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April 15, 2024 • 50 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Hey, welcome to the Lori deYoung Show podcast. If you missed our
show today, we're sorry about that, but here are some highlights for you.
Be sure to catch it tomorrow everyweekday morning from five till ten,
or on the iHeartRadio app Saday's BestCountry ninety three point one w POC Baltimore
now top stories at the top ofthe hour. Well, the weather for

the week seems to have taken alittle bit of a shift since we spoke
last week on Friday. When wewent into the weekend, we were kind
of looking at highs around eighty throughthe week, but that is no longer
the case. Still a chance youmight see a sprinkle or isolated shower here
this morning. What that is gettingout of the area as we speak,
so I don't know if you reallysee much else. The rest of the
day Today is looking mostly sunny,with high s getting up around the mid
eighties. Tomorrow, highs up aroundseventy six, but then we cool down

with some possible rain for Wednesday andThursday. We'll see a high on Wednesday
with sixty seven showers Thursday higher onsixty nine. At this point it does
we're going to see a wet weekendas well, so we've got some more
rain coming our way later on inthe week. Jerry selection is set to
begin today in the former present sincehush money case. He's accused of falsifying
business records to cover up a hushmoney payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels

ahead of the twenty sixteen election.The former president is entering unprecedented territory here
as he becomes the first ex presidentin US history to face a court hearing
on criminal charges. He will appearin person for the duration of the trial,
and he insists that he will takethe stand. This is the first
of his four criminal cases to goto trial and maybe the only one to
wrap up before the November election.That's your news update. Okay, Sorry,

I thought my mic was on tellme what's coming up on your brief?
Okay, So I to piggyback onyour story, San Pierre. Okay,
I took a deep dive into thequestions that one would need to ask
to be selected for the jury.Oh okay, and I thought they were
pretty fascinating, so we can discussthat. Plus, Nike revealed the track
and field outfits for the Paris OlympicGames. Oh oh boy, No it

didn't go well? Okay, no, not great? All right? Ed
truck bad ninety three point one,w POC, it's Luke Combs and it's
six eleven. I keep us inthe loop of entertainment and pop culture and

the things we shouldn't care about,but somehow we really do. East best
a breath on ninety three point one. Okay. So the other day Nike
unveiled the Team USA track and fielduniforms they designed for the Paris Games.
People have been quick to call themout as a bit skimpy. Well just

the female uniform. Yeah, Idon't have a problem with them. Yeah,
I bet, I bet you don't. The men's uniforms have mid thigh
length shorts and a full coverage tanktop, while the women's style is high
cut and hip bearing, leading criticsto question how effective the kit's going to
be. The comment section of thepost does not disappoint. One athlete said,

I wanted to make the team,but now I'm not sure Nike is.
Somebody said like he's sharing the samedesigners as Boeing, and I personally
think they're going to have to censorthe hurdle events and all the jumping events,
because I don't think that's gonna gowell. So I wonder if they'll

redesign based on I don't I honestlydon't know how how effective they're gonna be.
It took me a second because Iam a male here, so I'm
looking at the outfit, the uniformon a you know, a dummy or
whatever on a mannequin, and Iwas like, okay, so why why
is this so much worse? Liketrying to figure it out because I know,
like there are events where women arelook like they're wearing bikinis basically out

there running around the track, andyou know that's that's something that you see
commonly. But then I was like, oh, I see it like in
the hip range, like the thinglike there's like a big cut in It's
just it just seems so it does. It seems like a really like I
don't know, sexy swimsuit versus right, like, yeah, I don't know,
I don't really know how to describeit well, but it does seem
like they've made some alterations where it'slike, yeah, this is a little
bit too much. Why can't theyjust wear the same like unitard looking like,

I don't understand. I'm sure thatthe female athletes will look amazing in
the uniforms, but that's not thepoint, you know what I mean?
Okay, CBS is silencing the talk. The long running daytime show has been
canceled, like it's been silenced forah fifteen fifteen seasons it was on.

OJ Simpson's lawyer says that there willbe no cte testing on his brain.
I was kind of wondering if theywere going to do that, but they're
not going to do it. Andlastly, former President Trump's trial on criminal
hush money charges scheduled for today inNew York City. The jury selection is
quote all about luck, which Ithought was really interesting. The whole thing

is supposed to take sixty eight weeksand up to two weeks just to find
the jurors. Twenty two questions thatyour potential jurors will have to answer.
So I looked at what they areand it's like, so, I've never
been on a jury. Have youguys been on a jury for so I'm
wondering if some of this, someof the questions are pretty standard, do
you know what I mean? Like, what do you do for a living?

