All Episodes

February 22, 2022 76 mins

On today's show, Michael and Rohan discuss how serious Chris Paul's broken thumb really is. Can the Suns still win it all? How much will it impact Deandre Ayton's push for a max contract? Then they offer a few reactions to All-Star weekend, including a few stories Michael had from his time in Cleveland. And last but not least, with roughly 25 games left in the regular season, they Power Rank an incredibly competitive Eastern Conference. Which team is most likely to win it all? Which very good team isn't even going to make the playoffs? 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
What's upbore Globe. I'm your host Michael the pod Tina,
and I'm joined on the other line by my good
friends Sports Illustrated staff writer Rohan not Garny Rohan. The
NBA is off for its annual All Star break. How
is life with no games every day for you? Right now?
It's definitely a little strange. I gotta be honest, I'm

so used to being tethered to the NBA schedule and
checking my phone every single day, like planning out which
games I'm gonna watch, etcetera. So it's definitely but I'm
enjoying it, you know, just watching a bunch of sci
fi movies. Shout out to uh, Terminator two and Possessor.
But it's definitely a little weird. It's definitely a little
word How about you? I mean, you're back from frigid Cleveland. Uh,

it looks like still probably still cold in New York though,
How is Cleveland? Cleveland was good? Um? I have some
more detailed reactions to my experience later on in the
show that I will I will divulge, but it was good.
I was a little slushy, little chili um probably the coldest,

most bitter winds that I've experienced, my skin has experience,
and I honestly don't know how long it was. It
was pretty tough, But overall, I would say it was
good to be around other human beings for the first time,
at least for me, for the first time in a
very long time. I got to see a bunch of
bunch of friends, um who cover the league, got to

see friends who work for the league, work for teams,
all that stuff, So that was that was a good part.
And then I just also love All Star weekend. But
you know, not all of us can enjoy the prime
of Arnold Schwarzenegger like my guy over here. So a
couple of things. First of all, I should have gone
to Cleveland, just because I think I don't. It's probably
been three years at least since we've seen each other

in person, roughly three years. It's got to be around. Then.
That's the number one reason I'm honored, well, I assuming,
I mean, I haven't seen Darrell in a while. Number two,
if there is like one pop cultural moment I really

wish I was alive for, it was going into a
theater with all the months of height leading up. Determinator too,
you know, the movie starts, You're like, this is crazy,
and then finding out in the middle of the movie
that Arnold Schwarzenegger is the good guy. I just wish
I could have experienced that. Um I can't. I mean,

what would you do your ninety one You're you're You're
terrified of this guy for seven years, even though he's
the biggest movie star in the world. Because The Terminator
is one of the scariest movies ever made and he
just shows up but he turns out he's a good guy.
I would have been drinking like the biggest soda ever
and my brain would have just melted into it. Yes,

that is one of the great turns in uh cinematic history.
Absolutely hope we didn't boiled Terminator too. For any of
our listeners out there who haven't checked it out yet, Mike,
you would be like if Thanos turns out to be
a good guy in the next Avengers movie. I know
that reference means a lot to you. It's like you're
speaking German to me right now. UM So, I think

we can quickly move on, but we have a lot
to get to on today's show, Rohan, including all star
reactions like I just said, and a long overdue power
ranking of the Eastern Conference to All Star reactions, I
feel like you're just trolling me at this point with
the amount of with the amount of all content. It

has to be, it has to be addressed. It was,
it was, it was momentous. UM we also uh no.
But first, yeah, a quick reminder, you just get me
flustered every single time I do this run. But for
a quick reminder to please to all of our listeners
to please keep your emails coming to open floor mail
at gmail dot com. That's open floor mail at gmail

dot com. Before we get to all of that, I
want to begin today's show by addressing some major injury
news unfortunately that broke right before sunday Nights All Star Game.
Phoenix Suns Point God Chris Paul is expected to miss
six to eight weeks with an evulsion fracture in his

right thumb. The Sons are obviously in first place their
seven up in the lost column on the Golden State
Warriors UM with Campaign and Landry sham It both also
sidelined by injuries that have kept them out all of February.
Not sure when they're going to be back. UM. In
the meantime, Aaron Holiday and Alfred Payton will have major

shoes to fill for a team that's probably the championship
favorite right now, or at least was the championship favorite
before CP got hurt. But my question to you real quick, Rohan,
is just how serious do you think this? This is here? Well,
if you really assume out all their goals I think
are still in player. I think Devin Booker actually made
an interesting point at All Star weekend. I think he said,

I'm looking at the silver lining. You know, Chris's legs
are gonna be really well rested for that playoff front.
Remember last year he was dealing with that hand injury.
Uh in the finals, he was dealing with an injury
in the first round. I think there's something to reach
about him getting a two month break. I mean he's
played in all fifty eight of their games so far
this season. Uh, Chris Paul. I was looking at some

of the stats he's in. He's in the Sun's seven
most used lineups this season. Like he's not only playing,
he's playing a lot um. You know he's been I
have that exact stat in Yeah, I mean, it's it's crazy.
It jumps out to you, right, away. It's the first
thing I think. I'm sure we're both curious about. But

because I think the naturally the first thing you do
is I also I'm like, Okay, what's kind of their
next best lineup and can it be used as a
starting lineup, etcetera. I mean, seven is up in the
lost song as a healthy lead that can go quickly,
even one losing streak, and it's a two three game lead, etcetera.
But I'm just looking at his all their goals are

still on the table. I think he's gonna be back
in time for the playoffs. We saw them win playoff
games without him last year, although I do think that
they will obviously need him if they want to make
a finals run. Um in terms of who steps up
on the court, we were texting about this a little bit.
I wonder you know you mentioned the injuries to pain
and sham it, those are serious. I don't think they'll

start with this group, but I do wonder if you'll
see more closing lineups with Devin Booker point guard. Maybe
you're playing Cam Johnson, Bridges and Crowder together more often,
something along those lines. I mean, they picked up Tory
Craig again. Um, it can Booker take over some of
those point guard duties. Obviously he's not gonna do as
good of a job as Chris Paul, but those are

some of my initial thoughts. Yeah, it's gonna be really
interesting to see how you replace an irreplaceable player. I mean,
he's in the m v P. It's like second wrong
m v P conversation. I don't think he has any
chance to actually win the award, especially now, but Um

would certainly appear on people's ballots. I think he's still amazing.
I think the point about him being able to rest
his legs is a really smart one. But it's also
like he turns thirty seven in May, and an injury
to Chris Paul is kind of like the piano dangling

by the wire over everyone's head, Like that's always going
to be on the table. There's no telling when the
next injury is gonna come once he comes back. Hopefully
it doesn't, but this is just something that the Sons
have to have to live with. Um, that's what happens
when your best are arguably your best player is that old.

