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April 16, 2024 34 mins

The Brooklyn Boys' "SLICES" comments, feedback and iHeartRadio Talkbacks for Episode #291 and earlier.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Brooklyn Boys Podcast Light Reactions. This podcast all depends on you.
Baby Free Brooklyn Boys Podcast Slice time for episode number

two ninety one. Two one was a good episode. It
was a great episode. We didn't we didn't really yell,
did we? No? I don't know. Maybe I think decibel
meter with the decibel meter was down on that one
was down. Today's Tuesday, April sixteenth, day after text day,
as we're recording, I just want to remind everyone that

the and I'll talk about it again on Brooklyn Boys. Thursday,
April eighteenth, twenty twenty four is the release of the
latest Wacky Packages stickers, which are parody spoof artwork of
existing products in the supermarket. They've been around since the seventies.
Every few years they released another set, and as I

previously mentioned, a couple of the ones in the new
set are mine. You can't buy them individually, so if
you're kind enough you want to buy the whole set.
I don't know, maybe it's twenty bucks. I don't want
to spend other people's money, but it helps me out
a lot if you buy it, and if you're interested,
so Wacky Packages available only at tops, TPPS dot com
and I guess you follow the prompts until you find support. Support.

If you're in the content support, I know Justin will
definitely be interested in the content. Yeah, kick low. So
if you're interested in the content, that's what I'm one
of the things I've been up to lately. This is
your version of sitting on a street corner with a
cardboard box playing guitar for tips. Sure, yeah, I'll take it.

I don't get any I'm not getting any money from this.
It's just it helps me with establishing myself and building
my resumes. It's very important. Listen, that's why we've built
this community. I grew up collecting these and I get
to write for them. And Tops, of course the biggest
baseball company, baseball card company in my opinion, and they
have this line of it's like garbage pail kids. No,

of course, garbage pail kids, right, you collect the garbage
pail kids. Yes, I collect the wacky package the same company,
same basic theory, once making fun of kids, once making
fun of products and stores. I love puns. So if
I didn't already tell you which ones of mine, see
if you can figure out which are the two of
the set of mine, that's it all right. Now we
can go play some talkbacks. If you left some feedback

because you listen to the IHET radio app, you had
a chance to click the microphone, then uh yeah, we
have them right here for you. They're all lined up
the Slice it's your time. This is your time, not ours.

Speaker 2 (03:00):
Andrew from Upstay just responding to Ariel talking ship because
she's fucking annoying. Sorry, I don't love you.

Speaker 1 (03:08):
I'm going to get by the way before you. This
is like I just hold on. If this is the
first to write her name on the show, is the
first time you're listening to Slice Time and being like, oh, well,
I never heard what the Brooklyn Boys fandom sounded like.
They sound a lot like they sound a lot like
this like this guy. They sound a lot like us

from the neighborhood. Yeah, yeah, yeah, noell here they are yees.
So it's like andrewsday sounds more like downstate. Andrew has
an ongoing feud with Ariel, and that is ongoing feud.
This going You're gonna be hearing those If this is
your first time listening to Slice Time, Marilyn's involved in
with a lot I got They're embroiled they're tangled. Yeah, okay,

we're hoping the civil war war will eventually come to
an end. But yes, okay. Sometimes they're commenting on the episode.
Sometimes they're commenting on other people.

Speaker 2 (03:58):
Andrew from Upstay just responding to Ariel talking shit because
she's fucking annoying.

Speaker 1 (04:04):
Sorry, I still love you.

Speaker 3 (04:06):
I'm going to.

Speaker 2 (04:06):
Get a fuck you eight seventy seven shirt and now
I'm going to have a customized fuck you Ario from
Upstate because that's.

Speaker 1 (04:13):
How I fucking fit out.

Speaker 2 (04:15):
Anyways, Cowboy Trucker, thank you so much for the shout out.
I'm one of your biggest fans. You and one so
a smile. Jesus loves you. And David Brodie. I am
now following you on TikTok, and I guess Skeary I
can follow you too, You fucking wine in son of
a bitch. What my TikTok is prooped there? It is

to me and my wife's account. I don't have my
own account, so I have to borrow hers, which she
makes me do videos that I don't want to do.
But anyway, Wow, I love all of you guys. I
hated Slice Time, I now like Slice Time and I
really love talking shit.

