All Episodes

April 25, 2024 113 mins
Kevin Devine and Casey Jost stop by to talk about their new podcast, "Give It a Chance!" It's available now wherever you get your podcasts! Plus, we play a game involving celebrity beef, and it's Food News Thursday so Froggy has a countdown for us.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Portions of this program we're pre recorded.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
Yes, you know what that's all of that.

Speaker 3 (00:26):
You know half of our show is a big drunk
in master.

Speaker 4 (00:29):
Yes, you don't roll the radio. We're doing the show right.

Speaker 3 (00:34):
I love you so much, like myself, like myself.

Speaker 1 (00:41):
This is Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 3 (00:45):
Played Beyonce Hi. It is Thursday, our favorite day of
the week. Got your food news ready to roll out?
I am still putting it together, Elvis ding. Okay, well,
welcome to Thursday, the favorite day of the week. Good morning, Danielle, Hi, Gandhi.
Good morning, Scary dive Diamond. There's that one. It's take

your Diamond to work day. Producer Sam at the tip
high Marty Scotti, B.

Speaker 4 (01:14):
What's going on? Scotty? Hello there?

Speaker 3 (01:16):
How are you and a foggy? Can you give us
a clue about your food news countdown?

Speaker 4 (01:23):
I'm stuck between different things right now.

Speaker 5 (01:25):
I just I found one thing, the uh, the most
purchased items at Costco. That's that's on the list, But
there could be others. Yeah, you have something a little
more dynamic.

Speaker 4 (01:38):
Yeah, we'll find something more. It was something more fun. Okay,
what are we doing here?

Speaker 3 (01:44):
Are we playing Swedish house Mafia. There you go, Swedish
House Mafia doing a show in Brooklyn this week. We
cant how do you like that? Hey, well, welcome to day.
Let's go talk to our first caller of the day.

It is Tom.

Speaker 4 (02:06):
Hey, Tom, good morning, Well, good morning.

Speaker 3 (02:10):
By the way, let me just let everyone know Tom
has a very very important job as a sanitation inspector. Look,
if it wasn't for you and the sanitation departments, we
would just come to a standstill. Thank you for what
you and all of your comrades do. Thank you so much.

Speaker 6 (02:26):
Very welcome, very welcome.

Speaker 3 (02:28):
Now, as a sanitation inspector, are you inspecting the things
that people are throwing away basically and where it's going?
As that was basically what it is.

Speaker 6 (02:38):
So pretty much we're just making sure that people are
putting out, putting out the garbage is correct, way right right,
not putting out you know, their entire kitchens when they're
regaling it to the barn.

Speaker 7 (02:53):
Now wait, wait, what do you give them?

Speaker 8 (02:55):
Like a fine? Or like what do you do if
you find that somebody's not doing the right thing?

Speaker 6 (03:00):
So yeah, we do, right, we do write tickets, but
we try to do you know, a warning at least first.

Speaker 4 (03:08):
That's a good way to do it.

Speaker 6 (03:10):
Let them know, like this is the rules. If you
do it again, then I'm gonna write your ticket.

Speaker 3 (03:15):
Now have you ever stopped by to pick up someone's
someone's garbage? And it's like like a woman tied up
in a chair, like sitting by the trash can take
its grandma?

Speaker 4 (03:26):
Can you take grandma?

Speaker 6 (03:29):
That actually has happened. Once where I am there was
a there was like a body in a barrel.

Speaker 3 (03:37):
It was it alive?

Speaker 6 (03:39):
No, it was like twenty years old.

Speaker 3 (03:41):
Oh yeah, it really lost it.

Speaker 6 (03:48):
I found thirty thousand dollars in the garbage once in
a plastic bag. No, now we gave it back.

Speaker 4 (03:55):
That was nice of you. So all sorts of things,
you know.

Speaker 3 (03:58):
I think about all the weird things you guys must
see every single day, and after a while it's like, oh,
like that, there's an there's an arm move on.

Speaker 4 (04:06):
Hold Tom.

Speaker 3 (04:07):
What you guys do and what the ladies and gentlemen
that do in all sanitation departments, thank you so much.
And of course here in New York City during during
snow would be.

Speaker 6 (04:16):
I'm actually out on Long Islands and Scotty Bees.

Speaker 4 (04:22):
It's beautiful out there.

Speaker 7 (04:23):
Well, God, I wonder what he throws out someone find out?

Speaker 6 (04:27):
Well, thank you for I just want to let you
guys know my my fiance is a huge, huge fanning guys,
so as am I. She's gonna freak out when he.

Speaker 3 (04:38):
Tell tell the guys when they roll by Scotty Bee's house,
it's usually just a bunch of old VHS porn tapes. Hey,
what do we have for our friend Tom out in
beautiful Long Well, Tom.

Speaker 9 (04:49):
We're gonna give you the Elvis strand in the Morning
Show t shirt, but your fiance gets the Elvis strand
of the Morning Show hoodie.

Speaker 4 (04:54):
Thanks to hereak out there. Thank you guys, puddas.

Speaker 3 (04:59):
Make me freak out to Tom. Thank you for all
you do. And you have a great day. And let's
get on with the best day of the week. It's Thursday,
and Gandhi, he's got four things, maybe maybe three things?

Speaker 4 (05:08):
Okay, we need to know how about three? Three's fine?
What's going on?

Speaker 10 (05:12):
TikTok says it will take legal action to try to
block new US legislation that could lead to it being banned.
President Biden signed a foreign aid bill into law on
Wednesday that forces its Chinese parent company to sell ownership
for national security reasons. TikTok's CEO responded saying, rest assured,
we aren't going anywhere. TikTok has won legal challenges in

the past, including blocking a Montana law that called for
a statewide ban, and twenty twenty, a federal judge ruled
an attempt by then President Trump to ban TikTok was
in fact unconstitutional. The US Department of Agriculture now says
that any dairy cows being transported across state lines must
be tested for bird flu. In March, an outbreak of
the bird flu was found in herds of dairy cows

for the first time, and just this week fragments of
the virus were found and pasteurized milk samples as well. Now,
the USDA says cows must undergo testing if they are
moved to a farm in a new state. So far,
just one person, a dairy worker in Texas, was infected
with a mild case of the virus. And finally, former
USC running back Reggie Bush is getting his two thousand

and five Heisman Trophy back. His trophy was taken away
in twenty ten after the NCAA impost sanctions on USC
foreign fractions, including Bush receiving improper benefits. The Heisman Trust
told ESPN that the reinstatement of his trophy comes at
a time when college athletes are now allowed to profit
from their name and likeness. And those are your three things.

Speaker 4 (06:35):
You guys ready for your Thursday.

Speaker 1 (06:38):
We need fifteen more minutes of Elvis Duran in the
Morning show.

Speaker 4 (06:41):
Good God, how do we cram all these people in
one room?

Speaker 1 (06:43):
The fifteen minute morning show podcast and extra fifteen minutes
of Elvis Listen on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you
get your podcasts Elvis Duran or the Morning Show.

Speaker 3 (06:53):
We have this great relationship with our friends at HelloFresh.
We have this relationship that it's a trusting relationship. You
can easily tell hello, fresh, look, you know I want
this meal.

Speaker 4 (07:03):
That meal.

Speaker 3 (07:03):
You can choose from over forty five different meals every week.
We trust them. Just send us what you want, right.

Speaker 11 (07:09):

Speaker 8 (07:09):
I got my box yesterday?

Speaker 11 (07:10):
Oh you did?

Speaker 3 (07:11):
Oh my god, happy days are here again. What did
you get? Did you open it?

Speaker 7 (07:16):
I did open it.

Speaker 8 (07:17):
I don't remember exactly, but I know there's like a
pasta dish with beef and there's a chicken dish, and
then there's there's always a taco something.

Speaker 7 (07:23):
They know I like tacos, I think yep.

Speaker 8 (07:25):
And of course got my cheesecake and key lime pie.

Speaker 4 (07:29):
You go girl.

Speaker 3 (07:31):
And you know what, you didn't tell them what to
send you. They just did it and you trusted them.
But if you want to tighten it down, you can.
You can take your pick from a rotating menu every
single week, or if you need to take off weeks
or they're so so so easy to work with, craving
for something new, get out of that recipe rut. Take
your pick from over forty five flavorful options every week

if you wish. And if you join Hello Fresh today,
just like Danielle, you get free dessert for life. Yes,
as long as you are subscribed and you get that box,
you get that free dessert. That active subscription equals free dessert.
Here's how you sign up. HelloFresh dot com slash Elvis.
That's HelloFresh dot com slash Elvis.

Speaker 1 (08:16):
Elvis Terran in the Morning show.

Speaker 3 (08:19):
When we get in here, let's talk about it. Let's
have a meeting, Okay, little meeting. Can we all talk
about how much we loved our dua lipa conversation yesterday.

Speaker 4 (08:28):
Wasn't she awesome?

Speaker 8 (08:29):
I just kept sitting here looking at how beautiful she is, Like.

Speaker 3 (08:33):
She's gorgeous, and she's like eight foot two with no heels.

Speaker 10 (08:37):
I had on heels and she was towering, towering above me.

Speaker 4 (08:41):
As well you did.

Speaker 8 (08:42):
She's not on my kit heels like nothing.

Speaker 3 (08:44):
But she just really had a fun, fun morning with us.
And I would love to give you a piece of
that interview.

Speaker 4 (08:50):
We hold on. There's kids running around.

Speaker 7 (08:53):
Take your kid to work everywhere?

Speaker 3 (08:55):
Oh, I thought it was my imagination. I'm like, did
you see that?

Speaker 4 (08:57):

Speaker 3 (08:58):
I didn't see a kid, Elvis, You're out of your mind.

Speaker 6 (09:00):
You know how.

Speaker 10 (09:00):
I don't usually get scared of things. I've walked around
the corner three times. I've been like, oh, what is happening?
Literally pop out of nowhere?

Speaker 3 (09:08):
Multiples I know, I mean, gonde, Please, let's have a child.

Speaker 10 (09:12):
Do what with it?

Speaker 7 (09:13):
What are we going to do with it?

Speaker 4 (09:14):
Well, we have to.

Speaker 3 (09:15):
Make a decision. Dogs or children?

Speaker 10 (09:18):
Come on, dogs.

Speaker 11 (09:19):
I'm allergic.

Speaker 3 (09:20):
I say dogs because everyone here that has children, they
seem very satisfied, very satisfied with mine.

Speaker 10 (09:27):
But a couple of the people that have kids none
of the ones that we've seen running around. Told me,
go for.

Speaker 8 (09:31):
Dogs every now and then you have a you know,
a clunker.

Speaker 3 (09:39):
Maybe this is This room is full of clonkers. I
said a meme to our friend late earlier. I have
puppies instead of children because I'd rather ruin my carpet
than my life.

Speaker 10 (09:50):
I think one ruins your carpet and your life.

Speaker 4 (09:52):
And I don't know.

Speaker 3 (09:54):
I see the kids running by, They're having fun, They're
giggling and laughing.

Speaker 7 (09:58):
It's not perfect.

Speaker 8 (09:59):
There's a a lot of ups and downs and a
lot of things that can happen. But at the end
of the day, it's very, very rewarding.

Speaker 4 (10:05):
But very rewarding.

Speaker 3 (10:06):
Down the road, yes, Garrett, Garrett brought his son to work.

Speaker 12 (10:10):
Yes, and we're already having the awkward interaction between Scary
and my son.

Speaker 3 (10:14):
So, oh, no, Scary, stay away from children.

Speaker 12 (10:18):
So he goes, Hudson, what are you five? And he goes,
I'm eight, And he goes, oh, do you want coffee?

Speaker 4 (10:27):
Can I Can I put you a drink?

Speaker 3 (10:31):

Speaker 11 (10:31):
No, kids make me nervous. I'm excited. I love kids,
but I don't know what to talk to them.

Speaker 4 (10:35):
And then just stay away from them and don't don't acknowledge.

Speaker 11 (10:36):
Them conversation, get into roadblocks?

Speaker 3 (10:40):
Are you into like you know, and then you know,
you know, I think if you force yourself into a
very very awkward conversation, it's awkward to just just treat
them like a human being and you're fine, Hey, good
to see you, Thanks for coming in today, kitty, you like, yeah,
what do you think.

Speaker 4 (10:59):
We use lu Yeah, prob So.

Speaker 5 (11:03):
You know, my son is going to be in New
York this summer and it's scary and scary things he's
hanging out with him, He's taking him out to the
clubs and doing this, and I'm I don't have any
idea what their plan is for the summer, but I'm
very afraid you shouldn't.

Speaker 11 (11:17):
Get prosing dude, where we go, where we hanging?

Speaker 3 (11:20):
Well, look it is take your your kid to work day.
That's cool. You know, if you're a little awkward around children,
young youngsters, just you know, just treat them like a person.
You don't have to like so little billy.

Speaker 8 (11:33):
Yeah, I don't anything scary.

Speaker 4 (11:36):
Would you like an edible?

Speaker 8 (11:37):

Speaker 9 (11:39):
They really need to give a warning to the people
that don't have kids, because we just let the expletives
fly around.

Speaker 4 (11:46):
So you're walking down the hallway. Not my problem, Not
my problem.

Speaker 8 (11:50):
If you're bringing your kid to this place, you just
got to know.

Speaker 3 (11:53):
If you gotta you're gonna bring him to the snake pit.
They gotta get bit yep, exactly, I'm not dreaming.

Speaker 4 (11:58):
Who I am?

Speaker 10 (11:59):
And then is the show piping out into the hallway
like it normally is. So if we're making fun of
the weird things that Scotty b does, is his daughter
hearing it?

Speaker 11 (12:06):

Speaker 7 (12:07):
Oh but she already knows, Scott.

Speaker 3 (12:09):
She already knows. She is well aware. Hey, Scott, I'm
so proud of you. Scotty actually went to a concert
last night by himself, Yes, and he had a great time.

Speaker 4 (12:18):
I did. Who'd you go see? I went to see
Ashley Cook. I love her. She's awesome. She's an up
and comer country artist and she came to Long Island
and it was great.

Speaker 8 (12:25):
I love that he realized that there's a whole country
world out there for him to like, you know, embrace.

Speaker 4 (12:31):
I was shocked.

Speaker 8 (12:32):
He loves country music. He didn't realize how much in
New York there is.

Speaker 3 (12:36):
But he's going to a live show by himself as well.

Speaker 8 (12:38):
You know well, you know why he went by himself.

Speaker 3 (12:40):
Right because he's single.

Speaker 8 (12:41):
No, because somebody poo pooed on him and was supposed
to go with him but didn't go.

Speaker 11 (12:46):
Yeah, you know why I can't stay in his house.

Speaker 4 (12:50):
He's got a dog that runs all over but I
disinfected and he's not there. And a vacuum. No dog's linger.
No matter what, I really.

Speaker 11 (12:58):
Got it, I got it.

Speaker 4 (12:58):
I'm with you, Nate.

Speaker 3 (13:00):
You could have headed out up there the Garden City Inn.

Speaker 4 (13:05):
The Comac Motor into the jungle rooms. Jungle room.

Speaker 3 (13:09):
Yeah, just get into the horse cost produce your sam
Who are you doing your horse coup? Twet news Thursday,
Froggy eure up?

Speaker 4 (13:16):
All right.

Speaker 5 (13:17):
If you celebrated birthday today, you are celebrating with al
Pacino and Renee Zellweger. Capricorn. Expect to shine in group settings.
Your ideas spark interest and could lead to exciting collaborations.
Your Days of six Aquarius.

Speaker 13 (13:30):
Your hard work is what got you here in the
first place, so don't start doubting it now.

Speaker 5 (13:34):
Your Days of nine Pisces. If you don't seek out
new experiences, they won't know where to find you.

Speaker 4 (13:39):
You're days an.

Speaker 13 (13:39):
Eight Ooh, Aries, it's time to say no to someone.
Your continuous help might be doing damage.

Speaker 4 (13:44):
Your days an eight Taurus.

Speaker 5 (13:45):
Your adaptability will be tested today. Stay flexible and you'll
soon be on the other side of this issue. Your
day's a nine Gemini.

Speaker 13 (13:52):
Your gut is usually right, so trust it next time
it speaks up.

Speaker 5 (13:55):
Your days is heaven cancer. Don't make a decision while
while in an emotional state. Step back and wait to settle.
Your day's an eight hey Leo.

Speaker 13 (14:03):
Creativity deserves to be nurtured. Dedicating a little bit of
time to it will heal you more than you'd expect.

Speaker 4 (14:09):
Your day's a nine Virgo.

Speaker 5 (14:11):
You can't judge someone else's brand of pain from your
life experiences. Have extra empathy today. Your day's a seven Olivra.

Speaker 13 (14:18):
There's a difference between being kind and being a pushover.
Stand your ground, but with a smile.

