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April 10, 2024 62 mins

The Brooklyn Boys' "SLICES" comments, feedback and iHeartRadio Talkbacks for Episode #290 and earlier.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Brooking Boys reactions.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
This podcast all depends on you, baby.

Speaker 3 (00:20):
You want.

Speaker 4 (00:26):
Yeah, and it is slice time for Brooklyn Boys episode
number two ninety excellent. I like it.

Speaker 5 (00:37):

Speaker 4 (00:37):
Wow, we got a lot of feedback this week, Brodie,
I can tell you right now, I'm looking. We got
quite a few pages to us.

Speaker 6 (00:45):
This is in reference to the episode where I came
over your place to back up the shirts.

Speaker 4 (00:49):
Right, but there's still some leftovers from stop Don't Touch
My Bush?

Speaker 7 (00:53):
Oh a classic twin.

Speaker 4 (00:56):
An instant classic.

Speaker 7 (00:58):
So yeah.

Speaker 4 (00:59):
It basically, you listen to the iHeartRadio app. You have
an option to leave us a feedback, a talk back
by clicking the microphone, and you have the privilege of
leaving thirty seconds of audio for us. So some of
them four times thirty seconds, right, which, well, I'm sure
right out of the shoot I could see a few
of these are like three four partners, can't wait for

the five parter one.

Speaker 8 (01:26):
Red Sauce Italian scary is that one of your extra
friends leap? Sounds like somebody you date, Maybe not as.

Speaker 9 (01:38):
A first quarter scary and not a second quarter scary,
a fourth.

Speaker 8 (01:42):
Quarter scary if somebody day good a voice.

Speaker 7 (01:46):
Red sauce Italian basically making a joke.

Speaker 4 (01:50):
He missed something there. Well he's saying red because I
call restaurants read some of them are red sauce Italians.

Speaker 7 (01:55):
Basically, well, it.

Speaker 4 (01:56):
Is Southern Italian. It speaks for the Southern Italian restaurants
that a heavy on red sauce. Classic things that most
people when they take Italian food, like you know, with
with with like.

Speaker 6 (02:07):
Pasta balls don't sell in Italy. But if there's red
sauce on pasta, it tends to be the South. When
you go to Northern Italian restaurants, you don't get to seafood.

Speaker 4 (02:15):
A lot of right, Northern Italian restaurants, very little red
sauce they have, you know, so that that that's my
othern Italian restaurant. You're like, where's my chicken palm that
we don't see We're gonna say that chicken and palm.
He I'm I'm willing to bet ninety nine percent of
the slices go to Southern Italian restaurant go to red
sauce Italian. Southern Italian restaurants.

Speaker 6 (02:33):
The Northern Italians didn't translate as well when they came here.
As far as the food exactly.

Speaker 7 (02:37):
It's fine.

Speaker 9 (02:38):
Porn Canal from South Florida.

Speaker 10 (02:40):
In relation to the Brody trying to sell his house
or he did sell his house, but yeah, I when
I bought my house at Toy twenty one, I walk
in and the dude is standing there with his grandfather
or his father in law.

Speaker 9 (02:54):
And you know this guy as it is a six
years old so I can't even imagine how old his
father in lies.

Speaker 10 (03:00):
And it was just really awkward because he was sick
and it was like I had to walk through the house.

Speaker 9 (03:04):
I mean it was. It was weird, man, and just
to continue for that. Luckily, when I knew that, I was.

Speaker 10 (03:13):
Running it into the house, so everything is brand new,
so I wasn't not worried about seeing them and how like,
it was pretty fucking awkward. But uh yeah, man, I
would that. I hate that shit when I was looking
at the houses and if the owner.

Speaker 9 (03:25):
Was still just didn't give a shit and just sit
and watch the TV while I was walking around his house. Yeah,
that was definitely weird. Sorry, I oorned from South Florida.

Speaker 5 (03:33):

Speaker 10 (03:34):
I wonder if this guy knew it was David Brodie's
house because he could look it up and he was like,
holy shit, I'm gonna go take a shit on David
Brody's toilet.

Speaker 9 (03:47):
Scary had the same thought with post malone.

Speaker 10 (03:49):
So I think this guy actually just wanted to see
the house, not to buy it.

Speaker 9 (03:54):
He just wanted to take a ship where David Brody
took a shit.

Speaker 10 (03:56):
I mean, I mean he maybe he took a selfie
on it.

Speaker 7 (04:01):
You wouldn't put it past them, Brody. I think that's
I don't I don't know.

Speaker 4 (04:03):
What the what the the law is there? Like, what
is the lore? Like the I gotta like, I'm not
a celebrity. Yeah, no, the guy came with his wife. No,
not the No, not this guy. He was just a freak,
just from upstate.

Speaker 11 (04:18):
That's a matter of opinion, and opinions are like assholes.
Everyone's got one. And you know what, I don't give
a fuck what you think, because Brody and Scary find
me entertaining and that's all that matters.

Speaker 4 (04:32):
Well, the slices of beefing again Brody early on, here's
the problem. That was a reference to something from two
from the episode before this one, and anyone listening may
not remember what she's upset about. So if you're gonna
have beef.

Speaker 6 (04:46):
You need to start off with like, hey, Mike, you
said blah blah blah. Let me let me respond to that. Yeah,
does that makes sense?

Speaker 4 (04:52):
Yeah? Resetting it resetting, we said it, reset, reset the beef.
Like after the commercials and the song play, you gotta
reset what you were talking about before the break. Yeah.
It's like, you know, if I'm sitting in the airline
seat for like two hours, sometimes I have to get
up and reset the beef. It's not the no no no,
I reset it, no hit then I hit the button.

Speaker 12 (05:12):
Funkling Boys Firm from Atlanta. I just want to let
you know during one of your commercial breaks here, episode
two eighty nine, big promotion for joining AARP. You guys
have hit it big, hitting the demographics.

Speaker 13 (05:25):
It's gonna ruin our economy and take all our medicare money.

Speaker 12 (05:29):
Love what you guys do. Keep up the hard work
and talk to he'll soon well.

Speaker 7 (05:34):
Yeah, I love the fact that they decided to throw it.

Speaker 4 (05:37):

Speaker 7 (05:38):
I'll take your money whoever it is. It's random. Yeah,
you know, we'll.

Speaker 14 (05:42):
Take the money.

Speaker 4 (05:42):
We'll take the ad sales, thank you. We'll glad somebody
filled the slot.

Speaker 7 (05:47):
Hey guess how you doing?

Speaker 15 (05:48):
You know, I had to come on here right after
slash time because a lot of questions have been coming
up about the conjoined twins, and I had one that
I wanted to ask, but I totally because I was
so busy all week taking care of my little grandkids.

Speaker 14 (06:04):
But you know, I want to ask this question.

Speaker 15 (06:06):
And maybe you'll bring it up on the next episode
of Brooklyn Boys. But just in case you don't, I'm gonna.

Speaker 14 (06:13):
Go ahead and ask you Now.

Speaker 15 (06:15):
I'm gonna ask Scary this because he's got more experience
in this field. Scary, do you think that if you
were a male can join twin?

Speaker 14 (06:24):
Do you think you guys would s your own D
on a regular basis?

Speaker 4 (06:29):
And if you.

Speaker 14 (06:29):
Would, how would you go about taking turns?

Speaker 15 (06:32):
Would one guy do Monday, Wednesday and Friday and the
other Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday? What about Sunday? Do you
flip a coin or you just take the day off?
No S and d's on Sunday.

Speaker 4 (06:45):
Yeah, I would have to say we take turns, you
know it's a family affair or do they do it
more than you know?

Speaker 7 (06:51):
Yes, if you have that's only if you have one D.

Speaker 6 (06:55):
What if you only have two legs, then you have
to decide if you're both gonna throw your legs over
your head.

Speaker 7 (07:01):
There's so many questions.

Speaker 15 (07:03):
Do it more like a punch and contest, you know,
like one guy's the d first, and then when it's
the other guy's turned to is the D He'll be like, hell,
you're doing and doing that crap. But you know what,
bro thinks a lot. You did a great job in it,
Phil MIGHTI fine, I don't know. I just thought about that,
but uh, let me know. We'll see you later. Guys,

take it easy and have a nice day.