Speaker 1 (04:52):
So let's keep it going. Let's keep it going. Did
you wife peg you at night? To Andrew?

Speaker 4 (04:56):

Speaker 1 (04:57):
No, no, Hey, by the way, technically it's mine my
wife's account. That being said, love the attitude, although that
Jesus loves you part, I don't know if that's in
line with the fuck you uh ariel part. Yeah. So
let's let's let's in this time of the same month
of Easter. Yeah, let's let's be festive and kind to
each other. Yeah, to rock and Steve from the Bronx.

I'm sure we'll also have some explortives in his talk back.
That's okay, I'm kidding. I don't know if it's rocking
Steve the next.

Speaker 4 (05:33):
Hey, guys, this is Angel from California.

Speaker 1 (05:37):
Oh yeah, God, that's some good stuff.

Speaker 4 (05:39):
Hey. You know, man, I want to say that I
really enjoyed calling in. You know, you guys are real nice,
especially Man.

Speaker 1 (05:49):
He's a Budgie fellow man.

Speaker 4 (05:51):
But he's alright, man, he's a nice guy, you know,
And you know, fuck that guy from me. Yeah, that
fucking cat fucker. You know, he can go to hell.
You know, when all is brody with scary and then
it's not gonna be like that. It's always going to
be scary, embroody dotyle all the time. Brother, you know,

uh uh man.

Speaker 1 (06:15):
I love you guys. Man.

Speaker 4 (06:16):
Just keep it up, keep the good work up, and
you should bring the trophy home next year. Okay, so
I'll see you later and watch you look.

Speaker 1 (06:25):
Course, Yeah about that. Talking about podcast awards, not just
the ones that the iHeart Radio Company does. Are you
getting advertisements for them? I get two this week on
Facebook Webbies. You know, there's like three or four different
eight the state awards. There's different competing. There's competing podcast awards,
and let's just be honest, they're all subjective. There's hundreds

of thousands of podcasts out there. They don't they don't.
Who's to say a scam? They make you pay two
hundred dollars to submit your podcasts to say that that
any of these qualify for what's really best. It's hard
to find best in show. I think I think Angel
from California would say we're the best. So going on,
it's nice. It would be great to be nominated. We

were once. I think that's the end of us just
saying I don't think we'll be No one's gonna anyone's
gonna recognize us. Listen. If I win the lottery, I'll
start entering us into the podcast awards that are popping
up everywhere. But two hundred dollars to submit, Yeah, that
you're paying us pol Reggie here.

Speaker 5 (07:26):
I make sure to play all of my voice memos
to you guys when they appear on the show. To
my friends and they're like, wow, if you keep up
this disgusting persona, maybe you'll be a regular. And I
was like, excuse me, I already am a regular. I'm
on every episode. I'm no Wan Valves, but I'm getting there, all.

Speaker 1 (07:48):
Right, Thank you, appreciate you. All these inside jokes, eats,
the shitty, bloody stuff in the movie theater. So far,
every single one of these has been an inside joke.
And uh, if you're listening, if you're listening for the
first time, you're like, what the fuck is going on here?
Because you don't get it. You're not to get our
slice this one on the slices who contribute every week,

even the ones that don't. I'm trying to get new
audience people, yes, but stop insulting them. I want more people.
I want I want a plethora of we have a pleth.
We just need the aura.

Speaker 6 (08:22):
Scary and Brody, Brody and scary Scarydy. What's going on?
My man's you know who it is? I know you know.
Don't pretend that you don't. You do. Listen with all
this conjoint twin talk and got me thinking. Can you
imagine if the both of you were conjoint together. Between
the two of you, who do you think would get

on each other's nerves more? If you were attached to
the hip.

Speaker 1 (08:48):
Oh, I would get on Scary I would Yeah, I
would need ear plugs. Scary would be eating in red
robin Wood, maybe pissed. I'd be so angry. And then
I'd be spending Brodie's money on a boogie resta right,
I know, well I wouldn't be able to eat. I'd
have to go to him and fancy restaurants. They were like,
you have to eat something, so you're in the restaurant.
I go, No, he's eating for us.