Speaker 5 (14:22):
Your days of six Scorpios. Sometimes things blow over, and
sometimes they harden. Say what you need to say. Your
day's a five La. Blowing and hardening what are already
We'll read that again, Scorpio. Sometimes things blow over and
sometimes they harden. Say what you need to say. Your
day's a five.

Speaker 3 (14:42):
Okay, less go on and vitally.

Speaker 13 (14:45):
Lastly, Sagittarius, make plans with someone you love in mind,
the gesture will go far. Your day's of ten and
those are Thursday morning horoscopes.

Speaker 3 (14:52):
We just got our menus to breakfast? Are we getting
the crab cakes?

Speaker 1 (14:57):

Speaker 10 (14:57):
I think it's a singular crab cake for five dollars
and ninety nine cents.

Speaker 3 (15:02):
Seems like a good deal. In the crab cake, maybe
it's big.

Speaker 10 (15:04):
There's also a little worse sandwich. Did anybody want one to?

Speaker 14 (15:10):

Speaker 3 (15:11):
Yeah, I don't know if I want a crab cake
or a liverwurst sandwich for breakfast.

Speaker 6 (15:15):
I think we.

Speaker 10 (15:15):
Should try, at the very least.

Speaker 3 (15:17):
You You try it, all right, Danielle, What are you
coming up?

Speaker 8 (15:21):
Beyonce surprises a young fan and why did Owen Wilson
turn down millions?

Speaker 1 (15:26):
Waking Up in the morning, Elvis Dan in the Morning Show.

Speaker 3 (15:30):
Wendy's new Cinnabon pull Apart is here to satisfy morning
cravings with its warm, sweet cinnamon sugar rolled dough, oohy
gouey texture and signature cream cheese frosting. Get the best
part in every bite. This Morning with Wendy's new Cinnabon
pull apart only at participating us Wendy's.

Speaker 1 (15:47):
Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 4 (15:49):
It's weird.

Speaker 3 (15:50):
I mean, I don't use a curling iron, but I
have like a current.

Speaker 4 (15:53):
Oh my god, it's bleeding.

Speaker 3 (15:54):
What look I have a curling iron looking burn on
my I.

Speaker 10 (16:00):
Was wondering about that the other day.

Speaker 4 (16:01):
It came from a pan.

Speaker 3 (16:03):
I was cooking eggs the other day and I went
and I.

Speaker 10 (16:07):
What did you do? Did you scratch it?

Speaker 15 (16:09):
I don't know?

Speaker 7 (16:10):
Did you see what I did?

Speaker 4 (16:12):
What did you do?

Speaker 1 (16:13):

Speaker 8 (16:13):
I opened a cardboard box with my nail instead of
getting like a pair of scissors or something, and it
got I got a big, big cut, I guess, a
cardboard cut instead of a paper cut.

Speaker 7 (16:23):
And god, so infected.

Speaker 8 (16:25):
I had to call our friends in a hackensack yesterday
and get them to thankfully get me into see a
hand doctor who put me in an antibiotic because it.

Speaker 4 (16:32):
Was how are you doing now?

Speaker 1 (16:33):

Speaker 7 (16:33):
Look at it?

Speaker 3 (16:34):
No, don't take that off, bee, I know, Scotty Nate, what.

Speaker 4 (16:40):
Are you doing? You're putting gloves on? Are you gonna eat?
Are you eating chicken wings?

Speaker 10 (16:43):
He used to be a medic.

Speaker 4 (16:45):
Now he's a menace.

Speaker 10 (16:47):
Yes, now he's a menace bleeding. When I saw that yesterday,
I thought that looks like a typical restaurant scar. Everybody
who's worked in a restaurants that same scar.

Speaker 4 (16:55):
I am so the bear.

Speaker 10 (16:56):
You are the bear?

Speaker 4 (16:57):
What do you do?

Speaker 3 (16:58):
What are you gonna like cram those up my butt?
What are you doing with your.

Speaker 11 (17:02):
We got some sav here, some appointments.

Speaker 4 (17:05):
Well, thank you, Nate. You are very carefus.

Speaker 11 (17:07):
You have the cure comb, the orange stuff.

Speaker 3 (17:09):
We used to call that monkey blood.

Speaker 11 (17:11):
I got an antiseptic towel light you ready?

Speaker 4 (17:13):

Speaker 10 (17:14):
Oh no, it's gonna hurt.

Speaker 4 (17:15):
No, I.

Speaker 3 (17:17):
Don't know why? Why why the big to do over this?

Speaker 4 (17:20):
Oh yeah, there you go. Yeah, just clean that up.

Speaker 10 (17:22):
Yeah, well you didn't even yell.

Speaker 3 (17:27):
I work with you this. This is no pay whatsoever.
You are like an aceptic. Go to wound. Yeah, put
a bandage on it. Thank you, Nate.

Speaker 4 (17:39):
Quite welcome.

Speaker 3 (17:40):
Yeah, okay, so I burned this on a pan making
scrambled eggs on Monday. This is Thursday, and it's getting
it's like.

Speaker 4 (17:49):
You got quite hairy hands. I'm not sure if it's
gonna stick. It's gonna hands.

Speaker 3 (17:53):
Didn't he used to do morning he was the sports guy. Okay,
what this.

Speaker 10 (17:58):
Would have been a perfect moment for the Connair girl bomb.

Speaker 4 (18:00):
I could have.

Speaker 10 (18:00):
Turned you right up.

Speaker 4 (18:03):
You could have trimmed my wound.

Speaker 10 (18:04):
No, I turn around it so the band aid sticks.

Speaker 4 (18:06):
It's gonna. It's sticking. Okay, it's fine, it's all good.
Thank you. They're very kind of you.

Speaker 7 (18:10):
You're so nice.

Speaker 10 (18:10):
You would make a good I.

Speaker 1 (18:12):
Don't know what.

Speaker 3 (18:12):
What if I had a blister on my butt, I.

Speaker 11 (18:15):
Take care of that. Bend over. Those are painful.

Speaker 4 (18:18):
I get those. Oh my god, I didn't know so much. God.

Speaker 3 (18:22):
It is take your kids to work day, and it
is nice to see all the iHeart employees and a
DJ Envy from Power went five.

Speaker 4 (18:29):
Yeah, just brought his family down.

Speaker 7 (18:30):
He bought three of them.

Speaker 3 (18:31):
He's I know, yeah, cool kids.

Speaker 11 (18:33):

Speaker 4 (18:33):
Oh they're so cute and you know, scary.

Speaker 3 (18:35):
I just took my own advice. I talked to them
like they're human beings. I don't talk to them like
their little kids.

Speaker 11 (18:40):
I'm gonna do that. I'm taking that advice. I'm gonna
speak to them the way I speak to you guys.

Speaker 3 (18:43):
Because you know, keep in mind, an eight or ten
year old today isn't anything like an eight or ten
year old when you were eight or ten years old.
Much more advanced than all of us combined. So anyway,
so when you see the little the little kiddos walking
around the hallway, speak to them as their adults. You
can do it, all right, Danielle, you ready to go? Sure,

look at this.

Speaker 4 (19:06):
I'm all bandaged up and ready for Danielle for your court.

Speaker 7 (19:08):
Oh, because Nate took some nice care.

Speaker 4 (19:10):
Thank you, Nate, I much appreciated.

Speaker 8 (19:12):
I love that.

Speaker 4 (19:12):
Thank you. All right, Dan, all right, you ready?

Speaker 16 (19:14):
All right?

Speaker 8 (19:15):
So Beyonce surprised a two year old fan with roses
and a stuffed unicorn after seeing his viral TikTok so.
In the video, he says to his mom, where is Beyonce?

Speaker 7 (19:26):
And can I meet her? Because she's my friend.

Speaker 8 (19:29):
No, of course, if it was a you know, a
like a fifty year old man that said that, she
probably wouldn't be sending him a unicorn. But this is
a two year old, so she knows it's okay, and
so she sent him unicard.

Speaker 3 (19:40):
It's so unicorn from Beyonce.

Speaker 7 (19:43):
Well, I don't know if that would happen. So maybe
you're two year olds.

Speaker 3 (19:47):
I don't know what well challenges on Danielle.

Speaker 7 (19:49):
Okay, let's talk about Owen Wilson.

Speaker 8 (19:51):
So he was looking at a role and it was
basically a spoof on everything with OJ Simpson, and he
would have taking the lead role. And it was a
movie about how OJ didn't do it. They were offering
him twelve million dollars to do this, and he turned
it down and he said, if you think I'm gonna

take a lead role about how OJ didn't do it,
you've got to be kidding me.

Speaker 3 (20:16):
Okay, So yes, probably a wise.

Speaker 8 (20:18):
US decision, I think so definitely.

Speaker 4 (20:20):
So after John you would have done it.

Speaker 1 (20:21):
Yeah, it's just acting.

Speaker 10 (20:23):
It doesn't mean you believe in.

Speaker 8 (20:24):
It, which you know how perception is reality out there.
After two years the broadcasting from the Prudential Center in Newark,
New Jersey, the MTV Music Awards are returning to New
York and they will be in New York State at
the UBS Arena in Queens, which is awesome. They're gonna
be going down September tenth. Now, the rumor is that

they scheduled it the date they scheduled it, so that
Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey can go to the awards
if they want to. Because the date is a Tuesday,
Travis won't have an NFL game, Taylor's tour will be
taking a break.

Speaker 7 (21:00):
So that is the rumor. I'm just littly hilarious.

Speaker 10 (21:03):
So they do all that, they still don't show up,
could you imagine?

Speaker 8 (21:06):
And by the way, while promoting his own music, he
was checking out some podcasts Machine Gun Kelly. They said,
all right, name three mean things about Taylor Swift and Rashinako.

Speaker 7 (21:16):
Kelly was like, you are.

Speaker 8 (21:17):
Out of your freaking mind if you think I'm gonna
smoke with any of those Swifties. In oh way, he said,
Taylor is a saint, and Taylor is very nice to me.
And let's talk about Taylor's ex Joe. In one of
her songs, you know, she talks about the pub in
London that he likes to hang out in, the Black Dog. Well,
everybody is going to the black Dog now, and so

the owner of the Black Dog saying it is challenging
because all the Swifties have been showing up. But we're happy.
We're happy with the attention. Everything is cool, and you know,
they're making extra money, so you know, Taylor did something
good for them. Saturday Night Live earned record ratings with
Ryan Goslin as the host on April thirteenth. I'm sure

most of us in this room have seen how fun
some of the skits were, where some of the people
just couldn't even keep it together and they were cracking
up laughing the whole time. The April thirteenth episode was
the most watched since Billie Eilish hosted December of twenty
twenty one. So that's pretty damn cool. And what are
we watching? It's the first round of the twenty twenty
four NFL Draft. You've got Dead Boy Detectives over run Netflix,

the second season premiere of Velma on Max and also
so helped me Todd and Elsbeth.

Speaker 7 (22:25):
And that is my Danielle report.

Speaker 3 (22:26):
I've been to the Black Dog, have you?

Speaker 4 (22:28):

Speaker 3 (22:29):
It sounded familiar, okay, and I checked it out. Yeah,
it means I'm as swifty.

Speaker 4 (22:33):
You're a swifty absolutely.

Speaker 3 (22:36):
Anyway you cut me, anyway you slice me, you get
a swifty. Hey, I do you have any games?

Speaker 4 (22:40):

Speaker 17 (22:41):

Speaker 10 (22:41):
I do?

Speaker 4 (22:41):
What do you have?

Speaker 10 (22:42):
So we've been talking a lot about celebrity beef, and
I went and found a bunch of songs that were
written about other celebrities that some people were beefing with.
There's one on there that's not beef, but the majority
is all good.

Speaker 3 (22:54):
I'm just afraid you're gonna do a contest about songs
written about meat.

Speaker 10 (22:57):
Oh I could have done that, all right.

Speaker 3 (22:59):
Songs about celebrities doesn't have to be beefy, but celebrities.

Speaker 4 (23:02):
Yeah, all right.

Speaker 3 (23:03):
You need to know your music. You need to know
your celebrities. Called Diamond now one eight hundred and two
four two zero, one.

Speaker 1 (23:08):
Hundred The Mercedes Benz Interview Lounge.

Speaker 3 (23:11):
Lenny Kravitz, You and I are about the same age.
I don't know why you look so great, unclect hammered.

Speaker 8 (23:17):
Do you guys need to ask you what your secret is?

Speaker 1 (23:19):
He dropped it earlier. He had water and we're taking
shouts with UTOA.

Speaker 4 (23:22):
I want to hang out with you, guys. What makes
a Mercedes Benz easy different?

Speaker 3 (23:27):
The electric is what gets you there, But Mercedes is
what moves you like no other automaker can. The vehicles
are all electric, the feeling is all Mercedes. The choice
is all yours. Burn more at MBUSA dot com slash eq.

Speaker 1 (23:40):
Elvis Terran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 8 (23:42):
Time is running out to save on your Disney summer vacation.
If you want to score adult tickets at child prices,
you need Undercovertaurists dot com. They're an authorized seller of
Disney tickets to both Walt Disney World and Disneyland. These
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Speaker 18 (24:05):
Hey, this is listened to my full interview with Elvis
Hurra on demand on the iHeartRadio app or wherever you
get your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (24:17):
Elvis da Ran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 3 (24:18):
We did have a great conversation with du Alipa yesterday,
all about her new album coming out and all about
all sorts of things. And I'll give you a little
taste of Dua Lipa in it just a few minutes. Anyway,
we really loved hanging out with her. If you saw
the photos of us with du Aleipa online, yes, it's true.
She is like eight feet tall.

Speaker 7 (24:35):
That red hair. Man, it's so tempting. Man, do so
redder like that?

Speaker 8 (24:39):
Yeah, but you know what the maintenance for that is.
It's insane. She talks about and your bathtub and your
it always looks like a massacre.

Speaker 4 (24:46):
Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 3 (24:48):
Well, if you'renna have a bloody blood scene, you might
as well just really just kill people now. Sorry, officer,
that was me doing my head. Yeah, do a lipa.
We'll give you a taste of that and you can
listen to it on the iHeart radio app to make
sure you have that rolling on your phone. Hey, Yes,
what a great day. New York City was just beautiful.
And I worked out. I worked out not far from
Union Square, and I decided to walk home downtown. But

I took a different route, which we always encouraged each
other to do. Went down through the West Village. I
love the West Village in New York City. It's still
by far my favorite neighborhood. Right, went over to Mama's too,
got a slice. The line was pretty long, but I waited.
I had no hurry, kept walking. Went to il Molino
Prime down on the north West Broadway. Had a glass

of Barbersco.

Speaker 10 (25:35):
Had a nice little afternoon.

Speaker 4 (25:36):
I did so.

Speaker 3 (25:37):
I had a little little pizza in me little wine,
went home, took a nap with my dog.

Speaker 7 (25:41):
I love it.

Speaker 4 (25:41):
It was a great day.

Speaker 8 (25:42):
See I did the opposite. I took a nap with
the cats first.

Speaker 4 (25:45):

Speaker 8 (25:46):
Then I got up from the nap and to wake
myself up, I went for my walk.

Speaker 3 (25:49):
So I backloaded with dogs and you you front loaded
with puss. Yeah, exactly. Well, Hello, I love kitty cats.
They're good nappers.

Speaker 18 (25:59):

Speaker 4 (26:00):
I'll tell you.

Speaker 3 (26:00):
We have been talking a lot about celebrities and beef.
We talk about celebrities all the time, but it was
it yesterday. We had that long conversation.

Speaker 10 (26:08):
Yeah, a couple days ago about all the people who
are fighting with each other right now. You're all fighting
and making songs about it. Love it. We love to
be in on the drama.

Speaker 4 (26:15):
Well, so Gandhi had an idea.

Speaker 10 (26:17):
Yes, so these songs, most of them are about celebrity beef.
But they're all definitely written about a celebrity. So all
you have to do is guess the artist who is singing.
Maybe an extra point if you can guess the beef,
and if not, we'll tell you why.

Speaker 3 (26:31):
Let's do it. Let's go talk to Emily. Oh, Emily, Yes, Emily,
my favorite, my favorite name from Devilware's Prada.

Speaker 4 (26:41):
Emily. You've seen it.

Speaker 6 (26:43):
Right, Yes, I have seen I love devil Blaa.

Speaker 4 (26:47):
I know.

Speaker 3 (26:50):
Oh, bless you. Hey, so you know your music more
than you know your celebrity beef. That's good news. All
you have to do is Ghani just told you is
identify the artist who performs the song. But if you
can tell us who the song is about, allegedly allegedly,
then you get double your pleasure. Okay, here we go, Emily,

here it is. It's now time for songs about celebs.
Number one?

Speaker 1 (27:18):
Why is sob sesquently.

Speaker 4 (27:23):
Lie not just Saxon right?

Speaker 3 (27:26):
Named the artist?

