All Episodes

April 18, 2024 42 mins

More thoughts on the NFL draft next week

Tomorrow's headlines today


Guest: Mark Sanchez

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Herd podcast. Be sure to
catch us live every weekday on Fox Sports Radio in
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Speaker 2 (00:21):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:26):
Here we go our number three. Mark Sanchez gonna stop
buy in five or six minutes. He's got tape. We
love that. Jmac. Next Monday, NFL Draft Week, one of
my favorite weeks. Nuggets Lakers series starts this weekend. I
think Saturday. I love this time of the year so much.
How about Rick Buker, Sam, he's gonna take the Nicks

over the Sixers.

Speaker 3 (00:49):
That's not a hope.

Speaker 1 (00:51):
What do you mean, stunt take who's favored in the
betting market.

Speaker 3 (00:54):
I haven't looked at you.

Speaker 4 (00:55):
I had nix ur slam dunk from me. Come on,
Sixers are not good. They got build up by Nick.
But oh last night he's like thirty five years old.
Come on, Taylor Brunson, lock it up.

Speaker 1 (01:04):
Max DMFT but two Buddy Heeld Tobias Harris.

Speaker 4 (01:08):
To Buddys I wouldn't even pick up Tobias Aris on
my men's league team.

Speaker 1 (01:13):
Okay, two out of take eighteen a game in the NBA,
you wouldn't pick him up. Willing defender.

Speaker 3 (01:19):
We're targeting Blake Griffin.

Speaker 1 (01:22):
Blake Griffin on your rec league team, is fine, he lives, Blake.
Let me give your heads up. You'll never see the
ball of Eve Tobacca. He's worse than Patrick Ewing. You
give it to him, you never get it back. That's okay,
all right, Mark Sanchez right around the corner, all right.
The seventy sixers are advancing in the playoffs. I like
him as the seventh seed in the East thanks to
skillful play by their superstar center Joel m Bed in

the fourth quarter, Miami led at half Miami. It was
leading big chunks of the game, third quarter and then
the game. And these two teams, Miami and Miami in
Philadelphia played very close games, just like Denver Lakers play
a lot of close games. And then what did they do.
It's not about the revs, not about the coaching. They

got Mbad the ball, the best player on the floor,
took over the game. He got the touches in the
fourth quarter. You're gonna see this in the Lakers Nuggets series.
They'll play close games. Miami and Philly play close games,
and Beidzo was the best player, and Lakers Nuggets play
close games. Jokich is the best player, and the Lakers
and Nuggets. You're gonna blame Darvin Ham. You're gonna blame

the refs in Los Angeles. No, Yokich, the world's best
basketball player, is gonna close the games out and dominate
the last eight minutes. In the eighties, the best players
for a long time were Bird and Magic. Ten years
they got to a combined ten finals, and then Michael
Jordan showed up. He was the best player six for six,
and for a time Shack was the best player in
the NBA. He got the three straight finals in four

to five, and then for a while there was an
argument Tim Duncan was the best player. Three titles five years. Oh,
fans loved a blame the referees. Oh, it's that in
game coaching nonsense. Lebron arrived best player in the world,
eight straight finals. Stephan kd the Warriors overlap Lebron. But

when Steph and Kate were there finals in fact, five finals,
five years for the Warriors during their peak stretch with
Steph KD and the like. It's not the refs. Last
night wasn't the refs. Wasn't officiating. The best players in
the world get to the finals a lot consecutively, and

my guess is Jokic is that next player. He's better
than Embiid. He is better, in my opinion, all around
than Luca or sga or or Jannis. He just does
more well. So last night was a prime example. Eleven
of his twenty three point and b did not play
great in the first half. Remember he's just getting the
win back to Cardio back. But here you went to

the fourth and Nick Nurse is like, let's get the
best player in this game the ball a lot. It's
not Bam, it's not Butler who's banged up, And here
was Nick Nurse after wasn't easy.

Speaker 5 (04:10):
I thought they certainly did a great job, built in
a huge scheme to make things difficult for him.

Speaker 6 (04:18):
But he made some big plays.

Speaker 5 (04:20):
He hits the trail, three throws a great pass to
Kelly there to kind of the basket that we really needed.
I don't know how many assists he had, but he
probably had a good good number.

Speaker 1 (04:31):
Now, by the way, in the seventies, when I grew
up loving the NBA, you did not have a dominating
player as much as as you know, like in the
seventies it was a bunch of different teams when it
a bunch of different stuff, and you had like Milwaukee
had Louel Cinder, but you had the Sonics and the
Blazers and the Sixers and this and that. And in
the end, when you generally get a dominating great player

or two, they're going to dominate these playoffs. They're all
going to look like last night, Miami out plays them.
Miami's got a great coach. Miami leads at half, he's
leading in the third, fourth quarter. Feed him, beat the
ball eleven to twenty three, lights out. Well, Mark Sanchez
has been nothing but a gift for our show and
the network. Let's bring him on. The former Jet USC

Trojan joining us eowas brings film and gifts to us.
That's right. Even though my wife last time she saw
Mark commented on your cool. Look you're really aging. Well
look at that hair, you you and that no, I
mean it's look at this guy.

Speaker 7 (05:27):
You do your gun you got you you really pull
off the I could again Hollywood if I wanted to.
But Boots, Okay, So you do the film breakdown as
about as well as anybody. You make it very consumable
for guys like me that don't know what I'm doing
and don't know what I'm talking about. So the kid
I like is I mean, obviously production matters, but the

reason I take Jaden over Drake it comes down to
this much tougher conference and a much more consistent performer.

Speaker 1 (05:58):
And man, I like those And when you come into
this league and you're trying to figure out the defenses,
which are really sophist kid, if you can run around,
nice to have that you wish, yes, but it does
give you a little bit of time to like, Hey,
I'm gonna pick up some first downs, move the change
with my legs. I like him a lot. You've got film.
I'm really interested in your interpretation of what you see.

