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August 25, 2021 51 mins

Victoria P., the beauty queen from Peter Weber’s season of “The Bachelor,” joins Becca and guest co-host Tia to address the allegations that she went on “Bachelor in Paradise” while having a boyfriend back home. Victoria clears the air on the timeline of her past relationship, shares details on co-parenting her dog, and reveals what led to her decision to make a quick exit from the show.  

Plus, Victoria shares the intimate details of her mental health journey, including what she has learned about conflict resolution. She also details her post-“Paradise” health scare. 

“Bachelor Happy Hour” has exclusive interviews every week. Watch “Bachelor in Paradise” on ABC and listen to “Bachelor Happy Hour” the next morning. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Welcome back Bachelor Happy Hour listeners. You guys, Holy crap.
I know we warned you last week that we're gonna
have two nights of Paradise, and I felt like it
was two weeks packed into two episodes. This week was crazy.
So much happened. But before we get into all of that,

please welcome one of my best friends, my incredible co host, Tea.
Thank you for coming back. I'm glad that I didn't
scare you away last week. Thank you, Thank you so much. Yeah,
I did not expect the episodes to be this hot
and heavy, this quick. If I wasn't taking notes, I
would legitimately forget what the hell happened because there was

so much. There's so much, it's like I have notes,
Like if you guys could see my notes right now,
I'm like starring everything of points that I really want
to hit, and I know that we're not even gonna
get around to half of it. But I gotta start
with this because this week we see Demi come in,
you know, and she comes in hot, and I want

to do the same for this podcast, and so you
know what, We're gonna come in with the big D energy,
the Big Demi energy, that's how she walked down onto
the beach. She already was stirring the pot before. She
talks to everyone, but it was girls. They wouldn't take
their men. I love Demi. I mean, okay, listen, I've

known Demi for a while now, I freaking love her.
I know she probably rubs people the wrong way and
we're gonna have a lot of viewers and listeners, you know,
saying whatever mean things you want to say. But Demi
is Demi, and she just owns the ship out of
who she is, and I'm here for it is. I

love it so entertaining. If we didn't have Demi right now,
it wouldn't be the same. It wouldn't be paradise without her. So, yeah,
we see her kick it off? Was it? This was
the first date of the week right where she takes Brendan. Yeah,
she came in with a day card. Came in with
a day card. It takes Brendan. I mean, you know, I,

oh god, this is what I wanted to say. T
I didn't even write this in my notes for the
dates that we saw this week on the beach. Well,
I told you this because we were in quarantine together.
But this is why I love having the podcast because
we can give actual behind the scenes of like our
side of things, and even though we're not there yet.
We were in quarantine and I was watching all of

these dates go on outside of my hotel room and listen.
The video card was one that was one that was
the first date I saw, because I got told to
go into my room because something might be happening on
the beach, and of course I don't listen. So I
was sitting on my balcony, I had my big sunglasses on,

I had one of those hair wraps. I was kind
of like trying to live out what was happening on
the dates and having a conversation and um, and so
maybe if you all all are lucky, I will share
the true behind the scenes of what you actually didn't see.
I saw Demi and Brendan's and I saw Thomas and Serena.
They were they were a little bit farther down on

the beach, so at first I didn't know it was
Thomas and Serena until they walked closer in front of
my balcony. UM. And in that case, I felt kind
of creepy because I felt like it was like a
dad and his daughter because of the height difference, size
the size difference I was at first, I was like,
who the hell is this? Um yeah, but who brought daddy? Daddy?

Who brought a chaperone to Paradise? Um? No, So that's like,
it's so funny now actually watching these dates back and
hearing the conversation and what all went down, because I
had something totally different in my mind. But I will
say I didn't know it was Demi and Brendan because
I mean, Brandon, you can just sell from the hair.
And the second I heard Demi laugh on the beach,

I was like, oh, that's my baby. Um shot that.
Demmi was so smitten kitten so fast with Brendan and
was bummed out that he said he wanted to continue
to talk to other people. I've never seen Demmy like that,
or I just I haven't either, I think. But here's
the thing, and Demi, I love you, but I don't
think she's used to people not being anyone saying no,

anyone saying no, and so I think that was the
first time where she was really like, well, what the
hell I brought you on this date? I took you out,
you know, And so yeah, um, she I don't blame
her for feeling like that. She's like, why did I
waste this date with you for you to say that?
But it's the eyes, you know, Demmy ain't gonna let
that get her down here, No, not for long. But
but it's the eyes. Brendan has these like, oh, piercing

blue ocean blue eyes that just kind of like like
the ocean, it sucks you in. And so I get it.
I mean, like all of the all of the women
so far mesmerized by Brendan and Demi, you know, she
couldn't resist the charm. Speaking of Brendan, we hear a
lot of chit chat behind the scenes about a potential

