All Episodes

April 22, 2024 35 mins

NFL Network inside Tom Pelissero joins the show with breaking news: the Jets are trading QB Zach Wilson to the Broncos

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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Speaker 2 (00:21):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:26):
All right, here we go. It's our word number three
live in La. It's The Herd Monday Show is flying by.
Atriots want to move out of the number three spot
in the draft, Vikings giants. My hunch moving up to
get a quarterback. Now. I was saying this during the break.
That's one thing to get into a bidding war for

the second best home in a neighborhood who you may
think fit your family better and is the best house
Drake May. It's another thing to get into a bidding
war for the fourth best home in a neighborhood where
nobody thinks it's number one. Minnesota's quarterback coach was Drake
May's high school coach. They may really believe that size
bigger than Caleb arm unbelievable moves like Herbert. He's just raw.

So there's a difference Minnesota. I could see getting into
a bidding war and saying, well, Washington takes Jayden, we're
getting the best quarterback for our offense in the league.
Caleb wouldn't be because Caleb tends to be a guy
that'll move out of some place ad lib out a plate.
Drake May won't. So there's a big difference between getting
into a bidding war for what you perceive as one

A and four.

Speaker 3 (01:39):
The house analogy is great. So when you told me
when we were moving out here, yeah, you had told
me a certain town that was good, and my wife
identified this place. We got to go rent this place,
and they kind of were locked into somebody. My wife said,
let's just overpay. Let's overpay and get it. It's a
perfect backyard. We overpaid and we got it. So if
they love Drake May and he's there, maybe you overpay
and worry about the retord.

Speaker 1 (02:00):
And remember the key to Minnesota is they have a
star back, tight end to receivers, great left tackle. This
is an offense that doesn't need a spectacular playmaking quarterback.
Like McVeigh doesn't want that either. He went golf to Stafford.
Mc shanahan doesn't want you running out of his play.
Either does McVeigh. Either does Kevin O'Connell. Viewed as the

tall McVeigh, You know, once you're running a round, Caleb
tends to be just naturally a playmaker. Drake May would
rather sit in the pocket and make throws. So the
Vikings may look at him and say, he's actually he's
not as gifted, we don't think as Caleb, but he's
a better fit for us. You ever notice how many
people in this league offensive coaches like Kirk Cousins accurate

runs the play. How small Aaron Rodgers market was at
the end prickly does his own thing, blows off coaches.
So I'm Minnesota looks at this, I could. My question
moving up for them was always you're getting the number
four quarterback Drake May for Minnesota. Let me tell you something.
You will be right on this. If Drake May goes

to Minnesota, he's gonna succeed. That is, I'm trying to
think of the last time a college quarterback came out.
I can't even identify the last time a college quarterback
came out. Maybe it's Brock Purty where you had a
elite left tackle, an elite back the best receiver in
the league, a great number two and offensive coach. It

may be Brock Purty.

Speaker 3 (03:29):
Well, the dead last pick of the draft, but Bud.

Speaker 1 (03:33):
Every single box was checked. Left tackle, star receiver, playmaker,
offensive coach. This Minnesota is a younger San Francisco.

Speaker 3 (03:43):
Well, Justin Herbert came in and they had Mike Williams
of Keenan Allen, right, like.

Speaker 1 (03:47):
Mike Williams can't stay healthy at the time, they had
never No, no, it's a different argument. I'm saying day
one in the league. Yeah, they were a disaster on
the offensive line, a disaster.

Speaker 4 (03:58):

Speaker 3 (03:58):
He did take a lot of Saxon and.

Speaker 1 (04:00):
They didn't have proceeded as an elite offensive coach. Minnesota
is San Francisco for Brock Purty, but Drake Mays bigger, stronger,
and more talented. Like, so, if Drake May goes to
Minnesota succeed, it's gonna work. He's gonna work. You're gonna
have in that division, Drake May, Jordan Love, Jared Goff,
Caleb Williams, you talk about it. That's something loud.

Speaker 2 (04:23):
Be sure to catch live editions of the Herd weekdays
in Neon Eastern non Am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio
FS one and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (04:31):
Well, he's covered the NFL for over two decades. Sirius
XM host NFL Network reporter insider's name is Tom Pelisero.
Have the pleasure of bringing him on a handful of
times a year. So this is a very exciting time
for you. Draft is in Detroit. It's been such a
hit by the league moving it around city to city
to city, especially these northern tier cities cold weather that
feel forgotten in the winter, and you bring in the

draft that it's unbelievable. So that'll be great for Michigan's
economy and Detroit and all that stuff. So we say,
but there are certain drafts. This will be the highest
rated draft for a couple of reasons. A lot of
quarterbacks the league's never been more popular, and a couple
of star quarterbacks like Caleb Williams, so there's some real
star power. And also New York's drafting high, the Boston market, Chicago.

