All Episodes

April 26, 2024 41 mins

Colin doubles down on why he likes what the Falcons did with their first round pick

He gives his picks that he doesn't see missing in the first round


Guest: Steve Keim

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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Speaker 2 (00:22):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:25):
Here we go, hour two and a Friday draft is done.
At least the first round tonight starts at four our time.
I think at seven Detroit time. It's the Herd. Wherever
you may be and however you may be listening. Thanks
for making us part of your day. So I defended
to some degree Michael Pennix to Atlanta and Buffalo. Moving
back again, there's certain rules in this draft. I'm a

big believer, and move back if you can, unless you know.
Arizona has a receiver that's transcendent. Chicago gets a quarterback
who I think is transcend it. I think a lot
of teams. I think the Chargers try to move back
and instead I'd said we'll take Joe All best tackle
on the board. I like Harbaugh's talk that we needed weapons.
We look at offensive lineman as weapons, which I thought

was smart, But overall I thought most teams got it right.
Little questions about the tackle Cincinnati got with eight starts,
but you know they're probably saying job number one is
to keep Joe Burrow healthy, but he's a developmental player.
Didn't love that. Other than that, I'm okay with most
of it.

Speaker 3 (01:23):
Was this a blip with half the round going offensive
players to start just because it's a weaker defensive draft,
or do you see this as like a legit track going.

Speaker 1 (01:32):
Generally You get to about seventeen, eighteenth pick and you
run out of really elite players. I thought, like Jared
Verse to me was about the last like really really
special player. Now they'll be special players everywhere, but you
know a lot of gms I've talked to, you get
to about eighteen nineteen and then you find somebody with
a whole like they're a good route runner but lack speed,
or they've got the speed, they're not great route runners,

or they've had injuries before. Jared Verse to me feels
like he could walk in as a power rusher, be
a really good player opposite Young with Kobe Turner on
the inside. Let it lose. He could be a really
nice player. But you get around eighteen or nineteen, and
that's always what execs have told me, then you kind
of run out of first round talent. End of that
first That's why I defended Buffalo. End of the first

can be death valley. You're getting a second round player
and paying a first round price. Didn't love the Niners
receiver pick. It's fine receivers hard. Kansas City and San
Francisco have missed in a lot of receivers and those
are good gms.

Speaker 4 (02:26):
By the way, CJ.

Speaker 3 (02:26):
Stroud was doing a live stream and he almost fell
into tears that the Niners took Pearsol because he wanted him.
I guess he worked out with him watch State, but
he loved him as a receiver. So I just not
hooopoo the pick too.

Speaker 1 (02:38):
Much, all right? So the Jets, I said this earlier
last hour. This was a grown up move. Olu Fashanu
the Penn State tackle that didn't allow a sack. So
the number one priority for the New York Jets over
the next nine months, which is today April twenty six
until January fifth, nine months basically is to keep Aaron

Rodgers up right and healthy. Rock Bowers would not ensure
that a wide receiver would not ensure that old quarterbacks
need better offensive lines. Stafford went to the Rams with
Whitworth Super Bowl, Kirk Cousins chooses Atlanta smart call. Brady
went to the Buccaneers, who had excellent interior blockers. But

when Aaron Rodgers went to the Jets and Russell Wilson
went to Denver with battle lines did not work out.
So to me, you've got to make sure Aaron is
upright and old quarterbacks, I think need better offensive line.
There's a reason old people move to gated communities safety right,

And I think that tight end for Penn State is it.
He's the gate at Del Boca Vista of the Jets.
Old quarterbacks need to be upright and protected and not
be thinking about what's coming from my backside. And the
other thing is Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady have never
loved young receivers. They don't have the patience for it.

They want to win. Now, you already have Garrett Wilson.
There's no reason to go get another wide receiver, a
young guy. If you can have him on the depth
chartters your second, third or fourth, fine, there's tight ends.
All over this draft, but I like the pick. Here's
Robert Sala after getting an old lineman, not a star
tight end or receiver.

Speaker 5 (04:18):
You guys know me by now, O line D line.
The more the merrier. You can never have enough, you know,
from an old line perspective, to be able to protect
the quarterback, keep them operate, allow him to go through
progression so he can get it to our playmakers. And
we do feel like we've got a bevy of them
getting and improving our offensive line. And free agency and

adding to the depth and the future of the offensive
line was a big part of the discussion.

Speaker 1 (04:45):
All right. Somebody that was in ten of these war
rooms of the Arizona Cardinal probably more when he was
scouting Steve Kai, my buddy former NFLGM for the Arizona
Cardinals from twenty thirteen to twenty twenty two, Patrick Peterson,
Honey Badger, Buddha Baker Kider, Murray Kalais Campbell. So let's
start with Penix. I said earlier, I'm never gonna bag

on you for drafting another shooter in the NBA or
being quarterback heavy in the NFL. People are sort of
outraged by it, and I'm like Kirk's coming off of surgery. Right,
did it bother you?

Speaker 6 (05:20):
Not at all? I actually love the pick again, like
you just said it. Colin thirty five year old quarterback
coming off in Achilles. And to me, Michael Pennox Junior
was the best natural pure passer in this in this year.

Speaker 1 (05:32):
Told me that months ago.