You know this kind of thing.But then it starts to go into
like what podcasts do you listen to? What radio shows do you listen to?
What television politically on something too?Depending on leaning, maybe I don't
yeah, And like then it doesn'tsay like what religion are you, but
it says like what time do youpray? Like yeah, I was like,

oh, this is fascinating. Andthen it it doesn't say that you
can't know about it. It justwants to know how you know about it,
you know what I mean? Andthen uh, yeah, I just
thought it was really fascinating, andthen you can't. It doesn't ask who
you voted for, but it sayslike have you ever worked for the Trump
organization or any of its affiliates?You know that thing. So I don't

know. I thought it was prettystandard, but I think it is going
to be tricky to find a prettylike neutral party, you know. Interesting.
Yeah, thanks for your update.We appreciate you. We are going
to find out about our single smackdown here in a minute. The competition
begins. Oh that's right. Wedo have a sunny day really primarily high's
in the low eighties. We're atsixty degrees right now. That's Morgan Wallen

ninety three point one WPOC Today's BestCountry, and I do believe we're on
here, our little competition. Let'sgo show. Yeah, Chris Stapleton was
on SNL over the weekend. It'salso his birthday today, so we thought

we'd have a Chris Stapleton single SmackDowntoday. So all of the songs we
chose were either performed by or writtenby Chris Stapleton. So Laurie take it
away. Okay, So I pickCold every time there's a Chris Stapleton smack
though, because it's a great song. It is no one ever votes for
it. But I'm going to likea hit. No it wasn't, but
I'm gonna stay true to my choiceand go with Cold Bethany Okay, I

think I'm gonna go with Tennessee Whiskey. Oh well, there's the winner right
there. I love I know,I know it's like cliche Chris Stapleton,
but it's on my personal playlist andI whenever I'm in the mood, you
know what I mean? Yeah,well, you know I think I do.

He was great on us and lyeah he was. Yeah. I
just watched the videos very good,very good. I'm going with Thomas Rhet's
Crash and Burn because that song waswritten by Chris Stapleton. It's always been
one of my favorite Thomas Rehd songs. So I'm gonna switch gears a little
bit and do a song that hewrote. So that's the one that I'm
going for today. You want tovote, You got a couple of ways
you can do that. You cango ahead and check on our Instagram at
WPOC. It's in the stories.You can place your vote right there.

You can also text us Bethany canyou hit the text stuffy? Yeah?
Sure, sure. It's seven sevennine six' two. That's the number.
And then when you go to Texas, you have to start your message
with high or hey, hey,and that's just so it directs it to
us. Then what you want?Yeah, from the text line so far,

somebody checked in to say, goodmorning, Laurie. How is your
daughter's wedding? You're gonna go talka little bit more about that. Yeah,
okay, good, So stay tuned. She'll tell you all about it.
And then uh, cowboy Mic checkingin this morning. He always checks
in. He likes to say heyin the morning. Yeah, So what's
up, cowboy? Mike? AllRight, So I saw this last week.

I think people were talking about toxiccomments they've received as first time parents,
and I thought, well, ifyou're a parent, I guess everybody
can relate to that at some level. Robin said, someone's told her enjoy
every minute she goes. That's unhelpful, unrealistic, and invalidating. Well,
I do think people a lot oftimes when you're a first time parent,

you know, you have a baby. Some people like little babies, and
other people can't wait till they're alittle older so they can communicate more and
they can get impatient. And thenyou, when you're impatient about stuff like
that, then you kind of go, oh, I remember when they was
a little and I missed that.And so maybe they're thinking that that's a
good advice, but I know thatis kind of it. Yeah, time

goes fast, Yes, it does. Somebody got this is Liz, you
shouldn't hold him so much. Thiswas a newborn. She said, as
he got older, you should lethim cry it out. And she said,
it turns out my child has autismspectrum disorder and he needed a lot
of regulating with his behavior. Sohaving people say all those things I did

see on Facebook. We had Lindsaywho said she has been told don't wake
a sleeping baby. She goes,well, maybe they said that twenty years
ago, but the doctor told meto feed him every three hours. Yeah,
yeah, I get that to kindof get your baby in a routine,
but it is hard to want toeven sleeping baby. They're sleeping.

There are definitely times when you getthrough that initial phase of the feeding where
you're like, yeah, I'm gonnalet this kid sleep as long as this
kid wants to sleep, because thatmeans I get a chance to take a
break, you know. Yeah.Yeah, Rachel said, sleep when the
baby sleeps, don't forget to taketime for yourself. And you're thinking,
yeah, but I only get mystuff done that I can get down when
the baby sleeps. So that's anice thought. We can all sleep at

the same time, and then Ican't get other stuff done. So yeah,
unhelpful things, do you guys remember, I mean it's been more recent
for you, Saint Pierre that youhad little kids. Yeah, I mean,
I can't. Some of those thingsare things that people said to me.
I don't Toxic is a really strongword in that because I think there
are some think yeah, I thinkthey're just being people, and I think
those are things that there is somemerit to some of them, like sleep

when the baby sleeps. That's certainlya great piece of advice, but it
doesn't always work for you, youknow, of course, it's not harmful
to say that. Right At ashow we had not too long ago,
I bumped into a woman who wastelling me that she had had a baby
right around the same time that wedid, and I was coming off a
particularly great day with my daughter,and I was like, don't you love
it? And she kind of lookedat me, she was like, no

something. I'm like, well,she's probably not having a great day.
And I feel bad because I'm surethere are a lot of As a parent,
there's a lot of really incredible moments. But even last night, my
daughter apparently had an eight hour nightmare, so we were up all night long
whe her. She continued to wakeup in her sleep or whatever all night
long, screaming and having a conversationwith someone who's not there, and I'm
not particularly pleased with her this morning. It was not great being a parent

last night. So I get itsaying things like that. It's not always
perfect, yeah, Liah said.When she got back from maternity leave,
a former co worker said, Imust be well rested because I'm coming back
from vacation. No, that wasn'tvacation, Bethany, do you remember anything.
I don't know. It's been awhile since she had little kids.
I think that the thing that usedto irritate me the most was like when