Speaker 8 (06:17):
Well, I think the biggest thing that the scouts and
coaches are really looking at, and you alluded to it,
but as the sample.

Speaker 6 (06:22):
Size, he's a five year starter.

Speaker 8 (06:24):
So he's got a ton of reps under his belt,
and when you watch him in Arizona State, you would
say at least I would. Man, that's a really good
athlete playing quarterback. Now, that's a pretty good quarterback. This
guy can do it at the next level for sure
and could be special. And he's a really good athlete,
you know what I mean. He's matured over those five years.

And even when he saw him play at Arizona State
against Justin Herbert and the Oregon Ducks, who should have
mopped the floor with the Sun Devils, this kid is
balling in that game and they got nothing to play
for except pride, and this kid just goes off and
the duel it out the whole game and he goes nuts,
and so you're like, hmm, there's something there. Fast forward

a few years, gotten a little bigger. I still want
him to get a little bigger. I still wanted to
put on a couple pounds. Got to eliminate some of
those hits he takes. He takes some bad hits, I
mean where you just get folded up like a lawn chair,
like oh my god, like a world star clip, Like
come on, man, you can't get hit like that. Yeah,
So I want that to be eliminated from his game.
But what I loved five year starter love the sample

size twenty one sacks this past year, forty seven the
year before.

Speaker 1 (07:33):
Okay, so is he reading more than cut him after?

Speaker 8 (07:36):
Cut him in half? Interceptions way down, having to scramble,
needing to run, design runs way down, and he can run.
It's not that you're not going to run him, but
he didn't have to because he was going through more
of his progressions. He's you know, the speed obviously jumps
off the tape. He's pulling away from sec defenders. Yeah,

he's a three quarter arm delivery guy, so not over
the top, so's but his high it's plenty.

Speaker 6 (08:00):
You know.

Speaker 8 (08:01):
That just lowers your delivery a little bit. See, it's
something to think about. Not the end of the world.
But he's got it all man, seventy two percent completions,
forty touchdowns. So I really loved his production this past
year and then his growth. You know, show me that
big sample size and show me trends. He gets put
in a new situation, new offense, plays well, starts to

develop whatever it is.

Speaker 6 (08:24):

Speaker 8 (08:25):
I always go to clips. We beat them up first,
we build them back up on.

Speaker 6 (08:28):
The second clip. So exactly right, So good therapist.

Speaker 8 (08:32):
So this first one, I want you to really focus
on his vision and his scope. I think he's locked
into a tight end running an out route with a
running back running a go route up the sideline. And
you got to see, especially in split safeties, these defenders
in the NFL are crafty, they're sly, their slick. These
cornerbacks they got head on a swivel, especially in zone.

They're watching the quarterback, they're watching their guy, and they're
ready to make you to try and bait you into
a throw. So roll this first clip. Alex's got some
fire for us today. But you're gonna see they're gonna
motion to empty. They got the running back and tight
end on this side, trying to figure out manner zone. Well,
the corner bumps out, so you know it's zone. All
your speed is up top to the left of the screen.
You see the safety back there. He's a half field player.

So they're going three on two with this corner backer
and safety covering this area. The tight end's gonna run
an out route. The running back's on a go route.
Remember it's a running back. How many times you throw
go balls into zone to a running back? Not many times.
There's that three on two I'm telling you about so
this corner is gonna get a little nosy. He knows
I don't have a real receiver out here. Let me

peek inside, let me see what's going on. So his
eyes are in at the quarterback, and you're gonna see
Jaden he's locked in inside on that tight end breaking out.
Now that running back should get a piece of that
corner a little bit to help your quarterback.

Speaker 6 (09:50):
But at the same time, he's got to widen.

Speaker 8 (09:52):
His scope, his vision and feel that corner outside because
you can't get away with these throws in the NFL,
and you can't do it the.

Speaker 6 (10:00):
Sec These corners are too slick. So this is basically
a trap.

Speaker 8 (10:03):
Corner, baiting him into an out route throw where he
locked in on the tight end, didn't see the full scope.
Now that's one of the knocks maybe a couple of
years ago. He doesn't go through the full field read,
he doesn't get to number three and four exactly right,
And how many guys throw checkdowns in college. You don't
have to, so you just never exercise that muscle. So
you see him get picked off here, gets baited. What

I loved is his progression, his ascension, his growth over
those five years and so when you watch this next clip,
I think it's imperative to understand that he's gonna start
on the left. He's working a steam route and a
hitch route outside. We used to call it has. You
don't want to overcomplicate these things hitches and seems hass
easy to remember, right, So you gotta see a hitch.

The backer's gonna buzz underneath it. Take away the hitch.
He gets a piece of the steam route, so everything's
jumbled up over there.

Speaker 6 (10:52):

Speaker 8 (10:52):
He just resets his eyes and gets back to the
opposite side of the field. His third read, So go
ahead and roll that clip, Alex, you're gonna he's unfazed.
And I thought he got much better with protection stuff.
He could tell he's not worried right now. He knows
he's in a seven man protection. They got six guys
on the line of scrimmage, No big deal, that's not
real blitz demeanor. And what do we say about watching

the stripe that tells me where his eyes are. It
has nothing to do with him being an LSU Tiger
and the stripe. You gotta watch the quarterback stripe. He
feels that buzz defender getting under the seam. He feels
the corner overlapping to the seam, and he feels the
safety over there.

Speaker 6 (11:26):
It's three on two. They got eyeballs all over it.

Speaker 8 (11:29):
I'm not going there. His head's already turned to number three.
He moved off it fast. I love that progression. The
only guy who's got to navigate is the guy dressed
up like the footlocker employee in the middle of the field,
the referee.

Speaker 6 (11:41):
He's got to do a little squat in there and
navigate the ball.

Speaker 8 (11:45):
But he's right in the perfect area, meeting a reading
a middle triangle. So he went from an obleague stretch
read on a outside linebacker nickel defender to a middle triangle.

