All Episodes

April 15, 2024 40 mins

Colin examines the upcoming NFL draft and why teams can quickly turn their franchises around unlike the other pro leagues where rebuilds can take years

The Patriots may take an interesting pick at quarterback


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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Speaker 2 (00:21):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:26):
Here we go on a Monday, live in Los Angeles.
It's The Herd. Wherever you may be and however you
may be listening. Thanks for making us part of your day.
Colin right, Colin wrong. One hour from now, it is
gonna get very very interesting. Over the next couple of weeks,
We're gonna have a couple of major changes in sports

in America. Are you ready for those changes?

Speaker 2 (00:49):
Jamat? I depend what they are, but possibly yeah.

Speaker 1 (00:54):
So one week from today is NFL Draft Week. All right,
So let's talk about that. So draft is not this Thursday,
next Thursday, but next Monday is NFL Draft Week. Gets
very intense and your average to maybe way below average
NFL franchise starting next Monday, it gets very very close

to changing things forever. Maybe you've been a laughingstock Washington,
poorly owned Chicago poorly quarterbacked, the Raiders bat at everything,
Arizona don't trust the ownership. Draft in the NFL is
different and baseball, your great draft pick goes to the miners.

In the NBA. Even if you get the best pick
in years Wemby, he's going to win twenty twenty two
games and they're not going to win double or triple
that for years to come potentially. But in football it's different.
One year ago from today, the Houston Texans were a
laughing stock. And this is the key to the NFL

and politicians. Do you bring hope, something new, something fresh.
Do you deliver hope? Nobody delivers hope like the NFL.
The Houston Texans bad ownership, bad roster, bad quarterback, bad team,
bad stink, no inertia. What did they do? CJ. Stroud
with the number two pick, moved up to the number
three pick, got Will Anderson, both our rookie of the year.

The Houston Texans win their division, win a playoff game,
and now they're tied for the third best odds to
get to the super Bowl in the AFC. They were
a laughing stock a year ago to super Bowl contender.
Two picks one coach got them all right. And that's
the league that is not available. That ascension is not
available in other sports. In baseball, you have to buy relevance,

and about six teams maybe four can afford it. In
the NBA, you trade for or buy relevance, but the
Stars mostly want to plan about five places Miami, LA.
You get it. In the NFL, you draft relevance. And
because the kids don't come out as like true kids,
they're twenty one, twenty two, twenty three, they've been coached hard.

They can deliver and change your franchise if you hit
on just one or two like Houston. Who is Houston
this year? Well, Chicago and the Commanders look like if
they get the quarterback right, things could get interesting. I
think if the Chargers move down, pick up a couple
of picks Jim Harbaugh, the Chargers could be sensational. So Bears,

Commander's Chargers are my guesses as the three teams that
could change everything based on a weekend. And in a
very distracted world, nothing delivers sports urgency like NFL draft weekend.
I mean, the Bears have never had a great quarterback
that could change Washington has had absolute instability because of

previous ownership that should change. And the NFL's finally leaning
into this. So I've been a draftnick forever and the
NFL finally figured it out. People really like this Last year,
Round one got eleven point three million viewers. That beats
everything in the world not called the NFL and Caitlin Clark.

Now they're putting it on site, they're putting it in cities.
It's a party. Three of the last four drafts have
gotten their highest ratings. I don't think the NFL ever
quite understood. They never really truly got it how big
the draft was. And the reason the draft is big
is because it's tied to hope. The NHL, Major League Baseball, MLS,

NBA drafts do not deliver the ability to change a
laughingstock to a Super Bowl contender in one year. My
guess is Chargers, Commanders, Bears have the best shot. I
could be wrong on all three, but we are one
week from NFL Draft week. I love it, you do.

The NFL finally leaning into it, and I can't wait.
So here's another big pivot that is happening. Thinking about it.
This weekend, I went to the UFC fight, which was great.
I was flying back and I thought about this, are
you all ready for the Big pivot? And according to ratings,
you're not. But the Warriors have to go to to
zero in the playing games for the right to play

number one seed Oka see, and they probably won't beat them.
They don't have the depth. Lebron James, well, he was
great yesterday. I had seventeen assists. They need to win
just one of two games in the plan for the
right to play the world champion Nuggets. And they're not
beaten Denver four times. I think what it's signaling starting

tomorrow in the playing games, the Steph Lebron NBA, it's over.
The Big pivot is here officially last year when the
Nuggets won. But do we realize how much Lebron and
Steph dominated the league? Eleven finals between Lebron and Steph
in thirteen years, and they won a lot of them.

