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April 22, 2024 16 mins
Buck Sexton breaks down the latest headlines with a fresh and honest perspective! He speaks truth to power, and cuts through the liberal nonsense coming from the mainstream media. Subscribe to never miss an episode of The Buck Sexton Show.

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
You're listening to the Buck Sexton Show podcast. Make sure
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Speaker 2 (00:20):
Hey, everybody, welcome to the Buck Brief. Our friend Mark
Simone in the mix right now, mister New York, the
host of the phenomenal Mark Simone Show on seven ten
WR NYC. Now, a lot of you like, well, if
I don't live in New York, what can I First
of all, you can listen to the iHeart app, but
you can also listen on the Marx Simone Show podcast,
which I recommend you do.

Speaker 3 (00:40):
Mark. Good to see you.

Speaker 1 (00:42):
Hey, great to be here again. I love this show.
I love watching this.

Speaker 3 (00:45):
Thank you. I appreciate it.

Speaker 1 (00:46):

Speaker 2 (00:46):
We're trying to Clay and Buck. We're trying to just
keep keep it all moving and try to help save
the country. As I know you are as well. So
you're there right in the mix and in the midst
of it in New York City. As this Trump trial
is underway, it just seems kind of the whole thing.
You have to slap yourself and say, I can't believe
this is even happening.

Speaker 3 (01:06):
Let's start with this. Do you think do you think
that the the jury.

Speaker 2 (01:11):
Is it possible for Trump to get a fair trial
with the jury pool in New York City, they're going
to be seeing them pretty soon.

Speaker 1 (01:17):
It looks like, yeah, probably not. You know, they had
him fill out this questionnaire about everything to see if
there was any bias. I don't know why they didn't
have the judge fill out the questionnaire. This guy wouldn't
get him a trial. He's got a history of serious
Trump hatred, you know. And some of these jurors. There
was one that said, watch his CNN, watches ms NBC,

But I could be fair. Well, you can't be even
if you try, because you've been subjected to all this
propaganda on those two networks. It's gonna be tough to
get a fair trial. It already is unfair. Alan Dershowitz
has said the gag order, he's totally unconstitutional. Not allowing
him out to his son's graduation, according to Dershwitz, violates

a couple of New York laws. The worst mafia hit
man that gets excused for a graduation or a funeral.
What they're doing to Trump is never happened before to anybody.
The whole idea of it. I checked their ten million
non disclosure agreements signed every year. Right now as we're speaking,
companies are signing non disclosures. Remember, in the debate, Bloomberg

admitted he signed non disclosures dozens of women. That's in
Alvin Bragg's district. I don't see him getting prosecuted, so
I don't think he can get a fair trial.

Speaker 2 (02:29):
Is there any sense, I mean, obviously from your audience
in New York, I'm sure people are outraged about it,
but you know, in New York, it's just it's making
such a farce of the Manhattan DA and the whole
I feel like, how can anyone take this guy seriously?
You know, he lets out the real criminals and then

he uses the powers of his office to harass a
presidential candidate. And I think you and I agree, if
the election were held tomorrow, Trump would win. I think
he's probably going to win despite all this stuff in
the fall, you know, despite all the nonsense they're pulling.
But is there any sense like this is just too gross?
You know that it goes too far. Is that growing
in New York? Or is it only this people that

have known this all along was crazy stuff?

Speaker 1 (03:13):
No, it's definitely growing in New York. It's a typical
democratic stuff, always overplaying their hand. Watched the video of
Trump visiting Harlem after the trial yesterday. Study that video.
When he gets out of the car, this is Harlem,
this should be a democratic neighborhood. They are cheering, applauding,
chanting for him. Watch when he comes out of the bodega.
They're plotting, cheering. He was a conquering hero there. And

remember when you think most of the crowd would be democratic.
They're mad at the Demo. You're really mad because these crazy,
woke left Democrats have been running their neighborhood and ruining it.
They've subjected him the worst crime way. People are mad.
Remember Reagan won New York twice for almost the same reasons,
the crime, the inflation, the costs. I think Trump has

a real good shot at winning New York this time.

Speaker 3 (04:01):
Wow, that's that's a bold statement, to be sure.

Speaker 2 (04:05):
What would do you have any any particular thoughts on
some of the jury selection as it's happens. I think
they've seen it as you and I are talking about
a half dozen and I'm six or seven of them.
Do you see anyone in there? I know they've put
out these sort of general descriptions of them. You say,
maybe that's the guy or gal who's just going to
stand to thwart the madness and say stop, we're not

doing this.

Speaker 1 (04:26):
Yeah, well, this is not going to go well with
this jury selection. Yeah, you know, if we're somewhere else,
like if Trump could get a blue collar guy on
the jury, he's gonna be okay. But there's no blue
collar workers for the most part living in Manhattan. They're
taking Wednesday off every week in the truck. Usually it's
Friday they takeoff. Now, why would they make it Wednesday.

A lot of people believe the judge is trying to
make it impossible for an Orthodox Jew to be on
this jury because that community supports Trump. It's Wednesday thing before.