And in their defense, I mean, this was a pretty
fluke insured when he heard it on that play that
he got ejected on where he was complaining it was
a foul. I think he probably must have known that
he was injured or at least couldn't come back the game, etcetera.
But I mean the play he got hurt on, it
was kind of a fluke. I mean, he was just
throwing a pass and in the follow through, you know,
kind of hit his hand in such a way with

the defender that he broke it. It was a little
funny that he played in the All Star Game, right,
Like that was what was that about? That was kind
of people People were not feeling that personally. Yeah, I
didn't care. Like people were like, why didn't he give
his spot up? This is so selfish? And I'm like,
I don't know, I feel like there's a little bit
more moving parts here than than people realize, Like made

sure he had obligations that weekend, etcetera. I just thought
it was funny. I just thought it was kind of
funny that he You know, there's guys who showed up
that weekend. I mean, like Donovan Mitchell got sick, right
and he couldn't play. It's not abnormal for players to
be there that weekend and then not play, and here
he's out here running with literally one hand, and I
just thought it was kind of funny. It's the Jimmy

Butler annual tradition once again. Jimmy Butler looked so like,
get me out of here during that trophy ceremony, and
I'm like, yeah, I'm kind of just like, just say
you hurt man. You were on the injury report, Like,
just get out of there, Just get out of there.
But I was at the podium right in front of

cp UM on the day of the media practice or
keep saying media practice. We did not practice the All
Star It was the All Star practice, and I was
I was waiting him out because I wanted to ask
him a question for a different story I was working on.
And you know, he's He opened it up basically by

talking about, first of all, he had a cast on
his hand, but opened it up by talking about how
he loves going to All Star, loves bringing his family
to All Star, his sun was seated right next to him,
loves taking pictures, looking back at pictures of the experiences.
And as I said, he's turning thirty seven in in May.
Who knows when it's gonna be over. Yeah, and he

was like top seventy five, like you know he was
gonna be there anyway for all that ceremony. It's like, yeah,
I didn't I didn't understand why people were upset other
than like people are looking for a reason to not
like Chris Paul or whatever. But yeah, it was just
the visual was just literally funny to me, Like he's
running around with one hand. I believe you had in
your grades column even though he had one hand, he

had one of two fouls in the yeah, in the
first score. Yeah, it's just really fun to stuff. Um Okay,
So I think we both agree that this is uh,
I guess, I don't know. I feel like this is
actually maybe a little bit more serious than you do.
It's a it's a medium deal. It's a medium deal.
It's not a small deal. It's not like panic. Anytime

a championship contenders best player break something in the middle
of the season and it's going to be out for
two months, maybe it's a big deal. But it's a
big deal. But I also think, I mean, once to
put the disclaimer up open floor is not a source
of medical advice. Do not get your medical advice from podcasts,

So that we've learned this year. But again I say,
this is no doctor, but I think you'd all you'd
rather have this injury than like I think, frankly, even
like a sore hamstringer, like one of those like soft
tissue ones that seemingly never goes away, like something like
a fracture, seemingly has like a time when it is healed.

And I think the fact that it is his hand
means he can still say, in relatively good shape. I
think he'll still be doing cardio, etcetera. So like you
compare that with like Anthony Davis and his brand ankle
or Kevin Durant with a sprain knee, for example, like
those ones that I think are a little bit harder
to get in shape, a little bit harder, uh, you know,
those living ligaments I think are it's just a little

more tricky, you know, from anecdotally experience covering the league, etcetera.
So that's just your medicine, Yeah, exactly, that's just my
medical advice. That's my expert medical opinion. But you know,
I'm fascinated real quick to see how this impacts DeAndre
Ayton because those two neverther. That's such a good point

because I mean, you look at the centers they've had
this year, Bambo has had a renaissance, Travail has been great,
and we are, of course Paul. So it's going to
be fascinating. It's gonna be really interesting because remember the
Sun's people were like, oh they went eight and knowing
the bubble, like, they still finished under five hundred that year.
With those eight games that they want in the bubble,

it is going to be very interesting because I think
that they've obviously gone out of the way to discuss
the culture they've built there. We love Monty Williams. We
all agreed Devon book has improved the last two years,
but what does it mean when Paul is hurt? Do
you think they'll still finish with the one seed? The
cushion is so humongous, and the fact that drey Mon

Green is also going to be out of month, Like
if Draymond was healthy, well, if Draymond was healthy, then
the cushion wouldn't be seven games to begin with, and
I think that the Warriors would would would probably take
that top spot. Seven games is a lot um and
the team is still very good. Like Devin Booker, who

was propped up as one of the faces of the
league all weekend long at All Star UM is still healthy,
played pretty good in the All Star Game. Um, I
think he's going to be I wonder, like, I'm sure
he's been asked this, but I just don't know what
the response was. But I just wonder when CP is
always in the m v P conversation, yet Devin Booker's,

you know, his usage is much higher. He's the leading scorer,
he etcetera, etcetera. To forty balls in the finals. I
just wonder how much that motivates him. I know that
the Suns are not the same team when Bookers on
the floor without Paul as opposed to vice versa. But
this is an opportunity for him to kind of flash
his playmaking chops. To see, you know, those dribble handoffs

with eight and get eight and ate and involved Um
quite a bit more, further developed the chemistry there, and
I don't know, It'll just be fascinating to see how
this team kind of navigates this. This is a sneaky,
huge two months stretch for DeAndre. Like, am I am? I?
Am I doing hot take? Guy? If I'm like these
next two months could determine DeAndre in future and Phoenix. Um,

I think it could for sure determine his financial future.
I mean if he falls out, if he balls out,
it's gonna be a huge for his career. I still
not to get too far into the weeds here, I
just and kind of convinced they're gonna sign and trade
him this summer or something along those lines. It's possible.

Anything is possible in the NBA. Anything as possible. Okay,
can we please? Uh? I just want to get some
all star stuff. Yeah, I know, yeah, let's let's hear it.
Let's hear it. Um. So, first of all, I love
like when I was growing up, I was like ten
years old, nine years old when the NBA did the

Top fifty. I was obsessed. I remember being so obsessed
with the Top fifty, Like I adored everything about the
NBA watching everyone kind of come to Cleveland and all
the photos, all the you know, the clips of the
guys talking to each other, Michael Jordan's cracking jokes. Like

even I can still just remember that as a kid,
how special that was so to be there and see
the top seventy five. It was like, honestly like an
emotional like visceral experience. UM, And I just want to
say the players who I haven't seen any reporting about
why certain people didn't show up, but the active players

who did not show up, I can't help but like
have I just lost respect for them, like a lot
of it. UM, Like the number one player who when
he I saw he wasn't there, I was like kind
of stunned. Was a d Like I know he's hurt,
but it's just like what is like you see, like

is he in a boot? Like what I mean, what
if he literally could not have gotten on a plate?
I mean Kareem like, Okay, it's like these people fly
into Cleveland. It's it's honestly miserable weekend weatherwise. Karem is
like I need to sit at this, like I can't
even stand up for too long. Guys have canes, Guys

are hobbling to the stadium, and it was like amazing
to see how it's just like the someone sent a
tweet out I can't remember who it was who works
um in or around the NBA, and he's just like
the work that goes into promoting a league, the work
that goes into honoring the past, like modern players don't
get it. And I thought it was like supremely disrespectful

for eighty not to show up, for Rusts not to
show up. And I understand that, you know, I just
I honestly how I feel like when Kauai was there,
I was like, my I already love Kawai land. How
great was it to see Kauai there, Doug, this was
awesome something. So you're right, You're right, You're right exactly.

