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April 12, 2024 • 46 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Hey, welcome to the Lori deYoung Show podcast. If you missed our
show today, we're sorry about that, but here are some highlights for you.
Be sure to catch it tomorrow everyweekday morning from five till ten,
or on the iHeartRadio app Saday's BestCountry ninety three point one w POC,
Baltimore Now top stories at the topof the hour. All right, so

we got some isolated and spody showersand thunderstorms in the area today. There's
a chance we'll see some sun attimes too. Depending on where you are
what we are looking, I'd sayit like a mostly cloudy day. Highs
will be up around sixty seven degreesand breezy. Could see wind gus up
around forty miles per hour this afternoon, so it's going to be windy.
Coastal flooding still a concern as well. The coastal Floodwatch along the Bay expires
later this afternoon. Hope doesn't lookit's going to be anything like we've seen

it other times, but you couldstill see some flooding in certain spots.
As for the rest of the weekend, conditions dry out tomorrow, but it
will stay breezy. High tep forSaturday, we'll top out around sixty four
degrees. Then Sunday we're back upin the mid seventies. And next week
we'll feel pretty warm with highs uparound eighty and plenty of sun in the
forecast come in our way. Sowe just got to get through the next
couple of days of sort of breezy, cooler temperatures, then we're back into

like spring and even early summer liketemperatures. Okay, this story came down
yesterday, Bethany and I brought alot of interesting thoughts and feelings. So
I'm sure people have seen at thispoint that Oj Simpson has died at the
age of seventy six. His familysays he passed away after a battle with
cancer. I don't wish ill willon anyone, but a lot of times
when you see famous people die,there's a feeling, right Like I think

back a few weeks ago when TobyKeith passed away, or a couple of
months ago now when Toby Keith passedaway, like I felt a sadness over
that where I was like, ohman, Like that's there's an interesting phenomenon
that happens when a celebrity dies,right, especially someone like you don't know,
I'm not familiar, like we've neverI never met Toby Keith. I
never even saw him live in hiscareer, you know, so I don't
have like that personal attachment to him. But his music has been powerful,

and there are actors and actresses thatpat Betty White, Oh my gosh,
Like I didn't know Betty White,but gosh, when she passed away,
it was like wow, even thoughshe was she's ninety nine or something.
I mean, it was she liveda long, great life. But I
still had this sadness. But whenI heard about OJ, I didn't have
that sadness, and I don't Ididn't wish him death, like I don't
wish harm upon him, almost likeno feeling at all. Yeah, that's

kind of how I feel. Itwas kind of like all right, like
let's make note of that, yeah, and then we can move on to
that lie. I did see alot of things on social media I thought
were interesting, Like there were peoplethat were making jokes, which I thought
was kind of tasteless, Like Idon't really like making jokes about dead people,
no matter who they are, likeit's kind of weird. But then
also people were talking about like howgreat of a human being he was?
And I was like, is thatthe case? Like, I don't that
true. Again, I didn't knowhim personally. Maybe he was behind the

scenes, But all the things thatwe seem to know about OJ, he
didn't exactly point to positive human being. I think in all that, I
think you and I probably weren't alivefor some of his better years, at
least not aware. Yeah, yeah, we didn't really take note of it.
But and then that begs the questionlike if someone has a big,
long life and makes a whole bunchof mistakes, like do you just take

the mistakes or do you take thewhole great question? Yeah, Like I
don't know. It's very interesting,but it's a great question. But but
I guess I've had those thoughts asI've noticed that he's passed away. But
then I'm also like, okay,what's next. Yeah, and then I
but then the indifference feels weird exactly. That's that's what I was saying.
The indifference of it all felt weirdto me, like like I feel like
I should care more, but itdoesn't really. I don't move the needle,

right, it doesn't really. Yeah, it was interesting, So I
don't know, maybe other people feltthat way. If you did, you
can text us seven seven nine sixtwo start your message with high or hey,
but excuse me, we got yourbrief coming up here in a few
minutes. What's going on today?Yeah, so we're gonna get into this
JK rolling thing, I know.And then also Harry and Meghan like somebody
come get them situation. Just putthem in a car. Yeah, we'll

send you home. Yea, putthem on a boat. Even know what's
going on with them right now?But yeah, I'm to find out here
and let you know, here's WarrenZiders's pretty little poison. And I keep
up in the loop of the entertainmentand pop culture and the things we couldn't
care about months somehow we really doa brief on ninety three point one.
Okay, So, as you mentioned, Odi Simpson died at the age of

seventy six his battle with cancer.His family has asked for respect, privacy,
and grace during this time, whichI thought was an interesting statement.
Yeah. I mean, no matterhow you think about OJ doesn't necessarily reflect
in his family. You know,they didn't necessarily ask to be a part
of all of that. So Ithink we can grant them the privacy and

grace that they that they want thistime. Ron Goldman's father posted that is
one of the people that OJ wasaccused of killing back in nineteen ninety four,
along with Nicole Brown Simpson, andhe said basically, this is just
a reminder of how long Ron hasbeen gone. And I was like,
oh, that's an that's also aninteresting thing to say. Yeah, but

I think it was thirty years,right, I mean what year was that?
Was that ninety four? Ninety four? Yeah, so thirty years.
Yeah, So anyway that happened,and you can like, like, like
we said, text and let usknow what you're thinking about that if you
want to or anything else. Sevenseven nine to six to two, begin
your message with hi or hey,Prince, Harry and Megan Markle aren't giving
up on their Hollywood dream. They'vegot two shows in development at Netflix.