I had a baby. They wouldbe like, when's when are you going
to have the next one? Yeah? Right? Yeah? Like are you
audio? Are how did I healfrom this one? Yeah? Don't rush
me? All right? So Ido have that up on our Facebook.
You could always text us a commentif you would rather do that seven seven
nine six' two start with highor hey that works, and phoning you

can call us eight hundred and threetwo one thirty six ninety three. This
is such a nice Jordan Davis song. It's called Tucson Too Late. I
didn't know if we were over Bryanninety three point one wpoc uh. The
question they asked was toxic comments firsttime parents have gotten. I can't remember

who put this up, but anyway, it was in Parenting Kids and Family.
So I guess an article somebody wrote. So, yeah, toxic can
be a strong word. But here'swhat a couple of people said, You
hold them too much, they'll neverbe independent. The sadie says they were
five months old. Yeah, rightkidding. I'm holding my kid as long
as I possibly can. She letsme, all right. Someone said when

I have kids, my house isnever gonna be this messy. Oh thank
you for that. Thank you forthat. And anyone who can tell a
newborn mom this is the easy part. It just gets harder, is not
your friend? What Dia said.I don't know, Dana. Have you
met teenagers, because let me tellyou something. I remember people when I

had little babies telling me like,oh, you can do it, you
could do it. I don't thinkanybody is giving any pep talks when you've
got a thirteen and a seventeen,right, it needs a pep talks.
And they're just harder in different ways, and they're greater in different ways.
Yeah, betting on every stage ishard. Yeah, absolutely, Well,
we have to check the text herein a minute and see what people are

saying. But here's Sam Hunt andoutskirts so much. Sam Hunt ninety three
point one w POC unhelpful things peoplesay to you when you're a new parent
or a first time parent. Ashleysaid, when my oldest was in the
NICU, you had to spend fourand a half months in the hospital,

and someone said, well, atleast you can sleep all night without a
crying baby, and that the worst. All right, coming up, I
know you've got some news some Nashvillenewspeople. I do. We'll take a
look at the country charts. Wealso had some country on TV over the
weekend, so we'll talk a littlebit about that, all right, Bethany,
did you see any text comments fromanybody about that. We've got a

couple of votes for single smack twn. Oh okay, but it doesn't seem
like anyone has any negative baby,is it Tennessee whiskey? Sure, yes,
I do that. Okay, Well, nobody's going to be sad if
we play that one. I'll tellyou we do have a sunny day today.
It starts out kind of partly sunny, but then mostly sunny. I
guess as the day goes on,low eighties will be the high. And

I just saw something pop up thatsaid rain is coming, so maybe we're
going to see a little bit.But we're around sixty degrees out there right
now. Oh, it's a nicevoice. Study Brett Young. It's three
minutes till seven o'clock. It's NashvilleNews Now with Saint Pierre on ninety three
point one w poc Hiight to.Morgan Wallen and Eric Church find themselves at

the top of the country charts thisweek. Man made a Bar as the
number one song in country music.We knew Morgan has seen the top of
the chart quite a bit lately,but it's Eric's first time at number one
since twenty twenty when he made itthere on a duet with Luke Combs.
Sam Hunt takes a step forward tonumber two with Outskirts, and Jordan Davis
moved up to number three with Tucsontoo late. I know we're running short
on time here, so I'll diveright into this Chris Stapleton story because he

was the musical guest on SNL onSaturday night. He did the typical two
songs at all musical guests do.He sang his White Horse and Mountains of
My Mind. But Chris also gotinto a sketch as well, which was
pretty funny to watch. The sketchwas called Get That Boy Back, a
musical sketch where three women sing aboutgetting back at their ex boyfriends. Chris
plays one of the xes, thethird which would be Chris's X. It

takes things a little bit too farhere as a clip, come Man Lived
and Didn't Dream Again with his truckDestroy is Mine? Where you can do
his housekeeper placing his shoes with thesame stand of shoes well and a half
size bigger over beep. So it'sgot the boy thinking probably from friend Can

you did one? Now? Itwas pretty funny. If you do want
to watch the sketch, you wantto watch his performances. They are all
up at WPOC dot com right now, all right, We've got Kane Brown
ready to go if I can feelit ninety three point one w POC.
Thanks for spending part of your Mondaywith hilarity on the show. We Love
That I Can see you by theBarbie said Today's Best Country ninety three point

one w POC, Baltimore. NowTop stories at the top of the hour.
The Orioles found some life late inyesterday's game, giving them a victory
and helping them avoid the sweep overthe weekend Atley, Rutschman grounded into a
double play in the seventh, whichbrought Jackson Holiday in for what would be
the winning wrong. Holiday also gothis first hit in the majors yesterday as
well, so congrats to the ohstart up a three game series with the

Twins tonight. Scotti Scheffler has wonhis second Master's title. The world's number
one golfer shot a final round fourunder par to win by four strokes.
It's his second win in five Starsat Augusta, the second fewest to reach
multiple wins in tournament history. TigerWoods finished last, but it also marked
the first time in over a yearthat Woods was even able to finish a
tournament, so I suppose that's awin for him. Tuesday last, yes,

oh my gosh. And today isthe one hundred and twenty eighth running
of the Boston Marathon. The weathershaping out to be pretty nice and there's
a full field of runners ready totake the streets. Today is the eleventh
anniversary of the bombing that took placein twenty thirteen as well. I'm sure
that's going to weigh heavy on alot of people's minds today. I know
there's going to be a lot oftribute runners. Good luck to any of
the Marylanders that went up to Bostonto run in the race. We hope

for some success for you today.And if you are interested in catching some
early baseball today, the annual PatriotsDay game starts up at eleven ten between
the Red Sox and Guardians from FenwayPark. If you want to catch that.
That's a Niese update all right,and I've got your tickets Tim mcgrass,
CFG Bank June twenty first. Ifyou'd like to go Caller nine,
the tickets are yours eight hundred andthree two one thirty six ninety three.

