All Episodes

April 26, 2024 40 mins

Colin breaks down the first round of the NFL draft by explaining why he likes the Falcons drafting QB Michael Penix Jr.

He believes JJ McCarthy and Bo Nix landed in the perfect spots to succeed


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
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Speaker 2 (00:21):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:27):
Here we go. It is a Friday. What a night
it was. NFL drafts, some quirky turns, odd moves right
live in Los Angeles. It's The Herd. Wherever you may
be and however you may be listening. Thanks for making
us part of your day. Well, well, well, people are

freaking out that an NFL team in a bad division
now has two good quarterbacks. Oh the shame. Should have
drafted another linebacker, a tight end, a right tackle. It's
amazing what people freak out about.

Speaker 3 (01:02):
J Mac.

Speaker 1 (01:04):
It's amazing that we see you're not freaking out. Huh.

Speaker 4 (01:06):
If I'm a Falcons fan, I'm not feeling great this
mon okay.

Speaker 1 (01:10):
Let me start with this. Every great asset in America, mansions,
yachts of Bentley. Your life has insurance. But the difference
is you pay into that insurance forever and never really
cash it out. You know what else needs insurance? NFL

teams at quarterback Michael Pennix. But the difference with this
insurance policy you'll pay into it for a year and
then it potentially will pay you for the next fifteen
and make you rich. And that's a bad investment. It's
an insurance policy for a year and then it's gonna
pay you potentially year two to year fifteen. Who cares

if Kirk Cousins upset that they drafted Michael Pennix. Aaron
Rogers was upset when they drafted Jordan love Farv was
upset when they drafted Aaron Rodgers. And they're both better
than Kirk Cousins, and they were both in their prime.
Kirk's not Who cares if he's upset. He's made more money,
seriously than Brady at quarterback. He'll get over it. This

is not a catastrophe. When's the last time you heard
a team say this, We have the best quarterback in
our division and maybe the best backup in the NFL.
That's a problem for the record. You know who teams
didn't move up to get JJ McCarthy. Even Minnesota liked
him moved up one spot. Reportedly, Seattle, the Raiders, and

the Saints all tried to move up into the top
ten to get Pennix. I'm sorry. A disaster is paying
Dack three hundred and eighty five million, which the Cowboys
may do in a year, Paying kirk Cousins off an
Achille surgery at thirty six in a bad division one
hundred and eighty million, getting him to play for a year,

win ten to eleven games, and then he gets beat
out by Pennix. That's a disaster again. Green Bay a
few years ago, with Aaron in his late prime, moved
up to a quarterback that two of my GM friends
didn't like. Jordan Love Atlanta just stayed put. Kirk Cousins

is thirty six. What if kirk Cousins coming back and
he's never been mobile? What if he comes back off
this Achille surgery at thirty six and he's less mobile?
Does Pannix look like a horrible pick? Then what if
kirk Cousins gets hurt again? Sixty six quarterbacks Sixty six

quarterbacks played last year. It is the only position worth
over a point in the worst division in football. Having
the best backup in the league is a catastrophe. This
is else something else. Nobody's talking about Kirk Cousins and
we think he was a good pickup, is going to

win the division roster, Well, this is a great quarterback
class and Atlanta has a top ten pick. Next year
is not a very good quarterback class, and the chances
are Atlanta is going to win too many games to
have a top ten to fifteen pick. So would you
rather than pick a linebacker who's not worth half a point?

Kirk Cousins gets hurt or doesn't look good in camp,
you think it's a bad pick, then Atlanta next year
is going to be drafting fifteen or below in a
bad quarterback class, and you're gonna watch Kirk Cousins win
the division, probably lose first round of the playoffs to
Green Bay, Detroit, Chicago, Minnesota, Philadelphia, Dallas. Somebody rams and

you're gonna be like that, I wish we had a
young quarterback. Now you do. If you passed on him,
you don't. That rises to a catastrophe. It's one hundred
and eighty million. It's a front loaded contract. If he
gives you a year starting and gets you to the playoffs, hallelujah,
a second one. You stole him. You got teams in
this league. Joe Burrow's making a fortune. He can't stay healthy,

and I love Joe Brook can't stay healthy four years
in a row, hurt. Dak's gonna make almost four hundred
million dollars one hundred and eighty on a front loaded
contract in the best backup in the league, and that's
wearing out. They brought Kirk Cousins in to galvanize the team,
but what if he doesn't. He's thirty six, he's never
been athletic, he's off a surgery. We saw last year

the Minnesota Vikings had to trade for a back up
Josh Dobbs in season. They were so desperate. That's where
you want to be. If Kirk Cousins gets hurt, you're
trading for a backup, or you have Michael Pennix. I'm
okay in the NBA overdrafting shooters. I'm okay in the

NFL for a year, maybe overdrafting at quarterback Kirk Cousins.
You liked the pick when they got Kirk Cousins. You
liked it. I liked it, and you like Michael Pennix.
They're together kind of odd for a year, but this
is a great quarterback draft class, most quarterbacks ever drafted

right first run. And next year's a bad quarterback draft class,
and Atlanta's going to be too good. Raheem Moore's the
coach explained it after.

