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December 14, 2023 76 mins

Episode 473 of "SI Media with Jimmy Traina" features an interview with New York Post sports media reporter, Andrew Marchand.
Marchand discusses the news that NBC will not be using Al Michaels to call one of its four NFL playoff game this season, the fallout from MLB Network's Jon Morosi erroneously reporting on Shohei Ohtani flying to Toronto, leading to speculation that he'd sign with the Blue Jays and whether the NBA's In-Season Tournament was a success.
Other topics covered with Marchand include Troy Aikman pulling no punches regarding NFL officials, why flex scheduling is useless for "Thursday Night Football," Tony Romo's season and much more.
Following Marchand, Sal Licata from WFAN radio and SNY TV in New York joins Jimmy for their weekly "Traina Thoughts" segment. This week, Jimmy and Sal talk about the curious response to Giants quarterback Tommy DeVito, why YouTube is such a better home for NFL Sunday Ticket than DirecTV and more

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Welcome everyone to SI Media with it Jimmy traina thank
you so much for listening. We have our periodic visit
from Andrew Marshann at the New York Post to go
through a bunch of sports and media news, Al Michaels,
John Rossi, the NBA N Season Tournament, a bunch of
other topics with Marshan, and then Salakata joins me for
our weekly Train of Thoughts segment. Before we get to it,

just let me remind you if you've missed any reps
in episodes of SI Media with Jimmy Trainer to go
into the archives check them out, download, subscribe, rate review.
Two podcasts came out last week for the wwefans out there.
We had seth Rollins said a lot of crazy stuff
about CM punk that got a lot of pickup, and
some things about Roman Reign, so check that out. Boger
McFarland from ESPN, Mike Turco, Iron Eagle, all recent guests

in recent weeks right here on SI Media's Jimmy Trainer.
So listen to those pods if you did not subscribe,
and leave a review on Apple. All right, let's get
to this week show. Andrew Marshan and The New York
Post on all the latest sports media news, followed by
Salakata and Train of Thoughts all right here right now
on SI Media with Jimmy Tranp all Right joining me

now for his periodic visit to the SI Media podcast,
host of his own podcasts, The Martian and Oran Podcast,
and of course calumnists. Reporter for The New York Post
Andrew Marshan. Andrew, how are we doing?

Speaker 2 (01:26):
Doing pretty well? How you doing?

Speaker 1 (01:27):
Jimmy doing pretty well? Doing pretty well. Trying to get
to the end of the year here, which would be nice.
So slog through these last few pods. Appreciate you coming on, No,
thanks for having all right, let's start with you broke
the news on Tuesday that Al Michaels was not going
to be calling a playoff game this season for NBC.

A couple of things, just for clarification purposes. I've seen
some people interpret it as you, I know, Alan, give
you a comment, but when you called Al, you were
breaking the news to him. But that's not what happened, right, Like,
wasn't that older?

Speaker 2 (02:09):
So here's the.

Speaker 1 (02:09):
Chronology, chronological worder of what.

Speaker 2 (02:12):
Happened in November early November, I wrote a column about
Al where I talked to him about his thoughts about
retirement and then, you know, kind of what I thought
would be the best course of action. We discussed that
I wrote a column. During that interview, I also asked
him about the NBC playoff game, which I had heard
was in limbo and that it was trending towards him

not doing it, and at that point he said he
hadn't heard anything about it, and his initial response to
my question was, do you mean who I'm going to
work with? So then I didn't write about it because
Al is a great play by player, maybe the best ever,
But he also is very fierce behind the scenes, and

so you know, he he can get things maybe changed,
and so I didn't want to put it out there
that this might happen, because, you know, I thought there
was a chance that Al might be able to u
to get the powers that be to change what looked
like was going to be their move to the top
college team at NBC of No Eagle and Todd Blackloch.

Speaker 1 (03:21):
Okay, so why do you think NBC decided to not
use Al this season?

Speaker 2 (03:27):
A couple of things. Number One, at the end of
the relationship, the full time relationship between NBC and Al,
it wasn't great, you know. They you know, they liked
of course Al Michael's work. But they did bring in
Mike Tarrico a few years ago to be the number
one to succeed Bob Costas on the Olympics and then

Al Michaels on Sunday Night Football and so h they
you know, there's a switch with the Super Bowl with CBS,
so which meant that Al was gonna be one more year,
that Tarica was gonna have to wait, and they did that,
and but Al was still very persistent behind the scenes,

you know, trying to still maintain his job as the
number one play by player with his buddy Chris Collinsworth.
And they moved on to Taurico. They announced this Emirates role.
I can't say, eMate Ady say Emirates.

Speaker 1 (04:27):
I don't know. It's emerituses.

Speaker 2 (04:30):
I say it wrong every time. Emeritis if kind.

Speaker 1 (04:32):
Of the real word for it is bullshit, that's what
it is.

Speaker 2 (04:35):
Well that's where we're getting to. So they never I
remember asking Al asking them like what does that mean?
And nobody could define it. I know Al's mentioned maybe
like he pop up on some golf events, which seemed
kind of implausible just because first off, he hasn't covered
golf in forever and like as opposed to like Costas,

who sort of is a little more opinionated over the
years and kind of and give commentary. Al has opinions,
of course, there's a lot of opinions, but a lot
of things, but he hasn't really done that as much
publicly in terms of events, so that seemed implausible. And
then he did do the playoff game last year Jacksonville
and the Chargers great comeback. Al was panned, you know,

on social media and then also by people who aren't
on social media because it there's a perceived lack of
enthusiasm on that call. He would argue that he just
did the regular call. I think one thing that you
always have to and I think that's the problem with
him in Herbstreet is that, you know, if you have
a low key analyst in that case it was Tony Dungee,
then the play by play guy's job is to maybe

raise their level somewhat to kind of get that ying
and yang. You know, it doesn't have to. I mean
it's Al Michaels. He's not gonna totally change. It's not
gonna become Gus Johnson or Kevin Harlan, but somethings have
to do that. And I think if you look at
if you go and like review that last call when
the Jaguars kicked the game winning field goal, it wasn't
Al's best and so I think that that factored in

as well, and it was time so in least an
NBC's eyes, and so that's why he's not doing that game.

Speaker 1 (06:09):
Well, here's what I find curious about that, because I
did want to know how much the backlash to the
game that Al called with Tony Dungee was a factor
in all this, and I thought Dungee got panned more
than Al for that telecast. And I also thought it

was unfair to Al to let him have to do
the game with Doungee, who he's never worked with before,
and then Dungee was brutal. What's interesting, though, is I
don't know about you. I'd be curious for your take
on this. I have not seen a broadcast team in
the last few years get destroyed more than Jack Collinsworth

and Jason Garrett, who do a notre dame for NBC
and NBC didn't bother making a change with them, which
I find interesting. But Al, they'd taking away one playoff
game that he gets to call a year after, you know,
being an NFL broadcaster for fifty years, I'm a little
surprised they wouldn't give out the game. What a different

analyst and Paul Dungee, what do you make of that?

Speaker 2 (07:17):
Yeah, I mean I think, Al, you know, he didn't
return my call or text the other day. I mean
he might say like I didn't want to work with
another analyst that I tried that you know Herbstreet's not available.
You know, his deal allows him, his ESPN deal allows
him to do Amazon, but not NBC, And so I
guess that could be a factor. But ultimately, you know,

here's the thing about it, Al, Michaels, I've written this,
said it. He's probably the best TV play by play
guy on the NFL of all time. I mean probably
put Summer Roll up there with him. You know, Ray
Scott's like before our time, So I don't know where
he stands, and you know, good again, obviously it's all
personal preference. But oh not that this is really the

way to grade broadcasters, you know, Al and summer all
did the most Super Bowls, eleven each and so you know,
you could argue Al's the best ever. That said, if
you stay around forever, then usually they ask you to
leave eventually. So this is the normal process of how
things go. I always use the analogy baseball analogy for

my days covering your favorite team, the Yankees. You know,
first they move you down the lineup, you know, then
they platoon you, then you're on the bench, then you
get cut. That's generally how things go. And so you know,
he moved down the lineup from Sunday Night Football to Amazon.
Then he did the one game you know, with NBC,

and now he's been moved off that one game. And
so that's generally how it goes. If you don't decide
to to leave at a certain point, and let me
put the I think Al would be at his would
be the smartest to say, I'm gonna do this year,
next year, get a retirement tour. Take the pressure off
anybody saying that he's slipping it all. You know, I

think that's it, But I want to just emphasize it's
his life, so he should do what he thinks. He's
getting paid a lot of money, it's only half the year,
it's only one game, he flies private. It's pretty good.
So if he likes to do it still and they're willing,
and then Amazon still wants him, then he should do it.
But but I do think you want to be a
I've seen this before. I don't think it takes a

U turn generally, and I think you're if you care
about it, and maybe he doesn't, But if you care
about what the public is saying and how you're looked upon,
then I think it's better to be ahead of the game,
be a year early as opposed to a yearly.

Speaker 1 (09:43):
You know, I actually think Alan Blackleitch would have been
a good team for a playoff game because I think
Blacklitch has good energy that would have fit with all.
He would have been a billion times better than Dongeee.
And like I said, I think it's it's bizarre to
me that NBC is gonna pull him from one playoff
game when they have a broadcast team that's probab probably
the most paned broadcast team working in all of sports
right now in Collins Or I think Garrett, that's weird.

The other thing I would say is that they're not
doing the game. No. I understand that, but if NBC
is going to just make decisions based on broadcast booths
that are getting destroyed, no one's getting destroyed more than
that booth of the Notre Dame booth. They rolled them
out a second year in a row and they and
they didn't get any better.

Speaker 2 (10:25):
I would rit not buying on that booth.

