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April 27, 2024 16 mins

In this episode, Tudor interviews Alina Habba, General Counsel for Save America and legal spokesperson for Donald Trump. They discuss the legal challenges and political turmoil facing President Trump, with Alina voicing concerns about election interference, a perceived witch hunt, and the fairness of the legal system. She highlights the division in the country, the intimidation in politics, and the threats to Trump's protection as a former president. The Tudor Dixon Podcast is part of the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Podcast Network - check out for more. 

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to the Tutor Dixon Podcast. Today, we have a
woman who is saving America. And I say that because
I think a lot of you think President Trump is
saving America, but she has to save President Trump too,
and so we are so blessed to have Alena Habba
with us today. She is the general counsel for Save
America and the legal spokesperson for President Trump. Alena, thank
you so much for being here. It's been a wild year.

Speaker 2 (00:24):
Yeah, wild few years, three years. Yes, it's been a trip,
for sure. Thank you for having me. Absolutely.

Speaker 1 (00:31):
We watched just recently you came out and you spoke
to reporters, and I guess there's been some pushback on
you came out and said this is a witch hunt.
They're going after Trump. I think that what you said
is really motivating people to say, we're done with this.
We are done with this attack on a political opponent.

We've never seen anything like this in the United States,
and I think people are loving that you're willing to
come out and say this stuff.

Speaker 2 (00:58):
Yeah, I appreciate that, I think so. I mean, I
can tell you I get you know, male stacks like
this and people sending support, and of course there are trolls,
but those people, you know, I've never spent the time
in a day to send a message that's negative to
somebody like that. That's just crazy town. But you know,

there is support, and I think the support is because
people are freaked out. I think that if you look
at actual facts, I'm not a talking head, per se.
I speak about facts that I know of because I'm
in it and I'm telling you things I see. You know,
when you take a prosecutor out of the Biden administration

and put him in a DA in New York, that's
election interference. That's a witch hunt. When you have a
ex attorney you know as your key witness, who's who's
gone out there and said terrible things and really to
save himself, that's interference. That's a witch hunt. When you
have DA's and a going to the administration and being

in the visitors' logs months before they file complaints against
President Trump in an election year, that's election interference. It's
a witch hunt. So I'm not sure where the criticism
comes from because I only go by facts like these
are facts. These are not opinions, they're facts. And they
don't like when I speak the truth or when I
get the facts out because they're not pretty, and they're

not American, and they're not what we stand for. And
like I say all the time, I think it's a
disgrace and we got to save our country. I agree.

Speaker 1 (02:33):
How far do you think that this goes though, beyond
even President Trump? Because we have people in the state
of Michigan, and obviously, you know, we are a purple state,
and I've had people say we are struggling to find
people to run because they are so afraid in a
purple state where the Blue people control, the Democrats are
in control, that they're going to find something to put

people in jail just if they run. I mean, people
are really afraid of what they're seeing here. It's unprecedented.

Speaker 2 (03:00):
It is unprecedented. There are days that I'm afraid. You know,
I could do nothing wrong, but they'll make something up.
That's scary to me. I know personally. You know, people
come out, they want money, they'll try and hurt you.
You have this crazy vitriol and divisiveness right now in
our country that I really think a lot of Americans

would like to see go away. And I'm not sure
how we do that. But when I speak, I always
try and say, I'm not speaking just for President Trump,
speaking for America because immunity things like that, that's not
a President Trump issue, that's an American issue. That's an
issue for the executive branch. That's any president, Republican, Democrat,
whoever it is that's sitting there, that's who we need

to protect. And we also need to protect all government
officials from this kind of persecution and prosecution, no matter
if you're a Democrat or a Republican. So I want
to say, you know, generally speaking, if you actually listen
to what I'm talking about. Number one, they're facts. Number two,
it's not an opinion, it's just what's happening. Eight years
you don't bring a case. Look at the criminal trial

right now. Eight years you don't bring a case. National
limitation has run. You bring it and try and make
it federal. We don't even know what the basis is
because Alvin Bragg had a press conference and said, I
didn't have to say what the basis was. I don't know,
you know, and then you're bringing in these discredited people.
It's just a very sad state for the country for
the president, President Trump, not the current resident. And I

think that if we had somebody in power, frankly, that
people respected, a lot of the things that we see
in the world, not just America wouldn't be happening.

Speaker 1 (04:33):
Absolutely well, I have no doubt that if President Trump
were in office, we wouldn't be seeing this. I mean,
even what we're seeing on college campuses is devastating right now,
the fact that our college presidents aren't willing to stand up.
We're going We've got kids going virtual again. It's unheard of.
But you talked about the division, and I wanted to
dive into that a little bit because we obviously had
been watching this jury selection process and there's been a

lot of question and who are these people? And are
people able to look at the through a clean lens,
because everybody has some sort of opinion. There are two
attorneys that are on this jury. How do you feel
what is the sense in the courtroom? How do you
feel the jury it leans? I mean, can you tell
if they lean a certain way or do you think

it's going to be fair?