Speaker 2 (04:59):
So yeah, I mean all you and I know this,
All you need is one NYPD guy, one FDNY guy,
and you'd be in a whole different world here, because
they're just not going to go along with the sham
and no one's going to bully them into it either.
But you know, you get a bunch of like teaching
assistant software workers and cultural studies majors, And I mean,

I'm worried. I am worried that Trump is going to
be convicted. How concerned are you about that?

Speaker 1 (05:25):
It could be convicted? But nothing will stand up on appeal.
Absolutely nothing. A non disclosure, I know they call it
hush money. It's not illegal. There's no crime there falsifying
business records. It has to be to commit some kind
of fraud. The business records never left his own file,
so there can't be any fraud. This election interference. The

Federal Election Commission said no. Any appeals court has to
toss this out and he can't go to jail. Secret
Services kind of made that clear. If he was, it
would be some kind of house arrest. But it's not
gonna that's not going to happen.

Speaker 2 (05:58):
The whole thing to me then it obviously it's so
frustrating Mark, because they're they're breaking all they talk about norms.
I mean, they're breaking all not just norms but common
sense and common decency rules we would all have or
an election.

Speaker 3 (06:13):
We all know what's going on here. We all know
they're holding this.

Speaker 2 (06:15):
They can get Trump, But I just want to is
it because they think if they get a conviction on
this absurd trial in New York, meaning just they get
the conviction. Right, Oh, he's a convicted felon. Now that
then he loses the election? Is that all this comes
down to for Alvin Bragg and those who are pushing this.

Speaker 1 (06:31):
Yeah, it's not going to work. And I think the
other reason it's an excuse to get out of the debates.
Biden will say why I can't debate him he's indicted. Well,
you're the one that indicted him, so that's some system
indict the guy and say you can't debate him because
he's indicted. But again, they're going too far. This doesn't
pass the laugh test or the smell test. You might
get away with it Manhattan, but you're not going to
get away with it in America.

Speaker 2 (06:52):
I don't think. I really don't think so. And I think, well,
let me come back. We're going to a quick word
from our sponsor, re Mark, to come back with this.
How you think it's backfiring? And what do you think
their moves are going to be to try to stop Trump?
Up to this point? But first off, you know Mark,
are you coffee drinker all the time?

Speaker 3 (07:08):
Oh? Man, I'm going to send you some.

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you have to send something to mystery in New York.
Hopefully it is acceptable to his refined palate. He's a
very refined fellow, so I think that he's going to
find this to be very very good. Coffee mark. All

the legal stuff, like we just said, all the legal
stuff Atlanta, New York, J six and d C, Florida,
mar al Lago documents. We have to come up with
these weird shorthands even talk about them. Is it all
just blowing up in the Democrats faces? Do they realize it?
And if so, what are they going to do about it?

Speaker 1 (08:38):
Is it's gonna look ridiculous. Most people haven't really really
focused on it, But when you focus on it. Nobody
ever has been in four criminal trials at the same time.
John Gotti didn't have four trials at the same time.
Nobody has even Again, Dershwitz says, it's totally against all
laws in this country. You have to get people time

to prepare for a trial. You can't with four trials
at once. Every single person Letitia James, to prosecutor in
New York, visited the White House. Alvin Bragg visited the
White White House, Fannie Willis's guy, two eight hour meetings
in the White House. In fact, the disc attorney here
Bragg had turned down this case. He didn't think there
was anything there. Biden administration sent one of their top

guys to join the DA's office in a weird job
that never existed before, an executive consultant. He's the one
running the trial. It's clear you don't have to be
Columbi to figure out this is actually being coordinated by
the Biden administration. So all of that's going to come
out to the public at some point and they'll realize
this is just Soviet style Stalinist nonsense.

Speaker 2 (09:44):
And so then what do you think that you know,
people keep asking me, because there's this sense, after what
we saw in twenty twenty, the Democrats they've got to
have another trick.

Speaker 3 (09:53):
Or perhaps many up their sleeve.

Speaker 2 (09:57):
You know, do you think they can try to ram
through the J six case against Trump and DC so
they get it started before the election, like because right
now it just seems like Biden, if it's just a
head to head competition between Biden Trump, they're already doing
election and interference and Trump is already ahead in every
swing state by every poll, right, so it must look
like Biden can't win. They've run out of time really

to replace him, unless they pull something crazy at the DNC,
which I don't think they I don't think they're going
to do. Do they just have to play this out then?
I mean, is and just hope, Like, do you see
something where they think they can turn the tide? And
if so, what would that be?

Speaker 1 (10:33):
No? No, you know, they live in a bubble. They
live in DC, they live in Manhattan. They just live
in this bubble. January sixth they didn't realize to the
middle of America. They barely remember what you have to
explain to them. January sixth was a trespassing incident three
years ago. I mean, it was a horrible trustpassing incident.
But that's all it was. It's not an issue in

the campaign by any stretch of the imagination. And the
biggest fear none of this is going to work is
that they got something up their sleeves some horrible September
October surprise. Who knows.