So Dame having a miserable season, nightmare season, he shows
up to show respect for being selected as a top
seventy five player, to the voters, to the fans, It's
all about that, And so I I was just like,
I get wanting to spend time with your family. This
is a great time off. But I'm like, part of
the job of being an NBA player, of being a

top seventy five player, and the responsibility that comes with
that is um showing respect for those who came for you,
showing respect for the legacy of the league, the institution,
the league as an institution. And it was just very disappointing.
So I wanted to say that that was like a
big reaction I had, Like I'm standing there in my

hood in the hotel lobby. I'm waiting for my elevator
up to my room after the game on Sunday and
Oscar robert I'd look over Oscar Robertson is standing next
to me about to get into the elevator, and I
like fainted, Like that stuff is so cool, So you
don't even know. It's just I'll leave some room just
in It's okay. Obviously, it would have been great if

everyone was there. I mean, it would have been great
if even Tim Duncan was there. Um, you know again,
I just I don't know if it was injury related,
those players movie had something personal they needed to attend to. Um.
I will say it was really cool. Um, the ceremony
was long. I can't pretend like I actively paid attend

to every single second of it as it was happening.
But it's really fun to see all the clips, really
fun to see all the photos. Um. I mean, teams
were doing such a great job of posting, Like the
Heat took a photo and it was a Gary Peyton,
Jimmy Butler, Bob McAdoo, Dwayne Wade's bo like seeing Yeah,

that's what it's all about, Like seeing Wade, CP Brown
and mellow all together again. Uh, all that stuff was
so cool. It was just so fun, like MJ and
Magic Johnson like talking ship was so I just say
it real quick, Like, so all weekend long there was

everyone was basically saying MJ is not showing up, MJ
is not here. Uh, he's too cool for this, That's
what every That was what the rumors were all weekend talking.
I mean, it wasn't even clearly wasn't there. He was
not you know what I mean. Like and for them too,
like when they announced his name, it was shock and

like that was one of the coolest in arena experiences
every Yeah, it's because he understands, Like it's just it's
these are such special events and if you're not going
to show up for this, and what are you going
to show up for? Like what's the point of anything.

Um So that was very, very, very cool. I cannot
even speak to how amazing that was. Watching him like
run over and hug Luca, like dap up Janni's embrace
lebron Um. That's just cool for everyone. And seeing the
clip I shared this clip on Twitter of Shack telling
his story on television. I've truly ever seen amazing man

good for Shock, by the way, God, I have so
much love that was like him, so like probably the
two biggest reasons I like became an NBA fan. Like, God,
there was no one cooler than Quille O'Neil's be growing up. Um,
he's awesome man like him and Barkley, Like those guys

are like they're wild, but there's a reason why they
get away with all this stuff they get away with.
Like I'm not gonna pretend like I've ever gotten closer,
but like even when you're in a room with those guys,
like they just give off like the best vibes possible
and there's like there's no other way to describe them,
Like they're so charismatic, so popular. Like to see that

like kind of emotion from Shock, who usually is like
turning everything into a joke, was so cool. Can I
tell you my best all star like moment that I
ever had, similar to your Roster Robertson being in the
elevator was I was leaving Charlotte one year and ahead
of me in the security line at the airport was
Bill Russell, and I kind of wanted to be like

let this man through. I was just like, let this like,
let this Erican hero through security, Like what are you doing?
Like like checked under his hat. He was like wearing
a hat with the number six on it. It's like,
what are you doing? Let this man through? I wanted
to scream God. That was I. I was. I was

a paralyzed, Like I thought I was going to say something.
I was like do I shake his hand? Like what
do I do? This guy's a living legend, and I
just I was like overcome with shock. I was just
was like it was like sleep paralysis. I couldn't move.
It was crazy. That is truly amazing. He Bill Russell

did not attend because he's I think eighty eight years
old and does not want to contract COVID nineteen. So that's, uh,
it's just a minor thing there. But I guess before
we get to the power ranking. The other element from
All Star Weekend UM that had everybody talking was Lebron
James and multiple cryptic comments made about uh, you know

shots at rout Polinka that were totally deserved. Um, you
don't think that they're deserved. Listen, something I've genuinely been
wrestling with. But there's like no good way to pull
this off without coming off is like I'm just gonna
take shots. Here's like a grandstanding like radio host guy.

But m so, And this is not to say, this
is not to throw shade at anyone who's on the
Lakers beat. I love all the Lakers beat reporters. Shout
out to Jovon to build too. Waiki uh Kyle good?
What is my guys that do great work? But so
obviously The Athletic reported before the season, Lebron recruits Russ,

Lebron wants Blinka to do the Russ trade. Lebron sticking
you this story so much and bring it up all
the time, well lots of things. It's like, I'm just
I'm curious because you know, Rich Paul comes out and
denies the Eric Pinkess Bleacher Report uh part one part

of the Eric Pinkes Bleacher Report story, which kind of
had the information that Clutch was upset with Blinka. Clutch
wanted Blinker to make a move at the deadline. Rich Paul,
through Stephen A. Smith says, the idea that we wanted
to trade like Russell Westbrook in a first round pick
for John wall is a lie, Like that was a lie, etcetera.
I just want someone to ask Lebron in a press

conference setting, like is it is it an accurate description
to say that you pushed for this team to acquire
Russell Westbrook? And I just I would love to hear
his answer in public about that, because I just don't
know how he gets to be all make all these
passive aggressive comments like frankly, the Lakers are finally showing restraint,

the restraint they probably should have sown shown over the summer.
But I kind of agree with I get it, but
I'm I'm kind of on a little bit on their side,
like this is the guy you wanted, Now you want
us to trade him? Make up your mind, Like, I
don't know, it's to me, it's a little bit more
complicated than straight up like let's all dump on Polenka.
But I mean, well, the other part of it is

just coming out of that weekend, seeing Lebron's post the
postgame presser was pretty like, I mean, he just loves Cleveland,
He loves akron Um clearly always will uh. And I

just would be very surprised if Lebron ended his career
in Los Angeles, And I would be mildly surprised if
he demanded to trade this offseason, Like I don't know
if it's too I'm not saying to Cleveland or anything
like that, because this is the Dynamics there are so difficult.
But like for him, it just you know, say, uh,

you know the door is open for Yeah, Sam Prescy
is the m v P of the Thunder. When I'm
asked about Josh Giddey, I'm gonna play with my son
even though the team I play for has like no
draft picks for the next twenty five years. Uh. Yeah,
It's just like and then this kind of goes back

to it, but not really that much. And maybe it's
just me reading into it, but like if you were
Lebron and this was in Cleveland, and this is obviously
a very it's a big thing for you. This that
it's in Cleveland, of course, but like a d not
showing up in Russell Westbrook not showing up to the
top seventy five is just like bizarre to me when
you add that that wrinkling like I don't, I don't,

I just don't get it at all. But I'm sure
there's some reason and I'm that hasn't come out yet
that's going to come out why they weren't there, and
so you know, I apologize in hindsight, future me apologizes
to present me. We're getting so upset. But I just
thought it was it was just all you can you
can you give us any insight because I know people

are talking. What are the media people saying to each
other that weekend about Lebron? Like, well, what was the conversation?
Because I know everyone leaves the press conference, they start
finding their friends, they start talking about what has happened, etcetera.
What are what we're people saying? The sentiment? The sentiment
was in the moment, which we're all prisoners at the
moment when someone speaks, in the moment, everyone was like

he's gone, Like that was just that was the time,
Like this is insane. But if you're Cleveland, is there,
how big a part of you doesn't want him back?
If you're Cleveland's front office, if you're Kobe Altman, are
on Lebron? Are on Lebron? Are you percent on Lebron?