Speaker 4 (27:27):

Speaker 1 (27:29):

Speaker 8 (27:29):
I want to.

Speaker 6 (27:33):
I'm probably wrong? Is it Mariah Carey?

Speaker 4 (27:37):
Absolutely? Now?

Speaker 3 (27:39):
Who is obsessed allegedly.

Speaker 4 (27:42):
About that one?

Speaker 14 (27:46):
I'm unsure who they were obsessed about?

Speaker 10 (27:50):
Yeah, oh, this was a good one. She allegedly wrote
that song about Eminem because there was some stuff going
on between the two of them. He made some tracks
about her. She said, you're obsse with me? What is
going on? And then he made another song, actually playing
one of her voicemails to him in the song, it.

Speaker 4 (28:05):
Was there you go?

Speaker 3 (28:06):
Did you know that we love? We love the backstory? Hey, Froggy,
those cheese crackers sound delicious? Didn't you hear the rapper
sounds delicious?

Speaker 4 (28:20):
Or peanut butter crackers.

Speaker 6 (28:21):
What are they?

Speaker 3 (28:22):
There's an awesome Okay, so but Emily, you got a
point because you figured it out obsessed of course, Jack Cary.
All right, here's songs about celeb's number two. That was
Taylor Swift. That didn't take long. Now do you know
who the who?

Speaker 6 (28:42):
The bad blood the beef with her and Kanye.

Speaker 10 (28:48):
Dis track? This one was about Katy Perry.

Speaker 3 (28:50):
Katy Perry allegedly. Least you got the the Taylor Swift
part right, all right, here we go. Songs about there
you go?

Speaker 4 (28:59):
So now you know? All right?

Speaker 3 (29:00):
So h Songs about celebs number three? Who's this?

Speaker 4 (29:11):
All right?

Speaker 6 (29:12):

Speaker 4 (29:12):
Who is that song? By mm hmm Marie Cyrus?

Speaker 3 (29:21):
Yes, oh my god, you got that right.

Speaker 18 (29:26):
More than I be.

Speaker 3 (29:27):
That's okay, Well, now you're about to learn about the beef.
It's a song called seven Things. Do you know who
she sung it about?

Speaker 4 (29:32):
Allegedly No, No.

Speaker 10 (29:37):
Gandhi when I was really mad at Nick Nick.

Speaker 3 (29:40):
Jonas allegedly allegedly. All right, but you got mighty Cyrus right,
all right. Songs about celebs number four? So wow, what
a great song. I didn't know that was about someone
who was the artist by the way, is it ed Sheering?

Speaker 4 (30:01):
No, no, no, no, no, that's okay, Danielle. Who's that?

Speaker 7 (30:07):
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (30:07):
Lenny Kravitz.

Speaker 10 (30:08):
Oh, allegedly about Lisa Bonet.

Speaker 3 (30:15):
They were having a rough spot. All right, all right,
we're learning a lot today. All right, Celebrity number five.

Speaker 4 (30:21):
But you Justin Bieber?

Speaker 7 (30:27):
Can we play that?

Speaker 3 (30:27):
That sounds so I love it?

Speaker 11 (30:28):

Speaker 4 (30:28):
Get that? Get that right? All right?

Speaker 11 (30:31):

Speaker 3 (30:31):
What do you mean by Justin Bieber?

Speaker 14 (30:32):

Speaker 3 (30:33):
Allegedly it was about whom?

Speaker 18 (30:37):
Is it?

Speaker 16 (30:38):

Speaker 4 (30:41):
You got an extra point? Thank you for the.

Speaker 3 (30:45):
All right, here we go. Celebrity number six?

Speaker 4 (30:47):
Who is Yeah?

Speaker 3 (30:52):
I heard you say, Gwen ste funny allegedly about what
other artists? You whoa?

Speaker 4 (31:00):
How did you know that?

Speaker 6 (31:02):

Speaker 8 (31:02):
Because I know my Gwen Stephanie.

Speaker 4 (31:04):
How I know it's just about bananas? Okay, good for you.

Speaker 10 (31:09):
I'm sure that there is. I just know that it
was written about Courtney Love because Courtney Love apparently was
talking some smacking. Gwen replied with.

Speaker 7 (31:14):
A song, how did you talk smack about?

Speaker 14 (31:16):

Speaker 7 (31:16):
She's one of the nicest people in the world.

Speaker 10 (31:18):
Courtney Love finds.

Speaker 4 (31:19):
Ways here you all right? Here we go? Uh, Celebrity
number seven Swiss Swiss Fish. Remember that song?

Speaker 1 (31:35):
Is that Katy Perry?

Speaker 3 (31:37):
Yeah, allegedly it was a beef about absolutely.

Speaker 10 (31:46):
Are killing it, Emily.

Speaker 3 (31:47):
You know there's a lot of beef songs involving Katy Perry.

Speaker 4 (31:51):
Now what was the story about.

Speaker 10 (31:52):
Well, Taylor Swift and her apparently got into a little
bit of a tiff about some touring issues with backup dancers,
and that's where bad blood came from, and then came
Perry responded.

Speaker 3 (32:00):
With it was like it was like the dancing mushroom.

Speaker 10 (32:03):
Or something something.

Speaker 8 (32:04):
Supposedly, everything is fine now though that they've squashed the beef.

Speaker 4 (32:07):
They squashed the swish.

Speaker 10 (32:09):
Yes, and all of this is a legend.

Speaker 3 (32:10):
Yeah, it's a legend. All right, here we go, Celebrity
number eight. Le's see who this is. No, no, it
was John Legend.

Speaker 10 (32:22):
This is not beef.

Speaker 4 (32:24):
It's not beef.

Speaker 10 (32:25):
Yeah, it's actually positive Christy taking his wife.

Speaker 4 (32:29):
It's about Chrissy. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (32:30):
Ah, so it's not about beef. It's just about celebrities
and their relationships. Yes, all right, we got two more ago.
You're doing very well. By the way, Emily, who's this?

Speaker 4 (32:49):
I do not know that.

Speaker 6 (32:50):
One about that that.

Speaker 15 (32:53):
I don't know that one.

Speaker 4 (32:55):
It was a little beefy, a little maybe, no, maybe
it was a good one. It was.

Speaker 3 (33:01):
It was actually cold Play and fix You. Yeah about
this is gonna be mad that I missed Coldplay about
Gwyneth Paltrow.

Speaker 10 (33:07):
Yeah, apparently after her father died, she was very sad,
so he.

Speaker 3 (33:11):
Was, oh, yeah, I love Coldplay. All right, Well we
didn't get that, right, but you'll get this and right,
who's this man?

Speaker 8 (33:18):
How got you another great song?

Speaker 3 (33:25):
I do not know I got you on? That is
Ellie Goulding? But who was it about?

Speaker 10 (33:33):
Allegedly Allegedly it was her response to Ed Sheeron's song
that was allegedly about her called Don't Oh Wow.

Speaker 8 (33:39):
Yeah, I trusted Sharon.

Speaker 4 (33:44):
And there you go?

Speaker 3 (33:45):
So you got a lot? How many did she get?

Speaker 4 (33:46):
There, Nate? She got enough? And I'm in a generous mood.
How many did she get?

Speaker 14 (33:51):

Speaker 4 (33:51):
I think she got what six?

Speaker 10 (33:53):
She got? So nine total points because we were giving
her extra extra bonuses for the beef. Yeah, I get
the beef, so be generous.

Speaker 11 (34:02):
Yeah, happy to be generous.

Speaker 4 (34:03):
How about a five hundred dollars cash gift card?

Speaker 14 (34:04):

Speaker 3 (34:06):
Yeah, a five hundred dollars cash gift car thanks to
Danielle's cats. Yes, and your Delectable's Wet Cat treats.

Speaker 8 (34:14):
Last night they were begging for it, and Sheldon said
to me, you know, they know those delectables are in
the other room. I said, I know they do, I said,
but they're not getting them right now. They're going to
have to be patient and wait.

Speaker 3 (34:24):
They have those ligable squeeze up treats. But we need
these humans really good.

Speaker 6 (34:29):
I'll have to get some of those for her cat.

Speaker 3 (34:31):
There you go right, you know it'll help your sister
bond with her cats a little more.

Speaker 8 (34:35):
She did you some of your gift cards for that
for your sister. You're very nice.

Speaker 3 (34:38):
Spend all five hundred dollars on your Delectable's Wet Cat treats.
Thank you for listening to assembly. You did great.

Speaker 6 (34:44):
Listen y'all every morning. I love it.

Speaker 3 (34:46):
You have a beautiful weekend or beautiful day. It's almost
the weekend. Hold on, that was a great contest.

Speaker 4 (34:50):
I love it.

Speaker 10 (34:50):
Gun Oh, I'm glad you liked it.

Speaker 4 (34:51):
And you know what, I've been.

Speaker 3 (34:53):
Just a lot of songs out there by artists that
we love that our beef but we don't know.

Speaker 10 (34:57):
Oh yeah, and they'll lie about it. They'll never admit it.

Speaker 4 (35:00):

Speaker 3 (35:01):
Spend some time with Dua Leapa yesterday coming up in
a few minutes. I'm just give you a taste of
that and tell you how you can hear the entire interview.
Also have a thousand dollars free money phone tap coming out.

Speaker 1 (35:09):
What's up y'all on Beyonce? Hi, I'm Sam Smith. This
is Stevie Rexah, this.

Speaker 4 (35:15):
Jeron on the Morning Show. Let's get into three things
we need to know from Gandhi.

Speaker 10 (35:19):
All right, let's do it.

Speaker 3 (35:20):
Wait till the sound Oh there, now it's right, Okay,
go mama.

Speaker 10 (35:25):
All right. It looks like New York State is leading
the charge and keeping landline phones. How many people here
have a landline?

Speaker 3 (35:31):
I still do want to because I have a really
bad cell service.

Speaker 10 (35:35):
Okay, so you need it, well, you're one of many
in this state. A new survey by the Chamber of
Commerce shows that New York State leads the country in
percentage of landline phones, with the National Center of Health
Statistics reporting that over fifty two percent of New Yorker's
say they still own a fixed line. New Jersey is
a close second. As the study was concluded, the population
in these states is a bit older than the rest
of the country, and seniors are apparently the most likely

to still keep a landline phone in their homes. Jones,
I hope you heard that.

Speaker 11 (36:01):
What about them? I'm gonna keep my lining.

Speaker 10 (36:03):
Yeah, you and the seniors, it says he like me.

Speaker 3 (36:09):
Hey, you know what, at least the sor can make
a phone call.

Speaker 10 (36:11):
Why not? You can get out of You can make
a call if you need to.

Speaker 11 (36:14):

Speaker 10 (36:15):
A woman in New Jersey is getting a second chance
at life thanks to surgeons at NYU Lango in Hospital.
The patient was suffering from extreme kidney and heart failure
and she couldn't get a traditional transplant well. Earlier this month,
she got the first ever combined implant of a heart
pump and a genetically modified pig kidney. Doctors describe her
kidney functions so far as perfect. Doctors also say she

still faces plenty of rehab, and they add that they
can't put a specific time frame on the survivability, but
so far they are encouraged. Nate, you have a part
of a cow, and you read that's correct?

Speaker 4 (36:48):
Which part of the cow do you have? In there.
It's heart valve. Okay, just checking.

Speaker 7 (36:52):
This is great.

Speaker 10 (36:53):
And finally, it looks like TikTok claims they will take
legal action to try and block the new US legislation
that could lead to it being banned. As we know,
President Biden signed a foreign aid bill until on Wednesday
that also forces the Chinese parent company of TikTok to
sell ownership for national security reasons. This looks like it
could go back and forth for a while, so we'll
see what happens. And those are your three things.

Speaker 1 (37:15):
You know.

Speaker 3 (37:16):
I have this obsession about boxer Ryan Garcia, right, I'm
obsessed over.

Speaker 10 (37:21):
This guyings about by.

Speaker 3 (37:23):
The way, I've been following him for several years s
but now I mean it's lit. And so he is
engaged to a I believe porn star yes to be
married ring on her finger. But he was just spotted
in Miami walking around town holding hands with two different women.

Speaker 4 (37:41):
Can noodling, cannudling.

Speaker 3 (37:43):
But this is my favorite one, Danielle. I don't know
if you saw this in the post yesterday. He's holding
hands with this other woman who's beautiful. They're on the beach.
He's walking around in the sand in black socks.

Speaker 8 (37:55):
Dear lord, somebody needs to talk to him.

Speaker 10 (37:57):
That's usually how you can spot New Yorkers. A beach
in South Florida is sneakers and song.

Speaker 8 (38:02):
You remember scary he had on those big, like metal
toad shoes.

Speaker 3 (38:06):
Oh god, on the sand, I don't know what would
it be comfortable walking on sand on a beach in
black socks.

Speaker 4 (38:15):
It just seemed weird.

Speaker 10 (38:16):
It seems like they would really gather a lot of
sand in the sock and make it more difficult.

Speaker 8 (38:20):
But I love That's what we're talking about, not the
fact that he's cheating, possibly on.

Speaker 10 (38:25):
I don't know what's going on in their relationship. Maybe
it's open, maybe they're not engaged anymore.

Speaker 4 (38:30):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (38:30):
But the black sow thing it really once again, it
just it nails it down for me. I'm in love
with this guy. No, but he'd post the best videos
every day. He sings along with his with his homies,
and they're like talking about how he just made thirty
million in his last fight, and we don't know if
that's right, but I'm sure he did.

Speaker 10 (38:47):
He has that look you like, you like, a very
specific look.

Speaker 3 (38:51):
Well, what black socks on a beach.

Speaker 10 (38:53):
No, I think how have you described it for? You
said a little a little cave manny and the forehead
to the.

Speaker 3 (38:58):
Note, and I didn't say that. I did not say that.

Speaker 1 (39:03):
Okay, ever, wondered what we look like? Do you think
I look in bread? I do follow us on Instagram
at Elvis Duran Show Elvis Duran in the Morning Show,
Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 3 (39:17):
Yes, we do have a thousand dollars free money phone
tap on the way, hang on, let's revisit yesterday. Shall
we do a lipa late in the show. And the
reason why we're visiting the interview now is because this
is early in the show and if you're listening now,
you probably didn't hear they do alipa interview. We had
a lot of fun with her. What do you think, Danielle?

Speaker 8 (39:34):
My gosh, I loved her. She was beautiful and funny
and she was happy and she's so talented. So I
loved her. Yes, ah the above, Yeah, I thought it
was great.

Speaker 4 (39:43):
What about you? Gandhi?

Speaker 10 (39:44):
Danielle took all the words I have nothing left. She
was all of those adjectives.

Speaker 7 (39:47):
She is right.

Speaker 3 (39:48):
She has a new album, new album, all the way
and so we celebrated that. The way she writes music everything,
you know, let me just give you a look at
little a little a little boopy doop. Okay, a little boob,
a little boopy boop.

Speaker 1 (40:02):

Speaker 3 (40:03):
You can hear the whole thing if you listen to
our show on demand, Elvis during morning show on demand.
So if you want to hear the whole thing, it
is there. It's like eighteen twenty minutes long. How long
is it? Seventeen minutes long? Wow, we'll give you a
little bit right now here we go. Who you were
with Seth Myers and you got a tattoo?

Speaker 9 (40:21):

Speaker 3 (40:21):
Were you really day drinking with Seth Myers?

Speaker 18 (40:24):
I knows I day drinking.

Speaker 4 (40:26):
I got blackout?

Speaker 3 (40:28):
Okay, good. What was your cocktail of choice?

Speaker 4 (40:30):
I forgot?

Speaker 18 (40:31):
Well, unfortunately it was like an involuntary cocktail of rum, vodka,
jin tequito, oh my gosh, and all of the above. Well,
it was a blast. We had the best time, but
I should have paced myself. Well, I was like, I
was like I can handle this, I can drink, and
it kind of backfire.

Speaker 3 (40:52):
It looked like a fun day. But is alreay getting
a tattoo?

Speaker 6 (40:54):

Speaker 3 (40:54):
We did, Is this your first tattoo?

Speaker 18 (40:56):
No, okay, it's my twenty okay, whoa, I've got a couple,
but they're all quite small, so I have lots on
my hands.

Speaker 3 (41:04):
And I wasn't looking. I'm still I'm almost sixty years old.
I still don't have my first tattoo because I can't
make up my mind.

Speaker 18 (41:12):
But don't do it.

Speaker 4 (41:15):
I want to do it. I want to do it's
cooler without No, it's not.

Speaker 18 (41:19):
Yeah, I mean you haveler. Yeah, because now I've like started,
so I might as well carry on. But if you
don't have any, it's almost like more rare not to
have any. So just I wouldn't even start. Just one.
You would put a look at my boobs, so my
boobs start to fall toward the ground.

Speaker 4 (41:37):
Kinky boobs? Absolutely, why not?