relationship that he has back home with Piper, which I'm
thinking like some foreshadowing there, But he's not the only
one that people are talking about that may be in
a relationship with somebody else. Fast around that damn beach.
Oh yeah, two seconds. It's like the fastest game of
telephone you've ever played. Speaking of foreshadowing for relationships that

people may have before coming to Paradise, I will say
we do have a guest coming on very shortly, and
that is Victoria Paul. Victoria p because she was somebody
else who was in the midst of certain allegations, and
we're going to have run very soon after we recap,
just so she can give her side of things, say
her piece, kind of maybe put some of those rumors
to bed. If if they aren't put to go bed,

who knows, We will find out very soon. Let's just
kind of recab give our main takeaways. I mean, drama
with Victoria pe she goes home, We see Kelsey go home,
and who else went home? Victoria l the goddess. I'm

honestly really sad because I wanted to meet her so bad.
You were saying that, Yeah, I would just love to
be in her presence in person. Back to Serena see though,
trying to hop on erin to get to stay and
I'm like, no, shame girl listening everyone would he immediately
made out with Tammy right out. Oh gosh, damn. It's

so interesting because I'm not the type of person to
like throw a hail Mary pass and like try to
do what I can to solidify anything. I feel like
I'm you know, I would be more of like a
Kelsey where it's like, if it happens, it happens. If
it doesn't, fuck it, who cares. But it's interesting to
see how people handle their business in these pressure situations,

knowing that, you know, for women are going to be
going home. Um so we see a couple of women
go home. We see some new sexy eye candy come
down to the beach. We have Thomas, we have Riley
and ry I'm surprised Riley's arms fit through the Gates
of Paradise because can I just say too that they
look big and buff and huge on TV? But in person,

person who listen, listen, dude like Thomas kept talking about
his height, but so did we, so did we and
we got and I mean Riley also knows his arms
are like bazookas. They're not just the big guns, they
are bazookas his chest like these dudes in person. Holy
freaking craps. There's a rumor that Riley smashed a watermelon

with one bicept. And this is the content that we
need to see. We need this. Speaking of like hot
steamy things, I got to get into this state with
Riley and Marissa um can I. All I wrote down
for my notes for the state was just straight sex,

like hot steamy hot, SA texted me and she goes like,
good lord, you guys, this date has me fired up.
I mean it just is so abruptly give it to me.
But it was hot and steemy for some people, but
it was also sad boys summer for others. I mean,

we see Joe down in the dums, we see Connor
down in the dumes. We see Connor basing the beach
and writing songs for Marissa, like she's going to come
back and still be with him, and like, listen, Connor,
I applaud the dedication, the enthusiasm, the passion that you
still have for Marissa. But like Riley's arms, yeah, that's

all I got to say, no, no, And like it's
so hard because you want to fill for him, but
you want to root for her at the same time.
This is tricky. Gosh, um love Masa Marissa though she
just I loved it all out there. Oh she's my favorite. She.
I absolutely adore Marissa. And one thing that we can't

forget about is we get a new I was gonna say, Judge,
is this not really that kind of show? We get
a new guest host, and I am so upset that
we were there for this entrance because also, okay, so
we see Lance Bass as the next guest host. But
like when they start playing that old boombox with n SYNC,

people were kind of dancing a little bit. Oh my godda.
If we were there, I would have been. I would
have been the whole dance. I would have been on
my head spitting on the ground like I would do. Yeah,
the Marionettes, whatever we gotta do. We like people. You
guys did not fully appreciate all that end Sync and

last Lance Bass had to offer him. Was there, No,
they needed us, they needed us. Connor was into it.
He was the only one who I think knew all
the lyrics, he knew the dance moves. Um, thank you
Connor for that, because we needed that. Lance needed that.
But oh my god, the girls when they sat down
and they had a mimosa with mister Lance Bass, I

was like, are you fucking kidding me? Like the backs
of my kneecaps would have been sweating. I would have.
I would have been, so I would have been like,
I don't even want to date any of these other men.
I know I'm not I'm not Lance's type, and I
don't care he can give me a rose. I know, yeah,
seriously hit that falsetto god fucking weird. Oh my god,

just wait you guys, do you I could go on
and on about it. I think everything just wait till
we hit the beach, because we're gonna have so much
more behind the scenes, so much more tea, so much
more everything that we can give you. But until then,
which I don't even know what that happens, because for
one week, I feel like we've been watching seventeen years
full of this already. But a lot went down, and

