All Episodes

April 18, 2024 109 mins
Danielle got her stitches taken out by Dr. Blaine after getting her Basal cell carcinoma last week. Plus, our listeners fail at our game of the day, it's Food News Thursday, and Mario Carbone sent us bagels from Sadelle's!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
The courses of this program were pre recorded.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
Every day.

Speaker 3 (00:07):
I just seemed it's awesome.

Speaker 4 (00:08):
Thank you guys.

Speaker 5 (00:09):
You guys are awesome.

Speaker 6 (00:09):
Thank you for listening everything.

Speaker 1 (00:14):
It's nice to just listen to everybody laughing.

Speaker 6 (00:16):
All those things kind of make me a big.

Speaker 3 (00:18):
Hope talking about all these things.

Speaker 7 (00:20):
That get your mind off your daily stress.

Speaker 6 (00:22):
I don't want your pupicles on me.

Speaker 8 (00:25):
Don't want anyone's pup You guys are awesome.

Speaker 9 (00:27):
And Elvis Duran, you are the man your shows, you know,
kick it up just the way that it is. You
guys are awesome.

Speaker 10 (00:35):
This is Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 11 (00:39):
It is you absolutely got that right. Welcome to the
well the Parade. It's our favorite day of the week.
It's Thursday. It's food News Thursday with food news. Froggy Yeah,
Froggy excited.

Speaker 8 (00:48):
Are you gonna like hit it? Hit it up?

Speaker 6 (00:50):
What's going on?

Speaker 8 (00:51):
I'm you know what, Elvis, I don't know that I've
ever been more excited.

Speaker 11 (00:56):
Wow, I can oh No, I feel I've the sincerity there.
Good morning, Danielle, Hi, Gandhi, Scottie Bee is back. We
missed you, Snotty Bee. Yeah, I feel great. Welcome, Good
and there's scouting and good One Scotty and good morning.
Producer Sam is in the house. And I know that

Garretts running around, and I know Diamond decided to come
in graces with her presence today. Uh, Danielle, Yeah, you
picked the first song today. Make it something, the first
song of the day, something we haven't heard in years.
You're like, oh my god, remember that.

Speaker 7 (01:31):
I actually heard this a couple of days ago, and
I was like, oh, this sounds so good. Jesse J.

Speaker 1 (01:36):
More minutes of Elvis dran and I didn't push a.

Speaker 7 (01:40):
Button that was not me.

Speaker 6 (01:41):
No, I pushed the button, but I pushed the button
I was supposed to push. I pulled the trigger, but
it had the wrong kind of bullet.

Speaker 3 (01:48):
Jesse J.

Speaker 11 (01:49):
Price, Dad, I haven't heard this in years. I guess
the moral of the story is we all have a
price tag?

Speaker 12 (01:59):
Is that?

Speaker 8 (01:59):

Speaker 7 (02:00):
I think. So, it's a good song, it's a great song,
it's got good lyrics. People like to dance to it.

Speaker 6 (02:07):
No, no, hold on the messages. We all have a
price tag. That's not a great message, is it.

Speaker 8 (02:13):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (02:14):
No, it's about let me see price.

Speaker 13 (02:16):
It's all about the money, money, money.

Speaker 7 (02:19):
Okay, Coconut Man, Moonhead and Pete you ready. Seems like
everyone's got a price. I wonder how they sleep at
night when the sale comes first and the truth comes second.
Just stop for a minute and smile. Why is everybody
so serious?

Speaker 14 (02:32):

Speaker 3 (02:33):
No, it says it's not about the money, money, money,
We don't need your money.

Speaker 7 (02:36):
So maybe she's telling them it's not about the money,
but other people think it's about them.

Speaker 3 (02:40):
We just want to make the world dance. Forget about
the price tag exactly.

Speaker 6 (02:44):
Well, she's pointing out that someone out there has a
price tag, yes, and they're not they're not dancing.

Speaker 4 (02:48):

Speaker 11 (02:48):
You can tell the people that have the price tager
the ones that aren't dancing. Yes, we figured it out
and now we move on.

Speaker 8 (02:53):
All right, all right?

Speaker 6 (02:54):
How many years was it ago then we heard that song?
I mean, Danielle I don't know.

Speaker 7 (02:58):
That was like her big her first big hit, like
when she first came on the scene.

Speaker 3 (03:02):
So that was a while ago.

Speaker 6 (03:03):
Okay, well, so good. Let's get into the first caller
of the date.

Speaker 14 (03:07):
Lauren Line one. Hello, Lauren, hi.

Speaker 15 (03:11):
El this hello lady.

Speaker 1 (03:13):
Why are you this morning?

Speaker 11 (03:14):
Well, let me tell you why Lauren is in such
a good mood. It's her last day at works. She's
going on vacation. Her bags are packed, she's ready to go.

Speaker 15 (03:21):
Yes, I am. I am so excited. I hope. I
wish I could bring you all with me, but you
know there's only someone through my suitcase.

Speaker 6 (03:30):
Where are you going? Where are you going on vacation?

Speaker 15 (03:33):
I am going to the Azores. There are little islands
in the Alittic Ocean and they belonged to Portugal.

Speaker 8 (03:40):
Oh the asposed to beauty.

Speaker 7 (03:42):
I thought she said she was going to Ozark.

Speaker 3 (03:45):
I was like, oh no, no, Danielle, No, if you
wanted a little money laundering, Ozark is a great place.

Speaker 6 (03:53):
That's how long will you be there?

Speaker 15 (03:57):
So we're going to be there a week? My husband
and I.

Speaker 3 (04:00):
Oh I love it.

Speaker 6 (04:03):
I know, damn it.

Speaker 15 (04:06):
I love exploring. And it's we're gonna go like scuba
diving in the chip wreck and we're gonna go, uh,
We're gonna go down some waterfalls. It's gonna be really fun.

Speaker 8 (04:16):
Oh my god.

Speaker 11 (04:17):
All right, all right, you're gonna have the picture, picture
perfect vacation, all instagrammable.

Speaker 6 (04:22):
Your thoughts they're gandhi.

Speaker 3 (04:23):
Yeah, you can take us with us. With you by
using the iHeartRadio app on your phone. It works all
over the world.

Speaker 7 (04:30):
I'm just saying, well, we don't have to experience the
vacation every morning.

Speaker 6 (04:36):
We're not sliding down waterfalls Gandhi with the app.

Speaker 3 (04:39):
I know you're right, You're right.

Speaker 11 (04:41):
Well, look, Lauren, we love that you listen to us
every morning. You're gonna love Portugal A god Portugal.

Speaker 8 (04:45):
What do you?

Speaker 15 (04:46):
Thank you?

Speaker 16 (04:46):

Speaker 15 (04:47):
And I just want to tell you, guys are amazing.
I listen to you every morning, but I just want
to say that you are so kind hearted and you
don't find that with everybody nowadays, and you really just
bring a shine to so many people's lives.

Speaker 8 (05:02):
Do I thank you?

Speaker 6 (05:03):
Whoa out that hurt in a good way?

Speaker 11 (05:07):
I like that anyway. Well, what do we have for
our friend, Lauren? I love I love that you said that, Lauren.
That makes us feel great.

Speaker 6 (05:12):
What do you have, Lauren?

Speaker 14 (05:13):
Well, when you get back, Lauren, just whip on through
that Wendy's drive through. We got a fifty dollars Wendy's
gift card for you for the new Cinnabon pull apart.

Speaker 8 (05:21):
Oh my god, they're so good.

Speaker 4 (05:23):
Thank you?

Speaker 11 (05:25):
Oh Well, I have a wonderful vacation, Lauren. I love
your bags are packed. Hold on one second, okay, hey,
speaking of bags packed, Our bags are packed.

Speaker 3 (05:32):

Speaker 11 (05:33):
Where are we getting this weird wild hair up our butts?
Where we're just like spontaneously flying places?

Speaker 8 (05:38):
You're butt there?

Speaker 3 (05:39):

Speaker 6 (05:42):
Am I placing hair in your butt?

Speaker 16 (05:44):

Speaker 4 (05:44):
You are?

Speaker 11 (05:44):
Well we call it a Thursday. All right, I'll tell
you what. Let's get into the three things we need
to know, then we get on with the show. What's
going on?

Speaker 8 (05:50):

Speaker 3 (05:51):
All right? The NBA is handing down a major punishment
to one of its players for gambling. Toronto Raptors forward
John Day Porter has been banned from the league after
an investigation revealed that he disclosed confidential information to betters.
League officials also say he limited his participation in at
least one game to affect prop bets, and he placed

wagers on NBA games when he was playing in the
G League. Federal authorities are also investigating Porter. A widespread
nine one one outage that affected multiple states appears to
be almost over. Local authorities say residents in parts of Nebraska, Nevada,
South Dakota, and Texas were unable to call the number.
On Wednesday, police say the service was finally restored late

Wednesday night in Nevada and South Dakota and early this
morning in parts of Nebraska. However, that outage is still
impacting parts of southern Texas. And finally, there's a popular
weight loss drug called zep Bound that now appears to
help with obstructive sleep apnea as well. Keep in mind,
that's according to the drug maker Eli Lilly. The company
says it plans to submit trial results to the USDA

to possibly expand the drug's use. Obstructive sleep apnea causes
people to stop breathing briefly while sleeping, preventing them from
feeling fully rusted, and of course adding to all kinds
of other problems. And those are your three things.

Speaker 6 (07:05):
That's another cinema glue tide, is it not?

Speaker 11 (07:07):
I do think it is bound think, I think I
think the Yeah, these semic glue tides. Every day there's
another story out saying, oh my god, it makes you prettier. Well,
I'm waiting for that story to come out, but no,
I mean the other day there was another story about
how it helps cells rebuild themselves faster.

Speaker 6 (07:30):
I don't know. It's every day. That's something I don't understand.

Speaker 3 (07:32):
Doesn't make you richer. I'm waiting on that one.

Speaker 11 (07:34):
Yes, extremely painfully wealthy. Are you guys ready for your Thursday?

Speaker 10 (07:40):

Speaker 6 (07:41):
All right, I'm gonna hit this button.

Speaker 8 (07:42):

Speaker 6 (07:42):
Okay, Okay, here we go.

Speaker 4 (07:44):
What's up?

Speaker 14 (07:45):
This is?

Speaker 6 (07:48):
This is Elton Jump, this is Pritney's Fears In the Morning.

Speaker 11 (07:52):
Show, Wendy's new Cinnabon pull Apart is here to satisfy
morning cravings with its warm, sweet cinnamon sugar rolled dough,
oohy guey texture and signature cream cheese frosting. Get the
best part in every bite this morning with Wendy's New
Cinnabon pull Apart.

Speaker 6 (08:07):
Only at participating US.

Speaker 17 (08:08):
Wendy's Elvista ran in the Morning Show, Scary.

Speaker 6 (08:19):
I know you love your cat videos.

Speaker 8 (08:20):
I do. Have you seen the flying Cat?

Speaker 4 (08:23):

Speaker 11 (08:24):
Oh, big TikTok, you gotta do it. Over sixty million
people have watched the flying cat video.

Speaker 10 (08:28):

Speaker 6 (08:31):
This woman in Chicago, I think she posted this video.
Her cat got spooked and jumped across the entire room
like flu, just flu. It was like it was the straightest,
strangest thing ever. But it's a cat video, and it's
just more excitement in our lives. That's all I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (08:49):
We're calling up with Michael Jordan of Cats.

Speaker 6 (08:52):
Are you watching Remy, Remy the Cat? Watch this?

Speaker 8 (08:56):
Here we go.

Speaker 3 (08:56):
I'm gonna so cute. Oh he is cute. There's Amy
looks like Fred.

Speaker 6 (09:04):
Is Remy flying it?

Speaker 3 (09:05):
No, there's a coffee ad. I'm sorry, it's bounty. They're
cleaning up a coffee spill.

Speaker 14 (09:10):
Okay, that's exciting too.

Speaker 3 (09:13):
Towels are incredible.

Speaker 6 (09:14):
Oh my god. Really the video is longer than the
flying Cat video.

Speaker 3 (09:18):
It's just it's so slow.

Speaker 8 (09:21):
I'm done.

Speaker 11 (09:23):
Okay, it was a good story. Just take your time
with it when you have a moment. Remy the Flying Cat.
That's big news today. Let's get into horoscopes. Yeah, we
were talking and I turned the music off time. We
were talking about why our bags are packed. So we decided,
like two weekends ago, we decided just to fly down
to the Bahamas to go to Atlantis. We're going out

of Miami for the night.

Speaker 8 (09:46):
Here we go.

Speaker 6 (09:47):
Who's excited.

Speaker 7 (09:47):
I'm excited. We're scary. Is excited because we're eating.

Speaker 11 (09:56):
Food will be served And another exciting thing is from
he's meeting as Foggy.

Speaker 8 (10:02):
We'll do that.

Speaker 11 (10:03):
So it's gonna be great. So yeah, down to Miami,
we'll do our show live. We asked our friends at
Norwegian Cruise Line if we could have a space to
do our show. They have offered us the most incredible space.
You know, when you go on a Norwegian Cruise Line cruise, right,
you're eating these restaurants and you you see all these
great things that they come up with on on board

the ship that are exciting to do. We're having we're
doing our morning show in their innovation lab. Is that
what they call a loungee?

Speaker 8 (10:33):
I know, right?

Speaker 6 (10:34):
What are they innovating in there? Are they making new cocktails?

Speaker 4 (10:37):

Speaker 8 (10:37):
There's dishes.

Speaker 14 (10:38):
Yeah, I mean, i'll send you the press release. I'm
not sure. In other words, you don't know, come on
to no, I'm not sure if I can talk about it.

Speaker 3 (10:46):
Let me see if it's a potion, some type of
magic potion.

Speaker 14 (10:49):
Okay, okay, let's move on.

Speaker 6 (10:52):
We're slowing down too much. But we'll get to that
in a minute.

Speaker 11 (10:55):
So wherever they come up with all the magic that
you see an experience on a Norwegian Cruise Line ship,
we're going to the room where they invent that, the lounge,
the elevation lounge.

Speaker 8 (11:03):
It's gonna be pretty cool. All right.

Speaker 6 (11:05):
Well that said, let's get into horoscopes. Who are you
doing with their.

Speaker 12 (11:08):
Sam How about Froggy? It is food news Thursday after all?

Speaker 6 (11:11):
That's right, It seems like I would get that right.
You do him every Thursday.

Speaker 3 (11:13):
You're gonna get it eventually, Elvis.

Speaker 18 (11:15):
I believe you.

Speaker 8 (11:15):
Know's go all right? If you celebrate a birthday today,
you celebrate with America Ferrera, Conan O'Brien and Courtney Kardashian.
That's your dinner party, Elvis. A Capricorn, here we go.
Your imposter syndrome may be telling you that you're not ready,
but you have never been more prepared.

Speaker 12 (11:31):
Your Days of six Aquarius, be your most authentic self
in order to get what you want your days an
eight Pisces.

Speaker 8 (11:37):
The less you try to force things, the better the outcome.

Speaker 12 (11:39):
Your days of seven, hey Aries, put your phone on
do not disturb mode and take in all the natural
beauty around you. Your days of.

Speaker 8 (11:45):
Nine Taurus, thrive on. Thriving on drama and chaos will
only lead to burnout faster than expected.

Speaker 12 (11:51):
Your days of six Ooh, Gemini, stop avoiding your own boundaries.
They're present for a reason.

Speaker 3 (11:56):
Your days of.

Speaker 8 (11:57):
Five cancer, release any negative emotion into the universe as
the good times are preparing to roll in.

Speaker 12 (12:03):
Your day's a nine, Leo, get rid of that dead
weight that wants you to dwell in negativity.

Speaker 6 (12:08):
Your day's a nine.

Speaker 8 (12:09):
Hmm, Virgo, surrender yourself to the wonders of the universe.
Your days an eight.

Speaker 1 (12:13):
Hey, Libra.

Speaker 12 (12:13):
More recognition is coming your way, so be ready for
the spotlight and don't let it catch you off guard.

Speaker 18 (12:18):
Your day's of seven.

Speaker 8 (12:19):
Scorpios, they still in your mind, and hold on for
a much needed moment of peace. Your day's in eight.

Speaker 12 (12:24):
And finally, Sagittarius, practice some mindfulness exercises to center yourself.
Your day's of ten and those are your Thursday morning horoscopes.

Speaker 6 (12:32):
Excellent, all right, More info coming in about the Innovation Lounge.