Speaker 1 (10:27):

Speaker 3 (10:29):

Speaker 1 (10:29):
The last thing I would say about this is if
I was Amazon, I'd be careful because Al's getting them
a lot of publicity every Thursday, every Thursday night Friday morning.
I mean he's getting covered by the blogs in a
I mean every site you're the post SI include it

are doing like two three four posts off of like
what Al's saying during these games. It's if you know,
if I was Amazon, they'd be careful being in a
rush to make a change.

Speaker 2 (11:02):
We disagree on some of this stuff with this. I
know you've been a big proponent of when he was
kind of ripping on the games. I think at that
a little bit of that is okay. He hasn't done
as much this year, but I think a little bit
of that is okay. I don't think really that's the job.
You know, Al's been used to doing the number one
game of the week for you know, three four decades.
When you have a B or C or D level game,

I don't think it's your job necessarily to judge it.
Let me just finish not to judge it, because we're
all choosing to watch it, right.

Speaker 1 (11:32):
But he's not going in saying, oh, this is a
bad matchup, I'm going to rip it. It's when the
game's six ' three with four minutes left in the
third quarter and there's been no offense and the teams
are embarrassing him themselves that he'll then say, you know,
this is a pick.

Speaker 2 (11:46):
Maybe, but I guess. I think there's a perception that
Amazon's schedule is not good and this year it's been
much better and the ring has been better.

Speaker 1 (11:56):
So when Al has guess, I guess.

Speaker 2 (11:57):
My point is that, like, yes, I mean, look, I
like as a cervic for me personally, I don't know
if that's the job. Like I find it kind of funny,
but it's not like is the game good enough for
Al Michaels. That's not I get it. That's not really
where it should be.

Speaker 1 (12:12):
I think we're arguing two different things. My point is
this Thursday Night is an unwatchable game that nobody has
to watch for any reason whatsoever. With the Raiders and Chargers.
Nothing from that game is going to get coverage, nothing's
going to get pick up. But there's gonna be like
a million posts about what Al says during the game. Yeah,
that's good for Amazon, not bad. That's how I look

at it. So let me ask you. We'll go, I'm
gonna change topics. But you know you made the point
that you don't think the guys should be ripping on
the games. What did you make because I wrote about
this yes Tuesday and I got a lot of play
What did you make of Troy Aikman on Monday Night
Football just taking dead aim at the refs and saying that, Okay.

Speaker 2 (12:56):
No I read that. I yeah, No, that's fine and good.

Speaker 3 (13:00):

Speaker 2 (13:01):
You want people who are opinionated about officiating about the
game going on.

Speaker 1 (13:08):
Well, it's good and bad. It's good. I think it's good,
don't get me wrong. But the NBA complained to ESPN
about Van Gundy and he ended up getting whacked. Do
I think Troy's gonna get whacked?

Speaker 4 (13:17):

Speaker 1 (13:18):
But the NFL is way more sensitive, way more controlling,
and way more bitchy than the NBA. You know, someone
from the NFL called someone at ESPN. There is no doubt.

Speaker 2 (13:29):
I mean, that would be a what you just present.
I think it'd be a big, good contest to figure
out which one, you know, was more complaining, et cetera,
and heavy handed. The NBA or NFL probably would go. NFL.
We'll probably give you the NFL. It's close. There's some
people it's close. But yeah, the NFL definitely will make
their thoughts known. I can't imagine they won't. They don't

care that Troy cans making eight ten million dollars or whatever.
They're not shy, and yeah, it you don't necessarily want
to be on the on the wrong side of the league.
But that said, Troy Aikman's in the second year of
a five year deal. I mean, I don't know exactly
what's gonna happen to him, and it only helps him.

Like this move has worked out well for Akman, you know, regardless.
You know, of course the money, but you know, if
it was Alan Troy, I'm not sure if that would
have worked as well as Joe and Troy.

Speaker 3 (14:25):
And so.

Speaker 2 (14:27):
Yeah, and so, I mean it's it's the most comfortable
listen of the top teams, and so that's important. And
that's kind of what you're looking like. Again, I hate
saying it because it's so like negative, but the first
rule you want for any broadcast is not to be annoyed.
And that's number.

Speaker 1 (14:43):
That's what I told Tarico when he was on two
weeks ago with the Taylor Swift stuff.

Speaker 2 (14:47):
You don't want to be annoying about it. You want
to be annoying. You don't. Don't get in my way
if I'm sitting next to you, if you're kinda, you know,
mundane a little bit and not great, fine, but if
you're in the way and constantly just too much, then
that's a problem.

Speaker 1 (15:04):
It's exactly. Yeah, when Tarico was on a couple of
weeks ago, he commented about me ripping NBC for their
coverage of Taylor Swift when they had a game, and
I was like, listen, you know, people want to get
into the you know, oh well she was only showing
this many times this and I'm like, it got annoying
that I don't I don't care about the melt. It
got annoying, right, yeah, right, Well, I get paid to
write my opinion.

Speaker 2 (15:24):
No, no, I'm not saying you're not entitled to her
and you're not correct. I'm just saying it's your opinion.

Speaker 1 (15:28):
Though CBS was pushing it on Sunday during bills they
put they they got caught in one embarrassing moment on
the play of the game when Kelsey had the latteral
to Tony before they had just a flag boom. They
gotta show her relax, calm down, She's not going anywhere.
She's stuck in the suite. You can show her any
time you want. Get the play first. And I give
Dan's credit. One thing that was lost in that Nance

at the snap said there's a flag, so which I
thought was you know he he was on top of that.
I mean they didn't know, they didn't know it was
going to be for off size, but at least he said.

Speaker 2 (16:03):
Nance that is good. Nance did that. I will say,
just your overall and then you give Joe Bucket out
of credit for no flags. I just want to I
haven't said this on our podcast. I'm meaning to address this.
I am not with you on the no flags thing, okay,
because you don't have to tell me there's no flags.
If there's no flags, Like I'm not saying not all.
Sometimes it's okay, but.

Speaker 1 (16:21):
You've got to because you're not because you're not a gambler.
You're not a gambler. You're not a gambler. You don't
know what that feeling is like. When the guy runs
a punt eighty yards for a touchdown. You're celebrating, you
think you're covering, and then all of a sudden they go, wait, wait, wait,
there's a flag back at the twenty.

Speaker 2 (16:38):
You well, first off, you haven't said that.

Speaker 1 (16:41):
I don't think number one, of course, i've said that.

Speaker 2 (16:43):
No that you gamble. You didn't put the flags thing
with the gambler.

Speaker 1 (16:47):
Sweet even the gambling.

Speaker 4 (16:50):
You don't know.

Speaker 1 (16:50):
You don't have a problem when a guy scores a
touchdown and then five minutes later the announcer tells you
there's a flag.

Speaker 2 (16:55):
You're totally missing what I'm saying. I'm not saying if
there is a flag, I want to know there's a flag,
But there there's no flags. There's a little they put
the little yelled thing on, they put the flag on.

Speaker 1 (17:06):
That thing goes up late half the time.

Speaker 2 (17:08):
And then also, but here's the thing I'm just saying,
like I'm not. Of course, if there is a flag
you want, like nance said, the flag at the at
the at the Yeah, that's good, right, because there is
a flag. But if there's no flags, I don't need
no flags on every call. It ruins every call. If
you're just saying no flag.

Speaker 1 (17:27):
No you need no, you need it no, no, not
on every call, on punt returns and kick returns, because
on every punt return and kick return there's a flag.
I mean every punt return in the NFL, there's a flag.

Speaker 2 (17:39):
Don't then there's no flag. Now, if you're saying do
I agree with you? Hold on, do I agree with
you that if you miss the fact that there's a flag,
is that bad? Yes? So if there is a flag
and you don't tell me there's a flag, that's bad.
But you don't need to tell me there's no flags.

Speaker 3 (17:54):
You do need.

Speaker 1 (17:55):
Here's here's what, here's what, here's what. No, here's what
I need. Why I need them to say no, it's
when they say no flag. That's when I know I
can celebrate. I can't celebrate till I know there's no flag.

Speaker 2 (18:08):
I'm interested in like broadcasting, Okay, that's what I'm interested
I'm not interested. I understand what you're saying. We're arguing
basically the same thing. I'm just saying, you don't have
to just say no flags if you didn't say there's
a flag, Like if you don't the omission is saying
there's no flags.

Speaker 1 (18:23):
I don't need we're we're not agreeing. We're not agreeing.
When there is a kickoff of punk return touchdown, I
need the announcer to say no flags when the guy
hits the end zone, because half the time it'll come
out seconds later and I'm celebrating and then I'm deflated
when the flag comes. I want to know no flags.

You're not a gambler. The people who are listening will
go on Twitter and they'll tell us who's right and
don't worry.

Speaker 2 (18:48):
About it, But we're not. Just as long as you
present it correctly. Let me just for my people, I'm.

Speaker 1 (18:54):
Not presenting it anyway. They could just listen to this.
I'm not gonna tweet it. They just listen.

Speaker 2 (18:58):
I'm just saying that if you don't, if the announce
doesn't say there's a flag, then there's no flags. I
don't even to tell me there's no flags.

Speaker 1 (19:04):
Are hard at telling me you're missing the point. Do
you know how many times there's a pump return touchdown
and there's no yellow things, and then all of a sudden
the announces, oh wait, wait there's a flag. Yeah, after
the team's already celebrating and dancing in the end zone.
Don't let it get that far. Tell me there's no
flag right off the bat. Then I know I can celebrate,
but your your examples not.

Speaker 2 (19:24):
I gotta let it go because I mean, I want
people listening to your podcast, but your example doesn't make
any sense. So because what you're saying is the announcer
doesn't there doesn't notice there's a flag.