Speaker 1 (41:41):

Speaker 3 (41:41):
Then we went on to talk about the reason she
came to see us. Of course, the album. The album
is radical optimism. What is the album?

Speaker 6 (41:49):

Speaker 3 (41:49):
I mean, talk about radical optimism? What is it? I
know that's a stupid kind of broad based question, but.

Speaker 18 (41:56):
Radical optimism to me is a term that was introduced
through a friend of mine, and it basically resonated with
me through the whole time I was writing the record,
which is about resilience. It's about rolling with the punches.
It's about when things don't go your way of keeping
like an optimistic mindset. It's thinking about when something goes wrong,

how you feel like a week later, a month later,
and you look at things in hindsight or with perspective
and you go, oh, like, I can't believe I was
that worried about this thing.

Speaker 4 (42:26):
You know, it's over, It's done, you know.

Speaker 18 (42:29):
And I think with that in mind, that kind of
helps to have a more positive and optimistic approach that
when things are bad, they're not going to be bad
for forever. And having that kind of ideology in your
mind makes all the bad things okay because you know
that you just have to get through them. That's how
you learn, that's how you grow. It's outside your comfort

zone where you progress. And that's kind of the radical
optimism that I feel like we all need in life
to just keep it moving.

Speaker 1 (43:01):
Another Free money Phone Tap coming up next again for
the Elvis Duran in the Morning show Free Money Phone Tap,
Don't Purchase Necessary boyd in Montana, New Mexico, Washington, and
we're prohibited. For more info and rules, go to Elvis
duran dot com. Slash Contest Elvis Duran in the morning show.

Speaker 3 (43:22):
The Free Money Phone Tap, Ah the thousand dollars free
money phone Tap thanks to Conair Girl Bomb, You're about
to win a thousand dollars. It's really funny how you
can be a fly on the wall just kind of
sitting in the corner of the room and then you
hear Danielle and Gandhi going on and on and on
about Kanair girl Bomb.

Speaker 8 (43:39):
Well, you know, you know, sometimes you shave your legs
and you miss a spot, maybe not you, but Gandhi
and I and you kind of miss a spot. Well,
they have this one called the trim and Shave set
and you can take it with you. So if sometimes
if you're in the car and you go, oops, I
missed that spot on my leg, you can get it.

Speaker 10 (43:57):
And why is this what you miss? Always like a
two inch long? How it happened?

Speaker 7 (44:01):

Speaker 3 (44:01):
I think it grows overnight.

Speaker 7 (44:03):
My knees for some reason, I can't get my knees.

Speaker 3 (44:05):
And secondly, you're shaving while driving a car. Keep hitting trees.

Speaker 4 (44:11):
Now, okay, this is my point.

Speaker 1 (44:12):
Yeah, there's like.

Speaker 3 (44:14):
Eight thousand different things you too have said about conn
Air girl Bomb, and I've heard them all and so
it's got me convinced I need to go buy one
of these things. It's specifically engineered for women and all
of your interesting curves that need tension attention.

Speaker 8 (44:32):
But there's no nicks or like irritation, and I know
even men complain about that.

Speaker 7 (44:37):
Yeah, you know, maybe you want to shave your little
area zone.

Speaker 8 (44:41):
Well, like first, I was gonna just wwip something out
of yeah right here, Yes.

Speaker 4 (44:48):
What you're flexible?

Speaker 3 (44:50):
Why, I know I need to prepare for my Connor
girl Bomb around, So tell me more about how much
you love it.

Speaker 1 (44:55):
So we love it.

Speaker 7 (44:56):
But there's all different kinds, Yeah.

Speaker 10 (44:58):
There are, And I was thinking if I I would
have brought mine in today because there are five different
kinds of them. Yeah, I could have helped you with
your hand when we were trying to put that band
aid on and there was a little too much hair,
it wouldn't stick. Girl Bomb would have gotten it, even
though you're a guy.

Speaker 3 (45:10):
Would have helped you Conair girl Bomb your secret weapons
for smooth, sleek results made just for women, including that
ultimate girl Bomb grip ah cause you don't want that.
You don't want that ten to get loose when you're working. No, no,
you need to control it. So take your hair removal
routine to the next level with Conair girl Bomb, available

now at conairgirl bomb dot com or retailer near you.
That's connairgirl bomb dot com. And speaking of conairgirl Bomb,
you're about twenty thousand dollars with a free moneyhone tap
if you're calling one hundred one eight hundred and two
four to two zero one hundred, call it win. Who
does the phone tap? Scary Danielle, daniel don't answer.

Speaker 1 (45:51):
The phone, Elvis durand Elvis Duran phone tap.

Speaker 3 (45:55):
All right, let's just hop into the phone tap today,
the phone tap starring danielleman A.

Speaker 4 (46:00):
Right, all right, what's it all about?

Speaker 8 (46:01):
So Christine emailed and says, my mom walks her dog
and never picks up the poop. Please call her and
tell her that the people in neighborhood are upset about this.

Speaker 7 (46:09):
She loves her dog and she will not be very happy.

Speaker 3 (46:12):
You love doing poop, Phone love poop poop is your friend?
All right, Here we go, Danielle doing the phone tap.
Let's listen in shall we my house.

Speaker 7 (46:22):
It's him looking for Leslie.

Speaker 1 (46:23):
Please speak.

Speaker 8 (46:26):
My name is Cheryl and I'm calling from the neighborhood.
And people have been really upset with you about your chihuahuas. Yeah,
because you're letting them poop on everyone's lawn and you're
not cleaning up after them.

Speaker 7 (46:41):
That's not true. No, it is true.

Speaker 16 (46:43):
That is not true.

Speaker 8 (46:44):
Yeah, and you know, there's a lot of people who
are actually putting a petition together to have you get
rid of the dogs.

Speaker 7 (46:51):
I'm not kidding you.

Speaker 8 (46:52):
They're like little tiny rats in the first place, and
you're letting them just poop anywhere they want in the neighborhood.

Speaker 16 (46:59):
I'm gonna make sure of from now on that I
do pick up every little single poop that is there.

Speaker 8 (47:03):
Well, don't you think it's a little too late to
pick up the poop that's there, because we have pictures
of you just leaving the poop and walking away.

Speaker 16 (47:10):
Listen, you know what do you want me to do? Now?
I'm gonna work. I don't have time for this, so
I cannot talk to you.

Speaker 7 (47:17):
I'm working too, I'm working on getting the poop out
the neighborhood.

Speaker 16 (47:20):
All right. Well, I will make sure that from now on,
every single thing is picked up.

Speaker 7 (47:24):
Well, now, what about the pictures I have right now? Hello?

Speaker 16 (47:29):
That's yourself?

Speaker 18 (47:30):
Is my health?

Speaker 7 (47:31):
Is now a better time?

Speaker 6 (47:33):

Speaker 16 (47:33):
I don't have time for this right now? Okay, Like
I said, I make sure that from now on, every
single poop is picked up and nothing is gonna be
left around. But also make sure that you check on
everybody else's dogs to make sure that there's no big
dogs poops all over the place, because I've found plenty,
especially even in my own front lawn.

Speaker 1 (47:52):
Well that's not grant.

Speaker 8 (47:53):
I know that the dogs around the neighborhood don't poop
as much as your dog.

Speaker 16 (47:57):
Oh yeah, right, okay, goodbye.

Speaker 7 (47:59):
There's little poops everywhere.

Speaker 16 (48:00):
Listen, enough is enough. I do not have time for this.

Speaker 7 (48:04):
I don't care what you have time for. You know
what I have time for.

Speaker 8 (48:06):
I don't have time for stepping on poop and getting
it on my brand new Manola blonnis.

Speaker 7 (48:10):
That's what I don't got time for.

Speaker 16 (48:11):
Oh really, listen, First of all, if you own a
pair of Minola's, you wouldn't be living in the neighborhood.

Speaker 7 (48:16):
Okay, oh yeah, I spend all my money on show.

Speaker 8 (48:18):
Yeah, right, goodbye, don't alrighte me good bye, don't hang
up on me again.

Speaker 7 (48:23):
Hello? Do you yes, you can help me, you can
stop picking?

Speaker 16 (48:30):
Oh, come on now and do this enough? Please?

Speaker 8 (48:33):
Well, why don't you give me answers that I'm looking
for that I want to know why you would let
your two houas poop all over the neighborhood.

Speaker 16 (48:41):
How many times do I have to tell you I
do not do that, And like I said, from now on,
I will strictly make sure that if in case I
have left anything behind, that it will be picked up.

Speaker 7 (48:54):
Okay, And guess what.

Speaker 8 (48:55):
I also know you don't have a license for those
two muths, and you know what, I can have them
picked up like that.

Speaker 16 (49:00):
Okay, then you know what, You do whatever you need
to do, and just leave me alone.

Speaker 7 (49:05):
Why are they so important to their dogs?

Speaker 16 (49:08):
What do you care?

Speaker 7 (49:09):
I do care. I'm a concerned citizen of the neighborhood.

Speaker 16 (49:11):
Okay, good, So then you should be watching for other
things and shootings and things that are going on in
the neighborhood instead of constantly watching my dog.

Speaker 7 (49:21):
Okay, but you know what, what about the poop that's already.

Speaker 1 (49:23):
Been there in the picture anymore?

Speaker 16 (49:26):
Anywhere it has been.

Speaker 7 (49:28):
We've got pictures of you walking away from.

Speaker 16 (49:30):
Right, Fine, okay.

Speaker 7 (49:32):
You no limit admit say you're right.

Speaker 16 (49:35):
I am not gonna emit anything I.

Speaker 7 (49:36):
Walked away from poop. Just say I walked away from now.

Speaker 16 (49:39):
Like I said, if you do what you need to
do and stop calling me at my job.

Speaker 7 (49:43):
Okay, say I'm not going from paying anything. Say I
walked away from poop.

Speaker 16 (49:48):
No, I'm not gonna say that because that is not so.

Speaker 1 (49:50):
But it is so.

Speaker 7 (49:51):
I have pictures of proving it.

Speaker 16 (49:52):
All right, fine, then do whatever you need to do
with your pictures.

Speaker 7 (49:55):
Well, then say I walked away from poop.

Speaker 16 (49:56):
Don't you have anything better to do. I'm not gonna
admit to that because I did not.

Speaker 7 (50:01):
All you have to do is say I walked away
from poop. It's very simple.

Speaker 16 (50:04):
Listen, please enough, leave me alone. Okay, no, hold you,
this is a doctor's office. I don't have time for you. Enough,
it's enough.

Speaker 8 (50:11):
Yeah, this is exactly what you've been leaving around the neighborhood.

Speaker 16 (50:14):
I'm not gonna say I walked away from poop.

Speaker 7 (50:16):
You just did it?

Speaker 15 (50:17):
You just okay, Okay, I can't believe he.

Speaker 16 (50:21):
Said it before I said, I am not going to
say it.

Speaker 7 (50:26):
You just said you walked away from poop.

Speaker 16 (50:28):
Are you done?

Speaker 7 (50:29):
I still can't believe you said I walked away from poop.

Speaker 8 (50:31):
But anyway, this is Danielle mon Arrow from Elvis Durant
in the Morning Show.

Speaker 7 (50:35):
You just got phone tapped.

Speaker 16 (50:36):
I knew it. I'm being phone tapped.

Speaker 1 (50:37):
You mean phone taps.

Speaker 6 (50:39):
I know.

Speaker 16 (50:40):
There was no freaking way. You gotta be wearing Manolo's
in the neighborhood.

Speaker 7 (50:45):
Christina's the new phone tap, Elvis Dorana's phone top.

Speaker 4 (50:52):
Oh, she walked away from poop.

Speaker 3 (50:54):
Daniel By the way, if you're wondering what it's like
to work with Danielle, you just you just heard a
great example that work or live with Danielle.

Speaker 4 (51:02):
That's what you get all day off.

Speaker 10 (51:04):
That one was like, can you stop, Danielle?

Speaker 3 (51:06):
No, no, And she said, I'm not gonna say I
walked away from poop. And you're like, you just said it. No,
I said, I'm not, but you said it. That's Danielle. Sorry,
gott a lover, got a lover. Hey, uh Brook, good morning.

That was your one thousand dollars free money phone tap.
You just won a thousand dollars. Congratulations to you.

Speaker 18 (51:32):
Oh my god, that's amazing.

Speaker 4 (51:33):
It is amazing.

Speaker 3 (51:35):
Brooke. What's your day all about with your thousand dollars
in your in your pocket?

Speaker 13 (51:39):
Well, I am supposed to be going to work here
any minute.

Speaker 3 (51:43):
Okay, aren't you glad you paused a moment?

Speaker 14 (51:46):
I am glad I paused there you go?

Speaker 3 (51:48):
Hey, is that a good excuse? If you walk in late?
You're like, well, wait a minute, I just want a
thousand dollars in the radio? Is in my excuse?

Speaker 17 (51:54):

Speaker 8 (51:54):
Yeah, they're not gonna bumpy, They're yeah right, okay.

Speaker 10 (51:57):
I think they're gonna be even more mad, like oh
she's and she came in with the books. I don't
think so.

Speaker 3 (52:03):
Yeah, and a Starbucks coffee. Congratulations Broke, you have a
great time with your cash, and thanks for listening to us.
And thanks to our friends at Connair girl Bomb b
O m B. We have another one thousand dollars free
money phones tap tomorrow. They've been a great partner this week.

Speaker 4 (52:19):

Speaker 3 (52:19):
Go to Conair girl bomb dot com. It's not balm
no mom exactly, it's not Bong no Connor girl bomb
bomba dot com checking out Daniel what are you coming up?

Speaker 7 (52:33):
We are gonna hold on up with my glasses. One
hold on.

Speaker 8 (52:38):
We're gonna talk about Oh, we're gonna talk about famous animals.
One of the most famous animals from movies.

Speaker 4 (52:44):
I love that a text. Oh my god, my heart
just skip a beat.

Speaker 3 (52:48):
Last night we had to put our sweet dog Chive
down unexpectedly. Is there any way you can do a
shout out to Chive? We love you boy, we miss
you well.

Speaker 1 (52:56):

Speaker 3 (52:57):
Oh it is. It's the worst And as I always say,
it hurts because it's supposed to anyway.

Speaker 4 (53:05):
To Chive long live?

Speaker 2 (53:09):
Yes, you know what that's all that?

Speaker 14 (53:22):
Yes, you are.

Speaker 3 (53:30):
Half of our show. Is a big drunk and mester y.

Speaker 9 (53:34):
Coming on.

Speaker 4 (53:34):
You don't know the radio.

Speaker 11 (53:35):
We're doing a show, right, I love you much like.

Speaker 18 (53:40):
Myselfs I like myself.

Speaker 1 (53:45):
This is Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 3 (53:48):
Oh my god, all the conversations we're having, what are
you wrong with them?

Speaker 1 (53:52):

Speaker 3 (53:52):
We've said this a million times. There's another show going
on when the songs.

Speaker 10 (53:56):
Playing, so only we wouldn't get fire for that show.

Speaker 3 (54:00):
Let's talk about let's talk about a hearing loss for
just a moment. Now, keep in mind you know hearing
I'll bring Naden on this conversation. Hearing loss, of course,
used to be thought of as like an elderly person's
disease or affliction or whatever right condition. But now with

everyone cramming those the EarPods in your ear holes, listening
to music at full blast, now everyone is out there
probably experiencing hearing loss. Right, We've been wearing these headphones.
We don't even wear earbuds. We wear these headphones that

cover your entire ear, so not an ounce of sound
can leave your ear gets all of it. And I
have noticed since I started doing this job with headphones,
every year it gets louder and louder because I become
more and more deaf.

Speaker 7 (54:59):
And at home every year more and more.

Speaker 3 (55:01):
What exactly what you said? Some of it we do
on purpose because we don't want to hear what they
have to said. So Nate actually went out and had
a hearing test. Yeah, I had my hearing tested and
it did show some hearing loss. And so we were
talking about it here the other day, and so somebody
texted in. His name is Stephen, and I vetted him,

I checked with him, I talk with him, and he's
actually an audiologist. He works for this because he's been
doing it for a long time. He's got his doctorate.
So I sent him my hearing test and he goes, you,
quote unquote, you have a pretty good little level of
hearing loss.

Speaker 4 (55:35):
Pretty good.

Speaker 9 (55:35):
Yeah, And he explained that you can hear what people say,
I just miss what they're saying, right, So there's certain
sounds that you can't hear anymore because of the frequency
and the way he explained it. It just it's exactly
you know, when we're having a conversation, Gandhi, Yes, you
know I can hear you, I just don't know what
you're saying.

Speaker 10 (55:56):
I'll say something quietly to Nate and He'll be like
what and I have to get closer and almost whisper
in his ear. But he I think you have to
re liips a little bit too, because he wants to
look at you while you're saying whatever you're saying.

Speaker 4 (56:07):
I'm the same way.