Speaker 11 (12:35):
They just released this yesterday. This is just three of
the projects they worked on in this lounge. One is
their new wine bar called Swirl. The Swirl Winebar. Love
that a new plant based venue. If you if you
want to eat plant based foods, now they're gonna have
some plant based ways to get food on board. They

invented it, and the Innovation Lounge also a new upscale
tie arrest r Yes, innovated where.

Speaker 6 (13:03):
Kids in the innovation thank you, And that's what we're
doing our show tomorrow kind of excited about cool and
I'm gonna oh god.

Speaker 11 (13:12):
I hope I'll get in trouble for this one. Don't
you hate this snate when I say that? Oh boy,
I tell you what why. We're live from the Norwegian
Cruise Line Innovation Lounge tomorrow. We should give away a cruise.
Don't you think I think we should. We're out, we're
out of cruises.

Speaker 8 (13:28):
We ran out to ask.

Speaker 7 (13:30):
Them tomorrow nicely.

Speaker 3 (13:31):
Yeah, let's get another one.

Speaker 6 (13:32):
Yeah, there's there's cruises to be had.

Speaker 14 (13:34):
Well, why don't you do your thing Elvis where you
just give one away.

Speaker 6 (13:37):
And I'm sure David's going to be on with us,
will just give one away and exactly you make it
when someone says, oh, there's no more internet left.

Speaker 8 (13:46):
We went to the end of it.

Speaker 6 (13:48):
We went to the web and no you don't.

Speaker 8 (13:50):
Well there's and there's more.

Speaker 11 (13:52):
There's more cruises to be one and we're gonna give
one away tomorrow, don't forget the rule that we live by.
It's better to ask for forgiveness than beg for permission.

Speaker 6 (13:59):
Yes, so somebody, No, I'm not going to ask the
forgiveness for giving away a.

Speaker 3 (14:03):
Cruise, just spreading joy.

Speaker 13 (14:06):
Put them on the spot, Elvis, just while they're on
the No, we're not putting anyone on the spot.

Speaker 11 (14:10):
We're just doing it. There's no if Andrew Butts. Let's
move on now. I think the more we dwell on it,
the more you Yeah, let's just move on. We're gonna
give away that cruise tomorrow maybe several about that.

Speaker 3 (14:23):
Can we send their invitation now?

Speaker 6 (14:26):
Well, we've been kicked out of worse places, Danielle.

Speaker 8 (14:29):
What do you have coming up?

Speaker 7 (14:30):
Time Magazines one hundred most Influential People and Jelly Rowl
Surprised fans at the Grand Old Opera.

Speaker 8 (14:36):
Oh it's the weekend.

Speaker 1 (14:37):
Hey, this is Miley Cyrus.

Speaker 8 (14:38):
You know what office the Black Eyed Peace.

Speaker 1 (14:40):
Hey, this is Selena Gomester with Elvis Durant in the
Morning Show. Elvis duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 11 (14:47):
You know, we've always we're always looking for new ways
to uh make you love us more and you get
higher ratings Today Danielle's having her stitches taken out live
on the air.

Speaker 7 (14:56):
Wow, this is my favorite. Like I said, I'm gonna
go into the office, Elvis is like, no, you're not
have her come here.

Speaker 11 (15:02):
Oh yeah, you're not gonna waste that. No, we're gonna
use that. We're right here on this show.

Speaker 7 (15:06):
So doctor doctor Blaine from Blaine Plastic Surgery, she will
be here around well around an hour, in about an hour, yeah,
to do the deed. And she's so so nice and
she's such a wonderful plastic surgeon. You guys are gonna
love her. And yeah, does it hurt to get stitches
taken out?

Speaker 6 (15:23):
No, I don't think that'll hurt.

Speaker 3 (15:27):
I had stitches taken out though where my skin started
to grow over the stitch because I was heeling really
fast and it felt like honor.

Speaker 6 (15:33):
Elvis is for that we could have complications live on
our show.

Speaker 11 (15:37):
Make sure make sure you're listening. And by the way,
doctor Blaine is a partner of ours. Yes, and we
love that she's going to be in here to take
care of daniel daniel let's go, let's do it.

Speaker 6 (15:45):
What are you going on today?

Speaker 7 (15:46):
All right? Well, our boy jelly roll he was performing
at the Grand Old Oppry and he said to the audience, Hey,
I'm gonna play a song for you. It's a song
we might not ever release, but we're gonna play it
and we're gonna see if y'all like it. And he did,
and it's called the It's called Liar, and the audience
loved it, and so my guess is we will be
hearing a lot more of that song. It's so cool, though,

to have been at the Grand Old Operay because every
time I get to talk about it, I can picture
it in my head. Such an amazing experience. If you
ever get to go, you definitely should. One of our
favorite shows on Apple TV plus, Acapoco is on its
way back yay yes season three. Are boycurd Over Street
who plays Chad is in it. Fernando Carso, who plays Memo,
is in it. He's gonna be up here hopefully to

talk about it when the show launches. And if you
have not seen Acapoco seasons one and two, you really
need to. It is that fantastic.

Speaker 6 (16:37):
It's so fun, so much fun.

Speaker 7 (16:38):
It will put a smile on your face, it really will.

Speaker 11 (16:40):
So maybe by the way, Danielle, I'm keeping tabs here tally.
So far we have two boys, you said, our boy
Jelly Roll and our boy courd Over Streets and Fernando.

Speaker 7 (16:50):
They're all three are boys.

Speaker 6 (16:51):
Hold on me right now, Fernando, we have three boys.
It's already all right going.

Speaker 7 (16:56):
Let's see. Caitlin Clark and Angel Reese have given us
amazing numbers for the WNBA draft. Let's see the viewer
ratings surpassed even the most positive predictions Monday two point
four to five two point four to five million viewers
to ESPN. This is according to the reports, and that
is just a record for them. So now it's time

for them to pay the ladies what they're worth because
they're bringing in the numbers. So let's go and start
paying them a little bit more, huh, shall we?

Speaker 4 (17:25):

Speaker 3 (17:25):
I agree with that exactly.

Speaker 7 (17:27):
Time Magazines one hundred most Influential People the list came out.
There are so many amazing people on an artist's icons,
Titans leaders, You've got Dualipa, twenty one Savage, Taraji p Henson,
Michael J. Fox, Patrick Mahomes, Maya, Rudolph Tory, Birch. I mean,
the list goes on and on and a time one
hundred TV special will air May twelfth on ABC Toagi.

P Henson will host, Dualipa and Fantasia will be performing,
So that is pretty cool. Jason Derulo was supposed to
perform at SeaWorld Orlando.

Speaker 6 (17:57):
Ray holda, He's our boy.

Speaker 7 (17:59):
Our Jason Derulo, our boy, Jason, love him the wonderfully,
the wonderful, smelling boy, Jason Derulo. He was the most
form a SeaWorld Orlando. He canceled because Peter told him
that there was a leged animal abuse that goes on there.
So they sent him a bunch of swag, including a
SeaWorld Sucks T shirt. So yes, that is what Jason

Derulo has right now. The New Heights podcast, co hosted
by Jason and Travis Kelsey, is negotiating the Podcast of
the Year at the IHR Radio Podcast Awards might join
the likes of Joe Rogan in terms of money, and
sources are saying an eight figure deal for New Heights
could be in play. So my question is, when's the

fifteen minute morning show going to have an eight figure Yeah?

Speaker 6 (18:44):
Oh, hold, don't hold your breath there, Danielle.

Speaker 7 (18:47):
We might actually give you fifteen minutes if we got
more money.

Speaker 3 (18:50):
Wait, don't we have to do we? Oh?

Speaker 1 (18:53):
We have.

Speaker 3 (18:53):
I'm pretty sure we do.

Speaker 7 (18:54):
I don't think. Yeah, you gotta go with Chuck again.

Speaker 14 (18:57):
Work to do the series for me?

Speaker 7 (18:59):
Have ConA O'Brian must go on Max, the Serious, Spear
of Orlando, Bloom to the Edge on Peacock. You've got
the season Prey of the upshows on Netflix. All your
Law and Order shows are on tonight as well. And
what comes out at midnight tonight? Guys, Yeah, you're r
a new tailor swift. A lot of people having parties.
I know they're having a party in Miami for it.
It's a lot of cool, fun stuff and that is
my Danielle report.

Speaker 6 (19:20):
Beautiful, gorgeous.

Speaker 11 (19:21):
I'm going down the list of things we need to
take care of before we hop on board the flight
to Miami to get ready for our big show from
the Innovation Lounge at Norwegian Cruise Line tomorrow.

Speaker 14 (19:31):
M I don't know. I think I threw all the
crap in the bag I need.

Speaker 8 (19:35):
I don't know.

Speaker 11 (19:37):
There are some people that need to start packing even
for one night. They have to start packing like three
days ahead. Yeah, right, or any of you.

Speaker 3 (19:43):
Like that that's no.

Speaker 7 (19:44):
But there's a reason for it because I come last
and the family comes first. So if I know there's
like a track meet or a soccer match or stuff
for school or stuff.

Speaker 3 (19:54):
Whatever, I have to make sure that's all organized for the.

Speaker 7 (19:56):
Days I'm away before I get myself organized.

Speaker 3 (20:00):
So that's why.

Speaker 6 (20:00):
Yeah, well did you do that this time?

Speaker 14 (20:02):
Because your family's not going.

Speaker 7 (20:04):
Yeah, because they're behind, so I have to organize them.

Speaker 8 (20:06):
And the lead you have to make.

Speaker 6 (20:08):
Yep, sandwiches, you know for the refrigerator.

Speaker 19 (20:12):

Speaker 11 (20:13):
Well, so like me, I have a bag that has
like two pair of underwear in it upstairs, So every
time you hear a commercial, I'll be upstairs putting another
article in the bag.

Speaker 3 (20:22):
Underwear are you bringing for your overnight stay?

Speaker 8 (20:25):

Speaker 3 (20:25):
Okay, see, I'll bring three.

Speaker 11 (20:28):
Well three, I'm wearing one now and then I'll have one.
I'll shower and have dinner tonight. Then I'll shower in
the morning and have another fresh.

Speaker 8 (20:34):
Pair going to have You don't have an emergency pair.

Speaker 6 (20:38):
I should do that, especially now all these days.

Speaker 11 (20:43):
Yeah, I know, I may have to borrow a pair
of drawers from Gandhi.

Speaker 18 (20:49):
That way you can keep them. You can keep them.

Speaker 8 (20:52):
I don't know.

Speaker 11 (20:53):
So you guys are all packed, you're ready to go,
You're ready for the flight. Okay, here we go.

Speaker 10 (20:58):
I have an idea we should have a real Miami night.

Speaker 13 (21:02):
So after we do dinner, then we go out to
a club, and then we end up at eleven the
twenty four hour strip Club, but it's more of a
bar and a club first and a strip club life.

Speaker 3 (21:10):
And then we're doing the show the next morning.

Speaker 8 (21:12):
No, no, no, it is.

Speaker 14 (21:13):
The next morning.

Speaker 11 (21:13):
See, because we go, okay, are you want to roll
right into the show from being out?

Speaker 13 (21:19):
How interesting would the show sound if we did this
as an experiment and then we ended up just going
right to it, or maybe just taking a shower change
and then go right to the show.

Speaker 8 (21:29):
But no sleep.

Speaker 3 (21:30):
At some point though, with the exception of Danielle, maybe
haven't all of us rolled in here pretty hammered?

Speaker 8 (21:34):

Speaker 11 (21:35):
Yes, the same place to say that we've been rolling
that experiment in the laboratory for many.

Speaker 3 (21:41):
Years, and I have rowed innovation life.

Speaker 7 (21:43):
I feel like I've rolled in with one hour sleep before,
and it's like, you know, you get like halfway through
the show.

Speaker 3 (21:48):
And then you're like, I'm going to die. I really
am right.

Speaker 11 (21:51):
But the good news from Scary's idea is going out
and just living on excitement of the night, Like just
be night creatures in the Miami and you do our
thing and then just roll in as if nothing happened.

Speaker 14 (22:04):
We don't need a nap party.

Speaker 6 (22:06):
There'll be time to sleep when you're dead and all
the excitement from the night before.

Speaker 14 (22:12):
Okay, okay, okay.

Speaker 6 (22:14):
Well let's see what time you roll in, because Grandma
here ain't doing that.

Speaker 10 (22:21):
I don't know.

Speaker 6 (22:21):
I mean, I feel I feel like we've been going
as it is. I don't know, I know what's so sad.
This is nothing new for us.

Speaker 7 (22:26):
Certain things entice certain people, so for him, that's enticing.

Speaker 1 (22:30):
For me.

Speaker 7 (22:30):
If you told me you were taking me shopping and
I had to stay up all night, I'd be like, yeah,
I'm good, let's do it. I do it.

Speaker 11 (22:35):
And then there are those people who are like I
just need a good book and a cup of tea
to start to end my night. Okay, we're not We're
not quite that bad. But no, no, I think we've been
going enough. I don't know, I don't know why this
is a different night we're gonna go. We have a
dinner tonight with our friends. It's going to be a
great night. Scary, I promise if you want to roll
out to eleven which is which is a strip club,

but not per se according to you.

Speaker 10 (23:00):
Second, it's a.

Speaker 14 (23:01):
Club first, scary, you do what you want to do.

Speaker 8 (23:03):
Yeah, come on in.

Speaker 11 (23:05):
But if you come in toast it tomorrow morning, there
will be hell to pay.

Speaker 4 (23:09):

Speaker 10 (23:09):
I'm gonna follow the leader kind of guy unless you're
going I'm.

Speaker 11 (23:12):
All right, I'll follow you. I'm not going to a
club a strip club tonight. Sorry, scary, but gone, you'll
go go with it.

Speaker 1 (23:22):
The Mercedes Benz Interview Lounge.

Speaker 6 (23:25):
Lenny Kravitz, You and I are about the same age.
I don't know why you looks a great uncle like hammered.

Speaker 7 (23:31):
Are you guys gonna ask you what your secret is?

Speaker 3 (23:33):
He dropped it earlier, he had water and we're taking
shots with Utela.

Speaker 6 (23:36):
I want to hang out with you, guys. The fully
electric EQS Sedan from Mercedes Benz is innovation on a
magnificent scale. It's available with the epic fifty six inch
touch sensitive hyperscreen. The vehicle is all electric, the feeling
is all Mercedes learn more at mbusa dot com.

Speaker 1 (23:53):
Slash eqs Elvis da Ran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 7 (23:58):
Time is running out to save on your Disney summer vacation.
If you want to score adult tickets at child prices,
you need undercoverturists dot com. They're an authorized seller of
Disney tickets to both Walt Disney World and Disneyland. These
are the real deal. Save now at undercover tourists dot com.

Speaker 1 (24:22):
This is Elvis Duran and the Morning Show.

Speaker 6 (24:26):
Live from Miami tomorrow in the Norwegian Cruise Line Innovation Lounge,
We'll be innovating.

Speaker 11 (24:31):
Maybe some other innovation magic will rub off on us
so we can come up with something to replace that
stupid phone tap.

Speaker 8 (24:41):
I don't know, just a thought.

Speaker 6 (24:42):
I will go to you, Nate as soon as you're
done chewing your bagel? Is it okay?

Speaker 8 (24:47):
If we wait second?

Speaker 7 (24:48):
Oh my gosh, these pickles are the best pickles I've
ever had in my entire life.

Speaker 6 (24:53):
Are those of the Sidel's.

Speaker 7 (24:54):
Oh my gosh, I could eat every single pickle that's
out there right now.

Speaker 9 (24:57):
Do it.

Speaker 6 (24:57):
I want to see you do it.

Speaker 11 (24:59):
By the way, I'm here, I'm hearing people chewing in
the microphone, and people are gonna start complaining.

Speaker 6 (25:03):
You gotta stop.

Speaker 3 (25:03):
I'm not doing it.

Speaker 6 (25:04):
No, it's Nate, he says. Nate says.

Speaker 11 (25:07):
Nate raises his hand like he wants to talk. And
I looked at him and it looks like he has
like seventeen bagels in his mouth.

Speaker 4 (25:13):
Why would I.

Speaker 8 (25:13):
Even go to you?

Speaker 4 (25:14):

Speaker 14 (25:14):
Was germane to the conversation at the time, So well
know we wouldn't.

Speaker 6 (25:17):
Understand the conversation at the time. But anyway, go ahead, Yes,
now I forgot what I was gonna say.

Speaker 10 (25:22):
Nate, Oh oh, oh.

Speaker 14 (25:25):
I remember what. So you were talking about the innovation launch.
Do you know who might be stopping by?