The Warriors today, though, are incredibly Steph Curry reliant. The
number two score on the Warriors eighteen the game is
Klay Thompson. He often came off the bench. The Lakers
are good and long, not a lot of great shooters
and playmakers. No chance they beat Denver four times. So
for the next for the next two months, Are you

ready for the new NBA Oklahoma City, young, deep, with
a ton of draft capital. They're going to be great
for a decade. Are you ready for Denver best starting
five in the league championship Moxie with a player in
Jokic who's the best sometimes easily in the league. The Celtics,

without question, the deepest roster in the NBA. Offense everywhere,
blowouts everywhere, and they've got all their guys except Tatum
locked up for the future and that'll happen soon. The
t Wolves well coach prepared at Edward's a dynamic star,
and it looks like they may move Karl Anthony Towns,

but they got Rudy Gobert figured out Dallas. Gotta be honest,
Luca is the best pure score at his age in
league history, and maybe just ever. He's a walking thirty
three points if he wants to. Meanwhile, Steph and Lebron
are limping into the play in Tournament one on a

completely reliant Warriors offense. To Steph and the other, you're
crossing your fingers. Ad is healthy. This is the new NBA.
It's going to start Tuesday. The play in tournament counts
as the playoffs. The old weird Clippers Kawhi Harden no
shot to win a title, Warriors interesting, no real shot

to win a title. Lakers long match up with Denver well,
but they'll face him in one. Probably no chance to
win a title. It is now more international younger stars,
and the stars are not just winning games, they're the
top seeds. Denver just won a title, favor to win another.

The Lebron Steph era eleven finals appearances in thirteen years
is officially over, and you're gonna see it starting tomorrow night.
Here's Lebron on being the guy that, even at his age,
has to carry the Lakers still.

Speaker 3 (08:34):
I just want to win.

Speaker 4 (08:35):
So whatever the game presents itself for me to be,
if it needs to me more attack there in the
storm range, or if it needs to need to be
more of a setup guy, if it needs to meet
me to be more of a defender, now I gotta
do it all mile. I am a Swiss army knife,
so I gotta do it all on four and but
none of it is predetermined.

Speaker 1 (08:52):
You're ready, Jmac for the more international younger NBA starting
tomorrow night. Are you ready I've come to terms with
Stephen Lebron thirteen years, eleven finals appearances, winning many are
not on legitimate title teams. Though I do think the
Lakers matchup really well with a lot of teams, including Denver.

But I do not think you can rely on a
thirty nine year old player to be the primary playmaker
and win seven game series after seven game series, after
seven game series after seven game series. Am I too harsh?

Speaker 5 (09:28):
I just think you're way, way wrong. I mean, Colin,
you're writing off Lebron. James, how many times have we
done that over the last decade. It's over for Lebron.
Can't make the finals, can't pull it off, can't do this.
Did you see his averages in his twenty first season
twenty five, seven and eight.

Speaker 1 (09:44):
Oh no, this is not an indictment on Lebron. I'm
not blaming Lebron for all the haters on Lebron, you
look silly. You're embarrassing yourselves again. I mean, yesterday had
seventeen assists, He's.

Speaker 2 (09:55):
A double in a must win game.

Speaker 1 (09:58):
I watched the first half and I was like, oh, yeah, Well,
first of all, they're better than the Pelicans, and they
should beat the Pelicans again. I mean it's just I
mean Lebron against Zion not a fair fight, like it's
the Lakers are better. But now you go and do
We've got to beat really good teams that are younger, deeper, quicker,
better shooters four times in twelve days. It's a whole

different proposition.

Speaker 2 (10:21):
Oh casey thunder, youngest number one seed ever.

Speaker 5 (10:24):
Just they'll they'll have their moment in maybe the Green Bay.

Speaker 1 (10:27):
It was the youngest playoff team since the seventy Bills
went to Dallas. How that work out?

Speaker 5 (10:31):
I know this is the year of the chalk right,
Kansas City Chiefs, U con men's basketball, South Carolina undefeated,
and everybody thinks it's going to be Denver. I'm I'm
not picking the Nuggets to come out of the West.
I think it's a massive overreaction. This team went from
being the hunter now they're the hunted. And if you
think Lebron and Ad don't remember last year getting swept,
I think you wept. I would not be shocked if

this Yeraries won seven Lakers Nuggets opening.

Speaker 1 (10:56):
Seven PM or seven seven, I.

Speaker 5 (10:59):
Don't I would not be jocking if the Nuggets lost
in the Lakers it's in Plake. I'm just telling you
the Nuggets are vulnerable this season.

Speaker 2 (11:06):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Herd weekdays
in Neon Easter nine am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio
FS one and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (11:15):
Being the biggest city in America, New York sports mostly
stinks and mostly has for a decade. All that capital,
all that fame, historic venues, awful, across the board.