Speaker 4 (07:28):
Yeah, all right, thank you so much. These are the
questions that are on the mind of a slight ponder.

Speaker 16 (07:35):
Really, Julie from Queen, No, it's I'm Julie from Queen.

Speaker 4 (07:39):
I'm sorry, Jody, although I do have a friend named
Julie who is from Anyway, so you know what, just
for that man.

Speaker 12 (07:48):
The podcast is hosted by David Brody and Scary Jones.

Speaker 16 (07:53):
That's David Brody and Scary Thank you.

Speaker 6 (07:59):
I think it'd be funny if you said, like Steve Jones,
I'm sorry, Jamie, you got his name wrong.

Speaker 4 (08:03):
I mean, Scary is not his name. I get what you're.

Speaker 17 (08:05):
Saying as always Brody with Scary tim from Youngstown hate
Timothy Martinez from Arizona.

Speaker 18 (08:17):
H No fucking negative responses on the fan page about
not doing Slice Time.

Speaker 5 (08:23):
You don't like it?

Speaker 12 (08:24):
We love it?

Speaker 19 (08:26):
Just for that.

Speaker 18 (08:27):
You owe fucking David Brody and Scary Jones a fucking
stik dinner.

Speaker 7 (08:33):
Fuck you, wow, Youngtown in the house, Youngstown House.

Speaker 12 (08:37):
I haven't said, well I didn't.

Speaker 4 (08:39):
First of all, I didn't know that people were talking
ship behind our back on this. Come on, let's not
what the Brooklyn Boys fan page is for. Positivity people positive,
Put on your positive pants, Timothy Martin Junior. And if
you don't like Slice Time, just don't listen. Yeah, it's okay.

Speaker 7 (08:56):
Read the dislikeness.

Speaker 4 (08:59):
Yeah, the hate.

Speaker 7 (09:00):
Fucking hate such a cancer man, and cancer is such
a hate. Yeah it really is.

Speaker 4 (09:06):
But I see this on every Facebook page and every threat. Well,
it's YouTube comments, it's anything you put on. It is
nothing better though than the pizza Facebook page. Oh the
guy put up a slight a pie the other day
that was just horrific and he got shredded for it.
That that negative shredded like the cheese that was on
it like the bag that cheese.

Speaker 7 (09:27):
No, it was like no, much worse, much worse good.

Speaker 20 (09:30):
I haven't paid my taxes, child support, calimony, uh, and
my doctor's bills in the past twenty two years.

Speaker 21 (09:38):
You should call the Brooklyn Boys Incorporated to go ahead
and deal with this problem like I did, and tell
you all fuck off. You don't deserve to get any
help if you don't pay your taxes.

Speaker 14 (09:50):

Speaker 4 (09:51):
Who the hell is he talking to? Who's he addressing
on that? That was the audio we played, right, We played.

Speaker 6 (09:55):
The audio the guy saying, oh, yeah, paid my taxes
in eight years and companies can help him.

Speaker 4 (09:59):
Yeah yeah, Fuck that guy, don't help him.

Speaker 20 (10:02):
Oh wow, okay, scary you love talking about AI and
I finally figured out why you want to buy a
robot with hands so he can jerky all what.

Speaker 12 (10:15):
Robin is that around?

Speaker 8 (10:16):
What the fuck the robots that starts squeezing you, massaging you?

Speaker 14 (10:20):
That she goes hey wire that.

Speaker 4 (10:25):
He's right, I'm gonna lead some electronic hand on me.
That's where the technology is going. You've come a long way.

Speaker 22 (10:32):
Flashlight Brittie is scary to americam up st New York,
winging in on the conjoined twins situation. What is that
game that they play on the morning show where Scary
does into the phone so the person that's trying to
win doesn't hear the answer. She makes that noise a

little is doing her husband so and she cold arise
and makes that noise so you can't hear anything.

Speaker 7 (11:02):
I don't know as I like that.

Speaker 4 (11:05):
Well, yeah, but she's still feeling it. Yeah, I think
your dog just felt it. Yeah, it's one thing if
they had too hu haas and you were feeling it.
But it's the same hu ah.

Speaker 5 (11:18):

Speaker 23 (11:18):
Scary Alan here from Florida, listening to the episode about
the lottery ticket.

Speaker 14 (11:22):
Scary, you're full of shit.

Speaker 5 (11:24):
It's great to say.

Speaker 23 (11:25):
Oh, yeah, I buy you in every day and forgot
to do it today.

Speaker 14 (11:28):
You want one hundred million?

Speaker 23 (11:29):
Still split it with me, But don't tell me that
if they bought a lottery ticket and they lost and
you've forgot to pay that, you're going to walk up
to them and be like, hey, I know we didn't
win anything today, but here's my fucking money.

Speaker 5 (11:41):
You're full of shit.

Speaker 23 (11:42):
Anyways, Slides for Life have a great no no, but.

Speaker 4 (11:45):
The tickets have already been bought, and that the contest
has already been drawn and everyone lost. But maybe I
put extra money in for the next one just to
even it out.

Speaker 7 (11:58):
Yeah, but then it's extra tickets. So what if his
extra tickets?

Speaker 24 (12:01):

Speaker 4 (12:01):
What maybe I paid maybe, let's sayf it's ten dollars
every time, So maybe if I forget to pay the
ten dollars and they lose, he's trying to say that
I don't put So what I should do is I
should put in twenty dollars for the next pot. But
I don't get twenty shares, right, I get. I get,
I get the share that I normally would get. I
think that's fair. That's a compey because because you decrease

the odds of them winning by your share. Right now,
you're in the ardw my favor thing though.

Speaker 6 (12:27):
Yeah, what if you're supposed to give twenty dollars, right
but you didn't everyone else did. Yeah what if that
extra ten tickets could have been the winning ticket and.

Speaker 7 (12:35):
We don't know that.

Speaker 4 (12:36):
We can't say we don't know. You fucked everybody?

Speaker 7 (12:38):
Owe them all one hundred million dollars.

Speaker 25 (12:41):
Scary and Brody, Brody and Scary Scared Roady need from
Connecticut here As I told you last week, I've been
sent by a chap called Yan Mobley to enhance slices
experience while listening to the Brooklyn Boys podcast. And today
I want to give a nice compliment to Jamie from Queen's.
The way you talk is so soothing and delightful, and

if I were to guest, you probably have an innate
femine glamour about your face.

Speaker 7 (13:08):
Thank you, Jimmy from Queens. Did he say she has
like a cat face?

Speaker 4 (13:14):
Yes? I have no idea.

Speaker 25 (13:17):
Scary Brody, Brodie, Scary Scaroti from Connecticut. Here again, Brody,
I know that you don't like when slices send multiple talkbacks,
but you're gonna like this one because mate, you are
so money that your aura is platinum.

Speaker 7 (13:34):
I'm okay with that, appreciate that.

Speaker 14 (13:38):
He what's going on.

Speaker 15 (13:39):
But of course this is Angel from California, ain't Brody?

Speaker 14 (13:43):
You know I didn't know that.

Speaker 15 (13:45):
You knew l D from Seamen. I'm a really big
fan of the guy, you know, Man, do you think
that you can give me clearance? Man? Because you know,
I don't really want to approach him without clearance, you know,
And if I can get clearance, maybe I can cruise
better and my Laura and maybe shoot the ship with
him for a little while. We can talk about this
nice time and curb your enthusiasms developing.

Speaker 7 (14:07):
He's developing a new character.

Speaker 4 (14:09):
I love it.

Speaker 7 (14:10):
Hold on, there's two more from a four more in
a row from him.

Speaker 4 (14:13):
Oh my god. Oh and we have a new caller. Yeah,
a new angel from California.

Speaker 7 (14:18):
No relation to anyone from Boys.

Speaker 5 (14:21):
This is Nick from Washington State.

Speaker 4 (14:23):
Oh wait, wait, plot twist happened to have come in
a minute later.

Speaker 26 (14:27):
But okay, all right, Hey Brooklyn Boys, this is Nick
from Washington State, previously a resident of Bensonhurst, Brooklyn. It
all makes sense to me now, David Brody, you never
spend money on any audio system for your house to
do this podcast that you happen to do for several years. Yep,
because you've been saving money for a bougie ass house.

So I totally get it why you didn't spend money
on audio system.

Speaker 5 (14:54):
It all makes sense. Stand by for party.