Speaker 5 (06:18):
It was pretty simple for us when you get Kirk
Cousins and you talk about short term winning, you talk
about winning right now, which we know we're gonna be
a position to do what we want to be a
position to do. We won't have the ability to be
picking this high again with the guy that we got,
and at some point you got to find a way
to have that succession plan in place, and just so happened,

it poses itself tonight.

Speaker 1 (06:44):
What you don't want to be in the NFL is
quarterback light. What I'm okay with you being in the
NFL is for a year a little quarterback heavy. I'm
okay with that. Patrick Mahomes was draftfted with Alex Smith.
Jordan Love drafted with Aaron Rodgers in his late prime.

Aaron drafted far of in his late prime. I'm okay.
Green Bays figured out the quarterback thing. Be very careful
about having a definitive opinion on quarterbacks. Take it from
somebody who's been burned on Sam Darnold. It's amazing. There
were people booing the Josh Allen pick, incredulous about the
Lamar Jackson pick, and loved the Zach Wilson pick. I

like Kirk Cousins, I like Michael Pennix. I'm okay for
a year if they're together in a bad division in
a league where sixty six quarterbacks played last year. Every
insurance policy, every asset has one. The bigger the asset,
the more expensive insurance. This, however, is an insurance policy

that within a year will pay you. You won't pay
into it, all right. So Bonnicks went to Denver. We
sort of called that. I like it. I think he
works in Denver with Peyton and JJ McCarthy went to Minnesota.
Don't love JJ McCarthy, but I loved any quarterback that
went to Minnesota. So I think it'll work. And here's

what's interesting. So Jim Harbaugh came out right. Harbaugh came
out well before the draft. JJ McCarthy as the best
quarterback I've seen. You know who didn't buy it? The league?
The Giants need a quarterback. No Atlanta could have had him. Nah.
New England could have had him. Nah, Washington could have

had him. Nah, Chicago could have had him. JJ McCarthy
wasn't viewed the same way Penix was, and everybody was
selling you on McCarthy and the league wasn't buying it.
But four teams, including Atlanta, wanted Pennix. Pennix throws a
better deep ball. Pennix had to carry lesser talent. So

I got nothing against J. J. McCarthy, but his comp
is Alex Smith, and Alex Smith was as good as
where he landed. All right, So JJ McCarthy is going
to succeed because of where he landed, not because he's
in an uber talent. Even Minnesota, who liked him. Did

you notice we all predicted they'd move up. They didn't.
They didn't. They sat there and said, all right, New
England go get him. They didn't. Go ahead, Giants, go
get him. They didn't. Atlanta, we hear you want a quarterback.
They didn't. Finally they moved up one slot, gave up

middle to late picks to get their guy. I believe
Minnesota really wanted Drake May, but New England said, all right,
three first couple seconds and it was too rich. I
know two different teams last night that tried to move
up for brock Bowers Rams one of the teams. I
think Indy is the other. So people were trying to

make moves last night. People were moving up for brock Bowers.
The Rams wanted to move into the top ten for
brock Bowers. Nobody was willing to move into the top
ten for JJ McCarthy. So I think he's gonna succeed.
I think it's gonna work. And I think bo Nix,
who reminds me a little bit of Drew Brees at
Purdue coachable a lot of starts moves. Well, I think

he's gonna be fine. Fit is everything in this league.
But be very careful about this pre draft stuff. It's
all manipulation. A lot of people wanted you to believe
there was massive urgency with JJ McCarthy and there wasn't.
Even the team that eventually got him moved up one

spot one spot. Look at all the teams that could
have had him, and again, I think it's gonna work.
Here's Kevin O'Connell after the pick.

Speaker 3 (11:00):
Was a guy you know, very very early in the process,
obviously coming off of a national championship, guys won at
every level he's been at. And then when you really
dive into the tape and some of the things that
I really look for and really emphasizing my evaluation process,
there was a lot a lot to really like about
JJ's tape, and that was before you know, he absolutely

crushed the process, tacked at every step of the way.
You know, a competitor and a guy that believes very
strongly that you know, the best football is out in
front of him, and he's going to work like crazy
to make that happen.