Speaker 3 (11:28):

Speaker 1 (11:29):
But there is one one star in basketball, Jalen Brunson,
and he has earned it, and he's getting better, and
he's had an unbelievable April. And it's not in the
NBA just about getting a star as the Knicks get
ready for the playoffs, It's about getting the right star

for years, and I was right. Carmelo Anthony wasn't the
right star. He wasn't committed to defense, being in great
shape or strangely, the three point shot. Take a step back, please,
he wouldn't Stefan Marbury Starberry more interested than being a
star than a winning player. Amari Stademyer not his fault

came in broken down, made one All Star team. Jalen
Brown is a star. He's ascending. He's the right kind
of star because it's off his game, not due to
a cool nickname or a fancy shoe. It's based on production,
which just keeps getting better. If you look at New
York sports stars like real stars, Brunson now is a

real star, Eli Manning, Aaron Judge, Derek Jeter. They didn't
come to the town as pampered rich stars with a
nickname in a bag. They grew within the city and
Jalen was cast off by the MAVs and has slowly
when Randall got hurt this year, Julius Randall, and they
didn't have to give him touches to appeal to him.

He's completely taken over thirty plus per night assists defense.
There's two things true about New York sports stars like
the Jeters and the Elis and the Aaron Judge and
Jalen Brunson. Again, they don't come in with massive expectations.
I mean Jeter did, but he was a minor league player.

They grow with the city. And the second thing is
they don't seem desperate to be a star. They seem
desperate to win and be productive. And that's what I
love about Jalen Brunson. He's like a working man star.
He lets it come to him. He's not out there
trying to do it on social media networks. Stars that

come to New York as stars. For some reason, the
misrates about eighty percent. Now that's more the LA model,
And I'm not sure why it works more in LA.
It worked with Mooky, It's worked with Lebron, it worked
with Matt Stafford. I don't know why it works in
LA and does not seem to work a lot in
New York. Maybe there's this intensity and pressure and the
media and the microscope is greater in New York. But

Jalen Brunson's just as star as the Knicks get ready
for the playoffs. He's the right kind of star. He
can handle the pressure years in college, second round, guy
into production, loves leading, constantly doubted by outsiders, and maybe
that's what you need. Here's Tom Thibodeaux on Jalen.

Speaker 3 (14:20):
As soon as we signed Jalen, it was immediately into
the gym and like you can come in any day
in the summer and he's in at the same time
and he's you know, full speed, great concentration and there's
no you know, you know, fake a Graham or Instagram.

Speaker 2 (14:37):
Whatever they call it.

Speaker 1 (14:40):
Fake a Graham or Instagram. I just love Jalen Brunts
and I got lucky enough to watch him live a
couple of weeks ago. He's better and quicker in person
that he is on TV, and he is eating it
up on TV as well.

Speaker 3 (14:53):
J Mack with the.

Speaker 5 (14:54):
News, this is the headline news. Funny to watch people
just get in arguments about the Mellow versus Brunson thing the.

Speaker 1 (15:04):
Week saw was not a winning player.

Speaker 2 (15:06):
The fans loved him because he was cool and could score.

Speaker 5 (15:09):
People loved Jalen bruns up because of his heart, and
he's undersize and just a bulldog.

Speaker 1 (15:13):
By the way, when you can't commit, that's the difference
between Lebron and a Mello. Lebron's committed everything, move back.
Lebron's not even known as a great shooter. He committed
to a three point shot about his third to fourth
year in the league. Mellow would never just take a
step back analytically for the team and the three. He
always wanted to be comfortable. He didn't want to get

in great shape, He didn't want to commit the defense.
Lebron committed to everything. Brunson commits to everything. Steph though
not a great defender, has committed to everything cardio, weight room, scoring, leadership,
dealing with the media, and it's just Jalen brunts it.
I think New York's so desperate for a star they
want to make people who aren't star stars. I mean,

Aaron Rodgers may be a star in name, but over
the life last two years, not in games.

Speaker 2 (16:01):
Runs's a star.

Speaker 1 (16:02):
Bronson's an absolute star and part of what makes great
stars like a Brady is here. Even though you're a star,
you're sort of doubted. And like Jalen Brunson, he's never
gonna forget Villanova. Yeah, big Dogs avoided him, Dallas moved
off him. That is jet fuel for so many of
our stars, that constant chirping of you didn't believe in me.

Speaker 5 (16:24):
He's the mid Raings version of Steph Curry. Basically what
he is undersized. People doubted him. Now Steph Curry was
a top ten pick. He completely takes over games. Look now,
if he beats the Sixers, I'm just to I will
be insufferable on the show because I have been not
anti embid, but against the Sixers. If he beats them
without Randall Colin and assuming the Sixers get by the heat.

Speaker 2 (16:40):
How First of all, Joelynbid's gonna be like, get me
to New York. I want to play with Brunson. I'm
done it.