Because now they've built something that's really good On the
other hand, on one hand, Lebron takes you over the top.
On the their hand, he takes you over the top
for maybe two more years, three more years, what's the
So like, let's say Lebron goes to We're gonna get
to the power rankings in the second Like this is

such a fun topic. What if Lebron goes to Genie
Buss and he's like, I'm not showing up to training
camp unless you, like you have to trade me to Cleveland.
I mean he's not. It's just like, Okay, he's not
gonna say he'll never. No, it's never. That's never gonna happen.
But and by all reports he's like enjoying life in

Los Angeles because you wouldn't. But like, what is he
even at the trade package there? It's like can you construct?
I'm not it's got to be do it like it's
like love and marketing and then maybe I don't know
if and then like picks and just like say here

like tough and what are the Lakers do? Like I'm
just saying, I know that this is such a ridiculous
conversation and I admit that, but I think it's just
it's funny because if Lebron was on Cleveland right now,
it's like, uh, with like Evan Mowbiley and Jared Allen
and Darius Garland it's just like, okay, that seems just
like winning the title. Like there's it's like, no, no

one's messing with that team. They're like they're rolling through
the East. I'm sorry they does that team having a space?
Do you see Lebron's fade away to win starting just
that over and over and over again. Um So, I
just think this was like it was a really fun
little subplot. And I have come to really enjoy the

passive aggressive nature um of Lebron James and he's very calculating.
Everything he says is you know, it's tea leaves to
be deciphered and we and we've been dying to get
to this Eastern Conference thing. I just want to say,
this is a kind of it's a letdown how Lebron

the last two years of Lawn's career has gone since
leaving Cleveland. Since frankly, I know, he got another championship,
but the fact that three out of his four Lakers
years have been massive bus the fact that his last
year's in Cleveland known thought he had a chance to
win title. I mean, it's it's mind boggling. His career

is just like it's impossible to pinned down because On
one hand, he's lived up to all the hype. On
the other hand, you're like, there was so much meat
left on this bone somehow. It's I don't know, It's
something that I'm sure we'll talk about for decades and
decades to come. But this Lakers thing, even with the title,

has been kind of it's been closer to a disaster
than a success. Do you think the lebron would be
looked at more like historically he would be looked at
and revered greater if he stayed in Miami and won
one more championship with the Heat than the two that

he's won, one in Cleveland and one in l A. No.
I held a question by me, first of all, what
a question like that? The philosophers are just gonna be
pondering that one for I don't. I mean no, it's
I think it's a pretty obvious one, only because I
think that people value those championships. I really so. Okay,

So if he had if he won six, let's say
he wins six in Miami in his career, then we
don't have the one Cleveland. Your question was just what
if he'd won less in Miami then compared to the
more he's won now no no no, no no no
no no no no no. My was what if he

won more in my I see, I see, so more
title stays in Miami, wins titles, does what pat Riley says,
sticks it out, um has more team success with the
Heat and just stays there for the rest of his
career versus winning one in Cleveland, which is he looks
at that as why he is the greatest player of

all time. And then also winning in the Bubble with
the Lakers. I know everyone likes to be like the sixteen,
like he can't turn down the legacy of that one, etcetera.
If Lebron won five titles with one team or six
titles with one team, I think he actually would have
been looked at as the greatest player ever. So you're

saying that the Miami Heat route would have been the one,
that is, I mean, or if he or if he
had and let's take the heat out of it, because
people will like if he had stayed in Cleveland and
they'd somehow put it together, you know, and he never leaves,
I mean, I'll be see. I think that's probably what
most people could would have wanted anyway. But point being
he the route that was always best for him was

the one where he won the most championships, regardless of
what people say about like how big ten was for
his agacy and I'm not trying to woo poo that
that was a hell of a fidals I was. Obviously
that was like the last like truly insane beginning to
end outstanding NBA season. But yeah, to me, the route
for him that was always the best was the one

where he won the most championships. Because this Lakers thing
we're gonna look back on, I think as a a
gigantic missed opportunity more than anything else. Very interesting, Um,
very interesting. Okay, So that's enough Lebron tuck, unless you
have any other thoughts on the matter. Um. Also enough

all star talk. I guess we should just say that
Steph Curry is I just two seconds watching that shooting
display in person, having seen him in the finals and
watched countless playoffs series. Of course, like the shot he
took that was the pull up like from about forty

where he turned to turn around, that like, oh my god, dude,
where he's come frontable, where he's come from. Whereas like
obviously people were excited about him in a draft and
maybe he thought he could be a star. But for
him to go from where he started his career the injuries,
to become like Lebron's biggest arrival, like a generational talent,

is it's still kind of unbelievable. It's very difficult to
process in real time. I don't think he's appreciated enough.
And scoring fifty and then All Star Game when everyone's trying,
like for most of the once he started to go off,
people were trying. UM didn't at her. He's truly one

of a kind and Lebron in the postgame pressor it
was like ten times out of ten you expected to
go in. It's like, yeah, that's pretty much it. Okay,
So let's let's let's get to the main course here, Rhan.
I know that you've been chopping at the bit to
break down the Eastern Conference. Um, to set this up,
we should just say we are doing this because as

we embark on the last two months or so of
the regular season, the Eastern Conference top eight, top nine,
top ten, whatever is like I can't even think of
any time that I think it's I think it's the
best Eastern Conference it's been in my lifetime. It is.

So for this exercise, I asked you to basically rank
the top eight teams based on um, who's going to
get to the finals or win the championship. We're not
talking about you know, I would just like to say
you this exercial eyes. It's not just it's I just
want to give people. Mike and I have been talking
about this four weeks where and I think it started

like a couple of weeks ago. I just texted you.
I was like like, like two of these teams aren't
gonna make the playoffs, are like four of these teams
are gonna make the second round. And we just both
collectively at a moment we were like, oh, Ship, Like
this is crazy. So you know, so we've been talking
about this for weeks and so I'm excited to dive
into this on the path. Yeah. So it's like I said,

it's team based on We're not really talking about standings
or anything about all that. Who do we think has
the best It's like ranked in order of chances to
win the chitle. Yeah, so let's start at eight. We're
not gonna do ted and we don't really care about
the plan. Um. That's not to say this team couldn't
be in the plan because well, the teams will have

to be on the plan for this exercise. But um
do you want to start at eight with your number
eight team? Um? Or or and I and we'll just
kind of kick this off and see how things shake out.
I can start here with my number eight team. Okay,
let's go. The reason I wanted to start here is

because I wanted to be forced because I have a slash.
Can I give you a slatch already? Oh my god, no,
absolutely not. You cannot give a slash, no, because that
the whole point is that there's like one team. Okay,
so this is absolutely crazy person insane podcast man logic.