Megan is working on a lifestyle showthat focuses on gardening and cooking. She's
got She's got one of Anthony Bourdain'sold producers working with her, so it's
going to be that probably that styleof show. Harry's project focuses on one
of his passions, Polo oh right. I'm like, guys, we don't

want to watch this. I don'tthink enough people know or care about polo
to buy into that, but maybemaybe there maybe I'm unaware. I actually
went to a polo match in BaltimoreCounty a few years ago. They had
like a really Friday night thing.My friends that lived up there were like,
Hey, they did this polo thinghere, and I was like,
all right, we'll go check itout. It was fun. It was
fun to watch. Was it fun? Yeah? I mean I don't know
anything about polo, but there wassomething about watching it. I was like,

this is cool. Look, I'mdown with this. Okay. The
only thing about polo that I knowis from Pretty Woman. Oh okay.
Oh and by the way, I'vebeen trying since I was a toddler to
recreate that outfit that she wears inthe polo scene. And I have the
dress. You have the dress.Now it's happening this summer, so get
ready, okay, Okay, It'sbrown with cream polka dots, and it's
happening. Okay, and then HarryPotter. Author JK. Rowling has stepped

up her feud with the movie seriesstars over their support of transgender rights,
and I'm like, why are youdoubling down, ma'am. That's the thing
that I find so interesting about itis how she is really just digging her
heels in. She says she's notgoing to forgive them for supporting transgender rights,
and I'm like, like you oryou or here's a counterpoint. You

could just shut up about it.There's an idea. John Oliver made a
joke last week on his show lastweek tonight. I forget what the context
was, but he was like,and we can't even enjoy Harry Potter anymore?
What does this world coming do?Yeah? That's been a conflicting thing
for me too, because that serieshas meant to lot to me. I've
got a couple of Harry Potter tattoos, and you know, just the way
that she's gone about it. Peopleare entitled to their opinions, but the

way that she's gone about it hasbeen so like, I don't know,
It's made me feel very strange aboutmy love of her work. Yeah.
It's kind of like Michael Jackson,right, like we know, we know
there was some odd stuff in therehim, Like the music is so good?
Yeah, Like does it do youever feel weird liking the music when
the person is yeah, you know, like it's like do you take their

whole life or do you just takeAnytime I hear a Kanye song, I'm
like, well this song is prettygood, but like what a jackass news?
Like I don't really, I don'tknow what That's an interesting debate.
Yeah, of course you can weighin on that and like, like we
said, anything else seven to sevenninety six to two, begin your message
with higher hay, or you canalways call us in chit chat. You
can feel for you to eight hundredthree two one thirty six ninety three is

at the end of your brief.That's it. That's all I gottay.
Let's be chilled, you know whatI mean. Luke Combe's Fast Car on
ninety three point one wpo's We AreToday's at Best Country, I'm saying,
Pierre with Bethany here hanging out.What's up everybody? Okay, I have
an idea and I don't know ifit's gonna work. Okay, Okay,
you're gonna need our text line,probably because you're gonna want to remain a

nominous But you're more than You're morethan welcome to call too, if you
can brave. If anonymity has evolved, this ought to be a doozy and
to be fair, I don't reallyknow what she's gonna talk about right now.
But then he's like, I gotan idea. I was like,
all right, I saw this juicystory on social media yesterday and it made
me think, like, we havea lot of listeners out there, a

lot of stuff going on in theirlives, and I just love the juice,
you know, I do. Ifyou've ever divorced your spouse or broken
up with a longtime partner, Okay, so I would say, what more
than five years together and then yousettle back down with someone else, Compare
them for us? Oh, thisis something that you're kind of told not

to do, do you know whatI mean? You should never compare your
ex with your current. But Iguess what you're saying is like, what's
different about the new better? Worse? Like hey, like, here's here's
what a text could look like.Hey, Bethany and sant Pierre, I
totally traded up. My new soand so is so much better than my
old so and so, and here'swhy. Or you could be like,

look, I traded and I havesomeone new, and I wish I would
have stayed with my old Yeah,Like, I just wanta give me the
juice. What's it like compare yourold relationship to your new one. It's
not something you can get off yourchest very often in life. Yeah,
people don't want to hear about itgenerally, like I think we do.
Yeah, but we want to hearabout it. Like I feel like,

you know, you know, ifyou're out with friends whatever, and you
it'd be tacky to be like,well, my ex husband and my new
boyfriend, like like that's like,don't you know? And I think that
there's something to be said here toowhen you said like better or worse,
like you could you could have tradedup. You could have left somebody that
was a bad relationship and go founda new situation that's much better for you.
But they might have some habits thatyou're like, yeah, but I
really don't like the way they foldtheir laundry like that kind of drives me

crazy, right, well, like, but everything else is good. So
this is yeah, all right,this is And feel free to send the
naughty ones too. Oh I'd liketo read through those, well you could.
Yeah, we gotta be careful filterthose for the air. Yeah those
are family person I'll enjoying family friendly. Okay, yeah, we got to
watch out for that. But allright, seven seven nine six to two.
This is your opportunity. If you'vedone the old switcheroo with your mate,

you switch, how did it go? Didn't work out? Did it
work out for you? Okay ornot? Let us know? Okay?
Seven seven ninety six two start.Your message is high or hay, so
it comes right to us if you'rebrave enough. Beth just wants dirt today.
That's what she don't want to Friday. Luck, I need three point
one w poc on the Laurie toYoung show, I usually defer to Bethany

when it comes to the texting.You have the text line up on your
computer. You're seeing, and allI can hear is Bethany is like giggles
giggling over here, which tells methat people are actually texting in and sharing
their stories. And I don't knowwhat any of these are yet, So
if you got any good ones,let's hear it. For literally no reason
at all. Okay, we're havingpeople compare their X with their current boo.

