned Keith again.
Speaker 4 (17:33):
Yeah, so no, no, but
for real man.
I mean, I love you guys sodeeply and I'm so proud where
you guys are today and it's liketo even see Walk Talk.
You know how growth and I knowit's about me, it's about Food
Network and all that great stuff.
But you know, give credit towhat credit is due.
You know you guys are a bigpart of my success as well and
you know I couldn't be moreprouder to be part of a family
with you guys.
I would love to do this everysingle day.
True driven day.
Uh, true, driven on a boat, youknow, but unfortunately, carl's
car, I'm boat sick, so youwon't get on a boat with us
everything's in the bay, in thebay um, but again, you know,
whoever subscribes to walk andtalk, whoever's part of walk and
talk, be part of it, be part ofthe family, be part of the
It's a phenomenal, phenomenalvoyage and venture for where
it's going to grow, where it'sgoing to be.
Um, you know, definitely, themanifestation is real.
You know definitely, themanifestation is real.
You know and it's you know.
You look at all these companiesCarl and I remember sitting
down and we're talking aboutthis and it's like podcast, do a
Let's talk about podcasts.
You're like I think I want todo a podcast.
Should I do a podcast?
I'm like Carl, do the podcastplease.
You guys have no idea whereyou're going.
Are you going to blow?
Jeff comes out of nowhere.
Boom, john, jeff, carl, youguys are phenomenal, you guys
are the real deal and I reallydidn't want to come on the show
to tell people that about me.
I wanted to tell people thislike you guys are the real deal,
you're making the noise.
People know, people see I goand I work for corporates, I
work for different places.
They're asking me now what walkand talk is.
It's crazy and I wanted you toguys know this.
Like this is crazy.
Like people are asking me frommarriott's, from hilton's, who
is these people?
Because they see that you'reconnected.
So god could only give you thestrength to keep doing what you
guys are doing.
But just understand that thepath is going to come closer
than you guys actually think orseeing.
Speaker 1 (19:20):
So well, thank you,
and um, I, I accept, I embrace
all of what you just said, man.
Um, when you want to talk aboutmanifest, uh, manifestation,
yeah, I'm all, I'm all about it,jeffrey.
I mean, he was giving you somebig props over there, uh, you
and the ai, uh, keith yeah, andI really do appreciate that.
Speaker 2 (19:42):
You know, we, we, we
do this and we do it out of love
Heard the podcast today.
It was, you know, phenomenal.
It, it keeps us going and whatwe need to do for the industry
because, again, I mean, we'restill trying to figure
everything out after covid andwhat, what's next for us.
And, sorry, we're in the middleof boston, we're just about to
pull into chinatown, um, sosorry for the street noise, but
It's one of those things thatyou get to see and feel the
energy of what this industrydoes.
And you have people likeJonathan.
And look, we competed the firstyear.
I did Saver St Pete.
We competed against each other,then the following year, last
year, this year, rather, wecompeted together and you won.
I have nothing but love andadmiration for you.
You've done everything andeverything you've been through
Like Carl.
I'm going to reiterate whatCarl said with every adversity
gone through, to keep your headdown and keep focused, you have
to congratulate yourself becauseyou didn't wallow in your own
You did what you needed to do.
So you know, congratulations tothat.
And putting yourself out thereto a national TV and doing what
you did that's, that's what wecall in yiddish chutzpah.
That's like well, socongratulations for doing that
too as well, man thank you, Iappreciate that.
Speaker 1 (21:14):
You know, I want to.
You know, your wife is really,uh, probably the unsung hero of
this whole thing, and I justwant to put that out there yeah,
shout out to my wife elizabeth,honestly, um, that is
definitely my anchor, um, andthat's 100 the truth man.
Speaker 4 (21:29):
You know I I strong
driven for whoever finds that
special person.
Make sure that person canbalance you because, you know,
without her life is a lotdifferent.
That's the truth.
So, um, she's, uh, she's mytrue caper superhero on the back
And you know, and again, youhave.
You have the kids and you have.
You know.
You know they're seeing whatthey're seeing now these days
and you know they get to.