Speaker 1 (11:33):
The furnished apartment of the draft for quarterbacks was Minnesota.
Whoever they drafted, I said, will succeed. Whoever New England
drafted Drake May probably doesn't. And I feel that with
both this morning. Do I like May as a prospect
over JJ. McCarthy fit matters and life and sports and business.
And I think McCarthy fits any of these young quarterbacks

fit in Minnesota. So by the way your Jets showed
maturity last night, I think also last night was an
awakening by the league. So I've been on this for
a long time. I think you have pivoted to this
over the last couple of years. It's an offensive league,
higher offensive coaches. If you have to overdraft quarterback, do it.
First fourteen picks, all offense, and people were moving up

to get a tight end. What does that tell you?
So it's an offensive league. People finally figured it out,
went in doubt, go offense, and went in doubt, get
a tackle. And I thought the Jets, you know the Jets,
you could argue needed a tight end, needed a receiver.
And it showed real maturity because, as I said yesterday,

there's only one thing that guarantees the Jets are viable
in week seventeen Week eighteen. One thing, and it's not
Rock Powers. It's that Aaron Rodgers is upright. And Brock
Bowers doesn't ensure that getting a Penn State tackle that
hasn't allowed a sack as a starter in a good
compends does a much better job of ensuring that that

was a mature, well done pick. He's not a mauler.
There's a lot better run blockers. He is a pass protector. Yeah,
Aaron doesn't need protection on running plays. He needs it
on passing plays. So I thought, well done. Don't know
how good the kid's gonna be, but that's the right

pick for the Jets.

Speaker 6 (13:24):
Yeah, restraint from the Jets smart now, I mean, basically
the opposite of what the Atlanta Falcons did. I was
super happy with my New York Jets last night. As
for the Falcons, Colin, I can't believe you're defending though.

Speaker 4 (13:37):
I'm stunned, even though we both like Pennix.

Speaker 6 (13:39):
That was one of the most insane draft moves I've
ever seen in my time being an NFL fan and
working here and have the website just crazy.

Speaker 1 (13:48):
When Kirk Cousins goes down Week four, it won't look
so terrible.

Speaker 6 (13:51):
Well, Colin, how long have they known they were drafting
eighth back in January? So why would you pay Kirk
Cousins one hundred million guaranteed dollars only to go draft
another quarterback and now pit these guys essentially against each other?
Kirk Cousins looking over his back from right.

Speaker 1 (14:05):
Now, because this staff wants to win now, and Cousins
with these weapons, ensures you will win now. Panis insures
with experience where quarterbacks that sit tend to do better.
He ensures or at least elevates the percentage he ensures
winning later. Kirk wins now Michael with watching wins later.

So it's a two tiered plan. Win now with Kirk
year year and a half win later with Michael. But
for the record, this team does not get into the
top ten of the draft picks next year in a
bad quarterback left.

Speaker 6 (14:37):
Well, I mean, you got the fourth best quarterback in
the draft right at eight. You don't think you get
to get the fourth best quarterback like twenty two next year.

Speaker 1 (14:43):
Yeah, but the problem is the fourth to fifth best
quarterback this year, the sixth best quarterback this year maybe
better than the second next year. That's the way the
history of the draft works.

Speaker 4 (14:54):
We'll see. But I have one final question on this.

Speaker 6 (14:56):
So what happens if Kirk Cousins coming off the Achilles
he's not one hundred percent, he's not ready to go
week one. Hey, we're just gonna rest and Michael Pennock
starts in week one and Michael Pennox is great.

Speaker 1 (15:05):
Oh, what a great problem to have. That's like people
that complain I paid two million dollars in taxes, No,
one hundred million in taxes. Again, because it's the best
problem in the world to have. In the NFL, we
had to start our rookie quarterback. He was really good.

Speaker 6 (15:23):
I mean he's not gonna be c J. Stroud, we
know that, but I mean he'll be better than Bryce Young.
But then you've got a quarterback controversy. And you know
what they say, if you've got two quarterbacks.

Speaker 4 (15:31):
You have zero.

Speaker 1 (15:32):
If Michael Pennix has to start and is great, you
don't have any controversy. Say Kurt, we're gonna play the kid.
Deal with it. Enjoy the cash. You don't even have
to come to practice. Just enjoy the cash. We found
our guy. I mean, I'm telling you that is got
rich guys that complain about taxes. That's a great problem

to have Michael Pennock start game one in Rolls. Wow,
what a problem. You want to know what problems look like.
Who's throwing the prowl to Brock Powers with the Raiders,
certainly the division with Reed Justin Herbert and now Sewan's
got his quarterbacks.

Speaker 4 (16:07):
So you got Falcons winning the division or six.

Speaker 1 (16:09):
Yes, Falcons are going to win the division, I think
going away.