You just woke up this morning andyou were like, I want to
know. Let's hear the juice.I just want to hear it. It
stems from a message board I sawyesterday where people were doing this. They
were comparing, and I was like, Wow, this is really looked down
upon it in real life. Yeah, this is not real life, So
calin tell us what's going on.Hi, Bethany, I actually did the
divorce thing. My ex husband andmy new husband are completely different in every

way that you can think about,and honestly, I'm so blessed to have
the life I have today. Okay, I like this good morning. Started
at a very young age, beingactive, met a woman in my early
twenties, got married. Then itall stopped. It was like I married
a nun. Oh long story short, long story short. I've met a

freaky woman like me and I've beenwith her for years. All right,
family friendly. We talked about this. We talked about this, Bethany.
Okay, this one says Bethany,girl, is it gr r r l.
That's how I'm reading it. That'show I reading it. My ex
husband and my current partner ended uphaving so much in common. Oh,
so she's got a type. Okay, they're both pisces. Mostly I would

not recommend. She says, However, I upgraded in one major way,
and it's made all the difference.I wink, wink, Yeah, I
know the way is. I knowwhat the way is. I got it.
I'm diet. Feel free to textseven seven nine six two to start
your message with the words high orhey point one w poc Today's best country

on the Lorid Young Show, bethanyany more texts coming through. I'm getting
mostly texts from ladies, it seems, and I'd like to hear from men
too, so you know you cancompare as well. Uh so we're comparing
your X with your current. Thisone says he goes shopping with me,
he takes me on dates, andmost of all, he listens to me.
Oh okay, that never happened inmy other sounds like an upgrade.

I I guess, yeah. Thatsounds kind of basic but like but still
important. If that's what you needand that's what you weren't getting, that's
great, sir. I thought thegrass was greener on the other side.
But my new husband is not asmuch fun as my old husband. I
don't laugh nearly as much. Ohokay, so that one not so much

positive. That didn't go well?Okay, but hey, maybe is he
still available? Maybe can you switchback? Causing drama? That causing sir
stern it up? Well, Pleasefeel free to text us if you want.
That's any number. All that stuff'soh yeah, seven seven nine six

two be in your message with highor Hey, we're gonna shift gears for
just a second because we have toget our Nationville News of coming in here.
So we got some new music totalk about, so we'll touch on
that. Also, George straight onpace to set a new personal record.
Man, this guy, I thoughthe broke all the records. He's going
to break another one that he's alreadybroken before. I'll tell you more about
that in a second. Hey,it's Nashville News now up with Saint Pierre

on ninety three point one WPOC.You gotta be honest, it's kind of
a slow day in the country musicworld, which I guess is good because
it's been kind of busy all week. So I'm glad to have a little
bit of a calm moment for allof our favorite country start. It's been
arrested in the last twenty no wegot through. We got through a twenty
four hour here with no arrest.We have an iHeart Country World premiere coming
your way today. We got thenew music from Cole Swindell on The song
is called Forever to Me and yourfirst chance to hear it's going to be

in just a few minutes. We'llhave it right after the news at about
seven oh five, Ish will beplaying that for you, so stick around
for that. Also, there isa lot of great new music out today.
We'll share some other stuff with youat our nine forty Nashville News updates.
So we got some new songs fromMorgan Wade, we got Ryan Hurd
and Moore. We'll dive into thathere at nine fort George straight on pace
to set a new record. Infact, he set to break his own

record. He hasn't tour the sameway that he used to, but he's
still packing venues when he does play. He's on pace to best his own
all time indoor attendance record of nearlyone hundred five thousand people. So that
was set back in twenty fourteen whenyou played an AT and T Stadium in
Dallas. That's where the Cowboys play. His one show in Texas this year
except for June fifteenth. That's alreadysold over one hundred thousand tickets, so

he's definitely on pace to break.This is at the same stadium, no
different stadium, Kyle Field, whichI don't know where. Can you google
this for me? Where is KyleField? Like ky Eliet, I didn't
is it? I didn't realize thatthose stadiums fit that many people. Yeah,
it's an indoor tennis record. Iknow, like that. Some of
the outdoor stadiums in the country,like some of the college football teams can
fit like one hundred and twenty thousandpeople in them, but they're outdoor.

So it's in Houston College Station,Texas College Station, Texas, Texas,
A and M. I guess Ididn't realize that was indoor. I guess
I would have thought that was likean out But anyway, whatever, George
Strait is still doing big things andwe love them for it, and congratulations,
Wow to the King. You'll seeLandy Wilson in a new commercial soon.
She's starring in a new ad forTractors Supply Co. She's the face
of the company's new Life out Herecampaign. The company chose her to highlight

their commitment to serving those in farmingcommunities. In the latest ad, she
showcases the differences of her life fromher life on the farm before she packed
up a tour bus for Nashville.And I just love that Laney is getting
the spotlight. I think she's great. I've been a fan of hers for
a long time. I think it'sawesome that she's like getting all this and
lots of commercials too. That's howthey make the big bucks. Oh yeah,

no, yeah, they don't makemoney off of their music so much
anymore. It's definitely off of thetouring and off of the other things like
commercials and ads as well, becausethose Rhyanstone bell bottoms are not cheap,
you know what I mean? BellBottom country, y'all. She's cute.
She yes, I love her.Here's George Bird WPOC to well fan the