Speaker 9 (56:08):
Well, and he goes on to show me like I
can't hear the sound anymore, or that's because of you
can hear I can see you say it, I can't
hear you say it.

Speaker 3 (56:18):
Okay, so I'm gonna cover my mouth I'm gonna I'm
gonna do one or the other, and you have too men,
which one I did? Looch because I got headphones. See,
you passed the test. So you know how they do
that hearing test that you put the little the little
speaker on your ear and it cuffs over your ear,
and then they push a little button in the back

and it goes it. It gives it. It gives you
a tone, a high pitched tone, low pitch tone, whatever,
and you have to say right here, left ear, left ear,
right ear. They started the test, and even to at
this end of the test, Nate was going, are you
going to start to test yet? Like I've started at
two minutes even playing tones for like a minute, and

you have it.

Speaker 4 (57:00):
I couldn't.

Speaker 9 (57:01):
I thought you was fooling me. But that's the level
of hearing loss. You don't even know it's there, right,
And he goes on to explain you probably can't hear
leaves wrestling anymore, and I'm like, oh my god, I
haven't heard leaves wrestling in forever. And it's like the
most beautiful sound in the world, right, And I'm like,
I haven't met that frequency. You cannot detect and you know.
The scarier thing too, is I don't know if this
is true, but you know, when you have a really

loud noise or your really loud concert and your ears
are ringing, Yeah, that's the last time you'll ever hear
that frequency, because that's going.

Speaker 4 (57:30):
Really it burns in out. I've heard that.

Speaker 9 (57:32):
I don't know if that's one hundred percent true, but
I know for me a lot of times I've had,
you know, different loud noises and my ears ring, and
then it.

Speaker 4 (57:39):
Just gets worse.

Speaker 3 (57:40):
I've always wondered if if these headphones that we have
to use, we're expected to use them by the industry
and by this company occupational hazard.

Speaker 9 (57:53):
I've thought that because I've worked with with jocks that
have even less hearing than you do, Elvis, like you
have to basically remadam when their headphones are off.

Speaker 4 (58:01):

Speaker 10 (58:01):
Oh, one of the guys I used to work with
you legitimately had to like thump on a desk to
get his attention.

Speaker 3 (58:06):
Exactly, say now, and then going back to what I
said earlier, I got I'm sorry.

Speaker 4 (58:10):
It's just now.

Speaker 3 (58:11):
Everyone, no matter what your age or what your profession
is all about, you're listening to these things that are
in your ears and plugging up other noises from coming
in and you're hearing nothing but loud frequencies. Yeah, they're
probably chipping away at what you can hear. What you're
gonna say.

Speaker 10 (58:27):
Yeah, well, I actually read that a lot of people
neglect when they're hearing starts to decline. You might not
even realize that your hearing is starting to decline, but
you need to keep up with it because there is
a correlation between hearing and dementia because if you start
to lose touch with the outside world and you're not
interacting with people as much as you used to, you're
not having conversation and really hearing things, you just sort
of start to cut yourself off right, and cognitive decline

can start to happen.

Speaker 4 (58:51):
Understand that, so I totally understand that. Yeah. Uh, Producer Sandwax.

Speaker 13 (58:54):
I used to make fun of my husband because he
is was a musician and he won't go to a
wedding or a concert without earplugs. He always wears these
bright orange earplugs. I thought it was so silly and
in his twenties, and now it turns out he was
just being very smart and preventative because it's a huge problem.

Speaker 4 (59:10):
He does that.

Speaker 8 (59:10):
I wish my kids would would Like I've sitting next
to my son and he's getting ready for a game
and he's got the headphones and I go, hello, Hello,
that's a little too loud, and he's you know, but
that's how they are all doing it.

Speaker 13 (59:20):

Speaker 3 (59:20):
Maybe what's going to help that out is because of
as I said, the trend is going toward everyone having
devices in their ears listening to music at a loud volume. Yeah,
it's going to be fun. Maybe now it's going to
be more of a conversation.

Speaker 4 (59:36):

Speaker 10 (59:36):
I never wore headphones in this job ever until I
came here. I used to take them off and just
leave them next to me and turn it up slightly
so I could hear a little bit if there was
something happening. But then when I came here, you guys
were like, what are you doing one of those things on?

Speaker 4 (59:48):
We had feedback?

Speaker 10 (59:49):
There was no feedback.

Speaker 4 (59:50):
Yes there was feedback, Yes you did.

Speaker 7 (59:53):
This is a lot, I admit it, you guys.

Speaker 10 (59:55):
The feedback was from when Danielle and I were using
the AirPod.

Speaker 4 (59:58):
Yes, I'm scary.

Speaker 19 (01:00:00):
I've always wondered why is there such a stigma when
it comes to hearing loss. But when it comes to
vision loss, people do something about it right away. They'll
get contacts with the glasses or whatever.

Speaker 3 (01:00:09):
Because hearing loss, you don't want to do anything because
I'm doing putting it on corrective lenses and glasses or
having laser surgery or whatever.

Speaker 9 (01:00:16):
That's that's very com no fashionable hearing aid you know,
a lot smaller now that you can't even see that.

Speaker 8 (01:00:22):
I have a friend who wears hearing aids and I
didn't even know it because they're that small until he
told me, and I was like, you have hearing as
he goes, yeah, look you can't even see them?

Speaker 3 (01:00:32):
Should we can? I put a hearing aids in and headphono?

Speaker 9 (01:00:35):
Now it's the way turn of My problem is it
amplifies everything, right, So if there's a loud noise, and
I was using over the counter hearing aids, so I
don't know if the real hearing aid doesn't amplify it.

Speaker 4 (01:00:50):
Don't understand.

Speaker 7 (01:00:51):
Did you get this guy in here to test us
all and give us a good deal.

Speaker 3 (01:00:57):
It'd be nice, you know. Remember doctor Oz came in
and did our blood pressure. I was about to die
and wouldn't take me to the hospital immediately.

Speaker 7 (01:01:05):
Hey, sales department, you're always looking for stuff. Hearing aids.

Speaker 10 (01:01:08):
We all need it.

Speaker 3 (01:01:10):
It's an industry. It's an industry for youth.

Speaker 10 (01:01:12):
You know, my dad he got hearing aids because he
has significant hearing loss. He won't wear them because he
said he can hear everything my mom says and he
doesn't want to do.

Speaker 4 (01:01:20):
That's just the point I hear.

Speaker 1 (01:01:22):
That's why I was like.

Speaker 7 (01:01:23):
She's talking to you.

Speaker 10 (01:01:24):
You don't ever ever reply. He's like, I don't like these.

Speaker 4 (01:01:29):
There was a text from someone who isn't. I'm trying
to talk to him while you guys are talking. He's like,
what he can.

Speaker 10 (01:01:37):
You cannot tell Nate a secret. It is the worst.

Speaker 9 (01:01:40):
It's so hard, Like it's so frustrating because Andrew Wolfs
can you call?

Speaker 4 (01:01:44):
Oh yeah, okay, So that's the thing.

Speaker 3 (01:01:51):
We've been wearing these headphones for years and years and years.
So just understand we basically are the pioneers of hearing loss.
We're the pioneers of the hearing loss that everyone else
is going to start imagining, not imagining, but experiencing. Yeah,
what you have something diamond, diamond, can anyone hear me?

Speaker 4 (01:02:10):
Diamond. You have someone? Do you have them?

Speaker 6 (01:02:12):

Speaker 1 (01:02:12):

Speaker 4 (01:02:12):
Do you have something on the phone?

Speaker 1 (01:02:14):

Speaker 7 (01:02:14):
Yes, what's your name?

Speaker 4 (01:02:15):
Okay, here we go.

Speaker 7 (01:02:16):
Just Hi, Ruth, take me off?

Speaker 4 (01:02:18):
Which Ruth? I love? Ruth? Is Ruth on bluetooth? Is
that blue? Is that bluetooth?

Speaker 6 (01:02:23):

Speaker 4 (01:02:27):
What by nineteen?

Speaker 14 (01:02:29):

Speaker 3 (01:02:30):
Oh yeah, is this bluetooth?

Speaker 4 (01:02:33):

Speaker 16 (01:02:36):
I guess?

Speaker 14 (01:02:36):
So can you hear me?

Speaker 3 (01:02:37):

Speaker 6 (01:02:37):
I can?

Speaker 3 (01:02:38):
But wait, it's interesting you asked me that. Tell everyone
what you do for a living.

Speaker 14 (01:02:43):
Oh, I'm a teacher.

Speaker 10 (01:02:45):
Oh okay, Uh, I'm supposed to be something else.

Speaker 3 (01:02:49):
No, you be whatever I want you to be, whoever
you are.

Speaker 14 (01:02:54):
I'm a second grade teacher.

Speaker 4 (01:02:56):

Speaker 3 (01:02:56):
So are you calling you to talk about hearing loss?

Speaker 4 (01:03:00):

Speaker 14 (01:03:01):
I was going to say that if you're hesitant to
get hearing aids, just get them.

Speaker 8 (01:03:07):
Get them.

Speaker 14 (01:03:08):
It's life changing. You'll hear things that you didn't even
know existed.

Speaker 4 (01:03:12):

Speaker 3 (01:03:13):
So from personal experience, yeah, I.

Speaker 14 (01:03:16):
Have hearing aids. My mom has significant hearing loss. So
I'm pretty sure it's like a genetic thing. However that works.
But I got a baseline a long time ago, and
then kept going back and back and back, and finally
He's like, let's try it, because I thought it was
affecting work. I teach little kids to have really high

pitched voices, which you cannot hear if you have hearing lots.

Speaker 4 (01:03:41):
Wow, just the whole class.

Speaker 11 (01:03:45):
I'm sure.

Speaker 14 (01:03:47):
You know how who was the one who's I'm sorry,
I know all your names, but who has the hearing loss?
Because I want to tell him about how you have
a crowd setting.

Speaker 3 (01:03:55):
It's John Ate. But Nate can't hear you. Yeah, but
not because of not because of hearing laws. He's he's
making a call right now to get someone else on.

Speaker 14 (01:04:04):
I apologize, but straight night that if he goes to
a BNT to get hearing it you have different stuttings.
You can control it from your phone. So if I
hit crowd in my classroom, I can zoom in on
just the conversation that I'm having with a students.

Speaker 3 (01:04:22):
Wow, will it will actually bend their frequencies? I want
to the environment where you are located.

Speaker 4 (01:04:30):
That's that's advanced.

Speaker 8 (01:04:32):
Is there like a don't hear wife setting?

Speaker 10 (01:04:35):
My dad will get those.

Speaker 4 (01:04:38):
It was, you know what?

Speaker 3 (01:04:41):
We were looking at old pictures of Thomas Edison, who
had significant hearing laws and he was good friends with Ford,
you know, and he was all the inventors and they
would all go to his house and sit out on
the law and talk to each other. And Edison have
to put this massive like like cone in his ear

because you couldn't hear anything.

Speaker 10 (01:05:05):
I want us to do that, and no, I believe you.
I just think we should do that. Instead of getting
a hearing aids, we should have like a giant traffic.

Speaker 4 (01:05:11):
Cone and then people have to walk up to the
do you want to Savage? And he looked him like, what,
We've come a long way?

Speaker 9 (01:05:25):
Yeah, yeah, and it's great, Listen can't get the audiology.

Speaker 3 (01:05:30):
Thank you so much for calling. And you know, and
I didn't even know the technology was that advanced as
far as using your phone to like do crowd frequencies
and this and that.

Speaker 4 (01:05:39):
What's that? Gandhi?

Speaker 10 (01:05:39):
That's the other reason my dad doesn't want the hearing aids.
He's convinced someone's gonna hack into them. And I said,
and do what if they hack into your hearing aids?
What is going to happen?

Speaker 4 (01:05:49):
Send me all your money?

Speaker 8 (01:05:50):
Yeah, oh my god, your dad needs a reality show.

Speaker 1 (01:05:55):

Speaker 3 (01:05:57):
Thank you so much for your call. I appreciate it.

Speaker 7 (01:05:59):
You your engage used to look.

Speaker 3 (01:06:01):
Like, yeah, hold on, thank you for your call. Thank
you very much. I appreciate you. Really moved us forward
with this.

Speaker 4 (01:06:05):
Thank you. Okay, Okay, this.

Speaker 3 (01:06:10):
One, Yeah, that's it. It looks like a pipe. You
could smoke Pott in it. It's like a bomb. And
there's and there's uh, there's Edison right next to it.

Speaker 8 (01:06:20):
Yeah, and then there's this one.

Speaker 1 (01:06:21):
I don't know.

Speaker 7 (01:06:22):
It's like a kunk shell.

Speaker 6 (01:06:23):

Speaker 3 (01:06:23):
He's out there on the front lawn with Henry Ford.

Speaker 10 (01:06:25):
It's like a satellite to touch to his head like, well,
you know what.

Speaker 3 (01:06:30):
It looks like elephant ear. It does because they need
those big floppy ears to hear things in the in
the jungle.

Speaker 4 (01:06:36):
Or wherever they are.

Speaker 8 (01:06:36):
Well, it's come a long way in it.

Speaker 3 (01:06:38):
Okay, I've got doctor Fullman. We have a doctor. Hello,
doctor Fullman, welcome to the show, a doctor of audiology.

Speaker 15 (01:06:45):
Yes, hi, Hi guys, how are you?

Speaker 1 (01:06:48):
Thank you so much?

Speaker 4 (01:06:48):
We're doing great. Thank you.

Speaker 3 (01:06:50):
So you you know exactly what we're talking about. What
are we missing here that the layman needs to hear?

Speaker 15 (01:06:58):
So it's very important to take care of your hearing.
A lot of people neglect to have their hearing checked.
So we all have our eyes checked, our blood work done,
our teeth check.

Speaker 7 (01:07:10):
What happens with our.

Speaker 15 (01:07:11):
Ears, well, nobody cares about ears right, So you always
want to have a hearing test baseline on file. It
doesn't matter whether you're a child, the young adults and
older adults. Everyone should have their hearing check once.

Speaker 14 (01:07:26):

Speaker 15 (01:07:26):
Actually may is a better speech on hearing months, so
we are trying to hope hearth.

Speaker 6 (01:07:33):
So it's very.

Speaker 15 (01:07:34):
Important that everyone gets just a baseline done. When it
comes to treatment. Let's say you were diagnosed I'm sorry,
diagnosed with a hearing boss and I just heard you
guys talking about people not wanting to wear hearing aids.
It's so important you do get treatment because there is

a lot of research that's coming out more and more
showing the correlation between hearing waws and anxiety, depression, cognitive decline, Alzheimer's.
So get the right treatment in terms of over the
counter hearing aids. You know it's a big buzz these
days going online and getting them there. Don't do it

before you see a professional. Very important to your hearing checks.
They could be just wax and then you're going online
and buying these over the counter hearing aids and you
don't even need them.

Speaker 3 (01:08:31):
Doctor Fulman, back to what you were saying originally, a baseline,
I'm assuming the importance of going in and just getting
that initial test to have your baseline will make it
possible to track your hearing loss over time so they
can compare it next year to last year's baseline.

Speaker 4 (01:08:49):

Speaker 1 (01:08:50):

Speaker 6 (01:08:51):

Speaker 15 (01:08:52):
We see patients every single day that get some kind
of medication and they're not sure if this medication is
actually affecting their hearing. And the best way to know
is if you did have that baseline on file, you
can tell if you are starting to lose hearing or not.

Speaker 8 (01:09:10):
I have another question if someone hasitis or tenus that
how we will say it? How is there something they
can actually do for it?

Speaker 16 (01:09:20):

Speaker 15 (01:09:21):
Absolutely. The number one thing is you want to get
the proper diagnosis in terms of tenatives or tonightis it's
potato potato.

Speaker 7 (01:09:28):
You can say it either way, Okay.

Speaker 15 (01:09:31):
You want to get the right diagnosis to find out
what exactly is causing it. There are special clinics that
specialize in tenatus where you would have testing done and
prescribe the right therapy. There's unfortunately no miracle pill that
will cure tenatus, but there is therapy that's available and

very successful therapy.

Speaker 3 (01:09:55):
Of course, if you're wondering what tendatives or tonitis is,
it's that ringing in your ear. And I think i'll
I'm assuming almost everyone experiences it from time to time intermittently.
I remember having it when I was a kid, but
it would go away, it was it would be, it
would last for thirty seconds, right, can you imagine for
a while you can you.

Speaker 4 (01:10:11):
Living long nonstock with it?

Speaker 3 (01:10:13):
Hey, doctor Foeman, if you can leave us with one
piece of advice before we roll, what is that?

Speaker 15 (01:10:19):
Absolutely, do not neglect your hearing. Do not deny hearing laws.
Very important to take care of your hearing because it
affects your whole body. And if you guys have any questions,
can I say the practice where I practice absolutely, Audiology Island.
You can check it out audiologyiland dot com. We're on

Stetn Island and in home Delt, New Jersey. So if
anybody has any additional questions, feel free to email or
call us. We're here to help everyone.