Here's Jordan Davis. I swear thatyou stay now. Tyler Hubbard ninety three
point one WPOC Today's Best Country fromPasadena. Allison was our winner on the
tickets for Tim McGraw. But justknow that's our ticket windows so all this
week we're doing that. Your nextchance to win your way in with Bob

Belmont at twelve oh five this afternoon. Coming up, just a little wedding
update, a little report on thatthat was kind of all consuming for me
last week and over the weekend ina good way. So we'll talk about
it. We do have it saysthere could be sum rain in our listening
area right now, but we alsohave a sunny forecast for today with eyes

in the low eighties, we're lookingat sixty degrees now ninety three point it's
war in Zeider ninety three point oneWPOC Today's Best Country. We'll get to
Luke Colmb's here in just a minute. So my daughter got married over the
weekend, and so I was offfor part of last week just for a

variety of reasons, but mostly becausewe had family in from out of town.
And anybody who's done a wedding knowsthat the last couple of days right
before the event is kind of alot a lot, a lot of stuff
going on. But everything really cooperated. The weather was really nice for the
events that we had, which waslike a rehearsal dinner and a rehearsal on

Friday and then Saturday, the dayof the wedding. The weather cooperated.
It was a little windy, butI always think that makes for kind of
cool outside pictures. When it's alittle windy, stuff's blown around. Here's
you a little drama, if youknow what I mean. But all went
well. I mean, there wereno Usually there's something that goes wrong at
a wedding, so during the actualevent, there was nothing. And I

got through the ceremony. I chokedup a little bit, but pulled it
back together and was fine. Sowe did get through and it really was
a sweet night. The band wasgreat, everything, the food was excellent.
We had no complaints. My oldersister the day after, on Sunday,
yesterday, we had to take tothe hospital. Uh oh, yeah,

so she's in the hospital. They'retrying to figure out what's wrong.
There was no like food poisoninger,It wasn't anything like that, but she
got very sick overnight from like Saturdayearly in the morning on Sunday, So
the event and everything was kind ofbehind us. We had a brunch on

Sunday and obviously instead some of uswere getting her prepared to go to the
hospital and all that on Sunday.So I would say that's the only thing
that kind of was just out ofkind of just out of the blue,
that that happened, and obviously wewere all very concerned. She was supposed
to ride back with my younger sister. They both live in Indiana, and

so and everybody else had to go. So I was taking my dad's you
know, widow to the airport inthe afternoon, and Ed was making sure
my sister got to the hospital.My husband and then my other sibling,
my older brother and my younger sister, they all had to eventually take off
because they had to go back towork, and so they but it was

so yesterday got to be a busyday with a lot going on, and
we're certainly concerned and hoping that theycan figure out. They did run some
tests yesterday on my sister. Butyou know, if you've ever had to
go to the emergency on a Sunday, anytime on a weekend, it's not
the full staff. You don't havethe full staff, and so they run
tests, but the doctors that needto look at it. And she's somebody

from out of town. She doesn'thave a local doctor to even try to
call for an emergency or whatever.So but we were over there last night.
We took her, you know,her bag with her clothes and stuff,
because it was kind of a rushthing that she got to the hospital
and she was out like a light, she was sleeping. We stuck around
for a while and then we thought, you know what, she's just going

to be sleeping because she had beenup the whole night before. So anyway,
we left her stuff and left.So that is yet to be decided,
you know, how long she'll behere and when she'll be released and
what they find out is going on. But so that was kind of a
wild way to end the weekend.I would say, yeah, yes,

yes, so we'll we'll just waitand see. But she is being well
cared for at GBMC. So thanksto everybody there who's doing everything. Was
interesting last night when we walked in, my oldest brother kind of had been
with her in the afternoon while wewere saying goodbye to Paris and David and
getting my dad's wife Anne to theairport and doing all that. They went

and stayed at the hospital until wecould get there later in the day,
which was really sweet. But itwas just like, you know, there
was just a lot of different movingpieces. But when we walked in to
the hospital early in the evening lastnight, the first person we saw was
somebody that my husband used to workwith. And so isn't that nice when

all of a sudden you have afamiliar face when you're in kind of a
you know, a emergency situation.You're not sure what's going on, and
then all of a sudden, thisyou know woman meets us with a great
smile and that was like, ohnice. So we had some connection when
we were there. But yeah,we don't really know much of anything,
and I can tell you more whenwe know more. But I appreciate anybody

for asking and for caring about it. I'm sure there will be lovely photos.
It always takes a little bit tillthe bride and groom released the photos
that everything Paris has shared so farthrough social looks really nice. Though,
yeah, beautiful, it was.It's stunning. Oh gosh, it was
a beautiful wedding. It really was. They went over the top to make
it lovely and it was everything thebride and groom hoped. And this is