Speaker 1 (16:45):
Well, First of all, if you're a star, you should
want to play with Brunson because he does it the
right way. I had a GM told me that twenty
five thirty years ago. He goes, it's not just about
getting a star because the locker room is so small.
You have so much influence as a star in the NBA.
In baseball, if you're a great player, you could be
down in the bullpen. Football you're an offensive guy, you
don't hang with defensive guys. But in the NBA is

about eight guys that play, maybe seven in the playoffs
that really really play. If you're great and you're a
hard worker a Duncan, a Kobe and MJ. Lebron, you
have massive influence and sometimes because of the league, cultural
influence as well. And what matters, What does it? Brunson's perfect?

Speaker 2 (17:24):
All right, Let's get to the NFL and Joe Burrow
and the Bengals.

Speaker 5 (17:26):
They are three and one. Burrow is against Mahomes in
his career, which is nice. So Burrow appeared on the
New Heights podcast during a live tour appearance in Cincinnati
and said he believes the Bengals not only match up
well with the Chiefs, but they are built to beat
Kansas City.

Speaker 2 (17:43):
I don't think this is the hottest take in the
world columns.

Speaker 1 (17:45):
They've had great success against.

Speaker 3 (17:47):

Speaker 2 (17:47):
Yeah, they just got to keep Glass Joe healthy.

Speaker 1 (17:49):
Yeah. I don't know if they're built to beat them,
but Burrow is great. And the way you can't get
into track meets with Kansas City. What you have to
do is do what Kansas City now does, death by
a thousand cutts, six yard completion, eight yard completion, utter efficiency,
no turnovers, and so that's what Burrow delivers.

Speaker 5 (18:06):
Yeah, I mean, I don't know if they're better to
beat them than say, the Jets next year with the
Jets great defense, but but the Bengals certainly will be
up there.

Speaker 2 (18:12):
I'm looking to dethrone Patrick Mahomes.

Speaker 5 (18:15):
Next up, big news in Philadelphia NFL news, that is,
according to Ian Rappaport of NFL Network, the Eagles have
exercised Davonta Smith's fifth year option. He got a new
three year, seventy five million dollar extension. He will be
in Philly through twenty twenty eight. Good fifty one million guaranteed.

Speaker 1 (18:34):
Well, that's a lot.

Speaker 2 (18:35):
For a number two receiver. I know AJ Brown, listen,
AJ Brown their number one.

Speaker 1 (18:38):
Okay, okay, but let's let's be honest here, Davonte Smith.
There's no drama, there's no scrubbing Instagram AJ Brown. Two
years there's been dissatisfaction there. We called it out two
years ago. Fanboy and Philly didn't want to hear it.
We were right, Davonte Smith. This is a signal to
AJ Brown, who appears on occasion be unhappy. This is

a signal are you entery? You not? You're gonna complain
on Instagram or not? DeVante doesn't. We're gonna pay the
guy that doesn't, so you may. You can send all
your signals on social media. The Eagles are sending a
signal here, are you in or not? You want to
whine about it publicly, you want to complain at a
press conference, that's fine. We're gonna pay the other guy.

So to me, AJ Brown, say what you want. But
this was Philadelphia sending a message signing him right now.
This is our guy going forward, because he's one of us.
He's all in he's an Eagle, good or bad, and
that has value.

Speaker 2 (19:39):
And let's be real.

Speaker 5 (19:40):
Eagles off season has been good at the skill positions.
They're good at tight end, they're good a receiver. They're
not good at running back. They're good a quarterback.

Speaker 1 (19:46):
They're spending money on the right side.

Speaker 5 (19:48):
The problem is, and you and I value this more
than the average football fan, is the offensive line, and
that Kelsey loss is probably bigger when any gain day.

Speaker 1 (19:58):
They're good at tight end, they're good at tackle, so
their tackles are fine. You can be okay at center,
you can't be okay at tackle.

Speaker 5 (20:07):
Wait a minute, okay isn't going to cut it for
the brotherly shove?

Speaker 2 (20:10):
Is that coming out of the place.

Speaker 1 (20:12):
Let's get it. Let's get that thing out of here.
Let's get that thing out of it.

Speaker 2 (20:14):
I don't want That's fine, but that was an automatic
first down.

Speaker 5 (20:17):
They would script their third down place to set up
fourth and short so they could easily get We're.

Speaker 1 (20:22):
Out of that space. It's just like you did things
at twenty four. You don't do it thirty four. Brotherlye
shove was adorable, But now I've paid Jalen Hurts a fortune.
I'm not interested in him being at the bottom of
a pile. It worked, it was terrific. But it's like
Aaron Rodgers doesn't run around anymore, does he? Like it's
sometimes for young quarterback When Justin Herbert would run down

the sideline and give a line back to her shoulder,
Harbaugh's gonna say, you know what, we don't do that anymore.
That's young Justin. I want long career, Justine.