Speaker 3 (01:10:50):
Thank you so much doctor for nice Thank you and
thanks for listening to us. We sure do appreciate your time.

Speaker 1 (01:10:56):
Thank you so much.

Speaker 7 (01:10:56):
Guys, have a good day.

Speaker 4 (01:10:58):
Thank you.

Speaker 3 (01:10:58):
We're turning our whole show into here Loss. Welcome to
Hearing loss Talk. I'm your host of dred on.

Speaker 9 (01:11:04):
Twenty is doctor Stephen, who I've been talking with and
he said he'll come and test us all.

Speaker 4 (01:11:08):
Oh you come test us, doctor Stephen.

Speaker 6 (01:11:11):
Oh my gosh, I'd love to come test all of
your hearings. That's the opportunity.

Speaker 3 (01:11:15):
Yeah, but what if what if it's something like I
just have like a big old bugger in my ear.

Speaker 4 (01:11:19):
Or something a lot of it We don't know.

Speaker 3 (01:11:21):
I mean, you got to go in there. Do you
look in there before you start testing to make sure
the coast is clear?

Speaker 6 (01:11:26):
Oh yeah. And if there's a big old bogger and there,
we pull that out.

Speaker 4 (01:11:29):
We make you hang it on your fridge. I know. Yeah.
If there's a bat in the cave, we will make
sure we get that out there.

Speaker 3 (01:11:38):

Speaker 4 (01:11:39):
Well, he doctor Stephen.

Speaker 9 (01:11:40):
I've been talking to him for a little bit and
he also knows sign language like he's He just is
so devoted to everybody that either has hearing loss or
can't hear so God love you man for what you do.

Speaker 5 (01:11:52):
Oh yeah, thank you.

Speaker 6 (01:11:53):
I mean, it's it's it's a field that's been very
good to me.

Speaker 4 (01:11:55):
So I'm glad you guys are, you know, bringing the
awareness that we need for it.

Speaker 3 (01:11:59):
Well, thank you, all right, thank you so much, and
we look forward to setting something up and having you
up as our guest.

Speaker 4 (01:12:03):
We would be honored.

Speaker 3 (01:12:04):
Okay, Stephen, wonderful, you have a great day, and there
you go.

Speaker 17 (01:12:09):
All right.

Speaker 3 (01:12:10):
We kind of went on and on about it, but
I just think it's more relevant than ever before.

Speaker 10 (01:12:14):
For sure, especially when you when you do connect the
hearing loss to cognitive decline, that's a huge deal. Nobody
wants that if you can avoid it, avoid it.

Speaker 3 (01:12:22):
Yeah, you know what can you imagine the connection between
hearing loss and isolation? People are feeling absolutely there you go.
I'm just until doctor Stephen comes in. I'm gonna buy
one of those ear horns.

Speaker 19 (01:12:35):
It's scary every day where they put the candle to
your ear and like it melts stuff you.

Speaker 8 (01:12:41):
That's when they get the whack back. But is that
what I don't know if they do that in the office.

Speaker 3 (01:12:45):
I don't know if insurance covers the candle, Elvis, they
have the ear horn.

Speaker 4 (01:12:50):
I went the horn? They have it on Amazon. That
is that in the family of the shoehorn. Or no,
it's a different.

Speaker 8 (01:12:59):
Cousin, cousin twice removed.

Speaker 3 (01:13:01):
Oh how about the French horn? The French horn? All right,
order me one right here? Maybe a good stocking stuff
for granted. You want to come over and blow my
ear horn?

Speaker 4 (01:13:11):

Speaker 7 (01:13:12):
What can we put in there? Like bananas?

Speaker 10 (01:13:14):
Wait, just scream into it?

Speaker 7 (01:13:16):
Oranges the thrown them in.

Speaker 3 (01:13:18):
Let's test, okle Elvis's ear horn. Let's get into the
three things we need to know. We will be going
around the room in a few moments. It is food
News Thursday, so we've got food news on the way.
Lots to do. I just hope you can hear it.
By the way, if anyone needs to be promoting hearing health,
it's us, because that's what we do for a living.
Of course, we make noise, all right, gandhi, let's go

all right.

Speaker 10 (01:13:41):
Parts of the central US racing for severe weather today.
Large hail, heavy downpours, and isolated tornadoes are possible today
from the Texas Panhandle all the way to southern Nebraska.
Wind gusts are expected to reach eighty five miles per hour.
More dangerous weather is forecast on Friday and Saturday from
Oklahoma to Iowa and will push eastward from Arkansas to

Illinois Sunday. Forecasters are warning of flash flooding from the
heavy rain and are telling residents across the Central Plains
to stay alert for those tornadoes. A US Secret Service
agent assigned to Vice President Harris has been hospitalized after
showing what's being described as distressing behavior as of Monday morning,

the incident took place at Joint Base Andrews, with Harris
not present at the time. According to CBS News, the
agent was speaking incoherently, eventually physically provoking another officer, and finally,
Former USC running back Reggie Bush is going to get
his two thousand and five Heisman Trophy back if he
didn't know. His trophy was taken away in twenty ten
after the NCAA imposed sanctions on USC for infractions, including

Reggie Bush receiving improper benefits. The Heisman Trust is now
saying to ESPN that the reinstatement of his trophy comes
at a time when college athletes are actually allowed to
profit from their name and likeness. Now, and those are
your three things.

Speaker 1 (01:15:00):
Podcasting, Reckland Boys, Serial Killers, The Fifteen Minute Morning Show.
Discover all of our podcasts on the iHeartRadio app or
wherever you get your podcasts. Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 8 (01:15:12):
Time is running out to save on your Disney summer vacation.
If you want to score adult tickets at child prices,
you need Undercover Tourists dot Com.

Speaker 7 (01:15:20):
They're an authorized.

Speaker 8 (01:15:21):
Seller of Disney tickets to both Walt Disney World and Disneyland.

Speaker 7 (01:15:25):
These are the real deal.

Speaker 8 (01:15:27):
Save now at Undercover Tourists dot Com.

Speaker 1 (01:15:36):
Live from the Mercedes Benz Interview Lounge.

Speaker 3 (01:15:39):
Well, this is awkward. We're interviewing people we've never met before.

Speaker 4 (01:15:42):
Hello, Hello, Hi, Hi, Hi Casey.

Speaker 3 (01:15:47):
Oh you're listening to uh us like yay, Thanks.

Speaker 4 (01:15:51):
Thanks, thanks for telling you.

Speaker 8 (01:15:52):
I appreciate it, Hi Casey, Hi, guys are Gandhi me
you co.

Speaker 4 (01:15:57):
Thanks for coming, Thanks for being a part of when
We're the hell this is?

Speaker 7 (01:16:01):
They have such good hair, I know.

Speaker 3 (01:16:03):
Okay, let's start off first impressions.

Speaker 4 (01:16:05):
Good hair, yes, let's do it. Is that all the matters.

Speaker 7 (01:16:08):
A nice skin?

Speaker 14 (01:16:09):

Speaker 7 (01:16:10):
Wow skinned hair?

Speaker 3 (01:16:12):
All right, gentlemen, thanks for coming. Have a nice day.

Speaker 11 (01:16:17):
I'll take it.

Speaker 9 (01:16:17):
If I could start my day with a compliment and
then just like, oh, that's that's how everyone should start
their day.

Speaker 4 (01:16:22):
Yeah, exactly. Itrely happens in this room, but there's experience it.
But you'll know each other that's why.

Speaker 6 (01:16:28):

Speaker 3 (01:16:28):
Yeah, yeah, we're contempt twenty seven years beating the living
crap out of each other.

Speaker 9 (01:16:34):
Yeah, you guys are like this big marriage, you know,
like that, that's it's beautiful. You guys probably see each
other more than you see partners.

Speaker 3 (01:16:40):
And marriage though, I mean, what's a paid marriage. It's
a contractual, paid marriage.

Speaker 8 (01:16:45):
A lot of money out of them.

Speaker 7 (01:16:47):
If we get divorced.

Speaker 3 (01:16:49):
I think, no, you get money while you're still with me.

Speaker 4 (01:16:51):
You know what.

Speaker 10 (01:16:52):
I want to stay here.

Speaker 9 (01:16:53):
You know what love is at this level though, it's
not like, hey, you look great. I love that sweatshirt.
It's like you got something on your face, get it off.

Speaker 4 (01:16:59):

Speaker 10 (01:17:00):
I just did a booger check for someone in this room.

Speaker 14 (01:17:01):
I won't.

Speaker 3 (01:17:04):
Blue my nose because you know, we got Paul and
going on here in New York.

Speaker 6 (01:17:07):
Yes we do.

Speaker 3 (01:17:07):
And I'm like, I've got a blow my nose. We
have guests I've never met and you did you checked
for Bogers. You do what they do, and we're gonna
get into the podcast. I swear to God, I don't
we don't have This is what we do on our podcast.
I have found that the women of our show, like
Daniel and Gandhi in specific, they.

Speaker 4 (01:17:25):
Will like, hey, can you sniff? They'll sniff each other's under.

Speaker 7 (01:17:28):
Arms, absolutely got it.

Speaker 4 (01:17:31):
Like onions. Yeah, I'm like, what the hell are you
doing rubbing onions under their arms? Yeah?

Speaker 10 (01:17:37):
Everyone around here.

Speaker 3 (01:17:38):
So Casey Jos and Kevin Diviner here are you both
from Staten Islander.

Speaker 9 (01:17:41):
Yeah, well, Kevin split his time in Brooklyn or you know,
the early party is great because but but the thing
that I love about him is for a while he
was claiming Brooklyn and then he was like, I'm gonna
claim both because not a lot of Staten Islanders who
leave do that. And I give him a lot of
credit for that. He was like, no, I am also,
I'm from here. He literally has a song that he

sings that lyric. But the Jos families originally from Staten
Island Oland before the gang Plank was built, before Brooklyn. Yeah, exactly.
I don't come for Italians like that no, I know. Yeah,
we go back so far. Like my grandfather's grandfather was
born in Staten Island, so it's like it was like
Ireland in you know, several several generations ago and then

straight to Staten Island and then yeah, it's we've just
been here for so long.

Speaker 3 (01:18:28):
My husband family is the same thing. And then they
built that bridge and then it all went to hell. Yeah, anyway,
let's talk about the podcast. Yeah, Casey jose and Kevin
Devon have a podcast called Give It a Chance, which
is now we welcome them with open arms into the Elvis,
the Elvis drin porn.

Speaker 4 (01:18:48):
And what did we get into.

Speaker 3 (01:18:55):
Way before anyone talked about anything with anyone, I was
familiar with the concept of this podcast, which is brilliant.
I believe, thank you. Now Give It a Chance. You
take a song and say, okay, people hate this song,
let's talk about this song. It all started with Nickelback,
no doubt, yep, okay, go go to episode one of

Give It a Chance with what it was How You
Remind Me by Nickelback, which, as you know, there's this
weird hatred for Nickelback. It's weird, and hold that thought.
We're going to get to that because you gotta Yeah, no,
I want to hear it, fold her into your Okay.
So it started with that podcast.

Speaker 4 (01:19:37):
Well, yeah, you know.

Speaker 9 (01:19:37):
The idea is that, you know, I think I think
the world needs a little bit more positivity, and I
think we need to give things a chance, things in
the past. Like, so we're trying to find things that
we don't like for some some reason. And and you know,
these songs are famous songs. They're huge songs.

Speaker 4 (01:19:53):
Yeah right, I mean saying that we don't like them,
there's millions and millions of people who have like bought
stream This is like, you know, right, so punching up.
But what we want to do, Yeah, what we want
to do is take these songs that we haven't listened
to in a while, that people hate or we hate.

Speaker 9 (01:20:09):
Sometimes it's a song that the world might not even know.
Like one of our episodes is a song that my
mom wanted to be the song that we danced to
at our wedding.

Speaker 4 (01:20:16):
Not us, no, it's our wedding. Our wedding hasn't happened yet.

Speaker 9 (01:20:20):
Yeah, but my friend, my wife and I and and
she picked this song by a band called Rascal Flats
that I've never heard her play or I've ever played,
and it was like the most on the nose song.
It's like it's the day of your wedding and you
dance with your mom. Like I couldn't believe it. And
I was like, okay, if my mom wants it. And
then like a month later, I was like, why'd you
pick that song? She was like, I don't know. It

was on a a website for best songs to dance well,
so it would pick us. I would take a song
like that where I'm like, I don't like this song,
and let's give it a chance. Let's look open, open
our ears up and find the positive attributes. Kevin is
a musician who is super funny. I mostly do comedy,
but I play a lot of music on the side.
We grew up playing in bands and stuff, so we

come at it with, you know, open minds, but also
a comedic edge and some music background so we can
really break it apart and talk about the merits of it.

Speaker 4 (01:21:09):
Okay, So.

Speaker 3 (01:21:12):
Episode one of Give It a Chance with Casey Jose
and Kevin Devinen nickelba How You Remind Me?

Speaker 4 (01:21:20):
Huge hit by the way.

Speaker 3 (01:21:22):
Nickelback had many hit hits yet they are just doesn't
matter the song. It's them, they're not unlike So let's
go to gandhi can see what crawled up your butt
that made you hate Nickelback so much? Is it because
everyone else hates them?

Speaker 10 (01:21:36):
No, it's because when they were popular, you could switch
to four different stations and that stupid song would be
on all of them. So I felt like they were harassing.

Speaker 4 (01:21:45):
We're the problem.

Speaker 10 (01:21:46):
We are the problem.

Speaker 4 (01:21:46):
There did that?

Speaker 10 (01:21:47):
Also, I really don't like his delivery that made it.

Speaker 4 (01:21:52):
Listen to the vocal. Couldn't we call that.

Speaker 10 (01:21:57):
Puke voice radio when DJ's do it.

Speaker 4 (01:22:00):
It's kind true. It is that guy who's just like
right now, like you're going down your commute. It's a
growl in a way.

Speaker 9 (01:22:12):
In the episode, Yeah, I don't want to give too
much away, but Kevin talks about this and I love it,
Like he's got the same delivery through the whole song,
where like if you took like a Kirk Cobaine, who's
got like he's quiet, he screams, there's a ring, Yeah, yeah,
there's a he's all that guy voice.

Speaker 4 (01:22:28):
He's kind of throwing up the whole time. But you
still have to give it a chance. That's right.

Speaker 8 (01:22:35):
Sound and you know a Nickelback song when you hear it,
so there's a positive.

Speaker 9 (01:22:40):
Absolutely, nickel Back to me is a go tea, you know,
because it's like, not everyone loves a goatee. It's inappropriate,
but there's a there's a reason why people do a
go tea.

Speaker 4 (01:22:49):
It accentuates a face, you know why. You know what
I mean.

Speaker 9 (01:22:53):
But I mean it like it's a goatee. Some people
do a go like like all right, Guy Fieri, Right,
he has a goatee and it and it sort of
it shrinks his It looks good on him. It works
for It works for Guy, and I love Guy Fia.
I give him a chance. Okay, Okay, this brings up
a point I make. I mean, I think it's brilliant.
It's it's very as we say in the podcast world,

it's very narrow and deep. This it's about a song.
We should give it a chance.

Speaker 3 (01:23:18):
There's a thousand things in people in life that we
we harassed daily. Guy Fieri, by the point, is definitely
very polarizing, especially in the culinary world, in.

Speaker 4 (01:23:29):
The same way Nickelback is.

Speaker 9 (01:23:30):
He's actually like a great analog exactly and a couple
of years ago, you know, Diner's Drive Ins and Dives
was on TV and I was like at that time,
I was like, yeah, this guy Fiertti guy like I
felt the way everyone feels like, or not everyone, but
the people who don't really know I. That's what I'm saying.
On the back of his head, things like that, it's

the hair. It's like this like thing like he gets
a bad rep. But then if you watch the show,
you're like, what a charismatic host, maybe one of the
best hosts.

Speaker 4 (01:23:59):
Of all time. You're gonna say, what a coward?

Speaker 8 (01:24:01):
No, do you know that we helped him get his show?

Speaker 4 (01:24:05):
I believe it because he came up here.

Speaker 8 (01:24:07):
He was one of the final contestants and we had
to vote on the chicken palm and we picked him
and he got a show.

Speaker 3 (01:24:13):
But that day he did not wear that silk shirt
with the flames. A lot different in the pilot, you
mean or here here anyway? Okay, So okay, So back
to the music though. Okay, it all started with Nickelback. Congratulations,
that was your that was that was your anchor song.
So what are the songs that we've heard? Okay, can
you like you're trying to give a chance to so

a great one that I think a lot of parents
can relate to his Baby Shark.