funny. The date of the wedding, everybody, the women all got dressed
at our house and there was makeupand video and a photographer and it's a
lot of people over with the house, moving my furniture for different shots and
which was great fun, it reallywas. But by then Paris was so
tired from all of the week's eventsthat she was very relaxed. You know,

some people get very nervous on theirwedding day. Nope, she was
just like very chill. She putin the hard work she did so she
got to enjoy it the day ofthat great, which is kind of the
goal, right yea, yeah,so good. And that was it.
That was the last of our childrento get married. So that part of

life is I can do this.How does that feel done? It feels
good. It feels good. Youknow. We had thought about We kept
saying, well, by Sunday afternoon, we're just gonna lay down and we're
just gonna well. Then we hadthe events with my sisters, so obviously
life doesn't always go how you wouldplant. But we're more than happy to

have her here. And I'm soglad she's in a city where the hospitals
are so excellent. You know,we weren't in some faraway place out in
the country where it was easy toget her the help she needed. So
thanks everybody for asking for the questionsand photos to come very soon, I
promise once I get the approval,and definitely have those up in their honeymooning

they are. They leave this morningfor New York. They had to drive
back yesterday. Yeah, Saint Luciahere they talk. It's bricks and ninety
three point one WPOC. Remember we'vegot tickets for their show at Meriweather to
give away this morning and all weekat eight thirty. So I think it's

day seven. Yay. Yeah.On the same secret sound. If you've
not heard how we do this,we play a short clip of a sound.
You're trying to figure out what thatsound is. If you and you're
the right caller, you get onehundred dollars gift card to Conrad Seafood restaurants
in Perry Hall and Abingdon. Youcan go to conradscrabs dot com check out
their menus. Yesterday or I shouldsay Friday. I guess Casey and Fabiana

said it was blending a milkshake thatwasn't right. It wasn't static, or
a car wash, or noise fromhaving your car window down. It wasn't
a powerwasher. Those are all incorrectguesses, but we do give you a
lot of help. Yeah, wegot a puzzle piece clue. It's been
coming together since the start of this, so you can find that over on
our ex at WPOC. We alsostart giving you extra clues after we get
through the first five days. Daysix. On Friday, your clue was

yummy, and today for day sevenis topping topping. Okay, listen up
here we go yesday. Listen closely. Here's Laurie D. Young's secret sound
at seven forty Oh. Yeah,I think with that clue from today,
I think that's going to be awinner. Caller nine eight hundred and three
two one thirty six ninety three.That's our number. Play a little jelly

rowl while we get our ninth coloron the phone. Halfway to help.
Yeah, I'm a county jail revivle. I'm a Bible now enough Bible.

I'm a rost on disciple with across across my face. I'm a trailer
parked tornade or jagged dances on myhead or on the cherry here gonna swing
or when carry me o hey,it's a little hide of mind and there
burn me alive. Lord knows that. Ma'm'a try. I don't know where
if high half way my bold withmy sil wid fire, and I see

it came to my half way andhalf way heaven or hell. I'm'a die
boss underserving holy water with my birdI'm standing on the bridge. I'm burned
with a can of gasoline, andI'm not the worse save if something up
way speed. It feels like I'mcoming in little tweens when little halfway my

angels and the emails in wool withmy silver water and no fire, and
I still came to my half wayhalf wayue. It's a little tide of

mind, damn me and burn lineone of those in my fried I don't
know where my wheen the heaven orhalf angels and Dean Mansie, whoa,
We're Matt Jolly Rowl ninety three pointone w p O C. Let's welcome

Diana, guys, Diana, Diana. Hello, She's on her way to
get her morning coffee, she said, over to Starbucks, and then she's
gonna feel like she's awake again.All right, Diana, it's been a
long time coming the answer to thissecret sound. But I thought today's clue
audio clue was pretty helpful. Whatdo you think the sound is? I

think I'm getting in on top ofmy coffee this morning. I think it's
whipped cream. I think we've gota weddingday. Very good, nice way
to start a week on a Mondaymorning. We're giving you one hundred dollars
gift card to Conrad Seafood Restaurants.Congratulations to you, Diana, lovely,
thank you so much. This iswhat we mean when we say it pays

to listen to the Lori de YoungShow right there everywhere I go. I
love it. Well, I havea great rest of your day. Enjoy
your coffee, and we'll hopefully talkto you soon. Okay, Diana,
thank you. Bye, yeah,bye bye. There she goes coming up.
We've got to help Shame. He'sgot a problem at work, so

we're going to try to help solvethat. In just a minute. Stick
around. We've got a sunny forecastfor today with highs in the low eighties.
There has been some light rain inthe area this morning, but that
won't last. Sixty two degrees.Now, that's Bradley Gilbert ninety three point
one w POC. Look who's here. Monday. Had a good weekend?

Yeah it was okay, yeah,yeah, nothing. I mean I think
it's fun of housework and chores outwhich made her happy. Shoot, yeah
yeah she was. She was away, but I like, you know,
ripped off like four movies. Yeah, good for you. What was your
favorite one. Let's see. Youknow what I saw, poor things.