I think we just have to bring on our guest
right now because a lot went down with her, and
we want to allow her the chance to take the mic,
to say what she has to say and to clear
up any confusion that we all may have of if
there was a boyfriend, if there was a dog, if

there was a music career to be enhanced. Right now,
So with help further ado, ladies and gentlemen, let's please
welcome Victoria P to Batch a Happy Hour. We have
the woman of the hour here, Victoria P. Before we start, Victoria, welcome.
Do you want me to keep the pea on your
name or just call you a straight Victoria Honestly, you

can call me anything as long as it's nice. My
friends call me VP initials, So whatever you want, Okay, Okay,
well I'll call you VP. But sometimes I then think
I'm talking about the vice president, Madame vice President. Um, okay,
so we'll just call you Victoria. I was gonna say
Vicky for some reason, like VICKI like Vicky. No, Okay.

The teacher in sixth grade that so we had like
got to this debate that my skirt was too short
and that it was like distracting to boys, and I
had a whole debate with her like, well, shouldn't you
be teaching the boys like that, Women's bodies aren't I
was in sixth grade. Five. Ever since then, I'm like, Vicky,
don't call me Vicky. Okay, No, Vicky. I like that

you'd just story attached to it. Well, welcome to batch
our happy hour, Victoria. This is the first time we've
actually had you because we unfortunately did not speak with
you during Peter's season. There's just so much craziness going on.
But since leaving Mexico and now being back in the
real world and watching everything back, how have you been?
It was a lot you know, I was only on

the beach for two nights, like thirty six hours, and
a lot happened there. I'm obviously disappointed and like some
of the things that I heard that we're said. But
each person has their own own I guess they have
their own idea of what happens, and I think that's

based on assumptions. And I kind of wish that, I
really wish that that had been asked the questions and
been able to address the concerns, but I really wasn't
given that opportunity. And yeah, well we'll get into all
of that too, because we do have some questions around
you know, the drama that we saw and fold. Let's

take it back from the beginning, because you know, day one,
you get there, you're one of the first people on
the b too, were there since the beginning. It's exciting.
You don't know what to expect. What how did you
feel walking down those steps, you know, meeting David Spade
and then meeting the original cast that first day, So
walking down the stay ups, I was super excited, optimistic, like,

let's freaking do this thing. I'm one hundred percent ready.
I'm super excited to meet to meet the new girls
to meet the guys, and I was really stoked and
was a huge fan of Joe Dirk. So I feel
like excited. I already asked to a good start. Yeah,
and so the you know, because we didn't see you
really in much of the drama and tell Monday in

nets episode. So I'm assuming the first couple days, well day,
I mean, I know TV time is much different than
real lifetime, but it seemed like smooth sailing. It seemed
like that first day you were talking to James, you
had a little bit of a connection. What was that
like for you. Yeah, like I said, I was, I

was only there for two nights at thirty six hours,
so and first getting there, I'm super excited and optimistic,
and right away I didn't feel like I feel like
typically in my real life I feel connected. It's like
an instant connection whenever I connect with someone, and I
didn't feel that. So I was kind of like hmmm.

And then the guys, because they had the roses, were
like expecting the girls to go to them, and I'm like, no,
I feel like a man to pursue me. And so
I was kind of like waiting for that, and and
I ended up actually, I think like talking to James myself,
like just being like, Okay, I've got to do this,

I've got to got to get out there and so
and so I did and such a great guy, super sweet.
I was kind of I was actually really excited in
the beginning, and then I just kind of started like
I was like, Okay, I found myself kind of like
I was having to convince myself that I was feeling

something that I wasn't and then I started to kind
of be like okay, and is like, there's nothing wrong
with this guy. He's great, he's a hunk, but like,

like not the note that it was by default, But
did you feel like since there were so many other
couples making connections, Yeah, James's single, I'll talk to him
well that you you know, there's nothing wrong with him.
He's a great guy. But it's like you don't want
to feel that instant yeah with James, I and just
with anyone on the beach. I think that I try

to go in with no expectations, but typically like if
I'm gaining someone, there's either an instant connection there's not.
And I didn't feel that that spark and that instant
connection with him, and so right away I was like,
oh shit, like oh no, but I also was like, okay, Victoria,
you've known this guy for twenty four hours, give it

a shot. You're here, like there could be someone else
that comes down the beach, And then there was really
no one else that I felt like I was really
all guys were great but attracted to and so yeah,
I just like took some time to get to know him.
A wonderful guy, but there are a lot of wonderful
people that just aren't compatible, and right I just I

think ultimately I I wasn't ready because we've all been there, right,
Like we've all done the show. We've all been on
the badge short and now you know, cuts out of
the bag. We've all been on paradise for some sort
of time. And it's this weird situation where, you know,
playing off of what Tia was just saying, where it's like,

you know, there's already couples established. You want to get
to a certain point. You obviously don't want things to
feel forced, but to continue week by week and day
by day, you need to form some sort of connection.
So it's just this weird situation, like I would say,
social experiment to see who hits it off, and if
you felt like, you know, because we've all met James,