Speaker 2 (16:13):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Herd weekdays
and noon Easter nine am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio
FS one and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (16:21):
You know there's an old saying you can look into
the past, but don't stare at it, even if your
past was great. The Chicago Bears have been staring at
the monsters of the Midway, celebrating it annually forever, and
in the process of doing that, the Green Bay Packers
have lapped them, and now the Lions have started to

lap them, and the Vikings are loaded. The Bears spend
a lot of time staring at the past, and last
night they officially grew up as a franchise. They evolved
not just with the Klab William Pick, but at number nine.
They needed an edge rusher, and there were several good
ones available, and yet they took another wide receiver to

a deep receiving corps. That's something I didn't think they
had in them. They've been celebrating the eighty five Bears
for as long as I can remember. Enough it was great,
was great, w as was great. They've already got a
good offensive roster. Now it looks stacked, And unless you
live in Chicago, the Bears are a hard watch. And

maybe even if you live in Chicago, they have been
for twenty years. Their most explosive offensive player was a
punt returner, Devin Hester. He's the guy in between defense
and offense. Yeah, that was the guy. He wasn't an
offensive player. You were hoping he hit a big return.
But last night was really unique for Chicago because there

are certain teams in this league. Green Bay, San Francisco,
the Rams, Philadelphia, Kansas City, those are winshield teams looking
to the future. The Bears have been looking through the
rear view mirror for twenty some years. So for them,
with other needs on defense, to take another receiver at

nine and a good one, wow, Like that's what Green
Bay would maybe do, or the Rams or the Niners
add another offensive piece. A few years ago, Miami did
something and I lauded it. I thought it was great.
They were a defensive coach, Brian Flores, and the defense
was excellent, but TUA couldn't get along with Brian Flores

and they just decided were blown it up, starting over,
hiring Mike McDaniel, and we're pivoting to offense. It's worked
and two has been pretty good. That's the new league.
It doesn't matter how great your defense is. The Niners
couldn't stop anybody against the good teams last year, nobody

can stop anybody. I mean, you get to these playoff games.
Congratulations to win with offense. And last night, for the
first time I can ever remember, seventy five percent of
the bears best players are on offense, and with their
top two picks, especially the second one, they doubled down
on offense. Thank you. Finally, here's the GM Ryan Poles

Pitcher's the history.

Speaker 7 (19:22):
Like, I'm kind of done talking about it, Like we
go back so much all the time, and then that
those days are over. So we're bringing players in here
that want to really just change everything up and do
things a different way. Obviously, we love our history here,
but it hasn't been smooth recently and it's time to change.

So I just I feel like we got to stop
going back all the time.

Speaker 1 (19:48):
Yes, that's let's let baseball do that collect cards, talk
about Mickey mannl that's that's baseball. I don't want to
talk about Red Grange. I want to turn on my radio.
Here's sports guy breaking down Hugh McIlhaney. Let baseball do
that future ahead windshield. It was like it was like

a graduation ceremony for the Chicago Bears. They graduated two
offensive players to a really good offense. Congratulations, it's a
lot more fun to watch. Congratulations to Fox. You can
now televise Bears games, and ninety percent of the country
won't go click. They won't be watching for the Packers

against the Bears, or the Lions against the Bears or
the Niners. They'll be watching to watch the Bears. Jmckle
the news, No, no turn on the news.

Speaker 2 (20:41):
This is the herdline news.

Speaker 6 (20:44):
So as a tease in headlines later, I have the
Bears as a playoff team next year, not just because
the draft night, their free agency was excellent.

Speaker 4 (20:52):
This is a really, really good team NFCS.

Speaker 6 (20:55):
There's a couple of times they have one need now
ed rusher. Well, I would say head coach is the
big question.

Speaker 1 (21:00):
But I mean in terms of offense and defensive personnel,
they need an edge rusher.

Speaker 6 (21:04):
Well, they got Montess what but they also have a
bunch of picks here left today and tomorrow to upgrade
and Ed Rusher you can find.

Speaker 4 (21:10):
You can find him kind of anywhere. I like the
Bears a lot. Let's start with a boy, the Los
Angeles Lakers.

Speaker 1 (21:17):
So I guess my suggestion they should avoid Denver's not
such a hot take.

Speaker 6 (21:22):
Yeah, a bunch of morons on the internet thought that
was stupid. I was one hundred percent with you.

Speaker 4 (21:26):
They have to face Denver, and you know what, they
took another double digit lead in.

Speaker 6 (21:29):
The first half, and then, as has been the case
for like the last ten games, they get waxed into
the third quarter. There's twenty four minutes, no points. Let's
go to Lebron. We will take a shot at him
in a second.

Speaker 8 (21:45):
You're supposed to have anxiety and pressure. Feel the pressure.
That's what it's about. Like this, this is what the
postseason is about. Me and his guy and playing together
for six years. We've been to the mountain top. We've
been close to the mountain top. We've played a lot
of games. We know what it takes to win, we
know what it takes to win a championship. And how

you know, damn a near perfect you got to be.
That's not like something that's so crazy to obtain.