Speaker 14 (14:57):
Yeah, let me know if you can go.

Speaker 7 (14:58):
Oh no, they're all mixed together. Hold on, I want
to respond to that.

Speaker 26 (15:04):
Hey, David Brody about episode to eighty five.

Speaker 5 (15:09):
I think you should have some grace.

Speaker 26 (15:10):
Yeah, my man, Scarvy Jones forgot uh he's missing letter?
Why in Brooklyn? And yes he's from Brooklyn. You're from
Brooklyn too, But let me tell you something. I love
both of you, But David Brody Carry Jones is not
your intern and you don't work for iHeart Radio, So
come down, love you boys.

Speaker 4 (15:31):
All right. I'm confused. What what do I need grace about?
Have a little grace, have a little I didn't point
out you pointed out. You pointed out that a grammatical error,
and I don't work for you left out a letter
and when.

Speaker 7 (15:42):
You wrote Brooklyn.

Speaker 6 (15:43):
Yeah, yeah, he's defending. He's standing up for my intern.
I would never hire Scary's man.

Speaker 7 (15:47):
He's standing up for his boy, Scary Jones.

Speaker 4 (15:49):
That's all right, somebody needs all right?

Speaker 7 (15:51):
Hold on, now here's part two from Angel from California.

Speaker 4 (15:54):
Or is it a new listener or is it?

Speaker 14 (15:56):

Speaker 15 (15:57):
Let me know if you can give me parents, man,
I would really have appreciate it. Man, But do you
know I want to do a little public service announcement
and tell all this lass.

Speaker 14 (16:05):
Not to be fighting. Man.

Speaker 15 (16:07):
Come on, chill out, buddies and gets get together.

Speaker 26 (16:11):

Speaker 15 (16:11):
I want to buy the world, the coke and sing
in harmony.

Speaker 14 (16:16):
Come on, guys, come on, get together, don't be fighting. Okay,
the gang, the fight is over. I love everybody, and
I have a good day.

Speaker 7 (16:27):
Oh some words of wisdom from Angel from California.

Speaker 4 (16:30):
Thanks. Oh oh wait, hold those other guys back again.
Well they're kind of like taking turns here. They all
they both of them were here during the same minutes.

Speaker 12 (16:41):
Brooklyn boys, this is Nick again. Part three.

Speaker 5 (16:43):
I promise that's the last one.

Speaker 26 (16:45):
Hey, gentlemen, can you guys do like two separate episodes
covering conjoined twins because I feel like this topic is
so fucking crazy and rich, you guys is not gonna
have enough time in one episode, So let's do like
part one and part two.

Speaker 7 (17:03):
Like a conjoined episode.

Speaker 26 (17:04):
Part two will be like if she gets fired, and
part one is all about you know, the steamy business.

Speaker 14 (17:11):

Speaker 7 (17:11):
I have something to say here?

Speaker 4 (17:12):
Yeah, Nick, Nick sounds like you could be a distant
cousin of Chad from Omaha.

Speaker 7 (17:20):
No, yeah, listen, he rolls his throat.

Speaker 4 (17:23):
He did, he rolled his through mm hmm. It's on there.

Speaker 27 (17:28):
Uh huh.

Speaker 7 (17:29):
I'm here and I'm hearing something.

Speaker 28 (17:30):
Hey, Brody and Scary Scary and Brody. It's Rifka from
Brooklyn Brody. I'm following you on TikTok as per your request.
And I was going down a rabbit hole of finding
the listeners who leave talkbacks, and I saw Jan Vazquez
and I thought it was funny because it felt like
a Love Is Blind episode where I was like finding

out what someone looks like after here remember so long?

Speaker 4 (17:55):
So that was.

Speaker 9 (17:56):
Funny anyway, Paula brid on TikTok, y'all not you guys?

Speaker 4 (17:59):
What about what about me? At Scary Jones? You should
follow me on TikTok. Follow Scary Jones on TikTok What's
about that? E E R y Jones twelve?

Speaker 6 (18:10):
By the way, I'm now up to uh three hundred
and a few all right now, That either means that
the tens of thousands of people listen to this podcast
on on TikTok or they have not been motivated yet
to Hey.

Speaker 4 (18:23):
While you're out, follow me on Instagram at Scary Jones.
I could use the follower.

Speaker 6 (18:26):
Yeah, you have one hundred and fifty thousand followers, you
don't need anymore.

Speaker 4 (18:30):
Relax follow me.

Speaker 7 (18:31):
I only have like forty five thousand Brooklyn Boys.

Speaker 3 (18:34):
DJ here from Sala, Jersey.

Speaker 29 (18:36):
I'm just I just listened to my talk back and
Brody you said I must have never listened or watched Moonnight,
because I said, Cowboy.

Speaker 3 (18:44):
Trucker has too many personas.

Speaker 29 (18:46):
I did watch Moonnight, loved Moonnight, and it's my favorite
Disney Plus series other than probably Floky Uh season two.

Speaker 3 (18:55):
Loki the ending, absolutely crazy man crazy.

Speaker 4 (18:59):
That was love, very low he that's him that he
was very low key. He was low key. By the way,
if you ever wonder what my opinions are on Marvel shows,
I do a Marvel podcast, which I tweet about all
the time. Whenever there's a Marvel show.

Speaker 6 (19:15):
Right now, I'm doing a weekly live video podcast on
Friday for The X Men ninety seven on Disney Plus
along with four or five other other dorks like me.
But whenever there's a Star Wars or a Marvel project,
we do a podcast.

Speaker 7 (19:32):
So check that out. I tweet about it.

Speaker 30 (19:35):
You Slick Fastard around minute thirty fifty six, you slipped
in another one, you son of a bitch.

Speaker 4 (19:42):
I don't know what he's talking about, all right, moving on, Yeah,
I know what he's talking about because I missed it,
and three or four people DM me about it.

Speaker 7 (19:48):
I'm not gonna say who you slipped in, but I
missed one.

Speaker 30 (19:51):
It plays in order that last one should be me
about hitting the jingle. DJ here from South Jersey. On
another note, I take way too much pride in my
hair as is male because I have long, thick, curly hair.
So I do use expensive shampoo and conditioner that my
salonist recommends to me so I don't get dried out

or you know, and in elongates my curls and things
like that.

Speaker 31 (20:18):
Brooklyn Boys, Okay Michael from Sullivan County, New York. It's
been a while, Hey, Scary, what the fuck are you
talking about not using your phone in the bathroom?

Speaker 7 (20:27):
What the year are you living in?

Speaker 4 (20:28):
You live on Instagram? Anyway, Brody, I'm with you.

Speaker 31 (20:32):
He's full of shit and given all this etiquette about
the bathroom, please, bathroom is the new phone was of
twenty twenty four, so Scary can suck it slice for
life either way.

Speaker 7 (20:47):
Of that gentleman from Sullivan County sounds like he's tribe.

Speaker 31 (20:51):
Brooklyn Boys. Michael again Part two. Uh, Hey, Scary, I'm
with you on this, Brody. You need to really look
into it. The FDY is full of shit. They're not
really there for our interests. They're therefore how to make money.
The government is a big I'm not listen. This is
not Joe Rogan, this is not no considerracy.

Speaker 7 (21:06):
Thank you, thank you.

Speaker 31 (21:07):
There is some corruptionhit simple as that.

Speaker 7 (21:09):

Speaker 31 (21:10):
Scary is right. They do not look out for your
best thing. They accept so much crush bugs in there.
Oh that's acceptable, you can do that. So anyway, love
the podcast, guys, No big issues there, Scary. I'm with you, man, Brody,
It's fine.

Speaker 4 (21:25):
I'm always with you.

Speaker 31 (21:26):
You're always right, So keep up the good work, guys.

Speaker 4 (21:29):
I Michael, I want each slide this time because you
agree with me most of the time.

Speaker 19 (21:33):
Brilliant Scary dying from Iowa here.

Speaker 32 (21:37):
I'm going back through the podcast once again, and I
think I'm on number eleven, the episode of Fat Jewish.
You guys should really get him back in he you know,
and he was very said he wanted to all the
slices want him back.

Speaker 5 (21:51):
Let's make it happen.

Speaker 4 (21:53):
Alright, alright, we know somebody who knows somebody. Yeah, we'll ask,
We'll put the ask out there. Is he he's still
doing his thing.