Lammy of a lot of Troon.You know Today's Best Country ninety three point
one w POC. Baltimore now topstories at the top of the hour glass
has been the case for the lastfew seasons. The Orioles really seemed to
have Boston's number. Took extra inningslast night, but Baltimore completed the three
games sweep against the Red Sox Baltimoreblew up the tenth inning. I think

they scored six runs in the tenthinning and they took a nine into four
victory there. So the team headsback home for the weekend with the series
against the Brewers. Game one ofthat series starts at seven oh five tonight.
The Brewers have looked really good thisyear too. I think their records
are essentially the same. I thinkthey're one of them's eight and three,
one of them is eight and four, So I we just forget that's a
team Milwaukee, yeah, Milliwaukee,Yeah yeah. I think it'd be a

good series this weekend. The weatherlooks like it's going to be decent too,
so well, it should be funto get out there at the yard.
Speaking of sports, if you've beenfollowing at all this situation with baseball
stars, show, hey, Otaniand his get scammed or something? Right?
This story is so complicated, somany twists and turns, but fascinating.
It's absolutely fascinating. So I'll giveyou like the brief like cliffs notes
version. It all started with Otaniapparently gave millions of dollars to his translator

to sell settle some gambling debts ofhis. It was some like four million
dollars or something like that. Thenit came out the translator apparently stole the
money from Otani. It was notgiven to him, He apparently stole it.
There were some questions about whether Otaniwas involved in the gambling scheme,
like whether the money was really hisbut his translator was placing the bets kind
of thing. There's all this questionof like was Otani actually gambles involved,
which is very illegal in sports,especially in baseball. Well, now we're

finding out that the twist keep goingand the translator is accused of stealing sixteen
million dollars from Otani. Apparently hewould call Otani's bank and impersonate him to
get the money from the banks.Like, this goes so much deeper than
we knew. It is wild.The court filing about this shows that he
approximately oh in the approximately two yearsbetween December twenty twenty one and January of

twenty twenty four, the translator allegedlyplays nineteen thousand bets. If you do
the math, that's like twenty sixbets a day during that period. What
and he lost? Get this,he lost forty one million dollars. Oh,
and ohan Otani didn't know. Ohtanihad apparently no idea this was happening.

Boy, I what if you couldlose forty one million dollars in not
notice so Otanidan lose the forty onemillion, The translator lost the forty one
bets, but the translator still stolesixteen million from I would love to be
in a place in my life wheresomeone could steal sixteen million dollars from me
and I wouldn't even know what washappening. That's such a vulnerable situation for

him to be in. You haveto trust your translator to a certain of
course, but why they're apparently likebest friends, Like that was the whole
thing. It's this situation is whenI don't think it's going to be over,
like I think there's still gonna bemore to come from that. But
wow, so that not only isthere money loss, there's heartbreak. Oh
probably, it's so many different things. And again, like we I'm not

implying that Shoheo Tani was involved inany of the dirty business at all,
but like it, it stands toreason there might be something there, right,
given the numbers, are so bigand how you know, how elaborate
this whole scheme was. You haveto kind of think that it's possible.
You have to imagine there's a possibilitythat he knew about it or was involved.
Again, we don't, maybe not, but he was like he's like
the poster child of baseball right now. I mean, he's like the greatest

thing that league has ever seen inits history. And it's it's awkward,
it's so weird, so many twistsand turns. So we'll keep you posted
on that as a to so,we do have some tickets to go see
Sam Hunt. Really excited for thisshow. The Outskirts Tour is coming at
Jiffy Lube Live on July twelfth.It's going to be a ton of fun.
So if you want to go tothis show, give us a call.
Eight hundred three two one thirty sixninety three again eight hundred three two

one at thirty six ninety three Collinnumber nine. It's the tickets. We
got a brand new song from ColeSwindell for it. I heart Country,
will from here excited. Here's on. It's called Forever to Me ninety three
point one WPOC. You ever seena Prayer ninety three point one WPOC Today's

Best Country on the Laurie to YoungShow. Congratulations to Michelle, she scored
herself the tickets to go see SamHunt at Jiffy Loeube Live on July twelfth.
Bob Delmont's got another chance for youto win those tickets. Coming up
at twelve oh five today, whilewe have Michelle on the phone, we
decided to sort of tease our upcomingtopic. It's a Friday, we want
to have some fun and we wantto celebrate you. So what we're going

to be talking about is what wouldyou win the award for. We had
the CMT Music Awards last weekend,we had the ACM nomination to come out
this week. We want to knowwhat is the award you would be taking
home. So we asked Michelle,what award would you win? Probably get
the award for the most amount oftimes I hit this snooze button in the
morning, which I appreciate the honesty. I appreciate that. I think she's

got a lot of competition in thatcategory. Yeah, that's true, that's
true. So be thinking about it. Be thinking about that. We'll talk
more about it here in a fewminutes. Okay, all right, we're
gonna put a bowl, have theawards conversation. I think we got one
more text here that we just haveto drop in. Hi, good morning.
I have an award. I'd liketo give my boss an award for
being the most disrespectful and degrading personI've ever worked for in my entire life.