You know experience a betterlifestyle, you know, compared to
You know the way I was growingup, you know.
So we still have the old schoolways where we try our best to
have them follow.
You know the rights and thewrongs.
You know there's too muchpoison sometimes in that world
well you know.
Speaker 1 (22:13):
So this, this whole
impromptu uh, meeting you know
down in boga, I really wantedyou cooking today, not just
because I wanted to eat you know, but I want you know at the end
of it, you know I wanted to um,not test you, but um you know,
have you here producing somefood.
You know, obviously, john, youknow, does a lot of shooting
with you anyway, but I, I wantedto do something for the podcast
, so we gotta have you.
You know, at some point I wantyou to come back.
Uh, maybe after, uh, yourepisode airs and you're gonna
come back.
You're gonna cook for the show,for sure, which is different
than when we're doing, you know,restaurant recipes or one of
the other things.
This is a little bit moreintimate in setting and it just
goes farther, because weactually talk about why, how,
the ingredients, you know,inspiration, stuff like that,
and the audience appreciatesthat angle from the chef who's
preparing the food.
Speaker 4 (23:14):
I understand.
Speaker 1 (23:15):
Yeah, absolutely
Definitely will yeah so Jeff is
up in like Boston, right, newHampshire, boston, new Hampshire
, and so I want to do this forKeith.
Okay, he's listening, he'slistening.
So keith saracen, an amazing,an amazing chef, um, that has,
uh, his most recent cookbookjust came out what a couple of
months back, right yeah, thefermentation one yeah, go ahead
and plug it, keith can well, goahead, I mean you're in the car,
you're on speaker, go for itcheese can well go ahead.
Speaker 3 (23:52):
I mean, you're in the
car, you're on speaker, go for
Thanks man.
I uh, yeah it was.
It was amazing to write my mysixth book, um, on fermentation.
I feel like it.
You know fermentation can beintimidating to anyone, so I
wanted to build kind of a bookthat was a little bit more
approachable, whether you're aseasoned vet or brand new coming
into fermentation.
Speaker 1 (24:19):
Yeah, I think that's
really cool, man, and when you
come down, I want to experiencesome of what you produce because
it's beautiful.
I don't know, you know I'm not,I don't have a lot of
experience, you know, withIndian cuisine, but like I gotta
tell you, um, you'll probablybe my, my entry point, um into
it, so keep that in mind.
All right, but when you, whenyou do come down, we got to cook
and and um and do some prettystuff.
Speaker 3 (24:42):
Yeah, you know, and
the thing of it is is we got to
go beyond butter chicken.
There's so much more thanbutter chicken and not yeah, no,
no, no.
Speaker 1 (24:49):
I don't want you to
start me with like the.
Uh, you know the, the you knowshallow into the pool, man,
throw me in, you know.
Speaker 3 (24:56):
All right, let's go.
Speaker 2 (24:59):
Yeah, and he's being
very reserved too, because he's
just finishing up his latestbook and that one is just going
to be probably the most powerfulbook he's done so far.
Wait a minute.
It's something that's dear tohis heart.
Speaker 1 (25:10):
Well, hold on a
second, Another book.
You just put out a book.
Speaker 3 (25:14):
Well see, Jeff just
spoiled my entire announcement,
so I'm not, he does that.
I'm not supposed to announce ityet.
Okay, so now it's cool.
Uh yeah, I just finished myseventh book, and it's called
Finding India.
It'll be out in the summer nextyear, and the foreword is
written by my guru, Dr KuruShalal.
There's a ton of recipes inthere from all over the
subcontinent, and it's really myjourney too.
So it's man.
I can't wait to put this outinto the world.
It's been 16 years to writethis book.
Speaker 1 (25:46):
Well, I mean.
So number one.
It's out, it's out yeah.
Speaker 4 (25:51):
So it's out to the
number one podcast of food in
the world.
Speaker 1 (25:58):
In the U S, in the U?
S, but wow, All right.
So, um, so, that's justcongrats on that man, and it
sounds deep.
And and um, I'll, uh, I'll,I'll be when it does come out,
I'll purchase a copy.