Speaker 8 (25:30):

Speaker 6 (25:30):
Gabe order, Do you remember him?

Speaker 14 (25:33):
The bartender, the cocktail, that rum old fashioned that I
got trashed on that day, that thing that fantastic.

Speaker 11 (25:41):
It's gonna be a lot of fun watching you get trashed.
Try to form that sentence. It's okay, it's gonna be fine.
I hope Gabe does talk by. He's a great guy,
and you should. You know, it's a Friday tomorrow, Nate.
You've worked hard this week. You deserve a cocktail pass out.

Speaker 14 (25:58):
I can't drink like a you feel like one cocktail two.
I'm done, I'm I'm out gone.

Speaker 3 (26:05):
Maybe we can have a repeat of the went away
from him?

Speaker 8 (26:11):
That was funny.

Speaker 11 (26:12):
Do we have that scary scar? Can you stop eating
for a second? And yeah, by the way, so, uh
you know Mario Carbone was here yesterday. We love Mario,
such a classy guy. I love Mario. I think I
have a thing for Mario. Yeah, I do.

Speaker 6 (26:26):
Anyway, of course, he and his partners they owned Sidel's,
which is of the best places for breakfast and brunch.

Speaker 11 (26:33):
Ever, uh so he brought some bagels by today because daniel.

Speaker 7 (26:39):
Yesterday, you should say thank you to me, because if
I hadn't guilted him yesterday into the fact that he
didn't bring us any food, you wouldn't be having this
lovely bank with Dan.

Speaker 11 (26:48):
Yells Danielle for being a raging bitch yesterday.

Speaker 7 (26:56):
I was nice about it.

Speaker 6 (26:57):
You were very nice, and you didn't court. You came
down hard on poor Mario.

Speaker 7 (27:04):
What else do we need? Guys?

Speaker 4 (27:05):
Come on, I don't know.

Speaker 11 (27:06):
You know you're pretty You're pretty good at lobbying for us.
All right, do we have the sound of Nate?

Speaker 8 (27:10):

Speaker 11 (27:10):
Okay, so we were at the uh, of course, New
York City Wine and Food Festival about to go up
on the stage and do what we call a sponsor
thank you. We have a list of the sponsors of
the event we want to say hi to and thank
you for your sponsorship. So let's do this this way. Well,
we'll split him up. I'll do two or three, then

Gandhi and then Daniel do two or three, and then
Nate was going to do two or three. Looked around
for Nate. He couldn't even get up the staircase to
the stage. He was so blasted.

Speaker 3 (27:43):
I think it started speaking.

Speaker 6 (27:46):
No he did, oh no, And you were like, take
that mic away right now.

Speaker 8 (27:49):
You hear me.

Speaker 11 (27:50):
You hear me saying it. I say it on the microphone.
Take that away from him. All right here it is.
Let's go back back, way back to the Wine and
Food Festival. Nate trying to do a sponsorship thank you.

Speaker 18 (28:00):
Okay, I just judged twelve cocktails, soak it for a second.

Speaker 8 (28:07):
Diamond Crystal Salt, Comedy Dynamic Productions, L Chris but.

Speaker 10 (28:13):
L to o man L to fill you, We deliver Oyay.
I held the paper and supplies incorporated, so.

Speaker 11 (28:28):
We just had to let he couldn't even hold onto
the railing to hit up to the stage, and then
he just started sliding backwards.

Speaker 14 (28:34):
You think back to your past. There is that moment
I know we all have it where you are so
embarrassed of how you acted.

Speaker 8 (28:43):
That is mine.

Speaker 11 (28:45):
I cannot then we should be playing that. Well, look,
we don't want to. We don't want to deepen that
scar for you.

Speaker 3 (28:50):
That's embarrassing moment.

Speaker 14 (28:51):
No, I've had more embarrassing. That's the only one that's
been recorded. Okay, but yeah, that's just one of those moments.
It just happens to be recorded.

Speaker 6 (28:58):
My well, listen to tomorrow morning.

Speaker 11 (28:59):
Let's record the show tomorrow morning, because I think Contails
are coming for an eight. Anyway, thank you to Mario
Carbone and everyone over at Siddel's for loading us up
with their incredible, incredible bagels and pick holes everything you
can imagine. Scary was out there. Scary was out there
like preparing his plate, and people would ask him a question.
He didn't hear it, He right, Gandhi, right, you were

out there. Did you see what he did?

Speaker 4 (29:22):

Speaker 3 (29:22):
Three different people were trying to talk to him. Garrett
was actually talking to him about things on the show,
and Scary didn't respond, didn't look up. There was just nothing.
Nothing was happening those bagels.

Speaker 10 (29:31):
Carefully preparing the bagel, you have to put the cream cheese,
followed by this.

Speaker 6 (29:34):
We know, we know, but at the same time, there's
a clicking time bomb in here.

Speaker 7 (29:38):
Se Scary's plan looks like he went to the buffet
and he's billed up.

Speaker 13 (29:43):
I will say this though, Siddel's is my favorite of
all time, and we have great bagels.

Speaker 8 (29:47):
It's very cool that they came in here and they
get say and we thanked them.

Speaker 6 (29:50):
Thank you so much, you know, and Daniel, thank you
for You're welcome guilting him into that. Hey, do you
have any games today, Gandhi, I do.

Speaker 3 (29:58):
Today is National Animal Crackers Day, so I love animal crackers.
So I really uh made a very long reach here.
It's songs that have animals in the title.

Speaker 11 (30:10):
That sounds like fun, all right, songs that have animals
in the title. Yes, So you need to know your
animals and your songs called diamond now to play. I'm
sure there's a glamorous gift we can find for you.
One eight hundred two four to two zero one hundred.

Speaker 1 (30:22):
This is Elvis Duran in the Morning show. Well, Elvis
Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 6 (30:29):
Here we go our favorite day the week. It is Thursday.

Speaker 8 (30:31):
Food News.

Speaker 6 (30:32):
Thursday with food News Froggy.

Speaker 11 (30:34):
He says he's so excited about today's food news he's
about to explode.

Speaker 8 (30:39):
Wow, I'm just telling you, I'm gonna blow your mind
with a couple of things of food news today.

Speaker 4 (30:44):

Speaker 13 (30:45):
Like what.

Speaker 4 (30:46):

Speaker 8 (30:46):
What if it's all you're in now? Okay, fine, something
you've been eating your whole life is not made of
what you think it's made of. Ooh boy, all right, okay,
I'm want to get into that. In a few seconds.

Speaker 11 (30:59):
We're gonna do uh, We're gonna do a game from
Gandhi called Songs with Animals. In the titles great name
for it, Great name for a contest. Go one eight
hundred two four to zero one hundred. You need to
know your music and need to know you need to
know your animals.

Speaker 1 (31:15):
Do you ever.

Speaker 6 (31:17):
Do you ever have so much pain that you almost faint?
Why is that almost almost fainted?

Speaker 8 (31:22):
A second ago?

Speaker 6 (31:23):
I got a clammy.

Speaker 8 (31:24):
It's a vasovagel reaction. Look that up.

Speaker 3 (31:27):
Childbirth, childbirth, guys.

Speaker 6 (31:30):
I just closed my hand in a door, and it's
like I was on the phone with Nate. You heard
it right, it was. And I came downstairs to sit
down ready to do the show again, and I started
feeling really faint and then kind of clammy, like it's
the end is near.

Speaker 10 (31:47):
I get the vasovagel reaction when they draw blood from me.

Speaker 11 (31:51):
You also get that when you see bagels. Yeah, that
is not wrong, vasal bagel. It's a very common cause
of fainting. It happens when the blood vessels open too
wide or the heartbeat slows, causing this temporary lack of
blood flow to the brain. Not dangerous typically, but if

you're driving a car, I guess it could because you
roll off the road anyway.

Speaker 6 (32:19):
That's what I'm going through. Oh, I just want you
to feel my pain.

Speaker 8 (32:22):
Did you put your head between your legs?

Speaker 6 (32:25):
Someone I don't know who.

Speaker 8 (32:25):
It's like that.

Speaker 7 (32:27):
Do you know when my dad, when my dad was alive,
he got his hand caught in the garage door. It
was the automatic garage door, and nobody knew. And all
of a sudden, like I'm two floors up and I
hear like screaming, and I couldn't figure out where it was.
Coming from and it was his hand stuck in the
garage door. And thankfully, you know, it didn't crush his fingers,

but it was like that, he said, thought he was
gonna faint. The pain was so bad, the.

Speaker 11 (32:51):
Thought of having your fingers crushed in anything a car door.
What I'm fainting just thinking about it. Move on, music, scary.

Speaker 6 (33:02):
It's time for songs with thousand oh how appropriate songs
with animals in the title. And who knows, maybe that
song's in there. It could be a bonus or maybe not.

Speaker 8 (33:12):
Let's go to line one.

Speaker 6 (33:13):
Talk to Caitlin. Who's gone else? Why do we keep
losing your callers?

Speaker 4 (33:17):
I don't know.

Speaker 8 (33:18):
Should we just pick a rando?

Speaker 11 (33:19):
Yeah, pick a rando? This is getting crazy. Are people
hanging up on us on seventeen? They're all fainting with
the Vaso Bagel issue? Line seventeen is our friend insert
name here?

Speaker 8 (33:31):
Who is this.

Speaker 3 (33:33):

Speaker 1 (33:35):

Speaker 6 (33:36):
Why are you bugging?

Speaker 7 (33:40):

Speaker 6 (33:40):

Speaker 4 (33:41):

Speaker 6 (33:41):
Ah you okay, we got a live one here, Mary.
You are going to lead us to victory.

Speaker 4 (33:46):

Speaker 6 (33:47):
It's sort of unusual. Usually we like Diamond to vet
whoever is going to be gone on the air, so
we know that maybe they'll get if you're right, we
don't know you from Adam, whatever that means. So do
you know your music? Do you know your animals?

Speaker 16 (34:01):
We're gonna go with yes, No, really, I have I
have no idea. I'm just trying to be confidence.

Speaker 4 (34:09):

Speaker 6 (34:09):
You'll be great, Mary, tell us about yourself. What do
you what's your life all about? What are you doing?

Speaker 9 (34:14):

Speaker 16 (34:15):
I delivered packages for esthete and I live in West Virginia,
and yeah, I love you guys. Listen to you guys
like my whole life.

Speaker 11 (34:25):
Well we're loving you too. I'm loving this Mary. All right, Well,
here we go. These are all songs that were chosen
by Gandhi and they all have animals in the titles.
Here we go listen closely here song number one.

Speaker 6 (34:44):
Mm hmm.

Speaker 8 (34:45):
What song is that?

Speaker 16 (34:46):
Yep, I have no idea.

Speaker 6 (34:51):
It's one of one of my favorite songs to strip
too at the strip club.

Speaker 16 (34:57):
Oh yeah, I should have known that.

Speaker 8 (35:06):
All right, all right, it's just one.

Speaker 11 (35:09):
Here's here's an old one that your great grandparents used
to listen to. There's a there's an animal in the title.

Speaker 4 (35:14):
What is this?

Speaker 8 (35:23):
Have you heard that one?

Speaker 7 (35:24):
That's she's right, she's right, what movie.

Speaker 8 (35:27):
I heard you go?

Speaker 6 (35:28):
What's the name of that song? Let's play it again.

Speaker 16 (35:36):
To night?

Speaker 19 (35:36):

Speaker 4 (35:37):
Wow, that was it?

Speaker 16 (35:41):
Ye sleeps.

Speaker 14 (35:48):
All right, very nice?

Speaker 6 (35:49):
All right, okay, thank you?

Speaker 8 (35:50):
Scarry. Uh, here we go.

Speaker 6 (35:51):
Here is animal in the title song number three, Kuda.

Speaker 4 (36:01):
You know what.

Speaker 11 (36:03):
It's not marracuda, but it sounds like Eric. Put you
on hold for a second because you've said the brown
word three times. Hold on, we got We're out of
We can't play anymore. I tell you, why don't we
don't have any more delay for her? She said three times?

Speaker 7 (36:18):
I didn't. I only heard it once. Man, That's how
bad I am.

Speaker 6 (36:23):
Hey, okay, let me try you in the room, Froggy.
Here is song number four. Can you guess it?

Speaker 8 (36:33):
Do it when doves cry?

Speaker 4 (36:35):

Speaker 11 (36:39):
Alright, let's see if Scotty Bee can get the next one,
Scotty beat. This is a song with an animal in
the title number five.

Speaker 16 (36:49):
You've been around.

Speaker 8 (36:51):
Dead, Come a lady, Come come? Uh huh uh Sugarfly.

Speaker 6 (37:00):
Butterfly, Yes, yeah, alright, another song with an animal in
the title number six, Everything is never.

Speaker 8 (37:18):
I like that song?

Speaker 3 (37:19):
What is it?

Speaker 8 (37:21):

Speaker 3 (37:22):

Speaker 6 (37:24):
Why am I asking you?

Speaker 8 (37:25):
You did the contest.

Speaker 12 (37:26):
I was.

Speaker 6 (37:31):
How about you, Scary? What's you're looking at the titles?

Speaker 8 (37:35):
What song is this?

Speaker 9 (37:39):

Speaker 1 (37:40):
It is?

Speaker 4 (37:41):
All right?

Speaker 8 (37:43):
Know what about you?

Speaker 2 (37:44):

Speaker 8 (37:44):
Okay, the next one.

Speaker 7 (37:52):
If you want to.

Speaker 8 (37:55):
Great song?

Speaker 2 (37:57):
Yes, I love this.

Speaker 11 (38:05):
You know we got to play one of these. Pick
you want to play that one? Scary, pull it up,
pull it up. But finally Scary. I'll give this one
to you because it's your favorite band of all time.
Name that animal and the title song.

Speaker 10 (38:16):
Go Beastie Boys and Brass Monkey.

Speaker 8 (38:23):

Speaker 6 (38:31):
All right, so add all those songs.

Speaker 11 (38:33):
A lot of good ones here, Pony by Genuine, the
line Sleeps Tonight II, The Tiger, When Doves Cry, Butterfly, Fireflies,
Dark Horse, that dog Days Are Over?

Speaker 6 (38:41):
And Brass Monkey. You want to hear dog dayser over?

Speaker 16 (38:45):
Hit it?

Speaker 6 (38:46):
Let's do it?

Speaker 4 (38:47):

Speaker 11 (38:47):
And then three things from Gandia up next. Then a
thousand dollars free money phones happens on the way. It
is National Animal Cracker Day. Therefore songs with animals and
the titles.

Speaker 7 (39:03):
Do you have a favorite animal cracker?

Speaker 6 (39:06):
They're kind of the same, tasting everything.

Speaker 7 (39:08):
No, Trader Joe's has the best animal crackers.

Speaker 8 (39:10):
Oh oh, we'll pardon me.

Speaker 6 (39:13):
I love it. I love everything from Trader Joe's. I
will try them.

Speaker 8 (39:16):

Speaker 6 (39:17):
I love animal crackers. I just someone gave us some
as a joke one time or something, and I started
I started eating them. I had to go to the
store and buy more.

Speaker 3 (39:24):
They have those ons with the.

Speaker 7 (39:25):
Pink and white icing. Have you had those?

Speaker 1 (39:27):

Speaker 3 (39:28):
They're circus. I think they're called circus or something.

Speaker 6 (39:31):
Now, who would come up with National Animal Cracker Day?
What's that all about?

Speaker 3 (39:35):
I have no idea. You're just supposed to celebrate the
cracker today, all.

Speaker 6 (39:38):
Right, celebrate the cracker.

Speaker 14 (39:40):
We'll start with scaryes.

Speaker 11 (39:45):
Okay, over the head, Let's get into the three things
we need to know, and then we move on. We
have a thousand dollars free money phone tap, by the way.

Speaker 6 (39:53):
That's pretty cool. All right, gandhi, what's going on?

Speaker 7 (39:55):
All right?

Speaker 3 (39:56):
Attorneys for the Idaho murder suspect Brian Coburger filed their
client's alibi defense just ahead of the deadline. If you
miss it. He is accused of fatally stabbing Ford University
of Idaho students in November of twenty twenty two. He
has pleaded not guilty. On Wednesday, his lawyers submitted a
ten page filing claiming he was just out driving in
the early morning hours of November thirteenth, as he often

did to hike and run or see the moon and stars.
They say data from his cell phone will confirm his alibi,
and they plan to call an Arizona based cell tower
data expert to at least partially back up this story.
The US men's basketball roster for the Paris Olympics has
been released and it will be packed with NBA superstars.
The team will be led by Lebron James, Kevin Durant,

and Steph Curry. Also on the squad Devin Booker, Jason Tatum,
Joel Embiid, Cowie Leonard, and Anthony Davis. The roster will
be rounded out by Drew Holliday, bam Adebayo, Anthony Edwards,
and Tyrese Haliburton. The team USA will be looking to
win a fifth straight gold medal. This is their first game, well,
their first game will be set for July twenty eighth
against Serbia. Finally, there's a new scam to look out for.