Speaker 6 (05:33):
Smoothstroke, tremendous anticipation, great ball placement. I thought, again, you
can talk about the injuries all you want, which again
is forecasting. I can't forecast all those injuries, but I
can tell you right now from a pure passing standpoint,
the guy's exceptional.

Speaker 1 (05:48):
What about the money, people say, you know, I said,
my bigger issue is Dak Prescott getting three hundred eighty million,
not Kurt getting one to eighty. It's a heavily front
loaded contract. Does that mean pro Probably Listen, after a year,
I would say year one is Kirk. But what if
the Thanksgiving Kirk goes down, has a bad stretch. Would
you go with Pennix?

Speaker 6 (06:09):
Absolutely? I mean, look at the money that the Denver
is eating. With Russell Wilson. I mean, there's business decisions
that you have to make, and again, there's no better
problem to have than a young quarterback being successful.

Speaker 1 (06:20):
Yeah, so now JJ McCarthy, I didn't love him. I
think he'll work in Minnesota. The draft illustrated that there
wasn't this wild scramble to move up. Even Minnesota moved up.
There were a lot of smoke screens in this draft. Yeah, Harbaugh,
best quarterback got to go number one. That's just Jim
wanting to create urgency so he can move down in

the end. Didn't the draft tell us that more people
like Pennix than JJ McCarthy.

Speaker 6 (06:48):
I don't think there's any question. I mean, to me,
it's just showed what the real market was. And I
think that that's the thing that you know, we do
as the media, we create some of these these thought
processes when in reality, you watch the tape and the
tape tells you what a player is. You know, and
to me, again, just based on instincts in the feel
for the game, Michael Pennix Junior, as far as the
pure passing skills, was exceptional and really fits in what

the NFL is looking for. JJ McCarthy is a winner.
Though you can't you cannot hide from the fact that
he is a winner. He operates at the offense at
extreme high level. I know people talk about system quarterbacks.
To me, a system quarterback is a lot of guys
that operated at a high level. And if JJ McCarthy can
do that at this level, which he played in pro
offense in college, I think he'll have a chance to
be a good player as well.

Speaker 3 (07:28):

Speaker 1 (07:28):
I mean I went and looked at the draft previews
of JJ McCarthy several months ago. They all said at
this point game manager. Yes, none of Pennix has said that.
There were concerns about him, but he was not viewed
as a game manager. He was viewed as a great
deep ball thrower. Concerns about his underneath stuff. I always said,
I'll take a quarterback. I got to teach a drag
route too, but you can't make two. I have a

great deep ball. I can't teach that. Yeah, bow knicks
at twelve Now. I don't know what the comp is,
but I tend to think with Sean Pyton it will work.

Speaker 6 (08:02):

Speaker 1 (08:02):
What do you think on that?

Speaker 6 (08:03):
No, I think he went to the perfect place, just
like JJ McCarthy. I think he went to the perfect offense,
you know, with a great play caller. I think Sean
will put him in a position to succeed. You know,
the kid has tremendous leadership skills. He's another guy who's
a football junkie. Dad was a football coach, was also
a quarterback. I think sometimes when we get on bow
Knicks it's because some of his struggles previously at Auburn,

which I think is hard to do. Look when you
look at the second round, second pick in the draft,
Jayden Daniels, who did not play particularly well at Arizona
State oft times. So both of those guys got to
better football programs, got coached in a way where they
could improve their game and really help their stock.

Speaker 1 (08:38):
I remember this about bow Knicks. He was a freshman
at Auburn. Oregon came in with Justin Herbert and they
were favored to be Auburn, and bow Knicks as a freshman,
had the game winning drive late. Yeah, and I remember,
you know, at the time, I'm like, who's bow Knicks?
In fact, I was mad. I said, Oregon, you can't
lose to a freshman the right. So bow Knicks was

a highly did guy who, by the way, I think
there's value in transferring better program better players and flourishing
and that's what he did.

Speaker 6 (09:07):
Yeah, there's no doubt. Now I don't love the portal,
but at the same time, some of those opportunities that
we've seen, like a gaylic bow Nicks, I think it
certainly has paid off.

Speaker 1 (09:15):
People are very critical of Buffalo moving back now first
pick in the second round. They have all day and
all night to negotiate. It didn't bother me. Your take
on wide receivers their needs moving back.

Speaker 6 (09:32):
Yeah, I mean I always love the top of two anyways,
you know, because you always have that time, as you
talked about, to to really judge what's left on the board.
Sometimes there are guys that may be slipped out of
the first round that should have been first round picks,
and certainly a lot of good players. I mean, who's
to say Lad McConkie's not going to be better than
Xavier Worthy. That may he may be when it's all
said and done. But you know, I think the probably

the biggest thing that I would have to concern is,
here is a chase, a team that you're chasing in
the Bills, chasing the Chiefs, and it's almost like a
mind trick a little bit that they're trading with the
team that they're chasing, you know, and I'm not to
say not to say that the bill should have stood.
Patent took Xavier Worthy, but but you know, the Kansas
City Chiefs had already gotten Hollywood Brown, who's a very

similar player in the off season. So another speed guy,
another undersized, sort of lean, linear guy. You know. Worthy
reminds me a little bit of Seawan Jackson coming out
of cow.

