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April 9, 2024 • 22 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Hey, welcome to the Lori deYoung Show podcast. If you missed our
show today, we're sorry about that, but here are some highlights for you.
Be sure to catch it tomorrow everyweekday morning from five till ten,
or on the iHeartRadio app Today's BestCountry ninety three point one w POC Baltimore
Now Top Stories at the top ofthe hour, We'll start with baseball.

The Orioles get back on the fieldtoday, this time up in Boston.
They'll be looking a spoil opening dayfor the Red Sox up at Fenway.
Corbin Burns is taking the mound forBaltimore. First pitch set for two ten
this afternoon. Last night's NCAA Men'sbasketball Championship ended up being kind of a
letdown as it was never really acontest. Yukon took a lead in a
halftime and never looked back as theywon their second straight championship and sixth overall

six titles, puts the school atthird overall time with North Carolina and behind
Kentucky and UCLA. Also congrats toYukon guard Cam Spencer. The senior is
from Davidsonville and played his high schoolbasketball at Boys Latin and Baltimore even started
his college career at Loyola before transferring, so to see some some local blood
up there at the Yukon school,and we love to see that. On
the women's side of things, weexpected Sunday's championship game to be a big

one for the ratings, and wewere right. It became the most watched
basketball game, men's or women's collegeor pro since twenty nineteen. The final
that saw Don Staley's undefeated South Carolinadefeat IOWA and Caitlyn Clark drew eighteen point
seven million viewers. That's like NFLnumbers, So definitely a big game on
Sunday, mark the third time ina week that a game featuring Clark broke
viewership records. Iowa was Elite eightmatchup week ago saw twelve point three million

viewers that set the record, thentheir Final four game racked up fourteen point
two million, and then the finalover eighteen. So definitely, Kitlyn Clark
has proven to be good for ESPN'sratings over the last couples. And I
saw that Don Staley got like abig old contract. Oh I'm sure,
yeah, I'm sure with South Carolina, so good for her. I mean

undefeated season. I think last yearthey lost one game, which was to
Caitlin Clark in the Final four.So I mean, she's definitely on a
roll with South Carolina right now.So I think one of the results of
the eclipse yesterday was people are grouchytoday. I'm not really sure why Barti
Ben yelled at in the park rushand then I got a call from somebody
who's very upset that we're playing Hardy'sTruck Bed and I said, sir,

I don't pick those songs here onthe radio. And of course he didn't
want to talk about anything. Youjust want to file his complaint. So
we're gonna play Hardy coming up next. But we have some tickets Sam Hunt
Jivylub Live on July twelfth. He'sgoing to be there Caller nine. The
tickets are yours. We keep itsimple. Eight hundred and three two one
thirty six ninety three. That's thephone number. Sorry, sir, we'll

be fine. I like it.I like this this swren Zeider's ninety three
point one w POC. Every oncein a while you'll see something in the
news and you're like, I don'tthink this. I saw a line Americans

will spend eight hours stressing over theirtaxes this year. I'm thinking, oh,
it's a lot more than eight hours. Yeah, I gotta believe the
eight hour Okay, I know that'scoming up on Monday. Not to terrify
anybody, I think we're tonight.I think all aware of the tax things
you have yours, Alt Don Bethany, Oh absolutely not, no, no,
okay. And I've been at leasteight hours thinking about how they're not

done easily. Easily. Yeah,you guys, got my got Maybe I
have spent less than zero hours worryingabout That's good. That is good.
Yeah. Good. So Parker McCullumhas got to burn it down tour going
on. It's coming up and heis going to be at the theater at
MGM National Harbor on October tenth.Now I know that's a little ways away,

but he's doing what a lot ofartists do, and that is that
they have at different venues, theyhave different people doing now kind of warm
up on their tour. And sothere are, like I swear there's about
ten names, ten different artists whohe's got kind of mixing in and out
at different dates. So for today'slittle trivia. All you have to do

is give me two names two peoplethat will be touring with Parker McCollum at
some of his venues when he goeson tour. So if you think you
know or you'd like to take astab at it, our number is eight
hundred and three two one thirty sixninety three. If you can give me
just two of the names, andthere's a lot of them, then and

you're the right caller, we'll startwith caller nine and then we'll just keep
going until we get the right answer. Then we're just gonna hand over the
tickets. Good though, sound good? Tell me is Tyler Hubbard dancing in
the Country? Give me all LotzalimJackson ninety three point one wpoc Hi,

good morning. Who's this? Hi? My name is Megan. Hi Megan.
You like Sam Hanta I guess Ido. Yeah, Well, you're
gonna go see am Edge of LubeLive July twelfth. You're the ninth collar.
Yay, Oh my god, awesome, thank you. I hope you
have a great Tuesday you as well. Thank you so much. Very happy.
We've got more of those tickets togive away with Bob Delmont. Listen