James is great, He's such a good dude. But if
you just feel like that passion, that chemistry wasn't there, Yeah,
you can't force it. Was there. Anyone that you were
hoping would be on the beach that didn't that you
didn't see walk down those steps that first week, or
that you see come later, that you wished you would
have been able to meet. You know, I really think

that that band guy what's his name, y'all, I'm that
was named Oh yeah, the other day I called I'm like,
I called my doctor, Am I having a stroke? Like,
I just my mom's name is Cindy and I called
her Sydney. I'm like my mother, I'm like, so big,
nothing personal against Jay said, yeah, no, it wasn't it

with her own mom. It's the thing it was. I
it was concerning you did forget James's name quite a
few times a lot. But listen, I understand, especially when
you're filming. I mean, from somebody who forgot one of
the guy's names on my season on a group date
in front of everybody, I get it. There's a lot
of everyone else's name. Everyone else is saying besides someone
Ta was on that date too. She was there and

witnessed it. So so so we get it. So Ben
Ben from UM from California from Clarentatious season correct and
Smith I think it is his name. Actually googled him
a while ago because I was like, they're gonna ask
me his name, and I need to make sure I
get it right. Ben's okay, workout there all right? M okay?

So yeah, because I know that they always ask all
of the casts coming down, Okay, who do you really
want to see here? Like who do you think you
could hit it off with? So I actually love asking
everyone that question because it's so funny when some people
say that the same one guy over and over and over.
So but I but I really hearty fighting over this man.
I haven't heard Ben yet, So this is this is great. Um, well,

who knows. I mean, I'm not gonna give anything away.
Who knows if Ben's walks down onto that beach or now?
But um, okay, so we see, let's just get into
it a little bit because you were part of some
of the drama that night before the first row of
ceremony goes down to recap briefly basically, you know, we

see you and James chatting, and then we see Kelsey
and Tammy talking about that you may or may not
have a boyfriend back home back in Nashville, and they
can well, I wouldn't say they confront They confront James
about it, and then he confronts you about it. So

when all of that is going down, did you know
when James pulled you what he was going to be
chatting with you about. Did you have any idea that
this allegation would be circling on the beach? I was completely, honestly,
completely blindsided. So I present that I was completely blindsided.

Whenever James pulled me aside and asked about it. I
just I Kelsey and Tammy were both like, I mean
for my season, and so I just I think that
my expectation would have been, like, Okay, if there's an
issue or if they had some kind of a concern,
like they would have come to me and like and

said something, I want to give you the mic for
a second and cleared the air and put any rumors
to bed, if we will, Because I know there's a
lot circulating right now. So did you or did you
not have a boyfriend coming into Paradise. No, I started
dating a guy, and well, I moved to Nashville in January,

and New Paradise was a thing, right. It was something
that I wanted to do and I was really excited
about and I was not and I was dating anyone.
I was like, I'm not dating anybody. And the guy
that I end up getting in a relationship with, I

try to set him up with one of my friends.
I'm like, I'm not dating anyone. Like I put this
guy off, I'm like no, and he asked me to
get a drink with him. So I end up going.
We become really close as like best friends, and then
it just developed into something more unintentionally and it was
happens and yeah, and so that's I think part of

the reason why going like on Paradise was kind of
difficult because I'm like, typically like and my relationships in
the past, it's just been like, I'm gonna get to
know you, You're gonna get to know me, and then
and there's no pressure. But if it like if we
connect and it takes off great, And so I think
with the James sing like you have to be so intentional,
and there's such like a pressure to like rush, and

that anxiety was like really alive in me. Right. But
back to that, that relationship, Paradise was always something that
we knew was a very strong possibility. Like I said
day one, I was very honest with him. We talked
about it, and whenever we had only been dating like

two and a half months, right and Paradise, it's like, Okay,
I have to make a decision. And I think that
probably the weight of whether Paradise Paradise is going to
be a thing or not, like weight heavy on our relationship.
Like he wasn't at he didn't ask me to stay,
and it was just like you should do, like you

should go, and I encourage you to follow your heart
or whatever, like we haven't been dating long, you know, like,
and I think that he probably was trying to give
me his blessing, but to me, it was like he doesn't.
He's like he wouldn't fully commit, right, And when someone
won't fully commit naturally, it's like, okay, well, if you're

not gonna be all in, then maybe I should um
two other options. Yeah, And so we ended up having
a conversation and he actually, um, this was like four
like a month or four parais It's just like two
months into dating and he broke up with me and