Let me guess they didn't sign it. They didn't give their name.
Yeah, no they I think theywork at the old radio station I used
to shots fired here on the Lordof the Young show. Oh my goodness,
Hey, listen, thank you.Trying to say it all the time,
but thank you so much for justparticipating and being a part of our
day. You guys, texting,you guys, calling it just makes our
day so much better. So weappreciate that. And just the fact that

you want to share some of yourstories and your life with us means a
lot. Yeah, we heart you. Yeah, so thank you for that.
Ninety three point one WPOC on Loriede Young Show. I'm Saint Pierre
with Bethany and we had the CMTMusic Awards last weekend. We got the
ACM nominations this week, and that'sgreat, Like these artists are all well
deserving of the awards they're nominated for. I love to see people honored for

the work that they do. Butwe want to pay tribute to all of
you that are listening right now topeasants just like us. Don't we call
them peasants. It's us. Yeah, we're all in the same boat here.
We just want to celebrate you andcelebrate the successes that you have.
So we want to know what awardwould you win. I mean, you're
not going to win Entertainer of theYear at the CMA Awards or whatever when
we get that, Like, I'mnot going to win that either, So

what award would you win? Bethany, If you were going to get an
award, what is the award thatyou would win? Best use of dry
shampoo? Ooh okay, yeah,congratua, thank you. The award for
best use of dry shampoo goes toI'm waving. I'm waving all my fans
right now. Do you have anacceptance speech? No? No, okay,
I didn't prepare anything. I didn'tthink I was gonna win. Okay,

yeah, those are the best kids. Uh. Also, I could
probably get an award for arguing withmy teenagers. Okay, very good.
Yeah, for sure. I thinkif I had to pick one for this
week, I kept trying to findlike a funny one. But like I
think for this week, because Laurie'sbeen off the last couple of days multitasking,
I am the I get the awardfor multitasking. Yes, yes,
Plante, you are running down here. It's been busy, like it.

It's it's not like it's not likethe job changes a whole lot, but
like Laurie is the one that kindof steers the ship when she is here,
so when she's gone, I kindof step into that role and run
the soundboard, take, you know, do what and then. But I
also have my other responsibilities center,so it's like navigating the different things that
are going on. It's a littlehectic, but it's good. Like it's
fun, yeah, not breaking rocks, like I feel pretty good about you
feel okay, Yeah, I meanI still think we've got a pretty fun

job overall, but it's just busier. It's busier. Well, I think
you're doing great. Thank you.That's very kind. I mean you have
to say that because you know youdon't do that. Come on, do
you want to do that? Right? You've got to boost my egos,
so I keep doing it, anddon't you looks so hot running that board?
So what is what is the awardthat you that you deserve? What

is the award that you think thatyou would get? Right now? You
can text us seven seven nine sixtytwo, start your message with high or
Hey, you can also call usand we can have a little bit of
fun. If you want to givea little acceptance speech, we will take
that though. That could be fun. We'll encourage that. We can encourage
that. So yeah, eight hundredand three two one thirty six ninety three.
What is the award that you thinkyou should win? Right now?
Let us know there's Mitchell tenpenny.It's Truth about You ninety three point one

WPOC ninety three point one WPOC.We've been talking about what award you should
win. We're celebrating you on aFriday. We got some texts, we
got you got a per still textas well. Yeah, so you and
I both have attended these neighborhood whatwould you call them, like a little

neighborhood. It's like a beer sampling, but we do it at a friend's
like driveway. So there's usually likeI don't know, anywhere between ten to
twenty of us. I have abit of a reputation for bringing bad beer.
You do. The beers you bringare awful. They wow, I'm
just gonna I'm gonna come right outwith it. You bring really terrible beers
to the party. I like togive everyone a sampling of what you know
of what you can buy at thegroceries. Anyway. So John, one

of our neighbors there, said,I survived the beer Bethany brings to the
war Field party. That's his award. I get the award for surviving the
beer that Bethany. I just don'tdrink your beers. I'm like, well
that was from Bethany done. That'sso rude. And I said to him,
you don't even know, because youdon't know what I'm gonna bring this
summer. Well, better be good. Now that I have the reputation for
bringing bad you're gonna double down inthe reputation. Oh yes, I am

all right now I'm not gonna getinvited. What are their texts we get
from hey listeners. So let's seeCarrie gets the award for being the most
miserable person in the morning. Ever. Oh, she'd like to thank her
husband for divorcinger. I like that. Kim gets the award for having the
ability to break away from a toxicrelationship for eight years. Okay, she's

living her best single let's see.Leslie gets the award for being a kind,
caring person. Okay, okay,my hubby, Steve gets an award
for the best foot massage ever.Oh Steve, good for you man.
Can you swing by the studio?Bethany would certainly be the judge of that.
Yeah, she'll let you know ifyou are the best foot massager.

Got to give the addresser. Yeah, we're here in Towson. Come on,
Steve a full moon. Shannon Bray'sBest Country ninety three point one w
POC Baltimore now top stories at thetop of the hour. The Biden administration
is moving to end the so calledgun show loophole when it comes to federal
background checks. Officials say the newfederal rules will expand the definition of licensed

firearm dealers and sharpen existing enforcement measuresto ensure background screenings are carried out in
more gun sale locations. The JusticeDepartment estimates they're around twenty three thousand unlicensed
firearm dealers in the US who nowwill be required to complete background checks when
selling guns. It's likely this willbe challenged in court, but the rule
does implement the bipartisan gun safety lawpassed in the wake of the Uvalde,

Texas school shooting a couple of yearsago. On that same note, the
TSA says over fifteen hundred guns havebeen intercepted at airports across the country so
far this year. So just areminder in case you've never flown before or
never stepped inside of an airport,you still can't bring a gun on a
plane. Like who can check it. There's a special way you can check
it, but you can't bring itwith you. Just you mean to tell
me that fifteen hundred people didn't knowthat? People still seem to. Last

year they set a record for themost guns confiscated trying when people trying to
get on plane for really, forreal and they're on pace, they say
this year or to basically hit thesame number, if not go over it.
So just again, you still cannot bring a gun on a plane
as a passenger anyway. April fifteenth, that's Monday, that is also tax
Day. It is a reminder you'vegot a couple days left this year to
get that done. Not trying tobring you down. I'm just saying it's