I don't think this team is going to make the playoffs,
but I think they have a better chance to in
the title than a team I'm not going to name.
So I think I know where you're going, But you go.
My number eight team is the Hawks. Oh I actually was,

as it was not the team I thought you were
going to say. Um, I had the Hawks at six,
and so tell me why why you had the Hawks
at dight. I just think that they I still like
their roster in a playoff setting, they were hot for
a minute, they've cooled off. They had like an eleven
and fourth stretch. Now they're five and five in their

last ten. I still really like their roster in the playoffs.
I think Tray is kind of built for the matchup, hunting, etcetera.
And it's gonna be tough. I mean, shoot, man, we
saw them knock out the Sixers. Like, can the Sixers
still defend Tray in a playoffs series? I don't know.
I mean, obviously, listen that series seven games and it

was close. But but I also think the Raptors are
gonna make it in over them. I don't think that
the Hawks. I don't you know. I'm looking at the
Stings right now. They're they're two and a half back
of Brooklyn for the eighth seed. I mean, that's gonna
change a lot, but I don't I don't even know
if they're gonna make it. But I I I think
even Toronto in the playoffs, and I've liked Toronto, I

think they're really good and I think they're capable of
making the second round. I think the Hawks have a
higher ceiling, but the Raptors of a higher floor, which
is why I think they'll actually get in, UM, but
I think the Hawks are one of those high ceiling teams.
So yeah, that's why I had the Hawks at six
actually because assuming that they do get in, assuming that

they get because they looked pretty good once they were healthy.
And I know John Collins has been was banged up
heading into the All Star break, but the way this
team looked even the camp, Yeah, when everyone's on the floor,
everybody's good. You know, they found the bench unit that
was really clicking UM over the past few weeks. Uh,

with Bogdanovich coming off the bench and Kevin Heurder starting
and everything just kind of fell into place. And like
Trey Young is so so so good. I know that
the defensive shortcomings could be more glaring in his second
go around in the playoffs, and they were in the
first because of matchups for sure. But that's why I

think this exercise is so fun, because it's all gonna
be matchups when the actual playoffs begin, Like, it's not
gonna be It's really gonna depend on who you who
you square off against, UM, and will that team be
able to attack Trae Young religiously on every possession? Do
they have like a really effective ISO scorer? Who isn't

Julius Randall? Um, do they have lineups that they can
play that don't have someone like Reggie Bullock in them?
And just uh where Tray can hide and um manipulate
the defense that way. So I like, I like Atlanta,
but I do understand. Um, you know, they've been very

frustrating this season, to say the least. And yeah, so okay,
can I give you my eight now? Okay, my eight
is we were just talking about them quite a bit.
It's the Cleveland Cavaliers. Yeah, they're They're a very good
regular season team. They're a wonderful story. I just I

think they are more likely to lose in the first
round than they are to win a series or compete
in the second round and give the in the in
the semifinals and make a push for the conference finals.
I just don't. I know what the projections say, and
I have a hard time believing. I have a hard
time believing their half court offense is going to work

in the playoffs. But they're like, they're gonna be in
a hell matchup for whoever gets them in the first
round because of the defense. It's not gonna be easy.
I could see them going to its six or seven
games in the first round. But we're on the same
page the idea of them, and I have them over
the Hawks, even though I probably that's just like ceremonially,

they deserve to be once a mot higher than Atlanta
just because of how well they of this season. You know,
I think Atlanta, as I mentioned, I like their championship ceiling.
But yeah, we're on the same page there. They also,
you know, it's very rare the teams, let especially teams
is young when in their first go around together in
the playoffs, so there's I don't think they're gonna win

exactly when arguably actually I'm not going to say even
Mobile is arguably their best player, but he's increased like
what separates them from just being like he's if like
when he has it going, they just he's the highest player.
He's their highest ceiling player exactly. He pushes their sailing

to a different level. And in the playoffs, you know,
I think he'll be okay, Um, he'll be perfect Defensively,
he can do everything on defense already. Offensively, I'm a
little bit more suspect despite the half court shot, he
hitting those skills challenge on his first try because he's
just complete. As Darius Garland said, he's a literal unicorn.

Great quote, Um, unicorns don't exist. Who's your number seven?
Who's your number seven? Because I have Atlanta, a Cleveland seven.
You have. My number seven is Cleveland. A number seven
is the Chicago Bulls, and they're my number six. Okay,

so we've basically been on the same page here. I
love the Bulls. Uh, you know, the fact that they've
been able to be so successful despite all the Levine
It's crazy, man, It's I thought they were done when
Patrick Williams went down seriously, So I mean, shout out

to the Bulls man. Shout out to mar To Rosen.
I love the respect he gets from spiers like that
Katie tweet. It's just like a tweet, but it was
kind of beautiful where he was just like, thank you
for setting the example, like Demard Rosen like like I
love that stuff. I really do. I really do. Um,
shout out to them, man, they've been so good. But yeah,

I mean, it's some multiple things here. It's can their
defense hold up in the playoffs. It's that group's first
go around together. It's the fact that they don't have
someone to play the floor really still, Um, you know,
they've gotten by so far in the regular season somehow,
but like in the playoffs, it's just not going to
work against someone like k D or you honest, it's

just not like you can't you can't cover up that
whole for seven game series. They seem to have some
I hope that Patrick Williams is going to come back,
but I just I don't see it for them. So
we have the same bottom three, just in a different order.
Hawks Calves Bowls, But I think we all agree they're
kind of in that similar tier. Yeah, and shout out

to Desumo, who is like a first team All first
Team All Rookie member. I don't know, I don't, I
don't care. How we you gotta shake it out. What
a huge what a huge pickup for them, And god,
he's been good, Like from the first game I saw
him play, Like the first week of the season, I
was like, sometimes I just don't get it with the

draft from like you're telling me this, like this three
and D guy was just sitting out here like no
one could pick up on this, Like how does this happen?
Like I understand scouting is in exact, but man, what
a pickup he is for them, and an example of
just how it's so funny because like Warriors fans, there's
always this, oh, they're trying to build something at the

same time they're trying to win a championship, but like
it's so important to hit on a young guy or
two even when you're trying to build a championship team,
a playoff contender, etcetera. Like, he's huge for them, man. Yeah,
and it's weird he's older than Kobe White and both
of them are shooting over behind the three point line. Uh.
Just yeah, just an awesome team given the fact that

they've been the worst team literally in the NBA since
Jimmy Butler was traded. This is really fun for their fans.
And shout out to everyone who was right about DeMar
De rosen Um signing with them. You and I were
on the right side of history there. Um. Okay, So
this is where it gets a very interesting. I think

the top six so absurd top five rather because the
idea that one of these teams is not going to
make the second round is like, it makes me laugh
every time. It's it's it's wild. It's truly wild and
it's it's what's really funny is just how that front
office and that ownership group will lose in the first

round and then like panic in the off season when
it's just like you might have had a championship contending roster,
and it doesn't matter. You might have won the championship
if you've got a different matchup, if you had a
different seed. I think I have a sneaking suspicion we're
going to have the same number five. Okay, give me,

give me your five, my fives, the Philadelphia seventies sixers.
You're right, let's go. Let's go. I knew we were
both sixer skeptics. I knew we were both sixers skeptics.
I knew it. Can we just get it all out there.
The more I sit with this trade, the more I'm like,

for the soul of basketball, it shouldn't work. And I
don't mean that, and I don't even mean that in
terms of like these players in that damn empowerment like
Howard Beck wrote about it uh this weekend, And I
actually even meaning to reach out to Howard because I
have a couple of things about it that I want
to talk to him about. That piece, But it's a
good piece and people should go read it. Um And

