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January 9, 2024 16 mins

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Please download the Goal Setting Workbook that follows this episode: here

Episode #115: Imagine seizing opportunities as they arise, armed with a growth mindset that turns challenges into stepping stones for success. That's what we're unpacking today—how to nurture the mindset and habits that will steer us toward our most ambitious goals for the year. We'll revisit the SMART method, aligning our career and personal aspirations, even as life’s curveballs come our way. By maintaining focus and staying accountable, we're setting the stage for a year of unparalleled achievements. So, subscribe, share, and join our brigade of excellence; together, we're not just planning goals—we're setting the foundations for a legacy of leadership in finance.

Episode outline:

  1. Why we set goals and not new years’ resolutions,
  2. Our mindset is our greatest asset,
  3. What is your big goal for 2024?
  4. Use the SMART method for goal planning.

Please connect with me on:

1. Instagram: stephen.mclain
2. Twitter: smclainiii
3. Facebook: stephenmclainconsultant
4. LinkedIn: stephenjmclainiii

For more resources, please visit Finance Leader Academy:

  1. On the website, you can download the Become a Finance Leader Guide. You can use this guide to build your Finance Leadership skills so you can help senior leaders develop and execute the strategy.
  2. I also offer a course, Advance Your Finance and Accounting Career: Developing a Promotion Strategy that Sets You Apart.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Stephen McLain (00:04):
Happy New Year again.
It's time to set a plan forwhat you want to accomplish in
This is an amazing time of yearthe possibilities are endless
and the dreams are big.
I hope your new year hasstarted off well.
I want to remind you that NewYear's resolutions often don't

get you to where you want to be,but a purposeful goal planning
and goal setting process willUse the smart method for goal
setting so you check off yourgoals throughout the year.
I love this time of year.
Let's get started.
Please enjoy the episode.
Welcome to the Finance LeaderPodcast, where leadership is

bigger than the numbers.
I am your host, Stephen McLain.
This is the podcast fordeveloping leaders in finance
and accounting.
Please consider following me onTwitter, facebook, instagram
and LinkedIn.
My user names and the links arein this episode's show notes,
thank you.
This is episode number 115, andI'll be talking about goal

planning and goal setting for2024, and I will highlight the
following topics Number one whywe set goals and not new year's
Number two our mindset is ourgreatest asset.
Number three what is your biggoal for 2024?
And number four use the smartmethod for goal planning.

Motivational Speaker TonyRobbins said setting goals is
the first step into turning theinvisible into the visible.
Happy New Year.
This is an amazing time of year.
We get to have a fresh startand a fresh approach to our
relationships, to work, to ourcareer and to life.

It's a mark on the calendar fornew beginnings and endless
Oh, this is such a great timeof year.
I dream and think endlessly onwhat I want to get done and how
I want to do it.
But it takes a plan and ittakes planning and assessing
plus updating that plancontinuously.

It takes coordination, itrequires establishing your
priorities and it takescommitment plus accountability.
What do you want to achieve in2024?
Most of you know how I feelabout new year's resolutions.
New year's resolutions arefrivolous, often unachievable,
unrealistic aspirations with nobasis and no plan.

They are made by people who doknow they need to make a change
or need a big accomplishment,but don't use a proven process
to plan their goal intoachievable pieces.
This is why I focus so much ona formal goal-setting process,
because when you think throughand make a plan, you will have a
better chance of success.

Please download the show notesthat follow along with this
episode so you can capture keythoughts as we build on a
goal-setting plan together.
In this discussion, ourgoal-setting always begins with
our mindset.
What is your current mindset?
Are you ready to tackle 2024with its challenges and its

I want you to adopt a growthmindset.
Always, you must believe inyourself, that you can overcome
any obstacle and that youpossess near unlimited potential
, that you decide how far andhow much you can achieve, that
nothing can stop you, accept you, and I want you to believe that
you can achieve and win, andthat you can believe in yourself

and that you can advocate foryourself and how much you can
bring to the organization thatyou are working with right now.
So, after we have addressed ourmindset, where, then, should we
focus when it comes togoal-setting?
Please review and update yourlong-term goal.
After that, I would recommendreviewing your professional

foundation, which I cover in myAdvanced Career course on
Finance Leader Academy.
Your professional foundation ismindset, becoming a
professional, critical softskills, your technical skills,
business acumen and yourcredentials, which includes your
advanced degree and aprofessional certification.
Please ensure your professionalfoundation is secured.