was like, I just feel like you've got your own
thing going on Paradise. It's like this huge weight on
us whether you're going to go, whether you or not, like,
you know, are we serious enough for you to stay?
Are you gonna have regrets if you stay? M you know,
if we don't work out because our relationship is so fresh.
And actually the night that he broke up with me,
I stayed at Kelsey's house. So um so, so if

he broke up with you and you then went on
to Paradise to you know, pursue whatever potential relationship could
be there. When all of this was going to on
with Tammy and Kelsey telling James and you know, talking
about how you were going to boost this guy's music career,
whatever was said, why wouldn't you at that point just
be like, well, he broke up with me, this finished

a month prior to this. You know, he ended things
and that's why I'm here. Why didn't you just say
that something similar to like where did they get that information?
Or like where would they come up with this in
the first place. You know, if you guys have been
broken up, does that make sense? Yeah? No, absolutely, um,
you know naturally, like I whenever a conflict arises, like

and I've done a lot of therapy and I I mean,
you guys see me on Peter season. Whenever a conflict
happens with the lea, like, I just completely shut down
and I it's like my nervous system it's just completely overstimulated,
and I just feel like fight or flight and I

don't know what to say, and a lot of time
that just cry. And so that's been something that I've
really worked on through therapy and setting healthy boundaries and
communicating through conflict. And so at the time, whenever all
that's happening, I don't like honestly, like until watching the
episode and kind of hearing what happens, I like, I

don't even remember what I said, like because I was
remember being so like, okay, I just gotta like I've
got to remember my therapy techniques. I can walk away
and set a healthy boundary. Like my personal relationships are
personal to me, you know, the it's no one's business
unless they're part of it. Had Kelsey or Tammy asked me,

kind of are been like, Hey, how are you feeling?
Are been around when I was having the conversations like
with Deandra or heard my interviews the whole time, I'm like,
I I'm questioning, like, you know, if I if I'm
ready for this? So if I'm not, you know, I
from the moment that probably before James James and I kissed,

but definitely after that. Um, so it wasn't It wasn't
a secret. I just didn't feel comfortable sharing that with people.
I didn't feel comfortable sharing it with and Kelsey and
Tammy never asked, so they just assumed. So why do
you think they brought up the boyfriend at home thing?
Because that's that's completely normal to feel like, you know,

what am I doing here? Why did I do this?
I don't have this instant connection with anyone. That's completely normal.
If you have a connection with somebody, I think everyone
still questions what the hell am I doing here? Well, okay,
well that makes me. I'm glad you said that because
I was like, bro, like, I don't like this. I
need to get back home to the people that I love,
like that can pourant to me. And because I am
my therapist because it's like, I'm not made for this.

I'm not made for these freaking mosquitoes and this heat,
and literally I was sweating my titties off, like actually, no,
I feel that. No, but actually one of my implants
when I got home, it was like deflating. It was okay,

literally swetted my titty off. So on Monday, I have
surgery that morning to remove my implants. So, oh my god. Okay,
so you can neverification in Mexico in the future. Keep
that in mind. I mean one of them. I was like, truly,

my mom was My mom was so funny. She was like,
you literally swetted your titties off. I was like, And
my grandma was like, oh my god, I'm so glad
that didn't happen when you were there, Like it would
have been so bad. I would have been so embarrassed.
I'm like, yeah, literally smell worried. So anyway, um, yeah,
right now we're just being compy and cozy and having

the girls. So let me ask you this because basically
I have a two part question here. But first I
want to get into because when all of this is
being brought up on the beach about you having this
said boyfriend back home. One of the allegations was that
you came on because you would have a bigger platform
to be able to promote his music. And then also

there was something there was some story with the dog
of you guys had a dog or we're watching the
dog by the way. Well, I will say, at the
dog really quick, I got the dog for me. It
was like a rescue right. The dog fell in love
with the boyfriend. The boyfriend fell in love with the
dog immediately, So we share the dog, and him and

I are even now like great friends. I will say,
the guy that I was dating before the show we
broke up, wanted nothing to do with this, like specifically
asked that his name was not brought up. And because

I think that and like, and that's kind of like
part of the reason why I think that I protected it.
I tried to. I did my best, like to protect
that like when I was there, you know, and sharing
with the people that I felt like I could trust
was and that already kind of had an idea about

it was because it really wasn't anyone else that's business.
And I didn't want to make it a thing because
him and I dated for two and a half months.
Yes we share a dog together. But like I think,
just as a viewer, like to touch on what Becca
was saying. As a viewer, I was trying to think
of it as not being there before. I was thinking, well,
she didn't have a boyfriend. Why didn't she just say no,
I didn't have a boyfriend. Let's move on, you know

what I mean? Just the abrupt exit and not really
explaining and like just as you upset with Kelsey and
Tammy and not just being like, no, I didn't have
a boyfriend. People are lying if they say they weren't
dating someone or talking to someone like beforehand. Generally speaking,

people are gonna have someone they're interested in before they
come on the show. It's not like it's completely unheard of.
But I think it was just like, why didn't you
just say nope, didn't have a boyfriend. I think that
I did, and that I don't know if that honestly, like,
because I haven't watched, I've just heard what happens that's
not shown. So and I talk about it in my interviews.