It's gonna be a home run. Do you foresee all
your sources we hear today there's a report New England's
taken calls, which I don't think is a terrible idea.
Do you think this is a big mover shaker draft
or we're all hyped up and it'll be teams staying
in their slots.

Speaker 4 (05:36):
Well, it's certain by saying I don't think that New
England listening to calls is a new development. They've been
listening for a couple of months now. But when you're
sitting at three and you don't have clarity about what's
going to happen on number two, there's every reason to
think that the Patriots, barring the type of offer that
they can refuse, are gonna wait and take this all
the way until they're on the clock. You got Caleb Williams,

who is I would say, barring some type of act
of God, locked in with the Bears at number one.
There certainly are a lot of signs pointing toward Jayden
Daniels going to Washington at number two, though not one
hundred percent. Got seventy two hours or so before this
draft here. If those two fall like that, New England
will be in the spot where they can stand at
number three. Take Drake may or maybe JJ McCarthy, or

see whether or not the Giants, the Vikings or some
wild card team is willing to up their offer, which
to this point the Patriots haven't gotten that type of offer,
is my understanding. There absolutely have been conversations. Those have
been going on for weeks, but your best leverage might
not come until you're on the clock on Thursday night
if you're New England. Elliot Wolf as the new scouting

director there. He's been with the Patriots organization a couple
of years, the son of Ron Wolf. He's been in
the league a long time. He knows how to do trades.
You got your odd mails, a new head coach, the Crafts,
of course are going to be involved in that decision
as well. You got to weigh this out. You don't
anticipate drafting number three overall again for a very long time.
If things go well here, you better be very sure

you're getting the right guy or else getting the type
of offer that makes a lot of sense, and still
have that opportunity to get somebody else to supplement that position.

Speaker 1 (07:09):
We started talking about this, Tom, it just kind of
popped into our head. So look at how many of
the best quarterbacks in the NFL. We're kind of unfinished
in college. Mahomes, Alan Lamar Jordan love most of these
kids go to a big powerhouse school, not a lot
of heavy lifting. JJ McCarthy or you know, they come

out pretty clean. You know what they are, you know
what they're not. But Alan was raw, Mahomes was raw,
Jordan Love had a bad last year. And I look
at this draft and I think, oh, that's Drake May.
The traits are off the charts. I mean mahomes arm,
I mean Lamar Jackson's twitchiness, Josh Allen size. But you

have to sort of buy into what Drake May. We
can clean him up. Offensive coaches like like Kevin O'Connell,
I think he loves that challenge. But I look at
Drake Man, I think are we overlooking him and beating
him up because he's just not a finished product? In

a draft that keeps rewarding us with unfinished products.

Speaker 4 (08:21):
Well there's also a line of those unfinished products that
haven't worked out. I mean Trey Lance to this point
in his career, obviously he's not even on the forty
nine ers anymore. Zach Wilson, I think people thought was
a little bit closer but still had work to do.
Obviously to this point that hasn't worked out. I mean,
everything's a gamble in the draft. And that's part of
the challenge of this is, you know what's really unique

about this draft. And I had a bunch of scouts
make this point to me when I was doing my
annual quarterback rankings for NFL dot Com, is that there's six,
maybe even seven guys if you throw in Spencer Ratlers.
Some people have him a little bit closer to that
top group, some have him about Michael Pennis. But there's
six or seven guys who you look at who could
be starters in the NFL, and they're all different. They're

all good dudes in terms of you think you can
work with him. There's not a guy that you're worried about,
Like you can make a case for a lot of
different guys being able to be starters in the NFL.
Jade Daniels versus Drake May, I've heard that on both sides.
I think it's leaned a little bit more. If you're
taking a cross section of all the teams, there's a
few more people who would vote for Jayden Daniels as

the number two quarterback, but Drake certainly has some big
fans as well. With Daniels, you know, he's outside of
Caleb Williams, the most talented passer in the draft, had
a lot of productivity the last couple of years obviously
at LSU, but he's a smaller guy who were narrowly framed.
He has put on weight, but there's concern about just
the hilacious hits that he takes whether that play style
is going to hold up at the next level. With Drake,

you're right, he's you know, six three in change, he's
two twenty. Big guys, got a pretty big arm. The
concerns on him one, he's not really naturally accurate. A
lot of coaches bring that up that you see him
miss a lot of rose and so to your point,
you're gonna have some cleanup to do. Well, if you're
doing that cleanup and you're coming from that North Carolina
offense that is so dumbed down and simplistic, this is