Speaker 1 (19:36):
Yeah right. A lot of times then I paid ten
and they go, oh, oh, there is a flag. Well
you should have told me that as soon as it
was dropp I want as soon as it's dropped, you
gotta let me know. And then if it's not drop
you don't. But if you don't, but then right when
the guy hits the end zone, you gotta.

Speaker 2 (19:52):
They don't say there's no flag. They don't tell me
there's no flag. If they didn't say there was a flag.

Speaker 1 (19:56):
It's not confirm confirmed for me. There's no flag. When
the guy hits the end zone. Confirm it. It's confirmation.

Speaker 2 (20:05):
Gonna be a lot of old casts. People will just
have a gambling just that every play they'll say flag,
no flag. That'll be the whole job.

Speaker 1 (20:13):
Just punt returns and kick returns, since this flag's on
every one of those plays. All right. I thought I
did not think that would be the topic we would
argue about. I thought this would now be the topic
we would argue about. And I know I'm gonna get
so much shit for this, and no one's gonna agree
with me, But I'm just gonna like.

Speaker 2 (20:29):
My chances here.

Speaker 1 (20:30):
No train already on this one. You're gonna bury me.
And I know I'm out on an island on this one.
I'm gonna try to explain myself so people understand it.
But okay, John Morosi screwed up. There's no he said.
Otani was flying to Toronto, and he was not. He
was in California and Morosi messed up. Okay. The reaction

to Morosi messing up was a million times worse than
MOROTHI people, people, this is a black eye for journalism.
What Charlie Steiner, You have to hear it, He went on.
Russo yesterday and spend five minutes just lamenting the death
of like journalism. Here's what I would say about this.
Morosi was wrong. He did a bad job. He said

a baseball player was going to sign with one team,
and then the player signed with another. It's not the
end of the We can relax a little bit. It's
not that big of a like. The reaction was all
these people coming out of the woodwork who obviously have
never reported it, like every single person has gotten stuff wrong,

but everyone was ready to bury Morosi. Is there any
reporter who never got anything wrong? Absol waiting for Condoleeza
Rice to coach the Browns like Adam Schefter said? John
Hayman said, Aaron Judge was signing with the Everyone does this,
but the way they came down to a Morosi was ridiculous.

Speaker 2 (21:55):
Okay, two things. Number one, I think we this is
like a bigger issue you and bigger than sports. We
we live in second hand reality, which is that we're
on our phones on our screen, so that's not first
hand reality, and everything is beaten over our head, so
we know about every incident of any We know everyone's

thought either, you know, if there have any background in
an issue or if they don't. So I do think
that what you're talking about a little bit is the
fact that you're on Twitter for this stuff and or x,
and you're getting people just hammering Morosi.

Speaker 1 (22:32):
Now, well I've seen it.

Speaker 2 (22:33):
This is Bob Nightingale wrote a column just like crushing
baseball writers. On our podcast, I said, I disagree with Bob.

Speaker 3 (22:42):
I know.

Speaker 1 (22:42):
So Charlie Steiner, Charlie Steiner and Russo cited the Nightingale
column and how great it was and how good it
was and this and that, and I'm like, Okay, here's
the thing.

Speaker 2 (22:51):
All right, So I'm going to defend baseball writers, like,
all right, there's a couple. We'll get them Morosi in
a second. But most of the baseball writers didn't report this.
And what you have to understand when a guy like
John Morosi, who's an insider for MLB Network and I
think at MLB dot com, he you know, he has
some credibility. So when he says that everyone's hearing from

their editors, they're hearing from their bosses and saying what's
going on, what's going on, especially with that situation, and
that's difficult. When I was at ESPN, once the Daily
News reported that Robinson Cano there's like a big blow
up with Seattle and he wasn't gonna sign with them,

and like it was like eight o'clock in the morning.
That's when you'll know this the National Audits. Cashman always
jumps off or climbs down a building for charity and Stanford,
Connecticut's all they are at eight in the morning. The
story's breaking, Cashman's coming down the scaffolding and you're waiting
to talk to Cashman. I'm making calls and I remember
calling up to Bristol and saying, look, I don't think

this is true. The reporter in question has been wrong before,
and I don't think we should go with this. They
want me to go on Sports Center talk about it.
I go, look, I'll go on, but I'm gonna say
according to them, and we have no confirmation, and then
it ended up not being true. When I remember, I
got a nice note from one of the editors saying,
you know, great job there, and so you have to

understand though there's pressure though because you're in competition. There's
a huge story. At that point, Cano was the biggest
free agent Willie signed with Seattle. Jay Z was involved
as agent. It was a great story, especially how the
daily News you know, had written it. He was wrong.

Speaker 3 (24:30):
So the.

Speaker 2 (24:32):
So the overall what you know with Morosi. The issue
I had with Morosi is this, if you have that
tidbit of information, Okay, let's say it were true. I mean,
it's awful that it wasn't true, but let's say it
were true. You don't just give that to the masses
with no context. You have that little piece of information,
and in theory, you're at like the ten yard line
going in for a huge touchdown and you don't know.

And I get it's competitive, you want to be first,
but that's time when you need to slow down a
little bit because you just need to fight. We need
to know what the context of it. So he could
have he could have. Look, he did say it was imminent,
and he said either today or you know, tomorrow, which
you know doesn't mean anything. At the end of the
winter meetings, you figure Outani is probably ready to make

a decision. So it's not exactly like he was going
on a limb. It wasn't like the day after the
season he's gonna make a decision. That said, he did
say that, and then secondly, though you got to give
me the context of it. There's no story like you know,
you just there's a lot of stories I don't like
to get into where I have the story of what's
like the this person's out, but I know there's like
I know the context. I need to prove it because

that's the that's what's you got to tell people. That's
what makes it interesting. And so that's where Morosi made
a huge mistake. And so and then like you know,
Bob Nightingale, who I like and you know, respect, but
I don't know. The way he wrote his column is

if like every baseball writer is beholden to agent and
just sitting by their phone waiting for the I mean, yeah,
that's like, I mean you get that and like what
I will we cover? You know, where people are like, oh,
this person tells me, and like they're always ninety percent
of the time people are wrong, And I just don't know.
That's not how stories like it's not yeah, can that

ever happen? That someone tells you something and boom, of
course that can happen. But more it's you find out
stuff and then you're able to confirm and prove it.
Then you're just sitting around so uh so I thought
his column was way off.

Speaker 1 (26:33):
Yeah. I thought the best twist though on the entire
story was like all of these writers chomping at the
bit to break the story. Morosi's out there getting things wrong.
And then Otani broke it himself on his Instagram page.

Speaker 2 (26:49):
Well he was it seems you know, I don't cover
baseball anymore, told all the teams to be quiet. I mean,
we had the thing with Dave Roberts. You know, he
said something at the Dodgers pres scoff you know where
he does. They have the managers available, you know, every
manager available at some point during the winter meetings, and
he said they met with him, and it was just like,
oh my god, are the Dodgers out now? And so

you know, obviously it seemed like a strict order from
Otani and his agents. So you know that's why that happens.
I mean, they can put a lid on things. And look,
here's the thing. The reason you have relationships with people
so you can confirm things. And if Ootani didn't want out,
there no team. So that made it difficult. But so
they answer your first question though, it was kind of

like the CHRISA. Thompson thing. I do think there's a
secondhand reality where people start kinna, And also there's a
feeling like when you're on X sometimes for people I
gotta chime in on this issue, okay. And I do
think like, if you're again, we don't get into that topic.
But when you're like the sideline reporters, I can understand
wanting to chime in on that because it's very personal
for you, But you don't need to chime in on

We don't all need to chime in on everything. I'm
trying to get off of X as much as possible,
and also just like not chime in on stuff that
is not really in my wheelhouse, like everyone's while I
got a tweet about to send it, and I'm like,
why why am I gonna tweet about the Yankees.

Speaker 1 (28:11):
I just think if you're a reporter going after John Morosi,
you better have never gotten anything wrong before. Like, well,
here's what I don't like about it. I guess I
don't like when there's the implication from forget wackos on Twitter,
who are just fans, I'm talking about reporters. I don't
like the implication that like Morosi made this up, Like
Morosi was like, oh, I'm just gonna say He's like, yeah,

he got bad information, and that's happened to every reporter
who does these stories. Maybe not every but what'd you
say eighty percent? Ninety? I mean everyone is not a
story wrong.

Speaker 2 (28:44):
Yeah. Well, but the thing is, I think the problem
with Twitter and x and how we like report things
now and we see it with bigger issues like war,
is that journalism and getting stories correct they're not always
two seconds, so you can't, like I get it. There's
pressure to put things together in two seconds like that
can know story I told you about. There was pressure

to get this going because this is going to fuel
the day and it's gonna be on Sports Center and
at that point calling cowards on I think I was
on Spanning the Globe with him on that you know day.

Speaker 1 (29:14):
And like, so there is that hell is spanning the Globe.

Speaker 2 (29:17):
He used to do a thing at ten twenty every
day where he uh he like would go to different people.

Speaker 3 (29:24):
There's nothing.

Speaker 2 (29:25):
It was that a ESPN you never listened to Did
you ever listen to the coward?

Speaker 1 (29:28):

Speaker 2 (29:29):
Okay, well, I mean why why so upset? It was
a segment called Spanning the Globe Iah.

Speaker 1 (29:37):
You know what, I didn't know what you were. I
thought it was a show when you said it.

Speaker 2 (29:40):
I didn't like a ten twenties to go around and
go to different seats.

Speaker 1 (29:44):
Like I never heard of that show before. But okay,
that's it. Yeah, yeah, and my old And again at
the end of the day, when all was said and done,
like the guy said, a guy was going to sign
it one team and he signed another. Well, we'll live if.