I didn't necessarily even agree with all of it, but
I thought it was interesting. But I don't even mean like, oh,
like I like free agency stuff. I like players moving around.
We talked about where players are gonna go on this
podcast all the time, etcetera. It's more so just like
the way James Harden plays basketball, like the constant grift,
the fact that he does show about his shape, the

fact that he has quit on his last two teams.
Um Like, people are like even like Jimmy Butler, like
Forces Away and Minnesota. Like Jimmy Butler played ten games
with the Timberwolves that seasons, like averaging over twenty points,
Like there's a way to leave someplace while like still
doing your job. James Harden just doesn't do that. Um And, uh,

it's just like I mentioned this in another conversation I
was having. It's like they're opting for like the blunt
force of talent over any semblance really of personality fit.
Is it a real oncorn fit? Like I don't know,
and I'm just kind of like I'm just out on it.
I'm just out on it. And maybe I'm so wrong,
Like maybe I have some blinders on, but I'm I'm

out on it. It was one of those trades that
was like we talked all year long about how they
needed to maximize as Joel mbats season by making a
trade and getting something for Simmons before the deadline. But
then you look at the trade and you're kind of like,
unless Harden was really dogging it, Um, I don't know
that they're better, uh, for the rest of this season

because they had to give up Seth Curry and Andre
Drummond also was not terrible. Okay, but you cannot when
you say it like that, that sounds like a little
over the top, like he's an upgrade over Seth Curry. Um,
so he's a better player than Seth Curry. Yes, Um,

like the Okay, it's like he's he's a much worse
fit than Seth Curry. We both agree on that he's
a much worse fit than Seth Curry, but that the
gap in fit does not make up for the gap
in talent. Like, I do think they're better, but I
just doesn't mean that they're gonna win a championship. I

don't know. I think. Yeah, my point is more like
this trade that they made would it seemed to me, honestly,
like it'll have a bigger impact on the league next
season than this season. And the roster just isn't It's
still just I understand that you have Embiid, you have hardened.

Now that's too top Well, you have a top five
player and then a top whatever player, and look, that's
the recipe usually to get to the finals. But like
I look at the rest of the roster and there's
just so many holes. And I said this at the
on the day of the deadline, like, uh, like Tobias

Harris having literally no rhythm on a basketball court is
not good. And I don't know what his rhythm is
gonna be when he's playing with Joel Embiad and James
Harden like that, And like there's a lot of people
have said that Terris Maxie is a is a really
good is a really good fit here and all that,
And like I've seen sixers. I saw some sixers saying

tweet like what Embiid is gonna do for MAXI is
gonna be so good? And I almost like spit out
my drink. I was like, what, like take the ball
out of his hands and make him go stand in
the corner. Is gonna be good for him? Like, do
you think James Harden is gonna like take Tyrese Maxie
under his wing? Is that what you even want? Do
you want James Harden taking like your budding? I was
just like I was like, what, yeah, yeah, so interesting,

just an interesting team. We have no idea what And also, look,
if James Harden is to be believed, um, he's still
dealing with a hamstring issue that could strike again. So
we'll see a lot of questions here. I'm sorry that
they're just are um okay, number four? Can I give
number four? Then? Since we both number five and you

said okay, so number four here for me is is
the Miami heat. I have to heat a number four
as well? Okay? Uh? I am wow. We're we're like
basically just hand in hand like we recorded. We we
had these lists. We're watching each other make them. Um

so Miami, I think they're super underrated obviously there their
best players have not played a ton together. Bam At
a Bio after getting injured and not making the All
Star team and everything, he just looks like he's back
to being Bamata Bio, which everybody interesting comment from you,

just stop. I'm always program, always program forgets. Um, you know,
watching Jimmy and BAM and p J. Tucker and Kyle Lowry,
And who's that fifth guy gonna be? Is it? Is
it gonna be Victor Oladipo, Is it gonna be Duncan?
Is it gonna be a hero? I don't know, but

I think that that lineup is going to be very
treacherous to deal with in the playoffs. Um. And yeah,
they have the best coach in basketball, which kind of helps.
And I'm starting to regain my confidence in this team,
even though I have them at number four. But I'll
say this, I think, and I go back and forth

with some heat Twitter people about this. They're starting lineup
now since so the starting lineup didn't play with each
other from but for basically two home months they didn't
have the starting lineup. Uh, Lowry was missed some time,
Bam missed sometimes, Jimmy missed sometime, even p J. Tucker
mr a couple of games. But from basically late November

to early February they didn't play the last seven games,
that lineup has been insane. And that's Lowry Butler Robinson
Tucker at a bio I think like over thirty net rating,
like they've been outstanding together. I think Duncan Robinson needs
to be in the game in the fourth quarter over
Tyler Hero. I think Robinson's a better defender. I think

that he I know that people are like, here is
the guy who can get them a bucket one on one.
But I think Robinson actually helps the offense more because
of how he opens up the court for Bam and
Jimmy in a way that Hero doesn't necessarily when he's
starting to go one on one and score in isolation.
Like I think Duncan's movement off the ball actually helps

him so much more. And I'm just coming around to like,
I think that they can make a do in the
fourth with Lowry as kind of the guy scoring for
them in the last two or three minutes of a game,
Like I think they can, and I think he's been
pretty good in those situations. So I'm coming around on them.
I have them four right now. If you gave me
another two weeks, I might put him as high as two,

but probably third. But I'm starting to come around on
them just because that lineup, you know, there's some shooting
stuff early in the season that I think was muting
some of that the impact of their starting five. But
you know, I tweeted this, like top three line ups
in the league in terms of high usage. I think
over two minutes played, it's Boston, it's Minnesota, and then

it's Miami. So I think they're right there. I really
do think they're right there. And because we've seen they
have really good depth. Um, you know, they just need
one of older deeper here to be good on a
given night coming off the bench. Deadman I think is
a very serviceable backup center Caleb Martin has been fantastic
for them. Like those are the eight guys you need

to play offf series right there. So I'm I'm I
on this podcast. I remember I threw water on them,
but I'm starting to come back around. Yeah. I just
think it's fascinating how coming into this season we thought
that they would be a little disappointing in the regular
season because they would have all these injuries. They have
had all these injuries. It hasn't mattered. So we should

really like if we were to go back and if
we were to go back in time and say, hey,
the heat will be in first at the All Star
Break despite x y Z missing x y Z amount
of games. We'd all we we would have the heat
that number one we would right like, But I think

it's just a matter of the other teams that we
have left to discuss, um and what they have done
that kind of puts them a little bit above Miami.
But Miami winning the title this year like wouldn't shock
me at all, of course, not like they have every
ingredient really necessary. Could be the We're at the point

now where any of these four teams representing the East
would not be surprising in the slightest um. So it's
just I do think it's also gonna come down to matchups,
Like absolutely, it's gonna be so interesting. But I'm certain
to like, yeah, the heat of like I've been throwing
water on them, the half court offense, etcetera. But they
just keep winning. They also just keep winning. It's been crazy. Okay,

you give you give your three. I have the Celtics
at number three. Okay, I have the Celtics at number two.
Oh my god, So tell me why you got the
Celtics at number three. The defense is legit. I think
playing a closing five like they're gonna have options with
the closing five. They can go big or small. But