Speaker 4 (01:24:37):
Please don't We've got it.

Speaker 9 (01:24:40):
So this for the same. This is the same kind
of thing. It's it's a song that a lot of people,
it's overplayed. They you know, kids are addicted to it.
They want to hear it more and more.

Speaker 3 (01:24:49):
You have kids, yes, okay, so none of us are
really victims of that because your kids are too.

Speaker 11 (01:24:58):
BABYI yeah, but you.

Speaker 4 (01:25:02):
Did, hold on, Elvis, find something you like about it,
go nothing. It reminds me of the one eight seven
seven Cars for a kid. Yeah, it reminds me.

Speaker 3 (01:25:14):
But by the way, they're raising money for a great organization.
It's just that saw makes me want to take a
host to.

Speaker 8 (01:25:19):
Do the kids.

Speaker 10 (01:25:21):
Yea and building building out.

Speaker 3 (01:25:22):
Oh yeah, you can sell everything. So you did an
entire podcast about baby Shark. Yeah, yeah, four and a
half hours long, a dissertation.

Speaker 4 (01:25:33):
Yeah, uh yeah.

Speaker 9 (01:25:34):
So there's songs like that that to me, actually that
was easy to find merit. I think it's it's an
it's an earworm, it's a bop, it's it's it's lit.

Speaker 4 (01:25:42):

Speaker 9 (01:25:44):
Really, it's like the musicality in it. It's it's it's
so addictive that you're like, this was manufactured perfectly, you know,
and I give it a lot of credit for that.
That's not easy to do.

Speaker 3 (01:25:54):
But as a musician, as a musician, Kevin, yes, hello,
hello baby shark.

Speaker 4 (01:25:58):
Go well. I mean also, you got to meet something
on its own merits like that is perfect at what
it is trying to be, which is exactly just like
a sugar rush, a thing that like kids can hold
on to and repeat and remember. And for that, like,
if I was to judge that the same way I'm
going to judge like a Leonard Cohen song or something.
And that's like my own bias. That's my issue. Yeah,

and that's the only issue I have. Otherwise I'm perfectly fine. Daniel.

Speaker 3 (01:26:25):
As a mother, Yeah, you understand the need for a
baby show.

Speaker 7 (01:26:29):
Of course.

Speaker 8 (01:26:29):
I like the repetition part. It's teaching kids something, it's fun,
it's I also think it will bring parents and their
kids together. It's something they can listen to together. So
I see lots of positives too.

Speaker 3 (01:26:40):
And that's the first step to world peace exactly. You
just turning this on Casey Jose and Kevin Devine aer here.
They're a host of the podcast called Give It a Chance.
They take a song and they'd go, wait, this song
is being ripped to shreds. Let's listen in and analyze it.
Maybe we should give it.

Speaker 8 (01:26:55):
Is there ever a song that you guys have listened
to that you tried to give it a chance and
you were like, yeah, we just can't.

Speaker 4 (01:27:01):
There are definitely songs where we've had a harder time
with the chance. No chance bound give us a type
all right, So I think it's it's it's that No
Doubt song, which I love No Doubt Hella good are
you feeling Hella good?

Speaker 18 (01:27:18):

Speaker 4 (01:27:20):
And for me it's a fall from grace.

Speaker 9 (01:27:22):
For them, like I love the early No Doubt stuff,
they were this like sort of like punk sky like
with this incredible singer, the band rules, like there's there's
this drama with the bassist and her.

Speaker 4 (01:27:32):
I love that whole story.

Speaker 9 (01:27:33):
And then you just give me this sort of really
cookie cutter track that has no for me.

Speaker 3 (01:27:39):
It doesn't have a lot of soul, and Kevin you
couldn't find anything redeeming of it. There's song I don't
think we found nothing redeeming. I can't remember off the
top of my head what it was, but I think
you found something that was redeeming. I also feel like
this is the opposite thing. This wants to be met
as a cool baby shark. I mean, this like wants
to be met us something cool and interesting, and it
doesn't quite get there so that I can judge viciously.

Speaker 4 (01:28:04):
If I was really hot Gwen.

Speaker 9 (01:28:05):
Gwenn has before this and after this put out massive hits,
right Like, I'm not worried about Gwen because she but
she's also and and and Kevin brought this up on
the podcast Don't come for me, Gwen fans, come on
Kevin's Like she was this, She was this icon that
was like kind of breaking the mold in a lot
of ways, and then she just jumped into someone else's mold.

Speaker 1 (01:28:26):

Speaker 3 (01:28:26):
I can hear Madonna doing that, right, and a lot
of other.

Speaker 10 (01:28:29):
People too, Brianna. I could see Rianna doing it.

Speaker 9 (01:28:32):
Okay, So let me give you a song we think
you should, all right, I love this. You should please
please find us online and give us songs.

Speaker 3 (01:28:39):
And maybe you've done it already. It's called Christmas Shoe.
Are you familiar with the song?

Speaker 4 (01:28:46):
No? I don't think so.

Speaker 3 (01:28:47):
Okay, Well he tells the story. We got to just
kind of give him a chance, okay, okay, and I'll
tell you why I hate instantly know it's a Christmas song,
So listen to him tell you the story.

Speaker 4 (01:29:00):
Here we go.

Speaker 18 (01:29:02):
It was almost Christmas.

Speaker 17 (01:29:06):
There I stood in another then trying to buy that
last fifty two really in the Christmas moved standing ride
in front of me, little boy.

Speaker 3 (01:29:21):
Waiting anxiously, got a little boys around.

Speaker 14 (01:29:25):
My little voice.

Speaker 4 (01:29:26):
To his hands. He held Paris shoes. Okay, listen closely,
and his clothes were one and all. He was dirty
from here to time. They kids.

Speaker 17 (01:29:45):
I couldn't believe what I heard him say, Sir, I
want to buy the shoes for my mama.

Speaker 11 (01:29:56):

Speaker 17 (01:29:58):
It's Christmas Eve and the these shoes are just.

Speaker 4 (01:30:03):
Here we go? Could you hurry? So daddy says, that's
not much. You see, she's been.

Speaker 11 (01:30:14):
Sick for quiet.

Speaker 3 (01:30:17):
Go these shoes for me.

Speaker 17 (01:30:18):
A small want or to the betful moms.

Speaker 3 (01:30:25):
Jeez, all right, let's wait, can we sew? Can we
slowly unpack this bag? Okay, that's a lot of bags.
This guy, that's fantastic.

Speaker 4 (01:30:39):
I love it.

Speaker 3 (01:30:39):
This guy has been hurry to get home to his family.
But there's a little kid that's dirty head to toe
and from him, and he doesn't have money for the
shoes he needs to get for his mom because Jesus said, yeah,
see you soon.

Speaker 4 (01:30:51):
Okay, so wow, okay.

Speaker 3 (01:30:53):
So every time we every Christmas season we play this
and I rip this thing just raising people think I'm say,
I'm like, whatever, go ahead, Christmas.

Speaker 4 (01:31:03):
Shoot, well my first my first chance. We could call
it a chancey.

Speaker 9 (01:31:07):
The first thing that I like about it is I've
never heard anything like it. But I've never heard a
story like quite told like that. It's channeling this John Cougar,
Mellon Camp, Bruce Springsteen thing, but definitely not either of
those with a John Tesh producers that with those people.

Speaker 3 (01:31:29):
The text a crime. This text is great. This text
emotional manipulation is not what Jesus wanted to us.

Speaker 9 (01:31:40):
Back to you. Yeah, it's it never feels like it
reaches a chorus.

Speaker 4 (01:31:45):
No. What I would say is also musically, key change
straight out of the verse to the chorus is an
interesting choice. I give them points. I love a key change. Yeah,
and they did it usually to wait like two and
a half minutes for the key change, they go right,
and they just want to punch it in. I do
a quick and lyrically though in the chorus when it
says that you know the first of all, it's just
her size that makes it sound like she has like

a really weirdly like sized foot or something. I don't know.
This one shoe is just her size. I've been looking.

Speaker 3 (01:32:13):
Forever in mind shoes on the sales, right, they don't
have many sizes left.

Speaker 4 (01:32:17):
I'm assuming also he was a little kid, he might
have been able to see the sizes. His eyes are
caken dirt I pulled.

Speaker 9 (01:32:23):
If I pulled one hundred children, they wouldn't know their parents' shoes.
One million, one million, six billion children. We know they
were great questions.

Speaker 4 (01:32:36):
The last but the last line about if they meet
Jesus tonight.

Speaker 3 (01:32:40):
Right, that's Daddy said she may meet Jesus tonight. So
we get the es was born on Christmas. I'm hoping
he's born before she dies, because otherwise she's not going
to meet him. He's not around.

Speaker 4 (01:32:53):
I don't think this was done. I've known about this
song for a long time. Okay, twenty two. I'll be honest,
Like if human beings are going to keep writing songs
like this. Let's just let the AI do it. Okay.

Speaker 3 (01:33:08):
No, but the name of your Feels, the name of
your podcast is give it a chance, Kevin. I'm not
seeing many chances given here.

Speaker 4 (01:33:14):
I'll say this.

Speaker 9 (01:33:15):
Almost every episode will say whoops, if we forgot to
give it a chance, okay, and then we will give
it a chance.

Speaker 4 (01:33:21):
No, there's definitely you know, there's there's there's stuff from this.
I like that.

Speaker 9 (01:33:24):
I like the dichotomy between like this, like real clean
music and I've got a voice like this. Right, it's
like I'm I'm like, I'm an everyman even though my
music is angelic.

Speaker 4 (01:33:34):
You know. Also, there's something to be said for the
fact linear storytelling is a dying art, and that thing
really lays out the groundwork. Oh he did, I mean
he has all the work for me.

Speaker 3 (01:33:43):
He could have said once upon a time and began
this page one to page ten finale thing. Look, I
think you should add this.

Speaker 4 (01:33:51):

Speaker 3 (01:33:52):
Well, on a week you can't find a song, Christmas
Shoes is waiting for you. If you want to guess,
We're ready, come on, let's do it. Oh that's good, Yeah,
that's great. We'll come here, I won't give it a chance.

Speaker 4 (01:34:03):
We can. We have time now, because you've just given us.
That's a tough one. Leave me a little more time.

Speaker 3 (01:34:08):
There was actually another song we were making fun of
several months ago. Us no, no, no, no no. It
was a song about a bus.

Speaker 10 (01:34:17):
Oh the bus crashed, everybody died, but they didn't die.

Speaker 3 (01:34:20):
Exactly that one. Do we have time to giving a
taste of that?

Speaker 4 (01:34:24):
Say that again? It was a bus that crashed and
everyone died, but everyone didn't. Yeah, it was a.

Speaker 10 (01:34:29):
Bus full of kids. They were going on a field
trip or something.

Speaker 4 (01:34:31):
Christmas bus.

Speaker 10 (01:34:32):
Yeah, Christmas bus and kreened off a cliff, so the
news said, and everyone was like, oh my god, all
the kids are dead. But then they found out it
was reported incorrectly and in fact, all the kids are alive.

Speaker 4 (01:34:42):
It's Yellow Jacket season three.

Speaker 3 (01:34:44):
Wow, tell you what. We'll save that for next time.

Speaker 4 (01:34:46):

Speaker 9 (01:34:47):
Okay, So we welcome you to our world and uh no,
we really appreciate it. We longtime fans of you, and
I'm just so excited to be part of this, really
truly honored.

Speaker 3 (01:34:57):
Well, thanks for giving us a chance. Yeah, so Casey
jo Justin Kevin Devine The podcast is called Give It
a Chance?

Speaker 11 (01:35:03):
How many?

Speaker 3 (01:35:04):
How many episodes are you in where we've recorded.

Speaker 4 (01:35:07):
Like over ten?

Speaker 9 (01:35:07):
But we we're just gonna keep going until you you know,
cut us off, until the money run to stop giving us.

Speaker 10 (01:35:13):
I have submissions? How can I submit them?

Speaker 4 (01:35:16):

Speaker 10 (01:35:16):
Oh my god, Creed?

Speaker 3 (01:35:18):
Oh that's great, that great one. If she makes that noise?
I got Creed's voice.

Speaker 8 (01:35:25):
Are you scared of anybody's like fan base?

Speaker 9 (01:35:28):
Like you know you well, we were asked if we
would do a Taylor Swift song. Yeah, if there's one
that for us that we truly don't like and we
you know, want to find some merit in I'm not
afraid because I think, ultimately, I think both camps. If
you hate, if you love the song and you listen
to it, you might like that. We're like finding the
things you also like about it to give it a chance.
And if you also, if you hate the song, you're

we're also going to rip on it a little bit.
I think the world should be a little bit open
to be made fun of, you know, socially this who cares?

Speaker 3 (01:35:56):
I have everyone all right, they're going to come after
you bring it totally.

Speaker 9 (01:36:01):
Yeah, just for saying that we're done, I will say
that I have some I have some swifty friends, and
I like Swifties more than I even like swift herself.

Speaker 4 (01:36:09):
Wow, give that a chance. That was smooth.

Speaker 3 (01:36:12):
That was truly just trying to dig myself out of
the hall. Best of Lucky, Casey Kevin, thank you for
calling the podcast is give it a chance.

Speaker 4 (01:36:22):
Check it out.

Speaker 16 (01:36:23):
We're so appreciated and I will you.

Speaker 1 (01:36:26):
Elvis Duran in the Morning Show.

Speaker 3 (01:36:29):
Wendy's new Cinnabon pull Apart is here to satisfy morning
cravings with its warm, sweet cinnamon sugar rolled dough, oohy
gouey texture and signature cream cheese frosting. Get the best
part in every bite this morning with Wendy's new Cinnabon
pull Apart, only a participating in US Wendy's Listen.

Speaker 18 (01:36:47):
To my full interview with Elvis Garra on demand on
the iHeart Radio app or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (01:36:53):
Casrie Elvis Duran in the Morning Show, Love Julia.

Speaker 3 (01:37:01):
I gotta tell you I loved her music, and after
his interview, I love her. Yes, agreed, and still like
the music. Okay, I can't wait to hear the whole album.
It's gouda be great. Hey, you know what it is.
It's our favorite day of the week.

Speaker 11 (01:37:14):

Speaker 7 (01:37:19):
What's going A west By.

Speaker 4 (01:37:24):
Favor and fast food chain now has something new.

Speaker 16 (01:37:28):
It's froggy S Foods About Food.

Speaker 3 (01:37:31):
Froggy's Food, Froggy's Food News Thursday. All right, Froggy, it's
all you.

Speaker 4 (01:37:36):
What's going on? All right?

Speaker 5 (01:37:38):
Oreo is teaming up with Sour Patch Kids to make
an Oreo Sour Patch Kid cookie.

Speaker 4 (01:37:44):
I don't know what I think about that.

Speaker 7 (01:37:45):
I don't think this is a good idea.

Speaker 4 (01:37:47):
I you know what, I love Oreo, so I'll try it.
The Sour Sweet and Oreo.

Speaker 5 (01:37:51):
The new cookie will visually resemble the Golden Oreo, but
it's actually packed with Sour Patch Kid flavored multi flecks
that are baked right into basically the cookie top, as
well as the cream that is in the middle. So
you'll have to try it out. Pre sale begins at
oreos dedicated Sour Patch Kids web page. Actually that started

yesterday and will hit shelves nationwide May six.

Speaker 4 (01:38:16):
If you'd like to try it out.

Speaker 3 (01:38:17):
Look, I mean, I love Sour Patch Kids, I love Oreos.
I just it's like I love Gandhi, I love Danielle.
I don't think I could eat them both at the
same time.

Speaker 10 (01:38:25):
One way to find out.

Speaker 5 (01:38:26):
I'm gonna move right on from that before I get
in trouble. If you like cookies, Crumble Cookies has announced
they're gonna start selling miniature versions of their cookies on
what They're going to brand it as many Mondays. So
Crumble cookies are really good, but they're big. A lot
of people have always wanted smaller ones. Well, now every
single Monday you can try smaller versions of the chains
cookies that are ever changing. They're gonna come in three,

six and twelve pack orders. So now you can try
Crumble cookies in a little small size. You don't have
to eat the entire cookie.

Speaker 4 (01:38:57):
We talked about this a while back.

Speaker 5 (01:38:58):
There's a difference between a coke and a can, a
coke and a bottle, and a McDonald's coke right there
is a scientific reason. Here are the reasons. Number one,
the syrup ratio. When you drink a fountain drink, it's
generally over ice. While the ice melts over time dilutes
your drink. McDonald's does that, and they adjust the syrup

to water ratio to account for the ice the packaging.
McDonald's gets their soda syrup delivered in stainless stil tanks,
which is better at protecting the syrup from light, heat, oxygen,
and other factors that compromise the quality. The filtration process.
McDonald's uses filtrated water so they always have the same

water no matter where you are, because water is different
in all different parts of the country. The temperature everything
in a McDonald's coke is cold. From the stainless steel
tanks that have the syrup to the water that is filtrated,
everything is always cold. Nothing is warm. And lastly the straw.
It's a larger straw which reaches more surface area of
your mouth. That is scientifically why McDonald's coke does taste

different than crazy.