Speaker 2 (05:16):
I mean, look at the stats, and this is why
they moved for a change of venue. Manhattan is the
only place that the judge allowed a pool to come from.
It was not from Brooklyn, not from the Bronx, not
from the Queens. It's Manhattan. Manhattan does not have one
block that did not vote blue. That doesn't mean that
there were people that voted red. But you know, if

you just look at statistics, Manhattan is blue. It's not
blue with some trickle. It's a blue area. And we
saw juror jurors leave the courtroom go outside talk to
the press and say, oh, I said I would be impartial,
but I can't stand Donald Trump. That's a problem. And
that's a problem that I think they knew, and I

think that that is just not a joke, it's real life,
and we're worried about it. Of course we are. I
know that the legal team has made every motion that
they possibly could, but we also have a judge that
wouldn't recuse, that has a clear bias. If you look
at the behavior, it's the same behavior I've dealt with
in court, Trying to make the attorneys look uneducated, trying

to ridicule and you know, put down a former president,
which is unheard of in this country. Historically, we never
used to do things like that, and you know, Trump Ranger,
it's a real thing. It's a real thing. It's not funny.

Speaker 1 (06:41):
We just talked to someone here in Michigan today and
he said, well, if this were the case, I would
have liked to see them go after Bill Clinton, and
I'd like to see other presidents get taken in. And
I said, but would you think about that long and hard?
Do you want to see that? Because do we have
so little respect for this office now that we're willing
to drag people in something? And I want to point
out that you said, this is past the statute of limitations.

So at what point do at least these two attorneys
who are on the jury have to say, guys, we
can't do anything here.

Speaker 2 (07:11):
Well, the attorneys, let's be very clear, are diversity inclusion
de I attorneys. Okay, DE attorneys are not litigators. They're
not transactional attorneys. They're different type of attorney. And I'll
just say that. So don't think just because they're an
attorney that they may understand the rules of a criminal court.

I am not a criminal attorney. I am not in
criminal court right now. I don't do criminal law. It's
not what I practice. Lawyers that pretend to know are
troubling to me, you know, you don't know everything, and
everybody gets some sort of expertise or specialty over time.
And I may have experience doing family law, but that
doesn't make me a family law attorney. So these are

DEI attorneys. Let's just remember that. And they're from Manhattan.
I don't want to speak to jurors. I think intimidation
like that is very toxic. It's another problem in this country.
But I will say this, We're in a blue state.
We've got a blue jury, and we got people that

we know have tried to get on that, you know,
when they went home to their friends that all right.
I have to be honest. Actually I'm not impartial. I
can't do this. So all I would say is I
have hope. But I've been there. I've been you know,
I just had a jury trial a few months ago,
and we saw what happen there. I'm worried. I am worried.

Speaker 1 (08:33):
Let's take a quick commercial break. We'll continue next on
the Tutor Dixon Podcast. I think we're all worried. But
we look at Manhattan and we think, how can you
see these protests, the migrants, the crime, everything and still
continue to say, yeah, we've got to take this guy down,

and I had another person this morning say to me,
I think that I was thinking last night, this is
one of the first time in years that we've had
we have two men running for president who have both
been president.

Speaker 2 (09:07):
There are clear records.

Speaker 1 (09:10):
These issues that we have nationwide, these issues that we
have worldwide.

Speaker 2 (09:16):
We know how.

Speaker 1 (09:17):
Donald Trump would handle it, and we see how President
Biden is handling it and what a disaster it has
been under a Joe Biden. I have hope that that
is what people see when they watch these trials. What
happens though, if he is convicted on this current trial
with Alvin Bragg, what happens.

Speaker 2 (09:36):
I think if Alvin Bragg had it his way, he'd
imprisoned him and then take away his Secret Service We see,
you know, they're trying to pass that now that he
would not have Secret Service protection as a former president
and leading candidate on both sides, frankly, that he would
not have Secret Service protection, so that what then he
can be killed? You know, that's really how desperate it's become.

Speaker 1 (10:00):
That's the way. I hadn't heard this, so they would
they would send him to a federal person.

Speaker 2 (10:04):
They currently are trying. Well, I have no idea. But
they're currently trying, of course, to put him in prison.
I mean, this is a criminal case. This is not civil.
That's it's thirty four counts. They would love to put
him in prison. I think that max is four years
that they could get with all thirty four counts. It's crazy,
you know, don't get it twisted, Tutor. You know, you

know the derangement is serious. And if they can't beat
him in the right way, which is getting up and
debating and standing on your platform. Of this is my
historical these are my stats, and my stats are better
than your stats. The American people know when they go
buy eggs, when they go pay for their guests, they
know what the stats are. You don't have to follow politics,

you don't have to watch CNN or Fox. You just
have to know what your bank account looks like. And
you need to know that if you feel safe. And
there is not an American that walks in New York
and feel safe right now? So what are we doing?
We're paying for for migrants. We can't even say it anymore.
We're not We're not supposed to call them illegal aliens.
I don't even know. Now there's terms for everything we're
trying to be so politically correct that nobody can speak

and everyone's broke. So what are we what do we do? We?
You know, and that's what I want the world to do,
is just go back to the way it was. But
this vitriol, you know, comes from the current administration, the anger,
the the derangement, but more importantly the desperation. I think

there's a fear desperation right now because they're worried.