a guy that you want to sit for a while.
I had a head coach, tell me somebody who's got
a really good tracker with quarterbacks. Drake May is Jordan
Love where the tools are there, But you got to
sit him for two three years. Ideally, we all know
that's not the reality in the NFL, as all these
first round picks go out there unless you're in that
type of a development situation in Green Bay. And if

you're Washington and you want to make the case for
taking Drake May over Jayden Daniels, you better have everybody
on board, which in Washington is a lot of people,
from Josh Harris to Bob Myers to Magic Johnson, obviously
Adam Peters and dan Quinn Cliff Kingsburg. You better have
a plan in place because what you don't want to
do is force a guy out there before he's ready,

because we've seen so many instances through the years where
that really is harmful to a guy's long term development.

Speaker 1 (10:59):
So Dak went fourth round, Russell Wilson third, Brock Purty
last guy taken, Kirk Cousins fourth, Brady the Goat, Joe
Montana third. We know this, a majority of quarterbacks go
first round that are great, but increasingly all these kids
in the last decade have ten thousand throws by the
time they're fourteen. It's a cottage industry quarterback coaching. So

there's a kid at Tulane, Michael Pratt, and you know
I saw him play. He was against USC a couple
of years ago. Clearly talented. We're not talking third, fourth, fifth.
I mean a lot of people have him like mid second.
What do we know about this kid? Because we have
a history here in the last decade, somebody's gonna pop

that's not in the first round.

Speaker 4 (11:47):
I'm glad you brought up that name, cal because we
actually have I did a short documentary on Michael Pratt.
It's gonna air tomorrow night on NFL three sixty on
NFL Network, eight o'clock Eastern time. Pratt has overcome unbelief
eievable hardship in his personal life, personal tragedy. His best
friend in high school, guy named Bryce Gouty, who was

a top recruit, was going to Georgia Tech on scholarship,
and right before they were about to both leave an
early en role at their schools, Bryce Gouty committed suicide
last year, you know, and Pratt has honored Goudy with
a tattoo. He wears his number. He's been you know,
that's been a big part of his driving force. Last year,

during the summer, Pratt also lost his brother, who had
been his biggest fan. If you ever saw a big
guy after some of those big games, lifting Pratt up
into the front row. That was his brother, he also
passed away. And when you talk to people about Michael Pratt,
it's not even so much the player. You're right. I mean,
he's done something. I mean he elevated that two lane program,
But it's about this guy, the way that he brings
people together. You know, is he a starter? Is he

a solid starter in the league. That's ambitious for some
of the scouts and coaches, but certainly this is guy
who's going to be in the NFL for the next
decade plus. As a person, he's unbelievable, And you're right,
this could be the next guy after that initial wave
of six or seven players. One of the fascinating things
about this draft is, and this is a function of nil.

Once you get passed those six or seven, if you
include Rattler and then Pratt, there's really nobody else that
I can sit here and tell you we're going to
get drafted. Joe Milton probably does just because he's got
a howitzer and throw the ball the length of the field.
Somebody's going to take on that project in the late rounds.
But you might only have nine or so guys get
drafted at all. So if you want one. We got
more teams that have a quarterback need than there are

guys who are going to go in the first round.
That has a tendency to push players up. I wouldn't
be surprised if we saw Rattler in the second round,
and I wouldn't be surprised if Michael Pratt also comes
off the board by the end of the day two.

Speaker 1 (13:45):
Yeah, I'm more Pratt. I think Rattler was a little
inconsistent for me, but again, I saw him play at Oklahoma,
and so I saw him in big games and Rattler
South Carolina and Oklahoma. Isn't that where he played South
Carolina and Oklahoma? Yeah? Yeah, So I saw him in
big games against really good teams, and that worried me.

Whereas Tulane. You know, I think the stuff's all fascinating.
I think all these guys are interesting, and I think
a lot of it's where they land. Caleb's going, Oh,
go ahead, what were you gonna say, Tom?

Speaker 4 (14:16):
You want a little breaking we want a little breaking news.

Speaker 1 (14:19):
What happened?

Speaker 4 (14:19):
Yeah, please get to just traded Zach Wilson to the Broncos.
They are going to send a twenty twenty four sixth
round pick for Wilson and a twenty twenty four seventh rounder.
Teams are going to divide up his bonus. So Denver,
three days out from the NFL Draft, is a new quarterback.
It is Zach Wilson headed to the Broncos.

Speaker 1 (14:38):
Cap I thought Arizona. He comes west to Denver, which
is by Utah where he's from, closer to family. So
basically a offensive coach, Sean Payton. Offensive coaches tend to
think this, I can save somebody. Isn't that You get
a lot of that with offensive coaches. I mean even
Mike McCarthy, I can save Trey Land. What does that

feel like to you? Does that feel like they don't
need a quarterback?