I mean they did that. They're gonna throw out. They're
gonna throw out. I mean yeah, I'm just saying, like,
if you're playing the sixers, for example, you might keep
a little bit more muscle on the floor. But the
idea that you can throw White, Smart Brown, Tatum and
Rob Grant or Horford at the five, um there. They're
crazy defensively, man, There's not a weak link on that

team defensively, and I think that is what really separates them.
That's kind of their championship X factor I think compared
to all the other teams in the East is they
just do not have a hole defensively, Like what are
you gonna do when the game slows down? Who are
you going to attack? You can try to get them
to switch everything. That final five that we mentioned, those

guys can all sway. You know, Derek White late chock
clock whatever, he can even guard up. Man. There. I
when we talked, I talked about starting lineups. They're starting
five is obliterating teams. And I know, and people bring
up and I keep saying this, People bring up, Oh,
they're playing bad teams. They're playing injured teams like but

the fact that they're winning by as much as they
are is important. That they're not just scraping by. They're
not just beating these teams, they're housing them. So and
then you just have Tatum and to score in the
half court. When the game bogs down, he can get
his own shot that step packs lethal half court or
you know, mid range or three. I don't care what

the numbers say. Every time that shot goes up, you're
at his mercy. So I just think that they're really
going to be a tough out. So the league average
point differential when facing a team with a top ten
net rating, according to Cleaning the Glass is minus five

point three, which makes a lot of sense because you're
playing a very good team. UM Boston's net rating this
season when facing a team with a top ten net
rating is plus four point nine, which is UH number
one in the NBA. Number two s Phoenix number three

is Utah number four as Golden State in this category.
UM So the UH statements about and I know that
there's a lot of the shenanigans with these numbers because
guys have been in and out, But um, I think
Boston is legit for beating up the competition has shown

up to play against very good teams as well and
win healthy when Marcus Smarts on the floor, when Rob
Williams is on the floor, both those guys missed that
really disappointing loss against the Pistons in their last game
before the All Star break. Um, win healthy. I just
don't think that there's a more complete rotation UM in basketball,

and I think that the Derrick White edition is quiet.
What who okay, what's the what's the more complete rotation?
I mean I kind of I kind of like Phoenix
when healthy. Okay, that's that's fair and entirely fair. I

just would I would push back a little bit on
the depth in in Golden State, but um, not to divulge,
not to uh digress, I should say, Um, I think
that the Derrick White trade acquisition is uh, it's just
humongous in so many different ways that we've talked about

it a million times, in a million different ways. Um, Mike,
how excited are you for the playoffs? Man? Just talking
about this right now and imagining the matchups like this
is the playoffs we deserve. After I was just thinking
about this um this morning. Actually, like I was thinking
about the last few finals. Um, Like, it wasn't a

bad finals, but you know, the injuries kind of robbed
us of it. Really, I no bam, no dragitch, Like,
I really wish we would have seen that team at
full strength. I think it could have been I'm not
saying the series is different, but I think it could
have been a classic. But it wasn't. Last year. We
we started to get there, but the season was just

so weird. This season hasn't been perfect. But man, like,
I'm just looking at these teams, like, dude, like the Celtics,
we both have them, you know, top three or two.
There's a chance they don't make the playoffs. Like if
they're in the plane and they get Brooklyn or Atlanta,
Like if they could get Brooklyn and Atlanta, Like, it's
not gonna be a walk in the park for them,

That's how crazy this is. There is a chance. Um,
I would I would be very surprised if they made
in brankfully very surprised. At the same time, if they
somehow got Brooklyn and Atlanta back to back, I wouldn't
I feel good about their chances, But I wouldn't be shocked.

I would be a little bit. I don't want to
see Trey Young in on one game play and I
definitely don't want to see Duran No, that's not fun. Um.
They are three back of the four seed and I
guess three back in the lost column of the three
seed Cleveland Cavaliers five back of the Miami Heat in

first they have the number one net rating UM and
historically throughout his career, if you look at the splits,
Jason Tatum for whatever reason post All Star Break is
a completely different player than before the All Star Break.
So if he does what he's done in his career
as a score um in terms of efficiency, I mean
his three point is it just three points still under

thirty two? I mean, if he starts shooting the three
like he normally does, like that's gonna be a huge game,
all right, if that bounces back or if that stays static,
and if you know, I think, honestly, it's a really
simple way and reductive way to look at it. But
like this team, whether or not they lose in the
first round or go to the finals and when the

championship could literally hinge on Jason Tatum's three point percentage
that could literally be the difference maker. Um, it's very
tight here. Okay, So they were my number three, there
were your number two. Who's your number three? The Brooklyn Nets? Um,
and it was tough. Honestly, it was like a coin

flip between the Celtics and the Actually, honestly, it was
like a coin flip between all three. Like if you
had the Nets number one, I wouldn't be I wouldn't.
I don't think that's crazy. So you have the Celtics
nets and box you're saying you have them in a
definitive tier above the heat, um, like I don't. Honestly

I don't. I can't even like say that out loud
when you put it that way. Um, I'll say the
tops four, alright, alright, I'll say I'll say the top four.
If you had Miami number one, I wouldn't be mad
at you if you had Milwaukee number one as I do.
The sorry spoiler. Um, so let's talk about it. Let's

talk about that. The reason why I had them three
is I keep just looking at the playoffs and assuming
which I shouldn't do that the vaccine mandated New York
will hold. It's like as close as all these teams
are if you're gonna take away your second best player,
one of the best scorers in the history of the
n B a um four home games, Like, okay, that's

a disadvantage in a playoff series against a really good team,
Like it just is? So is it is? Can I counterpoint?
They basically that's that's what happened to them in the
second round last year. Was like their two second and
third vest players were taken away from multiple games, and
they are like, I cannot be stated enough that they're
like a Kevin Durant if he wore his normal shoe size,

they're in the NBA Finals. I'm sorry, Landard, you're not
winning that series. Like if Kevin Durant doesn't wear a
bigger shoe for NBA games and what he wears in
everyday life, they're in the NBA Finals. Well k D
himself said, he was like I it's like, yeah, but
that's what happened. That's good. Yeah, sure, okay, I get it. Katie,

Like he's kind of being nice and he's a blah
blah blah. Come on, we know we all know he's
just like his but we know he was he was
literally playing forty seven minutes a game and playing point guard,
like sooner or later, you're gonna break down. I just
think that if Simmons can play, and that's a freaking

massive But he's weeks away, right, But you're also you're
also you're talking about Seth Curry, is you know, this
game changer? They got him now. I think Patty Mills,
Patty Mills is gonna be freaking fantastic for them in
the playoffs, Like he's going to be like, there's gonna
be times where, frankly, you want him on the court
over Kyrie. Um. I just think that Durant is so

good man. He was the words at winning m v
P this year. Um, And I know I'm taking a
huge bet on their health, but oh yeah, man, I
don't know. After seeing what Durant did in the playoffs
last year, that is a level that I think only
honest is capable of getting to. Right now, I think
it was only as you guys who can get to

that level where it's like, oh, my team needs me
to score fifties tonight. I guess That's what I'm gonna do. Um,
So real quick, we go back to I always go
back to Joe Harris Um not being on the floor
as just he's just so important to the team, especially
when you look at the difference I think, I think,