Speaker 1 (11:34):
They tried kicking people off of or they tried kicking
Trump off of the ballot. Now in Michigan, they're trying
to kick rfk off the ballot. This is what kind
of we started this. We're going to kick him off
the ballot. We're not going to let him run. Now
we have all of these ridiculous lawsuits. Quickly take us
through what the next few months look like for for

your team. Obviously there is this what's going on in
New York right now? What happens in Georgia?

Speaker 2 (11:59):
What about DC? Yeah, right now, it doesn't look like
those are moving too quickly. Obviously, we have a immunity
defense that should be upheld by the Supreme Court. It's
pretty straightforward. Every other president got absolute immunity. As you
mentioned Bill Clinton, you're looking at some of these people,
and with President Trump, they're trying to change the rules
on the executive branch. Now that's not just going to
affect President Trump, that's going to affect everybody, never mind

New York. You know, they created this Adult Survivors Act
local just for President Trump so that the last plaintiff
in the case that I had could bring a lawsuit
against him and recover damages, which frankly I don't think
she'll see. You know, we're in the appellate division on
that too. Look, the next few months are going to
be the fight of the century. We've got to buckle down.

It's legal lawfare. Unfortunately, it's no longer about politics. It's
no longer about the price of eggs, it's no longer
about gas prices. It's no longer about your children's safety.
We don't even have the right to decide what happens
to our children in doctor's offices. Evidently, now it's just
about I hate Trump. Let me put him in jail
and we take away secret service from him so that
he could get killed. I mean, it's insanity. So we're

in the fight of our lives for the country, not
just President Trump, and I'm proud to be standing with
him fighting.

Speaker 1 (13:11):
But is that they're trying to take away Secret Service? Do?

Speaker 2 (13:17):
I think?

Speaker 1 (13:17):
What is that a New York thing that they're trying
to take away secret Service?

Speaker 2 (13:20):
It's federal. I would have to look, but I saw
a couple articles on it that they were trying to
pass something that if you're criminally charged, that you no
longer have the right to Secret Service protection. You can
fact check me on it.

Speaker 1 (13:34):
But that makes that makes absolutely no sense. Now, so
anybody can come up with some witch hunt charge and
then put a former president in absolute danger, it makes
no sense.

Speaker 2 (13:47):
Bring the charge in blue states like Washington, DC, like
George that's what they're doing. Let's bring them in states
where we have DA's and ags that are following orders
from the top, and then like takeaway protection so that
not only if he doesn't get to jail now at
least we know he's running around without any protection at

all and any security. I mean, it's madness.

Speaker 1 (14:12):
So you know, it's obviously the last thing I'll ask you. Obviously,
this all these trials keep you on your toes. You're
constantly engaged in this. But if you were not engaged
in this and were seeing how the secretaries of state
have gone after him, is there an opportunity to go
after them? Because they say they are the protectors of democracy.

But I have to say, what we've seen out of
Jocelyn Benson in Michigan, out of Katie Hobbs when she
was in Arizona, all of these secretaries of state seemed
to be manipulating the law to their advantage. Would there
be something that would be going on in that case
if there were more attorneys to go around.

Speaker 2 (14:53):
I think we have to replace a lot of the
top This comes from the Biden administration Attorney General Merrick Garland,
and then they bring henchmen in from attorneys outside into
Washington to start going after people. You know, obviously that
can work both ways. But I think what you said
in the beginning is more important, which is that do

we really want to lower ourselves as Americans to behave
that way? How About if you're not doing your job,
you just get replaced with somebody who will. And how
about instead of vendettas and vindictiveness, we just worry about
safety and America first. And I think that that's really
where we need to refocus the country.

Speaker 1 (15:35):
I think what you said is so interesting because people
don't understand that what happened in twenty sixteen with Donald
Trump was truly organic. These were people who said, I
love this man, I want him to fight for us.
I love what he stands for. And that is what
scares Democrats more than anything. Organic voters coming out and saying,
this is the person I choose for the job.

Speaker 2 (15:56):
Right, It's right.

Speaker 1 (15:57):
Well, Alena Haba, thank you so much for every thing
you do. Thanks for coming on the program today. Thank
you so much for fighting for us because we see
what you do as fighting for America. I know you're
out there every day for Donald Trump, but that means
a lot to us.

Speaker 2 (16:10):
Thank you, thank you. Now I'm out here for us.
I'm not for our kids, but thank you so much.
Thanks Tudor, thanks for having.

Speaker 1 (16:16):
Me well as a fellow mom. Thank you, and thank
you all for joining us on the Tutor Dixon Podcast.
For this episode and others, check out Tutordison podcast dot
com or head over to the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts,
or wherever you get your podcasts and join us the
next time.

Speaker 2 (16:32):
Have a blessed day,
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