Speaker 7 (22:01):
I think so. Oh he's been a little keyle. It's
quite the Instagram persona used to be.

Speaker 5 (22:07):
Benny from Brooklyn.

Speaker 33 (22:08):
Here, Scary Brodie, Brodie Scary No, just kinda say a
macaroni pipe.

Speaker 14 (22:15):
I hope you will pulling his leg.

Speaker 5 (22:16):
Because it's a p track. I never heard of macaroni pipe.

Speaker 14 (22:20):
That's pretty freak of funny, guys.

Speaker 7 (22:21):
An elbow macaroni. It's the shape of an elbow macarny.

Speaker 4 (22:25):

Speaker 6 (22:25):
If you think something I said made no sense and
it was pretty funny, then yes, I was not being serious.

Speaker 34 (22:30):
Hey, guys, I said nothing from Puerto Rico. I just
gotta say that Death from CT has an amazing voice.
I love her voice, very sexy. I just could hear
her talk all day.

Speaker 7 (22:45):
Oh really, you know what that translates to?

Speaker 14 (22:48):
Nice dees?

Speaker 4 (22:49):
You know what he's doing to your voice?

Speaker 6 (22:51):
Well does? I'm sure Dez left us some talkbacks. She
was a big fan of the drawings I put on
her shirt.

Speaker 33 (22:56):
By the way, Hey Brooklyn boys play again, bok them.
I just want to say, uh, I gotta agree with
Scary on all that healthship with the foods and the dyes.
And the syrups red dye forty and yellow dye is
so bad for you. It's been linked to so many
bad things, especially in development and children outlawed in most countries. Yep,

don't tell me because the American FDA it's you know,
it's good.

Speaker 4 (23:24):
No, they're on the take. Like I said in the
last episode that Barty doesn't believe me.

Speaker 33 (23:29):
Vinnie again, Yeah, don't tell me because the American FDA
says so. I don't believe a single thing. Recently, they
tried to tell us that the food PERIODID League grew
up but wasn't good and they're eating cereal like sugary cereal,
so it is actually healthy for you and needing a steak.
I'm sorry, but everything they tell us believe the opposite.

Speaker 4 (23:53):
Have a good one, boys, Thank you, sir, thank you,
well spoken, well said, well put.

Speaker 33 (23:58):
Sorry Scary and Brodie again, but listening to this is
about the private planes. Brody, you're out of your mind
when you think that you can compare a sports team
that's fifty sixty seventy people on a plane to tail
Swift with wa was And it's the fact that she
does things like fly back from Japan for her boyfriend's

Super Bowl and then back to Japan overnight. That's the
kind of unnecessary shit I understand, flying for Hateur, but.

Speaker 7 (24:27):
Once again, VIDI got a point.

Speaker 14 (24:31):
Play the jingle. Bitch's not one wrecked by your Brody.

Speaker 15 (24:35):
You didn't even notice you were cut up in the
conversation about the oils she was got you one wrecked
by you about fuck knuck or fat.

Speaker 14 (24:43):
Ass or whatever the tale his name is, that's for Nick.

Speaker 19 (24:46):
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (24:46):
Brody was busy listening to the sound of his own voice.
He didn't even notice it. It's a sexy voice. I
can't he boys.

Speaker 35 (24:52):
Brody, scary scary Brody. This is Lily from the greater
Atlanta area, definitely not from the shitty or Atlanta area
or what you'll probably.

Speaker 7 (24:59):
Call it ch Atlanta Atlanta.

Speaker 35 (25:02):
So another episode in the books without the jingles when
you bring home the old jingle scary. I do have
an idea, though, so there's going to be like multiple talkbacks.
So I'm gonna apologize in advance if I completely butcher
this and it becomes a total train wreck.

Speaker 36 (25:19):
Loyal Tom him.

Speaker 37 (25:23):
This is a Michael Oppenheimer with the Brooklyn boise rescue fund.
Are you missing the old jingles? They are trapped in
the depths of the main studio and Sherry Jones is
too lazy to bring them home. But you can make
a difference by donating to the Brooklyn Boys Jingle Rescue Funds.

Speaker 4 (25:46):
I've got that Rod Serling Twilight Zone delivery is still
going scrap.

Speaker 37 (25:51):
For a little donation of a dollars six, you can
sponsor and help rescue one of the lost jingles.

Speaker 38 (25:59):
Cool three eight two two three seven seven to donate today.
That's two one eight f you eight seventy seven, which,
by the way, is the same amount of money that's Scary.

Speaker 14 (26:14):
Spent on his sound system.

Speaker 12 (26:17):
So he needs your help.

Speaker 7 (26:19):
Mmm, what was that, Brody? You have a theory here?
He sounds a lot like Angel from California. Hauh? Does
he also a little bit like uh the guy from Omaha? Yeah,
chat from Omaha.

Speaker 4 (26:31):
Goad from Omaha.

Speaker 7 (26:33):
Ha ha ha ha ha yeah yeah.

Speaker 14 (26:40):
Brook Glynn Boys Podcast.

Speaker 34 (26:42):
We will be right back.

Speaker 4 (26:44):
I don't even think we're halfway through, because uh, I
still got pages on pages of of uh talks and sacks. Yeah,
we gotta keep keep plowing to these, by the way, Yeah, well,
by the way, what I'm just gonna say, I just recognized.
I was reminded that one of the female singers in
that jingle.

Speaker 7 (27:02):
For Breeze jingle we just put.

Speaker 4 (27:04):
Pink used to sing with Pink the Brooklyn Boys podcast
We Will be right Back. She was in.

Speaker 7 (27:10):
She was a backup singer for Pink. Wow, that must
have been a failed career. She's now she's singing that's
not nice.

Speaker 4 (27:16):
Well now I'm just saying, I mean, now she's singing
finglet side all my jingle singers from from when I
had the company, Oh like side hustle professional, yeah, side hustle.

Speaker 6 (27:25):
In fact, that singer in nineteen ninety eight, a long
time ago ninety nine ninety nine was the singer on
my hit Me Baby One More Time parody when people
thought Britney Spears had breast implants. They make my boobies
one more size epic parody that went viral. Was one
of the first viral parodies and then people.

Speaker 7 (27:45):
Put a video. They made a video of it.

Speaker 4 (27:47):
So nice. There you go. I hope she's doing well.
All right, she is doing that.

Speaker 10 (27:50):
Thanks porn the South Florida, my own has a PhD
in biology. She taught a Rochester community college for over
thirty years biology, mainly nutrition, and she says diet coke
one is fine. That whole aspartain thing is totally bullshit.

I actually hate diet coke, but as much as the flavor.
I'll continue the next one, Okay, does to continue. She
also says mainly about the highcorn fruitostrup because I actually
also used to think it was super bad for you.
She says, pure cane sugar and high coro fruit syrup
at the end of the day, once it's processed to
your body, ends ends up as glucose or something something

by all and she says, it's exactly the same shit.
They don't they They're just as bad for you. One
is it turns into fat just like the other one.
It's it's all the same. Too much is just bad
for you with anything South Florida. Also, if you guys want,
I can actually get her on a talkback and she
can explain it a little bit more.

Speaker 9 (28:53):
I know people hate long talkbacks.

Speaker 10 (28:55):
I can hell ask her if she can do a
thirty second, you know, concise Mariovich. She'll be more than
happy to do what she loves teaching, obviously, so let
me know and I'll have her explained to the slices.
You know everything about she understands all the chemistry behind it.

Speaker 4 (29:09):
Okay, I'd like to hear some of that.

Speaker 7 (29:11):
Well, the scariest thought then she definitely doesn't work for
the FDA. What No, I just think that.

Speaker 4 (29:17):
You know, I heard that Hypergue's cornsyrup is a lot
worse for you than than just pure cane sugar, because
your body recognizes that and it doesn't recognize hy Frgure's
corns heap.

Speaker 7 (29:26):
But I'm willing to I'm willing to hear and here
what people have to say.

Speaker 4 (29:30):
I want to eat.

Speaker 7 (29:31):
The floor is yours.

Speaker 16 (29:33):
Hey, Brody is Scary. It's Kelly from Long Island listening
to episode to ninety where Brody is arguing about how
much Scary actually pays for his shampoo. To be honest,
as a female, I take good care of my hair
and I pay at least twenty eight dollars per bottle,
and I buy shampoo and position at foye dollars each.