Speaker 2 (20:53):
Wasn't there a team last year that tried that and
their quarterback got hurt? Yeah, I forgot what Steve it was.
I think that happened.

Speaker 5 (20:58):
It's dangerous, but it's also I think it was like
ninety seven percent effective or something.

Speaker 1 (21:02):
It's not going to be effective without Kelsey, not to
that level. So now I get the injury potential. Plus
it's not as effective. Like no, thank you?

Speaker 2 (21:10):
Yeah, a New York Giants. That was a team.

Speaker 3 (21:12):
All right.

Speaker 2 (21:12):
Let's wrap up with the NBA.

Speaker 5 (21:15):
The Lakers have the eighth spot in the West after
an epic beatdown of the Reelicans.

Speaker 2 (21:21):
Let's be real, they've dominated the Pelicans.

Speaker 1 (21:23):
Well, they're a better team than the Pelicans.

Speaker 2 (21:24):
But I mean we're talking all three wins by double digits. Now.

Speaker 5 (21:28):
The only concern is you see here on the video
Anthony Davis kind of back tweaked midway through the fourth
because they were up by a billy.

Speaker 1 (21:35):
To his credit, he's played hurt more this year.

Speaker 2 (21:37):
He played seventy five games, so the first time in
his career.

Speaker 1 (21:40):
And he said he will be available. Anthony Davis deserves credit.
He's been hurt this year occasionally, He's played through almost
all of it. In fact, I think the last time
he missed the game that I remember, he played fifty
two minutes the previous night. Remember that night, Lebron wasn't
around em That's right, he was dumb and had one
of the best games that time. Game he was insane.
He took the next night off that I will absolutely

grant you. But he's gonna play and he's played hurt,
banged up a lot of a lot of the year.

Speaker 5 (22:07):
So I guess here's my question about this Pelicans game, Colin.
I saw the line yesterday. You know, you start to
look at the.

Speaker 2 (22:13):
NBA playoff lines.

Speaker 5 (22:15):
This opened Pelicans favored by one, and I'm like, no,
what is just like tough to beat a team twice
in a week. Yeah, it's just a bad matchup for
the pel so I bet Lakers instantly.

Speaker 2 (22:25):
The line Lakers are now favored by one that is
an NBA.

Speaker 1 (22:27):
It's not a huge swing, but I would say the
Lakers are a very good matchup against this team. Are
there are matchup at Banda? Indiana is gonna match up
very well with Milwaukee. The Lakers match up very well.

Speaker 2 (22:37):
With I'm gonna ask this once.

Speaker 5 (22:39):
I'm sure people are not gonna want me to ask it,
but I'm doing it anyway. Do the Lakers consider let's
wrest lebron and ad we don't care about this game.
We will play for the eighth seed. We'll beat the
Kings or the Warriors. Kings are beat up no Malague Bunk,
and then we'll play okay See in the first round
instead of Denver.

Speaker 2 (22:57):
Do they even consider this?

Speaker 1 (22:58):
I absolutely, I think abolutely you consider it Denver or Okac.
It's not even close.

Speaker 5 (23:06):
So I did a rant on this on my podcast.
People start crushing me for it. Jason, you can't risk
facing the Kings or Warriors and then lose that game
and not make the playoffs.

Speaker 1 (23:15):
Yes, you can, because you're out of the playoffs if
you play Denver you match up very well with OKAC,
and you've beaten them this year I think more than once.

Speaker 5 (23:26):
Okay, see, their average age is like twenty three years old.

Speaker 2 (23:29):
Yet they're like they don't have to end of the
Gordon Hayward and end of the bench.

Speaker 1 (23:33):
There's absolutely. First of all, you have to be strategic
when you have an older star or an older team.
We're aligned on this, Okay, yeah, I would. I would
have no problem resting Lebron in a D. And if
we beat him, fine, we get blown out and then
we go toe to toe at home full strength. Absolutely.
By the way, the advantage to playing the Warriors again

is they housed you in your building a week and
a half ago. You'll remember that was no a D.
So I have no problems.

Speaker 5 (24:04):
Is this a tough sel to the Lakers locker room
and the fans? Hey, guys, we're punting on this playing game,
so we play.

Speaker 1 (24:09):
I don't think you announce your punting. I think it
some things you can do. You don't have to announce
you're doing it. If you do not play a D
and Lebron in the game, you're sending a message reserves.
This one's on you. By the way, Lebron and Ad
didn't play against the Celtics this year in Boston and won.
Sometimes maybe the teams well sometimes you know d Low

was going to get his touches, Austin Reeve is going
to get more touches. Ruy's going to get more touches.
So it's weird in the NBA when you don't play
stars backup guys wanting to show the coaching staff gave
Vincent get up, gave me more touches. So I don't
think it's a bad idea at all.