Speaker 1 (22:14):
Yeah, listen right. He also later said, Hey, it's just basketball,
which is what people upset with that. Well, here's the thing.
Just Basketball's made you a billionaire. You take basketball very seriously,
don't when you lose again to Denver, say, it's just basketball,
just basketball. It's not just basketball for Lebron, it is
your legacy, your career, your networth. I thought that was

a little okay, it's just basketball. You didn't say that
after you beat the Warriors.

Speaker 6 (22:40):
Well, hold on, hold on, that's part of a quote.
It's like the second half he's like some of them.
He was insinuating some of us A D and Lebron
give everything they've got, blah blah blah. But then again,
it's just basketball. I think he's soft pedaling to some
of these other guys. Remember the darvinham comments last night.
Oh there's a lot going on.

Speaker 4 (22:58):
In this world.

Speaker 8 (22:59):
You know.

Speaker 6 (22:59):
He's like, listen, man, I'm upset, like our nation's upset.
The problem is there's no easy fix here. Sure you
can fire Darvin Am.

Speaker 1 (23:09):
Okay, let's let's let's admit this. Let's let's stop. Austin
Reeves is not taken you to the promised Land, not
in the west, all right, And d LO is not
He's gonna move out. You see the option thing this morning.
So he's he thinks he can get more on the market.
So d Loo's gone. Austin Reeves has not taken you
to the Promised Land. You got a d and Lebron

do the best you can. And Darvin Ham's going nowhere
because the Lakers leaked that story that they're bringing them
back for a reason. They wanted to nip it in the
butt before it started two days.

Speaker 6 (23:37):
Probably find a reason to get rid of him. Ruy Hachima,
the Japanese Jordan, played like anything, but I mean he
was a non factor in the series. By the way,
Diazel Russell hit seven threes. I think in the first
half of Game two.

Speaker 1 (23:52):
He was on fire.

Speaker 6 (23:53):
Scored five points in the next six quarters combined. Yeah, yeah,
it went to his head.

Speaker 1 (23:57):
He thought he was a man. He thought he was
in he's been. He's been immature and underwhelming in big
spots his entire career. He had a very nice three
month run here with the Lakers three three and a half.
Once again, as Denver, he's awful.

Speaker 6 (24:09):
Didn't you try to tell me though, that the Lakers'
best chance would be, Oh, let's catch the Nuggets early.

Speaker 1 (24:13):
Let's know that was Nick, right, I don't Nick. Yeah,
I argued figure out a way to play, okay. See, yeah,
you get when you get swept by Denver. The fallout
is gonna be extreme, so be able to see around
the corner before you get whacked in the head. And
again it's.

Speaker 6 (24:29):
Risky, but you know what, life is risky. You gotta
take chances and ducking Denver, Mighty Denver, which you know
they're gonna sweep the Lakers back to back years. Colin Lakers,
just second half and you know you listen, You've played
a lot of sports, You follow sports. You know at
that at halftime you make adjustments. Darvin Ham basically got
his teeth kicked in in the second half.

Speaker 4 (24:50):
Every game this series. He's not making adjustments. Let's go
to the next NBA game.

Speaker 6 (24:55):
Last night the Sixers, Joel Embiid went off, dropped a
fifty spot.

Speaker 7 (25:00):

Speaker 1 (25:01):
In addition to doing some dirty.

Speaker 6 (25:03):
Theatrics, you know here he is doing some work on
Mitchell Robinson. He also kicked him in the groin. Look
at this is this a regular leg motion? Boom right
in the in the groin and also ended up tackling
Mitchell Robinson. A very questionable game from Mbid. He's getting
beat up. He also suffering from Bell's palsy. Yeah, so
his vision was like impacted didn't look like it on threes.

Speaker 1 (25:24):
I heard that. I didn't know that before him.

Speaker 4 (25:26):
Yeah, I don't think anyone did.

Speaker 6 (25:27):
He just announced it, but and beat out a really
good game, Sixers win. I'll just say this, I don't
understand why Jaylen Brunson ended up playing like forty five minutes.

Speaker 1 (25:36):
I know, what are you doing?

Speaker 4 (25:38):
Save him for Game four?

Speaker 1 (25:39):
You can win game four. Sixers are not good. No,
I think the Knicks will win Game four. My guess
is I'm looking at that.

Speaker 4 (25:45):
We did like we like the Sabers in the NBA.

Speaker 1 (25:49):
We both thought the bet of the playoffs was sixers
minus five last night than it was in No sweat.

Speaker 6 (25:54):
But I hope the Knicks win Game four because then
he got a Game five and then things weird thing happened.

Speaker 4 (26:01):
But I didn't watch a lot of this because the
draft was all the same.

Speaker 1 (26:03):
I watched the Lakers. I watched the last two and
a half quarters of the Lakers. I didn't get to
see this game.

Speaker 4 (26:08):
I saw the negative stuff.