And and I'll, and I'll be whenit does come out, I'll purchase
a copy and I'll dive in.
Jeff, you do it all the time,man, you do it all the time.
I love you, baby, I tell you.
Speaker 2 (26:20):
I wonder if it's a
You know, what would be greatis if we could have some of
these authors come on our show.
We put their books on ourwebsite so that they could link
and that way our you know, ourlisteners can go right to there
to get the book.
Speaker 1 (26:34):
I got.
I got even a better idea.
We can.
We can even take it a stepfurther.
We can.
We can actually break the newsbeforehand on all of those
authors, and then it will.
We'll be like heroes, we'll besuperstars.
I mean, it's going to be pretty, pretty badass.
We'll be like the TMZ.
You know what I mean?
Oh no, keith took the phone andthrew it out the window.
Keith took the phone and threwit out the window.
All right, john, go ahead andtry to get it back.
All right, so, jonathan.
Speaker 4 (27:04):
Speaker 1 (27:05):
Spoiler alert.
Speaker 4 (27:06):
So yeah.
Speaker 1 (27:08):
When's your book?
Speaker 4 (27:08):
coming out.
You got a book, man, but we'regoing to do one.
Speaker 1 (27:11):
We're going to do so
just so you know.
All right, and you'll, you'llbe part of that.
Um, walk and talk.
There will be a book there.
Speaker 2 (27:20):
There will be one, um
, and I'm going to say there's
probably I don't know maybe halfa dozen of the chefs.
Oh you, yeah, back, sorry, sowhat I?
Speaker 1 (27:31):
Well, I figured keith threw thephone out the window.
I figured he grabbed it andliterally threw, threw it out
the window.
Yeah, somebody went out thewindow.
That's all I know.
Um, what I was just saying.
Uh, I was just talking tojonathan and explaining how, um,
there will eventually be a walkand talk book and I'm sure that
You know, obviously there'sgoing to be.
It's going to be food based andthere will be some other
content and depth to it.
But there's going to probablybe about a half a dozen chefs
who are going to make that bookand obviously Jonathan, you know
, being who he is with us, he'llbe one of them.
Speaker 2 (28:14):
That's awesome.
Speaker 1 (28:15):
Yeah, and you too
probably a little bit.
You know, I mean Jeffersonright.
Speaker 2 (28:20):
Oh, I appreciate that
Speaker 1 (28:21):
Yeah, we'll throw you
a couple of lines.
Speaker 4 (28:24):
He's already done 786
recipes this year.
Who Jeff?
Speaker 1 (28:29):
Is that what it was?
Speaker 4 (28:31):
I'm sure it was
already over 400 dishes.
Speaker 1 (28:34):
I thought you counted
He's done a lot.
Speaker 2 (28:37):
I actually counted it
, it's 206.
Speaker 4 (28:42):
I just gave you your
yearly goal 476.
Speaker 1 (28:47):
Yeah, yeah, I mean,
and I got to eat all of it.
Speaker 4 (28:54):
You know, you know,
jeff, I ain't gonna lie, I was
excited to come to the podcasttoday, cause I was like, oh,
this is going to be great, justgoing to be there.
And then Carl spoiled that partand said, oh, jeff's not here.
Double whammy on me on that one.
Speaker 1 (29:08):
John and I.
So double whammy on me on thatone.
Yeah, john and I.
You know there was a lot ofstuff to do today, yeah so,
thank you.
Speaker 4 (29:12):
We're making s'mores
now because we don't have you
So I appreciate that I loves'mores With gummy bears inside,
because we don't, you know, wedon't have the protein.
Speaker 1 (29:20):
Yeah, john and I were
staring at each other, blinking
like I don't know what do we donow, like there's Even worse.
Yeah, and then Jonathan,jonathan, last night, chef
Jonathan, the very gentlemanwho's sitting right across from
me he sends me a note, I don'tknow, nine o'clock, 10 o'clock
at night, something like that hesays, oh, by the way, look, I
can't cook tomorrow.
I got to, I got to drive downto South Florida and I'm just
thinking to myself, wow, that Iget screwed today, just up and
down, all different ways.