Speaker 3 (09:07):
Hey, I don't know.

Speaker 5 (09:08):
If you've seen me on social media, Reggie's for today,
gone tomorrow. I have a backshaving business where if you're
tired of wearing an extra sweater under your shirt, I'll
shave your back for you. But if you like the warmth,
I can also braid it. I'm not good at the braiding.
It's mostly nodding it, but it's it's kind of the same, right, Thank.

Speaker 1 (09:30):
You, plugging businesses now, I guess so free advertising here.
Let's get the comments about the podcast.

Speaker 7 (09:36):
Please come on Brooklyn Boys or in Cano, South Florida.
All right, about the sodas, come back to me. They
aren't both just as bad. Regular sodas are worst because
sugar is bad for your teeth and promote tooth decay,
whereas artificial sweeteners do not promote toothacay. Secondly, sugar isn't
bad for you, but since it has no nutritional value
in there about nine eleven tie bins of sugar in

a came in soda, depending on the FLA, it just
adds extra calories to a person's host total for their day.

Speaker 1 (10:05):
I beg to differ. I would do some more research.
Sugar's bad for your teeth. No, No, he was trying
to make the case that that diet soda is better
for you than regular SOA didn't did? He said no?
Because real regular soda contains sugar. Good regular soda not good.
He never compared it to this. Let's play that again, Florida.

Speaker 7 (10:27):
All right, HOPI sodas go back to me. They aren't
both just as bad. Regular sodas are worst because sugar
is bad for your teeth.

Speaker 1 (10:33):
Regular soda is worse. No, that is not true. It's
not true. I'm telling you Google it. All the chemicals
in a in a dye, all the chemicals in dye chemicals.
It is a lot, and it's bad. All right. I
just saw a TikTok video on on what's in what's

in Red Bull? Oh my god, it gives you wings
because it deforms your genetics. And the energy drinks, when
they break it down, energy drinks are worse for you
than regular soda. All right. You've been listening to Dietitian
the Dietis podcast. Dog's a fan. Who's that person? My
dog's disagree with? My dog just said fuck jo is that? Moots?

That was persy, persy moots, No mus MutS, not moot cirella.
You say moot cirella.

Speaker 7 (11:24):
If you have a few one hundred and fifty calorie
cans of soda per day, that can be a substantial
amount of extra calories obec is a number one nutritional
problem in the US. Yes, if they're drinking a lot
of sugary beverages, yeah, contribute. Diet beverages do not contribute
any calories and are a safe and tasty alternative to water.

Speaker 8 (11:41):
No, there is no credible evidence that one or.

Speaker 7 (11:44):
Two cans of day they lead to any adverage consequence.
If you don't like to taste, they don't drink them.

Speaker 1 (11:50):
No, No, nope. Diet soda has toxins in it, and
then the toxins fat attaches to toxins. It makes you
more obey attaches to sugar by the next time. I'm
just telling you doing a dietation, I'm letting you know.
I'm telling you what happens.

Speaker 3 (12:06):
Sorry, last one.

Speaker 7 (12:07):
So so you know, she, like I said, she is
a has a PhD in biology on like a lot
of people on this podcast, people are with PhD.

Speaker 3 (12:18):
She is a PhD and nutrition biology majoring and nutrition.

Speaker 7 (12:25):
So just I would take her word for it that
she she knows what she's talking about.

Speaker 1 (12:29):
Now, not when she's telling you she's offering diet soda
to everybody. It's the worst thing you could put in
your system. I'm pretty pretty sure, there's a lot of
things worse. I'd I talk about.

Speaker 3 (12:43):
Don't give me ship.

Speaker 7 (12:45):
My aunt also say, I remember that these small companies
still have tens of millions of dollars in backing, and
a lot of that money could also go to trying
to prove and paying off doctors to do studies that
purposely prove that things are bad for you. And there
are things out there that about that improves. But you
do remember that it's not that deca companies aren't.

Speaker 3 (13:06):
You know, they're here to make money.

Speaker 7 (13:08):
They're not here just to.