I'm very transparent. Obviously it's not what the viewers viewers
are going to see, So I appreciate you guys like
kind of like making me aware of that, because yeah,
that helps me in this um So, like I said,
when I'm when I feel like I'm overstimulated in my
like I feel anxious and I feel like there's conflict

my natural work like trauma response, it's just a completely
shut down. And if I didn't say, like specifically I
don't have a boyfriend, I wish that I did. Well. So, yeah,
because I want to get into that because one, I mean,
we did see you leave just very abruptly, you know,

you left before the first row ceremony. You saw yourself out?
Was that so because to me as a viewer, it
seems like it maybe wasn't necessarily because of this boyfriend allegation.
It was more so the fact that Tammy and Kelsey,
two of your you know, I would say friends or acquaintances, whatever,

kind of went behind your back and didn't. Maybe it's
because they didn't address it with you first. They went
to James directly. Was that kind of what triggered you,
Like the reason of why you felt like this fight
or flight response were Okay, I just have to see
myself out. It wasn't Was it less about the whole
boyfriend boyfriend quote unquote, and more about how they handled

an approached Jeames in that entire situation. The night before
I all this happened, I pulled my producer inside. Now
I was like, I don't think. I don't think that
I should be here. I'm having a lot of second thoughts,
like and and he encouraged me just to stay and
to see. He was like, listen, you're already here. Let's
give it a shot. Let's give it one more day.

And then all of this happens the next day, like
I'm already like I've got to tell James that I'm
not interested in him, and I really don't think that
my heart is here and I'm ready to give it
to someone else. Like I got here, I was optimistic
and really like open arms, open heart, like God, whatever
you want for me and this season, like I'm here

and I'm ready to accept it, whether it's love, like
trying to learn a lesson friendships, and unfortunately, like it
was one of those things. Once I got there and
I tried, it was like, holy crap, like I'm not
ready for this. I was encouraged today, stayed and and
ultimately like I think that I didn't I that environment.

It's not was not healthy for me specifically, Like I
back here at home, like I have a support system
and people that I know that I can trust and
that love me, and that are willing to come to
me and check me if I'm wrong or like and
give me the constructive criticism. And that's that's not what

I got when I was there, Like I'm like, Okay,
you guys have an issue, and all this has been
talked about and assumed behind my back and not come
to me directly. Like I was really like I'm gonna
get emotional, you know, and going and saying yes to
paradise For me, it wasn't just like I'm going into
this with an expectation to find love. It was I am,

I know that there's a possibility that I could so
much more could come out of this and enlisting all
those things like friendships, like more self awareness, like being
able to have this platform to talk about things like
that that mattered to me, you know, because of Like

earlier you asked if there was anyone I wish had
gone on the beach. I really wish Leia had gone
for some of our listeners who maybe didn't watch all
Peter's season and know exactly what you're talking about in
terms of alia. Do you want to just give a
quick background and then segue into what you're about to say. Yeah, sure.
On Peter's season, I and this is pre therapy, you know.

I when I've always felt like before, I felt like
if I had an issue with someone or if they'd
hurt me, or I never knew how to address it.
Like growing up, it was always like, you don't say anything,
and that was kind of like the way that I

survived as I just kept my mouth shut and just
and like did what I needed to do, and so
I think that that carried through and on Peter season,
it was like I want to love like Jesus does
and I want to be kind, but in that when
you have an issue with someone or having an issue
with someone, I didn't know how to communicate it and

I failed a Leiah miserably and was really hopefu excited
to see her on the beach to be able to
apologize to her, like I mean, I've reached out obviously
and apologized like by phone, but I was really hopeful
to to take responsibility for the way that I acted publicly,

because I should have been direct with her. Looking back,
I should have, like, having the tools now, I would
have done things very differently, approached, approached her and addressed
my concerns and given her a fair opportunity to make

things right or learn a lesson or you know. And
I'm like, looking back, I'm like, maybe I just had
this expectation of what I thought that she should be
and I was like projecting, you know, so I just
felt like I owed her an apology. You came onto

the beach, you know with maybe not maybe I will say,
not to potentially find love and find a lasting partner,
but to make amends with some of the females in
your life. And because I mean, and you've said this
multiple times, you know, especially when you were confronting Tammy
and Kelsey, that you're trying to use these new therapy
therapy techniques that you've learned for a better conflict resolution.