Speaker 3 (15:05):

Speaker 4 (15:08):
This is a really interesting one too, because remember Zach
Wilson played a BYU, he's from out there. He obviously
didn't work out for him in New York. So you
get him back home, you get him for virtually nothing
in terms of a late round pick swap. The Jets
are paying I don't know the exact numbers, but they're
paying a significant amount of his training camp roster bonus too.
So this is a low risk flier on a guy

who a few years ago. I mean, I had many
coaches make the case to me that Zach Wilson's take
was better than Trevor Lawrence, and Zach Wilson could have
been the number one pick in that draft. Again, a
lot of things have taken place since then, and it
has not necessarily gone, you know, Zack Wilson's way. We
have seen flashes of Zach Wilson in the first six
games last year the Jets, I think they're three and three.

He played pretty good, not perfect, not you know, superstar level,
but he played well enough, and then it went completely
sideways on him again with Sean Payton. He's gonna lock
in on here with Zach Wilson, is getting Zach to
do exactly what he tells him to do.

Speaker 1 (16:05):

Speaker 4 (16:06):
Play in the system, play to your strengths. We're gonna
put playmakers around you. Just basically break him down to
the most simplistic level. Because Zach Wilson can make all
the amazing plays. It's like Robert Sala said at one point,
He's got to make the layups consistently. Yeah, well, your
mechanics are constantly everything's off balance, everything's off one foot

fading away. You'll lose some of those easy plays. If
anybody can get the most out of Zach Wilson, it's
gonna be Sean Payton. I can tell you this column.
That tweet's been sitting in my drafts for like a month.
So glad I had that ready to go and I
got the text live on your show. Five Now off
the table. A quarterback Draft week trade is done broken
live here on the hurt. How about that?

Speaker 1 (16:47):
Look at that? As I sit behind my gigantic organ
ready to play. Take me out to the ball game.
As everybody knows.

Speaker 4 (16:53):
But I think every time that I'm watching you, I
just want to hear about some Christmas carols.

Speaker 1 (17:02):
Tom. It's great seeing you as always. He airs two
lane quarterback Michael Pratt airs tomorrow eight Eastern NFL Network.
This is considered like the second round quarterback. Who I
don't know why, I'll just throw this name out here.
This makes no sense, Jay McK you'll know this. When
I looked at Pratt play, you know what I thought,
Ken O'Brien, I'm just telling you that's what I saw

first time I saw him play. I thought I have
gray hair. I'm old. I play in Oregon, of course,
I'd think Ken O'Brien, but that's just the point when
I saw him, that's what I thought. Proud of it,
all right, Tom, thank you? All right. Zach Wilson, how
about that? Also? Pratt was at Tulane for four years.
You know, I like that went through hardships in his

personal life. Somebody stays, they commit to a school, Zach.
I thought Zach would go to Arizona because it's by Utah,
get him back to his family. He goes to Denver,
that's pretty close to Utah. So he goes back west
where he's comfortable, where he went to high school in college,
and then you know, my take is they don't have

to move up for a quarterback. Okay, if one falls
to them Denver. Now my guess is Denver doing this.
We're gonna move back. The Broncos are saying we're gonna
move back for a quarterback. We need players. We're at twelve,
let's move to seventeen. We may still get Bowen Pennix.
But if we don't, we're taken care of with Stidham

and Zach Wilson.

Speaker 3 (18:27):
Okay, Ben Gucci Denucci also listed on the depth chart.
Did you hear what he said, I had that in
my drafts for a month. So I went to look
at his tweet. There's no way he could have written
all that while doing the interview. So you're telling me
he knew this was happening for ah.

Speaker 4 (18:42):

Speaker 1 (18:43):
Pilasaro's no Ham and Eggar. He've been doing this for
twenty years. He's got information that he can't put out yet.

Speaker 3 (18:48):
So wait, the Broncos and the Jets have known this
deal was gonna happen for a month.

Speaker 1 (18:51):
While they've been discussing it for a lot of things.

Speaker 3 (18:54):
That's insane.

Speaker 1 (18:55):
Well, I mean, what do you think these guys make
a deal in fifteen minutes? This stuff gets I mean, basically,
what Sean Payton is saying, I need a franchise quarterback.
I probably want to draft bow Nicks or Michael Pennix,
and both have enough college starts they're ready to play.

Speaker 3 (19:12):
Okay, So what does it say that he's had this
in his draft for months? In regard to the Broncos
deal was happening.