Speaker 5 (24:48):
But for the record, if they do this and they
lose that play in game, Darvin Ham can just you
know it's over.

Speaker 2 (24:54):
You're not coming back.

Speaker 1 (24:55):
I think you get your guys. If you're Darvin Ham,
you and Rob Polinka make this decision. You go to
your GENM and just say I think our backups are
more than Are you going to Lebron and say I'm
playing a twenty minutes That is it? You do the
best you can, that is it. I think you have
to consider it. Fans are weird. I can remember when

the Colts were losing games and didn't play Peyton Manning
to get Andrew Luck. It was called suck for luck,
and people would be like, I would never do that, Oh,
you're dumb, because sports is strategy and you do things
all the time to give your organization advantages in more
important games. Nobody would argue that not all eighty two

regular season games are equal, right, the NBA really wants
stars to play on those Saturday night national TV games.
Is every Caitlin Clark game equal? Or did March badness
mean more than the games in November?

Speaker 2 (25:51):
Of course?

Speaker 1 (25:52):
You know in the NFL now, if they go to
eighteen games, you could start one in three in September.

Speaker 5 (25:56):
Remember Bellachich would regularly punt on September and use it
like an incubation period to figure out what's going on
as deep.

Speaker 1 (26:02):
Well, they say Week one of the NFL season now
is essentially your final preseason game because it's really the
first game in which your starters are playing significant snaps.

Speaker 5 (26:11):
I am very curious, I think and lost fans think
about this.

Speaker 2 (26:15):
I'm sure the rest of the country is just like,
that's insanity.

Speaker 1 (26:18):
Sports is all about strategy. If when you go to
a baseball series at the end of the season, a
regular season, and you manipulate your starting staff so you
can set up your playoff rotation.

Speaker 5 (26:28):
That's a little different because again, if they they said
Lebron and Ady are sitting and they lose and then
they lose to the Kings or Warriors, no playoffs.

Speaker 1 (26:35):
Well it wasn't meant to be. If you can't if
you can't beat the Warriors at home after they gassed you,
I mean they beat you badly. That was an embarrassing loss. Well,
then you're not going anywhere any.

Speaker 2 (26:45):
By the way, do you think Warriors beat Kings?

Speaker 1 (26:47):
Yes, yeah, I do. I haven't been on the light
the beam thing. Well, I'm the pushback guy.

Speaker 5 (26:54):
On I went to seven last year, Curry dropped fifty.
But I saw a stat they're three games this year,
all the term by one point. So is it that's
kind of a coin toss? And then Lakers Lebron Steph Curry.

Speaker 2 (27:05):
You know the league would love that matchup as a plan.

Speaker 1 (27:08):
Well, the league needs to get used to Okay, see
Minnesota and Denver.

Speaker 2 (27:11):
They don't necessarily need to gone.

Speaker 1 (27:15):
If I had one wish in the NBA, my one
wish in the NBA, it would be that Jalen Brunson
gets a star. I mean, seriously, I don't care if
it's Yiannis Karl Anthony Towns like on B Plus. But
but he's a To me, the league is better and
we haven't seen this in forever. The league is better
when we have a LA's won a bunch of titles.

Boston's been really good. When's the last time the Knicks
were the centerpiece of the league. If you got Jalen Brunson,
a legitimate star. By the way, Paul George, I mean
that if they if they go down, the Clippers go
down in flames, they will I agree with you.

Speaker 5 (27:52):
So, but the league needs to get used to the Timberwolves.
Are you sure they're beating the Suns in the first round?

Speaker 1 (27:59):
A lot of people don't things so Suns, I've.

Speaker 2 (28:01):
Already met it.

Speaker 5 (28:03):
Bad matchup. The Timberwolves have been destroyed by the Suns.
And again, regular season is different.

Speaker 1 (28:08):
I watched Minnesota play enough this year. I feel like
I know what I'm getting when I watch the Suns play.
Depends on the night. Nobody males in nights like Phoenix,
and then nobody rises two nights later like Phoeix.

Speaker 5 (28:21):
Like do you see Bradley Beal's numbers? The last like
two weeks. He's starting to percolate. It's Phoenix is is dangerous?

Speaker 1 (28:27):
All right, that's got's a good series and that's a
really good series. Yeah, man, have to take a night
off the old sauce. No, your little junior league to
go watch these games.

Speaker 2 (28:39):
No, the league hasn't started. It's not junior at all.

Speaker 1 (28:42):
J mag with the news.

Speaker 2 (28:44):
Well, the news, and thanks for stopping the Herd line news.

Speaker 1 (28:49):
Boy, that UFC was fun. That was crazy. I going.
I've gone to four UFC cards in the last ten
to eleven months. All have been great. And that the
Holloway fight, oh man, was that nuts.