to twelve oh five to win.We'll kind of wrap up our discussion about
yesterday's big eclipse here on our show, and we've got more music coming your
way too. Let's check on thetraffic weather wise, a slight chance of
showers but partly sunny. High's inthe mid to upper seventies. We've got
forty seven out there stillan Scott ninetythree point one WPOC. So we've been

talking a little bit about yesterday's eclipseand how you felt about it and what
went on. Kimberly said they useleftover extra dark window tinting, folded it
and several layers to act as lenses. So there were people making their homemade
glasses if you hadn't scrounged up apair. But Colbert talked about the eclipse
last night. Here's a little clip. Happy Eclipse Day. I'm so glad

to see all of you here inthe Ed Sullivan Theater because it means that
my eclipse glasses worked. Experts alsosaid that most animals would likely be confused
by the darkness and start their nighttimeroutines. Oh, animals have nighttime routines.
Why does the girafe exfoliates with awater based Kumba cleansing. Okay,

right. There was one family thatput up a picture on Instagram, the
Holderness family, and did you seethat if you missed the eclipse, if
you weren't in the path of totality, they stood outside and they held up
a frying pan in front of thewhich I thought was kind of funny.
More than two hundred couples got married. There was an elope at the eclipse

event held in Arkansas. I'm alwaysfascinated when I see stuff like that to
think, why would you want tobe a part of that, Like do
you then go have a real weddingor is that in Like I don't know.
I just think that's interesting because ofyou were going to do it anyway.
Yeah, maybe, I don't know. They all looked kind of like
they were just in this line walkingthrough, like in a daze. It

just didn't look that celebrative to me. In a couple hours before the Cleveland
Guardians hosted their home opener against theChicago White Sox yesterday, the total solar
eclips hit its totality point in Cleveland, So I guess there. I haven't
seen all the video and the pictures. What happened at Progressive Field, but
I guess it was pretty cool,once in a lifetime experience for people everywhere

to see the eclipse, but kindof cool to do it at a baseball
game. Did you look at thevideo, Bethany, have you seen it
and how is it? It's cool? Yeah? Okay, do we have
it up yep, so people cancheck that out. Okay, WPOC dot
com over on the Loridyong Show page. Any other parting thoughts about the eclipse
yesterday were you guys? I wassurprised we didn't get a little darker like

it wasn't I don't know. Yeah, I expected more because you said,
like eighty some percent supposed to behere, it's like essentially ninety here in
Baltamo. Yeah, it felt morelike thirty to me. I mean,
it just didn't feel I thought,Gage, I suppose that is that all?
Yeah. I didn't get like dark, but it was like an eerie
darkness to it, like there wasI don't know, there was like an

eerie like this before you get astorm or something like. Yeah. Yeah,
yeah, I saw one of myfriends in Buffalo, which is on
the path right post picture of cloudygray Skuy. Yeah, they were like,
look at this, it's just like, yeah, it felt bad people
that traveled and that's what they got. Yeah, that's what I thought of

all those people that flew places ifit didn't happen, Like but if you
went to Buffalo, Like what didyou think it was gonna be nice?
Yeah. I had a friend thatwas in central New York and that's the
same thing, Like it's always cloudythere, just it's never sunny in Syracuse,
Like it's always cloudy. She checkedwith me first, and I would
tell you don't. And I thinkfor some people you could tell they're doing

it in a group was meaningful tosome people to have a whole bunch of
people somewhere it made it feel morelike an event. I guess then for
people that just were standing out inthe parking lot at work looking up,
you know, I think people feltlike it seemed so that they were all
kind of getting excited just being together, like witnessing an event like that together.
I was surprised at how many peopleI knew actually traveled somewhere ago because

we hadn't talked about it, andI was like, wait, you're in
Niagara Falls right now. But Ididn't know anybody who traveled. My parents
apparently went somewhere. They didn't tellme where, but they sent me pictures
of like, well, that's notyour backyard, so you guys went somewhere
toosed looking you left the house.I know that I have a couple of
both my sisters live in Indiana,and so I'm thinking, did they drive
to Indianapolis. I'll have to askthem when they're here for the wedding this

weekend. But I'm like, becausethat's a couple hours maybe away. If
it was something like that, maybeI would do that. I don't know,
but yeah, I don't think.I barely made it to my porch.
Yeah right, I'm lucky. Ieven remembered. The only reason I
remembered is because we were doing somethings outside and then I had to get
ready to take off and run anerrand, and so I'm like, oh,