Other skills I suggestdeveloping always would be
leadership and your executivepresence, and ensure you include
earning continuing professionaleducation or CPE credits if you
currently hold a professionalcertification, don't wait until
the end of the year to try toget all your CPEs completed and

turned in on time.
It often doesn't work that well.
This year, I want you to becomea more confident finance leader
who takes more control of yourcareer and your actions.
Leadership is never a title ora role.
It's about positive influence.
It's about making a differenceon your team and in your
It's about doing a little bitmore to partner and collaborate

with others to bridge gaps inunderstanding and communication.
Strive to grow your financeleadership in 2024.
I want you to be more confident, more ahead of others, ready to
make a difference on your workprojects and ready to go to the
next level in your career.
What will it take for you tobecome more confident and more
in charge of your career and inyour life?

I want you to review yourlong-term goal, which is what
you want to accomplish in thenext 10 to 15 years.
Write a statement outliningwhere you want to be, which
includes both in your personallife and in your career.
You don't have to be superspecific, but in a general sense
where are you going?
What do you want to do?
What drives you?
What is your passion?

Where do you want to pour yourenergy in to see the results you
want in the next 10 years or so?
Also, we want to make sure yourpersonal life is aligned with
your career goal, and I alwaysadvocate talking this over with
your family and your significantother.
You want to be aligned with thespecial people in your life.

Family and personalconsiderations are important due
to planning around importantmilestones.
For example, maybe you areplanning to get married this
That may be the big goal of theyear and everything else is
placed on hold for next year.
Getting married, along with allthe other big tasks in your
life, is a huge undertaking andfocusing on that is just perfect

for this year, and that's okay.
Please make sure you havealigned your personal and
professional goals with yourfamily.
It's very important.
Goal setting requires athoughtful, purposeful plan.
Planning never ends.
We don't set a goal and thenforget it.
We set our big goal for theyear and then we break it down

into small pieces that we caneasily achieve.
I want to encourage you to usethe SMART method for your goal
I talked about this last yearin episode number 102.
Smart stands for Specific,Measurable, achievable,
realistic and Time-Based.
More on this later.
I want to briefly share what Iwant to do in Finance Leader

Academy this year.
I have three objectives thisyear.
The first and this is alwaysthe case continue to build more
confident finance leaders.
This is my passion.
I want to help finance andaccounting professionals to
achieve their professional goalsand their career potential.
I want to see you achieve yourlong-term goals.

Number two, if you did not knowalready, I have partnered with
an Army colleague of mine, markMcMillian, to bring an amazing
resource to organizations thatcan help with conflict
Mark is a retired Army officerlike me.
He is a speaker and author whotravels to organizations to talk

and train about a range ofissues.
On Finance Leader Academy, youwill find his on-demand course
available on conflict management.
And three, finally I want tohelp small business owners and
how they align their strategy toan effective accounting and
finance system.
Small business owners oftenhave a limited staff helping

them with accounting and finance, so they need to learn a lot on
their own until they can growtheir business and finally
afford a larger accounting staff.
I have a free small businessguide available to help with
aligning the strategy with aneffective finance system.
So we stay on progress with ourgoal setting.
This year I will be conductinga mid-year goal review challenge

in June.
This year I will share morethroughout the year.
You can put your name on a listso you can be Reminded.
You can either go to financeleader academy calm to sign up,
or you can go to the link inthis episode's description.
More on this challenge later.
I am very excited about this,so please join me in reviewing

our goals at mid-year, thank you.
Now let's talk about goalplanning and goal setting in
Number one why we set goals andnot new year's resolutions.
I don't have much belief in newyear's resolutions Because they
often have no plan behind them.
They are often declarationswithout a plan and without a

As soon as they are declared,they are often just as quickly
A resolution is something wewant to do, but don't commit our
entire selves to achieving it.
They are dreams withoutsubstance, a whim without a plan
I want you to set up and planwritten goals instead of
I want you to have a planinstead of an impulse that has

no chance of success.
Let's thoughtfully write outrealistic but achievable goals
and objectives.
Let's begin this year with aplan for what we want to do in a
coordinated support structurethat can help us in completing
Number two our mindset is ourbiggest asset.
Our mindset determineseverything.
It determines how we seeourselves, how we conduct

ourselves in a project, how muchwe advocate for ourselves, our
level of confidence and how muchwe believe in ourselves.
Our mindset is powerful, sothat is why it's our biggest
asset and could be our biggestliability and the worksheet for
this episode.
I want you to write down astatement regarding your mindset
What is your current mindset?
Are you ready to take on thenew year?