got to happen. This weekend,Governor Wes Moore is launch day Key Bridge
Response Website to serve as a centralhub for resources related to the bridge collapse.
The website includes information on relief programsfor impacted workers and businesses. There's
guidance on resources available for people,also major traffic updates for commuters as well.
The Governor says he's committed to ensuringthat those who are impacted know how

to find the supports they need whileefforts continue to reopen the channel and get
the Port of Baltimore fully operation.I like it they're trying to put everything
in one centralized location for folks,so you don't have to like dig and
find it in different places. Ithink that can be very helpful for people
that are massively impacted by this.A little common sense is really quite nice.
Absolutely, all right, Bethany's brief, It's coming up here in a
couple of minutes. What is goingon? I thinks, all right,

so I've got some tax day statsfor you. Also, Coachella is paying.
Don't give me a hard time formentioning tax Day when you're going to
go ahead and talk about it too, Yeah, I'm going to make it
worse. Actually, Yeah, Andso Coachella is this weekend, so we'll
talk about some of the highlights thatyou know, you probably can't go because
the tickets are a million dollars apiece. Yeah. But and if you're
still here listening right now, you'reprobably not going either because it starts today

right in California, right, Soyeah, so you got to you gotta
leave now. Yeah, so we'lltalk about it. Take a gun.
I do want to go, likeI've always wanted to go to tachel.
I think it'd be fun to doit once. Okay, this year not
the year. I don't really likethe headliners. But okay, I keep

up in the loop of entertainment andpop culture and the things we shouldn't care
about, but somehow we really do. Bree on ninety three point one WOC
turn your microphone on there, thankyou. Sorry. Former football star and
celebrity O. J. Simpson hasdied at the age of seventy six,

reportedly after a battle with prostate cancer. He was known as one of the
greatest running backs in college and professionalfootball, and appeared in some acting roles,
included the Naked Gun and then hegained further fame for his arrest in
nineteen ninety four following the trials forthe alleged killings of Nicole Brown Simpson and
Ronald Goldman. His family requested privacyand grace during this time of transition,

and that's fine. Yeah, sothat happened. We talked a little bit
about that earlier and how we basicallyhave next to no feelings about this.
Yeah, it's just this very strangething. I was trying to find it
here really quick. So I getthese random emails just because these companies,
these PR firms would ever know thatwe're radio stations. They get our email
address and add as to their mailinglists. And I get this email,

says O. J. Simpson died. Are you asking yourself? Why don't
I feel sad? Psychiatrists available forinterviews. Now we're not going to call
the psychiatrists. But that was thefeeling that I had. I was like,
I don't feel Yeah, I don'tfeel bad. I feel bad for
any loss of life because I justdon't wish that upon someone. But like
I don't feel bad. Yeah,it just is something that happened. Like
it's just notable and we can moveon kind of thing. Definitely not the

same emotions that I had from likesay Toby Keith or something. Yeah,
yeah, interesting all right. Pringlesand Crocs are teaming up for a new
new shoe for spring. They're ona run with teaming up with different food
products, like they have McDonald's,they have a cereal collapse. It's key
for them. Yeah, I thinkthey're cute, these ones they have like
you know the Pringles guy mustache.Yeah, the shoe the Croc has that

is the strap that's kind of Ilike it. I am always astounded at
how expensive Crocs are. No,these are like sixty dollars. Like we
went to a Croc outlet last summer. We were up in Lancaster, Pennsylvania,
which are the Crocs outlet up there, and we're like, oh yeah,
well, like we're here, LikeI'm not gonna wear them, but
like my daughter wants like slip oneasy shoes or like we'll see what they
have for kids. And like evenlike at the outlet store, the little
kids shoes were still like forty bucksor like forget it. She's gonna outgrow

these in a week. Why arecrocs so expensive? Foam? It's foam
with holes in it, Like Idon't. Plus, you're spending all your
money on your taxes. A newstudy finds that over the course of your
lifetime, you'll probably pay an averageof five hundred and twenty four six hundred
and twenty five dollars in taxes.That's about a third of your estimated lifetime

earnings as an average American of onepoint five million dollars. Okay, yikes.
So that's why everyone's a little downthis weekend already. I guess pleus
it rather me. I don't lovelosing my money, don't get me wrong,
Like I want to keep my money, but like that's how it works.
Like if you want police, youwant fire, you want roads,

like that's where you want education,like your taxes go like that's how we
pay for that stuff. Like soI don't again, like I don't love
losing money out of my chape paycheck, but like I also like being able
to drive to work on a roadthat's not completely destroyed or not a dirt
pathway, like I don't know,like that my daughter has a chance to
go to school, like I don'tknow, Like that's what this money goes
to. I love this dose ofreality from Saint Pierre. This I just

you know again, I understand.I don't want to lose my money.
I don't want to get I getthat mindset. So I'm not like trying
to tell you that you're wrong,but like there's a reason why it's here,
Like this country was founded off oftaxes. Like that's it is,
how it's always worked and how it'salways going to you can you complain about
it till we're blue. I wisheverybody had to pay taxes and not just

some of us. I think that'swhat it is that bothers me. I
think it's more of the like thehypocrisy. I don't like that I pay
more taxes than people that make moremoney than I do. I don't like
that. That's why people are real. That is frustrating. And also the
physical part of doing it is likeI know, all right, Coachella is
this weekend, though, So ifyou want to just forget about your taxes
and just fly away, here's whatyou have to get your jumper on ice.