yeah, that's going out. That'sI was trying to teach my daughter
how to use the glasses. Thatwas a fun challenge, I bet I
be but cute a rand the Lambertninety three point one WPOC. So did

your daughter really feel like excited aboutthe eclipse yesterday? It's really tough to
tell, like trying to put theglasses on and looking and also being very
concerned that she's not going to likedestroy her eyes the first time she tries
to look up there. Later onin the day, about a couple hours
after the peak eclipse times, shewas like, I want to go outside
and look at the orange circle.So she did, Like I think some

thought of it and some grasp ofit, but I don't know like how,
I mean, sure whatever, She'llbe like twenty four. I guess
the next time it rolls around,so well, might be a bigger deal.
I think you might understand it betterthat at least I hope by then
she understands these things a little better. All right, We need to get
to our seven forty secret sound contest. Secret Sound. We play a short
clip of a sound. You're tryingto identify it. If you can and

you're the right caller, we haveone hundred dollars gift card to Conrad Seafood
Restaurants in Perry Hall and Abingdon.You can go to conradscrabs dot com check
out their menus. Today's day threeof the same sound. We had Powerwasher
as a guest and static on TV. Neither one of those are correct.
We do give you a little help. We do over on our ex at

WPOC. Check it out, littlepuzzle piece clue for you. All right,
this is quick day. Listen closely. Here's Laurie D. Young's secret
sound at seven forty. What doyou think that is? If you want
to take a guest, call hernine. You're on eight hundred and three
two one thirty six ninety three.You're Sam Hunt with outskirts. There's so

much going on in this town tokeep me busy. I've been running a
round up and down all these avenues, doing everything to think and bout you.
As long as I stay on themound, fine, see this side
of the city leaving signs you don'treally cross my mind. As soon as

I get out here on stairs,I wish I was telling everybody your house
first something a boy the summer inthe side, shirt shine, slid on
down, jees old round bout valley, cross way back, getting a caller
away, the grass grows. Gotnobody pay me way with that close in

this town, settle intown here onlymy shirts. It's out a head at
since i'd be on the crange sideof everything little start has to finally alcohol

twelve heir fee battle the apple silentout there watching them bigger yellow buckets,
about the breakrown by shoot my baby. As soon as I get out here,
only I wish I was tying everybodyokay, something about the summer in

the south, shirt shine side cocountry, on back yellow Valley, back
way back in the home away thebroad girls, got a body, pay
me back, just missing, saidLinda. There only I'm over here on

the Saturday night. Mister starting,he will go. You have a couple
of babies raising up, Brad,take them to the river, get them
back back in nine day not agood day hanging out with from the ride,

got a money baby bad? Didyou dumbtown rooms day? There only

Sam Hunts ninety three point one wPOC maps joining us today, guys,
what's up ads? Good morning?Hey? I was doing guys, We're
good. Matt's all the eclipse yesterday? Where were you when you went outside
to see the eclipse map? Iwas actually getting there to leave work.
It was right at three o'clock ineverything outside was starting to look dim and

dusky, and I was really reallyneat. Yeah, so it was meaningful
for you when you went out andsaw it. Yes, okay, what
do you do? Matt work ina shop? Oh cool, Yeah,
he's at work now, so hewas at work yesterday on the eclipse.
Give me, he's I mean,you're spending a lot of time there,
too much work. Oh and I'veworked five days a week and this is

rough. Well, we'd love toget your guests on the Secret sound and
give you this gift card so youcan have dinner on us. What do
you think it is? Air comingthrough a window, like the car window
being down, the air coming throughI got that. That's kind of that
sound. It's not right, butyeah, that's a good guess. We

are going to send you some scratchoffs. We do have a game for
the Maryland State Lottery, let yourselfplay. It is called Corner Payout and
there's a top prize of one thousandbucks and you'll get ten like tickets for
that. There's a stack of coinsymbol and if you can get the bag
of money or all that, youknow it works. But we'll make sure
you get those. Make you arich man. Okay, that sounds awesome.

Thank you very much. Guz allright, have a good day,
map Bye. See yeah YouTube five. All right, so Saint Pierre has
a event coming up and he's gotto have a new suit. Is that
correct? Yes, Well I needa suit. I don't have one of
those, so I need a justget a suit, no f leisure.
Well what about what you want foryour wedding? Didn't you wear a suit
then rented that? Oh you rented? Oh sorry, okay, So we'll

talk about his shopping experience in aminute. We do have a slight chance
of rain to day, but partlysunny. High's in the mid to upper
seventies. We're at forty nine sadDay's Best Country ninety three point one w
POC Baltimore Now Top stories at thetop of the hour. Maryland's legislative slash
session has come to a close fortwenty twenty four. Lawmakers worked late last