So yeah, it's to take care of your hair. You're
not getting any bad chemicals in your shampoo, thank you.
And also on the point of you know, not how
many bad chemicals in the shampoo. Is certain shampoos that
are cheaper kind of strip your organic oils that you

already producing your hair out of your strips out of
your hair, and you want that to stay in your
hair and paying a little.

Speaker 9 (30:23):
Bit more orange from South Yeah.

Speaker 4 (30:26):
Oh okay, so there you go. But I have a
feeling she has long, beautiful hair. Right, Birdie pays down
ninety nine for shampoo and look at his hair. It's
at least.

Speaker 9 (30:38):
Orange from South Florida.

Speaker 15 (30:39):

Speaker 10 (30:40):
Yeah, I agree with Brody that I was an answer
dam when I was fifteen and I went me and
my family went to the Enn Frank House and it
hits hard. I mean I'm Jewish, and I mean it was.

Speaker 9 (30:53):
It was hard.

Speaker 10 (30:53):
Even at fifteen. It was really hard to swallow. Definitely,
if you can get in, you definitely need to try.
It's something that it'll stick with you forever.

Speaker 4 (31:04):
I'm working on honestly, I'm working on it.

Speaker 6 (31:08):
I gotta take a break here real quick. I'm going
to bring it up again on the Brooklyn Boys, but
I want to bring it up now. Scary what you
said that that was a historic house, right, right? Historical house?
Rather Yes, and it was historical because it was built
when scary When was the house?

Speaker 4 (31:26):
No, no, it's because the significant the cultural significance of
what happened in the house. And when did that happen
in the nineteen I'm sorry, nineteen forties?

Speaker 6 (31:40):
Okay, because you said the house was famous from the
eighteen hundreds.

Speaker 4 (31:45):
Well, I believe it was built in the eighteen hundreds,
but it was no like nineteen forties is when confusion.
That's what made it famous, correct, wasn't it? Wasn't it
the Hitler Nazi thing where they they yeah, yeah, they
hit the Nazi. She was hiding, she was hiding from
the Nazis, right, right, Okay. And if people thought you

meant did that happen in the eighteen no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
the house was built in the if I if you
heard it that way, that's by the way.

Speaker 6 (32:18):
If the house was built the eighteen hundreds, that's not
really the story. Just so we're on the same but
it's from the eighth the houses from the headline, it's
from the eighteen hundreds the house, right. People aren't going
there because of the architecture, No, they're they're going there
because of what happened in the nineteen forties. By the way,
the house, which was probably on a street full of
houses like that. Yeah, but now it's located right near

like a canal and his office buildings next to it.
It's it's weirdly placed because they built they built the
city around it, so it's sort of out of place.
You would be like, you're looking for a street with houses,
it's just this house and they kind of stuck a
museum on the side of it.

Speaker 4 (32:54):
Oh, definitely worth going here.

Speaker 10 (32:56):
You also need to do the factory boys booked it
or looking know it. I was fifteen and they gave
me a token, even the drink averge sixteen. I got
two tokens and I got fairly wasted to a point
where my parents took me back to the tall room.
I fell asleep and my dad just stayed with me
until my mom and sister went out.

Speaker 9 (33:15):
So but it was awesome, Like it was a cool experience.

Speaker 4 (33:18):
He's talking about my trip to Amsterdam, and funny you
say that, buddy. I just texted my friends today on
the group chat about the Heineken tour because I hear
good things and everyone's.

Speaker 7 (33:28):
Like, I'm neutral on that.

Speaker 4 (33:30):
Scary whatever you want to do, So I'm to just
take the lead and buy the tickets for us, because
I hear from several people it's a damn good time.

Speaker 13 (33:40):
Hey, Brooklyn boys, this tall black tea white, which is
ironic not coincidental. I'm a few episodes behind trying to
get caught up, but as a as a member of
the black community, we need more spruce. I need I
need like monthly spruce episodes.

Speaker 5 (33:56):
Yes, Brody.

Speaker 13 (33:57):
Also, I you haven't talked about it yet, but I
assume you're talking about Jour World duets. Glad you're finally
getting your credit.

Speaker 6 (34:03):
Bro A right, Well, I'm giving myself the credit. I'm
not actually getting the credit.

Speaker 4 (34:07):
By the way.

Speaker 7 (34:07):
T why thank you for following me on TikTok. I
noticed it, thank you.

Speaker 23 (34:10):
Uh huh, Scary Brody. Allan here from Florida was listening
to your recent episode. You guys were talking about pipe
and plumbing, and uh, Scary Brody tried to make you
feel like an idiot because you didn't know what macaroni
pipe is. But I hate to say it, hit the
fucking jingle, Brody is wrong.

Speaker 5 (34:28):
It's called elbow pipe.

Speaker 23 (34:30):
Hope this doesn't bite me in the ass.

Speaker 5 (34:31):
Maybe there is something.

Speaker 23 (34:32):
Called macaroni pipe, but pretty sure he was referring to
elbow pipe.

Speaker 5 (34:36):
Yeah, anyway, slash for live, have a great day, guys.

Speaker 4 (34:38):
As in elbow macaroni. He got the two words mixed
up and he used macaroni instead of elbow. That's what happened.
Hold on, hold on, it slaps you in the face
because it's a joke. Oh, I obviously know it's not
macaroni pipe.

Speaker 7 (34:53):
Lied to him, all right.

Speaker 39 (34:58):
Cowboy with a public service announcement for all the slashes.

Speaker 14 (35:04):
Not oh you're tired to hear in public service announcements,
But you don't mean.

Speaker 39 (35:08):
I don't wanna give a shit, Sonna, Sit back and
listen to what I've got to see. It's come to
my attention that a large number of slashes feature great people.
By the way, don't lack Slash time and absolutely for
a bit to participate or even listen to. It may
be that they just don't like it and they think

gets beneath them, they don't have the time, or they're
just all around hateful people.

Speaker 14 (35:36):
Whatever the reason may be.

Speaker 15 (35:38):
I'm here to tell you that I'm more than sure
that Brody and Scary still love and appreciate you, so
don't feel afraid to press the little microphone symbol on
the lower right hand side of your phone screen and
send the talk factor to maybe even Quill. And remember
to tell all your friends you could be on and

you're name doesn't.

Speaker 14 (36:00):
Even have to be long.

Speaker 15 (36:03):
Support all their podcast dreams and success come true. It's
all up to us lessons for me real they can
bring on the next year and both My friend from
Mosteak to York missus Grandrew Jesus, where do you get

that nineties fucking music from I was great?

Speaker 4 (36:28):
By the way, that sounded nothing nothing like the guy
who played Arms of an Angel as a public service announcement.

Speaker 7 (36:35):
Get the jingles back, they said, nothing alike.

Speaker 4 (36:39):
Hey, it's Elijah from Pinlay, Ohio.

Speaker 40 (36:41):
I just got my sign Scary Jones and David Brod
Brody t shirt T shirt and I want to say
thank you guys for throwing in the bonus stickers as
much appreciated.

Speaker 14 (36:53):
Did not consider that.

Speaker 7 (36:56):
I can't wear the shirt because they ruin it.

Speaker 40 (36:59):
Then it ruins the shirt alongside the signature, so I
guess I would have to buy another one.

Speaker 5 (37:06):
Thank you guy.

Speaker 7 (37:07):
You may have to buy another one.

Speaker 4 (37:09):
I like that.

Speaker 6 (37:09):
Another one for your By the way, DJ Khaled making
some news the past couple of weeks.

Speaker 4 (37:15):
Did you see the DJ Kaled?

Speaker 37 (37:16):

Speaker 4 (37:16):
I didn't.

Speaker 7 (37:18):
Apparently he does not go below the belt with the ladies.

Speaker 4 (37:21):
Hum, neither did uh Big pun in the song uh
Big Punisher Punisher? Yeah, yeah, because he talks about.

Speaker 7 (37:33):
Not not going down on women in that song.

Speaker 4 (37:35):
Do you remember the paradid did of that song, Big Nourisher,
Big Nourisher, look at you remember twenty years and he
died because he was a heart attack. He was so big.
Poor guy. I wrote the song before he died. Yeah,
oh wait, maybe he does go down. I forgot.