Speaker 1 (10:22):
Okay, there you go. So that's your comp because to
me is a track guy that's a bit small. I
do worry sometimes if those guys can get off the
line injuries that you like Xavier or Worthy.

Speaker 6 (10:31):
Yeah, you know again, I think, you know, for for
what it's worth. You know, he's a speed guy that's
going to uncover and create big time plays down the field. Now,
the biggest difference is can he get gritty? Can he
play between the hashes? That's the real question.

Speaker 1 (10:44):
So the Bronc Bauers pick is interesting. So outside a receiver,
the number one miss first round position is tight end.
Bowers is exceptional. The Raiders needed a quarterback instead of
moving up, they went tight end. He's good, But that's
not generally a position of need.

Speaker 6 (11:03):
Or is it.

Speaker 1 (11:04):

Speaker 6 (11:05):
I think if you have a game changer, it can
be you know, particularly for a team like the Raiders,
who took the best player available is really what they did.
You know, I know that the Raiders were disappointed because
I know they wanted Jade and Daniels, and I know
they also would have taken Michael Pennox Junior if he
would have fell.

Speaker 1 (11:19):
Yeah, yeah, you heard that too.

Speaker 6 (11:20):
Yeah. So their inability to get up to get Pennix
probably as a real head scratcher, yet at the same
time to be able to take a guy like Brock Bowers.
You know, if you're playing with a mediocre quarterback or
a guy who's average at best, there's nothing like having
a guy like Brock Bowers to help that quarterback play.

Speaker 1 (11:35):
You hosted the show last night with Jay Laser, LeVar
Rob Stone, the Fox Sports Radio Draft Show last night.
When you're in I've only been in the draft room
one time. You know, you go through I am sure
five or six run throughs on this. Yes, do you
ever get a caught off guard? Are like when these
situations happen, we tend to think everything's thought out, but

we're I mean, Atlanta takes Pennix. Yes, did you ever
have a sense of stuff that was going to happen,
or were you ever truly surprised?

Speaker 6 (12:07):
Well, I mean I generally felt like I kind of
had a feel for it. Yet at the same time,
there was one year I think I was picking nineteen
or eighteen, and I'll never forget there were four players
that I coveted. I mean I really really wanted bad
and then at nineteen those four players were still there
at like fifteen, so I think, okay, we got a
chance to get one of them. All four of those
players went right before I picked all of them, And

you want to talk about a sick feeling. So I'm
sitting there, matter of fact, I was picking a twenty,
and then we traded back with the Saints. We took
Damn Buchanan, who ended up having a decent career early on,
and then we took John Brown with the third round
pick that we acquired from that trade, who was a
good receiver for some time.

Speaker 1 (12:47):
Yeah, you could see when Jacksonville moved back yesterday, they
wanted Brian Thomas because Ridley left, and you could see
they were praying Pittsburgh didn't take him. And Pittsburgh has
a history of landing quarterbacks. Yeah, so Jade and Daniels
goes too, So I thought that was the pick. Did
you at too?

Speaker 6 (13:07):

Speaker 1 (13:07):
Why over Drake May?

Speaker 3 (13:08):

Speaker 6 (13:08):
You know, I knew Cliff really liked him, and to me,
Drake May was a guy that was in that number
two spot the whole offseason until sort of the lead
up to the draft. I think that that Drake May
maybe didn't have as good an offseason in terms of
the workouts, the measurables and all those different things. I
felt like he was a little careless with the football,
you know, sort of turning the ball over. And I

don't think he took the Carolina program to a higher
level than he should have for being a top notch quarterback.
And I thought Jade Daniels played it just flawless his
senior year at LSU. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (13:39):
The you know, it's funny about quarterbacks. Where they land
matters a lot. I thought there was an argument to
be made for New England to get the roster right yeh,
and then go get a free agent quarterback next year.
The ghost of Brady still hangs over that franchise. They
go get Drake May with a weak roster, and also

he's the least refined of these guys. Does that worry you?

Speaker 2 (14:06):

Speaker 6 (14:06):
You know there's something about Drake May that's just sort
of reminded me of guy like Kyle Bowler coming out
of cow or even like a Blaine Gabber come out
of Missouri. How's all the physical attributes looks the part
is a very very smart guy, good good, good upside.
Yet at the same time, is it there? Does he
have it right? And to me, with the quarterbacks, if
you don't have that factor, it's going to be hard

to be successful in this league.

Speaker 1 (14:29):
And you knew it with Kyler immediately when you got it.

Speaker 6 (14:31):
Yeah, I felt like I felt like just Kyler was
just a baller, you know, he just had that sort
of confidence that he was the best on the field
at all times.

Speaker 1 (14:38):
All Right, Steve Kaim joining us for our radio audience.
So when you look, so now you have time in
your Buffalo and you're sort of sizing everything up in Buffalo.
Does need a receiver? Washington Husky still have two texts?
I would argue a d Mitchell many people like him
over worthy at Texas. There's receivers everywhere in this draft.

Do you think Buffalo with the first pick is getting
calls this morning to move back.