night to push through several big ticketitems, among them the Papu La Pair
Act and Juvenile law reform that we'reamong the bills that are now waiting for
the governor's signature. Governor More alsoplans to sign the Port Act into law,
which will provide relief to businesses andworkers impacted by the collapse of the
Key bridge. He's planning on holdinga signing ceremony today after meeting with federal
lawmakers on Capitol Hill to discuss rebuildingthe Key Bridge, and President Biden is

announcing more plans to reduce or eliminatestudent debt. During a speech in Wisconsin
yesterday, he announced a new planthat consists of helping five different categories of
borrowers. A couple of those includecanceling up to twenty thousand dollars of interest
for borrowers whose loan balance is nowhigher than it was when they originally took
out the loan. Also canceling loansfor two million additional borrowers because they are
eligible for other forgiveness programs that theyhaven't signed up for yet. And there's

other things too, So if youthink you might qualify, they believe this
will impact about twenty three million people. To date, the Biden administration has
said it has approved one hundred andforty six billion dollars in student debt relief.
So far, have you gotten anyof yours relief? I've just finished
paying my a month ago. Iwas just curious. I don't think mind
qualified. The stuff that I stillhad was like a private load, so

I don't think it qualified for anyof the federal stuff. I had already
paid that stuff off. I thinkover the uh coming up, Bethanie,
what's on your brief today? Areyou into promposals? Because I have a
very romantic one. If you havedeep pockets? Okay, okay, there's
Dustin has so many high school kidsdo. That's right. It's destinate us

in the loop of entertainment and popculture and the things we shouldn't care about,
but somehow we really do. Onninety three point one, according to
a new study of divorced couples andthose going through divorce, the one thing
above all others that they wish theywould have known to save their marriage.

Sixty three percent say they wish theyhad a better understanding of the commitment of
marriage prior to Mary. I thoughtthat was kind of interesting they're saying like
that, You know, our culturehas these like myths that if you find
the right person, it'll just belike smooth sailing after that. But that's
just the beginning. There's like alot of hard work that goes into it.

Other things that they say would havesaved their marriage a better understanding of
the values and morals of the otherpartner, sure, waiting longer to start
a family, seeking professional help froma therapist or couples counselor, and waiting
longer in general to get married.So take that with a green salt if
you will. They Oh, meanwhile, most people have an office crush.

Fifty percent of respondents to a newsurvey said that they have a thing for
somebody they work with. So Ialways wonder if it's like a real thing
or if it's like the work wifeor husband kind of thing, where like
you're just around that person so much. I know, but like you're just
around that person so much, Likedo you feel like you have a crush
on them or is it just becausethey're around you all the time. Probably?
Yeah, Like combined experiences makes youfeel close. We will be taking

that survey at some point, Okay. During a recent interview, A rod
explained that he used to eat eighta steak eight out of ten days.
Big olds, it's a lot ofsteak. It's a lot of steak.
Yeah, he says he's now cutback to one or two days out of
ten days. But it made mewonder, is there anything that you guys
eat eight out of ten days,Like, probably not. No raspberries really,

uh huh, especially during this timeof year when it's not easy to
get good fruit. That's like,because we're not quite to that point yet.
But raspberries you can find. They'renot cheap. But yeah, I
probably eat raspberries just about every day. Oh okay, that's cute. And
lastly, the Empire State Building isselling promposal packages. If if you have

a cool two hundred and fifty dollarsand you're in high school, it's not
so bad, it's not bad.You can do a promposal and then you'll
get to use these giant letters thatsay prom and you'll go to the eighty
sixth floor observatory. You'll get aphoto op and a complimentary sparkling cider toast.
Once your date has said yes,But you have to go to New
York and from here that's up distance, so there's expense involved there because she

could ride the bus. I amso glad that proposals were not a thing
when I was in high school,Like so glad like that I didn't have
to think about any of that.Do your kids think about that, Bethany,
I think no, I don't thinkso. I wonder if Turner he's
more of the romantic of the twoof them. So I feel like he's
but he's just in middle school rightnow, but I feel like he he

would be the type to want toplan something like this. But Madeline,
if somebody did that for her,she'd be like no, she'd be like,
yeah, absolutely at all. Yeah, she would dump the sparkling cider
right over the top of the ofthe building. Yeah. So no,
I don't think Okay, I don'tthink they're into that. That's what I've
got for you, all right.We've got those Parker McCollum tickets to give

away at around eight thirty this morning, so I'll tell you more about how
you can win those here in afew minutes. We do have a partly
sunny day. There is a slightchance of rain, but partly sunny.
Highs in the mid to upper seventies. It is fifty degrees now.
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