Speaker 1 (26:09):
I saw the negative. Well, that's just they've lost ten
eleven straight, so that I saw reality.

Speaker 6 (26:14):
All right, let's wrap up with Drake May going to
the Patriots. I didn't about face in the middle of this.
I I all of a sudden liked this pick, and
I hate it because my New York Jets have to
now face Drake May, who I'm just telling. I know
Bill Belichick took shots at him yesterday.

Speaker 4 (26:27):
I don't really care. I absolutely love this.

Speaker 6 (26:29):
Pick for the Patriots, and Drake May said he's not
looking to be the next Tom Brady.

Speaker 9 (26:35):
Tom Brady's the goat. Now it's easy to say that
he's the best to ever play this game. I'm not
gonna be Tom Brady. So I'm just gonna try to
be Drake May and from there I'm just trying to
learn from him, hopefully get to know him a little bit,
and other than that, just try to, you know, soak
it up and be a sponge and try to learn
all I can from him. And he's the man of
that town.

Speaker 1 (26:54):
Yeah, good luck.

Speaker 6 (26:56):
Drake May looks happier than Michael Pennix did by the
way she Pennix didn't look thrilled.

Speaker 4 (27:01):
Oh I'm gonna be a backup for at least two years.
Who Drake May very excited.

Speaker 6 (27:05):
Here's who he's throwing to, Kendrick Bourne, Damario Douglas, kJ Osborne,
Juju Smith Schuster are Do they even have a two
on the roster? Those are all like threes and fours?

Speaker 1 (27:16):
Yeah, who's their star back?

Speaker 6 (27:19):
Who's their strong and Andre Stevenson he's pretty good, he gets
hurt a lot.

Speaker 1 (27:22):
He's back up. Who's their star Tied End.

Speaker 4 (27:25):
She's Hunter Henry he's solid, he's two.

Speaker 1 (27:28):
They got a lot.

Speaker 6 (27:29):
This has Carolina Panthers vibes from last year where.

Speaker 1 (27:33):
Aaron's healthy, two is healthy, Josh Allen healthy. That's a
fourth place team. That's a four or five win team.
Drake May, Yeah, four or five.

Speaker 6 (27:42):
But Drake May could perform well and level them up
a little bit, assuming he bits out Jacoby Brissett and Bailey's.

Speaker 1 (27:47):
Appy, right. Caleb Williams to me, is the only quarterback
with that roster that could win games, and I think
he'd win six to seven. I'm not talking nine or
ten like that. That roster is Giants Caroline in New England.
Those are weak rosters.

Speaker 6 (28:02):
Yeah, those a rookie head coach, first time head coach,
rookie quarterback defensive.

Speaker 1 (28:06):
Yeah, they don't have a lot.

Speaker 4 (28:07):
There's a four or five win team.

Speaker 1 (28:09):
Max, Yeah, Jmack with the news.

Speaker 2 (28:11):
Well, that's the news and thanks for stopping by the
Herd Line News.

Speaker 1 (28:16):
It is two of the best teams in the NFL.
Kansas City and San Francisco, like really well run teams,
have both struggled to draft wide receivers. Why. Because drafting
wide receivers is hard. Over the last twenty years, there
have been more misses on wide receivers than any other position,

seventy three percent of first round receivers miss So why
is the world guaranteeing me that Kansas City just won
the Super Bowl because they took one hundred and sixty
pound track guy at wide receiver. I will confront that
argument as well well, not just defending the Falcons.

Speaker 2 (29:02):
Next, be sure to catch live editions of The Herd
Weekdays and Noone Eastern n a EM Pacific.

Speaker 10 (29:08):
Hey, what's up, everybody? It's me three time Pro bowler
LeVar Arrington and I couldn't be more excited to announce
a podcast called Up on Game?

Speaker 1 (29:16):
What is up on Game?

Speaker 11 (29:17):
You ask?

Speaker 1 (29:18):
Along with my fellow pro bowler TJ.

Speaker 10 (29:20):
Hutschman, Zada and Super Bowl champion Yup, that's right, Plexico Buruts.
You can only name a show with that type of
talent on it. Up on Game We're going to be
sharing our real life experiences loaded with teachable moments. Listen
to Up on Game with me LeVar Arrington, TJ Huschman
Zada and Plexico Burrds on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts

or wherever you get your podcast from.