Speaker 6 (15:04):
Well, I don't think there's any question. You know, generally,
and I've had the first pick in the second round,
that pick is highly coveted, and we're talking about probably
anywhere from I'm guessing Colin six to eight teams are
probably calling to try to get up to that spot
because there are still guys on some people's boards that
are top fifteen picks for them. You know, a few
years ago I traded up in the high in the
second round for a Buddha Baker who was a safety

out of Washington that I loved and I had a
first round grade on him, so I traded up to
the very top of the second round, was able to
acquire Buddha and the rest history. I think he's been
to five or six Pro Bowls.

Speaker 1 (15:34):
Yeah, So, you know, it is funny how people are viewed.
Do you follow any of the draft stuff and the
experts you're watching all this stuff, because listen, I think
most of the time, you know, the draft people are
mostly onto it. Obviously Penix was much more highly thought
of than McCarthy, that's pretty clear. But by and large,

did you ever have a moment in the draft when
you well, you just said this that you thought you
may have been on an island with a player like
everybody like Booted to something degree it was an OL player.
Safeties don't usually go in the first round, Kryle Hamilton did.
That's right, But do you do you ever feel and
second guess yourself thinking, you know, I like this guy
and nobody liked none of these draft previews? Did you

rely on scouts your intuition? What is Buffalo doing right now?

Speaker 6 (16:24):
You know, I was hoping that the scouts would would
just sort of drive guys up to me that they
liked that maybe even were and ye. You know, as
as a general manager, you want people to be emphatic
about their opinion. You don't want them to just get
with the herd and just do what everybody else has
no pun intended to do what everybody else is doing.
You want people to have their own original opinions, and
that's what you get paid for as a scout. But
you know, for me, I always relied on my gut,

my instincts, you know, which was the big part of it.
You have to do that as an evaluator and listen,
I mean, the best quarterback in the game. Early in
the draft process, was not thought of as a top
fifteen pick. Patrick Mahomes early on was thought to go
in a second round. Texas Tech had some poor habits,
was not always mechanically sound, and there were some questions

about him. I throw on the tape and I'm like,
this guy's going top ten. There's no doubt it's good.
Eventually the right people are going to see him on
tape and he's going to climb the ranks, and he
obviously did, and Kansas City traded up for him and
the rest is history.

Speaker 1 (17:17):
Well, we talked about this yesterday. Josh Allen was the
third pick, justin Herbert. A lot of people like to
of more than him. Is there anything with all these
team drafting quarterbacks? The sizes are different, the shapes are different,
the arm talent is different. Is there anything with quarterback?
What Washington, New England, Minnesota, Denver? Like I think Chicago

got the best quarterback. Do you believe that Caleb Williams
in terms of power and yes, jet fuel? Was there
ever in your career? Was there something that there's a
through line where you're like all quarterbacks at some point
have this or does that not exist?

Speaker 6 (17:54):
No, I don't think it exists. I think they're all
so different. And again, the mental makeup is a real
big part of it, obviously, and that's the hardest part
to read. I mean, we can judge the skill sets,
the arm, the throwing motion, all those physical traits that
we all fall in love with. The hardest part is
to read is the heart and the mind, and there
the two toughest things to do and probably the most
critical things to do, particularly at that position.

Speaker 1 (18:14):
So I think Arizona has a chance with eleven picks
starting yesterday, to in the first to come out the
most improved team. I ran into Kyler at a UFC fight.
We chatted, got along great. There are some concerns, like,
we know he's the guy, we know what's the talent.
Do you think stuff is over valued in terms of
video games, putting stuff out, not practicing. I mean, when

I watch him play, he looks dialed into me. But
I are those legitimate concerns going forward for Cardinal fans.

Speaker 6 (18:43):
You know, I think he's a fierce competitor, I really do.
I think he's just a guy that's young and still
has not played a ton of football. You think about
in the offseason. He always played baseball in college. Then
he goes to the pros. He had a couple good
years and he gets hurt, so now he had to
sit out, and I think that time maybe it bodes
well for him because now he was able to sit
I can see what it takes to be a real
true pro, and I think the Cardinals aised it to

have to of those first round picks to be able
to get him a weapon like Marvin Harrison Junior, to
be able to get the rusher from Missouri, who I
know is a versatile player who can play inside and out.
I think they aisd it as well as the two
other teams who had two first round picks, Minnesota and Chicago.

Speaker 1 (19:17):
Were you surprised that Bears, in their history took another receiver.

Speaker 6 (19:22):
I loved it because I thought there's nothing better for
a young quarterback than a great player like a Dunsa
And to me, I'm not saying he's Larry Fitzgerald, but
he has some of those traits. Great character, great leader,
he's got tremendous ball skills, great in a crowd, great
catching radius. I think they're all in and he's a
really good player.

Speaker 1 (19:38):
So Ryan Poles missed on a couple early receivers, Belis Jones,
Chase Claypool. He's had a great six months. The Bears
have a defensive coach. I was My prediction was Matt
ebert Flus was gonna pound that table. Let's say, do
you think last night, I mean, you know you had
offense defensive coaches. Do you think ebert Flus was pounding

the table? His polls is now, He's aced his O
line tackles the draft. You know Cole Komet's been a player.
DeAndre Swift they get there's been a lot of positive moves.
Do you think Chicago, do you think that nine pick
was settled on earlier or that eber Flus may have
been saying, I'm a d coach, I need to pass rush.