So going into that, you know, kind of knowing the
history with you and Aleia or whoever on Peter's season,
do you feel like you were able to take those
resolution skills into paradise in this conversation with both Tammy
and Kelsey, and do feel good about, you know, seeing
your side of things with them and leaving in the
way that you did, Like do do you feel good

about that? Good? And how everything ended for you? Absolutely
going through Peter's season and then after, like I my
mental health, like I was at an all time low,
like kind of being thrown into the space where people
are questioning your character and coming at you and like
online people aren't kind and I'm from a small town

where I've never really like had to deal with a
lot of that and so and then just I really
struggled on the show and off the show, Like there
was a point where I push show was like I
really had to lean on the people in my life

to help me get through it. And I had to
see someone in regards to my mental health because I
did not want to live anymore. And obviously, like all
that was really hard to go through and I had
regrets and I was like, but I like giving myself

grace and looking back, I'm like the way that I
handled things on Peter's season, Like I I'm like, I've
since scotten therapy and I have this toolbox and I
have the ability to work through things that I have
no idea how to work through before, and I'm grateful
and I do feel like in the situation with Timmy
and Kelsey, like I was really able to take those

things that I've learned through therapy and to apply those
you know, like to be able to say, hey, like
I'm setting a healthy boundary and I don't have to
like I'm not going to allow someone to talk to
me like this, like and then something else is I
and I hope this has shown is I tell them
multiple times, I'm like, I'm happy to talk to you

both separate about your concerns, but right now, like I
feel overstimulated like talking to both of you, and I'm
but I'm happy to talk to you both separately and
address your concerns and work through this together, like I
hear you, I want to hear you. I want to
work through this. And I think Tammy again calls me

manipulative and set and neither of them talk to me separately,
And at that point, I'm like, I just I already
was feeling like maybe I maybe I wasn't ready, and
I think at that point, I was like, I my
life is so great back at home, and I'm really

I knew that that wasn't the place for me to
be anymore. And I'm like, okay, if I I am
proud of the way that I handled things because before therapy, I,
like I said, I completely shut down, but people that
saw Peter season saw it like I just cried and
didn't address anything, and I was able to communicate and
handle conflict with grace. I feel like and not perfectly,

you know, but I think and knowing what I was
and how I reacted in conflict before to being where
I am now, like in standing up for myself and
saying like I can set the soundary, like I'm allowed

to walk away, I don't have to allow someone to
talk to me like this, I'm able to share what
I want to share, like it's not my personal life,
is not your business. It felt good. It sounds like overall,
you know, in the past couple of years, you have
put in a lot of work to learn, you know,

you know we all have strength, strengths and weaknesses and
to know you know where you could learn and grow
and do better. And it sounds like you applied that
in Paradise and I hope that that continues. I mean,
we've all like every time you put yourself in this situation,
you learn something new, you have major takeaways that I
think like you can't expect and tell you go through it,
and so I applaud you for putting in the work

and you know, focusing on yourself and really setting those boundaries,
and I hope that continues. I think this is also
a good point because you know, you've talked a little
bit about mental health and setting healthy boundaries and conflict resolution,
and I know a lot of our listeners would love
any sort of advice that you could give to them.
So if there's one bit of solid advice that you

could give to just anyone going through something similar or
going through, you know, this moment of growth in their
life or wanting to kind of better themselves and to
set those healthy boundaries or potentially go on paradis in
the future, what would that bit of advice be for them?
Therapy in Jesus. Aside from that, it's okay to say no,

it's a hey to walk away when you feel uncomfortable.
It's okay not to share things that you don't feel
like comfortable sharing. And on TV, especially like it's it's
even harder because it's it's not just the people in
front of you. It's the people that are watching, Like
you're not just sharing with Like I wasn't just sharing

with Tammy and Kelsey. I'm sharing with I'm being having
to share with the rest of the world things that
I'm not ready to talk about. If you're not ready
to talk about something, don't feel like you're not forced
to do that. If it's uncomfortable, You're not forced to
do that. And you don't have to explain yourself either.
It's some people don't are already convinced of their series

of events, and regardless of how you try to explain
it or rationalize or tell your side, like, there's no
convincing them otherwise. And I and like even now, I'm like,
you know what, like the people that are in my
life know the truth. I know the truth, and I

don't need to convince anyone otherwise. You know, Um, I can't,
like I always say, like they're I don't have regrets.
There are lessons that you learned through those. I feel
like I before I prayed, um, before I went really