Speaker 1 (29:49):
All right, welcome back. It is amazing to see the
definitive opinions. Here's what I almost never have an definitive
opinion on a receiver in the first round. Calvin Johnson
I did, and I do think Marvin Harrison is spectacular,
but by and large, wide receiver seventy three percent last

twenty years don't get a second contract. So the Chiefs
traded up Buffalo traded back their rivals, and they got
Xavier Worthy, who I think has bus potential. He's one
hundred and sixty five pound track guy that's not a
polished route runner who drops passes. I think he's the
second best receiver potentially in this draft from Texas, but

because of Mahomes and Andy Reid, he'll probably work and
at times be spectacular. He's a track guy at one
hundred and sixty five, So Buffalo traded back out of
the first round. As a rule, I don't bag on
teams generally that trade down. J McK and I talk
about that. That's generally what I would do, unless you
can get a Caleb Williams or a Jayden Daniels or

a great quarterback. Trade back to accumulate more picks. The
draft is a math equation. The more picks, the better.
The Rams had eleven last year, they hit on nine.
It was a great draft, turned them around in one year.
So Buffalo traded back out of the first round, which,
by the way, from about the twentieth pick to the
thirty second pick is known as death Valley by GMS.

You're paying a first round price for a second round talent.
So now they have two second rounders and four fifth rounders,
ten total picks. I wouldn't be surprised they have the
first pick today. If they move back again today a
few spots and still get a wide receiver, do not
be surprised in five years if the second round receivers
picked today are better than the first round receivers except

for Harrison, this second round is going to have seven
to eight receivers pick. They are spectacular This is a
great Ricky Piersoll for San Francisco is not going to
be as good as most of the receivers in the
second round. I didn't love that pick. So basically, the
first round, late first round is wiff city receivers the

biggest whiff position last twenty years. And by the way,
Kansas City and their well run has missed on several
wide receivers, and that's with Mahomes and Andy Reid, so
there's no guarantee Xavier Worthy is going to be a
home run. The idea this was a franchised divining move.

They're gonna go out and get a great receiver in
the second round and not pay him as much. I
thought when Buffalo paid Von Miller at thirty three years
old one hundred and twenty million, I thought that was nuts.
This a second round wide receiver. Josh Allen's the quarterback,
two excellent tight ends, a good running back. I think
it's fine. The idea that, oh my god, they moved

down five spots in a wide receiver loaded draft. Again,
we're not talking about passing on Marvin Harrison, but I
Ricky Pearsall, who a Florida kid who I like goes
to San Francisco. I don't like him nearly as much
as a d Mitchell from Texas who maybe the first
pick in the second round. I think Washington still got

the Huskies still have two receivers on the board. I
like more than pearsall. So, I mean, who knows with
these wide receivers. But you you I'm not gonna say
this morning. Who they gave Kansas City a super Bowl? Well, hell,
Kansas City's winning super Bowls with no receivers. It's they're
getting to the AFC Championship every year without great receivers.

In the last couple they moved off Tyreek Hill, they
won the Super Bowl. So this isn't defining anything. Andy
Reid and Mahomes and Travis Kelsey Chris Jones have defined
that organization. And Brett Veach and the Hunt family say,
if you're worthy, I'm gonna make a guarantee will not
define the franchise. He's not gonna define the franchise. Here's
the Bill's GM after.

Speaker 11 (33:43):
I could see him taking a receiver, But you know,
you don't truly know. But where they were moving from
I don't. I don't think it mattered to us who
they were picking, and so now we've got a three.
You know, we got the two two's, a three, A four,
and four five's, And I think that gives us some

chance to fill some roles or use AMMO to move
around again, depending on how the board falls.

Speaker 1 (34:12):
I would not be surprised. I predicted Dallas would move
down last night at a live YouTube show. I wouldn't
be surprised if Buffalo moves down four or five spots
and still gets a receiver and picks up another fourth
round pick. But don't you know what you have to
worry about in life, You and not your neighbor, you
and not your business rival. Get you right? Buffalo's fine

and worthies no guaranteed to be a huge hit. Maybe
no guarantee. So Nick Saban, by the way, was talking
last night kind of criticized Amarius Mims, the Georgia tackle
who's played eight games, who took himself out of the
game against Alabama. So of all the picks, I thought
most teams got it right, and I have defended Atlanta
and Buffalo this morning. I didn't love the Niners pick

at wide receiver. We'll see, but the draft pick that
truly concern me with Cincinnati at eighteen. They have a
wide receiver squawking T Higgins and Brian Thomas was out there.
They have an edge rusher squawking and Jared Vers was
out there. So there were receivers and edge rushers available.