Speaker 2 (11:07):
I mean, you're hearing this from your audit, right. People
keep asking me, they like they must have something. I'm like, well,
if they have it. I don't know what it is.
I mean, they might have something they think is going
to work, but I mean, remember they they thought they
thought back in twenty sixteen Billy Bush tape, it was
it was lights out for Trump and it wasn't.

Speaker 1 (11:24):
So yeah, now, I don't you know the fifty one
guys that signed the letter, those shadowy awful Clapper Brennan.
The only thing is when they went to get him
in twenty twenty, all they had was a letter they wrote.
So hopefully they haven't got anything. Hopefully. I mean, if
that's all they could do in twenty twenty, what could
they do now? Trump is just going to get stronger

and stronger. You know, all this trying and criminal cases,
all of this has kind of reinforced that image with
a lot of people. He's like a superhero. He's like
bullets bouncing off his chest.

Speaker 2 (11:57):
It's incredible. It's incredible what he's been able to continue through.
I know so many people who say, just the prospect
and meaning people I know from law enforcement side, work
in the criminal justice system as prosecutors. They say, just
a felony indictment against most people, and you know, they
got to like just be taking boatloads of xanax and

oh my god, my life is ruined.

Speaker 3 (12:19):
And what am I going to do?

Speaker 2 (12:20):
And you know, Trump's like playing golf and he's like,
they're not going to beat me. They're just not It
is remarkable. And you know, he told me at mar
Alago during the interview we did recently, He's like, I'm
just built differently. And I said, you certainly are. I
want to ask you this Mark. You know, Trump went
up to the bodega, right, he went to pay visit
to the guy who defended himself that brag Brag initially

charged with murder. What do you think about the you know,
the optics of that move as it pertains to everything
going on in New York and and just how's the
how's the mayor doing there with crime? I mean, how's
the situation?

Speaker 1 (12:55):
It's bad? Uh. Trump is going to do more of
this in the next few weeks. He's going to do
one of these every couple of days. For the optics.
He's going to go to the migrant hotel and do
a press conference in front of there. You know, if
you want a site of where a terrible thing happened
and Bragg let the criminal go there's dozens and dozens
of places. They may actually give him a change of
venue just to put an end to that if it

gets too effective. But he's also looking at rallies one
in the Bronx, one of Madison Square Garden. He's going
to really I mean, may not be able to travel
around in campaign, but he's going to campaign hard here
and again he could win New York. It's very possible.
People are really upset in New York and the mayor's
basically a good guy. He'd love to solve all the problems,

but he hasn't got a clue as to what to
do about it. He has no skills in this area.
He's not an executive. He just can't get anything done.

Speaker 2 (13:44):
Yeah, I was My concern about him was even if
I do think that he wishes he could get the
crime situation under control, and this is what I hear
from people, but he you know, he doesn't have he
doesn't have the team in place at the executive level
to be able to do what's necessary. And I think
he lacks some of the understanding on the criminal justice
side of what it would really require. Now it reminds

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mark just before before we let you go. So can
I quote you in saying that you think they'll at
least be a surge for Trump in New York going

into this election.

Speaker 3 (15:11):
Is that fair?

Speaker 2 (15:12):
I won't go as far as to say he's gonna
win New York. That'd be crazy. But you think he's
gonna He's gonna surprise people.

Speaker 1 (15:18):
I think he could win New York. Reagan did it
truck twice. We had this a great Republican candidate, Leezeldon,
who came pretty close within a couple hundred thousand votes.
Are winning. If I told you a private citizen with
no experience could get himself elected president of United States,
you'd say that's insane. He's done the impossible before. He
could win New York. Hey, look at Biden in Pennsylvania.
Nobody showed up. Twelve people showed up for the rally.

If you appeared in scrant and you'd get thousands of people.
He's the president, nobody showed up.

Speaker 2 (15:46):
I'm all right, since you're doublin nomina quote. Mark Simone says,
it's it's in play. It's a long shot, but it's
in play. Trump could win New York.

Speaker 1 (15:55):
He's got a shot.

Speaker 3 (15:56):
I keep trying to hedge for him. He won't let me.

Speaker 2 (15:58):
He's like, no, it's not a long shot. It's in play,
all right. Mark Simone says, New York is in play
for Trump. We're gonna We're gonna hit that headline hard
and please go subscribe. I told Mark this before, and
I don't say this to you know, people come on
the show. I actually listen when I can in the morning,
when I'm having my crock of coffee. By the way,
every day, yeah, I listened to Mark Show.

Speaker 3 (16:18):
He does a great job.

Speaker 2 (16:19):
And the only problem with listening to Mark Show is
it reminds me of home and makes me a little
harmsick for New York sometimes. But anyway, go subscribe to
the Mark Simone podcast for any of you who haven't
been listening. Does great analysis, great news coverage. Mark as always,
thanks so much man, Thanks for all you do, Thanks.

Speaker 1 (16:36):
For having me. Love it.
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