Speaker 6 (11:56):
I love that.

Speaker 8 (11:57):
It tells me he can understand the spatial awareness. He
can see where the pieces are about to fit, and
he anticipated that throw. The yards after catch, the run
after catch. This year was so much better than years past,
and it's because he was much better with his ball
placement and giving these guys opportunities to catch and run
instead of holding them up with a throw at their

you know, heel or something like that boom he gets tackled.
I mean, these guys are off to the races, and
that neighbor's kid is unbelievable, so he set him up.

Speaker 6 (12:26):
Well, my one thing is the deep ball.

Speaker 8 (12:29):
I think he's I think he's got to get like
two more yards on that thing, two to five more yards.
And I think with a little offseason program, you know,
maturing into his body, he'll aicompass up.

Speaker 1 (12:41):
So one of the things you said there is that
the Oregon Arizona State game, and I'll tell you why
that's employed. I remember it. It was a crazy great game.
Is that I said? I did a rant. I think
it was yesterday. I said, if you look at the
last ten drafts, we have twelve quarterback kids. Size is

not it? Because Kyler's small and Josh is big. Where
you went to school, Josh Allen went to Wyoming Mahomes,
Texas Tech. The one thing they all have, if they're
on stacked rosters Burrow at LSU, they put up cartoon
numbers or they elevate okay, ross.

Speaker 6 (13:24):
A mediocre roster.

Speaker 1 (13:25):
Sure, right, So here's what worries me about JJ McCarthy.
I've seen Jayden Daniels elevate pretty average roster at Arizona State.
Then when he got a big boy roster cartoon numbers.
JJ was not asked to elevate, and he also didn't
have huge numbers. Now someone would say, well, Harbaugh run
the ball, okay, but it does worry me. I want

in the NFL. You're gonna be asked to elevate players.
You're not getting a stacked rock. Now get in Georgia then.
And the second thing is, if you get that elevated roster,
I wanna need you gotta give me some You know,
when Mahomes had Tyreek and Kelson I get MVP numbers.
Is it a reasonable concern that those two things that
really are the determining factors on quarterback hits? I don't

see them with JJ. I'm a little worried about that.

Speaker 8 (14:12):
You also have to keep in mind, are you going
to judge this player on what they're asking him to
do or the system overall or versus other players and
other situations like how are you gonna mix those variables?

Speaker 6 (14:26):
And it's not an exact science.

Speaker 8 (14:28):
I feel like you're on like deal or no deal
or something, right, And you know, I got I got
a new car and it's a solid new car, right,
Like I've seen the tape on this car it's a
great car. It's a Honda Cord. It's gonna last forever, right,
But behind the secret door, you could have a trip
to you know, Tahiti with your family or something, or

a new house or something, or you could get a toaster,
you know what I mean, And you're like, what do
I do? And people just get so enamored with the
unknown and what could I do with this guy? What
could I mold this to be? And then they drive
home from the show or they're really taking the bus
home from the show with a toaster in their lap, like,
dang it, I should have taken the car, you know.
So I feel like that's the quarterback position that's drafting

this position. So you have to understand what your principles are.
And if you're okay with Patrick Mahomes running a spread
system and throwing you know, a ton of interceptions because
he throws it more than everybody in that system, doing
what they asked him to do, okay, Fine, if you're
okay with JJ McCarthy handing off the ball twenty five
times a game, like, okay, well that's what they're asking

him to do. I'm sure some of those were run checks. Now,
I got to get into the nitty gritty and figure out, Okay,
who is this kid? And so I think there's plenty
on tape there and when there's this unknown this, you
know what's behind the mystery door, coaches think just you
got to remember, these guys have egos, they have like
that juice that got them to that position. As a coach, Hey,

I'll coach them out of it, or I'll coach them
into X, Y or Z.

Speaker 6 (15:58):
I'll get him to play the way we need him
to play.

Speaker 8 (16:00):
Our system will make up for whatever he lacks or
something like that.

Speaker 6 (16:04):
You see what I mean.

Speaker 8 (16:05):
So it's I mean, it's not an exact science, but
the kid's going to be just fine. I think his
decision making is solid. In critical games, it was solid. Sure,
he doesn't have the numbers and attempts that you'd want
to see, but neither did I coming out in the draft.

Speaker 6 (16:20):
I only played sixteen games.

Speaker 8 (16:21):
So there was like this mystery allure to that, Okay,
can I get him to be the quarterback I need
him to be? And so I think if you're asking
that about this kid, he's going to be, you know, malleable.
You can mold him into what you want. It's clearly
a leader, and he has all those intangibles. I think
there's plenty on tape to take the kid.

Speaker 1 (16:40):
So you came out to a team that had a
run game, a left tackle, and a great defense, so
you had a lot of help.

Speaker 8 (16:46):
Good special teams. Brad Smith came in ran the wildcat
like we had.

Speaker 6 (16:50):
We had a lot going for us.

Speaker 1 (16:51):
Yeah, maybe not as good as the Minnesota situation, which
has got everything.

Speaker 6 (16:56):
Offensive offensively, you're I mean you're loaded.

Speaker 1 (16:59):
And an offensive code. Do you have a defensive coach
that I always sat on the air, Then I'll say
it now, easy, easy, AnyWho I worry about New England
and I don't care who it is Mark. They don't
have a consistent run game. I got a new rookie coach, defense.

Speaker 6 (17:18):
New coordinator, and Van Pelt.

Speaker 1 (17:21):
Some of this stuff is where you land.

Speaker 6 (17:23):
One hundred percent.

Speaker 1 (17:24):
Where you land, like Drake May I think is going third.
Could you argue sit him behind Jacoby, let him sit.

Speaker 8 (17:33):
I think that school of thought is dead and archaic now,
but it it's not a bad idea. You look at
a lot of great play. Carson Palmer sat behind kittens
for your FLA and you sit behind a guy. But
the difference is you have to have a real pro
you know, a guy who solid has a great routine somebody.