Speaker 7 (37:55):
I think Big pun Uh does what he's got to do.
Maybe I got to look at the lyrics again.

Speaker 4 (38:03):
Maybe I'm on.

Speaker 41 (38:06):
Scary brody shape for Union City. I wanted to talk
about them twins. I mean, who doesn't have questions? We
all have questions. What's really taking out is the fact
that they're willing to answer these questions freely. I'm not knocking,
ain't put out the universe, But I'm like, yo, if
you want to know the four ward want about anything

a network show deal, make some money off of this,
if you really want to put your business out there,
I'm saying chair Union City Part two. Yeah, I mean
a lot of fucking questions. And I think the majority
of the master is the first off, like, hey, good one,
you congratulations, God blessed, Live your truth, be live your life,

and be happy. But when it gets to any greedy,
it's like, yo, how to fuck do things transpire?

Speaker 9 (38:56):
How does this?

Speaker 5 (38:57):
How does this all fold out? If one is tired
doing sex?

Speaker 41 (39:00):
Does the other one say all right, I'll sell ben?

Speaker 7 (39:03):
How the fuck does this work?

Speaker 27 (39:05):

Speaker 20 (39:05):

Speaker 9 (39:06):
This just to shay, this is my last one.

Speaker 41 (39:08):
Here's here's a flip flip shit of it, and true,
this is nobody's business.

Speaker 14 (39:14):
However, they decide.

Speaker 41 (39:15):
To conduct themselves and live their life and in the bedroom,
and it's like, there's nobody's business.

Speaker 4 (39:20):
But it was a documentary, so many questions.

Speaker 3 (39:23):

Speaker 41 (39:24):
If they really wanted to make some money, they need
to work out some kind of network deal and and
get this ship going because inquiring minds want.

Speaker 4 (39:32):
The next and Danielle from Our Big Show didn't want
to do the story. When you know about the first
dance and all that that just came up and went
viral recently, and I'm like, why she goes, there's none
of our business. I'm like, hey, guess what. They've listened it.

Speaker 7 (39:45):
They posted it, and they lived their life in the public.

Speaker 4 (39:48):
They went on Oprah, they had a series on TLC
for Christ's sake, Abby and Brittany for several seasons. We
watched them, Brittany and Abbey. I'm sorry, Ibby and Brittany.
Oh wait a second, I see what you did there,
Havy and Brittany, brittanyant Abby. As always, it's Brittany and
Abby and Brittany, and then the sun the other, the other,

the other. The head from the side goes pretty happy. No,
it's Abby and Britney, Brittany Hay. Anyway, So for those reasons,
it's fucking fair game and we should talk about it
because they are in public, and they wanted to be
in public. They chose it that way because otherwise they
just live in their life like other conjoined twins that

we have no knowledge of. Danielle didn't do the story show.

Speaker 7 (40:38):
We did not.

Speaker 4 (40:39):
We avoided it completely. I wanted to talk about it.
I I was.

Speaker 6 (40:43):
I was up for the Brooklyn Boys podcast for all
your conjoined Twins stories, then.

Speaker 4 (40:47):
We gotta.

Speaker 7 (40:49):
We gotta do a follow up.

Speaker 6 (40:51):
I'm thinking, although you really should listen to the Elliott
in the morning episode as well on iHeartRadio where he
talked about it, because yeah, y'all, he brought some questions
we didn't think about.

Speaker 4 (41:00):
And it's not crass. It's not like you know, as
it's not always a goal. Some of it was crass,
but well, listen, it makes your mind almost hurt thinking
of all the things you can't comprehend what's going on.
Does a need to know? I need to know, same questions.
Same doesn't mean I deserve an answer, but I still

have questions, I know.

Speaker 42 (41:21):
But all right, Hey, Brody, this is somebody from somewhere
over here. I followed you all on TikTok. Brody is
scary Brooklyn boys. I want to ask Scary about when
he said Wan is not the trucker because he met him.
That's not enough of a reason. You know, a lot

of different voices in the Sipsons and Family Guy are
done by the same people, so someone could do very
different voices. So if you do know, how do you
really know?

Speaker 4 (41:51):
I get the vibe he's not Wan Valdez is not
the trucker. No, he also doesn't have the.

Speaker 19 (41:57):
Same way.

Speaker 5 (41:59):
He Brody.

Speaker 42 (42:00):
Part two, you mentioned open houses something about looking in
medicine cabinets. I heard a little bit of Matthew Perry's book,
and it was interesting. He would schedule open houses all
day to go through people's medicine cabinets to try to
find so he could take enough drugs because what he

was being prescribed wasn't enough. So it's really interesting. Good book,
good read if you have time.

Speaker 5 (42:29):
Hey, guys, hold.

Speaker 4 (42:29):
On for the record.

Speaker 6 (42:31):
I because of the Matthew Perry book. It reminded me
to make sure I hid all any prescription medication I
had in the house, even like old stuff. I just
was like, I went through everything because there are people
who do that shit.

Speaker 34 (42:44):
Hey, guys, for Sernandez from Puerto Rico. First of all,
people are fat because they eat too much and do
zero exercise. So if you exercise more and eat less,
you won't be bobes or fat. And secondly, Brody, not
everything that is killing people get spammed.

Speaker 5 (43:05):
Look at cigarettes.

Speaker 4 (43:08):
He's got a point.

Speaker 6 (43:10):
Yeah, but there's at least a warning on the package,
just saying, but you know what, too much money is
too much money involved, Otherwise cigarettes would have been gone
a long time ago.

Speaker 4 (43:21):
From here Reynolds company that wait way way too powerful.
Oh you can assume them. So there's something right, BROLLI
and Scary. How you doing this, Fernando from Woodbridge?

Speaker 27 (43:38):
Uh, I think the FCC is on the take for
letting uh Scary on the air.

Speaker 7 (43:45):
Okay, thanks, good morning.

Speaker 36 (43:47):
This is Chad from Ome and it's always going to
be Brodie with Scary all right, Chad, I don't really
have anything to talk about this week, but I just
wanted to come on here and give a great big
shout up to all the slices and let them know

that it's always going to be U list. We get
those apologies, so get with it, buco or it's always
going to.

Speaker 43 (44:20):
Be okay, goodbye, Thanks Brody and Scary Hey, as funny
as it is. Make a fun of Scary, you know,
for being unhealthy and then healthy unhealthy. I gotta say, Scary,
I am proud of you. You know, anything is better
than nothing, So given a little bit of healthy, it's
better than no healthy, that's sure. One that struggled with

many types of addiction and weight as well. Every little
step counts keep it up, scary and Brody keep giving
them ship though.

Speaker 7 (44:50):
Pasbaker going off. You're right there, Buddy said to look
a flat line at the end.

Speaker 26 (44:57):
Wa wha, wha, whoa whoa hold on a second, hold
on a secon I guess, Scary Jones, how are you
gonna say you're in a second quarter?

Speaker 5 (45:03):
Scary now?

Speaker 26 (45:05):
Don't you have that fancy bougie luxurious Jim doing some
personal training sessions with you that No, sir, don't be
doing that ship with the second or third quarter Hellna.
These people are investing thousands of dollars in your training.

Speaker 5 (45:24):
Good luck, sir.

Speaker 26 (45:26):
Hey, Brooklyn boys, this is naked again for Washington State
previously resident Brooklyn, and this.

Speaker 5 (45:32):
Message is for David Brody.

Speaker 26 (45:35):
David Brody, I love you, ahead, hey, people gotta make money,
so let's go doctor fatlass, flowman, shield and whatever fucking
diapers or nicotine suppressor.

Speaker 5 (45:48):
Uh Ski Johnson's promoting love both of you only ship
Brooklyn boys. Get ready.

Speaker 12 (45:57):
This is gonna be fucking part two or part three.

Speaker 5 (45:59):
I'm gonna give us gentlemen. Both of you are actually correct.

Speaker 26 (46:03):
Now, David Brody, I understand you have a time emergency issue.
I don't know if you take medicine for that or not.
But I get it. You're not trying to be there
all fucking day.

Speaker 5 (46:14):
I get it.

Speaker 26 (46:15):
But you're making money from this shit, nobody. This is
not free, okay, So why.