I think Curry doesn't do the exact same things as
Joe Harris, but I think getting Seth Curry is like
a Joe Harris fac simile will help them a lot
on offense. Yes, on offense, I agree, Um, Blake Griffin
was good in the playoffs last year. Not the same exists,

so I just think Also, Jeff Green went like nine
behind the three point line I think in the playoffs.
I think that's an accurate read not looking at the stats,
so not having that hurts UM. But anyway, I had
the Nets three, Um, and if you had them first,
I'm not gonna be mad at you. So I guess
the Bucks number one, Like, how good do we feel

about that? You and I I feel good about it.
But I go back and forth on is the East
wide open or we for some reason just forgetting that
the Bucks are going to dominate this whole thing, And
they're great when they're big three plays, they just are
a slight Listen, It's not like they were a juggernaut

last year, like we were calling for Buds firing again,
like in both rounds, even the conference finals, the lost
game one. Um Brook Lopez has gone from like everyone's
like why are you playing him in drop coverage? To
this team win without him. They're just a little creaky man,
Like if they had this year's version of p J

Tucker on their team, I think they're the runaway favorites.
Like p J. Tucker has been in like unreal in Miami,
leading the league in three point percentage, like scoring two yes, yes,
I said this. Over the weekend, I was having a
conversation with someone about the Bucks, and I was like,
people are underselling that, just like how massive a loss
p J Tucker was, Like he was huge. They obviously

do not win the title without without him. Last year
he played humongous minutes in um every round, including the
finals when people were dogging him for not scoring. And
it's just like, I honestly don't care about that stuff,
Like there's just a little lot, bunch of a little
plays he makes the locker room. Yeah, and this year

he's he's having probably the best offensive season of his life.
Um m hm uh, I just think that, Um yeah,
they're a little bit creekier. I mean, how many minutes.
Is Abaca going to play for them? And he's like
already just thrust right into the rotation there? Uh, Like,
I mean last year in the finals, Pat Connaughton shot

like fifty from three. I mean, he was going nuts
in the finals. Can they expect that again? Can they
trust Rayson Allen? I mean, losing Devincenzo is not nothing
so well? Yeah, And I guess look, I know that
he wasn't playing great because of the injury and him
coming back, But the way I read it is brook Lopez.

You have very little faith in brook Lopez coming back
and being an impact player for you, and that is
why you had to trade for Serge Ibaka And I
don't You're right, I don't know what Serge Baca is
they give you in a playoff series. Um, basically you
need more from Bobby Portis you need with p J.
Tucker out as well compared to last season. So I
just think there's a lot of questions. I have the

number one just because of Janice Um. That's like, I'm
just like, this guy is just the best player. Um,
you have like fifty points on like eighteen shots the
other day, Like it's just not a human being So
that's that's the Milwaukee Bucks for you. Um okay, so

real quick, Rohan, I just want to read this quick
email here and then right before we close the show,
because I know that a lot of people are friends
up north are they're not happy listening if they if
they're still listening, Frank, I love the Raptors to man
and I think the rap I honestly think the Raptors
could make the second round of the playoffs. I've tweeted
that I've been on the Raptors bandwagon, like this is

all about championship ceiling. Let us let us read a
read that this is not how we think the playoffs
are gonna go out, etcetera. This is purely which teams
of the best championship ceiling right now? And I think
that they are a piece away. But the reason with
the email. Okay, so our email comes in from Darren,
who writes, how good do you think the Raptors are

and how far can you see them going in the playoffs.
They are well coached, have a long, odd switchable lineup
that teams rarely see, and seem to have a number
of players who are all developing nicely. O. G. Gary Trent, Boucher, Banton, etcetera.
Are they actually likely to be a good playoff team?
Or am I being far too optimistic? Thank you so
much Darren for that email. Um, yeah, I you know

we're talking about coin flips. Like there's a bunch of
teams at the bottom that I could have easily. I
think Toronto could easily be in the second round. And
if they beat Miami or frankly even Boston in a
playoff series, I would not be shocked. I would not
necessary sarely be shocked either. I would not pick them

to be either nor it would be an upset, but
it would be I would not be shocked. Those teams
are more evenly and Seam is really starting to like
come back around and that's big for that. I would
love to see in a playoff series. Avenging how he's
played um in the playoffs, I guess the past two playoffs. No, yeah, no,
the Plastic they didn't make the playoffs last you? Um

in the bubble? I should say, um, but well maybe
if Gary Trent shoots posting up so much in the bubble.
I hate to like bring up a playoffs series from
two years ago, but like what like I think Nick
Nurse is such a good coach. That was so weird.
You had to be you had to be thrilled every

time he posted up against the Celtics. Uh yeah, Honestly,
he did not strike fear in my heart that series.
I'm gonna be honest, but he's having had a tremendous run.
Um this season, he will probably make an All NBA team. Frankly, like,
look look around at his competition. Um, he's I think

he will so so yeah like that, you know, fred
Van Fleet, Freddy all Star. I don't know what they're
gonna change his nickname to now that he's made the
All Star team, but he's he's awesome. Um, the thing
is real quick and then we'll end the show. But
their line up dated, that lineup that Darren referenced, Um,
it's like it just hasn't been that great. It's it

is interesting, and there's there's probably some there's probably some
split on it, Like I think it's hard to have
turned at some point, but over the balance of the season.
It's my it was a minus for the longest time,
and it's maybe still a minus. I do think there's
probably some date that you could look at and since then,
it's probably been pretty good. But I'm with you, they're

like five like forwards lineup kind to deal has not
been It's not like running teams off the floor. So
I thought that same thing, and then I actually did
filter it out to see more recently how that lineup
is fired and their net rating in the last fifteen games,
of which they've played two hundred and six minutes, which

is the bulk of their minutes as a unit. I'm
talking about Van Fleet and and Obi, Scotty Barnes and
Gary Trent jr. Um their net rating is uh minus
zero point too, so it's been minus zero point three
for the season, so it's holding. I'll say this, I
think you could make an argument that it's a better
post season lineup than regular season lineup, and I think

they've had some success closing with it. It is funny
how many good line ups they've had with like Precious
to chew on the floor, like everyone in Toronto seems
to hate him. I mean the precious. The Precious experience
in the Rising Stars game was something um him looking
off Desmond Baine to the run to the corner and
shoot at three. It was iconic. But I think you

can make an argument that Toronto would be an even
better postseason team the regular seasons team. Nick Nurse is
a hell of a coach in his own right. Yeah,
I don't think anyone wants to play them in the playoffs.
Thad Young, We'll see what happens with him over the
next few weeks. I'm looking forward to watching the Toronto Raptors.
Um kind of fold him in and and just uh

see what his role is, See how much of an
impact you can have. I've always loved Thaddeus Young's game. Um, okay, well,
I'm happy we did this. I look forward to checking
in with you on it in a few weeks slash
a couple of months when the playoffs actually begin. Um.
Until then, Thank you so much, Roman, Thank you so

much to our listeners. Please keep your emails coming to
open form mail at gmail dot com. That's open floor
mail at gmail dot com. Everybody, please stay safe, Everybody enjoy,
enjoy the All Star break. The do had means who
were asking
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