You want your young guy to emulate parts of his
game and then be themselves, be that special play they
drafted when it's time to be that player. But when
it's time to be you know, Kitna and solid across
the board like Carson Palmer could do that. But when
it was time for Carson to put on the Superman
Kate boom, he did that too. And so you learn
from a guy like that, and you glean some of

the stuff that they have, just silly stuff like your
routine before games? What do you eat the night before
the game? How do you travel? What do you wear?
Are you suiting ti guy?

Speaker 7 (18:24):

Speaker 6 (18:24):
What's your approach to all this stuff?

Speaker 8 (18:27):
And all that's gonna change and you're gonna come up
with your own formula that works for you. But if
you have a good one in front of you, like
an Alex Smith, like I mean, perfect example, knows how
to check the ball down, knows where to place the football,
knows how to get it get in and out of checks,
can teach the offense to everybody Like that's who you
want Patrick emulating, and he does it with a lot

of his game, and so I mean there's there's something
to be said for that. There's also something to be
said for Hey, we got a roster, we got to
go win now. Like I'm you know, I'm the GM
looking at my It's like, ooh, some oday, we got
to make this happen now. And you know, it's an
instant gratification society, especially with the NFL.

Speaker 6 (19:08):
Let's go.

Speaker 8 (19:08):
You got a two to three year window, which is,
you know, for a quarterback, totally unfair. You need a
five year run to see what we really are, who
this kid really is? Is this the right system for him?
Do we have to change coaches? So where you land
is just as important as your talent.

Speaker 1 (19:23):
In my opinion, Panics a lot of starts, Jaden a
lot of starts, bo Nick's a lot of starts. Most
of these guys have a lot of starts. You didn't
if I would have given you thirty two starts. I
mean Nick has sixty one, do you think, Mark? So
I look at these quarterbacks and I'm like, man, I
could see all of them working with the right fit,
and mostly I look at that and I think they've

all got like thirty forty fifty start. If I would
have doubled your starts, Oh, what would the advantage of it?

Speaker 8 (19:53):
Well, it only helps your time on task, your reps.
Just more shots at those potentials, turnovers that you don't throw,
more sacks you don't take, like the same way we
watch Jayden Daniels grow and not take those sacks and
not throw those interceptions and not make critical errors.

Speaker 6 (20:12):

Speaker 8 (20:13):
That's what you want to see. That's what job you're
learning on the job. It was my first year starting.
I had played three years or three games before that.
Excuse me. So sixteen total starts is light, I mean
really light. So for some teams that was right there,
just no, I need a two year starter. That was
the old That was the old school motto. I need
a two year starter minimum. And that was like, ooh,

it's a little light. So sixteen games I turned some
teams off. But listen, we say it every year. You
don't have to have all thirty two teams fall in
love with you. You just need one and hopefully they're picking
early and hopefully you got a decent roster. So I was,
you know, the beneficiary of you know a team that
was picking at fifteen or sixteen that traded up to

five to go get me. So you're fifteen or sixteen,
you're right in the middle of the league. You're, you know,
a win or two away from the playoffs. You've got
a team that can go.

Speaker 1 (21:07):
So you had some players.

Speaker 8 (21:07):
Yeah, so you have a defense that was legit. I
mean they throttled.

Speaker 1 (21:11):
Brady you over the first time, and practice you faced
the defense.

Speaker 8 (21:15):
Well it was Revis. The next year we had Revs
and Cromarty. I mean, looking back now, it's silly what
we did because it doesn't help a quarterback. It doesn't
groom a quarterback going one for fifteen in a rack
of plays in practice because the defense is so good
and they're throwing like all these different defenses at you

that you've never seen before. Like you want the quarterback
to look good and try and build them off, but
I'm just getting pummeled out there, like, oh my god, there's.

Speaker 6 (21:44):
Nobody to throw to. Like Revas is running the routes
for everybody. What am I doing here?

Speaker 8 (21:48):
You know, it's it's hard, It made it made life
really tough, but you kind of learn on the fly.
Thrown in the fire, who are you? And that was
the approach there. I mean from an offensive perspective, you
think like, ooh, I might want to get him some
completion so he has a little confidence going into games
instead of just getting crushed in training camp, you know.
So it was you know, we added some talent my

second year, quite a bit of it with Braylon Edwards,
Santonio Holmes, Jericho Cowtree, Dustin Keller and Ladanian Tomlinson. Sean
Green was our running back. Like, we had a potent offense,
so that training camp was a little more competitive. Plus
I had a year under my belt, so I felt
a little better. But that first training camp was rough.

Speaker 9 (22:27):

Speaker 6 (22:28):
There are a lot of balls on the ground, a
lot of balls going the wrong way. So that was
that was tough.

Speaker 1 (22:32):
Great scene again, man, Great see you guys.

Speaker 2 (22:34):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Herd weekdays
in noon eastern nine am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio
FS one and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (22:42):
Mark Sanchez, Michael Pennix, Rick Bucker Fun Show Today, J
Max Off tomorrow is Tahiti. I don't know, big Vak
guy just got off a surfboard in Hawaii. J Max
with the news.

Speaker 4 (22:57):
No no, no turn on the news is the herd
Line news. All right, let's start with last night's Atlanta
Hawk's embarrassment. Boy, what a fool I was picking the
Hawks and Trey Young no defense playing Tray Young. We
had a spirited first hour discussion on your boy, Trey Young.

Speaker 3 (23:14):
You like him a lot, listen.

Speaker 4 (23:15):
He has been involved in trade rumors basically all season,
and their report surfacing Atlanta could move him the summer Dejanta.

Speaker 3 (23:22):
Murray's interesting.

Speaker 1 (23:24):
I don't know how you don't like him.

Speaker 3 (23:26):
I do like him. I game he just traded for Luka.
Doncic just said.

Speaker 1 (23:31):
Shooting range, clever passer.