Speaker 2 (29:59):
I get it. I keep see a fan being upset.
And the other thing is all we have as reporters
is our reputation. So yeah, you're you're right. You know,
people make mistakes, but it hurts Morosi's reputation. It's the
biggest free agent maybe in the history of baseball. And
you got to agree with that element wrong where And

here's the problem for me, like forgetting that it's wrong.
Is this you're putting this, you're putting out that he's
going Let's say he was on the plane. Maybe he
was going on the plane. Supposedly he'd gone to the
dunid End to see the Blue Jays spring training. Will
maybe he went to go look at Toronto Again. I mean,
there's a many reasons if he were actually on that plane.
Besides that, he's just signing there that he was going

to Toronto, and so that's the thing you need to
find out about. You just tell us he's flying someplace.
I mean that can mean anything. Yeah, I get it,
you want that story. But yeah, I thought Morosi deserved blame.

Speaker 1 (30:58):
Okay, let me hear other things here. McAfee, he made
a thing like he might leave game day. Then he
said he wasn't leaving game day. He was never gonna
leave game day, right, I.

Speaker 2 (31:11):
Mean, he leaves most of his deals early, so I
mean it's not like out of the question that he
might leave game day early. But I thought the more
interesting ones was herb Street saying that if McAfee leaves,
he's gonna.

Speaker 1 (31:23):
Leave, right, I was gonna go. Yeah, I think that
was I think that was well.

Speaker 2 (31:29):
But we'll write that one down. If McAfee leaves next year,
if Kirk's gonna follow him around, or maybe I got
a feeling he'll stay.

Speaker 1 (31:40):
Yeah, I think Kirk was just trying to be nice.

Speaker 2 (31:43):
Yeah, So yeah, I don't know McAfee. McAfee does what
he wants and and he's very cognizant of what everyone
says and writes about him, very interested in that that's
why he loves you.

Speaker 1 (31:57):
Well, I don't. I mean, I just think why would
he leave after two seasons? The ratings are good despite
you know, Fox playing their games there with like twelve
fifteen and trying to say they won when they really
didn't know all that. Like, the ratings for game day
are still great. Like, there's no reason for McAfee to leave.

Speaker 2 (32:13):
I mean, it's a lot. I mean, that's the only
thing I would say. He's you know, five days a week,
you're doing a talk show and then you're traveling Friday there. Yeah,
and then I mean he probably saying private everywhere, but
he uh, it's a lot. I mean, and then you
gotta watch the games. I'm not saying like, look I
always get I always say, like nobody cares about these
sportscasters or sports personalities schedule.

Speaker 1 (32:32):
I mean about he works hard.

Speaker 2 (32:34):
I mean that he works, he works hard for.

Speaker 1 (32:37):
Yeah, And that's the thing with Herbstreet. I mean, if anything,
Herbstreet should give up the game that he's doing on Saturday.
Herbstreet should never leave college game Day. Kirk Curbstreet should
never leave college game day's better off not doing this
Saturday night game with Fowler and staying on game day.

Speaker 2 (32:51):
I mean most people like doing the games better.

Speaker 1 (32:54):
Right, Well, what I'm saying, keep the Thursday night at
I mean, Kirk forget, like I think, forget day. I
work hard Herpstreet's schedule is ridiculous. You can't keep that
up for like a five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten years.

Speaker 2 (33:09):
I mean it is hard.

Speaker 1 (33:10):
I again, I mean here's they make him fly from
game day, Yeah he does. That's what I'm talking about.

Speaker 2 (33:16):
That one's Yeah, that one's crazy, Like I wouldn't personally.
I don't know how great it is to be on
a plane that much and that sure.

Speaker 1 (33:22):
That's what That's my point is when he's in game
day in Alabama and he's got to fly to USC
for that game at eight o'clock and then like, what's
the point, like give it up already.

Speaker 2 (33:33):
I don't have him on and tell him.

Speaker 1 (33:35):
I don't have to tell you I will. He's not
easy to get on. He's moree of the harder ones
to get on. Yeah, it's on McAfee every day.

Speaker 2 (33:44):
But McAfee likes, definitely likes Pat mcaffee.

Speaker 1 (33:49):
I feel like I was gonna bring this up earlier
and then we went in a different action. But we'll
go back NFL. I I feel like the heat on
Romo has gone down a little bit this year. I
think that he still has some vocal critics, but I
don't feel like it's as intense as it was last year.
Am I reading that wrong?

Speaker 2 (34:11):
I think they'll be judged by the playoffs in the
Super Bowl. I think that when you look at the
number one teams for Fox and CBS, I think they
get a little lost on a Sunday between multiple games,
red Zone Sunday ticket for like your most ardent fans
like you and I who probably care about the broadcasters

more than others, and it's just like there's a lot fantasy.
So I think that, you know, when they're in their
standalone games, that's where they're judged more. But yeah, I
mean I think so. I think this time of year,
you're not gonna hear as much. But if you look
or do a search on his name, generally there's usually

something going on in those broadcasts.

Speaker 1 (34:53):
I'm not surprised by that. I mean, yeah, but like
you said that, that's Twitter, I mean, that's gonna be.

Speaker 2 (34:58):
Twitter is negative Twitter. You can't by Twitter. I mean
every story I write usually gets like in the Twitter
verse and is like somehow you know it's not reaggregated
or you know, correct fully correct.

Speaker 1 (35:14):
The I know the NBA their whole thing right now
is you know they're going to get new rights deals
and you know, Apple, Amazon, NBC all that stuff. And
I know the n Season Tournament final with the Lakers
did a huge rating for a regular season game, but
I find it weird They're trying to spend the whole
tournament is this big success because instead of like a

million viewers for a Tuesday game, they got like two
million viewers for a Tuesday game. And it's like, oh,
this thing's a success, everyone's watching it. It didn't seem
like anybody cared about this. I know the final did
five million with the Lakers, but everything before the final, like,
I know the ratings are up like a tick, but
like Apple's going to pay a billion dollars to get

the n Season Tournament cause they're gonna got two million
viewers instead of one million for like, how did you
overall if you the ND season tournament as a rating
success or not successful ratings?

Speaker 2 (36:08):
I mean, well, first, I think your numbers at high
on where you're going from one to two, I think
that would be actually really good. It was it was that.
I think it was more like one to one point five,
maybe maybe a little bit higher, But I thought, I
think it's a success. I'll tell you why.

Speaker 1 (36:21):
Why, Yeah, tell me why.

Speaker 2 (36:23):
Number one is that everyone wants like this to be
the NBA Finals the first year. It's not gonna be
the NBA Finals the first year. These things grow in importance,
so it's not like you start out and you start
something new and everyone's gonna be like, Wow, this is
the greatest thing ever. Do I think they infuse the
little life in the early part of the season. I do.

I think I think those games are interesting.

Speaker 1 (36:49):
Oh okay, okay, And I.

Speaker 2 (36:50):
Think they were playing for something on that Saturday night.
I think. I think I think there's probably are You're
not a soccer guy, right, No, But I think there
are people who like soccer. And Adam Silver's talked about
this number of times because they took the idea from soccer.
These this is very normal in soccer now. The way
their system works, these tournaments work even better for what

they do because there's no playoffs, you know, in their
regular seasons for each league, So that makes it so
like there's forty games and makes every regular season game
like a playoff game because they only have forty games,
kind of like college football. So it's a better system
in that regard, But no playoffs for like Premier League.
They have Champions League that you qualify for, which is

more of a tournament, which is like kind of like
how the ND season tournament is. But then they have
a bunch of competitions and they're important in their own ways,
but they're not there. There's levels of importance. So will
this level be like the finals, the NBA Finals or
the NBA playoffs?

Speaker 4 (37:49):

Speaker 2 (37:49):
But does it give you something to look forward to?
Do the players care more about it? Did you not
have guys sitting out? I think the issue that they
run into. Now you're saying it's not a success. I'm
gonna say it is a success. But here's the pla.

Speaker 1 (38:05):
No, if I say it's excess, someone's gonna go, oh,
they got one point five instead of one.

Speaker 2 (38:09):
Who cares about Yeah?

Speaker 1 (38:10):
I mean, but I'm saying that some says nobody cared.
Nobody cared about the n C There was no buzz
for the Saturday night I got it. It was a Lakers
they got. That's the other thing. They got very lucky there.
They got the Lakers in there. Yeah, that was the final.

Speaker 2 (38:26):
That was like David Stern style. Get that going.

Speaker 1 (38:28):
They got very Yeah. Yeah, I don't have that worked
out for them very well.

Speaker 2 (38:31):
But like Freezer on the being like I gotta get
Patrick Ewing envelope.

Speaker 1 (38:37):
I'm glad for that. Patrick's my all time favorite NBA player.
That's the thing. Like I got to get home Tuesday
night to watch the in season torment, Like there was
no buzz for that.

Speaker 2 (38:48):
But it's the first year. Do you think there's buzz
with the WBC? No, oh god, no, okay, But you
went to other countries, maybe not domestically.

Speaker 1 (38:58):
I'm not in other countries. I'm here. Nobody cares it.
But it matters though not here.

Speaker 2 (39:04):
It didn't matter as much here. But as you go
on and as they kind of if they ever were
like change the system. Maybe in spring training you have
the playing rounds and then you made the final four
at the All Star break, it's it's.

Speaker 1 (39:18):
Here's the thing. I'm never gonna see that side of
it as long as you have an NBA Finals in
a World Series. I don't understand why I'm supposed to
care about anything else.

Speaker 2 (39:28):
Yeah, I mean again, this is like the divide that
if you were like a soccer person, you would understand this,
but you're not.

Speaker 3 (39:34):
I know.