Speaker 1 (13:12):
I'm sorry his point was lost on me. I don't know.
I'm not trying. Okay, We're just gonna move on. I
don't get he's trying to say that small companies are
the ones that are paying for these things. No, it's
actually the big companies. It's quite opposite. Those are the
ones with the endless cash. Okay, but why would Coca
Cola pay to cover up that they sell soda? They

said regular and die FDA f the conversation either way.
I'm not doing that again. I know we're not. I
know you got bashed for it last week. You got
out by the slices. No, I did not.

Speaker 9 (13:45):
Hey Brooklyn Boys, you know Jimmy, Julie, Jenny, whatever the
fuck from Queens.

Speaker 1 (13:50):
From the Bronx.

Speaker 10 (13:51):
From the Bronx, you talked a lot about Big Scissors
last episode. Isn't big Scissors the name of some like
plus size porns? Are you're a fan of or a
plus size onifans model you follow?

Speaker 3 (14:04):
Just curious?

Speaker 1 (14:06):
Maybe big Scissors? Yeah, that'd be one of the Big Scissors.
Is a lesbian couple on Only Yeah, Hey.

Speaker 11 (14:14):
Brooklyn Boys, Brody and Scary, Scary and Brody. This is
Kelsey from Texas, longtime listener, first time calling. I just
wanted to say thanks for the signed shirt and bonus stickers.
I got them earlier this week and couldn't wait to
check everything out. You guys announced this right around my birthday,
so I really had the jump on it. I'd say
this is definitely one of the best gifts I've gotten myself.

Love you guys, lays Life, Thank you so.

Speaker 1 (14:37):
Much, and welcome aboard to Slice Time Texas. Yes, and
she didn't comment about whether or not her bag was
put together messy or perfect Lee she was thinking she
was thinking it m.

Speaker 3 (14:49):
H, Hey Brooklyn Boys, Amy Foom Queen's here.

Speaker 12 (14:52):
Ha ha.

Speaker 9 (14:54):
You guys were talking about tipping people and when to
tip and stuff like that. Well, there was he's a
handyman in the building where I live who when he
would come up to fix something, instead of tipping him
with cash, we would tip him with food, produce or
something like that, because you know hashtag tribe, we feed people,
and he would be happy as fuck.

Speaker 3 (15:15):
He'd be like, great, I don't have to buy lunch now. Thanks.

Speaker 1 (15:19):
Okay. I hope you gave him a ten dollars apple
because that's what he probably should have given him instead
of the apple, unless you gave him like a sandwich.
You know that's fine, Brody and scary.

Speaker 13 (15:31):

Speaker 3 (15:32):
You don't want free stuff?

Speaker 4 (15:34):
Oh you work?

Speaker 3 (15:35):
Who's your co house? You don't want free stuff. You
get free stuff all the time.

Speaker 14 (15:39):
I gave it both.

Speaker 12 (15:40):
He missed you.

Speaker 3 (15:40):
When you said I want I don't want free stuff.
I thought, you don't want free stuff. You want free stuff.
You want your free.

Speaker 1 (15:45):
Desut Okay, I cannot argue with that for so many reasons.
We want free stuff. Absolutely.

Speaker 8 (15:57):
Hey, Brody, when you were talking about the bios, you
said you admit you were wrong.

Speaker 3 (16:05):
Years later, boom, My guy, I'd never heard doing that.

Speaker 15 (16:10):
You were wrong.

Speaker 8 (16:11):
Even when you call the computer a PC computer personal
computer computer, that's a betters a dam machine admitting my
guy hit the jaca.

Speaker 1 (16:24):
We had a letter.

Speaker 3 (16:26):
Not scary scary scary scary. Hey, I heard.

Speaker 8 (16:30):
About you charging your phone when you go to the bathroom.
You probably know about this, but you can use a
mag safe portable charger so you never have to leave
it on the charger. That could be something you might
want to consider, all right, Maybe.

Speaker 14 (16:51):
Benny from Brooklyn just want to tell you guys talking
about these dicens. I have the V fifteen cordless for
a couple of years now, best vacuum I ever. Thank you,
worth the seven hundred eight hundred dollars that it was
when it was brand new, and my wife just got
the the dice in air wrap hair dry if a
her and my daughter. Yep, I have long hair too,

so I use it amazing works one hundred times aboutter
worth the five hundred bucks that we paid for.