Speaker 6 (20:20):
I would think the coach Eberflues sort of was smart
enough to know. Listen, if one of these three receivers
is here to pair with this quarterback, you can't go
wrong to me. Again, those top three receivers, everybody had
them a little different ranks, but at the end of
the day, too valuable, too good of a player, too solid.
He's almost a can't miss in my.

Speaker 1 (20:38):
Opinion, Finally, Caleb Williams. Any concerns at all, you watched
a ton of him, I always say, just go watch
the Arizona game. He'll put your because Arizona was in
a good football team. Anything that worries you about some
of his off script stuff, I just.

Speaker 6 (20:53):
I think the simple part of the game. I think, again,
when you have guys like him that can do so
many rare things physically, sometimes you take sort of for
granted the ability to play calm and poised inside the system,
not having to improvise so much, which can create bad
habits because of your skill set. And for him, I

think he just got to play smart. He's got to
play within the system, don't hold onto the ball too long,
get rid of it and live to fight another day.
But I think he is a tremendous talent and he
does some things that are very very hard to imagine.

Speaker 1 (21:25):
Now you saw ma Homes on tape, yep, you saw him.
What do you make of that?

Speaker 6 (21:30):
Comp I think there's some similarities, especially the sort of
the off platform throws, the ability of arm talent, the
freakish nature to get themselves out of trouble and still
make throws down the field. Just exceptional. And I know
Cliff had him both and he thinks are very similar.

Speaker 1 (21:48):
Some people worry Chicago's a big town. He is beautiful, girlfriend,
big celebrity USC. I've argued he's the first nil superstar.
We got to give him a little of a pass on.
This jumps into the stands for mom, the nail polished.
What do you make of all that stuff?

Speaker 6 (22:05):
You know what I don't to me in those situations,
particularly if I want to be the guy drafting him,
don't overthink it. There's very few calla Williams walking this earth,
So don't overthink it. And if you're gonna miss, you're
gonna miss on the person, not the player. Really, you know,
I think you're gonna miss. You're gona miss because he
I didn't love it enough. But that's not to me.
After talking to Cliff about him and the way Cliff said,

he's dialed in the way he competes, the way he
wants to be better. He's a football junkie, I don't
have concerns.

Speaker 1 (22:32):
Yeah, he was all riled up last night. That was
so much fun to watch. That was great, Steve, Kaime,
see you at dinner tonight. Absolutely all right.

Speaker 2 (22:39):
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Speaker 1 (22:49):
Check it out mbusa dot com, slash e QE. Mercedes
Benz has gone electric digital like technology e q E
s uv Jmack.

Speaker 2 (22:57):
With the news. Turn on the news. This is the
Herd Line News.

Speaker 3 (23:05):
Let's start with Jim Marball, everybody's new favorite coach in
the NFL. Chargers went at five, did not trade down,
and they got the best tackle available in Joe Alt
out of Notre Dame. Some have criticized the pick after
LA got rid of their top receivers Maleague Gabors was
on the board.

Speaker 4 (23:20):
Hardball pushed back on that narrative.

Speaker 7 (23:23):
I know the question is gonna come up and you're
gonna say, you know, what about what about a weapon?
What about uh? Offensive lineman we look at as weapons.
That group we talk about attacking, and we talk about
attacking on offense. Offensive line is the tip of the spear.
Have total total confidence and trust that we got it right.

And and then you also you got to go make
it right and uh and I believe that you know
we got a We got a great partner in doing
that in Joe.

Speaker 2 (23:54):

Speaker 1 (23:55):
You know, first round, get the best player available. They
also have picked at the top of the second, third, fourth, fifth,
sixth rounds. They can move back on those and get
other picks. Sometimes the people that cover this draft are
not smart. Wide receivers the deepest position in the draft.
There are tons in the second and third and fourth
Rount Kuku Naku was a fifth rounder last year in

a bad draft. The idea that you just when you
get to the top five pick, take the best player available,
and the tackle bust rate is like thirty percent bus.
The receiver bust rate is seventy three percent bus.

Speaker 2 (24:31):

Speaker 1 (24:31):
But first of all, the other thing is when Rashawn
Slater got hurt their left tackle, now they have another tackle.
If a big body, three hundred and ten pound guy's
ever gotten hurt, there are chances they get hurt again.
Like centers in the NBA, Like Joe, alt is the
best player available in their eyes at that spot. When
you know, generally speaking, taking the best tackle in a

draft is never a bad thing unless you don't have
a quarterback, and they do so.

Speaker 3 (24:57):
They have eight picks left second, a third, two four,
it's a fifth, sixth and two seventh.

Speaker 1 (25:02):
They're gonna probably move down second and third and accumulate more.
But there is plenty of times it's the second round
is a great receiver round?

Speaker 2 (25:11):

Speaker 3 (25:12):
Yeah, I mean, listen, Dick. I think the Chargers are
gonna be a good place. I think this is a
not to give away too much for later. I think
this is a playoff team in the AFC, and the
AFC is stacked.

Speaker 4 (25:21):
I think they cracked the code mostly thanks to Jim Harball.

Speaker 3 (25:25):
Next up to the Dallas Cowboys. Colin traded down from
twenty four to twenty nine to take Oklahoma tackled Tyler
Geydon see him here on the video. He will take
over at left tackle after Tyron Smith left for my Jets.
Here's Jerry Jones chiming in on Tyler Goyton.