Speaker 1 (39:34):
Okay, but okay, But let's put this in baseball. Since
I'm a diehard Yankee fan, it would be impossible for
me to give two shits less if the Yankees win
an nd season tournament. I care about one thing, and
one thing only win the World Series. We know that's
not happening as long as Brian Cashman's round, but that's
a whole other story. Why would I care. I don't understand.
If I'm a Yankee fan, we want to win the

World Series, why would I care about an end season
tw I just don't understan why I would care.

Speaker 2 (40:00):
So let's say Jimmy Trainer was eight years old, right.

Speaker 1 (40:04):
Oh, with the hypotheticals, I gotta be in another country,
I gotta be eight years old. What else do I
have to do to care about this?

Speaker 3 (40:09):
You're not the other We.

Speaker 2 (40:10):
Gotta say no flags because you gotta bet on the Steelers.
I mean, that's how it works.

Speaker 1 (40:15):
Well, no, but but every gambler is going to agree
with me. The non gamblers will agree with you, the
gambles will agree with me.

Speaker 2 (40:22):
Well, the gamblers could probably figure out if they don't
say there's a flag, there's a flag. Here's the thing.
You're eight years old, you're watching they can't get you
to watch games. You're on TikTok and you're getting all
your misinformation everything on TikTok and you're that's where you
watch and you get all your highlights. You sit down
for a game on a Saturday eight o'clock and you're

a Laker or a Pacer fan. They play the Pacers
and you're into it. You do that for the next
fifteen years. Now you're twenty three. You're into the nd
season tournament like you want it to be. You're like Ooran,
he's the same way. He wants every thing boom right
away to be like perfect. They're growing it.

Speaker 1 (41:04):
Well now I know that. So now if all rand
agrees with me, it's two against one, we win. And yeah,
because here's what Because when the eight year old, when
the eight year old develops a brain, the eight year
old is going to say to him or herself, oh, wait,
there's an NBA Finals. Why do I give a shit
about an nd season tournament. This is what matters. That's
what an eight year old is going to say when
they get when they get a brain brain developed.

Speaker 2 (41:26):
Argue that the NBA Finals is that the n season
tournament's more important than the NBA Finals. Nobody is arguing
that it's year one, but that it brings, it infuses
something else into the regular season is a good thing.
The problem is, now you go back to the regular season.
It makes the regular season, this is the regular regular
season even more like an exhibition.

Speaker 1 (41:46):
It infused things for one night, one night.

Speaker 2 (41:50):
I mean, I think the group, the playing Look, I'm
not a I'm a huge basketball guy, but regular season,
you know, I put it on. I can't like I'm
not sitting there every night for you know, basket you know,
fourth quarter, get in there, in and out. I like
to look, you know, I honestly look at it from
the broadcasting stid a lot. Let me take it. Let
me listen to this person for a little bit.

Speaker 1 (42:11):
But that was it. I mean, And how about the
desperation of the NBA to make t N T and
ESPN do crossover stuff? Oh my God, they don't do
that for the NBA Finals, they're gonna do that. They
won't let they won't let dig Vital called a tournament
game on CBS, But let's cross over NB ESPN and
for the end season tournament.

Speaker 2 (42:32):
Then what Like the studio stuff I thought was good,
the game stuff I didn't really understand, Like Doc Rivers
has done four games for ABC, now he's doing a
game for Turner. Nobody you think the average person knows
that he's on ABC or ESPO, because that didn't make
any sense.

Speaker 1 (42:46):
If I was tn T and they want they wanted
a crossover, and'd be like, why we're a million times
better than your show, why would we cross over?

Speaker 2 (42:53):
We're actually gonna put that my newsletter on Monday, And
then I didn't. So we have an agreement that ESPN's
pretty game more than that. For sure, it made them
seem really helpful for ESPN's pre game, of course, and
so that was good to be associated with Barclay and company.
But the game stuff, the thing is that who you know?
I know, like they had like a conference call with

the Turner people, the ESPN people, the NBA people, they're
all very happy about it. But what they don't, and
this is a problem more ESPN fundamentally don't understand about
or I was talking about games. The biggest thing you
want is continuity and to the longer you work together.
And if these are important games, to throw Reggie Miller
with Mike Brainan doors Burke is not really the best strategy.

Speaker 5 (43:37):

Speaker 2 (43:37):
Reggie is good to work with and gets in and out,
so he's a good guy to do that. But it
just makes a little bit more difficult to just have
a new and they that doesn't make sense. It would
been I wouldn't have done the game.

Speaker 1 (43:49):
Well, it makes sense because you know why, the end
season tournament was a gimmick, so they did the broadcast
boosts that bread broadcasts booths to the gimmick and that's it.

Speaker 4 (44:01):
No, No, it had not.

Speaker 1 (44:03):
I would watch a game and they'd be like, this
is an in season two. I'm like, the court would
be different. They didn't know what's going like I didn't.
It took me like two weeks to figure out that
they did them on Tuesdays and Fridays, like I didn't
know what next year will when it first when it
first started, I'm talking about and then year.

Speaker 2 (44:19):
But then year two. See it is like again like
I try to tell or in this year two you'll
know more, you'll know you know early season.

Speaker 1 (44:26):
I'm not paying attention to this. I don't care. I
only just the finals that.

Speaker 2 (44:33):
Again you got you want to be like come out sprinting,
it comes out. I think it had a pretty good pace.
I think it did well. I think it was selling
tod I think it was a smart idea. They need
to juice up the regular season. They need more spectacle.
And what they really need to do is.

Speaker 1 (44:48):
But you said it yourself before. They juiced it from
one million to one point So you think next year
for the n season tournament, those early games, they'll do
better than one point five million.

Speaker 2 (44:58):
I don't know. That's not my thing. I don't really
care about that.

Speaker 1 (45:00):
Yeah, exactly, but no.

Speaker 2 (45:02):
But I don't think it's gonna do. It's better, it's
more interesting they're juicing up these games. The issue with
for all these the outside the NFL the other three
that the traditional top four sports Baseball, Basketball, Hockey, is
they have tonnage and that they don't have scarcity. The

NFL has scarcity, so there's less games, which makes them
more valuable. What the NBA would be better off with
is if they didn't have an eighty two game schedule
but instead had like a fifty to sixty game schedule,
and they'd make everything bigger. Now, they're not gonna do
it because the owners and players are gonna not want
to give up any money in the short term, but
long term, I would argue you even if you went,

let's say you went fifty games and then just made
this like a separate tournament, didn't count for the regular season,
that would probably be better because then you have this
tournament and now there's only fifty games, it's a sprint
to the playoffs. Start the playoffs earlier, make it so
they don't take eighteen months to play the playoffs. There's
another issue that just they take way too long in
the games or there's too much I get it that
they want to be on certain nights for TV. There's

it's way too spread out for like an average fan to.

Speaker 1 (46:12):
Here's what they should have done if they would have
here's here's what would have made me pay attention or
what could I If you win the n season tournament,
you should be guaranteed a playoff birth no matter what
your record is. Then I would pay attention. Then there's
something on the lone. Here's the point. What would these
people playing for cash? Right?

Speaker 2 (46:30):
You got half a million each? Right?

Speaker 1 (46:31):
So why do I care about that? That doesn't if
you're a fan of a team, you want your team
to I think. I like so if I'm a Laker fan.
If I'm a Laker fan, I'm over there fist pumping
and getting all excited because Austin Reeves got half a
million dollars? What why would I give a ship?

Speaker 2 (46:48):
Lebron needs that money, he needs that.

Speaker 1 (46:51):
I hope we Lebron would give that money away, but
I don't know. Maybe he did, but like, that's what
I'm saying. What's the incentive? I don't get. That's what
I don't get. But I don't We've argued way too
much on this podcast, way too much podcast. What do
we anythink we agree on?

Speaker 4 (47:04):

Speaker 1 (47:04):
It could be a topic could we agree on?

Speaker 2 (47:06):
I didn't sleep all last night, so cranky, so you
got me a cranky but probably probably that's good for us.

Speaker 1 (47:13):
Agree there a topic we can agree on. I'll say this,
what is the point in Thursday night football having flex?
When you need twenty eight days notice? Can we maybe
knock it down to fourteen days so we're not stuck
with Raiders Chargers.

Speaker 2 (47:30):
I mean, it's honestly, that one's a ridiculous flex. You
can't people who are traveling for those games. I know
that nobody cares, and you'll probably argue you don't care
about people traveling to a game. I don't, but to
go from Sunday to Thursday is crazy.

Speaker 1 (47:45):
Then then then say there's no flex for Thursday, like.

Speaker 2 (47:48):
Well, they I would say this, they didn't do it.

Speaker 1 (47:50):
How are they ever going to flex a game if
they need twenty eight days?

Speaker 2 (47:53):
You get You get a year where let's say the
Jets their late season game and Aaron Rodgers gets hurt
in the end up there two and ten, and you
are twenty eight days out and you could do it.

Speaker 1 (48:05):
All right, Since you mentioned the Jets, let's end it
on this. This is for the New York people out there.
The other people are gonna get annoy bound care. I'm
getting the vibe. You tell me if I'm wrong. I'm
getting the vibe that the New York media they're getting
ready to turn on Aaron Rodgers. I don't think the
New York media likes that he's so chatty when he

hasn't played the whole season.

Speaker 2 (48:30):
I actually do want to talk to you about something else, though,
I got it because I want you to have done
your segment with sallyet No, not yet, Okay, So I
got till for you. I don't know about that. I
don't know you're okay. I disagree with that.

Speaker 1 (48:41):
That's fine, that's fine.

Speaker 2 (48:44):
Tommy DeVito of the Giants, Yeah, now Canton is he going?
How many Hall of Fames are we putting him in?
Like I want? Yesterday? This is we're doing this on
We're taking here on Wednesday, on Tuesday, right. I listened
to a good amount of fan or maybe even Monday,
maybe it was Monday. How how much I would love

for that FA end up being a time capsule for
three years from now when Tommy Nevido maybe he's starting
quarterback and he's Tom Brady, but maybe he's out of
the league. But if you listen to WF an, it
is if they just got the this is the greatest court.
This is Peyton manning with this with.