Speaker 1 (19:18):
Sean Payton's looked at the video of both okay, and
his take is it would be a reach by Denver
at twelve to get bow Nicks or Pennick. Okay, if
we can move back to eighteen nineteen, a spot ahead
of the Rams, because people are concerned the Rams are
gonna take one of those guys because of Stafford's age.
So if we can move down six or seven spots,

get additional picks, which we need in a division with
Harbaugh Reed Herbert Malmes, and get them. Great if we
If we move back, it tells me Denver's moving back
in the draft.

Speaker 3 (19:49):
Not up well, they also moved up with that late
round pick eight up fifty nine.

Speaker 1 (19:52):
I think Denver now is moving back. That's what it signals,
and not a ton five spots get another second or
third round pick, hopefully land a Bonnicks or Appennix. I
gotta tell you something, It would not shock me if
Denver moved back, got picks and they've made their mind up.
I think the Tulane kid is the player. Tulane kid

Michael Pratt has a lot of brock perty won, a
lot of games, highly productive, same program. I mean again,
at he may see no gap between Bonicks and Pratt.
He may be it's inches. He sees a gap between
Jaden and Caliber drake manon Bonnicks, But Denver Ney's players
hold on.

Speaker 3 (20:35):
Sam Hartman put up massive starts stats. Come on, if
you're going by that, Pratt's a better pros than Clearly
everybody likes Pratt more. I just don't see why.

Speaker 1 (20:47):
I think my Ken O'Brien comp may rock the world
audience has That's why I saw him play. I thought
Ken O'Brien, that's what he reminds me of.

Speaker 3 (20:57):
So Zach Wilson heads west back to maybe more comfortable
surround Denver.

Speaker 1 (21:01):
The moves back in the draft, gets more picks and
has their eye on Rattler or Michael Pratt. Remember Rattler
was a the number one high school quarterback in the country.
He's a little loose for me. He's a little Drew
Lock Jay Cutler for me, but he's got town.

Speaker 3 (21:16):
I was bullish on him going to South Carolina, and
did you see what happened there? Like nothing?

Speaker 1 (21:20):
No much again, Rattler, you know how you know how
I am.

Speaker 3 (21:23):
He beat up Caleb Williams and then he didn't well,
he was supposed to be that next Heisman winner.

Speaker 1 (21:28):
Remember Rattler, He's not who starts the season he finished.
Ratler is a little Drew Lock j Cutler, a little
loose for my taste, little loose.

Speaker 3 (21:36):
A little Zach Wilson for my taste.

Speaker 1 (21:38):
So okay, here's my here's my big guess. Denver goes back,
not a ton, but they go back five or six spots.
Now because of this move, I still think they want
a quarterback. But it's telling you that Sean Payton has
looked at it. Seawan's like, guys, we can't afford to
move up for the top three. I guarantee if Sean
knows that Nick's four or five and his take is

I'm not taking the fifth best quarterback at twelve, I'll
take him at eighteen and get a third round pick,
then the value proposition changes. But I bet you Sean
Payton is looking at that two lane kid, because the
two lane kids a lot like bo Nicks. You draw
it up. He makes this rose, he sits in the pocket,
he's got some brock party stayed there, a lot of starts,

grown up, dealt with some personal stuff. This kid's an adult.

Speaker 3 (22:24):
How about this. I know you want to lock up
the fifth year right for the quarterback by getting him
in the first round. Would they trade back to say
Kansas City spot? I know in the division would Kansas
City move up saying, Rashi Rice, he get a full season,
we need to go get a receiver.

Speaker 1 (22:39):
Yeah, but there's a huge drop off between neighbors a
Dunze and Harrison and the fourth receiver got Thomas the LSU. No,
when you're not the best receiver in your college team,
you're not going to be Randy Moss. I'm not moving
up eight spots for a guy who's the second best
receiver in college. Think about how good O'hio States receiving

recruiting has been for five years with Brian Hartline. Right now,
Ohio State gets the best receivers in the country. Harrison
is significantly better than their number two and their number
two's are going to the first round. So you're telling
me this, Brian Thomas got wait, not nearly neighbors. Okay,
I can wait on that. Fuck. I mean, Ohio State

has only five star receivers. Harrison is significantly better than
their second best receiving. That is a that's a transcendent.
That's a game changer. By the way, you see USC
spring game this weekend with no Kayleb Williams.

Speaker 3 (23:38):
They tell me you want to talk about that during
the show like four.

Speaker 1 (23:40):
Picks or something. I watched the first half got so
discouraged I took a nap.

Speaker 3 (23:44):
I thought you would just tear up the rest of
the show and just do Zach Wilson's stuff. You know,
we pay believable the Mormon Mahomes that runs over in
New York.