Speaker 8 (25:44):
It's hard to do with offensive well, and you would
hope to have a little sex in this to this
pick used in your first round pick, and I actually
thought we had that with Tyler Smith two years ago.
I think we got it here, this sexy pick for
an offensive lab because a lot of upset and so
I'm excited to bet that.

Speaker 1 (26:04):
Yeah, I mean, the Cowboys have drafted pretty well with
their top picks Micah and Ceedee Lamb. You can't. You
can't criticize the Cowboys top picks. They've usually been very,
very strong. And I again, they moved down and got
it tackle. I'm not going to beat up on that.
It's fine, it's it's you listen. You got to get
Dak some help. If that help is a tackle, it's

help that Dak's not good enough with an average offensive line.
They now they have to go get another receiver. So
Dallas is in a spot where let's go get another
receiver in the second and third round, and I think
they will address that.

Speaker 3 (26:38):
My guess is the logic here, if we take a
first round receiver again, let's say he doesn't pan out
because as U said, the bus rights high, Let's just
take a safe tackle and then we could take two
receivers later.

Speaker 1 (26:48):
That's right.

Speaker 4 (26:49):
Yeah, it's just a numbers game.

Speaker 1 (26:50):
And nine they did Buffalo move back, Dallas moved back.
It's okay. This is the smart play.

Speaker 4 (26:57):
Jet slid back, one pick, got a tackle. That's final.

Speaker 3 (27:00):
Final stories and Niners a lot of questions about what
they were going to do with the Brandon Ayuk situation swirling,
So they end up drafting a receiver at thirty one GM.
John Lynch he knew the questions were coming. He addressed
the receiver and their situation after the.

Speaker 2 (27:16):
Draft, Brandon being a part of this team.

Speaker 6 (27:19):
Deebo is a part of this team and a big
part of this team. So, like I said, we feel.

Speaker 9 (27:23):
Great about that group, and we feel like we just
made it better with another really good addition to it
who compliments the.

Speaker 6 (27:30):
Group real well.

Speaker 2 (27:31):
Close kind of trade, never closed the door out of trade.

Speaker 7 (27:35):
That means we you know, we'll we'll always listen and
and and we have and uh, but we like our
group as it stands.

Speaker 1 (27:46):
I think they're going to make a move with Ayuk
with Buffalo.

Speaker 4 (27:49):
Okay, so let's come up. Let's say, is there another
team hows us?

Speaker 3 (27:52):
Is there another team with a quarterback on a rookie
deal who could afford Ayuk the way Houston Carolina? Carolina
just draft the receiver, but you know, you can always
use another one. I'm thinking of an AFC team. You know,
the GM a little bit. Indianapolis Colts have Pittman and you.

Speaker 1 (28:09):
Know, and they wanted brock Bauers. I was told they
did try to move up to get Brock powers.

Speaker 4 (28:14):
So and I on the Colts.

Speaker 1 (28:16):
Yeah, and I Shane Stike and will get the most
out of any weapon. That's not a bad call.

Speaker 4 (28:20):
Anthony Richardson. I mean load him up with receivers.

Speaker 1 (28:22):
Yeah, I don't think that's a bad call. I love Ayuk.
I think are you kissed crazy?

Speaker 4 (28:26):
I mean it's weird. We both like him. But again,
when you see the money, I'm aroa saint brown guy,
I'm not given.

Speaker 2 (28:31):
I'm sorry.

Speaker 1 (28:31):
By the way, Anthony Richardson's got a big arm. Rock
Purty doesn't, so I Yuke. There's an argument to great
fit and Indy with ssiching and a strong arm quarterback.
The Niners don't throw the ball over the top. They
just don't. It's not the it's not Shanahan's offense. So
I could argue Ayuk is great. But the slot guy
they got the Ricky Pearsall is that the kid from Florida.

He's a slot guy that's much more built for their
offense than an over the top receiver, although he's not
as good as Ayu.

Speaker 4 (28:58):
I don't know who's pushing this Debone.

Speaker 3 (29:00):
I heard there's some reporters in San France that Debo
could be on his way out. I just personally hate
that move. I think he is such a value, but
you can't find that.

Speaker 1 (29:08):
In the draft out.

Speaker 3 (29:09):
You can find straight line guys inside out that you
can't find.

Speaker 4 (29:12):
The Debo said he is one of the best chess
pieces right in the league.

Speaker 1 (29:15):
I would say, oh, I think he's probably now the
best chess piece.

Speaker 4 (29:18):
I mean McCaffrey. They have basically McCaffrey and.

Speaker 1 (29:20):
Debo two of the best, the two best, so.

Speaker 4 (29:23):
I wouldn't move off Diva.

Speaker 1 (29:24):
I'm sorry, deal jmak with the news.

Speaker 2 (29:28):
Well that's the news, and thanks for stopping by.

Speaker 1 (29:30):
The Herd line coming up next, the three players in
the first round that will not miss and the three
players I think may that's coming up next.