Speaker 3 (23:32):
I love him. Yeah, like you like guys who don't
play defense. That's what you like.

Speaker 10 (23:35):
You know what?

Speaker 1 (23:36):
Same thing here? All gas, no break?

Speaker 4 (23:38):
Oh jeez, yeah, listen. I did like how Rick Buker
was like, I'm not trading Austin Reeves. Oh god, you
look at it, by the way you look at the numbers.
In last year's Lakers Nugget Series, Austin Reeves was arguably
their second best player.

Speaker 3 (23:52):
Okay, Trey Young's not doing that against Denver. He's just
I don't know that he's tough enough? Is he tough enough, Colin?
Can he take a pounding.

Speaker 1 (24:01):
The way often reeves kid Trey Young. I'm not responsible
for these comments.

Speaker 3 (24:06):
I like Tree Young so much. Trey and I may
bump into.

Speaker 1 (24:08):
Each other in a right well cool place, just like
the other day I bumped into Kyler Murray, Arizona quarterback,
who I believe is great, and I had to let's
just say, uh, move away from some comments made on
the show that weren't mind so unfortunately sometimes I have to,

you know.

Speaker 4 (24:29):
He should have just got Kyler's gamer tax say hey,
let's fortnite it up this week, you know, and you
would have been speaking his language.

Speaker 3 (24:34):
I'm sorry I had dad to do that.

Speaker 1 (24:35):
Couldn't. I couldn't. Best was next up?

Speaker 4 (24:38):
Let's go to the Lakers. They wouldn't the play in
They are the seventh seed in the West. They faced
the Nuggets.

Speaker 1 (24:43):
I can't wait for this Saturday night.

Speaker 3 (24:45):
Oh jeez, I didn't realize Nuggets to beat him eighth straight.

Speaker 4 (24:48):
But Denver coach Michael Malone says his team will be
prepared for what the Lakers throw at him this time around.

Speaker 9 (24:54):
He swept them last year, we swept them this year.
They're coming in not only playing well, but really hungry.
They want to flip that script and we have to
understand that. JD and and bring that and I think
our players due. But that was our message today. Man,
don't don't let anybody and these playoffs take what we
worked so hard to get.

Speaker 1 (25:14):
Very exciting I had.

Speaker 3 (25:15):
I did a futures piece for Fox sports.

Speaker 4 (25:17):
Dot Com on on NBA futures and Colin I was
looking at D'Angelo Russell. This is how bad he was
in the series last year. Essentially got benched for one game.

Speaker 3 (25:28):
He was the starter. He averaged six point three points
in that series, fifteen from three.

Speaker 1 (25:34):
That was terrible.

Speaker 4 (25:35):
That he will not be close to that bad again.
He's playing way better.

Speaker 3 (25:38):
So now I think they got a legit chances in
this beating.

Speaker 1 (25:42):
Them four times.

Speaker 4 (25:44):
Yeah, remember all four games were close to the fourth quarter.

Speaker 3 (25:47):
Go look it up, five minutes left every game single digits.

Speaker 1 (25:49):
And Lakers and the Denver wins all of them.

Speaker 3 (25:51):
Denver was on a mission last year.

Speaker 1 (25:53):
The best player in the series is Jokich, who's the.

Speaker 3 (25:56):
Second best.

Speaker 1 (25:58):
Consistent certinly Lebron. But I would say Jamal Murray and
A D are close.

Speaker 3 (26:03):
And then after that's got to be Austin Reeves. What ksep, Michael.

Speaker 1 (26:08):
Porter, Junior, Gordon Porter. They have four players better than
Austin Reeves, Gordon Jokich, Murray Porter disagree.

Speaker 3 (26:17):
How do you want to defend? You want to do
just Ad?

Speaker 1 (26:20):
Here is no defending.

Speaker 3 (26:21):
You gotta come up with something.

Speaker 1 (26:24):
Ad does as good a job as you can do
and he'll still get thirty one points.

Speaker 3 (26:27):
You trust Darvin Haam to cook up a scheme here, No.

Speaker 1 (26:31):
You can't. I'm sorry this whole cook up a scheme.
I got the best player.

Speaker 6 (26:35):
I win the series.

Speaker 1 (26:36):
Know that.

Speaker 4 (26:37):
Listen, Darvinham, he enters this on the hot seat, they
get swept, He's done, he's out.

Speaker 3 (26:41):
There's run amount of.

Speaker 1 (26:42):
Town so the Lakers can go through another coach.

Speaker 3 (26:44):
Okay, X factor, Well, Lebron doesn't like Darmenham. We know
that X factor in the series. You ready for this?

Speaker 1 (26:50):
Gave Vincent baby watch out?

Speaker 3 (26:52):
He can't. He's a lockdown defender.

Speaker 1 (26:54):
Is he gonna cook? He's gonna cook.

Speaker 4 (26:57):
I would not be shocked if they went small at
the end of game with Vincent Reeves and Russell and
Vincent is on Jamal Murray because Reeves cannot guard Marie
An initiate offense, it doesn't work. Keep an eye on
Gabe Vincent, but then then you got Lebron on Aaron Gordon,
which is not ideal. But I think Reeves on Michael
Porter Junior is not the worst thing in the world.

Lakers have to try new stuff. What worked last year
it didn't come through, so I think so a couple
of new things. Let's wrap up with the NFL draft color.
This just happened here about within the last hour. So
the Bills do not have a true number one. After
they jettison Stefan Diggs. Okay, they also lost Gabe Davison
free agency, the wide receiver room is quite barren. Bill's

GM Billy Bean, was asked today, are you ready for
this if Buffalo needs to acquire a top receiver before
next season, And here's what he said.

Speaker 10 (27:50):
What you need are guys that in this offense that
are smart, versatile, selfless, and can make the play that
their skill set allows them to make. You know, if
there's a one that pops up, either you know, free
agency or draft that makes sense for us.

Speaker 6 (28:08):
Or really good too, you know, we'll do it. But
I don't think.