Speaker 1 (17:16):
Thank you, Holy guy. I gotta figure vinn Are you
hiring maybe Asta Claus to bring you a gift? Say,
Santa Claus, don't know where I live. Vinny from Brooklyn
coming in hard with the with the appliances Dyson. I'm
telling you I would not steal it. Does I'm sure

he calls it a hair dryer. It doesn't go on, honey.
It's more than a hair dryer. It's a dice in
all right, beamer, and it's not a garbage can. It's
a simple human right which your father did want a
simple your father a dice in vacuum clean to see
what he says simple, I could have bought a call
for this kind of money. Why do we get your

father on the podcast? Not soon enough? He was kind
of upset he missed he missed it. Yeah, last time
we couldn't get him. We'll get him on Brooklyn Boys
in a couple of days. All right, we need to
talk to him about something.

Speaker 4 (18:08):
The Boys podcast.

Speaker 16 (18:10):
We will be right back.

Speaker 1 (18:13):
Why actually kind of came out of nowhere. I wasn't
expecting we were on a roll there for a minute.
We have people with people feuding. We had people doing
impressions of other Slice time callers, people faking their names.
I don't know how I feel about all these people feuding. Well,
it wasn't as many as I thought. We were going
to get so right, let's see over the second half
of the show what happens Brooklyn boys.

Speaker 7 (18:36):
In regards lifetime.

Speaker 1 (18:40):
Nick guys, that's one, that's one was calling him out.
He's saying that that that that new caller is Nick Nick,
that new collar Nick is Wan the guy who just
called I guess doing an impression of one.

Speaker 12 (18:57):
No, I don't think so Scary and Brodie Brodie scared.

Speaker 17 (19:00):
It's Dez aka Dez with the sexy voice aka de
Dez Bums Baby.

Speaker 12 (19:04):
Thank you guys for my shirt. I loved it. It
was fantastic. Yes, Brody, I did appreciate your packaging.

Speaker 18 (19:10):
It was fine.

Speaker 12 (19:11):
I understand that Scary likes to put his stuff all
nice and meat.

Speaker 17 (19:14):
I give you credit for that too, Boobo, I think
that's fantastic. Both of you guys together make a great team.

Speaker 12 (19:20):
Now listen. The other thing is we gotta talk about
people with these tablets?

Speaker 2 (19:25):
All right?

Speaker 1 (19:25):
What is that shit?

Speaker 12 (19:27):
Des bombs? Part two? So Brody one right for giving
the kid a tip. I normally in that situation probably
wouldn't have. But I totally agree with you.

Speaker 17 (19:36):
He gave you a solid tip to let you know
that his dad was gonna be out and where he
was gonna be and where you would be able to
see him. So in that scenario, totally get it. Other
than that, I really don't get the whole Like you're
throwing a muffin into a fucking bag and now I
gotta give you money.

Speaker 12 (19:50):
I'm not. I don't get it. Guys, I really don't
understand me because it's crazy.

Speaker 1 (19:57):
We yes, that's out of control. Catch that? Did you
catch that?

Speaker 4 (20:00):

Speaker 1 (20:00):
Not only did she agree with me, but des with
the sexy voice. You heard it. We have it, We
have it on tape. Now. She said you liked my packaging.
Oh okay, perfect, you want to run. We want to
replay that late at night to yourself. Now I'm gonna
make it my ringtone on loop. Yeah.

Speaker 19 (20:17):
Hey Brooklyn boys, David Brody, first and foremost, thank you,
thank you, thank you for fixing the spelling of my
name on my sweatshirt. Really appreciate it. So I want
to mention that Scary didn't spell his name correctly. He
spelled it s k e E y j O n
e R. I did leave a message this a Stacey
front pa on the last time, but I don't know

if I didn't make the cutoff in time. But again,
I do really appreciate that you really appreciate that you
took the time to sign my shirt. It's nice and neat.

Speaker 3 (20:50):
David Brody. Also, you're welcome, Scary. I do have to
agree with you on.