Speaker 2 (29:41):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Herd weekdays
and neon Easter nine am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio
FS one and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 10 (29:50):
Hey what's up everybody? It's me three time Pro Bowl
of LeVar Harington and I couldn't be more excited to
announce a podcast called Up on Game? What is up
on Game? You ask along with my fellow pro bowler TJ.
Hutschman Zada and Super Bowl champion Yup. That's right, Plexico Burds.
You can only name a show with that type of
talent on it. Up on Game We're going to be

sharing our real life experiences loaded with teachable moments. Listen
to Up on Game with me lebar Arrington, t J. Huschman, Zada,
and Plexico Birds on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcast or
wherever you get your podcast from.

Speaker 1 (30:31):
We are ready for UFL Action in week number four.

Speaker 2 (30:36):
Oh they're talking, dam we did.

Speaker 9 (30:38):
Not naha day brows endo the insong to a touchdown
corner of the inside on the money shaking baking man.

Speaker 10 (30:53):
Now what the ship off this cuts?

Speaker 2 (30:56):
Is the sign.

Speaker 6 (31:00):
More suit?

Speaker 2 (31:00):
Oh my goodness, he got smoked. All he showing the
toughness that is intercepted.

Speaker 1 (31:07):
They are not on the same page because.

Speaker 2 (31:10):
Staff could take That's what kicker dreams are made of.

Speaker 3 (31:17):
Tomorrow on Fox, the United Football League continues in prime
time as Birmingham battles Houston or San Antonio takes on Arlington.
It all kicks off tomorrow at seven eastern on Fox.
Check all of the listings for the game in your area.

Speaker 1 (31:32):
So we know that thirty percent of the first round
will be a miss, and certain positions like wide receiver,
tight end, safety tend to be very, very prominent positions
in terms of missing. Offensive linemen miss rarely in the
first round, especially centers. Last twenty years, ninety two percent

of centers drafted in the first round sign a second contract.
So here's the three player in the first round. I
just I don't see any potential for missing. One of
them is Caleb Williams, the quarterback for the Bears. They
have a really really good roster backs, receivers, tight ends,
and they still have draft picks. I just like what
they have. They have a deep threat, they have veteran receivers,

they have productive tight ends, and their GM picked another
receiver in the first round. I just can't see it missing.
Marvin Harrison of the Cardinals. Listen the last time he
had a great receiver, DeAndre Hopkins, it was back to
back Pro Bowls. Kyler Murray is an accurate thrower of
the football. Marvin Harrison can go deep underneath, it doesn't matter.

He runs the routes. I think he's the best receiver
probably since Calvin Johnson in the draft. I don't see
it missing. And Joe Alt, I Harbaugh in Michigan and
Harbaugh Stanford and Harbaugh in the NFL built great offensive
line six eight three twenty one sackle lie all season

and Notre Dame played a real schedule. I don't see
a miss there. I'm not talking multiple Pro Bowls, but
I can't see Caleb, Marvin Harrison or Joe Alt missing.
The three players that I do worry about, and I
look at and I think there are circumstances that worry meet.
Drake May doesn't have any playmakers defensive head coach. They

just don't get yards after the catch, so he's going
to have to make plays with his feet. He's not
a refined quarterback yet defensive coaches don't tend to elevate
unrefined young quarterbacks. I worry about that. Amarus Mims eight
college starts. I know George's got good players, and I
understand Joe Burrow in that division needs protection, But a

developmental offensive tackle in a division with TJ. Watt and
Miles Garrett that is a heck of a pass rush division.
I don't like it. I didn't like to pick Ricky
Pearsall a wide receiver, he's more of a slow I
think there's better receivers after him. He makes an occasional
spectacular play. He's got an incredible work ethic. Receivers a

high bust rate in the first round. And be honest
with you, this is an offense that is complicated. It
can take time to develop. They may move off another receiver,
meaning people will put pressure on it. And the Niners
and the Chiefs, despite the fact they're well run, have
missed on a lot of wide receivers. It is a
tough position to draft. So those three positions I have

concerns about. The Lakers are going to get swept. They
lost Game three last night and it looked just like
the other games against Denver. Lebron James is taking some
heat this morning for his comments after the third straight
loss in this series.

Speaker 11 (34:47):
You're supposed to have anxiety and pressure and feel the pressure.
That's what it's about. Like this, this is what the
postseason is about. Me and this guy I'm playing together
for six years. We've been to the mountain top. We've
been close to the mountain top. You've played a lot
of games. We know what it takes to win. We
know what it takes to win a championship and how

you know damn and near perfect you got to be
is that's not like something that's so crazy to obtain.
I've been a part of it four times, and it's
just basketball. At the end of the day, it's just basketball.

Speaker 1 (35:21):
Well, when you win, it's legacy, brand building and amazing.
When you lose, hard to pivot to. Well, it's just basketball.
Basketball is really important. It is your brand. So we
had said, we suggested this was viewed as a hot take.
Jay McK and I said, lose to the Pelicans, rest
Lebron and ad go play OKC. You match up great,

they're young, you're bigger. You'll lean on them, and it
will give the off season after you win that series
or go seven, optimism and hope. When you get flushed
out in four or five by Denver, Darvin Ham's in trouble,
Lebron's angry, people get defensive, they'll probably have to make
a big move. The up side to getting shelled by
Denver again, it will force the Lakers to go get