Spice is going to be there.Sublime is going to be there,
Vampire Weekends got a surprise set andthe number one act to look forward to
at Coachella according to experts, theNo Doubt Reunion. It feels like a
letdown this year. Yeah, itdoesn't feel It doesn't feel like they have
the big star power, Like Ithink Ice Spice is bigger because she's friends

with Taylor, Like I don't knowhow jazzed every like, feel like they
need They get sold a lot slowerthis year than usual. It does feel
like they need one more big name, right, like Sublime doesn't quite do
it like Sublime when they come throughtown, they would play like Pure six
right, and now they're gonna goheadline Coachella. I'm sorry, no,
Like it's just not It does seemlike they need one more big push,

But I don't know. I don'tknow who that should be. They don't
have like a big current artist.Yeah, yep, I'm not gonna go
either. I have to do mytaxes all weekend. You're gonna be busy,
That's what I'll be doing, ninetythree point one w POC traffic.
Maybe if I do my taxes ina romper, you'll feel like you were
there, Just set up a coupleof cameras, get the good angles,

and then you get your instagram' glitteron my face. Right ninety seven south
down between Crane High. He's Laurato Young show ninety three point one WP
see, I'm Saint Pierre with Bethanyhere. Good morning. We got those
Parker mccoum tickets. So Parker McCollumis coming to town in October. He
is going to be at the theaterat MGM National Harbor October tenth. We'd
like to get you a pair oftickets to go to this show. But

you know how this drill works.We've been doing this the last few days.
Here You've got to answer a questionfor us, and I have not
done historically well no, at thisgame. No. So today we'll see
if you do better today. Okay, don't. Here is the question.
Are you ready? All right?All right? Do you have like a
pad and pen to write down overhere? Okay? All right? So
nearly one third of Americans say thatonce they do this one time, they

never do it again. What isit? It's not taxes? No.
Nearly one third of Americans say thatonce they do this one time, they
never do it again. Ah,what is it? A third is a
lot? Yeah, thirty one percentof people say once they do this once
one time, they're never going todo it again. We're going to do
it again. Okay, I'm goingto guess. You're gonna write down your

answer. Yep, Okay, writeit down and we'll see if folks can
figure out what it is. Eighthundred three two one thirty six ninety three.
Give us a call if you thinkyou know the answer. If you
can figure it out, then we'vegot those tickets to go see Parker McCollum
in October, which is going tobe a fantastic show. Eight hundred three
two one thirty six ninety three.Let us know what you think the answer
is. I've got that, Neal, I got to I think I might

have him stumped. No one's gottenit yet, So if you're still calling
in to try to answer our questionto get those Parker McCollum tickets, please
keep calling. I'm gonna go backto the phones here in a second.
But here's some of the guesses we'vehad so far. No, but that
is a good guess. I likethat. That's along the lines of what
I guess too. Okay, okay, okay, w poc. One third

of people say once they do itonce, they never do it again.
What is it? Steal? Steallike steal something from a store like shoplift.
Yeah, oh no, that isnot it. But I like the
guests, thank you. No itis not, but thank you. I
think that getting a tattoo that's agood guess. That is not correct,

but thank you. All right.So, still no one has been able
to answer the question. It isnearly one third of Americans say that once
they do this once, they seldomor never do it again. Okay,
so what is it? And Iwill say Bethany's guest yours was skydiving?
Skydiving. We did get that.Somebody did call it about skydiving. That
is incorrect. Also, getting marriedis also not We had a lot of
marriage calls. It's not getting married. Okay, So if you're still calling

trying to get these Parker McCollum tickets, please keep going. We're going to
go back to the phone here rightnow and see if we can find a
winner. Again. The question isnearly one third of Americans say that once
they do it one time, theywill never do it again, what is
eight three thirty six ninety three?It was always better than the Greeks.
You have to man, oh man, I did not think this is going

to stump people so hard, butbut we did. We definitely stumped them.
We still don't have a winner forthese Parker McCollum tickets. This has
been going on for like a while. Here. You told me the answer,
I will not. I would neverget it. Yeah, was it.
I guess it's harder than I thought. It was going to be tricky,
but it makes sense like I'm oneof the thirty one percent of Oh
you are okay, I guess I'mnot. Nope, Nope, nope,
I'm definitely not. I am amongthe six. Yeah. Yeah, I

used to be the person who whodoesn't do this, but now I do
it a lot. All right,So we'll take a few more guesses here.
Let's see what people are guessing.No, but thank you run a
marathon. Oh I hadn't thought aboutthat one. That is incorrect, but
thank you Disney. Oh no,I did not see that one coming.
But it's not it. They onlycan we also had we got a lot

more marriage calls. It is notmarriage. We got karaoke, which that
was good, and I think Ithink one third of people should only do
karaoke one time ever in their lifeand then realize it's not for me.
I should stop that. But alot of great guesses, thank you guys
so much. We unfortunately still don'thave a winner. So do you want
to give a clue? Okay,here's what I think the clue should be.
Okay, it's in the entertainment ormedia Okay, genre. Okay,

it's like entertainment or media related.So is that helpful? I think that
can be helpful. At least itputs you on the right track. Maybe
yep, yep. Somebody in techsaid getting drunk. I wish that I
only did that one right. Everytime you promise it's going to be the
last, but it never is.It never is. All right, we'll
go back to the phones here ina second. If you're still trying to

call in, I am getting backto there. We're just gonna do some
traffic here and then we'll get backto the phones. Ninety three point one
ninety three point one WPOC. Weare Today's best country. Saint Pierre Bethany
Bob Delmont has joined US HI Bob, we do a giveaway around eight thirty
and we started doing this thing wherewe like ask like a trivia question and
see if we can get a personto answer that to win the tickets.