Speaker 1 (23:51):
All right, we break It's the Herd.

Speaker 2 (23:53):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Herd weekdays
and noon eastern non a Empacific on Fox Sports Radio
one and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (24:03):
Hey, what's up, everybody?

Speaker 5 (24:04):
It's me three time pro bowler LeVar Arrington, and I
couldn't be more excited to announce a podcast called Up
on Game?

Speaker 1 (24:11):
What is Up on Game? You ass along with my
fellow pro bowler TJ.

Speaker 5 (24:15):
Huschman Zada and Super Bowl champion Yup, that's right, Plexico Burrus.

Speaker 1 (24:20):
You can only name a show with that type of
talent on it.

Speaker 5 (24:23):
Up on Game We're going to be sharing our real
life experiences loaded with teachable moments. Listen to Up on
Game with Me, LeVar Arrington, TJ. Hutschman, Zada, and Plexico
Burrs on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you
get your podcast from.

Speaker 1 (24:44):
Zach Wilson Jets to the Denver Bronco. Sean Payton has
another quarterback. They need more picks. Will they move up?
Will they move back? I would choose the latter. Here's
j Mack with the news.

Speaker 2 (24:56):
Turns this is the Herdline News.

Speaker 3 (25:00):
So I'm thinking to tomorrow's show. Do you think we'll
open with Zach Wilson over the Lakers?

Speaker 1 (25:05):
Like, just think we'll open tomorrow's show with Lakers losing
an overtime to Denver. Stop and then we'll go to
the NFL Draft for a long time.

Speaker 3 (25:13):
So I'm just telling you there is like a Zach
Wilson montage to be made of just bad plays with
the Jets being a colossal buss me even saying Mormon Mahomes,
it's over though, the tenure is over. He's out the door,
by the way. Makai Beckton, do you wh he is
right now?

Speaker 1 (25:28):
Yeah? Makai Beckton got picked up by Cincinnati.

Speaker 3 (25:31):
I yeah, he's basically not playing football at the moment,
and he's not projected to be a starter anywhere. Joe Douglas,
I know he's hit on a lot of draft picks,
but the two biggest ones yeah, were massive whiffs. This
is a breakup break here for GM coach. All right,
let's move on. First story, USC spring game over the weekend.
Cowhard must talk about this. I'm surprised you were not

in the front row, Colin.

Speaker 1 (25:53):
Why watch the entire first half and was dejected. Now
I like the fact they actually have a defense. But my,
oh boy.

Speaker 3 (26:01):
So all three quarterbacks for USC and the post Kayleb
Williams era combined for four interceptions, two from the presume
starter Miller Moss. I knew was last seen lighting up
some bullgame that was completely irrelevant. Remember when you had that,
you were like six touchdowns for Miller Moss Louisville.

Speaker 1 (26:17):
Yeah, yeah, this was you know what, you gotta be positive.
Oh really, okay, look at this defense, finally having a defense.
I will say I will say that, having watched USC's
defense stink for seemingly forever, if you told me this
year USC's defense was better than the offense, I would

take it, because their defense has been just ridiculous for years.
And when Pete Carroll was here, you just knew the
defense was playmaking and you know it was just difficult,
destructive to an offense. They just don't. I'm like, I'm okay.
I came out of this. My first take was, well,
this offense not gonna be the same offense without Kayleb.

My second take was, let's be positive. How about these dbs.
I can play with anything.

Speaker 3 (27:05):
How about those dvs on USC? Colhart. I like the
positive atmosphere, but this is maybe a seven win team
next year? Uh six seven?

Speaker 1 (27:15):
Well to schedule once again, USC willing to play all comers.
It's a tough schedule. Okay. We talked SU and Michigan
first two games.

Speaker 3 (27:23):
We could just put the twenty twenty four season the
rest of right now, We'll not talk about them on.

Speaker 1 (27:27):
The show Nicked up the Caves.

Speaker 3 (27:28):
How about in the NBA listen, I said I would
not trade uh Trey Young for Austin Reeves. Donovan Mitchell,
that's the guy the Lakers need to target. He was
phenomenal in their game one game. I know it's against Orlando.
He had thirty points. But I'm just saying, both ends
of the floor, man, he was showing out looks like
he's saying, hey, Lebron, come get me.

Speaker 2 (27:46):
I mean, nobody can.

Speaker 3 (27:47):
Get his moves. Man. It's spicy.

Speaker 1 (27:49):
So this was the one game I did not watch.
I was throwing some weights around.

Speaker 3 (27:53):
Yeah, oh, you were throwing weights around. I was hurt.
Was Mary's watching this game?