Trey Young, who I think fits. You got to stop
convincing yourself. Basically that Austin Reeves and Dlo are dependable
in the playoffs they're not, and Darvin Ham's gonna take
the heat. But what you really see in this is
Denver is like the luxury brand of the Lakers. The
Lakers are the generic brand everything the Lakers do well rebounding,

Denver's better defend, late size, Denver's better clutch time offense.
Denver's the better luxury brand version of this. And so
sometimes in sports you kind of try to see around corners,
what's a good matchup, what's a bad matchup? How will
it land if we lose? And this was obvious. Denver's

just better everywhere. They've got younger stars, bigger stars. They
have the best defender in the series, arguably A D's great,
but Ad is now relied on to score a lot
of points because Delo Ruey just haven't shown up in
the series. So you're gonna get a really noisy offseason
for the Lakers. My guess is the upside to it,
and there's duality in everything, there's an upside. Every bad

side is they're gonna move off players who are convincing
people they matter. D Lo Ruy go get Tray go
get a dependable third star. I like Austin Reeves. That's
not it. That's not beating Denver. Some of this is
and we said before we thought the Lakers matched up
well with Denver. We didn't think they'd beat Denver. There's

a reason they've lost ten or eleven straight. Denver does
everything the Lakers do well, slightly better or significantly better,
And every one of these games has looked virtually the same.
Whereas Jamal Murray may have a bad half, Dlo will
have a bad game, where Michael Porter may have a
bad quarter, Ruey will have two back to back bad games.

That's the difference. The top end players overwhelmingly in the
Nuggets favor. Also, you can see this so much as
being asked of Anthony Davis that he runs out of
gas in the fourth quarter. Where Jokic can have a
bad half in Denver and then Jamal Murray can take
it up. So you're watching Anthony Davis here, like Delo

scores no points, Ruey gives you nothing. So Anthony Davis
by the fourth is out of gas. So you know
how you solve that. Trey Young. Trey Young gives you
twenty eight a night, there'll be thirty four point nights.
So Knights that Anthony Davis doesn't play well, doesn't have
to worry about it. That's a guarantee. There are no
guarantees with DLO and Austin Reeves. These are second tier players.

So Trey Young is a first tier player that is imperfect.
There's about six guys in this league without a lot
of flaws. There's another dozen that are excellent, Kyrie Irving,
Trey Young with flaws. The Lakers need another one of those.

Speaker 4 (38:48):
Okay, So how do you get a Trey Young?

Speaker 3 (38:51):
D Lo, as you said, probably gonna opt out, so
you can't include him in a trade. So now you're
looking at Oh, we've got ruy Haachimurra and Austin Reeves,
two starters and three first round picks. Is that even
enough a to get Trey Young and b what's the.

Speaker 4 (39:06):
What's the rest of your roster?

Speaker 3 (39:08):
Like the Lakers played three guys off the bench last night, Dinwitty,
Torrian Prince and gave Vincent my guy who knew.

Speaker 1 (39:15):
You know who had the best bench in the league
last year? The Pacers.

Speaker 4 (39:19):
I'm not talking about bench.

Speaker 3 (39:20):
They have three guys, that's it, Trey ad and Lebron
there's no room for error.

Speaker 4 (39:26):
Remember Lebron and Ad played like the whole season had
they were in the plane.

Speaker 1 (39:29):
Okay, so you're saying, right now the Lakers have three guys.
What do they have now in the.

Speaker 3 (39:35):
Regular season against anybody else, they look pretty good.

Speaker 4 (39:38):
They just ran into a jugger not in Denver, which
they should have done.

Speaker 1 (39:41):
Against everybody else. You do realize they don't play Denver
every night. They had to be in the playing games.

Speaker 4 (39:46):
That that's a fair point.

Speaker 1 (39:48):
They're not great against everybody else. They're especially vulnerable against Denver.
But they were in the play they were in.

Speaker 3 (39:55):
The playing last year and they got the conference finals.
So like, the talent is there, I just I.

Speaker 1 (40:00):
Don't know, but Lankl is not there because the West.

Speaker 4 (40:03):
Well, the top end talent. I'm sorry, Lebron and Ad
top en talent.

Speaker 1 (40:06):
We would agree. And by the way, they'll be a
year older next year. So this is not like Oklahoma
City Minnesota.

Speaker 4 (40:12):
Okay, what do you do. Let's let's solve it.

Speaker 1 (40:14):
Trey Young, figure out how to get him, make it work.
Just get him. If you have to give first of
all first round picks with Lebron and Ad, those aren't
going to be great picks anyway, move anything that's not
Lebron and ad to get Trey Young. If you get
Donovan Mitchell, that's good too, But I would favor Trey Young.

Speaker 3 (40:32):
Yeah, let's see what happens with that Calves magic because
Donovan Mitchell, to me, is way more appeeling.

Speaker 4 (40:36):
That guy's an animal, Trey Young.

Speaker 1 (40:40):
I'm not anti Donovan Mitchell. If he lands here's probably
just I think he's viewed as a better defender, I.

Speaker 4 (40:46):
Think, better everything. Probably well, you know, he.

Speaker 1 (40:50):
Can be a little bit of a whole sometimes he
gets so he's got a little Westbrook a little bit,
a little.

Speaker 4 (40:54):
Bit Trey doesn't.

Speaker 1 (40:55):
He does too. I like his game though, it's fun.
Hour three next
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