Speaker 2 (29:03):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Herd weekdays
and neone Eastern AM Pacific two.

Speaker 5 (29:08):
NBA Insiders podcasting twice a week to plug you right
into the NBA great fight.

Speaker 6 (29:14):
All happening in only one place. This League Uncut, the
new NBA podcast with me Chris Haynes and me Mark
Stein join us as we team up to expound on
everything we're covering Hearing and Chason.

Speaker 2 (29:29):
Listen to This League Uncut with Chris Haynes and Mark Stein.

Speaker 6 (29:32):
On the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get
your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (29:37):
There is a report out there that the New England
Patriots with the third pick are hosting JJ McCarthy and
are very interested. And I feel this about pro sports,
and I know everybody always says, well, I make a
lot of money. Well, there's a lot of money and

a lot of professions. But usually in every other profession
mine included probably yours, we can choose where we want
to go. You do PR, you do HR, you're a sportscaster.
You can choose what coast you want to live on,
what area, what the weather is like. Now, some of
those jobs pay well, but a pro athlete, the better

you are generally the worst team you go to. And
JJ McCarthy is a prime example of where you land matters,
especially at quarterback. So if New England takes him at
three instead of Minnesota moving up, you tell me how
many players for the Patriots offensively even start for the Vikings.

Vikings have the better running back, the better tight end,
better top two receivers, better left tackle, and an offensive
coach and a weaker conference the best receiver. In my opinion,
New England has kJ Osborne. They just got from the
Vikings because he really couldn't get the looks because they're
too good at receiver. He was their number three. So

Minnesota gets to play indoors. JJ McCarthy could play indoors
New England outdoors. He would play in an offensive conference,
in an offensive division against few great defensive players. You
go to New England, got more defensive player, the Jets defense,
the Bills defense. Now the Patriots have a defensive coach.

They're better players are on defense. So you got to
play indoors, offensive coach, weaker conference and offensive division, great weapons.
So if I was JJ McCarthy's parents, I probably wouldn't
say it publicly, but I've never wanted my son to
drop more in the draft. And this is the reality.
It's different if you're an edge rusher. Max Crosby plays

for the Raiders. He got paid, He's gonna eat. He's
Max Crosby, TJ. Watt, Mike Tomlin. His defensive nature doesn't
help or hurt. He's gonna get paid. He's great. It's
different with quarterback. You don't get second chances. You get
judged very quickly as a quarterback. Prime example, Justin Fields

just went for a sixth round pick. He's now a
backup Mac Jones Pro Bowl. He is now a backup.
It's over. They are not viewed the same way. A
running back who got a lot of yards and lost
games could be viewed as a value proposition on the market.
He didn't have the right old line. People can't unsee

things at quarterback. Justin Fields and mac Jones, it's over.
They are not viewed. They're not viewed the same They're
not getting the bag, just not the way it is.
And so JJ McCarthy. And by the way, both Justin
Fields and mac Jones went to a defensive coach, played
outdoors in cold weather, did not have very good weapons. Well,

that's what JJ McCarthy would be going to. And he's
not transcendent enough, gifted enough, skilled enough, great enough to
overcome allows. A roster planet Michigan is like being a
deckhand on a yacht. Being quarterback for this Patriot roster
is like being the captain of a sinking ship in
a nor'easter. It's a totally different responsibility. In Minnesota, he

gets a set he can sit behind Sam Narnold. Again
that division. Packers are all about offense, Lions are all
about offense. Bears very soon are gonna be all about offense.
So it is JJ McCarthy is a fascinating prospect. Who
if he goes to Minnesota and they move up to four,

five six to get him, I think he's gonna be successful.
It's gonna be like Harbond Michigan. That's gonna work. If
he doesn't New England, forget about it, forget about it,
and you don't get second chances. Justin Fields mac Jones
now are seen as backups. It's amazing how it works.
Edge rusher, wide receiver. You doesn't matter how many games

you win. It doesn't matter what your record is. People
can unsee things at every other position. Coaches talk about
he needs the right fit, he needs the right coach
at quarterback. Justin Field's now six round pick.

Speaker 3 (34:18):
That's it.

Speaker 1 (34:19):
Mac jowns, mac Jones done, Jacksonville backup, never gonna play
all right. So this is something Jay McK and I
have been on. Colin Wright, Colin Wrong top of Next Hour.
A lot of rumors around the Dolphins that Tua is
not going to get the bag, he's not getting the
Borough contract and he's not getting the Herbert contract. Now,

first of all, I think Tua like Ryan Tannehill, a
former Dolphin quarterback, has good self awareness. He knows that
his first coach didn't like him. He knows that he's
not gonna throw the ball terribly well downfield in bad weather.
Tua's got self awareness. And this whole give him the
bag stuff is moronic. There's about six quarterbacks in the planet.