Speaker 1 (49:24):
He is is that more of like the New York
football season has been a waste and they finally have
something to discuss and that's why they're going overboard on it.
Like I don't know.

Speaker 2 (49:36):
I would say, it's it's just I don't know. It
just shows your sports radio. I mean, like they rather
have him than Daniel Jones. Can we let him play
twenty games before we well decide how good?

Speaker 1 (49:46):
Didn't a reporter a reporter as day Ball comparing him
to Brady? Is that that happened yesterday?

Speaker 2 (49:51):
I didn't. I saw the headline. I don't see who
that was, right. Yeah, now Bob Night and Gils write
a call about that. Now that's a ridiculous question. Now
i'd have to hear the question. I'd hear the folk question.

Speaker 1 (50:00):
But yeah, I.

Speaker 2 (50:01):
Wouldn't compare him to Tom Like, can we what do
he throw for? It? He throw for two hundred yards?

Speaker 1 (50:06):
The other day he threw for three hundred. I think
three Oh no, no, no, no, that was Zach Wilson.

Speaker 2 (50:11):
That Zach Wilson for three hundred. I don't think he
threw for because I don't see his final stats, but
late in the game I think he was less in
fewer than two hundred yards. So anyways, it's a great story,
it's fun.

Speaker 1 (50:22):
Here's what I would say, in defense. What else are
they supposed to talk about right now?

Speaker 2 (50:27):
No, I'm not saying that, but like you have a
little bit of reason in like Dave Rothenberg on ESPN
New York said, yeah, I don't think he's gonna be
a started quarterback for he's the only one everyone else, like,
ask your boy Sally, he's got him in, he's got
He's better than Danny Dimes. He's better than Daniel Jones.

Speaker 1 (50:42):
Oh, I see what you say.

Speaker 2 (50:44):
He's in the moment like that, Mike White was the
greatest quarter Go listen back to Mike White after he
played well, they had him as the greatest quarterback ever, right,
just have can we just like remember like one thing
from like a year ago that like maybe like he
might be Like like, I'm not saying he won't be. I'm
just saying that if you listen to sports radio, it
is unbelievable how great they think he is.

Speaker 1 (51:09):
Yeah, I guess I don't know. I just take it
all a grain of salt with that because I just
you know, I'm not expecting I would have I would
expect that more than the opposite. Listen what they what
the media did here in New York when the Jets
got Aaron Rodgers. I still can't get over that. Guys

forty years old didn't play well last year, and they
acted like the Jets were not just gonna like make
the playoffs, but the Jets were like gonna win the
Super Bowl. I mean, look, I'm out seeing one without
seeing one play well.

Speaker 2 (51:43):
I mean, if you look at the Jets this year,
if they had a healthy Aaron Rodgers, they're definitely a
playoff team.

Speaker 1 (51:49):

Speaker 2 (51:50):
Maybe they got a very good defense.

Speaker 1 (51:52):
They have a very good defense, they have an awful
offensive coordinator and no offensive weapons. Well, they've got Wilson, They've.

Speaker 2 (51:56):
Got well it is I know Rodgers say so, but.

Speaker 1 (52:01):
But but Aaron Rodgers was forty years old, Like, you
don't know he's gonna come in. You don't know that.
I'm not saying he I'm not saying he wouldn't. I'm
saying you don't know.

Speaker 2 (52:12):
But look, they if they had credible quarterbacking, he's first,
like you know before you know, Wills had a good
game last Sunday. But they have an okay record right now,
they're definitely in a playoff connecting connect contention, and I
think that you'd have to figure Rogers could at least
be okay, maybe not Aaron Rodgers prime Aaron Rodgers. So

I don't think that's a fair criticism. Okay, I even
wrong on basically everything.

Speaker 1 (52:41):
I'm not gonna argue with you. It's Christmas, it's New
Year's Tonica. I appreciate you coming on. We disagree. You
want to say I'm wrong. The listeners, the listeners will
let me know. They always do.

Speaker 2 (52:53):
This last thing on this podcast.

Speaker 1 (52:56):
No flags, that's the way it should be done. Now
I can celebrate. Now, I can confirmation to celebrate.

Speaker 5 (53:03):

Speaker 1 (53:03):
Thanks, thanks all right, joining me now as he does
every week for a Train of Thoughts segment from WFA
or Radio in New York, s n Y TV in
New York. My good buddy, Salakata, Sal, how are we
doing great?

Speaker 5 (53:17):
I'm excited for the Christmas holiday and the New Year
and all. I can't wait to have a nice little
break to end the year.

Speaker 1 (53:25):
You may be excited, but you may not like this.
I have to tell you. I just had Andrew Marshan
on and he wanted me to. He's like, you gotta ask, Sal,
did you have you talked to Sally yet? I said no,
he's like a s sal and he basically called you
out for saying that, like and I, So, I'm gonna
give you the chance to defend yourself. He's like, tell
Sal to take it easy about Tommy DeVito basically being

in the Hall of Fame.

Speaker 5 (53:49):
Yeah, you know it's funny because I saw his tweet
yesterday and I was like, I don't believe he's referring
to anything that I said, because you said something I
go with wfaan basically as Tommy Avido in the Hall
of Fame. What I would volley back to Andrew is
to say, like, you're actually listening to what I said.
Not once did Hall of Fame and Tommy DeVito ever

come out of my mouth.

Speaker 3 (54:11):
All I said was.

Speaker 4 (54:12):
That I believe he's better.

Speaker 3 (54:15):

Speaker 5 (54:15):
I didn't say this on the air because I can't
stay it on radio, but I could say a year,
I believe he's better than the shit quarterbacks in New
York outside of Aaron Rodgers.

Speaker 4 (54:24):
That's what Zach Jelson and Daniel Jones. That's all what
I'm saying.

Speaker 1 (54:27):
Yeah, he said that, you said he was better than
Daniel Jones and it's only four games.

Speaker 4 (54:32):
Yes, so what Daniel Jones on like it's been five
years of up and down.

Speaker 5 (54:37):
Last year, in a year where he took his team
to the playoffs and won a playoff game.

Speaker 3 (54:41):
He threw fifteen touchdowns fifteen.

Speaker 5 (54:43):
Touchdowns for an NFL quarterback in the twenty twenty three SEO,
twenty twenty two whatever year.

Speaker 3 (54:48):
That's like, that's an embarrassment.

Speaker 1 (54:52):
Yeah, I don't know, like to me, like, I can't
form any opinion on Tommy DeVito yet, but that's just me.
But I will say this, I have been I have
been just in my head for two weeks. I've been
wanting to discuss this topic. And for a split second,
I thought about putting it on Twitter, and I'm like,

what am I insane? And I would never put this
on Twitter. Then I'm like, oh, I'll discuss on the pod.
And I think last week I was like, I just
I don't want to deal with this because I really
don't want to do this. But I heard you talking
about it on your fan show today and I could
not believe what you were saying because I felt like
I've been on another planet the last two or three weeks.
So I'll just let me lay this out as clearly

as possible, even though I know people are gonna misinterpret
it and then say stupid things to me. I am
not offended in any way, shape or form by anything
that's going on with Tommy DeVito. I don't get offended
by anything like that. That's just the way. The only
thing that offends me is if someone I like says

something bad about me. I really don't care if you
say I'm fat and I'm tying, I don't care. I'm
not upset, I'm not angered. It's an observation, that's all
this is, is an observation that fascinates me. It is
amazing that in this day and age where you can't

say anything about anyone, where everyone is so overly politically correct.
It's ridiculous. No one's alloted to have fun. But let's
just roll out every stereotype known to man and use
things that I would not expect people could still use

about Tommy Tavino. And I feel like I've been on
a plane and I said, I'm not bringing this up
because I know right away people are gonna be like,
why you offended? You so sensitive you this? I'm not offended.
I could not possibly care less what you call him
or me. I am just making the observation that if
he was any other nationality, none of these references would

And now it's like open season on this and I
have and then I'm like, I must be on another
planet because I've not heard one person say this, and
then I heard you saying it today and I'm like,
oh my god, we have even discussed this, and I've
been on this. I think I said this to one
other person. I'm like, am I missing something here? And
they're like, yeah, it's kind of crazy. I'm like, yeah,
that's what I'm saying, and I know what people want,

Like people are waiting for me to say, if he
was this nationality, you couldn't say this word. If he
was this, you couldn't say I'm not playing that game.
I'm just saying it's crazy to me that for him,
there's no rules and everyone's just letting it fly.

Speaker 5 (57:41):
As I said before, I'm with you exactly on this
where I said this on the radio. I'm not offended.
I don't give a fuck. I've never been offended by
any of that stuff. People used to be like, oh,
this the planets is a bad look.

Speaker 4 (57:53):
I was proud of this. A Priano show so like, I.

Speaker 3 (57:56):
Don't get offended by any of the sterotypes.

Speaker 4 (57:59):
I don't care.

Speaker 5 (58:00):
What offends me is the double standard, because, as you said,
if this were about any other ethnicity, race, whatever it
may be, and you use stereotypes, you to be fucking
canceled in two seconds. But yet with this it's okay.
So I'm not offended by the Italian stuff. I'm offended
that we as Italians can't say other shit, not even

want to or care. But it just the double standard
is that's what is offensive.

Speaker 1 (58:30):
Yeah, I don't even I mean, I don't even know
if I'm if i'd even go double standard.

Speaker 4 (58:38):
I'm just well, how was it not?

Speaker 3 (58:39):

Speaker 4 (58:40):
Why is it? There?