Are you worried about something?
Well, anything stop you fromaccomplishing your goals this
We need to get our mindsetright before we get anything
else done.
Do you believe in yourself, tobelieve that you can make a
Do you see yourself as a leader?
What do you think will try tostop you from accomplishing your
What do you plan to do toovercome those obstacles?

If you change your mindset, youwill change your outcome.
Number three what is your biggoal for 2024?
What is your big goal for theyear?
You have set a long-term goaland this year, you probably have
one goal in mind that youreally want to accomplish.
Write it down and break it upinto small, achievable pieces.
Coordinate and plan it out overthe year.

How will you accomplish thisgoal?
What resources do you need?
Do you need help from anyone?
Can your organization help youwith the resources or with
And don't forget to plan outyour CPEs for this year.
Don't be short when you have tore-certify.
Number four use the smartmethod for goal setting.
I shared the smart goal settingmethod last year in episode

number 102 and I wanted to shareit again here in this episode.
Make sure you download theworksheet that goes along with
this episode so you can fill inyour thoughts.
Smart goal setting is a methodof setting goals that is widely
used in business andorganizations.
The acronym SMART stands forspecific, measurable, achievable
, relevant and time bound.

These five criteria are used toensure that goals are
well-defined and achievable.
Specific a specific goal has aclear target or outcome that is
well-defined it should answerthe question of what, why and
Measurable a measurable goalcan be quantified or tracked in
some way.

This allows for progress to bemonitored and the goals
achievement to be evaluated.
Achievable the goal should berealistic and attainable.
It should be something that canbe achieved with the resources
and capabilities available.
Relevant, a relevant goal isone that aligns with the overall
objectives and mission of theorganization or individual.

Time-bound A goal should have aspecific deadline for
This creates a sense of urgencyand helps to focus efforts
towards achieving the goal.
Using the smart criteria whensetting goals can help to ensure
that they are clear, achievableand aligned with the overall
objectives of the organizationor the individual.

It can also help to increasemotivation and focus, making it
more likely that the goal willbe achieved.
The goal achievement requires awell thought out and coordinated
plan to map out our approach.
It requires a growth focusedmindset and it requires
If you use the smart method andupdate your progress throughout

the year, you can accomplishanything, even if obstacles try
to get in your way, because yourmindset will be strong and your
plan will be solid For action.
Today, let's start planning andsetting our 2024 goals if you
have not done so already and ifyou have, you are never quite
done let's continue to refineand reformat using the smart

Please make sure you downloadthe free Goal Setting Guide on
financeleaderacademycom, and thelink is in this episode's
First, write out a statementjust for you on your mindset for
this year.
Get your mindset right beforeyou do anything else.
Is there anything you need toaddress with your mindset?
Next is to write out or refine,your long term goal.

I want you to look out 10 to 15years on what you really want
to accomplish.
This is a big one.
Then write out your big goalfor 2024.
After that, break down that biggoal into smaller, achievable
pieces using the smart method.
Plan out your other goals usingthe same method.
Please consider your personalgoals along with your career

goals and finally, ensure youalign with your family and your
significant other.
After you have a written plan,make sure you find a way to hold
yourself accountable and pleasejoin me for the mid-year goal
review challenge.
More information on that willbe released as we go through
this first part of this year.
Today, I talked about goalplanning and goal setting for

2024, and I highlighted thefollowing points 1.
Why we set goals and not newyear's resolutions.
Our mindset is our greatestasset.
What is your big goal for 2024?
And 4.
Use the smart method for goalplanning.
Goal setting is important, so wehave a plan and we have to stay

on track.
It's critical to accomplishingwhat you really want to do when
it comes to goal setting.
Begin with your mindset andyour long term goal.
Consult with your family andyour significant other to align
the timing of your goals so youconsider family milestones and
events that may alter how youview your career and
professional goal setting.

Next, we break down our goalsinto smaller, achievable and
realistic pieces and we find away to hold ourselves
And don't forget to review yourhabits so you can stay focused
and accomplish what you want toget done in this year and beyond
I believe in you and I believein this community of finance and

accounting professionals.
Good luck and write out yourplan starting now.
Next episode I will be talkingabout getting focused so we can
accomplish what we want thisyear.
I hope you enjoyed the FinanceLeader podcast.
I am focused on helping thiscommunity to become more
confident finance leaderscapable of transforming

You can find this episodewherever you listen to podcasts.
If this episode helps you today, please share with a colleague
and leave a quick review Untilnext time.
You can check out moreresources at
financeleaderacademycom and signup for my weekly updates so you
don't miss an episode of thepodcast.
And now go lead your team andI'll see you next time.

Thank you.
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