I thought that was well. Youwatched it. Yeah, I'm so proud
of you. Thank you great.You liked it. It was weird,
but uh yeah, I mean there'sa story to it and everything. It's
She's amazing. She was incredible.So it was it. It was very
It was good when I said itmade your wife happy about cleaning and all,
because when she gets back, Idon't know if she's back already,
but then it's like, oh,look at everything you've done, and that

makes her happy. There you go. I love it when anyone at my
house wants to clean. If youwant to clean something, you go do
it. Go go nuts. Yeah, coming up here minute. I just
want to remind people that you stillhave chances to win your iHeart country trip.
So the next one comes up herein just a couple of minutes.
And there's an opportunity during your showtoo. Yea'lock one o'clock, So don't
forget that, all right, Acouple of things real quick. I know

we're all still struggling with the factthat the Golden Bachelor and his wife are
getting a divorce. My wife wasso She's like, I wasted an entire
Yeah, don't you feel like that? For every single Bachelor season these two
were special. They were not.But don't feel bad because here's what they
said. So will you both continueto look for love? Oh? Yeah,

yes, yes, I'm gonna telleverybody else to continue to look for
love. You know, I stilllove you. I still love you.
What was it the distance? Sheis in Jersey and he's in Indiana.
That you can make it. Butwhen they got married, didn't they live
together? Did they ever get married? Is there a divorce or did they
just like they did get married?There was more to it thin distance and

living in different city. They didn'twant to live in the same city.
That should be crazy eyes. Yougot red flag if you don't want to
be in the same city. That'swhat I said at the start of The
Golden Bachelor. I was like,you were going to take all of these
adults that have developed lives and whateverin these certain places and expect them just
to uproot all of that and moveto another place, like especially work twenty

five. That's one thing, Butwhen you're in your sixties, you've got
family, you got grand kid,whatever, You've got a hold exactly.
And my question is does he goback to the other girl who he decided
not to they thought everybody was gettingMaybe maybe they've been canodling this whole time.
I know, way too much money, you really do. The voice
is on tonight, and of courseKeith Urban is coming on as the Mega

Mentor, so you can Mega Mentorwatch him. Is there a costume for
the Maga to see? That's thenew marvel movie, a Mega men right,
there should be the Marvels dead.My good news is it starting today
if you are a stargazer, youcan try to catch a glimpse of one
of the oldest known meteor showers.It starts today last through April twenty ninth.

It's the Lyarids meteor shower. Nowthey've been viewing it us humans for
about twenty seven hundred years. Anythingafter the solar eclipse, we should take
a break from off looking up,looking up? Put your neck hurting or
what's the problem for neckache? Acouple of weeks off, here's dust to
lunch with stars like far in theback of that Hosie's seventy one the Rope.

It's Kate and Caitlin Brown ninety threepoint one WPSC. Okay, the
competition is on. We have oursingle smack Mound going on today. It's
funny we have Christableton because it's Chris'sbirthday. It was also on this day
six years ago Chris had to skipout on the ACM Awards because his wife
Morgan was expecting and she actually didhave their twin boys the night the show

aired. Okay, was his birthday. So they all have birthdays today,
the twins and Chris. Look atthat. Yeah, so they're six.
Apparently, where are we on thevoting? I know we've got Tennessee whiskey.
That's the one you've chosen, Bethany, Yes, that's right, and
we figured that's the one that's goingto win because everybody loves that song's got

to lead on Instagram, I cansay that, yeah, and on text
for crying out loud. But don'tyou guys want to hear Crash and Burn
by Thomas Redd. It's not evensomething that we play on the radio anymore.
Come on, let me do it. Chris wrote that just did write
that song. Yes, we're honoringChris with songs he performed or he wrote,
and he wrote Crashing and don't youwant to listen to one of the
songs you don't hear all the time? Fair, which is cold? Which

is such a good song. Hesings that with such emotion. I want
to win just for my own competitivenature, but I also kind of want
Lauria to win because I love thatsong. Not that I don't like Tennessee
Whiskey, but you hear that one? Yeah, we actually played Tennessee Whiskey
from time to time. Ye,never hear cold. Why wouldn't you want
to vote for that one? Idon't know. Guys, you can tax

seven seventy nine six two and tellus which one of those songs you would
love to hear. You have tostart with high or hay and then give
us that word. Or you cango and do it on our instackra right,
yes you can, yeah, justright there in the stories. You
can check it out there. Yeah, Okay, we want your vote,
and we'll play the winner here atabout nine to twenty five somewhere in that
neighborhood Tennessee Whiskey. She just waitto get that again there. All right,

we've got a new survey today.I thought we could mention that.
Yeah, so we're talking about officecrushes. Okay, we've always heard about
the work wife or the work husband, but fifty percent of respondents say they
have a thing for someone they workwith a little office crush. We want
to know, do you have anoffice crush. I think that's different than
having a work husband or wife,because I don't. I think you can

have that person and not feel likeit's a crush. So I'm going to
say I don't have an office crush. I don't. What about you,
guys? I have in the past, but you don't hurt except for Saint
Pierre, who oh, I alwayscrush on that's very kind of that's been
going on for a long Yeah.Quite sometimes almost kept it from getting a

job. That's what she really can'tthink straight up, we're at separate studiost
my hands off of it exactly.I would say, I think at one
point maybe, yeah, I kindof look at it the same way that
like opposite of Laurie. I kindof look at the office crush the same
as the work wife or the workhusband. I think you're just with that
person so much that you just kindof like develop, Like I find it,
crush is like a ooh, Ithink you could have an innocent crush