I don't know that this feels that new. I feel
like we kind of knew this was happening, but they
can you hear me? Scam? You've heard of it?

Speaker 4 (41:08):

Speaker 6 (41:08):
Right, yeah, people call you.

Speaker 3 (41:10):
You don't know who it is. Can you hear me?
You say yes, and then they use that yes as
consent to do all kinds of things. They keep you
on the line by pretending to be a government official
or a bankrupt They may drop after you say yes.
The scammers can use that response to charge stuff to
your phone account or elsewhere. So far, though, there aren't
any reports of people losing money yet. Obviously, as we know,
do not give out financial or personal information over the phone,

even if you think you know who's calling, even if
they act like they're your bank.

Speaker 7 (41:36):
You hear that, mom, Okay, yeah, that was for Danielle's.

Speaker 3 (41:40):
And those are your three things?

Speaker 11 (41:41):
Thank you, gandhi. Okay the one thousand dollars free money
phone tap up next.

Speaker 1 (41:46):
Another free money phone tap coming up next.

Speaker 9 (41:50):
I'm dead.

Speaker 1 (41:51):
Where to Elvis Duran in the Morning show free money
phone tap, no purchase necessary void in Montana, New Mexico,
Washington and we're prohibited. For more info in rules, go
to Elvis durand dot com splash contest. Tell us to
Ran in the Morning show the free money phone tack.

Speaker 11 (42:10):
Wasn't it just yesterday that things got a little angry
in the room and we all started reaching for snickers. Yes,
because well, you know, Mario Carbone, one of the best
chefs in the world with some of the best restaurants
in the world, came to visit, didn't bring any food.
Thank God for Snickers, right, it gets you through, did Yeah,
maybe you need a Snickers when they when you're starving.

It's you just don't want to be in a bad mood. Peanuts,
caramel and nugat, delicious milk chocolate, Snickers always satisfied. And
sharing is now optional because they have the share size,
which comes in its own Bob Mcki gown. No one

really understands that but us. Thank you anyway, if you
want more satisfaction than ever before, you have to reach
for snack now in the share size you have, it's
like it's two big bars.

Speaker 6 (43:03):
It's not like the big huge bar before. You can
just share it. In the old days when he had
wanted to share it, you only put your hands on
it and break it and a half people look at
you like I'm not needing that, right.

Speaker 8 (43:12):
Yeah, if you use a knife anyway.

Speaker 11 (43:15):
Uh, And of course, thanks to Snickers, you're about to
win one thousand dollars with the free money phone tap.
Make sure you support them as they support us. Snickers
available at your nearest retailer. And if you call a
one hundred now you went a grand one eight hundred
two four to two zero one hundred.

Speaker 6 (43:29):
Who does the phone taps?

Speaker 8 (43:29):
Cut I do, let's do it.

Speaker 1 (43:32):
Don't answer the phone, Elvis Durand. Elvis Durand's phone tap.

Speaker 6 (43:37):
Today we spin the wheel of phone tappers and it
lands on scary. So I'm on the phone with Danielle
and you want to play his phone tap on your aunt?

Speaker 8 (43:43):
Yeah, tell me what's happening here.

Speaker 12 (43:45):
He had a paving company come last week, and she
got into a fight with one of the paving men because.

Speaker 6 (43:50):
They paved her property a couple of days too early, right, Yeah.

Speaker 4 (43:53):
So she was kind of upset that she couldn't get
in her driveway.

Speaker 13 (43:55):
All right, Well, I'll make that courtesy call right now.
I'll be the boss of the paving comp okay, and
I'll hash hat her problems right here.

Speaker 8 (44:02):
Okay, Yes, please hold on a second.

Speaker 13 (44:11):
Hi, it's na Hi, This is Joseph Pulo from By
Paving Services calling, right, I was calling regarding the situation
last week with my guys.

Speaker 6 (44:21):
What exactly happened there?

Speaker 4 (44:22):
What do you mean what happened there?

Speaker 6 (44:24):
Well, they told me that you were picking fights with them.

Speaker 4 (44:27):
Oh, give me a break. They're grown men and I'm
a woman.

Speaker 6 (44:29):
Tell them to grow up, that's what they're telling me.

Speaker 4 (44:32):
Well, you know what I gotta tell you. First of all,
everyone was heated because I'm coming home from work with
a brand wait with a brand new three hundred c X. Okay,
they were not supposed to pave my street until the
following day because they had extra assphalt. They went and

dumped it on my street.

Speaker 6 (44:53):
You don't do that, Yeah, but you didn't have to
chew my guy out in public like that.

Speaker 4 (44:57):
Come on, already, we're grown people. Let it go. Forget
about it. I have an argument with one of your
guys that he runs back like a baby to you.

Speaker 8 (45:09):
He did because I'm his keeper.

Speaker 4 (45:10):
I don't want calls at my job from your company. Okay.

Speaker 13 (45:13):
First of all, you're talking down to me because you
and your expensive car. All of a sudden, we have
to make rooms.

Speaker 4 (45:18):
No, no, no, I'm not saying that well, you haven't
like the way they lean in my car, and I says,
what do you do? You got a problem? Talk to
my boss.

Speaker 13 (45:25):
You're rubbing in the fact that you got this haughty
towdy three hundred z X, you know what, and that
we're all just a bunch of minions at your disposal.

Speaker 9 (45:33):
You know what what.

Speaker 4 (45:34):
I'm listening to this call my lawyer.

Speaker 8 (45:36):
I got news for you.

Speaker 6 (45:38):
I'm not even close to done yet. Hold on, yeah,
I'm looking for the ad again.

Speaker 14 (45:45):
Please, she's not available right now.

Speaker 6 (45:47):
Actually, I need you to put me through to her.

Speaker 8 (45:49):
Actually, I'm very sorry. I'll tell you.

Speaker 6 (45:51):
Why don't you just press that button and send me
right through?

Speaker 16 (45:53):
Okay, I am sorry. I can't do that. She's working
right now.

Speaker 6 (45:57):
She's really not though. She's doing her nails. Let's face it,
that's what you girls do in the office.

Speaker 4 (46:01):
I'm sorry, she's you know.

Speaker 8 (46:04):
Just passed me right through there, that would be great.

Speaker 4 (46:06):
Well, I can put you on hole.

Speaker 16 (46:07):
She's on the phone right now.

Speaker 4 (46:09):
Okay, you call my job one more time.

Speaker 8 (46:16):
Excuse you.

Speaker 6 (46:18):
You've got an attitude?

Speaker 4 (46:19):
Okay, yeah, I do, Yes, I do. You got a
problem with it?

Speaker 13 (46:22):
What if we didn't get to you the next week,
you would have been calling my company crying that you
didn't get it done on time.

Speaker 4 (46:27):
No, I would not, well, because you know what, I
didn't think there was any big deal with the street,
so it didn't bother me at all.

Speaker 13 (46:32):
Wouldn't the bumpy road mess up the delicate tires on
your brand new three hundred Z?

Speaker 4 (46:37):
I don't think so. Went on the homeowner there? How
about that?

Speaker 1 (46:40):
Tell you what.

Speaker 13 (46:40):
I'm gonna send a couple of guys out right now.
We're gonna cement up your property and break up the
whole street.

Speaker 4 (46:45):
Oh my god, you're acting like an idiot. Break up
the whole street. You call my job one more time
and I will get you for harassment. I'm calling my
attorney right now and I'll drag all your asses there.

Speaker 6 (46:57):
Blah blah blah.

Speaker 4 (46:58):
End up story.

Speaker 6 (47:01):
All right, I've been so rude. It's your turn to caller.

Speaker 4 (47:04):
Okay, Daniel, moment, Thank you, you're welcome. Hello. Yeah, the
guy from the paving company called me up and threatening me.
I said, you know what this, I'm wrong with all
of you. If I had an argument with one of
your guys, tell him to grow the hell up. Now

it's bad. He goes, I don't like your attitude. You
don't like my attitude, I says, I come down the
block with a brand new three hundred z X and
you dumb basketball in front of my house A day
or late. I says, Hell, are you to call me
at my job? He went crazy on me. Now he's
threatening to go to the house and pour concrete all
over everything. That's how sick he is. Swear to god,

Oh my, do you know how sick I am? What's
that all about? How was that he's capping the line?

Speaker 6 (47:53):
I had this line tapped. That's how sick I am.

Speaker 4 (47:56):
You're thick. I will meet you at your a place
of business with the police. Okay, let's see who's going
to have the last lap? Sweet car.

Speaker 13 (48:06):
Listen, miss, this was originally supposed to be a courtesy call.
I was reaching out to you and then you rub
your wealth in my face.

Speaker 4 (48:12):
My wealth in your face or a laughy car? You
know what what you are scared now? Because I got
the police involved? Okay, mate, that's what you're scared about.

Speaker 6 (48:22):
Well, you know I don't I don't prefer that.

Speaker 4 (48:25):
Hang the hell up right now, Sarah, because you're digging
yourself deeper because I'm taping you.

Speaker 8 (48:30):
You're taping me?

Speaker 4 (48:31):
Yes, what do you think I'm stupid?

Speaker 6 (48:33):
I don't prefer an officer of the law getting involved.

Speaker 4 (48:36):
Well I did. It's already done because I called them.

Speaker 6 (48:38):
You know, you could call them back and tell them
not to get calling them back.

Speaker 4 (48:41):
Yeah. But seeing now, buddy, I'm laughing at you.

Speaker 8 (48:45):
Why are you laughing at me?

Speaker 4 (48:46):
You're an idiot. Uh, you're an idiot.

Speaker 6 (48:49):
I think everyone's going to be laughing at you because
this is all a phone tap.

Speaker 4 (48:52):
Oh, son of a bid.

Speaker 6 (48:54):
Your niece put us up to it.

Speaker 4 (48:58):
Oh god it I find it's so funny that it's
you made my whole bay.

Speaker 1 (49:03):
Elvis's phone tap.

Speaker 11 (49:05):
No, no, it's a thousand dollar free money phone tap.
Let's go to line fourteen. Tabitha is ready to receive.

Speaker 8 (49:13):
Where'd she go?

Speaker 4 (49:13):
All right?

Speaker 6 (49:13):
Are we having phone problems?

Speaker 7 (49:15):

Speaker 6 (49:16):

Speaker 8 (49:17):
All right?

Speaker 11 (49:17):
Well I announced her name. If we could find her,
we know what city she lives in. She was the
winner of the thousand dollar free money phone tap. Our
phone is crapping the bed, Yeah, crapping the bed. This
is why we need to go to the Norwegian Cruise
on the Innovation Lounge and come up with a new
phone system. You know what I'm saying. All right, so
she is the winner. So Tabitha, just hang on. We'll
reach back out to you in a few moments. Thanks

to Snickers the thousand dollar free money phone tap. Hey,
do we want to do a bonus one in a
few minutes or you want to do it two tomorrow.

Speaker 10 (49:46):
Let's do two tomorrow.

Speaker 11 (49:47):
All right, we're gonna do two. We're gonna make it
a big day live from the Innovation Lounge. We'll do
two thousand dollars free money phone taps tomorrow.

Speaker 6 (49:54):
So come up next. Danielle is not going to do
her report, I don't think.

Speaker 11 (49:58):
Okay, Rather than that, she's going to have well, she's
gonna have stitches ripped out of her temple.

Speaker 7 (50:03):
Wow, do the report while doctor Blaine takes the stitches out.

Speaker 6 (50:08):
Oh, I don't think.

Speaker 3 (50:09):
I don't have Jobby moving, Yes, you say moving. Don't
think that's a good idea.

Speaker 11 (50:12):
Okay, you could feel a little tug. I love that anyway. Yeah,
daniel has stitches and we're gonna rip him out.

Speaker 10 (50:19):
Coming out Brooklyn, boys, my microphone's falling apart.

Speaker 1 (50:23):
Serial Killers, the fifteen minute morning show.

Speaker 8 (50:26):
Let's do it.

Speaker 1 (50:27):
Discover all of our podcasts, Sunny iHeartRadio app or wherever
you get your podcasts. Tell vister Ran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 11 (50:35):
Wendy's new Cinnabon pull Apart is here to satisfy morning
cravings with its warm, sweet cinnamon sugar rolled dough, Oohy
gouey texture and signature cream cheese frosting. Get the best
part in every bite this morning with Wendy's New Cinnabon
pull Apart. Only at participating in US Wendy's.

Speaker 1 (50:53):
Everything is I just seemed it's awesome.

Speaker 4 (50:56):
Thank you guys. You guys are awesome.

Speaker 10 (50:58):
Thank you for everything you see.

Speaker 3 (51:00):
Four it's nice to just listen to everybody laughing.

Speaker 6 (51:05):
All those things kind of make me a big.

Speaker 7 (51:06):
Hope talking about all these things to get your mind
off your daily stress.

Speaker 6 (51:11):
I don't want your pupicles on. I don't want anyone's puples.

Speaker 9 (51:14):
You guys are awesome. And Elvis Duran, you are the
man your shows.

Speaker 5 (51:19):
You know, kick it up just the way that it is.
You guys are awesome.

Speaker 8 (51:25):
Is Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 11 (51:27):
You know we have many great partners here at our show.
Including doctor Christine Blaine. We're gonna have on in just
a second.

Speaker 15 (51:34):

Speaker 11 (51:34):
Danielle had an opportunity to meet doctor Christine Blaine. Of
course she uh brings us Blaine plastic surgery. They're in Huntington,
Long Island and New York City, so anyway, sort of
unrelated but very related. It wasn't that long ago. Danielle
went to.

Speaker 4 (51:50):

Speaker 11 (51:51):
It was at a dermatologist's office, okay, And Danielle asked
the dermatologist, there's this thing I hear on my head
and I just don't know about it.

Speaker 6 (52:01):
And she's like, oh, no, you're fine.

Speaker 11 (52:03):
A lot of dermatologists are great at what they do,
and a lot of them also, you know, not only
do they keep us safe from skin cancers this and that,
but also dermatologists, you know, give us cosmetic changes we
can do, you know, with botox and this and that
and all sorts of procedures.

Speaker 6 (52:18):
But there was someone else you went to, and that
was doctor Christine Blaine. She said, I don't know.

Speaker 14 (52:23):
I don't she's not a dermatologist, but she said, I
don't think this thing looks good.

Speaker 7 (52:26):
So actually I had gone to another dermatologist. I had
gone for several different places, and two times was told
it was nothing. Third time they sent it away and
came back that it was basil cell carcinoma. And that's
when I called doctor Blaine and I'm like, I think
I need your help because they need to dig deeper
to make sure they get everything out and it's on

my face, and I said, I would rather an expert
who does surgery like this all the time helped me out.
And she's like, of course, come in and she she
did her thing. We're still waiting for the pathology to
come back, right, yeah.

Speaker 6 (53:01):
So yeah, well, doctor Christine Blaine, welcome to the show.

Speaker 8 (53:04):
It's good to have you here.

Speaker 3 (53:05):

Speaker 7 (53:05):
Good to hear her first name, because I still I
just call her doctor Blaine.

Speaker 11 (53:08):
Yeah, okay, and that's fine, doctor Blaine. So doctor Blaine,
I mean, do you work in tandem with uh with
dermatologists a lot, like they will do a procedure and
then it's your turn to pick it up and then
make sure everything looks nice and smooth and beautiful.

Speaker 18 (53:22):
Again, Yes, that does happen a lot.

Speaker 20 (53:24):
There are also some dermatologists that do mose surgery, where
they will actually cut out the lesion and then they
send the patient to me directly after and I fix
it from there, or a lot of times they'll send
me the patient directly and say, hey, it's on the face.
Why don't you excize it like we did it Danielle.

Speaker 8 (53:44):
And there you go. And I'm glad.

Speaker 11 (53:46):
I'm very happy that talking about skin cancer has not
been it's not being swept under the rug as much
as it used to, right, I mean, it's a conversation
people are having, and more and more celebrities are coming
out saying, hey, you gotta make sure you protect scan
because you're going to get this and this and this,
and they will they will have to dig until they
get to hell to get it all out of there.