Speaker 19 (20:55):
The dice and products. Love the dice and products have.
Some vacuums have some fans might have try the hair dryer.
David Brody. Love the concert story, Love this episode. Keep
up the good work, guys.

Speaker 1 (21:07):
Love you, Thank you. Some positive reinforcement does a great call.
By the way, Part two of the Concert Story is next.
Brooking boys, the last one.

Speaker 17 (21:16):
Guys, I really don't have anything against tipping at all.
I spent the majority of my teenage years in high
school and in college busting my ass, working in all
different kinds of restaurants, catering halls, you name it, waiting tables,
busting tables, doing everything to pay.

Speaker 3 (21:29):
My bills and do what I needed to do.

Speaker 12 (21:30):
So it has nothing to do with that wine to dip.

Speaker 17 (21:32):
I took twenty to thirty percent at all times, with
great service, without even hesitation.

Speaker 3 (21:37):
The issue is that where does it stop? You know,
where are we going to just draw.

Speaker 17 (21:40):
A line and be like, all right, listen, don't be
slinging a tablet at me.

Speaker 1 (21:43):
Yeah, I agree, des bombs. Every time I see that
iPad swivel, I know that they're hitting me up for
a tip, and I know I'm going about to be bamboozled,
not gonna fall for at any time anyway. And that's it,
and I'm not going to feel bad either. I went
and picked up one dish at the tie restaurant, pad,
see you no vegetables. All the guy did was take

the bag off the ledge, hand it to me. Yeah,
and he turned the screen around. Yeah. I'm a come on,
the cooks made the food. You're sharing the tips to
the cooks. Stop it with the I can't. I can't
with the swivel apple you.

Speaker 20 (22:20):
Victoria from Brooklyn and fellow Mark Twain grad. I have
a question, Scary. Just want to know if you see
Michael McDonald, because you thought he was black, if you're
going to man him, just.

Speaker 1 (22:35):
No, he might my white man him. I did a
great question. Yeah, Michael McDonald. If Michael McDonald comes up
to the radio station like the Q one or four
to three, you know next door, would you go down
the hall to meet him and tell him. Would you
tell him like, hey, I thought you'd black. I think
if the setting was right, I would have to make

that stunningsion admission. Yeah, I can't be the only one.

Speaker 15 (23:01):
You're not.

Speaker 1 (23:02):
You're just trying to went on this podcast. Very he's
very soulful, very soulful, very soulful. Yeah, okay, Oh, I
have a question. If he was your pen pal, ah right,
but you had another friend named Michael, you would have
referred to him as black Michael McDonald black Michael, and

then if you met him you have to change his name.
But you already had a Michael friend. So Michael two
thought you were black Michael. What would his name? Man?
You you think way too deeply sometimes, Yeah, I do. Well,
that's what I'm here for. That's whether that's why the
people love me. Hit the next one.

Speaker 16 (23:38):
Oh my gosh, just Maryland from Omaha Brody give him
like fifty bucks. You're meeting your one of your idols,
Like really, you know, I thought Scary was gonna say
that that thing about his dad being in the box,
that that's funny, like tat does. But how much he
gave you, like the chance to be your idol and scary.

Good job on ketchup, like you should not have that
bad ship it is it is.

Speaker 1 (24:07):
That's right, Organicville ketchup and I have Organicville mustard. Dude,
Organicville ketchup. I'm telling you, it's like in a movie. Hey, Mike,
compass me that organic Ville ketchup. You got it, Dave.
You're you're eating high fruit, those corn syer of people. No,
I'm not. You're not hooking simply hindes. But there's other
things in there that are not good for you. There's

plenty of things. And you know what, you know what's
in that bottle of ketchup. Desperation and despair. That's what
you do a bottle of ketching Now, there's not a
lot of added sugar in my Organicville ketchup. In fact,
there is no added sugar. That's why it's awesome. Okay,
scroll back a few talkback is gonna be doing shooters
if we just played a series of talkbacks saying that

soda is bad for you, worse for you than diet soda,
which is not I don't drink glasses of ketchup, no,
but yeah, but that soda has high has I fruit,
those corn syrup not to ketchup simply hines organic organic,
bio organic, or simply they don't have simply organic yet

over Cityville, Organicville product Organicville? Right, who's the mayor of
organic Ville? You everybody will tell you why it should
be mayor Organicville? Was the s n L sketcher justin
Timberlake when he was bringing on down Hallmasville down Organicville

in a douicey ketchup costume?