Speaker 5 (46:21):
Don't you just take your time next time.

Speaker 4 (46:25):
You're talking about the house I failed? Well he's part two,
all right.

Speaker 12 (46:32):
Part two about your packaging fiasco.

Speaker 5 (46:34):
Yeah, David Brody, this.

Speaker 26 (46:36):
This is important man, And yes, thank you so much
for spelling and proper writing and shit like that. But
Scary Jones, he's right too. You know you want that
ship to be nice and nicely packaged and looking good,
you know, economy stuff. People are spending their own hard
earned money on this product, on this merchandise. Yes, so

have pride, have some ownership to it.

Speaker 4 (47:00):
Part by the Part three coming up.

Speaker 26 (47:03):
Part three final, Yeah, have ownership of that shit man.
And also, I feel like you guys are like two
guys packing the cocaine in Columbia. One guy has plastic
gloves and has extra tape to be gentle and careful,
and baby Brody has that commercial grade scale, like big
ass fucking scale with the big with a big spoon,

just shoving that shit trying to get over there. I
love both of you, I do. I hope next time
the process will be smoother, right, And.

Speaker 4 (47:31):
Thank you to the slices who sidebarred me and d
m me saying, hey, it must have been you that
packed my shirt, because I see it was nicely neat
neatly folded and stuff.

Speaker 6 (47:40):
Oh listen, all the shirts remained folded. We didn't unfold
any shirts. He didn't fold anything.

Speaker 3 (47:45):
But I don't.

Speaker 7 (47:46):
Way I put a retail I can refold away. I
put him back in the bag. Was so nice. The
way the bag was sealed was even.

Speaker 6 (47:53):
Yeah, the ups, the outer, it was perfectly straight on skaries,
get the shirts.

Speaker 44 (48:02):
Rockland County Brody, episode two nine. You're talking about leaving
the plastic on your dishwasher. I do construction. Let me
tell you, when that plastic stays on for too long,
it bakes on, and then when it frails and one
little piece and you start to peel it, you're gonna
be peeling for a fucking month.

Speaker 5 (48:20):
Take it off, brother, take it off off.

Speaker 6 (48:23):
He's got a valid point. I sold my house. Let
the next guy do it.

Speaker 4 (48:26):
Oh wow, you're a.

Speaker 8 (48:27):
Douche Brody and scary.

Speaker 22 (48:30):
Tamara from upstate New York, Binghamton.

Speaker 45 (48:33):
I have to weigh in on this whole not using
your phone while you're on the toilet thing. Who the
fuck doesn't scroll on their phone while they're on the toilet?

Speaker 4 (48:39):
Thank you, thank you.

Speaker 45 (48:40):
I'll fully admit I do that when I'm on the toilet. Ever,
I can't not do it. And also Scary is attached
to his phone. I'm very surprised by this news. Also,
have you ever touched cash.

Speaker 38 (48:52):
And then touched your phone?

Speaker 45 (48:55):
Cash is like the dirtiest thing in the world. Tamara
from Binghamton continue, So like, I don't I don't get,
I don't get its scary.

Speaker 14 (49:04):
Yet again, I'm with Brody on this.

Speaker 45 (49:05):
I usually said with Brody, so I'm not surprised. I
love you both regardless, but or what about what about
a gas pump? Do you ever touch pump gas and
then touch your phone?

Speaker 37 (49:18):
I bet you do.

Speaker 45 (49:19):
That's disgusting.

Speaker 22 (49:20):
I'm just saying anyways, like I said, love you both.

Speaker 12 (49:23):
Sorry, this had to be by.

Speaker 4 (49:26):
That's usually the time that I put my phone on
my charger because it's always on two percent. Just here,
let my phone have a little bit of a breathing
time for its own on its own.

Speaker 7 (49:35):
I'm gonna charge you with a.

Speaker 4 (49:36):
Long cable, and you charge it in the bathroom. I
don't know. I just listen. I'm not trying to help
me your mail. I'm not trying to throw your mail
on the toilet. I'm not trying to throw shade the
people who use their phone in the bathroom. But you
just check your dirty mail on the toilet. Makes no sense.
Have I brought my phone into my bathroom before? Yes,
but I don't. Sometimes a lot more times than not,

I forget it, or I just somewhere. You've never taken
your tablet in there. I don't have a tablet. Oh,
you don't have I don't own it. I don't own
an iPad. No.

Speaker 14 (50:08):
Hey, this is Katie from Cleveland Brody.

Speaker 46 (50:10):
I am sorry, but you are so incredibly wrong about
the whole FDA health stuff. Yes, it is the high fruit, toast,
corn syrup, and processed foods in this country that are
making Americans obese. I'm in a medical program right now,
and we are learning the intricacies the biochemistry and everything
that's going on with us. And I lived overseas for

many years before coming home. And it's incredible how sick
Americans are. Katie from Cleveland again and yes, according to
the products, anything you put on your body is going
to get absorbed into it, so scaries on the right track.
I used to use Giovanni's, I've used Jason's. Now I
use I've Lone Organics because it's actually much better because
there are some still some arabox chemicals in Giovanni's and

maybe in Jason's. You can go to EWG dot org
and plug in any food or product and see what
kind of toxins.

Speaker 47 (51:05):
Are in them.

Speaker 7 (51:06):
I use both of those.

Speaker 4 (51:07):
Those are my gfvies.

Speaker 19 (51:08):
Am I jacent?

Speaker 7 (51:09):
I'm still poisoning my body. By the way, she got
another let's recap the calls there. She got another FDA.

Speaker 6 (51:17):
Ye not not great yet we trust the EWG, same organization,
I mean it's the same government, same type of people
go to work every day. How do we know the
EWG or whatever isn't on the take or you know not.

Speaker 4 (51:31):
We don't know. Well, I don't know who is the
w it's the entire.

Speaker 6 (51:34):
Company who use people work for in small government salaries,
all on the take.

Speaker 46 (51:38):
And brody or this is Katie from Cleveland again and Brody. Yes,
a lot of the FDA is in bed with big Pharma.
Read the book Food Fixed by doctor Mark Hyman. He
actually brings together how our whole food, health and.

Speaker 14 (51:57):
Medical industry.

Speaker 46 (51:58):
You're kind of all tied together in kind of who's
in bed with who and why Americans are so unhealthy?

Speaker 7 (52:05):
Thank you, Katie from Cleveland.

Speaker 4 (52:07):
The best name is Hymen, though, how come trust the
guy in his last name is Hymen?

Speaker 48 (52:10):
Well, hey, Brooklyn boys, this is Brandon from Atlanta. Just
wanted to comment on the ESPN Plus how you called
in to try and get your subscription refunded. Just wanted
to say, as a tip, always ask for the retention
department when you call in, because the first person you
talk to is just customer service. They can't even tell

you that they have the ability to refund, but they
almost never can. But if you get over to a
retention person, they typically have like a cap like up
to one hundred dollars that they can credit you back
for give that a shot next time.

Speaker 4 (52:41):
All right, the retention department. That's what I'm asking for
every time. Mm hmm. When you call here ESK Factories Retention,
you get the anal retention that apartment.

Speaker 47 (52:52):
Okay to the caller who wanted Brody and Scary to
debate iPhone or Android, stop cursing in front of your baby.

Speaker 9 (53:09):
It is scary. That's brilliant.

Speaker 49 (53:11):
Please please, please become best friends with one of Brodie's
neighbors and just be at the pool one day when
Brodie arrives and there you are hanging out.

Speaker 4 (53:21):
I would love that. Oh you wait, I'm gonna go
knocking on doors.

Speaker 40 (53:27):
Oh, this is so.

Speaker 8 (53:30):

Speaker 47 (53:31):
My roommate was just making a new tellusmoothie and I
saw that someone's on the floor, so I went to
pick it up for her. And you know, nobody wants
to waste and Tella, so I lift it and well,
it was feces.

Speaker 3 (53:45):
It was feces.

Speaker 7 (53:45):
We lived with a lot of.

Speaker 16 (53:47):
Dogs and cats.

Speaker 47 (53:48):
Reggie here, of course, Of.

Speaker 4 (53:50):
Course, Reggie with the filthiest, most disgusting, gross out joke
of the week. Appreciate.