on someone, like you're not gonnado anything about it, but it's like
that's kind of cool. Like whenthey I don't know, I would say
in the past, I am,but I don't curR. It's so cool.
We like make out and stuff likeit doesn't have to be anything physical,
but it's just like that's what acrushes. Crushes somebody you're kind of
like, ooh, you're kind ofhot for I don't know, but like
even if you don't act on it, that's what a crush is. Compare

the likes to get us come on, all right, but I will stick
with my answer. Up, Ihave in the past, but I do
not currently have. Okay, sowe'd love to have you take our survey.
We don't have a big enough staffto have right as you're not kidding,
So we have some new things.There's a lot of good stuff up
at WPOC dot com on the LauridongShow pay Right, including tax day deals

because you know it's tax day.And what I do love about the tax
Day deals is that they most ofthem are going on for all of April,
so yeah, which is kind ofnice. You don't have to like
just do it today if you're buriedin paperwork. Yeah, just take some
time this month to check one ofthose out. Okay, we do have
some sunshine today, a gradually sunnyday, temperatures going this afternoon to the

low eighties. I haven't checked lately. We were in the low sixties the
last time I looked. What doyou guys? We're still there. Oh
hey, look you guys got somepity votes. Oh, pity votes,
they're legitimate votes, Bethany, we'reactually up to sixty six. So now,
coldest way in the lead, Isthat what you're saying. No,
they just felt bad. They werelike they literally put a bone emoji.

Yeah. Oh, that's actually kindof funny. That is funny, that's
clever. That is good. Allright, we do have sixty six degrees
outside. Let's check and see whatyou're It's Morgan Wallen with Eric Church and
it's nine minutes after eight o'clock.I keep us in the loop of entertainment
and pop culture and the things weshouldn't care about, but somehow we really

do. BREA On ninety three pointone, I checked my email. Nothing
from Joe yet. No, No, I mean my last payment yesterday oh,
congratulates, big moment. Yeah,I thought it was done a month
ago. I have auto draft,so I don't really think about it.
I thought it was done back inMarch. But I looked at it this
week and doing my taxes, andI was like, oh, the last

one goes out on Sunday. Cool. That means you're officially a graduate.
Yay. It would really not becool if you got the email today.
I know, Oh my god.I'm all for them relieving other people,
but I'd be like, you couldn'tgive this to me last week, save
my last three hundred bucks. Wow. All right, congrats, that's a

big deal. Thank you. Allright. McDonald's guys did an experiment to
prove that people know their products justby the smell. They did a campaign
in the Netherlands where they put upbillboards that smelled like fries. Of course
we know that smell. Yeah,and they did it within six hundred feet
of a McDonald's restaurant, so thatafter you caught a whiff of the billboard,

you have to drive in. That'sso smart. Okay, yes,
it's very smart. But it gotme thinking, do you think the billboards
really smelled or do you think likewe do know it so well that like
it was a suggestion and like ourbrainy like was it just a picture of
a bunch of fries? Like likethink about it real hard right now?

Oh I got it? You gotit? Oh yeah, no, I'm
just saying, what was the billboard? I know they're saying it smelled like
fries, But was it just apicture of fries? Yeah? And it
said smell like smells like you know, to take a whiff coming you have
to do is look at a bunchof fries for McDonald's and you know,
yeah, the gym. There wasa gym I used to go to that.
There was a McDonald's in the parkinglot, and I used to get

so mad leaving the gym because youwould immediately smell and you're walking out and
you're kind of hungry, you're feelinggood because you just had a good work
out it and you're like, oh, that's smell is just overtaking everything.
There should be a law about howclose McDonald's can be to do a gym.
According to a new study, physicallytouching a basketball player at the free
throw line with a pat on theback or a quick handshake improves the player's

free throw success right now. Ilove that. I think that's so interesting.
That's great. I wonder what,like in other areas of life,
what this could apply like, Idon't know, just like a quick like
we got you like you know that, a boy at a boy yeah.
Uh. And speaking of basketball players, Caitlyn Clark mania continues. She was

on SNL and she was on WeekendUpdate with Michael Cha doing jokes about women's
sports. I'm glad that she Thehype continues, so she did a good
job. I'm not usually an SNLfan, but I watched bunch of the
clips because of Chris Stapleton, andI was I was impressed. I thought
this Weekend was a pretty good show. They're pulling out all the stops over
there. They're trying to get SaintPierre's attention, trying to get anybody's attention.

True and lastly, over one thirdof gen Z and millennials are quote
NEPO home buyers okay sure, meaningthey expect their parents to be helping them
with the down payment or some sortof you know, financial assistance. In
twenty nineteen, eighteen percent of millennialsuse cash from their family in twenty twenty

three, twenty three percent. That'sso that statistically, And then I'll tell
you because I'm a realtor, Iwork with a lot of first time home
buyers, and most of them gethelp from their parents. I'm not surprised,
No, it isn't surprising. Okay, when I graduated college, that
was happening. I mean, myroommate that I lived with for four years
after college bought a house because hehad money he inherited from his parents.

Yeah, and obviously times are differenttoday than when I was looking at house.
My parents would have laughed if Iasked them for money for a house.
I had to buy my car fromthem, like there were no gimmes.
But yeah, different world today,no doubt. I just wanted you
know, in the Instagram and theeverything's got everybody thinking that they need to

have it all figured out. Butstatistically, most of your peers, millennials
and Gen z's don't have it allfigured out. So yeah, it's okay,
take a deep breath, you gotthis. Okay, We've got more
music coming up for you here injust a minute. In fact, I
can give you a little idea.Russell Dickerson, Kenny Chesney. We've got
those tickets to give away. Brooksand Dinner coming to Meriweather in June,

so be listening for all of thatand a sunny day eventually, Sonny with
highs in the low eighties. We'reat sixty four degrees out there now,
flip it said Today's Best Country ninetythree point one w POC, Baltimore now
top stories at the top of thehour. If you have a student loan
you're currently paying off, you shouldkeep an eye on your email today.