Speaker 11 (28:15):
I don't think having a one or not having a
one map doesn't mean we can't have success, you know,
on offense or as a team.

Speaker 1 (28:27):
Well, you know what, they're still clinging to the super
Bowl window. I don't I feel they're the precipice of
falling off the ledge. But I still I have them
still clinging to the window.

Speaker 3 (28:43):
Let's let's just have fun with it.

Speaker 4 (28:44):
Top two Dolphins receivers Tyrek and Waddle both are better
than anything the Bills have. Top two Jets receivers Garrett
Wilson and Mike Walliams better than anything Buffalo has.

Speaker 1 (28:53):
But the Bills have two better tight ends than both
those teams. So they're gonna do that.

Speaker 4 (28:58):
They're gonna go with the heavy two tight end sets
and run the football all right.

Speaker 1 (29:03):
Well, Baltimore ran the football to a number one seed
last year.

Speaker 4 (29:06):
With Lamar Jackson running up a billion yards of Josh
Allen out of the playoffs. By the way, Oh yeah, okay,
I'm just telling you second or third in the division.

Speaker 3 (29:15):
They're not winning the division.

Speaker 1 (29:16):
Third in the division with Josh Allen third in the division,
second or Jets or first. That is so hot of
a take it just disintegrated before it got to my microphone.

Speaker 3 (29:27):
How's this?

Speaker 1 (29:27):
Bills are not finishing?

Speaker 3 (29:29):
Win the division?

Speaker 4 (29:31):
You know, I'll wear my hat backwards on the show.
If the Jets win the division, you got to wear
a tank top.

Speaker 3 (29:35):
For one segment.

Speaker 1 (29:37):
I'll do that.

Speaker 2 (29:38):
Lock it up.

Speaker 3 (29:39):
It's apple.

Speaker 1 (29:40):
I don't know how you talk me into it, but
I would wear a Jets tank top for one segment.

Speaker 4 (29:43):
But you don't have to wear a Jets take It
could be a tank top of whatever. But if the
Jets win the division.

Speaker 1 (29:47):
You would wear first. I would wear a Jets tank top.
I gotta start pumping iron a year.

Speaker 3 (29:53):
In a dawn, start throwing some plates around.

Speaker 1 (29:56):
I embarrassed myself enough.

Speaker 4 (29:57):
I gotta get call your buddy Sillow every time I
see him, I mean, Riscilla looks like he's doing hgh.

Speaker 1 (30:03):
He don't say that he's single with no kids. All
he does is lift weights. The page is okay. You
peep them out here parenting and mini van taking the
kids to whatever.

Speaker 3 (30:14):
You don't have it?

Speaker 1 (30:15):
What stop?

Speaker 4 (30:16):
You are clanging and banging with the best of them,
five days a week, ready to rock at tak Top.
In January, when the Jets win the AFC East. Just
remember that, folks. I know the production room is laughing.
I can hear the laughter. Coward and a tank top.

Speaker 3 (30:30):
No, it's coming.

Speaker 1 (30:31):
I'm gonna tell you something. I will prepare for that.
If the Jets get off like a five and one start,
I'm literally I'm gonna spend an hour on curls. I
don't even care about the rest of my body. I'll
just do curls.

Speaker 3 (30:44):
Show muscles. That's what they call a baby.

Speaker 1 (30:46):
Jmack with the News.

Speaker 2 (30:48):
Well that's the news, and thanks for stopping by The.

Speaker 1 (30:51):
Heard Line News all right, NFL Draft a week away.
Tomorrow's Headlines Today with Jmac.

Speaker 2 (30:58):
Next, be sure to catch live editions of The Herd
weekdays and neon eastern nine am Pacific.

Speaker 1 (31:03):
Two NBA Insiders podcasting twice a week to plug you
right into the NBA grape fine.

Speaker 12 (31:10):
All happening in only one place. This League Uncut, the
new NBA podcast with me Chris Haynes and me Mark Stein,
join us as we team up to expound on everything
we're covering. Hearing and Chason.

Speaker 4 (31:24):
Listen to This League Uncut with Chris Haynes and Mark Stein.

Speaker 12 (31:28):
On the iHeartRadio, app, Apple podcasts, or wherever you get
your podcasts.

Speaker 4 (31:33):
Saturday on Fox, a new arab begins for the reigning
national champion Michigan Wolverines with their annual Mazon Blue Game
as new head coach Sharon Moore looks to see who
will rise up to lead this year's team. The Michigan
Spring Games Saturday at noon Eastern on Fox.

Speaker 1 (31:51):
Well, the twenty twenty four draft is just one week away.
So tomorrow's headlines today, my favorite ten minute, So the
week we move it up a day. J Maxx gone tomorrow.
Jordan Schultz is gonna be joining us. Does a terrific job.
Bleach your report? You ready to go? Okay? Radio audience

is like I got no answer.

Speaker 3 (32:12):
I got no Sorry, sorry I forgot We're on radio.

Speaker 1 (32:15):
Yeah. Tomorrow's headlines today. What's the headline for the Patriots
with a number three pick?

Speaker 4 (32:24):
So a lot of chatter about your guy, Jaden Daniel's
going two.

Speaker 3 (32:29):
I think at three the Patriots go.

Speaker 4 (32:31):
The headline will be go get him Tiger Jayden goes
from stripes to Southeast. I don't think sorry, I don't
think he goes to I think three is a good spot.

Speaker 3 (32:41):
And listen, New England.

Speaker 1 (32:43):
Total change.

Speaker 4 (32:44):
You Bill Belichick out. Now you got a new guy
in there. Tom Brady long gone. You get a new quarterback,
a new style, a new brand of football. I think
you totally reshape things with Jayde Daniels at three. I
personally have questions about him. I know you're super hot
on him. If I'm the Jets, I'm not worried that
Jayden Daniel is entering.

Speaker 3 (33:00):
The AFC East. Now, Drake may Go's three, I would
be worried.