Speaker 24 (53:55):
Hey, guys, it's Tara from Staten Island. Brody and Scary always.
I followed you on TikTok and I just wanted you
to know that there's someone with the name David underscore
Brody that is using your same picture, so I think
they're trying to pretend to be you.

Speaker 7 (54:09):
Oh no, that's me.

Speaker 4 (54:13):
Oh okay, all right, it was a mistake. That's me.

Speaker 6 (54:16):
I registered the name because that's my name, my original
name on Twitter, and it's still my name on Twitch
and I can't get into the account.

Speaker 50 (54:24):
Hey, Bertie, scary. It's Maddie from Brooklyn and the Bronx scary.
When you go to Amsterdam, you should see the Vangul
Museum up the Flower Market, yep. And definitely, if you
want to venture out, take a look at the Hague,
the International Tribunal. It's really quite beautiful and you could
take a tour. I couldn't see En Frank either didn't
have tickets. I don't have a guy and Brodie's right.

Stroop waffles fucking delicious.

Speaker 4 (54:50):
Gotta have the stroop? All right? Well, I got two
out of three to eight bad the third one the Hague.

Speaker 7 (54:55):
It's on the list now, thank.

Speaker 19 (54:56):
You, Brooklyn boys.

Speaker 27 (54:59):
I'm usually brody and scary, but Brody list the scary
on that FDA thing. Don't just go to the FDA, Brody,
do your research, man, do your research. Bro Jamaican rasta
Bacon Sarasota, Florida. Brody fd approved that baby feed us

in like chips, that regular fucking chips.

Speaker 19 (55:28):
Because nobody research. It's okay. I'm with's scary on this one, Brody,
do your research.

Speaker 5 (55:34):

Speaker 27 (55:35):
Whatever chemicals you can cut out to your diet that
pot are your everyday use, go for it.

Speaker 19 (55:43):
It's good from Sara, Florida. Back again, Brodie, you're pissing me.
The fuck off, Brody. List the scary.

Speaker 27 (55:53):
It's true a guy that came for a third world country.
I grew up on herbs, Brody. They don't mean no
good for none of us. Bro scary. I can't believe
I'm saying scary. I'm which is scary one hundred thousand percent.
Bro Brody, shut up and listen.

Speaker 4 (56:12):
Let me finish your sentence to a Brookno.

Speaker 51 (56:17):
So fighting among the slices you suck.

Speaker 19 (56:21):
You live too many talkbacks.

Speaker 7 (56:24):
Facebook group seems not to like it.

Speaker 36 (56:26):
I like it.

Speaker 19 (56:26):
I enjoying a good fight.

Speaker 51 (56:28):
Maybe it's because I'm from Jersey, But slices, you have
to end it with you fuck you and then say
slice to life because we are all the slices all right,
part of one pie.

Speaker 4 (56:42):
Thank you?

Speaker 51 (56:43):
Like Pimacon.

Speaker 4 (56:44):
Thank you, Jan Valdez.

Speaker 52 (56:45):
A brooken, it's Brodie scary, so brody. Back to your
issue with the pizza fiasco. Yeah, that guy is not
really that good on that store. Maybe they're wanting New
York is better, but a hoboken, that one's it's just okay,
should you know, hike the mile for Tony Pepperoni, that's
some good pizza.

Speaker 14 (57:06):
Fuck or the Strata Boushie as ship and you get
Benny to Dino's. You get Benny to Dino's. It's it's
the charm of it. Now a broken boy, but it's
always brother and scary scary. What are you talking about.

Speaker 51 (57:19):
Big Pharma and the FDA being bought?

Speaker 7 (57:22):
My guy?

Speaker 53 (57:23):
You are being bought. You are a paid sponsors. They're
paying you to say, oh, frus syrup is bad. Oh
this other thing is bad. Oh red a and and
yellow five is bad. And now it's parabins, my guy.
We don't give a flying fuck. If it's fast food,
we win.

Speaker 14 (57:40):
That's what we eat. I don't care about your parabins.

Speaker 4 (57:44):
Hey, Okay, I'm I'm gonna let that one stay right there,
but go ahead, Yes, Brodie scary.

Speaker 7 (57:51):
Do we trust the American Council of Science and Health.

Speaker 4 (57:54):
I don't know, Brodie. This isn't the broken Boys, this
is slice time. We gotta finish these. I got three.
I just want to say I did my research. Okay,
you want to, we can doctor. I want to reference
something that was just reference doctor Mark Hymen. Uh, many
incredible websites do not take what he says seriously.

Speaker 7 (58:15):
Maybe the other ones being bought and paid for.

Speaker 54 (58:17):
Yeah, okay, hey, b boys, Uh, this is Larry Long
Nuts from Pittsburgh, PA, giving you guys a call. Nuts
went to Bjay's this past weekend wholesale place, not blowjobs.
I saw some deodorant that was deodorant slash anti persprint.

So I think, if I recall correctly from the last conversation,
I'm not sure if that is a good thing or
a bad thing.

Speaker 4 (58:49):
Depends on what anti intends to be deodorant. Yeah, I
would personally, I would stay away from it because it
says anti perspriant and there's nothing. There are no good
anti persprints, unfortunately, but that is don't quote me on
it that I haven't found one.

Speaker 7 (59:03):
I personally haven't found one. So I would imagine walk.

Speaker 4 (59:08):
Around with with pitstains.

Speaker 7 (59:09):
We'd have to see.

Speaker 54 (59:10):
What's in it, Hey be boys, Larry Long nuts here again. Yeah,
I'm not sure where if deodorant slash Andy pursperant is
okay or any purseps just that's the only one that's bad,
or what happens if you combine the two? Is it
like the best of both worlds?

Speaker 6 (59:30):
I love you, I would, I would look that up
on reputable medical sites.

Speaker 55 (59:34):
Don't ask scary you think if we won fast food
we're gonna be like, hmmm, I want white castle.

Speaker 56 (59:40):
I wonder if my beef was grad fed. I wonder
if my audience are organic. Hey, my guy, did you
bought all this food at wholes food? Or should I
go to tackle Bell and say, mmmm, this castle is delicious?

Speaker 55 (59:54):
Was it naturally sourced from homegrown cowns living next door.

Speaker 7 (59:59):
To No, it's fast food is ship.

Speaker 14 (01:00:02):
We eat it and we like right and right.

Speaker 4 (01:00:05):
You get what you pay for and you get if
that's where you're going, fine, I like myself some good
fast food as well. But I know what's in it
at you know, I'm not saying there's like two or
three different points at this point, but the point is
just be aware of what's in things, right, I don't
think fast food.

Speaker 7 (01:00:25):
They claim to be you know, fed and organic.

Speaker 6 (01:00:30):
Drive through, respecting organically exactly exactly. The name is the
name tells you what you're getting food, fast fast. It's
not healthy foods. Drolets go to the healthy food drive in, right,
all right, just limit your exposure to it, that's all.

Speaker 4 (01:00:45):
I mean. Listen, I've I've stopped at the drive through
it said fast food.

Speaker 7 (01:00:50):
Your car goes there automatically.

Speaker 3 (01:00:52):
I have to.

Speaker 4 (01:00:52):
I have to steer in the other direction so I
don't end up there. But I love a good white castle.
I mean, yeah, you loved castle. But dude, you know
sometimes you crave that stuff. I mean, should it be
part of my my daily regimen of you know, my meals.
No every day, no, once in a while, Okay, all right,

last one, last one?

Speaker 14 (01:01:15):
He broke a Scary Jones.

Speaker 55 (01:01:21):
I hope Chick fil A takes you as their next
sponsor to push in the hormone chicken infuse extravaganza. And
let's say what you said to us until then, Scary Jones.

Speaker 14 (01:01:35):
Can you prease bring the ding goes back? Or bring
the ding goes back?

Speaker 4 (01:01:43):
He missed, he missed, my point completely. Could somebody just
fill Juan Valdez and it's the chorus of the music.
He was doing Ladies' Night at the first part like a.

Speaker 7 (01:01:53):
For effort though, thank you.

Speaker 4 (01:01:56):
This is how you do a jo.

Speaker 6 (01:01:59):
From that, listen, leave it, talk back, and don't get
your medical advice from Brodie.

Speaker 2 (01:02:03):
Together, give lights reactions. This podcast all depends on you.

Speaker 19 (01:02:12):
Baby Free
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