Speaker 4 (54:06):

Speaker 11 (54:06):
And so being a physician, being a doctor, a plastic surgeon,
you can you talk about the importance of us going
to our dermatologist and getting checked out for anything and everything.

Speaker 20 (54:18):
Yes, So, first of all, the most important thing that
anybody can do from when you're a child is protect
yourself from the sun. There's a statistic that says this,
over thirty percent of the population will have a basal
cell by the time you know they're older because of
sun exposure in youth, so it's very important to protect yourself.
A lot of people like the way they feel when
they're tan but the UV rays are very harmful. So yes,

you should get normal skin checks by your dermatologists. A
lot of times people come to me and say, hey,
do you do skin checks? I said, no, go to
a dermatologists. If they find something, come back to me.
Most of my practice is cosmetic, so there is the
medical aspect of dermatology where you can go through your
insurance things like that, and then you come to us
after right.

Speaker 7 (55:01):
And of course when I was younger, what did I do?
I went in tanning beds. We put baby oil on
our skin.

Speaker 3 (55:07):
Because we didn't know ourselves. We cooked ourselves.

Speaker 7 (55:09):
So now you pay the price. And now this is
why I tell my kids who are out in the
sun all day playing sports, it's not a joke. Well,
mommy says, put the sunscreen on. She's not kidding.

Speaker 11 (55:18):
True, It's like we're big chickens with olive oil on
our skin in the oven, you know. And when I
was a kid, is even before what you knew, Danielle.
We would go to the lake and we would get
so sun burned. I would blister and I've got a white,
very very pale skin, you know, And so I was
setting myself up for possible issues later in life when

that happened to me.

Speaker 6 (55:40):
So if Finn one's listening who used to get some.

Speaker 11 (55:42):
Burned a lot and had a lot of sunning as
a kid, you really should be going to talk to
your your professionals.

Speaker 7 (55:50):
And yesterday I heard from many listeners who said thank
you for this, because they were going to make an
appointment right away. But also some of them, at least
one or two, said I kept telling my other half
to get checked. They didn't listen to me, and now
they have stage four melanoma. So if somebody sees something
on you and they question it, get it checked. Even

if you don't question it right away, you know what
I mean, go and just get it checked.

Speaker 11 (56:16):
Well, another reason doctor Blaine is here and is because
well you have you have stitches in your head?

Speaker 16 (56:21):
I do.

Speaker 3 (56:22):
Yeah, I'm so excited to watch this.

Speaker 7 (56:25):
I'm so glad you're excited.

Speaker 8 (56:27):
So we're gonna have them yanked out.

Speaker 18 (56:29):
Yanked careful.

Speaker 11 (56:34):
It's not like the old days when you wanted a
tooth removed, you tie a string to your toothor on
to the door doorknob and slammed the door closed.

Speaker 18 (56:40):
I do want to do that to my daughter right now,
because she has a tooth solars. I'm refraining.

Speaker 7 (56:46):
And by the way, do you see how straight my
stitches are? Yeah, because she did such a wonderful job.
She actually told me she stitched inside first, which I
don't know how you do that, and then outside.

Speaker 6 (56:56):
Through your mouth, through your mouth and.

Speaker 8 (56:58):
Up to the head call.

Speaker 18 (57:00):
I think when we did record the entire procedure, but
it was too.

Speaker 7 (57:03):
Bloody grotesque, both the pictures.

Speaker 20 (57:09):
So if you if you actually saw what happens is
when we remove the lesion, there is deeper tissue that
should come together to give the strength layer. So the
actual outside skin of the epidermist isn't really the strength layer.
It's really the dermis, the the deeper portion. Then that's
what we stitch together and has permanent futures in there. Well,
they dissolve so we don't have to take them out,

so they're absorbable. They go away over time. But the
external ones on the epidermist, that's the ones.

Speaker 6 (57:35):
We take out, all right.

Speaker 11 (57:36):
Well, so before you start tugging on herst dishes, I mean,
doctor Blayne, you do many other things as well.

Speaker 6 (57:42):
I know a lot of people Gandhi had a question
or two. Oh, so like what could we do if
we visit you to make us look like Tyra Banks
talk about the glow facial.

Speaker 20 (57:53):
Yeah, so there's so much, right, So I actually just
opened a whole wellness at a setic center in addition
to my practice in my surgery center. Because not everybody
wants to come to me for surgery, right, but they
do want to come and have things done. So we
could talk for hours, but to start up, it's most important,
like we said, get your skin checked, but then also

do a good skin regiment with medical grade skincare, sunscreen,
and then do things like Danielle did, like the glow up.
It's where you can have some gentle laser treatments with
some serum inducing you know, it's called the Diamond glow.
Where we do some dermabrasion, some you can have micro needling.
There's so much that you could do to your skin

that is good to get your skin looking healthy and hydrated.

Speaker 18 (58:41):
What questions do you have for me? Gone? Because everybody
always has questions.

Speaker 3 (58:44):
Okay, man, we're starting.

Speaker 7 (58:46):
I told her you can do some stuff locally instead
of putting you under y.

Speaker 3 (58:50):
Yes, that's what I'm interested in. So I've been talking
about how I'm trying to get rid of my like
seventh and eighth chins for a while now. So I
wanted to do like a Kaipella type of thing, but
people see that just the exact reaction you just gave
is sort of an eye roll.

Speaker 14 (59:04):
Don't do that.

Speaker 3 (59:05):
There's a lot of bruising. It's not set that you
can do it. Then Danielle comes back and tells me
you can do well like a chin light bo with
just local anesthesia.

Speaker 20 (59:13):
Yes, last week alone, I did seven surgeries and six
of them were under local anesthetic. I did back light bo,
I did I think I did three patients chins. We
did some arm light bo, some stomach light bo. Everybody
under local anesthetic. So we usually just give a little
pay medication and maybe a little relaxation medication by mouth,

and we inject fluid that has lyda kine to help
the pain and you're just very comfortable.

Speaker 18 (59:43):
We let you pick your own music. We have good
conversations together.

Speaker 7 (59:46):
We had two for one, but you don't have.

Speaker 6 (59:52):
Okay, so God, you do the chin Danielle. You do
the back and I've got these lunch lady arms.

Speaker 18 (59:58):
Arms come out great.

Speaker 3 (01:00:03):
Light bulk can you get at one time?

Speaker 6 (01:00:06):
How many gallons?

Speaker 20 (01:00:06):
That's a great question. So there are limitations, so that
is correct. We go by leaders. The amount of fluid
that you're supposed to remove is maximum amount is five
leaders in New York. There's different states and some have
different rules, but in New York it's five leaders. Because
if you have a lot of fluid shifts in your body,
it can cause problems with breathing, your heart, your lungs,

so you do have to be careful. So it's very
important that if you do come in for liposuction that
we don't do too much under local anesthetic because you
tend to need a little bit more of that fluid
and some of the fluid shifting. But overall, yes, there
are limits, but chin LiPo is very common to do
under local anesthetic. We also tie this a lot with

skin tightening devices such as renewval on our body tight
and there are radio frequency devices and this is like
the hot the hot thing right now.

Speaker 18 (01:00:53):
Everybody wants to tighten their skin.

Speaker 11 (01:00:57):
So I have a question. I don't want to gross
anyone out, but I just need answers. So once upon
a time I had a gastric surgery, a procedure done
the sleeve, and I lost a lot of weight, right,
and I ended up with a big chicken neck.

Speaker 6 (01:01:14):
I mean it was it was, It was a lot,
and it needed to be removed.

Speaker 11 (01:01:18):
So I went to an incredible, incredible plastic surgeon in
New York City and he did my plastic surgeon and
I came out looking really good.

Speaker 6 (01:01:25):
At the time, it looks great. So anyway, but now
I have whiskers behind my ears when I never had
them before. So did he literally pull my face behind
my ears?

Speaker 18 (01:01:37):

Speaker 4 (01:01:38):
The skin?

Speaker 9 (01:01:41):

Speaker 8 (01:01:42):
Did they take the ears.

Speaker 6 (01:01:43):
Off and put them back on.

Speaker 11 (01:01:44):
I'm trying to figure out how he got it because
even my ear like you know that that not the
ear low but the thing that goes over your ear hole.

Speaker 6 (01:01:50):
No, it's furry too, never was furry before. So you're saying,
skin that used to be on my chin is now
behind my ear, Well not that far, but yeah.

Speaker 20 (01:01:58):
So when you do a face sective plane and then
you pull the skin and you will take out portion
of the skin and tighten up. So, yes, you do
have part of your skin that may have been like
more here, that's more along your ear now and now.

Speaker 16 (01:02:10):
You have for you.

Speaker 11 (01:02:13):
So when you get a haircut, my guy, he's like, dude,
you have whiskers in places I've never seen before.

Speaker 6 (01:02:19):
Well, hey, you know it was worth it. I enjoyed it.

Speaker 11 (01:02:22):
And I got to say, if you can get a
procedure that's less invasive, like you're talking to Gandhi about
the light or whatever, look into it.

Speaker 3 (01:02:30):
You know, absolutely, I'm gonna do it. I'm done with
this chin. I'm sick of her.

Speaker 6 (01:02:35):
I mean, you do you do obsess over your chin?

Speaker 7 (01:02:38):
You do, cause I.

Speaker 3 (01:02:39):
Don't see it when I'm when I'm just talking to
like Danielle or one of you guys. If I take
a picture of myself, I don't see it. These damn
videos that we post from this studio have highlighted chins
I didn't know where there, and I want them gone.

Speaker 7 (01:02:53):
She also does spider beans, because you know, we all
have the little spider beans on our legs and stuff.
And I have a couple, and so she's got new
thing now that she's by the way. She tries things
out on her husband a lot of times.

Speaker 20 (01:03:05):
Actually his stomach was just posted on on our social
media and on Inmode social media because we did Morpheus,
which is radio frequency with micro needling, and I had
done some skin tightening to him and it's.

Speaker 18 (01:03:17):
A really nice result.

Speaker 20 (01:03:19):
Yeah, but it's crazy now because of all the weight
loss medication and I know you guys were talking a
little bit about it earlier, we're seeing a lot of
people coming that are either on the medication already or
have finished their their rounds of it or whatever, and
now are coming from more skin removal things like this.
So it's it's interesting because Elvis, you had the bypass

done and that was the wave that happened for weight loss.
But now it's all the medication and we're seeing this
uptick in these bigger surgeries again for big mommy makeovers,
for removing all the sexless skin.

Speaker 6 (01:03:53):
Oh mommy makeover.

Speaker 7 (01:03:57):
Wait wait, So in her new in her new office
in Huntington, she really does focus on moms taking care
of themselves, which is a huge thing that nobody really
was ever doing and now it's, you know, time for
a mommy makeover.

Speaker 3 (01:04:11):
What is included in a mommy makeover?

Speaker 20 (01:04:14):
What all is that it's very specific to a patient.
But most of the time people think of a mommy
makeover as breast and belly. But it can go on
and on. And I'm on the radio, so there's some
things I probably.

Speaker 6 (01:04:29):
Yes, absolutely, I'll wait, hold on, I may need one
of those.

Speaker 3 (01:04:34):
He's been.

Speaker 6 (01:04:37):
So okay.

Speaker 11 (01:04:37):
So vaginal rejuvenation, we don't have to go too crazy
on this, but I mean, how do you rejuvenate It's
just a tightening procedure basically.

Speaker 20 (01:04:46):
Or so there are tightening procedures that you do with
again radio frequency that you could do in the office
that's no downtime. That's called the empower and you could
come in for four treatments or you can do something.
There's some time times when when people's I don't know
what I'm allowed to say. So it's kind of outer,

but it's it's the skin there that can become overgrown
and you actually can resect that. And this is something
that can be very very detrimental to runners to athletes
because it can really cause pain, so not only just
for sports, but for intimacy things like that.

Speaker 18 (01:05:24):
So it's very important.

Speaker 20 (01:05:25):
It's something that a lot of people don't talk about
because it's it's one of these topics.

Speaker 7 (01:05:28):
That's tough to What about when I laugh, I pee
a little? Can you do anything for them so that that.

Speaker 20 (01:05:33):
Same thing, there's a muscle contraction device that you're come
in for and it does tighten the muscle and also
the radio frequency will help them ucose to turnover and
get tighter and more youthful.

Speaker 8 (01:05:44):
So, yeah, we have so.

Speaker 11 (01:05:48):
Many questions days, but you know we will be able
to go on for days, but we do have to
get your stitches out and just getting kind of like
you have one more question, gandhi.

Speaker 3 (01:05:55):
Do you do BBLS?

Speaker 4 (01:05:58):
I do?

Speaker 3 (01:05:58):

Speaker 20 (01:05:59):
The reason why I have with this so bbl's Brazilian
butt lift, and that's when you take fat and you
transfer it into the buttock to help either make it
bigger or more rounded or more shape like.

Speaker 3 (01:06:09):
So you suck it out of your stomach and put
in your butt.

Speaker 20 (01:06:11):
Yes, okay, it's just one of these things that has
a lot of negativity in the press because there have
been a lot of deaths associated with BBLS done because
if you fat graft inappropriately, meaning if you go too deep,
it can get into a vessel and it can cause
a fat amalism and people can die, and there's a
lot of media about this. So if you are going
to have a BBL, just you know, obviously look in

to make sure you have a board certified plastic surgeon.
And this is super important because there's a lot of
people out there that say they're cosmetic surgeons. They didn't
go through the rigorous training we did. They didn't have
to get into the residencies that had only eighty to
one hundred spots in the country when you're coming out
of med school, you know, So just be careful with anything.
Look into the training and look into the certification of

a surgeon. The American Board of Plastic Surgery is the
only board that certifies plastic surgeon.

Speaker 10 (01:07:00):
So just be careful.

Speaker 3 (01:07:02):
That's important.

Speaker 6 (01:07:03):
Yes, thank you for sharing that. All right, let's rip
these things.

Speaker 7 (01:07:07):
We had to trade seats because it's on the other.

Speaker 11 (01:07:11):
Side of my head, right, let's do it, all right,
But again, if he was turning us on doctor Christine Blaine,
doctor Blaine is here from Blaine Plastic Surgery. Uh, and
she was the one that beautifully, beautifully inserted these stitches
into Daniel's head.

Speaker 3 (01:07:26):
I think Daniel's stitches are cool.

Speaker 18 (01:07:28):
I know, I like them.

Speaker 7 (01:07:29):
We feel like the Bride Frankenstein or Sally from Jack
and Sally.

Speaker 8 (01:07:33):
Okay, well, there you go.

Speaker 7 (01:07:34):
You know how much I love that stuff.

Speaker 6 (01:07:36):
All right, so keep in mind the reason why these
stitches are there is a dermatologist removed a spot that
looked very suspect. Turns out it was worthy of removal, right,
I mean, you found out you're waiting for the labs
to come back.

Speaker 1 (01:07:51):
It was basil.

Speaker 7 (01:07:51):
It was definitely basil cell carcinoma, so it had to
come off. Thankfully, it's one of the ones that it's
not melanoma, and carsonoma tends to stay in the spot
but get bigger, and so it did get a little
bit bigger over time, but not much so that when
she when doctor Blaine went in, she dug everything out
and then you have to send it away just to

make sure you got all the borders. And if it
comes back that it's still a little suspect, she'll need
to go in again and do another procedure.

Speaker 6 (01:08:18):
All right, Well, here we go.

Speaker 11 (01:08:20):
So Nate as producer thinks you should be doing your
report while you're getting your stitches removed.

Speaker 7 (01:08:25):
Where did I put my right?

Speaker 12 (01:08:28):

Speaker 7 (01:08:28):
Oh, you gave it me, okay, it may it may
be interrupting for my glasses. I won't be able to
see the report.

Speaker 6 (01:08:35):
Oh kah, well, this is not gonna work.

Speaker 8 (01:08:36):
It's got to be a mess.

Speaker 7 (01:08:37):
All right, hold on?

Speaker 1 (01:08:38):
Do you think I can do it like this?

Speaker 6 (01:08:39):
Oh god, Doctor Blaine, are expecting lots of bleeding, lots
of bleeding here.

Speaker 18 (01:08:44):
I hope there's no bleeding.

Speaker 7 (01:08:45):
Oh please?

Speaker 4 (01:08:45):

Speaker 6 (01:08:46):
Okay, well all right, yeah, absolutely absolutely so. Uh, you
may feel a tuggings and we usually say.

Speaker 7 (01:08:55):
Oh, we're doing the report. Hold on, I gotta put
the gliss.

Speaker 3 (01:08:57):
I'm telling you to be a disaster. I gotta put
the glasses half on.