like okay, God, like help me leave me in the
right direction, like where like where do you want me
to be? And I questioned whether or not my heart
was ready to give to somebody else. But I felt
led and called to walk into this as open as
I could. And I really think I tried to convince
myself I was ready to meet someone, but ultimately, like

and in the same way I said for Peter Season
walking away, I walked away with so much more than
just you know, finding love. Obviously I didn't find love
on Paradise, but maybe I know that I was called

there for a reason, and whatever that reason is, I
meant to touch someone's life. And even though the whole
experience was hard for me sometimes and most of the time,
it's not about me. It's about what God's plan and purposes.
And I said yes to what he called me to do,

and it wasn't what I looked what I thought it
would look like. But you know, I don't think it
ever really is. I don't understand now why things happen
the way they did, but maybe one day I will. Yeah.
I think everything can be taken as a learning experience

and to grow from it and have some sort of
takeaway which sounds like you are doing or you have
done since then. So one thing that we can clear
the air on because you know, I'm sure viewers probably
have questions, and that's why I want to give you
the reins and explain this a little bit more. Is
when you were leaving in your exit interview and you're
going home, you made a comment something about like, you know,

why would I search for what you know? Like I
don't have to be here to search for what I
have at home. And I think for viewers they maybe
took that as you have a man back home, but
there could potentially be more. You know, you keep talking
about your great support system back home with family and friends,
and so can you just explain that comment a little

bit more so no one has any more assumptions about
that peace, Like there's no peace on that beach. There's
there's none. So if I was in the moment, if
I was referring to anything, honestly, the only thing I
could think about was what a mess it was and

the people that I love back home. But I feel
like I would have never been in that position that
I was in and paradise with like my my friends,
my family, my therapist to support me, like my my sister. Like, yeah,
if I was referring to anything, that's what it was
and my dog. M Hey, that's all you had to say.

I get it. Yeah, I met the dog. All right,
There you go, people, you heard it from Victoria here.
Hopefully we put some of those rumors and the allegations
to bed from what we saw go down Monday night.
So Victoria, thank you for joining us on Bachelor Happy Hour,
and we're excited to see more of you of potentially

what's to come in the future. Who knows. It was
such a pleasure to have you on. Thank you for
joining us this opportunity, and just for being such an
amazing women. And I admire both of you so much,
so I'm really grateful for a back atcha. I'm hoping
that we were able to clear the air for a
lot of the viewers and a lot of our listeners

regarding the whole boyfriend allegation. I feel like she needed
this moment to chat with us to kind of say
her side of things, give her peace, and hopefully she
has learned or had some major takeaways and can just
you know, continue to work on herself. I feel like
I'm really glad that she was able to come on

here and speak about just how therapy has helped her
and setting healthy boundaries and you know how to work
through some conflicts because we could always be better in
those situations in those regards. So I feel like at
the end of the day, she was already having second
thoughts about being there, already wanted to leave and just
didn't feel like it was right. And then once she

had that confrontation, she was overwhelmed and was like, I
got a bounce. Yeah, yeah, it's a lot. It's and
as she said, it's not just having a conversation with
whoever is sitting directly in front of you, but you
open yourself up to millions of viewers, which isn't It's
so intense, and I don't think until anyone actually goes
through it you understand the weight that that holds. One

thing she said at the beginning, too, is that people
have so many assumptions about the couple hours that they
see on TV. And we are well aware because we
have gone through several seasons now, and you know, have
been in Paradise a couple of times, and have been
on The Bachelor and I was the lead. Like, there's
so much that people don't see and the way that

things can be pieced together seems extreme. It seems so dramatic.
It seems like somebody is either good or bad, or
people hate or love each other, and it's like that's
not the case. There's so much more that people will
never be able to see, and so that people can
see every detail of everything and still decide that they
don't like you exactly exactly, it's it just is what

it is. So again, you know, I've said this a
million gazillion times, but at the end of the day,
this is a reality TV show, but we are humans,
we are people living lives, and it is a TV
and I know it. At the same time, I know
all the times you think that people don't get along
and that they don't like each other, and that's not
the case. Most people coming off of every season that

I've seen really do get along and like each other.
So I'm going to leave it at that. Thank you
Tia for joining me today. You know I love you.
It's going to be such a fun season to do
this with you. Thank you to Victoria for joining us.
I know that that probably wasn't the easiest conversation, but
I'm glad that we were able to have it. And
the biggest thank you to all of our badche Oor

Happy Hour listeners, because without you all, we couldn't be
here doing what we do each week. So thank you
for hanging out with us. Please make sure to follow
us on social. You can find us at Batchelor Happy
Hour on Instagram and at Batch Nation Pods on both
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