So we don't just give the ticketsto call our nine. We make you
work for it, and we gettickets for Parker McCollough is coming to National
Harbor in October. So we've beengiving those away and it took us forever
to get the winner. We tooka lot of phone calls, so anybody
listening that was calling and guessing,First of all, thank you for participating
and being a part of the show. We love that. Also, I'm
sorry that we didn't We didn't haveta gets for everyone. I know there

were some names that kept popping upon the phone. Yes, he started
to feel real bad. I'm like, oh my god, like this person's
called like nineteen times. They keepgetting it wrong. They should be smarter.
But we did, we did.Oh that's the it was really,
Oh my god, I'm getting I'mgetting death stairs from both of you.
No, I love them. Ididn't get it right either, No,
you didn't. We took a lotof people got it wrong. We did

finally get a winner. So let'sgo back to the phone calls. The
question was if you're still trying toremember that? The question was Nearly one
third of Americans say that once theydo it once, they will never do
it again. I know this one. Do you know it? No?
Okay, well here we'll go backto the phones here on a game show,
game show, No, but thankyou? Camping, No it's not
sorry, Oh no, but thankyou. I w POC. Nearly one

third of Americans say that once theydo it once, they never do it
again. What is it? Goto a football game? Okay, no,
but thank you? Falling into aradio station to win something that's not
it, but I like it.People are never going to call us again
after this contest, though, Ithink, oh see a show twice that,

yes, I did it, yougot it. Nearly one third of
Americans that once they watch a TVshow once, they will never watch it
again. Yes. Are you oneof those people? Do you rewatch shows?
Or are you like I've seen it, I know what's going to happen.
It's over, you know. Ihonestly I don't rewatch shows. Twice

I've watched it and I'm done.On to the next one. Her name
is Laura. She's from bel Air. Laura's got the tickets to go see
Parker McCollum. We did talk alittle bit more and she said that she
does rewatch friends, so she doeskind of rewatching. Very comforting. But
I think there's some that are theupper echelon that it's like only one third
do not watch. One third ofpeople say once they've seen an episode of

a show, once they've seen they'redone. Like, I'm not going to
be more than that, actually reallyyeah, Like I mean there's so much
TV out there. If you watchshows that I thought it would be like,
you watch it, Like I don'trewatch any shows I've rewatched. You
don't like sit down on a Saturdayand man like man, the weather sucks.
I'm going to like pop on mymine as Scrubs like my go to
his Scrubs. I'll watch Scrubs allday long, every day. No,

that's my comfort food because I haveenough TV to watch that. If I've
like drink stuff, yeah, likeI'm always watching Missed. Yeah, but
I will say, for the firsttime ever, I've rewatched The Office and
I'm starting to rewatch Seinfeld see Okay, so you're testing the waters. I
know, but like this is likeonly because my wife has not wanted blame.

You blamed her for being late today, and now you're blaming her for
making your rewatch show. It's late. I was on time, I said
I might be late. I lovehow he wasn't Like, it's not her
fault. He was like, Iwasn't late. Do you want to know
what happened? Actually, if youcan share it on the radio, I
would love to. You. Guysare gonna think I'm such an idiot.
Don't worry, we already do.So I wake up early and I work

out at home like a little likehalf Jim. Yeah, alright, alright,
that's so. As that's going on, the smoke alarm starts chirping,
you know, so hot. Hewas pumping so much solid irons drink coming
off so much iron fire, firefire, So it's it was chirping.

So obviously what does that mean whenit when it chirps, it means like
the batteries very good? Uh,she might win a prize. Actually,
so I go off. I changedthe ninth ball, put a new one
in. It's freaking out the dog. First of all, they hate that
just a little chirp. It accentuatesbecause they have superhero or whatever. So
now the dog is walking on thegym, which is a no no because

there's weights. We we he knowsnot to go on that area because you
know something has been danger right,but he be scared, It's all he
wants to be close to us.So I changed the battery, put it
back in. Now it's an oldersmoke a line. It's still chirping.
So now I'm trying to get mywork out done. The dog is going
great, I'm trying to play withthe smokel time is going by. My

workout is messed up, so Ijust disconnect the whole thing. Now I
got, you know time, Igotta walk him for like ten minutes.
I got to go drop him offat the doggy daycare today because the wife
is going out of town. Sothen traffic and the rain and the whole
thing. So I've been in alike sort of a bad mood for the
past. Well I'm fine that helpefullywe've brought you up here. You have

Yeah, you totally seem you lookgreat. That's what the working out has
been good for you. The pointwe look fantastic of what. Okay,
it's the stupid smoke algy. I'mnot gonna tell you what. I nobody
cares. Stress you're really asking toknow, you're you're pandering to me.

And there's a video my daughter watches. She watches like kids YouTube sometimes and
like one of the big things islike people playing with toys, like kind
of demonstrating like it's weird. Idon't get why not play with your own
toys. But there's one video wherelike the family that's filming clearly has to
change the battery and there, andthey're a smoke detector so it's be big
throughout the video and it makes mefurious. Well they're all connected, please

prom on every level. Yeah,like turn off the video. I can't.
Like I start to freak out,like it's in our house, Like
no, it's that stupid video again. I'm like, God, I want
to message them on YouTube change yoursmoke alarm batteries. And then my wife
is like looking on the phone likewe got to get a new one because
this one is not working? Isthis one good? It is? Oh
my gosh, It's like I gottawalk, I gotta go the cross talk

for this I can't do it.You've got to be here for Sam,
Pete and Benthany. Yes, andthat's why I texted you early saying I
might not make it so but Idid. I have an hour drive to
Okay. He's like, I hadan emergency at the gym this morning,
and you say you respond with slackslacker. Yeah, well you're eive minutes
away and five minutes away. You'relike, that's summer, Garth Brooks,

do that. I can see youby the bar s Ginny Margarita with a
broken heart, So I slip over. I can stay with
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