Speaker 11 (01:09:06):
One eye, So you got one eye shut, glasses on
crookeds and you're getting stitches removed while you're doing your report.

Speaker 6 (01:09:13):
Why don't we just why don't we just do the stitchers?
Really just take your glasses off.

Speaker 11 (01:09:19):
I mean, it's a it's a it's not a heavy
medical procedure, but it's a procedure. Maybe we should pay
more attention to that than the report report you're gonna do. Again,
it's why are we to have why do we have?

Speaker 14 (01:09:31):
Drum roll? Why is this coming there?

Speaker 7 (01:09:33):
Coming out a little talking. Okay, oh wow, all right,
little talking, nothing crazy, all.

Speaker 8 (01:09:40):
Right, Scotty, b can't watch the other way, Scotty.

Speaker 6 (01:09:44):
Scotty gets a very grossery.

Speaker 14 (01:09:47):
Scotty, how are we doing?

Speaker 3 (01:09:50):
We can't make the surgeon laugh, you.

Speaker 6 (01:09:51):
Guys, exactly. This is a procedure.

Speaker 14 (01:09:55):
She does, she does.

Speaker 7 (01:09:59):
How many were in there, by the way, how many stitches?

Speaker 3 (01:10:02):
Oh, she doesn't count.

Speaker 6 (01:10:03):
She forgot to count.

Speaker 8 (01:10:04):
Her studio is the most tugenic place to be doing
things like that.

Speaker 7 (01:10:07):
No, she took them out of the she took the
instruments out of the package. I watched her, and she
did bring me something to put on it afterwards, and
then like a scar cream that she said, we should use.
No pills, no pills.

Speaker 6 (01:10:23):
No, I have to fly with Danielle. I have to
fly with Danielle all the way to Miami. I can
get her all pilled up. Are they out, ladies and gentlemen,
The stitches are out.

Speaker 1 (01:10:37):
I love it.

Speaker 3 (01:10:39):
She did that so well and so easily. She made
me feel like I can do it.

Speaker 11 (01:10:44):
No, now, doctor Blaine, Doctor Blaine, come come a little
closer to the microphone. How did you do in their
stitch removal? Give yourself a nice and that's great.

Speaker 6 (01:10:53):
How'd you do it?

Speaker 18 (01:10:54):
I think it was a ten?

Speaker 7 (01:10:55):
Yeah, I kind of it's a ten. What did you
put on there?

Speaker 18 (01:11:00):
Not a ton out of a hud Oh?

Speaker 8 (01:11:01):
Okay, okay, you're already putting on.

Speaker 18 (01:11:03):
This is just brown paper tape. It just helps to
yell shaking, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3 (01:11:10):
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 11 (01:11:12):
You know what you gotta keep in mind, doctor blame.
We don't have this done every day, so even if
it's a little procedure like this, we get nervous.

Speaker 7 (01:11:18):
That's a tracing or anything on there. Okay, not right now,
I'm just gonna put this on.

Speaker 18 (01:11:21):
So a story strip.

Speaker 6 (01:11:23):
Okay, what was the stuff you used to use your kids?
We call it monkey blood?

Speaker 16 (01:11:26):
What was that?

Speaker 4 (01:11:27):
What was that?

Speaker 6 (01:11:28):
It was like this red stuff you.

Speaker 8 (01:11:29):
Put on scar the cure chrome. Cure chrome.

Speaker 6 (01:11:33):
We got monkey blood.

Speaker 18 (01:11:37):
So this can just stay on for like a day
and then you can take it off.

Speaker 7 (01:11:40):
I just figured, okay, and then what do I do
after I take this off? What's my next step?

Speaker 18 (01:11:44):

Speaker 6 (01:11:46):
Will there be scarring? Will there be scarring?

Speaker 20 (01:11:48):
So anytime you cut the skin, there will be a scar.
It's just obviously the way that it's stitched together, and
how minimal the scar will be. So I always tell
my patients it will get redder before it gets better.
Over the next four to six week, it might look
a little red Using silicone cheating or silicone scar gel
is the best way to help the scar be as
minimal as possible. Some people use mederma. Mederma is onion extract,

but people think it works, so it's fine. The only
thing scientifically proven to work to help scars is silicon
based treatments. So other than that, sunscreen is the best
thing for.

Speaker 7 (01:12:21):
You, Okay. And then if it doesn't, if it's scars
and I want to get it fixed, do you do
like a lasery thing.

Speaker 18 (01:12:27):
Later on down the link, there are lasers.

Speaker 6 (01:12:29):
That can lasery thing. Hell, that's the medical term lasery thing.
By the way, just let you know there are men
checking in on the text wondering if you can do
male enhancement.

Speaker 18 (01:12:40):
I knew this was going to come up, so.

Speaker 20 (01:12:45):
Yes, this is something that can be done asking for
a friend asking for It's usually done with filler, which
is like a juveidim or a galdrma products which are
wrestle in. So yes, you can enhance that era with filler.

Speaker 6 (01:13:01):
Do you suggest it?

Speaker 18 (01:13:04):
It depends on who it is.

Speaker 7 (01:13:07):
How do you determine whether they're a candidate?

Speaker 6 (01:13:09):
Like, what's the you know they have a penism?

Speaker 7 (01:13:14):
Yeah, what if you're already at a good size and
then you, you know, scotty per.

Speaker 3 (01:13:23):
Up like I've never seen.

Speaker 6 (01:13:27):
I mean, is that procedure picking up?

Speaker 8 (01:13:29):
I mean more and more men doing that.

Speaker 20 (01:13:31):
There are more and more men doing all types of
plastic surgery, which is phenomenal. But I think it just
depends on on the person. There are some people that
feel that it's it's something that really will help them
in life.

Speaker 18 (01:13:43):
So that's fine.

Speaker 20 (01:13:44):
And that's the whole idea behind plastic surgery is that
if it makes you feel better and you feel more confident,
then then it's okay for you as long as you're
not going overboard. And I have no problems telling a
patient no if I think that they're being on what's
the word I'm looking for, overboard?

Speaker 13 (01:14:05):

Speaker 11 (01:14:05):
Okay, Well, doctor Blaine, it's been great having you here.
You were fabulous, Doctor Blaine from a Blaine plastic surgery.

Speaker 20 (01:14:15):
Blame plastic surgery and why because our first one we
of course, we got locked out of and I can't
ever recover anything from Instagram, So blame plastic surgery and
why or operation.

Speaker 18 (01:14:26):
Beauty and why?

Speaker 8 (01:14:28):

Speaker 6 (01:14:28):
Thank you for coming in. It's to have you here.

Speaker 14 (01:14:30):
And Danielle, you look, you look stunning, beautiful, you look gorgeous.

Speaker 1 (01:14:35):
The Mercedes Benz Interview Lounge.

Speaker 3 (01:14:37):
Barbara corkran Shark from Shark Tank.

Speaker 14 (01:14:40):
The change with losing Mark Cuban. But he's with us
for another year now.

Speaker 7 (01:14:43):
Is there anyone else you'd like to get rid of
on Shark Tank?

Speaker 3 (01:14:46):
Come on, I'm not answering that question.

Speaker 6 (01:14:50):
The bottlessly capable all Electric EQS Suv from Mercedes Benz
with available transparent hood technology. It's so advanced it can
see through sheet metal. The vehicle US all electric, the
feeling is all Mercedes. Learn more at mbusa dot com
Slash EQS Dash.

Speaker 1 (01:15:05):
Suv, Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 11 (01:15:09):
This spring, get Hello Fresh and enjoy easy recipes delivered
to your doorstep. Plus joined today and you'll get free
dessert for life at HelloFresh dot com. Slash Elvis. That's
one free dessert item per box with an active subscription
at HelloFresh dot com Slash Elvis.

Speaker 1 (01:15:30):
Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 6 (01:15:34):
All right, we got sound of Garrett on the way.
It's also food News Friday, so you have that going
for us. We have a lot going for us.

Speaker 11 (01:15:41):
And Danielle has no more stitches in her head, so
we got that. So it's it's it's quite a quite
a festive Friday, is it?

Speaker 4 (01:15:48):

Speaker 6 (01:15:48):
Even it's Thursday. I keep thinking it's Friday, don't you.

Speaker 3 (01:15:51):
Yeah, it does Friday.

Speaker 11 (01:15:53):
It feels like a Friday, but it's not. All right,
let's get into sound with Garrett and then we'll get
food News on here.

Speaker 8 (01:15:58):

Speaker 21 (01:15:58):
All right, so we know this story behind Billy Joel's
CBS special, how CBS ended the concert early because of
a technical issue and it sounded like this.

Speaker 14 (01:16:15):
Live from CBS fool So that's.

Speaker 21 (01:16:17):
How it was played, and everybody was upset that they
missed the last thirty seconds of the song. So CBS
decided to reaerrate. But the promo that they're airing makes
it sound like it's it's their idea backed by popular demand,
not because they screwed up.

Speaker 1 (01:16:30):
That is historic Madison Square Garden residence.

Speaker 6 (01:16:33):
We five popular demand.

Speaker 1 (01:16:35):
A second chance to see a legend make history. Billy Juel.

Speaker 6 (01:16:42):
Li Madison Square.

Speaker 11 (01:16:44):
Thank you by Popular Man Chad's first to We'll fix
what we screwed up the last time.

Speaker 10 (01:16:48):
Yes, take ownership of it. Just lean into the mistake.

Speaker 6 (01:16:51):
Oh it's okay. No one knows, No one knows except
for us. Let me make a big deal out of it.

Speaker 8 (01:16:55):
There's that.

Speaker 21 (01:16:56):
Let's move over to Teddy Swims and Max. They don't
have a duet, but Teddy Swims has a brand new
song called the Door and it sounds like this.

Speaker 6 (01:17:10):
Good wounds so good. Yeah, I love it.

Speaker 21 (01:17:15):
He put a teaser for the video on his Instagram,
so you could check that out if you would like. Now,
remember this kid when when they were giving away free
chicken and we we thought it was young Scary Jones.

Speaker 1 (01:17:26):
It's chicken. It's fried chicks, fried chicken. I like fried chicken.

Speaker 21 (01:17:30):
So they were giving away free fried chicken. Last night
in Philadelphia, there was the playing game between the seventy
six ers and the Miami Heat. Seventy six Ers won
by a point, but in the second half a Miami
Heat player missed two fouth free throws in a row,
and because of that, everybody in the arena got free chicken.

Speaker 22 (01:17:48):
Oh all right, it's not time for chicken. Free chicken.
Yes on, the Carl explodes, will.

Speaker 6 (01:18:00):
Free chicken winter Winter Chicken dinner. Hello, I love chicken.
It's very good. Yeah, okay.

Speaker 21 (01:18:08):
Then they talk about two minutes worth of chicken because
of that, So everybody in.

Speaker 6 (01:18:13):
Chicken, you guys, no one hears as excited as as
me about the free chicken.

Speaker 10 (01:18:18):
I'd be excited for free fried chicken.

Speaker 8 (01:18:20):
You would be.

Speaker 6 (01:18:22):
And that's it.

Speaker 11 (01:18:23):
Thank you, good American. All right, it is Thursday, our
favorite day of the week. It's food news Thursday. Let's
go froggy news.

Speaker 8 (01:18:30):
It's delicious.

Speaker 4 (01:18:33):
All right.

Speaker 8 (01:18:34):
Listen, I got some stuff that's gonna blow your mind.
But first let me give you some good news. The
good news is Wendy's is set to make Fridays a
whole lot better with its latest announcement. Starting April nineteenth,
that is tomorrow, the fast food chain is rolling out
a deal where it's they're calling it the best Fry
Day yet, treating fans to a free any size, hot
and crispy French fry with any purchase, and it's every

Friday through the end of the year through the Wendy's app.
So you buy something on a Friday the rest of
this year. You get a free order and it's a
you choose your size French fries at Wendy's just used them.
Look at that?

Speaker 14 (01:19:10):
All right?

Speaker 8 (01:19:11):
Pop Tarts shaking up snack time with the latest innovation,
the new pop Tarts Crunchy poppers. So you picture this,
it's a pop tart, but they're tiny little nuggets. They're
crispy exterior. They've got the pop tart filling that we love,
a generous layer of frosting and sprinkles, and they're little
bite sized treats. They come in two flavors, are frosted
strawberry crunch and frosted brownie crunch. So if you like

pop tarts but yet you just want them in a
little snackable size, they are now happening in little bitty bags.

Speaker 6 (01:19:40):
Now you know, Gotti's never had pop tarts, I have
never had a wich.

Speaker 8 (01:19:43):
You need them, you need them. They're very important to
having your introduction to pop tarts comedy.

Speaker 3 (01:19:47):
I don't want to get hooked. I don't know what
do you start with.

Speaker 7 (01:19:50):
I guess strawberry frosted is probably the best.

Speaker 8 (01:19:52):
Strawberries good.

Speaker 6 (01:19:53):
Oh, you go plain old school with no frosting. Original
you have to well, I just put butter on them
and broil them in the oven. Wow, you know, crunchy
and nice. Get back to you. Oh yeah, they're pretty good.

Speaker 4 (01:20:06):
All right.

Speaker 8 (01:20:06):
It's no secret it's been a tumultuous couple of years
for Red Lobster. They shut eight locations in twenty twenty three,
took a twenty two million dollar loss. Well, the Cheddar
Bay Biscuit restaurant is facing potential bankruptcy. They're citing pandemic
labor costs, industry headwinds, rising costs of food, and high
interest rates. And also they have announced you know, they

do the twenty dollars endless Ultimate shrimp deal that they do.
They said it cost them eleven million dollars in the
third quarter alone doing the twenty ultimate endless Shrimp deal,
so oh wow. While it was successful, it cost them
a lot of money. So we could be seeing a
bankruptcy from Red Lobster. Now here's where I'm gonna blow
your mind. You can't go down a frozen aisle or

visit an ice cream truck where you don't find the drumstick.
We all know what the drumstick is, right, yeah, yes,
the cone, the vanilla and the chocolate covering. Yes, well,
somebody on tech talk left one out for twenty four
hours and it didn't melt. What it's not ice cream?

Speaker 6 (01:21:06):
It's not technically ice cream, is it?

Speaker 8 (01:21:09):
It is not ice cream, it says. Though the drumsticks
started out as a variation of good old fashioned ice cream,
they're actually defined as a frozen dessert or frozen treat.
To the ice cream, it must contain ten percent milk fat,
and drumsticks do not meet that qualification.

Speaker 6 (01:21:24):
So drum we learned that from scream truck. Yeah, oh yeah, yeah.

Speaker 8 (01:21:28):
They contained some dairy such as milk and cream and
dairy product solids, but not enough to make them ice cream.
So if you leave it out on the counter, it
will not melt.

Speaker 3 (01:21:36):
I've melted one. I swear to god. I melted one
like three weeks ago because I left it.

Speaker 6 (01:21:40):
I want it take three weeks.

Speaker 4 (01:21:44):

Speaker 3 (01:21:44):
By the end of the day, I was like, well, damn,
this is horrible.

Speaker 8 (01:21:47):
I need to throw it to my Cereal correspond It's
got to be He's got some good Cereal news force.

Speaker 6 (01:21:52):
Oh God, so check this out. I feel like I'm
listening to a high school radio station.

Speaker 3 (01:21:56):
It's National Amateur Radio Day.

Speaker 6 (01:22:02):
It sounds let's do it.

Speaker 19 (01:22:03):
So I cannot believe it took a cereal company this long,
but General Mills is finally introducing a cereal box that
reseals in their brand new Wheaties protein. Cereal checked it out.
It has a little a snap thing on the top
and you just open it and close it. There's no
bag inside. It's a fully resealable and recyclable box as well,

and they're gonna start rolling that out, so no more
rolling down bags and ripping boxes. Yes, it's very exciting.

Speaker 7 (01:22:31):
Rip the bag the wrong way, he freaks.

Speaker 8 (01:22:35):
Yeah, no bags, rightfully, so, because then you can't seal it.
Now you can seal this.

Speaker 6 (01:22:38):
I love it's you sharing and there you go, your
cereal corresponding.

Speaker 8 (01:22:42):
All right, here we go the countdown. Then purchase the
items in US supermarkets. You ready, okay? Yeah? Number five
coffee okay. Number four is milk, yeah, Number three is
neat like all meat, all meat okay. Number two is

eggs and the most purchased item in US supermarkets an
he guesses, cheese. I would say bread water Bread is
number one, so exciting, and what have just missed the
top five bananas at number six, which is, by the way,

the most purchased item in the produce department.