Speaker 3 (25:42):
What was it?

Speaker 9 (25:43):

Speaker 1 (25:44):
You know what's located next to Uh?

Speaker 15 (25:46):
Was it?

Speaker 1 (25:47):
It's by next to Paraben Town. That's the other side
of the tracks. Don't go over to Parabon Town. Stay
here in Organicville.

Speaker 3 (25:56):
Hey, Brodie's scary.

Speaker 21 (25:57):
It's Maddy from Brooklyn and the Bronx on the DJ
Kalib comment that he doesn't go below the belt. That's
not a new thing. People have been known about it.
In fact, Nicki Minaj calls him out on it on
her song Barbie Dreams, which is a remix of a
Biggie song, when she says, there's no fat dude telling
me what he ain't eating, and I'm just saying she
makes a fair point.

Speaker 1 (26:16):
Wait a minute, did Niki hook up with Kalid? Is
that something I'm gonnaware of I don't know if they
had no but she's just calling him out anyway, whether
they hooked up or not. Oh, by the way, did
you see the video I sent you the fight at
the Nicki Minaj conference. Yes, like the six girls brawling.
One girl had no pants on. She had to get
fong must have ripped her shit off. And the comments

are fantastic. You gotta read the comments.

Speaker 13 (26:40):
Oh, Brookes, Jamaica rusta bacon from Sara Suda, Florida sometime
New York. Brody episode two ninety one, you mentioned, Uh,
you're interested in a radio position.

Speaker 1 (26:54):
In Washington, DC. But it's in Washington, d C.

Speaker 12 (26:58):
I guess it's a distance.

Speaker 13 (27:00):
Well, I didn't leave one radio show, which is a
huge radio show. I'm trying to get a job on
another radio show. What's going on here?

Speaker 1 (27:09):
Man less responsibility, less time, commitment, And it wasn't in
the morning, Jamaic, arrest the bacon again.

Speaker 13 (27:19):
What can one other morning show or radio station offer
you that the Elvis Durrant Morning Show or iHeart cannot
offer you.

Speaker 1 (27:31):
Brody, give us a scoop? What's going on? There's no scoop.
I needed a break at the twenty four years. It
covered this already. It doesn't mean I'm never going to
work again. No, you gotta shut yourself down. You made
a commitment right stay away from the industry, and I
just said there was a show that interested me. I'm
not moving and I'm not going back in the morning

radio so fast and again I had to do with
the responsibility of that job.

Speaker 15 (27:57):
I didn't.

Speaker 1 (27:57):
By the way, I've talked to you guys about this.
I didn't just work on the morning show. I also
worked in the comedy department till seven eight o'clock at night.
I had two jobs. It was five point thirty in
the morning until seven eight o'clock at night. It was
a lot of hours. So that's why being on like
a one job, easy morning show without twenty people and
internship programs, I had a lot of shit to do,

a lot of work. Kicking back on another morning show someday,
if that ever happens, it will not have the time, commitment,
or or the responsibilities I had with the morning show
with the Z one hundred and the Delvis Durand show,
Hey b Boys.

Speaker 18 (28:33):
CHRISTI from Saddlebrook. I went through the An Frank House
as a Christian. I'm also a World War two Holocaust
kind of stuff. I read a lot and I loved
the Anne frank House, but I was crying my eyes
out to.

Speaker 1 (28:47):
The whole thing.

Speaker 18 (28:48):
I felt numb, I felt connected. I don't think you
need to be Jewish to feel something.

Speaker 1 (28:56):
No, I didn't say that, Carrie.

Speaker 3 (28:57):
I think you will learn a lot and all so
learned from it.