Speaker 4 (33:03):
I just I think I'm gonna stick with Mayett two,
and I think Jayden Daniels three to New England and
we'll see what his future holds.

Speaker 3 (33:09):
I don't think it's gonna be a great start, but
I won't be Bryce Young level bad.

Speaker 1 (33:13):
How's that all right? Tomorrows headlines today? How about the
Chargers with a fifth pack? Very exciting.

Speaker 7 (33:21):

Speaker 4 (33:21):
One of the things you and I like to do
is kind of read between the lines, see what moves
are being telegraphed journalism. Yeah, and indeed the headline for
the Chargers will be not left at the alt. Chargers
vow to protect Herbert Colin.

Speaker 3 (33:38):
We saw JK.

Speaker 4 (33:39):
Dobbins yesterday going to the Chargers. We saw before Gus
Edwards going to the Charger. We know Greg Roman now
is the offensive coordinator. Harball's guy was in Baltimore. I
think you get to Baltimore running backs.

Speaker 3 (33:52):
What did Baltimore love to do?

Speaker 1 (33:53):
Run the football.

Speaker 4 (33:54):
I can see Greg Roman saying, let's get let's power football.
We'll do Herbert with a lot of bootlegs, a lot
of play action. I think this is gonna work. And now,
obviously we would love for the Chargers to trade down
and get more picks as we kind of root for
the LA teams. I think all like you said, not
a superstar, but I think he's the best offensive lineman
in the draft. A lot of people back that up,
and I think there's a great pick for the Chargers

and they start. This team's gonna turn things around quickly.
You looked at the schedule. I'm just telling you what
the right picks here is not an eleven win team
surprising the league.

Speaker 1 (34:22):
Okay, now let's move down the draft a little to
the lesser known teams. Tomorrow's headline to that your Jets
at number ten.

Speaker 4 (34:31):
Maybe so much chatter for my Jets has been quit
a wide receiver fault? Do we need another one? Do
we need a weapon for aar Rodgers? Brock Bauers the
tight end. The headline for the Jets in the draft
will be hook o line and sinker.

Speaker 1 (34:45):
Jets reel in big fish for big mouth.

Speaker 4 (34:48):
Sorry Aaron had to take that jab again. I think
you've got to go offensive line. Tyron Smith is really nice.
Morgan Moses is nice, good acquisitions. Tyron Smith has got
getting up there in age. He's had an injury to
give you about games or can protect Rodgers? Yes, in
four plays last year, I think he was running for
his life on three of them. You cannot go in
without an offensive tackle. It's an offensive tackle heavy draft.

It's also a good wide receiver draft. You can get
a good receiver later in the draft. I think they're
gonna be fine with an offensive lineman, and I know
it's not sexy to go with an offensive lineman who's
not the best at his position because Alt will be gone.
I think the Jets go line, protect Rodgers and then
win the division. And you were a tank top in January.

Speaker 1 (35:28):
You can move down a couple of spots and get
a tackle. If somebody wants to don't have a second
round pick.

Speaker 3 (35:33):
They don't because of the Rogers train.

Speaker 1 (35:34):
Move down five picks.

Speaker 3 (35:36):
Take Dell third round, Pooka Nikola fifth thrown.

Speaker 1 (35:38):
You can plenty receivers. Yeah, yeah. Tomorrows headlines today, Kay,
JJ McCarthy's flying up the board. I don't get it.
I want to see him go to Minnesota. What say you?

Speaker 4 (35:49):
I don't think anybody talks about McCarthy as much as
this show does. We love JJ McCarthy, big fans. The
headline for the draft will be JJ to JJ, McCarthy
to Jefferson, can't wait to That's.

Speaker 1 (36:00):
The place I hope it makes sense.

Speaker 4 (36:02):
I don't think they're gonna have to trade up for him.
I think this is total smoke screen season. Oh, third, fourth, fifth,
I don't think any of that happens. And there's a
quote from earlier today. I think it was the Patriots
or the Giants. Somebody was speaking and saying like, well,
it doesn't seem like anybody's ready to trade up, and it's.

Speaker 3 (36:19):
I think it's just too much smoke for McCarthy. I'm
not buying it.

Speaker 4 (36:23):
I think he is the fourth quarterback off the board,
and I think he goes to the Vikings.

Speaker 1 (36:26):
Who would hit a home run. So it's interesting. So
I'm reading a bunch of draft stuff right over the
last month or two, and one of the things about
JJ McCarthy is, and it sounds a little like Kirk Cousins.
Excellent game manager, not a great arm, accurate thrower. And
I'm like, if he was Kirk Cousins with better mobility

and much cheaper, wouldn't you take that?

Speaker 6 (36:51):
I mean that the.

Speaker 1 (36:51):
Knock on Cousins is you're not moved much. This kid does,
and he's really expensive. So my thing is, if you
lower the ceiling with JJ and just say listen, he's
gonna be Cousins with better movement and for four years
we're not paying him anything. Well, then all of a sudden,
Kirk Cousins has another top corner and another slot receiver.

So that's my thing. It's not that I don't like him. There,
context is everything. I do think when I read his
draft profile, a lot of it sounds like Cousins without
the without the price ten And.

Speaker 4 (37:23):
Let's remember Cousins was a mid round pick, like Dak
mid round pick.

Speaker 1 (37:28):
He moves better than he does, move better than Kirk.
He dies, sure, he moved.

Speaker 3 (37:31):
Better than Kirk Cousins Wonerful. He's great athlete.

Speaker 4 (37:32):
I just think the price point is everything, and I'm
not trading up for the fourth best quarterback in the draft.
So I think they land the Viking stand pot and
the Vikings are in good shape if they got JJ McCarthy.

Speaker 1 (37:41):
Finally, Tomorrow's headlines today. We had him on earlier today.
Michael Pennix, junior NFL Draft.