Speaker 6 (01:23:30):
Wow, so is poultry considered meat?

Speaker 8 (01:23:34):
Indust does fall under meat? Okay? Good, it does? And
then if you want the rest, it's chips, juice, pasta,
frozen foods, and yogurt round out the top ten items
purchased in US supermarkets.

Speaker 6 (01:23:46):
So Gandhi. So seafood would not be meat.

Speaker 3 (01:23:49):
I would think it was meat.

Speaker 7 (01:23:50):
Is it meat?

Speaker 4 (01:23:51):

Speaker 7 (01:23:51):
No, it shouldn't be meat.

Speaker 3 (01:23:53):
You could eat it on Fridays during Lent. But it's
an animal meat, of course, it's an animal. What do
you mean it's not fish?

Speaker 8 (01:24:01):

Speaker 4 (01:24:01):

Speaker 10 (01:24:02):
Yes, Are they really are bugs? I don't think they are.

Speaker 3 (01:24:06):
Yeah, they are, definitely.

Speaker 6 (01:24:07):
They may they may not be mammals, but they are animals.

Speaker 7 (01:24:10):
They're not like fleshy animals.

Speaker 3 (01:24:12):
Yeah they are.

Speaker 7 (01:24:13):
They don't know what's.

Speaker 3 (01:24:15):
Happening from here.

Speaker 6 (01:24:16):
We eat the flesh of the fish.

Speaker 7 (01:24:18):
So why is it that you can have fish on
the Friday and not not like a chicken.

Speaker 1 (01:24:21):
Or a cow.

Speaker 6 (01:24:22):
You gotta ask Jesus.

Speaker 14 (01:24:23):
I don't know, Jesus.

Speaker 3 (01:24:25):
Get them on the line, answer line three.

Speaker 8 (01:24:27):

Speaker 11 (01:24:28):
Fish is the flesh of an animal. According to the
Internet Wow issues for food and my definition.

Speaker 8 (01:24:34):
It's meat.

Speaker 11 (01:24:35):
So fish is meat, all right, and there you go another.
I love it when frogs food news causes such a storm.

Speaker 8 (01:24:46):
I'm sorry.

Speaker 7 (01:24:47):
I have an answer for why you can eat fish
on the Friday.

Speaker 6 (01:24:49):

Speaker 7 (01:24:51):
It says when you're abstaining for meat, it's the flesh
of warm blooded animals. Jesus was a warm blooded animal. Fish, though,
which are cold blow, we're considered okay to eat on
fasting days.

Speaker 14 (01:25:03):
They didn't have thermometers back there, right there, some wop
poles in here.

Speaker 7 (01:25:07):
I think that's interesting.

Speaker 4 (01:25:09):

Speaker 3 (01:25:10):
Sorry, who's eating a whale?

Speaker 6 (01:25:12):
Okay, we must take the break.

Speaker 4 (01:25:13):
Here we go.

Speaker 1 (01:25:14):
Elvister ran the haggiest. El Vista ran in the Morning show.

Speaker 6 (01:25:19):
All right. When you open up your Holo Fresh box
when you have fish in there, it's me.

Speaker 3 (01:25:24):
I love that.

Speaker 6 (01:25:25):
Now you know fresh spring air, ah, I love it
fresh spring flavors as well.

Speaker 11 (01:25:32):
That's why Hello Fresh is delivering farm fresh produce picked
up peak ripeness, so you'll taste the freshness it in everybody.
As a matter of fact, more time in the sunshine
less time in the kitchen because now Hello Fresh is
featuring their ready and twenty recipes. You take your pick
from a rotating menu of twenty satisfying options every week.
You can whip it up in just twenty minutes or less.
They are getting more and more slick down there, Hello Fresh.

We love Hollo Fresh. If you're craving something new, you
want to get out of that recipe rut. You take
your pick from over forty five different options every week,
or let them choose them for you. And if you
join Hello Fresh today, you'll get free dessert for life.
They're incredible lava cakes, their cheesecakes, Daniel loves their cheesecakes
so good, all sorts of mouthwatering treats on repeat every

single week. As long as you are a Hello Fresh
active subscriber, you'll get free dessert in every box.

Speaker 6 (01:26:22):
But you gotta do this.

Speaker 11 (01:26:23):
You got to sign up at HelloFresh dot com slash Elvis.
That's HelloFresh dot com slash Elvis.

Speaker 1 (01:26:29):
This is Elvis Duran in the Morning show.

Speaker 11 (01:26:33):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's be another week where we're hopping
on a jet plane and flying away together.

Speaker 6 (01:26:40):
We really are the jet setters.

Speaker 18 (01:26:41):
We just are aren't we?

Speaker 11 (01:26:43):
Last time it was Atlanta's Paradise Island in the Bamas,
And now we're going down to Miami just for a night,
just to go kick it with some friends, have a
little dinner, do our show live at the Innovation Lounge
at Norwegian Cruise Line where they have all sorts of
top secret experiments going on, research and development happening right
before your eyes. And we're gonna talk about what they
developed there and how they make your cruise journeys.

Speaker 6 (01:27:03):
So friggin cool.

Speaker 8 (01:27:06):
I love it.

Speaker 6 (01:27:07):
So that's tomorrow live from Miami at Norwegian Cruise Lines
Innovation Lounge. Let's go around the room. What's on your
what's on your mind?

Speaker 8 (01:27:15):

Speaker 11 (01:27:16):
I'll start with Danielle, who just had those stitches ripped
out of her head live on the air. What's on
your mind today?

Speaker 7 (01:27:21):
Come back to me because I didn't?

Speaker 8 (01:27:24):

Speaker 6 (01:27:25):
Okay, all right, we'll just go to someone else. Nate,
what's going on?

Speaker 8 (01:27:31):
Can you come back to me?

Speaker 19 (01:27:35):

Speaker 10 (01:27:36):
Is that where we're going with this?

Speaker 6 (01:27:37):
All right, let's just do the Danielle Report.

Speaker 8 (01:27:38):
Then here we go.

Speaker 6 (01:27:39):
Danielle, you know you guys told me you were going
to do that one day.

Speaker 8 (01:27:47):
You went ahead and ruined it.

Speaker 6 (01:27:48):
I already knew you're gonna do it.

Speaker 3 (01:27:49):
I apparently happened. I was like, what is going on
with it?

Speaker 11 (01:27:54):
You probably would have cut out of been an asshole,
just like the rest of them. So you're okay, we'll
get back to that. And when we do, I expect
an around the room report from each and everybody.

Speaker 6 (01:28:05):
Jackasses. All right, here we go, Daniell, what's up?

Speaker 4 (01:28:09):
All right?

Speaker 7 (01:28:09):
So tell us Swift teases the release of her next album,
It's tonight at midnight the Tortured Poets Department, along with
the music video dropping tomorrow. Now, there are rumors going
around that there's another release or event planned for Saturday,
based on some teasing she's been doing.

Speaker 22 (01:28:25):
So I don't know.

Speaker 7 (01:28:27):
I guess we'll see what happens. I know Miami is
actually doing something pretty cool with her tomorrow at midnight. Right,
they're having a big.

Speaker 11 (01:28:34):
Tonight eleven thirty. We're all gathering together, eat some cookies
and listen to brand new TAYTOR'SWI And.

Speaker 7 (01:28:39):
The teaser from her also includes some handwritten song lyrics
and a recurring time of two pm.

Speaker 3 (01:28:44):
So, hmm, I wonder what's gonna happen.

Speaker 7 (01:28:46):
Ashanti and Nelly confirmed two big pieces of news. She
is pregnant and she's calling Nelly her fiance, so that
means they are engaged.

Speaker 4 (01:28:55):

Speaker 7 (01:28:55):
You guys know they dated back in two two thousand
and three. They reunited in two thous twenty three, and yeah,
so that's pretty cool. Ken Cutty joins Coachella for Weekend two.
It's happening this weekend. He'll be performing on the Sahara
stage on Sunday. He last performed at Coachella back in
twenty nineteen. And of course other big acts this weekend,

Don't youa Catlil Yati, Jay Balvin.

Speaker 3 (01:29:18):
A lot of other people taking the stage as well.

Speaker 7 (01:29:20):
Blake Sheldon celebrated the grand opening of his sixth old
Red Bar Tuesday night. This time it was in Las Vegas,
and you know, Blake had to get up there and
provide his fans with a little performance. And when Stefani,
his wife was there as well, and she was performing
with him too, so that was pretty cool. My mother
is going to be so excited about this. One of

her favorite movies, Crazy Rich Asians, is being turned into
a Broadway musical. This is from John M Two who
is the director. He is going to be turning it
into a Broadway musical. Do you know that that film
made two hundred and thirty nine million dollars globally? It
did so well at a seat. They've been talking about
it sequel for like five years, but we haven't gotten

one yet. But we'll say, but I know, please, my
mother will be the first one to buy tickets to
the Broadway show. The Disney the Discovery Channel's Ghost Adventures
coming for a twenty ninth season. I didn't realize it
was out this many seasons, but it is. The series
returns May fifteenth, and you can check out the trailer.
And apparently Jennifer Lopez a little disappointed with the ticket
sales to her tour and her album, but that never

stops j Loo because she moves on when things like
this happen. And a source says that she's extremely proud
of all the hard work she does. She puts so
much work into our projects, and you know, she's always
ready for.

Speaker 3 (01:30:37):
The next thing.

Speaker 7 (01:30:38):
That's just how Jaylo works. So she is okay, And
I know a lot of people still going to see
her on the stage in concert and the Golden Bachelor guys,
there's a rumor going around that he might have only
been into Teresa for her money, and that he was
a gold.

Speaker 6 (01:30:56):
Digger, greeny old baster.

Speaker 7 (01:30:59):
We weren't hearing rumors that it was that they lived
so far apart and they couldn't decide on where to live.
And they're older so they're kind of setting their ways.
But now they're saying it's financial issues that drove them apart.

Speaker 3 (01:31:12):
And what are we watching?

Speaker 7 (01:31:13):
Conan O'Brien must go on Max Orlando, Bloom to the
Edge on Peacock. Of course, you've got all your Law
and Order shows as well. And just another reminder, not
that you need one. Midnight tonight, your new Taylor Swift
is out. And that's my Danielle report.

Speaker 8 (01:31:25):
And there you go.

Speaker 6 (01:31:25):
Thank you, Danielle. Now around the room. What's on your
mind today? Gandhi, go right ahead.

Speaker 3 (01:31:29):
I wanted to give a shout out to you, Elvis
Duran and our friend chef Dan Coueger because we had
such a good night last night and it was amazing.
We went and did a tasting what do you call
it a taste?

Speaker 6 (01:31:40):
It was a chef table tasting, yeah, multi courses.

Speaker 3 (01:31:43):
It was unbelievable, and he did his own spin on
so many Indian dishes and I had never tasted them
done that way before. It was amazing and it was
so fun. I had a blast with you, and Andrew
and Andrew's sister, and I just wanted to thank Dan
because he sent us home with a bunch of pastries too.
Oh my god, he's so giant cheese ites.

Speaker 7 (01:31:58):
That's amazing.

Speaker 6 (01:31:59):
That's a mess, geez. That we love Dan.

Speaker 11 (01:32:00):
Of course, last night was in honor of a chef
he used to work with for many years, and we
knew very well Floyd Corridos, who came up with a
lot of those dishes and of course inspired people like
Chef Dan to create his own like them.

Speaker 8 (01:32:13):
It was what a night.

Speaker 6 (01:32:14):
It was so good, It was awesome, so full. Hey Danielle,
what's up.

Speaker 8 (01:32:16):
With you today?

Speaker 7 (01:32:17):
So I just want to say congratulations to my nephew Lucas,
who you know was born with his extra chromosome, because
he is going to be the Grand.

Speaker 3 (01:32:27):
Marshal in a parade already.

Speaker 7 (01:32:28):
Yes, four yah gosh, four children with Down syndrome and
celebrating Down syndrome in New York City in Times Square
coming up in September. He is, yes, one of the smallest, littlest,
tiniest Grand Marshals you'll ever see. But other kids are
going to be there as well, and I'll give you
more details as we get closer, because it's just so
amazing and I'm so proud of my sister and him,

and yeah, just so cool. So congratulations to my little
man Lucas, who amazes me every.

Speaker 6 (01:32:54):
Day, the youngest Grand Marshall on record holder, Scarry.

Speaker 8 (01:32:57):
What's up with you?

Speaker 13 (01:32:58):
Well, of course, Danielle said that SNL clip of the
Peavis and butt Heead sketch with Ryan Goslin has gone
viral and everyone's watching it, and I think the appeal there.
Of course, they say it's because the characters break. I
went down this rabbit hole of watching all SNL sketches
where the characters break, and I have to tell you,
they really are that much funnier. And then it may

it's a whole new take on the show, because people
sometimes don't really believe the show is live. It is
live at eleven thirty and it's one take and it's done,
and there's something about being under that kind of pressure
and then let keep making each other crack up.

Speaker 10 (01:33:33):
That makes makes it that.

Speaker 6 (01:33:34):
Much more enjoyable to watch. So I know, yeah, it
means they're comfortable.

Speaker 8 (01:33:38):
I love them.

Speaker 6 (01:33:38):
It's a very good point.

Speaker 10 (01:33:39):
I love watching sketches like that.

Speaker 6 (01:33:41):
Froggy, what's up?

Speaker 8 (01:33:43):
This is gonna make you happy? Elvis. I read an
article it says that dogs will live longer and be
in better health if they have a pet friend at home. Yeah,
that made me happy. So if you have two pups
at home, it's better off for them. I know it's
a little bit of a pain in the ass sometimes
you got to them yapping around everything else, but it's
good for them. So yeah, having two of you keep

them living longer and us living shorter. Right now, I
just had to sit my pups off to hang out
with their friends for a couple of days because we're
going out of town, and I'm like, I already miss
them so much. I know, I love them.

Speaker 6 (01:34:15):
Hello, producer, Sam, what's up with you?

Speaker 12 (01:34:17):
We know there's a lot of things in life you
just have to power through, and that's important, but it's
also important to know when you have the ability and
should just step back. I've been having a really rough
time with myself at pottery lately, and I've just been
damaging things as I do them, and I.

Speaker 3 (01:34:31):
Told myself, no, no, just power through. It's a creative right,
You'll get through it.

Speaker 12 (01:34:35):
I broke two finished pieces this week trying to improve
them because I wasn't in the right headspace.

Speaker 3 (01:34:41):
That's hours and weeks of work.

Speaker 12 (01:34:43):
So sometimes if you can just take a step back, baby,
just cleanse and get back to whatever you were doing
when you feel like you're in a better place.

Speaker 11 (01:34:50):
Is that a thing if you are a potter or
doing some other kind of art, maybe, Gonda, you can
answer to this if you're in a bad headspace, do
they tell you, hey, just come back to it.

Speaker 6 (01:34:59):
Now's not the time.

Speaker 4 (01:35:00):

Speaker 6 (01:35:00):
Or is it good to create so you can create
something that reflects your your mood?

Speaker 8 (01:35:06):
You know, I don't know.

Speaker 3 (01:35:07):
I think everyone's probably different. But I definitely walk away
because I don't want to overdo it. I don't want
to ruin something. I just obviously it's a me thing
and I'm not in the place, so I just walk
away from it and come back when I'm ready.

Speaker 6 (01:35:17):
There you go, Nate, did you say something?

Speaker 8 (01:35:19):
You did something?

Speaker 6 (01:35:20):
Didn't you?

Speaker 19 (01:35:21):

Speaker 14 (01:35:22):
Around the room?

Speaker 4 (01:35:23):

Speaker 7 (01:35:24):
Did you do it.

Speaker 8 (01:35:25):
No, I didn't.

Speaker 6 (01:35:25):
Okay, didn't. It's to no, you haven't if I said
something about something. No, no, Nate go you really should
get Okay, what mnemonic device do you remember from school?

Speaker 14 (01:35:35):
Here's one. We were talking about animals just a second ago,
and I remember dear King Philip came over for good soup,
which is the taxonomic order of animals domain Kingdom viol
And then I remember, please excuse my dear aunt Suth.

Speaker 7 (01:35:50):
You remember that one very my very important mother just
served as nine pizzas or something. That was how I
remember the planets?

Speaker 11 (01:35:57):
Yes, and also the scale the musical Every Good Boy
Does Fine and f A Great Big Dogs Fight Animals
and all cars eat gas?

Speaker 8 (01:36:10):
Yeah, the rainbow was roygbiv roygbib.

Speaker 14 (01:36:13):
But yeah, there's all these things that we don't ever
use any more, but you still remember from like thirty
years ago.