Speaker 3 (58:42):
Just seems to like.

Speaker 1 (58:45):
I'm just amazed people are just letting it all fly. Like,
you know, there was this controversy because Peyton or Eli
or both of them called the agent slimy during the
Manning cast, and then the agent went on your station
on the Boomer and Jeers show, and the fan he
was not happy. He's like, my nickname has never been slimy.
I don't know where that came from, you know, And

I had posted on Twitter that the agent was not
thrilled that Peyton and Eli called him slimy. You should
have seen the responses I got.

Speaker 4 (59:16):
What saying that more negative to him?

Speaker 1 (59:20):
The he'll parade around on national TV with a pinstripe
suit and hat like he's from Central Casting from the Godfather.
He's embarrassing.

Speaker 4 (59:30):
Yeah, but maybe maybe the agent.

Speaker 1 (59:31):
Shouldn't have just like Uncle Junior from The Sopranos, would
he prefer being called a grease ball? I mean the
agent forgot to display his gold horn chain when he
was on the phone, right.

Speaker 5 (59:44):
So any that's what I'm saying, like the double standard,
Like what I mean you say, if you say the
equivalent of that about any other background, you're fox?

Speaker 4 (59:54):
So why is that? Okay?

Speaker 5 (59:55):
And now again these already it's on Twitter, but people
are actually saying this, like Peyton Manning called him slimy, Like.

Speaker 4 (01:00:01):
I don't, I'm not you know whatever I is it.

Speaker 1 (01:00:05):
Maybe it's because Italians don't care and there's no like
like no one's saying they're outraged by it, so like
I don't.

Speaker 4 (01:00:12):
I also I also like I don't care, me neither.

Speaker 5 (01:00:17):
So maybe the majority of Italians don't care, and maybe
some are even embracing it and having.

Speaker 4 (01:00:22):
Fun with it, and Diviido seems to be doing that himself.

Speaker 5 (01:00:25):
However, if you think that it is not in at
least some way, shape or form people having fun with
it and making fun of it, you're just ignorant like
they are.

Speaker 4 (01:00:36):

Speaker 3 (01:00:36):
I don't care.

Speaker 4 (01:00:36):
I'm not offended, but that's the truth.

Speaker 5 (01:00:39):
And you can't do that with any other If you
did it with any other ethnicity, it would be a problem.

Speaker 1 (01:00:45):
That's what I'm wanting. I'm wondering what I would love
to know. Is there another nationality where you know, you
give the guy a nickname of like some food from
that net, like yeah, like Tommy Kullitz is not offensive,
It's not. It's I mean, but I don't know.

Speaker 4 (01:01:05):
What you're thinking.

Speaker 5 (01:01:06):
And you're right, like, you can't even if you said
something else which wouldn't be offensive. But people be like,
oh my god, how could you say that, whatever cuisine
it may be, if you associate that cuisine with the
ethnicity of that player and references.

Speaker 1 (01:01:23):
And here's I think. I think what's surprising to me
is is that everyone is so public in how they're
discussing him. Now, the truth of the matter is, I
think a lot of us in private with our friends
will say things. You know, I have friends who make
mafia jokes to me because I'm Italian. They would never
do it publicly because I get in trouble, but privately

they'll do it. We'll laugh, it's fine whatever.

Speaker 3 (01:01:45):

Speaker 1 (01:01:46):
What's surprising to me is that this is so public
with people just like using all of the stereotypes. When
I was like, think about this, I was just gonna say, quickly,
think about this. There's an episode of the Office season one.
I think it's episode two, Diversity Day that Comedy Central,

Comedy Central, of all networks, we're not talking about like
Disney whatever family, Comedy Central won't show it because of
the stereotype humor that's in that episode.

Speaker 5 (01:02:21):
Everyone's like, and this is okay, I'm gonna tell you
a quick story, and this is true. And again I'm
not a fan that I don't care, but this actually.

Speaker 4 (01:02:29):
Happened last week.

Speaker 5 (01:02:31):
I agreed to do some podcast from somebody on Twitter
that happened to be a fan. He called me in
a spot where I saw a tweet and was like,
all right, you know what, let me do nice because
this guy was complimenting me.

Speaker 4 (01:02:43):
Whatever. It was a whole other topic, I know, but
he asked me to go on. I was like, I'm
gonna do it. I'm gonna reward nice people on Twitter.

Speaker 5 (01:02:51):
So I'm doing the podcast and like the phone was
cutting out whatever was the thing that he was using,
and he thought that I couldn't hear or see him,
but yet I could hear him and see him. He
couldn't see me, and he who was not Italian what
must have had like some of his friends also on

the thing, and I couldn't believe that I was.

Speaker 4 (01:03:13):
On with him and started going, oh, you know.

Speaker 3 (01:03:16):
Tommy Dido, we lost out.

Speaker 5 (01:03:17):
Look like he was he was mocking using the DeVito
stuff and like mocking me in a way I guess
for being like I don't think he meant any harm
by it, but it was a clear like and I'm like, bro,
like I could hear everything you're saying. Just then anyway,
he got embarrassed. I finished the thing, but I was

I was obviously like, I'm taking the time out to
talk to you.

Speaker 4 (01:03:42):
Where nobody's gonna even listen to this fucking thing. I
got no time to begin with. I'm not even calling my.

Speaker 5 (01:03:46):
Wife and I'm doing this view and that's what you're
gonna do like, so there is a like people are
making fun of it, make no mistake, and they're doing
it to your point.

Speaker 4 (01:03:55):
Well i'll be public.

Speaker 1 (01:03:56):
Well that's it right, that's it right. And also like
I think there's a like Okay, they call him Tommy
Cutltz and they want to say the agents dressed like
uncle Junior. But what the guy did to you is
mocking you, Like that's that's an even he but he was.

Speaker 3 (01:04:10):
He wasn't doing it just to me.

Speaker 5 (01:04:12):
It was like a playoff of divida like he wanted
to talk about to Vito and it was like a
funny thing for him and his friends.

Speaker 4 (01:04:18):
To do the oh you know whatever, and like.

Speaker 5 (01:04:21):
Again I'm not offended, but like he's doing it because
I'm Italian and because that's like the thing, like it
was obvious what was going on.

Speaker 1 (01:04:29):
But even even if I saw people, if people like
using Italian slurs against Danny, against Tommy DeVito, I wouldn't
be offended because I just don't care. I'm just fascinated
that it's just completely allowed, no questions asked, And is
there any other group where that's just like I was

just laughing it up and I'm like, what wait, wait
that what's going on here?

Speaker 5 (01:04:54):
Guess what We're not going to find out because like
we're not gonna tell that because we know.

Speaker 1 (01:05:02):
Well, here's what will happen when he comes back down
to earth and then it's over for him, then it'll
all go away.

Speaker 4 (01:05:08):
But you know, right, well yeah, but still, I mean,
I just I can't.

Speaker 3 (01:05:13):
I hate.

Speaker 5 (01:05:14):
I don't even like the fact that they tie in
the story that he's a local kid, Like I understand why.

Speaker 3 (01:05:19):
It's a story for me.

Speaker 5 (01:05:20):
I don't give a ship where he comes from, what
his background is, who he lives with, what he's eating,
and you play yesterday, well basketball football, I don't give
a shit what the sport is.

Speaker 4 (01:05:30):
Are you good or not?

Speaker 1 (01:05:32):
Well, I mean the fact that he lives with his parents.
I could see why people are into that aspect of
it because he's a professional athlete. So like it's just
so rare.

Speaker 4 (01:05:39):
Number two does matter?

Speaker 1 (01:05:41):
You know, I'm with you, but I think we're in
the minority, like, for example, maybe we've never discussed this.
I don't like. I remember people from Long Island felt
like it was so great that Craig Biggio was in
the major leagues, because he was from Long Island. I
was like, what do I care for is from Long Island?

Speaker 4 (01:06:00):
Yeah right?

Speaker 1 (01:06:03):
Yeah, Like I don't care.

Speaker 5 (01:06:05):
Like it was a thing growing up. You knew about it,
but I didn't give a shit about that.

Speaker 1 (01:06:09):
Like my favorite athletes of all time are like Jeter,
Maddingly and Ewing. I don't really care where they're from.

Speaker 4 (01:06:15):
Right, that's exactly right. I use that.

Speaker 1 (01:06:17):
But we're in the minority on that. I think we're
in the minority on that. I think a lot of
people get it. They're like, oh, hometown hero'. I don't
give a shit. Just go win a World Series.

Speaker 5 (01:06:24):
Yeah, that's exactly right. I don't care if he's Italian hometown.
It doesn't matter what he is. Just give me some win.

Speaker 1 (01:06:30):
I don't have any of that pride stuff. I don't
care about the Olympics. Don't you want to see USA win?
I don't care.

Speaker 3 (01:06:36):
I just can't.

Speaker 1 (01:06:37):
I don't care. I don't care for the from Long Island.
I don't care. I want the Yankees to win the
World Series and I want to win my bets. I
don't care where people are from my hometown, USA. I
don't know it. I don't care.

Speaker 4 (01:06:46):
So true.

Speaker 1 (01:06:47):
Here's what offends me. I'll tell you what offends me
because I texted this to you. I could not believe
that the first Sunday of the NFL season where I
was not at home with my YouTube, my beautiful YouTube TV,
my glorious, beautiful Sunday ticket, I go to a sports bar.

Now the bars still have Sunday ticket through DirecTV. They
don't have it through YouTube TV. And the DirecTV was
out for like a half an hour in the sports
bar because it was raining. It made me realize that
DirecTV is still the worst of all time.

Speaker 4 (01:07:24):
Oh god, yeah, I can't believe that you had that experience.
That was brutal. My god, I honestly didn't know direct
TV still had it even in bars.