I'm gonna give the bag too. It's not back, Sorry,
it's not. It is Jordan Love. If he has a
good September, all right, we'll talk about it. Herbert Yeah, Burrow, yeah,
Alan Lamar Mahomes yeah, yeah, yeah. But you can win
with Tua. He's coachable, he's an adult, good at the podium, smart, effective, accurate.

But you've got to contextualize like you did with Tannehill.
You gotta contextualize to h he has a losing record
on the road. He is good at home, warm weather
against pretty good average teams. He has a losing record
on the road and against winning teams. That's who he is.

And right now, he's got the perfect coach, the perfect
wide receiver, a great number two, and he has value.
Who has got value? Adult like Dak he's a grown up,
he's an adult. He's effective, you win games mostly at
home against average teams. But that's okay. You're just trying
to avoid chaos in the NFL. That's okay. I'd pay

to a something, but the rumors are out this stat now.
I will also say this, Bo Nicks and Michael Pennix.
If you notice this, Oregon Washington quarterbacks were not invited
to the draft. Okay, they're only inviting now about fifteen
players to the draft, and the NFL is guessing with

their network of sourcing. Bow Knicks and Michael Pennix will
not be top fifteen picks. Raiders and Denver are in
the top fifteen. So what does that tell you? Keep
your eye in Dallas, keep your eye in Miami. Good
teams with good quarterbacks both want to be paid. Neither,

in my opinion, is worth the bag. So there you go.
You've been on it. It is very clear when stories
get out, somebody wants them out, and maybe the Dolphins
want to to know. We like you, we don't love you,
and we are looking in this draft, which I think
Dallas should do as well to draft the next quarterback.

Speaker 5 (37:20):
I'm with you on the Tua issue in Miami. I
think Pendi makes a lot of sense. I just I
think Dallas is closer than you think to coming out
of the NFC.

Speaker 2 (37:30):
And if you do, if you.

Speaker 5 (37:32):
Draft a quarterback for Dak's replacement, again, Cooper Rush, Okay,
give you an example, Cooper Ru's not bad, Cooper Rus.

Speaker 1 (37:38):
Use this, use this as sort of your barometer. And
if it's true. Take one player off the Chiefs outside
of can't count the quarterback Tyreek Hill left, didn't matter.
They've lost corners, safeties, doesn't matter. If you just took

Ceedee Lamb injury off the Cowboys, that's an anemic offense.
If you so, I say it's San Francisco, they lost Hufunga,
you could lose Kittle, you could lose Debo, You'll win games.
Detroit could lose amor on Saint Brown with that O
line in that run game, they would still win games.
Green Bay has like six receivers. I like they could
lose Christian Watson, green Bay would still win games. You

could lose Jordan Addison or the running back Jones for Minnesota,
that's still a good roster. Dallas is wildly And this
is a little bit what's happening to Buffalo, where you
kind of feel like it's if kin Kaid that new
tight end goes down, Stefan's gone, who are you throwing to? Like,
by the way, Jamar Chase left t Higgins steffed up,

So Cincinnati is not dependent on Jamar Chase. Now everybody's
dependent on their quarterback's health. But I think Baltimore, for
the first time ever with Lamar Jackson, is not overly
reliant on a running back. They now have a star
young receiver, a star tight end, a star left tackle,
a star quarterback, and now a star running back. So

take the best player off a team. If you do
and you don't think they're viable, that's not a super
Bowl team because fifty plus quarterbacks play. Receivers get hurt,
backs get hurt, tight ends get hurt. That's why when
Philadelphia gets AJ Brown, Devonte Smith, Saquon Barkley. Now you
look at Philadelphia and I'm like, God, if Barkley went down,
they're still viable. You can still win games with this team.

Speaker 2 (39:23):
That's fair.

Speaker 1 (39:24):
I mean, Dallas is like an injury to Cede Lamb
or Micah. They're not the same football team.

Speaker 5 (39:30):
Probably, can I go something back to something you said
in the NFL draft. We forgot that what's his name
got drafted second overall to the Niners a couple of
years ago.

Speaker 2 (39:40):
They traded up for him. Who's the quarter Lance?

Speaker 5 (39:43):
Trey Lance went second to an offensive coach, became nothing
out of forget about he's a forgotten Who's gonna be
that guy in this draft at the top.

Speaker 2 (39:50):
Four third overall? Sorry, Trey Lance went third. I one
of those four guys at the top is going to
be a massive bust. Who is it.

Speaker 1 (40:01):
I have? If Drake may goes to the wrong fit,
first of all, I'll switch it. Whoever goes to New
England is a bust. Whoever goes to the Patriots. It
doesn't matter who it is. Whoever goes to New England.
You cannot overcome that. There's no way defensive coach, bad roster,

that's a bust.
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