Speaker 1 (29:02):
Thank you. I listen. I would imagine that the majority
of people that go there simply because of the majority
of the world. You know, the population is not Jewish,
but the majority people that go to the en Frankause
are not Jewish. Yeah, I'm saying scary isn't going to
have the impact because he things don't hit scary the
way they hit some people. Give me a little more credit,

Give me a little more credit there. David will understand it.
Scar will ponder it. He will, He'll reflect on it,
and then when you go to the Heidegen factory, then
he'll go to the Heindegen factory and then be fine, Yeah, well,
I have to drink it off after what I've seen.
I'm like, oh my god, I'm need a drink after this.

Speaker 22 (29:41):
This is MJ from NJ to Conjoined Twins episode what
if the person farts but like the husband's there, But.

Speaker 3 (29:52):
It wasn't me, Like who do they blame? I don't know.
I was just thinking that whole thing. It's crazy. Also, twices,
be nice to each other. This is not the playground
in kindergarten. Okay, love you guys. Yes, this is so continuing.

They're about to conjoined twins.

Speaker 22 (30:17):
I could imagine the question, I mean the farding what
about they do they get a monthly period? I don't
even know if they could get pregnant. I mean, this
is so many things unbelievable. I mean, God bless them
for you know, going to hell. Anyway, love you guys

and have a great day.

Speaker 1 (30:38):
And you too. There, Mjay, I'll tell you one of
the best topics, non ranting topics we've done, like just
news stories that we've covered, and there's been conjoined twins forever,
but these two getting married to the one guy best
story of the year. Best. There's also to uh these
guys attached at the head. They literally share a head.

You see that one. Oh my god, and they're like
as doing their third of what that guy's doing on
his wedding night with the conjoined girls. No, the one
guy looks down the whole time he's looking down. The
one guy's looking down because he's attached it to the head.
He's got to have back problems, neck problems. Does he
have his own back? That's called some some cranial conjoined something.

They're conjoined twins as well. Now if those conjoined twins
hooked up with the girl conjoined twins and the guy
is already looking down, his head's already down, No DJ
called problem. Now I'm thinking.

Speaker 23 (31:37):
So the FDA thing, you know, they're just a regulatory body.
Congress makes the laws that govern our food and what
goes in it. They just enforce those laws. They have
no ability to change anything. It's Congress that changes everything.
It's called the watch dog group.

Speaker 3 (31:56):
Look it up. The same thing with the EPA and
all that have to make the laws and then they
essentially enforce them. So if you want to get pissed
off Part two.

Speaker 15 (32:09):
So yeah, just getting back to it, Congress make the laws.
FBA just goes ahead and forces them or makes recommendations.
But Congress plan that tells you, or tells it what
they can and cannot put in the food.

Speaker 3 (32:19):
You're gonna get pissed.

Speaker 23 (32:20):
Off, get pissed off of those useless old people that
are that are in Congress, and they're the ones that
you should get mad at.

Speaker 1 (32:28):
As long as we know who to get mad at.
I gotta get mad at somebody, right exactly, Brodie. Brodie
needs to hang his shit on somebody somebody.

Speaker 4 (32:36):

Speaker 1 (32:36):
And this is the last one for this week. Wow,
come to the end here it is. That was fast Brody.

Speaker 24 (32:43):
I love you, allow for nothing, grilling scary on this profile,
nonsense for an entire episode. Almost there's a little too much.
He proved you wrong everything you brought up, He explained
pretty well. I don't know if this was just for content,

but it's coming off a little uh, a little jealous,
a little bitter.

Speaker 1 (33:10):
All right? What was I bitter about? I said, my
profile is very similar to his, and in that we
have the same attitude and opinionated personality. I'm the whole
point of our podcast to make fun of each other.
That's what we do. I got sent this by and
by the way, it was one break. Once we go
to commercial, we changed topics. It wasn't the whole show.

I'm sorry I didn't enjoy it. I'm also sorry that's
the last talkback. Like to end on a positive Brody note,
Let's let's end on a sour note for David Brody,
like I would like to end on a always brody
and scary kind of call. Brody, I agree with you.
Can we play des again talking about she likes my packaging? No,

I don't dislike that call.

Speaker 4 (33:57):
You know.

Speaker 1 (34:00):
Three actions? This podcast all depends on. You want to
talk about something, baby decise, time

Speaker 3 (34:12):
Free Jasser
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