Speaker 8 (01:36:18):
So just think about that.

Speaker 6 (01:36:19):
Hell, however, we can remember to remember it very helpful,
especially as we get older. All cars eat gas?

Speaker 8 (01:36:25):
Do you know what that is?

Speaker 11 (01:36:26):
That's the spaces on the bass cleft of music.

Speaker 6 (01:36:30):
Oh, Great Big Dogs Fight Animals?

Speaker 7 (01:36:32):
Are the lines on the periodic table?

Speaker 3 (01:36:34):
You know how I remember gold? Hell a you and
I remember, Hey, Yo, bring me back my gold walk.

Speaker 1 (01:36:42):
The podcast.

Speaker 10 (01:36:45):
Oh Joe Gati's in the studio.

Speaker 8 (01:36:47):
He said, scary and Bros, you guys should put together rereary.
You don't want to be scroady.

Speaker 1 (01:36:54):
No, no, Listen to the Brooklyn Boys podcast on the
iHeart Radio apps, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.
Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 11 (01:37:07):
Wendy's New Cinnabon pull Apart is here to satisfy morning
cravings with its warm, sweet cinnamon sugar rolled dough ooh
e gouey texture and signature cream cheese frosting. Get the
best part in every bite this Morning with Wendy's New
Cinnabon pull Apart only at participating Us.

Speaker 1 (01:37:22):
Wendy's thad this He is Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 6 (01:37:34):
So the weirdest thing happened Three days ago. I get
a call from an old friend saying, Hey, your dad's
best friend wants to wants to talk to you me.

Speaker 11 (01:37:43):
I give him your phone number. I mean sure, mister Smith. Yeah,
So mister Smith calls me and we talk My dad,
you know, God rest is soul. We were talking about
him and some memories so I kept calling him mister Smith.
He said, you know, you can call me by my
first name. I don't know his first name. Now I
am fifty four years old, I'm still calling my parents
friends mister and missus. Yes, it feels illegal. Yeah, it

feels like I'm breaking the law if I call them
by their first name. I even do that with some
of my friends, like my girlfriends. My friend Karen her
it's mister and missus Martinelli. It's always been since college,
and I that's what I call them. I don't you know,
I don't call them by their first names.

Speaker 4 (01:38:21):
You know.

Speaker 3 (01:38:22):
It's weird, but I think it is illegal. Like I
think if my parents heard me call somebody by their
first name, they might swap me in the back of
the head.

Speaker 6 (01:38:29):
Still, yes, what are you talking to? Okay, but Danielle,
I mean no offense. Yeah, you're a mother of two
and you yeah, you technically could be a grandmother. You
know that, right?

Speaker 7 (01:38:42):
If I swear to Gosh, I will please bite your
damn tongue.

Speaker 6 (01:38:47):
I'm talking about just where you are on the age spectrum. Okay,
I could, I guess you could. And you're still calling
the Martinelli's mystery missus Martinelli.

Speaker 7 (01:38:53):
I do, I do, but you know what, I do
that with my teachers too. Like one of my music
teachers from high school, his name is doctor does. His
first name is Jonathan. So now at this point in
my age, he tells me call me Jonathan. I go,
I can't you still duck it?

Speaker 8 (01:39:07):
It's illegal?

Speaker 7 (01:39:08):
Sorry, and he's like, no, I'm Jonathan.

Speaker 3 (01:39:09):
Now I don't know you're not.

Speaker 4 (01:39:10):

Speaker 6 (01:39:11):
There's a list of things that we're coming up with
that feel illegal. What else was there? Gandhi?

Speaker 1 (01:39:17):

Speaker 3 (01:39:17):
If you ever have water in your car, like a
bottle of water and you just want to dump it out,
dumping it out the window even though it's just water,
feels illegal. I had to do it the other day,
and I was panicking the whole time. I wanted to
be like, it just water, It's just water.

Speaker 6 (01:39:29):
Hey, there's another one. I don't own a Tesla, but
they seem really cool. If you're driving on the street
and you see a Tesla, do you look inside to
see if they're touching the steering wheel or if they're
if the car's driving them. I'm telling you right now,
if I had a Tesla and I had didn't have
my hands on the wheel. I would feel like I'm
doing something illegal. There's another one right anyway? Uh Froggy, Yes,

what have you done recently that feels illegal? Maybe you
shouldn't say it on the air. Never mind, Oh yeah, yeah,
I don't want to get into that.

Speaker 14 (01:40:02):
Yesterday date.

Speaker 8 (01:40:03):
This morning, I did this.

Speaker 14 (01:40:04):
There was a police car and he was driving like
twenty five and at thirty, I'm like, can I just
pass him?

Speaker 8 (01:40:11):
And I passed him? But it felt illegal.

Speaker 6 (01:40:13):
Yeah, you felt like he was on the speed limit.

Speaker 7 (01:40:16):
I feel like I am guilty of a million things
anytime police officers behind me, and I'm like, I didn't
do anything wrong, but I feel like I did.

Speaker 6 (01:40:24):
Your pulse races. Yes, it's all right, yeah, Frog.

Speaker 8 (01:40:28):
I was at a home improvement store the other day
and there was I bought two little small items and
they were very, very cheap. I think they were ninety
seven cents, but there was no scan on them, and
I went through the I went through the self checkout line,
and so I told the lady that was there. I said, hey,
there's no scan on these. They were ninety seven cents apiece,
and she looked at him. She goes, well, they're free today.
She threw them in the bag and told me to leave.

Oh I felt like I was stealing. You are you are? No,
I'm not feeling once she says they're free. She works there,
she's got authority.

Speaker 6 (01:40:57):
You're right, you're acompless. You're right scary. What have you
done that feels illegal?

Speaker 8 (01:41:01):
But isn't on the.

Speaker 10 (01:41:02):
Same lines as Froggy?

Speaker 8 (01:41:04):
But going into any store and not buying anything.

Speaker 6 (01:41:07):
They don't have what you want and then you're like
all right and you walk out out and I'm like,
oh my god, I.

Speaker 13 (01:41:12):
Feel they look like I'm shoplifting because I just walking.

Speaker 8 (01:41:15):
They don't.

Speaker 6 (01:41:16):
They don't give a crap.

Speaker 8 (01:41:18):
I hands up, like I don't have anything in my pockets.

Speaker 11 (01:41:22):
Anyway, you were into the grocer serry yesterday and you
walked in and walked out with nothing.

Speaker 3 (01:41:25):
I went to Joanne Fabrics actually, and I wanted to
get a canvas. They didn't have the canvases that I want,
so we just walked out and it was like Froggy said,
I wanted to walk out with my hands in the air.

Speaker 1 (01:41:33):
Like we didn't take anything.

Speaker 3 (01:41:34):
I just didn't find what I wanted.

Speaker 6 (01:41:36):
So I'm you need to put your hands up against
the wall and have them come down.

Speaker 7 (01:41:42):
If somebody walked out of Target without a bag, that's
when the police need to be called in.

Speaker 6 (01:41:46):
Right there, that's not true. You should be able to
go in if you don't find what you want, you
should be able to leave without feeling guilty. We have
lost our minds.

Speaker 7 (01:41:55):
There's only something in Target that you need something.

Speaker 3 (01:41:59):
Come on, Yeah, what about like circling back for your
second free sample? That feels illegal too, But I think
you're allowed to Yeah, they're free right. I don't think
I'm ever doing free samples ever again? Oh yeah, what's scary?

Speaker 13 (01:42:10):
How about if someone's cell phone is on the counter
and all of a sudden it lights up because they
got a text message and you happen to look over
you feel you fe like you're doing something illegal by
like staring at it, like trying to get it.

Speaker 11 (01:42:20):
To being nosy. Yeah, I don't feel like there's no
there's no sense of incarceration. Dirty All right, I've got
Brian line twenty four. Brian, what do you do that
makes you feel like you've broken the law but you haven't.

Speaker 5 (01:42:36):
When we go to the hotel, I always have to
take the soap and pen and paper.

Speaker 6 (01:42:45):
You feel like you're getting away with something.

Speaker 8 (01:42:47):
Really I do.

Speaker 5 (01:42:49):
And the sad part is I usually never use it.
I don't know why I have to take it. But
there's a whole pile of it at the house.

Speaker 6 (01:42:57):
It's the principle of the thing you're in there. It's there,
it's not tied down, so you're gonna take it. They're
lucky they still have their mattress. You know, Elvis, you're
guilty of this too. Actually, there was a there was
a certain pin that I liked from a hotel and
you would always grab them for me and bring them
to me when when we were in Miami, and you
would say, I feel like I'm stealing from this hotel
and I know it's not, but I feel like I'm
stealing for you, and I'm not doing it anymore.

Speaker 11 (01:43:18):
It's just a pen, just like Brian, it's a pen.
They don't they couldn't care less. They just I still
have like take the pen, all right, Brian, It's okay,
you're not going to Yiel. We're not gonna we're not
gonna narc on. You're you're good, thank you, all right,
to have a nice day, yes, Gandhi.

Speaker 3 (01:43:33):
What about when you're checking out and they ask if
you want to donate to X cause whatever it is?
Would you like to donate a dollar two dollars? If
you say no, it's the worst thing in the world.
Now hears you say no to a dollar.

Speaker 7 (01:43:44):
I do it every every time. You get into a
lease of dollar dollar every time?

Speaker 14 (01:43:49):
Well, I know, but it's it's most likely go into
a great cause.

Speaker 8 (01:43:51):
It's the way they ask, do you want to donate
to save homeless pets and need You're like, no, no, jackass.

Speaker 7 (01:44:01):
On When one of those stores like pet COO or
pet Smart or something, it comes up on the screen
before you check out every time.

Speaker 6 (01:44:07):
And everyone all the way back in the store they're
all watching to see.

Speaker 3 (01:44:11):
Right, and you feel like you look around, like yesterday
I heard someone say no to donating to animals. So
then I donated two dollars because I felt bad that
the person in front of me said no. And Brandon
was like, get a hold.

Speaker 6 (01:44:23):
Of yourself, right, or you could always say something, Oh no,
I gave a lot more earlier.

Speaker 16 (01:44:34):

Speaker 6 (01:44:35):
Oh god, they're lining up line five is Bonnie hi,
Bonnie Hi? You actually have a career, You're in a
profession that makes you feel like you're getting away with something.

Speaker 4 (01:44:46):
What do you do?

Speaker 2 (01:44:48):
I delive newspapers for a living. It's every day of
the year, there's no day off. And every time I
pull into somebody's driveway or if I pull up to
the newspaper tube looking out the window, I feel like
I'm doing something illegal because it's like, okay, who's.

Speaker 15 (01:45:05):
Out there my driveway?

Speaker 8 (01:45:08):
Well it's another one.

Speaker 11 (01:45:09):
Do you ever turn around in someone's driveway, make a
make a K turn, whatever it's called. I do it
all the time, but you feel like you've got a hurry. Yeah,
turn my lights off so they don't know when.

Speaker 14 (01:45:18):
They're ye.

Speaker 7 (01:45:21):
To say, honey, I'm home before you full out.

Speaker 2 (01:45:28):
I'm not saying, don't make any coffee.

Speaker 11 (01:45:31):
Yeah, sorry, I'm trespassion. Have a beautiful day, Bonnie. You
keep delivering papers. Thanks for keeping people informed. And uh,
I used to deliver papers. I've worked in the newspaper
business for a while. And there is something that's not
you know, you don't see it a lot now. Ink
on fingers, right, you still get that?

Speaker 2 (01:45:49):
Oh my word, I'm surprised I don't have ink poisoning.

Speaker 6 (01:45:52):
I know it's crazy, all right, You brought back a
great memory.

Speaker 8 (01:45:56):

Speaker 6 (01:45:56):
Thank you have a great day, and thanks for listening
to us.

Speaker 7 (01:45:59):
All right you too.

Speaker 6 (01:46:00):
Now Line nine is Shiv, and Shiv is actually breaking
the law. Let's talk about it. Hello, Shiv, how are you?

Speaker 4 (01:46:06):

Speaker 9 (01:46:06):
Good morning? God's the honor to be on your show today.

Speaker 6 (01:46:10):
What's an honor to have you? Even though you could
be convicted for your awful hands crime? Tell her, tell
her you do well?

Speaker 9 (01:46:17):
You know, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one
in this whole world that did it. But you know,
I do feel guilty, even though I don't even buy
the damn grapes.

Speaker 6 (01:46:24):
And in the long run, you so you take grapes
at the grocery store.

Speaker 9 (01:46:29):
No, well, well not not necessarily take it, but I
actually taste the grapes, you know, before you purchase them.

Speaker 4 (01:46:35):
You want to know, you know?

Speaker 7 (01:46:36):
Yeah, Hello, how do you know if they're sweet or not?

Speaker 6 (01:46:40):
Daniel l all the time, Daniel Danielle has admitted this
for years. Shif you're not alone, she I wouldn't do
it now because people have been touching them, you.

Speaker 7 (01:46:48):
Know, But but I used to do it because why
would I buy grapes if they taste like crap.

Speaker 2 (01:46:54):

Speaker 8 (01:46:57):
It doesn't matter over the time of the time of
your life. All those grapes, that's at least one full
bag of grapes, and they sell them my weight. You're
so innocent. I'm still grapes banana grocery stores.

Speaker 14 (01:47:10):
Just telling you to take them.

Speaker 6 (01:47:11):
If we love you anyway, no matter what you steal,
You're always going to be our guy.

Speaker 8 (01:47:15):
Okay, yeah, thank you.

Speaker 9 (01:47:17):
I just want to tell you, guys that I listen
to you every morning. I'm actually on my way to
book Will Center for Childer Services. I'm a preschool teacher,
so yeah, in the morning definitely gets me going.

Speaker 6 (01:47:27):
So no, thank you.

Speaker 9 (01:47:28):
There's not a lot of meals. There's not a lot
of meals in the preschool game. So while I do
appreciate you guys taking my call.

Speaker 6 (01:47:34):
And as you should be appreciated as well, shif we
love you, thank you for listening to us. Thank you
so much.

Speaker 8 (01:47:39):
Thank you man.

Speaker 9 (01:47:40):
Have a great day, guys.

Speaker 6 (01:47:41):
You one more call. Nate's is like a call machine.
He's putting all these calls through. He never does this. Hey,
Crystal line thirteen, Hello Crystal, what's going on?

Speaker 16 (01:47:51):
Hello lady. I always feel guilty when I call into
work if I'm actually sick, I feel like I should
be there.

Speaker 4 (01:48:00):

Speaker 6 (01:48:01):
No, never feel guilty. I'm not very even when I
pretend to be sick. I don't feel guilty.

Speaker 5 (01:48:05):
Just do it.

Speaker 6 (01:48:05):
It's okay. I can't help it, It's okay.

Speaker 11 (01:48:10):
It goes back to when you were a kid, when
you had sick days or you played hooky from school.
You felt like you were missing out on something and
you were doing something wrong. You'll lose right around forty
years old, you'll stop feeling that way.

Speaker 16 (01:48:23):
Well, I'll look forward to that.

Speaker 6 (01:48:24):
Thank you, Crystal, You're fine, have a beautiful day. Thanks
for listening to us.

Speaker 16 (01:48:27):
Okay, you two guys, love you, guys, love you more?

Speaker 6 (01:48:30):
Uh yeah, straight eight.

Speaker 14 (01:48:32):
Actually that made me think of one time you called
in sick Elvis, and I'm like, he doesn't sound sick,
but I didn't want to call you out on it
because you're the boss. I'm like, I'm not gonna say
are you really sick? Because you said you were sick,
and I will we hosted the show without you. That okay,
question is what is sick?

Speaker 6 (01:48:52):
Here's the thing, I don't.

Speaker 14 (01:48:53):
Mind if you say, hey, I just wanted to day
off or whatever. I mean, I'm fine with that. But
if you're I think you know me well enough. If
if I just wanted to day off, I would have said.

Speaker 8 (01:49:01):
You've done that before.

Speaker 11 (01:49:02):
I don't know you, No, I would have You know,
sometimes you can be sick and you don't sound sick
because not every body sickness is connected to the sound
of your voice.

Speaker 1 (01:49:13):
Hey, I'm at sharing.

Speaker 6 (01:49:14):
Hey, what's up?

Speaker 1 (01:49:14):
A Sweedi's good as metro format.

Speaker 8 (01:49:18):
That in the morning show.

Speaker 6 (01:49:21):
All right, great show, Let's get out of here. Let's
run like hell. Say you said, everybody, peace o, everybody

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