Speaker 1 (01:07:32):
Direct TV has Sunday Ticket for bars and restaurants because
it's not on YouTube TV. It rained here in New York.
It was it was heavy rain and wind on Sunday,
and in the sports bar, every single TV had the
message about DirecTV services out for like a half hour.
The TVs there were TVs working that were on the local.

The sports bar must have cable for the local channels
because the Jet game on local CBS was on so
to make matters worse, all the games are out and
the Jet game was on. I mean it was just paint.

Speaker 4 (01:08:06):
I remember.

Speaker 5 (01:08:07):
I remember one snowy day Falcons Colts. I'm trying to
watch it on Direct TV Sunday Ticket. This is years ago,
It's over twenty years ago, and the signal comes up.

Speaker 4 (01:08:19):
Can't see the game. I was outside trying to get
I used.

Speaker 5 (01:08:23):
The broom to try to wipe off I'm on like
some chair with the broom and half my jacket on,
trying to wipe the fucking snow off the dish so
I could watch the kick.

Speaker 1 (01:08:34):
I mean, I don't know how I had. I had
DirecTV for twenty years only because of Sunday Ticket. All
I have to say is God bless Verizon FiOS. God
bless him. I've had Verizon FIUs has never gone out
for one split second since I've had that in the
last four years.

Speaker 4 (01:08:49):
No, the only time, the only time we had in
issue is when he came over my house this year.

Speaker 1 (01:08:53):
Well that was that was YouTube.

Speaker 4 (01:08:55):
You got off what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (01:08:56):
Yeah, well the new all right, right, no files, but
the YouTube, so that has been I can't believe how
on point their streaming has been for the most part,
I say, ninety nine percent of the year.

Speaker 1 (01:09:06):
Yeah, what's going on with the house?

Speaker 5 (01:09:10):
Oh god, I can't, I can't even what was the
what's the last that?

Speaker 1 (01:09:14):
The last thing was you saw one or you saw
two and you put in a bid. Maybe you wait
to get back.

Speaker 4 (01:09:20):
All right, you ready for this?

Speaker 1 (01:09:23):

Speaker 5 (01:09:24):
No, it's really it is like actually pathetic. So we
put in an offer. We saw two houses on football Sunday,
drove there specifically to see these. Dude, drove back to
host some friends, put in an offer. The offer was accepted. Finally,
an offer that is accepted. So now what happens is
it goes into attorney review. We send the offer, they

accept it. Now it's an attorney review. One day goes by,
two days go by.

Speaker 4 (01:09:50):
And I'm like, what's going on here? Like, isn't it
supposed to be a quick day, because it's.

Speaker 1 (01:09:54):
Like when the reps are reviewing a play and for
instant replay.

Speaker 4 (01:09:57):
Right, Troy Aikman's right, we forgot that.

Speaker 1 (01:09:59):
The lawy they're under the tent. The lawyers, you're under
the tent. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (01:10:03):
Now I'm talking to our real estate agent who's talking
to their real estate agent, our lawyers saying there's a
hold up because the seller's lawyer is in court all
day because he does some other shit.

Speaker 4 (01:10:16):
I don't know whatever it is, whatever it is he do,
so he can't respond. So five days go by.

Speaker 5 (01:10:23):
And something that should have been done in two days max,
takes five days to go by. They send back an
offer which basically says the sale is contingent on the
sellers finding a new house. And it was so obvious
that it was wrong that even I could see. I
didn't even need my lawyer to see it.

Speaker 4 (01:10:42):
I was like, what is this?

Speaker 5 (01:10:44):
So then we had to then encounter and say no,
that's no good, send it back, and now that so
this is all like taking ten days when it should
take one or two. And here we are now still waiting.
And I told them, and my wife's very upset because
she likes the house. That I said, if we are
not in contract, which is by the way, like the
first step. If we're not in contract by Thursday, we're done.

Speaker 4 (01:11:08):
That's it. But why you last night? But nothing today?

Speaker 1 (01:11:12):
Okay, but listen, if you like the house, you put
in the offer. Your wife likes the house, use that
as a threat. But don't follow I mean don't.

Speaker 5 (01:11:19):
Know, it's it's we're following through because it's more than
just that, Like if they can't get their shit together
to a point of even getting to contract before we
do the inspections and all that other shit where things
can fall apart, you can't even get taken ten days
because they have a lawyer that's not making his priority.

Speaker 1 (01:11:37):
So I was gonna say, who's that fault yet the
people selling the house or their lawyer.

Speaker 5 (01:11:42):
Well, ultimately the people who are selling the house have
the ability to hire another lawyer which has been pitched
to them and suggested to them to do so they
don't blow up the sale.

Speaker 4 (01:11:53):
So like it's on them, did they either sell it
or not?

Speaker 5 (01:11:56):
You want to sell the house or not, but we're
not doing it under the idea that in thirty sixty
days if you don't find something that you could pull
out of a deal and.

Speaker 4 (01:12:03):
Then we're gonna be screwed for you know, two months.

Speaker 1 (01:12:06):
So if you don't hear anything on Thursday, then what happens.

Speaker 5 (01:12:09):
If I don't hear anything, is we filmed this tonight
on Wednesday. If I don't hear anything tonight, because nothing
yesterday again a full day today. If I don't hear
anything tonight, it's over. I don't give a shit what
they say. I am going to text the real estate
agent tonight and say tell them that we're no longer
interested and we're moving on, and just it starts again
from ground zero.

Speaker 1 (01:12:29):
You're a tough cookie, throwing down the gallut, laying down
the line.

Speaker 5 (01:12:33):
The reason, the reason why is because I don't believe
if they wanted to sell the house, they would have
gotten their ship water right, And I'm not gonna dragged
along any any further. Get our hopes up for it.
We need to cut ties and move the fog on.

Speaker 1 (01:12:47):
That's all right, fair enough? Oh my god, yeah, I know,
I know. Terrible, just terrible. A lot of games, do
you think, Yeah, all right, well you have two thirty.
You got about four or five hours. Maybe you can

do something.

Speaker 5 (01:13:08):
You know how fucking annoying it is, refreshing the phone,
checking for emails, waiting for text.

Speaker 4 (01:13:14):
And then the worst is my.

Speaker 5 (01:13:15):
Wife, who's always hopeful and positive, and I knew right
away something's wrong because it shouldn't take this long just
to get into contract.

Speaker 4 (01:13:23):
Right right, And now she.

Speaker 5 (01:13:25):
Has lost hope and when she loses hope and she's upset,
and I don't know how I'm going to recover from this.
Now I got another problem on my hands, which is
even more so why I'm telling these people it's fucking done.

Speaker 4 (01:13:38):
Right, because now you've made it.

Speaker 1 (01:13:40):
Yeah, now you've Now you've made my life a problem.

Speaker 4 (01:13:43):
Yeah, now we've got a real problem.

Speaker 1 (01:13:45):
Listen, she'll you'll find another house that you like. I mean,
you know, I get it. I know. I told her
you got you gotta deal with you know.

Speaker 4 (01:13:56):
I know, and I'm not good with that.

Speaker 1 (01:13:58):
Yeah, yeah, I picture you to listen, it's just the house,
but get over it.

Speaker 4 (01:14:03):
Right, And that doesn't work.

Speaker 5 (01:14:05):
You would think I've learned to adjust the playbook, but
I keep calling that same play like I just I
don't have I'm not sympathetic in most spots, especially that.

Speaker 1 (01:14:12):
I understand your feelings that you will attached the house
and we just have to find a way to move forward.

Speaker 4 (01:14:19):
It's okay, babe, I'm learning, though. I stay at the center.

Speaker 5 (01:14:21):
Oh, let's center some bullshit like one of these positive,
you know, inspirational pictures when hope is lost.

Speaker 4 (01:14:29):
Just told god, you know what, Yeah, it works, see
writes back.

Speaker 3 (01:14:34):
Thank you. This means a lot to me.

Speaker 4 (01:14:36):
I appreciate that.

Speaker 1 (01:14:36):
I'm like Jesus and then you're then you're right back.
I got three NFL games on Saturday. When I look
at the houses.

Speaker 5 (01:14:44):
Yeah, we'll not be looking for ours, because over the
course of the next two weekends.

Speaker 1 (01:14:48):
Saturday schedules have started.

Speaker 4 (01:14:50):
Yeah. Picked back up in February.

Speaker 1 (01:14:52):
Yeah, all right, well hang in there. Maybe you'll get
a call in the next few hours. We'll have the
update next week. All right, take it easy.

Speaker 4 (01:15:00):
It will make some chicken collos now, yeah.

Speaker 1 (01:15:03):
Yeah, go from Phil Palm and watch the Sopranos. Oh
all right, oh thank god. Here's the funny part about this.
Here's the funny part. Let's it's the thirteenth. In eleven days,
I'm gonna be on Instagram posting pictures of the fried Columbar,
the octopus salad, all the seven fishes, and the whole
big Italian thing. And I'll be like, eh no, no,

all right, all right, take it.

Speaker 4 (01:15:27):
Easy, I'll talk all.

Speaker 2 (01:15:31):

Speaker 1 (01:15:31):
My thanks to Andrew Marshannon Salacata. If you enjoy the
episode and you're not a subscriber, make sure you subscribe
to SI Media with Jimmy Trainer and make sure you
also listen to past episodes in case you missed any.
Two podcasts came out last week. We had seth Rollins
from the WWE on an episode. We had Booger McFarland
from ESPN on another episode. Mike Turico, Iron Eagle recent

guests as well on SI Media with Jimmy Trainer. So
go into the archives, give those a listen, subscribe to
the podcast, rate and review it on Apple as well.

Speaker 3 (01:15:59):

Speaker 1 (01:16:00):
Alright, that wraps it up. We'll see you next week.
Stay safe and take care.
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