And they have an expensive edge rusher that wants more
money and an expensive receiver that wants more money. They
also need a corner badly, and none of the top
corners were taken, and Cincinnati took a developmental tackle who
probably doesn't play at least for the first year. Aren't

the Bengals in win now mode? Baltimore is, Kansas City
is Buffalo is a developmental tackle. I in love it.
Eight college starts. That's a developmental player. Now. You can
argue almost everybody's a developmental player when they first enter
the NFL. But some guys are ready to devel up quickly.
This kid's not. And again, with Joe Burrow getting hurt

in four straight years, you got to win now. You
got to take advantage of this. I mean the Rams,
knowing that Matt Stafford had gotten beat up in Detroit
with battle lines for years, they loaded up early. They
wanted to get that Super Bowl. They weren't building for
a Super Bowl, even Atlanta right now, what do they
do in the offseason? They got Kirk Cousins. They also

added some wide receivers. They know they don't have Kirk
Cousins for three or four years. They hope he's good
this year, maybe next year. They're moving on to Pennix Cincinnati.
If Joe Burrow gets one more injury, you have to
draft another quarterback. Iybe five straight years he's hurt. You're
in win now mode and they can do a developmental
tackle that I didn't get. I mean, you got a

wide receiver and an edge squawking want more money. Brian
Thomas to me is more talented than t Higgins. Doesn't
mean it'll be a better pro. But Joe Burrow does
guarantee some success at wide receiver. So and again, I
think most teams had needs and addressed them. And I
will defend Buffalo in Atlanta. I'm gonna defend moving back

to the second round to get more picks and receivers.
I'm good with that. And I'll defend having the best
backup quarterback in the NFL for a year. Michael PENNICKX,
who probably starts in two years. I'll defend that Cincinnati.
I didn't love that pick. I didn't love it. Nick
Saban was critical of it. Nick would know he faced
him big guy not ready to play in a division

where I mean, that's a real that's a big boy division.
The best pass rushers in football. You have TJ. Watt
in that division and you start looking at that, you
got Miles Garrett in that division, and you take a
guy with eight college starts at tackle. Didn't love it.
J Mack did not love. Is there a pick for
you now? Get let's get past the Pennicks one because
it is a quarterback. That was the one pick. And

I was like, I don't like that. I did that,
it was immediately and I don't like pick.

Speaker 4 (37:58):
Yeah. Can I be positive, Jason, I'm usually negative.

Speaker 6 (38:03):
I kind of love the Buffalo Bills move to echo
a little bit what you're saying. But they're now at
thirty three, right, they have the first pick today. They've
had eighteen hours dating back to when the trade happened
to basically negotiate with people for that thirty three, including
with Brandon Ayuk, and now there's chatter Deebo Samuel could
be on the table as well, one or two of

the one of those two or maybe both are getting shifted.

Speaker 4 (38:26):
Not only those two, but T Higgins is a name
to watch. I forget which reporter floated.

Speaker 6 (38:30):
This, but T Higgins unhappy asking out maybe Buffalo says
we'll take T Higgins off your hands. I doubt Cincinnati
deals with Buffalo. But the Brandon Ayuk one's fascinating. What
if you can get Ayuk if you're the Buffalo Bills,
that's a huge get in San Francisco.

Speaker 1 (38:44):
Hey, sure we'll part with him. Ricky Pearsall was drafted
to move off either Deebo or i A. We think
Chris Jennings is also more than serviceable as a three
or a four receiver, and Kittle and McCaffrey's a receiver
too out of the backfield, so they didn't necessarily need
another receiver. You could argue they need another corner, maybe

another linebacker to eventually fred Warner and save some money
on the other linebacker spot. They did that move, and
to your point, the advantage of what Buffalo did, and
this matters. They said, you know what, we think all
these receivers at this point, you know, maybe they had
like neighbors and Harrison top of the board, and then
they have eight other guys that are inches away a bunch.

Our day is let's let everybody have a cocktail tonight,
sleep on it, wake up, and three hours of calling us.

Speaker 4 (39:33):
We gotta get our guy.

Speaker 6 (39:34):
So that's one angle, I mean, Colin. The other one
is this whole situation with the quarterback Penix. Like one thing,
I think you're just hear me out here. Michael Pennix
goes in and he realizes I'm going to be the
backup for two years.

Speaker 1 (39:51):
Well, no, he's not going to know that. One year
he knows probably starts her.

Speaker 6 (39:55):
Cousins has a hundred million dollars guaranteed to him over
the next two years.

Speaker 1 (39:59):
Winning is big than the salary. You'll move off a
guy fast if he's better.

Speaker 6 (40:03):
So likely the top three quarterbacks are going to start,
right Caleb obviously, and then probably Jayden Daniels, Drake May
and you know what, Bo Nicks might start, and J. J.

Speaker 1 (40:11):
McCarthy might start.

Speaker 6 (40:12):
Michael Pennix was just drafted and told you're sitting behind
Kirk Cousins. Now you've got Kirk Cousins kind of sort
of looking over his shoulder. Let's say he has a
three interception clunker in prime time. You benching your quarterback?
Who you have all that guarantee?

Speaker 1 (40:25):
Patriots moved off. Drew Bledsoe after signing a hundred million
dollar contract in an era where one hundred million was
three hundred million today, he got hurt. Kirk's coming came
back healthy. Bill's like, I'll go with the kid. One
hundred million in those days twenty years ago is three
hundred million today
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