John, you hardly eat anyway.
Yeah, don't make a face.
Oh, did you talk?
Did you tell you what?
So, um, what I'm planning onhere is uh, so next week we got
what is it?
Selena, selena, selena, uh,coming on, cheese, the cheese.
I'm figuring they're going tobe bringing some stuff and we'll
have fun with it.
Then we're going to pick up onactual Jeff doing some work
around here.
Speaker 2 (30:24):
The menu is very
strong for next week Very strong
There's a pizza involved.
The menu is very strong fornext week Very strong.
Speaker 1 (30:31):
Speaker 2 (30:32):
There's a pizza
If you want to ask them forcheese, okay, and there's a
spring roll involved too.
Speaker 1 (30:41):
Oh, okay.
Well, what kind of cheese doyou want for the—what are you
looking for for the pizza?
Speaker 2 (30:44):
Like what—you know,
I'm not—I don't want you to
break it here you know, like youdid, but if you could, no, I'm
going to use the one that Johnused when they left at John's
house after he shot and he madethat delicious thing that he
So John knows.
Speaker 1 (31:03):
Okay, this is very
Speaker 2 (31:05):
Well, that's why I
don't want to make the
Speaker 1 (31:08):
Okay, but we know
what cheese is.
Is it on order with Selena?
No, it will be Okay.
It will.
The announcement okay, but butwe know what cheese is.
We have.
Is it on order with, uh, selena?
No, it, it will be okay, allright it will be, it needs to be
we just run everything by theseat of our pants over here and,
um, wow, so uh.
What you didn't see, jeff, isyour cart from metro, and it's
beautiful I did see it becausehere is a picture and I don't
know, not the picture, thepicture doesn't count, but what
really counts?
okay, it's like it's a sturdy,beautiful, freaking cart.
And you know what the?
Uh john put up.
Uh, put one of the shelves uptoo for metro, right?
Yep, yeah, I can't.
Oh man, it's so good, so cool Igotta show gee's the picture of
that thing, because that thingis falling, that little cart
yeah, from metro shelf well, ifyou were here this week, we,
what we would have done, is likeput the food, you know, the
plates and everything on it,made a nice little thing out of
Um, you know, wink, wink, nod,what you know, whatever.
So I still love you, man.
It's cool I appreciate that manat least I know there's a keith
Speaker 3 (32:06):
You didn't just run
off, you know you know,
sometimes you need a reallytalented person to come pitch in
for you.
So like he's not here for metoday, okay, I mean somebody's
got to do it.
Speaker 1 (32:20):
I mean I don't, like
I said, the ai that they're
putting out right now is sostrong, it works it works oh my
goodness, all right, what's?
Speaker 4 (32:33):
coming up next for
you, jonathan.
So what's coming up next now isis that I'm going to start
Well, spoiler alert I do wantto work on a book.
I do, so that's kind of funny.
Speaker 1 (32:48):
So I'll let Jeff tell
people what I'm going to do.
Well, yeah, as soon as you comeup with like some dates and
just you know, kind of floatedover to Jeff and we'll get it
Speaker 4 (32:56):
Yeah for sure, jeff's
could put 250 recipes in that
No for sure.
So, no, this, this book,actually, that I want to do I've
been thinking about it for avery long time and I'm talking
like over five, six years andfinally put the science together
to acknowledge what I want todo.
Um, and it's pretty much goingto be more on my voyage.
So, like all the way from whenI was young to where I'm going
to be at.
So it's going to be.
It's going to take me, likeanother like two or three years
to like finalize everything,because I really have a goal set
and know, know exactly what Iwant to hit at, you know, from
here to three years.
So you know, but that'ssomething that I've already
started like typing up mystories and started putting all
recipes that have that memory.
And you know, what I want myyou know audience to be able to
connect with is more of anemotional support.
Speaker 1 (33:46):
This is going to be
your culinary journey through
Speaker 4 (33:51):
It's going to be exactly so.