Speaker 3 (01:40:05):
They know all of those, yeah, all of those little tricks.

Speaker 10 (01:40:07):
And now if we know it, why doesn't everyone do it?

Speaker 14 (01:40:09):

Speaker 5 (01:40:10):
I guess probably because it probably cross prohod give me money,
guess ye. Star Wars Day coming up May fourth, National
Star Wars Day and True MoU the Dairy they've teamed
up and they're gonna have blue milk available. You can
now get blue milk at Disney's Galaxy Edge Park.

Speaker 8 (01:40:27):
Oh, I've eaten that, I've eaten. I've d had that
a little sip because I can't drink it.

Speaker 5 (01:40:33):
They have blue and green milk there, correct, yeah, blue,
So this is the first time you can sample the
milk outside of Disney's Galaxy Edge. The beverage is actually
vanilla flavored. True MoU blue milk will be available at
select Walmart and Target stores, and the True MoU website
also has a where to bypage if you'd like to
get your blue milk. One last story. Tomorrow is National

Pretzel Day. A big thanks to Jeffrey Johnson on Instagram.
He sent me this today. There are free these deals
and giveaways. Any Ann's, beIN's Soft Pretzels, Philly Pretzel Factory,
Pretzel Maker, The Green Turtle, and Wetzel's Pretzels all doing
deals and freebies tomorrow on National Pretzel Day. You ready
for the countdown?

Speaker 4 (01:41:13):
What is it? These are the top five foods that
you should use in the bedroom to spice up your
sex life.

Speaker 5 (01:41:18):
A rod, cheeseburger, a bullet hitty. Maybe that was number
seven and six or eight?

Speaker 3 (01:41:26):
Okay, so again the top five foods you need to
use in the bedroom to enhance your love making.

Speaker 5 (01:41:32):
Go use use your imagination. But coming into number five donuts,
you know I can hold a half dozen in your hand.
Number four ice cream Okay, yes, gotta be quick. But
used the ice cream. Number three it comes with a
dry cleaning bill. But chocolate syrup or strawberry syrup in

Scotty beese case. Number two honey, honey, honey.

Speaker 10 (01:42:00):
Okay, I could see that sticky.

Speaker 4 (01:42:02):
And the number one food you should use in the
bedroom is whipped cream.

Speaker 1 (01:42:07):
That's very sticky too.

Speaker 14 (01:42:08):

Speaker 3 (01:42:11):
Here's my issue with webb cream. It is a dairy
product and after a while it smells bad.

Speaker 6 (01:42:16):
It does.

Speaker 4 (01:42:16):
It does.

Speaker 10 (01:42:17):
Eat it real quick.

Speaker 4 (01:42:18):
It even mixed with saliva. It smells.

Speaker 7 (01:42:22):
It smells worse.

Speaker 3 (01:42:23):
Reporting for a friend, right right?

Speaker 4 (01:42:26):

Speaker 18 (01:42:28):
Is that it?

Speaker 4 (01:42:29):
That's it? Thank you? Froggy.

Speaker 1 (01:42:36):
The Brooklyn Boys podcast.

Speaker 4 (01:42:39):
Oh Joe Kato's in the studio. He said, scary Bros.

Speaker 3 (01:42:42):
Gary Brody, You guys should put together breary.

Speaker 4 (01:42:46):
What's a you don't want to be scroaty?

Speaker 1 (01:42:51):
Listen to The Brooklyn Boys podcast on the iHeartRadio app,
Apple podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Elvis Ter
ran in the morning.

Speaker 3 (01:43:00):
Several reasons I'm jealous of Danielle. First of all, she
snagged my man.

Speaker 7 (01:43:04):
Oh yeah, that's right.

Speaker 4 (01:43:05):

Speaker 3 (01:43:05):
Secondly, you got your box of Hello Fresh this week?

Speaker 16 (01:43:07):
I did.

Speaker 8 (01:43:08):
It was so exciting when it came last night. I
ripped into it and I got three great recipes. I'm
making I think the beef pasta dish this evening.

Speaker 16 (01:43:15):
Do it.

Speaker 3 (01:43:15):
I'm gonna hear all about it tomorrow. Yeah, promise you know.
And it's a beautiful weather day today and tomorrow. You
get more time in the sun, less time at the
grocery store and in the kitchen. They have these ready
and twenty minutes recipes. You can take your pick from
a rotating menu of twenty satisfying options every week, or
you can just whip up a twenty minute or less
meal that you choose from the menu. It's really great.

You can choose or they can choose whatever you want.
If you're craving something new, let them get you out
of the recipe rut and take your pick from over
forty five flavorful options every week. We love Hello Fresh.
We still have that invite open to go visit the
Hello Fresh kitchens. Let's do it, I know, And when
you join Hello Fresh today, you get a free dessert
for life with every box Wee Lapa Cakes, Decking the

Cheesecakes and more. It's mouth watering treats on repeat every
single week. As long as you are actively subscribing to HelloFresh,
just get on in there. Go to the website. You'll
see what we're talking about. We're so passionate about them
because they are passionate about food. Go to HelloFresh dot
com slash Elvis get that dessert for life as long
as your subscription lasts. That's HelloFresh dot com slash.

Speaker 1 (01:44:19):
Elvis Elvis Duran in the Morning show, Wait, what is that?

Speaker 4 (01:44:31):
What is the headline?

Speaker 10 (01:44:33):
Well, there's an idiot that we don't like who says
that men who engage in sexual activity with women because
it feels good are in fact gay.

Speaker 3 (01:44:41):
Oh okay, okay, okay, maybe yeah, okay, okay, moving on,
Thank you so much to do Alipa Casey Jose and
Kevin Devine who we're here today and coming soon. We've
got Kate Hudson. He's got music out Rocko to Spirito,
one of our favorite chefs. N KOTB. It's crazy it's

gonna be on pretty soon. If you want to hear
any of these interviews past or future, make sure you
go to Elvis durand dot com slash Mercedes because they're
all happening in the Mercedes Benz Interview Lounge. That's Elvis
durand dot Com slash Mercedes.

Speaker 4 (01:45:17):
What'd you say yay.

Speaker 3 (01:45:21):
Around the room? What's on your mind? Let's go, Daniellem
gonna start with you.

Speaker 8 (01:45:26):
I just realized that, oh no, I was talking gone
about this. N KOTB will be here the day I
have jury duty. So like, how do I not, like
you know how to get out of Jerry.

Speaker 3 (01:45:37):
Well, it's your civic duty.

Speaker 8 (01:45:39):
I know it is, and I've already postponed it once
because we were away when I was supposed to go.

Speaker 4 (01:45:44):
So I sure, maybe you could take them with you
to jury.

Speaker 8 (01:45:46):
Duty and Kate new kids on the ball.

Speaker 4 (01:45:48):
I'm layby.

Speaker 3 (01:45:51):
I think that's a great, a good excuse to get
out of it.

Speaker 10 (01:45:53):
For the one time that I was summoned for jury duty,
I talked about it on the air, and that day,
probably within thirty minutes, they sent me an email saying
you are no longer needed.

Speaker 7 (01:46:02):
Really, what's the data.

Speaker 1 (01:46:03):
That is not that I don't want.

Speaker 3 (01:46:07):
Wait, hold on, you just said on that day you
have jury duty. Now you don't know what.

Speaker 8 (01:46:10):
Day, know the day, but I looked on the calendar
and whatever date they're here, that's my jury duty date.

Speaker 3 (01:46:16):
It's an I don't know, well it's that date. So
look on your jury duty.

Speaker 7 (01:46:20):
Notice, jerry duty notice.

Speaker 4 (01:46:22):
All right, okay, yeah, I've never served on a jury never. Never.

Speaker 8 (01:46:27):
Last time I was there, it was actually cool to
watch the whole process. I got dismissed, but it was
actually cool to just watch how it all works.

Speaker 3 (01:46:33):
I would love to do it straight night.

Speaker 4 (01:46:35):
What's up with you? Okay?

Speaker 9 (01:46:36):
So if you want to try and do something, I'm
going to take a lesson from uh, I'm not joking
alcoholics anons.

Speaker 4 (01:46:43):

Speaker 9 (01:46:43):
Can you get a sponsor that helps you through things? So,
and if you want to try and do something that
you really don't like doing or you're learning how to
do it, get yourself a sponsored departners my reading sponsor.
She'll be chicking with each other. I'm enjoying reading again.
So anytime I'm reading a book, I'll text Danielle. Hey,
I'm sitting down reading the book is it something I
want to do, something that I've been pushing off or

just ignoring. So find somebody that likes doing the same
thing you do and.

Speaker 4 (01:47:07):
Chat with them.

Speaker 3 (01:47:08):
That's a great idea, having a sponsor, having a partner. Yeah,
it really works. If, for instance, you don't have to
have a trainer, but you can't have a friend. You
go to the gym with work out. We could be
workout buddiesself.

Speaker 4 (01:47:21):
But thank you? Hey, scary, what's up with you?

Speaker 19 (01:47:23):
So I'm going to Marbaya, Spain, and I have to
take my shirt off in a couple of days, and I.

Speaker 4 (01:47:29):
Am very worried.

Speaker 19 (01:47:30):
Well, I'm a little self conscious because I'd like to
know how to get rid of a black and blue
because does want to hit you? Well no, but remember
the attack. Larry the lobster attacked me in the Bahamas
with his claws.

Speaker 4 (01:47:41):
Yes, well look at that.

Speaker 11 (01:47:43):
It's still there.

Speaker 18 (01:47:43):
It's just what.

Speaker 3 (01:47:44):
Oh wow, Well here's the good news. You'll be in Spain.
No one knows you, no one cares.

Speaker 11 (01:47:48):
Well, there's that.

Speaker 3 (01:47:48):
But if someone asks, I want to come up with
a fun creative story. What can I do with a
grown man pinched you with his toes that's what happened.

Speaker 11 (01:47:57):
Okay, that is what happened. But is that believable? I
don't know.

Speaker 1 (01:48:00):
I don't think.

Speaker 3 (01:48:03):
All right, well, I don't think anyone's gonna ask.

Speaker 4 (01:48:05):
I'm sorry.

Speaker 3 (01:48:06):
I've totally deflated your balloon, but I will say this,
I am self conscious about it. Well, okay, I was
in the pool in my name. You should work this
out with Alex. I mean, he has traumatized you with
that that he has going away?

Speaker 11 (01:48:18):
How do you get.

Speaker 6 (01:48:20):

Speaker 4 (01:48:20):
I know, you know what, and shame on him. We
thought it was funny at the time, and that's so funny. Hey, Gandhi,
what's up?

Speaker 1 (01:48:26):
All right?

Speaker 10 (01:48:26):
I saw Danielle do something the other day and I
thought it was great and I would like to incorporate
it into my life more. She doesn't just give you
a compliment like, oh, cute shirt. She takes it one
step further and tells you what she actually likes about
your shirt, which makes the compliment more meaningful. One of
our engineers was in here and you said, I love
your shirt. It really brings out your eyes and he
looked so happy. Yeah, and I was like, I got
to take note. Make it a genuine compliment.

Speaker 2 (01:48:47):
Tell them.

Speaker 10 (01:48:48):
Why you like it.

Speaker 3 (01:48:50):
Than just a great shirt. It's hey, you know that
shirt looks great on you because or you make that
shirt look great because.

Speaker 8 (01:48:54):
You Kelly Clarkson, there you go. She came in here
and she complimented my eyes and said that they matched
my hair color. And I was like, well, that's so sweet,
that's so nice.

Speaker 3 (01:49:03):
And I said, okay, producer Sam, what's going on? How
do you turn in Michaels? This fun work?

Speaker 14 (01:49:08):

Speaker 13 (01:49:09):
Hey great if you exist in the world of creativity,
there are no rules and it.

Speaker 4 (01:49:14):
Is so cool.

Speaker 13 (01:49:15):
So last night our friend Josh, our coaster boy Josh,
took me to see a Broadway show, Stereophonic.

Speaker 4 (01:49:20):
I was it.

Speaker 7 (01:49:21):
It was so good.

Speaker 1 (01:49:23):
It was so incredible.

Speaker 13 (01:49:24):
And I'm still not one hundred percent sure if i
saw a play or a musical, because, unlike most musicals
I'm used to, the only music you heard was it's
about this band and they're rising to fame in the
seventies and you're watching them create music. That was the
only music you heard. It's not like they broke out
into song like regular theater. And I looked at Josh
and I said, I'm actually so grateful this wasn't a
show when I was in high school because I went

to a specialty performing arts high school.

Speaker 7 (01:49:46):
Like, if I saw this, I wouldn't have given up
the dream.

Speaker 13 (01:49:49):
This is the coolest project I've ever seen that has
to do with music on Broadway.

Speaker 1 (01:49:54):
And I loved it.

Speaker 3 (01:49:55):
Oh, he really did.

Speaker 7 (01:49:56):
We both left obsessed, which is like so cool.

Speaker 10 (01:49:59):
Usually have to digest or something.

Speaker 3 (01:50:01):
No stereot my list. Josh gave me the best hug.

Speaker 4 (01:50:05):
The other day.

Speaker 10 (01:50:06):
Yeah, do you check your pockets?

Speaker 4 (01:50:09):
You're awful.

Speaker 3 (01:50:10):
You can't trust that guy, but I didn't. Actually, let's
get into sound with Garrett.

Speaker 7 (01:50:14):
Thursday, May sixteenth. Is that jury duty.

Speaker 4 (01:50:18):
That Danielle?

Speaker 12 (01:50:19):
You're welcome, KYO TV. Your excuse, Garrett? What's going on
with sound? All right, let's start with a story coming
out of South Carolina. The cicadas in South Carolina are
so loud. People are complaining, they're calling the police.

Speaker 4 (01:50:32):
Yes, they sound like a like a buzzing and like
a clicking noise.

Speaker 5 (01:50:40):
Like during the day it just sounds like a high
pitched humming, but at night it sounds like a jungle
exceptionally loud.

Speaker 4 (01:50:47):
Right now, they were they were out pretty good in
our neighborhood.

Speaker 3 (01:50:50):
I think this year is a big year with cicadas.
It feels like every year cicada year. You know, two
hat are coinciding this year, the hatch every year, but
this year it's two hatches at the same time, so
we're doubling the cicada hatches.

Speaker 7 (01:51:07):
It sounds like a Marvel movie.

Speaker 3 (01:51:08):
I love the ones that got I don't know if those.

Speaker 4 (01:51:12):
Are Cicada's ring.

Speaker 12 (01:51:17):
Back to you, all right, And then I want to
play this this interview that I just did earlier this morning.
So it is take your kid to work day, and
I got to sit down with my son Hudson, who
is here with me right now, uh, and I just
talked about life with him, and this is what we got. Hey, Hudson,
all right, So, as your dad, what do you think
I do at work?

Speaker 13 (01:51:38):
You don't let me go on YouTube at home, but
you always go on YouTube at work.

Speaker 12 (01:51:44):
How much money do you think I make? One hundred,
one hundred dollars? So, Hudson, who do you think makes
more money? Elvis or mister Beasts? How much money do
you think mister Beast makes a thousand, one thousand dollars?
And how much money do you think Elvis snakes two hundred,
two hundred dollars? Okay, do you have a favorite curse word?

Speaker 1 (01:52:06):
I have one, go for it.

Speaker 4 (01:52:09):
Where do you think on our show is the worst farder?
I say, Steely Jay? What do you think his fart
sounds like?

Speaker 10 (01:52:20):
Nailed it?

Speaker 3 (01:52:23):
That was a great interview, Hudson. It's an honor to
have you here today. Thank you for coming in.

Speaker 4 (01:52:28):

Speaker 11 (01:52:28):

Speaker 3 (01:52:31):
How do you think Gandhi farts? What's Gandhi's farts? You
have to get really close to the microphone. Here we go,
and Gandhi's fart sounds like what?

Speaker 4 (01:52:38):
Here we go? There you go?

Speaker 3 (01:52:41):
That's my clothes. I couldn't tell if it was you
or Hudson. Anyway, thank you very much, thank you. You're
very good America. I appreciate it. Let's listen to this
song for a second. Okay, okay, how about this buddon

when you wake up?

Speaker 1 (01:53:05):
Wake up to Elvis drain in the morning show.

Speaker 3 (01:53:09):
Thank you to Casey Jost and Kevin Devine, the host
of our new podcast called Give It a Chance. Had
a lot of fun with them. Let's get out of here,
see you tomorrow. Till then, say peace.

Speaker 4 (01:53:19):
Out everybody, everybody,

Elvis Duran and the Morning Show ON DEMAND News

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