Speaker 1 (27:57):
Yeah? Well, I you know, I don't. I didn't get
a seat. This was the one playoff game I did
not see, but I heard Donovan was great.

Speaker 3 (28:03):
It's on NBA TV Game two tonight. I'm pretty sure tonight.
Listen man Evan Ingram. By the way, Evan Mobley played
great defense. I'm just Cleveland is a bit of a sleeper.
I don't know if they'll push Boston at all.

Speaker 1 (28:17):
You know, it's interesting. So all these hot teams went
into the playoffs. Dallas, Phoenix, Philly got rolled. The team
that was struggling, Cleveland comes in and wins because they sensed, hey,
we got to get it together, we got to play
with emergency. So a team that was struggling, by the way,
Milwaukee was a team that was scrapping, they come in
and played brilliant. Yes, isn't it funny how the teams.

Speaker 3 (28:35):
This happens in the NFL too. Remember Joe Flacco comes
and the Browns are hot and fun and they get
their doors blown off by C. J. Stroud By like
sixty remember that. Like, let's you're right, let's not read
too much into late season stuff.

Speaker 1 (28:47):
In the NA a third of the teams are tanking
and a third of the teams are literally resting starters
for the playoffs.

Speaker 2 (28:53):
Yeah, Kat's looking good.

Speaker 3 (28:54):
Orlando is out of their depth. Finally, Knicks Sixers.

Speaker 1 (28:58):
This is fun.

Speaker 3 (28:59):
Okay, So the Knicks have celebrity row. You're watching Jason Bateman,
here's a guy from Snlight. Obviously, but Kelly Oubrey of
the Sixers is really fired up, and he said the
Knicks are giving away one hundred thousand dollars free tickets
just to be there, and the celebrities don't care about

the game. Well, Ben Stiller, who you know pretty well,
Ben Stiller, great actor, had this comeback. Oh, I think
I care a lot more about the game than you thought.
I cared. Kelly Whobray pretty good. No, Ben Stiller, I
like that.

Speaker 1 (29:35):
You liked that.

Speaker 3 (29:36):
I thought that was really funny.

Speaker 1 (29:37):
You've seen Matthew Modine. Can I give you a little
Matthew Modine trivia? I wish so he was the actor
showed the video again. So when I was in college
at Eastern Washington University, the Harvard of the Police. There
was a movie shot partially on our campus. It was
in Spokane called Vision Quest. Matthew Modine, great artist. Matthew

Modine was the underdog high school wrestler. It's a great
movie called Vision Quest. Really good movie. And uh and
he wrestled. One of the guys he wrestled in the
movie was actually a wrestler at Eastern Washington. So our
college known for great academic strength and broadcasting excellence. Matthew
Modine in Spokane, my last It was one of my

last years in college. So go have you ever seen
Vision Quest? No, it's an actually the three or four
of the most underrated movies of my life, Dead Calm. What, Oh,
that's a great movie, Billy Zaye. Dead Calm is the
most underrated movie of my life. Dead Calm. Vision Quest
is another top two or three underrated movie of all time?

Speaker 3 (30:43):
Is this the most press Matthew Modine.

Speaker 1 (30:46):
He's a great artist. He's an accomplished artist.

Speaker 3 (30:48):
Where are the hot people from the front row? Where
are like the attractive women like you?

Speaker 1 (30:53):
I bet you. He's a very good looking man. I
think he's a sixty year old guy. Look if I
wish I looked like that.

Speaker 3 (30:57):
It's say so, Matthew Modine, Silver Fox, Colin Cowhard, silver Fox.

Speaker 1 (31:02):
He's a very respected actor. Certain And Envision Quest is
an awesome movie.

Speaker 3 (31:07):
And Dead Calm Kelly Whobray is gonna get booed heavily
tonight from the Garden. That's gonna be a juiced up
scene tonight. Yeah, there's nothing like the Garden.

Speaker 1 (31:15):
I will tell you this. No arena in the NBA
jumps through the television set like the Garden. I don't
even know what the hell it is.

Speaker 2 (31:22):
It just does.

Speaker 3 (31:22):
They got the lighting down, and the lighting you can
see everybody.

Speaker 1 (31:26):
Steve Sharipo was in the crowd.

Speaker 3 (31:28):
Jerry Seinfeld will be out there tonight like it's gonna be.

Speaker 1 (31:30):
I thought he's a baseball guy.

Speaker 3 (31:32):
But it's Knicks playoffs versus the Mets. Aren't the Mets
a disaster?

Speaker 1 (31:36):
No, they just beat the Dodgers, didn't they And they
won a series.

Speaker 3 (31:39):
Or one series? Come on, one hundred and sixty two games,
I guarantee the Mets will be under five hundred. The
best story in New York for sports is jaylen Brunson
in the next way better than Nils.