Speaker 4 (37:48):
Yeah, opinions vary on him, like, we like him a lot,
but Daniel Jeremiah others had him falling at him perfectly.

Speaker 1 (37:56):
It's so much fun. He throws the prettiest ball in
the draft. And I'm trying to think of another quarterback
that threw a ball like this.

Speaker 3 (38:03):
You're guy Kyler Murray. Maybe I don't know.

Speaker 1 (38:05):
Yeah, I mean just it's beautiful to watch.

Speaker 4 (38:07):
Yeah, and even Schrager I think, had Pennix falling out
of the first round.

Speaker 3 (38:11):
I'm sorry, guys, I'm not buying it.

Speaker 4 (38:12):
The headline will be Pennick ziling new quarterback, a shot
of the arm for Dolphins. I'm sticking with it. I've
been riding this. I like what they did with the
do rag there. They make a Dolphin Insignia. I just
I don't see why Miami A has it signed to
it to the lucrative extension that he's been looking for,
and b why they would pass up on Penix. You

can now have two lefty quarterbacks in your system. When
you're structured offensively for a lefty quarterback, I think this
makes all the sense in the world. Seattle does as well,
and maybe they they grab him, But.

Speaker 3 (38:45):
I don't know, Colin.

Speaker 4 (38:46):
If the Dolphins get Pennix, I would be very like
you were worried if you're a.

Speaker 3 (38:49):
Jets fan they got Pennix.

Speaker 4 (38:51):
Pennix carried Washington to the Natty. He was You can
bash the Michigan game. Go look at the Texas tape.

Speaker 3 (38:58):
I mean from the jump he's making every.

Speaker 1 (39:00):
Single I saw him beat Oregon twice. Yeah, and he
was and Bnix is good. He was the man. So yeah.

Speaker 3 (39:09):
I mean, I don't I like Knicks, but I'm sorry
if you give a me THEA.

Speaker 1 (39:13):
I think Nicks with Courtland Sutton, with mems Wish, Sean
Payton with that top eight offensive line all of a sudden,
that's interesting.

Speaker 4 (39:22):
But if you're Denver, do you think you could get
him in late in the second round.

Speaker 1 (39:26):
You gotta be careful because who drafts right after the
Raiders or right after the Broncos the Raiders.

Speaker 3 (39:32):
That's fair.

Speaker 1 (39:33):
So my take is you're probably overdrafting Knicks. But not
only are you getting a guy that looks to fit
Peyton's system, you're keeping him away from the Raiders.

Speaker 4 (39:44):
Sometimes if a quarterback falls to like that range, like
eleven through fifteen, it's like the second or third quarterback.

Speaker 3 (39:49):
Now you're looking at the fourth or fifth maybe.

Speaker 1 (39:51):
Well, it is a left tackle quarterback draft, so I
can live with that. I gotta tell you, the only
one of these guys that wasn't consistently good in college
is May. But he arguably has the best traits in
term of size. He looks like Herbert, He's a big Tradon.

Speaker 3 (40:06):
Daniels was awfu, but he's here.

Speaker 1 (40:08):
But he no I'm talking body type. Oh wow, Okay,
Nix is kind of small, Jad and Daniels spindily. I mean,
Caleb's only six feet one. I mean you start looking
at the The one guy that's the best in the
hotel lobby is Drake May six four two twenty five.
He's the best in the hotel lobby, but he's the
only one that wasn't consistent in college. So it's like,

I mean he, I mean, Jade and Daniels numbers are huge,
Boone Nicks unbelievable.

Speaker 4 (40:34):
Can be inflated by the offense and the opponents. And
I don't just remember justin Herbert Josh Allen did not
have massive numbers throwing the football in college.

Speaker 3 (40:43):
They did, and they come in.

Speaker 4 (40:45):
And it's like, oh, real NFL offense creative.

Speaker 1 (40:49):
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (40:51):
I like Pennix a lot, everything, Like just listening to him.

Speaker 3 (40:55):
Sounds like a leader.

Speaker 4 (40:56):
You don't have to any remember the line from what
I think it was Mangini, I don't want to go
to bet and I'd having to worry about getting a.

Speaker 1 (41:01):
Call at So he came on the show and he
just said he like he goes I ran in high school.
I like distribute in the ball. I like to get
it to my guys. Yeah that's what I want, and
he'd in he you know, I didn't see his high
school tape. I noticed him in Indiana watching Big ten football.
I was like, oh, because there's not many lefty quarterbacks
and there's not a lot of lefties that look like that.
Mark Brunell was a great one, Steve Young was a

great one. There's just not a lot of lefty quarterbacks.
You got to kind of flip your offensive line. So
this slighting good job.

Speaker 3 (41:29):
I mean, we didn't talk about it.

Speaker 4 (41:31):
We don't love the Chiefs, well I don't, but their
situation now at the end of the first round is
real fascinating with Rashi Rice with that situation unfolding.

Speaker 1 (41:38):
Well, they need a receiver anyway, so I don't think
they have to. I would argue with Kansas City if
Brett Veach moved out of the first if somebody would
do it and accumulate another third round pick. I think
they have to because they've missed on some receivers. They
haven't missed on many players, they've missed on some receivers.
I mean the Niners have missed on a couple of
receivers and running backs. It happens. Yeah, I would draft

more than one receiver. A Rice is going to come
back and play.

Speaker 6 (42:02):
He will.

Speaker 1 (42:03):
He's good, but it did show you a glimpse of
his immaturity. So he's not You're probably not giving him
the bag. He's probably going to be a serviceable guy.
Very nice player in Travis Kelsey. So I if I
was in Kansas, I don't have a problem with teams
moving out of the late first. I mean the Rams
are at nineteen. If they moved to the second and
then got a third and a fourth, and once you

get past like the seventeenth pick, sixteenth pick, you're out
of the Like the high high end guys you get
to nineteen twenty, those are second round payer players for
late first. It's the same guy to me, We're done,
I'll see you tomorrow. I'm committed.
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