It's definitely going to belike an emotional deposit for
each recipe and that recipe thatperson is going to feel and
it's cool because thatparticular recipe is going to be
something that everybody isgoing to familiarize with, but
they do different, so it's goingto be our unique way.
So it's giving you that fronttable to sit at our dinner table
And I got a really cool title,but I can't shout that out
because you know, no, no, don'tdo.
My boy, keith, is making 20bucks this year and I'm not
playing around.
I'm not playing, though.
We love you, keith, um, but no,for real.
Like it's definitely going tobe my voyage.
It's going to be like yousitting at our dinner table and
I'm Puerto Rican-Italian, soit's definitely going to have a
really cool twist.
I thought you wereItalian-Puerto Rican, yeah
that's true.
Speaker 1 (34:37):
That is true, I'm
Italian-Puerto Rican.
No, no, no, no, no.
You just said it You're PuertoRican-Italian.
Speaker 4 (34:45):
I see where the the
way I say it.
John gave me a wink yeah,puerto Rican, that's probably
going to be my next voyage.
Then I got a couple of otherthings that I'm working with and
really focusing for Salimar.
Salimar, we definitely took theopportunity to grow that
We've reached such a highcaliber to where we are now
positioning you know salimar tobe, you know more of a stronger
We've won best rooftop twice ina row.
Speaker 1 (35:16):
You know, and you
know we have so salimar, for for
those listening, it's salimar,so it's s-a-l.
Space, y, space, m-a-r.
And and a funny story aboutthat, right, because that means
what Sea and salt?
And where were you right beforeSalimar?
Sea salt, yes.
Speaker 4 (35:40):
I was the Italian
version, though.
You know I ran sea salt in StPete and we got best restaurant
when I ran that baby.
Speaker 1 (35:48):
Speaker 4 (35:48):
So you know it felt
It felt good in every bone inmy body.
That's why I met carl.
Ladies and gentlemen, just tolet you know, we got covet
We definitely got covet.
It was the most romantic thing.
But I got the emmy award forcovet because I got 12, I think
12 times after carl.
So yeah, academy award for mostcovets for that year I got it
twice but we got it at the sametime, exact time, and you know
what's the worst part?
carl saw me that day before andthen, all of a sudden, we both
got covid.
Both ended up in the hospital.
Yeah, both.
It was crazy and I was like, oh, how you doing he's like I'm in
the hospital.
I was like, oh, wow, so am I metoo.
Speaker 1 (36:21):
Yeah, we were
shooting, uh, we were filming,
yeah, for walk and talk, um, youknow, and uh, it was a, it was
really good you know, shoot andthen next day I'm like, or a
couple of whatever, I'm like man, I don't feel so good and
actually you know I'm in thehospital and then you'll find
out that he's literally with it.
Yeah, it was.
That's crazy man.
Speaker 4 (36:42):
Crazy story, man yeah
It was a couple of years ago,blood brothers.
Speaker 1 (36:46):
Yeah, we're vid
brothers, bro.
Get the IV Gosh, all right.
Yeah, don't do it.
All right, okay.
Speaker 2 (36:59):
Jefferson, uh, when
are you coming back, man?
I will be back, uh, the 14th,at night, uh, about eight
o'clock, nine o'clock, and thenI've got two days, three days
and I'm off to Chicago.
Speaker 1 (37:10):
Oh yeah, when you're
back, we've got a lot of cooking
to do over here.
Just saying before you splityeah, oh man, I can't wait for
this NRA thing.
It's going to be badass.
Yeah, you and Pooch bro, it'sgoing to be a thing.
Make sure you hook up with Tinaat RAC.
Oh yeah, definitely.
And AJ and AJ and um AJ and AJand Brian and Jay over at citrus
America right.
Don't forget those guys, nope,hell, no, all right, um AI,
keith Saracen, man, you'reawesome.
Speaker 3 (37:45):
Appreciate you.
Thank you too, buddy.
Speaker 1 (37:47):
All right, listen um.
Thank you too, buddy.
All right, listen um.
Peninsula food service chefsout there, central florida.
Man, if you're not usingpeninsula, I don't know what
you're doing.
All right, so we are out.
We'll see you next time.