Speaker 1 (31:49):
Yeah, are you done. Yeah, okay. J Mack with the news.

Speaker 2 (31:56):
Well that's the news and thanks for stopping by the news.

Speaker 1 (32:01):
So, Zach Wilson is now a Denver Bronco and by
the way, Field Yates he works at the Airplace. He said,
a reminder on how difficult quarterback evaluation is. Five quarterbacks
were taken in the top fifteen picks of the twenty
twenty one draft. Four have been traded Zack Wilson, Trey Lance,
Justin Fields, Mac Jones and by the way, traded for

not much A six, a four, a six, and a six.
But I I it's weird. I look at this quarterback
class and I'm like, all of them could succeed the
one that everybody loves. JJ McCarthy, I'm not. I don't
know what to make of that.

Speaker 3 (32:40):
Who knows who's better to valuate in quarterbacks US or
the NFL? NFL teams?

Speaker 1 (32:44):
Well, I don't think anybody's perfect, be honest.

Speaker 3 (32:46):
Look, it doesn't lie. Other people have put up this
Field Yates thing. Bro twenty twenty one draft a disaster. Here,
guy's the first round going, Hey, who plays more next year?
Justin Fields or Zach Wilson, Justin Fields traded. Obviously, Zach
Wilson plays more than fields in Pittsburgh.

Speaker 1 (33:03):
Field isn't getting on the fields. Not getting on the field.

Speaker 3 (33:06):
There's another wager. We have to make another loss for you,
justin fields.

Speaker 1 (33:10):
Zach Wilson will start for the Broncos week one, well
over Stidham.

Speaker 3 (33:18):
Zack Wilson's not even in the building yet. Stidham's been there.

Speaker 1 (33:21):
They've been working on this trade for two months, according
to Tom Peliasar. Here's Tom Pellisarrow when the news broke
on our.

Speaker 4 (33:27):
Shows, traded Zach Wilson to the Broncos. They are going
to send a twenty twenty four sixth round pick for
Wilson and a twenty twenty four seventh rounder. Teams are
going to divide up his bonus. You get him for
virtually nothing in terms of a late round pick swap.
The Jets are paying I don't know the exact numbers,
but they're paying a significant amount of his training camp

roster bonus too. So this is a low risk flier
on a guy who a few years ago. I mean,
I have many coaches make the case to me that
Zack Wilson's take was better than Trevor Lawrence. If anybody
can get the most Zach Wilson, it's gonna be Sean Payton.
I can tell you this column. That tweet's been sitting
in my drafts for like a month. So glad I
had that ready to go and I got the text
live on your show. That was off the table. A

quarterback Draft week trade is done broken live here on
the Hurt.

Speaker 1 (34:15):
How about that, Tom Pellisero can actually have a tweet
in a draft. I wouldn't even know how to keep
a tweet in a draft. I wouldn't even know there
the one bro I tweet and they get out, I
twit and run I tweet out. I don't draft Twitts tweets.

Speaker 3 (34:31):
That's probably smart. Does Pelisaro need to go back to
some sources who said that Zach Wilson had better tape
than Trevor stop it. Trevor Lawd's a Clemson It was unstoppable.

Speaker 1 (34:42):
I know, but I again, I don't listen. I don't
believe in patting yourself on the back. But I will
say there was one prominent American honesty broker who didn't
buy Zach Wilson. Just one.

Speaker 3 (34:55):
Come on, I was just rooting for my team. I
never you know, you gave him a nickname five minutes
because he was going to the Jets. If he was
going to like, you know, uh Seahawks, I would who cares.
But he's going to the Jets because I got to
him fire up. By the way, we gotta do we
have time to drill deep on the Jets. What they're
going to do in the draft? Is it brock Bowers?
Is that going to be the guy?

Speaker 1 (35:15):
Tight ends in the first round? Don't do great? I
just I don't love it.

Speaker 3 (35:21):
I like him, but not in the first It's like
you like bon Knicks, but do you want to take
him fourteenth or whatever?

Speaker 1 (35:25):
No, I brought tight ends don't historically deliver. Kyle Pitts
was going to be the next big thing. I love
Kyle Pitts.

Speaker 3 (35:31):
Port went second round and like sit tight end touchdown
records with the Lions.

Speaker 1 (35:35):
Well, you always draft tight ends out of Iowa, corn
and tight ends in Iowa always because the airport in Iowa,
by the way, never been there. I've driven a bus
into Iowa. Well I have.

Speaker 3 (35:48):
He rode Greyhound.

Speaker 1 (35:49):
It was a nice bus and then we drove out
of Iowa. We'll see tomorrow,
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