The Biden administration now sid it's cancelingseven point four billion dollars in student debt
for some two hundred and seventy seventhousand borrowers. The recipients are expected to
be notified today via email. Thisround of loan forgiveness brings the total amount
of canceled student debt to about onehundred and fifty three billion for approximately four
point three million borrowers. I meanto be honest, though, if I
got an email this said my loansare paid off, would I believe it.

I think that's why they're trying tomake it clear, like, hey,
if you get this, please atleast read it you. Let's investigate
I paid off your loans, saidJoe. If tax days stuck up on
you, speaking of money, you'renot alone. The IRS as it expects
some nineteen million people to file foran extension this year. But today is
the day to get those taxes doneand filed, or file for that extension

in case you you'd miss it.Today is April fifteenth. Officials are watching
the price of oil following an attackon Israel by Iran over the weekend.
Late Saturday, Iran launched more thanthree hundred drones and missiles at Israel.
Ninety nine percent of them were shotdown before making it. Auran says the
attack was done in retaliation for anIsraeli strike on an Iranian building in Damascus.
There were fears of escalation here,but apparently a phone call by President

Biden stopped Israel from almost immediately movingtoward Iran. Biden reportedly told Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin net and Yahoo that theyshould count it as a win that they
intercepted nearly all of the drones andmissiles that were fired at them. He
also reportedly said that US would notprovide support for an Israeli counter attack on
Iran, but this escalation in thefighting that's already been going on in the
Middle East could also further impact theprice of oil and gas. Gas prices

are already up about fifty cents pergallon since January, and oil prices are
nearly twenty percent higher this year.Now, there's a lot of factors here
besides just the fighting that go intothe increase in oil. Demand for fuel
has been greater than expected due tothe really strong economy we have right now.
Ukraine has been launching drone attacks atRussian oil refineries, and Opek cut
output as well. So a lotof things going on. But yeah,

it doesn't make anybody feel better,especially now with the traffic being so much
worse around here, in particular,to see those gas prices go up.
So we're keeping an eye on that. That's a ueseip dat beautiful coming up
on the brief, Bethany, whatdo you have? Okay? So McDonald's
tried something interesting with a new adcampaign that they have. Plus I'm gonna
make gen z and millennials feel alittle better about the crunch, all right,

I got the number one country songin America for you right now.
Morgan Wallen with Eric Church and manmade a bar ninety three point one doublepoc
s down ninety three point one WPOC. It's Dylan Scott. We'll get to

Kid Moore here in just a minute. So Shane needs some help. Are
you guys ready to help Shane?I think of course, He says.
He accidentally sent a rant about hisboss to his boss Hikes instead of to
a friend of his at work.The email detail held some pretty candid feelings
about their management style, he says. Surprisingly, my boss hasn't said anything

about it, and it's been aweek. Should I bring it up and
apologize? Should I pretend like itnever happened? Is it possible being never
read it? Or do you thinkthey're waiting for me to say something first?
I don't think i'd say anything.I wonder if the boss's behavior has
changed since said text message. Ohyeah, that doesn't say yeah, because

that would be interesting. Yeah?Did he read it and go? You
know, the guy's got a point. I don't know. I think i'd
probably say something. Really. Ithink i'd be like, hey, man,
so yeah, tell me exactly whatyou'd say. Let's just talk about
this. Get out of the way. I address the elephant in the I

don't like waiting to hear from peopletoo, Like I'd prefer to just get
it over with, like rip theband aid off kind of thing. I
suppose to like sitting back and likemaybe the boss brings it up I don't
know, six months later and holdsit over your head for something I'd rather
know right away. I think here'swhy I would Here's why I would say.
Wait, it's because it's potential theynever read it, and if they

never read it, then you're draggingthem down this hole that they don't need
to be. You know, somany people don't read emails that you send.
So I'm just thinking. And thenif you like, if the then
you notice their behaviors changed toward you, they're being different towards you, then
might be a time to bring itup. But I'm not so sure everybody

reads every email. You could haveskated by. I mean, there's a
way to like make a comment thatif you had read it you would understand,
you like make a little joke aboutsomething in the email, and then
to be like, okay, seeif they respond. If they respond,
they know, and then you knowthey read it. You know it was
an email and not a text.Is that right? Yes, it says

a email, okay, detailing somepretty candid feelings about their management. Uh,
they read it, you think,yeah. So you think anytime somebody
who works for you send you anemail as a boss, you're going to
read it. Well, you mightskim through and be like do I care

about this or not? But ifit's about you, you're going to be
like, read every word. Waita second, my name's in here.
What is this all about? Andif I know bosses, they're going to
read it and be like, well, this is not true. None of
this saying I'm wondering they talking aboutit all right? Well, Shane,

we all have different thoughts on whatyou should do. Shane, get a
new job. By guys, it'stime to move on. Go somewhere where
you can enjoy the work environment andyou don't have to send emails to your
coworker's complaining somebody truck
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